#celeste venting? yes
vixletserenity · 9 months
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"Boys are too loud...Girls are too loud. Everyone's too loud. The world is too loud and too bright." Did she have this view because of her sensory processing? The way she grew up? Or maybe....a mixture of both?
"All the grown ups say they want to protect children and the youth, yet they practically have a dependency on children to stop things that the adults should be able to handle. And yet...they're not angry at themselves when a child dies or is gravely injured both physically and mentally because of their own incompetence when they are the literal adults in the room."
"It can't ever be their fault...it has to be the fault of those who suffered, pushing the blame onto someone else who had nothing to do with it, or even just forcing themselves to forget so they don't become riddled with guilt because living in ignorance is just better in their eyes than seeing the reality they caused that future generations have no other choice but to live with the decisions the grown ups make."
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skittlespizza · 1 year
If fear and hunger guys had tumblr:
💰 veteran-funger Follow
Hey! Did you know the dungeons of Fear and Hunger have treasure in them! For the low price of 50 gold, I'll sell you a treasure map. Dm me on discord thanks.
🗡 cumhara Follow
@celeste-on-hiatus I'll be back in a few weeks! Love you!
🍇 celeste-on-hiatus Follow
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🏹 legarde-hater Follow
I fucking hate le'garde. He keeps on having holy crusades for "Alll-mer" or something. MY WIFE AND CHILD DIED. I hate him so much. I want him dead. Sorry for the vent. It's been a tough week. I am going to track him down and kill him with my bare hands.
🛡 legarde-no1-fan Follow
Le'garde isn't that bad. Calm down, the crusades had a purpose. Stop being parasocial about a guy you don't even know? Sorry about your wife but you gotta get over it. You're a full grown man.
🏹 legarde-hater Follow
I added "Le'garde apologists" to my DNI, leave me alone freak. Go and kiss Le'garde's ass somewhere else.
🛡 legarde-no1-fan Follow
I will! You know, they say Le'garde is in the Dungeons of Fear and Hunger?! Yeah. I'm going there. Fuck you. I'll save his ass and send you pics of us together.
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🏹 legarde-hater Follow
Hey guys I'll be at the dungeons of fear and hunger for a bit.
🏹 legarde-hater Follow
Hey do you guys like my dog?
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💀 old-night Follow
That ain't a dog. It has twice the amount of eyes??
🏹 legarde-hater Follow
Her name is moonless <3
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🗡 cumhara Follow
@celeste-on-hiatus how do we feel about another kid?
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🛡 legarde-no1-fan Follow
On the way to save my cutesy bf! Wish me luck!
🛡 legarde-no1-fan Follow
Found some people in a cave.. gonna talk to them. Maybe they'd like to hear about alll-mer. I don't think they've left this cave before :)!
🛡 legarde-no1-fan Follow
Um.. they did not like alll-mer. In other words, a blue haired guy and a small girl saved me! Wish us luck. And yes guys, i do love legarde. Idk what "comphet" is? Sorry. Is that an old god? I read about that in a book.
🌚 rher Follow
Comphet is an old god, yeah. He's the old god of denial.
🛡 legarde-no1-fan Follow
Oh thanks!
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♟️ enki-ankarian Follow
Today I almost died as a sacrifice. Though, I stopped it because I had a vision. Apparently something inside the dungeons of Fear and Hunger is waiting for me. I'll update my blog as I continue on.
♟️ enki-ankarian Follow
I hear screaming. Dogs barking and a man crying. I'm reading.
♟️ enki-ankarian Follow
Something broke through the wall. I'm reading. Lots of information to bring back.
♟️ enki-ankarian Follow
Can't get fucking quiet in this dungeon. Gonna have to leave this library and find a new one. People are so inconsiderate sometimes.
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⚔️ legarde ✅️✅️ Follow
Day one dungeons of fear and hunger. They gave me rotten flesh as food. Not befitting for a man such as I.
⚔️ legarde ✅️✅️ Follow
Day two, dungeons of fear and hunger. They chained me up and this rather large man has been watching me. Help?
⚔️ legarde ✅️✅️ Follow
I hear footsteps. Maybe someone's coming to save me!
⚔️ legarde ✅️✅️ Follow
I think the guard died.
🏹 legarde-hater Follow
I lived bitch.
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🗡 cumhara Follow
Well I left the dungeons. No treasure but I got a kid I guess.
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♟️ enki-ankarian Follow
Still reading.
🔮 nosramus-blogs Follow
Still reading.
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🛡 legarde-no1-fan Follow
How to do necromancy
🛡 legarde-no1-fan Follow
Why doesn't he love me
🛡 legarde-no1-fan Follow
What is a "lesbian"
🛡 legarde-no1-fan Follow
Why do i like when i see girls kissing
🛡 legarde-no1-fan Follow
Le'garde is dead.
🛡 legarde-no1-fan Follow
Leaving dungeons now. I didn't save le'garde but i found out i was a lesbian.
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trans-heathen-gav · 3 months
Hey y'all, Gav here. This isn't the normal type of content I'd post here or on my main really, but i cant post it on my main since a person I dont want to see it follows me there, and i need to vent somewhere.
So, I'm done looking for a relationship at all. I'm completely giving up here, at least for. I'm surrounded by people in good relationships, and yes i really want to be in one, but due to many challenges it just doesn't seem in the cards right now. I'm demi romantic at the very least, so I can't form romantic attraction unless I'm close, and every person I'm close enough to and have any interest in are already in relationships ,one even asked their partner who is also poly if they'd be willing to add me, to which the response was no (this was the event that caused me to breakdown here) And if that wasn't rough enough, I plan on moving across the country in like two years so I don't want to get close to anyone new in case i have to just turn around and leave them here. I've tried online dating, but due to the demi aspect, imposter syndrome, and the general shityness of dating apps nothing came of it.
I'm laying in my bed kinda crying to myself listening to the Celeste soundtrack as I'm righting this
And since dysphoria gets heightened with depression for me, I'm teetering on the edge of a panic attack too.
I apologize in advance if I don't post anything for the upcoming tummy Tuesday, but I ldk if I'll have it in me by then.
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adventureforwardhcs · 6 months
Turning into anon for this one. Oh, so you can make questionably long hcs about your au-s? Well... (I AM SO SORRY I GOT CARRIED AWAY HERE HEHEHEHE-) 1: 'The Brief and Inaccurate "Psychology" of Anshine™’.
As the only Point matured and mentally well enough, Anshine has a busy and non-stop task of looking after the Points and being a ‘therapist’ since their sanities have been slowly but surely deteriorating, and 2nd SS and Ixol’s sanity are ALREADY gone.
But at least Ulipse and Compale are up to one of the tasks sometimes…
Still, looking after 10 (Strato/ Cyalm, 2nd SS… etc. leaving out Anshine) Points that are generally just half-children when he also has work to do with the Angels simply leaves him exhausted. He, too, feels upset and frustrated that most of the time, he has to leave the rest of the Points unattended when they need him due to Ixol’s existence and other priorities.
Certain days leave him miserable. But he’s just not going to show it. After all, the Points’ sanity and safety depend on HIM. The Points will get worried when Anshine wears down and forces him to take the day off. Not when Celesteal, Voixer, 2nd SS and especially IXOL exist. And besides, they’ll think less of Anshine as the ‘happy-go-lucky, noble and sunny… er- starry Point that you can talk your feelings towards and he’ll comfort you the best way he can with his warming presence and perfect life’ and more towards the ‘responsible Point that should probably take a day - if not year - off from workaholicism’.
Besides - the Points look up to and like him because of his level-headedness, comforting presence and understanding mindset! Not because of his unwanted rants and vents! And unintentionally going into his pre-point and even Ixol’s art, he pretended and masked the underlying depression very well.
And before he knew it, he, too, was devolving into insanity, much more rapidly than the other Points. Am I also going insane?
you can make questionably long hcs abt yr aus yes but w all due respect im not reading all that rn
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"What if.. I.. gave up!"
"Valeria, what?" Bedelia looks at the rebellion leader, confused. "Why are you saying that?"
"Child soldiers, Bedelia!" Valeria swims over and grips her second-in-command's shoulders. "The empire has child shoulders — they're fucking 15!" The fins on the sides of her face lower. "15..."
Bedelia looks at Valeria with a frown. "I know, but those two are safe with us now. We'll start treating Celeste and see what Lexi knows."
The rebellion leader sighs, closing her eyes. "Yeah, that.. that sounds good." She releases the other's shoulders and looks at her apologetically. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have gotten so overworked."
"It's okay!" The SIC shakes her head. She giggles a bit. "Just surprising to see you the nervous one."
Valeria nods. "I know.. It's just.. heartbreaking. Learning the extent of the brainwashing that's been done to these poor children."
Bedelia nods in agreement, but before she can get another word out, a siren is swimming up to them, his eyes wide. "Valeria! Bedelia! You need to head to Ghost's Crag now!"
"Why?" The two are instantly on high alert. "What's happened? Did someone fall in?"
"No!" The siren shakes his head. "I-Its worse! There's a group of people trapped down there!"
Valeria had never swam faster in her life, with Bedelia right behind her. They soon got to Ghost's Crag, a giant crevice in the ocean floor. It was said to be caused by a fight between Empress Moria and a siren who could shape-shift.
Apparently, their fight lasted for eight days and eight nights, and Moria emerged victorious, and with the infamous Storm Trident in her possession.
She shudders as she remembers the lightning it could summon. The typhoons it made with a single wave.
"Down there!" Bedelia snaps her out of her thoughts, and the two swim further down.
Ghost's Crag was given its name due to the toxic fumes that came from small vents. They were small but numerous. The fumes made you hallucinate, see things that weren't there. Those who lived purely in the sea had evolved to not be affected, but those above land tended to be badly affected.
But people being trapped? How could that even happen?
In a flurry a bubbles, Valeria's weapon appears. She was blessed to have one that changes like the water, and she let's it shift to that of a large war hammer. "Bede, get ready to move and use your whip to grab them!"
"Got it!" Bedelia nods, her whip appearing in a flurry of bubbles as well.
The two dive deeper down, and she can hear voices. Discussing, talking, wondering where they are.
"Hey!" Valeria shouts once she gets to the thinnest rocks. "Hey, can you hear me?"
"Hello?!" A male's voice calls out. "Is someone there!"
"Yes, I'm real!" She assures the voice. "Listen, I'm going to smash this rock in, which is gonna flood in water. You'll need to hold you breath. My friend is going to grab you with her whip to get you guys out as fast as we can, okay?"
After noises of agreement, Valeria swims back. With a low grunt, she swings the hammer, slamming it into the rocky wall. It crumbles like paper, and Bedelia acts quickly, her whip shooting out and wrapping around many wrists.
They begin to swim, swim as fast as they can.
When they breach the surface, Valeria finally gets a good look at them.
And she feels her heart skip a beat because she's sure that she's seen those faces before. But from where? A mural, maybe?
Lexi prides herself in being very, very sneaky. You don't become a Tigerfish from brute strength alone. No, you sneak and around and figure things out on your own.
The purple octoling peers her head around the doorway, red eyes glancing around. The room she was peering into was large and open air, with what she presumed to be magic, making a dome overhead, keeping the water of the outside out.
In the center, on a pedestal, was a crown. It wasn't anything grand. It was a blackstone crown, floating in a bubble. Two rings of water circled around it, like a protection.
Lexi narrows her eyes. That must be what's keeping their base hidden. With how big this place is, it makes sense.
She looks around with a huff. The room being completely devoid of water surprised her, but she guessed it made sense. Mermaids and sirens could transform to have legs if they so wished.
Sparing one glance back towards the crown, she rushes off. Completely missing the mural in the back, show casing a giant siren wielding the Storm Trident and fighting against what seemed to be a.. younger Moria.
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bartibit · 6 months
Introductory Post
Uhhhh... Hello! Greetings! and Salutations! random person of Tumblr! You've stumbled either on this post, or you decided to check on my Blog in whichever case, Hi, make yourself at home.
I am Bartibit, or Barti - A random internet person who wanders around the interweb, trying to find the place that suits them. Shy in person, Introverted from hell and back, trying to find non-toxic side of the internet. I've only recently stumbled on here, quietly watching to see if this site is to my liking after... whatever the fuck is happening on Twitter / "Nobody will call it 'X' Musk". Yes, I'm a Twitter Refugee (woe me). And from so far I've observed, I really like it here, so this post is more for me, finally breaking ice.
I actually have a lot of interests, so follow me at your own discression, I will be unapologetically me, I will vent, I will post about my interests, I will make typos, I will share my accomplishments, I will post random sketch once in blue moon. I will randomly fixate on some series, I will post about my thoughts. Maybe you'll find something new, I don't know. I will be fucking random because my mind does not know how to segue naturally. I will probably have reflex on liking instead of reposting which I'm sorry about, I will fight the demons of not reposting.
I am a digital artist, mainly doing some silly doodles and seldom full pieces. I drawed comics in my addolecense instead of studding, making me also interested in storytelling. I dabbled in flash cs6 animation, video editing, writing reviews/video essays (i'm kinda bad at them) and making source maps for TF2 and CSGO.
I also play a lot video games, like I am obsessed with this medium; I love it, it's my entire personality because it carried me through a lot of hardships. I mainly play on PC, as I find it the most comfortable, most flexible and I already have most of my hobbies be tied to computers.
Some of the games I'm obsessed over, in non specific order, more will be added probably:
Disco Elysium
Undertale & Deltarune
Hollow Knight
The Binding of Isaac
Hi-Fi Rush
Persona 4 Golden
Lisa the Painful
Metal Gear Solid
Half Life 1 & 2
Silent Hill 2
Darkest Dungeon
Hotline Miami
Fallout New Vegas
Risk of Rain 2
I also have interest in computers and coding (I can do basic C/C++ stuff), currently studing computer science, I like math. Maybe want to make games one day; I am interested in game design, design decissions and discussion - I just find it neat!
I like stories, like everybody else lol Movies, Series, Animation, Anime, Webcomics, I even look after good unique stories in video games.
Movies or series I'm obssesed over? here they are, again, in non specific order:
Mob Psycho 100
JoJo Bizzare Adventure
Dungeon Meshi
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
One Piece
Saiki K.
The Good Place
Breaking Bad
Bojack Horseman
Adventure Time (currently watching)
Infinity Train
The Owl House
Over the Garden Wall
Captain Laserhawk
Knifes Out & Glass Onion
Everything Everywhere all at Once
D&D: Honor Among Theives
John Wick
Atlantis: The Lost Empire
Emperor's New Groove
Hope you will find the stuff I do here at least interesting Here, have random sketch be upon yee:
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Oh also, LGBTQ+ rights are cool. Queerness is cool as fuck and you're welcome here - bigots, get lost to the void >:)
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purplesurveys · 1 year
Was the last person you hung out with single? One of them is, one of them isn’t.
Have you ever attended a private school? Yup, I attended one from kinder to high school. I only got to switch schools once – for college – because 1) my first school doesn’t offer university-level classes and 2) I actually had a dream university in mind.
Have you ever been in an abusive relationship? I’d say it was abusive in a few aspects, but as a whole I wouldn’t call it such.
Do you like drinking diet sodas? I just don’t like drinking sodas, period.
Can you make mashed potatoes from scratch? I probably could if I followed a recipe, but it’d just turn out like shit.
Have you ever cooked for anyone other than yourself? I used to bake cookies for my family, but now that I’m older I now know they were just being nice about the compliments because they tasted absolutely bland.
If your phone has a hole for phone charms, is it on the left or right side? I don’t think it comes with a hole precisely for that haha, but in any case I’ve never placed a charm on my phone. Just seems too Gen Z-coded for my taste. I like inserting a photocard within my phone case instead – like that’s the furthest I’d go as far as trinkets and such.
Would you rather live in the city, the suburbs, or the rural area? I would love to live in the city. I think I’d need the noise to keep my sanity. I’ve lived in the suburbs all my life and it’s mostly fine and peaceful, but I’m going with city also just for the change in scenery.
Do you know someone who is really ambidextrous? Not in real life.
Did you use a pencil today? Nah.
Are you adopted? I’m not adopted.
Have you ever had your car break down on you? Yes, and omg what a chaotic time that had been. I was on my way to a shoot that was meant to start at 9 AM, and it was like 8:30 and I stopped by a gas station to refuel but my car refused to start up again by that point. The gas station crew were really nice and all of them kind of checked up on my car at the same time til it was learned that the culprit was my car’s dead battery. My mom, who had been on her way to work, panicked for me and went all the way back to me (despite my hardcore begging for her to not be so dramatic lmao)… in any case we called up Motolite for a battery replacement and everything got resolved within an hour, or an hour and a half I think. Fortunately the shoot ran late because the TV crew themselves were late, and I was able to catch up with no issue. Who was the last person that cried in your presence? Gabie and Celeste, moments after Bea announced her resignation. 
Does your last name end in a vowel or consonant? I’m not sharing that.
When was the last time you ate at your favorite restaurant? The last time I ate in there would’ve been around 6-7 months ago. I got takeout from them just a month ago though.
What was the last thing someone gave you? Trina got me coffee this morning.
Can you write your name in a foreign language? I can write my name in Hangul.
Who is the person you often go to for venting? Depends on what I have to rant about. Sometimes it’ll be my sister, sometimes Bea and Trina, sometimes Angela…
Do you keep an actual journal or diary? No, this does the job.
Have you ever been prescribed Vicodin? I have no clue what that is.
Have you ever cheated on someone without them finding out about it? Never.
Was the last person you kissed male or female? Female.
Who were you with the last time you went swimming? Oof, I can’t even remember haha. When was I last at the beach…? Maybe last December?
Does your dining table currently have place mats on it? They’re not there permanently, if that’s what you mean. We just take them out if we have lunch/dinner together.
What was the last thing you cooked in an oven? I’ve never cooked anything in an oven. Baking, sure – that would’ve been cookies.
Do you say “I love you” even when you don’t mean it? I don’t think I’ve ever done that – I always want to make sure I mean it when I say it. Those three words hold such a heavy commitment lol.
Is it hard for you to be “just friends” with the opposite sex? No?
Do you prefer wheat or white bread? White.
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sexual-style · 1 year
Outdated will be remade
dante hehim //
I like cats, tokyo revengers (tr), philosophy, culinary + baking
val ultrakill ror2 celeste,
somewhat straight, aroace, polyamorous
single and not looking
mutuals / friends? yes.
I use this account to express things I typically don’t/can’t express irl.
> basic dni + boundaries = I’ll block if uncomfortable. Just don’t be weird:: holy fuck.
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{ late night 🔞 stuff; #i like this.. a lot. }
{ baking + cooking; #let him COOK }
{ tokyorev; live laugh love tokyo rev }
{ 🍃💨🚬; #who let prick into the w33d again } { identity/sexuality stuff; # }
{ cute; aaa <3 } { polyam; #confused polyam haver }
{ music; #songs to beat ass too }
{ vent; #definitely vent }
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Non-Binary Blues
i think i would like some opinions on this, or maybe just to vent. please like if you read this.
i’ve been going by Skyler for over two years now but didn’t come out to family until a year ago. i live several thousand miles away from family so it’s easy to do, even with facebook because part of my given name is Skye so i just changed my FB to Skye and no one questioned it. “it’s just a nickname” is easy to tell people, because it is.
but since coming out to my family something has felt… off. like maybe this was a mistake. i know that i’m non-binary. i know that they/them pronouns are correct for me. people using they/them pronouns and using more masculine titles for me (i.e. King instead of Queen, Sir instead of Ma’am) has really made me feel more like ME. and even though most of my family is supportive, something is just not quite correct.
i wonder if it’s my name. my deadname is Celestialskye. usually just went by Celestial, never Celeste. i’ve ALWAYS loathed being called Celeste.
i don’t hate Celestial. i used to when i was a kid because it was hard to spell, it was always mispronounced, and you could never find it on a keychain. but as i grew up i did learn to love it. it was a gift from my parents. they called me heavenly from the start.
“what’s in a name, that which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” (romeo and juliet)
so would i? not being called Celestial, still retain that heavenly aura which was granted by that title?
am i allowed to miss my deadname?
i still present very feminine. i have long hair and wear dresses and make up. i definitely still look like Celestial. do i sound like her? maybe the same voice but does it parrot the same words and phrases? perhaps not.
she, Celestial, still exists. but she feels far removed from me now. Her name is still on my bank account. Her name is still on the engraved cutting board my parents gifted us for our wedding. Her name is still on the tongues of many family members. Her name is the only one my dad ever knew.
maybe the problem is not that i am still Celestial, but that i am not Skyler. but i feel i would be burdening people to ask them yet again to learn a new name. and what even would i choose?
do a lot of non-binary folks feel this conflicted? not to say any trans people have it easy, but at least if you are going from one binary to another it’s easier to explain to people. “i was born a woman, but i’ve always been a man” like RAD honestly. a child can grasp that. but me? “i was born a woman, but i don’t feel like one. but i’m also not a man. i’m somewhere in between. yes i know i look like a woman, but i can assure you that i am not one. if you call me a she it feels as though i’ve been snapped with a rubber band and don’t even get me started on ma’am.”
i hope i am not alone in these feelings. i would LOVE to hear other peoples input on this, and their own stories. DM me or reblog or comment or whatever. i am feeling kind of alone in this but i know there is a community out there.
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hyperfixationtimego · 2 years
okay I’m coming home from a trip to Portland so I’m tired but. Hikoto dad moments.
Naegi just attracts traumatized people. He is the embodiment of malewife. His morning schedule is full of “wake Sonia up, bring Mukuro whatever she inevitably forgot in the rec room last night, help Chihiro figure out her outfit (he mainly just sits there while Chihiro figures it out but she likes his input), check by Celeste’s room in case her wheelchair didn’t stay by her bed, circle back to Sonia’s room to wake her back up…”
Chihiro introduces Ibuki like “Makoto’s basically my dad” and Ibuki just. latches onto that.
Ibuki: dads, who’s your favorite?
Makoto: we love you all the same, no favorites-
Fuyuhiko: cool. mine’s Kyoto.
And Kyoto does a little happy stim under the table. She was not really aware she’d been sucked into the adoption situation but she appreciates it! And I hc she’s actually super dense about friendship and stuff, like she perfectly understands it with other people but she overanalyzes and is too cynical when people approach her. So that night she’s like “yeah well I guess Fuyuhiko makes me breakfast a lot”
which btw Peko HATES. Food’s always been her thing to do for him. So while Fuyuhiko’s cooking Peko’s in the background like “I wonder if Kyoto could deduce poisoned food before she ate it. Hmm.” while holding a bottle of poison
Fuyuhiko also adopted Chiaki but he would never admit it. He leaves stuff for her at her door and absolutely will not tolerate her being uncomfortable. She comes into the dining room one day like “I think someone left a toy block at my room?” and Fuyuhiko is like “it’s a container for your game cartridges. twist the end of it and the lid will unlock. but that’s weird, wonder who did that” - queer eye anon
Makoto sees one of his peers is sad??? INSTANT TRIP TO THE MONOMONO MACHINE TO FIND SOMETHING APPROPRIATE TO GIVE THEM. his love language is gift-giving it shows up a LOT.
hehe naegi and hinata tag team the “you are a human before you are a princess and we all love you, no matter what.” sentiment for Sonia and I’m simply love them for it 🥺
hc that sometimes Makoto just wakes up to absurdly long vent/rant texts from Mukuro hsbdkfhendn like something inevitably pisses her off and she’s just “you know who I should tell about this?? naegi.” and he just sits there like *nods* yes indeed while also coming up with appropriate solutions to the problems she’s facing
Makoto 🤝 Chihiro trans solidarity they talk to each other about Gender Bullshit
also adding onto this. Makoto hears Komaeda talking shit about himself exactly once (1) and is IMMEDIATELY like >:0 MOTHERFUCKER. NOT ON MY WATCH.
just. platonic komaegi cuddling under blankets while Makoto rambles about how Nagito absolutely deserves love and happiness meanwhile Nagito is just .////////.
Shuichi: my depression is really bad today and my meds aren’t working
Makoto, giving him a gentle kiss on the forehead: that must be really frustrating I’m so sorry is there anything I can do to help?
Fuyuhiko: Kyoko’s my favorite
Peko, immediately: *jealous swordswoman noises*
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tentimesthecourage · 3 years
Father’s Day
Summary: Stuck in the twins’ Hyrule for awhile, Wild asks Rinku about their dad. Not nice things are revealed.
Note: Since they’re alone, Rinku refers to Wild as Link, if they’re around others, then he’ll refer to him as Wild.
Father’s Day.
Rinku had hoped they would not be here for this disgusting day and yet, Hylia had a sick sense of humor. 
They were in Hateno now, most of them grateful for the break. He was, too, to some degree, but he’d rather it had been somewhere else. Anywhere else.
Taking a deep breath, he threw an excuse he didn’t even hear over his shoulder before leaving the house. He still couldn’t stand to be in there for very long.
He felt Wild might have an inkling, but it really was their family home they had ‘saved’ from being demolished. Honestly, it would have been better if it had been knocked to the ground.
He didn’t know where he was going, he just followed the path his feet took him. He nearly stumbled when he found himself standing in front of a set of graves.
Aryll, their baby sister, bright laughing eyes and a grin a mile wide whenever she saw her brothers.
Celeste, their mother, a warm hug and soothing words whenever they had a bad day.
And him.
Rinku fought back the bile coming up as he read the faded name. By the goddesses... he hated him.
His ears perked at footsteps and he glanced back, seeing a flash of light blue move behind a tree. A heavy sigh escaped him as he closed his eyes. Well, this was bound to happen sooner or later.
“It’s okay, Link. You can come out.”
He smiled faintly as his twin peeked out and approached him. His gaze fell to the three stones.
-They’re...?- His hands were shaking.
“-our family, yes...” He finished, turning his own attention to the graves. “Our little sister, Aryll.” He noted Link’s ears perk and he looked at him in surprise causing a half hearted grin. “Yeah, just like Wind’s sister. They would have gotten along like a house on fire, I guarantee it. She was the sweetest thing, always wanting to hear about our training, what new thing the recruits dared us to bite.” He chuckled lightly as Link smiled sheepishly. That had not changed about either of them, their appetites were the most insane out of the group and they could practically stomach anything.
“Our mother, Celeste... she... she was a wonderful woman. She was warm and kind... Miss Malon... she reminds me a lot about her. Stubborn too, always knew best, even when you didn’t think so...” He trailed off and hesitated.
Link noticed and tilted his head. -And... our father?- He could practically see the weight drop onto his shoulders. -You’ve only told me he was captain before you.-
“That’s right, he was.” Rinku took a deep breath before staring his twin square in the eyes. “That was the only positive thing I could say about him. Because Link... that man, was a monster.”
Link reeled back, eyes wide at his twin’s words. What?!
-How can you say that about the man who raised us?!-
Rinku barked out a laugh, sharp and cold, causing a chill to run down the younger male’s spine.
“Raised is an... interesting way to put it.” He raked a hand through his hair and gripped it, pulling lightly as if to vent his frustrations. “I never wanted to tell you this... because I didn’t, still don’t, want you to remember this... this...” He growled and pulled harder, enough to get Link to reach and gently detangle his hand, pulling it away to keep a firm grip on it.
-Stop hurting yourself.- His eyes narrowed. -Now, tell me why you don’t want me to remember our father.-
A heavy sigh escaped him as he looked back at the graves before looking to his twin again.
“Because he hurt us.”
Just those four words made Link’s heart fall. His grip tightened on Rinku’s hand, urging for an explanation he could not ask for.
“I don’t know why, I wish I did, I begged to know why. He never told me.” His voice had gone hollow and he seemed to be staring into the distance. “It started when we were four... and just kept going... he never did it in front of mom or Aryll, never left marks in areas that could be easily seen... so no one knew. It got worse when we drew the sword.”
“Maybe he was jealous... maybe he just didn’t want sons... as far as I know, he never raised a hand to Aryll or Mom and I will forever be grateful to that.... I just wish...” He trailed off and shook his head, “I don’t know...”
Link had wondered about their family since they had met again in Kakariko. Rinku had been all too happy to talk about their little sister (though not by name until now) and their mother, but when it came to their father he had fallen quiet and tense.
Now he knew why.
Letting go of his hand, he reached to wrap his arms around his twin. Rinku stiffened before slumping, shuddering as Link brought them to kneel down.
“I’m sorry...” He whispered, burying his face against the crook of his neck. “I should have told you sooner, I just...” Link hushed him softly, trailing his fingers through his hair. He understood why he didn’t. Yes, maybe he did deserve to know, but he didn’t hold it against him. Rinku was just trying to protect him, like always.
Slowly Rinku pulled away and wiped his eyes. “Let’s... let’s go home... please?” Link nodded slowly, standing and helping him to his feet. 
-Will you... talk more about Mom and Aryll? You don’t have to think about him, just them.-
He smiled faintly as they started the trek back home. “I’d like that.”
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deathbecomesnerds · 3 years
This is just some random Raymond/Astrid nonsense I wrote last night/on my lunch break.
Thanks to @rayslittlekitten​ for listening to me drone on about nothing last night before she gave me this writing exercise. 
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Nevermind the Jazz--Astrid went full blast with the Indie Rock as it echoed through the halls of the Smith home as she finished up dinner while Ray opened the front door. He was greeted by the smells of dinner, but was quickly irritated by the noise as he quickly took off his coat and gently let it hang on the coat rack before walking straight into the living room to pour himself a glass of whiskey.
“Handsome dictator of my crimes...I can't tell if they're yours, I can't tell if they're mine…” the lyrics lingered in Ray’s mind before he turned down the volume on Astrid’s bluetooth speaker and walked into the kitchen to find Astrid cutting baby tomatoes into halves before dumping them into a salad.
Astrid looked up to him with a smirk, then went back to focusing on her task when Ray set him glass down with a thud and plated both of his hands on either side of the island as he glanced at her.
“What’s on your mind?” Astrid finally asked him after a minute of silence in the kitchen.
Ray scoffed at the question before taking a sip of his whiskey “...this client of Mickey’s; he’s absolutely driving me insane and I don’t think he’s serious about working with Mickey at all. I’m about ready to snap his neck!” Ray vented.
“Then maybe you should? I mean--aren’t you supposed to keep tabs on every person and deal that Mickey does?” Astrid asked.
He nodded “Yes, but I haven’t been able to keep track of this fuck. Sneaky fox, he is…” he took another sip “And then on top of all that nonsense, the dukes are fighting each other--apparently there’s a snake in the gardens, and Mickey is about ready to explode.”
Astrid smiled at him “You want me to handle it?” she offered jokingly.
Ray looked at her “I would love to see you handle 13 Dukes and a Spanish idiot...and then I can bake cakes all day, talking about...whatever you and the girls talk about at work all day!” he muttered before he took another sip of his drink.
She laughed “Well, if it makes you feel any better...I was trying to bake this one cake today and it kept sinking, and then when I finally got it to not sink--after Cadence finished decorating it, Celeste knocked it off the table and dropped it onto the floor!” she complained, angrily chopping a tomato.
“...waste of three fucking cake,” Astrid muttered as she looked down at her pile of sliced tomatoes.
Ray smiled “I love you,” he said softly.
She looked up at him again, a small smile on her face as she looked at Ray who played with his whiskey glass for a moment “Why don’t you go decompress? Get out of those work clothes? Dinner will be ready in about…” she glanced over her shoulder at the timer “5 minutes...ish?” she offered before looking back to Ray.
Ray nodded “What’s for dinner?”
Astrid chuckled “A really disgusting casserole,”
“I doubt it’s that bad?” Ray assured her.
She shook her head “Amanda gave me this recipe cause she said it was ‘good’...but then I made it, and it looked like a Raccoon made it out of trash. If we die tonight, I’m sorry.” she muttered to him.
Ray grabbed a half of a tomato and ate it “...it’s alright, darling. If we die, at least we die together…” he said with a smile before leaning in to kiss Astrid.
“I’m going to get ready for dinner,” he muttered before pulling away from the kiss, taking another halved tomato as he left the kitchen with his whiskey in hand.
Astrid sighed, glancing back at the time: 3 minutes left until dinner was out of the oven.
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chinateacup · 3 years
All of my asks will likely be plot revelations so I'll just do some fun questions 😂 but I super super adore the premise of Jealously and way it's playing out so far!!! (if that isn't obvious enough) - my questions would be the following:
1. Do you plan to include more insights to the other characters (I know we've seen Leon, Aoi and OC Saya but will the other DR THH crew get more involved?)
2. What's one word you could use to hint at a scene you're excited to write about next? (so for example if it was the carnival scene you could have said tent or dolphin) I'll be doing my best Kyoko impression trying to figure it out 🧐
3. Who is your favourite character to write! Do you have a favourite?
I'm super excited to read your latest update once I get some time back 💖✨👏👏👏
(and I'm also in a lull at the moment so you're not alone -high five- it will pass and we will be back to it in no time 😄 if you ever need to talk or vent feel free to drop a message!)
Thank you so much!! :,)
Oooooh yes, I do plan to include some more insights to other characters!! Some of the cast has been pretty quiet this whole fic. In fact, I don’t think Byakuya or Toko have even showed up - he didn’t go to the fair, and she said she’d only go if he went. Celeste and Hifumi as well have only been in the background. Those characters will get their fifteen minutes of fame I promise, and Hina, Leon, Hiro and Chihiro will also continue to keep popping up. Someone needs to nudge the two lads closer yknow.
Hmmm okay this scene won’t be coming up for a few chapters so I think it’s okay to say... Train🚉
Taka and Mondo are pretty much equal in how much I like writing them, though I would maybe give the ever so slight edge to Taka. I relate a lot to his character so writing him comes more naturally than Mondo. And as I said before, Mondo’s goddamn repression is hard to express sometimes. But I do like both his aggressive persona he likes to put on, and how soft I can make him sometimes. Like,, the guy is traumatised and has years of toxic masc ideals ingrained in him, of course he’s gonna have some problems expressing his emotions. Writing Mondo being open with his feelings and getting the love and comfort he deserves just,,, hits different :,). Obviously I love writing for Hiro, because I basically get free reign to be as weird as I can. He’s an extremely fun character, and the same goes for Leon and Aoi, since he’s so Chaotic and she’s so Bubbly.
I love writing for all of them!!! But my absolute favourite is Taka. He tries to deal with everything very logically, however his emotions always end up getting the better of him and he’s always a little bit mad about it, which is just so funny to me. His usual optimism really juxtaposes his own self image, as well as his pessimism regarding Mondo ever returning his feelings... writing a guy as awkward and formal as him dying for a literal delinquent to kiss him stupid is first of all, a mood, and second of all, incredible. So much love for Taka!
Again, thank you so much! I’m sure the lull will pass for the both of us. Good luck to you with University and Society!!! (And if anyone hasn’t read it yet please go read it now! Because it’s fantastic!)
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hatilead · 3 years
Rules: please repost, don’t reblog! Bold and italicize what applies accordingly.
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ANGER:   jaw clenching, hands balling into fists, teeth grinding, yelling, going nonverbal, stuttering speech, rushed speech, slow concise speech, rambling, quiet, arms crossing, shaking head, tearing up, animated, expressionless, projects, internalizes, vents, withdraws, tighter movements, passive aggressive, direct, physical outbursts, verbal outbursts
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JOY:    easy smiles, fighting back grins, suppressed laughter, loud laughter, giggles, chuckling, smirks, whole body laughs, covers mouth when laughing/giggling, throws head back when laughing, slaps leg, touches people around them when laughing, looks down when laughing, looks for eye contact when laughing, sparkling eyes, bubbly happiness, quiet subtle happiness, obnoxious happiness, wants to spread joy, quietly savors joy
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SADNESS:    crying, bottling it up, seeks distractions, wallows, meditates and processes, avoidance, seeks out comfort, withdraws, swallowing thickly, talks it out, internalizes it, sad smiles, depression naps, uses alcohol, uses drugs, seeks out sources of joy, fidgets with sentimental item, sits in silence, broods, gets moody, wants someone to share the misery, tries to hide negative emotions, nurtures others to make themselves feel better
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EMBARRASSMENT/SHAME:    blushing, looking away, rubbing at back of head, covering face, laughing nervously, laughs it off, overthinks, lets it go, self deprecating humor, deflects, gets irritated, smiles, withdraws, crossing arms over stomach, crossing arms over chest, hands in pockets, shoulders sinking, shrugs, falling into silence until comfortable again, talking a lot to compensate
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GUILT:    avoiding eye contact, shoulders sinking low, head hanging down, crying, chest aches, lashes out, internalizes, apologizes, deflects, communicates, withdraws, grand gestures for forgiveness, accepts fault easily, punishes themselves, martyrdom, victim complex, over-active guilt complex, healthy conscience, internalizes even after forgiveness, seeks redemption, moves on easily, denial, lack of guilt/conscience, sorry they got caught more than caused harm, can’t handle knowing they hurt others
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FEAR/ANXIETY:    trembling, crying, sarcasm/sass to cope, rambles, goes silent, gets angry, fidgeting, impatience, clenching jaw, picking at nails, chewing at lip, pulling at clothes, adjusting jewelry/clothing, swallowing thickly, eyes widening, over-reacts, under-reacts, calm, logical, panic, irrational, overthinks, carefully analyzes, talks to themselves, breathing exercises, flight, fight, withdraw, fawn
tagged :   @lighthouseborn   (  mwah !  thank you !   )  tagging :   @moonwoken  (  francis  )    @dochaes​   @tlmelcss​  (  luis  )  @starslung​  @starhone​  (  yes celeste,   both  )     @perfectmetaphore​   @marblecarved​  @unwcrldly​ ( tobias !  )  @povvertaken​   ( elfriede my beloved  )
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Rating Trigger Happy Havoc Characters part 2
Obviously spoilers
Part 1 Part 3
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I really did like you, Leon. I did. Maybe it's the design. The tongue piercing. Idk. But you literally have. NO personality other than "first murderer." I get it, a lil. But I'm so, so disappointed. 2/10 such a letdown.
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Taka, I literally cannot look at you without thinking of Mista I'm so gd sorry. You're nothing alike I have nO clue what it is. Yes I do, actually. It's the himbo energy. You are *chef's kiss* immaculate and you didn't deserve anything that happened to you 9/10 I am not punctual enough for u bb.
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MONDOOOOOOOO. Ily ily ily smmmmm jfc. Whole ass JoJo's reference with your brother Daiya and your gang Crazy diamond I love it smmmmm also you're voiced by okuyasu so UGH. Bright ass cutest motherfuckin smile I've ever seen I don't think you're a murderer 😔🥺 literally amazing pure of heart dumb of ass 10/10 character iloveyouuuu
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Not👏a👏fan👏 of sayaka :/ was willing to sell makoto out at the drop of a pin, literally a bland cardboard cutout character. I do like the italian accent the game grumps gave you tho. 4/10 too bland for me
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Celeste is SUSSSSS af. Sus. So so sus. Literally caught venting but I digress. Her whole everything. She looks cool. Her voice actress? Immaculate. Sucker for red eyes ngl. Also? Her dream? Respectable. 5.5/10 I have no more to say.
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I really, really wanted to like you, asahina. I really did. You're voiced by chiwa saito and she voices my girl seniougahara in Monogatari and ugh I'm so disappointed. You are
Goddamn dumb. You have no personality other than loving donuts and Sakura and hating Yasuhiro. 4/10
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Also not a big fan of Mukuro. Mukuro herself is alright but when she's "junko" she is detestable. Really neat part of the twist tho. Also, it was really cool how her death had so much foreshadowing in it I did like that a lot 6.5/10
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You. Chihiro, are such a SWEETIE omg 🥺 you're literally sayori from ddlc. (In more ways than one dsjdsjdsj) you didn't deserve anything that happened to you you were so sweet! And smart! And strong! Ugh I could gush about you all day 6/10 (alter ego by extension)
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haha-yes-haha-yes · 4 years
bug 🐛 HEYY shawty 🤨 dan suckZ meow :D she/they 💏 mw  𝚐𝚕𝚞𝚎𝚜𓆏 𝙹 𝚄 𝙻 𝙴 𝚂 ! ! ! 𓆉 ɴᴏɴ ʙɪɴᴀʀʏ, ᴛʜᴇʏ/ᴛʜᴇᴍ 👤 𓆈 ᴅᴀɴᴀɢᴀɴᴀʀᴏɴᴏᴘᴀ 🫂 𓆉 ᴘʀᴏғᴇssɪᴏɴᴀʟ ʙs sᴘɪᴛᴛᴇʀ 🗣 𓆈 ᴀʀᴛɪsᴛ 👥 eats sugar with nose cutely💺 Benny/Rabbit (@_@;) Status: 🤨😐 she/they/he ollie xP they/them | scemo harmony ❤️ im harmony 🧡 gods least favorite lesbian 💛 greg & little stinker 💚 minor 💙 acab blm 💜 dm for personals • moon •🍪🍪 •🄸 🅆🄰🄽🄽🄰 🄱🄴 🅈🄾🅄🅁🅂 bee rose 🐇🦷 well everybody loves me ︵‿︵‿୨♡୧‿︵‿︵ prettiest girl in da simulation 5T33N she/her ( *`ω´) cooler than u 💫Irl Nagito💫 🍡(づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ🌸 ♡ I wear wigs♡ 🍡Goal= 6 00🌸 🔐 💫minor 💫 💗 𝐈𝐬𝐚𝐚𝐜//𝔧𝖓ϯ𝓮𝖗𝖓𝓮ϯ †𝖗𝓪𝖘𝖍 Ş𝖎𝑑𝖊𝖜𝖆𝖑𝖐 𝖆𝖓𝑑 𝒔𝖐𝖊𝖑𝖊ϯ𝖔𝖓 🏴‍☠️💉💊 Ryan Gray Ριαν 🖤✊🏻black lives matter✊🏻🖤 hiimb0.style 💍 10/9/20 🔊SODAAA🔊 Shauna 🧛🏾‍♂️wH0Le LòtTa REđ🧛🏾‍♂️ 𝒯𝒽𝓇ℴ𝓊𝓰𝒽 𝒹𝓇ℴ𝓊𝓰𝒽𝓉 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝒻𝒶𝓂𝒾𝓃ℯ 𝓃𝒶𝓉𝓇𝓊𝒶𝓁 𝒹𝒾𝓈𝒶𝓉ℯ𝓇𝓈 🕊️ 𝒜𝓃𝓉𝓈 𝓌ℴ𝓇𝓁𝒹🕊️ 🎭 𝒸𝒽𝒾𝒸𝒶𝓃ℴ 𝓅𝓇𝒾𝒹ℯ 🎭 𝒯𝒽ℯ 𝓌ℯ𝓈𝓉 𝒸ℴ𝒶𝓈𝓉 𝓅𝓁𝒶𝓎𝒷ℴ𝒾 ℴ𝒻 𝓉𝒽ℯ 𝓎ℯ𝒶𝓇 gabbyy . ⚫️ she/her🫀 BLM ACAB ✊🏽. 𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔞 ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙ ⭒❃.✮:.゜✭*.・:・゚✧*:・゚✧⚧️⚢ angel from the 𝔪𝔬𝔬𝔫 they/ them ☠︎︎༒☠︎︎ #BLM ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ(ᗒᗣᗕ)՞♡´・ᴗ・`♡ uwu xd /ᐠ。‸。ᐟ\ fhs’24 || ♒️ astrology obsessed No thoughts just sexy feminist She/her 🌻 21 ♡ฅ(ᐤˊ꒳ฅˋᐤ♪)🇬🇧🇳🇴 Brighton 🎡 💜Crazy for myself💜 Soondingie ˶‾᷄ ⁻̫ ‾᷅˵ *•.¸♡ 𝔱𝔥𝔞𝔱’𝔰 𝔥𝔬𝔱 ♡¸.•* 🦋☁️all things 2000s☁️🦋 🩹🐶 brainless nameless mutt 🐶🩹 ⚠Triggerwarning⚠ VENTING 🦷19|he/them 🐶 Rotting puppy 🦠 I Have Worms ﹟☠️⸝ ★ ˖࣪ ϟ ⁶.. 𝗙𝗔𝗟𝗟𝗜𝗡𝗚 𝗜𝗡 𝗟♡𝗩𝗘!↷ 𝓼𝓱𝓮/𝓽𝓱𝓮𝔂 ⛓ 𝖓𝖔𝖙 𝖕𝖔𝖘𝖙𝖎𝖓𝖌 💀 𝖈𝖆𝖚𝖘𝖆𝖑𝖑𝖞 𝖓𝖔𝖙 𝖈𝖆𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖌 🥀𝖔𝖋𝖋𝖑𝖎𝖓𝖊 ⚠️ 𝖆𝖗𝖊 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖘𝖙𝖗𝖆𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙𝖘 𝖔𝖐𝖆𝖞? 🚬 𝕴 𝖓𝖊𝖊𝖉 𝖘𝖑𝖊𝖊𝖕 🖤 𝓭𝔂𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓲𝓷𝓼𝓲𝓭𝓮 🕷 “You look so pretty and I love this view” Ⓐⓝⓝⓐ 🖤.・*:。≻───── ⋆♡⋆ ─────.•*:。🖤 17 | ✎artist | entomology girl 𓆣 dms open to friends & friends of friends ❝𝕴 𝖘𝖒𝖊𝖑𝖑 𝖕𝖊𝖓𝖓𝖎𝖊𝖘❞ 🖤.・*:。≻───── ⋆♡⋆ ─────.•*:。🖤 @ST/R 🏴‍☠️ they / it 🩹🐈‍⬛🦇 ‼️BLM‼️ 🖤💗🖤💗 🖤1312 ✨𝕭𝖑𝖆𝖈𝖐 𝖑𝖎𝖛𝖊𝖘 𝖒𝖆𝖙𝖙𝖊𝖗 🖤𝕹𝖔 𝕸𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖘 𝖔𝖗 𝖎𝖉𝖔𝖑𝖘 . *She/her* 💗🖤💗🖤💗 Mente abierta🍃 LG(B)T🌈 Rock/clásica Otaku :3 15💠/ Vnzla&Ecuador/ Atleta💮 Un leve desequilibrio mental🌚 Amor infinito a los gatos :3 20 | Fanshawe | London, On | 250 lbs🙏🏻 Stopping bleeds and banging weebs🥴🚑 W.W.B.D Xime🏹 天使。 ⠀》 ʟᴠʟ 23┊ʟᴇᴀɢᴜᴇ ᴏғ ʟᴇɢᴇɴᴅs。 ⠀⠀ ⠀sᴏғᴛ ᴀɴɢᴇʟ — 月の娘🌸 ⠀⠀ᴋɪᴛsᴜɴᴇ┊ᴇᴛʜᴇʀᴇᴀʟ┊ᴀᴇsᴛʜᴇᴛɪᴄ ⠀⠀ sʜʏ ʙᴜɴɴʏ☁️ ᴛᴇᴀ & ᴀɴɪᴍᴇ🎀《 🖤💒Rosie💒🖤 🖤💒Go away you silly Billy~💒🖤 ૮ ˶ˆ ﻌ ˆ˶ ა#♡ 𝗽𝘄𝘂𝗽𝗽!! ૮ ´• ﻌ ´• ა 𝘨𝘳𝘳𝘳𝘳 𝘱𝘶𝘱𝘱𝘪’𝘴 𝘥𝘪𝘢𝘳𝘺 𝘬𝘦𝘦𝘱 𝘰𝘶𝘵! ♡・:*:・゚ 𝘢𝘳𝘧 𝘢𝘳𝘧..!! 𝘯𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘪𝘯 𝘪𝘯 𝘥𝘢𝘥𝘢’𝘴 𝘭𝘢𝘱🍼🌸 *:・゚ ૮ ̷ ̷ ̷・ﻌ ̷ ̷・ ა ‧͙⁺˚*・𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘰𝘳!! ⁽¹ ³ ⁾ 𝘴𝘩𝘦/𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘺・*˚⁺‧͙ Celeste 🐇💕 plz wear cat ears and a maid dress <3 "one love, two mouths" 1s mak1n6 m3 g0 crAzy, c4n’t y0u s33 wh4t sh3 1s d01n6 t0 m3?!1!! ¿¿ sw4g4tr0n p4ns3xu4l/b1 d x n i S w e a t e r . W e a t h e r Single </3 Drink some water lil bitch . ☪︎ ⋱ 𝓂𝑒𝓁 ⋰ ☪︎ ♥ anthony’s dumb babi -19 ♥ ✨🍓🧚🏻‍♀️🍄🧸 local dissapointment piss ⚠️🫀🦷He/Him🦷🫀⚠️ Is crying punk rock? 🐸Phrog, yes agreed🐸 Height:5,4 Starter weight:74kg Current weight: 63kg Goal weight: 32kg Ugw:29kg Seb || Moochi || Mothie 𝖌𝖗𝖚𝖓𝖌𝖊 𝖎𝖘 𝖓𝖔𝖙 𝖉𝖊𝖆𝖉 🌚🔥👻👻 Girl in red💕 She/he 🐝🌈❤ zo ▄︻̷̿┻̿═━一 *:・✧ ゚・: *:・゚✧ ゚・: * bubs 🍄collector 🍄16 🍄they/them ✨bone s🦷🦴 ACAB || BLM she/her Idk what to write here 🤬 💕🖤🔪𝓦𝓲𝓵𝓵𝓲𝓪𝓶🔪🖤💕 🎃He🖤It🎃 🎃Poly🖤Pan🎃 🦟💗🖤Lil baddie in training🖤💗🦟 ꒰꒰🏩・ray ray she/her · typical idiot <3 why howdy there.. 😾 // biggest catfish 𝕻𝖔𝖕𝖚𝖑𝖆𝖗 𝕸𝖔𝖓𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗 ᴵᶠ ᴵ ᵈⁱᵉ ᵗᵒᵈᵃʸ ⁱᵗ ʷᵒⁿᵗ ᵇᵉ ˢᵒ ᵇᵃᵈ ᵂᵉ'ʳᵉ ᶜʰⁱˡᵈʳᵉⁿ ᵒᶠ ᵗʰᵉ ᵇᵃᵈ ʳᵉᵛᵒˡᵘᵗⁱᵒⁿ gσσ∂ gιяℓ ωιтн вα∂ нαвιтѕ F̶u̶c̶k̶ ̶i̶t̶ ̶*̶d̶e̶c̶o̶m̶p̶o̶s̶e̶s̶*̶ Dekuu༼つ◕_◕༽つ💜 Unknown 𝔰𝔥𝔢/𝔥𝔢/𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔶 FUCKFACE 2̶0̶ Xanny⛓🤍 They/bunni/doll🏳️‍🌈 𝐴𝑙𝑜𝑛𝑒 𝑖𝑛 𝑚𝑦 𝑐𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑙𝑒 𝑤ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝑑𝑖𝑑 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒 𝑔𝑜?𝑤𝑒’𝑟𝑒 𝑠𝑜 𝑚𝑢𝑐ℎ 𝑜𝑙𝑑𝑒𝑟.𖤐 LUCIFER IS KING 𖤐 ♡kitty♡ 💥||He/She/They||Minor||Pan&Polymory||💥 💥||Taken by an Angel🥺😇, frens or no frens they/them👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩 (pansexual🍃)ACAB! Ur little bunny 🐰! I kiss the scars on her skin🫁 🦖tuesday🦖 автобус любви > локоть поезд🥴 black belt in club penguin card jitsu spaghettio enthusiast ✧* dolly dolly ଘ(੭ '-')╮=͟͟͞͞💌 * ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ * ੈ♡‧₊˚ :¨·.·¨:       `·..➭ sanrio ᕱ⑅ᕱ˖♡ ༉‧₊˚✧ ꧁༒☬pretty 💞☬༒꧂アディル I hate my fucking life 🦴𝖆𝖕𝖕𝖑𝖊 🕷I kissed the scars on his skin... 🦇any pronouns <3 No (´༎ຶρ༎ຶ)⁎⁺˳✧༚ ✨ he/him + it/it's ✨
🔊OBAMNA 🔊 𝑰 𝒑𝒖𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒉𝒐𝒆 𝒊𝒏 𝒉𝒐𝒎𝒊𝒆 mira mamá una ranita 𓆏 °.• ♡ ╾━╤デ╦︻ .°• im so sick of this swag citty bitch ( ꈍᴗꈍ) Shawty #swag She/they 🍓🍒🥛✂️💉🩹🧷🚬🛒💀🖤 Kitty Baphomet's queen Gore fan and horror addict 🖤 Stay safe babe❤
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