#cindy meyers
very-uncorrect · 3 months
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I love making memes about my characters before I've actually written the fucking story they're in
Time taken: 1 ½ hours
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dustedmagazine · 3 months
Dusted Mid-Year 2024, Part I (Oren Ambarchi to Loma)
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Oren Ambarchi and crew
Half the year is gone already, and how did that happen? At Dusted, we’ve spent six months listening to good records and bad.  We’ve picked our very favorites, the top two from this year’s pile.  And now, in an annual tradition, we turn them on our fellow writers.  Hah, take that!   
Some of our Mid-Year switcheroos have been highly contentious.  We may have lost a writer or two in the aftermath.  Others have been remarkably collegial and full of positive discovery.  This one falls more or less in the middle.  Only a couple of reviews are notably grumpy.  A slightly larger (but still not large) number show evidence of newly awakened fandom.  For the most part, we came out with the same favorites we brought with us, though perhaps a little wiser about the music that we’re missing. 
For this reason, it is harder than ever to identify winners.  There’s no universally admired album we can call “this year’s Heron Oblivion.”  Rosali and Winged Wheel each got four votes, as close to a sweep as this year brought.  Oren Ambarchi’s Ghosted II notched three.  There were lots of lone pics—which is fine.  More music to check out. 
As always, we’re breaking the mid-year into three parts.  This one covers the front of the alphabet, a second will deal with the back.  The third, as always, provides longer lists from participating writers.  We hope you enjoy it. 
Oren Ambarchi / Johan Berthling / Andreas Werliin —Ghosted II (Drag City)
Who recommended it? Bryon Hayes
Did we review it? Yes, Tim Clarke said, “They cleave closer to the meditative, exploratory grooves of The Necks, laying down intricately detailed and gradually evolving parts… Sublime.” 
Bill Meyer’s take:
Count me among the Dusted writers who hold this trio in high esteem. Ghosted II strikes so precise a balance of texture, stillness and motion that it’s easy miss how fragile it is; one misplaced note or beat could bring it all down in a second, but the trio sustains each of the album’s four tracks for ten minutes or thereabouts. While it’s easy to appreciate the tidal flux of Oren Ambarchi’s guitar>>table of boxes>>Lesley speaker signal chain, and Johan Berthling’s immovable bass presence, if you are about to put this record on the hi-fi for the first time (PLEASE listen in stereo), consider focusing on the infinite mirror effect of Werliin’s percussion. Your third eye will thank you.
Olivia Block — The Mountains Pass (Black Truffle)
Who picked it? Bill Meyer
Did we review it? No
Ray Garraty’s take:
This has actually none of the pretentious stuff you expect to find in a work by somebody who has been dubbed a “media artist.” The second part of The Mountains Pass is especially stunning where ‘f2754’ has clearly a Giallo-esque feel to it, fast paced and a tad prog rock-ish. “Violet-Green,” perhaps the best composition on the album, brings in mind those creepy soundtracks, with synths and bells, which we usually hear on bad horror movies. And even when Olivia Block, on the same track, begins to sing, her voice is outlandish enough to think that she was abducted by the aliens. 
Camera Obscura — Look to the East, Look to the West (Merge)
Who Picked it? Andrew Forell
Did we review it? Yes, Andrew said, “Campbell writes movingly about memory and friendship. Looking at what was rather than regretting what might have been with an honesty that goes directly to the heart of things.” 
Bryon’s take:
This record makes me realize that I should listen to more Camera Obscura. The Glaswegian indie pop group is a delight to take in, especially Tracyanne Campbell’s lovely voice. Look to the East, Look to the West is a comeback album, the band’s first since they went on hiatus following the death of keyboardist Carey Lander in 2015. The most striking aspect here is the use of pedal steel and organ, which lend the album a country and western flair. This seems to be a new development for Campbell and company, but they pull it off well and the new sounds really suit the band. Similarly effective are the digital drums that the band employ on tracks like “Liberty Print.” Camera Obscura have altered course slightly but retain the loveliness that lies within their core.
Chief Keef — Almighty So 2 (RBC)
Who nominated it? Patrick Masterson
Did we review it? No.
Jennifer Kelly’s take:
Six years in the making and continually delayed—a fact the artist refers to several times during the run-time—Almighty So 2 is massive and ambitious, with operatic hooks and wall-shaking, body-pummeling beats. A mountainous swagger rocks, “Grape Trees,” the cut with Sexyy Red, a machine-gun ratatat thundering under brutal lyrics about gender relations. The politics are embedded in the subject matter, in the screaming sirens, the South Chicago gangland scenarios, the profanity, rage and cynicism. “Jesus Skit,” though, gets a little more explicit about it, positing a sliding reparations scheme that depends on skin color; light skinned rappers like Drake and Chance the Rapper lose out big time, while darker ones, like Sosa, get millions. The violence comes in the shattering beats, as in “1,2,3,” a slow-motion eruption. Here the artist sketches the bleak world that made (and continues to make) him, chanting, “I always believed I was gon' get paid/When I got to hustlin' up in sixth grade/You ain't givin' off that nigga, you won't get laid/Sleep for the weak, I been up for six days.” The track, like the rest of Almighty So 2, is gritty and nihilistic and undeniably powerful. So glad I got to hear this, non-expert though I am.
Cindy Lee — Diamond Jubilee (Realistik Studios)
Who nominated it? Patrick Masterson
Did we review it? Nope (and shame on us…)
Jonathan Shaw’s take:
Diamond Jubilee commences with three dazzling songs: the title track, “Glitz” and “Baby Blue.” Even if the rest of the record weren’t so excellent (it is, and at over two hours, there’s a lot of it), the strength of those three songs would propel it into frequent rotation, on my various devices and in my head, and likely onto the year-end list I will eventually compose. “Baby Blue” is the crucial track: it’s one of those songs (along with Warren Zevon’s “The French Inhaler,” Townes Van Zandt’s “For the Sake of the Song” and a few others) that is so ruthlessly fine in its execution and so suited to some of the least comfortable angles in the emotional furniture in my head that it requires a kind of commitment to listen to. Beyond that irretrievably subjective response, Diamond Jubilee commits, as well: to gorgeous melody, without entirely smoothing out the sharp edges that distinguished Lee’s What’s Tonight to Eternity (2020); to the reverb-saturated aesthetic of fading girl-group harmonies, clubland at 3 am, spangled cocktail dresses of motheaten satin and the pleasures of the last cigarette in the pack when there’s no money for another; and, it seems, to love, in social conditions that make love nearly as unthinkable as it is completely necessary. The surreal, in its modernist avant-garde iteration, emerged in similarly extreme social conditions, after the slaughter of the Great War and amid fascism’s rise. Those forces were enough to distort human relations into monstrous shapes nigh irrevocable. Lee’s music has strong relations to the dreamlike quality of the surreal, and we have our own terrors now: climate’s awful and furious change, social media’s psycho-social poisons and fascism, once again. Those terrors’ spectral presences are audible all over Diamond Jubilee, but they can’t blunt the sharpness of human longing in songs like “All I Want Is You” or “Don’t Tell Me I’m Wrong” or “Government Cheque.” Love’s intensities may not be sustainable, or even particularly livable, but they won’t be denied. Cindy Lee captures that set of truths with that aforementioned dazzle, and with depth.
DIIV — Frog In Boiling Water (Fantasy)
Who picked it? Tim Clarke
Did we review it? Yes. Tim Clarke said: “Despite the music’s dense layering and the overall feeling of frustration and confusion, Frog In Boiling Water thankfully leaves the listener with a feeling of hope and eventual redemption.”
Ray Garraty’s take:
If I were given this with no title and artist’s name I’d say this was written by a no name indie band circa 2016. It’s the same shoegazy guitars and sweet and melancholy vocals we’ve been hearing since when, 1994? The songs like “Reflected” got things moving but it’s far from boiling temperatures, merely lukewarm. It’s been written somewhere that the DIIV’s album is about “coping with capitalism,” yet it’s evident that it’s feeding the same capitalism, giving the fans the same thing over and over. And that is how capitalism works. 
Nomi Epstein — shades (Another Timbre)
Who picked it? Christian Carey
Did we write about it? Yes, Christian said, "Epstein’s music is unfailingly attractive and elegantly paced. Shades is an excellent introduction to her work."
Bill Meyer’s take: 
Since Nomi Epstein leads the Chicago-based new music ensemble a.pe.ri.od.ic, I’ve had plenty of opportunities to hear her guide performances of other people’s music. But shades is only the second album devoted to hers. Its three long pieces are, like the Wandelweiser and minimalist composers that a.pe.ri.od.ic has often supported, sparely arranged and deliberately paced. She puts intriguing sounds — some prepared piano notes, or a barely-there vocal tone — just far enough inside the frameworks of the music to invite one to listen in. Once your consciousness is inside the music, the slow movement of what surrounds you mesmerizes. Music this reserved and respectful is a welcome respite in a world where reality smacks you upside the head every day and even that influencer babbling on the phone belong to the person sitting next to you on the train insists on staring you in the eye.
Fuera de Sektor — Juegos Prohibidos (La Vida Es Un Mus Discos)
Who nominated it? Jonathan Shaw
Did we review it? Yes, Jonathan wrote, “It’s a singular sound, by turns compelling and bewitching—like the beautiful face you can just about discern across a dim and crowded room, a set of lines and textures briefly lit up by occasional drags on a cigarette. Not quite (or not just) postpunk, pop or dance music, the songs on Juegos Prohibitos itch at your hips and scratch into your brain.”
Christian Carey’s take:
Barcelona band Fuera de Sektor released a demo in 2022, but Juegos Prohibidos is their first full length recording. No Wave is a significant influence, particularly in the fiercely intense sing-shout vocals from Andrea Jarale. If you visit the band’s Instagram, it includes an amateur video that is an homage to Richard Hell, replicating a 1970s comic from NY Punk Magazine in which he starred. But there are many more reference points. The guitars channel the chops and soloing of eighties New Wave, and the rhythm section provides relentless uptempo playing. The defiant demeanor of the songs themselves depicts an unstoppable wall of intensity.
Daryl Groetsch — Above the Shore (self-released)
Who picked it? Andrew Forell
Did we review it? Yes, Andrew called it “a 75-minute floating symphony that insinuates its way into your subconscious with almost imperceptible stealth.”
Ian Mathers’ take:
Whether approvingly or not, works like this 75-minute composition/album are often described as if they were very static in nature; as if even when there are changes they happen in rigid, predictable ways. It may be that if you poke around under the hood of Above the Clouds enough you might be able to diagram out the way elements meld, progress, and separate again, and possibly under that light the whole thing looks regular. But in terms of the way it feels when you listen to it, there’s something quite different going on with Groetsch’s work. The whole thing does feel quite immersive, almost environmental. But as opposed to any number of ground-level or even underwater vistas that come to mind with similar works, here I feel suspended in the air, very far above any shore indeed. The listening experience feels akin to endlessly falling, eventually not so much above as through softly glowing clouds. It’s somehow soothingly vertiginous, and more captivating (and attention-rewarding) than most of its peers.
Icewear Vezzo — Live From the 6 (Quality Control Music)
Who picked it? Ray Garraty
Did we review it? No.
Patrick Masterson’s take:
Chivez Smith has been a familiar name to anyone keeping an eye on Detroit rap for the last decade — longer than you might think and long enough, now, to make him an elder statesman among the city’s spitters. What better time, then, to take a step back and assess not just how far you’ve come, but what all that hustling has amounted to? So goes Live From the 6 (not a Drake reference, in case you were momentarily confused; Vezzo’s from 6 Mile on McNichols north of Hamtramck), which isn’t quite a career retrospective but carries the themes of one. Vezzo’s in a reflective mood over the course of these 13 songs, his slightly frayed vocals forever unhurried and his beat selection consistently nodding to the high West Coast era; you could put Ice Cube or Snoop (or, for that matter, YG or Nipsey) over most of these productions and it wouldn’t throw you off. It’s not totally insular bars-wise, either; a questionable DaBaby feature aside — his double-time admission that he sees a therapist is heartening given how deservedly he got shunned by the establishment just as he was fixing to peak — Memphis artist YTB Fatt also shows up. Fellow Motor City emcees Babyface Ray and Chuckie CEO provide the remaining color, but end to end, this is Vezzo’s show and he shows up. There’s no lack of entry points to Icewear Vezzo’s discography by now, but if you were hesitant before, Live From the 6 is merely the latest display of his acumen. Hear why he’s the one.
Loma — How Will I Live Without A Body? (Sub Pop)
Who picked it? Tim Clarke
Did we review it? Yes, Tim wrote, “Yes, this is a heavy album, but luxuriously so. It’s music that stares death in the face and instead of running, hunkers down and gets comfortable.”
Alex Johnson’s take:
Listening to How Will I Live Without a Body? is like eavesdropping on a collage of someone else’s thoughts. Contemplation or confusion or a eureka one moment to the next. It’s theatrical, passionate music that, to me, shares a heavy sensibility with the operatic post-rock on Portishead’s Third. Like an unsettling daydream, the lyrics blur the mundane and existential. In “Affinity,” the narrator stares “into the dark,” finding herself multiplied but disconnected – “my shadows move/with and without me.” In “I Swallowed a Stone,” a“kettle boil[s] forever” and she “can’t live this feeling anymore.” Given the song’s tense, foreboding percussion and muted guitar “can’t” sounds like “might have to.” 
Might, but not necessarily will. Despite the doses of dread, How Will I Live Without a Body? never feels resigned. You’re treated to interjections of sound, instrumental and otherwise —  flashes of illumination, portals to enter. “Unbraiding” fits sheets of strings, bird song, and burning punches of guitar fuzz around a simple, repeated piano, illustrating the line “bring somewhere out of nowhere.” Loma is working with a robust sonic palette here, but the album’s ethos seems grounded in a DIY curiosity. That “Broken Doorbell” features what sound like actual broken doorbells and then ends with waves hitting a shore is emblematic. It’s a lovely, if perhaps temporary, moment of arrival, having followed the shadows wherever they led.
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becharm-27 · 3 months
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Written by Turi Meyer
Summer School: Chapter Three
Summer School: Chapter Nine
Frenemies - Chapter Six: The Betrayal
Frenemies - Chapter Twelve: The Last Will and Testament of Sylvester Pemberton
Re-edit of these w/updated text
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perksofbeingbennie · 1 year
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Ignore my cats hair on the blanket 🐈 I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to take a photo of this book with my blanket. The purple rose almost looks just like the cover 📖
The book: because you love to hate me
Description: 13 authors team up with 13 influential book tubers to reimagine villains stories, feelings that we ones love to hate, now turned into something different characters that can be related to respected and even understood by their questioning morals.
Renée Ahdieh
Soman Chainani
Susan Dennard
Sarah Enni
Marissa Meyer
Cindy Pon
Victoria Schwab
Samantha Shannon
Adam Silvera
Andrew Smith
April Genevieve Tuchholke
Nicola Yoon
Book YouTubers:
Benjamin Alderson (Benjamin of tomes)
Sasha Alsberg (a book utopia)
Whitney Atkinson (whittynovels)
Tina Burke ( Christina reads YA and the lid gables)
Catriona Feeny ( little book owl)
Jesse George (Jesse the reader)
Zoë Herdt (readbyZoe)
Samantha Lane (thoughts on tomes)
Sophia lee (the book basement)
Raeleen Lemay(padfootandprongs07)
Regan Perusse (PeruseProject)
Christine Riccio (polandbananasBOOKS)
Steph Sinclair and Kat Kennedy (cuddlebuggery)
0 notes
darkpeacemusic · 2 months
ℂ𝕣𝕖𝕖𝕡𝕪𝕡𝕒𝕤𝕥𝕒 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤: 𝔽𝕦𝕝𝕝 𝕟𝕒𝕞𝕖𝕤
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Jeff the Killer - Jeffrey "Jeff" Alan Dan Woods
Homicidal Liu - Liuis "Liu" Victoria Woods
Sully - Sullivan "Sully" Akira Woods
Randy - Randall "Randy" Allen Warren
Keith - Keith Harvey Davis-Green
Troy - Troy John Green
Ben Drowned - Benjamin "Ben" Scott Lawman
Jane - Jane Todd Richardson-Vaughn
Mary - Mary Annabelle Vaughn
Ticci Toby - Tobias "Toby" Erin Rogers
Masky - Timothy "Tim" Buck Wright
Hoodie - Brian Hunter Thomas
Skully - Jay Gabriel Merrick
Kate the Chaser - Kate Eleanor Milens-Hayes
Charlie - Charles Matheson Jr.
Laughing Jack - Laughing Jack in a Box
Eyeless Jack - Jackson "Jack" Nicky Nyras
Slenderman - Simon (middle and last name unknown) (Human name prior to his experimentation/death)
Splendorman - Jim (Human name prior to his experimentation/death)
Trenderman - Beau (Human name prior to his experimentation/death)
Tenderman - Cedric (Human name prior to his experimentation/death)
Sally - Sally Maryam Dawn (formerly Williams)
Dr Smiley - Azerael Jesse Smiley
Nurse Ann - Annie "Ann" Lusen Mia
Nina - Nina Selene Hopkins
Candy Pop - Unknown
Candy Cane - Unknown
April Fools - Unknown
Jason the Toymaker - Jason Caleb Meyer
The Puppeteer - Jonathan Cole Blake
Clockwork - Natalie Priscilla Ouellette
Rouge - Heather Bridget Marshall
Wilson - Wilson Liam Marshall (neé Jones)
Zalgo - Z͠a̛'l͘ga̶t҉ot̡h
Queen Blackheart (oc) - Elizabeth Cindy Phillips (name prior to death)
Lazari - Lazari Natalie Swann
Stripes - Eloise Sarah Bellarose (name prior to her death)
Nathan - Nathan Maxwell Lux
Bloody Painter - Helen Delilah Otis
Kagekao - Unknown
Laughing Jill - Laughing Jill in a Box
Sadie - Sadie Marie Bennett
Hobo Heart - Unknown
Cat Hunter - Rodrigo Milo Ortiz
Chris the Revenant - Christine "Chris" Wendy Meyers
X-Virus - Cody Larkin Drake
Dollmaker - Erina Jezebel Kerenzalys
Frankie the Undead - Frankie Hades Asher (his real name prior to his death)
Judge Angels - Dina Angela Clark
Lifeless Lucy - Lucy Ava Jones
Lost Silver - Ethan Kin Fuji (his real name before his death)
Glitchy Red - Red (his real name remains a mystery)
Strangled Red - Steven Garrett Stoughton
Dr. Locklear - Evander Agnar Locklear
Lulu - Lucille "Lulu" Tiffany Greatfeil
Killing Kate - Katherine "Kate" Evelyn Knight
Screaming Dawn (oc) - Dawn Evelyn Woods
Will Grossman - William "Will" Gordon Grossman
Lulling Lauren - Lauren Robyn Ross (neé Evans)
CR - Carl Morton Ross
Emra - Emra Amelia Blake (neé Albridge)
Zero - Alice Marie Jackson
Slendrina - Charlotte (first name prior to death/experimentation)
Lily - Lily May Kennett
Nightmare Ally - Adeline "Ally" Ashley Abendroth
Zachary the Proxy - Zachary Julius Gibson
Oliver - Oliver Gorgon Henderson
Alex Kralie - Alexander "Alex" Joseph Kralie
Amy - Amy Callie Walters
Jessica - Jessica Ellie Locke
Seth - Seth Apollo Reid-Wilson (neé Wilson)
Sarah - Sarah Cassie Reid-Wilson (neé Ried)
Third Base - Richard "Doby" Vincent Doggers
Vailly - Vailly Suki Evans
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didee-anne · 3 months
This week has been a busy one and will continue to be busy.
Monday we drove to Montana to drop Jen off with Rory’s parents for a week and a half and then we had life group when we got home. It was only 6 hours of driving in total so it wasn’t terrible but that’s still a lot of driving/long day in the car.
Tuesday I worked out with Sammie and then had coffee with her and Lori and Cindy. After coffee I ran home and grabbed Liam and Addie and the three of us drove up to camp for the night since Ror was on-call. Nikki opted to stay home with the dogs and enjoy an empty house. I left her with a little chore list and she did a good job!
Today I left camp and drove home, took a shower, went to the car wash and washed and vacuumed out the van, met Sam and Jamie for pedicures, bought mice for Jen’s snake, and then after Ror got home from work he and I ran to Costco and Fred Meyer for groceries for our bbq at camp we’re hosting Saturday and then before heading home he took me out to dinner at one of my favorite restaurants. 🥰
Tomorrow Ror and I are going on a 5 mile run, gonna go lift some weights at the gym; and then we’ll take the kids to watch fireworks in Deer Park after dinner.
Friday Rory’s work is taking all the staff to a Theme Park so we’ll be there all day 😅 I love rollerocasters but it’s a holiday weekend and it’s going to be HOT. I’m looking forward to the lazy river but I’m not looking forward to all the people.
Saturday Ror and I are hosting a big bbq up at camp since there isn’t a group there this weekend. I can have friends up when there are groups but it’s so nice to not have to share the pool and waterfront with hundreds of other kids.
Sunday I’m playing on the worship team and then after church we’re meeting one of Rory’s brothers and his 3 kids at a park to hang out and have a little picnic. It’s been really great reconnecting with him! It’s by a shallow part of the river so we’ll bring floaty tubs for the kids to play on.
Dang, I’m not sure how I’m going to have the energy for everything but it’s all going to be very fun!
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fairytale-poll · 10 months
Round 2 will be posted between Wednesday, November 29th and Tuesday, December 5th. It will be split between 4 sets, each set being posted on a different day. There will be a total of 64 participants (16 participants in each individual set) divided in 32 polls 8 polls in each individual set). By the end of Round 2, 32 participants will make it to Round 3 while the rest will be sent to the Shadow Realm where their souls will be tormented for eternity. Each poll will last a week. As the sets are posted, I will link them below.
Cinderella (Disney's Cinderella Animated) vs. Hatsune Miku as Cinderella (Various Songs) (Vocaloid)
Cinderella/Aschenputtel/Cendrillon (German/General European Fairytale Variant) vs. Ye Xian (Chinese Fairytale Variant)
Hamupipőke (Hungarian Fairytale Variant) vs. Settarah (The Persian Cinderella by Shirley Climo/Robert Florczak)
Cendrillon (Otogi-Juushi Akazukin) vs. Mofurun as "Mofurella" (Mahou Tsukai PreCure)
Giselle Lai (Cinderelle) vs. Cinderella (Grimms Notes)
Queen Cinderella Charming (The Land of Stories by Chris Colfer) vs. Elegant "Ella" Herringbone Coach (Disenchanted: The Trials of Cinderella by Megan Morrison)
Vasilisa "Vasya" Petrovna (The Winternight trilogy by Katherine Arden) vs. Cinderella "Cindy" Baxter (The Sisters Grimm by Michael Buckley)
Mia Basile (Cinderella the Cat) vs. La Cenerentola (La Cenerento Laossia La Bontà in Trionfo)
Ella of Frell (Ella Enchanted by Gail Carson Levine) vs. Cinderellis (Cinderellis and the Glass Hill by Gail Carson Levine)
Imogen Keegan (Damsel Distressed by Kelsey Macke) vs. Cinderella/Prinzessin (Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters & Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG)
Cinderumpelstiltskin (The Stinky Cheese Man by Jon Scieszka/Lane Smith) vs. Cinderella (Cinderella Penguin, or, the Little Glass Flipper by Janet Perlman)
Cindy (If the Shoe Fits by Julia Murphy) vs. Bronwyn Murdoch (The Prince Who Loved Me by Karen Hawkins)
Ella (Cinder Ella by S.T. Lynn) vs. Queen Cinderella (10th Kingdom)
Sam Montgomery (A Cinderella Story) vs. Katie Gibbs (A Cinderella Story: Once Upon a Song)
Ella (Happily N'Ever After) vs. Ella (The Glass Slipper)
Ashlynn Ella (Ever After High) vs. Danielle de Barbarac (Ever After)
Missy Piggy as "Lady Holiday" (The Great Muppet Caper) vs. Baby Gonzo as "Gonzo-rella" (Muppet Babies 2018)
Scrooge McDuck as "Scroogerello" (Ducktales) vs. Chuckie Finster as "Finsterella" (Rugrats)
Popeye the Sailor Man as "Cinderfella" (Popeye the Sailor Man: Ancient Fishtory) vs. Betty Boop as Cinderella (Betty Boop: Poor Cinderella)
Barbie as Cinderella (Barbie Dolls) vs. Ella (Total Drama: Pahkitew Island)
Saki Hanajima as "Cinderella-ish" (Fruits Basket) vs. Mettaton as Cinderella (Undertale)
Cendrillon (Persona of Sumi Yoshizawa / Violet) (Persona 5) vs. Cinderella (Once Upon a Crime)
Ella Brown (Just Ella by Margaret Peterson Haddix) vs. Princess Petra / Spinstress as "Spinderella" (Marvel Earth-423)
Cinderella (Cinderella by The Cheetah Girls) vs. Harper Finkle as "Harperella" (Wizards of Waverly Place)
Cinders (Once Upon a Time in Space by the Mechanisms) vs. Linh Cinder / Selene Blackburn (The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer)
Carrie White (Carrie by Stephen King) vs. Cinderella (Into the Woods)
Cinderella (Shrek) vs. Lucette Riella Britton (Cinderella Phenomenon)
Cinderella (TAISHO x ALICE) vs. Rin Hoshiora as Cinderella (Love Live)
Aisling "Ash" (Ash by Malinda Lo) vs. Ella Saturday (Witches Abroad) (Discworld by Terry Pratchett)
Euphemia "Effie" Reeves (Ten Thousand Stitches by Olivia Atwater) vs. Cinderella (Burn the Witch)
Cinderella (Cinderella Monogatari) vs. Miyo Saimori (My Happy Marriage)
Ashley Vans (A Wicked Tale of Cinderella's Stepmom / I Raised Cinderella Preciously) vs. Itsumi Tachibana (You Are My Princess)
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ptbf2002 · 4 months
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My Top 10 Favorite 20th Century Fox Movies (2024)
#10 Home Alone
#9 Ice Age
#8 Ice Age 2: The Meltdown
#7 Ice Age 3: Dawn Of The Dinosaurs
#6 Ice Age 4: Continental Drift
#5 The Peanuts Movie
#4 Spies In Disguise
#3 Alvin And The Chipmunks (2007)
#2 Family Guy: Stewie Griffin: The Untold Story
And #1 The Simpsons Movie
Original Template: https://www.deviantart.com/jackskellington416/art/Top-10-20th-Century-Fox-Films-Meme-665656007
Home Alone Belongs To John Hughes, Hughes Entertainment, 20th Century Studios, Inc. The Walt Disney Studios, Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures, Disney Entertainment, And The Walt Disney Company
Ice Age (2002 film) Belongs to Michael Berg, Michael J. Wilson, Peter Ackerman, Blue Sky Studios, Inc. 20th Century Animation, 20th Century Studios, Inc. The Walt Disney Studios, Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures, Disney Entertainment, And The Walt Disney Company
Ice Age 3: Dawn of the Dinosaurs Belongs to Michael Berg, Peter Ackerman, Mike Reiss, Yoni Brenner, Blue Sky Studios, Inc. 20th Century Animation, 20th Century Studios, Inc. The Walt Disney Studios, Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures, Disney Entertainment, And The Walt Disney Company
Ice Age 4: Continental Drift Belongs to Michael Berg, Jason Fuchs, Blue Sky Studios, Inc. 20th Century Animation, 20th Century Studios, Inc. The Walt Disney Studios, Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures, Disney Entertainment, And The Walt Disney Company
The Peanuts Movie Belongs To Charles M. Schulz, Craig Schulz, Bryan Schulz, Cornelius Uliano, United Feature Syndicate, Inc. Andrews McMeel Syndication, Blue Sky Studios, Inc. 20th Century Animation, 20th Century Studios, Inc. The Walt Disney Studios, Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures, Disney Entertainment, And The Walt Disney Company
Spies In Disguise Belongs To Lucas Martell, Brad Copeland, Lloyd Taylor, Cindy Davis, Chernin Entertainment, Blue Sky Studios, Inc. 20th Century Animation, 20th Century Studios, Inc. The Walt Disney Studios, Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures, Disney Entertainment, And The Walt Disney Company
Alvin And The Chipmunks (2007) Belongs To Ross Bagdasarian Sr. Jon Vitti, Will McRobb, Chris Viscardi, Bagdasarian Productions, Dune Entertainment, RatPac Entertainment, LLC, Monarchy Enterprises S.Á.R.L. Regency Entertainment (USA), Inc. FOX 2000 Pictures, 20th Century Studios, Inc. The Walt Disney Studios, Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures, Disney Entertainment, And The Walt Disney Company
Family Guy: Stewie Griffin: The Untold Story Belongs To Seth MacFarlane, Gary Janetti, Chris Sheridan, Alex Borstein, Steve Callaghan, Sunwoo & Company Co., Ltd. Fuzzy Door Productions, Inc. 20th Television Animation, 20th Television, 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment, Buena Vista Home Entertainment, Inc. Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment, Disney Platform Distribution, Inc. Disney Television Studios, Disney General Entertainment Content, Disney Entertainment, FOX Broadcasting Company, FOX Entertainment, FOX Corporation, And The Walt Disney Company
The Simpsons Movie Belongs To James L. Brooks, Matt Groening, Al Jean, Ian Maxtone-Graham, George Meyer, David Mirkin, Mike Reiss, Mike Scully, Matt Selman, John Swartzwelder, Jon Vitti, Film Roman, LLC, Rough Draft Studios, Inc. AKOM Production Ltd. Gracie Films, 20th Century Animation, 20th Century Studios, Inc. The Walt Disney Studios, Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures, Disney Entertainment, And The Walt Disney Company
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hollywoodfamerp · 2 years
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Welcome to the Soneva Jani! 
“Soneva Jani is nestled within the tranquil waters of the Noonu Atoll, where sun-drenched blue skies and azure seas stretch out in every direction. One of the world’s lowest density resorts, there are just 51 over-water and three island residences, the largest and most luxurious villas in the Maldives, each designed for the ultimate privacy, space and breathtaking ocean views. Relax in iconic Water or Island Villas for the ultimate indulgence.”
Unless we got a message from you telling us you wanted to be with a specific person or were not in the ships list - you were included in the generator. If you do not see your FCs name on this list, please message us POLITELY and let us know - sometimes a name gets missed getting put into the generator. We’re human and it happens! At the same time, if your FC is on there twice by any chance then please let us know. Again, mistakes happen. As we accept new applications and people come into the group before AND during the event, this list will be updated. Same will go for if people get unfollowed or ask to leave the group. We posted the pairings in advance so that you may reach out to your roommate and get new interactions going! Even if a mun is on hiatus, be sure to reach out to them so that you can see if you can head-canon some interactions or plan for something when they are off hiatus. All trips are to encourage new interactions and unlikely connections!
Akanishi Jin and Lee Sunmi
Alexis Kaufman (Alexa Bliss) and Taylor Swift
Ana de Armas and Eiza Gonzalez
Andrew Garfield and Lily James
Andy Biersack and Camila Mendes
Anna Kendrick and Brittany Snow
Anya Taylor-Joy and Renee Paquette (Renee Young)
Ariana Grande and Florence Pugh
Ashley Fliehr (Charlotte Flair) and Billie Eilish
Ashton Irwin and Luke Hemmings
Austin Butler and Wong Kunhang (Hendery)
Ava Max and Geoff Wigington
Awsten Knight and Miley Cyrus
Bella Hadid and Nick Robinson
Ben Platt and Emily Bett Rickards
Beyonce Knowles and Gong Yoo
Bill Skarsgard and Lucy Hale
Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds
Brett Tucker and Sarah Drew
Brittany Baker and Tyler Hoechlin
Bruno Mars and Shelley Hennig
Byun Baekhyun and Timothee Chalamet
Camille Rowe and Elizabeth Gillies
Carrie Underwood and Molly-Mae Hague
Cate Blanchett and Julianna Margulies
Chace Crawford and Kaia Gerber
Chittaphon Leechaiyapornkul (Ten) and Jackson Wang
Choi Minho and Kim Ahyoung (Yura)
Choi San and Jeon Junkook
Chris Evans and Jade Chynoweth
Christian Yu and Kim Jisoo
Christopher Bang (Bang Chan) and Hwang Hyunjin
Cindy Kimberly and Niall Horan
Colby Lopez (Seth Rollins) and Rebecca Quin (Becky Lynch)
Crystal Reed and Valentina Zenere
Damiano David and Olivia DeJonge
Diamante Quiava Valentin Harper (Saweetie) and Kim Hongjoong
Dove Cameron and Noah Cyrus
Dua Lipa and Jonathan Good (Jon Moxley)
Dylan O’Brien and Maika Monroe
Dylan Sprouse and Madelyn Cline
Eduardo Franco and Peyton Meyer
Emilia Clarke and Jake Gyllenhaal
Emily Osment and Meryl Streep
Emma Mackey and Nick Jonas
Emma Stone and Maura Higgins
Florence Welch and Gigi Hadid
George MacKay and Saoirse Ronan
Grace Van Dien and Harry Kane
Grace Van Patten and Lily Collins
Hailey Baldwin and Joey King
Huh Yunjin and Jerome Flynn
Jamie Campbell Bower and Zendaya Coleman
Jesse Lingard and Ryan Gosling
Jessica Chastain and Robert Pattinson
Jessica Lange and Sarah Paulson
Joe Keery and Maya Hawke
Joseph Quinn and Riley Keough
Jung Yoonoh (Jaehyun) and Lee Taeyong
Kang Seulgi and Karlie Kloss
Kathryn Hahn and Liam Hemsworth
Kehlani Parrish and Selena Gomez
Kim Jongin and Lee Taemin
Kim Jungwoo and Lucas Wong
Kim Namjoon and Min Yoongi
Kim Taehyung and Jung Wooyoung
Lee Donghyuck (Haechan) and Mark Lee
Lee Felix and Lee Know (Minho)
Lili Reinhart and Zoe Kravitz
Louis Tomlinson and Ross Lynch
Lupita Nyong’o and Tessa Thompson
Madelaine Petsch and Otto Wood
Maia Mitchell and Mike Faist
Margot Robbie and Sebastian Stan
Mason Mount and Taylor Hill
Mazz Murray and Shay Mitchell
Megan Jovon Ruth Pete (Megan Thee Stallion) and Park Seonghwa
Meghann Fahy and Victoria De Angelis
Mercedes Varnado (Sasha Banks) and Pamela Martinez (Bayley)
Natalia Dyer and Tom Holland
Perrie Edwards and Sabrina Carpenter
Shawn Mendes and Sydney Sweeney
Vanessa Hudgens and Zac Efron
Xiao Dejun (Xiajun) and Yoo Jimin (Karina)
Lauren Jauregui and Elizabeth Olsen
Zoey Deutch and Park Jinyoung 
Alycia Debnam Carey and Hailee Steinfeld
Pedro Pascal and Sadie Sink
Avril Lavigne and Olivia Rodrigo
Sarah Hyland and Jenna Ortega 
Jade Thirlwall and Kathryn Newton
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very-uncorrect · 9 months
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TIL that when you're having trouble getting motivated to write for your WIP, one of the next best things to do is to draw doodles of the characters in it instead
Time taken: 3 hours
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televisionpromos · 2 years
DC's Stargirl 3x06 "The Betrayal" Promo - CLASHING FRENEMIES - After learning that Courtney has been spending time with Cameron, Pat and Barbara go on a recon mission to see if the Mahkents pose a threat. Meanwhile, Sylvester steps in to fill the void left by Courtney, and tensions between Yolanda and Cindy reach new heights. Cameron Gellman, Anjelika Washington, Trae Romano, Hunter Sansone and Alkoya Brunson also star. Lea Thompson directed the episode written by Alfredo Septien & Turi Meyer. Original airdate 10/12/2022. Every episode of DC'S STARGIRL will be available to stream on The CW App and CWTV.com the day after broadcast for free and without a subscription, log-in or authentication required.
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wisdomfish · 2 years
There are many books being sold today in Christian bookstores that are dangerous to your spiritual health. Many here are already familiar with the names of people whose books we should avoid from the Word of Faith camp such as: John Bevere, Juanita Bynum, Morris Cerullo, Kim Clement, Kenneth Copeland, Paul Crouch, Creflo Dollar, Jesse Duplantis, Kenneth Hagin, Marilyn Hickey, Benny Hinn, Rodney Howard-Browne, T.D. Jakes, Bishop Eddie L. Long, Joyce Meyer, Myles Munroe, Steve Munsey, Mike Murdock, Joel Osteen, Rod Parsley, Peter Popoff, Fred Price, R.W. Shambach, Robert Tilton, Paula White, Ed Young and a whole host of others. We know to avoid the books of people who are promoting the New Apostolic Reformation such as C. Peter Wagner, John Dawson, Jack Deere, Francis Frangipane, Ted Haggard, Bill Hamon, Cindy Jacobs, Rick Joyner, George Otis, Jr., Dutch Sheets, Ed Silvoso and many others. I have spoken a number of times on the subject of the First Nations Movement which is tied to the New Apostolic Reformation. We know we need to avoid the materials of those who teach these things like Richard Twiss, Daniel Kikawa, Terry LeBlanc, YWAM and members of the World Gathering of Indigenous People. There are many other false teachers whose books are being sold in Christian bookstores that we need to avoid. Reinhard Bonnke, Paul Cain, Paul (David)Yonggi Cho, John Hagee, Christian Harfouche, Jack Hayford, David Hogan, Roberts Liardon, Arnold Murray, Pat Robertson, Robert Schuller, Gwen Shaw, Tommy Tenney and many more. See Here 
~ Sandy Simpson
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ulkaralakbarova · 2 months
A transfer student at a rough high school tries joining the cheer-leading squad and finds that she not only has to face off against the head cheerleader, but also against her former school in preparation for a cheer-off competition. Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Britney: Hayden Panettiere Camille: Solange Brad Warner: Jake McDorman Pam Allen: Kiersten Warren Winnie: Emme Rylan Jesse: Gustavo Carr Kirresha: Giovonnie Samuels Leti: Francia Raísa Amber: Cindy Chiu Sierra: Jessica Nicole Fife Brianna: Danielle Savre Rihanna: Rihanna Pacific Vista Cheerleader: Michelle Maniscalco Tyson: Gary LeRoi Gray Tim Allen: Eric Bruskotter JoJo Wright: JoJo Wright PV Teacher: Debra Sullivan Security Guard: Steven West Mrs. Webster: Conni Marie Brazelton Student DJ: Wilke Itzin Swin Cash: Swin Cash Local Reporter: Teresa Strasser Pacific Vista Cheerleader: Sean Van der Wilt Pacific Vista Cheerleader: Blake Angiers Pacific Vista Cheerleader: Bowd J. Beal Pacific Vista Cheerleader: Casey Marlow Pacific Vista Cheerleader: Jordan Johnson Pacific Vista Cheerleader: Griffin Myers Pacific Vista Cheerleader: Whitney Lefler Pacific Vista Cheerleader: Caity Lotz Pacific Vista Cheerleader: Tarah Paige Pacific Vista Cheerleader: Shannon Stotz Pacific Vista Cheerleader: Betsey Lawrey Crenshaw Heights Cheerleader: Noreen Juliano Crenshaw Heights Cheerleader: Erin Yvonne Crenshaw Heights Cheerleader: Kevin Wilson Crenshaw Heights Cheerleader: Marty Dew Crenshaw Heights Cheerleader: Monica Soto Crenshaw Heights Cheerleader: Marquita Scott Crenshaw Heights Cheerleader: Alexiss Sanchez Crenshaw Heights Cheerleader: Dominique Domingo Crenshaw Heights Cheerleader: Terrance Harrison Crenshaw Heights Cheerleader: Alexandria Kaye Crenshaw Heights Cheerleader: Sal Davila Crenshaw Heights Cheerleader: John Cronin Crenshaw Heights Cheerleader: Chester Jackson Crenshaw Heights Spotter: Jonathan Rios Crenshaw Heights Spotter: Shaun T Crenshaw Heights Spotter: Trever Love Film Crew: Director: Steve Rash Executive Producer: Armyan Bernstein Executive Producer: Zanne Devine Executive Producer: Charlie Lyons Producer: David Roessell Director of Photography: Victor J. Kemper Editor: Danny Saphire Line Producer: Jon Kuyper First Assistant Director: Jerram A. Swartz Second Assistant Director: Sonia Bhalla Casting: Roger Mussenden Casting: Pamela Lynn Thomas Choreographer: Tony Gonzales Choreographer: Eric Little Choreographer: Tanisha Scott Choreographer: Richmond Talauega Choreographer: Anthony Talauega Stunt Coordinator: Cole S. McKay Music Supervisor: Paul Stewart Music Supervisor: Paul DiFranco Set Decoration: David Pirinelli Sound Mixer: David Kirschner Sound Mixer: Glenn Berkovitz Costume Designer: Shawn Barton Costume Supervisor: Anthony Franco Makeup Department Head: June Brickman Assistant Makeup Artist: Tonie Keyton Assistant Makeup Artist: Deborah Merle Hair Department Head: Lisa Meyers Assistant Hairstylist: Fay Kelly Second Second Assistant Director: Annette Hobday Supervising Sound Editor: Trip Brock Dialogue Editor: Stewart Nelson Sound Effects Editor: Steven Avila Sound Effects Editor: Peter D. Lago Music Editor: Tony Dimito Writer: Alyson Fouse Stand In: Michelle Shore Movie Reviews: Kiarra3130: **This movie brings two female specimen together to make the ultimate cheering squad. It strays from tradition and makes something new and rules out the cliche of _”white girls” V. “black girls”_. It is a movie worth watching.** Andre Gonzales: Nice comeback on this movie compared to the 2nd movie. Almost as good as the 1st one. I didn’t like it at first till she was forced to go to a new school. Better comedy and a way better storyline in this one.
0 notes
the-physicality · 3 months
Ann Meyers Drysdale Cindy Brunson I’ve missed u so much I never want to watch a merc home game without you again
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ahopkins1965 · 7 months
 15,102 1627 568
Great job, Anthony Joseph Hopkins!
You've taken #300 in the Weekly Competition in Ohio (The United States). Way to go!
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Ohio, The United States
Regional competition
Number of players: 448 (0 friends)
February, 26 — March, 03
All players
Dave Smith 
Since: 01/2016
Mike Papa 
Since: 03/2016
Since: 01/2019
TOP 10
7 players
TOP 50
40 players
TOP 100
54 players
TOP 150
51 players
TOP 200
52 players
TOP 250
52 players
TOP 300
119 players
Cindy Evans 
Bayani Ramos 
Chris M de S 
Judy Franklin 
+ 1 other player
Lorrie Hager 
Paul Mary Jean Meyer 
Deborah Dunbar 
Janice Mastin-Kamps 
Cindy Miser 
Roesch bob 
Marta Richardson 
Kim Steigleder Knapp 
+ 1 other player
+ 1 other player
Debbie Deal 
+ 1 other player
Anne Thompson 
Leea Skaroupka 
+ 1 other player
Wayne Foulk 
+ 1 other player
Robert West 
Louise Ball 
Jack McDonald 
+ 6 other players
+ 1 other player
Mark Webber 
+ 5 other players
Vicki Henkel 
+ 1 other player
Leslie Mehne 
Kim Parker Wood 
+ 5 other players
+ 1 other player
+ 1 other player
Ilona Welker 
+ 9 other players
Cathy Kinison 
fees ripple 
+ 9 other players
Sandra Pendleton 
Bonnie Cairns Dunkle 
+ 9 other players
Jimmy LiPuma 
Martha Fülöp Reed 
+ 5 other players
Debbe Smith Schmidt 
+ 1 other player
Tina Amorini 
Lynn Romeo 
+ 10 other players
Patricia Dalton 
Anthony Joseph Hopkins 
We know you can be the best player. Keep up the good work!
TOP 350
70 players
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hbhughes · 7 months
Doris Helen Pierce
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Doris Helen Pierce, age 95, of Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania died on Wednesday, February 7, 2024.
Doris was born on January 4, 1929 in Sylvania, OH the youngest of Ross and Portia (Meyers) Kimball’s three children. She graduated from Adrian High School and went on to study art at Siena Heights College.
On August 14, 1949 Doris married James F. Pierce in Adrian and they celebrated 60 years together before his death on April 14, 2010. Doris and James were blessed with 3 sons- Gregory, Thomas and William. Doris was a talented artist and excelled in drawing and oil paintings when she was younger. Once she and James started their family, Doris’ focus was on her sons and making their home a place where everyone felt the love and support, she exuded. Doris and James started their antiquing business out in Stanford, CT and moved to Adrian, MI in 1985 where the business continued to grow. During her Adrian years, Doris was an active member at the First United Methodist Church.
She is survived by her sons, Gregory (Cindy) Pierce, Thomas Pierce and William Pierce; grandchildren, Nathan, Leslie, Kristin, Kelsey, Matthew, Jason, Laura, Emma, Lisa and Suzanne; and many wonderful great-grandchildren. Doris was preceded in death by her husband, James; and siblings, Jack Kimball and Joann DeVelbiss. Memorial contributions may be made to the Salvation Army in Adrian.
The family will be having a memorial service on Saturday, February 24, 2024 at 11:30 a.m. at Forty Fort United Methodist Church. There will be an hour of visitation with family and friends an hour before the service begins.
Memorial contributions may be made to the Forty Fort United Methodist Church or the Catholic Choral Society of Scranton: 197 Chapel Street Pittston, PA 18640, in honor of Doris.
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