#cassandra 100% poses in mirrors
this-box-is-empty · 1 month
bad timing
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girlkisser13 · 2 months
dating cassandra cain would include
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• you always go to her ballet recitals and give her a big bouquet of flowers after every show.
• once you find out about her secret identity, she would make it a priority to teach you basic self defense (unless you’re also a vigilante).
• if you’re a vigilante like her, the two of you can predict each others moves.
• the two of you SOO in sync it’s crazy.
• you’re her regular sparring partner.
•she’s really good at picking up on your moods and helping you through any panic or anxiety attacks.
• she’s also very quick to recognize any potential triggers based upon changes in your behavior.
• she isn’t too big on pda but will definitely hold your hand if you initiate it.
• the two of you like to meditate together and do crazy couples yoga poses that end in both of you sprawled on the floor, laughing hysterically.
• she likes to take you to the tops of different buildings in the city to watch the sunset with you. she’s in love with the way the pink and orange hues frame your face. <33
• she’s very big on cuddling, and you often wake up with both of her arms wrapped around your waist as if you were a teddy bear.
• she likes to copy and memorize your movements. she’ll often catching herself even try to talk like you, or just her mouth moving when you’re talking, trying to stay in sync with you. it makes her feel closer to you.
• if you like to dance, she would love to dance with you. it doesn’t matter if it’s an actual choreographed routine or if it’s just for fun.
• you would have to invite her to dance with you though, otherwise she’ll just watch you and copy your moves.
• she sneaks up on you ALL THE TIME. every chance she gets she pulls a bruce on you.
• one second you're just changing, and the next she's smiling at you from the mirror. you don't know if it's creepy or cute. maybe a little bit of both.
• she would 100% steal food off of your plate.
• the two of you love that you can communicate with each other without talking.
• you’d know what the other is thinking based on each other’s body language and facial expressions.
• she always gives you the BIGGEST smile whenever she sees you, and sometimes she'll put her hand on your heart and sign "hi". <33
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jordm · 5 years
Heartland 13x03 - Rearview mirror review
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Previously on Heartland... Lou told Mitch she loved him & oh yeah almost forgot about that whole saga of events.
Lyndy is also talking and giving high fives and it’s real adorable. 
AND we get a “wife” aka Cassandra mention not once but twice! Once when mentioning her doing acupuncture and second when Caleb mentions getting the wife’s approval. If only we saw her (RIP Amy's friends)... but one can dream.
AND a Scott mention (so clearly Ty is still somewhat working with Scott, or at-least using his equipment) so clearly his business is still thriving. Did Ty go back and work with Scott since his own personal side business went downhill?
IT’S LITTLE JACK (played by actual little Shaun aka Shaun’s son)! 
Anyways, Jack is acting off. He’s yelling at Luke when he accidentally stumbles across his sister, June’s suitcase of things and doesn’t let Georgie help bringing in the hay-bales, even though she helped last year. Through flashbacks, we see what could possibly be the route of it; memories of June and himself from when they were teenagers (even if no one else except him or the audience realize it).
My guess is that Georgie reminds him of June, with the way she wants to help out around the farm and everything, and with Luke unearthing his memories, with Georgie reminding him of June, he doesn’t want her to do anything that brings up good - or bad memories.
Like for example, June saying her dad let her ride (knowing how her riding the horses turns out) and then his hesitantcy to let Georgie ride the cart during the hay bale even though it clearly makes the most sense
or when Georgie loses control for a second, and then gets things back on track, Jack refuses to let her take the reigns again due to what happened to June way back when, when she lost control, accidentally rode over a rock and ended up being dragged by the cart (and DIES; this is why they created the quick release thing right? Like if you get thrown off a jet ski it auto clips off). He doesn’t want Georgie to be rocked off and end up the same even if it’s a totally different situation.
But guys, this is how June dies.. DIES. Which is heartbreaking because not only was Jack not there, but she was only driving because he wasn’t there.  Jack said the reason that he pretends she didn’t exist, is because its his fault she died, but it wasn’t. I do think that this is some form of survivors’ guilt and back then, perhaps it wasn’t ‘normal’ to talk about his feelings with his family, so he never got a real chance to grieve. 
Did his family blame him since him going away caused her to be in this situation, when really it was one mis-placed rock’s fault? Or perhaps the other team members should have been close together to help her OR even better, someone should have been on the bugey with her like Jack was with Georgie (I know it was just sticks but STILL) just incase something happened? Or maybe this was more than a two person job?!?! POINT IS, it wasn’t his fault, even though he blames himself and I believe this story arc is going towards Jack finally finding closure... or some semblance of it because time doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll ever be 100% over a traumatic event.
Guys, I’m totally on Katie’s side. It’s totally unfair that Katie has to share her room with Lyndy, while the foster kid gets the attic to himself. This is why this current arrangement to me, didn’t make much sense, and honestly, still doesn’t. Because either way they put it, let’s face it, they are one room short no matter how they put it.
Not to mention that she came home from Europe to find the entire family dynamic different, with Georgie in the loft, Tim in his trailer and Amy/Ty back in the main house. Lou may have said alright to the new arrangement but did anyone ask Katie about what she wants?! Anyone can see why she’s a little pissy at the new arrangements especially since Jack could easily move into Fairfield.
Luke: “Can you ride?”
Katie: “I’ve grown up on a Ranch, so plenty.”
I mean, it’s true; have we ever seen Katie ride? She’s may have grown up on a ranch but lately (as in the last 2 seasons) she’s been in Vancouver, Europe, a friends, grandma/grandpa... how much time has she really spend at the ranch?
Anyways, I think that Katie has been away so much that when she came back to find that Luke was here semi-permanently, the rooms have changed... and now Luke can ride better than she can - she just feels out of place. Maybe taking horse riding lessons with Georgie again will help her find her place in the family again.
RINGO (with Jade/Caleb/Amy/Ty... it’s an all hands on deck type)
So, apparently Amy hasn’t been working with horses for the past while due to the online troll aka Kirk constantly posing negative reviews, so when Jade asks her to look after her new horse Ringo, Amy is thrilled. Add to the fact that, apparently Jamie Wilcox sold Jade a horse with a broken vertebrae (and was beat while in auction?) and has a history of doing this with other horses. 
SIDE NOTE: How much time does Kirk have on his hands like damn man, get a grip. At what point will he ask himself, “Am I taking this too far?”. We still haven’t seen the Maggie confrontation, so clearly this storyline will be going on a bit more. 
Ty wisely says no to Caleb’s suggestion to lie that there was no Bute in his system to get Wilcox to admit that there actually was. But oh wait - luckily he has another horse up for sale that has been acting up and Caleb has a plan!
Amy: “Just don’t do anything stupid?”
Ty: “Me, Caleb? Never!”
They never got into mischief... never ;) and I miss their mischievous adventures, especially when they work out and give justice to the bad guys.
So Caleb’s plan is to “pretend” to be interested in buying in the new horse, while Ty secretly gets a blood sample. This works, and as long as Jamie doesn’t drug his horses anymore and gives Jade her money back, they won’t tell anyone. And since Jade and Amy (this pairing!) won the buckle, everyone wins! 
I actually genuinely enjoyed this storyline; seeing Caleb and Ty / Amy and Jade working together again was a nice change of pace, reminding me that there are other people in the universe besides the immediate family. Jade giving Amy a glowing review to counter the bad ones probably helps a ton too, especially since she can say “she helped the Ringo and me win a buckle”.
Lou is baaack and is hiding her relationship with Mitch from Katie (much to Amy’s amusement), to the point where he is creeping in and out of her bedroom through the window. Like, are we in high school again? Why doesn’t she just go to his place? Doesn’t Katie love Mitch?
Anyways, Lou isn’t fooling anyone with these early nights... okay except maybe Jack because he gets his gun when he hears someone “breaking in” and it’s Mitch just crawling into Lou’s window.
This storyline was basically “kids aren’t as stupid as you think” because Katie knew all along and I still hate that Mitch is being defined by his relationship with Lou but what can ya do? But the result was that Mitch asked Lou to move in with her.  MOVE IN. Y’all how long have they been dating for? I can’t help but think that this is such a bad idea, esp given their history, even if it would solve the bedroom problem and would let Katie have her own bedroom (either at the new place or at the ranch).
Dreamer - Jen Grant
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