basementstalker · 1 year
Training type
(trainer, choukyou-gata, 調教型)
By target: love interest
Love trope:
Wanting their love interest to devote themselves, ideally from the beginning, these yandere characters train their love interest to care about them, and how to care about them.
Some would do it secrety without the love interest knowing, similar to a more physical and direct form of manipulative yandere type. They will consciously let the love interest know when they did something the yandere sees as positive by giving them gifts in return, showing great joy and appretiation, spoil them, do things for them in return, etc.
However, they will also discreetly show disappointment and rejection to the love interest when they do something they don't see as correct. Maybe they do it by ignoring more the love interest that day or even by guilt tripping them. This way, the love interest can understand that what they did is wrong and that this action will only bring negative emotions to all, so they souldn't do it again in the future.
Others might do it in the open with a training program that they propose to the love interest. They lead them, like a dog, from biscuit to biscuit, making even the densest love interest a devoted spouse.
Although they are seen by many as power-hungry, they just want their love interest to be totally prepared for marriage and the difficulties that they'll face in marriage; both internal and external.
Shock trope:
They will punish and torture their love interest if they think they did something they shouldn't or when they don't act like wanted to give them a lesson. The methods are usually pretty morbid and painful, some could even leave permanent damage to the love interest. They will then "reward" the love interest when they finally do something wanted of them.
Unlike in the above yandere love trope description, these yandere characters treat the love interest as a dog or other animal. They mercilessly train and treat their love interest like an animal at all times. Their love interest isn’t even human to them.
Contrary to sadodere, they don't do this because they like harming their love interest, but because they believe this will successfully acquire what they want of the love interest, force them to love them like wanted and be loyal to the yandere.
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mingis-lightbulb · 3 years
Yandere Seonghwa and Hongjoong Headcanons!
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Think of an overprotective, loving and motherly best friend...
That you soon find out is madly in love with you and will harm anyone that breaths or looks at you wrong. (took a hard left didn’t it?)
Seonghwa is gentle at first, he wants you to trust him fully and honestly, how can’t you?
Seonghwa brings you snacks and food, he’ll constantly check on your health, he’ll make sure you’re praticing self care and love, and he’ll defend you from bullies and other that are mean to you.
Speaking of which, he takes now bullshit from others. People will never speak ill of you, and if they have the balls to do it infront of him.
They won’t be seen for the next few days until they suddenly end up in the hospital. So don’t speak ill of his s/o, it won’t end pretty.
Seonghwa is (unfortunately) the choukyou-gata, also known as the training type.He is very strict when it comes to you, if you’re going to end up dating him he has a set of rules he wants you to follow them.
No close males friends (unless its his friends or he approves of them), no leaving out after 7:00pm, No revealing clothes unless they’re for him, etc.
He goes above and beyond to make sure that you follow them, he takes them very seriously.
“What did I say? No friends while I’m gone~. Seems like I need to punish you baby, Ah Ah, don’t scream, it won’t hurt~”
He would prefer you call him Daddy, Sir, Master, etc.
Seonghwa would probably punish you for not calling him the names stated above, he’s you darling and its just something that he’ll love to hear from you.
Seonghwa is also a haijo-gata type, also known as the removal type. (Oh boy we just have a bundle of fun here don’t we?)
He will slowly take you away from your friends, he’ll say that they are a bad influence, that they are dangerous, and that they are not good for you.
Your family is safe for now, but if they try to convince you that Seonghwa is bad for you. (Ooops, big ‘ol mistake)
He will forbid you from seeing/contacting you in a heartbeat.
“See. I told you, they just want to take you away from me baby..”
“And I can not have that~”
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Hongjoong would be your best friend already, he would know so much about you. 
Your mom and dad love him, they want you to date him/find someone like him, he’s already solidified his spot in your life.
You’ll barely notice any change in his behavior, but you do notice that your friends are beginning to speak ill of your best friend.
Confused and a little upset, you’d defend Hongjoong, not knowing how correct your friend were about him.
Hongjoong is a mix of the choukyou-gata type and the suuhai-gata (worship type) with a dash of suuchaku type.
Hongjoong loves you, and he wants you to know it. Form telling you everyday to buying your favorite things. Joongie wants to be the only one in your heart.
With that said, he won’t hesitate to kill anyone who speaks bad about him to you. he can’t have someone ruin the reputation he’s spent so long building up with you.
“Huh? (f/n) went missing? Oh no, come here Jagiya..don’t worry we’ll find her”
Slowly, your friends begin either distancing themselves from you or just straight up disappearing one by one, making you scared.
You’re worried that whoever is doing this is gonna come after you and Hongjoong.
Hongjoong would just have a smirk on his features, he’s achieved what he wants.
He has his darling running into his arms, scared of the big bad world and he is here to defend you from it.
As long as you stay with him, there nothing to be afraid of....for now.
“Don’t worry my darling, I’ll be here, you don’t have to worry anymore...”
“We’ll be together, forever..”
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Poly SeongJoong
Whoo are you the lucky one~ (not really but good for you for snagging both of their hearts)
They are very strict, they will be watching over you like a hawk. Though luckily, Hongjoong is more chill than Seonghwa.
Seonghwa wants you to follow their rules to the tea. He has a very low tolerance for disobedience and will discipline you if needed. While Hongjoong loves it when you break rules, he loves holding you and telling you that you’ve been a really bad girl.
The two of them will never let you do anything on your own.
Oh you wanna go to the store to get clothes? Oh their coming with you, helping them pick out. You want to go to the park? Its a family outing now! Oh you want to cook in the kitchen, prepare for hands on your waist, lips on your neck.
Speaking of which, Seonghwa loves your waist. His hands are always there, holding it his hands gripping and pulling you closely.
Hongjoong loves your breasts. He loves just holding them when his frustrated. It calms him and he lives holding you in his arms.
You wont be leaving them anytime soon, they'll have you wrapped around their fingers.
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im-657-mv · 3 years
shinee yandere headcannons
yandere shinee
yandere shinee types
-CLINGY- They are rarely found away from the object of their affection. They are usually more childish and relaxed than other yanderes as they have trust in their darling. This trust usually derives from a close platonic or romantic relationship. However, they do not have trust in others and this can lead to intense jealousy; especially if they feel as if someone is attempting to replace them. It is usually jealousy and insecurity that leads these yanderes to break.
TYPES: kanchigai gata - shuuchaku gata - sutookaa gata
wrong idea - obsessive - stalker
stalks you 24/7
likes to buy your perfume and spray it on you
has a dedicated time to write poems of you
thinks of you every day
wouldn't harm a fly though
would get jealous though
not likely to go completely insane but will kidnap you
would NEVER hurt you
would feel a little guilty about the things hes doing but its just because he loves you so much
justifies his morally wrong actions
likes to sneak in your apartment and stay under your bed for a few days
-POSSESSIVE- Yanderes with possessive behavior usually wish to own their love interest. They tend to treat them as if they are an adored pet or a porcelain doll that they keep tucked under their thumb. Possessive yanderes cannot fathom the idea of another touching or looking at the object of their affection. If they feel as if they are losing their grip on their love interest they could go as far as using force to prevent them from leaving anywhere they deem safe.
TYPES: dokusen gata - haijo gata
monopoly - removal
gets jealous very easily
likes to through your phone to see who youre talking to
might kill people might not
very smart about his actions and the threat he makes
if he wants to he will fake your death just so he can have you to himself
acts all innocent but hes a monster
might just kill every person you mention for fun and then would show their dead bodies to you
would be the type the manipulate and gaslight
very possessive
he thinks he has ownership over you like a dog
-MANIPULATIVE- Yanderes with manipulative behavior desire control over the person of their affection. Their love interest may already love them, or that is what they make them believe, before the revelation of their dangerous tendencies. These are the type to place their love interest in dangerous or unethical situations to play savior and push them closer to dependency. It is important to note the push and pull method where they will test the object of their affections interest by making them jealous or concerned. They are not satisfied until they believe their love interest is equally infatuated with them.
TYPES: sutookaa gata - sokubaku gata - choukyou gata - koritsu yuudou gata
stalker - restraining-training - loneliness induction
has a wardrobe full of clothing for you
likes to daydream about you
all the time
would get closer and closer to you before diving in
likes to gain your trust before the kidnapping
likes to dress you up like a doll
would most likely give threats to people behind your back
might kill someone if nessiccary
loves the color red on you
likes to have hands-on you 24/7
has authority over you in a relationship
loves to baby you too
likes to pictures of you when hes stalking
-POSSESSIVE- Yanderes with possessive behavior usually wish to own their love interest. They tend to treat them as if they are an adored pet or a porcelain doll that they keep tucked under their thumb. Possessive yanderes cannot fathom the idea of another touching or looking at the object of their affection. If they feel as if they are losing their grip on their love interest they could go as far as using force to prevent them from leaving anywhere they deem safe.
TYPES: kanchigai gata - shuuchaku gata - dokusen gata - mousou gata - kyouki gata
wrong idea - obsessive - monopoly - delusional - bizarre seeking
very jealous type
would go on a killing spree to get rid of every one
would kill your parents too
knows every little thing about you
has a room full of things you might wear or like
is into everything youre into
delusional as well
thinks of himself as your boyfriend even though you dont know him
hears what he wants to hear
can have a spilt personality type
dark and sadistic or gleeful and delusional, can switch in an instant
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beigehearts · 3 years
I’m curious. I know that there’s different types of yanderes. What types would you place on the teacher trio from MHA?
IM GLAD YOU ASKED here's the guide that I based this off of: yandere types
you have no idea how excited this question made me... so it's a long answer...
so for All Might I see two sides to him When in his smaller form he is kind and forgiving, merciful. You could stomp on his foot and he would apologize to you as if he was the one who stomped on your foot. He treats you like a baby, carrying you, feeding you, just coddling you. He won't let you leave but he'll make it up to you with ice cream. He will beg you to love him, and he'll offer anything to do it... He's a hopeless romantic. He's "Kanchigai-gata" / "suuhai-gata" But if he is in his bigger form, sheeeesh. He isn't so accepting. If you stomped on his foot he would pick you up and throw you on the bed- and if he didn't have his way with you, he would lock you in the room i the dark until you behaved (and if he went in to his smaller form after this, he would rush to let you out of the room and apologize). He would probably say something like... "But you said you were comfortable with me earlier, there's no need to be scared". He's a "mousou-gata" either way, he would kidnap you so he could protect you from the world. it's most likely that he would become very close to you before kidnapping you, he would get closer and closer to you until it's just not enough for him. he would kidnap you and say that he just had to protect you and that it would be bad if any more men could look at you
For Aizawa I see him as a lurking yandere... He would stalk you for a long time before he decided to kidnap you. He would know every detail about you life, your routine, your habits... He would know the color of your underwear too. He would not approach you before kidnapping you. (not that he's super pervy)... And once he has you in his grasp he tries to be nice. He would try to be affectionate and if you rejected him he would accept it. For now. He would let you do your thing for a few weeks until he has had enough. He would be forceful and overbearing. He's not very talkative but he is very handsy. If you attacked him? He would definitely put you in your place. He's not excessive in his advances or punishment, but he makes sure that you know your place. He would say things like "Why are you asking for help? All you need is me." I would say he places around the "koritsu yuudou-gata" category and with also "suutookaa-gata"
I've been trying to develop Present Mic's yandere type so this is my rough idea of how I see him yandere-wise. The first time he sees you, that's when he knows you're the one. He would follow you around going unnoticed until he decides to make a move. He would ask you out on a date and if you said yes? He would probably develop into the "dokusen-gata" type. He would love you unconditionally and do absolutely anything he had to, to keep you. But if you said no or broke up with him? He would go psycho. This has two stages/developments. He would develop into the "haijo-gata" type. This means he would slowly pluck off the people in your life, killing everyone one by one. And until you admit defeat and love him he will keep killing. Or, he would kidnap you, (if you continued to defy him or went to try and get help from police). Once kidnapped he would be very needy, very handsy. He wouldn't be violent with you but he would definitely be violent with anyone else who gets in his way of loving you. He would try to train you into loving him, and he would reward you when you say you love him or accept his advances, but he would also use negative reinforcement and kill the people you care about until you admit defeat and love him. You will love him. He would fall into these types: "koritsu yuudou-gata" , "choukyou-gata" , "mousou-gata"
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shakesposting · 3 years
Yandere Strikas
Dancing Rasta
would display shuuchaku (obsessive), dokusen (monopolizing), shoushitsu (feelings of worthlessness), mild sutokaa (stalker) and choukyou-gata (trainer) tendencies
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1) this is a what-if headcanon! i don’t necessarily think he’s a yandere; if he were, this is what i think he’d be like
2) i do not condone this behavior. if you experience these tendencies, i advise you seek professional help
TW: manipulation, implied stalking
absolute dad type--”killer grill skills” (quoting North Shaw, probably) and all, and without the dad bod--but is hella uneasy being called “daddy”. he’s got kids who call him that
he’d be overprotective, convinced he knows what’s best for you or that it motivates his intent anyway. he reads you well enough to try cheering you up or give you space without you asking--or knowing you need it; in retrospect, you know he was right every time (you can recall), so you more or less agree he’s got your back blown
keeps his distance. he’s not the cheating type--or so he thought. screwed marital commitment aside, he’s all too aware he’s abnormally obsessed so he holds you keeps you at arm’s length (also refrains from any and all bodily contact, like his life depends on it), hardly involved in your personal affairs
“i’m just paying for their ride home, it isn’t like i’ve asked to go too, pff” ⇢ “i’ve asked to come with, but i’m just going to stay awhile and by the door. i’m not accepting invites in for courtesy’s sake” ⇢ aloud: “i’m, not staying the night, no” as he settles on the couch beside you
you decide telling him you hadn’t asked isn’t a great move
he’d keep his feelings to himself unless outed (in which case he’ll deny it if he sees he can) or confronted (by you specifically). but he’ll say he’s not trying to make anything of his “inappropriate fondness”, as he’d phrase it. he’ll say he’s sorry he’s misled you, but he can’t help caring
and care he does. if you were to reassure him it’s alright and accept his affections, he’ll completely change his tune and latch onto that
once you’re "his”, he would keep your relationship under tight wraps (you too, when it’s appropriate), and set a rule that you shouldn’t be spotted within a mile of the mofo in public. it’s a given you aren’t to attempt interacting with him, either. not even his teammates are to know about you two, because no, he isn’t a cheater, or they shouldn’t think he is. if they already know you, he’ll demand you visit less--and by less he means not at all
he’s seen how the others look at you, and while he’d get off to the fact that they forreal want to hit, he won’t particularly like that you seem to “welcome attention from the guys” you’ve admitted to finding attractive as well although the distinction between attraction and traction invariably applies to him; he’s always with someone when the boys “chill” at Cool Joe’s club
he’s never so inexplicably upset and disoriented than whenever you’re around his teammates, and he’d decide he can’t afford to have them put two and two together
he will absolutely try making it up to you by paying for your airline and VIP matchday tickets, separate accommodations--of course he takes you with him everywhere, no matter that you’ve other commitments--treating you to obscure places or wherever there are private booths (though he thinks you might prefer room service), buying you gifts too expensive for your comfort. all across the globe, wherever his matches take him, to reward you for cooperating
would cook for you once you’re home. if you’ve the space for it, he’ll buy you an outdoor grill, if you don’t, a portable, electric model, because he knows you love his grilled stuff best
if you reject him though, he’ll respect that--will even thank you for it, “it’s for the best”. you won’t see him as often anymore, but you might glimpse red in the corner of your eye from time to time
additional note: this is a series! will be doing Shakes next
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aurorashka · 4 years
- Disclaimer -
This is only an AU imagine and yes it does contain everything mentioned in the below explanation. If you're uncomfortable with such content, please don't read it. So, please do keep that in mind and proceed to read if you're interested, thank you.
Definition of a Yandere
Yandere (ヤンデレ) is a Japanese term for a person who is initially very loving and gentle to someone (or at least innocent) before their devotion becomes destructive in nature, often through violence and/or brutality.
Dokusen-Gata the Monopoly type.
~ I'm your master, you must obey me ~
- He's your good friend for 3 years but little did you know, he knew you for more than 3 years.
- He's been watching you everywhere you go and finally he got the opportunity to get close to you cause of your friend, Yunho.
- He was Yunho's friend, so he used Yunho to get close to you.
- In the beginning he was fine but as time pass by he started being very controlling over you.
- "HONGJOONG, CAN YOU PLEASE STOP IT! YOU'RE ONLY MY FRIEND. DON'T CONTROL ME LIKE AS IF YOU'RE MY BOYFRIEND." You shouted at him after not being able to tolerate with his nagging about you going on a date with your crush.
- He walked forward to you causing you to walk back till your back touched the wall.
- He used his fingers and twirled your the ends of your hair and stared at you intensely.
- "(Y/N) baby, can't you see...you belong to me. And from now onwards I am your master and you are my doll and you have to listen to me...only me." He said and smiled devilishly while taking something from his back pocket.
- It was a syringe, but before you could react, he inserted them into your neck and injected the anaesthetic.
- After you fainted, he took your phone and texted your crush to cancel your date.
- He carried you on his back and placed you on his car to drive you to his place.
- "You're mine...and you have to listen to me." He whispered softly while tracing your facial features before driving to his place to keep you with him...forever.
Choukyou-Gata the Training type.
~ I love it when my doll is well-trained ~
- Seonghwa and you have been dating each other for a few months and he was such an amazing boyfriend.
- But ever since you started meeting one of your assigned male classmate to discuss about a pair work project, Seonghwa had been acting weirdly.
- Whenever your friend calls you to tell you where to meet him, Seonghwa will pop up out of nowhere and ask you to tell him that you love him.
- If you ask him not to disturb you, he will come closer to you and glare at you scarily and of course you will stutter back a 'I love you to him' but he will make you repeat yourself because he said it wasn't sweet enough for him.
- And sometimes he even cries and beg you not to go with your friend because Seonghwa tells you that your friend is trying to steal you away from him.
- Till one day...you finally snapped, "PARK SEONGHWA, CAN YOU F*CKING STOP! I SWEAR YOU SHOULD REALLY STOP BEING SO POSSESSIVE." You shouted at him and took your car key to leave to meet your friend.
- Seonghwa immediately fell on his knees and hugged your legs and cried out loud.
- "Baby, you really don't understand. Your classmate, Jaemin is trying to steal you away from him. I can't lose you, baby. Please be with me...I love you." He wailed out and that scene broke your heart but still you didn't want to give in because you know his motives.
- You pushed him away lightly using your hands and walked to the front door but the sound of a shattering glass stopped you.
- You turned back and saw Seonghwa was holding a broken glass piece on his neck and stared at you with his bloodshot teary eyes.
- "(Y/F/N), if you walk out of the door to meet Jaemin, I will hurt myself." He blackmailed you.
- You didn't know what to do, so you just did what was the best.
- You started crying at his psychotic attitude and walked towards him to ask him to stop it.
- And he threw the glass piece down and hugged you tightly and asked you to tell that you only love him and ask you to promise him that you will never talk to any boys.
- You nodded your head but he asked you to use your words and you did.
- "Such an obedient doll." He whispered and planted a kiss on your neck while smiling to himself feeling satisfied.
Mugai-Gata the Harmless type.
~ Your smile...I live for that ~
- "(Y/N)'s eyes, they always lit up like fireworks blasting on the night sky during New Year."
- "(Y/N)'s nose, looked so adorable, I wonder how it feels against mine when we share an eskimo kiss."
- "(Y/N)'s cheeks, were round and chubby like a mochi, I would teasingly bite them to listen to that cute giggles slipping out of that mouth."
- "(Y/N)'s lips, they're perfectly sculptured to fit on mine."
- "(Y/N)'s hands, they looked so soft, I wish I could hold them to feel the softness wrapped around my hands."
- "But sadly I'm unlucky to have all of them because it belongs to (Y/N)'s lover."
- "I wish I could be that person but it's okay. As long as I can see (Y/N)'s smile, I'm more than enough."
- Yunho whispered to himself from the back of the tree watching his crush, (Y/N) with her lover.
Koritsu Yuudou-Gata the Loneliness Induction type.
~ You don't need anyone but me ~
- For this past few weeks, everyone in school has been acting so weirdly to you.
- Your classmates who always talk and play around with you, started throwing dirty glares and whispering while looking at you.
- When you go to your locker, there's always letter about you asking you to leave the school, and you're such a horrible person.
- Even when you go to the cafeteria to sit with your friends to eat, they will get up and walk away after you sit down there.
- You couldn't take it anymore, so you ran to the school backyard and started crying.
- "(Y/N), are you okay?' A deep but gentle male voice spoke.
- You lifted your head and saw the school's quiet boy, Yeosang, was there.
- People call him the school's ghost because he is almost non-existent because of his quiet nature.
- He looked at your puffy face and gasped.
- He rushed to you immediately and hugged you.
- You let him hug you and placed your head on his chest and sobbed out loud.
- Something you really needed was a comfort and Yeosang was there for you.
- You told him everything you've been going through for this past few weeks.
- Yeosang looked at you and spoke, "(Y/N), I don't know why they're all doing that to someone so amazing like you but I promise you that you're not alone. You have me. From now onwards, I will be by your side forever."
- You thanked him and hugged him tightly.
- Yeosang smirked while patting your head and thought to himself, 'Yes, everyone believed about the rumours which I've spread about her bullying me. No friends...no acquaintances...no fam-... wait, what about her family? I guess, I should just end their lives to make my work easier.'
- "Hey, (Y/N). Did you talk to your family about these issues? Where are they now?"
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strkids · 6 years
my love is the truest of them all.
**caution: violent themes
a/n: sorry for dropping by outta nowhere and posting such a mildly violent post, but i’ve been obsessed with the yandere personality for quite awhile now, so i just wanted to make a post associating stray kids with it.
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stray kids as yanderes
mugai-gata 無害型
this type of yandere would still harbor an unhealthy amount of obsessive love, however, wouldn’t inflict any pain to their lover or to anyone else around them. Woojin would try his hardest to put himself in your life, and by doing that could even go to extremes such as following you around. if you were to fall in love with someone else, instead of inflicting violence, he would wish you well but still have hopes of being the love of your life. from a distance, he would continue to make sure you aren’t feeling any upsetting emotions and leading a perfectly happy life, even if it meant you didn’t love him back. this means no matter what, he wouldn’t let you go. any chance you aren’t tied down to anyone else, he would always try to place himself next to you.
suuhai-gata 崇拝型
this type of yandere would do ANYTHING for their desired loved ones. whether or not you love Chan, he will continue to insert himself in your life and be as present as he can. during the process of that, he will offer to sacrifice himself for you to provide happiness. whether it be killing someone, stealing something, driving you to places, buying things, helping you study etc. he will do ANYTHING. generally speaking, if you only see him as a tool to be used, that is what he’ll be, because he loves you that much. if you only see him as someone who will benefit you in life by cheating your way through success, he will be just that, because he loves you that much. Chan would never do anything to hurt you, only everything to make you happy. often times, Chan thinks he doesn’t deserve to be loved by someone so beautiful like you, which is why it doesn’t matter if you loved him back or not. either way, he’s not going anywhere. he’s sticking around.
Lee Know [Minho]
haijo-gata 排除型
there are two types of the removal type of a yandere, and Minho is type 1. as a removal type yandere, Minho would determine who was worthy enough to stay in your life. and if they weren’t, he’d remove them in the most discreet, reasonable way. he’d be smart with how he removes the people in and around your life. he only wants the best for you. the difference between Changbin and Minho is that Minho is removing any threat from your life while Changbin is trying to emotionally destroy your mentality by making you feel like you don’t have anyone else around anymore.
koritsu yuudou-gata 孤立誘導型
Loneliness Induction
this type of yandere would try their best to make you feel your most loneliest to the point where you’d have to rely on them. Changbin would try his best to get rid of those around you either by spreading fake rumors or even inflicting violence. he is slick and a quick thinker. he knows how to keep himself out of any violent picture and comes off as the “supportive, loving boyfriend/friend” you could turn to. when you are at your most loneliest, Changbin will take that to an advantage and keep you to himself.
mousou-gata 妄想型
this is one of the more intense delusion type of a yandere. every nice thing done towards Hyunjin would be exaggerate and thought to an extreme way. giving him a pencil, or even just looking at him would make him think you want him the way he wants you. whether you run away from him or even hurt him, he would think otherwise. he’d think you were just joking around or scared to be with him. Hyunjin will continue to pursue his feelings for you and try to get you to love him no matter how much you wanted to get away from him. Hyunjin is certainly head over heels for you, and there’s nothing you can do to change that.
Han [Jisung]
shuuchaku-gata 執着型
the obsessive type of a yandere would be best explained as an overcontrolling boyfriend or girlfriend who doesn’t trust you and would often ask you where you’re going, what you’re doing, who you’re talking to, etc. Jisung would let you hangout with whoever you want or talk to whoever you want, but he would often call you and text you asking your whereabouts. if you don’t answer, he’ll end up stalking you either from afar or up close, joining you at whatever event or action you’re doing. he might even end up harming someone (or you) if he finds out that you’re getting too close to someone or if you lied about your whereabouts.
ison-gata 依存型
the dependent type of yandere are often those who can’t be alone or far away from you. Felix wouldn’t be able to keep himself away from your side. if you were ever to leave or be any further from him, he would threaten to harm himself or manipulate you into thinking that he would die if you weren’t with him. if you still won’t listen to him and end up leaving, he will end up inflicting a great amount of violence, possibly a murdering spree or even a suicide.
choukyou-gata 調教型
this type of yandere relies on violence and torture to break their desired loved ones into loving them. Seungmin would probably kidnap you and keep you locked up. he’d submit various torture and violent acts on you until he could completely brainwash you into loving him and only him. nothing is going to stop him. he would give his all just to make sure your mind is wired to only think of him.
I.N [Jeongin]
sutookaa-gata ストーカー型
the stalker type of a yandere would follow their desired person from a distance and even through social media. Jeongin  would find a lot of time on his hands to go through your social media and maybe even save your pictures in his phone. he’d set your picture as his home screen and lock screen and since he doesn’t associate himself with very many people, he’s not afraid to leave his phone unattended. if any of his members question who you were, he’d lie and answer with, “just a girl i’m talking to.” if he finds a tagged location on one of your posts, he would set off that night and get himself to the same location just to admire you from afar. Jeongin never really talks to you. there may be various occasions where you might hear somethings around and outside the house, but you never find out. Jeongin’s just too slick for you (and the police) ;)
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awoogayanderes · 2 years
Types of Yanderes : Bungou Stray Dogs
characters : osamu dazai, edowaga ranpo, atsushi nakajima, doppo kunikida, kenji miyazawa, jun’ ichiro tanizaki, kyōka izumi, yosano akiko, naomi tanizaki.
warnings : yandere behavior, toxic mindsets, manipulation, domestic abuse, imprisonment, self-harm, non healthy relationships. i do not condone any of these behaviors.
other notes : this is the ADA version! if i get inspired, i’ll probably do a port mafia version. a lot of these characters were hard to write for.
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Osamu Dazai :
haijo-gata (排除型) - removal type
you are quite literally the reason he lives. he believes you’re too pure and naive for this washed out cruel world. you showed him kindness even after finding out his deepest flaws. he can’t let you be with anyone else, you’re his, his only. he knows he can’t kill your friends or your family but he can sure as hell threaten and blackmail them. he’s a selfish man, only wanting you to show him your feelings and your sweetness. he pulls you out of any communication with anyone and everyone. why are you talking to other people when he’s there? he’s the only one meant to be there for you. you’re his beloved, he’s not going to lose another person he genuinely cares about.
Edogawa Ranpo :
sutookaa-gata (すとーかーがた) - stalker type
he’s not the world’s greatest detective for no reason. he smiles as he finds out where you are with his super deduction. you can’t hide anything from him, he’ll find out everything. you pique his interest to the max and he wants to know every single little thing about you. when you aren’t around him, he can’t help but find out where you are. he’ll casually bring up your previous whereabouts the next time you guys meet. you’re confused, remembering that you never told him but he simply tells you that he used his “ability.” he’s not scared of telling you of his deduction since both you and him know that you’ll never be able to get away.
Atsushi Nakajima :
jishou-gata (自傷型) - self-harm type
coming from a rough and complicated childhood meant that he wasn’t shown love or compassion. when he met you, he saw how you pampered him and how you treated him with so much love. as much as he hates it, he loves how you patch him up and coo at him when he gets hurt. when he’s on missions, he just coincidentally cuts himself every time. he can’t help but blush at your worried face and soft words. if it means that you’ll take care of him, a few bruises and cuts don’t bother him. he just craves your soft touch and treatment. after a while, you always try your best to be with him so he won’t get hurt as much. he truly is in love with you and your protective nature.
Doppo Kunikida :
choukyou-gata (調教型) - training type
he needs you to meet all of his 58 criteria. he wants you to live by his standards, shaping you into the perfect darling. he has authority over you and he’s not afraid to use it. despite this, he’s a bit confused on why he’s like this, on why he wants you to be his interpretation of perfection rather than let you be your own person. he treats you more like a doll or a dog rather than his significant other. don’t ever bring it up though, unless you want a punishment for breaking his criteria. he loves you, just not how defiant you are against him. he thinks of marrying you, further preparing you for marriage and your life together.
Kenji Miyazawa ( platonic ) :
mugai-gata (無害型) - harmless type
he’s so kind to you, always treating you like royalty. i don’t think he would even realize he had some possessive thoughts over you. even if he does realize, he wouldn’t hurt you. you’re too important for him to lay a finger on you. he just wants you to be happy alongside him. forcing you into things would never be his forte. he watches over you, making sure nothing bad happens. nothing that you do can make him snap, he’s always there for you. he’s probably the safest yandere on this list, not wanting to cause you any harm, physically or emotionally. even in hard circumstances, he would never take it out on you. you’re too special.
Jun’ ichiro Tanizaki :
mousou-gata (妄想型) - delusion type
his illusions of you fill him up with so much joy. even if you’re not his partner, he’s so delusional with his visions, craving you even further. whenever you’re not around him, he’ll imagine you with him so he can pass the time. despite him trying to hide his delusion, he’ll slip up when he mentions things you do for him in his illusions that you actually haven’t done. he’ll try to play it off but doesn’t do a very good job at it. even then, he won’t stop with his light snow. he’s just so obsessed with you and can’t help but always imagine you alongside him. if his love for you overflows, he’ll straight up tell you about his fantasies, wanting you to accept him.
Kyōka Izumi ( platonic ) :
hogo-gata (保護型) - protective type
after seeing her parents die in front of her, she can’t risk your safety. she cares deeply about you and will protect you at any cost. despite this, she won’t use demon snow to protect you in fear that demon snow will kill you like she killed her mom. probably the second safest yandere since she doesn’t want to hurt you. you’re her best friend, the most precious person in her life. if anything happens to you, she wouldn’t let you be near her, blaming herself for not being able to protect you. she’ll maybe even go as far as teaching you self-defense. she won’t see another person she cares about die in front of her eyes.
Yosano Akiko :
DV-gata (DV型) - domestic violence type
your relationship with her is a whole rollercoaster. she’ll randomly cut you with a scalpel only for her to heal you with her ability. she has fun with you by breaking you and fixing you up again. if you cry to her, she’ll dismiss it, firing back that she always patches you up. you’re normally a victim of her abuse. like any other person, she gets stressed out and decides to take it out on you. even if she’s mad afterward, she’ll patch you up. yosano doesn’t want you to have an infection or any bruises. you wouldn’t be able to tell anyone due to her ability. but even then, she cares about you, just in her own twisted way.
Naomi Tanizaki :
shuuchaku-gata (執着型) - obsession type
like brother, like sister. she’s heavily obsessed on you. she’s drunk on the thoughts of you. she wants to know everything about you ranging from your favorite color to the color of your undergarments. she always wants to be with you, coddling you as her own. you’re hers and she’s yours. she’ll follow you around constantly, clinging to your side. she gets jealous easily, feeling possessive over you, her beloved darling. she just loves you so much, gladly taking a bullet for you. as long as you’re her significant other, there’s no shred of alone time for you. there’s no way she’s going to let go of you now. not ever.
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mingis-lightbulb · 3 years
Yandere Kang Yeosang and Choi San Headcanons
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To start things off, Yeosang is a Sutookaa-gata type, also known as the Stalker type, he’ll watch you from afar.
He studies everything that you do, he’ll know where you live, where you work, where you get your hair done, where your friends stay, etc.
He would be nervous around you at first. he doesn’t want to give away his cover.
He would also be very weary of what he says so he doesn’t accidentally tip you off. (can’t have you know he’s always watching ya know?)
Expect random items, items that were on your wishlist or things that you only mentioned were your favorites when alone with your friends.
All of the packages would be left with a little note expressing everything they love about you, signed with a cursive K.
Dear Darling.
I saw you looking at these items, and since i believe you deserve the entire world. I bought them for you. Don't worry about the price. You deserve it, only the best for my starlight.
Your Loving husband,
He just wants you to care for yourself, and he’s happy that he can help you out with it.
But he can also fall quickly into the Delusion type, or the Mousou-gata.
He usually doesn’t get too jealous, but he only does when people get too close to you. And when they do, he’ll eliminate them as he saw fit, he’s only hostile when he need to be.
He’s perfectly fine watching you...for now that is....
But he does have a plan, a plan to make you his, but he doesn’t want to act on it right away.
No, he wants to learn everything about you, EVERYTHING, that way he can prepare the perfect room to keep you in.
He wants you to be happy with him, so he’ll be watching as time, to make you his perfect little doll.
“In do time (y/n).....in do time...you’ll be with me...”
Hope you didn’t have much of a life outside of him....because he is never letting you go.
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Now San is Dangerous, this is the one you’d want to keep an eye on.
He is three different types of Yanderes: The Sokubaku-gata, Haijo-gata, and Choukyou-gata. Which are known as the Restraints type, the Removal type and the Training type
When he sees you, he’ll instantly fall in love, he’d think of you as a cute kitten who needs to be taken care of.
He Believes you need him in your life and he needs you in his, whether you like it or not.
He’d be quicker, he won’t waste anytime kidnapping you, Your room at his place was prepared a long time ago, so why waste time? (we got a speed demon here boys..)
Please don’t go against him, it won’t end up good for you. Like i said before he is the Choukyou-gata type, which is the Training type.
San will train you into his perfect girl. he won’t allow you to deny his feelings, he won’t hear the “I hate you” Or “i don’t love you” (Oh you big bold reader-chan~).
He is not afraid to tie you down for hours on end until you learn your lesson, San loves you and he wants you to know that, even if it takes him repeating it over and over again.
San ls also the Haijo-gata, the Removal type.
Your friends? Nope, they’re not your friends anymore, he is the only friend that you need. Family? Why do you need them when you are going to make your own family.
This Mans head is so warped, he is damn near delusional (fuck that he IS delusional, fucking run reader-chan, RUN FOR THE HILLS.)
He is too far gone to try and reason with, so if you care about the safety of your friends and loved ones. Run. Run far away (y/n). (*plays run by bts*).
“I love you (y/n)~! Come on, Say it back! I SAID SAY IT BACK!"
"I-I love you San, I L-love you so much...."
"Aww~ thank you, I love you more baby~, Now I don’t have to tie you up today~”
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awoogayanderes · 3 years
Types of Yanderes : MysticMessenger
Characters: Yoosung Kim, Zen Ryu, Jaehee Kang, Jumin Han, Saeyoung Choi, Saeran Choi, Jihyun Kim.
Warnings: Yandere behavior, manipulation, toxic mindsets, implied imprisonments, mention of suicide, self-harm.
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Yoosung Kim:
touei-gata (投影型) - projection type
It’s very usual for him to say how much you remind him of Rika. He’d even sometimes call you by her name. He can’t help it, he’s still coping with her ‘suicide’. Even after you tell him that you’re not his cousin, he still refers you as her every once in a while. Which can be very disturbing, you could be in a romantic moment, and sometimes her name slips out of his mouth. In the end, he just wants to protect you, something he didn’t succeed with in the past with another person he cared about.
Zen Ryu:
choukyou-gata (調教型) - training type
He wants you to praise him. You’re his beloved, he wants your utmost adoration directed towards him, and him only. If you compliment any person, expect him to tell you to compliment him, to tell him you love him. It can get annoying, you could be telling him that you love him for the 10th time and he’d tell you to repeat it. He didn’t have the best childhood, his family didn’t appreciate his looks or his potential future, so instead, he has you to tell him how handsome or amazing he is.
Jaehee Kang:
haijo-gata (排除型) - removal type
In her eyes, you only need her. Not any other friends or acquaintances. Slowly she’ll start picking away those she thinks could be potential threats. She’ll tell you about how horrible your friends are and why you should stay away. She’ll go as far as blackmailing people you hang out with, telling them to stay away from you, or else she will release the scoop she has on them. She’s a manipulative person, she already has a plan when you find out most of your friends abandoned you.
Jumin Han:
sokubaku-gata (束縛型) - restraints type
He loves seeing your wrists and ankles tied up with red ribbon. You look divine and elegant from his point of view. Though he prefers red ribbons, he’d settle with any red fabric to restrain you. He enjoys knowing that you’re under his control. By the time his guilty pleasure comes out, he already has you locked in his penthouse. He even buys the most expensive ribbons he can find. He wants to keep you tied up, but he wants to spoil you. He wants you to live a life of luxury alongside him.
Saeyoung Choi:
sutookaa-gata (ストーカー型) - stalker type
He knows everything about you. Ranging from your favorite animal to the last cent you paid. At times he doesn’t even realize he’s stalking you through the cameras. It just comes so naturally to him to know what you’re doing. He puts tiny trackers and microphones in every piece of clothing you own. He needs to know where you are and if you’re safe. If you have your own apartment, he’d put cameras and microphones all over the place. He cares about you and he’s trying to keep you safe from any harm.
Saeran Choi:
jishou-gata (自傷型) - self-harm type
He wants your soft touch and comforting words. To him, self-harm is one of the only ways of getting that out of you. The first time he harmed himself, you panicked and hugged him so tightly, reminding him of how worthy he is. Even still, you’d kiss his scars. He simply wants your attention, your caring words, and delicate touch. Once he feels like you’re concentrated on something else for a long period of days, he would harm himself. You immediately comfort him, unbeknownst to his true intentions.
Jihyun Kim:
jiko-gisei-gata (自己犠牲型) - self-sacrifice type
He would do anything for you. Though you remind him that him being your boyfriend is the best thing you could ask for. When you’re frustrated with something, he voluntarily offers himself up for you to hurt. Anything that’d show his obsessive love for you. He’s willing to give up photography and any other hobby he enjoys for you. When you always refuse, he can’t help but have a little voice in his head telling him that he’s not good enough. He’d do anything to get you to love him back.
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