#character names censored for my personal safety
gallus-rising · 10 months
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i lied i don't hauve covid i'm just a freak
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teenrickwubbadubdub · 3 months
A writing piece of two of my dear friends. Morty C-137 and Eff- I'm sorry,that name sucks. Em. I'm calling them Em. Here it is.
Effie and Morty ( By Rick Sanchez D-127)
The day was happening. It happening,it was day. Then Evil Mor- sorry, Effie,dumb name,said," Hey,Pookie,look who I killed." Then Morty C-137 (the c stands for cunt,and the 137 is how many times Rick Prime should've hit him when he kidnapped him) said," Wowie,even though it would be in character for me to be scared and concerned, I instead am gonna kiss you even through you have nearly killed me numerous times and constantly do violent and evil things,but because you got mean words said to you by an old guy,it excuses you for nearly killing me and my grandpa, even though your trauma is more of a reason than an excuse, and you took hundreds of mortys from their families for nobodys goals but your own." Effie the Terrorist,slave owner and dictator,shook their head and said," Come here and kiss me,ya big lug." The two kissed. Then....LIGHTNING CRASHES! NIGHTHAWKS SWARM THE SKY AS HE EMERGES.........TEEN RICK (dun dun dun!) " Hey guys." Teen Rick said,forgetting why he was there. Morty says,"Oh,look who it is? The fucking [CENSORED] [REDACTED]". Morty and Effie high five,and [####] each others [#########]. Teen Rick goes," You guys are kinda dumb,to be honest. You're kinda stupid,the way you act." Effie stands up (I forgot mention,they're laying on a blanket) and says," Hey,don't talk to my shnuckums that way!". Morty says," Pookie,that was so manly,I might faint. Oh,I'm so dependent on you! You're my OOoooOooOoonly personality trait now! Somehow I consider hanging out with you better than hanging out with Rick! Maybe it's cuz you can legally kiss me and I'm attracted to you! Which kinda implies that I'm just attracted to myself! I also view a girl that I liked but I was still friends with as meaningless even though I literally killed for her multiple times!" Teen Rick raises an eyebrow," Uh...I.... wh-what? You know what-uh...you wanna hear a joke?" Effie puts a hand in their pockets,(they as in multiple people. They also put their hands in Morty's pockets because he's so dependent on Effie he can't even put a hand in his own pockets.) Teen Rick,with his chiseled jaw, shiny hair, muscular teeth and his strange choice of adjectives, says..." I'll take that as a yes? Uh.... Hey,you know what? I'll do some jokes from the audience." Morty raises a hand," Ooh! Ooh! Me! If...if that's alright with you,Effie..." Effie says,with a chuckle and a smirk that has lived through genocide that they have caused completely by themselves, " Sure,bitch." They smack Mortys ass. "Aw,geez,okay. Well,yeah,do some jokes about me,You fucking fuckhead! Fuck!". Teen Rick says, " That sounded forced- uh,okay. Hey,what's up with that hairline-" Effie stands even more up...somehow,and they yell, while charging at Teen Rick, " DON'T TALK TO MY LITTLE MOONPIE CHERUB THAT WAY!". Effie pins Teen Rick to the ground,and starts punching him in the face while yelling at the top of his lungs. Morty watches with a smirk even though he should be concerned because the whole point of him is that he's more human and concerned about the safety of other people,but oh wait,he's dating the person who's doing the violence,so it's fine. Teen Rick yells, " OH GOD JESUS NO NO NO OH THIS IS NO LIFE FOR ANYONE THIS IS ACTUALLY HAPPENING IN THIS MULTIVERSE OH GOD THIS IS REAL FOR ME I'M SO MUCH PAIN HE'S EATING MY ARM HE'S EATING MY- AAAAAAHHHH!". Effie gets off of teen rick,and turns to Morty. "Heh...he shouldn't have awoken the alpha." Morty smiles and nods," It's like I say,baby sweetie pie, Hurting Someone's feelings is worse than senseless murder and violence." Effie and Morty leave while teen Rick is choking on the floor. Then Teen Rick Prime rescues him and heals him he doesn't die. The End.
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thegoosetyrant · 6 months
Heeeeyyyyyy I’ve never partook in the Sk8 fandom before because a very large amount of you are so deep in this new wave of fandom purity culture that it makes the fandom no fun to be in.
I watched Sk8 as it came out, and it was love at first sight. I loved the animation, the races, how colorful and stylish everything was, and I really related to Reki’s struggle with imposter syndrome and overall in just think it’s a great show that I love very much.
But I also found myself relating to Adam quite a bit. His struggle with his strict family, having to be two faced around your family and among your friends/community, wearing a figurative mask and wanting to be anonymous out of fear that your family will discover something about you that you don’t want them to see. It really struck a cord with me, I saw a major part of my life in him, as a queer person.
But no every single person who finds a shred of humanity in his character is called a p*do apologist. Cool guys, very mature. He’s a villain, everyone knows that, he does some p*do shit. News flash, he’s also not real, he can’t hurt anyone. Nobody who likes his character is a p*do you absolute dinguses. Who are you people? Are you the same people that call Rocky Horror problematic? Cuz Adam shares an incredible amount of similarities with Dr. Frankenfurter and everyone loves him (obviously what an icon). Do you guys just not like complex characters? Does every character have to be a paragon of morality? A villain makes the story. Adam is the reason the story happens, he causes the rift. What do people censor his name in this fandom? Like literally some of yall type shit like “ad*m” not even as a joke. Why do people refuse to acknowledge such an important part of why the story of Sk8 is so good?
Remember that one time that multiple Sk8 fanzines banned any content relating to Adam so a group of fans made an Adam focused zine? And someone reported it for sexual misconduct in and attempted to get it canceled only for PayPal to find no violations upon investigation??? Very mature guys.
I’ve been afraid to post anything about how I related to several aspects of Adam’s character and enjoyed how goofy of a villain he was because I was afraid of the purity culture mob making incredibly horrible accusations. I don’t think people realize how nasty and horrible calling someone a p*do apologist is. You don’t know what you are doing throwing those words around all willy nilly. Yall are the ones that are fucking things up. Literally censoring the existence of a character, what a joke. What are you gonna do next, burn any book with a queer character who just sucks? Yall would hate Anne Rice. No Interview with the Vampire? One of the most important works of vampire fiction that exists?Gonna burn some Rocky Horror DVDs and censor one of the most important queer movies of all time just because the villain was a murderer and sexual deviant??? Go to English class and learn some god damn media literacy. Pull that stick out of your ass and laugh a funny camp villain. See humanity in pieces of shit people because none of you are angels. That’s what’s great about fiction. You can do all that in the safety of unreality.
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mudaship39 · 3 months
Info about me and my WIPS art and projects as a as a disabled and queer/trans native of color writer artist and creator creative and native of color gamer/streamer/podcaster
Native intro for social media.
BYI For old and new followers
Check out my bio and pinned post
For safety reasons esp as a disabled and queer trans native of color.
My Indigenous Pasifika preferred name is No’eau Aitonui Hoata/Heiani Mareva Hoata
If you are Indigenous or Indigenous Pasifika please refer to me by that name
My Vietnamese Kinh name is Ngoc Hien/Xuan Dinh Nguyen
If you are a non native person of color please refer to me by that name
Names on the left is when I’m kane/tane or masc. Names on the right is when I am vahine/wahine or femme.
I do have unisex names for when I am maohi raerae (think mahu or fakaleiti) or native third gender.
But I am not comfortable sharing it on social media. Only use these names if you are a fellow native or indigenous pasifika. Or if you are a non native person of color. Not if you are a non native
My English/French name is Christian/Jeanne Nguyen
If you are a non native white person you can only refer to me by this name.
Im a Southeast Asian Vietnamese or Kinh Indigenous, European French, East Asian Chinese Hoa, & Polynesian Tahitian Indigenous Pasifika. 🇫🇷🇻🇳🇨🇳 🇵🇫 I’m an Asian Native Pasifika. 🐚 🌺 🏝️ 🪝 🌋
I’m a disabled native of color. I’m autistic, neurodivergent, chronically ill spoonie disabled, & mentally ill disabled. ♿️
Im a disabled and lgbt native of color gamer/streamer/podcaster. I am a small and variety Twitch Kick and YouTube gamer streamer podcaster. 🎮 🎙 My Playstation tag is warpdriveplanet3. My Xbox tag is Mudaship39. Twitch is mudaship39. My YouTube is christianaitonuingocnguyen3292.
I play and stream PS3, PS4, & PS5 games. I play and stream Xbox 360, Xbox One games. I plan to play Xbox Series X games in the future. I plan to play Nintendo Switch games in the future. I plan to play PC games in the future. 🎮
I’m a QTIPOC or queer and trans Indigenous person of color. Nonbinary bigender or genderfluid pansexual or omnisexual. Polyam or polyamorous. 💛♾️ Maohi/raerae in the middle indigenous third gender. Any and all pronouns. Including neopronouns and indigenous third gender pronons. He/him. She/her. They/them. Xer/xers. Zer/Zehir. Native third gender neutral oña. 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈⚧
Im a writer, creator, & artist. Im an author, comic book writer, screenwriter, spoken word poet, & songwriter.
I’m a Indigenous language keeper, culture keeper, & storykeeper.
I write about racial, sex, cultural identity, sexual orientation, & gender identity in music and poetry.
I write about Black, poc, Indigenous, disabled, and or lgbt characters in disabled, bipoc, and qtipoc futurism.
Im the writer and creator of the precontact and post land back Bipoc and qtipoc futurism project. It’s a hybrid science fiction cyberpunk and magical high fantasy comic books and graphic novels series Chronicles of War.
Basic info is the pinned post of my tumblr. More information is on a google doc on my google drive.
Im the performing artist spoken word poet of the spoken word poetry book Heart of Fire Dragon, Soul of Flame Pheonix, & Sea Fairy Ocean Blood that is about being a disabled native, an Asian Native, a displaced disconnected diaspora, & QTIPOC.
The cut and censored version of it is linked in the pinned tweet on my twitter mudaship39. Uncut and uncensored version is on a google doc on my google drive.
Be sure to check out my carrd in my bio. It has info on how to contact me for my projects. Info on how to pay me for my art. Info on my other social media accounts if mutuals want to follow me on other social media.
Expanded info about my wips art and projects:
Do you want to read a spoken word poetry anthology book I wrote as an Asian native Pasifika artist who’s a songwriter and spoken word poet? Its called Heart of Fire Dragon Soul of Flame Phoenix and Sea Fairy Ocean Blood. It’s about being a disabled native (autistic, neurodivergent, chronically ill, & mentally ill disabled), a displaced disconnected state side diaspora, being an Asian Native (as a Vietnamese Kinh, French, Chinese Hoa, & Polynesian Tahitian Indigenous Pasifika person of color), & about being a QTIPOC (queer and trans third gender Indigenous person of color). I have been working on it for a long time as a storykeeper, language keeper, and culture keeper. It includes a personal foreword and personal afterword to Indigenous people specifically Polynesian, Micronesian, and Melanesian audiences. The cut and censored version of it is linked in my pinned tweet of my Twitter mudaship39 if you are interested in reading something like this. The uncut and uncensored version of it is on a google doc on my google drive. Need email for google doc invite link. Let me know which version you prefer to read if you're interested in reading something like this. Be sure to like and reblog my pinned post to boost my art to other native of color mutuals.
For the cut and censored version. Go to the pinned tweet. Like and retweet the pined tweet. This is to boost info about my wips art and project to your native of color followers. The cut and censored spoken word poetry book is linked in my pinned post thread. Like retweet and quote any line of the cut and censored version of the spoken word poetry book. Quote tweet it with your thoughts. Use any Indigenous and poc hashtags if you know any. This is so it gets out to others in the poc community and Indigenous community especially those indigenous to turtle island or Indigenous to Pasifika Oceania or Moana. It’s also so I can find poc or Indigenous producers and publishers to actually make it into a spoken word poetry book. For the uncut and uncensored version post comments into the google doc itself and leave a review at the end. Let me know if you know anyone else interested in reading something like this. Let me know if know any poc and Indigenous artists especially indigenous to turtle island or Indigenous to Pasifika Oceania or Moana who are willing to draw art for this poetry book.
Im also a writer and creator who writes bipoc, disabled, and qtipoc futurism. I write magical high fantasy and science fiction books, comics, and graphic novels. My bipoc, disabled, and qtipoc futurism project called Chronicles of War. It is a soft and hard science fiction and magical high fantasy hybrid comic book or graphic novel series. It is soft and hard Sci fi (bio punk, solar punk, ray punk, nano punk, & cyberpunk) and magical high fantasy (steampunk, Tesla punk, arcane punk, and dungeon punk) fusion that is bipoc qtipoc and disabled futurism with bipoc qtipoc and disabled main and supporting characters. It is precontact and post land back. That is about several disabled, bipoc (or Black Indigenous and or person of color) characters, and qtipoc (or queer and trans indigenous people of color) main characters. One is Kana’i Akana/Ataahua Akana an Afro Asian pasifika/Afro latine native demigod metahuman and alien hybrid superhuman superhero in a science fiction bio punk, solar punk, ray punk, nano punk, & cyberpunk world in the near and far future. The other is Kittsak/Kaeo Alin Pramoj an Afro Asian native coded magical human with fae elvish, hobgoblin goblinoid, & giant kin ancestry who’s a spellcaster, swordfighter, and gunslinger adventurer in a magical high fantasy steampunk, Tesla punk, arcane punk, and dungeon punk world. Both of them are qtipoc disabled and bipoc. Both of them are qtipoc disabled and bipoc. There are other bipoc and qtipoc main characters in other worlds pre contact and post land back. Such as a Sami Indigenous and European Scandinavian coded third gender god/goddess Jotunn Loki. Such as a third gender Afro Indigenous Chickasaw Native Freedman were lion and were leopard hybrid character and her friend a Afro Latine South American Native were jaguar and were cheetah werecat hybrid character. Both of them living in a town of Afro Indigenous Freedman and hybrid humanoid communities. Such as a Central and South American summoners of kaiju or titans based on Nahuatl Quechua and Maya Indigenous mythology. Such as a female Asian Native and butch of color and lesbian of color superhero Zhou Chen who lives in the near future and far future cyberpunk world and her alternate reality doppelgänger Zhou Zhen who lives in a silk punk martial arts world who are Isekai into each others worlds. Such as an Indigenous Pasifika sea pirate. It has Black, Native, poc, queer, trans, & disabled representation. It has Indigenous and indigenous pasifika representation too actually. If that’s something you are into. Need email for google doc invite link also if you are also into this.
If you want to look up excerpt blog posts of my poetry book or futurism project. Be sure to search my blog with my tags of native, indigenous, trans, disabled, and or queer: artist, writer, representation, character, and or creator. Be sure to like and reblog to boost my art wips and projects to native of color, disabled, & or lgbt mutuals.
Cover art of the Spoken Word Poetry Book: Heart of Fire Dragon Soul of Flame Phoenix and Sea Fairy Ocean Blood:
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Upcoming project once i find cast crew and a studio and network to green light it: Modern take movie about Medusa and her blind lesbian love interest. With more diverse characters since modern take with disabled, queer trans, and bipoc representation like my other wips and projects.
Polynesian Micronesian and Melanesian sports anime or cartoon. Each season being about different Pasifika sport. Volleyball football ruby rowing or canoeing sailing. Each season with different main characters. Characters from past seasons returning in cameos. Gay volleyball with a vahine femme main character about a pasifika girl in varsity hs volleyball. Hawaiian or Tahitian and her partner is Tongan or Samoan.
Payment Wishlist Donation Mutual Aid:
Payment for art as a disabled native of color writer artist and creator creative. How to support as a disabled native of color gamer/streamer/podcaster. How to help with mutual aid as a disabled and queer trans native of color:
There is an ableist pay cap as a disabled writer artist and creator. If anyone wants to pay me for the spoken word poetry anthology book and or the bipoc qtipoc and disabled futurism project as a disabled writer artist and creator. To help with mutual aid as a disabled native of color. Or wants to help out with items in my wishlist to support me as a disabled gamer/streamer. Be sure to dm or pm me. There is a specific way to do so as a disabled writer artist and creator. People in the past have paid me by sending cash or check to me to my address under my government name. Be sure to dm me or pm me for the address and name to send money under.
Wishlist as a disabled creative and as a disabled gamer/streamer/podcaster:
I play old, current, and next gen console games PlayStation 3, 4, and 5 games and Xbox 360 and Xbox one games.
Still trying to get a gaming computer to play old, current, & upcoming pc games. Still trying to get an Xbox series x for other current and next gen Xbox and pc games. Still trying to get a Nintendo switch to play current and new Pokémon and other Nintendo games.
Games I am playing currently is in my Xbox and PlayStation account. Games I want to play but am waiting for as a disabled gamer, gamer of color, & gaymer is on my wishlist on PlayStation Nintendo and Xbox accounts.
You can also send me PlayStation store or Xbox store gift cards amount from 25 to 100 $ so I can buy the games I want to play and stream as a gamer of color, gaymer, disabled gamer, & variety streamer.
I use an old laptop for my writing and art. Still trying to get a windows 11 laptop and a Samsung or iPad tablet for writing and creating art and projects.
Also still trying to get a microphone, camera, and headset for streaming, gaming, and podcasting.
Unpublished and Not Represented as a Disabled and Queer Trans Native of color Creative
Still looking for a agent, rep, publisher, and producer as a disabled and queer trans native of color creative
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moonpoolcat · 3 months
Hi Everyone!
About me
♢Hello whoever you are that has fallen into my cave of an account. I go by many names, but I am normally referred to as as Tiny. (If you know me personally I'm Sirina and hi you found me!) I'm a small artists an writer with adhd. I'm still learning new techniques so don't mind me experimenting every once in a while. I struggle with intense paranoia and a horrible sleep schedule, I have not posted to tumblir in years but I am hoping to make a fresh start after departing from the hell hole known as twitter. After recently being discarded by the last fandom I had been a part of I currently am searching for a new fandom to call home. I hope to get to know you all and I'm looking forward to making some new friends. 💙 ♢Extra: I do have an IRL job so posts will be extremely slow, drawing is a hobby after all.
♢What to expect: Realism- lots of realism. If I can draw it, I can make it real. Do not be surprised if I am absent for a long time an suddenly post out of nowhere.
♢This is a personal one please by all means do not take my words to heart. I can be overly blunt an brutally honest. I don't, mean any harm, if you feel like I was too harsh please let me know.
⚠️Content warning 🔞
In regards to this I would like to give a little bit of context on this matter I am going to address to my younger viewers. I am NOT responsible if you're in any shape or form confused or uncomfortable as I put this here specifically so you can read this. I am NOT your parents. I'm not responsible to monitor your activity here. In no way shape or form am I going to censor myself because you found my content an just said ew. None of you are entitled to come in here an tell me what to do with my art. That goes for the adults as well. If I catch you little turds trying to act more than your age I'm going to treat you like one an break a new reality into your little heads. You can easily block my account an be on your way. This is your only warning. The following is a list of said content Mild nudity, expression of anatomy exposure of skin explicit themes or suggestive poses. Gore is also included as it will be a heavy theme in some posts. look at your own discretion so i'm just gonna dump a bunch a tags you can use.
For my ask box I actually do take suggestive requests! Again please tag them correctly and do not send anything that has been controversial or associated with anything that might get my ass canceled over the internet. #tw gore, #cw suggestive, #tw suggestive #tw body horror #cw gore,# cw body horror,
Other fandoms of interests
♢ Anything anthro ♢ Cult of the lamb ♢ Mlp ♢ Warrior cats ♢ Wof ♢ Welcome home ♢ Any fandom I can obsess over an get my hands on Response time I cannot for the life of me respond fast enough, if I do congrats. I'm not on social media regularly so do not expect me to be on every day. This goes for dms as well. What I do allow I have seen the abyss of twitter so I am putting this here now. ♢Interaction art between ocs ♢Memes ♢Fanart ♢SFW ships ♢Shit posts ♢Literature posts (if you're feeling a little handsy I don't mind fanfiction) DO NOT make it nsfw if you aren't going to tag it correctly! ♢I have no problem with ocs or characters flirting with each other just ask first as a heads up. What I don't allow ♢Spamming of inbox ♢Unconsented shipping: I do not allow unwanted shipping of my characters an ocs- (I know where you are..) even if it is harmless please do not do this without my consent first. ♢Nothing personal but anyone below 18 must refrain from dm me as my safety as well as yours is important. I know some older users allow this however I don't. Do not lie about your age Any miss information may result in you getting blocked. ♢For my younger anxiety induced users this may be an acceptation if not rarely as I understand social interactions is hard. ♢Do anything I will not tolerate bullying, toxic behavior, instigating, gaslighting, or any form of harassment that might hurt others. Failure to do so will result in an instant block. ♢ Spam requesting art of ocs.
Protection of art All extremely art related posts will be watermarked. If you or anyone else spot someone stealing or claiming the art is theirs feel free to report them. My tags that I probably won't remember #rainworld epoch au #rainworld epoch #moonpooldraws #rw oc #my ocs #askmoonpool #rambling moonpool #Moonpoolwrites Programs used Firealpaca- that's it. What did you expect?
List of characters (so far) Epoch Looks to the Moon (So far as I intended on updating her ref soon.) LORE! Epoch Moon Backstory (Long version)
This is a WIP I'll add more later on. Did you make it to the end? Good. Have a nice day ye little gremlins.
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((So. Remember this post when I gave a certain someone the benefit of the doubt?
Yeah, well, they tried to worm their way back via my fucking boyfriend now, so fuck any and all goodwill, I am sick of this shit.
So, screenshots and names now, fuck 'em!
Meet love-is-in-the-multiverse! The person that will not leave no matter how kindly you tell them to stop!
Sadly, I only have screenshots of the last time we talked and my boyfriend's screenshots. So I'll just have to summarize my experiences up till the final confrontation without screenies.
So, Love, formerly known as mollypico, was a FNF/Newgrounds RPer I met when they approached me for a starter. Since then they, they got very smothering, spamming my inbox with OOC convos that honestly overwhelmed me. I tried to give her other options, I really did. But in the end, she didn't take them. I changed the rules a bit to reflect this newfound boundary, and at first she seemed willing to respect it. But then turned around and continued because "She had no other options". So for the sake of my sanity, I blocked her.
Her response was to send a few friends after me asking why. And I tried to explain it to them as kindly as possible.
After that, they tried approaching me with new accounts passing themself off as someone else. The accounts were deleted by the time I looked in my notifs on my phone and saw them in the morning.
Eventually, she came to a new account and via messages apologized. I gave her the benefit of the doubt and accepted because she was finally keeping this stuff in IMs. And sometimes in those convos, she'd bring up fandoms and characters she played that were... suspiciously exactly the same as those other accounts that deleted.
It did not make her any less pushy and smothering, rushing me for starters, getting impatient with me not responding immediately. It all added up.
One day, I decided that people that killed my enjoyment here would get blocked. That included her. She tried to bypass this by making new accounts to talk to me. Twice. Once to act as if she wasn't one of the people I blocked. And the other to explain herself. I blocked those too.
Some time later, I was followed by two new accounts. One called "hate-in-the-multiverse" or something along those lines, and the other called afriendtoall. Who claimed she was an IRL friend of Love, and was the one that actually talked to me. Although Hate did send an ask, but not much else came of it.
Friend was frankly not all that different from her. It did not help matters when I started approaching a very stressful change that is still ongoing. And I started having suspicions.
Spoiler alert, I was right;
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I then blocked her and soon after, I saw she deleted the account when I tried to block across all my blogs. I didn't screenshot it, but after this last message, she wished me well and said she'd leave me alone.
Cut to tonight! Picture this! I was in a call with a friend, having fun reading a graphic novel to them, and then I look to see a message from my boyfriend, and he sends these [censoring his name and icon for his safety]
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So, after I tell her to leave me alone for good, she instead tries to worm her way into contact with my boyfriend and followed him again. And I am pissed.
He confronted her as soon as he saw.
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"Oh mistew, I was just cuwious, uwu"
Yeah, nevermind you followed him. Knowing fully well that we interact a lot on Tumblr.
So yeah, fuck it, you win, you got my attention with your stupid game. Now here's your stupid prize.
RPers beware. Block her. If you RP FNF/NewGrounds, Danganronpa, My Hero Academia, I think Undertale/Deltarune, possibly any other game/anime/whatever, block. Her. Ass. On sight. Don't even give her a chance. Take it from me, she will drain you, and then make you feel horrible for feeling drained by her/not being in the mood to talk.
She's not worth it. Put yourselves first.
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tss-whumper · 10 months
my whump intro!
hey, gang!! i'm annie, you might know me from my main blog (@prodigal-explorer). this is my side blog, and it's a place for all things sanders sides whump! whump isn't a very big thing in this fandom, but i really love it and i think this fandom has so much whump potential.
to clear things up for anyone confused, whump is basically a genre of fanfic/headcanons/content where characters (they are called whumpees) are being hurt either by other characters (they are called whumpers) or by natural elements such as sickness and weather. sometimes, there are characters who help whumpees feel better, or protect them from whumpers (they are called caretakers). whump is sort of like hurt/comfort, but there's not always the guarantee of comfort. whether or not there's comfort is up to personal preference! when it comes to whump, pretty much any kind of pain/injury/hurt is on the table, so when engaging with it, it's important to read tags carefully, just for your own safety!
with this blog, the characters from sanders sides will be playing whumpees, whumpers, and caretakers in an assortment of ways! characters will not always be named. sometimes it will just be (side a) or (side b), or it will just be labeled as "whumper" or "whumpee" if i don't really have a sanders sides character in mind for the scenario.
more info about my page and what i will and won't write below! (warning: i don't censor any of my words, so proceed with caution if that bothers you. some of the content i mention is very sensitive.)
whump themes/ideas/characters/tropes i LOVE writing:
emotional/verbal abuse
physical abuse
familial abuse
religious trauma
pet whump
whumpee turned caretaker
caretaker turned whumpee
caretaker turned whumper
small whumper and large whumpee
medieval whump
canonverse whump
non-canonverse whump
stress positions
inhumane punishments (especially when they have significant meanings in the story)
sunshine character who is secretly the whumper
whumpers who genuinely think they're doing the right thing
whumpees who are bad people
caretakers who don't know how to be a caretaker/bad caretaker
unreliable narrator
eating disorders
age gaps (as long as they're painted in a bad light)
whumpees of marginalized communities (poc, lgbtq+ besides gay cis white men, disabled, fat, jewish, etc.) because there is NOT ENOUGH OF THAT IN THE WHUMP COMMUNITY. i get it's tricky territory and you have to be careful with it, but why are little white guys the only ones getting rescued and taken care of?
descriptive fics
multi-chapter fics
bullet fics
whump themes/ideas/characters/tropes i WILL write:
whumpee turned whumper
whumper turned whumpee
suicidal thoughts/ideation
boxboy (though i don't have much experience, so i will be learning as i go!)
lady whump (it's not my favorite but i'll do it)
sick whump
wilderness whump
child whump
children whumping children
whump with remy/sleep, c!thomas, and emile picani (i'll write them as any role, whumpee/whumper/caretaker)
whumpee x caretaker (as long as it's not codependent)
toxic whumpee x whumper (where it's clear that the relationship is not a good one)
whumpee x whumpee
courtroom scenes
major character death
unhappy endings
happy endings
bittersweet endings
whump themes/ideas/characters/tropes i WILL NOT write:
tiny whump (just not my thing)
fem side x masc side (especially when the whumpee is the fem side)
any whump involving thomas sanders (like the real person) or any of his friends.
anything relating to bodily waste
detailed descriptions of needles (it just freaks me out lol)
feel free to send in an ask requesting anything you want me to write or react to, as long as it's not in the "will not write" category. if you don't see what you want listed anywhere, just assume that i will write it! there isn't a lot that i don't do, but i will not negotiate with the boundaries i have, so please don't try to convince me!
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squirrelwrangler · 8 months
Fic author interview - tagged by @elwing. i think the mutuals who would be have been tagged but if a follower and wants to answer this, use me as your excuse.
1- How many works do you have on AO3?
2- What's your total AO3 word count?
3- What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Whatcha Gonna Call It? wins by a landslide with 268 kudos, 2. Tears, 147 kudos, 3. The Brides of Death, 111 kudos, 4. Book of Hours, 91 kudos, 5. Hold Fast Ere Night Comes, 85 kudos
4- Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to reply to all of them, though sometimes I can't offer much more than a thank you.
5- What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
ooh, that might be difficult. Since one of my favorite things to write is 'death of an elf', but I always have in the back of my head that for 99% of these cases the elf in question will eventually be healed, reborn, and reunited, even if the fic ends on angst the knowledge that this isn't final lessens the angst, at least for me. But my other constant well into which I am dipping is Aegnor/Andreth, which has a less certain and far more distant proposed rebirth reunion. And Kinslaying from the Teleri perspective. In its own way, The Swanships has the most fridge-horror delayed angst ending because the fic is building up what these objects mean, their source of community and safety, and ends right before they are going to be permanently destroyed right when most needed. Of the various Tol-in-Gaurhoth fics, every single one ends on or right before the death of the focal character, so it's a tossup on which one is the angstiest. It's down to what flavor of death seems saddest, the futile hope of Pins, the anger of Filial Piety, the despair of Take Thy Brother's Hand and the mental break in Kingfisher... Or the Hithlum fics- the stuff with Mornacu is really angsty and the happy ending reunion more delayed than anybody but canon Aegnor/Andreth.
Let's take the cop-out and pick one of the Andreth fics, and tie it between The Ring and Blood on Bone for a Lover's Burial.
6- What's the fic you've written with the happiest ending?
Okay so there are pure fluff fics that I've written. They exist!
But I think in the spirit of this question, for a single fic, it has to be Release from Bondage because the final chapters are all about how the horror of Angband is defeated and the main couple admit their feelings and get to now live in freedom and paradise. With the coda of Our Lady of Canine Compassion because what is happier than an abused dog warg also getting reborn and adopted into a happy home as a pampered toy dog named Cuddles
7- Do you write crossovers?
....YES and no. Fusions. feels like 50% of the time the fic is that variation of a crossover where the characters and/or plot or even just small details are directly inspired to the point of an AU, but these are never pure crossovers of canon interactions.
8- Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Got into an argument in the comments of one fic but never hate. At least not for the fics themselves.
9- Do you write smut?
Tiptoe around it and some very light smut in the finale for Release from Bondage. One day I'll copy over the smutty paragraphs to Ao3.
Then there's everything with "Cold/Baby Shower". Which never gets fully explicit but is overloaded with D/s vibes and is basically a porn with plot fic that censor blurs the actual porn. And Baby Shower is the "millisecond post-climax" fic.
10- Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of.
11- Have you ever had a fic translated?
Twice by the same person I think. Howl and Whatcha Gonna Call It? were both translated into Russian for two collections or challenges.
12- Have you ever co-written a fic before?
13- What's your all-time favorite ship?
Well, discounting original characters, looking at my fics it should be obvious that in canon it's Aegnor/Andreth, with some Theon/Jeyne
14- What's a WIP that you want to finish but don't think you ever will?
I tell myself that I'll finish or get to all the fics. For a long time Warpath home was one I wasn't sure about but now that I know how I want to expand out Faron's angle and tie into the Author Findis, it has a better chance.
OII is the one that I scream at myself for lost inspiration/drive to write and the one that will be most stubborn about because of the scope - esp because the parts I want to write about and the parts that need to be written/that readers want don't always align.
15- What are your writing strengths?
I think when I nail my descriptive prose it reals sells itself. And I usually find writing both action and dialogue to be easy.
16- What are your writing weaknesses?
It's hard for me to plot out and write multi-chaptered fic and commit to finishing those in a reasonable time frame. My sentence structures can get convoluted and dropping articles for clauses, some of which is reflective of my manner of speech which in itself is partially dependent on dialect - I know some features would be damn obvious if I was reading what I wrote out-loud and y'all heard that Texan drawl. Also my character voices and personalities aren't as distinctive as someone to whom that was their strength would be.
17- What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I dislike it if it's more than a phrase or two and if it's more than a sentence I start to dislike it, because it makes reading comprehension extremely difficult on the readers and ruins the flow. And the POV- if the character understands the second language they would be at least partially translating and if they don't they wouldn't discern the words. Better to describe the dialogue than transcribe it untranslated in the body of a fic. Written text in-universe I give more leeway. Authors' notes are an excellent place to put the untranslated text.
18- What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Fanfic? Tolkien
19- What's a fandom/ship you haven't written for yet but want to?
ASoIaF proper maybe, or Star Wars. Not just a fusion. Well, the ASoIaF would just be writing out that silly modern AU or maybe the Selyse constantly trying to assassinate Robert.
20- What's your favorite fic you've written?
uuuuh. Let's got with In Need of a Cold Shower.
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trecomics · 2 years
Mastodon is great for a quiet fandom life
Even before the buyout, Twitter has been an anxious place for a hobbyist like me.
I want to chill in my fandom bubble and find people who like the same characters I like to connect and chat maybe! I want to shitpost in peace!
Because of how twitter’s algorithm and search function works, I don’t want to force people who don’t like that sort of thing to see what I draw, so I’m careful with how I word my post. I mark the pairing name somewhere so people can mute it. (or find it) I censor full names or series titles so it ’s not found in search. I’ve been doing this for so long it shouldn’t be stressful, but getting stray comments reminds me to stay on my toes.
Mastodon, I realized, is close to perfect place for a peaceful fandom life.
Mastodon is compared to twitter a lot. That’s the wrong way of thinking about it. It’s not about trying to be “engaged” with the site 24/7. It wants to work for everyone, while keeping its focus on safety and making it harder to dogpile on others. That’s freakin’ awesome. Once you understand how it works. So how to get started?
These were my top worries while figuring out Mastodon.
There’s so many instances! What if I join the wrong one? This had me stuck deciding whether Mastodon was even viable. But there is no “wrong one.” you can join any instance, you can even make your own as the sole member. It’s simply having an address to be found.
You might want to shop around first. When you sign up for an instance, their rules and which instances they don’t interact with are listed. I draw NSFW art, so I wanted to join an instance that allows that sort of thing.
There’s no advantage joining a heavily populated instance. it could lag, more difficult to get into contact with the admins/support. The local timeline is a mess. Small and cozy is best. You can follow anyone, anywhere, anyway.
I don’t know how to follow others from different instances. You don't have sign up to different instances to follow others. The easiest way to do that is to copy their profile URL and paste and search into your instance’s search bar. You can also copy and search their account name, usually displayed by their username. They look like “@[email protected]
I tried doing a search for my favorite thing but got 0 results! I’m proud of this creation, how can others find it? Mastodon’s search will only catch hashtags and URLs from all the instances. While I avoided hashtags with every fiber of my being on twitter, it’s vital to use them if you want public posts to be found by others. So don’t be shy and tag it up, use appropriate content warnings if needed on posts you want others to see! Because of these search limitations, you don’t have to censor words without fear of being found in a random search anymore. It’s great.
Best of all, you can follow hashtags! This way, any post with that hashtag will appear in your home timeline whether you follow that person or not, even from other instances. It’s great to see new stuff without manually searching. To do this, search your favorite hashtag names. Click the hashtag in the search results and in the upper right corner there’s an icon with a plus mark to click. You can remove it anytime by doing the same method.
But I want to follow others who speak different languages, twitter at least has a translate function (for now) Mastodon does too! But it’s up to each instance’s admin to implement the feature. it doesn’t hurt to politely ask them to add it. If they don’t, some apps have it built in! I know Ice Cubes for Mastodon does at least.
Quick tips: —You can change the default visibility of your posts in preferences The default is “public” but if you’re like me, you don’t want every thought out on the public/local timeline. I have mine set for “unlisted” so only followers or profile visitors can see it. The many posting options Mastodon has are almost perfect. I hope someday they adopt Twitter’s circle function.
—You can add filters to words and hashtags you don’t want to see! It just works! This is in preferences.
—No more extra work when you have to delete and repost, the “delete and re-draft” function is the best option ever.
—For the most comprehensive FAQ that answers every little thing you want to know about how Mastodon works and why, https://fedi.tips answers and then some.
I'm still a newb to Mastodon but I love being there so much. If anyone else has tips I've missed I'd love to know!
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duckprintspress · 1 year
Hello! I'm interested in pitching for the upcoming anthology, and I wanted to know if it was required for authors to release under something that at least looks like a legal name/pseudonym? I'm comfortable giving my legal name for contract purposes, but I'd really rather continue being known publicly as my 'fannish' pseudonym, under which I've also written some original works (which are not on AO3). Is that a dealbreaker?
It is NOT a deal breaker!
Once upon a time, we did require that pseudonyms look like "actual names" but we've relaxed that restriction. We ask that pseudonyms not include, like, swear words or words that are likely to be censored on common posting platforms ("deathfuckyeah" is not a good choice even though you're absolutely right that the grim reaper is a cool person, ditto "iloveassandcunnilingus" like. I support those preferences but it's not something we can type on a lot of the platforms we advertise on, ditto "bilbobagginsdick" because we have to avoid anything trademarked so avoid established character names, especially unusual ones or ones from very high profile franchises cause those are most likely to run into copyright and trademark issues) but, like - those restrictions aside, we're flexible. These are all actual author and artist names we've allowed as names in publications:
Our primary goal, in permitting pseudonyms, is maximizing creator safety and comfort. We wouldn't even ask for legal info except we need it to make sure our contracts are 100% legal and enforceable. We keep that info strictly confidential (I'm the only person who has access to it) and we clean out old/unusued records regularly/within required time frames so that we're never, just like...sitting on people's legal info (whether those people are contributors, customers, etc.)
Which is to say, we follow required guidelines about how we protect the data of the people who work with us and purchase from us.
So yes. Whatever name you're comfortable publishing under/using publicly with the Press, it's probably good to go.
Thanks for asking, anon!
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manor-tea-time · 2 years
°˖❀Welcome to the Tea Party❀˖°
Hello! My name is Al! Welcome to Manor Tea Time, an ask blog for a couple of my idv ocs.
°˖❀General Blog CW/TWs❀˖°
As this is a blog surrounding fan characters for a horror game, there’s a fair amount of darker topics used/discussed here for backstories, plots, and general information sometimes. Some Examples of these are (but not limited to) the following:
-Talk/Mention of Death and Illness
-Slight Body Horror (pretty much reserved for the hunters)
-Talks of suicidal thoughts
-Gaslighting/Abusive nature in background characters
-And characters generally not having a good time :(
While most of these are censored/get cut off, I do sometimes miss a few. Please be careful when proceeding through the blog and read through any CWs/TWs given before posts before reading!
-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-
°˖❀Character list❀˖°
The Costume Maker - Ivy Nettle ξ(❁) ⊕) ξ 
The Lampsmith - Wayne Strickland (-⊕ ζ ⊕-) < 
"Key-Master" - LeRoy Smith 🗝️>(⊖▼⊗´)•ζ 
The Glass Artist - Delilah Fowler Ⴑ(‘❁◡❁’)Ⴑ
The "Hero" - "Pip" Newby (◼⊗_⊗’)/*
The Living Mannequin - Miss Manni (,◡ _ ◡,) 
The Automaton - Eleanor May (´⬬_⬬`) <
The Shadowed Man /++ ◡ ++\
-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-
Canon and Ocs are allowed!
Magic/Interactive Anons are allowed. They’re fun!
Nothing xenophobic, racist, homophobic, transphobic, etc.
No strong NSFW.
Suggestiveness/flirtatious behavior is OK if a character is of age. Just try to manage yourself semi-accordingly/keep it classy. (Mun is 21, I just get uncomfortable sometimes)
Shipping is also OK given the character is of age. I find shipping hcs and experimenting with different dynamics really fun! However, for the sake/general safety of the minors in the community, I'd prefer not to rp any romanic scenarios if ooc a mun is underage.
Mun chats are welcome if kept semi-on topic of the blog. If not, I'll most likely just redirect you to my main here.
°˖❀Other Important Things to Note❀˖°:
I am a full-time student, so responses may take a bit longer/only consist of shorter replies at times.
At the end of the day, I am also a person with my own limits. Thus, if an ask, anon, or RP response makes me uncomfortable, I won’t respond to it.
-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-
°˖❀Important Lore Tidbits❀˖°
The Lore Doc
-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-
°˖❀Current events/Essence projects❀˖°
Sands of Time Event Finale (Withered Leaves)
Delilah's Paranormal Parlor
Descendants of the Dark Essence
°˖❀Coming Soon❀˖°
-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-
I hope to talk to you all soon! (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و ̑̑
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kinfromtheaether · 9 months
Questions and Answers
Hello again my Skyward souls.
As I am a new blog, I thought I would tell a little about myself and the kind of Otherkin I am, my history with the term as well as its community. I wil try to be brief as I am prone to overexplaining and off track rambling, in which case I apologise and request that you keep on reading regardless as I shall get to the point eventually. Without further ado, let us begin:
Q. Who are you?
A. As I mentioned previously you may address me as Aerheart or Aer for short. I will not reveal my true name or location for my own safety and wellbeing, so kindly do not ask for the specifics. I will, however, say that I am very much an adult, so if that bothers you I urge you to block and move on as I have zero tolerance for uncalled hostility.
Q. How did you learn about Otherkin?
A. Three years ago I saw a fellow fandom member answer the question "What is kin?" with "A character you heavily relate to!". I was very sceptical of this definition, having learned to take everything on the internet, especially fandom terminology, with a grain of salt. So I did what any capable internet dweller should do and looked things up. And that is where I learned of Otherkin and how important and REAL it is to many. And I could not help but think how cool I thought every one of these people were.
Q. How did you learn YOU were Otherkin?
A. The more I read about Otherkin as hours of searching turned into days, the more I saw myself reflected in these strange, misunderstood people. I began to question myself and my experiences, finding more and more evidence that pointed to me being one of them. My childhood, teenagehood, my thoughts and feelings all throughout my life... all of it lined up like the stars and planets above until they aligned in a perfect line. And thus, I awoke. And thus, I began searching for my home(s).
Q. What are your kins?
A. I am Polykin, meaning I have multiple kin types. Although I have confirmed some, I remain ever the explorer and constantly question myself and my feelings thoroughly, ever hesitant to truly confirm any new kintype. Nevertheless, my kintypes are currently (Fictionkins censored for my own comfort):
Lyr4 (P0k3m0n SS)
T4vr0s N1tr4m (H0m3stuck)
The kintypes I am considering:
Geraldine "Deena" Redwood (OCkin, T00n)
Bird Therian (I am uncertain which specifically, although I do have a strong lead)
P3r1d0t (SU)
S1lv3rm1st (D1sn3y F41r13s)
R3td3x (N0 Str41ght R04ds)
M4k1e S4s4k1 (N3g1m4!)
L0r3l41 Blynd3ff (3p1th3t 3r4s3d)
All of these are subject to change at any time. Identity is fluid and everchanging. I am no excempt of that.
Q. What KIND of Otherkin are you (Spiritual or Psychological?)
A. I personally see MY Kintypes being Psychological in nature, although I do genuinely believe in the multiverse existing in some form.
That said, I will never discredit anyone with spiritual explanations for their experiences as I see reality as vast and unexplainable, holding immense potential and wonder where anything can be possible, especially things that cannot be explained with "reason" and "logic". Call it the Agnostic in me, but as long as whatever force(s) governing this realm come out of their place of dwelling and tell us, without a shred of room for interpretation, how things work, every belief you may have is equally as right or wrong.
Except the beliefs that bring harm to other people, especially minorities. I will not apologise for saying this to you, but... you f***ing suck.
Q. Can I ask a question relating to Otherkin terminology/other such information?
A. You may, but bear in mind I am still a fledling in this regard as well and while I will do my best to answer such questions, I am not the representative of all things Otherkin. For more accurate information, I suggest you ask others in the Otherkin community for their input and come to your own conclusions. After all, no one can know who you truly are other than yourself.
Q. "Otherkin is delusional/you're mentally ill/other harmful comment"
A. I will not converse with anyone who comes into my inbox with hatred and an unwillingness to accept the diversity of "humankind" in their soul. You will be blocked on sight. Goodbye.
That concludes my basic QnA. If you have any other questions my inbox is open for any curious wandering soul. If your question is suitable enough, I will add the answer here for future reference with the inquirer's permission.
Have a good rest of your day. Till next time.
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throwaway2763 · 1 year
Hey, I don’t know how to start this, this isn’t the kind of thing I would usually post but I feel like if I don’t do something, no one will, I’m using a throwaway for my own safety and mental health
This is about a member of the object show community who harassed me, and others, please forgive me as I don’t remember their username clearly, but I believe it was Retroslope or something close to it.
All names will be censored but theirs will not be. (me in pink, unrelated people in white and other victim in blue)
When I was 15, and they were around 19, we were in a discord server together, I won’t name it as I don’t want all of this brought back to me, I’m scared of them.
I was on the mod team and a little strict, which caused people to hate me, Retroslope (who from now I will call TB as that’s what I knew them by) created a server outside of the one we were in originally making fun of dreamsexuals, then they created a channel specifically to bully me, it started as a joke, calling me annoying and such, but soon it turned into jokes about zoophilia, which I am not and am completely disgusted by
(Screenshots for proof of what they said)
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[2 screenshots from a discord server, one saying “(censored name) resisting the urge to fuck the caged goats at the zoo” the other saying “But I fucking hate (censored name) if I could I would absolutely tell her how annoying she is” “I bet she’s gonna go to the vent channel because of this”]
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[Discord screenshot of a channel named “shit on (censored name) bitch ass wanna be mother fucking cunt ass bitch boy looking ass dsmp wanna be fuck”]
I went into this server and me and my friends started yelling at them, which at first I believed myself to be in the wrong for this reaction
In this server it was also revealed that the person they had a queer platonic relationship with, and fell asleep on calls with, was 12 years old
They continuously sent Vore and other fetish art into a public server full of minors (I was In it) as a joke, a member who was around 16 years old would also make jokes about TB having their kids and TB would laugh about it (name censored for their own privacy)
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Just before this they got that same member to be their friend by saying “they have no one else” and they’ve gotten attached to them and can’t let go (remember, 16 and 19)
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[a discord screenshot “saying the only reason i still interact with tb is because i feel like i have to. he has no one else because gb left him and he clings to me sometimes :/”]
Later once all their accounts were banned from the server they made another one, to DM me and “start over” and I believed them, of course this wasn’t true, as they went back to their disgusting behaviour
They made me believe I was the bad guy for shipping a male character with a lesbian coded character (Gelatin x lollipop) which I no longer ship btw
I felt horribly guilty for my overreaction
Now this I can’t talk on as much as it was told to me second hand, but there was a second person who was also harassed, (the 16 year old mentioned before) where they would make jokes like the one seen before towards eachother, and soon they got extremely attached as TB made them believe they were good friends
As for myself, TB made me believe they’d changed, so I continued contact, joining a server where they would frequently traumadump to minors
I started to get an attachment and trying my best to give them love and support, I’m unsure if this counts as grooming however
I’m sorry for the long post but I needed to say something
In summary, Retroslope:
- made zoophila jokes about me when I was 15
- made a channel specifically to bully me
- groomed people
- sent fetish art to minors as “a joke”
- had a qpr with a 12 year old who they would fall asleep on calls with (they were around 18 or 19 at the time)
- had a discord where they’d traumadump to kids
So sorry to dig up something that happened a year ago but this isn’t petty drama, this person could be a genuine danger, although I haven’t interacted with them since this event so I’m unsure if they’re even still active
I’m not asking for this to become a big situation, I don’t want any attention on me for this, and I don’t want them to be “cancelled” all I want is for what they did to be known (if anyone has proof of the second hand claims being false please let me know)
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sir-klauz · 2 years
So awkward seeing some fiction posted that’s creepily similar to your own you’ve been working so hard to create, researched, and such from your own experiences heart and imagination and they’re just throwing it around like it’s theirs with not that much changed about it aside from statement names and such. Well, at least I have my originals thank goodness!
Please check out Orange Juice In The Studio, a love story about a couple residing in a manga artists studio apartment in Spain, and just, couple things, warm, and it’s mature content and smut but also safe nsft and a bit more realistic depictions than some harmful representations of queer men engaging in romance that is trending and getting a lot of bottoms/subs hurt because of people’s refusal to talk about using lubricant and safety and treating an ass like a vag basically which doesn’t self lubricate anyone with experience would know nor enjoy being rawed with zero prep aha unless you like pain and being damaged ! Anyway, that said, that’s why I wanted to write it really, it’s important to me, the real love that happens and consent and boundaries and safety with things some people may not even know what to do because barely anyone teaches us about queer intimacy that people aren’t taught!
The second is definitely just some comedy and funny smut fanfiction for Ayato and Diluc, here’s the link to this, I’ll update ASAP but I haven’t atm as I’ve been a bit busy but hopefully I’ll get some more of that series done soon!
If anyone would like to give feedback please do, I’ve tagged with as many warnings and such as included within both but as always I welcome any tags you’d recommend me adding as I want to 100% communicate with the reader what will be within the story and what is suitable for their tastes and preference, and do not wish to spook anyone etc. as well, the nature of it is mature fiction so includes as such. I truly hope people enjoy it, but please, don’t steal it! I’m struggling enough as it is to keep motivation in writing it, and I will, but I am also not physically well right now so can’t schedule writing as easily as someone who isn’t and I hope to keep bringing my writing to people again. It doesn’t help that my side blog I was promoting it with most got censored the other day so I’ll probably put stuff about updates to chapters and art about it on here now instead, or, on @crimsonyoukai once I get that one up and running to replace my nsfw one.
Please don’t take my stuff, credit a little, or address me about maybe collaborating or something instead. I appreciate inspiration being taken but when it becomes painstakingly almost the same, that’s not okay at all. I don’t get paid for this, this is my art, this is my work, these are my ideas alone, and if it’s fanfiction it’s my ideas based in locations presented in game, or the characters and their basic personality and abilities but otherwise the rest, I’ve made it all up. I’m in pain most days, a parent, and stuff going on and it’s not as easy for me as some to just whip up and do this stuff! I can’t stop anyone but if you do take inspo let me know and I won’t mind of course unless it’s basically the same thing, hell if you liked the story that much just quote as fanfiction. Cripes. Maybe I should take it as a compliment that it was that good it had to be taken as their own. It’s fine. My originals are still up and dated and they are there as proof as well if I go further with it.
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lovelyprincessn64 · 2 months
Sunny-Dust and ArtRock15 are not who you think
Disclaimer: Don't go attack and harass anybody mentioned in this post, this is meant to spread awareness.
Warning mentions of: Gaslighting, manipulation, CP and pedo, SA, black face, fetishes, disturbing themes, viewer discretion is advised.
Well I didn't have to do this but Sunny-Dust and Artrock15 violated the agreement anyways for those of you don't know who Sunny-Dust and ArtRock15 are, they are two users that harass my friend back on June of last year for those of you wondering why they harass my friend is because he made a piece of satire making fun of modern day stupidity, no I'm not joking Sunny-Dust was the first to be offended by it and it gets worse she started harassing him over art she did not like and unfortunately she started to harass him and threatening him if he didn't comply and during the conversation he told her no that he wasn't going to take down the art he worked hard on and asked her to leave him alone and let him continue his work because of Sunny-Dust not getting her way she started making false accusations towards my friend and basically try to ruin my friends life and get him harassed my friend noticed it and basically asked her peacefully to take it down however it didn't stop she did take down the post however she did not stop continuing her false accusing antics then she went to ArtRock15 and told lies about the situation along with false damaging accusations that wasn't true and because of Sunny-Dust's lies Artrock15 blindly believed her instead of going to my friend's side of the story and eventually he started a harassment campaign and did the exact same thing she did threatening him instead of walking away however I caught one of this and I screenshot of the evidence and made a status update post exposing Sunny- Dust and ArtRock15's lies after that Sunny-Dust realize that she was exposed for being the real bully after that she apologized to me and promising she'll never do it again and they did promise that they would never mention my friend again however February of this year I received a message from my friend that they violated the agreement and they are trying to drag my friend down to drama and is trying to make it look like that he's associated by someone by the name of RazorClaw64 and just to clarify it's not true my friend is not friends with RazorClaw64 and neither does he want to be part of it
Here are the screenshot of the message I received from my friend and the screenshot of ArtRock15 mentioning my friend oh and one more thing if you see a red lipstick sticker it means censored I have to censor my friend's name for safety reasons:
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As of right now I'm not sure why ArtRock15 did not censor my friend's name this could bring up the possibility that he's trying to false accused or just not caring in about our agreement, Sunny-Dust and ArtRock15 if you're reading this leave my friend alone I do understand that you're trying to defend yourself from someone threatening you but trying to make it look like my friend is one of them even though he's not is unacceptable and that's false accusing.
But we're not done here since Sunny-Dust and ArtRock15 did not follow the terms of our agreement I think it's time that I reveal their skeletons out in the closet, also to anybody that thinks Sunny-Dust is a good person she's not who you think she is including her friend they do not even follow their own rules or standards but yet they expect everybody else too but yet they cannot follow them themselves the worst part about it is they're not being held accountable for that stuff and I'll explain why.
Here's something that needs to be brought up Sunny-Dust does not practice what she preaches or follows her own rules including some questionable behaviors she has acted out on time and time again. For an example for those of you that don't know Sunny-dust has the mindset of the just because it's a fictional character it's not an excuse and the fiction effects reality mindset what if I were to tell you that she favored a piece of artwork that is trace / reference to CP of Netflix cuties for those of you don't know what cuties is it's a actual CP film made by a evil pedophilic woman from a different country, what's even worse is that it has pedophiles such as John Bob, Dream, Cosmicdwarf, including the pedophile Splatoon artist which makes it even more pedophilic the worst part about it is she has it in her favorites now fair warning before showing the evidence I did had to censor the art because it's based off of the horrible poster now for those of you wondering is it safe to make satire / redraw out of cuties the answer is no it's against the law cuties is classified as actual CP due to USA law meaning you can never make satire / redraw out of that film or else you get into trouble.
Anyways here's the screenshots and proof fair warning it's pretty bad and gross if you're someone that is sensitive please skip a rest of the parts of this post:
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What's even worse is that she favored this disgusting piece of work that is based off of Netflix's actual CP film cuties this means that Sunny-Dust was never against pedophilia and used virtue signaling tactics to draw suspicion from her and getting away with bad behavior, not only it's gross on her part but it's borderline disgusting and not to mention Sunny-Dust is gross and a pedophile and she's even more despicable and have the audacity of saying just because it's a fictional character it's not an excuse well meanwhile she likes pedophilia artwork and that's not all she even favors this pedophilic meme now fair warning it's also censor do not go out of your way to search it it's disturbing which is why I have it censored.
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I'm not even joking look at this what you're seeing is her name favoring that disgusting meme the worst part about it is she even likes this meme despite child abuse on it and to make matters worse Sunny-Dust found this meme to be funny this could possibly mean she has no problems with people mocking those are victims of SA and the fact that she found this meme hilarious despite mocking the victims is borderline disgusting if you think this is the end of the story you're wrong Sunny-Dust even enjoys shipping abusers and apparently she even romanticizes the ship would be Ren and Stimpy for those of you wondering why the ship is considered bad is because Ren is a horrific abuser that would often abuse Stimpy including physically assaulting him and verbally abusing him and it gets worse overtime throughout the show from Ren and Stimpy from each episode, the worst part about it is in the adult party cartoon Ren takes a saw and uses it to abused Stimpy, the worst part about it is Stampy does not stand up for himself or bother to break up with Ren and the fact that Sunny-Dust even likes that ship and even romanticizes despite the fact that ship contains abuse including other types of abuse, I find this to be pretty horrifying that Sunny-Dust likes to ship Ren who is nothing but a disgusting abuser that does nothing to abuse anybody around him along with Stampy who can't even stand up against Ren which kind of goes against her morals of fiction effects reality or just because it's a fictional character it's not an excuse but yeah she's enjoying something that goes against all of that and pretty much the romanticize it and basically shooting herself in the foot I do have screenshots of her admitting that she likes she likes the ship despite how problematic it is fair warning if you're not comfortable skip to a safety part.
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I all see is nothing but pure nightmare fuel, the fact that Sunny-Dust often lectures about just because it's a fictional character it's not an excuse fiction effects reality but yet she has no problem liking a ship that is considered an abusive ship that has Ren in it, as for Ren the Chihuahua he's nothing but a abuser that abuses anybody or anyone that even goes near him without a second thought in mind with no remorse to anyone out there if you a person that lectures about fiction effects reality then don't enjoy ships that contain abusers if you do you basically wound up shooting yourself in the foot and possibly worse things can come out of it.
She also simps for Donald Duck and to make matters worse a comment post a with Squidward gif of the words oh no he's hot. It was borderline gross with disgusting.
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Apparently she likes to simp for animals and the fact that her friends followers are okay with this behavior despite the fact that it's not okay definitely shows that there's something wrong with her, including Sunny-Dust definitely does raise a lot of questions about her behavior but sadly her questionable behavior do not stop there.
Sunny-Dust also favored a disgusting SpongeBob AU artwork that is based off of the vocaloid song called madness of duke venomania.
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for those of you that don't know what that song is it's based off of the thing called lust the worst part about it is the song talks about a sexual predator Purple Duke R wording people and abused towards women including sadism now I will say this I did research on this because I felt like that Sunny-Dust was favoring something disgusting and sadly I was right now I will a rundown of the story, the story of the song's lore now for those of you don't know it's about a purple Duke that hated how he was born ugly and he basically tried to live the best life he can but apparently it drove him mad eventually he killed his family out of rage due to the fact that they neglect him and locked him in the dungeon due him not being beautiful enough, on one night he after he killed his family, a demon showed up and made a deal with a demon associated with the sin lust and according to the lord the deal he made with the demon allowed him to switch his face with his brother's face because he was jealous of his brother's looks he also grant him demonic powers and eventually he started using those powers for horrific crimes however he was stopped by a man that disguise himself as a woman and the curse of the purple duke was broken as for the women that were under his curse they were free under his control and left him never to be seen again. No I'm not kidding that's the lore of the song and it's borderline gross and disgusting the worst part about it is people make fanfictions and fanarts of this disgusting abomination even AUs worst part about it is Sunny-Dust even likes that disgusting crap about that artwork despite ignoring the red flag because if you look closely at this Au artwork you will actually notice the word lust which can give you a clear sign of that something is wrong.
And here's another worst thing about Sunny-Dust she even slandered the voice actress of Abby from Back at the Barnyard for those of you that don't know Sunny-Dust really loves to preach about I care about children however that is not true because in her status update post from October she bad mouth the voice actress that showed up to a school board meeting standing up for kids and she basically telling the teachers to leave the kids alone and trying to give them a voice as for Sunny-Dust instead of praising her and congratulating her of standing up for children she straight up slandered her and made it all about politics instead of putting her differences aside and praising the actress for doing something that actually helping children and not just virtue signaling, she straight up bad mouth her and called her a bad person just because the voice actress did not have the same views as her the worst part about it is she it is ignoring the fact the school system that is known for doing a lot of bad things to children including pedophile, cases of child abuse and most importantly crimes of SA, keep in mind Sunny-Dust not only showed her true colors that she does not care about children but it only cares about looking good rather, rather than taking actual actions of actually helping people but instead she made it all about politics also here's the screenshot of it however I do have to censor it because I am trying to keep this neutral as possible and I don't want any drama this is mainly focusing on Sunny-Dust so people can be aware about her egotistic behaviors.
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As you can see here It looks like that Sunny-Dust cares about her beliefs rather than putting her differences aside and praising people that actually cares about children she would pretty much rare slander them and bad mouth them even though that person is actually doing actual help for children the worst part about it is, she said she has more respect for the Serbian actress rather than the voice actress that is trying to help children which is not only straight up disrespectful for Sunny-Dust to said about the actress and to make matters worse Sunny-Dust not realize that there are children out there that are allergic reaction to certain things meaning that she does not care about the consequences of someone suffering from allergic reactions and basically thinks it's okay to force people to take something that can potentially either kill them or wound up in the hospital or worse. The worst part about it is Sunny-Dust does not seem to care or know the basic concept of allergic reactions and probably does not care about people including children that can suffer through it, but instead she has to make it all about her feelings being hurt because somebody did not share the same beliefs as her and actually standing up for children rather than virtue signaling.
Also on the same month of October and June she tried to manipulate and gas lit my friend by saying quote " Hey I want to say something: the reason why I believe you draw hate art because I have trust issues " For those of you don't know this is a red flag along with actually an abuse tactic for those of you don't know abusers do gas light people to try and guilt trip them and try to make them let down their guard and basically victim blaming the victim for those of you don't know my friend makes satire artwork for those of you don't know what satire is it's meant as a parody as a joke it's also meant as a tool to help shape the next generation of comedians and to keep it alive for generations, apparently Sunny-Dust did not like the satire that my friend was making just because she does not like it and basically calls it hate art including shame him by saying I think you have trust issues basically trying to break his confidence down just because she did not like something which is not only downright petty but downright evil. One more thing here's the screenshots that my friend sent me of her trying to manipulate my friend and keep in mind this is the screenshots of the notes that my friend sent to me of Sunny-Dust trying to gaslitting my friend including the other one of her threatening my friend.
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This is what she sent to my friend in the middle of October and June, this is the notes that my friend showed me what Sunny-Dust sent to him upon reading the notes I noticed she was trying to gaslight my friend and try to manipulate him and basically was trying to get him to stop doing satire just because she did not like it after reading the note I told my friend the news and that Sunny-Dust was trying to manipulate him and gaslighting him the worst part about it is my friend has never dealt with manipulation or abuse in his life so he wasn't able to detect it like I was I had to explain to him about it and unfortunately it shocked him even though he took it well but it definitely did shock him well as of right now I am trying to help him to detect gaslighting and manipulation so he can avoid it in the near future and to make sure it does not happen again.
Sadly the story of manipulation and abuse doesn't stop there, she also threatened to throw her friend ArtRock15 under the bus and threatened him including false accusations to ruin his life and reputation for those of you wondering why she threatened her own friend is over a fanfiction that ArtRock15 wrote about Freddy the ferret killing chickens no I'm not joking she literally threatened ArtRock15 just because of a fanfiction she did not like and just like what she did to my friend she straight up harassed and even threatened to throw ArtRock15 under the bus even threatening to send followers after him if he did not comply sadly he bend the knee the worst part about it is he doesn't realize that he's in an abusive friendship that he doesn't realize, worst part about it is instead of cutting ties with Sunny-Dust for good he forgave and basically in denial despite the abuse that she afflicted on him, and then she plays the well I didn't mean to threaten you I just did not like what you depict with Freddy yes, you did Sunny-Dust you literally threatened ArtRock15 to have his reputation ruin and send your followers after him over a fanfiction you did not like worst part about it is you abused him in order to get your way instead of Sunny-Dust understanding that the world does not evolve around her and not treat fictional characters like they're real but instead she seems to care about fictional characters rather than her own friend, to anybody out there if I can have to give any advice if your friend threaten you over a fanfiction they do not like including abusing you they are not your friend that's an abuser and that's a sign that you need to step away and cut ties before they treat you like a coping mechanism also here's the screenshot of it fair warning it's pretty bad and it definitely describes how abusive Sunny-Dust she can be if she does not like something.
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Honestly this is just sad and terrible imagine being friends with someone that you thought was a good person and support you no matter what but instead they backstab you and abandon you and chose a fictional character by the moment that they find something they do not like, another blow to this is that Sunny-Dust find something she does not like she'll resort into threats if she does not like something to everybody reading this whatever you do, do not befriend Sunny-Dust if you do there's a chance that she will threaten you and possibly gaslight you advice I can give to you in case Sunny-Dust tries to harm you is to make sure you screenshot what she's doing to you and possibly make a status update post to help spread awareness and one more thing immediately cut ties with her do not give her a second chance because if there's anything to know about abusive people they always gaslight you into something and they will always abuse you Non-Stop and what important thing to do know abusers are never sorry they'll just go back to abusing again and again they do not keep their promises at all, the only way that you can stop them from having power over you is that you cut ties with them and move away and don't look back and actually find good friends that actually care about you not someone that is willing to threaten you over something they do not like.
However ArtRock15 is not any better then Sunny-Dust and here's a little something Sunny-Dust not enforce her rules and basically has double standards if you go to her DA page you'll notice it states no fetish including no filling meme and no racism however she doesn't do a good job in forcing her rules she may claims, for one her friend ArtRock15 has a fetish about animal butt he often makes them oversize and has characters molesting each also I kind of find this hypocritical about both Sunny-Dust and ArtRock15 of having the same just because it's a fictional character it's not an excuse and fiction effects reality mindset but yet they're doing the exact opposite of they claim to be against but not following what they are preaching so according to their logic that would make ArtRock15 a Zoophile since that would mean that regardless if it's drawing or not that would still be animal abuse and sexualizing animals and that technically makes them a hypocrite, but it doesn't stop there ArtRock15 also made a disgusting artwork about Patrick from SpongeBob covered in shit. No I'm not kidding he literally covered Patrick in shit the worst part about it is it's technically black face since Patrick is a pink starfish and doesn't have human skin, the worst part about it is he thought it would be funny to make satire of Patrick covered in shit the worst part about it is he does not realize this does fall under the category of black face not only he thinks racism is funny and spoiler alert it's not funny also here's the screenshots of the pictures fair warning if you're sensitive to these things please skip to a safety part:
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As we can see here this is what ArtRock15 in to, having characters touching them inappropriately including all kinds of disgusting stuff the worst part about it is ArtRock15 seems to be really into that kind of stuff which is really disgusting and kind of concerning not to mention hypocritical since ArtRock15 has the mindset of fiction effects reality but yet he has a animal butt fetish and has no problems with characters molesting each other in his artworks and overall being a generally disgusting person for even romanticizing that kind of crap and it does make me wonder why he isn't being called out for being a hypocrite well we may never know or maybe people just turn a blind eye despite the red flags being there on full display.
But the hypocrisy doesn't stop there Sunny-Dust just like ArtRock15 doesn't practice what they preach for those of you don't know she has the mindset of just because it's a fictional character it's not an excuse that's still child abuse. She even went around and virtue signaling and trying to lecture people over memes about fictional characters hitting each other, however I have screenshots of her having a meme of Lincoln suffering child abuse while Squidward is laughing and she even bragged about going to Five Nights at Freddy's the movie no I'm not making this up she claims to be Against Child Abuse regardless of its fiction or not but yeah she has no problem of Purple guy, William, Shaggy murdering fictional children including themes of child murder like how does that make any sense Sunny-Dust claims that fiction effects reality but yet she went to see a movie that has themes of child murder so according to Sunny-Dust's logic that would mean that would make her a supporter of child murder for liking a movie that contains child abuse, if we're going with her argument of fiction effects reality apparently it's rules for thee but not for me also kind of reminds me how celebrities try to lecture everybody that you need to do this and that but yet they take their private jet and fly somewhere yeah that kind of thing, anyways here are the screenshots of her hypocrisy of not practicing what she preaches.
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Is this the type of person that we should listen to that claims fiction affects reality and just because it's a fictional character it's not an excuse while at the same time child abusing Lincoln and even saying F Lincoln while making a meme. Including bragging about going to see a movie that has themes of child murder, this is a pure example of people that are using certain mindsets to have special privileges while being a hypocrite out in the open of not following their own standards the worst part about it is no one has called her out on this and demanding answers of why she's not following what she preaches not only it's straight up baffling that no one is criticizing her of being a hypocrite but it definitely shows that not a lot of people can practice what they preach.
That's not all Sunny-Dust even admitted that she ships Selena Gomez with Elsa without Selena Gomez's consent the worst part about it is she admits it was pedo meaning that Elsa was depicted as a minor instead of an adult however we were given no clear answer of what age Elsa was depicted however given that she admits it was Pedo this means Elsa was depicted as a child while being ship with Selena Gomez the worst part about it, is it does break the law and it does go against consent laws it also falls under the category of SA including also for those of you that don't know Selena Gomez is a real life person also an actress and a singer and all kinds of things, not only Sunny-Dust has ship someone that is real without their consent but the worst part about it is she even romanticizing violating people like that which is borderline disgusting and Sunny-Dust should be ashamed of herself for doing that to Selena Gomez also here's the screenshot of her admitting to shipping Selena Gomez without her consent fair warning it's extremely bad and disturbing.
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Before you say but she was just a teen she didn't know better being a teen is not an excuse to violate someone and to make matters worse that could have caused harm to Selena Gomez possibly relationships and other things too, the worst part about it is her followers know what she did to Selena and to make matters worse they still support her and forgive her despite violating a real person without their consent and it gets worse she's either lying or doing it behind closed doors still as of right now we do not know if Sunny-Dust is telling the truth or not but given how she is it's best to believe that she's lying and not the type of person you want to trust, the worst part about it is nobody actually talked about this back from last year people were quiet about this and I don't know why that nobody talked about the red flags that Sunny-Dust was showing out in the open not only it's concerning but it can lead to more victims being preyed on or not knowing what Sunny-Dust has done. Sunny-Dust if you're reading this please do us all a favor and stop trying to police the internet most importantly the world does not evolve around you if you cannot handle what's on the internet then you shouldn't be here it also does not give you the right to abuse people also just because you have certain beliefs does not give you special privileges or special rights most importantly if you cannot practice your own rules or practice what you preach then you have no right to preach at all if you do not follow what you preach then don't practice what you preach if you cannot follow yourself the standards you created.
Before I end this post the accusations of Sunny-Dust bullying such as harassment, threats including intimidate are truth is the accusations and the reason why I am saying this and confirming this. Is because my friend was threatened by her along with her friend Artrock15 the worst part about it is they try to ruin my friend's life over satire they do like claiming it was hate art however I expose them for being hypocrites and it turns out she was actually okay with ArtRock15 doing satire but not my friend and basically try to hog it all for himself in a double standard fashion.
If you don't believe me here's the screenshot of ArtRock15 threatening my friend along with false accusations.
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To everybody out there reading this please spread the word fast as you can before she prays on any other victims and one more thing everybody has permission to Archive this post and the screenshots including featuring my post to yours, one more thing do not let Sunny-Dust or ArtRock15 including their white knights threaten you or degrade you, don't be afraid to stand up and show the proof in order to prevent any more future victims from being created be careful and stay safe.
Disclaimer: this post is meant to clarify that my friend is not associated with RazorClaw64 along with Frankmaster61 neither does not support them or their beliefs. Also to anybody out there that are reading this whatever you do, do not let Sunny-Dust manipulate or abuse you she'll try everything in her gas lighting tactics to you degrade you or to give up something you enjoy doing most importantly please cut ties Sunny-Dust immediately before she gets to you because she'll have no problem backstabbing you over stuff she does not like most importantly do not bend the knee if you are being threatened by Sunny-Dust or gaslighting please take screenshots of it and make an awareness post calling out her abusive behavior if I have to give any advice do not be friends with someone that threaten you over stuff they do not like or be friends with someone chooses fictional characters over you because at the end of the day they do not care about you and actually find a friend that is willing to support you no matter what and won't backstab you and choose a fictional character over you good people care about their friends the most importantly do not threaten people over stuff that you do not like that's wrong, find a good friend is always there for them no matter what however if someone is threatening you or throws you under the bus it's best to cut ties immediately and make an awareness post most importantly spread it like wildfire and one more thing don't forget to report and get many people as possible as well too and hopefully we can prevent more victims from being created.
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nyxi-pixie · 2 years
i dont trust a bitch that hates ronance
like wdym u like stedd1e(<3) or god forbid fucking h4rr1ngr0ve(😒) but you dont like ronance🤨🤨🤨🤨
like if u dnt ship it bc ur rooting for robin and vickie or ur a super yay jxncy person or smt sure whatever. but if u HATE ronance??? i do not trust you.
#anyone thats 100% insistent and totally sure that nance is straight gets my side eye tbh#bc like did u listen to murrays lil expose on her💀 'ur scared to be urself and instead rely on safety of conventional man'#yeahhh not queer coded at all#when we talk abt how mlm ships need 100x as much evidence as straight ships to be considered plausible???#yeah that but x10000000 for wlw ones jfc#like steve can have a male friend that says hes got nice abs or smthn and everyones WOOF WOOF BARK GRR GAY PEOPLE!!!#sure okay have fun besties#but nancy is like 🥰robin ik i wanted nothing to do w u 5 seconds ago but ive actually decided ur my fav person🥰#🥰we are gonna spend the rest of our time on this world saving mission glued together ok🥰#anyway. do i believe it has any shot at endgame?? no!#but i do not like the way that people are like st3ddie<333❗❗❗ (i love it too dont get me wrong fruity four my loves)#and then totally ignore ronance. or worse. see them as side characters 💀#i have so many thoughts on this but just. im usually a defender of why fandoms fixate on mlm ships bc women tend to have less development#(im a byler first. bc theyre the most obviously romantically coded in a Oh this one has Actual Potential way)#but robin and nancy are fairly well rounded characters. and they interact a fuck ton in s4. so. usual defenses are a no go#and now im ready to sword fight the haters#ronance#this is incomprehensible#but im right#only censoring ship names so i dnt end up in their tags i love stedd1e and jxncy dw
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