#cartoons other than sp
asteria7fics · 4 months
My uhhhhh friend/crush or whatever we are now got me into it when I was at her house for a sleepover!!! She said I only need to watch the first season cause the reboot is ASS -😨
It's true, I don't think the second season really recaptured what made the first one so iconic. You really lose the parody of corny teen dramas when those kinds of shows aren't that popular anymore, yah know? So it just becomes this weird quasi-commentary on 'woke' teens (or at least, what they would consider 'woke' ahaha).
Plus they took Ghandi out of it the fucking cowards. I'm sorry, I understand why they did it, but it's not the same without him.
But I REGULARLY quote JFK, what an icon. The fucking "nothing bad ever happens to the Kennedys" and the "Fowa suppah, I er ah, want a pahty plattah!" is SO GOOD AND FUNNY AAAH!!!
And that stupid hand thing they do, oh my God. Such a sleeper hit.
But yeah don't watch the new stuff. I haven't touched the third season because I simply don't care enough. That first season still lives in a special little place in my heart, though ♡( ◡‿◡ )
Aaanywho, thanks for the ask, buddy!
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chaisshitposts · 1 year
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ᐡ ⊃ ·̫ ⊂ ٠٘⌇. ꩜ 𝐖.𝐇𖤐 𝐀𝐑𝐄 𝐘𝐀 ?!!
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glad to meetcha. my name's chai and I'm just your friendly, yet angry, neighborhood homie. my pronouns are it/that, I am an experience. I'm forever 23 until I decide it's my time to age up. I've been manifestin' my whole life, but have consciously been manifestin' for a good few years now, and only recently have i decided to get serious about it and live life in creative mode as intended. i am a law of assumption fiend and stand by that. also, i'm a major nerd when it comes to anime, cartoons, and anything animated in general. no, i promise i'm not a disney adult.
ᐡ ⊃ ·̫ ⊂ ٠٘⌇. ꩜ 𝐖.𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐃𖤐 𝐘𝐀 𝐃𖤐 ?!!
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i make shit posts, post about ways to interact with yourself on a subconscious level, post about my own personal void journey, and sometimes like to rant. i am not a strictly void based blog. before anyone sends me asks about what they can and cannot manifest— imma answer ya right now, the answer is yes ya can have whatever ya want, even the unbelievable shit like magical powers and monster sps (don't judge me). if ya can think about it, then ya can literally have it. there's no limitations, for real.
ᐡ ⊃ ·̫ ⊂ ٠٘⌇. ꩜ 𝐖.𝐇𝐀𝐓'𝐒 𝐆𖤐𝐈𝐍' 𖤐𝐍 ?!!
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currently, I've been on a new void journey using psych-k consistently, as well as using psych-k to change my own limitin' beliefs about myself and my perceived limitations that should have never existed in the first place but were put in place by society and those around me. i want nothin' more than to help others become the best they can be. however, i am exceedingly blunt and can be mean on accident or on purpose, sugarcoatin' shit is just not my thing. you've been warned if ya choose to interact with me.
ᐡ ⊃ ·̫ ⊂ ٠٘⌇. ꩜ ) 𝐖.𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐇𝐀𝐕𝐄 𝐘𝐀 𝐏𖤐𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐃 ?!!
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psych-k, affirming on a deeper level
muscle testing yourself & others
dear subconscious...
got questions about psych-k? read this before sending in an ask.
did your ask not get answered? this might be the reason why.
building a manifestation foundation
using code words for manifestation
more posts to come!
ᐡ ⊃ ·̫ ⊂ ٠٘⌇. ꩜ ) 𝐖.𝐇𖤐'𝐒 𝐆𖤐𝐓 𝐀 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐆𝐄 ?!!
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void 'n victory
ᐡ ⊃ ·̫ ⊂ ٠٘⌇. ꩜ 𝐖.𝐇𖤐'𝐒 𝐆𖤐𝐓 𝐀𝐍𝐒𝐖𝐄𝐑𝐒 ?!!
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how do i know if i have resistance?
explaining psych-k in portuguese.
when did i first learn about psych-k?
are we supposed to put our strong side over our weak side?
what was the very first thing i manifested?
how long should i do psych-k?
what i can look up to better understand the whole brain state // psych-k?
how i do psych-k to the uptomst efficiency, when in doubt, cover all your bases.
psych-k for appearance change??? :O success!!!
trust your instincts
ᐡ ⊃ ·̫ ⊂ ٠٘⌇. ꩜ 𝐖.𝐇𖤐 𝐀𝐑𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐀𝐍𖤐𝐍𝐒 ?!!
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🐇 ,,, 🐠 ,,, 🎀 ,,, 👛 ,,, 🍓 ,,, 💌 ,,, 🦦 ,,, 🫀 ,,, 🍫 ,,, 🫶🏻 ,,, 📼 ,,, 🍵,,, 💫 ,,, 👙 ,,, 🌷,,, 🧝🏿‍♀️ ,,, 🌼 ,,, 🍞 ,,, 🐧 ,,, 🎀🧸 ,,, 🦁🐻🦒 ,,,
ᐡ ⊃ ·̫ ⊂ ٠٘⌇. ꩜ 𝐖.𝐇𝐎 𝐇𝐀𝐒 𝐒𝐔𝐂𝐂𝐄𝐄𝐃𝐄𝐃 ?!!
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appearance change shifting success
lucid dreaming void success
void success (2) exam success
longer lashes void success (charlie)
void success (charlie) shifting & wands
void success void concept success
ideal sp scenario time traveling
lucid dreaming void success
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𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙞𝙨𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙩𝙥𝙤𝙨𝙩𝙨 𝙤𝙣 𝙩𝙪𝙢𝙗𝙡𝙧 2023
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cheylouwho · 5 months
Sp doesn't have the cleanest track record with a lot of topics or demographics of people but I will say confidently I have always appreciated how they have handled Jimmy specifically. Jimmy is genuinely one of my favorite forms of disabled rep *ever*. He gets up to the same nonsense everyone else does, and every time he has an episode about him it's usually about something other than him being disabled-- and if it is a plot point, or happens to fit with a joke, it's not the only thing they focus on. Things like being in the special olympics or going to camp for additional needs kids happens to be a vehicle for a much bigger story that allows him to just be Another One Of The Kids.
Like. He got into a gang fight and he also happens to be disabled. The ads are trying to take him out for being a newsman and he also happens to be disabled. He wants to do a proper TV show at school because he's cares and he's also disabled. He does a science project for school that gets him accolades and he also happens to be disabled. Literally nothing else I can think of, especially an adult cartoon, is ever like that with their disabled characters. I love that he's just There and it's usually rarely pointed out
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dietmountaindewbae · 11 months
xvii. kill kill
alex turner x reader
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piled up anonymous requests
word count: 12k
summary: part two! of velvet crowbar
warnings: ch*cking, sp*tting, v*olence, ab*se, hitt*ng, spank*ng, slapp+ng, dumb*fication, c*ck warming, edg*ng, g*n ki*k, bl*od, bru*ses. ag* g*p.
song recommendations: kill kill by lizzy grant
"Hello Alex" It was him.
Alex's blood ran hot, pumping blood to the veins on his head, he was completely exposed to his dad who smoked a cigarette alone in the dark dramatically, "Long time no see... son" David said, but he never saw him as a father, he never took care of him, he was never there for him, he left him alone, vulnerable and unprotected, he never saw that man as his dad, he saw that man as the one who made his mom's life a living hell, at least she didn't have the luck to see what he had made of his life, "Sit" He kicked a chair for him.
"You have some massive balls to come here in the middle of the night David, but it's over for you," Alex said with confidence, standing up for himself, he palmed the bottom of the table looking for his gun.
David put out his cigarette on the floor, stepping on it and smudging it on the ground, "I've come to tell you everything Ally, so if you wanna know why I'm doin' what I'm doin' shut the fuck up and listen... there's nothin' down there, Ally, actually there's nothin' for you" Alex froze, "Yeah... you heard me, there's no money for you... there was never anything for you" His harsh words fractured his whole plan, and Alex questioned what he meant by that... what he meant by nothing.
"This was never about the money or the power, this was always about takin' everything away from you" David lit another cigarette and stared bluntly at his son, suddenly Alex was dumbfounded as he looked at his father's frown, he recognized that face he made, chin up, eyebrows pushed together, the corners of his mouth subtly smiling, and his eyes set on his, this was a posture he took whenever he outsmarted somebody, in this case, his own son, it filed his ego to be right, to prove someone wrong.
"Don't you think I know that, already?" David answered, "I'll be dead soon... and all of my money, my fame, my sign, my franchise, absolutely everything is gonna be for your brother, there were many other women before and after your mom," He chuckled, "I have no interest whatsoever in living but I had even less interest in knowing your favorite color, or your favorite cartoon, Matt..." Alex froze, when he heard the name of the boy who he shared his most cherished friendship, at that moment everything was blurry, unclear, broken, "I never did anything to him, an exceptional young man like him could be used for something bigger than you or me, see Ally... your mother was nothing without me, a simple woman that worked as a teacher with a fatherless son... I thought I could give us everything, your mother could give me a perfect family, I loved you as my own but... I lacked this feeling of being wanted, cherished even adored, and that's what Matt's mother did because your mother never did since the day that I met her, after Matt turned 18 I took him away and made his mother my wife, you knew him as your neighbor, the nice lad next door, but he's your stepbrother and let me tell you, he's nothin' like you, he's everything I wanted you to be" He smiled when he thought of him, "Your mother, she.... she was everything to me until she wasn't, she threatened to expose me and take her son with her, I didn't care about that... I cared about my reputation, so I locked her up, raised you alongside Matt this whole time... then I vanished and here we are, it's easier said than done" He kept chuckling at how easy was to tell you everything, and now slowly that was turning into ashes.
He looked at Alex, his eyes bloodshot, threatening to kill him with his hands, but first, he had to let him finish.
"Now that my will is done, and everything's in its right place, I will finally complete my life's purpose and I can become a ghost, I'll still run my hotels, Matt's just another puppet I can control, he always wanted daddy's approval, even before he found out I was his dad, he never had one living with him but that doesn't mean he never existed, I was there watching him become a bright man, just like his father and I watched you get off the rails, just like your mom, Alex, tell me how were you planning to destroy a dead man, huh? Your plan was never going to work since the beginning"
Alex sat in silence, his thoughts growing louder and louder, his rage expanding like fire and flames, he sat silent, too angry to speak, but he had just one thing to say, "If you're gonna die, I might as well kill you anyway" He choked his own father with his hands, watching his life slip away from his eyes but he still was strong enough to fight one last time pushing Alex far away.
Alex punched him with a left hook, throwing the old man's body to the floor, "I know everything about what you did to the girl" Alex froze when he mentioned the name of his most prized possession, someone that was irreplaceable, "I know every single little detail of your life Alexander, I'm taking away everything you owned after I die including the girl..." Alex closed his hand into a tight fist, punching David's face until his knuckles were bleeding, Alex stood up and watched his own father spit blood on the floor and laughing like a psychopath, "Auf wiedersehen" Time froze since the moment David took out his gun from the pocket of his black coat and fired, knocking Alex to the wooden floor, his body falling flat of the impact, he saw David standing up from the ground, bleeding and beaten up, but with his head up high heading out thru the door, his heart threatened to stop at any second, he tried to fight the uneven beating of his heart, and the sudden vertigo, but most of all, he was worried about the girl upstairs peacefully sleeping like an angel in the clouds, that was the only thought that brought him peace.
The light shines through the face of the girl, he thinks it is the most heavenly way to die, she truly is an angel that helped you go through hell, his own Virgil.
"For fucks sake..." Your eyes welled up with tears but before you could say anything else he shushed you up with his index finger, he signed you to follow behind, and he put a record to play, going around in circles, the first note hit and he felt ready to talk to you pulling you in, grabbing both of your arms and whispering on your ear.
"Listen to me" His breathing trembling, "We're not safe here, we need to go, I have another place we can stay in for a couple of nights, pack your things and we'll head out soon, don't worry about the noises that you hear, I need to do something first" You held him tightly, gripping his blood-stained shirt, holding onto him trembling like a little kitten, he soothes you rocking your bodies left to right kissing the top of your head, hearing his heart pound against your ear. You broke the hug even if it hurt and you rushed upstairs without saying another word.
Last night was an eye opener night for him, to sharpen up, keep his enemies closer, watch out for the people he trusted, to be on the lookout because somebody was slowly hunting him down, he knew by now his father was five steps ahead but he had a pawn, a card that could draw back everything and make him start from zero, and it was all in a Marlboro cigarette, he contemplated the cigarette bud, wrapped in white thin paper, the timeless brand written in gold letters, with just one fingerprint and his fresh blood, he was now on top, even if it almost costs his life, he was back, now it could be a matter of time until everything was set up.
Alex began to flip the house upside down, making sure to leave it a mess, breaking papers filled with evidence, and pictures, throwing the couch backwards, screaming and grunting, firing his gun, breaking his sculptures and his art, glass shattering, confessions, and blood, a lot of blood, if one thing should be certain, someone was murdered, and it wouldn't have been David. Alex went back upstairs looking for you, you were in a hurry stuffing Alex's clothes and putting them in bags, Alex waved his hand at you, and you quickly ran behind him back downstairs with the bags, wearing one of his sweaters, your black knee socks, and dirty converse.
"It's time, go to the car" Without looking back you quietly ran to the back of the house swinging open the garage door and throwing the bags in the car, the chauffeur dressed in black waiting for his instructions patiently, once you jumped inside you saw Alex staying back, the chauffeur locking the doors, "Wait... no, no!" Your hand slammed against the window, "Alex, what are you doing?!" You desperately tried to open the door, tears stinging your eyes.
"Take her to the ranch, be ready for the next instructions when I call you" Your eyes began to water as you heard his orders.
You climbed to the front, "No, please! Take me with you! let me stay with you, I'll follow you anywhere, I'm begging you" A knot had formed in his throat as he saw you like that, crying just like the first time he saw you, your big eyes glossy and red, he couldn't forgive himself as he told the driver to leave, he took a step back, not being able to say anything else, it broke his heart, he didn't know who to trust anymore, he only knew that you were pure and innocent, his own savior, his intentions were good and both of you knew it, but it didn't justify the fact that he was pushing away. The moment the man unlocked the doors you jumped out of the car falling, bruising your knees and arms but you went running back to the house, watching Alex wrecking it completely.
"What the fuck are you doing here?!" He yelled at you like a monster, gripping your shoulders until they were bruised, "I told you to go, I don't want you here!" He ordered.
"I don't care, I'm gonna stay with you" You hugged him tight, clinging on to him.
"No, babe," He went outside to the garage, "Listen to me" He got down to his knees, "You can't be here, I need you to understand... it's too dangerous for you to be here and you've already hurt yourself for me... I don't want you to get hurt any longer, please just go"
"But I don't wanna go anywhere else, and this little scrap doesn't hurt as much as me not being here with you, please" You begged him, suddenly the chauffeur got out of the car, he was a tall man with a big beard, his hands covered in tattoos wearing his all-black suit.
"Sir, I can take care of this" He firmly stated.
"No, Cameron I-" The man, stopped him.
"Sir, I'm not only your chauffeur and bodyguard, I owe you everything, consider this a favor in return for all of the many ones you did, I'm in deep debt with you... for everything you've done to help me and my family..." He looked at you and back at him, "Leave, I can finish up here, don't worry about anything else, your rifle is in the back" Alex shook the man's hand and grabbed yours, getting back inside the car, he took off at a high speed burning the tires, but he never once let go of your hand, the feeling of frustration had you on the verge of tears, you didn't understand anything. He almost died last night, but from now on you wouldn't let anyone or anything separate you from your one and only, it all seemed faith, but people seemed to get in the way trying to break you apart after you wanted to run away from him, now you want to run away with him wherever he took you, it was only you and him, with a rifle and a few bags in the back.
It took you almost 30 minutes to get to San Bernadino, a small almost empty city, like a ghost town but it was beautiful, going past the woods and through a lakeside, driving on a dirt road until Alex parked his car outside a big old ranch, he kindly opened the door for you and took out the bags letting your way in thru the comfy house, suddenly you heard the engine of a motorcycle start.
You went outside, covering your eyes from the light, mouthing "Where are you going?"
He got out of the bike, the wind blowing wild, lifting up his shirt, his dark glasses didn't allow you to define what was he feeling or thinking at the moment, "I need to be certain that no one is following us, please stay in the house, I'll be back in 20" He pecked your lips before he took off in his black bike.
Once inside you glanced at the bags, you didn't want to unpack them, you didn't want to give in to the thought that maybe you would stay in this ranch locked up for more than you estimated, so you cleaned it up as you babble to a song you couldn't get out of your head, you didn't want to think about the risks, what was at stake, what could happen, because anything could happen and Alex was out there, alone and unprotected, while you were sheltered, you didn't want to think about it more, you just made time cleaning, made food for whenever he arrived, you wanted to be present, show him that no matter what, you will be his own little shelter.
You tried to find comfort in organizing the house, it was beautiful with an at home studio, you wondered how Alex found this place, by the time you finished you went inside the bathroom, you had never seen a ranch quite like this before, so luxurious but vintage, the bathtub was comfy, small but two people could fit in there comfortably, it was cober, and thankfully the water was warm, you dipped your whole body inside the tub, drowning the loud and overwhelming silence, you closed your eyes and tried to picture a better life with Alex in the backyard of your own house, him playing his favorite songs on his old record player smoking a cigarette as he watches you decorate the garden with flowers, picking lilies and peonies, you found comfort in those thoughts, you bathed your whole subconscious in those ideas and you went back up to the surface, just as you were raising above you heard a noise that fractured the silence, the water splashes from the drain to the tub, you were quiet, only the sound of the water drops could be trusted, maybe that noise was in your head, but nevertheless you waited until you heard footsteps coming your way, in sync with the water drops, your breathing got stuck, and you froze when you saw him.
Bathed in a cold sweat, with every old bruise on his thick skin there was a new open one, you didn't speak, you didn't cry, you stood up and watched him so dazed and numb, bleeding, and filled with violence, you could see it in his eyes, he was sick, this revolting feeling that twisted his stomach, he was worn out, you got up from the tub, water running down your body, stepping out and approaching him, no questions asked, he tore off every other thought from his mind the moment he saw you in the tub, your hair wet and slicked back like a siren, he was a lost sailor in the deep sea.
You closed the space between you, he hugged your naked back, his hands dropping to your hips, your arms wrapped around the back of his head, his heart beating fast as you pressed yourself closer to him, you held him tight, you could feel it somehow, you broke the hug and took his hand walking him to the tub, fixing him out of his blood-stained shirt, taking it off button by button and sliding it down his bruised arms, your fingertips traced the veins that ran thru his purple bruises and the new open scars on his knuckles, now that you could see him closely, his bottom lip was torn, his left eye was punched, a little bit swollen and red, he was in a bad state, you zipped out his jeans and pulled them down along with his boxers, he kicked his shoes off and went inside the tub with you, he rests his body on top of yours, wrapping your legs and arms around him, cleaning the blood out of his body softly, "I'm glad you're here with me babe" He said, your heart warmed up, you felt that knot on your stomach detangle, now you were holding him, and he was alive, bruised up but you would take care of him.
"You don't know how much-... I was so scared" You whipped your nose, holding back the tears as best as you could, "You don't need to tell me what happened, just tell me it's gonna be ok for at least tonight, that you'll be here and we'll wake up together" You whispered to his ear.
He held your hand and nodded, "Everything's gonna be ok, I promise" You ran your hand down his arm and you looked closely at the flower tattoo on his inner arm, you traced it with your fingertips.
"Tell me about your tattoo, I love the shape of that flower," You said to him, that hint of excitement in your voice made him smile.
"It's the natal flower of my city, Sheffield... I got it in 2012, a little bit pissed but at the time I thought it was sick tha knows... like it made me a real tough mother fucker with a flower tattoo" You both laughed in unison, "But now it's just pure nostalgia, but it makes me feel close to the memories of my adolescence"
"Which is your favorite memory?"
"The day I lost my virginity" He quickly answered, you smacked your lips and he chuckled, "To be honest it was embarrassing... but it was the same day that I played a gig with my mates" You gasped.
"You were in a band?!" He hummed a yes with the cheekiest smile on his face, "So that makes me a groupie?"
"Mhm, yes babe, but you know we had a few gigs in pubs, I worked on one of them actually but our first one was in a pub called The Grapes, amazing, so exciting but I was nervous at the moment but I still wanted to do it, we weren't the best but I knew that it wouldn't kill me to try and do it," You hummed playing with his hair.
"What was the band called?"
"Arctic Monkeys, I played the guitar, Andy the bass, Cookie the rhythm guitar, and Matt..." He stayed quiet for more than a minute, gathering his memories and trying not to let his emotions get the worst of him, "He... played the drums, and he played the hell out of them, I wish you could've seen us" You could hear the nostalgia on his voice.
"I think I was in primary school at that time" Both of you laughed loudly when you reminded Alex of that age gap, but if you didn't mind it he didn't either, "I bet you guys rocked,"
"That's right, all of us grew up together, and played in the same soccer team except Jaime, I was really good at basketball as well, but you know I wasn't really a good-looking guy"
You hummed disagreeing, "I think no matter how old you are, you'd still be breaking hearts"
"Nah," He said, "I took it slow, one girl at a time, I never really knew how to express love, I knew what it was, but I wasn't sure if I could handle it, or if it would be enough, and yeah... I don't know... I never really told anyone that" You massaged his hair with your fingers.
"It's alright, baby," You said kissing his cheek, "I think I was saying that more of me than you, I'm an asshole when it comes to love, deep down I know that I'm not good enough for anyone, so I broke plenty of hearts... before I cling onto people, I know I'll disappoint them, so I much rather hate myself than making them have the wrong impression of love,"
"You know what... we could work with that," He said hopefully, "Tell me more about you, was your first time good?" He asked, making you blush with embarrassment and cover your face with both of your hands.
"It was... um... in 11th grade, I think... I met the guy outside a party, smoking some shit and he gave me some, we liked each other and we went with it, but I didn't really enjoy it, it was funny, he was sloppy but careful... and I thought I would just be straight up bad but he showed me the opposite, after that I just repeated the process, talked and once they quiet down I look at them like this" You turned his face, deeply staring at his eyes, your eyes turned from dark to doe and he smiled, kissing your lips lingeringly.
"I see what you're up to" You smiled, and changed the conversation to him.
"And you?"
He cleared his throat, "Well... after the gig we went to crack a few at Cookie's and we had a blast, at the time I was in the middle of starting a relationship with this girl that I had a crush on, neither of us wanted to admit it, but when we set it on stone, we began to date... I think it wasn't that bad, I did all of the job, trying to please her more than meself, and to impress her even if I didn't know much, she said it was good but nobody's first time is amazing" You agreed with him.
"Have you ever fallen in love?" You asked him, he turned to look at you, tracing his thumb and index down to your chin, he looked at you in the same way he looked at you when you first kissed him.
"I think I'm beginning to know what it feels like" For the longest time you had waited for those tingles in your tummy, and your cheeks to feel warm and hot, you visibly blushed and your mouth curled into a smile, because you felt it too, there was nothing more beautiful and pure than the nakedness of the heart.
"Fuck you," You said with a smile, hiding your face. He teased you trying to make you laugh by tickling your sides until he pulled your hands down, it was the first time you blushed, your cheeks painted crimson, "Don't look at me like that!" He pinned your hands down switching places to be face to face with you, "Tell me more about your little girlfriends" You switched the subject.
"Mmm, tell me about yours"
"Why would you wanna know about mine?" You crossed your arms while he stared at you darkly, knowing you couldn't be able to win the staring contest that he put you in, you began to talk, "Never had an official boyfriend, you know? it was kinda like a few months thing, flirting and you know, eventually, we just agreed to say goodbye, but the sex... what more could you ask for?" He moved closer to you, tilting his head to the side, trying to find another angle to get to you.
"Teenage angst?" He questioned.
"Yeah..." You giggled, "Being curious about the things that you like... if you like your hair to be pulled, chocking, tongue kissing, you know... that" You giggled awkwardly while he kept looking at you with a smirk.
"And what else?... did you like the stuff that you did with them? was there a guy that was remarkable?"
You hummed and smiled as you remembered, "Actually... yes," You lift your eyebrow, "He was something else, the best I had in the time, fun and adventurous, he had no shame in asking the things that I might like, asked me if I wanted to be chocked while he had his hands around my neck if I liked being called names..."
"Better than me?" His fingers trailed up your body so gently, from your knees up to your inner thigh, "Answer me"
You drew your leg back, pushing him to stay still as you crawl on top of him, "Don't act like that, he was only fun because I made him fun, I only used him because he fitted me so well..." Your tongue attacked his ear, sloppily kissing him with your open warm mouth, Alex began to feel himself giving into you, your back so soft and your kisses so wet, he could feel himself getting aroused but he didn't want to, he wanted to have complete control over you and your body, he smacked your ass roughly abruptly taking the control.
"Dirty fuckin' cunt" You smiled as he spat, your eyes made him melt when you posed them so innocent and cute.
"Did I upset you... Daddy?" You purred with a pout on your face.
"Mmm, it don't matter to me... who he was, or what he did with you, you had your fun... now it's my turn" You smile widely when you felt his head on the entrance of your cunt, you could feel it in your tummy, that same spark starting to flutter and expand all over your body, like electric shocks, "'Cause I know that deep down, you wish to be somebody else's toy" You moaned with pleasure when you felt the tip of his cock inside you, your walls contracting at the urge of more of him, "Say it," He said, looking at you with that mischievous smile, and his eyes turning evil and childish.
"Say what?" You asked, just to get him to pull your hair or choke you with his hands, but it made you earn a smack on the ass, in his hand he could fit half of your face and he squished it pulling you closer to his face, "I'm daddy's toy" You whispered very quietly.
"Again" He ordered.
With a grin, you pecked his lips and said, "I'm daddy's little toy" You wave your ass out crawling on top, "Won't you play with me?" You put his finger inside your mouth biting it.
"You're adorable" He pushed his hips, sliding all the way inside you, you gasped as chills ran up your spine, "Especially when you open your mouth just like that, to moan whenever I'm inside you, whenever daddy's cock is fucking your tight pussy, I wanna hear you gagging for just a little bit of my cum, I know how wet it makes you think about me filling you up till the very last..." You groan, your movements starting to build up, setting a pace that was harder, rocking your hips more aggressively, "You want more, you greedy fucking whore, wanting more of me cock, don't you? playin' around with me... this is what you get..." He wasn't even trying to please you, it was enough the pleasure that you gave him, you could feel his cock hardening with each time you rocked your hips, and that was enough pleasure for you.
"Mmm... Daddy please, I want you..." Watching his tough gaze was making you wetter, the danger that surrounds him, the violence, the bruises, it just made you want more even when he was cold as ice, he felt so amazing, the water turning warm as he picked up a harsh pace pulling your body forward, his face between your tits as your ass bounces against his cock, water splashing, meat crashing, your body grinding asking for more contact with his body, his bottom lip caught in between his teeth, you closed your eyes enjoying the feeling of how much he needs you, he needs you so badly that it consumes him completely, carnal lovemaking.
His movement decreased as he felt you slowly reaching your end, so he put off the flame, you whined and pulled his hair back, "Are you in touch with your darkest fantasies... desires and thoughts?" You gasped, that question made something in your heart skip a beat, and your brain clicked the pieces together, you smiled pulling your body forward, wrapping both of your arms around him.
"Why? Are you gonna make them come true?"
"Tell me what you want and you can have it" He answers fast without stuttering, looking directly into your eyes, "I wanna know what you're thinking, what's in that little head of yours" He caressed your hair with the palm of his hand, you wanted things to move quickly, just having him inside you filling you up was enough to keep you on the edge.
"Degrade me," You said a little doubtful, you didn't know how much could he be ok with, even the thought of saying certain things that you were interested in trying made you doubt a little if you could even like them.
"I already know that... but you didn't even have to tell me that, I saw it in your face, a corrupt angel" He whispered to your mouth, kissing you passionately so you could feel the love.
"I have tried somethings but... never this and this is something I always wanted to do," You referred to the shower, "But more than just thoughts, I think you're my darkest fantasy, I like how big you are, how you fit me, how you hold me and hurt me, how much it lingers in my body, I love how you push me down and fuck me until my vision is blurry and the air is too thick to breathe, I love the sharpness of your jaw and your knife, the spanking and your punishments, I love everything about it" You smiled leaning for a big kiss, the kind that made you smile widely.
He slowly began to thrust his hips, pushing his dick inside you, your walls contracting desperately for more friction, the spot getting tighter as his hand dropped in between your legs, circling your clit in gentle circles, you whimpered moving your hips to his rhythm, your fingernails caressing the soft hairs on the back of his head.
"Do you like how daddy fills you up?" you hissed, your head arching back, nipples getting hard, "You look so pretty when you take daddy's cock" You blushed at his words, feeling your entire body being covered by this sudden heat wave, but it got washed away the minute he slipped out of your entirely.
"Wait, what are you doing?" you whined, "Please Daddy don't take it away, I need it" you begged him, without saying another word he stood up, taking a step out of the shower, while you sat there, you could see him all, that piece of meat that hung between his legs, hard and swollen red.
You tried to stand up but he stopped you, his hand on your shoulder, "I wanna see you"
"What do you mean? you can see me" he said no with his head as if he really couldn't see you naked already.
"I wanna see your hands in between your legs, touching yourself so nasty, right in front of me" You didn't understand from where he got this but you obeyed, that tone of his boys and his killer glare told you to not say more, and just stare at him.
You put your hand in between your legs just like he wanted, it was all up to you, but after feeling Alex yesterday you knew touching yourself wouldn't feel as good as him, none the less you began to rub yourself in a gentle calm, and teasing circles, staring at him, biting your bottom lip and closing your eyes as you let your mind drown in the thought of yesterday.
"Don't..." he raised his voice, "I want you to tell me what are you thinking about, I want to hear you, everything I wanna know you everything, keep your eyes on me and you'll get it" You smiled, a little bit coughs off guard by his request.
"Daddy..." You sigh with your sweet voice, your fingers slowly gathering up a gentle pace on your swollen clit, it hurt a little bit to rub it down but it turned you on more to see him in all of his glory, you glorified his body, every inch of it, every muscle and vein that ran above his skin, everything about him was pure ecstasy, "I remember last night so vividly when you kissed me..." You exhaled, "And I was sat down on your leg, I could feel you... I could feel how hard you were getting for me, for my lips and the kiss I gave you, I knew it since then... I could feel how badly you wanted to fuck me"
"Keep going" He gulped, slowly beginning to stroke himself right in front of your eyes, that now didn't want to blink, you didn't wanna miss the way his hand grabbed his dick and began to jerk it.
"I-..." You bite down on your lip, "I can feel you inside me, you fuck me up so badly... I just want it back inside me again, it's as if I was drooling for you to be back in it, to have me all bruised and sore, I just need to feel you again, I can't do this by myself I need you..." You whine, stopping your fingers, "Nothing I could do to myself would ever be as good as you, what did you do to me, what did you do to me?"
"I showed you who you really are, the real you, not what everyone sees, I have seen you, I have tried you... been inside you, and I love every part of you, and I will love even the ones I don't know just yet" You looked at him, and you knew you were gone, you didn't want to be free anymore, didn't want to be away from him, because you love that man, he grabbed your hand, kneeling in front of you, guiding your fingers in big circles on your cunt.
"Tell me you love me"
"I love you, I love you..." Your moans started to get out of control, "I love you! I love you!" His fingers pushed yours back, you bucked your hips forward trying to get them to sink deeper but you couldn't, nothing could be as deep as he is, he was an ocean that washed you away, you tried to keep reaching deeper, trying to find your ending but you were no way near of finishing, even if he was the one that kept your fingers inside you, he watched you twist and scream for more, trying to provoke it but nothing happened, "I can't-" You chocked out, his thumb rubbed your clit in teasing gentle circles.
"You can't?... I'll stop then" You grabbed his wrist before he could take it away, digging your fingernails into his skin, "Tell me what do you want?" He demanded
"I want you to pound me until you leave me red and bruised until it hurts but I won't stop you, fuck me" You spat, the palm of his hand grabs a hold of your chin and squishes your cheeks together.
He smiled to himself, humming as he picks you up from the ground, wrapping both of your legs around his hips, "That's exactly what I wanted to hear, such a good little slut, my good little whore" He slides himself inside you, feeling him reach a new level of deepness inside you, it made your cheeks burn as he makes your body jolt up and down, you could see your face in the mirror, how you took him in deep, thrusting his hips up slowly making you sigh, you loved his body, his big back and even his round ass, you giggled by the thought, "What's that?" He asked, picking up on you and watching yourself in the mirror.
"Don't stop, it was nothing"  You said, but he turned and looked at your eyes thru the mirror.
"So you want a close-up look at your pretty face when I make you cum all around me, right?" You gulped, and that little hint of excitement could be seen through your eyes you nodded, and he slipped out of you just as easily as he got inside of you, walking you to the mirror, he turned you over, pulling your hips forward, "Arch your back..." You did as you were told, sticking out your ass for him, he hummed in satisfaction as his hands ran down your hips, fondling the roundness of your ass, he smacked it, living his hot hand print on your red ass cheek, and you didn't smile to the pain, you smiled to his face, you liked being held down, and the way he pushes your hips to his body, the way his neck arches and his throat stretches as he gulps because he loves how tight and warm you feel.
"You like my pussy, Daddy?" You whimper as he buries his dick deep, he looked at you thru the mirror, your pink cheeks and glimmering doe eyes had him on the verge.
"I love it, honey" He replays, his fingers tracing up your spine to your head, playing with your wet hair, messing it around, he gasps and thrusts inside you, slow but rough, electrifying, you nudge your head to the side, and he wraps your hair around his hand, drawing your body against his, he watches you thru the mirror, your eyes swelling up in tears, you needed more than just that slow pace, you loved it but you were desperate.
"Alex... please" You whined, "Gimme more Daddy please" You begged him, he noticed how your voice sounded more high pitched as you were about to cry, "Destroy me" He smiled, increasing his pace, "I know you want it" He pushed your body up to his, you watched and heard how his hips came in contact with your body, smacking and hitting it hard, your skin became raw and tender, his hair falling on his face as he speeds, his breathing shortens into a gasp with each time your walls contract around him.
"Oh, babe..." He whimpered, "You're- fuckin' hell," He lost control of himself, on how rough he was being with you, his arm wrapped around your neck, while his other pulled your hips forward, jolting your body up, your cheeks turning red, gasping for air, he wasn't going to stop any time soon, now it was all about him, he had lost control the moment he saw you take him so well, profoundly obsessed with the way your eyes glimmered whenever he was inside of you, how soft they become, how weak and easy you became to manage, how wet you got by just a simple graze or touch of him, you were it for him, he loved the way your pupils expanded, or when your chest became red, and how greedy you were.
"I'm gonna... please don't stop Daddy" You cried, your vision turning white, he watched you get out of your body, your mouth wide open, and your eyelids roll back when he pushed himself inside you, feeling you come around him warm and messy, you had lost your hearing for a moment, but he saw and heard it all, and you were unleashed completely, he pulled out of you second before he came, only for you to drop to your knees and open your mouth as a reflex, he came warm in your face, and your tongue.
"I'm so proud of you my little princess" You smiled, not only pleased on the outside but on the inside too, you could hear how happy you made him, satisfied, and you had a sense of fulfillment.
"Thank you, Daddy" He grabbed a towel for you to take out his release from your face but you didn't accept it, instead you took it away from your face and licked it off your fingers, "Yummy," You said with a smile. He picked you up from the ground with no struggle, you felt so light, and then he wrapped you up in a towel, grabbed your hairbrush, and slowly brushed away your hair, he was so gentle, it relaxed you to the point you didn't notice when you fell asleep to the feeling of his hands massaging your scalp, and your shoulders.
"My beautiful girl, it's time to rest" You saw him cover you up in the soft sheets, pulling your warm body to his, drifting to sleep with no more thoughts, no more distractions, no more worries, he had thrown them out the window the moment he saw you in the shower, now it was only you he could think about, and how happy he is in that moment, his eyelids felt heavier and heavier as the place got darker, his eyes were shut now, and that moment of happiness was over.
In his dreams he found no comfort like you, he only found despair and paranoia, he felt as though someone was watching him, he was all alone in his childhood room, and his mother's music could be heard from afar, echoing in his ears, he got up, it felt as though everything was spinning, everything slow, and far, he let his way down the stairs of his old house, nothing had changed, everything was in its place, the pictures were hanged, the flowers hadn't died, and his mother was fine, he hugged her from behind, the familiar sound of his favorite video game caught his attention, he walked to his living room, watching you play his video game on the floor with a smile spreader across your face.
"You can't have them both" His father's raspy voice broke the silence, he was in the old settee with the suit he always saw him in, drinking bourbon, he stood up, pointing the gun at your head, watching his mother enter the room slowly, "What's it gonna be?" Alex froze, his heart sinking to his feet, he couldn't move, couldn't fight back, the gun went off and his eyes opened.
He jumped, and you woke up next to him, sweating cold, looking pale, his breathing agitated, "What happened?" He heard your voice echoing, and you eased him, grabbing his hand with both of your hands, and smiling, he looked at you, and saw from your shadow walk out his father, "I'm watching you..."
The third time he woke up in a cold sweat, you were still asleep, laying on your side, your naked back soft like silk, he had to stand up for a moment, sitting by the window to feel the fresh and cool air of the night, he watched you, how your chest rises and falls serenely, your pouty lips and long eyelashes, shining in the moonlight, he was frightened by the shadows in the night, he felt like a child again, relying on his night lamp to keep him safe from the monsters underneath his bed, and the ones that hid in the shadows.
In the morning you woke up to the sound of the birds on your rooftop, happy and dreamy, but alone, you rolled on the bedsheets, using them as a big gown, you watched him in the frame of your door, walking around tense, with his silver gun in his hand, sipping black coffee like a maniac.
"Alex..." He stopped, putting the coffee away only to hug you tight, but this was a very tight hug, as if he was relieved of something, "Is everything ok?" You asked.
"I'm sorry" He replayed.
"But... why?" You cupped his face with both of your hands, his eyes softened when he looked at you.
"Because I promised you that everything was going to be ok," He said sounding very disappointed in himself, he was being very harsh on himself, and you didn't get why, "I brought you into this mess, when I shouldn't have done this to you, this is something that I have to take care of, and you shouldn't be here"
Your heart dropped, "What do you mean I shouldn't be here?" He was quiet, and you walked up to him, "Look at me and tell me you want me to leave" He stood still looking down to the floor, "You're beating yourself up, killing yourself from the inside, you need to stop that" You ordered.
"What if I can? What if you don't love anything at all? There's nothing else for you to love" He walked away from you, grabbing his gun.
"I died a few days ago, and you brought me back to life, what makes you think I won't do the same for you? I'm in love with you" You said desperately, the sheets dropping to the floor as you held him.
"You're in love with a dying man"
You grabbed his wrist, aiming the gun at your heart, "There's nothing for me left, there's nothing I would want more in this life than you... if you stay... I stay" You were crumbling down his walls one by one.
"You're crazy," He said with a smile, "The Bonnie to my Clyde" You couldn't let go of him, pressed against him so tightly, "You're my little bunny, you know that?" H gave you a light smack on your ass. 
You smiled and nodded, "I'm gonna get changed"
"Thought you didn't bring any clothes?" You chuckled, cheeky son of a bitch, you walked to the room making a ponytail for your hair, even if he loved how his navy blue sweater fitted you, there's nothing that he could love more than watching you naked.
"Your sweaters dummy! What do you want for breakfast?" You walked over to the kitchen, "I can make some..." You looked at the eggs and butter, "Omelettes or... french toast?" He nodded, going back to being a vigilante, you put the brown sugar and white sugar in a bowl incorporating them with some cinnamon, cracking the eggs, splashing vanilla and milk, and mixing them together, you turned on the stove, cutting up some butter to grease the pan, soaking the bread in the mixture, and letting it cook slowly as you chopped some fruit. 
Just in a few minutes, the house began to smell like cinnamon, warm black coffee, and cigarettes, you served the breakfast and sat on the settee with Alex, he smiled as you covered his toast in butter and maple syrup, he took a big bite, chewing it slowly in front of you, he swallowed, "This is lovely, the best french toast I've ever tried" You smiled and pecked his lips.
"My sister could be many things, but I was gifted with the kitchen, except for the dishes, after this I'm not lifting another finger" You joked, and he smiled at you, his mouth full.
"There's more right?" You smiled and said yes, getting up to give him what was left from the toasts you made.
"How long are you gonna be there playing Batman?" He smiled and nudged his head, "Maybe I could learn" You said.
"How to shoot? You're crazy, woman" You rolled your eyes, "I think it's best if I'm the one who holds the rifle"
"You know I'm a good girl, I can learn it fast, come on!" You begged him putting your hands together, "Please, please, please?"
"Let's go" You grabbed your shoes jumping as you put them on and he grabbed a few apples, stripping up his rifle in his back with his gun on his belt, and then he took you to the back of the house, close to the woods, he lined the apples, he walked back to you, grabbing your hand and walking further away from the target, "You're about 10 ft away from your target, not very far but good for your first try, first you load the gun" He grabbed a box of bullets from his coat, taking only two rounds "This is a magazine" He pointed it out, pressing a release button on the side of the grip taking it off from the pistol, "As you add rounds the spring gets compressed, that's why it's hard to close it"
"But thank God I have you here Daddy" You kissed his cheek and he smiled, trying to hide the small blush that crept to his cheeks, you noticed, but you didn't say anything.
"Load the flat side of the cartridge to the flat side of the magazine and the round side of the cartridge to the rounded side of the magazine, almost like batteries, right?" You nod, humming a yes, "Then you put it back in place, hold it strongly, you must have a very strong grip, rest the magazine here" He puts it in the palm of your hand, and you push it in until you heard a click, "Perfect, then you charge it" He clamshells your han over the rear sight is of the slide, you pulled the slide back to the rear until it stopped and he released your hand, allowing it to slide and slam shut, he puts himself behind you, aiming the gun at the target, "There, focus..." He whispered into your ear, but it was very hard when he was so close to you, pressed up against you, just like in the bathroom, "Breathe..." Your chest rises and falls calmly as your finger hooks into the trigger, "Shoot" He says, and you shoot, hitting the apple perfectly, "That's my girl!" He cheered and picked you up from the floor spinning you around.
"Can I go again?" You asked him sweetly, and he nodded, you followed the same steps, Alex watching your every move, putting his rifle on his shoulders and his arms above it, you could hear his raspy and deep voice in your ear again, breathing in and out calmly, and shooting perfectly.
"I'm impressed, you're very good at this, doll" You smiled and pecked his lips.
"I had a good teacher" He pulled you in with his hand on your lower back, kissing you passionately until your lips were swollen and pink, taking advantage of the moment to grip your ass tightly, you moaned and he slipped his tongue inside your mouth, and then he shut you off, tearing the kiss apart.
"You wanna see how I do it?" You nodded, but before he could shoot you ran to fetch an apple, putting it above your head, "What are you doing?!"
"I trust you, you can do it!" He sighed, aiming the barrel of the rifle at the top of your head, and cleanly shooting the apple away, you were amazed by him, running back to him and hugging him tight, the thrill of everything had you so euphoric.
His hand gripped your neck firmly but not tightly, "Don't do that again, alright?" He softly said, and you nodded grabbing his fingers with your hand.
"Nothing was going to happen though... I knew you wouldn't fail the shot" You said to him, "I was just playing around," You said, but he stopped you.
"I don't wanna play like that with you, you could've gotten hurt..." He said, you cheekily smiled at him, "What?" You grabbed the gun in his hand, sticking out your tongue and licking it, he was speechless.
"Where's the fun in that?" You said to him, you didn't know what got into you when you saw him shooting, so strong, and manly, you knew those weren't the right words but you still struggled to find some that even got closer, something got inside you wanted more of him like that, you were the center of his universe levitating around you, a strange type of magnetism, drawn to each other, something unstoppable, "I'm ready for you, daddy" You whispered, lifting up your sweater, pushing his hand in between your legs, as you played with his gun, licking it like a toy.
"You're a perverted little slut" He slide his fingers inside you, "Got you obsessed with me cock, didn't I?" You nod as a yes, shivering but not for the cold, for the way his hand gripped your neck tight like a perfect collar, "Precious girl, what got you like that?"His fingers ran down your folds, wet and so tight for him, needy for something to fill them up.
You giggled as he pushed your cheeks together squishing them, "Find out inside maybe?" You pulled his fingers away, and he kneeled on the ground throwing you over his shoulder, you tried pushing your sweater down but he spanked you instead, quickly getting inside the ranch and throwing you to the couch.
He stood up, pointing the gun at your head, your face inching closer to his slowly, his eye examining your face carefully as you closed your eyes to kiss him, softly, heavenly, falling deeper and deeper to a never-ending loop of you and only you, of your sweet smell of vanilla with a note of cinnamon, your sweet maple syrup mouth, and lovely coffee brown eyes, his lips open yours to push his tongue inside your, tasting your warm and sugary insides, something he loves so much makes him have this feeling of wanting to consume you entirely, he pushed you down to the couch, crawling on top of you, his knee in between your legs, holding his gun to the side of your forehead, his hand slowly reaching in between them.
"I'm gunna blow you away babe doll" His fingers roamed your clothed pussy, the excitement making you smile, his gun aimed at your face, "Come on now, don't look so scared, You know where I want you..." You smiled at him, "Don't smile at me like that... get down on your knees you fucking cunt" He pressed it to your chest and you slowly kneeled on the floor, you stared at him with wide eyes, "Why are you lookin' at me like that now, huh?" You stayed quiet and began to fiddle with the hem of his jeans and just as you were about to pull his dick out of his boxers he threw your hand away, looking at you disappointed, "God... you never learn, you're so dumb..."
Your eyes wide open, your heart skipping a beat at the look of his eyes on you, it hits you like a bullet, right into your heart, "But what did I do wrong?" His hand grabs and pulls your hair making your face tilt up and your mouth groan in pain.
"Nah... you know exactly what you got yourself into, stop acting like a dumb fucking whore" You simply smiled, not really knowing how to react to his words, not knowing where your smile would get you, you've never been called dumb in this way, but nevertheless, somehow you liked it, he inhales sharply, contemplating you, contemplating all of his ideas, examining your bottom to top, just like that on your knees, with your hair resting on your shoulder, he wiped out his gun, "Blow it," He says, your face suddenly changes from preoccupation to pleasure, with a grin, you approach closer to the gun, licking the metal barrel with your pink warm tongue, he watched in awe every move, with a grin on his face he didn't notice he had, he just watched with his pupiles dilated as he grew uncomfortably hard, he wasn't just hard, it was even harder to control his impulses, you were so gentle with his gun, kissing the hole, opening your mouth and taking the gun inside your mouth, with your eyes closed, picturing it really was his dick but still being aware of the danger, and that keeps you on the edge, spreading your legs open, your hand sliding down your stomach, your finger tips lightly grazing your cloathed clit over your underwear, fuck, you were soaked and so needy, your lips let out a quiet moan but that's enough reason for him to push the gun down your throat, making you gag around it messily.
"I-... I'm gonna die if you don't fuck me now, Alex..." You were breathless, in a hurry to get something else to fill up your own hole, he was so moved by the way you were sucking that gun, and your hands run down between your thighs.
"Proof me that you want it, don't act like a stupid fucking cunt" You moved your hair to the side, looking at him right into his eyes as you sucked with passion and need as if your life truly depends to get fucked over by Alex, because in this moment, it is, "D'ya like it?... 'Cause I think somebody is more than just wet... I think your pussy is all bathed in your cum, you don't even need your fingers, you just finish by just picturing my cock, you love it don't ya?" You hummed as a yes, "This is why I call you a stupid cunt, a dumb fuck, you're starting to get me tired by just humming your answers, you know that, right you stupid-"
"I know" You interrupt him, slamming your voice at him.
"Oh... now you feel like you have the right to use that tone with me?" He breathes in harshly, squishing your cheeks together as he presses down the gun at your forehead, "You don't like it, right? This was your idea, but it wasn't my decision to make you act like a dumb bitch... if you want me to call you something else, earn it, change my mind" He dares you, your getting more agitated and irritated by the second, your knees getting tired from always being down on them, so you decided to change everything around.
"Ok, Daddy, I will change it," You said with a smile as a bright idea pops into your head, you got up from the ground, slowly getting on top of him, knees on either side of his round thighs, "You know exactly what I love the most about you, I know exactly what I want to do with your cock, do you wanna see?" You asked him, and he silently nodded, you grabbed his wrist, rubbing yourself against his gun, "I- fuck..." Your nails dig into his shoulder.
"You what?... keep talkin' to me," He said, he sounded excited, like a 14-year-old boy kind of excitement.
"I need it right here in between my legs, way deep inside me, getting deeper and deeper with every move of your hips, I don't know what buttons you press Daddy, but I just now that I need you right here" You began to rub yourself harder, rocking your hips back and forward with your back arched, it was so strange, the fact that something so dangerous could make you feel this type of way. His eyes focused entirely on your pussy, he watched as those little and thin pair of panties became wetter and wetter, into a puddle of wetness, you lose control so easily, getting taken away by the pleasure, eyes rolling to the back of your head, your breathing getting shorter, drenched in ice cold sweat but your skin felt warm, slowly building up the pleasure until Alex moved his hand away, your legs shaking by the surprise, your walls clenching around nothing, you were starving for him, "Please Daddy, just please..." You opened your mouth to kiss him, sliding down your tongue to his mouth, and biting down on his bottom lip, "I know you need this too, let me make you feel good, please... I want to please you"
Those words put him in a place, a place that he hates to be, a place where he feels weak, your hand slowly reaches in between his legs, feeling his pulsing dick, you've never felt a man get this hard, it was so different, you stroke him slowly but your hand gripping him tightly, "Fuck..." He breathes out harshly, you didn't understand how he does it, how he has so much control over himself, he didn't want to let go.
"Come on, baby... just relax..." You whispered softly against his ear, as his head lay down on the couch, but he abruptly opened his eyes, you knew it was the end of you, he gripped your wrist tightly, throwing you to the side, hands, and knees, down in all fours. He rips off your panties from your body, scratching your skin like a lion, and you wine but he ignores you.
He gripped your hair back, leaning forward to whisper to your ear, "Are you tellin' me what to do?" He breathed in harshly, you felt him fiddling with his belt, you kept your eyes closed exactly knowing what was coming for you, your body was shaking, gathering up all your strength to endure the pain of his thick letter belt, he breathed in closer to your ear, "I don't know what scares you more, me or the gun I'm holding against your head?" You exhale sharply, panting as you try to come up with an answer, "You don't even have to say it, you're not scared of it, you're scared about how much you like this, how much harm I can do," You felt his dick hard against your inner thigh, your bit your lips to the thought of the feeling, your eyes rolling back, walls clenching together.
His nose digs into your hair, landing a small kiss on it, "Stay like this... don't move" Your face digs into the cushions, your wrists being gripped and tied together by his belt, his tip sliding slowly inside your pussy, you moaned so loudly, finally, you had something to decrease that hunger, that need to be filled up, without you noticing, you began to push your hips back, fucking yourself entirely on his dick, you heard him laughing so evilly while you struggled to move your hips from having your hands tied behind your back, "You're so needy, yeah?" You whined and sniffed your nose, he spanks you hard, "Go on, fuck yourself on me fuckin' cock" You kept moving your hips, panting and trying to reach for air as you kept fucking his dick, and his hand kept smacking your ass, each slam of his hand felt like little electricity shots, your pain began to be a feral hunger for him to be as rough as he wanted, so you let him keep spanking you, you kept moving your hips, your walls grasp his cock to stay buried inside you, you couldn't resist it anymore, couldn't hold it in for another second.
"Oh Alex.... please" Your muscles contract, your legs begin to shake slightly, your moaning so loud it sounds like murder.
"I know you want to cum... I can feel it" He whispers in a cold tone.
"Please Daddy, let me... please" He sighs, as you let go all around him, making a big mess on his cock, your creamy release coating his cock, and you cried, in anger, in sadness, because you knew he wasn't going to forgive you and yet at the same time that made you angry.
"Are you done?" He asks, and you furrowed your eyebrows, "I can't with you" He pulls his cock out of your cunt, but quick enough you straddle him between your legs.
"Alex, you can't-"
"No, you don't get to tell me what the fuck to do, you're acting like such a fuckin' cunt I-" You shut him up with a big slap on his face, he looks at your face up and down in awe, and he slams you back, you pushed him away, and tried to hit him again but he grabs your wrists and pushes them down, he pulls you in by the hair and you tried to resist kissing him but he just did, he kissed you, and it feels like true love, his arms wrapped around your waist, as your hips rock back and forward, "You're so fucked up"
He raised his hips up and put his hands on your hips pushing your body down to his cock at the same time he pushes his hips up, it was unholy, your heart was about to burst out of your chest, your ears popped, and your mouth was dry, just as if you were dying, completely being consumed by him, you didn't want to let go of him at all, you looked thru his eyes, deep down there was a deep sweetness to him, one that sometimes surfaced, he was really in love with you, you could see it right thru his tender warm brown eyes, his hands clamp your flesh and you groan in pain but it didn't matter, the tears didn't matter, all it was now was him.
"I love you..." You mumbled, snuggling to his neck, your mouth against his ear, your moans getting stuck on the middle of your chest, your whole body tensing as your wall clench around his cock, Alex kept slamming his cock in and out of your pussy, both bathed in sweat, your face stained with tears, you took one last look at him, his eyes fixated on yours with his mouth opened, his jaw locked, and his hair sticking to his forehead as sweat runs cold down his forehead, something different happened when you had finished, you closed your eyes and just hear him cuss all over your clogged ears.
"Holy fuck babe" He hums, rubbing his tip against your clit, you kept yelling from the pleasure, "Yeah! Fuck yeah... you're- oh... gonna make me fuckin' cum too..." He pressed himself up closer to you, the space between you too so tight your heart was beating thru his chest, he felt so warm inside your milky insides, so tight around your pussy, it was also time for him, he turns you over, so now your back was against his chest, he grabbed you tightly by your upper arms surely leaving bruises on them, and once more he grabbed his gun, he wrapped his arm around your tummy, and laid you down gently against his chest, kissing your ear as the cold metal of his gun is pressed against your lower chin.
"Would you kill for me?" He asks, you were a weeping mess, your mind too foggy with lust, nevertheless, you didn't have to think of your answer.
"Yes," You firmly replayed.
"Promise you'll love me forever, even if I do things that don't seem right, trust me...everything I do is for you" He whispered against your ear, your heart melting as his sweet voice showed for once how caring he is.
"I promise, I'll never stop loving you"
"You could be just saying that 'cause I could just easily blow that little pretty head of yours" He presses it harder against you, making you tilt your head slightly to say, "But I much prefer fucking your pussy and cum inside it real deep" He began his assault once more, this time you didn't think it was possible to keep going, he was being so rough with you, it was beginning to hurt a little.
"I can't Daddy... p-please I can't handle it" You moaned, his fingers came down to rub your pussy in broad circles making you cry out of pleasure and pain, a very dangerous combination for you because slowly you began to like it, "I can't- You're hurting me" You beg him with tears in your eyes.
"Shut the fuck up" He covers your mouth with his hand, and rubbed your pussy harder pressing his fingers down on your pussy, making your walls tighten, your breathing stuck in your throat, "You beg me to stop but you can't stop getting wetter and wetter now can you?" You couldn't keep up with Alex's rhythm, your body was worn out, you wanted more but your bruised knees and legs couldn't make your body move.
"Stop Daddy... please!" You sigh as his cock finds a new sweet spot inside you.
"Mmmm.... sounds like my little girl wants some more" Fingers pulling on your flesh, and you put your hands on his knees as he fucks your body with passion and frustration, "I love watching this... love watching you take every inch of me cock, everything just disappearing inside that little hole" He takes the chance to spank your round ass, and you didn't even make a sound, you felt as if you were floating out of your body, being too high up in the clouds to even feel any pain, but slowly you were falling back to earth, as everything began to build up in your stomach, "I can feel you're ready... tell me you want it... beg me for it"
"It's everything I ever wanted, all I want... I want you to finish inside me, cover my pussy with your cum..."
"Yeah? You want my cum to drip out of your pussy like a fucking whore, that's what you want?" He pushes his hips up, staying way deep inside you, pushing his cock in all the right places, you were tense, your whole body getting rigid as you suddenly had lost control, and something different was happening, Alex noticed and let out a deep sound from his throat, he stayed silent as he fucked your brains out, the noise that his body made as he thrust his cock inside you and your brain didn't capture what happened after that last thrust, you were screaming in pleasure as you felt you were cumming and his moaning got raspier, he was panting for air as he saw you cumming so hard, splashing his cock and wetting the couch leaving a damp stain on it.
"Fuckin' hell babe, oh- keep going" You pushed out the rest of it by making pressure on your lower abs, and he came twice inside you, one after the other, his mouth dry by seeing you cum all around him like that, wet the couch and the floor with your release, he pushed his cum inside your pussy, thrusting out of you, watching your milky insides drip out his cum and your wetness, you let yourself go on his arms, blacking out completely, as if you were drunk, your body too heavy but you felt so light at the same time, you heard him gasping for air against your ear, both of you trying to catch some air. He whispered something to your ear you didn't quite hear well, but you answered.
"Yes... I'm so full Daddy" Making him giggle along the way, carrying you to the shower like a baby in his arms, and cleaning you down with warm water, kissing your forehead and neck, behind your back as you lay down next to him in bed, he says he likes you more naked than dressed, he loves you more when you're honest, he says he's deeply in love with you right before bed, and you love him too with depth.
"I love you, honey," He repeats right before you sleep, till the sun hits your skin.
hi <3
sorry for disappearing and leaving you on the edge for months, I've been really fucking busy, stupidly busy, trying to finish this chapter was like trying to finish a whole book with the schedule I have now, I'm still trying to figure out a way to keep writing but I do have other priorities, I'm sorry, this not going to end any time soon but I'll be more on and off than I would normally be, which i hate but I'm still going to be here and Christmas is almost here sooo... don't worry, you'll always have me, i love you and thank you for being so patient and caring and so lovely to me. take care, i always have you on my mind too. 
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bisexualcartman · 4 months
My SP hyperfix is back so here's a masterpost for my general headcanons!
I'm sure you can guess which characters are my fav based on how some of them are very detailed. Sorry about any typos or unclear sentences LMAO
Has a 5+ year old phone with a cracked screen which barely works. He only uses it to call or text people. At times playing games on it too
He loves chicken nuggets and fries but most of the time can't afford it
He never shows his face and hates it when people tell him to take off his hood
Butters, Stan, Kyle and Cartman are the only people who has seen him without the hood on. Idc about canon, let me have this
He drinks alcohol and smokes cigarettes from but hides it from other people
He loves hugs and cuddles, maybe because he never gets that affection very often from his family
He has a bad immune system
His favorite sodas are Pepsi and Sprite because I say so
He often skips classes or sleeps through them
Fingerless gloves.
He's actually a VERY good drummer and is self taught. He also lowkey enjoys sketching
He hates talking about personal things and will often brush them off as nothing
Biromantic and on the asexual spectrum
Plays the electric guitar and likes to doodle in his notebook more than doing actual school/home work
He likes ramen noodles
He dislikes weed because of Randy's farm, but he does smoke normal cigarettes and uses other drugs sometimes (as a teen)
Big soccer and baseball enjoyer
Listens to music too much and too often. He likes MCR because I do too
Loves holding hands, hugging, etc (any kind of physical affection) unless he's in a bad mood
He's very messy and rarely cleans his room. He is in no way organized about anything.
Hoodies. He wears many hoodies and sweaters. He loves comfy clothing and has come to dislike wearing suits and fancy clothes
Very very very closeted bisexual. No, I won't elaborate.
Owns and knows how to play the electric guitar and is actually kind of good at it
Everyone knows he loves food, but less people know he actually really likes cooking. (He has a secret Pinterest account with only recipes)
He has heterochromia; one blue eye and one brown
He speaks a lot of different languages besides from English. Like German, Vietnamese and some Spanish
Loves Lady Gaga and Britney Spears
Cartman has been arrested a lot of times, and does have quite the collection of mugshots
Even when being a teenager, he has a love for his stuffed animals and always enjoys looking at toys while at the store
Secretly a history/war nerd
He's the type of guy to send random and unrelated memes in groupchats and text conversations
Anger issues about most stuff. Especially when losing in any kind of video game
Likes photography a lot
Autistic because I am autistic and I say so
Tells people he loves Minecraft and Roblox but actually enjoys violent games the most
Comfort food is pizza and his favorite drink is chocolate milk or coca cola. He also loves any type of cookies/chocolate
Loves his weighted blanket and one of comfort items is a stuffed dinosaur
Stuffed animals, drawing and music helps him calm down after nightmares/memories of Miss Stevenson
Only accepts physical affection from Kyle and their parents. His experience with Miss Stevenson changed his reaction to touch
Plays ice hockey and baseball
Hates being kicked/teased. But loves teasing Kyle back and wearing his hat
Big Pewdiepie, Jacksepticeye and DanTDM enjoyer
Loves cartoons, especially Scooby Doo and Chinpokomon (Pokémon)
Swears a lot despite certain adults not liking that he does it
Very protective and caring for Kyle and even if he's younger, he tries to show it the way he can
He hates being sick and despises taking any kind of medicine. He can be very stubborn about this sometimes
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pinkrifle · 11 months
Hello ml!<3 i was wondering if you could do yandere team stan and craig x reader platonic please! Like they see reader as a little sister!^^
hi lovely! i do not take SP requests anymore buttttf this seems really easy, so i should be able to do this !
saying this rn i’m so sorry if this is short #_# <\3 i’m sorry if i missed a character or two aswell!
only team stan right now as i can’t really think of much to do for team craig, sorry once more! D:
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Stan Marsh -
a little careful not to bring you around his friends too much.. especially cartman AND COVERS UR EARS EVERYTIME ONE OF THEM SAYS A DIRTY JOKE LOL (no matter how old you are!1!1!)
would 100% go off on anyone who tries to mess with you (and Kyle would probably join him too) , ya don’t F with family, folks!
trades his lunch or snacks at lunch to give them to you!! loves seeing the look on your face when you get a snack size pack of skittles. Even if it’s super small your face always lightens up and he just laughs and feels very proud of himself after
he makes sure shelly isn’t too mean to you, let’s her rip on him instead if she gets a little aggressive with you (she wouldn’t really go that far dw <3)
Eric Cartman -
(don’t worry he always does something in return after. begrudgingly and hesitantly.) (he just feels bad)
brings you on all of his little dangerous adventures but makes sure you stay safe all the time,, if you get hurt EVER he’s SOOO dramatic. begging for a hospital!
if any of his friends (aka rest of team stan) dare to say anything to you (they don’t cuz they don’t care) he will 100% be dramatic ALLO OVER AGAIN, threatens to beat up his friends (he can’t rlly) and is nice to you for the rest of the day!!
steals cute stuff from other classmates and brings them to you, steals snacks from people and brings them to you!! probably stole some snacks from stan that he planned to give to his own little sibling
Kenny McCormick -
tones down his dirty jokes when with you, and also does not let you around his friends LMAO
loves hanging out with you, karen, and kevin! at first he was really hesitant on stuart and carol having you (like with karen) but loved you so much after your born!!
protects u FOR LIFE. is basically also your guardian angel when he’s in his mysterion costume! when your in the foster home thing(?) he’s visiting you like crazy and bringing you treats aswell. makes sure you never get beaten up in the basement by the parents
loves whenever you show him something you like. Anime? cartoons? etc? your not cringe to him at all! he likes weird shit too, trust. Watches and plays everything you show him <3
a video game MASTER! having any trouble with a boss fight? he’s got it. Cant find an item? he already has it and is gonna trade it to you!!
Kyle Broflovski -
takes care of you and Ike RELIGIOUSLY. love you two both to death!
plays dolls/action digs with you even if your in middle school or whatever (in the event he’s in HS or whatever) , he doesn’t want his little siblings to ever grow up! brings a tear to his eye.
every Hanukkah he makes sure you get the best presents and NEVER lets your presents break, always has them in pristine condition ! hates seeing you sad , it affects him more than he’d like to admit.. he also gives you his hat to wear when your a little down!
bakes and cooks with you, he’s pretty okay at cooking but if your bad it’s no problem! he’s willing to teach you the 3 dishes he knows how to make LMAO. If your better than him at cooking? EVEN BETTER, teach him! but he’ll be a little embarassed to learn stuff from his little sibling
having trouble with homework? he’s on it! he won’t let you cheat on anything, but he’ll help you and guide you to the right answer.
Never let’s people talk shit about you or make fun of you, he will fr fight his friends if they dare to do that.
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heya! thanks for requesting, i haven’t been really willing to write lately but this got me off my booty!!! i really should open my tf2 and scp foundation reqs.
sorry again i couldn’t do team craig! i hope these were good enough, feel free to request this again some time if i’m ever active again! <3
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trainingdummyrabbit · 10 months
okok this took longer than i thought but :] funy fan abno time. LOTS of stuff under the cut, lets go <33
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> Whispers of Another Life // O-01-19 // WAW
(I feel it, I feel it-- Can't you hear the horizon calling?)
The ever-present pull of a place you don't know, but desperately need to be. Misplacement and loneliness. The siren's song of a stranger you so badly wish to return to.
Its body is made of a series of collage pieces, each bearing a different artistic style. It has a set of cartoon wings that are naught but a scribbled outline, unsteady but with purpose. In stead of facial features, its face is obscured by what seems to be a messy pencil scratch. It twitches and changes frequently, as if trying to put together the pieces of a puzzle. It can never seem to find the right combination.
(Most to least unstable: hands/wings/mask -> limbs/head -> torso/shape.)
Low Q Counter. Work types Best to Worst:
- Repression ++
(Quelling its desire to search provides a grounding effect, preventing it from growing out of control.)
- Attachment +
(Having something to fill the gaps helps to keep it level, but it can never truly replace what it is looking for.)
- Instinct -
(It tolerates this type of work, but it does nothing to address its nature.)
- Insight --
(Trying to understand or bring out its essence simply destabilizes it further.)
Capable of breaching-- it changes form to become much less humanoid when doing so. While dangerous, it doesn't ever actively attack employees. Rather, it deals passive white damage to anyone in the same corridor as it, as its emotions overflow and tamper with the physicality of its immediate surroundings. It's more of a loss of control than a rampage. It wanders for an exit it can never find, and becomes more and more unstable as it goes. If left unattended, its passive damage steadily increases. It has a high movement speed after breaching, but it proportionally goes down with its damage output.
Agents that panic under the effects of this abnormality are switched to Release behavior, regardless of their typical panic type. Agents afflicted with this state gain a collage-type effect obscuring their eyes, and have a slightly harder time being suppressed due to an increase in movement speed.
Resistances (Highest to Lowest): Red, Black, White, Pale
EGO Equipment: Hiraeth
Weapon: A patchwork violin that always sounds nostalgic, a feeling just outside of your periphery. Ranged, white damage. Low damage, but quick output.
Special: A loud screeching note that deals heavy white damage, but has a bit of a recharge period.
Gift: A small, scribbly set of wings by the head. Increases SP, attack speed, and work speed.
[ Snippet of a recording of an Employee account of the subject. ]
Have you ever wondered what it was like to be a shooting star? To travel miles and miles and miles, only to land somewhere unfamiliar, somewhere strange. A place not built for you, unwelcoming to your very essence.
Hm? The recording? Ah, yes, I'm getting to it. Don't worry, everything I'm saying is very important to the report.
...Fine, if you insist.
When it arrived, nobody was really sure what to make of it. Many others who had tried to work with it simply did not get any conclusive results. It was "unresponsive," "uncooperative," "difficult." They just didn't know what they were doing. So, they ended up picking me to work on it next; something about being "receptive" and "observant," or something like that. You know, work speak.
It never responded too much, at first. I can't imagine why it would. But I'm nothing if not persistent. I always find a way. Maybe it just needed a little help communicating. So we brought in some basic crafts material. You know; paper, pencils, crayons. I will admit, it may have been at least a little bit for me, too.
I used to draw a lot when I was little, you know. Was a bit of a lonely kid, y'know? I don't do it so much anymore, it just isn't in the cards for me. But back then, at least, it almost felt like--
...Right. Sorry. The subject.
Surprisingly, it actually moved to join me after some time. Drawing, I mean. I wasn't sure it had the ability, but sure enough, it had picked up the nearest utensil and begun working with purpose. I don't much like prying with this sort of thing, but looking at what it was doing... it was the strangest thing. It was a mess, incomprehensible-- but somehow, it was striking. I knew that place. Or at least, it felt like it. It wasn't clear, but something in it... it felt like home.
But as it went, it got less and less steady, more sporadic-- frustrated, almost-- until eventually, it grew so unstable I was forced to end working with it early. We didn't touch its unit for a while after that, but I couldn't stop thinking about that scene it was drawing. It never spoke, but I could hear it. It whispers, you know? If anyone had taken the time to listen, maybe they'd have noticed.
I know what it's like to be alone first hand, you know. That feeling of listlessness, that incorrectness... I know it all too well. And once, for once in my entire life... it felt like I finally, truly found someone who understood.
Yes, I know we are not supposed to view the abnormalities as people. Trust me, I remember. You don't have to worry about it. Those rules are just petty precautions anyway.
Hm? Oh, I don't think you understand. I know exactly what I'm doing. In fact, I think i've done my job quite well.
[ An alarm begins blaring. ]
Ah, there it is. This was nice, but I think that's my cue. Now if you'll excuse me, me and my friend will be going now.
[ A sudden cacophony of noise kicks up, and the recording abruptly ends. ]
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erinelliotc · 9 months
About me
Welcome to my safe space! (mostly an Ed, Edd n Eddy blog)
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I'm Érin Elliot Eddward Marion Mason (I'd appreciate being called Double D, Edd or Dudu (Edd's nickname in Brazil) too ^^). My pronouns are they/them and he/him. I'm nonbinary trans (pomogender, quoigender, agender, genderqueer, libramasc and boyflux).
I'm Brazilian, 24 years old (born in June 15th, 2000), autistic, Double D kinnie (most of my Double D's analyses are me projecting myself onto him) and EddEddy shipper. Ed, Edd n Eddy is my biggest special interest! I'm both an Eddy apologist and an Edd apologist, I'll defend these bitches with all my heart and soul.
I also love:
Will Wood
Death Note
Gravity Falls
Infinity Train
The Owl House
Over The Garden Wall
The Office
Sally Face
Five Nights at Freddy's
Demon Slayer
Little Witch Academia
Things I like: pink, yellow (golden and mustard), blue-green/green-blue colors, cuteness, organization, archiving data, ducks, cats, roly polies/pill bugs, caterpillars, snails, moths, bees, mushrooms, dandelions, sunflowers, rainbows, soap bubbles, autumn/spring, the fire element, nature/living beings in general, fairies, plushies, taking pics, editing videos, writing, music, cartoons, bubble wrap, LGBTQ+ content (especially lesbian/sapphic/wlw), hot chocolate, chocolate milk, fries, neugebauer chocolate (milk), coca-cola, brownie, savory food, likes mealy apples more than crunchy apples, puns, spending time alone, working on my personal projects, dedicating myself to my hyperfixations, wearing comfy clothes (usually pajamas), brain-training games, learning, stimming, singing
Things I dislike: changes, lack of order, jumpscare/scares, interruptions, too many people, leaving my house, cold/winter, sun, beach, traveling, public speaking/presentation, passion fruit, tomato, guava paste, white chocolate, cold savory food, get dirty eating, sticky and creamy substances on my skin, physical activity, bugs climbing/walking on me without my consent and prior preparation, people yelling at me and/or being harsh/agressive with me, not being understood
Some of my areas of interest are:
Information Science (Archivology and Library Science)
Psychology (and health area in general)
You can find my edits here! (they're mostly EEnE edits)
You can get to know about my history with Ed, Edd n Eddy here!
My fanarts
My EEnE content (my own posts and my comments on reblogs)
And ALL my EEnE content here (includes reblogs)!
Soon I'll start posting my EEnE stories/fanfics too :)
Linktree (all my links): https://linktr.ee/ErinElliotC
Português: https://erinmini.carrd.co/
English: https://erinmini.carrd.co/#carrdeng
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@erinelliotc
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@Esquikoko
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/pato__magico
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ErinElliotC
Twitter (main account): https://twitter.com/AutisticQueer
Twitter (art account): https://twitter.com/DoubleDrawings
This was my main blog (Esquikoko) but I don't use it anymore
I have an abandoned blog to post pictures of roly polies
Read this in case I die disappear from social media
Some other stuff about me:
I'm a Visual Communication (Graphic Design) Technician
Height: 5'1 (1,55 m)
Enneagram: 9w1
Instinctual Variant: sp/so
Moral alignment: Neutral good
Orientation: Asexual, aromantic and lesbian
Astrological sign: Gemini (sun), Cancer (rising), Sagittarius (moon)
Favorite musical artists/bands:
Will Wood (and the Tapeworms)
Melanie Martinez
Baby Fuzz
Hungry Hearts
The Living Tombstone
Toby Fox
Oingo Boingo
Green Day
Lily Allen
Lady Gaga
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff. Ravenclaw would be my second house
Undergraduate program: currently studying Library Science (3/8 semesters); I also studied Psychology for 5/10 semesters and Journalism for 1/8 semester
Spirituality: Witch and agnostic
Get to know a little about my musical taste here!
Special interests/current, recurrent and/or fixed hyperfixations: Ed Edd n Eddy, Will Wood, autism, mental disorders, genetic mutations, organization, Deltarune, Arcane, Death note, Gravity Falls, Cellbit, The Owl House, Over The Garden Wall, The Office, Sally Face, intersexuality, lesbianity, transgenerity, asexuality, cats, barism (specialty in making coffee), Brazil Avenue (Avenida Brasil)
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moonlight-tmd · 1 year
Okay, i know i’ll explore more of this but i want to hear your thoughts on this too.
Femme frame bumblebee? He’s still a mech but he’s definitely built with the aft and curves of a femme and even has heel struts instead of regular pedes. He knows he’s built and his frame compliments his doorwings.
He usually wears a bulky over armor but it gets damaged in battle and breaks off revealing him in the heat of a battle that just stops?
His teams reaction?
Blitzwings reaction?
Before or after they start dating. If after blitzwing didn’t know b/c bee has trauma.
oooh i get it, like @toxxicpill design. I always imagined him a little feminine, just more blocky instead of smooth curves.
hmm, i mean, sure he would be a bit curvy, the doorwings are a nice touch for him cough happy flutters cough cough. I am a little disappointed that they decided to gender the robots but eh, 2000's cartoons i guess.
He is a bit curvy on top of the blocky frame, the heeled pedes are not uncommon, i mean Prowl has these- he kinda looks like Elita overall, his subspace is moved down to cover his aft in this since he has doorwings (yes it does look like earth bumblebee's abdonmen). Yes, he does wear additional armor to apprear more bulky over his chassis and shoulders, he doesn't like how everyone kept staring at his chassis. I always imagine Bee and Prowl are almost the same height, only that Prowl is few inches taller and way slimmer than Bee (I mean, he is a motorbike. They are rather small, even when compared to tiny cars). So without the top armor, Bee is almost half the width he was.
I imagine the only one who'll know is Ratchet. I mean, he fixes Bee all the time and there is no way he wouldn't know that the upper part of Bee's armor is not his original frame. Ratchet is a medic, he's not gonna judge anyone- well, unless you say or do something stupid. Then he's gonna judge you all he wants.
So yeh, bots and cons fight over Allspark shard- idk, maybe some stray blaster shot hits him on the chassis and the thing breaks, it's not completely broken but heavily damaged. Now, this is a battlefield. I don't think anyone would stop to look at Bee's badongahonkas, especially when there's such an important item involved.
After that, sure the team is surprised that Bee's frame is actually different from what they see so often but nobody hates him for it. They're not homo/trans/any lgbt+-phobic. And they don't have genders in the first place, everyone chooses how they want to portray themselves.
When his additional armor is being fixed, there's not much of a change. Sure, others throw glances at him more often but nothing else- the only one to have a visible reaction would be Optimus. Bee already reminded him of Elita when he met him, and seeing Bee look even more like Elita is weird, if it isn't raising some questions... he almost slips and calls him Elita.
Sari thinks Bee looks pretty, and may or may not be trying to get him more armor pieces like that so he can be a full-blown knight.
The repair was quick so no Elite Guard reaction- but if they were to witness this, Sentinel would be the first afthole to stare at Bee's chassis as if to take that armor off with his processor power. Jettwins and Jazz would have respect and try to keep SP away from the young bot- as they always do, just this time the reason is different. They all have no idea how Sentinel can be so awful and still keep his job...
Now you want Blitzy's reaction, alright.
That stray blaster shot might have been his and he struck Bee on accident. He does catch a quick look at Bee's slim frame before his team calls on retreat. If they weren't dating then he would be a little bit pervy in his mind, he wouldn't bring it up with the scout tho, he's not sexist.
If they were dating, he would wonder why Bee didn't tell him. He asks about it the next meeting they have- Bee's armor has been fixed by then. Sure enough, Bee confesses that he was forged a femme but decided to be a He. He wears additional armor because he didn't have credits for changing his frame type and had enough of other bots calling him and grabbing him rudely. Wasp was one of those bots, he harrased Bee with no mercy until Longarm saved him.
Blitz feels both sorry and hella ANGY. How could anyone treat his precious hummel like that?! And they say Decepticons are evil- if anyone is racist, sexist and disrespectful about such basic things as appearance and behavior, it's the Autobots. The 'cons murder everyone equally, not just the "freaks".
Once Bee gains enough confidence then he'd show Blitzwing his real frame. And Blitzwing will have some pervy thoughts he'd keep to himself only. He loves Bee, and seeing him even smaller than how he was already is adorable. Blitz is the only one that Bee lets grab him like that. And Blitzwing can't help but admit his hummel's chassis is a great pillow.
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pico-digital-studios · 4 months
Omniverse - Another crazy Spider-Verse crossover idea I had, this time based on Ben 10
Yep, I had this idea floating around in my head for quite a bit today, in part thanks to reading up plenty about Ben 10 on the TV Tropes wiki. It got me imagining; what if we had another Spider-Verse-esque crossover, but involving the universe of Ben 10 instead?
I mean, the premise of alternate realities and timelines has been explored quite a bit in the many iterations of the franchise (like Gwen getting the Omnitrix instead of Ben or Ben's other alternate counterparts), and it got me imagining a cast line-up for the concept. The ones I thought up for the story are as follows:
Miles Morales / Spider-Man II = Alt Alan Albright / Alan Fanon (harbouring on him being a fanon counterpart to the original)
Peter B. Parker / Spider-Man = Ben A. Tennyson / Ben 10
Gwen Stacy / Spider-Woman = Julie Yamamoto / Julie 30
Spider-Man Noir = Classic Cartoon Ben 10
Spider-Ham = Reboot Ben 10
Peni Parker and SP//dr = Anime Lucy Mann and Ship
Pavitr Prabhakr / Spider-Man India = India Jimmy Jones
Hobie Brown / Spider-Punk = Ultimate Ben 10,000
Margo Kess / Spider-Byte = Gwen 10
Mayday Parker = Toddler Ken Green-Tennyson
Villains (Into the Omniverse)
William "Kingpin" Fisk = Phil Billings
Aaron Davis / The Prowler = Manny Armstrong / Techadon Warrior
Olivia Octavius / Doc-Ock = Arshika Charlie Animo / Dr. Animo
Green Goblin = Sunder the Retriever
Tombstone = Fistrick
Scorpion = Vulkanus
Villains (Across/Beyond the Omniverse)
Adriano Tumino / Renaissance Vulture = Pastel Master Kundo
Jonathan Ohnn / The Spot = Albedo / Negative Ben 10
Armadillo = Ssserpent
Miles G. Morales = Alan K. Albright
Villains (Miscellaneous)
Doctor Crawdaddy = Tim Buktu (Ben 10 Reboot)
Pavitr's Hobgoblin = Trombipulor
Miguel O'Hara / Spider-Man 2099 = Reboot Evil Ben 10/Alien X
Lyla = Alternate Glitch (in a Gwen form)
Jessica Drew / Spider-Woman = Molly Gunther
Ben Reilly / Scarlet Spider = Ben 23
Supporting Cast (Base Universe)
Jefferson Morales = Alt Pierce Wheels
Rio Morales = Alt Helen Wheels
Spider-Man I = Ben B. Tennyson / Ben 10
May Parker = Grandpa Max Tennyson
Mary-Jane Watson-Parker = Kai Green-Tennyson
Ganke Lee = JT
Supporting Cast (Ben A.'s universe)
Mary-Jane Watson = Kai Green
Supporting Cast (Julie's universe)
Peter Parker / The Lizard = Ben Tennyson / Zs'Skayr
Captain George Stacy = Victor Valadis
Supporting Cast (Jimmy's universe)
Gayatri Singh = Elena Valadis
Supporting Cast (Alan K.'s universe)
Rio Morales = Alt Helen Wheels
The Omnitrix is the swap-in for the radioactive spider here, and whoever finds it is the one (in)voluntarily assigned to help protect the universe from all sorts of threats, whether they wish to or not, sending their life from ordinary to extraordinary fast.
I picked Julie specifically for the role of Spider-Gwen, considering how she lost her overall touch in the series after Omniverse (and kinda because I personally shipped Ben and Julie as a kid, even with their rough spots), hence why I felt she and Alan would make a good fit for each other due to similar insecurities.
I had been thinking carefully about the roles to assign to each character I could. I originally intended Ben 23 to be the swap-in for Spider-Ham, but considering how full of himself he was before Omniverse Ben/Ben Prime came along (which is why he's in Reilly's place), I felt Reboot Ben 10, whose world is less serious than the others, could fit the role better, whilst also inheriting sympathetic traits like relating to losing someone close.
The Classic Cartoon Ben 10 isn't from the ORIGINAL storyline, but rather one based on classic cartoons from the 60s and 70s, just to avoid confusion there. Lucy Mann's genki girl approach, for one, made her a perfect fit for Peni's role here, too.
And considering Jimmy Jones is a big fan of Ben 10 in canon (and was respected for it in Ultimate Alien), I felt the naïve newcomer status could work for an alternate universe version of him from India. And as Ultimate Ben 10,000 is pretty much on top of his game (alongside being less likely to steer towards canon), he fits well for Hobie's role.
The evil reboot Ben 10, I felt, fits well for the role of Miguel, since he lost his Gwen and Max when they tried to save him, which led him down a darker path in life and required FIVE Omnitrix users to take him down. Likewise, I thought a Gwen variant of Glitch to go with him (which fits well with her sass in the series proper) fits Lyla's role as a digital assistant to a futuristic hero.
Since the four Plumbers' Helpers are of similar age, I felt that Pierce and Helen are Alan's legal guardians in Bellwood, alongside both assisting the Plumbers in protecting Earth. Manny, who has Aaron's role, is the most hot-headed of the four, but has a good heart deep down.
The reason for Alan having to inherit his Ben's role is through inheriting his Omnitrix after Ben gives him the responsibility to protect his world for him, and his compatibility with it came from the other dimension thanks to the experiments Phil's scientists were doing. As for the whole hair-sticking incident, Julie's hair was longer (as far down as her waist) before the accident, and at present, it's as long as in canon.
Max being the badass old man, no matter what universe, comes with the territory anyway, same with him being tech-savvy, which allows him to help Alan adjust to being the new hero. Kai is also commonly the girl Ben ultimately ends up marrying between universes, and JT being Alan's roomie contributes to him being the more chill between him and Cash (the glasses are a plus, too).
I also thought carefully about the rogues gallery between stories from throughout Ben 10's history, like having a female counterpart to Dr. Animo, or Ssserpent being the random villain Alan has to quickly deal with on his way back home with a cake, due to the villain's butt-monkey status in his first two appearances (he got better on the third).
Zs'Sakyr, I felt, was the best counterpart to represent The Lizard in Omniverse, since he's Ghostfreak's true self who tried possessing Ben and gaining full power over the Omnitrix. And I've kept up with the theme of altering art styles for the AU version of Master Kundo (like how Vulture was from the Renaissance, Green Impostor (Funkinverse) was from a sketchbook, and Snively (from my work, IAB!) was from a cell-shaded world).
Albedo, I thought, would be the best option available for a swap-in for Ohnn, as he became villainous through making a fake Omnitrix that made him a direct doppelganger of Ben (until a bioenergy feedback caused his appearance to shift), and since he fell into D-List villain territory, I felt he could have the biggest voyage to become an arch-enemy that Alan CAN'T ignore in general.
You guys are welcome to take all that as you will, and make up your own ideas on how things will turn out for them. See you later!
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avatarvyakara · 1 year
Presenting the premier Addy Brock collection from Strands of Webbing!
Starting out with diversion of a canon event because, honestly, [bleep] that noise:
52. React
"DON’T!" she screams. But Ven#m is already halfway towards the M.O.R.B.I.U.S. device, a look of determination on its electronic inFace—
Until, with a grunt, all three point one five tons of SP//dr shoves the other mech out of the way of the beam of light just in time. A nearby building fuses into a twisted mess of metal and glass, like a Vonnegut crystogram.
"What the hell was that for?" comes the angry voice of Addy Brock from Ven#m's modulator.
"Rule number one on this team: you don't get yourself killed to prove a point!" snaps Peni.
Ven#m's inFace expresses strong shock.
"…we're a team?"
"I didn't say that."
That chirpy expression looks really weird in black and neon white. It probably doesn't help that the teenager inside has a much more…smug face, and that Peni can see both of them quite clearly.
"You implied it."
"Shut up. Now help me figure out this thing's weak spot. And don’t you dare die."
(Addy survives. But Peni's not sure, after the loud squeal at the end of the fight, whether her eardrums are going to last the week.)
60. Introductions
“You’re welcome to stay longer,” she tells Gray with a little hesitation, as they sit atop the New Chrysler eating putty-cakes from a street vendor below. “You could actually come over.”
His eyes shine, but his brow wrinkles—for once he’s got the mask off. He looks like Peter Parker. He looks nineteen. (Thirty. Eighty.)
“I don’t know if your folks would be okay with that.”
“You already met Addy.”
“Well, yeah.” Admittedly, she did threaten Gray with a fate worse than death and a mech. Neither of which seemed very effective to the other Spider, who had just laughed. One Saturday she’d be very happy to forget, honestly. (But he laughed, so there was some success that day.)
“I’ve been trying to explain this to them, the whole multiverse thing,” she says, and huffs. “They still think I’m crazy. Or that I’m lying and that I’ve actually just gotten myself some shady lowlife koibito to spite them.”
Gray’s face hardens. “If that word means what I think it means, then they should know way better.”
But it softens again when he looks at her. “But a six-foot-three-inch-tall nineteen-year-old with a face like a darned sock isn’t going to be much help to you, kiddo.”
“You’re literally from another dimension—”
“And I look scary. I won’t be making it easier for you on my own, not with how you say your aunt and uncle are. Maybe you can get Miles and Gwen in on this?”
She wants to protest, but then he says: “Maybe Ham and Peter too, Make an outing of it for the whole cluster. That way the others can distract them a little.”
“...I guess that makes sense.” He’s her best human friend, and she wanted to recognize that. But even so...maybe that would be better. She was able to pass off Miguel as a Mercurial pen-pal with a cosplay addiction (most Earthers will believe anything about the decadent and obscenely wealthy and more-than-slightly inhuman Spacers), but the rest are going to be harder—her black-and-white and cartoon counterparts especially. Telling the whole story, with proof, becomes easier if there are kids her age to help soften the blow. (Plus, Peter B couldn’t look threatening if he tried.)
“You’re not scary, though,” Peni insists. “Not to me.” She grins. “You’re too much of a dork for that.”
He squeezes her shoulder, and gives her a smile no less warm for being in monochrome. “Whereas you frighten the life out of me, doll.”
She hugs him. This time around, he doesn’t resist.
“...seriously, though, what’s in that crispy paste stuff?”
“Sun-fried seaweed, Mercury-style.”
“...it’s not too bad. Tastes kinda like latkes. Like a latke dough, but you can eat it.”
“It’s pretty good. My favourite’s yungay potato.”
“Ah, a lady of quality.”
She laughs at that.
80. Comrade
Adelaide Brock is fourteen when she makes her first two real friends. People who actually get it. Who understand the thrill of the ride, and the joy of the psychic link.
They have their differences, of course. Peni’s more of a drill sergeant in the field, always efficient, applying incredible precision. Addy’s always been more of a performer at heart, and her spider (her spider), Weying, seems to sympathize. Ven#m likes the spotlight, isn’t really up to just fighting and heading home, prefers to mug for the crowds and crow over a few muggers. (And occasionally fantasizes about trapping and eating the monsters they defeat like the oversized prey they are, but that’s spiders for you.) Maybe it’s showboating a little, but hey, if you have a ship, why not display it?
But at the end of the day...Peni saved her life. Soon after, she saved Peni’s. They’re a team. They’re actually talking. And she and Weying have been working together for ages now, and New York loves them. Life is good.
Now, if only Peni would actually let her know who she keeps talking to on that weird 2D group chat of hers...
170. Hardcore
“...until ultimate termination.”
Peni blinks.
“Are you sure we’re the same person?”
Other Peni rolls her eyes. “Yes, I’m sure. Even if your SP//dr is a bit...”
“A bit what?”
“You know...impractical? For fighting bad guys?”
Peni frowns. “Mostly kaiju, actually.”
“You sit in a glass cockpit and punch giant monsters and somehow you’ve survived as SP//dr for...how long now?”
“Three years. How about you?”
“Two. ...oh, no, there is no way you’re older than me. You look twelve!”
“Uh...I’m sixteen.”
“Ah, Peni! I see you’ve met Peni?” says Ham, striding through the workshop with a sandwich and out the other side. “Have fun!”
“I guess,” mutters Other Peni.
“...Dad’s death still bothering you?”
“What? No, that was ages ago.” Other Peni sighs, which helps Peni feel less like yelling at her dismissive tone (which would be counterproductive). “Mostly it’s just the job. It...kinda grinds down on you after a while.”
“...I guess I can relate to that.”
Other Peni coughs. “So...you like listening to music while you work?”
Peni lights up. “Do I? Come on, let’s get the sound started. Have you heard anything by Karam Heiwa?”
For the first time in the entire conversation, Other Peni smiles.
“I can see you’ve got good taste.”
“It’s probably a Peni Parker thing,” says Peni, conversationally. “Gray’s stuck on swing, Peter B’s more Silver Age Electric, and Gwen’s into punk, but you just can’t beat KH for tunes to work with.”
Other Peni cautiously goes through the playlist on the holographic display, as though she’s worried about breaking something. Then her faces lights up.
“Hey, is this ‘Nuke-ular’? I haven’t heard this album in ages!”
...of course Other Peni would choose the most depressing song in the mix. Still, baby steps.
183. Talk
The first time Addy stops by the workshop when Other Peni is there, Other Peni is furious at Peni for suggesting she come and say hi. Genuinely furious.
The second time—after some prompting and a long discussion where Other Peni Parker cries for the first time Peni remembers—Other Peni is there to greet her.
“Uhhhh...Peni? Is that you? You look tired. And...older.”
“...hey, Addy. It’s me. This is gonna sound weird, but...I’m from another dimension and I just...kind of wanted to see you again.”
She sounds so tender.
Addy blinks.
“It’s okay,” says Peni, coming around to the front of the space. “She’s...a friend. Sort of. But you have to keep this a secret. This is beyond mech stuff, it’s insanely important. Swear?”
Addy nods, wide-eyed.
“Good! You two have fun!”
“Peni, you weren’t supposed to—” Other Peni growls, but Peni’s already wheeling herself out.
It should help. She knows it would help her. And she’s about 90% certain Addy will forgive her, and has fifteen different prospective options to hasten that process.
...figures that when she steps back in, Addy and Other Peni give her rather evil grins.
“You know,” says Other Peni casually, “the nice thing about being the same person? It means you’re already well aware of a fair few...embarrassing incidents.”
“...you didn’t.”
“Me? No, no. We just traded life stories. If they match up, it’s just a coincidence, right?”
Addy cackles.
“I’ve created a monster.”
“Aw, lighten up, Choking Hazard.”
“Adelaide Brock, you swore not to tell a living soul—”
“Actually I just said I’d only talk about it with you. And, well...”
Other Peni laughs.
(The sacrifices one makes for the good of one’s fellow Spiders...)
238. Rudolph
“If you think I’m missing this, Peni Parker, you’ve got another thing coming.”
“Addy...I don’t know. I mean, yes, you got bitten, but...I’ve never met another Addy Brock out there. I don’t want you to get hurt.”
Addy tosses her head back and offers her friend an easy grin. “Then I won’t get hurt. Simple as that. Trust me, Peni. I know when to pull back now.”
Peni sighs. “Fine. But be careful, right? Follow my lead.”
The red SP//dr enters the hole in space just before the black Ven#m does, and leads the way.
And on the other side—
“Hey!” calls Miles happily, coming over to meet them. “Glad you could make it!”
“...hi,” says Addy, blushing quite pinkly all of a sudden.
Peni rolls her eyes. “Excuse my friend. Addy, this is Miles Morales, Spider-Man. Miles, my best friend and coworker Addy Brock and her Spider Weying, alias Ven#m.”
“...how are you pronouncing that?” asks Ham. “Hey, I thought me and Mister Egg Cream over there were your best friends.”
Gray looks like he’s trying not to grin. Peni can feel a blush coming on herself. “I’ve got four best friends. Addy’s the only one you guys haven’t met yet.”
“Well, welcome to the team,” says Miles easily. “And Happy Hanukkah!”
(“Should I tell him you’re a Zuhariyya Muslim?”
“Nah, it’s okay.”)
297. Tea
“So, that’s one Earl Grey for Billy, one Boba for Peni, two Green for Hida and Other Peni, one Black for Cindy, one Lemon Grass for Roshni, and one Masala Chai for me,” says Pavitr, taking notes.
“I feel like we’re inviting stereotypes here,” says Roshni.
“I don’t reckon so,” Billy replies, preemptively reaching for the sugar.
“For Peter...coffee. And a reminder of what civilization looks like when you don’t commit blasphemy.”
Pauker glares. “I told you, that was in Boston!”
“And a Peppermint for Addy.”
On her shoulder, Weying the spider bounces excitedly.
“...no, Addy.” That’s from both Peni Parkers at the same time, exasperated in different ways.
“Aw, man...”
322. Mitosis
“Don’t count on it working,” says Other Peni. “And be careful.”
Peter cracks his knuckles.
“Just gotta give it the ol’ college try.”
And he walks up to the bulky form of Ven#m. Not as nice-looking as Addy’s, honestly. And a cannibal at that. Joke about it though he may, he doesn’t much like cannibalism.
Peter doesn’t entirely know what he’s doing, but there’s always such a thing as giving it the ol’ college try.
(Granted, he never went to college.)
—what are you?—
“Me? I’m just a good buddy here to annoy you into spitting out my friend’s loved ones.”
The capsule opens, revealing a tangled mess of cable-like tentacles that snake towards him.
—is Peni so desperate that she’s sending in cartoons to aid in her futile endeavours?—
—don’t make me laugh, little piggy—
—we are Ven#m—
—what are you going to do?—
—“huff and puff and blow my house down”?—
Peter pulls out the giant horn his niece Dahlia sent back from a trip to Switzerland.
“Something like that, yeah.”
362. Celebrity
Do I get one? I get one! Wheeee! ...um. Sorry. Anyway.
My name is Addy Brock. I was bitten by a radioactive spider, and for five years I’ve been one third of the one and only Ven#m. I’m from New York in the year 3150, I have a psychic link with a spider who lives inside the robot I tried to take for a joyride when I was fourteen, and my best friends in the world are Peni Parker and Weying, the aforementioned radioactive spider.
Pretty sure you know the rest. Saved the city, mugged for the camera, saved the city again and again, had a hundredth-of-life crisis during which I, uh...we don’t really talk about that. (I’m banned from Greater Peru until I’m eighty-five, on a completely unrelated note.) But I got back up. Also, I met an alternate version of my best friend who lost her me and really needed someone to keep her laughing. And that’s me. Addy Brock, clown superhero extraordinaire. (Peter Parker? Never heard of him.) Peni may be the OG, but I’m the sequel that nobody knew they wanted but now can’t get enough of. I’ve even been to Mars on business—you know how difficult it is for an Earther to get direct to Mars, let alone for a job? Usually they hire local, or take on seasonal workers from the ecoships. This is big stuff.
...but at the end of the day, I love being Ven#m. And...I like having friends who get it. I got randomly assigned a last name matching my closest genetic relatives, but Peni and her Aunt May and Uncle Ben are the first real family I’ve ever actually had. So guess what? Ven#m is here to stay, with the Parkers, in the Republic of New York, on Earth.
As long as they’ll have me.
(“Well, then, looks like even reincarnation won’t be enough to let you get away, Addy.”
"And when they get sick of you, me and my aunt and uncle and Other Addy will take over."
“Aw, you guys. Peni Parkers? Ultimate upgrade in superhero mettle. Besides yours truly, of course.”
”How modest.”)
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amporella · 2 years
I got into Ink Master recently and have since been obsessed with tattoos, SO here are headcanons as to what tattoos the SP characters would get. VERY SPECIAL THANK YOU to @sn33z3s both for getting me into Ink Master and for helping me (and probably doing more work than I did tbh) come up with these <3
Most of the example links here for tattoo styles are on Instagram, and link to the pages of artists who do these styles!
Stan - Definitely either American Traditional or Neotraditional; either way, bold, thick lines and saturated color. Some specific designs he’d get would probably be traditional wolves, flowers, and/or neotraditional dogs: he would get a memorial piece for Sparky!! Would get full sleeves, but is also prone to getting funny sticker-type tattoos on a whim depending on what he likes at the moment. 
Kyle - VERY MUCH a fine art tattoo kind of guy. His tattoos would look like paintings and are generally based off of them, but would also get fine line black and gray occasionally. Very delicate tattoos with very dainty lines, and he takes impeccable care of them. 
Kenny - Has a huge variety of stick and poke tattoos (tattoos done by hand instead of with a tattoo machine) that he did himself. Would be very into the DIY and punk elements of stick and poke, and would also do them on request for his friends. Has ‘sleeves’ but they aren’t cohesive, and are actually just a bunch of very different tattoos kind of vaguely in the same place. Gets tattoos on a whim; if he dies, it’s not like they’re sticking around anyway! 
Butters - Mostly has stick and poke tattoos that Kenny did for him (they are not very good), but occasionally branches out to get different tattoos. Other than the stick and pokes, I can see him primarily getting abstract and watercolor tattoos, mostly using the color blue? I don’t have a good reason for this. It just speaks to me.
Craig - Gets only black and gray geometric tattoos, and is extremely anal retentive about them. Turns up his nose at the idea of getting color in his tattoos, and is obnoxiously smug when his tattoos look good years in the future.
Tweek - Flowers!! He would be a flower tattoo guy, and his tattoos would have a lot of dotwork/stippling so he could get away with twitching; he wouldn’t go for fine line designs out of fear he would twitch and fuck it up. Mostly black and grey, but could definitely go for yellow if he was getting sunflowers.
Clyde - Has the WORST tattoos out of everyone. Mostly gets New School, but not the good kind; he gets memey tattoos that are old and cringe in two years time. He also has a ton of them and none of them are cohesive at all, because he tells his artist to do whatever and then hits on them during the whole tattoo.
Tolkien - Doesn't necessarily go with the typical iconography of American Traditional, but definitely goes with the style: bold lines and very saturated colors. His tattoos sit kind of in the middle between simple and complex, and they're always the cleanest tattoos out of the group.
Jimmy - Also gets New School, but actually does his research and gets cool tattoos. They all look sick and hold up super well. All of his tattoos are extremely colorful and actually do look like stickers. Leans very heavy into the cartoon style and it works for him.
Wendy - Kind of settles somewhere between Neotraditional and New School; her tattoos are all very clean, but not overly graphic or cartoony. Has a minimalist color palette and bold lines, so you can tell what her tattoos are from across the room. Often includes feminist iconography.
Bebe - ALSO FLOWERS. She could go either black and gray or color, but if she did go for color, it would definitely be red. Her tattoos are all very flattering and fit her shape well; they have a lot of flow and motion to them. Would get one of those flower tattoos on her hip.
Nichole - She doesn't have a set style, so she has a little bit of everything! She essentially treats tattoos like a scrapbook, and mostly gets new ones to celebrate events in her life, even if they're small, or to match with her friends. Most of her designs are silly and cute, and she doesn't take it too seriously.
Heidi - ANIMAL TATTOOS. She gives off that vibe to me, with deer in particular. She's mostly a Neotraditional animal type of person, but could go with realistic given the right artist. Her tattoos are always in color.
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cheylouwho · 1 year
i’ve been thinking about this a lot lately and i want to hear someone from SPHS’s thoughts.
i know you’ve noticed the “tiktok” fan base- the ones that only watch clips of the show and then say they’re fans. i read one of your posts talking about these types of fans and making blatantly incorrect headcanons. that’s something that bugs me, but another thing that bugs me is the fact i do not believe south park is tiktokable. i’ll use family guy as a comparison for my points.
first of all, compared to family guy, the humor is different, pretty much everything they explained in the cartoon wars two parter explains what i mean, m&t are not fans of interchangeable jokes and are able to give characters emotional progression throughout the episode. that’s one huge factor, i hope you get what i’m trying to imply with that. m&t are passionate about their story telling and it pays off in their episodes. i know not EVERY SINGLE joke follows this, but there are jokes made better by understanding the characters and the circumstance of the episode. the episodes work best in their entirety. (that was difficult to explain so i fear it can be misinterpreted easily)
the characters are another thing i want to mention. i watched the episode TSST with two friends awhile ago, one of which who had never seen an episode and didn’t understand cartmans character. she kept asking questions about him, or said how weird his hitler obsession was. the other friend hadn’t finished south park and said he hated cartmans character and it’s hes one of the bad pieces of the show. i believe even if you don’t like cartman as a personal preference thing, you should at least appreciate him as a character and his placement, it’s hard to understand him (despite us watching an episode that really dives into him, they still didn’t know much about him before). with family guy, one episode is enough to grasp the character, hell, even a single scene is i’d say, while m&t are very good at developing and fleshing out character personalities over time. it’s why they can pull off making sad episodes (like kenny dies and assburgers), heartwarming episodes (like tweek x craig and even bits of episodes like in raisins) all while still being a comedy show. they understand how to make the characters react in a way that can make you feel something while maintaining a good amount of jokes in the episode.
i dont know, theres more i could add but i’m just writing whatever comes to mind first so it might make no sense or it might be wrong. also, i’m by no means an old fan. i’ve rewatched the series quite a few times, watched commentaries, researched through wiki pages and am constantly trying to better my knowledge of the show, but i know i’m not quite there yet and could just be making a mistake GAHAH
No anon, I actually totally get this and agree 100%. SP as a show is not something that works well with out of context clips (and even then, the ones that do work are usually from very early in an episode before the plot fully gets established and stakes as drawn). Until pre s18 when they started soft continuity (and then s19-21s full continuity, after that is a whole other discussion entirely), the shows syndicated nature did make it easier to hop into any episode and watch it in its entirety and enjoy it without much prior knowledge of the show or it's characters. However, even then, you really needed to watch the *whole* episode to get the big picture of it's message.
And I get it, SP full length episodes are not as accessible as they once were. People these days don't know how or aren't willing to pirate things if they don't have the streaming service SP is hosted on, and beyond that, south park used to be free to watch on their website. Like, that's how I ended up catching up on the show when I finally decided to take it all in other than a handful of episodes and scenes I'd seen during my childhood back in 2013. It was all entirely available (save for Super Best Friends, 200 and 201, which I had to go track down on other websites) for free, with ads unless you used an ad blocker, right at your fingertips. And that's how M+T wanted SP to be consumed, because they explicitly noted that they didn't care about making money on streamed episodes, they cared about getting their show out there. (I will have to go find that interview, I know it's somewhere).
But still, regardless of that, you're right. SP is not something that you can consume short form as a brief tiktok video, and that's why I think we have newer fans with such big gaps in knowledge that seem like they would be easy to fill in. It's not that they're being willfully ignorant, they're just being fed a very piecemeal version of the show through social media, which is how we get people thinking Pip is a he//llpa//rk OC (augh!!! dont get me started) instead of realizing this dude was actually in the fucking show, or headcanons that are very easy to contradict with canon itself by watching like 3 episodes. That's not me knocking HCs btw, go wild and do whatever you want, but these people don't even know it's ooc, and that's a little troublesome. I've made some outlandish character decisions in the past but I at least KNEW they were not evidence based.
What that means for the fandom down the road I don't know, and its made a lot of discussion and analysis more shallow-- it's so hard outside of my SPHS friend group to find good breakdowns these days. I'm hoping maybe something will change, but who knows.
TLDR fuck tiktok and its watering down of media
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Pls pls tell me the AUs 🥺
here are the ones i can remember
many of my au ideas are just vague scenarios so these are the ones i can fully describe to some degree
A Week In South Park (aka the au that i have thought about for like 4 years now but have barely posted) - part of this is that cartman shelly and butters were the main mascots of Cartman Diner (1977-1984) cartman and shelly had a specific sort of dynamic where they argued over who was really in charge (cartman was the mascot and owner but shelly was the oldest, toughest and most intelligent (which is not saying much)) there is a lotlottlotototolotlttlotoltotolltootlot of further context but that is a part of it
Unnamed Making Fiends AU - this is based on that one semi-forgotten nickelodeon cartoon which i have posted about in the past. much less creative than the others because basically the sp characters just take the roles of the making fiends characters. cartman is vendetta and shelly is grudge (the hamster) in this cartman either brought shelly back from the dead or she was a toy or something that he brought to life using the Powers he learned from whatever source the fiend making skills came from. i have not developed this au nearly as much so i shold probably do that
The Wild West AU That I Thought Up For One Post And Did Not Think About Again Until This Moment - shelly is the sheriff of south park in the Olden Days after the deaths of the marsh parents. everyone is afraid of her despite her being like 12 and teeny because she is still threatening. but one day cartman appears (this one is even less developed sorry
i probably have more but this is just what i could think up on the spot
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popculturebuffet · 1 year
Into The Spider-Verse: Spider-Man Noir (SM Noir #1-4) (Comission for WeirdKev27)
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Hello all you happy true believers? What is this I hear? What wonderous thing? Could it be the jazz piano's ring? A dimly lit light above the doooor could it be… noir? Noir, what is it good for, it's good for you it's good for me and it's our next stop on the spider-verse train. It also might strengthen the economy
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Like SP/DR Spider-Man noir is a bit diffrent in the source material. In the movie he's mostly a bunch of detective cliches strung together with the dulcet tones of nicholas woooooooomotherfuuuucccckkiiing cage, one of another spider-person mostly there for jokes and to give a phenomenal actor something to do. Out of the three he gets the least to do character wise: Spider Pig gets plenty of mileage out of being a talking pig, cartoon physics shenanigans and being played by Baby J, and Peni gets both plenty of utility in fights and SP/DR's emotional death. In contrast Noir is just again mostly played off the strength of being Nicholas Woooooooomotherfffuuuuckiing cage. Noir in the comics though.. he's a fairly tragic well done character using a part of spider-man's character that people don't tend to think of and a 30's noir setting to craft a compelling tale of revenge, responsiblity and doing what's right. Noir , like Miles, was part of a subline with marvel if a mostly forgotten one outside of spidey: Marvel Noir. The concept came about when a french comics editor pitched a noir version of spider-man to writer David Hine, whose career is all over the place, mostly filling in for various other writers, with his most notable works being this mini series and District X, a mutant based police procedrual, both speaking to his love of gritty crime stuff. He co plotted the mini and it's sequel Eyes Without A Face, which I might cover depending on how this one does, with said editor Fabrice Sapbobliski. Marvel realized what they had and thus launched had underated comics legend Fred Van Lete craft an x-men series that I weridly HAVEN'T read but will likely cover as my attitude to most x-men stories is
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WIth both series getting sequels, along with evne more noir titles for Daredevil, Wolverine, Luke Cage and Punisher, all ones i'd be willing to look at, along with an iron man one to run alongside the x-men and spider-man sequels. Spidey Noir would go on to be a key part of the spider-verse, before dying, getting better, and getting another mini I haven't read, but the line itself kinda faded into the mists. The combo of the inherently cool concept, spidey getting more multiverse team ups than the others, and the deft writing of this one. But how'd it hold up this reading? How does spidey adapt to a gritty noir story? Why does it tie in shockingly well with the characters history? Find out bellow!
Issue one begins with, in natural noir fashion, in media res. Even if your not familiar with the name, your familiar with the trope; we begin in the middle or towards the end of the story and then work back to how we got here.
The here in this case is a bunch of police busting into J. Jonah Jameson's office to find…
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Naturally Spidey didn't do it but since the cops, as always no matter the time or relative dimension ins pace, shoot first ask questions later and Noir flees into the night.
Three weeks earlier, and the story proper begins: Ben Ulrich is taking pictures of the homeless for the daily bugle and also serving as our narrator. The Great Depression is in full swing and many has suffered with the bugle profiting off that. For those less familiar with Spidey's supporting cast, Ben is an older journalist who tries to mentor peter on occasion and serves as a source of info for our hero, taking turns with city editor Robbie Robertson in providing peter with exposition on the villian of the week. That said while Ben frequently pops up in spidey stories in this role, and to serve as a supporting character for his nephew Phil, aka the heroic green goblin and one of many less than heroic hobgoblins, his biggest roles have been outside the web of spider-man: he served as a major character in Dennis Hopless' underated Spider-Woman run , finding cases for Jessica to solve, and most recently was a MAJOR part of Gerry Duggan's x-men, finding out mutankind could ressurect, getting the knowledge wiped from him, then having it restored by Cyclops who never signed off on that and helped break the story to soften the backlash, a decision that's having repercussions to this day and likely will continue to as fall of x begins. He's most writers go to when they need a writer at the bugle. He's mostly known for being part of Daredevil's cast though, having figured out his id and then refused to print it, serving as an ally and confidant to matt from then on.
Here he's a bit diffrent: he's still a beaten down experinced joruanlist, but the greasier kind. Like I said most of his stories are depression era misery porn. He has a sense of justice.. but it's been beaten down by how broken the system is as we'll soon see. For now he's paticuarlly shadowing May Parker, in this unvierse a socialist firebrand who wants basic rights for all. It's funny how we're STILL fighting for that nearly a hundred years later
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She's naturally dismissed as a socialist and oddly it's not the police who beat her down.. but hired goons
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These are the enforcers, unchanged from their role in the main marvel universe. The Enforcers are early foes of spideys and personal faviorites of mine: Muscle man ox, skeezy mustache man and swift with a punch of a knife fancy dan, and bullwhip expert montana. They mostly show up in crime related stories and are a group partly because spidey being spidey could likely wreck their shit alone. Their also not really used a TON thanks to that, but I like their cool apperances and unique status as some of spidey's only rogues who don't use gadgets, powers or super suits. It's just pure skill or muscle in ox's case.
Their also an emblem of why spidey adapts so well to this setting: Versatility: Spidey has dealt with space, magic, and most often costumed menaces. But just as common as punching guys dressed as birds or insects is organized crime. Peter often deals with Crimebosss, especially early on with Kingpin having debuted as one of his rogues and still often showing up as a thorn in our heroes side. Even the Green Goblin and Doc Ock have weirdly gotten involved with crime wars and most goblin stories for either Gobby or Hobby have them taking over crime for some reason. So taking peter and plopping him in a mob style noir stoir and making him a more 30's style pulp vigilante fits like a glove and what' sused of his cast likewise adapts gracefully as we'll see. Their scaled down to fit the realistic tone more , but they still fit perfectly. For now though let's get back to the story. The Enforcers ask may to go back to russia ya commie, which again sadly is something that STILL fucking happens. Seriously you can lovfe a country and still crticize it. I don't like how badly this country treats immigrants, trans persons, queer people in general, children or mental health and tha'ts just the SHORT list, you can crticize something because you want better. And that's what May's doing: She dosen't want to leave america, she just wants people to not be starving on the streets because a few big shots got greedy and fucked it up for the rest of us. Are we sure this isn't the 1930's? Absolutely positive?
Anyways, before Montana can whip an old lady, whip her good, Ben comes in, and while Ox wants to pummel him, he's mysteriously off limits, though the enforcers don't like it. We find that like May around the same time in the mainline comics, May is runnig a shelter. I prefer this brand of aunt may and i'm glad it carried to the mcu: fighting for her community, rabble rousing, instead of just waiting to die basically and serving as a reson peter can't go public with his id lest she have a heart attack.
The encorcers work for the Goblin, no prize for guessing whose counterpart he is, the local mob boss who peter KNOWS killed uncle ben. This peter.. is full of rage and understandably so: the police did nothing to catch his uncle's killer and the mobsters despite seemingly having no reason to, attack him and his aunt for just trying to do the right thing.
Ben decides to help educate peter why things are this way, taking him to the black cat club. In this universe instead of stealing fancy things Felcia Hardy runs a fancy speakeasy.. and it's there Peter sees the mayor, the cheif of vice squad, and an industralist Ben spoke out against.. and is thus why he died. As Ben explains the attack on May isn't personal, the Goblin is simply a mercinary at the end of the day: the various big wigs all help clear the job in some way, and the goblin does it to give all these creepy assholes denablity. After all the police don't strike may.. because the police attacking an old woman looks bad. But some petty thugs beating up an old woman is just buisness. They can turn a blind eye to that. The Goblin does some work for hire and in return he can do whatever he wants… which is really how this job works, just with less elder abuse.
We also get an actual look at the Goblin himself: Norman looks normal enough with his Goblin name a mystery, but has mysterious ties to the psychics as his right and left hand men are both freak show alumni: The Vulture, who in this universe is a carnival geek. Which means he bites chickens heads off eddy.. and yeah it's as fucked up a practice as it sounds. Watch the film nightmare alley for a more in depth examination of this. And then you have Kraven who here is an animal trainer instead of a big game hunter, but it still fits as while a hunter Kraven does frequently used trained animals, lions and alligators mostly, against spider-man.
Peter decides to rage against the machine but despite all that rage he's still just a rat in Norman's cage and only dosen't die because he's with Ben. Ben wonders what the hell he was thinking, but Peter responds that he just.. can't stand there and do nothing while Norman gets to gloat about what he's done. So Ben finds a more healthy outlet for his new sidekick's anger: the daily bugle.
This JJJ is about what you'd expect: he has the usual sesantionalist asshole bent you see, but a heart of gold, agreeing to help peter pay for school for getting him pictures of human misery since he dosen't have a spider-man yet to get pictures of.
I do like how peter, unlike most continuities, dosen't jump RIGHT to photography thougH: ben simply has peter carry his shit and learn how to by watching… and watch he does as we see tons of misery ending with a woman whose husband comitted scucide to escape his debts.. unware the goblin's just gonna put it on his wife because wherever you are in time or space, norman osborn is objectively the worst human being. Except weirdly the main universe right now. Peter is still fired up though… and later that evening ben muses on that, how he used to have the same passion for justice before he got broken down and worries peter's rage will consume him, turning him into the same burnt out shell.. and also worries because we finally get a clear picture of his hinted connection to the goblin… as he reveals that contrary to what peter, who found ben's corpse , assume it wasn't a wild animal that killed uncle ben.. but the vulture who has razor sharp teeth and an unhinged jaw… the visual.. is truly horrifying… but the important part is how ben knows it..
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We open issue 2 with Peter and Ben watching some apartments go up, with Peter having upgraded to actually taking the pictures himself… and still spinning at how the Goblin is just blatantly getting away with this. Fancy Dan was on sight. But taking it to the police won't do anything and while Ben is determined to keep his head down… Peter refuses, citing what Uncle Ben told him about the great war
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I love this socalist take on the old mantra.. and it's not wrong. When someone in power is corrupt we have to do everything we can to get rid of them. It just often dosen't work because the system isn't BUILT to remove corruption but support it. It was true in alternate 1930's new york and it's true now. That night Peter visits Ben who feeling guilty for watching the other ben die is down booze avenue… while PEter gets a phone call from one of ben's informant's calling ben "the spider" and telling him the goblins goons are opening up some artifacts swindled from the museum.
Said artifacts are spider-idols from… some place far away. They look african in design but what country on the massive contient I can't tell ya just yet. The point is when fancy dan touches the idol he's swarmed with about 80 dozen posions giant spiders and dies horribly…. i'd show you this but given my reaction to just SEEING the page myself
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And my general arachnnophobia… hard no. I do howeve rhave to show you what happens when one bites peter. Turns out it was a test of worthness.. of sorts
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…. also I question why the spider god needed a teenager naked for this. Just saying. Peter wakes up in a coccoon because this comic is determined to break me it seems, but Peter finds he now has spider sense, his muscular, you know all the usual spider man stuff. He can also naturally shoot webs. I like the mystical bent here too, helps the pulp feel of things since they often used tribalism. Granted that comes with the asterix that it shoudl've been something a tad more specific like anasasi, an actual spider-god, and not just "GENETIC AFRICAN TRIBAL IMMAGERY", and that maybe by 2010 they shoudlv'e known better.
Now he has the power Peter bursts in on a meeting between Ben and the goblin, easily dispatching his men.. but finding himself a problem. He tells the goblin to stop.. but Norman refuses, and makes a valid point: the only way to really stop him this easily is to kill him.. and peter isn't ready to do that. He dosen't confront Ben who recognizes Peter.. and Peter's utter distgust at what his mentor really is, a stooge for the goblin, gets to Ben. Ben quits the goblin's service and plans to unload the files he has on the guy. Problem is…. he tells Jonah who comes over and plugs him… and nicely makes it a good case for Peter having actually killed him in revenge.
While one spider dies.. another is born. Peter decides he needs to step it up to really end this.. and the only way to do that.. is to become something else… to do it for revenge, to do it to try and stay true, doing it for the ones left to twist in the wind...
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I love the design here.. while the fedora added next series really completes it the mitliary jacket, turtle neck and repurposed flight mask all fell nicely home spun yet still suitably badass. Peter made this himself, with what he had being a poor teenager during the depression.. but he makes it out of his uncles uniform turning a hidden shame from killing people in a war he didn't belive in into a uniform, a symbol against crime. And yes I get the batman parallels here but it was kinda unavoiable given how much of film noir is in batman's dna, but it's still diffrent enough and peter's own quest for vengance are diffrent enough for it to be a non issue. We open issue 3 with peter swearing there's a scientefic explination for the spider god thing, but for now he just wants to get help and goes to Ben…. and find shis corpse. The resulting scene is soul crushing,… peter weeping openly with the police not giving a single damn and only not pinning it on peter because the da dosen't buy it. Once again the Goblin has taken someone from peter for trying to do the right thing.
WHile Goblin intimdates Jonah, JJ having not found the files Ulrich was about to give to the press, Peter goes to who really has them: Felcia hardy, ben's ex whose utterly broken. The art here. is amazing, and her expressions just haunting as she explains Ben told her to give them to peter if anything happened. The art by Carmine Diamncio is fucking fantastic and eaisly one of the highlights getting the gritty tone while also being expressive and animated. Peter still drags his feet slightly, feeling Ben was terrible.. but Aunt May naturally gets through to him even if she dosen't know the full story: he did right by peter, do right by him.
After the funeral and JJ confirming he's pure scum and peter can't trust him peter decides he was given his power for a reason: to take the goblin out. He can't go after him directly.. but with Ben's files, he can go after his rackets and his mob associates looking to norman for protection
The latter is the real problem: The goblin's power was, as mentoind, all in the fact he could do the jobs no one else could do.. now his association with his various criminal buddies means their giving him one week: kill spidey or he's done. Norman decides enough of this and plans to send his men after peter after Ox reveals he saw Peter at ben's apartment. Norman takes it well. Concidentally Ox is never seen again in this story and probably died on the way back to his home planet.
Peter meanwhile is annoyed abotu JJ's suddenly spineless editorials and goes to confront him and well…. opening sequence. After that Peter is shaken both by the fact there's no way that was a setup as his visit wasn't planned or anything, and the bullet in his shoulder.
He decides to play it smart, and uses the files and what he has on ulrich.. and in a clever twist we find that the jj we saw at the start and that killed ben.. is in fact the chameleon, in this version using makeup and what not instead of masks. He's also Kraven's half brother, something that hasn't really come up but will be very important here in a moment. So the issue ends with Norman having Felcia dragged to his private base where he plans to murder both her and jj.. and peter… and he's sent the vulture to go get him… but with peter absent we end the issue with him just above may. We open the final issue with Vulture preparing to eat the other half of the couple when peter comes in.. and disturbingly FILLING vulture with lead. While he disturbed it, it's clear one shot , maybe two, would've done it… peter is just full of rage, at nearly seeing one of his family once again sensely slaughtered. This isn't justice.. it's vengance. And may rails into Peter for it pointing out he's no better than the others if he keeps down this road. But peter's narration, having taken over for ben in issues 3 and 4, makes it clear it's complicated: he can tell he's right.. but his heart is telling him he would've hurt her. She sees a reckless man.. but what peter is is a scared child who lost his uncle and his mentor and almost lost the one person he had left. What he did was wrong… but you can understand it. The question is will peter continue down the road of the animal and become what Ben Ulrich was.. or become what his late mentor couldn't. Let's see shall we?
At Goblins secret torture house, we find out Felcia killed Chameleon.. and is thus shook that Jameson is alive and well. Norman decides that everything else was fine but he can't really let her live after killing one of his minons and after she scratches his face, he plans to feed her to spiders…. only for another to show up… a melee insues as Peter easily takes down the remaning two enforcers, and fights kraven, eventually both saving jameson from a tiger and pushign Kraven into spiders while Goblin runs away with Felcia… who isn't scared. Felcia is done well her ea swhile she did sell out to the goblin previously she's clearly taken none of his shit and points out even if he ESCAPES… the mob is going to be gunning for him now he's lost just abotu everything.
And he's about to loose the rest as Peter swings down and rescues Felcia and while she runs away the two confront each other.. and rip off theri masks. Goblin finds out Peter parker is spider-man .. and Peter… well..
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I love this twist and how this reveal plays out. Norman also points out anyone who see his real face dies.. it's killed or be killed.. but in the eleventh hour… Peter refuses. Goblin needs to stand trial. Peter's character arc is fantastic here: he starts out full of rage, finds an outlet… but also starts to loose himself in what he can now do, that he has the power.. but he has to use it responsibly. It's this final moment where he realizes how to: the goblin's lost his power, he can stand trial.. and it's not peter's responsibly to end him. While this peter HAS killed.. he's learned he doesn't NEED to
Norman dosen't want.. any of that but luckily for peter he didnj't actually KILL kraven.. at least not yet. The spiders from kraven grab norman and Peter looks on at this horror show as at last the goblin and the gangsters.. are no more. So we get our wrap up with Felcia: two months later and a combination of JJJ being back in charge of the bugle and Ben's files has cleared out the cities corruption for now: all the cops the goblin owned are gone, the mayor is gone, everything is mostly better. Peter asks Felcia about her relationship with the goblin that i'm just bringing up now, she refuses to tell but he still gives her a ncie picture of her and ben, reminding us that even if our heroes won.. they still lost something int he process.
We end on a great closer too, one that hints at the eventual sequel but still feels concise enough as a finish.
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It's a great message to go out on: That evil does exist and may always.. but someone will always exist to fight it…. and they usuallyw ill eventually win. And for now.. peter is that someone.
If it wasn't obvious enough.. Spider-Man Noir is a masterpiece and one of the best spider-man stories i've ever read. A well done take that honors the characters history while forming the kind of story that only could be told in the setting it's in. It's gripping, has a wonderful character arc, dynamite art and some truly haunting images. If you have the stomach for some noir, seek this one out.
Next Time: We get the opposite of this as we dive into the first appearance and secret origin of the spectacular spider-ham! Weird isn't it?
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cassiewiththeie · 3 months
school bus graveyard agere hcs!!
all, if not mostly, inspired by my agere series on ao3..,,,
read if u dare… -> hehe (+hcs that r directly correlated w/a fic will have the fic link imbedded)
first cuz shes my favorite
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Regresses the youngest 3-4)
Doesn't talk a lot other than simple one-worded responses
^luvs to communicate via fervent pointing to something she wants, or just …not communicating at all.
^ Luckily, Aiden is a mind reader and always knows what she wants (and he’s secretly her favorite while regressed bcuz of this)
Easily entertained but also easily bored
Follows whoever is closest like a little baby duck. Especially if someone (Taylor and Aiden) is regressed with her.
No one has really taken the title as her “caregiver” because;
1: she doesn’t really care like that, and it feels too serious (and also awkward) (but thats me projecting)
2: everyone already takes care of eachother, and since shes so low maintenance while regressed, it’s hardly different to treating her as normal, so why bother taking the title?
BITES AND CHEWS EVERYTHING. Her hair, nails, blankets or pillows around her. pencils have been demolished.
Her 2 comfort items are a stuffed animal (a seal, given to her by aiden) and a VERY old doll from when she was actually a child, given to her by a dance instructor from a party gift-bag or something
(the fic where she’s gifted it)
Mostly an involuntary regressor in the sense that she doesn’t really notice she’s regressing until she’s regressed
Doesn’t hate her regression, it’s just a thing she does, but does see it as a … vulnerability, since it makes her feel vulnerable.
uncoordinated & clumsy which can frustrate her, since when she’s not regressed, she’s agile and meticulous with every movement
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Oldest of the regressors! (7-10)
Talkative, which is good because she’s extra needy (easily bored and will loudly complain to whoever until she is no longer bored)
love-love-loves arts and crafts!!!
Needs very specific requirements to be able to regress; calm environment where she is incapable of being stressed (extreme voluntary regressor, basically)
regresses the least compared to Aiden and Ashlyn because of this (and out of the 3, Aiden regresses the most)
not the clingiest of the regressors— surprisingly, such an award goes to Ashlyn!— but when it comes to the her, Taylor is pulling Ashlyn to whatever activities seem most fun, or joining Ashlyn in whatever she’s doing.
^but the latter frequently leaves her bored, since Ashlyn is often doing more simple activities. Taylor always wants to do more than just color, resisting to bend and crease the coloring-pages to fold it into something cooler.
Tyler is the closest thing to a caregiver for her, only because she complains the most to him. Because he grew up with her, he usually knows what she’s about to complain about before she can.
Ie; Her attention has been drifting from the cartoon that was put on and she’s fiddling with the cuff of her sleeve or fidgeting with whatever ; she is bored, and about to whine about such. Tyler drops a stack of colorful construction paper and all other sorts of office supplies near her to play with before she can get too antsy.
(he already put up with her never ending phase of such whining when she was actually 8, and will do whatever he can to avoid it a second time.)
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right in the middle, between ashlyn’s and taylor’s ages (5-7)
very independent regressor (bcuz he was alone a lot when he was younger, and alone when he first started regressing, so he just adapted to that)
^but is always happy to be with his friends!!! he’s extra attentive to them and likes to offer his things to them (often, they amuse him and hold whatever he gives them until he asks for it back)
either concerningly quiet for long periods of time or very talkative and loud for too long
still vehemently mischievous (will misplace someones drink or the TV remote, or wait forever for someone to get off the couch to take their spot)
has known of / has been regressing the longest (approx a year longer than ashlyn and taylor)
^kept it very personal and secretive, for a long time only Ben knew
has a lot of impulsively purchased toys and activities like diy kits. he has too much money and not enough supervision (Ben occasionally manages to convince him to not buy something if it's outrageous)
aiden is THE no.1 victim to my projecting, ESPECIALLY ANGST .... so these are just the fun HCS
this was just for the regressors!!
logan, ben & tyler are not here for that reason😞… mayb i will do the others if i feel like it
will probably add more headcanons and thoughts of these lil fellars with time!!! i love them so much i get actually sick thinking about them
read my fic series if u liked :3 but dont say anything if you didnt like.
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