#chas t. grey
elliesbelle · 1 year
skinny dipping
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ellie williams one-shot
pairing: ellie x reader
synopsis: it's a wednesday and you go to a coffee shop. you hear the barista call a name: ellie. your ex-girlfriend. after some nonsensical chatter, she asks to catch up. have you both changed or are you still those scared little kids?
content warnings: modern au, ex-girlfriend!ellie, also ex-best friend!ellie, also artist!ellie, also a bit of mean!ellie, ellie and reader are in their mid-20s, cursing, verbal arguments, kind of angst, mention of character death, ellie and reader break-up, non-sexual nudity, minors don't interact
word count: 6.1k
my masterlist
i have a ko-fi if you like my work so much that you feel compelled to tip me ♡︎
based on the sabrina carpenter song “skinny dipping”
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It’s 8:47 on a Wednesday morning. You’d gotten an early start to your morning and figured you could treat yourself to a cup of coffee. Since you work just around the corner from the coffee place and had a few minutes to spare, you were at your leisure. 
You stand to the side from where the pick-up counter was, patiently waiting for your name and order to be called out. Scrolling through your phone absent-mindedly, your ears suddenly perk up when one of the baristas calls out, “Oat milk latte for, uhhh… Ellie?” 
There’s no chance that it’s actually her. 
But it is. 
You look up from your phone to see a flash of auburn hair. The barista places the oat milk latte on the counter to be picked up by a woman in a simple black t-shirt tucked into dark grey jeans and wearing a pair of old, black Converse. 
The woman mutters a thanks to the barista before turning around to suddenly meet your stunned gaze. Her green eyes mirror the expression on yours. 
“Hi.” Your ex-girlfriend suddenly blurts out. 
“Hi, E-Ellie.” You blurt out right back. 
The sounds of chatter from other patrons and chairs scraping and the cha-ching of the register are all drowned out suddenly as you’re both being pulled into a bubble. 
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“Then go, Ellie! Just fucking go!” You screamed. 
“The fuck does it look like I’m doing, huh?” Ellie yelled back, throwing up her hands in frustration before going back to stuffing her belongings from her desk into her backpack. 
“Running away, like you always do!” You responded angrily. “You’re a fucking coward!” 
“Uh, huh, sure.” She scoffed, keeping her back turned to you as she zips up her backpack. 
“Just go back to your fancy fucking college with all your fancy new friends and go ahead and make your pretentious art and forget about all of this!” You said, tears uncontrollably streaming down your face. 
“Yeah, maybe I will!” Ellie retorted, whipping around to look at you. 
“Fine.” You sneered. 
“Fine!” She replied. 
You glared at each other, her angry green eyes meeting yours. 
After a moment of loaded silence, you sniffled, wiped your nose on your sleeve, and shook your head. 
“Well, you can go ahead and forget about me too, then.” You professed, making your way to storm past her and out of the garage. 
Before you reached the doorknob, you felt Ellie’s hand suddenly grab your wrist. 
“Wait,” She said, voice a little softer. 
You kept your eyes focused on the door, knowing that if they met hers once again, you’d beg for forgiveness that you didn’t need to receive from her. 
“Don’t.” You said firmly. You attempted to shake her off, but her grip stayed secure. 
“Let’s just—let’s talk about this.” She said with an attempt at rationality in her voice. 
“I’ve been here the whole time to talk. There’s no point in it anymore. Now let go of me.” 
“I’m not your fucking baby, Ellie!” You suddenly yelled, relenting to turn around and say this directly to her face. Her eyes were welling up with tears. 
“Please, I love you.” Ellie pleaded. 
You scoffed. 
“No, you fucking don’t.” You proclaimed. 
You shook off Ellie’s hand from your wrist once you felt her grip loosen. You yanked the door open and ran into the night. 
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The flooding of memories is put to a stop when you hear the barista call out your name and order. You jump and so does Ellie. 
Awkwardly, you break the eye contact to walk to the pick-up counter right next to her, reaching out to grab your drink. 
You pull the coffee cup to your chest, as if the heat could radiate comfort through your body. Something within you summons a sliver of courage, so you decide to break the silence and dared look her right in those ocean-green eyes again. 
“How are you?” You mutter, so quiet that you weren’t sure if she heard you. But you were both so close to each other that you swore you could hear her heartbeat. 
“I’m…I’m good.” She mutters right back. 
Ellie surprises you with a tiny smile. You return it with a bashful one of your own. 
“Good.” You say. “I—I didn’t know you were back in town.” 
“Yeah, actually I—” Ellie hesitates for a second. “I moved back last month.” 
“Oh.” You say, shocked. “Oh, wow. I didn’t know that.” 
“Yeah, it was–it was a little sudden. But I’m here.” 
“Right.” You reply, taking a nervous sip of your coffee. 
“Umm, so…how’s your family?” She asks. 
“Oh, they’re…they’re the same.” 
“That’s good. How’s your sister Kiko?” 
You smile, touched that Ellie remembered your little sister. You’re reminded of how close she was with her, how much your little sister looked up to Ellie. 
“Oh, Kiko’s…Kiko. As always.” You say. Ellie smiles. 
“How old is she now?” 
“Turning 19 this month. She just graduated.” 
“Oh, wow. That’s amazing. I feel like she was just 5 years old, like, yesterday.” 
“I know, it’s so crazy. She’s actually taller than me now.” 
“My little dude, taller than you? That can’t be true.” 
“Surreal, right?” 
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“That looks awesome, little dude.” Ellie said. 
“Really?” Your little sister Kiko beamed. 
“Yeah! You’ve got talent, kid.” 
You walked into your bedroom, holding a glass of lemonade in one hand. 
“What are you doing in here, Kiko?” You questioned, seeing your sister sitting next to Ellie on your bed with her sketchbook open on Ellie’s lap. 
“I was showing Ellie some of my drawings!” Your sister piped. 
“Oh, yeah?” You said, coming over to sit on Kiko’s other side. You handed Ellie the glass, to which she uttered a quiet thanks. 
“Check it out,” Kiko said, pulling her sketchbook closer to you. “This one is a picture of an apatosaurus eating a leaf.” 
She pointed at a charcoal drawing of a long-necked dinosaur eating from a tree. She flipped the page and pointed at a sketch of a girl who looked roughly the same age as her. 
“This is my friend Peni. I drew it while we were eating lunch the other day, but she said I made her eyes too big.” 
“And I told her to punch Peni for that when she sees her at school on Monday.” Ellie said. 
“Ellie!” You exclaimed, reaching behind Kiko to smack Ellie’s arm. Ellie cackled. 
“She deserves it! Her drawing’s perfect!” Ellie said. 
“Okay, but don’t tell my little sister to resort to violence!” You complained. 
“I think more people should be resorting to violence.” Ellie shrugged. 
“Oh my god.” You rolled your eyes. 
“Whatever,” Ellie laughed again. “Show us more, little dude.” 
Your sister enthusiastically flipped through more pages of her sketchbook, describing each of her drawings. You and Ellie listened happily and attentively, Ellie occasionally taking sips of her lemonade. 
“Oh, and this is you guys!” Kiko suddenly exclaimed. She pointed at a half-finished pencil drawing of you and Ellie. 
Your eyes widened and Ellie choked on her lemonade. 
You and Ellie were laying down together on your living room couch, fast asleep. One of Ellie’s arms served as a pillow for your head while the other embraced your hip to pull you closer. Your head was nuzzled in Ellie’s neck, arms wrapped around Ellie’s waist. You were both covered with a throw blanket, and you could catch a glimpse of your feet intertwined with Ellie’s at the end of the couch. Though just a sketch, you could tell that you were both in deep, unencumbered sleep. 
You weren’t sure when it was that Kiko drew this because you and Ellie had fallen asleep with each other countless times. It wasn’t rare for you two to cuddle either; you’d been best friends for a while now and you were very physically comfortable with each other. But something about the way Kiko captured this intimacy on paper felt further than that. It awakened something dormant in you, something you didn’t realize was there in the first place. 
Neither you nor Ellie seemed to know what to say. You both stared at the sketchbook dumbfounded, Ellie not realizing that she had some lemonade dribbling down her chin. Luckily, Kiko didn’t seem to notice the sudden tension in the air. 
“Oh! Hang on, I have to grab my other sketchbook! I’ve got a couple more dinosaur drawings I wanna show you, Ellie!” 
Your sister jumped up and bounded out of your bedroom, leaving her sketchbook in between you and Ellie. 
You continued to stare at your sister’s sketch. Even if you were five years older than her, Kiko was far more artistically talented than you at just the age of 12. 
Your fingers reached out to lightly brush across Ellie’s and your etched faces, but they were suddenly met with Ellie’s own fingers, who had the same idea. You both quickly retracted your hands after accidentally zapping each other as your skin touched hers. 
“Shit, sorry.” Ellie said, breaking the silence. 
“Oh, it’s okay.” You whispered. You tore your eyes away from the drawing to stare at your legs dangling from the bed. 
“That Kiko is a… pretty funny kid, huh?” Ellie said, laughing nervously. 
“Right,” You said. “Well, Kiko is Kiko.” 
“She really is.” 
An awkward silence continued to loom over you two, neither knowing how to break it. This was unchartered territory for you. You usually felt so at ease with your best friend, but something suddenly shifted. And you weren’t sure what it was. 
You eventually looked up at Ellie, who was twiddling her fingers. You noticed her chin still dripping slightly with lemonade. You giggled as Ellie met your eyes. 
“What?” She asked. 
“What is the matter with you?” You laughed, getting up and walking towards your desk. 
“What!” Ellie repeated. 
“You’ve got lemonade on your chin, dummy.” You said, grabbing a kleenex from a tissue box. 
“Oh,” Ellie brought her hand up and felt the wetness. “Shit.” 
She chuckled, grabbing the bottom of her shirt to wipe her face. 
“Hey, no!” You scolded, running over to her to slap her shirt out of her hand. 
“What!” Ellie said, indignant. 
“Were you raised in a barn?” You scoffed, handing Ellie the tissue. 
“Yup,” Ellie replied, accepting it. “Oink, oink.” 
You rolled your eyes and laughed as Ellie cleaned off her face. 
“You are so annoying!” You said, taking your pointer finger to push up the tip of Ellie’s nose, giving it the appearance of a pig’s snout. 
Ellie swatted your finger away playfully, snickering. 
“And yet you still laughed anyway!” 
“Hey,” Ellie said, holding her hands up. “Not my fault I’m a comical genius.” 
“A comical dumbass, maybe.” You rolled your eyes once more. 
“Oh, you love me.” Ellie said, grinning widely. 
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You and Ellie both chuckle. You’re surprised to find that you missed the sound of her laughter. 
After a few moments, you both fall silent. You feel heat rushing to your cheeks at the same time that Ellie’s freckles turn pink. Suddenly you don’t feel the need for coffee anymore. Your heart beats like that of a hummingbird and you feel as if you were sweating excessively underneath your short-sleeved button-down. Your lungs feel like they were fully submerged in water. You had to tear your gaze away from those ocean-green eyes. 
It’s Ellie’s courage this time that breaks the silence. 
“Well, uhh. Let her know I say hi, will you?” 
“Y-yeah. Of course.” You say. “And uhh, say hi to your Uncle Tommy and Aunt Maria too.” 
Ellie smiles, but you notice a hint of sadness behind it. 
“Sure.” She says. 
You give her a slight nod. 
Fidgeting with your coffee cup, you feel your chest tighten from the rising awkwardness. 
“Well, uhh, I gotta get to work.” You say. “Umm, it was nice seeing you.” 
You give Ellie a final smile and a wave, whipping around and heading out the door before Ellie could respond. 
The sound of a bell tinkles as you walk through the door of the coffee shop. You take several deep breaths as a million emotions wash over you. You take a sip of your coffee before turning towards the direction of your workplace. But before you could get far, you hear another tinkle of the coffee shop bell. 
“Wait!” You hear Ellie’s voice call out. 
Before you could turn around, you feel fingers wrap around your wrist. You both immediately withdraw your hands as you feel Ellie’s skin accidentally zap yours. 
“Fuck, sorry.” Ellie says apologetically. 
“It’s okay.” You reply, pulling your zapped hand to your swiftly beating chest. 
“Umm,” She begins. “This was really nice. Catching up, I mean.” 
“We should…do this on purpose sometime.” She says, scratching the back of her neck awkwardly. An old Ellie habit you recognize. 
“Oh, umm.” You bounce lightly back and forth on your feet. “Yeah. Sure.” 
“Cool beans.” She says, smiling. “Are you free tonight, by any chance?” 
“Oh, I have to stay late at work tonight.” 
“Oh, okay.” She says, her smile faltering. She seems to think you were making up an excuse to flake. 
“But I’m free Friday night!” You say quickly. “I get off at 5:30. But if you aren’t free or if that doesn’t work for you—“ 
Ellie smiles. 
“Friday sounds great. Do you wanna do 6:30 at Raja’s?” 
You grimace slightly. 
“Won’t that be too nostalgic?” 
Ellie chuckles. 
“Maybe, but let’s do it anyway.” She says. Your cheeks feel warm from her sudden boldness. 
“We won’t sit at the same old table or anything,” She says, holding her hands up. “Just dinner. Nothing more.” 
You consider this for a second. 
“Yeah,” You say slowly. “Yeah, okay.” 
Ellie beams, knowing she won you over. 
“Friday at 6:30 then.” 
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“Oh, that’s so fucking cool.” You say. 
“Yeah, you think so?” Ellie responds. 
It was Friday at 6:54 in the evening. Ellie was right on time, but you were kept at work longer than expected and were several minutes late. You’d rushed home to drop your work things off and make yourself presentable as quickly as possible for having dinner with your ex-girlfriend, thanking past you for already laying out the outfit you planned on wearing for the meeting. 
The diner was a 10-minute walk from your apartment, but you made it a 6-minute run instead. It had rained the previous day, so you’d nearly slipped several times. But you caught yourself each time, determined to make it in one piece. 
When you arrived, Ellie was already sitting at a booth, drinking water. You arrived completely winded, breathlessly muttering a hundred apologies. Ellie just smiled, telling you to take a deep breath and that it was completely okay. She seemed grateful that you showed up either way. 
After taking generous sips from the glass of water that was already waiting for you, you’d greeted Ellie properly with a smile. She returned it, and now you were both discussing all the tattoos she’s gotten in the past few years. You’d noticed one on her left arm when she pushed the second glass of water towards you. 
“How about the one on your right arm?” You ask. You’d gotten a slight glimpse of it the other day at the coffee shop. 
“Oh, umm.” She says, placing her arm on the table so you could get a better look. She seems almost reluctant to do so. 
You lean in closer, moving your head around to better inspect the ferns that decorated her forearm from different angles. There was something else engraved on top of the ferns that you couldn’t quite make out, but it somehow seemed familiar. Your right hand hovers over the tattoo, an impulse to touch it nearly coming over you. But you keep your fingers to yourself, afraid to cross that line just yet. 
“It’s beautiful, Ellie. Did you design this one yourself?” You ask. 
“No, uhh,” She begins awkwardly. “My ex-girlfriend Cat did.” 
“Oh” was all you said in reply, unwittingly withdrawing your hand. 
“Yeah, uhh. I got it freshman year of college. After…after my dad died.” 
“Oh.” You repeat once more. 
“Y-yeah. It wasn’t the easiest thing to deal with, and Cat thought it would help with like, the grieving process and all.” 
“Right, of course.” You say, feeling remorseful for having brought attention to the topic. 
Ellie begins to unintentionally run her fingers over the tattoo out of nervousness, drawing your eyes to it once more. You suddenly recognize what the final part of the design was. 
“That’s the…the moth. From your old guitar.” 
Ellie looks down at it sadly. 
“Yeah, it is.” 
You’re both drawn into yet another awkward silence. Fiddling with your fingers in your lap, you feel as if an anchor was dropped onto your chest. You’d known that the topic of Joel’s death might come up, but you were nervous nonetheless. 
You look up to see Ellie’s face to find that she was already staring at you. She didn’t look like she was upset with you in any way at all; in fact, it was guilt that flashed across her features. You realize why, and there was an unspoken acknowledgement that you were both thinking about the same thing. 
Ellie withdraws her arm back to her side. 
“I’m sorry.” She whispers. 
“I know.” You whisper back. 
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You were sitting on the couch in Ellie’s makeshift art studio that she’d set up in her garage. You hugged your knees to your chest, rocking back and forth as you drowned in your tears. It had been almost a week since Joel’s funeral and nobody had heard from Ellie. Everyone asked after her during the wake, but neither you nor her Uncle Tommy or Aunt Maria could answer. She hadn’t made it to the funeral, and you were worried. 
It was four months into your freshman year of college. You decided to attend a university closer to home, only a half-hour drive from Jackson. But Ellie chose an art school in Boston after receiving a scholarship, all the way across the country. 
Deciding on a long-distance relationship seemed like a no-brainer when you and Ellie had discussed it after you both graduated high school. You loved each other, both as girlfriends and long-time best friends. It felt as if your love would be able to survive anything. 
The longer that Ellie was away, however, the more difficult it got. Your college was much smaller, compared to hers. You preferred it that way; that was a factor in your choosing to attend. Some of your peers that you grew up with in Jackson were even in a few of your classes, and this eased the anxiety of being away from home. 
But Ellie, a couple thousand miles away, was in a brand new town with brand new faces. You were nervous for her, fearing that she’d be a fish out of water. You knew how awkward she could be sometimes and you worried that she’d get lonely. But after a few weeks of college, she’d made several friends and grew to love Boston. This made you happy, but part of you was sad that you couldn’t experience this milestone in your lives together. 
You’d been inseparable since childhood, growing up together and going to the same schools and having the same friends. Along the way, you’d realized you were in love with each other. It was bliss, to fall in love with the one person you trusted most with your life and to have them love you back. You were both so in sync, even and especially after you started dating. She knew you like the back of her hand, and you knew her the same. 
But as you sat there in Ellie’s garage with only the comfort of your own arms, you started to wonder. You were trying to convince yourself that Ellie was pulling away from you because of Joel’s passing. But all the unanswered phone calls, missed flights to visit home, the growing disinterest in your side of the conversation affirmed that Ellie was becoming someone you no longer knew. You were still where you always were, but Ellie had traveled oceans away from you.  
You had your head buried in your knees when you heard the sound of the door unlocking. As you dropped your legs to the ground, you watched as Ellie entered the garage. She flicked the light on and jumped when she saw your miserable figure sitting on her couch. 
“Oh, fuck!” She yelled. “You scared me, babe.” 
She placed a hand on her chest as if to slow down her rapid heartbeat. 
“Sorry.” You whisper meekly. 
“What are you doing sitting here all alone in the dark?” She asked, walking over to her desk and placing her backpack on top of it. 
You stared at her in disbelief. 
“Where the fuck have you been, Ellie?” You said, ignoring her question. 
“What do you mean? I’ve been around.” She replied, her back towards you as she collected some belongings. 
“You missed Joel’s funeral.” You said bluntly. 
“Yeah, I know. I’m sorry.” She said, a little too nonchalantly. 
You watched as she continued to move around the room, rearranging a few things and rifling through drawers. She felt your gaze on her but avoided eye contact with you. 
“He was your father, Ellie.” You said after a few minutes of silence. 
“Adoptive father,” She corrected. “He wasn’t my real dad.” 
“He fucking raised you.” 
“Yeah, well,” She said, placing a few paintbrushes in her backpack. “Look how that turned out.” 
You were exhausted. 
“What the fuck is wrong with you, Ellie?!” 
She finally turned around to face you. 
“What?” She asked, taken aback by your raised tone. 
“Where the fuck have you been? Why weren’t you at Joel’s funeral? Everyone’s been worried sick about you, wondering where the fuck you went off to. Your Aunt Maria nearly called the cops, but your Uncle Tommy and I had to convince her that you wouldn’t be so stupid to go and get yourself hurt!” 
You’d risen from your seat on the couch now, glaring at her. 
“And now this about Joel? He was your fucking father. I don’t give a fuck what you say! He loved you so much, and it would break his heart to hear you talk about him like this.” 
Tears were streaming down your face as Ellie watched you silently continuing your outrage. 
“I know you need to deal with your grief in your own way. I know you’re sad and need time, but…” You sniffled. “Please don’t shut us out. Don’t push away the people who love you. Joel wouldn’t have wanted this for you.” 
Ellie scoffed, which took you by furious surprise. 
“You don’t know that. He’s gone. It doesn’t matter what he wanted anymore.” 
It felt as if she slapped you right across the face. 
“I’m so fucking sick of this.” She finally said after a moment of silence. 
“I’m sick of this town. I’m sick of the people here. I can’t fucking stand being here for another second. I don’t want this.” 
You stood there shocked, staring at a stranger who looked remarkably like the girl you loved. 
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You and Ellie continue to look at each other from opposite ends of the table. She seems as if she wants to say more, to apologize further. But she stops when you give her a forgiving smile. 
“It’s okay.” You say. 
She returns your smile, sadly but with gratitude. 
Your moment of reminiscence is interrupted when your waitress approaches your booth. 
“Oh my goodness, it’s the troublemaking duo!” Your waitress exclaims. “I didn’t know it was you that Ellie was waiting on!” 
Heat rises to your cheeks. 
“Hi, Wendy.” You say, recognizing the old woman. 
“It has been so long since I’ve seen you two together! Oh, and now you’re both so grown up!” Wendy gabbed. “Oh, Ellie, it’s so nice to have you back in town! Your Aunt Maria has been going on and on for weeks about how excited she and Tommy are that you’re moving back!” 
“Yeah, they seem pretty psyched to have me home,” Ellie says, smiling kindly. “It’s good to be back, Wendy.” 
“Maria kept wishing you would move back after you’d graduated college! And I kept telling her, ‘kids gotta get their feet wet first!’ But look at you, back home again finally!” 
“Yeah, Boston was pretty great. But it wasn’t for me, and I really missed Jackson.” 
Wendy smiled at this. 
“Oh, having you two back here like this feels like things never changed. I wish that I knew you were both coming in; otherwise, I would have saved your usual table!” Wendy says, gesturing towards a booth in the corner of the diner. 
You glance over and see a young couple sitting together, holding hands across the table. They were slightly obscured by this old, beat-up jukebox that was playing some old 80s song. 
“Oh, it’s alright, Wendy,” Ellie says, waving her hand. “We’re good here.” 
“Well, okay!” She dips her hand in her apron. “Oh my, I forgot my pen and pad! Oh, and I haven’t even brought you your coffee yet! I swear, I think my brain is slowly spilling out of my ears every day!” 
Ellie laughs and you grimace at the image. 
“Let me go grab those things real quick, and then I’ll take your gals’ order!” Wendy says gleefully. 
“That’d be great.” Ellie replies. 
Wendy beams at both of you before making her way back to behind the counter. 
“Since when did you drink coffee?” You ask Ellie, to which she shrugs. 
“Kind of grew on me back in college. Still have to drink it with tons of sugar and creamer, though.” She says. 
“Ahh, well, that explains the oat milk latte from the other day.” 
“Memorized my order, huh?” She teases. 
Wendy the waitress saves you from your bashfulness by arriving with two coffee cups in one hand and a coffee pot in the other. As Wendy pours into each of your cups, Wendy decides to gush more over the two of you. 
“I was just telling Esther in the back how much we would dread when you two rascals would come in here. I remember how you two would come in and order one milkshake to share and a plate of fries and then pay us with dimes and nickels! Drove us nuts to count it all out!” 
You and Ellie laugh nervously, embarrassed over your childhood antics. 
“And you’d come in here and play that one a-ha! song over and over again if you had any leftover change! Oh, we all got so sick of that song that Raja almost took out the jukebox at one point!” Wendy chortles. 
“Right, “Take on Me” was what we always played,” You recall. “Sorry, Wendy.” 
“Oh, it’s alright,” She says, waving you off. “In fact, someone put that song on the jukebox a few weeks back and it made me miss those good old days.” She sighs, reminiscing. 
Ellie glances at you while you look at Wendy in her reverie. Ellie’s eyes look gentle and affectionate, an expression that hasn’t adorned her face in years. 
“Oh, I do miss you youngsters and your shenanigans. Drove me crazy, but it kept me young. Do you recall when you came in here absolutely sopping wet, Ellie?” 
Ellie blushes suddenly, scratching the back of her neck as her freckles turn pink once more. 
“Y-yeah. Sorry about that.” 
“Oh, you got the floor all wet and dirty, and your usual booth smelled like wet dog for a week!” Wendy cackles. 
“Oh?” You ask. “When was that?” 
“It was back in—” Wendy starts, but another waitress called behind the counter. 
“Wendy, honey! Table 12 spilled orange juice everywhere; can you grab the mop?” 
“Oh darn,” Wendy says. “Let me go take care of this mess real quick, sweethearts! And I’ll be right back for your orders!” 
Wendy walks off quickly and leaves the two of you alone once more. 
You glance at Ellie. 
“When did that happen?” You question curiously. 
“Umm,” Ellie says nervously. “It was that day. At the lake.” 
Your face softens in recognition. 
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“Els, come on!!” You yelled, pulling her with you. 
“Dude, no!” 
“Els, 17 is way too old to be afraid of the water!” 
“I am not afraid of the water!” Ellie said, breaking free from your grasp and crossing her arms. 
Joel had dragged you and Ellie with him for a fishing trip by a nearby lake. He’d forgotten his bait box back at his and Ellie’s home, and he left you and Ellie to your own devices while he drove back to grab it. Bored out of your mind, you were trying to convince Ellie to jump into the lake with you from a large rock that oversaw the water. 
“Then you won’t have any problems if I just…” You made the motion of pushing someone. “...throw you into the lake, by any chance?” 
Ellie backed away from you, holding her hands up. 
“Don’t you fucking dare, man,” She said. “I will never, ever forgive you.” 
You groaned then dragged your feet to the edge. You looked over at the lake. 
“It’s not that high of a jump, Els! Come on, Joel and I taught you to swim two summers ago!” 
“Let’s just get back to the shore, dude. He’ll be back any second.” She said. 
“You know Joel won’t be back for another half hour.” You replied, knowing that Joel would find a million other things to do before heading out again. You skipped over to where she stood feet away from the edge of the mini-cliff. 
You grabbed both of her hands in yours. Her breathing hitched when your skin touched hers. 
It had been a month since your little sister unveiled her drawing of you and Ellie sleeping together. Ever since then, Ellie seemed nervous to be near you, much less be touched by you. You were still best friends and still as close as ever, but there’d been a palpable tension in the air after that awkward moment in your bedroom. It was as if you were both just waiting for something to happen, something inevitable. 
“Pretty please, Els?” You asked your best friend, batting your eyelashes at her. She blushed furiously. 
“You’re gonna catch your death if you jump in. It’s chilly.” Ellie said. “And I’m not lending you my jacket if you get your clothes all wet.” 
“Fine.” You said. You release her hands and walk towards the edge once more. Ellie’s eyes widen as you begin shedding your clothing: first, your shoes, then your pants, and finally your shirt. 
Ellie averts her gaze as you were left in just your underwear. 
“Problem solved.” You said boldly. You walk back over to her. 
It wasn’t as if you and Ellie hadn’t seen each other intimately before, having been best friends for many years. But for the last month, she started seeing you in a much different light and looking at you this intimately was opening the floodgates.  
“Come on, Els.” You said, tugging on her shirt. “Take a leap with me.” 
Before Ellie could respond, you sighed and turned away from her to walk back near the water, discarded the rest of your clothing, and jumped off the edge with a scream. 
“Goddamn it.” Ellie said, rushing over to see where you’d dove. She watched as you eventually emerged, ripples reverberating around you. 
“Let’s go, Ellie!” You yelled from the water. 
Ellie backed away from the edge, took a deep breath, and said, “Fuck it.” 
She replicated your actions and took off her clothes, all the way down to her black sports bra and boxers. 
You were swimming around in circles when you saw Ellie’s stark naked figure plummeting into the lake before landing ten feet away from you. You beamed, wading towards her as she rose from underneath. 
“You actually did it!” You exclaimed. Ellie splashed you, lake water getting in your eyes. 
“Ellie!” You whined. 
“You’re the fucking worst!” She said, pouting. 
“You love me!” You said, ribbing. 
“No, you’re the worst, I hate you.” Ellie said, splashing you once more. You splashed her back. 
You both waded closer to the shore until you both felt your toes touch the bottom of the lake. 
“You jumped in for me, you fucking adore me!” You giggled. 
“Oh, please, you wish.” Ellie scoffed before you reached over to squeeze her cheeks together. 
“Hey!” She said, muffled. 
“Don’t deny your love for me, Miss Ellie Williams.” You teased before giggling again as you release her face. 
“Nope, hate you ‘til I die.” Ellie said stubbornly, to which you shove her shoulder.  
“Well, too bad, because I love you!” You said. 
“Uh-huh.” Ellie replied, rolling her eyes. 
She began to turn away from you to paddle towards the shore. 
You take a leap. 
“I do love you.” You suddenly said. 
“Yeah, I know, man.” 
“No, Ellie, I—” You said, stuttering. “I-I love you.” 
She turned back to face you. 
You swam closer to her until your faces were inches apart. 
“I love you, Ellie.” 
Ellie blinked. 
“I—” She began, unsure of what to say. 
“Sorry, I just—I just wanted to tell you that, that’s all.” You whispered, looking down at your submerged and naked figure instead of at her. 
“No, it’s okay, I—” Ellie started once more. “I-I love you too.” 
Your eyes shot up to meet hers. 
“Y-yeah, I—” Ellie began, but she’s cut off when your lips suddenly meet hers. 
It was as if fireworks began erupting within you. As the shock of your kiss wore off, Ellie melted into you as she grabbed your face to draw you closer to her. You wrapped your arms around her neck as she pulled you in tighter. 
No amount of fantasizing could ever prepare you for the euphoria that was kissing Ellie Williams. It was like everything fell into place, like your entire friendship was leading up to this. It felt so foolish that you hadn’t realized this sooner, that you had to wait all this time to let yourself fall in love with your best friend. 
You were both pulled into this bubble where it was just you, Ellie, and the lake. You felt inevitable. 
You broke off, needing to catch your breath. Your foreheads were pressed up against each other, both of you breathless. Your head felt empty but your heart was full. 
Before you could say anything, you felt Ellie’s hands leave your face. Your eyes shoot open to see Ellie already at the shore, bounding towards the rock you’d jumped off from. 
“Ellie!” You called out, but she didn’t respond. 
You watched as she reached the mini-cliff where you’d both left your clothing. You thought for a second that she was going to jump back in, but instead, she was pulling her clothes back on. 
You made your way to the shore, shivering and embracing yourself. 
“Ellie!” You called out again. “Where are you going?!” 
Ellie had pulled on her Converse, quickly tying the laces into knots. Fully dressed, she looked down at you, still bare and exposed. 
You could make out her face from where you were, but you didn’t recognize the look she wore. It wasn’t anger or pity or sadness. You’d never seen her make that expression before. 
You started towards the rock, but Ellie was quicker. She ran off before you even got close to her, dripping lake water behind her and leaving you still at the shore, naked and screaming for her to come back. 
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“Oh,” You say. “This is where you came after that?” 
“Yeah,” Ellie replies. “Wasn’t sure where else to go.” 
“I always wondered,” You say. “Cause when Joel got back, we drove back to your house, and you weren’t there. You never said where you’d gone.” 
“Yeah, well. I was just some scared little kid.” She admits. 
“It’s okay,” You reassure. “Me too.” 
You stare once more into the ocean in her eyes. You didn’t mean to bring up the past. You’d wanted to keep this meeting bureaucratic, free from the judgment of yesterday. 
You decide to break the silence with humour. 
“Kind of crazy how you ran away from me real fast.” You giggle, taking a sip of your coffee. 
Ellie doesn’t laugh; instead, she takes a leap and reaches over to your free hand that you’d placed on the table, putting hers over it. 
Your eyes widen as she looks at you in a way that no one else ever has. 
“But I’m not running away now.” She says genuinely. 
You place your cup down and give her a soft smile. 
“Good.” You reply. 
You feel the water finally flow under the bridge. 
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author’s notes:
sabrina propaganda, sabrina propaganda, sabrina propaganda, sabrina propaganda, sabrina propaganda, sabrina propaganda
sorry for teasing this for so long! i have issues
the reader's sister's name is based on my little sister's name kiko :) they're also an artist and currently studying to be an animator!
hope y'all enjoy this! spent so much coming up with the concept and writing about it cause i have such a connection to this song! let me know what you think and reblog if you can ♡
taglist: @digit4lslut, @jajsnjz, @callmelola111, @thatgiraffefromtlou, @gold-dustwomxn, @machetegirl109, @ximtiredx, @fireflyelllie, @brownshirtelliesgf, @sawaagyapong, @uraesthete
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kiwiana-writes · 9 months
2023 Writing Round Up
Thanks @welcometololaland and @rmd-writes for the tags! It’s been a weird year; there was definitely a point at which I thought I was done with sharing my writing publicly, but here we are 😂
Brain break 😁
We knew we were the fortunate ones [The Last of Us; Bill/Frank; rated E; 2,294 words]
First times are both awkward and exciting, apocalypse or no apocalypse.
My mind has been expanded [Schitt’s Creek; David/Patrick; rated T; 422 words]
In which the author David finds out their his spouse has never seen Rocky Horror
Got me an appetite, now I can taste it [Schitt’s Creek; David/Patrick; rated E; 3,002 words]
Kink!verse s05e12: chastity cage for @minerforaheartofgold
Brain break 😁
We were supposed to find this [RWRB; Alex/Henry; rated M; 3,384 words]
The canon-adjacent soulmarks fic
Honey lips and words so true [RWRB; Alex/Henry; rated E; 1,580 words]
A smutty little prompt fill for @rmd-writes
All the city lights on the water [RWRB; Alex/Henry; rated T; 500 words]
A series of NYE drabbles as a prompt fill for @hullomoon
Before this all goes grey [RWRB; Alex/Henry; rated T; 455 words]
A painfully soft Paris morning prompt fill for @stereopticons
Looking like our bodies might fuse [RWRB; Alex/Henry; rated T; 637 words]
Post-canon paparazzi feelings prompt fill for @hullomoon
Just come along, baby, take my hand [RWRB; Alex/Henry; rated E; 1,335 words]
The ‘Alex and Henry watch Netflix’s How to Build a Sex Room’ fic @celeritas2997 made me write
Feel your hands in my hair and you whisper my name [RWRB; Alex/Henry; rated E; 2,508 words]
The barbershop meet-horny for @celeritas2997
With so much of my heart (that none is left to protest) [RWRB; Alex/Henry; rated E; 65,586 words]
Actor AU, Alex and Henry performing in a queer reimagining of Much Ado About Nothing
Bukkake Breaky Heart [RWRB; Alex/Henry; rated E; 2,532 words]
Alex has a fantasy. Henry makes it happen.
Empty your heart of its mortal dream [RWRB; Alex/Henry; rated G; 3,641 words]
Alex steps inside a fairy circle and Fey Prince Henry appears
The star to every wandering bark [RWRB; Alex/Henry; rated T; 3,895 words]
A 5+1 coda set during the epilogue of With so much of my heart (that none is left to protest)
I don’t know if I should go with XX Pro or Valencia [RWRB; Alex/Henry; rated T; 2,854 words]
Henry sends a thirst trap to his ex… or does he?
Kinktober 2023 [RWRB; Alex/Henry; rated E; 6,200 words]
31 days, 31 kinky double drabbles
I’ve carried this song in my mind [RWRB; Arthur&Henry, Alex/Henry; rated T; 2,529 words]
Five times Arthur tries to get Alex and Henry together from beyond the grave, and one time two times his intervention isn’t needed.
Handprints in wet cement [RWRB; Alex/Henry; rated E; 2,421 words]
Five things Henry learned during his Oxford Slut Phase that he shared with Alex, and one thing they learned together.
Puck It [RWRB; Alex/Henry; rated E; 9,739 words]
College AU, Alex as a NCAA division I, NHL-drafted hockey player
Kinda think that I might be his type [RWRB; Alex/Henry, Alex&Bea; rated E; 12,864 words]
Alex agrees to be his friend's fake boyfriend for a weekend. He is not prepared for his friend's brother.
A Practical Arrangement [RWRB; Alex/Henry; rated E; WIP 1/3 chapters, 6,136 words published, to be finished before the end of the year]
An anachronism stew, royalty-arranged-marriage AU
All Those Christmas Clichés [RWRB; Alex/Henry; rated M; WIP 16/25 chapters, 4,800 words published]
Daily triple drabbles: snapshots of the lead-up to Christmas 2023.
Puck It Real Good [RWRB; Alex/Henry; rated E; 1,793 words]
A smutty interlude set during Puck It
Tagging @affectionatelyrs @anincompletelist @cha-melodius @clottedcreamfudge @cricketnationrise @dumbpeachjuice @getmehighonmagic @happiness-of-the-pursuit @hgejfmw-hgejhsf @indestructibleheart @inexplicablymine @myheartalivewrites @sparklepocalypse @stereopticons @tintagel-or-cockleshells and, as always, anyone who wants to play!
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ambrosesystem · 1 month
Welcome to Marvin's Marvelous Mechanical Museum Known from Coast to Coast like butter and toast From headlines to bread lines From school rooms to pool rooms No other place in the contiguous United States Or other environments of the world Welcome!
Can I get a T? ("T") And if you hit me with the A-L-L-Y Then you'd see why The Hall is here for y'all The mini-mall is calling us all in So kids, pack up your mom's car Back up the Windstar Kick it in drive and arrive at the mega mart Slide the side hatch with pride 'cause your ties match On booty duty like your name was Eddie Thatch
W-W-T-H-D We like to kick it at the university But all work and no play makes us crazy So we jump in the bumping SUV Hit the street, get the sweet tunes on Do a donut on your mama's front lawn And sooner than you know You found the rock 'n roll show At the Tizzy Hizzy we'll be gone
We're in the mini-mall Working the carnival We like to play it all Welcome to Tally Hall
Who's to blame? The automated players, I proclaim Yellow tie, this suave fellow writes Heterophonic tunes of how love bites Red, the proud loud guy we adore
"Is my amp too high?" "No, turn it up more!" So Grey in the back, sippin' 'gnac, can hear He's knockin' down the shots like Bill Laimbeer Send home the locksmith, Green's got keys To unlock the rock in the act if you please Now open the case, give Blue the bass And jiggle your boodiggle all over the place
We're in the mini-mall Working the carnival We like to play it all Welcome to Tally Hall
We're in the mini-mall Working the carnival We like to play it all Welcome to Tally Hall
Can I get a click? Flick off the switch And we'll ignite the night in pitch Singing songs you like to hear And the world will disappear
Then we'll be glowing in the dark Lighting up the park Revealing that the Hall is the place that aims to please With unpredictable games and antiquities The collectibles, so delectable The unreliable style's undetectable
Like I might rap like an English chap Take you by the knickers and I'll bum you'll slap You didn't think we had the gall Well, bloody welcome to Tally Hall!
We're stereosonic, we're animatronic We're rappin' with the robo-electronic ebonics A quick distraction, a mechanic attraction Got a penny in your pocket for the slot Rock!
Hey, ho, don't cha know? It's a good old-fashioned puppet show! That's right, quite the set We're the marionette quintet We think we're playing in a band We'd love to give you all a hand Woo!
We're in the mini-mall Working the carnival We like to play it all Welcome to Tally Hall
We think we're playing in a band We'd love to give you all a hand We think we're playing in a band (yarrgh!) We'd love to give you all a hand We think we're playing in a band (aargh!) We'd love to give you all a hand!
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acidrcins · 10 months
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did you hear the latest scoop ? we’ve got a new student joining us ! a little birdie told me that they’re called CHAE SEORI, but they kinda remind me of BAE SUZY — don’t ‘cha think ? you’re probably thinkin’ they’re just another TWENTY-SEVEN year old in their FIRST year of some MASTER'S DEGREE IN BIOCHEMISTRY , but wait ‘till you hear about their POISON GENERATION ! nifty, huh ? they’re pretty PRINCIPLED on nullivi, but you should watch out for their VINDICTIVE just in case ! anyway — if you wanna check them out, i heard they’re staying at the YELLOW HALL. oops ! you didn’t hear that one from me !  ༊*·˚
hello, i'm liv and v excited to b here! im a sl*t for anything superpower related and im also still off that gen v high so very excited to be here! all i can offer is this intro post, which i hope covers all the Key Aspects of miss chae seori. if i may summarize, shes just trying her best to be a good person while making questionable decisions and internalizing everything bad that her family has ever said abt her ‪♡‬ a cate dunlap wanda maximoff dupe rly
do like this post if u would like to plot because i would LOVE to and i much prefer d*scord hehe
also tw for mentions of nausea
𖥸 ─ basics
chae seori (often seen with gloves and a mask)
scorpio sun, pisces moon, scorpio rising
born 12 november 1996 in a small town in the outskirts of seoul 
currently a first year masters student, studying biochemistry & living in yellow hall
makes poison out of her fingertips & can infect those through physical contact or through air (if in close proximity)
there have been rumours going around that seori is able to give a kiss of death but she would like to debunk those rumors! her lips are harmless really its just the air around her
big on wearing patches but she wont tell you. will make u guess whether she has one or not. (justifies by saying shes just having fun)
𖥸 ─ personality
tl;dr morally grey girl, who's trying to prove herself as a good person (but it's hard when your powers are literal poison). a little bit of a manic pixie dream girl too
positive: principled, collected, intuitive, charming, inquisitive
negative: reticent, elusive, vindictive, temperamental, self-centered
alignment: chaotic neutral (the only principles she follows are the ones she sets for herself)
character inspirations: heavily inspired by gen v's cate dunlap, the hunger games' finnick odair, mcu's wanda maximoff, looking for alaska's alaska young, yellowjackets' natalie
archetypes: the vixen, the philophobic, the antihero
associated aesthetics: shades of gray, smiles that don't seem to reach your eyes, making questionable decisions but finding ways to justify them to yourself, dark eyes and darker nights, flirtatious touches with a hint of danger, red lipstick, unexplained headaches and waves of nausea
in control of her emotions but has tendencies to lash out. she is working really hard to be a good person!!! (by her standards) (she is thisclose to just saying fuck it and just embracing that she is a Villain tho pls someone enable her)
but she can get very resentful lmfao (example A: in her most recent biochemistry class, she told herself urself it was ok that the guy in class just mansplained a concept that she had already understood in middle school but then also gave him a wave of nausea once class ended because he was so fucking rude and deserved it)
keeps up a facade of being coquettish and flirtatious ( i never watched doona but that was the vibe i got from her gifs lmfao ) i think she can be quite charming tbh the queen of breadcrumbing ‪♡‬ keep them close enough, but never enough to touch. it's sort of a coping mechanism. safe space where no one can see what a shit person she really is and how she doesnt really deserve love
no one really knows much abt her and she intends to keep it that way
heavily motivated by wanting to know more! generally the kind of person who would conduct wild ass experiments or "would you love me if i were a worm" i kinda picture it like how finnick in catching fire is like he's paid with secrets!! same vibe with seori :D
𖥸 ─ background
pretty ordinary life growing up. parents are not particularly rich but they don't struggle either. happy small town family ‪:)
shit hits the fan when shes twelve and her brother is fourteen and they find out hes an anomaly. superhuman strength and speed. finds out after he saves a dog from getting hit by a car
if it had been anyone else, perhaps, they would've been the town's outcast but because it's her older brother, all conventional good looks with conventionally lauded powers, they worship him. he becomes the town's superman, girls come up and take pictures with him, he even gets featured in the town parade and seori is just there in the shadows
it gets even worse two years later when she finds out shes also anomaly! but unlike her brother, seori causes an incident of projectile vomiting after a particularly envious moment where her family forgets her birthday and instead, spends the day with her brother. it is messy and disgusting and it happens in the town center. no one forgets. and seori is no longer there in the shadows, she's actively cast out, whispers about why she cant be more like her brother and this is why anomalies should not be given rights
it takes seori some time to figure out her powers but she gets the hang out of it. not that it matters lol shes the black sheep, the 'villain' because goddamn shes literal poison. even her family treats her that way
she doesn't believe those words until one day she gets into a heated argument with her family. tells her mum that shes a person too and wails her father that no one has called her by her name in years and she's nothing but a stain in their family. they don't deny it and in a fit of rage and hurt and anger, she manages to cause irreversible brain damage to her brother
and that is the moment seori realizes she is the villain everyone talks about and she is the monster (doesnt help that her pupils are dark and her veins are black) !!! not a pretty look (think the monsters in sweet home before they transform kind of vibe) and so she runs
runs and runs and runs to seoul where she gets by on illegal means. she is ashamed of the things she has done (e.g., disrupting the storeowners vision long enough to get food to eat, sent someone into unconsciousness and pretended to be their granddaughter caring for them to get a house to stay, batting doe-eyes to boys who will buy her a pack of ramen) and since then shes actively working on being a better person
swears to keep her feelings in control, only uses her powers when justified (although her moral compass is cracked)
𖥸 ─ wanted connections
thank you if you made it this far! ‪♡‬ ‪♡‬ mwah mwah i appreciate u also i love plotting and just brainstorming so here are some rough ideas but OFC always open to talk !!
friends ! or better yet, friends who only meet late at night and you talk about the stars and your feelings and in the morning you pretend you have no other who the other is
someone who's immune to her....
fellow individuals in #STEM
ok this is really specific BUT what if.. our muses were enemies... and they kissed... and seori's feeling INTENSE emotions and accidentally fucks ur muses' vision up and gives them a headache and she has to pretend like it didnt excite her
she doesnt believe she deserves to be loved, so i would LOVE an angsty first love breakup thing. bonus points if she broke ur muses heart
she accidentally poisons u (she swears its an accident)
u catch her doing some immoral shit and tell her shes not a good person
a sam/cate situation. someone enable her to just fuck it youre not a good person so embrace it!!!
i love angst and antagonism so lets beef (ic)
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Seven Sentence Sunday
"What?" Eddie growls as he throws open the trailer door. Dressed in his scruffy hellfire t-shirt and black ripped jeans, he looks just as delicious as usual.
His eyes soften once he sees Steve, standing at the foot of the trailer steps and shifting in the large grey mackintosh covering most of his body, except his bare legs.
"Why are you wearing that?" Eddie asks, pointing at it, his brows furrowing.
"I, uh," Steve stammers. His face feels like a furnace and he’s sure Eddie can see the heat spread down his chest despite how dark it is. "Let me come in first?"
I've been re-editing an unpublished Steddie smut fic. This is currently the opening paragraphs.
Tagged by @cha-melodius, thank you, love 💖
Passing onto @iwillbringyouruin @underthebluerain @dancingwiththefae @artaxlivs @kingeomer @csinnamon-fox @unclewaynemunson
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skeleton-brainrot · 10 months
My name's Wolfe and i'm a fag and i have several fictional husbands. Mostly variations of Sans and Papyrus undertale, but also some mha characters.
I'm a literal dog, 4 legs fluffy tail no thumbs (very hard to type btw), and like to be referred to as such. It/its pronouns preferred, he/him also acceptable.
🔞This is an 18+ account. I'm a grown man, i hornypost about my husbands, minors should not view my posts.🔞
I'm also high 99% of the time 👍
Info about my husbands and i under the cut.
About me!
Name: Wolfe
Age: 19
Gender: dog
Sexuality: fag
A literal dog. Some sort of coyote-looking mutt with green emo furry hair and skeleton arm-warmers, often seen in cringe stylish anime merch.
| Stats |
| STR : • • |
| INT : • • • |
| WIS : • • |
| CHA : • • • |
| STA : • |
| EXP*: • • • • |
(*EXP refers to relationship and life experience)
Usually okay with sharing f/os but can get possessive!
About my husbands!
Name: Sans/Fell/Red
Character: UnderFell! Sans
Source: Undertale AU / Underfell
Age: 34-ish
Gender: a guy
Sexuality: bi
Short red and handsome, my beloved Fell Sans. Featuring the gorgeous red turtleneck + gold spiked red leather collar + big puffy black coat with fur rimmed hood + oversized basketball shorts + red hightop converse look and other on-brand outfits featured in my imagination, a cracked skull, red eyelights, singular golden tooth, the classic. A chainsmoker with an affinity for mustard and a love-hate incestually-toned relationship with his brother, his outward appearance and first impression can be that of a depressed passive-aggressive bastard whose main sense of comedy is self deprecating jokes; but once you get to know him you find his dumb idiot soft side. And the trauma. All the trauma. Surprisingly good for cuddles despite being bones, ecto is fun ;3
| Stats |
| STR : • • • • • |
| INT : • • • • |
| WIS : • • • |
| CHA : • • |
| EXP*: • • • |
(*EXP refers to relationship and life experience)
Name: Katsuki
Character: Katsuki Bakugo
Source: My Hero Academia
Age: 17
Gender: A Man
Sexuality: gay
Everyone's favourite fluffy angry blonde, the man the myth the legend, Katsuki Bakugo himself! Fluffy pale blonde hair, piercing red eyes, killer bod and beautiful smile, my favourite prettyboy. Harsh temperament, short fuse, full of spark, explosive personality. Often spotted in his school uniform and more casual looks such as my favourite black tanktop grey sweats combo. Late nights spent cuddling under blankets with good movies and better snacks are the best with him <3
| Stats |
| STR : • • • • |
| INT : • • • • |
| WIS : • • |
| CHA : • • |
| EXP*: • • |
(*EXP refers to relationship and life experience)
Name: Papyrus/Swap/Stretch/Honey
Age: 28
Gender: just a lil guy
Sexuality: *shrugs*
Tall, lazy, always stoned, and with a horrible fashion sense, my dear comedian husband. My beloved, often seen in his baggy orange hoodie and various colours of cargo shorts ranging from a dark-ish beige to navy green, can also be spotted in t-shirts. Still with cargo shorts. They're all he ever wears. Always able to make me laugh and bound to light up any room he's in, and the world's best sesh buddy. We bake brownies together.
| Stats |
| STR : • • • • • |
| INT : • • • • |
| WIS : • • • |
| CHA : • • • |
| EXP*: • • • •
(*EXP refers to relationship and life experience)
Lesser partners: swapfell papyrus, fell papyrus, classic sans, dabi, shinso, shigiraki, hawks
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wcvensouls · 11 months
TAGGED BY : @peachciders ty bby <;3 TAGGING : @ratcode @likerains @showduo @solisocasum @foxmists @cinnamcroll @sugarcrushride @pixiemail @allbettr
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★  ⸻   𝐁𝐎𝐃𝐘
long legs. short legs. average legs. slender thighs. thick thighs. muscular thighs. skinny arms. soft arms. muscular arms. toned stomach. flat stomach. flabby stomach. soft stomach. sixpack. beer belly. lean frame. slender frame. muscular frame. voluptuous frame. petite frame (5 ft 4 or shorter).  lanky frame. short nails. long nails. manicured nails. dirty nails. flat ass. toned ass. bubble butt. thick ass. small waist. thick waist. narrow hips. average hips. wide hips. big feet. average feet. small feet. soft feet. slender feet. calloused feet. calloused hands. soft hands. big hands. average hands. small hands. long fingers. short fingers. average fingers. broad shoulders. underweight. average weight. overweight.
★  ⸻   𝐇𝐄𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓
shorter than 140 cm. 141 cm-150 cm. 151 cm to 160 cm. 161 cm to 170 cm. 171 cm to 180cm. 181 cm to 190 cm. 191 cm to 2m. taller than 2 m.
★  ⸻   𝐒𝐊𝐈𝐍
pale. fair. rosy. peachy. gold. olive. dark. tanned. blotchy. smooth (facial area). acne. dry. greasy. freckled. scarred. warm tone. neutral tone. cool tone. tans easily. prone to sunburn.
★  ⸻   𝐄𝐘𝐄𝐒
small. large. average. grey. brown. black. blue. red. green. gold. hazel. doe-eyed. almond. close-set. wide-set. squinty. monolid. heavy eyelids. upturned. downturned. deep set.
★  ⸻   𝐇𝐀𝐈𝐑
thin. thick. fine. normal. greasy. dry. soft. shiny. curly. frizzy. wild. unruly. straight. smooth. wavy. floppy. cropped. pixie-cut. short. shoulder length. back length. waist length. floor length. buzz cut. bald. jaw length. mohawk. white. platinum blonde. golden blonde. dirty blonde. ombre. light brown. mouse brown. chestnut brown. golden brown. chocolate brown. dark brown. jet black. ginger. auburn. dyed red. dyed any “unnatural color”. streaked. thin eyebrows. average eyebrows. thick eyebrows.
full sleeve. thigh tattoo. shin tattoo. wrist tattoo. lower back tattoo. hand/finger tattoo. foot tattoo. neck tattoo. face tattoo. back tattoo. chest tattoo. one tattoo. a few here and there. multiple. no tattoo. monroe piercing. nose piercing. septum. nipple piercing(s). genital piercing(s). industrial piercings. earlobe piercing. prince albert piercing. eyebrow piercing(s). tongue piercing(s). lip piercing(s). tragus piercing. angel bites. labret. stretched out ears. navel piercing. inverse navel piercing. cheek piercing(s). smiley. nape piercing(s). no piercings.
light eyeliner. heavy eyeliner. cat eyes. mascara. fake eyelashes. matte lipstick. regular lipstick. lipgloss. lip balm. lip tint. red lips. pink lips. dark lips. bronzer. highlighter. eyeshadow. neutral eyeshadow. smoky eyes. colorful eyeshadow. blush. lipliner. light contouring. heavy contouring. powder. matte foundation. dewy foundation. concealer. wears make up regularly. wears it from time to time. never wears make-up.
★  ⸻   𝐒𝐂𝐄𝐍𝐓
floral. fruity. perfumes. aftershave. cocoa. moisturizer. natural soap. shampoo. cigarettes. leather. sweat. food. incense. marijuana. cologne. whiskey. wine. fried food. blood. fire. metal. rain. grass. ocean. autumn leaves. baked bread. freshly baked cookies. smoke. campfire. lavender. trees. pumpkin pie. musk. rose. gingerbread. peppermint. oak. honey. lemon. vanilla. coffee cake. mint. raw hyde.
★  ⸻   𝐂𝐋𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐒
jeans. tight pants. over-knee socks. tights. fishnets. leggings. yoga pants. pencil skirt. tight skirt. loose skirt. tight/formfitting dress. cardigans. blouse. button up shirt. band-t-shirt. sports-t-shirt. sweatpants. tank-top. cut off t-shirt. designer. high street. online stores. thrift. lingerie. long skirt. miniskirt. maxidress. sun dress. tie. tuxedo. cocktail dress. highslit dress/skirt. t-shirt. loose clothing. tight clothing. jean shorts. sweater. sweater vest. khaki pants. suit. hoodie. harem pants. basketball shorts. boxers. briefs. thong. hotpants. hipster panties. bra. sports bra. crop top. corset. ballerina skirt. leotard. polka dot. stripes. glitter. silk. lace. leather. velvet. chemise. patterns. florals. neon colors. pastels. plaid. black. dark colors. neutral colors. fur. faux fur.
★  ⸻   𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐄𝐒
sneakers. slip-ons. flats. slippers. sandals. high heels. kitten heels. ankle boots. combat boots. boots. cowboy boots. knee-high. platforms. stilettos. bare feet. loafers.
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skteeshirt · 10 months
Mac Miller Vintage T-Shirt, Mac Miller Merch Shirt, Mac Miller shirt
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Important Notes: 1/  Please note that the mockup images and product titles displayed are for illustrative purposes only. We offer a diverse range of custom products, and it is crucial for customers to select the appropriate shirt style based on their specific requirements. 2/ If you want to wear oversized, please up to 1-2 sizes. 3/ We have many other colors. Please contact us directly for advice. We also have Gildan, Bella Canvas and Comfort Colors fabric. * Color of Comfort Colors Fabric: Army, Azalea, Banana, Bay, Berry, Blue Jean, Carolia Blue, Chalky Mint, Charcoal, Forest, Granite, Grape, Graphite, Gray, Heliconia, Hemp, Hot Pink, Ice Blue, Ivory, Kelly, Lavender, Light Green, Lime, Maroon, Moss, Natural, Peachy, Pepper, Royal Caribe, Sandstone, Sapphire, Texas Orange, Turquoise, Violet, Washed Denim, Water Melon **Color of Bella Canvas fabric: Heather Red, Lilac, Heather, Orange, Berry, Heather Maroon, Cherry Red, Cardinal, Olive, Natural, Chestnut, Pink,Storm, Silver, Mauve, Aqua, Army, Asphalt, Atlantic, Autumn, Baby Blue, Brown, Burnt Orange, Canvas Red, Charity Pink, Citron, Clay, Columbia Blue, Cool Blue, Coral, Dark Lavender, Dark Olive, Deep Teal, Dust, Dusty Blue, Electric Blue, Evergreen, Fuchsia, Kelly, Lavender Blue, Lavender Dust. MATERIALS: *Gildan Unisex Shirt GL5000: – 99% cotton (fiber content may vary for different colors) – Medium fabric (5.3 oz/yd² (180 g/m²)) – Classic fit – Tear-away label – Runs true to size *Gildan Sweatshirt GL 18000: – 50% Cotton 50% Polyester Runs true to size – 50% cotton: Made with special yarn spun into a very durable and smooth fabric, perfect for printing – 50% Polyester: Extremely strong polyester yarn, resistant to most chemicals, stretching and shrinking. Viscose added Pleated and soft great for shirts *Gildan Unisex Hoodie GL 18500: – 50% cotton, 50% polyester – Medium-heavy fabric (8.0 oz/yd² (271 g/m²)) – Classic fit – Tear-away label – Runs true to size Tank Top Unisex: – 99% Airlume combed and ring-spun cotton (fiber content may vary for different colors) – Extra Light fabric (3.8 oz/yd² (110 g/m²)) – Retail fit – Sewn in label – Runs true to size Youth T-Shirt: - 5.3 oz./yd² (US) 8.8 oz./L yd (CA), 100% cotton, 20 singles - Ash Grey is 99/1 cotton/polyester - Sport Grey is 90/10 cotton/polyester - Dark Heather, Graphite Heather, Heather, Neon & Safety Colors are 50/50 cotton/polyester - Safety Green is compliant with ANSI / ISEA 107 high-visibility standards - Classic fit - Classic width, rib collar - Taped neck and shoulders for comfort and durability - Tear away label - CPSIA Tracking Label Compliant - Proud member of the U.S. Cotton Trust Protocol - Made with OEKO-TEX certified low-impact dyes Youth Sweatshirt: - 8 oz./yd² (US) 13.3 oz./L yd (CA), 50/50 cotton/polyester, 20 singles - Classic fit - 1x1 rib with spandex for enhanced stretch and recovery - Tear away label - CPSIA Tracking Label Compliant - Proud member of the U.S. Cotton Trust Protocol - Made with OEKO-TEX certified low-impact dyes. Youth Hoodie: - 8 oz./yd² (US) 13.5 oz./L yd (CA), 50/50 cotton/polyester, 20 singles - Heather colors are 60/40 polyester/cotton - Classic fit - Double-lined hood - 1 x 1 rib with spandex for enhanced stretch and recovery - Pouch pocket - Tear away label - CPSIA Tracking Label Compliant - Proud member of the U.S. Cotton Trust Protocol - Made with OEKO-TEX certified low-impact dyes CARE INSTRUCTIONS: – Machine wash in cold water – Do not use bleach – Tumble dry low – Iron on low heat with shirt inside-out – Never iron directly over design EXCHANGE POLICY : Due to the custom nature of our products, unless the item arrives damaged or defective due to printing errors. We do not accept returns or exchanges that: – Customers do not clearly mention the customization requirements. – Customers set wrong sizes and styles (Every item is custom printed on demand as you order them. Please be sure to check size charts and measurements for the best fit. ) Should you need assistance please contact us prior to purchasing so that we can help you achieve that perfect fit. We are always happy (and quick!) to help answer any sizing and fit questions you may have CARE INSTRUCTIONS: – Machine wash in cold water – Do not use bleach – Tumble dry low – Iron on low heat with shirt inside-out – Never iron directly over design EXCHANGE POLICY ( please read carefully!) Due to the custom nature of our products, unless the item arrives damaged or defective due to printing errors. We do not accept returns or exchanges that: – Customers do not clearly mention the customization requirements. – Customers set wrong sizes and styles (Every item is custom printed on demand as you order them. Please be sure to check size charts and measurements for the best fit. ) Should you need assistance please contact us prior to purchasing so that we can help you achieve that perfect fit. We are always happy (and quick!) to help answer any sizing and fit questions you may have Read the full article
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zooterchet · 2 years
"Bent" From Living With Gay ExSec (Don't Worry, I've Been Trembled)
A CIA agent, is a politician (ADHD), that figures out his mother is a former spy (ages 2-3 years old), but she obeys hospital code (corrupt, psychiatry) and has him hypnotized to be phobic of "Greys" (Irish communist unions), practiced established under JQA, formed into a unit by Eisenhower.
I was raised labor democratic, my mother was a Jordanian field commando, my mother brought me to a Sicilian doctor, and my phobia of Greys applies to USMC monitoring, and I was aimed at the House of Tudor, with secondary foes in the Teamsters International, the "dole" (labor unions out of warehouses to invoke lawsuits).
I was taught to mimic famous historical villains in biography, with an aversion to complete the mission operative.
Plus target holders of military police pamphlets, and employ the Chas T. Main strategy as a false Russian agent.
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medaler602 · 2 years
Bidh Redmi 11A uidheamaichte le prìomh chamara 50-megapixel
Bidh Redmi 11A uidheamaichte le prìomh chamara 50-megapixel agus camara selfie 5-megapixel. Cha deach mion-fhiosrachadh mu phrìs an inneil seo fhoillseachadh fhathast; Ach tha dùil gun tèid a chuir air bhog le tag prìs timcheall air 100 iùro. Tha an rannsachadh againn ann an Zomit a’ sealltainn gu bheil an t-seirbheis Google Discover, a chaidh a shìoladh air 10 Samhain às deidh a’ phròiseas sìoladh aplacaidean is seirbheisean mòr-chòrdte, a-nis ri fhaighinn le luchd-cleachdaidh le IP Iran.
Anns an dà mhìos a dh’ fhalbh, chaidh mòran de àrd-ùrlaran eadar-nàiseanta a shìoladh agus chan eil iad rim faighinn ann an Ioran. Chaidh cuid dhiubh, a’ gabhail a-steach LinkedIn, Skype, agus an App Store, a shìoladh às deidh greis, agus cuid eile, leithid Instagram, WhatsApp, Google Play Store, agus cuid de sheirbheisean Google, fhathast air an sìoladh.
A-nis, anns an liosta de sheirbheisean gun sìol, is urrainn dhuinn iomradh a thoirt air seirbheis biadhaidh naidheachdan snasail Google, ris an canar Google Discover, a tha air a bhith ri fhaighinn le luchd-cleachdaidh le IPan à Ioran gun fheum air VPN bhon latha an-diugh (22 Samhain). Chuir Behnaz Arya, ceannard Coimisean Aonadh Ciùird Coimpiutaireachd Afta ann an roinn Tehran, ann an còmhradh le dàimh poblach na buidhne seo, an cèill na dùbhlain a thig am bàrr mar thoradh air aimhreit eadar-lìn agus sìoladh leantainneach. Bha Arya den bheachd gu robh teicneòlas na phàirt riatanach de bheatha làitheil agus beòshlaint dhaoine, a bharrachd air gnìomhachasan mòra is beaga agus gnìomhan sònraichte, agus mhìnich i am milleadh a rinn mì-thèarainteachd an raoin teicneòlais mar a leanas:
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scumpatrol · 7 years
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Wall of Voodoo, 1983 Chicago, IL
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anonymousewrites · 2 years
Adolescent Antichrist (Book 2) Chapter Five
Chapter Five: She Couldn't Make a Paper Bag
            Missy watched Lucifer guiding (Y/N) back to the Penthouse. So that’s the reason he made a deal with his Father to send me back to Hell. To protect that child. She furrowed her brow. I wonder what makes this human so important? It’s just a tiny one, just as annoying as the grown ones. I suppose I’ll have to see for myself.
            “Come on, Missy, we’re going out,” said (Y/N).
            Missy frowned. “ ‘Missy?’ I thought this body was Charlotte Richards.”
            “You’re not Charlotte Richards; Goddess is imperious; Miss Universe kind of captures you just right,” explained (Y/N). “ ‘Missy’ is a nickname.”
            “Ah…Do humans do a lots of this ‘nicknaming?’ ” asked Missy. She brightened. “Do I call you ‘Sweetie?’ I’ve seen women call children that.”
            “Do it and I’ll start calling you Granny or Old Lady,” chirped (Y/N). “I just need you to go to Joann Fabrics.” They scowled. “The ladies there don’t like it if I go by myself for fabric.”
            Missy smiled. “Are you trying to make something? I’ve seen sewing materials.”
            (Y/N) considered answering and shrugged. Dr. Wilson said to try opening up. Dunno if the Goddess of the Universe is the best option, but she seems fairly harmless. They deadpanned inwardly. Wow, my trust issues are bad. I just debated talking about my sewing hobby.
            “Yeah, I like designing and making clothes,” said (Y/N). “It’s easier to have an adult with me. So come on.” They didn’t give Missy an option to refuse.
            At Joann’s, (Y/N) walked through the fabric aisles while Missy trailed behind her with a cart full of materials.
            “Do you actually make your clothes?” asked Missy. She didn’t know how to cook Mac n’ Cheese, let alone sew an outfit.
            “Not these,” said (Y/N), gesturing to the grey overall shorts they wore. “But I made my shirt.” They were wearing a simple red t-shirt with some black stitching of flowers along the sleeves.
            “What are you thinking of making?” Missy was trying really hard to be friends with (Y/N) to show Lucifer she meant no harm, but (Y/N) was just going about their business.
            (Y/N) held up a sketch of an outfit with long, flowing pants, a collared shirt, and a cropped vest for overtop. “I’m also thinking of making a beret-cap hat thing.”
            “A…what?” Missy didn’t understand a word of that other than “hat.”
            “I don’t know the name,” said (Y/N), shrugging.
            “I thought you really enjoyed fashion. Shouldn’t you know the terms?” asked Missy, with not a little snap in her voice. She was the Goddess of the world and didn’t know the meaning of “humble.”
            “I thought you were a mother. Shouldn’t you act like one?” shot back (Y/N).
            Missy (smartly) stayed quiet as (Y/N) walked to the checkout. The worker gave her a suspicious before seeing Missy at the cart.
            “Oh, is this your mother? How sweet, is she making a dress for you?” cooed the lady.
            “She couldn’t make a paper bag,” said (Y/N) shortly before handing over a paper with the amounts of each fabric she wanted. “This is what I would like, thank you.”
            “Do you have money to pay for it?”
            In response, (Y/N) held up Lucifer’s bank card (they may or may not have taken it). The worker gave them a tense smile, getting he message, and began cutting the fabric.
            “Don’t you think that was a little rude?” said Missy.
            “They do the same routine every time I come. I’m a little tired of it,” answered (Y/N).
            Missy frowned before smiling. “You know, you’re quite like Lucifer was as a child.”
            At this, (Y/N) looked up. Trying to seem disinterested, they put their hands in their pockets. “Really?”
            “Oh, yes, he liked to do everything for himself because others never did it right,” said Missy, smiling fondly. “And although he’s learned some charm, he was a sarcastic child like you, always skirting around getting in trouble. He like to challenge any authority I or my Husband had over him.”
            “And then he got thrown out for that,” said (Y/N).
            Missy sighed. “Unfortunately…”
            “I guess that’s another thing we have in common,” muttered (Y/N). “I went against my parents, he went against his father, and we both were tossed away.” They turned away to face the worker carrying back their fabric.
            Missy watched them with a sad frown. So that’s why Lucifer took them in. What a wonderful son I have, helping those in need. (Missy didn’t understand Lucifer wasn’t doing charity. He liked (Y/N)) She brightened with an idea. I can help him help them! Once I figure out this whole money business, I could treat them to all the motherly things they’ve missed out on. (Again, Missy didn’t realize they were thrown out only a year ago) And then Lucifer will see I’m here to help people!
            “I’m very sorry that happened,” said Missy.
            (Y/N) shrugged. “They were covering up a murder and ended up in jail, so the jokes on them.”
            “Well, now you have Lucifer and myself!” Missy put an arm around (Y/N) and hugged the thirteen-year-old. “And we’re all going to be so happy together!”
            (Y/N) felt dread creep down their spine. All they could think of is how their mother used to smother them in such false affection before turning them into the perfect child she wanted.
            Outside in the parking lot, a man scribbled a few words in a small notepad as he glanced into the store at the twelve-year-old. He watched as the worker knocked some scissors off the counter and they caught it. He smirked.
            I’d be careful letting those little things build into something bigger. You may not see the patterns, but I do.
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pellinor-princess · 3 years
I'm rewatching Doctor John with my mum and I noticed something glaringly obvious that I'd missed the first time round. There are two sequences in Doctor John where the female lead (Kang Siyoung) chases after Cha Yohan. There's palpable romantic tension between the two leads throughout the series and they eventually end up getting together. It's quite sweet overall.
I'm also aware of the fact that Ji Sung likes to include sequences in his current work which draw inspiration from his previous works. E.g. the hug scene between Yohan and Sunah during their "date" was a nod to the hug between Ji Sung and Kim Min Jung's characters in New Heart
Going by that logic, who else chased after a different Yohan very recently? Oh yes, Kim Gaon.
So I tried to draw some parallels between the sequences from the shows.
1) Sensuous caresses
Cha Yohan:
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Kang Yohan:
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2) Their partner watches them leave from a railing
Cha Yohan:
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Kang Yohan:
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3) Their partner chases after them up or down a flight of stairs
Cha Yohan:
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Kang Yohan:
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4) At last they meet and face each other
Cha Yohan:
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Kang Yohan:
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Even the dark brown jacket and dark grey t-shirt that Cha Yohan and Kang Yohan wear in these sequences are near identical. In the shot where the two main characters face each other, both Yohans are standing to the left of the screen while their partners stand to the right.
Essentially, Gaon from TDJ universe is mirroring Kang Siyoung from Doctor John. I don't know what implications this carries for others, but to me it has deep romantic connotations. Also keep in mind that the entire team of TDJ, Ji Sung and Jin Young included, voluntarily acted out these parallels keeping all romantic associations in mind.
So yeah...just another piece of evidence to those who can't see the world without their heteronormative lenses.
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twstwonderlandstuff · 2 years
once upon a dream (oc [valencia] x silver)
something snapped in me and now i want to call silver princess so here we are also note that valencia is shorter than silver so HAHAHAAHAHH like reversal dynamic??? idk it brings me joy when valencia takes the lead, LOL i just... he is so ethereal... i cannot do this... head in hands... PS: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY BELOVED SILVER MY BABE MY KNIGHT MY DARLING MY MOST BELOVED PRINCESS MY BABY BABY BABY context: they are doing a play where silver is 'aurora' and valencia is the prince happened because valencia INSISTED honestly she is just so. infatuated with silver istg (SAMEEE AHHAAHAHAH)
“And so, my dear," valencia, acting as the knight bends down, pressing her lips against silver- who was acting as the princess'-hands. "won't you dance with me?"
silver blinks in confusion as a slow blush overtakes his features, beautifully contrasting with his moonlit hair.
"I, um," he gulps, so unused to the attire, the setting, the smooth velvety noise he rarely hears from the ramshackle prefect.
"I'd love to- oh-!" he manages, gasping when Valie stands to her feet, smiling with glee. "Then let us, my love."
with eased practise, she places one hand on silver's waist and another on his hand, and his on hers. the chorus plays, and so do they.
he isn't supposed to be nervous, as this dance has been driven deep within his mind, but he is. unconsciously, silver tightens his grip on valie. noticing, she squeezes his hand, in time with the twirl of the dance.
silver’s grey toned dress moves with ease as he dances with valencia, concentrated on the beat, while his partner, who wears the signature red cap and cape is more relaxed, a pleased smile on her face. he’s humming, silver realizes.
"I walked with you," valencia mouths to the chorus, grinning like a Cheshire cat, fondness brimming in the prefect’s eyes.
"Once upon a dream." silver mouths back, giving her a (rarely seen) smile back, a creased brow showing his keenness to the prefect.
as the chorus slows to a stop, valencia takes silver’s hands into hers and brings it to her lips, softly kissing it as she twirls him around for one last time, her other hand carefully laying over his waist as she steadies his footing. “until next time, my love.”
and slowly, the curtains draw into a close, but silver couldn’t pay any mind to that. 
not when her hands felt so perfect slotted against his waist, and her hands laid against his. selfishly, he wonders if other parts of her body would fit against his.
“did ‘cha like that?” valencia asks , slouched across one of the dressing room chairs. “my improv? the first one was to add a little more flair- more drama.”
“y…it was nice.” silver admits, putting his arm into his diasomnia jacket, a something he’s used to. “the audience seemed to enjoy it.”
“good! i didn’t want to make you uncomfortable or anything, but you did seem to enjoy it, so…” she snickered. “i added the second one, just ‘cuz.”
“because of what?”
“i don’t know, i guess i just wanted to hold you?” valencia laughs whole-heartedly. “sorry if that sounds weird, haha! but you were really nice to hold you know, senpai.”
“o-oh…” silver, once again, blushes. he isn’t used to this- isn’t used to be complimented by how nice he feels, how soft he is, how pretty he is. he knows he should be offended; he’s worked his whole life into being a knight, shouldn’t he be happier with praises that compliment his fighting style?
but instead, a pleasant feeling grows in his gut at the praises, and he worries he might grow to want more of them. 
“...how does that sound, silver-senpai?”
“h-huh? sorry, i lost focus. can you say it again?”
“sure! i said, let’s drop these costumes off at pomefiore, then let’s go to diasomnia, pick up the dudes and head to octavinelle for a celebratory dinner. sounds good?”
silver answers with a nod, and valencia extends a hand to silver, standing up from the couch. 
“then let’s go, princess.”
silver halts in his tracks. “we’re not in the play anymore.”
“i know, but you sound real pretty with that nickname-” the pleasant feeling blooms with the nickname, and silver can almost feel himself shiver in delight and his ears burn red.
“-if- if you’re not offended, that is. i mean, you probs are cuz you’re a knight and all and that would kinda be-”
“it’s fine. i like it.” silver admits- he does- far more than he should, he thinks.
valencia’s eyes light up wit joy. “great- then let’s hop to it, princess!”
silver takes the extended hand, and the costumes in another as they head out.
"princess, hmm?" lilia hums when the prefect parts them goodbye, yawning a generous amount with grim on her head. "do you enjoy being called that?"
"a little..." silver answers honestly, embarrassment flooding into him.
"d'aw... maybe i should call you that sometime, hmm? my little princess?" lilia affectionately pinches silver's cheek, grinning.
"it doesn't feel the same." silver frowns. "i'm sorry, father, but it just-"
"doesn't feel right? hmm, hmm, alright, alright." lilia lets go of his cheeks. "well, you best get into bed- it's been a busy night for you, after all. goodnight, birdy."
"goodnight, father."
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twistedtavern · 2 years
A Centaur-esque creature stood at the end of the hallway. It wore a grey cape draped across it’s shoulders with an out of place blue ribbon wrapped around it’s throat. It’s skin and fur an off white that contrasted with a black top hat that sat askewed upon it’s head. It simply stood there tossing what looked to be a frisbee while chuckling. The hollowness in his voice echoing as Grim hissed, a weak intimidation due to his trembling body. The poor thing attempting to take a threatening stance in front of Yuu. “Guests really shouldn’t invite themselves, lest they’d want to be p e r m a n e n t r e s i d e n t s.” A flick of its wrist and a fireball flew through the air which sailed unfortunately past it’s target, the monster smirking as he placed his top hat back upon it’s head as Grim wailed in frustration and fear. “Getting a little a h e a d of yourself aren’t ‘cha?” It wasn’t truly setting in why Grim, who’d called Crowley a ‘bird brain’ just moments ago, would be cowering until the monster at the end of hall passed an unbroken piece of glass pane on a painting. The once prime, and proper appearance gave way to a gaunt frame, the skin stretched like tarp over a dislocated jaw, it’s head wildly bobbing on a broken neck, esophagus strained visibly against its throat. Unlike it’s physical form, the creature’s reflection limped toward Yuu and Grim, a ratty jersey fluttering over it’s matted furry hide. Both versions raised the frisbee over its head with a manic grin, the glass’s was bloody and bent… This time Grim wasn’t the first one to try and escape. Pt. 3 - Dorm Anon
BRO??? B R O. FUCK YEAH!!!!!!!!!
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tigerpeachs · 4 years
Late Night Review - Gojo Satoru
*PLEASE READ: No minors allowed. 18+ Only. All characters are aged-up in my work. I do not condone student teacher relationships*
TW: 18+, Student x Teacher, Unprotected Sex, Sensei Kink, Idk what else to put honestly 
Word Count: 4.3K
Female Reader x Gojo Satoru 
Gojo was a perfect Sensei. Through the years of learning under him, you became such an efficient and strong shaman. Of course, he teased you relentlessly and made comments that your other elders never did. But he did that with everyone right? You did not see any harm in teasing back. How could you? He's supposed to be responsible. He was not supposed to banter back with your quick lines. He was not supposed to look at you like that.
Being one of his only third years had its perks. Although you didn't see much of him, he did take the time to drop you off at missions and review the reports you wrote. All for preparation to become a professional sorcerer. He tweaked your techniques and gave more personal lectures. You saw no problem in it most of the time. You did not question when he had you run to his favorite bakery to pick up deserts. You never asked why he only got boba with you after a long day. You never made a comment on why he allowed late-night visits to his room. He didn’t even tell you to change when you walked in with an oversized shirt and short shorts on. Yet here you were snooping through his stuff as he briefed on your mission in the morning.
 “Why can’t you ever send me somewhere fun Sensei?” You grumbled as you found another candy wrapper in his drawer instead of any candy. Gojo picked his head up and smirked, knowing he already ate whatever sweets you were looking for.
 “Oh, what pertains as fun to you?” He questioned. You whipped your head around to give him a sultry look. It was obvious that you liked seeing him out of his teaching uniform. He was wearing a pair of grey sweatpants and a loose white t-shirt, no blindfold. It was nothing fancy, but it still looked good on him. Your eyes ran over his relaxed frame before meeting his gorgeous face again. Only as a joke of course. You did not mean anything by it, honest to God.
 “Your place. That fancy little condo you have.” Granted, you have only been there once, but you wondered what his home life was like. What did he have beyond the general entrance that you waited at? The place smelled of vanilla and spice. It looked like what any other rich eligible bachelor would have.
 “What’s so "fun" about my place?”
 “It has the ambiance of a warm and welcoming setting. I wanna see your room.”
 “You get to see mine almost every day, don’t cha think it’s fair?”
 He chuckled. You always brought some strange logic to your comments. “Y/N, you’re in my room right now.” You finally stopped snooping for goodies at that comment. You threw yourself on his bed, which seemed sort of small for such a tall man. “Plus, my actual room is only for women I take home.”
 You laid beside him. His back was resting against the headboard with your mission briefing in his hands. “First of all, I am a woman. Second of all, you can’t make an exception. Afraid I’ll do something crazy?” You giggled turning to face him instead of laying on your back.
 You didn’t realize the weight of the comment you made. Gojo was sure you’d do something crazy. You’d make more teasing lines as you roamed his domain. You’d be so domestic, and sweet, yet cunning. You’d probably sit on his kitchen counter as he fixed you something up. You wouldn't be completely aware of how your legs weren’t closed enough to hide your pretty panties. Making comments on how you can’t wait to be stuffed all while he did his best to restrain himself.
 He just shook his head and said “How about I take you somewhere fun after you finish this mission? Just make sure to be a good girl for me, yeah?”
 “Hey!” You said moving beside him. You tore the documents from his hands while pouting at him. “I’m always a good girl, aren’t I?”
 Gojo didn’t let you notice how he was practically buzzing to have you lying beside him in this small ass bed. You were stuck between him and the wall. He was quick to grab your jaw in his large hand. He tilted your face to stay facing his as he leaned in close.
 “You are such a good girl, my good girl, right?” Your breath hitched in a quick second. You should be used to his student little stunts like this, but for some reason, this felt different. No one was around to tell him to knock it off. You did not have space or the will to push him away like normal. Gojo continued his ministrations. He released his hold on your jaw only to hook his hand around your leg and pull your body flush against his. Your leg now rests on his hips, and he started to draw sigils on the naked skin. You tried your best to even your breathing and give a response.
 “Don’t ask such stupid questions, Sensei,” You fought against the heat of your skin and tried to keep a calm face. Just because he wanted to tease you, did not mean you had to give in.
 “Answer me, Y/N.” He said in a more grounded tone as his hand started to wander higher. You didn’t know what to do. One hand gripped his shirt, and your face instantly fell to hide right where his neck met his shoulder.
 “I am. Haven’t I proved it enough?” Your muffled tone came out as he started to tease your neck. He ran his nose up and down the sensitive exposed skin and your body responded more and more every second. The room felt hot and you felt your hands get clammy as they gripped onto his white shirt.
 “Say the whole thing, sweetheart,” He whispered against your ear. He pressed fleeting kisses across your ear and your jawline. You pulled away from his neck to look at him, causing him to stop. He had to admit, it was cute watching you be brave while under the world’s greatest sorcerer. The stern look you gave him had him tilt his head waiting for you to say something.
 “I… I am such a good girl.” You tugged on his shirt hoping to make him come down to your lips. The frustration came fast once you realized he was not budging. You lifted your head to kiss him but whined as he pulled back. “I’m your good girl, Gojo Sensei. Please,” You whimpered pushing your body completely against his again. He smiled moving down to your lips. He didn’t pucker up to you yet though.
 “Want me to kiss you?” He said, allowing his lips to ghost over yours. You nodded your head, puckered up, and leaned up. Gojo pulled away again. “You gotta use that cute voice of yours, sweetheart,” Gojo instructed.
 “Kiss me please,” He finally moved down far enough to let his lips graze yours.
 “What about touching? Can I touch you, Y/N?” You huffed out as his stupid smile. His hand was gripping your hip to stop you from pressing against him more.
 “Touch me, please, Gojo Sensei,” You could feel tears prick at your eyes at how frustrated your body felt. Gojo took the time to read your hazy expression. He hasn’t even kissed you yet and you look ruined. Completely and utterly ruined by him.
 He leans in and presses his pink lips to your plump ones. He hums in satisfaction. You greeted him with a quick pace, pressing your lips to his with urgency. He did not react the same way though. He continued softly opening you up kiss by kiss. He inhaled through his nose as waited for you to calm down. As much as he would love to rush through and get to his favorite part, he needed to savor this. like his favorite dessert.
 You didn’t understand why he wasn’t devouring you after all that teasing. Was he just teasing you more with the slow pace? You slowed down and relaxed in your pursuit of kiss after kiss. Gojo cupped your jaw, angling your head better before dropping his hand to rest on your neck. He didn’t squeeze you but instead held you in place before he finally ran his tongue across your bottom lip.
 You let out a soft sigh as your face relaxed. You could feel him smile into the kiss as you opened your mouth more for your mutual pleasure. He took control in ways you never thought of. He finally pulled you on top of him. You sighed once more, feeling his hips groin pressing right where you needed relief. One hand remained on your neck, but the other was on your hip, leading you to rock against him.
 Such a good student. You followed his lead and continued his rhythm even though he stopped leading you. You ran your hand to push his hair back as you pulled away from his now swollen and moist lips. It almost annoyed you how calm, cool, and collected he looked while you were falling apart on top of him. Even worse, you were this worked up from kissing and grinding. He still wore a smile, too. What a smug bastard.
 You pushed more strands back before gripping his hair and yanking it back. Your face looked angry, but he knew you were pouty. You start to press kisses against his jawline and neck while resting your hand around the base of his neck. Your hips picked up movement and his hands flew to steady you. You ascended to his ears to suck on his lobe, then blow cool ear against his wet skin. Gojo thrust up, causing you to lose your balance. You, by accident, choked your Sensei with one hand from the moment. His hands started to grope at your ass. He took his time jiggling the skin in his palms as you continued to have your fun on his neck.
 You went back to sucking and pressing kisses all over his neck. His fingers grazed your pussy while he fondled your ass further. His breath became shallow as he moved his hands. He wasted no time in spreading, pressing, and moving your cheeks together. It was cute watching you look down on him, wondering if you were making him feel good. There was something about the look in his eyes that cause you to melt for him.
 You pulled up to move your hand under his shirt. Your eyes took in every inch of skin exposed to you until Gojo reached for your wrist and pulled it away. He sat up for a quick second, only to surprise you at how quick he was to turn you over and get you under him. As you reached up for him with a whine, he pressed your hands back against the mattress.
 “You’re so cute, Y'know that?” He rhetorically questions while removing his shirt. His face disappeared under the fabric. You took the chance and stole a glance at the bulge pressing against his sweatpants. The large shape was barely contained by the measly cotton. Your eyes went back up to meet his as he threw his shirt off the bed. “So pretty, I wish you could see yourself right now beautiful.”
 He reached for the bottom of your large shirt, collecting a good amount of the cloth before pulling it up and off of you. You did not hide your exposed skin like he thought your bashful self would. You caught him by surprise as you opened your arms for him to gather in. His breath caught in his throat at the sight. You didn’t wear a bra. Instead, he got to drink in the sight of your naked upper half. Your nipples were already pebbled. You let your arms push the soft skin together, pushing your breast out for him.
 You looked so pitiful like you were going to cry if he denied you. “Sensei, enough. Please fuck me already,” You bleated out in a soft tone. So soft that if Gojo didn't have his attention on you, he would’ve missed your plea. He leaned down to capture your lips before pulling off the flimsy material you dared to call shorts.
 “Now how could I ever deny my good girl when she asks so nicely?” He said as he let you kick them the rest of the way down once, he got them past your knees. He settled back between your legs. While gripping his cock through his pants, taking in your slick cunt. Your panties did nothing to hide the shape on your pussy to his amusement. It was so wet with your essence it stuck against your warm flesh. He ran a finger up your center before stopping to pet at your clit.
 You let out a small moan as he continued to use his large fingers to play with you. He brought his mouth down to press kisses over your tits. You whimpered while gripping his hair as his tongue plays with your nipple. He switches between sucking and flicking his skillful tongue over the hardened skin. You whimper once he starts leaving marks on the underside of your breast. Gojo wanted you to think about his days afterward when you were away from him. He wanted you to trace the marks he left and think about how your cheeks would heat up at the thought of him marking you.
 “More please,” You moaned out as he finally pulls your panties aside. He decides to pull up and watch as your cunt stretches to accommodate his large index finger. It was only one finger and yet here you were crying out his name as he started a slow thrusting pace.
 You still had no idea what you do to him. His eyes were glued to the sight of your slick coating his fingers and dripping down the rest of your pretty pussy. He watched with keen eyes as you raised both your knees and opened your legs much wider for him. “C’mon, Sensei, I can handle more,” You rasp out. It’s the same exact tone you used when sparring that reminded him how close he was to defeat you.
 He leans down to press a kiss to your knee, almost to hush your babbling. Have you no shame? Spreading yourself like this for him. Calling him Sensei while he finger fucks his pretty little student? He leaned his head against your knee, watching in awe as you took another finger. You moaned and lulled your head back once he started to stretch and scissor your insides. So warm, so large. You could feel tears collecting on your bottom lash line, threatening to fall out.
 “So good, Hah-Yes,” You moaned as he picked up his pace. He’d never admit to what you do to him. He wouldn’t have to because you could see it all in his eyes. His fingers didn’t stop their pace as you release your legs to grab on his free bicep and pull him down. You ignored the tears falling out now while pressing your lips against him. As you rasped out moans all for him, he didn’t need to instruction when to add a third finger. Your body was opening up and stretching out so sweet for him. So good for your Sensei.
 Your hand reached down past his as the other one rested on his bicep. He felt your delicate fingers trace above the skin and the amount of hair over his happy trail. His skin was so smooth and taught. He sighed as you moved your hand under the waistband of his sweats only to feel his large cock. The thought of him not wearing underwear this whole time gave you a thrill. Was he expecting this? Or did he always go without underwear?
 You ran your thumb over the slit of his cock and basked at the sound he let out. Once his precum coated your thumb, you took the time to run his fluids down his shaft. He picked up the pace as his body adjusted to your soft assault on him. You squeezed him as you stroked his cock before reaching lower to graze his balls. He's so big but you wanted to savor feeling every inch that was soon to ruin you. He moaned before pulling away. He leaned up and watched as he pulled his fingers out of you. You pussy was practically sucking him back in and he cooed softly at the action.
 “Ya cryin already?” He asked looking down at your face. You clenched around nothing while you whined.
 “Feel empty,” You sighed out while Gojo brought his fingers up to your mouth. You opened up so nicely for him while he pressed each digit against your tongue. You gripped his forearm to keep him in place. You sucked and swirled your tongue over his long, large fingers. They made you feel so good, you wanted to show your appreciation. Gojo and you kept direct eye contact the whole time before you finally shut your eyes to savor your taste.
 Pulling his fingers away, he leans down to capture your lips. He places his spit-coated hand over his cock. Tugging away at himself while he kisses all over your face and neck.
 “You want me to fill you up, Y/N?” Gojo asks while staring down into your eyes. You reach down to remove your panties while watching him jerk at his cock, under his sweats.
 “Yes, Please,” You huffed lifting your hips and removing the small piece of damp satin. He smiles and cocks his head.
 “Call me by my title sweetheart. You should respect your elders,” He moans while you drop your legs open again. His eyes feasted on the sight of your pussy. The pink insides covered in your wetness was dripping down to your asshole. Your clit looked so neglected he thought he should give it a kiss, and your folds were all covered in slick.
 “Please fill me up, Gojo Sensei,” you said. His eyes almost rolled to the back of his head at the teasing lilt in your voice. He knows he wanted to savor every moment. But he swore he’d tear his sweats off at this moment to save a few milliseconds to bury himself inside of you. You didn’t want to gasp as he exposed himself to you. You knew he was big, you felt it from the moment you two started dry humping each other, but fuck. Maybe he wore the sweats for so long to save your mind from wandering on about how the hell he was going to fit inside of you.
 It almost like your body responded on its own. Once his pants were off your hand reached out and you scooted your hips down until his tip was touching your folds. You signed in relief once you started rubbing it up and down your pussy. He watched as you slapped his cock down against your pussy and enjoyed the soft moans you let out with each slap.
 “Does it feel good?” You nervously look up at him while rubbing his shaft over your soaked folds. He smiled at the question. Did you not realize how hard he was from your cute initiation and teasing?
 “Of course, baby, you feel like heaven,” He presses out before wrapping his hand around yours. His tip drops to your entrance and you pressed out a strained breath as he works the first inch inside of you. “Tell me if it's too much, ‘Kay?” He instructs while waiting a few seconds for your body to relax. Once you stop clenching down, he works the second inch into the sweet heaven known as your pussy.
 You toughen it out and try to rut your hips closer to him. His hands quickly shot out to stop you. You can feel more moisture collecting on your bottom lash line. You press your head back against his pillows, hoping he doesn’t see your tears, and mistake them for pain.
 “Talk to me, Y/N,” Gojo stills himself while taking in how you move your arm to cover your face from him.
 “S’fine,” you slur out, “M’fine, just feels so good.” He knows what you’re talking about. For your sake, he’s gritting his teeth while filling you up as slow as he could. But he’d give anything to snap his hips and bottom out inside of you. Oh, and you’d cry those pretty little tears for him the whole time, wouldn’t you?
 He doesn’t respond as he keeps working inch after inch inside of you. He almost wants to give you a pat on the head as pride swells in his chest. You’re handling this so well. He moves your arms away from your face to take in the sight of you. You sniffle slightly at the stretch. God, his cock felt heavy and hot inside of you, but in the best ways possible. He leans down to kiss your silly tears away before sitting up again.
 “I’m gonna move. You’re doing such a good job. You’re such a good girl, Y/N, my perfect good girl,” He affirms while he gently pulls out. He doesn’t miss the way you gasp at the sensation. It felt like every nerve was firing off inside of your body and shooting straight down your spine. He picked up the pace once he felt you loosen up more and you started letting out little moans.
 “Oh, Gojo!” You moan as you wrap your arms around his neck and pull him down.
 “What, baby? What can I do for you?” He questions as he rolls his hips and makes sure to stimulate your clit against him. He does not have to set a fast and brutal pace, the way he savors going slow with purpose has you seeing stars. You were already sporadically clenching around him. His cock is rubbing against every fucking sweet sport in your pussy.
 He grabs under your knees and presses them close to your chest. You cry and moan as he strokes deeper inside of you. He hides his face in your neck, releasing moan after moan for you to get drunk on. “Fuck baby talk to me please, you feel so fucking good, my God,” Gojo laughs. He chuckles watching you suck him back in each time he dares to pull out.
 You wanted to last longer than this. With his fingers warming you up so well and the dizzying way he was fucking you, you didn't stand a chance.
 “Gonna come,” You turn your face toward him for him to kiss you nice and deep. You bit his bottom lip as he pulled away. He did not pick up his pace as most other guys would do. He knew that you needed him to stay consistent in stimulating you and let your body reach ecstasy on its own.
 “Gojo, so good,” You huffed as your felt your eyes glaze over from moisture again. It’s not like you could even control it, your body felt so good. You couldn’t help but cry while he stuffed you so well.
 “Can I come with you, Y/N?” God did he even have to ask. Hell fucking yes. He laughed at the bewildered look on your face. “Tell me, baby, tell me I can come with you.” You were seconds away from falling apart and who were you to deny the man making it all happen.
 “Please, Satoru, please come with me.” He moans as he feels you squeezing down on him. The desire pooling in your stomach is too much as he fucks you through your orgasm. His lips rush to slant against yours and swallow your moans. Liquid rushes out of you while he keeps thrusting, slower and slower to help milk your orgasm. You fall back and relax into the sheets while Gojo pulls out of you. He immediately begins to stroke his cock against your sensitive folds. You twitch from the sensation while he stares down at your sex and grunts at the sight.
 His semen shoots out, mixing with your cum. His head feels so lightheaded watching the scene unfold. You reach down to his hand and move his fingers to collect the mess you two made. His stomach drops as you bring his fingers to your mouth to suck on. Fucking filthy, sweet girl. His heart stops as you open your mouth to show him the mix before closing it and swallowing.
 He uses his fingers to pry open your mouth again and smirks.
 “You really are a naughty little thing, look at the mess you made,” He sighs. He catches your chin and tilts your gaze down. There's moisture covering his lower abdomen and cock, along with your semen-soaked folds. You blushed and tried to look away.
 “Ohhh, no princess! You were so bold a second ago, what’s changed?” He laughs as you fold on yourself.
 “That was in the moment!” You huff shoving his hands away as he laughs. He brings his face to the same level as yours and showers you with kisses so fast you can’t even kiss him back in time.
 “Gojo!” You whined out shoving his chest away to get some distance.
 “I thought it was Satoru?” He pressed while gripping your arms and pulling you back into him.
 Gojo cleaned you both up and helped you slip his shirt on while he got his sweats back on. Gojo was not a perfect Sensei since he went around fucking you stupid and you were his student. He shouldn't have done this with you. He shouldn't be so happy and giddy about it as he cuddles you to his chest. He was not supposed to make you come until you were seeing, you would get used to it.
 Plus, you needed your rest for your mission in the morning.  
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