#co2 emmisions
sunnysatyr · 3 months
There are still people willing to argue that working from home is more or less as expensive as going to the office every day because you would spend on electricity, water, toilet paper, etc. what you don't spend on gasoline.
Like... have you seen the price of gasoline? At least in Spain I spend on supplies and services for the house not even a quarter of what it costs me to go to work one month, 40 km a day round trip (plus car maintenance, insurance and taxes).
I mean, yeah, working from home costs me money, but I even save money on CLOTHES since I can work in my freaking underwear. Maybe it's just me and my privilege, me and my preference, and that doesn't invalidate theirs, but from my point of view... it's just nonsensical for jobs that can be done from home.
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rainofthetwilight · 8 months
why are swifities just...Like That
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eaglesnick · 2 years
101 Things You Should Know About the UK Tory Government
Thing 71
The United Nations issued this statement last year.
“It’s ‘now or never’ to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees."  (United Nations News: 04/04/22)
The response of Sunak' s government is to totally disregard the warning.
"If the UK once had claims to climate leadership, it has blown them apart with the approval of its first new deep coal mine in 30 years. Michael Gove’s consent to the Woodhouse Colliery in West Cumbria not only condemns the UK to annual emissions equivalent to 200,000 extra cars, it sends a message to poorer, coal-reliant nations that pledges to “phase down” coal are mere hypocrisy. “A crime against humanity,” is how Green MP Caroline Lucas summed up the decision. Lord Deben, Chairman of the independent Climate Change Committee (CCC) has said it “undermines UK efforts to achieve net zero”. (The New Statesman: 07/12/22)
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electrifyingcommute · 2 years
EVeium’s vision is centered around the ‘Make in India’ initiative with our complete production situated in India. Our founding message is to promote alternate energy initiatives with EV’s being at the crux of it, and our fleet of Smart mobility is our effort towards moving the country towards cleaner energy sources that are more economical.
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bolbolboss · 2 years
After looking through the codebook for the Gapminder study,I found that the CO2 emission are more astonishing than we thought. Especially in recent years, the awareness of environmental protection has been paid more and more attention by entire world. Consequently, I want to choose CO2 emission as my research direction.
In order to find what cause the CO2 emission about the different country. I decided to explore the association between urban rate and CO2 emmisions. The urban rate illustrates the the proportion of a country's population that lives in urban areas. It can also provide insight into the level of development and industrialization in a country. Therefore, I believe there is a certain correlation between the level of urbanrate and CO2 emissions.
In this study I will need those variables:
CO2 emissions
Literature:Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions during urbanization: A comparative study between China and Japan
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letstalkwithani · 2 years
Data Management And Visualization - 2/5
Assignment 2:  Research Questions Based on my Codebook
How Armed-Force-Rate is affecting life expectancy and suicide/person rate?
Is Alcohol-Consumption increasing with Income-Per-Person?
Is there any correlation between Oil-per-person and r-electric-per-person?
How Internet-usage is being affected by the polity-score of each Country?
Relation of urban-rate and CO2-Emmision?
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pravat101 · 2 years
Green Climate Fund to reduce Green Gas Emissions
The reason of global warming, climate change,erratic rain is due to emmision of green gases for which we human beings or our civilizations are primarily responsible.Main green gases are carbon dioxide CO2,Methane CH4 & Nitrous oxide N2O.Recently the flood fury in Pakistan in June 2022 killing 1717 people is due to this green gas emission around the world by we Humanbeings.Pakistan is responsible…
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thedawgsblog · 3 years
‘Be aware’: Drivers could be fined £40 for using their engine to defrost car windscreens DRIVERS could be fined for leaving their car engine on to melt the ice and frost from their windscreen, according to experts. We use your sign-up to provide content in ways you’ve consented to and to improve our understanding of you. This may include adverts from us and 3rd parties based on our…
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evermoredeluxe · 2 years
i think this thread aligns with what i think on the taylor jet situation
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heavydirtysoul-24 · 5 years
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Resource scarcity is manufactured. The amount of waste we have that could instead be provided for Free is insane
Like it sounds cliche but the fact is the earth Really does give us everything we need.
In fact we have so much waste because we're Over producing compared to our needs/what people can pay for. That waste is causing artificial scarcity. (Like how they poured out Tons of gallons of milk just to keep their prices up)
Further, we don't Need companies to provide for us. They've simply made us reliant on them by making independence (like collecting rainwater, building homes, community gardening, or raising your own food) illegal, expensive, or long paperwork processes. It's ALL manufactured I'm tellin, ya.
I genuinely think we'd fine if we started taxing, regulating, and fining companies for the amounts of water they put in bottles, paying low wages, outsourcing, or for things like their CO2 emmisions (as examples). Make the destruction of our earth more expensive than it is profitable and I suspect it would stop being a problem real fast.
The tech to be greener and more sustainable is here. It's just not profitable to use. So do what they've done to us and make the alternative a long, expensive, or illegal process. Demand it.
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melaninnmagixc · 3 years
"everything is not a conspiracy"
You're right, but everything you're told from tv is misdescribed...... The government would love you to believe that climate change is caused by carbon emissions from your car and cow farts but no matter how quick you take a shower or how many times you remember to turn the water off while you're brushing your teeth, nothing compares to the emmisions from geoenginerring chemical trail leaving airplanes and cloudseeding technology like WSAC(WET Surface air coolers).... Pretty soon they will try to rank companies based on their carbon output and restrict people's commutes and recreational activities due to the amount of carbon produced from said actions...
Because there's an over abundance of carbon and it's hurting our environment apparently 😒😒
There's a simple solution but I bet you they won't implement it... You know what processes CO2 and turns it to something useful?? TREES!!! WHY DON'T THEY PLANT MORE TREES INSTEAD OF TEARING EM ALL DOWN?? BECAUSE TREES INTERFER WITH RADIO SIGNALS FROM 5G towers because they have water and cells that absorb the frequencies...... Wait, I think humans have that too... I wonder if they'll start chopping us down 🤔🤔
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CO2 Emmisions ~poster 3 final~
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This is my third and final poster of the series. I wanted to do something different with the way I displayed this data. Each Verticie displays the same data but I wanted to add more of them to fill in the page; otherwise it looks incredibly bare and boring. I like the fact that this could be seen as a design in itself. 
for these lines, I wanted the layers to look more random than symmetrical so I inputted each line of code as many times as I wanted the vertices to be displayed. This can be seen in the second image below, 
line(0,1000, co2.getFloat(i,1)*1,co2.getFloat(i,1)*4);
line(1240,900, co2.getFloat(i,1)*1,co2.getFloat(i,1)*4);
I used the code ‘text(”text” w, h)’ to add the text in for this poster rather than adding it in using photoshop. Once I figured out this, the rest came rather easily. I added a PFont line in my code which gave me access to all the fonts I have installed in my computer, With this, I made a print Array which showed me what number represent each font; from there i simply added that number into ‘myFont = create font(”name of font”, size);’ line of code and now my text was a lot more aesthetically pleasing to look at.
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electrifyingcommute · 2 years
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mbassiouny · 3 years
Data Analysis & Visualization
I am currently studig Data Analysis and Visualization course on Coursera.
During the course I will be working on GapMinder Dataset for my course project.
I will be mainly studing the relationship between CO2 Emmision and electricity consumption per person.
Is there an association between CO2 Emmision and Electricity Consumption?
The increase in Electricity consumption may lead to two thing: using a clean source of energy which reduces CO2 Emiition or living in a luxurious liva with high CO2 Emission. 
A secondery point of interest is the income per person. Does the income affects the CO2 consumption?
Literature Review:
1-  On the relationship between energy consumption, CO2 emissions and economic growth in Europe
2-  Energy Consumption and CO2 Emissions on a Global Level
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My Choice
I have chosen to analyse the Gapminder dataset since its codebook was easy to interpret. After going through the data I have decided to check if there is any relation between internet usage and CO2 emmisions. 
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