#chronic illne
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[Text Description]
Background: Galaxy with blue purple and pink ombre with tons of stars in the universe
Disability and the Arts
Quick Facts as Described by the NEA
Fact 1: While Disabled Adults make up less than 12% of the population, they make up less than 7% of arts participants.
Fact 2: Although 45% of the Disabled population is made up of older adult (Age 65+), age is not a factor when it comes to arts participation.
Fact 3: Disabled adults are just as likely to make visual art and are more likely to create fiber art than the general population. 
Source: https://www.arts.gov/news/press-releases/2015/new-nea-research-arts-participation-among-people-disabilities#:~:text=Adults%20with%20disabilities%20are%20underrepresented,visiting%20art%20museums%20or%20galleries.
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disabled-bug · 2 months
disabled people when their disability disables them
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neuroticboyfriend · 1 year
i think cripples and the insane should be allowed to do whatever we want with our bodyminds forever. it is no one's place but ours to decide what we do with our own lives and being.
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hauntedhearse · 2 months
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I could watch the sunset at the beach every day and not get sick of it. IG: kadiecov ∞
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iplaywithstring · 2 months
I got my final mark for my last class and overall I have an A. I'm super pleased with that because it was a counselling skills course - if I don't know how to put the information into practice, I'm going to have a bad time.
I also spent two days with my daughter and my aunts going over info and needs and expectations for when she moves in with them to go to university. I can't believe how fast the time is going. I'm so glad they offered to house her, it's going to be perfect.
Life is busy, and there is stress, but I'm coping, and I'm happy, and my health has been stable. I don't have my regular hours at work, but I think that's probably a bonus right now with everything going on - I don't work again until August so I don't have to worry about early mornings or long days.
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stampgwifeyera · 5 months
when i see art/hear music about your body being a weight on you and how cumbersome and tired it is to live in your body i immediately eat it all up and give the creator many little forehead kisses
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nil-the-glitch · 11 months
love situational pronouns. she/her does not fit the vibe when i'm exhausted but it/its sure does. being silly? oh hes just a little guy then.
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wild-moss-art · 1 year
doin a lot of research on my issues to distract(not really working) from the pain and was pleased to find that the cleveland clinic uses a lot of gender neutral terminology!
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The Doctor Shopper
Doctor after doctor, Day after day, I still beg for help, yet each time they say:
Here are some probiotics! I really think you should try them. You have migraines, so here's some magnesium oxide! I couldn't be caught "refusing treatment" so my hands are tied.
Take a multivitamin, The cure to all that ails you. More fiber, maybe Benefiber, But you may have fructose intolerance so not fruit smoothie fiber.
Your ankles aren't weak. Your ankles don't roll. You're autistic, You're dyspraxic. I wonder if that's really all.
I would like a new doctor, but randos on the internet claim, Stop switching around! You should stop "doctor shopping."
"I don't think that they're hallucinations!" Nope, just auras to migraines. Also, I'm autistic. Everything is interpreted as scary when you're autistic.
He's a nutjob, I'd like a new doc! I want to switch but I don't out of fear of claims of doctor shopping.
The yellow dots are chasing me! No, visual auras which autism made scary. Clawing and cutting out the spiders in my blood my skin my brain. No, tingling auras made scary by the autism.
Should a doctor really be this stupid? The psychologist in the room, she didn't say anything! Would getting a new doctor really be doctor shopping?
I couldn't possibly have EDS. Nope, my doctor has a connective tissue disorder. I'm not more hypermobile than thee, so an Ehlers Danlos diagnosis must not be for me.
"You have AMPS!" "You have IBS!" "You are fat!" "Drink water and get more exercise!"
I won't be a doctor shopper. I can't help but wonder, is wanting to be believed really shopping for a doctor?
A fat female teen, symptoms of nausea, pain, dizziness, and more. The most obvious option is mental illness. The best prescription is weight loss.
My attempts at exercise are extinguished by my pain. I can't keep on, but there's no help until I'm the one to fix it all.
I fantasize every day of growing up, losing some weight. Building a ton of muscle, drinking gallons of water a day. Taking my vitamins and supplements like some kind of health freak.
Walking into their office, "I'm not cured!" I'm falling, I'm swelling, I'm hurting, I'm crying. Help me, please.
Are these thoughts normal? They don't feel normal. I should be fixed. I could be fixed. Drugs, therapy again, more drugs (What mood stabilizer is it now?)
Maybe one day my pain will be taken seriously. Maybe one day my quality of life will be taken seriously. Maybe one day I will be taken seriously. That day's not today, I wish I was okay, but I can't handle it.
If I question it... Question their years of medical knowledge... Question their schooling... Question their authority... I'm the bad guy who's looking to shop for a doctor.
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thedenofravenpuff · 2 years
Current Status
I haven’t updated much here, so here’s some news. 
After months of struggling and frustrations, recovery is finally starting to show in tangible ways. 
I haven’t needed my cane for a while now, and managed long walks without starting to limp. Haven’t felt my limps in several days now! The usual daily pain and fatigue is mostly gone too, and I feel so grateful to finally actually FEEL improvement again. 
Chronic illness SUCKS, I would not recommend.
Of course I know I still need to be careful and not overdo anything, don’t want to go back to zero again so soon. Recovery is such a slow and frustrating process. 
I did get hit by a fit of fear yesterday, by being reminded how easily I lost recovery last time and fell back to zero, all it took was my baby niece coughing a bit at me and I ended up having to give up my job because my health proved too unstable to be considered functional enough for the job market. 
But now I can draw again, and even consume other hobbies as I’ve rediscovered my love for cross stitching. I’m keeping up my exercises and now reached a stage of functionality I can focus on building up stamina again. 
Still ways to go, but is nice to finally be able to relax with some good results showing. Just gotta be careful to not lose it all again too soon, so fingers crossed.
Thanks for reading!
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groverarms · 11 months
Down to 182lbs at 6ft tall. Dr. ordered tests because unexplained rapid weight loss is dangerous. She's more worried than I am, and never ONCE implied illness is better than being fat. I fucking love her. If we can get more natives into healthcare, the world will be a better place.
On the other hand... I'm kinda enjoying it. I swear im not falling back into the eating disorder. I do eat; but I'm incredibly poor and sick.
I'm just kinda chubby now and I'm cool with that. I have chronic pain and chronic illness. I'm gonna be sick no matter what. At least I can be sick in prettier clothes dammit.
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Guess what i have today? Yes, another appointment with my doctor
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lelibug · 1 year
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It’s the Same Thing, Every Day, now. Sheer Exhaustion, Hyper-Anxiety, BlackOuts & ZoneOuts, one of my parents – or both – creating Immense Panic Attacks that sometimes, often, rise towards Meltdowns from the levels of Distress they cause and how I am [not] helped out of them.
I can’t even Eat Properly… I’m just living on basic “finger food” type dinner and that’s it. I honestly do not get to have anything else… Anything else has me Zoning Out or in Full BlackOut — Very Very Quickly…
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my hips 😨
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alullinchaos · 7 months
also I think we need to entirely reframe how we view mental health and "psychopathology" and I am not fucking kidding
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daanfaan · 7 months
Hi I am here to ask for help since I am very concerned about what's wrong with me, this has happened for years. (Maybe 4?)
Info below the cut
Tremors (you don't usually see it but at school and stuff I twitch, like full body tensing up, neck forcefully twitches sometimes which can Crack my neck)
Getting up/Standing:
Slight shaking (not that bad it's just if I stand for like 5 minutes I start shaking a bit and it's hard to stand)
Leg aching
Shortness of breath
Sometimes for too long I might also get chest pain
Bad bad leg pain
Really big exhaustion
And I need to sit down for a bit afterwards
I have fainted maybe two or three before because of these, I did a blood test and it is not an infection or anemia.
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