#clearly i am her favorite trainwreck idk why
novadreii · 28 days
My therapist is so bomb? She texts me articles/books/podcasts/general prompts for introspection throughout the week outside of sessions and I just complete my assignments like the good little studentclient that I am.
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nejiiree · 6 years
Uraraka is the Traitor Part 2
Back with Part 2! Which- sorry to say- is probably going to be even longer than part 1 but it can’t be helped. So in this we’re gonna look more into Uraraka’s name, her place in the story of My Hero, and her parallel with Toga. So let’s dive in!
Uraraka’s Name
If you’re a fan of the manga, you’ve probably noticed Horikoshi has a really cool naming system for each of the character’s through their kanji symbols. For example, Izuku Midoriya’s (緑谷 出久) name is a reference to him being the 9th OFA holder and his signature green locks & Bakugou’s name (爆豪 勝己) can mean something along the lines of “explosion victory” which I don’t even think I need to explain how that relates to his character.
Uraraka’s name in Kanji is 麗日 お茶子 which can mean “pretty day”, which suits her bubbly, cute personality, right?
Well... not exactly.
You’ll also recall that Horikoshi deliberately writes character’s names a certain way sometimes so as to not spoil something about them. Take, for example, Himiko Toga whose name was written in katakana instead of kanji (because in kanji her name literally means “to put on someone else”) to hide her quirk until the big reveal during the hero license exam.
An interesting thing about Uraraka’s name is that she only uses the “Ura” part for her hero name “Uravity”. Another interesting thing is what the name “Ura” can be turned into when written differently in Kanji.
Take a look at this:
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It would make sense for Horikoshi to use this genius play on words. While we think he’s calling Uraraka a “beautiful day”, he might actually have been hinting at her treason from the beginning, right in front of our faces.
Here’s the official Viz translation of Uraraka’s character page:
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Why would Horikoshi feel like a “true genius” coming up with Uraraka’s name if it truly means what it appears on the surface as opposed to Bakugou or Deku’s (whose, honestly, fit their character more) unless there’s more to it.
Toga & Uraraka
I find the dynamic between these two to be really interesting for some reason. Probably because they seem like such opposites but actually have a lot in common, like their shared crush- *cough* obsession *cough*- on Midoriya.
It all started during their fight during the Training Camp Arc. Tsuyu’s pinned to the tree and Uraraka has Toga down thanks to her training with Gunhead (as opposed to, I don’t know, floating her up into a tree so she couldn’t escape or knocking her out or something other than just sitting on her, c’mon girl) when Toga starts to mess with Ochako a bit.
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She’s obviously comparing them highkey, and Uraraka doesn’t even seem offended by it or like “this bitch is nuts.” Instead, she thinks back to when she wanted to win just like Deku at the sports festival, while making a face that says, “she’s got me figured out,” y’know? It’s almost like what Toga is saying makes Uraraka come to a realization about herself.
And then the two are pitted against each other again in the Hero License Exam, when Toga literally becomes Uraraka in order to trick Deku, who figures it out after she doesn’t float when knocked off a high rock ledge. It wouldn’t be anything noteworthy (I mean, Uraraka’s is the only blood Toga was able to snag, of course she’d be the one she’d imitate) except for the parting words Toga- masquerading as Camie- gives to Uraraka:
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It’s almost like she’s saying it ironically. “Ha, it’s really funny that he trusts you so much.” I think Toga knows more about Uraraka than she’s letting on.
Do I think the villains know her on a personal level? No. She probably communicates with them exclusively through her phone or something. But Toga’s mocking makes it pretty obvious she’s on to her about something.
Our encounters with Aoyama in the story so far have been... interesting (?) to say the least. He’s kinda a mysterious guy that we don’t know much about.
But a particular scene with Uraraka makes it apparent he’s also very observant.
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Like seriously how did he figure it out and not, I don’t know, one of the girls (who btw still don’t know. They just suspect it’s either Iida or Deku because those are the two she hangs with the most). He’s not really around Midoriya or Uraraka enough to know this unless he’s been watching one or both of them closely.
But why?
And then we have ch 167 & 168. Random chapters that seemingly came out of nowhere that gave us some really strange encounters between Aoyama and Deku.
For example:
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He’s clearly trying to open Deku’s door at 1 am. Like what the actual fuck??? And the explaination we get for this is subpar at best. “He was trying to tell Deku that he knew how he felt having a quirk that hurt his body.” Like what??? That literally does not explain why he’s trying to slide open his bedroom door in the middle of the night. And the message he leaves him is weird af too.
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I don’t buy Aoyama’s pitiful explaination for this. I don’t think “I Know” means what he says it does. I think he’s trying to warn Midoriya, in his own way. “I know who the traitor is.”
My theory is even further backed up later in the chapter when Aoyama carves this for Midoriya into a rock:
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The writing is a French phrase which roughly means, “Don’t trust even the calmest of waters” or- according to the unofficial translation- “still waters run deep”.
We get absolutely no explaination for why Aoyama does this, but I have my own thoughts about it.
This was another warning.
“Don’t trust someone who appears the nicest, the friendliest. Their intentions aren’t what you think. It’s deeper than you think.” Because what’s a risk you take getting into water that appears calm? You could be swept under.
The only person that this warning could even remotely apply to is Uraraka, as she’s one of the only people to show Midoriya continuous kindness and calmness. I think Aoyama is watching Uraraka closely. He probably already suspects her, but needs some sort of definitive proof. And that’s where our favorite Lord Explosion Murder comes in.
Idk why, maybe it’s the inner writer in me, but I think the foil between Bakugou and Uraraka is too good not to exploit.
Like I mentioned, Aoyama is probably looking for some kind of definitive proof to the traitor’s identity, whether he be working with school to figure out the traitor’s identity or just working on his own. And who do we know who seems to be able to figure out complex situations better than anyone?
Katsuki Bakugou.
He figured out the complex truth of Deku’s power all on his own, he was able to read Yo Shindou’s eyes to determine he wasn’t as nice as he was pretending to be (“your words don’t match your eyes.”) Bakugou is smart.
How would he find out? Not really sure, but I do think it’s interesting that they’re on the same dorm floor.
And if she was the traitor, then she was probably responsible for telling the villains the training camp location, thus resulting in Bakugou’s kidnapping, which then resulted in All Might’s fight with AFO.
If Bakugou figures out who’s responsible for that... I don’t think it’ll be very pretty, especially if she tries to give him some bs excuse. Unlike most of the boys, Bakugou’s quite aware that Uraraka is capable and strong. He wouldn’t buy that she was manipulated into this or a weak girl was taken advantage of. Hell, he’s said as much himself:
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Just saying, Horikoshi pits the two of them against each other a lot in his sketches as well. They rarely interact in the manga anymore, separated in almost every arc.
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In conclusion, I refuse to believe that Uraraka will remain a one-dimensional character whose only major plot line is a crush on a boy she’s known for a few months. (Once again, I am not hating on her character. Quite the opposite. I think she has so much potential that it would be a shame to waste it.) Thanks for reading this trainwreck! I’d love to hear your thoughts as well! I’m gonna be doing some more theories soon (not traitor-related) :)))
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queensweasley · 6 years
Fantastic Beasts and the Crimes of Grindelwald - Review
Okay so yeah, post got some likes so I’m doing it.
I am one of the lucky people who was able to see Crimes of Grindelwald already. It’s been released today here in France but since my cinema had a premiere yesterday night, I have been able to see it one day prior.
First of all, if you want PSA, you can find them here : [link]
So, let’s start with :
Overall, I didn’t dislike the movie. I didn’t really like it either. I feel like there is too much information, too much plots at the same time, and in the end you don’t really care about any of them. The movie is a complete train wreck, tbh. Too many things happening and it’s all crashing together into some kinda alphabet soup where you can see the letters but can’t really form words.
The first scene is one of the best in my opinion, and yet also one of the worst. Nothing makes sense in it. You totally get what is going on, but you don’t understand how it could happen. It clearly summarize the movie, I’d say. It shows an action, done following a plan, but some element are just coming out of nowhere. This scene doesn’t look right at the beginning of Crimes of Grindelwald. It should have been the ending of Where to Find Them.
At that is, in my opinion, one of the movie’s biggest problem. Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them is a good movie, but a bad introduction to a 5-movies-long saga. Most of the element that seem forced in COG could and SHOULD have been introduced in WTFT. Mostly characters, tbh. I’m mostly thinking Leta. Okay, technically she has been introduced back then, but I think we should have had more than just a photograph and a mention of being New’s ex. Tbh, I don’t even understand why she’s Newt’s ex but that might got too spoiler-y so we’ll talk about that later.
Other characters, in the contrary, are largely underused. They are clearly there to serve later in the movie saga, but in that case they have too much screen time and importance. I’m not only talking about then being too present in the movie, I’m talking about them being too present in the press tour, ads and everything. Part of the marketing of the movie has been done around them, all that for them not being a huge part of the movie. And I’m not talking Dumbledore here, well, not only Dumbledore at least.
Characters treatment, meanwhile, is one of the most inconsistent things. While some like Newt, Jacob, Grindelwald or to some extent Tina are faithful to what we saw in the first movie, others like Queenie, Credence or to so extent Tina seem kind of OOC. (Yes Tina is in both cases). I’m not saying how they are different, but while it didn’t displease me too much for Credence, it sure makes me want to start #justiceforqueenie. This leads to the relationships going from really great for most of them to a complete trainwreck in others and, in one case, abusive.
While I’m clearly saying mostly negative things, the movie isn’t all bad. As I’ve said, some characters are great, most jokes are great too and while some complain about the visual effects I wasn’t too choked by them. The music is discreet but immersive and that’s all I ask of a soundtrack tbh. It’s just mostly been through the WB effect. To quote Deadpool : “So dark and broody, are you sure you’re not part of the DCEU ?” It is a good story, just not rendered in a good way. You know, one of those story you like almost all elements but not how they’re treated and you just want to rewrite them yourself to fix it. That’s at least how I feel about it, I’m ready to kick J.K. out and write in her place.
Now this might be a bit confused but I don’t want to say too much. So if you don’t care about them, we can now enter into :
They are, quite obviously, to be found under the cut. 
I have a lot to say about it so I’m going to organize them into categories. I might forget some things but hey, I’m no professional. So, let’s start.
Scamanders and Lestrange - I find the trio to have a really good alchemy. The brothers are not depicted as the old-as-time “the successful asshole vs the weirdo angel” trope. Theseus, although successful indeed, never use it to compare himself with Newt. I don’t even think he compared himself with Newt. He’s successful, wants to help his brother the best he can and fuck, he’s a hugger and it’s refreshing to see brothers hug. (I’m saying that as someone whose sister has never hugged her, so I might be totally partial here). The relationship Newt has with Leta is also pretty good. You can sense that there’s history and it’s clearly not a case of the girl now being a bitch. Problem is, I have no idea why they split up in the first place. They seem to still go along, they seem to still care, if not feel love, for the other… And in the contrary, I don’t see why Theseus and Leta are engaged. Outside of “we need to bring Leta into the story”. They seem to go along pretty well, and clearly they care about one another but I don’t sense love. And it’s got nothing to do with the actor’s chemistry. They do have chemistry during interviews and all. No, it’s clearly lazy plotting. I think things would have been better if Leta had been engaged to Newt from movie 1 and a friend (maybe colleague) of Theseus.
The Lestrange lineage - Now you will not make me say one single good thing about that crap. The movie has indeed some good things but this is not one. First of all, it’s a mess. We don’t care about it for most of the movie and the moment we start caring, we learn that it’s not even really related to our story. Also, it’s quite the horrible story and it’s not treated in a good way at all. It’s also highly problematic, like a white man casting imperius to rape a black woman clearly sends some messages, but it’s not even used. There is no moral to this story. Lestrange is not depicted as bad because he raped the woman, he’s seen as bad because he never loved anyone besides Corvus, made Leta hate herself because she’s born of a rape and inspired revenge in the family of the woman he raped. And not only is there no moral to it, but it’s just a plot device. It’s just here to grow some artificial suspense as to the origin of Credence and only to reveal that it’s not even the real origin of Credence. And you know how it could have been avoided ? By saying that Youssouf is not the half-brother but the cousin of Leta. Leta is the daughter of arranged marriage, as is the custom with pureblood, and her father remarried to have Corvus. Now you can present him as being an asshole for not loving his wives and daughter. And Youssouf is not here for revenge but because he thinks he’s found his cousin’s brother and want to reunite them.  Here. How to create your fake suspense without adding rape and racism.
Nagini the maledictus - She could have been removed from the movie. Really, she’s useless so far and I’m hoping she’ll have more use later. She’s got too much screen time and I’m sure she had to be connected to Credence somehow but then they should have been more warm to one another because so far all she’s done is stand silently behind him.
Queenie and the treatment of mental health - I love Queenie. She’s been my favorite for along time in the first movie, after a few rewatching got her replaced by her sister. She’s still a character I loved a lot and I was always defending her when a friend who doesn’t like her at all was talking bad about her. Now… Well… I get that she’s not mentally alright. And I suppose that someone like me who doesn’t have any mental health issue, I’m not the best judge of that. I actually find very interesting that she suffers from her legilimency, and the fact that it gives her panic attack, all alone in this city she doesn’t know, hearing thought she can’t even understand (French people think in French after all, at least most of us do) is a really interesting thing that deserves to be treated better.What I struggle with is how abusive they made her relationship with Jacob, and the conclusion that is given of her mental state. Queenie is a legiliment more powerful than most others, able to read thoughts without much efforts, and who never revealed her nature to any ministry member because she didn’t want to be used like a tool, an object. Yet she manipulate Jacob like a toy, taking his consent away as a mean to finally get engaged. She’ basically doing to him what the first movie established she didn’t want done to her. And when it’s revealed that she’s just struggling with her identity, her difference,there is only one conclusion. “You’re mad.” Or “You’re crazy” idk I saw the movie with french dub. At first it’s just a thought. Jacob has been manipulated by the woman he loves, he’s confused. And he regrets it immediately. But by the end of the movie, Queenie who’s been suffering, who seem to have found a solution, hears it again and this time it’s not a lost thought. It’s an affirmation. “You’re mad.” That’s all she’s gonna get from the people she counted on. Between a man who condamns her mental health and a man who offers to help, I can understand she choose the latter. But this still doesn’t make sense.If she’s such a powerful mindreader she should have known that Grindelwald is manipulating her. You know what I think ? I think Jacob should have turned.
The reference to WWII - One of the things I loved was that mention. Grindelwald show the future and it’s not a great one. Jacob, who has been in the first war, is shook to see that. It was strong. In France (and maybe elsewhere I don’t know), WWI has a nickname. “La der des der”. Basically, the last of the last (war). Seeing the violence of the war, the soldier who fought in it believed it to be the war who would put an end to all the wars. Never could another be worst, be more violent. History proved that it wasn’t the case. But at the time, they delieved it to the core. Jacob believes it to the core. And then, this man who has fought, this man who is of polish origin (if not a polish immigrant, i’m not sure if it’s been specified), sees the war, the violence, the people in line in a concentration camp. And tbh, I think this might have been a turning point for him. He’s seen what the human race has done worst, and then he sees that it’s not even the worst, and that the worst is to come. Many would just want to stop that, that’s what Grindelwald is proposing. While him not turning is a good thing, the contrary would have been interesting as fuck.
Paris yes, but not in France - Okay so this is totally coming from me being a French girl. I didn’t see Paris, I didn’t see France, in that movie. I saw it with French dubbing so idk if there was some french dialogue but if there was that’s the only clue we have that we’re in France. We could have been in another country, I wouldn’t have had a clue. I don’t see what the point was. Why settle the plot in Paris, exactly ? There was to use of France’s culture, history or anything. Nothing justified being in Paris. I mean sure the ministry was pretty. But yeah that’s all. You know, I think about it because I’ve just rambled about WWI and II but it would have been a nice thing.If Jacob was to be tempted by his PTSD, one thing that could have been nice to show are the “gueules cassées”. Gueules cassées literally means “broken faces”. It designates the soldiers that survived WWI but came back with huge disabilities and/or deformities. The movietakes place in 1927. Before 1930, disabled people struggled more than ever to find a job, most couldn’t find any at all. THIS is a huge part of French history and THIS goes in accordance with the message of Grindelwald that muggles are dangerous, destructives.
Grindelwald himself - He was… not that bad, actually. Maybe I was expecting too much bad things from him. Depp isn’t that terrible, I found that lately he’d been under-acting ? Don’t know if that makes sense. But he seemed to be at least invested. His plan wasn’t that great though, overly complicated for nothing and all. But overall, while not a great villain, not a bad one. I wish he was more manipulative, because right now it seems just saying “Hi” makes people join him like wtf. Also… “I hate Paris”. Yes dear, like every french people, get over it. :)
The Strange Case of Aurelius Dumbledore - Okay, two possibilities. One, Grindelwald is lying to Credence about his real identity, in order to give him a target. He’s just making him a weapon against Albus. Two, Grindelwald is telling the truth and Credence is actually a long lost Dumbledore brother. This would make no sense. Dumbledore is, at least 18 years older than Credence is. The younger Dumbledore is supposed to be Ariana, and she is only 5 years younger than Albus. (She was 14 when her mother died and Albus had just left Hogwarts so 17). It’s written black on white in the book that she was attacked when she was six years old. Their father was imprisoned the same year. Three years before Credence was born, his alleged father was imprisoned for life in Azkaban. Somehow, I doubt there are conjugal visits. This is totally messing the timeline up tbh. I really hope Grindelwald is actually lying.
So… I might have forgotten a few things. Don’t hesitate to message me if you want to discuss about these things or some I might have forgotten.
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tooriu · 7 years
all the even numbers GO
 ok bitch here we go
1. how did you find out about the show?
i saw it all over my dash and im pretty sure all of my mutuals know this story but i used to think viktor was a sports reporter whose job was only to report on yuuri katsuki and thats what i’d gathered from my dash w/o ever watching the show
2. favorite episode and why
the first bc it has the least amount of y*rio
3. favorite character and why
viktor because i too am a sad gay with immense love for yuuri katsuki
4. least favorite character and why
y*rio. do i really need to elaborate?
5. favorite rare pair
idk if it counts as a “rare pair” but milasara
6. favorite costumes
seung gil’s rainbow feather costume because i too am a gay bird
7. favorite short program
shall we skate
8. favorite free skate
yuuri on ice!!!!!
9. favorite location
hasetsu ice castle, so iconique™
10. favorite viktuuri moment
the beach scene!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
11. favorite line of dialogue
there’s a place you just can’t reach unless you have a dream too large to bear alone.
mmmm i cant really choose a fav but like,, that one w yuuri that was like,, he could have just asked to be in the competitions and have gotten it bc he was the only skater for japan but refused bc he wasnt that kind of person
13. best character development arc
yuuri katsuki oh my god ill forever be bitter his arc was never completed in favor of yikes plitotskoo
14. who would you want to be rinkmates with
mila so she can cut me with her knife shoes and i can tell her thanks
15. who would you want to get turnt with
christophe. obviously. 
16. who would you want to be your coach
hmmm,, yuuri bc he seems like me in that he’s really competitive but he’s also an anxious trainwreck and together we can both be gay messes
17. which character are you most like
viktor lmao no one knows the real me
18. who do you think should have won the gpf
YUURI OH MY GOD LISTEN his character arc was BUILDING UP TO THAT and the fact that we didnt get it was SO UNSATISFACTORY not to mention unrealistic and was just plain shitty writing tbh??? it was clearly done for the shock factor of it all?? like bitch????? also phichit did not deserve what he got @ kubo im flying over to japan to personally beat your bitch ass
19. what are you expecting/hoping will be in the wedding
if there isn’t a viktuuri kiss/wedding/both, i’m setting myself on fire
20. headcanon for what yuuri and phichit majored in university
hmmm i’d like to think phichit went into sports medicine while yuuri went to history or english
21. headcanon for viktor’s level of education
ok DONT GET ME WRONG i think viktor is highly intelligent but to the point where school bored him?? so like he dropped out of high school midway through his senior year of high school lmao and like,, he reads and learns on his own time but hates doing it for a grade so he’s extremely knowledgable (esp about shit he cares about) but he’s also got the education of like,, an 11th grader
22. favorite katsuki
i mean,, we all know it’s yuuri but my 2nd fav is mari bc shes a big ol lesbian
23. favorite russian skater
again, we all know it’s viktor but mila bc shes a big ol lesbian
24. headcanon for how vicchan died
wdym? hes still alive idk what ur talking about
25. whats ur eros
freshly baked bread. pasta. a really 100000 milkshake. a good book. girls. the beach. chickenjoy. 
26. whats ur agape
punching nazis
27. were you already a fan of figure skating before the show? if not have you become a fan now because of the show
yes and no?? like, i was a casual fan before but im a little bit more into it nowadays (but i think thats just because im paying closer attention lmao)
28. do you own any merchandise
no pics because im on vacation but i have the 2 hot topic shirts and thats it lmao
29. favorite official yoi event
hmm the museum (havent been to any)
30. favorite fanworks
sign here and leave your name at the desk by @niliforov, coming to terms by @lesbianmilababicheva, i’ll cry gasoline tears as you burn by ellisians, katsuki_fc wrote by tetsurashian, saudade by advisedpanic, and yuuri katsuki secret route walkthrough/faq by metis_ink
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