#cbt worksheet
veronicawalshcbt · 1 year
An CBT thought reframe example:
Think different. Feel Different. Behave Different. This post introduces you to the structured ABCD-NC modelling that your brain will love. Build awareness and self regulation of stress-thinking (cognitive distortions and bad thinking habits) with cognitive behavioural therapy. An ABCD-NC exampleActivating Event or Situation (A): This is the initial trigger or situation that sparks your…
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mainfaggot · 7 months
automatic thoughts: every current failure is proof that my past successes were flukes + everyone is better than me always no matter how eloquently I attempt to express myself
counterarguments: ok but even my failures are so tame like they truly could've been more cringefail + some people think im smart based off thoughts that I have vocalized during various discussions:]
conclusion: lol I'll get by. my brains go-to thought process is negative and self deprecating but that doesn't make it the be-all and end-all of reality. perception is subjective nothing matters at the end of the day lol (-> ok now the pendulum is swinging from neuroticism to near nihilism. how I do stop doing that automatically too? Jesus)
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geeoharee · 11 months
hey what's your really specific therapyspeak fanfic turnoff
mine is anyone, AT ALL, using the 'name five things you can see' technique
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fitgothgirl · 2 years
welp today is one of those days that i suddenly just want to let myself run out of weed and try again to take a break. i also already have a bunch of cbd this time too to help with sleep and some other withdrawal aspects. gonna give it another shot!
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conjuringghosts · 2 months
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cemeterym · 5 months
i am a cbt hater FOR LIFE
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some-triangles · 8 months
I am now at a level of obsession with Disco Elysium where I am watching at least a little bit of every playthrough I come across. Last time this happened was with Undertale almost a decade ago. With UT this helped me get a very thorough handle on the way the game was designed and with the subtler bits of player manipulation. DE is not subtle about anything and so instead I'm getting insights into the people playing it, particularly as it spreads beyond the youtube leftist bubble.
The one I'm having the most fun with right now is by this guy named Brady, who is a therapist specializing in addiction. The fun part is not so much his insight into Harry as an addict - again, the game is not subtle - but his absolute discomfort with politics. He refuses to engage with any of the ideological choices, and that makes the game a bit of a bumpy ride for him. It's particularly striking because he's willing to read into everything else that goes on in Harry's brain - he breaks out his Johari windows and his CBT flowcharts and pins the butterfly right to the corkboard - but he shuts down when the game asks him to pick a side.
To extrapolate wildly from one dude's hangups, I think this is just part of the deal with therapy. The aim of a therapist is to make the subject more functional (particularly these days, when if you're lucky insurance will pay for ten sessions, and you better document exactly what worksheets you made your patients fill out) - and being functional means being able to be happy and productive in the society you're currently living in. If I go to a therapist and say I'm bummed out about all the murdering my government is doing they will suggest I stop watching the news, or, if I'm lucky, they'll try to help me figure out why I feel guilt about things I can't control. Delving into the whys and hows of said murdering is actively counterproductive.
This is not to say that therapy is inherently bad, or, like, counterrevolutionary, because making you a more functional person does help with a lot of things, including your ability to help others. It's just a useful thing to keep in mind when therapy and politics bump into each other. I read this paper when I was googling ABA for podcast reasons and it stuck with me. The thesis boils down to: because the world is imperfect and people need skills to live in it we should continue to torture children, and we don't have enough research to conclude that torture could be traumatic. This is on one level reasonable and on one level insane. It depends where you stand, and whether you think "ability to express affection towards parents" is worth that kind of intervention. But the authors wouldn't construe this as a political argument.
Anyway: with all this in mind, I very much recommend reading "The Saint of Bright Doors", which we will be covering on wizards vs lesbians soon.
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veronicawalshcbt · 1 year
A CBT look at crooked thinking and being the cause of our own upsettness.
New evidence based practical science says that when stress becomes a disorder, it ‘causes a shift in thinking’ – as if you had put negative crooked gloomy glasses on, and view the world through them instead of with rational thinking skills. Often, when people become stressed to the point where it is an actual disorder, they don’t realise what is happening to them. Anxiety can very quicky become…
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fuck-customers · 3 months
Throwback to the mandatory meeting where the regional manager printed off a cbt worksheet from the Internet and twisted it into being about sales. It was not abt sales. It was literally a cbt worksheet with a little logo thingie in the corner.
Pissed off abt the psychological manipulation tactics of corporate RN like just let us be a normal bullshit job
Posted by admin Rodney
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221bluescarf · 1 month
I had a talk with my therapist today about not getting what I need out of therapy and basically I'm not sure if it's really her fault. She wants to help me get to where I want to be, but to do that I need to know where I want to be. We can use whatever skills are needed to get there. I really like having a therapist who's connected with my pdoc in the same office so... maybe I'll stick it out a little longer and see what happens if I put a little more work into it. She can't just sit there and solve all my problems and tell me what to do
Maybe what I really need is another dbt group. Or cbt. Or something. I feel like individual therapy was always a good bridge between living life and being in a skills group.
A big part of the problem too is my memory. Sometimes I walk out of therapy and forget what good points were made or if any points were made at all. That doesn't happen is skills group because there's worksheets and homework to hammer it in. I need to keep a therapy notebook.
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goodluckclove · 1 month
Is there someone willing to explain what Therapy Speak is? And maybe tell me if the people who talk about how unrealistic and impossible and stupid and manipulative it is has ever been to therapy?
This got long. I am genuinely upset over this so pardon my intensity and here's a read more. It does not feel good to have the first thing you see online be calling the way I communicate in the world as a human being "unrealistic, stupid, and poor writing". So just humor me.
Like this sounds gatekeeping. And in a way it is. I know therapy is a privilege and good therapy a luxury. As I type this I realize some people dissing Therapy Speak might actually be people who either had a bad experience with a therapist, or just don't have the resources to form a relationship with one at all. And if your way to cope with that is saying it actually would suck to have one - I kind of get that. I'm still going to share my perspective though.
So therapy, like literally everything else in the world, is a spectrum with tons of nuance. One therapist might hand out worksheets or practice CBT or DBT or EMDR or have an endless list of specialities. One therapist might encourage "I feel" statements, but that's a structure that's smart to help you develop a new skill in your own personal style. Much like how no one expects every writer to create only using prompts forever, they're not telling you to rely solely on the "when you X, I feel X" Mad Lib from now on.
When you first start actually using "I feel" statements, it might look like "When you blow me off for plans, I feel upset". It's vulnerable, but it's actually an effective thing to say in conversation.
Flash forward a while later, and you start saying things like "when I make plans with a friend I really put a lot of faith in that structure, and when it's taken away - even for a good reason - it sort of makes me feel anxious and unregulated. It takes me a while to get back on track."
If you have relationships that are platonic, romantic, sexual, familial - I promise you that is important information. You tell someone that and they might be able to recontextualize behavior from you that they perceived as an attack. Virtually every relationship can benefit from knowing the reason why people do things. Miscommunications are inevitable but often easily solved if you're willing to slow down and be vulnerable.
It is not trauma dumping if you do it without relishing in the trauma and throwing the responsibility on the other person. Saying "I get anxious at social events because I'm used to being outcast and sometimes I just assume that'll happen" is not trauma dumping. If anyone in my life said something like that to me I would be so glad to have that information. That's a way to progress in a dozen different ways.
I get there are bad therapists. There are also bad doctors, dentists, and people who work at your local deli. I had a mean barista at a coffee shop I went to. So now I go to a different coffee shop with different baristas.
But like holy shit, if you think it's not worth anyone crafting characters that actually know how to express and explore their emotions in a human way that matches their personality? If you don't think a book can have that and still be interesting? For anyone????
Skill issue. Flat out. And while there is really nothing that would make me believe someone is a bad writer - I do think an inability to explore something this basic and insist no one else explore it either is terrible work ethic.
Also like my therapist saved my fucking life. I've been in therapy for almost ten years, and if I wasn't my life would be drastically worse. I would probably still be in California, a victim of Munchausen By Proxy for the rest of my life.
So yeah, expositional dialogue is bad when handled badly. People who use therapy language as an excuse to manipulate are trash. Sometimes assholes go to therapy and the therapist sees immediately that there really isn't anything they're capable of doing to help them because they just want to be justified for their current mindset. Thats what my mom did.
But like people communicate their emotions. Everyone should be able to learn how to communicate their emotions with at least one relationship in their life. I would really love it if people stopped perpetuating the belief that that is not something that ever actually happens in life. I want to feel sympathy because I'm sure there's a reason why someone would think that, but frankly that was an existentially horrifying thing to read first thing after waking up.
Anyway if anyone has an alternate perspective I'm happy to hear it. I'm going to eat some guac and try to calm down.
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beneathsilverstars · 5 months
it would be cute if mirabelle had taken a couple self-help / emotional intelligence / crisis assistance classes, and used that knowledge to help siffrin post-loops... she digs around in her room and pulls out some old sample CBT worksheets, teaches them some more grounding techniques....
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heyyy guys. if you search up sex addicts anonymous there are free documents and worksheets safe to download from different groups on the topic of hypersexuality! there are more medical theories on there cbt like stuff. very helpful
That is very helpful thank you anon!
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and-i-bro-say · 12 days
Cutt Off the Dead Weight and Redefine
With reshaping the surface-level emotions, we must acknowledge the existence of the event(s). When we know the prompting event, we acknowledge the reason and what took place and hold of our emotions. It is validating to put a reason to an emotion because it allows the brain to understand our emotional reaction, it's important to validate those feelings with acceptance. We can dissect prompting events by creating a chain analysis to uncover contributing/vulnerable factors because that leads pathways to explore solutions to the problems with willfulness and radical acceptance. The best ways to cope is to plan ahead for emotional fuckovers (my opinionated top 3) are exposures, emotional regulation skills, and cope aheads. Exposers are effective and make you stronger and not only better your physical and mental health, but soothe's anxiety and participation in the activity over time reducing avoidance. For example, if you struggle with textures and smells of foods, I highly recommend you list rules (foods you will not eat/smell bad) and then number out of 1-4 how likely you'd be willing to do the thing that scares you, but that you can do, but it would be uncomfortable or a challenge. (EX: eating 3 big bites of fear food) It is important to try cope aheads skills because you will simply become a mastermind que Taylor Swift because with the power of coping ahead you are effectively preparing yourself for a situation you anticipate will increase vunerabilities that make us humans act out on bad behaviors. Emotional regulation skills are best described through the DBT book by Margret Linehan. Emotion regulation is extremely helpful to tolerate emotionally distressing situations that can send your brain into fight or flight, panic attacks, anger, or depression, etc. so it is important to find your fave distress tolerance skills. Plus knowing you can always reach out to me @ And I Bro Say anytime. I can personalize scientifically proven research to help lift the dead weight that’s been holding you down and cut that shit off. I know it’s easier said than done—beauty is pain. NEVER SETTLE gaining the power of knowledge with lasting solutions, rather than just slapping a bandage on a bullet hole.
You are not alone reach out here you're safe, worthy, and strong as fuck.
With all my love,
your bro.
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gayspock · 3 months
the complainergaain. i just think its hilairoussometimes how people say that the only optionever is to go get help when its not there insistingthat its jsut something to fuckign tap into. when its literally not there. like what do you fuckingthink. when you dont have anyone to turn to. when youre completely alone in life. and when the systems beyond screwedup and so so so fucking inaccessible and incompetent it willfuck you up so much more as it has done hafter so many attempts. like my godi know thats the only fuckign "option" after so long of failing to ever fucking help myself OR gethelp. i know that. i.e there is no fucking way out!!!! because every fucking avenue is closedoff and a fucking doomspiral into worse bullshit and fucking hoepless and yep yep yep and thats why i know im fuckign killing myself inthe end. etc. etc etc etc. congrats. i fucking feel crazy. does anyone feel fuckingcrazy when youre just fuckign sat there fucking overwhelemdagain because its so fucking pointless and its not worth fighting for but god god god soemtimesman you just ufcking wish it didnt have to be, having mentalfucking breakdowns thinking about how this is the lot you get and its never anything else, and you jsut wish something mattered or workedbut it neverdoes andwhats it like to feel some lvoe thats sincere to not feel so fucking small as everyone jsut ufcking stares at you and judges you forgiving up liektheres anyhting else you can do and going mental nuts fucking trying to find ways out all of them dpeending on support systes and means you do not have and more ufcking hellish fucking spirals being told you need to try the therapy again go through that process again
like yeah yeah fuckingsure go on the waiting list go endureit the fucking months to get through to someonewho doesnt listen again, for your limited run of CBT sessions following worksheets photocopied to hell that uyovbe begged them not to fucking go throguh with you please jsut try something else please fucking please i dont feel humanand like some fucking dickhead who got the one in the million or has the money for private or who isnt on the fucking nhs refusing to understand how it works here "because its free :) youre just turning it down" and well lookat that anyway the limited number of sessions have been cut short Again because its ineffecdtive youre too difficult youre too fucking complicated youre a lost cause oops i cant say that too much of a headcasewhats that um we'll refer you to the.... the three year wait person and you go there and you wait threeyears and its worseits so much worse by now you go there . and the same thing happens again except its harde rhtis time its worse because no fuckign no the way people treat it like its nothing like the wait times arent ufcking agonising like yuo dont just fucking degrade in the in the interim and to thwepoint where what does it fucking matter and even if i tried to goback its starting from the bottom again and i dont knowwhat to do when you cant even fucking communicate properly im sincerely concernedtheres something wrong with me in that way like for real but i dont know what todo about itbecause i cant even talk straight so theyjust fucking blank me "its meant to suck its meant to be bad at first" how many moretimes of that and why does noone fucking believe me when i promise you and i can fucking PROMISE you its not suckingin the way of oh this is a difficultthing to endure to fucking fdealwith at first its s this is sucking in the fucking way thatfeels im just so so utteruly fucking worthless and unheard and have no voice tyype of fucking sucking triyng to fuckign explainthings to people but . having so manyfucking problemswith sut fucking getting words out i feel like such a fucking fialure sometimes i dont know how im ever meant to getanywhere withthem every timei tried to talk imsutered everything p that i could it would just be ignoredplease do this fucking exercise please name every fucking thing you can hear and asee now fucking get out of my office how many times ive done this so many times it deosnt help iM SORRRYYYYY and then peopleget mad at you why doens ti twrok i dont know!! i font fucking know man i wish it fucking worked do you ever feel nuts fucking forcingyourself to dothings overt and over again slwoly fucking going insane realising youre just doing things repeatedly to make otherpeople happy youre getitng worse but it never matters it never matters to people what matters is youmake them feel good and you just want to die you jsut want to die so so fucking badly you wish it meant somethingyou wish . your actual fuckingrepsonses meant somethingbut people jsut dont care theydont care and youre so fucking alone and go god god
and god thats the other one . dotn i know medication isnt going to work on it. insert litany of reasonshere. but every time i think maybe i'll pursue that again fucking try it again nonetheless ebcause im insanely fucking desperate to justhave some fucking relief on it for two fducking seconds but knowing damn well what its fucking likein this country never ever fucking again im not going through all ofthat alone againand because maybe ifthere was someonethere it wouldnt be so abd but theres not and i dont know how totalk to the doctors even when i try reallyfucking hard i jsut feel like im strongarmed into everything evenwhen i try to tell them its really bad and i jsut fucking panic and the last guy who jsut kept getting so fucking angry at me or the fucking bitch i dont remember what number she was that ust kept upping it and upping it when it did nothing pelase its not fucking HELPING!!!!! OHHHH fine go UP AGAIN SHUT UP AND DIE MAYBE and when youre fucking lying there at night and youre still alone as ever and youre ahving nightmares that are starting to rot through your fucking skull remember this is your fucking fault for not doing good enough again and again and again and i feel like im goingcrfazyoh uyouremeant to struggle through it youre meant to fucking feel like youre gooing to kill yourself its meant to be bad do you peopleever fucking hear yourselves sometimes i dontknow i dontknow myself any more because i thinkmy fucking brain is caivng in or has caved in and thepoitn is how. how is any of it meant to work whatsoever. when theres so many fundamental problems thatSTOP it from ever being effective htat you cant deal with that youcant breadown that theresnothing . tof ucking handleOH MY GOD WHOS GOING TO TELL ME THIS TIME THAT IM NOT TRIYNG HARD ENOUGH WHOS GOING TO TELL ME THIS TIME THAT I GIVE UP AND IM A STUPID BRAT WHOS NOT LISTENIN G TELL ME GODDDD MAYBE ^_^?
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deelitefulrecovery · 2 months
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Mental Health and Addiction Recovery Workbook, 12-Step & CBT Guide for Sobriety, Personal Growth, Therapist worksheets https://deelitefulrecovery.etsy.com/listing/1761025882/mental-health-and-addiction-recovery . . . . . . . . . . #AddictionRecovery #MentalHealthSupport #SobrietyJourney #12StepRecovery #RecoveryWorkbook #SoberLiving #MentalHealthMatters #CopingSkills #CBTTechniques #RecoveryTools #SubstanceUseDisorder #HealingJourney #MotivationalInterviewing #SoberLife #PersonalGrowth #RecoveryCommunity #MindfulRecovery #WellnessJourney #SoberSupport #RecoveryIsPossible #MentalHealthAwareness #AddictionHelp #SoberResources #RecoveryGoals #healthyliving
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