#char: esther
menaxpov · 2 months
O Sonho
Madrugada do dia 20 de julho de 2024
OOC: Conversa entre Soren e Esther.
O dia estava claro, o céu sem nuvens e o sol brilhando na temperatura e na cor certa para tornar todas as cores mais vívidas. As pessoas andavam para cima e para baixo pela pequena praça da igreja, Esther sentada nas mesas de ferro branco do lado de fora de uma padaria tradicional, acenava para Soren enquanto bebericava seu café rapidamente provando a quantidade de açúcar que tinha acabado de colocar. "Olá, jovem"
Apesar de familiar, a cena ainda lhe fazia sentir deslocado. Caminhava pela praça da igreja, sem saber bem o motivo de estar ali. Foi quando ouviu a voz em sua direção ao passar pela padaria, e se virou para a mulher. "Não sou jovem há um bom tempo." Respondeu, reconhecendo a bruxa.
"Todos são jovens para mim", sorriu tomando mais um gole de seu café e sinalizando a cadeira à sua frente para que ele se sentasse. "Peço desculpas por invadir sua mente assim, mas não consegui pensar em uma forma diferente de falar contigo a sós, considerando, bem, sua prisão"
Puxou a cadeira, ajeitando o terno enquanto se sentava. Apenas com a menção de invasão de sua mente, foi que percebeu que estava sonhando. Olhou em volta, e então suspirou. No mundo dos sonhos, se esquecia de onde estava. "E o que pretende invadindo minha mente? Descobrir se roubei o livro?" Ergueu uma sobrancelha, curioso.
"Não, pelas Bruxas Anciãs, eu descobri que não foi você no momento que cheguei" riu baixinho conforme um garçom chegava para fazer o pedido de Soren, "Peça algo, garanto que estará delicioso" acenou com a cabeça pedindo ela mesma um croissant de queijo, Na realidade, duvidei que tivesse feito algo do tipo desde o começo. Lhe acompanho, e também a Gaspard, há tempo demais para acreditar em algo tão ridículo como você roubando um livro velho. Por isso queria conversar, saber se tem ideia do porquê estão fazendo isso com você. Ah, claro, você não pode mentir aqui."
Encarou o garçom imaginário, e demorou alguns segundos, mas finalmente pediu um café preto, sem açúcar. Depois, voltou sua atenção para Esther. Sempre muito contido, sempre muito calmo. Soren assentiu. "Acredito que quem tentou roubar o livro está tentando desestabilizar o acordo de paz. Não é apenas um livro velho, mas você já sabe disso." Se virou para o garçom, retornando com os pedidos de ambos. "Tem algum palpite de quem gostaria de destruir o acordo?"
"Entendo", como apenas um sonho pode proporcionar, assim que o garçom saiu outro idêntico ao anterior veio pelo outro lado servindo o croissant e o café preto, "Infelizmente a lista de pessoas não interessadas na paz é longa, desde aqueles que não acreditam em sua possibilidade, quanto aqueles que lucravam com ela. Há também aqueles que querem usar a guerra como desculpa para suas próprias ideias hegemônicas. Agora, se suspeito de alguém? É difícil dizer. O livro realmente estava na sua sala?"
"Muito tempo atrás, nós éramos maioria." Suspirou, segurando a xícara de café. "Gaspard convenceu pessoas o suficiente de que a paz era o caminho. Agora veja só." Deu de ombros, e então bebericou o café. "Eu não sei." Respondeu à pergunta, sendo sincero. "Apenas me disseram que sim, eu não vi. Estava acompanhando as buscas quando entraram na minha sala."
"E muito mais tempo atrás, eram pouquíssimos", retrucou pensando consigo mesma. "Se Alma estivesse conosco, provavelmente teríamos um apelo social maior. Ela tinha um jeito especial de guiar as pessoas, mas enfim..." suspirou se encostando na cadeira e cruzando as pernas. "Aparentemente a menina é a única que insiste nessa história ridícula, mas não consegui chegar até ela. Tinha algo estranho nela quando foram presos?"
"Ciclos." Deu de ombros. Assentiu quando Alma fora mencionada, mas não teceu comentários sobre a bruxa. Se Alma estivesse viva, muitas coisas seriam diferentes. "Não. E não acredito que esteja sob efeito de magia. Suspeito que apenas por lealdade à quem estiver por trás de tudo."
"Entendo...", Esther suspirou arrancando um pedaço do croissant com a ponta dos dedos e o mastigando lentamente. "Bem, claramente quem fez isso queria causar um certo caos, desestabilizar a já frágil paz. E isso é preocupante. Toien está uma zona, os alunos chegaram a estourar os canos do castelo e a fazer algazarra em todo o lugar, brigas estão eclodindo por todo lado lá dentro"
"Quem está cuidando de Toien?" Perguntou, preocupado. Trabalhava duro para manter a paz no castelo, e mal podia imaginar como as coisas estavam agora. Bebericou mais um gole do café, dando uma olhada em volta novamente. "Não espero ficar muito tempo preso. Não existem provas contra mim além de uma confissão."
"Adelaine assumiu a direção provisoriamente, aparentemente há alguns alunos não muito felizes dessa decisão, considerando a personalidade dela", disse suspirando fundo. "Soren, você irá ficar aqui enquanto desejarem que fique. Seja lá quem armou para você, tem seus meios para isso, afinal, em uma investigação séria não seria sequer cogitado a sua participação neste esquema, principalmente não tendo provas e apenas a confissão de uma aluna que, diga-se de passagem, tem a mesma fé pública que uma folha de papel. Lamento dizer isso, colega, mas a existência ou não de provas é irrelevante."
Ouviu tudo com uma tranquilidade inabalável, finalizando o café e encarando a borra na xícara. A resposta inicial foi um sorriso tranquilo, e então juntou as mãos no colo. "Sei que não é sua intenção ser pessimista, senhorita Duskfield, mas confio nos meus homens. A verdade, eventualmente, aparecerá."
"Confie neles o quanto quiser, jovem, eu confio na minha experiência", dito isto, Esther pegou um envelope embaixo da mesa e entregou a Soren. "Infelizmente o nosso tempo está acabando, a próxima ronda já está vindo jogar uma lanterna na sua cara e isso pode acabar perturbando esse sonho tão lindo. Mas antes de ir..." Esther pegou um envelope preto embaixo da mesa e entregou a Soren, "um presente meu para você. Quando perceber que está sendo usado em um jogo muito maior do que pensa, saberá como abrir o envelope e pedir ajuda" Esther se levantou indo até Soren e lhe bagunçando os cabelos "E peço desculpas, mas gostaria de manter nossa conversa privada por enquanto, então... Não tente sair falando dela por aí, sim? Hora de acordar" sussurrou no momento que o mundo inteiro ao redor deles desapareceu em um clarão de lanterna na cara.
Pensou em como fosse possível que aquela mulher, mais nova que ele, pudesse ter mais experiência que um homem que já fora general de guerra. Pensou em como já havia lidado com a arrogância de alguns bruxos tantas vezes, então não respondeu, apenas observou o envelope. Não o tirou da mesa quando ela se levantou, apenas pensou em como aquilo sairia de seus sonhos, para a realidade. Ou estaria presente em seus sonhos dali em diante? "Senhorita, se eu contar à alguém que aceito conselhos de sonhos, serei considerado um louco." Respondeu, finalmente segurando o envelope nas mãos e fechou os olhos. O clarão o fez abri-los novamente, e ele viu o guarda do outro lado das grades. O outro especialista o observou por uns segundos antes de partir para a próxima cela, então Soren se sentou, observando o cubículo gelado. Soltou um pequeno suspiro ao pensar que havia acreditado que aquele envelope do sonho se materializaria no mundo real, mas quando se deitou novamente e passou a mão por debaixo do travesseiro, o sentiu ali. "Bruxas..." Suspirou, fechando os olhos para tentar voltar a dormir.
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zhoufeis · 5 months
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252 notes · View notes
bennettmaximoff · 1 year
Love how whenever there’s a discussion about who’s the most powerful witch in tvdu, Bonnie is always the one people compare their faves to. It’s even funnier how they have to downplay her feats and disregard her abilities to even make the others seem remotely comparable. Then again, they hate when anyone doesn’t partake in the Bennett bloodline erasure that TO and Lgcs created.
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teadocs · 7 months
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emote practice
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haithamuse · 2 years
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hazbininlove · 6 months
Hopelessly Devoted - Chapter 4
-about 7.2k (these chapters are slowly getting longer omg) now with music! You’ll know when to play the song, I promise.
Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3
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A week passes quickly before Lucifer even realizes it. Esther visited a few days after, though it was more so to speak to Charlie about Sir Pentious and deliver some letters between them. Lucifer had been busy at the time, in his manor.
Apparently Sir Pentious was asking mostly about his egg bois and wanting to find a way to bring his minions to Heaven with him. Lucifer doesn’t think it’s possible for artificial demons to make it to Heaven, so his best bet would be to make some new ones.
It bothers him a bit that Esther didn’t visit him. Charlie says that she asked about him, but when Charlie had offered to call, Esther had turned the offer down.
He wasn’t sure if he said something wrong the last time, or if it was something else. As emotional as the conversation had been, he thinks they’d ended on a good note. That note being a kiss on the cheek from Esther that had left him flustered for days.
He felt like a freshly created angel. He was far too old to be acting like this.
Lucifer groans when his phone rings, hoping it’s not one of the other sins. He’s not in the mood to deal with Mammon’s whining or Bee’s party invites that she knows he’ll never attend.
He lists his phone to his face and nearly topples over in his chair when he sees it’s Charlie calling him.
“Charlie! Hey! How’s it going?”
“Heeeeey dad,” she says nervously. “You have to promise not to freak out.”
“Char char, apple pie, that’s a terrible way to start a conversation,” he says, leg already shaking anxiously. “What’s going on over there?”
“You have to promise,” she replies quickly.
He sighs and rubs his temple with his empty hand. “Charlie, I’m not going to promise anything if you’re potentially in danger.”
“Nooo! No! Nope! No danger here! Just Uncle Azrael visiting again and wanting to speak with you! With Uncle Gabriel and Aunt Uriel?” Charlie’s voice lowers in tone so much in the end that Lucifer nearly doesn’t catch her mumbling.
He feels his whole body vibrate with rage and feels his horns and tail whip out from him. “What did you say?” He can hear his voice layer as his eyes shift to red, glowing bright as his irises disappear.
“Okay, so we’re freaking out! How about some breathing exercises to help us relax and then we can sit down and talk,” Charlie says through the phone.
Lucifer barely hears her as his phone is crushed in his hadn’t and he lets his magic swirl around him ribbons or red smoke and golden sparks. One moment he’s staring down at his desk and the next he’s in the hotel lobby, standing in front of his daughter with wings spread nearly wall to wall.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing here unannounced?”
Azrael steps forward, hands help up in a reassuring manner as Uriel and Gabriel remain in their place. Lucifer barely spares them a glance as Azrael moves closer to him.
“Lucifer please, let us talk peacefully. We had a good time during my last visit, did we not?”
“I tolerated you here because of Esther, and because I know you wouldn’t start a fight. I never said I wanted to see them too,” Lucifer snaps back, tail whipping harshly behind him in anger.
“Well we’re here, so are you going to settle down and talk like the adult you’re supposed to be or are going to keep up this tantrum?” Uriel asks bluntly, lilac eyes dead set on him. She tucks a strand of her short white hair behind her ear as she speaks.
He growls at her in response but makes his wings smaller, at the very least.
“Forgive me if I’m not keen on three Virtues barging into my place and approaching my daughter while I’m not present,” Lucifer responds through grit teeth. Azrael takes another step towards him.
“Ignore Uriel, you know she can be brash. I understand what this may look like but we weren’t aware that you weren’t here. That is why I had Charlie give you a call,” Azrael replies. Lucifer calms his tail and allows his golden irises to return as he turns to his daughter.
Charlie nods in confirmation to Azrael’s words and places a hand on his shoulder. Lucifer closes his eyes and sighs, feeling his horns and tail recede and his eyes shift back to their usual red irises. He rolls his shoulders and retracts his wings as well before looking back up at his siblings.
“Thank you,” Azrael says. Uriel and Gabriel step closer to him as he continues. “Now, I came down because I wanted to get the chance to speak more with you, as I spent most of my time with Charlie during my last visit. Gabriel is here because he wanted to personally deliver a message to you, and Uriel… well I hope you remember how she is?”
Uriel pushes past Azrael at that, moving herself into Lucifer’s personal space throwing her arms around his shoulders in a bear hug. She squeezes him tightly, and he feels his bones ache at her strength.
“I can’t finally visit my little brother? Thousands of years and I’m finally getting the chance to come here, you bet your ass I’ll be here,” she says as she continues to squeeze him. Lucifer isn’t really sure how to respond, arms stuck at his sides due to Uriel’s tight hold and eyes blown wide.
“Uriel, I think you might break him if you continue,” Gabriel speaks up behind her. She scoffs but gives him one last squeeze and let’s go, her hands resting on her shoulders.
“Haven’t grown much in all these years I see, and your eyes are red now. I like it, they match your marks now,” Uriel says, one hand patting at his face.
Lucifer just stares at her incredulously. He wants to say a lot of things, but he knows Charlie would be disappointed and Azrael has already calmed him. He doesn’t want to test his brother’s seemingly endless patience. He knows better than most that every virtue has a vice, and Azrael is the eldest of his brothers. While he’s never fully fallen to his wrath, even during Lucifer’s time in Heaven there were vague rumors of Azrael’s anger, and one whisper of thousands of wings was enough to ensure he never wanted to be on the receiving end of it.
“Don’t give me that look,” Uriel says as she stares back at him. She uses the hand that was holding his cheek to flick his forehead. He winces away from her and rubs the spot. “Just as you aren’t allowed back up there, we weren’t allowed down here. But, since those idiots Adam and Sera decided to break that rule for their little power play, and Father allowed Esther down here, we figured we’d come down for an overdue visit too!”
“So I’m allowed back up there?” He asks.
“Absolutely not,” she replies, her smile still wide but her tone sharp. “I love you, little brother, truly, but don’t forget that Hell is a punishment of your own making. You are a Sin now, not a Virtue. If you are ever to enter the first gates, you’ll need permission from Father, and you know how he is.”
“So forgiving,” Lucifer replies sarcastically, rolling his eyes at her.
“Cheer up! Your soul’s redemption may not be possible but at least sinners can be redeemed! And your love life apparently,” she teases.
Lucifer gives her a glare but doesn’t move away from her or the next hug she gives him.
He hates to admit how much he missed them all. Uriel isn’t the first of his sisters he expected to see again, he’d actually expected Ramiel, but he won’t complain too much.
“Yeah about that, that’s why I’m here,” Gabriel spoke up, stepping forward.
He removes Uriel from on top of him and takes her place. Gabriel’s hug is much quicker than her’s, though still just as tight.
“Hey Sammy,” Gabriel says, patting his back as he does.
Lucifer wants to protest the usage of that name, but hearing it from Gabriel doesn’t sound as patronizing as if it were Michael saying it.
“Hey Gabriel,” Lucifer replies. Gabriel gives him one last squeeze before letting him go.
“Well, I came down because I did want to see you, but also because I have a message for you from Michael.”
And just like that, Lucifer’s mood sours again. He hears Azrael laugh a bit at the frown that has overtaken his features once more.
“Don’t give me that look. You’re lucky Michael had the sense to ask me to deliver it and didn’t come personally himself,” Gabriel says, seeing the look on his face.
Lucifer looks away with him, knowing he’s right but not wanting to admit it.
“Yeah, whatever. What does he want? And why couldn’t Esther just tell me this? Where is she?” Lucifer asks.
Gabriel winces a bit and Lucifer’s eyes narrow. “About that, it’s sort of related to the message. Michael has been worried about her. She said something to him and I guess after her last visit, he wanted to be sure she wasn’t rushing anything. So he has her doing some other tasks at the moment to keep her busy.”
Lucifer feels his eye twitch and the admission, has to make an effort to keep his horns and tail from coming out in anger again.
“So he’s keeping her from me,” he replies. Gabriel laughs a bit nervously at that.
“Not necessarily! He’s respecting her wishes for the most part. He just wants to make sure she’s thinking clearly.”
“He wants to keep her from seeing me.”
Gabriel says and rubs at his temples. “Sammy, you know it’s not that simple. Her being with you means she would fall, and as much as we want to see her happy, you have to remember that Michael is Heaven’s protector. It’s his job to keep all angels safe. And I don’t know what she said to him but it’s had him stressing out. He hasn’t stopped her from coming here, but he is trying to limit how often she comes.”
“He wants her to keep a level head,” Uriel speaks up again, joining Gabriel in front of him. He vaguely sees Azrael move closer to Charlie. “Your little love told Michael she’d fall for you, and he’s not too happy about it. The only reason he hasn’t locked her up again is because her coming down here is an order from Father.”
His heart shouldn’t flutter like this, but it does, knowing that she wants to be with him. It must show on his face because Uriel’s eyes narrow at him.
“Don’t get too ahead of yourself,” she says to him, flicking his forehead again. “Believe it or not, I’m with Michael on this one. I’m not too keen on seeing her fall after the things you’ve pulled. But ultimately it’ll be her choice! I just want to make sure she makes that choice when she’s completely sure of herself.”
“I don’t have to explain myself to you,” Lucifer replies, tone dark as he narrows his eyes at her. He grits his teeth and she smirks at him.
“Maybe not, but you sure may need to explain yourself to Michael,” she responds. She leans closer to him and whispers so the others don’t hear the next part. “She may forgive your actions but I do not, and forcing her to be around the product of your infidelity seems a bit cruel, even for you, little devil. Lust may not have been your sin but you sure embraced it when you had the chance.”
“You leave Charlie out of this,” he growls.
Uriel smiles down at him. “I don’t blame the Little Star for your failures. In fact, I’d like to get to know her, since Azrael already got the chance. From what I hear, the little star is quite the big dreamer! I like it!”
Uriel skips away from him and Gabriel steps in before he can stop her from getting closer to Charlie.
“She won’t hurt your daughter,” Gabriel says quickly, blocking him from going towards them. “Now I’m going to make this quick because I have other things to do. I wish I could catch up but unfortunately duty calls. Michael wants to caution you. He’s aware that Esther’s choice will ultimately be her own, but he will judge for himself when the time comes whether or not he feels it’s the right choice.”
“You know he won’t approve if she chooses to stay,” Lucifer replies.
“He won’t,” Gabriel agrees, knowing their older brother well. “But at the end of the day, even Michael has to obey father, and he seems to be leaving the choice open to Esther. Honestly, I think he’s more concerned about you hurting her again.”
“He says that like I chose to fall.”
“Actions have consequences,” Gabriel warns. “Choose your actions carefully this time, and Michael shouldn’t give you any trouble.”
Gabriel sighs as he turns away, heading towards the door.
“Why can I never win?” Lucifer asks him, though he knows the question isn’t really for Gabriel. “I’m created to temp sin, but also destroy it, and in the end I became it and was punished for it. Now it’s either Esther falls and I face Michael’s wrath for it, or I remain without my other half forever but I have my peace from Michael. Were the thousands of years we spent apart not enough?”
“Believe it or not, Michael does love you, little brother,” Gabriel says instead. “Everything he does, he does because he wants to protect us, even if it’s from ourselves.”
Lucifer watches as Gabriel opens a portal to Heaven and walks through without another word. As it closes, he feels a hand on his shoulder and looks up to see Azrael smiling at him. He sees Charlie sitting on the couch with Uriel, talking animatedly no doubt about the hotel as Uriel nods along.
“Come along. I’d like to catch up with you, and Uriel means no harm. You know her bark is far worse than her bite,” Azrael says, pulling him along the lobby and towards the elevator.
Lucifer does know that, but it doesn’t make her words hurt any less.
Uriel has always been blunt. She’s never one to mince her words and though she never means to be hurtful, she also doesn’t shy away from causing pain.
Her words are never meant to hurt, but if they do, it just means there’s truth behind it.
He knows Esther said she has no issues with Charlie, and he believes her because Esther wouldn’t lie to him, she never has, but she never said it didn’t hurt her. And as always, his thoughts turn to their relationship.
It had never been put in words before his fall. They weren’t married, they weren’t engaged, they weren’t dating, they were just together. They were in love and they were together. There were no other words back then to really describe it.
And though he understood as time went on what their relationship truly was, it hadn’t stopped the stupid decision he and Lilith made.
He forces himself to stop talking about it as he and Azrael walk together. His eldest brother mentions things about Earth, about how society has progressed, new animals have been created, and anything else he’s come across during his visits. It doesn’t surprise Lucifer too much, since sinners here typically bring the knowledge of their time alive down with them. Hell changes whenever Earth does. Lucifer recalls the days when everything was just small wooden homes, but everything was hand washed, food was found and caught just for that day, and it repeated. When technology started apparently on Earth, it didn’t take long for it to appear in Hell as well.
Hell mirrored Earth, it just only reflected back the worst aspects.
“I have missed you,” Azrael says to them as they sit in his workshop. He thankfully didn’t comment on the rubber ducks, but Lucifer can see some amusement in his eyes. “I know it doesn’t change what happened. Saying that we were only following orders doesn’t make it right to you, and though I’m sure you understand, that doesn’t mean you don’t wish it could’ve been different, or forgive us for it.”
“Yeah, well, we can’t all be a rebel. What’s a family without drama?” Lucifer says as he shrugs. Azrael chuckles a bit at his antics.
“I know why you didn’t, but I wish you’d have spoken to one of us before agreeing to Sera’s ideas. Even if it wasn’t Michael you spoke to, I wished you’d have at least spoken to me.”
“It’s not that simple,” Lucifer starts. “Just because I don’t think you’d start a fight doesn’t mean I don’t think you’d do anything else.”
“What else I would do, I’m unsure of. But the more I learn of Sera’s reasoning, the more I question why you agreed. Hell is not capable of an uprising, and I don’t say this because I think sinners or hellborn are weak, I say it because no one besides you and possibly the Ars Goetia would have a way to access Heaven.”
Lucifer doesn’t meet his eyes, but he feels Azrael already knows the answer he’s looking for. Esther seemed to have already caught on as well.
“Allowing the death of sinners won’t change the past,” Azrael says to him, a knowing look in his eyes. Lucifer hates it.
“Maybe not but it’s what they get for being stupid enough to choose evil,” Lucifer replies.
Azrael scoffs at him and moves closer. “Hell is their punishment. Anything further is just sadistic. I know you don’t enjoy death like this.”
He doesn’t. He hates the exterminations. He just hated sinners more, at least at the time. He was bitter and hurt and he thought that maybe if he allowed this, he’d one day be able to make up for his mistakes and go home.
Clearly it wasn’t the case. Ten thousand years and he’s still stuck here, and all the exterminations did was ruin the one friendship he had and drive a wedge between him and his daughter.
Charlie really was too good for this cesspool of madness.
“And if you want to cause problems for Heaven, you would’ve done so. You’re more than capable. You may not be allowed to enter but that wouldn’t have stopped you from forcing your way through.”
“Yeah, except I didn’t want to repeat the beating I got last time. I never wanted war with Heaven, I never wanted to see it fall. I just wanted a chance to prove I wasn’t evil. Barging in would kind of go against that,” Lucifer says.
Azrael nods along. “We are still debating Sera’s punishment, by the way.”
Lucifer looks at him incredulously. It’s been almost two months now since the extermination and they still haven’t figured out what to do? He thought they’d be quicker about it, but then again, in a place still so stuck in their old ways, he isn’t entirely surprised.
“Don’t look at me like that,” Azrael says, narrowing his eyes a bit. “There is much to discuss. While she should fall for her treason, we aren’t sure that dropping another powerful seraphim here won’t just cause more problems for you. While she knows what she did is wrong, she doesn’t seem very remorseful for anything other than the fact that she was found out. I fear she may try to bring harm to you or Charlie should she fall.”
“So should she continue to enjoy paradise in a cell, or should fall? She probably wouldn’t stay in the cell long. She’d probably be put on probation rather quickly and then back to her usual activities in no time! But if you drop her here, I can’t guarantee she'll remain alive.”
“Lucifer,” Azrael warns.
“Don’t start,” Lucifer snaps back. “After everything she did, if the sinners don’t get to her first, if she so much as looks in Charlie’s direction the wrong way, I can’t promise I won’t do something.”
“That is precisely why we’ve been debating her punishment for so long. Is the loss of more souls truly the goal here?”
“After the millions she’s killed? I don’t think anyone down here would cry over her death. Actually, there might be a parade! There were a lot of parties down here when Adam died,” Lucifer says, snickering to himself.
Azrael rolls his eyes at him, unamused by his lack of care. Though he never liked Adam, reveling in someone’s death was never something he enjoyed.
Well… he can admit there are some deaths he didn’t feel too bad about. But he didn’t enjoy it either.
There was a bit of amusement seeing their faces when they were denied access to Heaven but he’d keep that to himself. He never understood the self righteous people who thought committing atrocities under the guise of his Father’s name would grant them access to paradise.
“Enough of this. I wanted to also speak to you about Esther,” Azrael says. Lucifer’s eyes narrow at him again.
“What about her?”
“Don’t worry about Michael,” Azrael says to him. Lucifer’s eyes widen. It’s certainly not what he’d expected. “Father has already given Esther the choice. He knows he can’t keep you apart. The only reason she hadn’t fallen sooner is a combination of your misunderstanding and Michael’s interference. Should she choose to fall now, Michael will have to accept it. I’ll see to it.”
“Why? Why help me? Michael won’t be happy with you about this.”
“Michael can whine all he likes. At the end of the day, what Father has already made his choice. There is nothing to protect her from. Maybe protect her heart, should anything go wrong, but I trust that you’ve learned from your mistakes and will do better this time around.”
“I did,” Lucifer says, voice filled with conviction. “I won’t lose her again.”
“See you to it that you don’t,” is all Azrael says about it.
They continue to chat and catch up with each other about miscellaneous things. Azrael makes a few jokes about their time working together, and Lucifer can admit that he misses it. Michael may have been the brother he looked up to most, but Azrael was definitely the one he’d been closest to besides Uriel and Cassiel.
Ramiel spent a lot of time with Michael, and Gabriel was always busy. The other Seraphim were cool, but besides Sera who’s sphere was so close to his, he’d never spent much time with them. There were other angels with the title of Archangel as well, like Raphael who’d taken his place as the Virtue of Humility, but he never was around often, and even now from the sound of it, he spends most of his time on Earth instead of Heaven.
There was also Jophiel, the archangel of art and beauty, but she was usually with Metatron, guarded by Seraphiel. Lucifer was always in some kind of trouble, he wasn’t going to risk going anywhere near the highest of angels, the Chief of the Seraphim.
Michael may be the leader of Heaven’s army and above even some of the Seraphim due to his status as Father’s right hand, but Seraphiel was beyond a doubt the one to truly fear.
Back then, Lucifer feared going near him. Now, he’s pretty sure he’d burn even if he so much as glanced in Seraphiel’s direction.
The more he thinks about it, the worse it gets. If Seraphiel was ever ordered to, his power could probably wipe all of hell from existence.
Which really makes you wonder, if Father had wanted to get rid of evil, why hadn’t he used Seraphiel’s power of purification. It likely would’ve eradicated the evil that found its way onto Earth. He might’ve still fallen for his actions but at least there likely wouldn’t have been as many sinners, if any at all.
But no, apparently because Lucifer fucked up, Earth had to suffer with him Hell wouldn’t truly be a punishment if he wasn’t surrounded by his own unwilling creation.
Sinners really were the worst. Just because he supports his daughter’s ideas doesn’t mean he agrees with everything she says.
Once Azrael leaves, thankfully dragging Uriel with him, he spends the rest of the day in the lobby listening to Charlie and Vaggie brainstorm new redemption ideas.
It’s become clear that it’s likely Sir Pentious’s willingness to sacrifice himself for others he cared for that lead to his redemption, but they couldn’t clearly recreate that scenario.
Azrael had mentioned the possibility of a retrial, though they’d have to find a way to do that without making them die a second time.
Cassiel would likely be in charge of that. He was always the best judge of character between all of them. Which just reminded him that he’d have to face more of his siblings.
Thousands of years and he still didn’t feel ready for this. It felt like he’d inevitably have to face Michael eventually and he really didn’t want to.
Once Charlie and Vaggie retire to their room, Lucifer moves to the bar. Husk looks nervous in his presence but doesn’t say much but ask what he wants to drink.
Lucifer doesn’t even know. He asks for a glass of red wine and ignores Husk’s look of contempt for the drink. It gets placed in front of him anyway in a nice glass.
He swirls the liquid around a bit, unsure if he even wants to drink it, and looks up at Husk.
“If you had the chance to be with someone you love, but at the risk of getting the shit beat out of you, would you do it?” He finally asks. Husk looks confused that he’s even being spoken to, looks around a bit, before sighing and pointing at him.
“First of all, I don’t know why you’re saying it like we don’t all know who this is about. Second of all, if you really love her, getting the shit beat out of you by your brother should be worth it,” Husk says to him. Lucifer laughs a bit at his words and takes a sip of his wine.
“If a beating is what it takes, I’ll take the beating, even though I could take Michael in a fight. Bastard just had a whole army with him last time. No, my problem is that it’s Michael.”
“Daddy issues. Brother issues. Mo- wait do you have a mother?” Husk asks curiously.
Lucifer shakes his head. “Nope. Dad created us all, though he used different things to do it, which is why not all of us are related. We all just kind of woke up into existence. We never really had a childhood the way mortals or Hellborns do. The Seven Virtues and a few other Archangels and I were all created from the same material, which is why we all consider each other siblings, even if we aren’t all the same type of angel. Esther was created from a different material,” he answers. He adds the last part because he knows Husk still wonders about Lucifer and Esther’s connection, seeing as so many of the older angels are related. It’s a valid question, though still one that makes his stomach recoil at the thought.
“Makes sense I guess. So it took a whole army to take you down, huh?”
“I mean, I had some people to help me, who do you think the other sins are? They weren’t virtues or seraphs, but they were angels,” Lucifer answers.
Husk chokes on the bottle of whiskey he’d started drinking from and coughs as he pounds on the bar top for air.
“The fucking Deadly Sins are angels too?!”
“Why do you think they’re so much stronger than everyone else?” Lucifer asks incredulously. “They’re angels who agreed with my ideas, were tried, found guilty, and followed me down here. Lilith and I were the first ones down, and I’m without a doubt the unfortunate creator of this shithole, but they were the next beings to inhabit Hell. Satan in particular was the first to join. The order of the rings is the order they arrived in. Creating the imps was his idea, which I obviously helped with since I’m the only one with the power of creation. It’s why they all worship him.”
“How come they don’t look like angels?”
“Because they gave up their angelic forms,” Lucifer answers him. “I didn’t always look like this, you know. I mean, close but not quite like this. My eyes were gold, my feathers were mostly white with a bit of gold too. And obviously I didn’t have the horns, or tail, or snake. Well, I was always able to turn into a snake but my halo changed from gold bands along my hat to the snake and apple after my fall as a reminder of what I did and what I’ve become as the first demon.”
“What the fuck?” Husk asks.
“Yeah it’s a lot,” Lucifer agrees.
Husk stares at him incredulously for a solid minute before chugging his bottle again. Lucifer laughs and drinks more of his wine. He doesn’t have to ask Husk to refill it, the man is already opening the wine as he sets the glass down.
“I thought my life was a shitshow, and I lost my soul to a sadistic sociopath,” Husk says as he finishes pouring Lucifer’s new glass.
“Yeah well, billions of years alive leaves room for a lot of shit to happen.”
Husk taps his bottle to Lucifer’s glass and raises it in a mock toast before drinking. Lucifer lifts his as well before taking another sip.
“So, a whole army?”
Lucifer laughs again. “Yeah, it didn’t go well. Some Seraphim had to get involved eventually. I’m not the King of Hell for nothing,” he says smugly, giving Husk a prideful smirk. “I wasn’t God’s favorite for nothing. I wasn’t the strongest of the angels, I’m pretty sure if Azrael wanted to he could end me, but I was up there. I was a Prince, I was in line to take over Heaven should Father ever step down, I was the one given the power of creation, even if everyone thought the power should’ve been Michael’s.”
“Then why did you never use all that power here? I mean, you’re the king, by no offense, you rarely do shit.”
“Because Hell is as much a punishment for me as it is for you. I never wanted to create this place, and quite honestly, I still couldn’t give less of a shit about the sinners down here. Lilith cared, she loved sinners, but she’s also technically the first sinner so I’m not surprised. It’s why I let her run things. I’m more than content to let the rest of them destroy themselves with their own made up problems. If I stepped in, I wouldn’t be a king, I’d be a dictator. Hell might end up being a bit more peaceful but only because everyone would live in fear of stepping out of line. No, it’s much better to let you all live your lives as you see fit. At least then you’d have your freedom.”
Husk looks like he wants to ask more, even though he looks a bit more wary of Lucifer’s presence in front of him. Lucifer doesn’t blame him. If he had his way, Hell really would be much different. Overlords like Alastor would have no real power. But Lucifer gave humanity the gift of free will for a reason. If he led the way he wanted to, for his own peace of mind, there would be no point in that free will. He’d take it away from them as quickly as he gave it. Maybe it’s a bit sadistic, maybe becoming a demon truly did change him, but his hatred for humanity hasn’t changed in years. It isn’t about the change now just because he’s grown a soft spot for the ones in this hotel.
A knock at the door is what stops their conversation. They look between each other and the door before Lucifer stands to answer it.
He doesn’t expect to see Esther on the other side, but his eyes widen and his cheeks flush at her appearance. She smiles down at him, as beautiful as ever even in the lowlights of Hell’s reddish nights.
“May I come in?” She asks. Lucifer nods wordlessly and steps away to let her in. She nods in thanks and does so, waiting until he’s closed the door to continue. “Azrael told me of his, Uriel’s, and Gabriel’s visit, as well as Gabriel’s message. I’m sorry you have to deal with that.”
He shakes his head. “Not your fault that Michael’s an ass. But uh- not that I’m not happy to see you, but what are you doing here? I thought he gave you some annoying tasks or whatever to keep you from coming.”
“Oh, that,” she says, rolling her eyes and making a shoo-ing gesture with her hand. “I finished that. Michael underestimates my work ethic. And I’m quite tired of his games. I’m here to stay for a few days, if that’s alright. I want to work a bit more with Charlie on her plans for redemption.”
Lucifer’s heart warms at her words. He isn’t sure what makes him happier; the fact that she’s willing to go against Michael or the fact that she wants to spend time with Charlie.
He thinks back to Uriel’s words, about it being cruel to make Esther be around Charlie. It’s been on his mind all day, despite Azrael telling him not to worry about it. Hearing Esther say now that she wants to spend time with his daughter fills him with a warmth he wasn’t prepared for.
She truly is perfect for him in every way.
“Just here for Charlie?” He asks coyly, smirking up at her. She laughs at his antics.
“Perhaps I can be convinced to spend time with others,” she teases back.
“Should I expect a certain someone to come down here looking for you?”
She knows he’s talking about Michael, and shakes her head. “I left a nice little note for him, and told the others where I was going so he should have no reason to. Now, it’s been a long day for the both of us, I’m sure. Could I trouble you for a room for the night?”
“My room?” He asks, despite knowing what her answer will be. As he predicts, she gives him a blank stare, no longer as amused.
“Don’t get ahead of yourself. I still haven’t gotten my dance.”
He grabs her hand, looking over to the bar where Husk is still watching, and nods to him before leading her to the elevator.
He takes her over to his side of the hotel, up to his tower. He doesn’t take her to his room, but to the closest room to his. Lucifer leads her in, shows her the amenities, and stands there as she moves around the room.
He should leave, he knows he should, but his feet feel stuck to the ground.
“Did you need anything? Do you have enough pillows? Or blankets? I can get some more for you, if you need? Or some books maybe? I know you liked to read before bed and-“
“Lucifer,” she says, cutting him off. “Something tells me that’s not really why you’re still here.”
She moves closer to him and holds his hands in hers. It steadies his thoughts, but not enough.
“I don’t know if I have the words for what I want to say,” he replies.
She smiles softly at him. “So don’t speak,” she says.
Had it been anyone else, he’d take it as being told to shut up. Be he knows her, and she knows him, and he smiles gratefully and snaps his fingers.
The lights dim and a clone of his own appears with a guitar. She looks between him and the clone with a skeptical look, though amused all the same. He moves on hand to her hip, the other still held tightly in hers as he lifts them. Her other hand that isn’t in his moves to his shoulder without needing to be told.
“When I look into your eyes, it’s like watching the night sky, or a beautiful sunrise, well there’s so much they hold,” he sings, leading her into a waltz. She follows his lead effortlessly as they move, his clone singing lightly with him in the background.
“And just like them old stars, I see that you’ve come so far, to be right where you are; how old is your soul?”
She chuckles at his last line, knowing he’s even older than her. Not by much, granted, but still. Seeing the smile on her face makes him happy.
“Well, I won’t give up on us, even if the skies get rough. I’m giving you all my love, I’m still looking up.”
He twirls her away from him, watching as her other hand stretches out and she pulls against his hold, trusting that he’ll keep her steady and pull her back in. He does just that, bringing them closer again, this time with his hand resting on her shoulder blade.
“And when you’re needing your space, to do some navigating. I’ll be here patiently waiting, to see what you find,” he sings to her. He moves them to dance side by side, his arm around her waist and letting her lean her weight on his, before he moves in front of her again to list her by her waist and twirl her.
“‘Cause even the stars, they burn. Some even fall to the earth. We’ve got a lot to learn, God knows we’re worth it! No, I won’t give up.”
They move back into a standard waltz as he continues, hoping he’s conveying everything he can, as well as he can, for her sake. It almost pains him to mention his Father, doesn’t want to give his Father any credit in this, but she wouldn’t exist without him and if he’s allowing her down here to be with him, then it must mean something. He doesn’t want to think of the possibility of his Father not hating him anymore, not now, not with her in his arms, but he’ll allow this, if only so she understands how fully committed he is.
“I don't wanna be someone who walks away so easily, I'm here to stay and make the difference that I can make! Our differences, they do a lot to teach us how to use the tools and gifts we got, yeah, we got a lot at stake! And in the end, you're still my friend, at least we did intend for us to work, we didn't break, we didn't burn! We had to learn how to bend without the world caving in. I had to learn what I got, and what I'm not and who I am!”
He twirls her again as he sings the last note, staring into her beautiful dark blue eyes that shine back at him with an intensity as strong as fireworks.
He pushes her away as she spins, moving forward to hold both her hands again as they move around each other, arms coming over their hands and around each other's shoulders. He moves her so her back is to his chest as they sway a bit together.
“I won’t give up on us, even if the skies get rough. I’m giving you all my love, I’m still looking up. I’m still looking up!”
He dips her a bit, staring down at her before raising her again to lift her by her waist once more. She holds his shoulders as he does so before he lowers her back to the floor and spins her under his arm once more.
“Well I won’t give up on us! God knows I’m tough, he knows! We got a lot to learn! God knows we’re worth it!”
He presses closer to him, moving them back to the end of their waltz, hand resting on her hip again as he leads them gently around the room.
“I won’t give up on us, even if the skies get rough. I’m giving you all my love, I’m still looking up.”
He lets both hands fall to her hips before moving them around her waist. Esther’s own move to his shoulders, clasped behind his neck. His clone has disappeared and the music has faded as they continue to sway, foreheads pressed together and eyes closed.
Lucifer doesn’t want to let go, and Esther doesn’t seem ready to let him go either.
“Music has always been one of your better talents,” she says, breaking the peace and quiet. He groans a bit and pinches her side. She squeals a bit but laughs.
“Don’t act like you can’t sing. You just choose not to,” he says, resting his head on her shoulder. She takes his hat and tosses it across the room, using one hand to run her hands through his hair.
“I much prefer hearing your voice,” she replies. “Maybe next time I’ll join you.”
He lifts his head, a sparkle in his eyes. “Next time?”
“I told you I’d be staying for a few days, didn’t I?”
“You did,” he agrees, a giddiness at the idea of it. “I can give you a tour of hell. Not much to see, no where near as beautiful as Heaven, but that’s really just the Pride Ring because all the sinners are stuck here. We can go anywhere. Gluttony’s Ring is especially nice. So is Envy, but I’d much rather deal with Bee than Lev.”
“Slow down there,” Esther says, interrupting him. “I’m here to help Charlie, remember?”
“Right, yeah, that too,” he replies quickly. Esther chuckles and moves them to sit on the couch in front of her bed, facing the fireplace. He makes a motion towards it and it lights with a warm flame.
“How about we sit for a while and you can tell me about the others,” she asks.
He nods and they sit close, hands held together over her lap as he tells her about the other rings and the Sins that rule them.
He tells stories of each one, the good and more annoying ones, anything to keep her entertained. In response she tells him about her time in Primum Mobile. She hasn’t been back to their Sphere since his fall, something she seems to regret now, but she tells him about the other Archangels and Seraphs, and the new stories about them. She tells him more about Emily, the Seraphim of Joy that Charlie has befriended.
Time passes without either of them noticing. He isn’t sure which one of them falls asleep first, pressed together on the couch. Her head rests on his shoulder and his over hers as they sit there, exhausted but content.
The position is awkward and his body feels stiff when he wakes, but he hadn’t slept that well since before his fall.
Hurray! Another chapter! As always, I apologize if there’s any spelling or grammar errors.
Fun fact! While reading up on facts about the Archangels for this, Azrael was definitely the most interesting, and I think that’s why I like writing him the most, though I’m loving Uriel too. I’m headcanoning Azrael as the oldest of Lucifer’s siblings, because when I was reading about him, it said that not only is he from the third Heaven, but it’s believe he had about four thousand wings. And with life always comes death, which is why I see him as being the oldest of the siblings, though not the oldest angel.
I’ve also seen a lot of back and forth about whether or not Michael and Lucifer are twins, and most things said no, they aren’t even brothers. But, I like to think that even though they aren’t twins, as I’ve made Lucifer here the youngest of his siblings (and as the youngest of my siblings, I feel like this is accurate) I feel like when Lucifer was created, he was created in Michael’s image, which is why I think they’d look the most alike. Though their hair colors are different, I think Lucifer styles his hair the way he does because it’s similar to Michael’s. And as I mentioned I believe Lucifer’s eyes and wings would’ve been gold before his fall, I think Michael’s are the same. Technically all the siblings are royalty, but I like to think Michael and Lucifer were the favorites, Lucifer in particular as he’s the only one of his siblings who is a Seraphim, the highest rank of angels. So as always, I’ve included a little doodle of what I think a few of his siblings would look like! I also drew a more detailed picture of Esther but I’ll save that for next chapter.
Let me know if you guys like the inclusion of music! If not, I’m okay with removing it. I can make the story work both ways, but I wanted to try something new (and I’ve already collected a playlist of potential songs).
Thanks again for reading! Please let me know what you think! See you next chapter! ❤️
Taglist: @dreamcatcher62 @art3misa635 @cimadreamer
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sslowdeathh · 7 months
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Requested by @narcette, please forgive me for the wait. :(
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Sunny. Sunshine. Áine. Aelius. Anatole. Cyrus. Lyric. Sunshine. Claire. Esther. Laine. Aurum. Álvaro. Reed. Melody. Harmony. Chord. Calliope. Aubade. Lyra. Rumi. Ronen. Ronan. Clarion. Liron. Rony. Sonnet. Kavya. Verse. Atticus. Abaeus. Abaios. Agraios. Link. Carneius. Lathrios. Loimios. Lycian. Melus. Clerius.
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Sun suns. God gods. Lyr lyric. Muse music. Poet poetry. Ly lyre. Bri bright. Sun light. Har harmony. Chord chords. Choi choirs. Cresce crescendo. Motif motifs. Pro prophet. Truth truths. Div divine. Deit deity. Holy holiest. Muse muses. Honest honesty. Ha harp. Cello cello's. Ly lyra. Char chariot. Vio viola.
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The god with the golden sword. The god of the (sun, healing, poetry, etc). The deliverer of the plague. The god born. The omen in words and sounds. The leader of the muses. The sound of health. The averter of evil. The rescuer. The prophet. He of the locusts. He who's standing before the entrance. The worshipped. The messenger of truth. The deity of honesty.
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reallifetangent · 5 months
Just saw someone on TikTok saying the "You could live a thousand lives and never deserve that boy" saying that Cat King, Monty and Charles don't deserve Edwin and I've never seen so much bullshit in my life (as far as I can remember)
How come you throw down 3 character arcs and ignoring at least Charles' temper and context to put above on a pillar one character who has bad things as well.
Post was in Spanish, I'm translating what it said with the colors.
Sorry for the random rambling/texts, I had to get it out of my system and sorry if I had wrong stuff
Obviously spoilers about the whole series
Cat King: he started wrong and pressured Edwin on things he didn't know
There's an analysis post here that explains why the punishment made sense. Edwin was warned of not messing around with the cats. Cat King of course had moments where he made Edwin obvious and clearly uncomfortable, and either stopped there or stepped back. Even between all his flirty aura and wanting to play and be loved by this Twink Ghost, he still respected Edwin and was pretty much consensual (the bracelet not because again, it's just the punishment because of what Edwin did to the cats), like proposing counting cats instead of pleasing him physically as soon as he realized Edwin wasn't in that lane.
By the end of the season, he's the one that changes the less respecting from where they started (I think). He's still a flirty, charming, iconic, still respecting and asking for the hug, this time only calling him from the distance because he knows the context, they're mourning Niko, he can't be that flirty or attention seeker, he knows how much she meant for Ed. The flowers scene where it's both flowers for him but also for her (the flower's meanings about rebirth, purity, innocence. I think it's how Niko was for this world, but also huge kudos to this Reddit when I was looking for the flower scene)
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Monty: tricked Edwin so the witch could have her revenge.
Monty is a Crow Familiar. He ofc owes loyalty to his witch. He was turned into a human with the condition of helping his master. And he catches feelings. He's been a human since what? Less than a week? He gets hooked by Edwin. He loves Edwin. When they kiss and Edwin says he doesn't love him back, he's hurt. And he's Esther's familiar. What did she do once she didn't get what she wanted? Plan on revenge. He's still hurt, he thinks Edwin didn't care about his feelings. He even said they shouldn't be friends anymore.
Damn, he even went along deeper even thinking that they wouldn't get the case since they were Ace Detectives, until he heard that the fungus ate ghosts/spectrals so this wasn't an easy revenge. He tried to lead them/him away from it. Then Cat King interrupted and well, shit went down. More hurt feelings, more disgraces. He gets back to Esther who dislikes that her dear crow familiar was on the side of Edwin and caught feelings. He didn't want to feel like that, he didn't ask to be hurt, didn't want to be human and have feelings. Ofc he couldn't be with Edwin as long as Esther is his witch, she still has control over him. And yet he tried to go against her orders. He even helped Charles getting away on last ep.
Charles: said cruel words, wishing he never died and throwing in his face that Ed would never be able to keep the group together because he can't and he lacks Char's charisma.
Charles was fresh from living on a loop that caught him because his reaction to trauma was too strong. He had to live(?) and watch over and over again a family suffering for the exact same thing that reminded him his living life. Even worse, he had to experience on bucle him trying to stop it just to be interrupted and made him watch it until the father was done, looking at the corpses and then the gunshot. Tell me about feeling helpless and useless when you are stuck on a loop where your attempt of trying to help it's not working and you are seeing it over and over again. Ofc he was more than upset for not being able to help, to stop Crystal from getting hurt, from Edwin lying to him because Ed was troubled in his mind, and Night Nurse reminding him the physical violence he lived, how he died.
Charles and Edwin died at 16. Sixteen. How many things they could've experienced but never happened? They'll never get to grow up. He died and he never had a chance to stand up against his dad and protect his mom. He lost the chance to keep the bullies away from others. He lost all the sensations, he lost most of his senses. Not being able to enjoy things because he can't feel them. He misses spaghetti, he said he might miss kissing (he and Crystal kissed, he said he didn't feel anything but well, as long as she does, he's okay with it). He misses being able to have people his age to hang around. And everything was taken away from him.
Ofc he tries to be positive about it, he tries to be useful to make up for not helping when he was alive. He didn't want to be like Brad and Hunter, but he wanted to be that cool guy loved by everyone and was an actual good person. You can't hold on a smile for too long without it turning into a fake one after having all of that. All those years he shoved away the familiar violence, until he had to live it again, two times, and see that he couldn't stop it. He's hurt by everyone (Edwin lying to him, the whole Crystal's case still unsolved, etc), and he reached the limit. Are you telling me he would just smile again and pretend it was nothing? He'd been doing that for so long, and now he was unable to hide it again.
And last but not least, Edwin.
Edwin Payne, sassy Edwardian Era Teenager who has an ego so big you can see it from space, plays hard to get on the cases, thinks he's better/smarter than anyone (one thing is being it, other is claiming it), thinking everyone is on his same level or page (the whole Does that look blue to you? We have the same left! Implying that what he says and knows are too obvious that forgets not everyone thinks like him. I relate to that soooo bad) Shoved away more than once Crystal, has more salt than the Dead Sea, calls out more than once Charles for trying to keep Crystal around, when Jenny was calling Crystal out for running or whatever he was shocked that Crystal wasn't paying attention to him like how dares she ignore me. And don't get me started with invalidating everyone's feelings when they said they were hurt or living a nightmare... We got it. Hell was a literal hell. But you're dealing right now with a girl who's around 16-18 and you're trying to solve her case, not a competition about "Who suffered the most".
Ofc at the end of the season he's finally fond of Crystal, he was finally accepting her as part of the team even without her powers, he's now able to express better his feelings, better at setting and saying things and stop assuming everyone is on his same level, he starts caring about people like Monty (even after breaking his crow heart, he apologizes and tries to explain that he was new to that as well and things could've been with them staying as friends until Cat King made his entrance and the reveal, Cat King with the whole Cat Mouse Game he was able to again, start accepting he has feelings and being the way they are is not bad, able to set boundaries, even allow himself to play silly things like actually counting the cats.
Edwin had to go through a lot of things to be able to actually be open and grow as a character. I feel everyone likes Edwin at the end of the season or praise his Salty Sassy Edwardian Teenager phase, and it's not bad, but please do not throw down other characters to get him higher. Or at least, don't throw them down like that. Do not treat him like it's flawless, just because you like his flaws.
I mean, I feel like I'm not writing nothing we haven't seen, like stating the obvious. Maybe a rewatch to see better the character arcs?
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najia-cooks · 2 years
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[ID: A slice of dark brown cake garnished with dried sorrel on a plate dotted with dried raisins and currants. End ID]
Jamaican black cake (optionally halal)
Black cake is a kind of fruit cake flavored with rum and spices and colored with burnt sugar. Variations on the cake are eaten throughout the Caribbean, primarily during Christmas but also for Easter or other celebrations such as weddings or birthdays. Dried fruits soaked in rum and wine, molasses, lime juice, warm spices, and sometimes rosewater produce the signature deeply fruity taste of Jamaican versions of the cake. Black cake often has a dense, smooth, pudding-like texture; I’ve made my halal version reduced gluten, to mimic the gluten-inhibiting effects of alcohol and produce that melt-in-your-mouth effect.
This recipe was requested by a patron; you can request recipes or vote on what I upload next by joining my Patreon.
Recipe under the cut!
Makes one 8" cake.
For the cake:
1 cup (120g) all-purpose flour (substitute almond meal for a gluten-free version)
1/2 cup (55g) almond meal (substitute all-purpose flour if using rum)
1/2 cup non-dairy margarine, softened
1 cup unrefined sugar (such as muscavado or sucanat), or organic light brown sugar
3 Tbsp Jamaican or Caribbean molasses (if using brown sugar instead of unrefined)
3 Tbsp neutral oil, such as canola
2 Tbsp water or rosewater
1 tsp ground cinnamon, or 2-inch piece cinnamon stick
1/2 tsp ground nutmeg, or 1 tsp freshly grated
1/2 tsp ground allspice (preferably Jamaican), or 16 allspice berries
1/2 tsp ground cloves, or 16 whole cloves
1/2 tsp ground mace, or 1 head
5 Tbsp Caribbean browning (store-bought may be too bitter; taste and maybe use less)
Juice of 1 lime (about 2 Tbsp)
Zest of 1 lime
1 Tbsp baking powder
1/2 tsp table salt
2 cups (460g) soaked fruit mixture
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 tsp almond extract
My freshly ground spices totalled 9 grams; because freshly ground spices incorporate more air, you may want to include a bit more than I used by volume to account for settling.
Organic brown sugar is evaporated from cane juice and retains some of its original molasses, but less than unrefined sugars do. Non-organic brown sugars may be refined sugars with molasses added back in. Organic brown sugar is sure to be vegetarian (not filtered with bone char)—other refined sugars may or may not be suitable for vegetarians.
Unrefined sugars such as muscovado retain more of their original cane molasses, but they may clump and need to be grated before they can be used in baking. Sucanat is an unrefined sugar that should be pourable.
For the soaked fruit:
1 1/3 cup (130g) mixed black raisins, dried prunes, dried currants, and dried cherries
About 1/2 cup white rum (Wray and Newphew overproof rum is popular in Jamaica)
About 1/2 cup sweet red wine (commonly, Wray and Nephew red label)
Black raisins, prunes, currants, and dried cherries are the most typical fruits to use in black fruit cake. Many Jamaicans today also include mixed peel and red or green glacé cherries. Most recipes include more prunes and raisins than other fruits, but prunes make the cake too bitter for some people's taste; consult your own preference.
Most recipes call for “white rum,” but there is no clear dividing line in terms of flavor between “white” and “dark” rum. Some light rums are the result of ageing and subsequent filtering, while some dark rums have been aged less but have had color or molasses added in. If in doubt, just use something you like!
For the halal rum and wine mixture:
My halal 'rum' uses fruits, herbs, and spices that mimic the funky, fruity, vegetal notes of a Jamaican rum; it also takes inspiration from other drinks common in Jamaica. Ripe fruit is a source of the esthers that give rum its signature fermented taste, while sorrel and malta help to produce a well-rounded flavor. The point is not necessarily to taste ‘like’ rum, but to replace its complexity in the cake.
1 cup water or coconut water
1/2 black overripe banana or plantain, with its peel
Other ripe fruit, such as a handful of raspberries or a few slices of mango (optional)
1 Tbsp (2g) dried sorrel (hibiscus; optional)
1/2 inch chunk (5g) ginger
2-inch piece (2g) Ceylon cinnamon
2-inch piece (2g) cassia cinnamon (I used a mix of Chinese and Indonesian)
4 whole cloves
6 allspice berries
1/4 tsp grated nutmeg
A few pieces (1g) dried orange peel, or zest of one orange
2 ciliment (bay rum) leaves
1 Indian bay leaf (tej patta)
2 Tbsp West Indian molasses, or malta (Jamaican soft drink)
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 tsp almond extract
1/2 cup red grape juice (in place of the wine)
Any ingredients you don't have (except for the grape juice) may be omitted.
For the halal rum and wine mixture:
1. Roughly crush ginger and spices in a mortar and pestle or with the flat of a knife. Simmer fruit, sorrel, spices, bay leaves, and orange peel, covered, in water or coconut water for 10 minutes. Remove from heat and allow to steep for about an hour, still covered.
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2. Strain mixture through a nut milk bag or coffee filter to remove fruit pulp. Mix in extracts, molasses or malta, and grape juice.
3. Top up mixture with more water if necessary to achieve a total volume of 1 1/3 cup (315mL).
For the soaked fruit:
1. Combine all fruits (including mixed peel and glacé cherries, if using) with enough rum and wine mixture to cover in a large glass jar. If using the halal rum and wine mixture, you should have at least 1/4 cup of it left over.
2. Soak dried fruits for a minimum of a week and up to a year (if using rum). Some bakers begin soaking fruit for the next year's cake immediately after Christmas! Keep fruits at room temperature while soaking if you're using rum, or in the fridge if not using alcohol. Occasionally check back and top up the liquid if the fruits soak some of it up and are no longer covered.
You may also choose to simmer the fruits for a few minutes and then soak them for a few hours if you're in a hurry.
3. Optionally, grind soaked fruits in a blender or food processor until smooth and paste-like. Whether you keep the fruits whole or grind them depends on what texture you want in your cake; I ground them to create a smooth, dense texture.
For the cake:
1. Whisk together all dry ingredients except for sugar (flour, almond meal, lime zest, spices, baking powder, salt) in a large mixing bowl.
2. Beat 1/2 cup softened margarine in a medium bowl with an electric beater until smooth. Add 1 cup sugar and beat for several more minutes until creamy to incorporate air.
3. Place 2 Tbsp water or rosewater in a small bowl and slowly add 3 Tbsp oil while whisking to create an emulsion. Slowly add the mixture to the creamed margarine, continuing to beat.
4. Slowly add 2 Tbsp lime juice and vanilla and almond extracts (1 tsp each) while mixing with a wooden spoon or rubber spatula. Add 2 cups (about 460g) fruit paste, 5 Tbsp browning, and 3 Tbsp molasses (if using brown rather than unrefined sugar) and mix.
5. Add flour mixture a little at a time and fold until well combined, with no remaining dry spots.
6. Bake in a parchment-paper-lined 8" cake pan at 250 °F (120 °C) for about 2 1/2 hours, until a toothpick inserted into the center of the cake comes out clean. The low temperature and long cooking time help to give the cake its smooth, dense texture.
7. As soon as you remove the cake from the oven, pour about 1/4 cup of your rum and wine mixture over the cake—this makes the cake very moist, as well as ensuring that the more volatile aromatics in the rum don’t disappear during baking.
8. Spray the cake with the wine and rum mixture every few days. It will be at its best a few days after baking!
The cake may be stored in an airtight container at room temperature for about 5 days (then moved to the fridge and stored for another week) if containing rum; a halal version will need to be stored in the fridge from the beginning.
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dankoneversl33b · 9 months
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i wish i was able to scan first page to not have this shaky baby hands images but still 😭😭😭
1 - christmas/new year spread i really wanted to draw this year. it took about 4 takes because i was constantly unhappy about the size of chars on the page even if their faces and proportions were perfect. on the fourth take i just gave up and went with what I had
2 - randomly thought that new esther's haircut was long enough to tie a little ponytail, so a few sketches of esther with tiny ponytail! (+ sketch of bbg doing autopsy)
3 - spices. just spices
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zhoufeis · 1 year
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endless gifsets of cdrama ladies ★ [60/?]
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averseunhinged · 8 months
it's happening. there is movement on one of the stuck things. really hoping to get this part done sometime in february, but we'll see.
24/7 sylvia plath
snippet 1 of insihta
snippet 2 of insihta
snippet 3 of insihta
very short snippet 4 of insihta
snippet of a later post-graduation installment
i think that's everything in the order in which it happens. i'd meant to share something from when klaus and caroline are actually in the same room, but it's not at a sharing place yet, and i felt too shitty over the weekend to make anything coherent, but i've been unpacking and filling in the earlier parts, too.
so, here's more of klaus Going Through it. falls after snippet 1.
He built a fire the way Finn had taught him, so long ago. A little hut of kindling and tinder--balled up newspaper, now, instead of dry leaves and bark. His brother would likely disapprove, but there was a lighter tucked into the half-empty packet of Silk Cuts he'd picked up the last time he'd been in D.C., easier than the flint and steel set he kept in his pocket. He remained there, knees digging into the floor. A penitent, balancing small logs around the struggling fire and waiting for them to catch.
Finn taught him, and when the time came, it was Klaus who taught Kol, and in turn, Kol taught Henrik with surprising enthusiasm. Even then, Kol had been bloody minded and wild, with little interest in village life. He was a warlock, through and through, disappearing into the wilderness for days at a time, sometimes only returning for the full moon. Unrepentant, even when shouldering Esther's worry or submitting to Mikael's wrath.
Klaus had wished him gone so very many times over the years. He’d been so difficult. Ran away when he should have stayed. Let the madness take him, despite the attention it brought. Didn’t care when his willful disobedience was dangerous for the family. Klaus daggered him just to have a moment's peace. Several moments. Centuries of moments.
He would have all the peace he could choke on now.
He stood, left the fire crackling merrily, singing of warmth and family and safety, and found himself outside before he knew what he was doing, body aching with the need to run farther, fall further. But his cigarettes were still in his hand, and it was as good an excuse as any to press his back against the block facade and stay.
Smoke burned the way it always did, his lungs healing virgin fresh, before he’d even exhaled, a welcome itching, aching pain. Upstairs, he heard the shower spray hitting tile and Caroline's naked body, and her muttered complaints about his conditioner, her hair’s lack of manageability, the tangles she struggled to comb through.
He'd go up the backstairs when she was done. Avoid her until he was clean again, too, and the acrid, grubby scent of second-hand smoke, and the remnants of her stolen blood, her flesh, which he had diseased, and Kol's charred, brutalized body were washed away. It would allow her to leave without seeing him if she wished. She'd promised to speak with him, to gift him her honesty, but he wouldn't hold her to it, wouldn't force her to stay. If she wanted to go, he'd let her.
He would. He would. He would.
It was the least he could do.
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vitalphenomena · 6 months
i love when single muse blogs have their char's name in the pinned post for various reasons. i hate that if i did that, it would look like,
and that's crazy. that's like 100 lines
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lorei-writes · 1 year
Roots of Deception
Chapter II: Aqua
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Chevalier & OC (OC Chart: Esther); pre-relationship Blank period* Summary: A visit to seal the deal. Or is there more to be said between the lines? Wordcount Estimate: ~1.5k Other chapters: Masterlist
*- action takes place between the last chapter of a -- yet to be made publicly available -- long-fic, and its epilogue.
Chapter titles aren't completely random, by the way.
Posting schedule: Thursday - Friday (you are here) - Saturday - Sunday, 9PM GMT+2
Content Warnings: food, drowning
“I’ve marked the page for you,” she insisted, although there was nothing to insist on. Her feet remained firmly in place, her eyes boring into the space between his shoulder blades right until Chevalier turned around to face her. “I hope you don’t mind. I didn’t have a proper bookmark on hand, but… it shouldn’t have caused any damage.”
Page one hundred fifty four; […] The Countess retained little trust. Reputable be her name, noble be her mind, and praised be her ambition, she lost any regard she once held for human hearts. [...]
Evening. Perhaps it was a little too late, but even so, Esther stepped out of the guest room, the book clutched to her chest. Bambi whimpered on the other side of the door, scratched against it, both defeated and deflated after a long day. Truth be told, had he been any less responsible in his duty to protect her, he’d already doze off by the hearth, the tiny hands of Lady Marianne having smoothed his charred-like coat a time (or a few) too many.
“I’ll be back soon,” Esther assured, to another scratch. With a heavy heart, she turned on her heel, and marched further into the dark corridor.
Her footfall gained a company of its own, its echoes reverberating through the hallway, multiplying and splitting upon meeting the walls, the hard stone floor a mirror sending out a distortion of what it saw. Portraits shifted in their gilded frames, various ladies and lords gossiping between themselves, winking and snickering while nobody watched. They whispered, ate food from the still life, ventured out into barren landscape cliffs basked in soft dawn light, all just to freeze, stop mid-laugh whenever Esther’s gaze slid across them. Her brows furrowed, her steps stilled. Her eyes lingered on the visage locked in oil paint, the woman in question seemingly answering her gaze. The brushed-on lips quivered into a grin, a shiver sneaking up Esther’s spine. She resumed walking, her mind set on finding Chevalier’s room, and doing so fast… Faster, and even faster the longer she watched.
The door flickered near the end of the corridor. Esther hurried, book clutched firmly to her chest, the sound of her steps weaving itself into thundering clouds above her head… But then, she stopped, the brass knob staring at her questioningly. Just a couple paces, nothing more, and she’d reach it. Esther took a deep breath, and this time soundless, walked again.
No reply.
Esther turned the knob, and pushed the door open; as expected, the room was lit, and not at all empty. Between the sofa in maroon quilted leather, oak bed, the imported carpet, and blinds that somehow seemed to be taken straight out of a sea-side cottage, what stood out the most was a tall bookcase, filled to the very brim with foreign volumes. Esther sighed – to no surprise, Chevalier stood with his back towards her, eyes scrutinising the various titles.
“It wouldn’t hurt to say ‘Come in’, ” she grumbled to herself, just to be answered by silence. Well, factually speaking, it indeed wouldn’t hurt him, so what was the point of even mentioning that much. Esther shook her head, and changed the topic, “I apologise for brining your book back late.”
“Leave it on the bedside table.”
“I’ve marked the page for you,” she insisted, although there was nothing to insist on. Her feet remained firmly in place, her eyes boring into the space between his shoulder blades right until Chevalier turned around to face her. “I hope you don’t mind. I didn’t have a proper bookmark on hand, but… it shouldn’t have caused any damage.”
He extended his hand towards her. Esther did not wait to pass him the book.
“I’d also like to thank you for considering my request. Lady Marianne was much easier to calm down than during her last visit to the palace,” she went on with her chatter, cautiously glancing at the walls.
Page one hundred fifty four, a neatly folded handkerchief separating it from page one hundred fifty five. Chevalier unravelled it slowly, a barely visible crease forming between his brows.
Esther continued, “We took a stroll through the orchard. Seems like lady Lavigne’s considering investing into cider, the apple saplings are sure to wield fruit in… perhaps four, to five years.”
Their eyes barely met. As indifferent as ever, Chevalier folded the handkerchief back, and put it in his pocket.
“The spine of the book was not damaged this time, but you’d do well to remember not to mark the pages with something this thick, simpleton,” he remarked.
“Understood.” Esther turned on her heel and took a step towards the door, her hand already resting on the knob.
"Is Bambi not with you?”
She looked over her shoulder. “He was tired, so I left him in my room.”
Something flickered over Chevalier’s face, gone almost before it appeared. “The last –“
“I remember,” Esther interrupted, her fingers pressed against her throat. Her lungs felt tight, but even so, they still breathed. Despite or through her hesitation, she pushed the door open, Chevalier striding towards her. “Oh?” She did not stop, not for a moment.
“The last meeting has been delayed.”
Esther didn’t question him any further, even though she found it hard to match his pace. It was… much preferable to being on her own, as laughable as Chevalier might find it.
Night shifted to dawn undisturbed, just to shed the last remaining shadows in presence of the sun itself. The breakfast had been served, yet… Esther excused herself fast. Her stomach grumbled quietly as she lay back down on the bed, not quite upset, but clearly not thrilled either, not a single laid out dish being something she could safely eat. Blue cheese, fried vegetables and meats, raw fish – perhaps if eggs were not seasoned so spicily she could smell it without even trying to, she’d take a risk! But alas, she had to satisfy herself with a cup of tea, and then… leave, Lady Lavigne not sparing her even a single glance, unlike Lady Marianne. Esther winced at the thought alone –
“Woof!” Pointy ears pointed at her, further supported in their inquiry by the big, curious eyes.
“Thanks, Bambi. You always get it,” she laughed and patted his head, the dog climbing into her lap. “Hey, hey, you’re a bit too big for tha –”
Esther ushered Bambi back down onto the floor. She smoothed out the covers, ran her hands over her blouse and skirt.
“Yes?” she asked, the door creaking open. Lady Marianne peeked inside.
“Mommy said she is going on a walk, and that Prince Chevalier is coming too, and I too,” she mumbled, all of her attention directed at her shoes. “Esther, will you go with me too? I don’t wanna go…”
“Of course.” Esther stood up immediately. “And Bambi’s going to accompany us, hm?”
Bambi barked; Marianne laughed; river hummed quietly, water reaching up to slither against the fortified banks. Esther watched carefully as the girl chased after the dog, kicking off clouds of dust with each sharp turn she took, just for the both of them to duck between the trees on the other side of the road.
“Princess, the dragon is retreating!” Esther cheered after them. She averted her eyes for but a moment, Chevalier and Lady Lavigne’s silhouettes moving further down the orchard path. Orchards; the vineyards; the winery itself; the storage facilities; finally, sampling, she revised in her head.
“Esther, Esther!” little Marianne called, skirt held in both hands as she bolted towards her.
“Yes, Lady Marianne?”
“Can you and Bambi play with me tomorrow too?”
Esther fell silent for a moment. The official reason for their visit was… verifying the validity of the exclusivity offer broached by the Lavignes’ regarding supplying the palace cellars….
“I’m afraid I do not know,” Esther offered with an apologetic smile. However, that much seemed to only upset Marianne.
“Why?!” she roared through uneven breaths, face read from exercise and covered in sweat.
“Prince Chevalier is very busy, so he may want to go back tomorrow, and I and Bambi will be going with him,” she explained, wincing internally at what, or much rather why, she had to phrase things this way.
“No! I want you to stay! Esther, stay! I like playing with you best!”
Esther crouched down. “Don’t be sad, Lady Marianne. If all goes well, we will see each other plenty, really.”
“That’s what all those uncles mommy told me not to talk to say! And then they don’t visit! Or visit much! Much! Much! Later! And then we don’t play!”
“Uncles?” Esther asked, desperately trying to hold back a frown. Alas, it was not enough – the girl covered her mouth with her tiny hands, black eyes opening wide as she realised that she said something she shouldn’t have. Little Marianne shook her head fervently. She swirled around. She neglected to lift her skirt up, still holding her lips sealed, and broke into a dash. Just forward, forward, just right alongside the bank –
“Marianne, no – !”
The water splashed. It bubbled as if boiled, lurched and heaved, but… Nobody came up.
Esther got to her feet. She ran, fingers pulling at the clasps holding her capelet in place.
The garment fell to the ground. Esther dropped her bag.
She jumped off into the river after Marianne.
Series Tag List: @nuttytani
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charlottescasket · 10 months
~~Introduction Post!~~
Hello! I’m Charlotte. You can call me Char for short :)
I use any pronouns, and am fine with any gendered terms being used.
I’m a lesbian!
My main fandom is IT, but I’m also into TADC, Chucky (the series), IANOWT, Stranger Things, FNAF and various others. I occasionally make fanart and write ff(but will not post any fanfic on this account).
MASSIVE CAT PERSON. Cat haters are a red flag🚩 I ❤️ bats, rats, snakes, dogs, birds and so many other animals too!
ANTI SPIDER KILLERS!! SPIDERS ARE PRETTY!! (I once stepped on a spider and cried. HwaaA)
I have a black cat (Esther), a tabby (Grumpy), a pit bull (Guillermo), a blue heeler (Roxy), and a tarantula (Technically my brothers now[Pennywise])! I might post about them sometimes :)
Currently still in high school. Hopes to become a mortician/some kind of funeral home worker.
Other hobbies of mine include reading, sewing, sculpture(clay, papier-mâché, gluing random things together, etc!), cosplay, hiking, building stick shelters outside for funsies, making cool outfits for myself and other random crud
Chronically unmotivated
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furxfeather · 2 years
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✦ 18+ for violence and sexual content.
It is said that the fairies of Marcia are gentle folk, who keep to themselves and stay out of human affairs. That they do not interfere in their neighbors' lives is generally accepted as common sense. It is an agreement with the humans and other non-fairy races that Marcia is considered one realm of peace within a larger, hostile world. On occasion, however, local people come to believe that something is wrong. The flora in the forest along Marcia's borders seems sickly; a foul smell pervades the air nearby; an animal is found dead or dying in its field or brushland, with no obvious cause of death or injury. Death sweeps across the country in unprecedented fashion, leaving nothing behind but charred trees and scorched earth. While humans speculate and pray for it not to affect their own lands, the High Council of Marcia sends a young fairy to plead for aid from the seven human kingdoms.
Play as a noble-born fairy, raised in luxury far away from the real problems of everyday life.
Choose gender identity and expression, subspecies, appearance, magical aptitudes, and more.
Romance one or both (or neither!) of your travelling companions. As well as a potential third option.
Save your homeland from calamity.
Your self-proclaimed babysitter and fellow fairy, Auden. He's polite, well-spoken, and possibly a bit too intent on protecting you from any and all danger. He has a soft spot for the weak and vulnerable.
The human hired to be your guide, Esther. She's prickly, blunt, and prone to speak her mind freely. Still, her heart is in the right place, even if her way of going about things doesn't always show it.
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