Mermay Vore RP
It’s a tad late on here, but I don’t really care. Any day is merperson day.
-Merperson prey- Pet Store Fish: I hated the small enclosure I was in, glaring out of the glass walls at the shadows of customers outside. There used to be other merpeople forced into the case, but they were all bought out before me, whether because they were flashier or friendlier. Or because I was almost constantly hidden. Tangled Up: Humans fishing wasn’t anything new, but it was incredibly irregular for it to happen at night. If I had known that someone would be out in the waters with their fishing nets over the side, I wouldn’t have gone up so close to the surface. Now, ropes bit into my skin and scales painfully and no exclamation for help could stop the lifting of the net. Beached: The waves tossed and turned, and while it was was hectic above, the waters beneath the surface churned. I was torn from my attempt to shelter inside the reef as a current swept me up sharply with some other fish and debris, even starfish and urchins torn from their holds. After a few minutes of swirling madness, I was battered against the shore, unable to pull or push myself back into the water as waves continued to hit me. After a few minutes, my head struck something sharp and I felt my vision begin to fade. Pulled Aboard: There are many stories of sirens tricking sailors and pirates to their death. Which were almost all fictional, so there was no reason for me to be harmed technically. Still, that was no comfort when I was caught by a passing pirate ship, unsure if they would kill me or try to sell me as an object. Other: Make a scenario -Human Prey- Scuba Diving: It took a few lessons, but I had my scuba diving certificate. I was still jittery, but practice makes perfect and I decided to try scuba diving on my own. It was surprisingly peaceful, especially by the colorful reef I'd dived down by. I even found a sunken ship at the bottom! One look couldn't hurt... right? Riptide: I don't like beaches, what with the crowds and course sand, but I'd been wanting to try going. So, I was really happy to find a mostly hidden beach, devoid of people and quiet, and the shore was pebble rather than sand. But, that also means that no one was there to help me as I swam out and pulled away by a riptide, forced away from the shore. Fresh Water: I wasn't fond of the ocean or not being able to see the bottom of the water. But, at least in lakes there wasn't the threat of sharks in the water, so I wasn't as opposed to go swimming. Lakes are still big, however, and the fish inside could be as well. Expedition: As a marine biologist, sometimes I just have to go out there to collect samples or do field research. However, I didn't expect to come across a real, living merperson! Preds: Merpeople, obviously If my merperson is small enough, humans Or giants Feel free to suggest a pred though Rules: Nothing 18+. There is no warning, I will simply cut you off if you push the boundaries. If vore is involved, it is to only be oral and I am prey, NO EXCEPTIONS. If you so much as whine about that, I will not entertain you further. No same size vore. Proper grammar and spelling please. I know not everyone is from America or speaks English, but it's just a pet peeve of mine that even Americans can't keep up with. NO ONE LINERS. I actually have to be able to respond instead of just saying, 'Alright cool. And?' Three strikes and you're out with this one. Respect myself and my character PLEASE. Cursing is allowed, but excessive vulgarity is not, despite me cursing like a sailor IRL. Write 'Mermay' if you've read the rules. If you break them after the acknowledgement, I will cut you off.
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Z.ootopia/B.EASTARS Based Vore RP
Of course, me gusta my anthro animals. My favorite visually are the Z.ootopia ones, just because they feel more... I guess, realistic to me.
New in Town: The city seemed fantastical to me, supposedly a haven for both herbivores, carnivores, and everything in between. The large city infrastructure, the amount of animals that walked around everywhere, and the whole city vibe was fascinating and awing to me. But, because I was new, I didn't know anyone in the city. Which could make me a target in my naivety. Bar Night: I didn't really like drinking, but tonight I really felt like I needed to unwind a bit. So, I went to the nearest bar to drink, focused only on getting buzzed and going home. Too bad I ended up in the middle of a bar fight unintentionally. Auction: I couldn't see anything past what felt like a burlap sack on my head, waking up to dim light that shone through the fabric. My hands were tied together with my mouth covered. But, the scariest thing to me was the announcer's voice that said, "Now, let's start the bidding at five thousand!" Other: Make a scenario Preds: Most anything Rules: Nothing 18+. There is no warning, I will simply cut you off if you push the boundaries. If vore is involved, it is to only be oral and I am prey, NO EXCEPTIONS. If you so much as whine about that, I will not entertain you further. No same size vore. Proper grammar and spelling please. I know not everyone is from America or speaks English, but it's just a pet peeve of mine that even Americans can't keep up with. NO ONE LINERS. I actually have to be able to respond instead of just saying, 'Alright cool. And?' Three strikes and you're out with this one. Respect myself and my character PLEASE. Cursing is allowed, but excessive vulgarity is not, despite me cursing like a sailor IRL. Write 'City of Animals' if you've read the rules. If you break them after the acknowledgement, I will cut you off.
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L.ittle N.ightmares Based Vore RP
(Before we get into scenarios, I'm going to preface that my character is not a child. I don't roleplay with child characters in any situation, whether it's played by myself or the other roleplayer. This is more of just a G/t prompt based off of LN and LN2.)
Down the Gutter: The rain poured, large drops occasionally plopping on top of my head as I scoured for a safe place to keep warm. It needed to be off the ground or at least inside a relatively standing building since, with the way the rain was pattering, there could be a flash flood soon. And without any readily available debris to try and float on, I would definitely end up drowning. I peered into the entrance of a building, the wood creaking as though it would collapse any moment, turning away to try my luck in the building next door as the rain came down harder and made it difficult to see. A metallic squeaking sounded overhead of me and I looked up to see the rain gutter above suddenly give way under the weight of water it carried. Suddenly, my feet were forced from beneath me and I was left being carried along the small torrent down the street. Abandoned Building: Every home in the suburban area was collapsed, caved in from disrepair and overgrown. I could hear rats scuttling around as I walked from house to house, on my guard in case the rats decided to come after me instead. There was one house that didn't seem infested with rats though, still in disarray but still standing. Maybe one of the reasons it wasn't infested was that there weren't many holes inside, and none large enough for a rat, let alone me. But, there was a window a bit up that I could try to climb up to wrench open. Sneaking For Scraps: Hunger gripped me, having spent a day or so walking around with barely anything to eat. Well, nothing good at least, the last meal I had being something prepackaged from the supermarket that was technically still good but still made me feel ill. Normally, I would stay far away from any building that actually seemed lit, but who knew when I would find a place to potentially nick food from? I decided to try and take the chance to try and gather whatever food was inside, hoping any occupants wouldn't be fussed about anything that went missing. Other: Make a scenario Preds: I'm gonna say it can be anything for now, but I reserve the right to refuse certain preds Rules: Nothing 18+. There is no warning, I will simply cut you off if you push the boundaries. If vore is involved, it is to only be oral and I am prey, NO EXCEPTIONS. If you so much as whine about that, I will not entertain you further. No same size vore. Proper grammar and spelling please. I know not everyone is from America or speaks English, but it's just a pet peeve of mine that even Americans can't keep up with. NO ONE LINERS. I actually have to be able to respond instead of just saying, 'Alright cool. And?' Three strikes and you're out with this one. Respect myself and my character PLEASE. Cursing is allowed, but excessive vulgarity is not, despite me cursing like a sailor IRL. Write 'Hungry for Another One' if you've read the rules. If you break them after the acknowledgement, I will cut you off.
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