#catra wears dumb cat shirts
loracurry · 6 years
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@dykecatraz im partaking in the catra wears dumb cat shirt idea cause i loved yours
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thatsgay-writes · 3 years
Angella x Daughter!Reader Part 2
The walk out of the woods was a little awkward to say the least. The group that had surrounded you still seemed a little uneasy by your presence. Well all of them except for two girls named Perfuma and Scorpia... Weird names. "Where are you from?" The blonde asks as she puts together some flowers. "Umm, Oakridge." The other one, Scorpia, looked at you with wide and curious eyes. "Where's that at? What's it like?" "Hell." You answer without thinking, that's just what you've always thought of the place. "What's hell?" You feel yourself physically facepalm as you remembered that hell wasn't a universally known thing. "Nothing, don't worry about it." You try and look forwards, hoping to get Angella's attention to get you out of the conversation but she is too busy speaking to Glimmer. Which you understand.
You hear flapping from above and watch as a horse lands in front of the group. "I told you all not to leave without me! I was in the middle of a conversation. Oh Spirits! Queen Angella!" The white horse said. Said!? "Holy shit! Do all horses talk on this planet?" You accidentally blurt out, completely shocked. Angella looks back at you with a hand covering her mouth to hide her laughter at your completely dumbfounded face. "No, Swift Wind, here is the only one that can." You walk up slowly to the horse, Swift Wind. "Can I touch it?" You ask, still completely gobsmacked. "I am not an it. But yes you can pet me." "This is so cool." You whisper as you pet his wings, missing how Angella stares at you with a motherly look, while Glimmer glares at you for taking her mother's attention away from her.
"Ok, mom, I have a big surprise for you." Glimmer tells her mom as the group finally reaches the castle. On the whole walk there, you had managed to befriend everyone except for Glimmer. You even got along with the scary cat girl and the emo mermaid. "That would be great Glimmer, but I want to rest. Teleporting across worlds is not as easy as it sounds. I also need to get y/n set up in a room." Angella responds, causing Glimmer to roll her eyes at your name. "Trust me, you'll want to see this." Glimmer reiterates as she pulls her mom farther away from the group and into the castle.
You got the vibe that Glimmer didn't like you much and you didn't want to follow her, "So what do you guys do for fun around here?"
"Micah?" Angella says as Glimmer finally stops pulling her. There, in the war room, looking at something on the table was her "dead" husband. "My eyes must be deceiving me." Angella says as she rubs here eyes, thinking he'll be gone when she reopens them. "You... I..." Angella doesn't know what to say. She had been dreaming of seeing him again for years. Always planning what she was going to say, how she was going to apologize for sending him to fight. "Hey Angie..." The former king says as he gets closer to his wife, never thinking he would see her again after Glimmer told him what happened. Angella tosses any sense of formality aside and pulled her husband in for a long hug. "How... When... Why..." She sobs out as he rubs her back in hopes of calming her down. "Shh... It's okay. We have much to talk about.
After spending a few minutes attempting to catch up with her family, Angella remembered that she still hadn't show you to your room. "Oh dear... Come with me, I want you to meet the person who helped me out those two years I was gone." Angella says as she grabs Micah and Glimmer's hands. "If I know her, she'll probably be on the training grounds." She mumbles off handedly. And she was correct, the sound of grunts and hits could be heard from down the hall as you and Adora battled it out. Adora wasn't in her She-ra form of course. The royal family walked in right as you slid between Adora's legs and kicked her in the back, causing her to fall. "I win." You say with a smirk as you help Adora up. "Y/n." "Yeah, mom?" You respond to Angella, missing the way everyone looked at you in shock, Glimmer glaring at you. "I would like you to meet my husband, Micah." You hold out your hand in greeting and receive a hug in return. "Ok, big guy, I don't really do touching." You tell Micah as you awkwardly pat his back and let out a sigh of relief when he lets go of you. "Sorry but I just wanted to thank you for helping out Angella while she was stuck on your world." "It's fine, the least I could do."
It had been a few weeks since Angella and you arrived in Etheria and things were going well. Angella got to see how fast Glimmer had grown into a good Queen and play catch up with her and Micah. You were fitting in pretty good as well. You managed to befriend each of the princesses, plus Bow and Sea Hawk, and learned as much as you could about Etheria. The only thing you were having problems with was getting to know Glimmer. You figured that since Angella was important to the both of you, you would have something in common to get a friendship started. But Glimmer seemed absolutely opposed to that. She didn't even seem to want you hanging out with her friends, mainly Bow, Adora, and Catra. Every time you would ask to hang out with one of them, Glimmer would teleport in and claim to need them for the most random reasons.
"Glimmer?" You knock on the door to the princess's bedroom, finally wanting to know why the other girl detested you so much. "Come in!" She shouts and you enter the room slowly and close the door behind you. "Oh, it's you." She rolls her eyes and you get angry. You had been nothing but nice to everyone since you arrived and Glimmer had no reason to seemingly hate you this much. "What is your problem?" You ask and Glimmer can detect the anger in your voice. "What problem, I don't have a problem."
"You clearly have a problem with me. I have been nothing but nice since I arrived and have managed to befriend everyone here. But you have been nothing but rude and ruin any hang out plans I have with everyone almost all the time. What did I do wrong?" You ask, hoping Glimmer would finally give you an answer. "I have no clue what you are talking about. I have done nothing of the sort." You stare at Glimmer completely gobsmacked, how could she be acting so dumb. "Stop bull shitting me! The way your mother talked about you made you seem like a kind and good hearted person, but all I see now is how much of a bitch you are!" You yell at her, completely done with her playing stupid act. "How dare you talk to your queen like that!" Glimmer yells, getting equally as angry as you are. "You are not my queen!" "Ahh!" Glimmer yells as she rushes at you. You block, expecting a hit to be sent your way, but instead you feel Glimmer grab you and teleport you somewhere.
You had no clue where you were. Glimmer had teleported you in the most random place and the only places you had ever been was Bright Moon castle and the forest when you were being led to Bright Moon. You were getting scared now, it was starting to get dark and you still had no clue where you were. You hoped someone had noticed your absence and people were looking for you because you had no clue how to get back to the castle. "Crap..." You mumbled as you passed by a rock, you think you passed by almost 10 minutes ago. You sit down on the rock and feel eyes get watery. "Freaking Glimmer, freaking teleportation powers, freaking Etheria. You grumble angrily. "I should have just stayed home." You cried. You didn't usually cry but you hadn't ate anything since breakfast, you didn't know where you were, you were getting cold as you were only wearing a t-shirt, shorts, and sneakers. "Okay, one more time." You say to yourself as you get up and pick a direction to head in.
It was pitch black when you finally see any sort of human activity. You get closer to the lights and see a few people walking around. "Umm, excuse me." You say to the person closest to you. "Where am I?" The man gives you a kind smile, "Your in Plumeria." You let out a sigh of relief, "That's great, do you know where I can find Perfuma." "She should be in the town center, just up ahead." "Great, thank you."
"Perfuma!" You yelled excitedly when you see her and Scorpia sitting on a bench. "Y/n!" They both yell, glad you were okay. "Where have you been, we were all worried sick!" Perfuma exclaims as Scorpia wraps you into a big hug. "I don't know! Glimmer teleported me somewhere and just left me!" Perfuma gives you a confused look. "Glimmer teleported and left you somewhere?" She asks as she looks you over, making sure you weren't injured. "Yeah... I'm so hungry." You say hoping to break the seriousness of the conversation. "Let's get you some food and we will take you back to Bright Moon tomorrow." Perfuma plans as she wraps you in a hug and leads you towards food.
"Y/n!" Angella yells in relief when you, Perfuma, and Scorpia arrive in Bright Moon. Angella and Micah both hug you, relieved that you were back. "Are you okay? What happened? Are you hurt?" Angella asks as she checks over. "Maybe you should ask Glimmer what happened?" Perfuma butted in, angrily, her arms crossed over her chest. Scorpia sported a similar look. Angella looked at her daughter in confusion, whatever Glimmer had done must have been bad if it caused Perfuma and Scorpia to be mad at her. "Well... I... She started it!" Glimmer yelled, trying to pin everything on you. "All I did was ask why Glimmer didn't like me and was always rude to me. I'll admit the conversation did get a little out of hand but then she teleported me to the middle of nowhere and left." You revealed and watched as Angella sent Glimmer a disappointed look. "Glimmer go to your room." She said sternly. "But mom I-" "No head to your room, we will be talking soon." Angella said as she leads you into the castle.
You hadn't seen Glimmer in a few days since you returned. She even skipped a few dinners but you didn't ask where she was. You had been chilling in your room when you heard a knock on your door. "Come in!" You yell as you roll over, hoping it was Perfuma and Scorpia but were surprised when Glimmer walked through the door. You sat up straight as she entered. "Can I help you?" You ask, your voice hard. "I... I want to apologize for my actions earlier this week. I should have never teleported you out of the castle. I also want to apologize for my actions since you've arrived. I was just jealous of how close you and my mom are. And I guess adding that to the fact that I missed her for so long, I kind of felt replaced. I never should have taken it out on you though." Glimmer spilled as she stood awkwardly at the door, trying to convey how sincere she was through her eyes.
"Well, thank you for the apology. I can accept the apology right now but I don't think I can fully forgive you yet. I was so scared when you just left me. I've never been on another planet and have barely explored this one, so it was a pretty bad experience. Also, about your mom, I'm not trying to steal her or anything. It's just... On my world, I was all alone. My parents have been dead for almost 3 years and I was stuck living in this run down, crappy apartment by myself. When you mom appeared out of nowhere and we got use to each other, it was the first time in a while that I had felt any sort of love. Calling her mom and referring to her as my mother happened naturally. But I can stop calling her that if it makes you feel better."
Glimmer lets out a sigh, now feeling even more shitty than she did before. "No, you can keep calling her mom. If I had gotten to know you more and know your story more. I would have been a lot more understanding of the whole situation." Glimmer says, getting cut off by a knock on the door. Before either of you could respond, Scorpia barged through the door while Perfuma tried to hold her back. "I am so sorry... I told her to wait until you said something." Perfuma said apologetically as she noticed the serious tension in the room that Scorpia had broken. "it's fine. I was just leaving anyways." Glimmer said giving all three of you a small smile as she moves to leave. "I do hope we can be friends one day y/n... Maybe even sisters." She adds on as she leaves. "Me too."
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darkspellmaster · 6 years
She-ra and the Princesses of power, Thoughts for Season 1.
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It’s been over a week since this show has aired, and I guess I can write this now. This is pretty much my thoughts during the Episodes as I watched them. Please note this is my impressions and not meant as a full on review of the show. 
Thoughts under the cut. 
Episode 1
So basically Adora and her team are being fed false info regarding the Princesses and Queen Angella. Why am I not surprised by this at all. 
So are all the cadets kidnapped or was this a volunteer thing? Like are there Horde recruiters that go to the villages and are like “Yo kids, wanna serve Lord Hordak, come join the Horde for having adventure and making new friends...” Seriously where did these cadets come from. 
Also is that Leech? We’re missing his hand suckers. 
So we have a Lonnie and a Kyle and a...? Who’s the third green guy? Does he have a name? I’ll have to look at the credits? 
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Is Kyle supposed to be Mantanna? He’s put in all the gag moments. 
Hey at least they show they care for one another, so points on that. 
Also, I like Lonnie, why couldn’t we have Lonnie over Catra? 
Catra is late...so how did she get in the room before the others did? Seriously someone please explain this to me because it seems like a plot hole right there.
Anyone else feel like she’s a rejected design of someone’s 2015 Thundercat’s OC character? I feel like she’d fit right in there. Also I’m guessing she’s a Magicat, so probably we’re gonna see Kittrina and the Queen of the Magicat’s at some point.  
So Catra puts Adora in a hole, bet you anything it’s going to foreshadow something. 
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“You know nothing is to low for me,” -Yeah we are setting her up to be a bad guy with lines like that. 
Their dynamic reminds me of an older sister (Adora) and a jealous younger sister (Catra) who is always in the older sister’s shadow and seen as lesser due to it. 
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Okay so Adora stands up for her against Shadow Weaver, and shows empathy for Catra, We also see empathy being displayed for Kyle, even if they seem to mock him. So that brings up a point that Weaver may be leading these kids to believe that they can’t show the empathy that they have. 
Wever’s not wrong, she’s going about it way the wrong way, but she’s not wrong in regard to Catra letting the others do the heavy lifting for her. She’s still a bitch for what she’s saying. I really don’t like this take of her. 
I’m getting Starscream vibes off of Catra, someone very smart and cunning but also her ego is going to be her downfall because she thinks she’s better than anyone. 
Placing bet’s here, Shadow Weaver intends to use Adora as a weapon against Hordak and to take him down. Not sure how but it’s clear that’s what shes’ doing here with her comments to her. 
So can I call her Shadow Palpatine? Because that’s who she reminds me of. She’s making Adora into her Anakin. 
Given the “I raised you and found you as an orphan child” is probably a total fabrication, I don’t by that at all. Someone kidnapped her, but I don’t know if it was Weaver or Hordak in this case. Unless Skelator just up and became Rumplestikin and forced Randor and Marlena to Emma Swan her from Eternia. Which would be weird. 
Hello, Dream Works, Disney is calling to get Mother Gothal back. (Man, if I wanted to watch Tangled, I would watch Tangled.) 
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So Glimmer reminds me of another character from another show that I can’t think of where the young girl tends to disobey their parents and it makes it all about them and their issues and...the whole relationship with her and Angella reminds me of Duke and his brother from the GI Joe movie in the 1980s. 
Also, if you’re daughter isn’t old enough to act like a noble in your court, she’s not old enough to lead a battle. 
Angella sounds more like Adora at times than Adora does. 
Okay scratch that...we have a Little Mermaid moment here mixed in with Nani and Lilo from Lilo and Stitch. 
Glimmer acts like she’s 12, and probably designed to appeal to the tweens that are like ‘Parents don’t get it” mind set. 
Okay so how the hell does Catra know how Shadow Weaver got the power stone from Hordak? Was she listening at the doors and such? How does she know about any of this? I would think that Shadow Weaver would cover this all up. 
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So we know that Catra is bitter towards Weaver and will probably end up doing something to pay her back, and she’s jealous of Adora, which means anyone that is her friend going forward has a big target on their backs. Got it. 
Yup Catra is Starscream. Thanks for that reminder show. And basically an older sister with bratty younger sister dynamic going down here. Good on them for at least getting that in order. 
Catra, you know you don’t have to shove her away from running the skiff, she didn’t need you to do that. 
And now they are fighting like some sisters will when they are close in age. 
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Catra is way to reckless and clearly meant to show immaturity of the two girls. She’s reminding me a lot of Ben Solo, looks like a teen but acts like she’s way younger than that emotionally. 
Did you need to have that aside break the forth wall? Could we not have had her look down or up, why at the camera? (Note: This never happens again, so why do a 4th wall joke here? And time stamp is around the 11:30 mark in this show.) 
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So Adora finds the sword in the ground wrapped in Vines. How long has it been there? Also it gives her flashes, cool at least were sort of taking from the original with that aspect. 
Catra pulling her by the hair. Ow! Why? Are you trying to show how immature and mean she can be? What was the point of her pulling her by the hair, why not by the scruff of the neck or the shirt like a cat would? 
Diary writing, or at least the way the diary is being written in, positive in that it at least gets her feelings out. I still think she’s only 12 or 13. 
The moment with Glimmer and Bow outside reminds me a lot of a Harvey and Sabrina moment from the old DiC cartoon in the 2000s. And why do I feel like Glimmer would fit right into that era’s shows? 
Bow and Glimmer yelling is going on too long for my taste. Why doesn’t he shoot her a tin can phone or something useful? 
If she can teleport why not do that earlier and make the joke work. It took to long for that joke to land. 
Bow is older than Glimmer. The way he treats her and looks after her makes me think he and Adora are around the same age roughly. They are the older siblings to Catra and Glimmer’s younger siblings dynamic. 
Oh god make it stop with Glimmer and her mom’s fighting! Please! 
So Adora sneaks out and Catra doesn’t hide the fact that she’s gone by you know, stuffing the bed, or doing other things to cover for that? Maybe getting the others involved to help out to cover? Show she can be a decent leader? No? Well okay then. 
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Oh god, why the screaming! That is not funny or cute. That is like something a toddler would do, and these two are not toddlers! 
So the more I see of Light Hope the more the design reminds me a lot of the Sorceress. So Light Hope =program by the Sorceress? 
Cool Bow grew up in the woods. Where at? Can we meet his dads? No? Not even gonna talk about it? Okay then. 
Devastation at 12  o’clock. Not bad showing the ruins. Kind of pretty in a depressing way. 
Yay at least we’re getting the “Evil Horde” talk in some form. 
So according to Glimmer the Horde just appeared on Etheria. So does that mean that they were from space first? or are they from Eternia and got poofed there some how? Doesn’t really seem to imply if Hordak targeted this place, or if it was a chance thing. Betting anything Shadow Weaver helped him take over as in the original one. 
So can we call Bow the Hawkeye/Green Arrow of the She-ra crew? 
Maybe I missed something but how did Adora get out of the ropes? 
Also what kind of bug is that creature? Is it normal or is it a mutant? How does anyone live around here anyway? 
So Mary Elizabeth McGlynn  (Aka, Major Makoto Kusangi) is doing the voice direction here. Well that explains why that aspect is really done well. 
Episode 2
Okay, so the Intro is very 2000s in that Winx Club/ W.I.T.C.H. sort of way. (W.I.T.C.H needs to come back too by the way. Good comic as well.) Not digging it as much as those show openings. Maybe it’ll grow on me? 
Slap stick, Bow runs into doors, news at 11. 
Well interesting, so she’s blurting out Eternia and can read First one’s stuff. Huh. Might be tying more into New Adventure’s of He-man than I thought. 
Also we’re showcasing that she’s from Eternia with this, so....
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So are the Princesses Living batteries? Does not having magic kill them or something? I’m kind of confused by this? And where does this recharge thing come from? 
Glimmer better get better as this story goes on, or she’s ending up on my “Annoying character” list. 
Weaver still has a way to watch over things. Only we’re doing it like Mum-ra. Somebody really liked the Reboot of Thundercats. I get they want to use magic with her, but a tracking device I would think would do better. For a group that uses tech, they really don’t use a lot of it. 
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So Weaver is shown to be a threat, good on them, but yeah there’s some Darth Sidious BS going on with her that I really don’t like very much. Palpatine wasn’t this dumb, even if he was an ass. 
Party in the forest, okay cool. Though can anyone tell me what these guys are supposed to be? Animals? Mutants, Furries? What? 
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Yeah that outfit looks bad, no one would want to wear that at all. 
Why is it so shocking that she’s never been to a party, never had a birthday, etc? They’re living in the Fright Zone, of course there wouldn’t be fun.
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 Also no, horses would not be used in this world apparently there because Tech, so how would she know what it is? Though I would think that in her training they would have at least mentioned them? 
Good on Adora for at least going to face down the Horde and realizing that this is not a good situation. 
Catra in a tank? Okay? 
So Catra knew that they were being manipulated this whole time and didn’t say squat to Adora? Some friend she is. Seriously she’s giving me bad flashbacks to a really possessive friend I had in chldhood. 
Oh god. Why? Catra’s pretty much needs a co-dependent -terrific. She’s pretty much become every evil sympathic crazy anime villain rolled into one. Sob story, check, poessive, check, has a need to be in power to overcome those that hurt her, again check. I feel like I’m watching a weird version of Pretty Cure with this. 
So Catra is that Jealous younger sister that wants to take over trope. Got it. 
Yeah she’s pretty much a selfish brat at this point and several anime tropes rolled into one, and I swear I’ve seen her be for in regard to this sort of character arctype in Pretty cure or shonen shows. I just can’t point to where.  So Catra tries to get Adora back by being an ass to her and pointing out that she knew they were evil and all that. Yup all the marks of a magic girl arch rival right there. 
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Also magically going away ropes when Glimmer pulls the sword. At least she saved her. 
Really we’re calling it Horsie? Can’t we give the damn thing a name? 
Hey She-ra, Sailor Moon and Pretty Cure called, they want their transformation sequence back. Also is it just me or are they taking music cues from Winx and Witch here mixed in. Yeah also someone really really liked Sailor Moon’s transformations. I mean...it’s not shot for shot, but you can see the influence there. 
So people saying that old She-ra couldn’t hit people with her sword, this one just smashes the ground with it...I have no words. Not a bad thing, it’s just weird that people keep saying that Old She-ra didn’t fight and this one does, but it’s clear that this one is smashing things like the hulk, same way He man did. 
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Well points on the Betrayed look from Catra. That at least is something. Side note...was it just me or was there some frame rate animation when she took Bow off the horse? Also, I guess this is a nod to catra taking Bow down back in the old show early on? 
So we’re just leaving the mess? Not gonna use any magic to clean it up huh? 
Episode 3
Once more  Angella doesn’t seem like a mother figure and seems more like an older sister. They fight way to much in this show. 
Adore is reminding me of a character in a Nick show, but I can’t place it. 
So they leave a person who has no skills about being in a fancy place, in a fancy room, alone to practice with a sword. Yeah this is going to work out well. 
Can we name the damn horse already? He has a name it’s Spirit. Can we not give him that name? 
So why isn’t he talking yet? This form means he can talk. Can’t remember if he talks when he’s not in unicorn form. 
Well what do you know, you got a laugh out of me show, good job. 
So she transforms him by accident and scares the hell out of him. Good work Adora.
Yeah is that Solider supposed to be Double Trouble? 
Also, why did you not change shirts? I’m sure Glimmer had some sort of other shirt or something in her wardrobe. Sure it would be big but having a huge Horde mark on your back, yeah that’s a bad idea. Also it’s not a tattoo, you can remove it. 
So she got chased by a mob. I get people don’t like the horde, but how do they know she’s with them. It could be that she was an escaped prisoner that was being held captive...this show...I swear. 
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So she’s down in the water now, and still getting shot at. Where are the guards? 
Anyone in the mood for a little Into the Woods moment here? 
So add onto Catra’s issues the need to be superior to others. Yeah someone has a love of Starscream. 
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So this is Madam Razz? Oh what the ever living loving fuck! No seriously, like yes I know Madam Razz in the original was goofy, but she also showed a lot of intellegence, even when she couldn’t get a spell right, and in some cases the results were a lot more terrifying than what she had planned. Hell she turned people into sheep, internal screaming commence. 
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Who the hell is Mara? (Edit: Looked it up. So either this Mara is Mara Jade from Star Wars who was the wife of Luke Skywalker and was once part of the Empire as a Hand (assassin) who was sent to kill Luke, but later became a smuggler of sorts, trained herself to become a jedi, and later studied under Luke and eventually married him and they had Ben Skywalker. Or...this is a nod to the Mara character from the New Adventures of He-man who replaced Teela as main girl.) 
So Madam Razz is Maz from Episode VII. Oooookay. She doesn’t need to be. 
I’m not a fan of Razz’s voice. Too much Edna Mode. Also where the hell is Broom? Like she has a broom but it’s not Broom. 
More hints of Eternia. Either give her the back story or don’t! Stop playing with it. 
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Catra has a lot of anger issues it seems. 
And Shadow Weaver likes to play games. I surprised that Hordak hasn’t killed her by now. Must be hard to get good helpers on Etheria. 
Is that supposed to be Grizzor? I feel like all the cool mutants have been removed for generic baddies. Like they didn’t want to tell a adventure story and wanted it to be a high school drama. 
Can we please give her a spell, and not just have her go “Razzle Dazzle”. Yes that is part of her catch phrases but not all she says. 
How does she know Mara anyway? She doesn’t answer the questions. 
Thank you Swifty for calling the name Horsie a stupid name. Also how does she talk to the Animals? 
Alright so...honestly I know the first series was fast on getting Adora as part of the crew, the difference was that it was He-man speaking up for her, or rather Adam and he’d proven to be someone that knew his shit. Bow I can understand trusting, Glimmer...eh...it seemed a bit fast of an acceptance. I would have thought they would have done something a bit more in this case, just to be different than the original. Oh well. 
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So...Hordak is hot. Who’s with me on this one? 
Hey at least he stands up for Catra and knows she’s at least trying. Though that may come back to bite her in the ass later. Also it mirrors his views on her earlier when Weaver was saying that she let Adora get away. Apparently Hordak doesn’t think too much of Adora leaving, or he’s got something larger planned that no one knows about. 
Episode 4
So why is it that everyone in the castle seems to trust her so damn much? Or is that just for Glimmer’s sake? 
Adora...it’s a bed. You slept in one before. How is it that you think you killed it? Broke it is a better word. Not killed it. 
So given the design of the king...does this mean Hordak’s been turning people into the Mutants? I guess that would be a cool twist other then “Well he’s dead.” 
And at least Angella shows that she’s still wondering about this girl. Good on that part. Although she seems more bitchy then she should, but still glad to see less trust on Adora right now. She could be a spy. 
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So small complaint here, why are we making Netossa and Spinnerella a joke? Seriously they are the only real couple on the show and you make a joke out of it. 
Apparently we have a tangled reference here with the way Adora looks at the picture of the King and Queen. 
Okay so Angella doesn’t trust her daughter, but she’s totally fine with the girl that was, less then a few moments ago, considered not trust worthy, giving an idea and then her okaying it? Yeah.. um...shouldn’t that have been the reverse? And why are they not taking the other two along? 
Catra is still being a lazy selfish brat, no new news here regarding her character. 
So Hordak is the one controlling the stone? Huh...is he like an Ozai? 
Perfuma seemed to have a moment of “Hot guy” sort of reaction to Adora. Good on them...that’s about the only ship I can take in this series outside of Her and Bow so far. 
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So Perfuma has a bit of a mask going on. That’s a nice change compared to her more ditzy self in the original, but she was very innocent there. So far she’s been the most interesing and likable character, outside of Bow and Adora. 
Okay so -Ahem...FUCK YEAH HORDAK! He’s the ONLY thing keeping me interested in watching this so far. 
Shadow Weaver probably wants Adora due to the fact that she knows about her being connected to Eternia and is planning on using her to get them back into that dimension, or she’s going to try to take over and kill Hordak with her...one or the other. She’s still an idiot. 
Also betting she’s the one that did the Kidnapping of Adora over Hordak. *sighs* 
Also Hordak is Magic. 
So what are we going for here with Perfuma’s people? Valley, surfer, Cali beach heads? Guru style? What? 
Hey what do you know...I got a laugh out of Perfuma! Good job show. 
Not a bad message but one that was delivered weirdly. 
 Episode 5 
(Side note...gonna limit the pictures because I’m getting tired.) 
Glimmer is still annoying -same with Angella. I don’t get the reason for putting them in this relationship. 
So we have  Pirates of the Caribbean -at worlds end, with the music and design. Gotcha. 
Also is this supposed to be the Star War’s Cantena? Yup it is. 
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So this is Sea Hawk huh? Wanna be Han Solo...seriously? Okay then...
*Watches the two interact* Yup, in any normal show this would imply that this could be a romantic interest with them arguing like that. This isn’t a normal show so I don’t know if they are just playing up the idea of rivals to crushes. 
Probably will be an option for a romantic interest outside of Bow...or she could be single, I’m cool with that. 
Could you please stop affecting your voice? It’s annoying Sea Hawk. 
Can I call him Lance Solo? He reminds me of Lance early on in Voltron. 
Okay yeah we’re digging into Star Wars here because man he’s calling them kids and has some sort of Kessel Run. 
Gonna guess a year older than Bow and Adora...
So Shadow weaver needs Adora for some reason. Could we be a bit more specific here. 
Wow Scorpia looks a hell of a lot like Shiro. Jeeze! Seriously I had to double take when I saw her. She’s a hugger. Horray. 
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Song needs to burn, there is no melody to it. I really tend to like music in shows, but this is not even close to the better songs I’ve heard in other shows. Even songs from Steven Universe, which I don’t watch a lot of, tend to have better melodies than this. I’m hoping that this was more meant as a gag. 
Can we please stop with the dumb jokes here. They are starting to wear on me. Yes I get it he’s not that good at what he does. Yes I get it he wants to give them an adventure...but this set up sucks. 
Don’t like Mermista’s voice. I have always disliked the “Whatever” teenager trope. The relationship here needs work between them. Why does she not like him? 
Where the hell is he from? He burns his boats and this is okay? 
Wow, he can be serious, can we get more of that from him? 
So Adora is trying to help and Catra ends up belittling her and calling her dumb. My oh my she is a catch folks. Either she goes completely dark or she get’s saved in the second season because right now she such a uttler bitch...
Gah, Catra is really really annoying in this episode. She reminds me of the 90s stereotypical younger sister types. Gah...
Hey what do you know...Boat burning works for something. Not much, but something. 
Liking the guys in the background on the ship. Can we have a show about them...please? 
Awww Adora actually warmed up to Sea Hawk. 
Episode 6
Okay so people are working for Entrapta, that’s good? 
Oh Shit she’s Doc Oct. Well that explains everything I need to know about her. 
So I feel like she’s acting like a DiC cartoon villain. Just can’t get into her all that much. 
Why are we making Adora kind of dumb in this one? 
Cool Bow’s all about the tech stuff, and is behaving way more mature than the other two. 
If you’re going to have a trap like that, at least have a near fall. 
Ugly zombie robot done better in Star Wars honestly. I was more “What the hell” in that moment than scared. Hey maybe they should have watched the Episode in Transformers where Optimus lost most of his face, or the removed TMNT 2000 series where Baxter Stockman fell apart. Literally. 
Entrapta...please stop. 
Also She-ra can get drunk apparently. Or sick, whatever you want to call it. 
Well the shit she’s playing with is going to be in season 2, and that looks like crap Evil lynn works with in He-man from time to time. 
Okay so Bow does a good job leading...yay for that. 
Her parents probably died and she replaced them with Robots. 
I could say she’s an odd version of Wheel Jack, though that would mean the staff would have had to have watched Gen 1 transformers. 
The maze bit goes on a bit too long. 
Well that’s Horde prime shit that was used before in the comics. So someone was paying attention. 
The more I watch of Entrapta the more I get Vibes of Doctor K from Power Rangers RPM. Though she’s less weird than this. 
Okay make that she reminds me of Doctor Whiley from Megaman. 
Hey at least everyone realized Bow is the smart one here. 
Episode 7
So Adora in ep 6 wasn’t worried about being infected now she’s on edge over it? 
Shadow Weaver is fucking Mum-ra from Thundercat’s 2015 with all the shit she’s doing and how sh’es behaving. 
Credit for Sandra O for doing Castaspella. Good choice for this character. 
Everyone likes Bow. 
Also, she knits sweaters, that’s sweet. She seems like a decent sister. 
Lunar Lenses? Where have I heard that before. May be something from New Adventures of He man again. 
So we do have Light Spinner as Shadow Weaver. But no teacher? Booo. That was the best part of that story. Also can we tell the story when she was turned? No...man, come on...it’s important. 
Creepy Shadow Weaver. She’s really becoming more like a stalker than anything else. 
So what the hell is with the weird noises Adora is making when she’s trying to relax? 
So really we are heavy in the mother figure aspect of this character right now. Though honestly this bothers me as Shadow should not be scarier than Hordak. She wants to own Hordak and dominate him...(well who wouldn’t but that’s beside the point). 
Not sure how I feel about this change. Shadow’s known for being very loyal as she really didn’t have any place to go and blames the others for her fall. 
Someone was watching the Labyrinth 
So Catra calls Bow the heart. Is she implying that she thinks Adora likes Bow?  (If Catra x Adora is the Rey x Kylo of all this does that mean that Bow x Adora is the Finn x Rey of She-ra?) Or does she think that he’s the glue of the group? or is it just a nod to his shirt? Confused by this line
Episode 8
So it’s a ball and not a Prom. Could have just called it that in the title. 
Scorpia needs to get a better friend than Catra...go hang out with Lonnie. She seem’s cool. 
Okay Fuck you Catra. You’re manipulating the hell out of this girl. She opened up, told you that the other girls came off as uncomfortable around her and then you use her for your weird vendetta against Adora? Get past it, move on, she ain’t coming back. 
Also, okay so the Horde crashed in Scorpia’s kingdom and they gave Hordak the stone. Probably out of fear more than anything else. 
So are they trying to hint at Bow x Glimmer or are we still on siblings not hanging out anymore. Plus side for Bow’s line about change being good. 
Hey what do you know Adora made me laugh. 
Hey...why throw that line out there about Sweet Bee and Peekablue, what was the point? 
90s Make over music. Joy...
Scorpia dresses better than Adora...that’s all I’m gonna say. 
So Frosta is canonically 11. Okay...does that mean the rest are only in their early teens? 
Perfuma is Starfire. Please, for the love that is all holy, stop talking like Kori. 
Chuckles Austen? WTF? You do not put the twitter handle of your EP on your show. That is not cute. it’s Charles or Chuck, not Chuckles. Ugh. 
So Catra’s whole scheme is to kidnap bow...oookay. Weird.
Adora is Dipper, seriously that’s who she reminds me of in this episode. 
And Frosta also reminds me way to much of Toph. 
More of the high school drama with Glimmer being jealous of Bow. And the whole thing is reminding me of the Northern water tribe look. 
Can we take a moment to consider Adora is strong enough on her own to Lift Perfuma up, and she’s taller than her. 
Also that dance between Catra and Adora was a threat dance. I think there was something similar in a Star wars book. 
If Catra cares so much about Adora, why let that shit fall on her? Seems hypocritical of her. 
Hair pins don’t work like that! This is the umteeth time I’ve seen someone do that...they are not like that. 
Fight needs work, it was not as good as the one with Adora and Weaver in previous episodes. Also a lot of animation was off for the background characters. 
What was that look for? Like “Surprised she saved her?” She’s a hero, it’s what she does. 
I’m sorry but that end song sucked. Can we never use that again. 
Points for capturing Bow and Glimmer. 
Episode 9 
Shadow Weaver being a bitch...
Wow how did everyone get there that fast? I’m confused. 
Cute with the figures, but can we not fight over who is what on the board. 
Energy prison like Steven universe. 
YUCK the flushing toilet on Mermista was not funny! That was gross and you can’t hear that. 
Robot scrap collector is cute
Plan seems to be working....and then it’s not. Sea Hawk you are an idiot. 
Lot’s of Animation errors in this one. 
How is her mask working? 
Hey what do you know, Sea Hawk actually did something kinda right? 
Perfuma still proving to be the best here. 
Ball from incredible, inspiration? or round ATATs? 
Can we change Lonnie for Catra. I am begging you at this point show. She’s a lot more interesting. 
The fight with Kyle talking is amusing and the writer did well with the visual gags here. 
Sea Hawk throw is acutally funny I laughed. 
Good scene with Bow and Adora. Only to be followed by Catra being a Ben Solo. 
Alright points for Glimmer getting out and punching Shadow Weaver. Entrapta’s death and the return of the sword were all well done. Though with Entrapta’s death I felt there needed to be more time with them before hand to feel weight. 
Mourning of Entrapta was a good moment, but it would have been better if this was like the last episode of the season maybe? 
Episode 10 
How does being together mean falling apart? 
Strong mourning with Perfuma. She’s becomeing the break out of the characters for me. 
Glimmer annoying again with the Hug scene and not wanting to talk about glitching. 
I HATE this dynamic between mother and daughter. 
Can we get more Hordak please? 
Over all thoughts of this episode was that Catra was playing too much with Entrapta. She shouldn’t have fallen so easy for it. Hoping for Scorpia and Entrapta to be friends. Catra and Shadow manipulating one another to turn around and show Angella and Glimmer making up was done well, but I hate the way they got to that. Catra was still annoying in this episode. 
Episode 11
So the thing with the robot, Emily, starting to bug me. Watching Light Hope makes me think that someone was trying to mimic what Clone wars did in the past, and honestly I think this doesn’t need to go on the route of the Jedi. 
Can I say that Catra in her own way is reminding me way to much of Abu from Aladdin here. The whole thing with Catra and Adora was foreshadowed in episode one, and she seemed like a brat in the past too. Thing that bothered me with this is that it’s not explaining how these two got there. Also some animation errors. 
Shadow Wever is Eric from PotO and Scar from the lion king rolled into one. I really thought the fight was done well but the end result sort of sucked. I don’t think there’s a chance for Catra to get redeemed with this. 
Episode 12
Light Hope reminds me of Jem’s synergy. Also her way of doing things annoys me because it’s trying way to hard to be a mix of all classic shows without doing it’s own thing here. 
Swift wind has become Starlight’s rejected cousin. Why is he talking now? What changed? The magic? Is Etheria cybertron? 13 princesses, well if you know the old show, outside of one, you know exactly who they are going to be. Imp’s a recording device, and the Rune stone can hack the planet?
I want more hordak, and Swifty saved the day cool. Catra lost her compassion, and Shadow weaver is going to come back. 
Episode 13
Finally we get some action from Netossa and Spinner. Jeez. 
Glimmer was hording weapons. 
Over all the last episode was good. Though I would have liked to have seen Hordak do something. Right now he’s just there and I want to see how strong this guy is. 
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