ahjiee-rana · 9 years
Hey, friends!
Just a heads up-- I've been thinking about a URL change. Content will pretty much stay the same and everything, but I've had this name for so long and feel it's time. I'll of course make a post once that's all complete :)
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spockette11a2b · 11 years
I've got tagged by iftodaywasafairytale
thank you !
Always post the rules:

- answer the questions of the person who tagged you and write ten new ones

- tag ten people (and me) and link them

- let them know that they’ve been tagged.
The questions:
1. Which celeb would you want to meet in real life?
Too many, but I think the one I want to meet the most is Misha Collins.
2. Favourite youtuber, if you have some you watch?
I don't watch any youtuber
3. Idea of a perfect holiday?
Rent a cottage or appartement with a lot of friends somewhere where there is always sun and near a water source (lake, sea, ocean...)
4. A movie you want to see in the cinema soon?
The one I really wanted to see was Only Lovers Left Alive and I've seen it yesterday ! (This movie is beautiful by the way !)
5. Favourite smartphone app (if you have some) ?
I'm old school, I don't have a smartphone x)
6. Best way to calm down and escape stress?
Listen music, right now the song which help the most for me is Misty Mountain from The Hobbit. (Scrolling on Tumblr. help too ^^)
7. Your dream job?
Being the director of the photographie for a movie which would inlude Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki, Misha Collins, Tom Hiddleston, Benedict Cumberbatch, David Tenant, Martin Freeman, Colin Morgan (and many more) ... well just be a director of the photographie is good too ;)
8. A thing you enjoyed as a child?
In my village we were about twenty kids aged between 8-10 and we played a big Statues game or Hide-and-seek in the middle of the village, that was always fun !
9. What’s your hair colour?
Light brown
10. Are you happy?
Right now, yes, I am !
My questions :
1. The last song you listen to ?
2. If you win at the lottery tomorrow, What would be the first thing you would do ?
3. Have you a pet ?
4. What's your life motto ?
5. If you could move wherever you want, where would it be ?
6. Coffe or Tea ?
7. The last book you read ?
8. Are you gonna name your kid(s) after a fictional character (or a celebrity) ?
9. What's the actual weather where you are right now ?
10. Do you thing there is a God or something out there ?
Okay, I tag :
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