fullhealthtreatment · 7 years
Natural Atherosclerosis Treatment
Did you know that high blood pressure can be due to a blocked artery caused by atherosclerosis?Modern medicine still keeps saying that this serious and life-threatening disease cannot be reversed. This is not quite true. With help of alternative treatments and proper changes in the diet and lifestyle, you can reclaim your cardiovascular health. Micro-nutritional artery cleansing is one of the natural atherosclerosis treatment available to all who have courage, good will and persistence, and are not afraid to take responsibility for their own arterial health.
Here is how you can reverse atherosclerosis and regain control over your cardiovascular system naturally.
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Regularphysical activity forat least 150 minutes (2.5 hours) a week.
Quitting smoking as, in the United States alone, tobacco smoke accounts for 33 percent of all deaths from cardiovascular disease and 20 percent of deaths from ischemic heart disease in persons older than 35 years of age.
Blood pressure and lipids control, especially “good” cholesterol and triglycerides.
Blood sugar control: as many people are addicted to sugar, a complete avoidance of all sugar is necessary to resolve the biochemical addiction.
Food Supplements –
High-Potency Multivitamin-Mineral
Quality Fish Body Oil
Coenzyme Q10 (100 mg)
Garlic Extract
Trimethylglycine (TMG)
R-Lipoic Acid
Red Yeast Rice
Annatto Tocotrienols
Lifestyle changes and proper nutritional supplementation are essential in preventing as well as in reversing atherosclerosis. It is absolutely necessary to change eating habits and preferences by paying more attention to the foods we eat, namely their type, amount, and quality.Also, specialty nutritional formulas, like CLAREVASA, have been known to substantially reduce the need for surgery and/or widely prescribed medications that mainly alleviate the symptoms of this number one killer, slow down its progression, and often prompt multiple side effects.
Conclusion –
At Full of Health, Inc., for over twenty years we have been promoting the non-pharmacological, nutritional approach to atherosclerosis, namely the concept of micro-nutritional arterial cleansing. Our CLAREVASA, a time-tested formula, can help reduce the effects of the plaque buildup by addressing the cause of the problem, that is by eliminating the factors which created the buildup in the first place. CLAREVASA also fills in the nutritional gaps left by poor inadequate diet, prolonged (chronic) high stress and often undiagnosed malabsorption, and/or bowel problems.
Regain control over your cardiovascular system naturally by visiting: www.full-health.com/artery_cleanse_formula.htm.
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fullhealthtreatment · 7 years
Cleanse Arteries
Atherosclerosis or arteriosclerosis is a condition where the artery walls become thicker due to clogging. A clogged artery is a serious medical condition and termed as a vascular disease that arises due to excess buildup of fatty materials like fat, cholesterol, and calcium. This can result in plaque accumulation that hampers the unrestricted blood flow. People suffering from clogged arteries or atherosclerosis are at a greater risk of suffering from cardiovascular ailments like a cardiac stroke. This makes it important to cleanse arteries to ensure a smooth blood flow, prevent cardiovascular ailments and lead a healthy life. 
Causes of Atherosclerosis: 
Diabetes is a condition that causes excess glucose levels, which makes the walls of the artery to become thicker and decreases their elasticity. Apart from diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, excessive intake of fatty foods, aging and excessive consumption of tobacco leads to atherosclerosis condition. 
The Symptoms of Clogged Arteries:
Normally the atherosclerosis symptoms are not found until the arteries are severely clogged and reduce or stop the blood flow in the region. Some silent signs which you may be aware :
Arterial plaque cause chest pain
Heart Palpitation & shortness breath
Dizziness & Weakness
Excess sweating and Nausea
Here are some simple and natural ways and easy to follow at home remedies that ensure cleansing of the arteries and provides the best results to get rid of atherosclerosis without surgery! 
B Vitamins:
You can add a source of B-complex to your regimen to prevent the juggernaut of heart disease- atherosclerosis from taking your life prematurely. Make sure to use the natural sources of the B-group vitamins like a probiotic supplement or a whole food extract to enjoy the best results. One of the few vitamin categories, the B-Complex 
It is believed that garlic is one of the most effective remedies for treating atherosclerosis. The super food, garlic helps in reducing cholesterol levels and flushes harmful toxins and other waste from the body. To control atherosclerosis or cleanse the arteries, you can increase your dietary intake of garlic by drinking a mixture of garlic with orange juice and water. 
Pomegranate is a super healing food that can successfully regress the plaque buildup in the arteries and provides dozens of validated health benefits. 
Also known as Cur-cumin, turmeric is a spice that is an excellent cardio protective, which can help in preventing the damage to the arteries associated with blockage. 
Sesame Seed:
Having excellent cardio protective substance, the sesame seed is great for preventing the progression of atherosclerosis. 
The atherosclerosis cardiovascular disease has become an escalating epidemic globally. But most of the general public is largely unaware of this fact. In this case, atherosclerosis can cause life-threatening complications. You can get rid of the clogged arteries by opting for a surgery or considering a natural and effective way.
To cleanse arteries, if you want to enjoy an effective way, then consider Clarevasa- micro nutritional artery cleansing formula. The Clarevasa is helpful in unclogging your arteries in a natural way and provides a great relief. 
If you want to know more about the natural atherosclerosis treatment, then please browse through this website http://www.full-health.com/atherosclerosis_complications.htm today!
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fullhealthtreatment · 7 years
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Cleanse Arteries By Full of Health, Inc.
Instead taking drugs or undergoing risky surgery, you may consider an alternative, safe and effective method to cleanse your arteries from arterial plaques to avoid heart attack or stroke. For more information on the nutritional bypass and/or to order CLAREVASA, call Full of Health.
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fullhealthtreatment · 7 years
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Cleanse Arteries By Full of Health, Inc.
Instead taking drugs or undergoing risky surgery, you may consider an alternative, safe and effective method to cleanse your arteries from arterial plaques to avoid heart attack or stroke. For more information on the nutritional bypass and/or to order CLAREVASA, call Full of Health.
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fullhealthtreatment · 7 years
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Cleanse Arteries By Full of Health, Inc.
Instead taking drugs or undergoing risky surgery, you may consider an alternative, safe and effective method to cleanse your arteries from arterial plaques to avoid heart attack or stroke. For more information on the nutritional bypass and/or to order CLAREVASA, call Full of Health.
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fullhealthtreatment · 7 years
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Cleanse Arteries By Full of Health, Inc.
Instead taking drugs or undergoing risky surgery, you may consider an alternative, safe and effective method to cleanse your arteries from arterial plaques to avoid heart attack or stroke. For more information on the nutritional bypass and/or to order CLAREVASA, call Full of Health.
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fullhealthtreatment · 7 years
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Cleanse Arteries By Full of Health, Inc.
Instead taking drugs or undergoing risky surgery, you may consider an alternative, safe and effective method to cleanse your arteries from arterial plaques to avoid heart attack or stroke. For more information on the nutritional bypass and/or to order CLAREVASA, call Full of Health.
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fullhealthtreatment · 7 years
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Cleanse Arteries By Full of Health, Inc.
Instead taking drugs or undergoing risky surgery, you may consider an alternative, safe and effective method to cleanse your arteries from arterial plaques to avoid heart attack or stroke. For more information on the nutritional bypass and/or to order CLAREVASA, call Full of Health.
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fullhealthtreatment · 7 years
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Natural Atherosclerosis Treatment
Are you seeking an effective natural atherosclerosis treatment guidelines and specialty dietary supplements? If yes, contact Full of Health to learn more on how to improve your arterial health without drugs and surgery. For more information on the nutritional bypass and/or to order CLAREVASA, call us at 1.705.304.6246, or send us an e-mail at [email protected]
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fullhealthtreatment · 7 years
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Natural Atherosclerosis Treatment
Are you seeking an effective natural atherosclerosis treatment guidelines and specialty dietary supplements? If yes, contact Full of Health to learn more on how to improve your arterial health without drugs and surgery. For more information on the nutritional bypass and/or to order CLAREVASA, call us at 1.705.304.6246, or send us an e-mail at [email protected]
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fullhealthtreatment · 8 years
Why Do We Need to Cleanse Arteries?
Atherosclerosis has become one of the leading causes of heart attack, peripheral artery disease and vascular dementia. There are so many people suffering from atherosclerosis who die suddenly and unexpectedly during their most productive period of life. In the United States alone, atherosclerosis causes over 870,000 deaths every year that is about 2,400 people dying every day – more than all forms of cancer combined; an average of one death every 39 seconds.
Over 80 million – one in three Americans – live with some forms of cardiovascular disease or are at risk developing cardiovascular disease. According to World Health Organization, this dreadful disease has remained the prime cause of death around the world over the past decade, killing over million people every year.
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How to Eradicate the Risk of Atherosclerosis –
Contrary to standard medicine, individuals at risk or already affected by atherosclerosis can stop the progression of this life-threatening and serious condition nutritionally, that is with help of CLAREVASA. This unique nutritional formula for arterial health can help you to reduce the need for surgery and/or widely prescribed medications that basically alleviate the symptoms of atherosclerosis and only slow down its progression.
Although a worldwide and difficult-to-control medical condition has been proclaimed incurable, it can be controlled and avoided through the nutritional arterial cleanse. So, take action and begin cleansing your arteries before it’s too late.
If you don’t want to fall victim to atherosclerosis and want to know how to keep your arteries clean nutritionally, please visit www.Full-health.com
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fullhealthtreatment · 10 years
Arterial Cleansing: Natural Atherosclerosis Treatment
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As a lifestyle disease, atherosclerosis usually affects people with high blood lipids, pre-diabetes and diabetes, obese people and those, who eat processed foods. Thickening and/o hardening of arteries leads to heart attacks, strokes and peripheral vascular disease. The common signs of atherosclerotic changes include:
Constant fatigue.
Chest or leg pain.
Cold hands.
The nutritional arterial cleansing, also known as the nutritional bypass, is a natural approach to atherosclerosis. CLAREVASA is a specialty, orthomolecular formulation of selected nutrients put together in special balanced ratios and significant amounts to help eliminate nutritional deficiencies and imbalances that are known to contribute to the arterial plaque buildup.
The benefits of nutritional arterial cleansing include:
Prevention and/or reduction of arterial endothelial cell injury.
Improvement of the endothelial function.
Reduction and/or removal of plague from plugged arteries.
Breaking down and/or dissolving the blood clots.
CLAREVASA, a formula for arterial cleansing, has been used by thousands of people with an overwhelming success. Atherosclerosis can be both prevented and revered, if you maintain a healthy lifestyle supported the specialty, targeted supplementation such as CLAREVASA.
For more information on the nutritional arterial cleansing, please visit our website at: www.full-health.com
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