#cockatiel: Shark
dreamingbutts · 3 months
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Here’s some pictures of my daughters
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ausi-is-furry · 4 months
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Photos from the con! (1/2)
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ashalsdream · 1 year
eventually I'll draw these but here are my qsmp hybrid headcanons <3
Phil - crow avian hybrid Jaiden - bluejay avian hybrid Bad - Asmodeus tiefling Foolish - totem/shark demigod Charlie - slime hybrid Luzu - he's just a robot who doesn't know he's a robot yet Missa - Reaper Cellbit - CATBOY !!! HES A CATBOY !! HE JUST HIDES IT !! IM A CATBOY CELLBIT TRUTHER Forever - elven Baghera & Quackity - duck hybrid Etoiles - ancient celestial / slowly becoming corrupted code hybrid Antoine - enderman Niki & Tina - cat hybrid Tubbo - cockatiel avian hybrid
please feel free to ask me about these (or my other headcanons, please ill ramble for hours)
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bootleg-nessie · 5 months
Rating the Accuracy of Animal Names:
(I keep updating this list so check back later)
Marine Iguana: 1/10. They don’t allow lizards in the military
Honey Badger: 1/10. It’s not even made out of honey
Horny toad: 0/10. First of all, this is a lizard. Second of all, I couldn’t find one that was willing to have sex with me so they must not actually be all that horny
Crabeater seal: 1/10. They don’t even eat crabs. Felt uncomfortable asking about the other kind but I’d guess probably not those either
Comb jellyfish: 4/10. Doesn’t even have hair
Hammerhead shark: 10/10. Stop killing hammerhead sharks to make hammers
Paper nautilus: 1/10. Paper would get too soggy
Red Panda: 2/10. Not a panda. More orange than red
Jellyfish: 0/10. Not even a fish, but if it were, jelly would be one of the worst things to be made out of
Electric eel: 5/10. Not an eel. Shocking, I know
Blue footed booby: 2/10. My disappointment is immeasurable. Turns out this lying sack of shit is a just a stupid BIRD
Spiny lumpsucker: 8/10. Apparently this fish is named because it has spines AND a suction cup, not because it sucks on spiny lumps
Pleasing fungus beetle: 2/10. Why would fungus be pleased by a beetle eating it? It just worked so hard to grow
Chicken turtle: 1/10. This is just a regular turtle, there are no chickens involved
Red lipped batfish: 8/10. Not a bat. Does have red lips. Also looks incredibly sexy with that makeup on
Aye aye: 10/10. Does in fact, have two eyes
Blobfish: 10/10 out of water, 1/10 in water. The blobfish gets a bad rap, it only looks like a blob because some dickhead pulled it out of its natural habitat at the bottom of the fucking ocean. You’d look pretty weird if you switched places with them too
Dik dik: 5/10 if male, 0/10 if female. This one’s pretty self explanatory
Peacock: 0/10. It pees out of a cloaca, not a cock. Technically it doesn’t even pee either
Monarch butterfly 1/10. They aren’t even one of the species of insects that has a queen, let alone understands the concept of monarchism
Cockatiel: 0/10. They do not have teal cocks
Monkey slug caterpillars: 1/10. These are neither slugs nor monkeys, nor are they some kind of fucked up monkey/slug hybrid. Terrible name all around, the only part they got right was caterpillar
Robin: 5/10. It’s a shame this bird has to resort to thievery but we all have to put worms on the table somehow
Alligator snapping turtle: 1/10. This is not an alligator, nor does it even have the fingers to snap with
Ground squirrel: 5/10. Please don’t grind squirrels
Axolotl: 0/10. Doesn’t ask a lot. Doesn’t ask anything at all
Sea robin: 7/10 This is what happens when the land robin goes pro. This creepy fuck evolved little fingers just to steal things. Is this where fish fingers come from?
Tasmanian devil: 8/10. Much like the christian devil, cool name and way more chill than most people give them credit for. Statistically speaking, they’re far from the deadliest player on the board, but they do have the strongest bite force and won’t hesitate to use it if provoked
Water deer: 7/10. No. This is a meat deer
Star nosed mole: 7/10. Name is somewhat misleading, nose merely star shaped, and not a mass of incandescent gas, a gigantic nuclear furnace
Paddlefish: 3/10. Too narrow to effectively be used as a paddle
Shoebill stork: 1/10. Not made of real shoes. Doesn’t pay bills either
Great white shark: 8/10. I’m inclined to agree for the most part but who came up with the name, David Duke?
Bioko drill: 0/10. At least the hammerhead shark looks like a hammer, this stupid monkey doesn’t even remotely resemble a drill
Hippo Tang: 0/10. That’s a fish, and hippos don’t even drink Tang
Bluejay: 3/10. Not actually blue, it’s just a trick of the light. I bet their real name probably isn’t even Jay either
Satanic Nightjar: 4/10. Should be called “slightly evil looking bird” instead
Tarantula hawk wasp: 1/10. Not a tarantula. Not a hawk. Starting to question if it’s even a wasp
Goblin shark: 10/10? Ever seen their jaw move? They sure are gobblin’
Nudibranch: 5/10. The nude part is accurate but it’s a sea slug, not a tree branch. Not even sure how you could possibly make that mistake
Mongoose: 0/10. No mon, it’s not a goose
Bison: 7/10. I just googled it, bison have more gay sex than straight sex so calling them bi is actually pretty accurate. Points removed because there are bidaughters too
Ram: 10/10. They sure do!
Mandrill: 2/10. They could probably be taught to use drills but I couldn’t find any research on this
Silver fox: 1/10. Silver is way too heavy of an element for an animal to be made of
Mayfly: 9/10 Yeah, they might
Fin whale: 10/10. Yep, whales have fins. Glad we cleared that up
Macaroni penguin: 1/10. They don’t eat macaroni
Horseshoe crab: 0/10. Not a crab. Doesn’t wear horseshoes either
Fangtooth: 10/10. Objectively I have to give it a 10 but this is the stupidest fucking name on the whole list. What’s next, knucklefist? Titboob?
Milkfish 1/10. If I go to your house and you offer me fish milk I’m fucking leaving
Little penguin: 10/10. Telling it exactly like it is
Spider monkey: 1/10. Was expecting a monkey with 8 limbs. Let down once again
Glass frog: 2/10. Not actually made out of glass
Hummingbird: 1/10. They can’t even hum
Centipede: 3-35.4/10. Depends on the species, very few actually have 100 legs
Millipede: 0.8-8/10. They have 800 legs at the most
Sockeye salmon: 1/10. Socks would make terrible eyes
Furry lobster: 10/10, 11/10 if that’s a fursuit
Flying fish: 4/10. Merely glides
Sailfish: 3/10. Doesn’t actually know how to sail
Blanket octopus: 2/10. Octopuses make terrible blankets
Cane Toad: 2/10. Can walk just fine without a cane
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bleucaesura · 6 months
Stolas and Asmodeus wandered down the hall to the private waiting room.
Asmodeus raised an eyebrow. “More of a coffee man myself.”
Stolas nodded.
“I’ll boil the water,” Asmodeus wrapped an arm around Stolas’s shoulders and pulled him in for a squeeze. “And you can grab the mugs and accouterments.”
Stolas smiled sheepishly up at Asmodeus and nodded. Asmodeus laughed heartily, gave Stolas a light noogie and released him.
Stolas stood there looking like a confused cockatiel, and Asmodeus tried very hard to cover his laughter (suddenly remembering the hour of night) when a wiry baphomet nurse shyly came up to address them.
“Your Majesties. I’m sorry to intrude…”
“What is it?” Stolas snapped. He cringed.
Damn. Be nice. She’s just a messenger…
Asmodeus looked at him like “Mmmooookaaaay, girl! You tell HER!”
Stolas shot him a look. Asmodeus snickered.
The nurse rubbed her hands nervously.
“Prince Stolas? Your presence is required in-”
“Yes, yes.” Stolas waved his hand, interrupting the nurse. “I understand.”
He swept past her and headed toward the hospital administrator’s office. He’d spent a lot of time there the last two weeks. He’d also gotten to know the board of directors quite well.
Asmodeus slid up beside him and matched his fast pace.
“What are you doing?” Stolas gave Asmodeus the side-eye. He didn’t slow his pace.
“Giving you some back-up.” Asmodeus grinned at him.. “You may be great with contracts, speed-reading and words. But I’m the Sin with the gift for gab, persuasion and seduction of all kinds.”
Beguiling charm oozed off of Asmodeus’s final words and Stolas felt a warm, euphoric shiver run down his spine. He couldn’t stop his feathers from fluffing.
Asmodeus chuckled. “See? I have my uses.” He waggled his eyebrows.
Stolas blushed.
“Yes. Quite.” He cleared his throat. “Thank you. I appreciate the support.”
The two stepped into an elevator.
Asmodeus clapped him on the back. “That’s the spirit!”
“I’m sure you can understand the dilemma we find ourselves in, your Highness.” The hospital’s head administrator folded his hands on the table in front of him.
Stolas and Asmodeus stood across a great table from the six hospital board members and head administrator.
Stolas had begun to liken the group with a collective of hospital mafia Dons. Three sharks, an incubus, an imp hybrid (that reminded him a lot of Striker) and the baphomet head administrator, sat in expensive business suits at the far end of the table. They all gave off an air of menace, ambivalence and power.
That didn’t matter though. Stolas was done being f*cked with.
“Your father has tremendous power.” The administrator continued. “And we wish to remain on his good side. For obvious reasons.”
The other board members nodded in agreement.
“Smug mother-f*ckers,” Asmodeus muttered under his breath. He clenched his fists, his flames growing, ready for a fight.
Without looking over, Stolas touched the back of Asmodeus’s hand lightly, as if to say “I’ve got this.”
Asmodeus looked over at Stolas, surprised.
“I understand all too well the dilemma you are in, Members of the Board. But, respectfully? You have NO legal grounds to refuse treatment.”
Stolas pointedly looked at each member before continuing.
“Cowardice is NOT a legal leg to stand on.” Stolas slammed his fist down onto the table, splintering and breaking off the last eight inches of the table.
The room erupted in shouted threats from the board members.
Asmodeus could feel the power and rage rising off of Stolas.
“Daaaaamn,” he mumbled. “Stolas! Babe! F*ck. Their. Sh*t. UP!” He quietly cheered him on.
The board members snarled and snapped from across the room.
“How DARE you speak to us this way!”
“We can eject any patient we wish at any moment!”
“You may be a Prince, but”
Stolas’s eyes shone a radioactive red, and waves of heat and power licked off his body.
“Yes. My father has great power.” Stolas’s words hung in the air like a cloud of acid. The board members stood still as stone, afraid they might be burned.
“But,” The lights in the room dimmed and flickered and a great monstrous shadow grew on the wall behind Stolas. “You have NO idea the TRUE power I wield.”
The board members huddled together, cowering at the sight of Stolas and his demonic shadow.
“Yes. Well.” Asmodeus cleared his throat. He stepped up next to Stolas, placing a hand lightly on his mid-back so the others couldn’t see.
The small touch grounded Stolas, reigning in his rage. The lights stopped flickering and his demon shadow slid down the wall, shrinking back into his own. But the waves of power still licked off of him, keeping the board members sufficiently frightened.
“If this is a matter of money and losing Goetian favour.” Asmodeus continued, addressing the cowering board members. “You don’t need to worry about that. You have my personal guarantee as the Sin of Lust and an Ars Goetia King, that your hospital will not lose funding or favour in the Goetian courts.”
The board members looked at Asmodeus. Then at Stolas. Then back at Asmodeus.
Stolas reigned in his power and stood tall so as to look down his beak at the board members.
“If my father was truly going to threaten your hospital simply because of who I’ve asked you to care for, he would make the threats in person. Not through middlemen, lawyers, and” Stolas snapped his fingers and a pile of papers on the table went up in flames “Memos.”
“Ye… Yes of course, your Highness.” The head administrator stammered.
“Great!” Asmodeus clapped his hands together loudly, startling the board members and sending them cowering again. “Everything’s settled then! Care will continue for Mr. Blitzø - no expense spared. You all no longer bother Prince Stolas with this frivolousness. And we’re all hunkydory!”
He grinned and looked between Stolas and the board members. “Right?”
The board members nodded emphatically while cowering behind their chairs.
“Fabulous!” He turned heel, threw open the door and walked out of the room. “Let’s go, Stolas! Better places to be!”
Stolas turned to leave. He paused at the door.
“Do NOT waste my time again.”
The lights flickered, a few bulbs burst in their sockets.
Stolas waved a hand over his shoulder as he left the room, slamming the door with a very satisfying and frame splintering ‘bang’.
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eric-makes-art · 7 months
Hi I have a question!
If you don't mind whould you like to explain what the hybrid types your AU are? And which merc is which hybrid?
Hmmmmm well here let me make a simple list! Reds first than blues
Chris - werewolf hybrid.
Sniper - owl harpy hybrid
Medic- dove harpy hybrid
Heavy - polerbear hybrid
Engi - bee hybrid {bc I love the bee engi fr}
Demo - parrot hybrid
Soldier - raccoon hybrid
Spy - French lop rabbit hybrid {bc his son is a rabbit two}
Scout - American rabbit hybrid
Pyro - wingless dragon hybrid
Sara - werehyena hybrid
Blu sniper - tiger shark
Blu medic - crow harpy hybrid
Blu heavy - grizzly bear hybrid {he lives somewhere warmer, it's not Russia but he is Russian!}
Blu engi - Flannel Moth hybrid {bc why not?}
Blu demo - cockatiel hybrid
Blu soldier - eagle harpy hybrid {bc in this AU there both American}
Blu spy - rattle snake
Blu scout - garden snake {he got no wrizz he get no venom.}
Blu pyro - same thing as red {there dragon friends :)}
There a whole God damn list...gezz that's alot of typing..
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proseka-headcanons · 5 months
L/N as animals:
Ichika - Shark
Saki - Parakeet
Honami - Dog
Shiho - Bunny
YES ICHIKA SHARK YES YES YES she would be a catshark of some variety
I love Saki parakeet, that is adorable and while I haven't had parakeets, I used to have cockatiels and they're very silly
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scattered-irises · 2 years
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Gonna make some ugly ass bio lines based off of these stupid bots
Try and guess which characters I’m doing
🌵Dragon🐲Caramel🥜18🍺Daddy Issues🍾
💠Daddy🛑Animal♻️Dm for age🖼Vaguely Europen🛎
🥬Alien🌚Blue🎂Earrings🥓I 🌯Love🎖Food🏖
Okay my brains have been rotted that’s enough for today
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yup123abc · 6 months
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I want to do more exploration of the imp designs of the main cast (we'll call Fizz a main cast bc....I said so).
I have this thought that the imps we mainly focus on in the plot are a sliding scale of reptilian-to-bird like. (I will draw Mox and Mil I just lol). My personal view is that the more "artistic"-minded imps lean more bird-like and have certain more prominent features like beaks, and in Fizz's case, cockatiel-like cheeks. Or maybe those are frog tympani. Which would be funny.
More "violent"-minded imps lean more reptilian. There's still a beak-ish-ness to their mouth, but they may be more snake/lizard-like. I see Blitz as being very snake coded. Someone like Striker definitely has some horned lizard going on I think. (This is leaving aside the obvious shark and goat based imps.)
When I get around to Mil and Mox, this will also be reflected, with Mox leaning more bird (the legs are the only ones among the group that shape) and Mil being something like a newt-ish face.
I definitely have to get more used to these shapes but just a first pass thought.
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dreamingbutts · 4 months
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Working on personal fanfiction and Squeaker is PUMPED
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She is happy to announce that she will be writing her own book!
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Seems things are really spicing up!
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She is a master of her craft
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It would be interesting to see 17 13 and 18 for all 4 of your OCs ❤️
Ok so late reply cuz I was busy yesterday, but tysm for asking!!! 🤧🤧🤧💕💕💕💕
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13)"Do they chew ice?"
Yes I think they would.
17)"What role would your character be in a family?"
Definitely the weird gay uncle/cousin.
18)"What animal do they resemble?"
I've answered this for Wren but, they are a Zoan devil fruit user and they resemble/can transform into a Cockatiel parrot! ^^
13)"Do they chew ice?"
No, I think she tried it once but didn't like it,,
17)"What role would your character be in a family?"
Older sister that always takes responsibility for her younger siblings feels awful whenever she fails them in any way.
18)"What animal do they resemble?"
She's a Manta ray fishman! So yea!! Little sea pancakes...💞💞💞
13)"Do they chew ice?"
Absolutely not.
17)"What role would your character be in a family?"
He is canonically, the estranged queer older brother that still reaches out to help if his siblings need help but doesn't want anything to do w the family name.
18)"What animal do they resemble?"
A white albino hare, yk the ones,, that look like they've witnessed unspeakable horrors💕💕
13)"Do they chew ice?"
Yes, straight out of the freezer. He would just eat fistfuls of snow if given the opportunity.
17)"What role would your character be in a family?"
Youngest sibling. You can tell. 😸
18)"What animal do they resemble?"
A lemon shark!! He has a tattoo of one on his back!
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istherewifiinhell · 11 months
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[ID: Metazooa, the cladistics puzzle tree, guessed in 7. Branching at bilateria, under gnathostomata is cockatiel and tiger shark. Then on the other branch, under pancrustacea is cockroach. Then theres eumalacostraca, with an additional branch to pleocyermata, hermit crab and loberster. The last guesses just under eumalacostraca are mantis shrimp, and the answer pillbug. END]
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Get to know the blogger
Many thankies for the tag, @ruiniel
:D :D :D :D
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I too be a simp-le person. 😜 (Normally go with whatever I'm currently hyper fixating on, but at the moment I'm not entirely certain what that is... so, Al it stays for now 😁)
Last song you listened to: Allstar - Smash Mouth (Ah, catchy nostalgia on loop)
Currently reading: Trying to catch up on fanfics... Brain making it arduous. 😵
Last movie: Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind (Had to cut it short cause I started nodding off - long day 😴)
Last TV show: Pokemon Ultimate Journeys (have to wait for the next episodes to be dubbed)
Craving: Busy eyeing the Tex chocolate next to me. 👀
What are you wearing right now: Long navy and turquoise pyjama top (it has unicorns on eet 🦄), white tracksuit pants, and light blue socks with 'lil penguins on dem. Ultra comfort clothes FTW!
How tall are you: 5'1'' ft (Yes, I'm short)
Piercings: None.
Tattoos: None.
Glasses or contacts: Neither.
Last drink: Rooibos tea.
Last thing you ate: Cheesy Doritos and rice cakes with butter. (Ah, so healthy 😋)
Favorite color: Blue. All shades.
Current obsession: Hard to say at the moment. Maybe Pokemon, but with a sprinkling of Beyblade and Castlevania here and there too. It's weird, and honestly contributing to the current state of feeling lost and almost depressive. I need to obsess over something or else I die inside. 😵
Any pets:
*Clears throat*
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Cosmo. African Grey Parrot. Presumably male. Age 5 years. Always up to no good. Good talker. My baby.
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Gringo. Blue-crowned conure. Presumably male. Around 20 years. LOUD! Full of bull. Loves to call everyone an ass. Also my baby.
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Neera. Leopard gecko. Female. Around 15 years. Can do no wrong, just a 'lil gal. Also baby. ALL MY BABIES!
And for whatever reason, my phone does not want to show the photos of the others, but also have a male yellow cockatiel (Rango) aged 15 yrs, and 3 lady doggos (Misty, Kelsey and Roxy) all Border collie x's, ages 16, 13 and 4 yrs.
Favorite fictional character: Let's make that characters cause you can't have just one: 😁
Shiron, Ranshiin, Greedo (Legendz: Tale of the Dragon Kings)
Kai, Tala, Bryan (Beyblade [2000/Bakuten Shoot])
Kyuzo (Samurai 7)
Ponyta/Rapidash, Mewtwo, Lugia, Treecko/Grovyle/Sceptile, Riolu/Lucario (Pokemon) [Throwing in Lance as fav human character]
Sebastian (Black Butler)
Levi (Attack on Titan)
Hisoka (Hunter x Hunter)
Toons/Animated Series~
Alucard (Castlevania [Netflix])
Leonardo (TMNT [2003/2007/Bayverse])
Ripster (Street Sharks)
Ridge, Haxx, Bullseye (Extreme Dinosaurs)
Allo (Dinosaucers)
Cheetor, Dinobot (Transformers: Beast Wars/Beast Machines)
Aaaaand we'll cut it off there, or else I'll be here all night. 😅
The last place you traveled: Bathurst, for their yearly Agricultural show on Friday. Literally a fifteen drive away, but I'm counting it. 😋
And now I shall tag.... @hellovivirose and @fuckiecheeses if you want to do it. 😄No pressure whatsoever.
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angeltism · 1 year
Random facts because it's how I offer friendship /silly
For every one dog there are sixteen people in the world!
Frogs eardrums are outside of their head!
Crocodiles can't stick out their tongue!
If you manage to flip a shark when it begins to charge you, it becomes docile because it interprets being flipped as going to sleep? (I'm not sure if the reason is 1000% but I know the first part is!)
All animals actually have stripes!
In cockatoos and cockatiels, their ears are usually found behind the circles on their "cheeks"! Speaking of which - they have ears! It's quite weird to look at though.
Cows have best friends who they graze with and may become depressed if they are separated!
The largest recorded snowflake is actually bigger than the average pizza!
..we r friendsies now bc I accept ur offer of friendship via cool af facts!! I am currently thinking of how to express my friendliness and positive feelings towards you. Ermm. Doyou want me to.. draw you a little silly doodle? Tell you about a character of mine if you have smth you'd like to know? Or something like that?? Idk I'm flexible and nawt super creative when it comes to affection.. especially for anonnies despite how much I treasure y'all!! :'3
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sharkieboi · 8 months
okay current predicament: New URL for Art Blog
needs to be very Me and fun/unique/easy to find and something I’ll be okay with 1/3/5/10 years from now potentially
also needs to be distanced enough from this tumblr that if i do ever want to share with my family/friends outside of tumblr they won’t be able to find /this/ one
shark-themed names are out I think. but given my current everything I think a bird-themed name is more appropriate.
maybe something with spoonbills? or cockatiels? or parrots in general? or penguins? corvids are out cause everyone has done that, like I live in the city of Edgar Allen Poe it will be straight up overdone and tacky if I base it off a corvid. but that’s fine I clearly have other options.
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marshhiestimz · 10 months
making a to-do list so i dont forget (i still will)
- shark therian freminet stimboard
- robotkin freminet stimboard (DONE)
- freminet stimboard with ice and penguins
- regressor freminet stimboard
- general marine themed freminet stimboard
- regressor barbara stimboard
- barbara stimboard with stars and sparkly things
- barbara stimboard with makeup stims
- barbara stimboard with beaches and ducklings
- fremibarb stimboard
- siren kokomi stimboard with dark stims
- kokomi stimboard with jewels/sparkles and light colours
- sucrose stimboard with glowing and bubbling stims
- sucrose stimboard with fluffy and flowery stims
- some kind of wocky kitaki stimboard??
- perhaps fox therian wocky kitaki stimboard
- ranboo vtuber stimboard w digital themes
- cockatiels and angels stimboard
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