#closed rp.
war-priest · 11 months
Unexpected rescue. (Closed rp. @saphire-sweater )
Wilhelm trudged through the snow covered forest with a blizzard raging around him his hammer on his back and his lmg in his hands ready for anything. He had recently heard of a group of Atshen that had appeared in the area which was concerning since this was not their native habitat as they tend to live close to the arctic circle in the forest of Canada and Alaska. He knew he had to dispose of them before they started reproducing and causing a full outbreak before Christmas. As he approaches the mountain that he believed was there lair he spotted 2 of them carrying a young woman tied to a stick. Realizing he couldn't use in gun give that had a hostage he knew he would have to use his hammer to take them out before the woman was harmed or suffered severe frost bite. Leaving his gun at the entrance he readied his hammer and snuck inside the cave to assess the number of beasts he would have to fight. "I hope she's out cold so I can get this done before she wakes up.
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halexstcrm · 1 year
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"If she doesn't leave you alone, I'm punching her in the face. You don't have the balls to do it yourself anyways." Cora snapped at the other. She'd had it up to here with her friend's clingy girlfriend. "She goes through your phone and your belongings, and you still don't find that weird? She's crossed the line. How many red flags do you need?" @xunderyourspellx
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markhxffman · 9 months
[ Closed Starter for @looking-for-roleplay ]
Ever since Detective Mark Hoffman had made eye contact with FBI Agent Peter Strahm, he’d plagued his thoughts like a phantom. There was no room in his mind to be distracted by such simple things and yet he often found himself staring at his ceiling at night, thinking about the witty Agent who always seemed to be pissed off about something. Leading a double life had been so easy for the last couple of years once he’d found his rhythm. The whiskey and bourbon did a good job of drowning out the pain and regret. Maybe it was true that if you lied enough, you’d start to believe it.
Washing the blood off of his gloves for what seemed like the thousandth time, he felt his flip phone buzz. It was probably the office. Maybe a lead. It didn’t help that Strahm was like a goddamned bloodhound trying to sniff out the killer. Once he’d dried his hands off, he looked at his phone and noticed that it was Chief Matthews. He’d requested that Mark come in the next day on his day off to work on the case. Mark sighed and answered ‘Sounds good’, shoving it back into his pocket so he could get back to what he’d been doing.
When he finally walked into the office the next morning, dark circles were evident under his eyes. He hadn’t been sleeping, nor would he start now. Glancing up to see Peter Strahm with that hip cocked out as he leaned over something, he felt that nagging feeling that said ‘don’t let him get to you’.
“Morning,” he grumbled over his coffee, sliding past him to grab the files for the case. “You’re here bright and early.”
His tone indicated that it was a jab.
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trubbish-stanblog · 21 days
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slush-puppyy · 7 months
Dog Pound
Serenity stepped into the cave out of the rain ,huffing in disdain at his wet belongings. It was funny to think that there was a time where he welcomed rain and didn’t own such belongings for it to ruin. He sat against the wall, and started to shuck off his wet clothing. He glanced about the cave, figuring he could find something to make a fire and dry off at the very least. Unbeknownst to him the nest itself wasn’t totally uninhabited, he’d have to deal with the home owner sooner or later
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harmonyloveangels1990 · 2 months
Closed RP w/@tokufan400
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Mai Shiranui had finished training in the dojo and was focusing on getting herself her power drink. She had been working hard so she can be ready for her rematch with Chun-li. Who she saw the other day working out hard to get in good shape. She knew she already was in good shape, but perhaps those teases from Juri got to her.
She began mixing her drink in her bottle while chuckling a little to herself. "That chick can work out as much as she wants, but she'll still have those strong thick thighs of hers."
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delugedecade · 1 year
"And you're sure she's okay with this...?" Drake had to vice his concern, despite the sight before him. Bulma Briefs was a very beautiful woman, however... "18 won't be happy if you didn't clear this with her..."
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"Yes, Yes I cleared it with 18, She's the one who gave it to me~ We'll be fine~ The boys break these all the time, They won't notice one missing anyway~" Bulma replies, showing off how form fitting one of the battle suits were.
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The Ceremony
(Closed RP with @forestofstarlight)
Dune winced slightly, turning his head away from the rising sun. He hissed softly, his sleep-addled brain struggling to come up with a reason as to why he couldn't raise his arms nor sit up without some currently unknown weight keeping him down. It was only when he felt a familiar and soft breath against his chest that he finally snapped back to reality and remembered where and when he was.
Faron Region's Lakeside Inn, on the balcony of the honeymoon suite, having spent the night with his beloved light mage and fiancée Willow snoozing peacefully on top of him. He only hoped his sudden movements hadn't roused his beloved from sleep...
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poppyfamily · 2 months
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gfs and their emotional support gay bestie
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For anyone not on twt or not in the loop on the dndads rp side of it, I want to share that the Glenn Close account recently had a hit tweet that left the bounds of the rp.
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war-priest · 9 months
Barista and flowers. (Closed rp)
Wilhelm was enjoying his day cleaning tables at his grandmother's coffee shop during slow hours. He had just finished his first year of college and was working on getting a roommate for his apartment. He was having interviews for roommates at the coffee shop but all of them were a bust. He was going to give up on finding a roommate and just tuff it out when it came to extracurricular activities. When he saw a customer come in he headed behind the counter to take their order.
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forestofstarlight · 2 months
The Princess's Secret (Closed rp with @the-blackbird-roleplays)
Viola lets out a sigh as she finishes getting ready for the day, straightening out any wrinkles in her dress. She knew today was going to be another day of performing her royal duties, and that also unfortunately means another day of her father trying to marry her off to another egotistical and snobbish prince or duke.
She lets out another soft breath before she opens the door to her bedroom and steps out into the main hallway, smiling when she sees the head of the royal guard and her main bodyguard Leo waiting for her. A soft, barely visible pink blush on her cheeks as she stood in front of her Faunus bodyguard... and secret love.
"Good morning, Leo. I hope you're ready for whatever the day... or father... has planned for us." She says, hesitating slightly before she mentioned the king.
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rosicheeks · 5 months
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Teacher’s pet 😌
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onthevirge · 1 year
Closed Rp with @moralpuppylover2
“Note to self: don’t fight on the beach if you don’t want to get your ass kicked by a water based hero.” Virgil grumbled to himself as he hid in an alleyway, taking off his villain costume and putting it in his bag despite how drenched it was. He was left in a long sleeved shirt and ripped jeans as he slung his bag over his shoulder. He looked up as it started raining “perfect.” He rolled his eyes as he started feeling the panic returning to him from using his quirk. He started the walk to his friend’s apartment, knowing he wounding make it to his own before the panic made him immobile. He really overused his quirk today and would probably pass out as a result, not to mention the bruises and possible cracked ribs from the fight.
An hour later he showed up on his friend’s balcony to avoid other people in the apartment building. He quickly rapped on the door, hoping he was home since his breathing was now shallow and quick and he didn’t know how much longer he could stay conscious.
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harmonyloveangels1990 · 11 months
Closed RP w/@lockedboxbooks
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Gwen has been in a sexual mood. She's been looking for some fun due to how Kevin being locked up. So, she needed some fun with someone or something to fill her needs. She appears in an alien bar and looks around to see who'd be interested.
Or at the very least, she'd be interested in. Assuming these big strong and dangerous looking aliens have a dick big enough to satisfy her needs.
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A Priceless Treasure
(Closed RP with @hellforestrp)
Kuro smiled in Jackson Square, letting the late-morning sun warm him as the sounds of street musicians playing jazz reached his ears. Tourists milling about the square and marveling at the street performers and artists selling either a brief moment's entertainment or a hand-painted souvenir... But there was only one hand he was worried about at that moment... And that was the hand currently clutched tightly in his own.
"Are you ready, love?" He smiled at Maena, biting his lip as he looked her over, thankful she'd chosen a more elegant outfit for this meeting. "A man of God shouldn't be kept waiting... Though I'd wager he's absolutely not expecting us..."
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