#car accident except its on purpose
khaosindigo · 2 months
So I have a long running joke that if I am going to hit the Joker with my car if given the chance (and the ability to go to fictional worlds, but I digress) and all of my friends are in on this joke.
Recently, by recently I mean yesterday, one of my friends fell into a rabbit hole that taught them about Jason Todd and his whole tragic backstory.
I've gotten many texts about the sudden understanding of my desire, my goal, to hit the Joker with my car as well as requests to be in the passenger seat when it happens.
Evidence of all of this can be provided upon request.
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homelanderbutbig · 2 months
Your Heart Beats For Him (G/T Homelander x Reader)
2332 words. Hurt/comfort, and a bit of angst. Homelander is 8 feet tall. Reader is non-descriptive. Established relationship.
Homelander doesn't know how to handle you getting hurt. Inspired by an ask from @chocolate-floof.
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It all happened so fast. One moment Homelander was irritatedly pacing endless circles in the Seven's meeting room, waiting for you return his calls. You were supposed to be on your way to Vought Tower, but you were late. He expected you would tell him where you were. You always call him back when he phones, and yet you had all but disappeared from his radar. Not a word or trace of you, every minute with no response fueled his growing anger. His ego began to rip chunks out of its own flesh, torn apart by his unrestrained suspicions. You were leaving him, you had to be. You probably packed up all your belongings are were on your way to another state by now. Why else would you refuse to speak to him? You know how he is, you must be doing this on purpose. You were sending him a message. You must be upset at him, you must hate him.
But in the next moment, his assumptions were swiftly shattered when Ashley ran into the meeting room to inform him that you had been in a car accident.
What happened next is all a blur in his mind; he doesn't remember leaving the Tower. He doesn't even recall himself rocketing into the air to fly to the hospital. But he did, as currently everyone in the building scurries at the sight of this eight foot tall superhero barely managing to fit himself in the corridors. He is moving like a frantic bloodhound, desperately attempting to find you. However, once he's finally located you, he's refused entry into the operating room by a single nurse.
Homelander attempts to maintain an outer façade of nonchalance, despite having just plowed through the hospital doors minutes ago. He can see you in there with his X-ray vision, surrounded by doctors as they cut you open. The nurse's words barely register in his ears as she explains your condition, that the impact of the crash created a tear in your rotator cuff and you are being surgically treated by the best doctors in the city. He can sense her fear as he towers menacingly over her, having to bend over to avoid breaking through the ceiling. She is so miniscule to him, so pathetic. Like an ant beneath his feet. He wants to intimidate her further, force her to apologize for stopping him, maybe even laser her worthless mudperson head clean off. Regardless of his homicidal urges, he swallows his pride, acquiesces to her request and silently backs away.
Sitting down on the floor, he rests his arms on his bent-up knees and mindlessly fiddles with his fingers. He hasn't felt this level of helplessness his whole life. He is the Homelander, the strongest man in the world. There isn't anything anybody can do to stop him from getting what he wants. He has no vulnerabilities to break through his skin, no limitations to what his powers can achieve. Nothing can hurt him.
Except, now he has one weakness… it's you.
You are the only person whom he truly cares about, the only one who's ever loved him for his true self. Yet he was not there to save you, so your life is now entrusted to complete strangers. Meanwhile, he is forced to stand down like a useless mutt waiting for its master to release it. And even worse, he allows it. He can't save you from your injuries, logically he knows that. This isn't a situation that can be solved with his powers, as mighty as they may be. He has to put his faith into the hands of doctors… human doctors.
His anxiety begins to suffocate him as the world around him begins closing in. The sounds of scalpels slicing through body tissue, the sterile smell of the hospital, and the sight of doctors in white lab coats… it all invokes painful memories of his childhood in the lab. He was running on pure adrenaline when he barged into the hospital, so this traumatic association hadn't quite hit him yet. But it is now.
His eyes shut tight as he fights back tears, biting on his gloved index finger as he does his damndest to cast his nightmares aside. Flashbacks hit him in unrelenting waves, of the scared little boy in the 'Bad Room' crying out for someone to save him. Nobody ever did, nor did they give him any sort of care. That little boy was all alone, just like Homelander is currently.
He wishes you were here next to him right now, you'd know what to do. You always know just what to do to calm him down, to bring him back when he dissociates. Yet thankfully, a little voice in his head reminds him that you are here. Using his super hearing he easily pinpoints your heartbeat, still strong despite your condition.
You've soothed him so often by putting his head to your chest, letting him listen to your steady pulse while you guide him through some deep breaths. You've always told him that no matter where you are, if he hears your heart beat, then your heart beats for him.
Gradually, he feels his agitation drain as he fixates on the sounds of you, the sole thing on earth keeping him grounded. The agonizing experiences of his youth dematerialize from his psyche, replaced by the cherished memories he's gained since you've come into his life. Everything about you overtakes his senses, from the way you laugh to the way your skin feels when you caress his face.
As he relaxes, the cacophony of the hospital fades away. His mind is enveloped by his pleasant recollections of you, completely blocking out his otherwise highly-tuned senses. In fact, he doesn't even hear the nurse walking towards him, with an update on the status of your surgery.
Everything is still very hazy when you start to wake up. The last thing you can recall is driving on your way to Vought Tower, and then the rest is all just vague colours and sounds.
Your eyes slowly adjust to your surroundings. You realize that you're in Homelander's penthouse, snuggled comfortably in the silk sheets of his massive bed. You notice your right arm is in a shoulder sling, but not a normal one; there's a pillow attached to your waist, holding your arm out and away from your body. You start to piece together that something serious must have occurred.
Suddenly, you hear the all-too-familiar sounds of loud footsteps hurriedly approaching, followed by the immense stature of a supe in blue looming above. It takes a moment for your blurry vision to refocus, but you soon see your oversized boyfriend's face staring down at you. His expression is contorted with conflicting emotions, swaying from relief to what you assume is a mix of anger and anxiety.
"Hey you," you utter, your voice a bit hoarse. You still feel a little loopy from the painkillers you've been put on, but you're coming to pretty fast considering.
"Hey you? …Really? T-that's all you have to say?" he scoffs, eyes twitching from distress. He's in disbelief at how casual you sound about this whole situation.
"Sorry… still a little out of it," you smile groggily. "What… happened?"
"You were in a car accident," he retorts sharply, keeping his arms crossed behind his back as if he's scolding a teammate. "You required surgery."
"Oh," you say, the only word that comes to mind as you process everything. Which, of course, is not the answer Homelander was hoping for.
"Oh? That's it?! I-I can't believe how you aren't taking this seriously!" he exclaims in a huff, finally throwing his hands up into the air out of pure frustration. "You could have died! I should be the one taking you everywhere, you can't go out by yourself. There are too many… m-many villains out there who could hurt you!"
"But I'm not dead sweetie," you remark. "It was an accident, nobody did this on purpose. These things happen."
"No! Y-you don't understand! I-I need to keep you safe!!" he lashes out, pointing aggressively at you as he becomes overwhelmed. The heat is building in his eyes; he's never yelled at you out of anger before, never. But right now his thoughts are spiralling out of control from the stress of these recent events. In his mind he's already decided how this will be handled. You are weak, you are fragile, and he must protect you. From now on, you will not go anywhere without him by your side. He needs you to be subservient to his wishes. He needs to make you concede, to bend to his will, whether you want to or not. He will never come this close to losing you again.
And yet, as always, you must be the force of reason.
"John," you state bluntly, silencing him on the spot. One word has left him motionless, staring down at his shoes as the fire within him smolders away leaving nothing but a husk. The crimson red of his eyes is replaced by glistening tears dripping down his cheeks, reflecting back the melancholy of his blue irises. His arms are back down at his sides, clenched into fists so tight that he might rip through the leather of his gloves.
Hearing you say his birth name cuts through him like a knife, leaving him feeling vulnerable, exposed… human. You know he doesn't like being called 'John', but in moments like this you need to talk directly to his inner child, to the part of himself that he's scared to let out.
"John, it's okay baby. Come here," you coax him, gently patting on the side of your bed with your good arm. Although he's hesitant to give in, you know he's pretty much incapable of disobeying your orders, especially when there's the promise of affection on the line. Carefully, he kneels down beside the bed, keeping both of his hands on his thighs. He's afraid to touch you, now that he has to come to terms with your mortality.
"You can rest your head on my chest," you comment, lifting your left arm up to make room for him. "Don't worry, I won't break", you chuckle, seeing him tense at the mere suggestion.
As steady as he can, Homelander leans closer to rest his big head across your chest. At first he tries not to go down with his full weight, but he soon feels your dainty fingers running through his undercut. With a deep sigh, he feels himself slowly sinking into your body, made more placid by the sounds of your heart in his ears.
"There we go, all good," you console him calmly. "Now, can you tell me why you're upset?"
You already know the answer, you can read him like a book. But you want him to articulate it, and relieve him of the worries that plague his sensitive mind.
"Y-you…" he mumbles, struggling at first to find the right words. This isn't a conversation he'd think he'd have in a million years. "Y-you're human."
"And you're scared that I can get injured so easily?" you ask. Trembling, he nods, admitting to himself how weak you are compared to him. You are just a human, and he is a supe. The strongest one on earth at that. How could he ever think your relationship would work?
"Oh baby boy," you hum, stroking the side of his cheek, wet from his tears. "People get hurt all the time, that's just a fact of life. But that doesn't mean we can't live in fear, we live each day like it could be our last."
"S-s-sorry… I-I… I'm s-sorry…" he whispers, his voice sounding so small compared to moments ago when he was yelling at you.
"Why, because you weren't there to rescue me?" you question him. You sense him attempting to bury his face further into your chest out of shame. He feels that he failed you, not only as a superhero but as a boyfriend. "Sweetpea, you don't have to feel guilty. It wasn't your fault. It happened, but I'm fine now."
He angles his head up at you, his brows furrowed and red puffy eyes glaring at your last remark. You are far from fine, your shoulder is wounded. How can you even say that?
"Hey," you breathe, petting his hair. "It's going to be alright. I got hurt, but now it's over. I'm going to get better, and I love you very much, okay?"
Exhaling through his nose he nods, still not entirely convinced, but he can at least drop it for now. You're right, you are presently safe. All he wants right now is to be in your company. Softly purring at your genuine love, he lets himself melt into your tender scratches along his scalp. You whisper sweet affirmations into his ear, always babying him even through your injury.
After some time, he realizes that you've fallen back asleep. Your accident and surgery must have taken its toll on your body, so fragile and yet so perfect. You deserve the rest.
Homelander gets up from his kneeling position and meticulously lifts you up, moving your body to the other side of the bed so he can lie down beside you. Resting his head on your chest again, he removes his gloves to wrap his arms around your legs as delicately as he can muster. His long fingers caress your skin, the feeling of your soft features comforting him as he is lulled into slumber by your heart. He wonders how he will ever be able to separate himself from this beautiful sound once you wake up.
You may be human, but you are flawless, impeccable. You are a god. You are unspoiled by the cruelty of the rest of society, and you must stay that way. He will never let anything harm you ever again. Otherwise… the world will burn.
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peachiseas · 6 months
okay i am very new here, so i need a through introduction to your mcs! like eve for example, pls post his whole biography o(╥﹏╥)o
fr tho, tell me anything and everything :D
TOOK SO DAMN LONG SINCE I WANTED TO DRAW A STEP ONE REF OF EVE BUT ITS GONNA TAKE A MINUTE so here are the sketches,,, Anyways- gonna introduce the main two mcs/ocs you'll see here: Eve Cortez Williams and Aaliyah Dubious
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(dont mind my ipad scribbles on the screenshot iofqiowogi) Lemme put this under a readmore actually so yall dont get slammed with a long ass post:
Starting with Eve:
He's my Tamarack MC, but I figured since uh. all my art that was a given
He has a strained relationship with Qiu in step 1 but they become besties by step 2 and by step 3, they are like family to each other. If no one got Eve, Eve knows Qiu got them, amen 🙏
He comes out as transmasc by step 2, and by step 3 he gets top surgery and starts taking testosterone and firmly identifies as a butch lesbian
He's from the southern part of Miami, Florida. He's Golden Grove's residential florida man
He practices martial arts religiously, he's a big fan of Goku and Dragonball in general so he wants to be like his idol
His story deviates a bit from the OL2 generic mc story, he did have a dad! Opal and his dad wanted a kid but they both didn't want to get married and since the two of them were best friends, they decided to have a kid together (or well two but we'll talk about that later)
What's important to note from above is that his dad isn't around anymore because his father passed away a few months ago due to a car accident and Eve was hospitalized as a result
So by the time he's at Golden Grove, he's in anger stages of his grief and he doesn't want to be bothered. Which sucks cause hes neighbors with the two loudest kids on the block
Doesn't help he's a ESL speaker (English as a Second Language) and Golden Grove's population is majorly white so he has even harder of a time adjusting to it
He gets into fights in step 1... a Lot. Someone will look at him funny and they'll get punched in the face
He does adjust but he still doesn't like Golden Grove by step 3 but funnily enough, he moves away at the end of step 3 for treatment but moves back in step 4, crazy how that shit works huh
He has two emotional support bunnies; Bulma and Chi-Chi! He gets them in step 2, Qiu and Eve bond over them LMFAO
As for Aaliyah:
She's my Qiu MC, to the shocker of no one. Tamarack is also her best friend <3
Aaliyah is from New Orleans, Louisiana! She's full blooded Haitian and she has family in Haiti
She's also transfem! She passes for cis in step 1 thanks to hormone blockers and some makeup and then starts taking estrogen in step 2 and onwards
Her being black and transfemme is integral to her character and how she navigates around Golden Grove, she doesn't tell anyone she's trans until near the end of step 1. By step 3, the girl gang and Qiu knows shes trans
^^ That's because she had a very negative experience coming out to her community who previously loved her but flipped on her just as fast
So moving to Golden Grove was supposed to be a fresh start for her as herself but by that point she feels like she has to keep up her "cis-sona" lest she gets bullied again
She still gets bullied for other reasons in step 2 though (being a pretty black girl and the one person who has a crush on her is the most popular kid in school... its rough! 😭)
By step 4 though she is proud to call herself trans and will let people know!
She lovessss animals! And the animals love her back! She feeds them all the time and keeps animal food on her for that purpose when she goes to the park to read by herself, she got a flock of crows and stray cats that like to follow her
She has a cat named Kiki!!! Kiki loves everyone except Qiu though, Aaliyah doesnt know that though-
I hope that was enough of a info-dump! If anyone has anymore questions please ask i have so much lore please-
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bittenmoths · 7 days
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˗ˏˋ 𓂃 ( danny ramirez. cis man. he/him ). meet rafael velazquez, a 30 year old, who has been in cloyne for his whole life. they are a tattooist / owner at blackest ink, known for being equanimous and woolgathering. they are often heard humming along to everything in its right place by radiohead. residents would describe them as the quixotic. ( james, 25, they/them, est )
content warnings for... drunk driving, car accident, familial death, grief, traumatic brain injury, anxiety, dissociation.
full name — rafael amaya velaquez.
nickname(s) — raf, rafa, velaquez.
place of birth — cloyne, ontario, canada.
date of birth & age — july 15th, 1994. thirty.
gender / pronouns — cis man, he/him.
sexuality — bisexual.
occupation — owner and tattoo artist at blackest ink.
astrology — cancer sun, libra moon, scorpio rising.
residence — a small apartment on the west - end of town; all brick walls and busted heaters; dozen of knitted blankets and coffee wafting through the air, clinging to the fabric. comfortably cluttered and warm - toned, it feels like a proper home.
interests — ink drawings and paint markers; poorly made ceramics. the smell of a sterile work station; mindless sketches. stretching, sometimes just to show off faded but well - loved ink. dungeons and dragons; mysticism as a concept. high fantasy, comfort in a well - crafted world. reading, though he wishes he did it more often. huddling beneath a pile of blankets in the middle of winter; star - gazing. herbal teas with just a touch of honey. the scent of fresh laundry, cloves, roses. helping others where he can. cooking, but especially for others; and especially old family recipes. journaling, keeping notes; trying to regain a sense of purpose - feeling normal. ice cold beer and a pack of cigarettes, the occasional joint. loud music; the riff of a guitar. the feeling of one in his hands. love, found in the faces of everyone he's ever known. love, as a concept. love, as something unreachable.
aversions — mentions of his brother; a wound still so fresh, so red, a mark upon his entire being. acknowledging the lingering stares of his parents, and wondering if they wish he were someone else. excessive selfishness, when survival means only sacrifice. empty gestures and meaningless words; promises he can't keep. lying, though he can't help it. grinding his teeth together ( wears a night guard to bed ). laying awake for hours at a time, just staring at the ceiling; no thoughts, but sleep too far in the distance. thinking about only himself. being a burden. geese, god help him. replacing old clothes that reek of nostalgia; forever condemned to a lifetime of sewing buttons back onto sleeves, patchwork over holes. .
quirks — rolls his knuckles over a flat surface in order to crack them. nails bitten raw and short. frequently caught staring at the sky, entranced by the clouds - wishing he could touch them. notes app full of the things the people he cares about enjoy, or dislike; so he never gets it wrong. gives too much of himself, even when it hurts. never knows when to say no.
most played — everything in its right place by radiohead.
notable features — an old, cracking leather jacket he refuses to part ways with and a mess of curls well - cared for. an expanse of tan, tattooed flesh that stretches over bone and muscle; always peaking beneath hemlines.
general disposition — a bright, well - lit smile and shoulders that seem only sometimes heavy. dim - lit eyes, and a small sigh of relief whenever eyes turn away from him.
character study — ponyboy curtis ( the outsiders ) & james wilson ( house m.d. ).
public records.
the velazquez' have lived in cloyne for generations, rafael and his family no exception to that. his parents are both teachers, high school and elementary, and their family was as nuclear as it came. two parents, two kids, a dog; a white picket fence ( or damn well near enough ).
they're good people, well - respected in town. rafael and his twin brother, joaquin get into trouble from time to time; but only minor things, nonconsequential. kids being kids. they're close, growing up, as close as they can be. it's an ordinary childhood; but one filled with warmth and light, and life.
the only notable dispute that rafael and joaquin ever had were their positions in life; rafael's smart, but he's always been more practical, more artistically inclined. joaquin was valedictorian - there's a craving deep inside him for a life outside the one they know in cloyne. he wants to leave, rafael wants to stay; he can't imagine a life without his brother, but he can't imagine a life where he leaves cloyne either.
joaquin moves soon after; away from cloyne, and away from rafael. it's a loneliness that he's never felt before; one that eats at him. it's not long before he's visiting joaquin at college every other month. it's a long drive - but it's worth it. he's his twin; it would always be worth it.
drunk driving / car accident / familial death; one weekend away, one visit to joaquin's college nearing his graduation, and they're driving home too late, too drunk from the party they've just left. rafael knows they should call an uber, a taxi, a friend, anybody, but joaquin insists - it's fine; they've driven the same length of road so many times before. it's fine. it's fine, he says. rafael sees the other car before he does - joaquin doesn't see anything at all. he dies on impact.
grief; it's weird, mourning someone you've known all your life. grown up next to. their parents are beside themselves - blame themselves for joaquin's death more than they blame rafael. their relationship's never the same - but cloyne is home, where else would he go? the grief is heavy, all - consuming; rafael breaks up with his long - term partner at the time, and for a while there - it's like he's nothing more but a ghost.
he doesn't think time can ever heal the wound he feels, so viscerally - but little by little, time does pass. it does move - his parents warm up to him again, and he can breathe a little easier. he rebuilds his life - comes into ownership of the local tattoo shop; and it's been peace since - until lorelai walsh.
disposition & details.
a lover by all means; loves his friends and his family deeply, and when he does fall, he falls hard. quiet, but charming; kind. the boy next door, all grown up. he would do anything to protect the people he loves.
will always go out of his way to help someone in need; whether it's a ride home after they've drank too much, or they need somewhere to stay - or they just want someone to accompany them on errands - rafael's the first one to the door, the first one to call. never asks anything in return - never asks much for himself. a lifetime of brotherhood's left him more than willing to share what he has of his own.
grief; he knows he's not at fault for the accident that claimed his brother's life; but there's guilt in the survival of it all. he would turn back time just to switch their roles, just so joaquin could have the life he wanted. it's made him quieter, less enthused than he used to be - and it's not for lack of trying. years ago, he was angry; now he's defeated - stuck knowing that nothing could bring his twin back.
traumatic brain injury; the accident left rafael with a significant brain injury that effects his ability to hold and process memories; over the course of the years, his ability to retain past information has improved - but there's a constant struggle to remember the new. it's overwhelming, overpowering; it's terrifying.
anxiety / dissociation; appears naturally laidback - a quiet confidence; but anxiety lingers beneath his skin. he doesn't talk about his mental health often, or the things that consume him, the dissociative state he finds himself in more often than not. it's better this way, he thinks. ultimately self - sacrificing; by putting others at a constant first, he's only hurting himself.
not someone who beats around the bush; but he's gentle all the same. it's not tough love, just - love. despite any worries - he's never afraid to speak up, speak out; voice his concerns for others. stubborn, sometimes; he doesn't drop topics, even when they make him sick with worry, with fear, with anxiety. is someone who has to talk it through to the end, or else he can't sleep, can't function. can't live.
a better person to sit in silence with in quiet comfort than be offered advice; he falters, sometimes, because how can he give advice that he himself doesn't follow? tries nonetheless, but he's never been much of a motivational speaker.
cares deeply about his profession, his craft - the work he does. doesn't tattoo as often as he used to, before becoming the owner of blackest ink; but he'll make time for others, when they ask. his work is still precise, near methodical; laced with years - long practice and love. it's just that he's also handling the business side of things, the finances. he's constantly sinking under, but trying to remain afloat.
the long term ex — it's been maybe six years now since they've broken up, with little to no warning or explanation on rafael's side. loose ends, and unanswered questions - things he still avoids to this day. why?
childhood friends — without them, he'd be lost; he needs people to anchor onto, to keep him from floating away. they've known him, his family, all their lives.
something more — he's always so hesitant, so afraid of messing something up; they're not sure where they stand, or what exactly they mean to each other. but it's - something, right?
clients, neighbors - people he's grown up around, but aren't necessarily his closest friends. family friends. enemies from youth; unresolved conflicts. exes, friends of joaquin's.
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whoawardwinchester · 3 months
A Winchester Chronicle
Please consider liking, commenting, and reblogging. It fuels the creativity and lets me know you're enjoying my hard work.
Summary: You arrive at the audition for the role of Raven, your first acting job ever, feeling a mix of nerves and determination, reflecting on the loss of your husband and children in a car accident a year ago. Your performance impresses the casting directors, including Jared, Jensen, and Misha, leading to additional chemistry readings where you grow more confident. Jensen surprises you with a final, impromptu test that involves an unexpected kiss, solidifying your connection. Officially offered the part, you leave with a sense of hope and excitement for this new chapter, despite your lingering grief and medical challenges.
Pairing: Jensen Ackles x Reader
Content Warning: (subject to change per chapter as this series is written) This chapter includes references to grief, loss of loved ones (spouse and children), medical conditions (PCOS and endometriosis), mild language, and a kissing scene. Please proceed with caution if these themes may be triggering.
Rating: 18+ for the whole series.
This is a work of fiction. There is no hate for anyone in real life.
If you want to be added to the tag list for this series, just let me know! Also be sure to tell me how I'm doing or request anything related to Jensen/Dean!
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Season 4 (each season will have about 22-23 chapters, except S4 only because I have to set the storyline into motion. Otherwise, it will follow the episodes of Supernatural, with adjustments as needed.) :)
Chapter 1: A New Beginning
You woke to the muted light filtering through your bedroom curtains, casting soft shadows on the walls adorned with framed photographs of happier times. You stretched, movements slow and deliberate, as if testing the weight of the day ahead. The morning air held a chill that clung to your skin, a stark contrast to the warmth you once knew.
In the corner of the room, a small desk cluttered with scripts and audition notes stood as a testament to your newfound pursuit. You had always been drawn to the arts, finding solace in the rhythm of words and the emotion they could evoke. Yet, it was here, in the aftermath of loss, that you sought a fresh start.
You padded across the creaky wooden floorboards in your favorite pair of well-worn Converse, the soles barely making a sound. Your attire was casual, comfortable: yoga pants adorned with intricate New Age symbols and a loose-fitting T-shirt that you had acquired from a thrift store, its faded logo a testament to its previous life. A gold nose ring gleamed faintly in the morning light as you brushed a strand of long, layered, wavy auburn hair behind your ear, your blue eyes scanning the room with determination.
At just five foot three inches tall, you possessed a curvaceous figure that spoke of strength and resilience, qualities you hoped to channel into your upcoming audition. Your mornings had become a ritual of preparation and anticipation. Today was no different. Today, you had an audition—a chance to breathe life into a character named Raven, a role that whispered of mystery and strength.
The path that led you here had been winding and unpredictable. Once, you had been a stay-at-home mom to three lively children -days filled with laughter and chaos, evenings with bedtime stories and lullabies. But life had a way of shifting beneath your feet, leaving you adrift in a sea of uncertainty after a tragic car accident had taken not only your husband, but all of your children, too. In the quiet moments, when grief threatened to overwhelm you, you clung to the hope that this audition would fill the void, give you a purpose beyond the emptiness that echoed in your heart.
As you reached for the script on your cluttered desk, your fingers brushed over a delicate tattoo on your wrist—a small, elegant design that you had inked as a reminder of the love you had lost and the strength you had found in its wake. You took a deep breath, steadying yourself for the day ahead, your mind racing with lines of dialogue and the anticipation of stepping into Raven's shoes.
Today, you were not just preparing for an audition; you were reclaiming a part of yourself that had been buried beneath sorrow and doubt. With each page turned and each word spoken, you hoped to breathe life into Raven, to find solace in storytelling, and to discover a new beginning in the world of acting.
As you gathered your script and headed out the door, your thoughts lingered on the possibility of forging new connections in this unfamiliar world. In the casting rooms and on set, you hoped to find companions who could share in your journey—new friends who might become as close as family, offering support and laughter along the way.
You arrive at the audition with just 4 minutes to spare, thanks to traffic. Adjusting your hair in the mirror one last time, you take a deep breath to steady your nerves. Standing outside the casting room door, you clutch your script to your chest. The hallway buzzes with other hopeful actors murmuring lines under their breath. A stage assistant calls your name, and you step forward, heart pounding.
Inside, the casting directors sit behind a long table, scrutinizing your every move. You take your mark, trying to ignore the bright lights and the camera lens that seem to magnify every imperfection.
"Whenever you're ready," one of the directors says with a reassuring smile. It isn't until he speaks that you notice Jared and Jensen, along with another man you don't recognize, also watching you. That isn't nerve-wracking at all.
You nod, clearing your throat, and launch into your prepared lines. You stumble at first, the words catching in your throat as nerves threaten to overwhelm you. Closing your eyes briefly, you mentally push away the doubts. Remembering your months of preparation, you steady yourself and begin again, this time with more conviction.
As you deliver your lines, you focus on the character's emotions, channeling your own experiences into the performance. Your voice grows stronger with each sentence, and you feel a flicker of hope as the casting directors lean forward, nodding appreciatively.
After what feels like an eternity, the scene ends. You stand there, heart racing, waiting for feedback. The directors exchange a few murmurs before one of them speaks up.
"Thank you, Y/N. That was great. We'll be in touch about callbacks."
You nodded, feeling a rush of relief mixed with lingering nerves. You thanked them and walked out of the room, replaying every moment of the audition in your mind. You couldn't help but wonder if they noticed the slight tremble in your hands or the flicker of doubt in your eyes.
Your mind buzzed with the intensity of the performance as you reached your car. Exhaling slowly, you tried to shake off the nerves that had built up over the past hour. Glancing at your watch as you unlocked the car, time seemed to slow down in those tense moments.
Suddenly, footsteps approached from behind. Turning, You saw Jared walking briskly towards you, his expression friendly yet unreadable. Your heart skipped a beat. Was he about to deliver the news—whether you had made the cut or not?
"Hey, Y/N!" Jared's voice cut through the noise of the parking garage.
You managed a smile, trying to hide Your nerves. "Hey."
Jared grinned, kindness reflecting in his eyes. "We wanted to ask you to come back in for a moment. We have a few more things we want to discuss."
You blinked, your pulse quickening. "Oh, sure. I'll just—I'll be right there." You followed him back towards the audition room, your mind racing with possibilities.
As you both entered the room, you found yourself facing the casting directors once again, who looked up with mild surprise. Jared and Jensen exchanged a knowing glance before Jensen spoke up.
"We just wanted to say, Y/N, that we loved what you brought to the character today," Jensen began, his voice sincere. "You really stood out, and we think you could be perfect for this role."
Your heart leaped with hope, breath catching in your throat. It was hard to believe what you were hearing—after all the hard work and nerves, it seemed like your dream might actually be within reach.
Jared chimed in, his smile warm. "We're looking forward to seeing more of what you can do. Are you up for that?"
You nodded, eyes shining with gratitude and excitement. "Absolutely. Thank you so much for this opportunity."
The casting directors nodded in agreement, clearly impressed by the support from Jensen and Jared. "Alright, then. Let's run some chemistry scripts with Jared. Then we'll make our way to Jensen, and Misha after," one of the directors said, pointing to the papers on the desks.
You picked one up and read your lines with Jared. He was a natural, and his kindness made the process easy.
"That was great, you two," the director noted, making a mark on his script for the writers. "I don't think Raven is Sam's love interest right now, but as friends, it's perfect for the start of Season 4."
The writer, scanning her notes, chimed in, "Yes. Do you want to try Misha before Jensen?"
The director considered her suggestion. "I think that would be best. Misha, Jared, swap places please," he instructed, glancing at Misha in a scolding manner. "Misha, read your lines this time."
"Let's see how mad I can make them this time," Misha whispered to you as he took Jared's place.
You giggled, imagining the fun Misha, Jared, and Jensen had on set. "This will be my first season, too," Misha added as you both started your script reading together.
Misha finished with a dramatic flourish that made you laugh out loud. "Your laugh is the sweetest I've heard all day!" a producer exclaimed, taken aback. Your grandmother had once described your voice as 'sparrow-like,' often the center of compliments.
"Thank you, Misha! I don't think we need to do a chemistry reading with Jensen, unless… Jens - what do you think?" the producer continued.
Jensen had been very contemplative while he watched both of the previous readings, his expressions hard to read. "Yep. Let's do this," he finally responded after a few more long seconds of pondering.
Jensen helped Misha off the floor, "Dude, you've got to chill out," he joked. "Never," Misha responded, making his way back to the tables.
As Jensen passed by you, a whiff of his cologne caught your attention. It was warm and inviting, though not to say that Jared or Misha smelled bad—they just didn't draw your senses like Jensen did. His scent reminded you of a cabin on a rainy fall day, a surprising association that distracted you from realizing the chemistry reading had already begun.
"This is where you say 'DEAN WINCHESTER…'" Jensen motioned for you to deliver your line. "I'm so sorry. May we start again?" you asked, feeling shy and noticing your warm cheeks betraying your embarrassment. "Yeah, we can," Jensen replied. "Ready?" you asked nervously. "Have been all day," he smirked.
As you neared the end of the reading, you and Jensen reached a part where Raven and Dean were supposed to kiss passionately. Jensen suddenly stopped. "I believe we've captured the chemistry between Raven and Dean. The rest isn't necessary today," he announced, glancing at the panel, who seemed on the edge of their seats. "I don't think we saw enough," Jared joked, nudging Misha lightly. "I concur, Jared. Dean and Raven sitting in a tree… K-I-S-…" Jensen cut him off with a growl as his watch rang with a woman's name displayed.
"You're all free to go. Y/N, I'm pleased to welcome you to the Supernatural family. Congratulations!" the director said. Everyone shook your hand and wished you well on their way out, except Jensen, who was still on a heated call.
"No, I told you I was working late today. We had a new role to fill, and it was crucial that I was here for it," you overheard Jensen say. "I didn't think it was appropriate for us to be working together every day for the next God-knows-how-long," he added.
Realizing this was not a conversation you needed to witness, you quietly started making your way out.
"No, hang on…" "Y/N, wait just a sec." You nodded at him. "Yes, that's her name… Why would her name matter? … Ok. I'll talk to you later. Bye." Jensen hung up.
"Thanks for waiting. I have your schedule here. I specifically asked to give it to you so I could walk you out," he said, gathering his things and handing you a stack of papers. "Of course, if you lose these, you should have them in your email, so don't worry if you do." He pushed the door open and held it for you. "Great. Thank you," you said, scanning over the text.
The walk was silent for a few minutes. You frantically thought of something, anything to say, but all that filled your mind was how rugged he looked from the side. He caught you glancing at him. "What's up?" he asked, smiling.
"I… Uh… Was just thinking about your cologne. It smells familiar," you lied, mentally chastising yourself. What the hell were you thinking?
"Oh, it's Mountain Man by Dior, I think. Or is it Ralph Lauren? It's one of those two," Jensen chuckled.
"It's lovely," you let slip, feeling sheepish. Seriously, Y/N? Lovely? You were a fool, and you knew you'd be ruminating on this later.
"Thanks. Is this your car?" We were the last ones in the parking garage. You glanced at your watch; your audition was at 2, and it was already 11:30. Your stomach growled.
"Yeah, it is. Man, how did time fly so fast?" you said, unlocking your trunk to stow away your belongings.
"Yeah, today flew by," Jensen agreed. "Go grab some grub. There's a diner about three blocks from here that's open all night. Super handy for days like this," he said, turning as if to find his own car.
"Perfect. I appreciate you walking me out," you said, holding out your hand. "It was great to meet you," you beamed.
He shook your hand. "Likewise. See you in two weeks," he said, turning towards his car as you got into yours. Rolling down the window, you turned the radio up a little, taking a moment to sigh and process the day, leaning back into your seat. "Oh. My. God!" you whispered excitedly.
"Hey, one last thing…" Jensen appeared at your window. "AHHHH!" you screamed, heart thudding wildly in your chest.
He opened the door and took your hand to help you out. "I'm so sorry," he laughed as you clutched your chest, breathing through the scare. "I… I was just practicing, you know," you said jokingly to hide your embarrassment. "What's up?" you added.
"I know it's been a long day, and we've already done our reading together, but I figured if you had any questions you could text or call me. I also just need to see something," he said, stepping closer to you as he handed you his number. "Oh, Thank you. Let me just grab the scripts…" you began, turning towards the trunk.
He took your hand and gently pulled you closer, your face at chest level. Looking up, you saw his bright green eyes, intensified under the garage lights. "I don't know what…" you started.
"I just NEED to see… something," he interrupted softly, leaning towards you.
His lips met yours as he cupped your face in his hands, gently pinning you against the car. You moaned involuntarily. His lips were soft and tender as he pulled away, leaving you in shock. Clearing your throat, you managed, "I… um… hm," looking at the ground and shaking your head lightly.
"I didn't think it was necessary to see if we had physical chemistry in front of everyone. They'll see enough when we film through the seasons," he said, stepping back.
"Right. Thank you. That would have been… nerve-wracking," you said, sweeping some hair behind your ear. "Well? Feel the chemistry?" you joked nervously.
"I certainly felt something," he smoldered, turning away and waving. "Good night. Again!"
You watched him walk around the garage corner, finally comprehending what had just happened. It certainly didn't feel like just a chemistry reading, but you couldn't afford to think like that. You needed to stay professional. It had only been a year since your husband passed, and you still cried often about his absence. Guilt rose in your gut.
"Just get home, Y/N," you said to yourself, climbing in, saving his number in your phone, buckling up, and backing out. "Get home and breathe."
As Jensen navigated the familiar Vancouver streets, the soft glow of streetlights cast fleeting shadows across his face. His phone, propped up on the dashboard, displayed the faces of Jared and Misha on a group video call. The signal occasionally weakened, causing their images to pixelate.
“Jens, spill the beans,” Jared grinned widely. “What did you think of Y/N today?”
Jensen paused, thoughtful. “She was… impressive.”
Misha, in mock seriousness, chimed in, “Impressive? Come on, give us the juicy details. Did you kiss her after we left?”
Rolling his eyes with a small smirk, Jensen replied, “No, Misha. It was a chemistry test. You know how it goes.”
“But seriously, dude,” Jared leaned closer to the screen. “She seems like she'll be a great addition to the cast.”
Jensen nodded. “Yeah, she does.”
“Ah, so she's officially a part of the family now. Welcome aboard, Y/N,” Misha grinned.
“Yeah, welcome aboard,” Jensen echoed, a genuine smile on his face.
Misha couldn’t resist teasing. “So, when's the first scene together? I'm looking forward to seeing some epic on-screen chemistry.”
“We'll see how it goes,” Jensen chuckled.
Jared’s curiosity peaked. “Speaking of chemistry, how's Dee taking it? Is she excited?”
Jensen hesitated, a flicker of discomfort crossing his face. “She… wasn't thrilled.”
“Oh, jealous, is she?” Misha raised an eyebrow in seriousness.
“She wanted the part. Thought it would be a good fit,” Jensen sighed.
Jared’s voice was sympathetic. “It's tough when expectations don't match reality.”
“Yeah,” Jensen nodded, a hint of sadness in his eyes.
The conversation shifted back to lighter topics, with Jared and Misha sharing stories about their own auditions and the day’s events. But in the back of Jensen’s mind, thoughts of Y/N lingered. He couldn’t deny the connection he felt during their audition and wondered how their dynamic would evolve on set.
As he turned onto his street, Jared and Misha got off the phone buzzed with a text from Y/N, thanking him for his support and expressing her excitement to join the cast. He smiled, typing a quick reply before pulling into his driveway.
Just as he was about to open the front door, it swung open. Dee stood there, arms crossed, a tense expression on her face.
“How was your day?” she asked, though her tone suggested she already knew the answer.
Jensen forced a smile. “It was good. Y/N got the part.”
Dee’s eyes narrowed slightly. “So I heard. Everyone’s talking about how great she was.”
“Yeah, she really was,” Jensen replied, keeping his tone neutral.
Dee sighed, clearly frustrated. “I just don't understand why I wasn't right for it.”
“Dee, you’re a great actress, but they were looking for something specific. Y/N just happened to fit that.”
“Or maybe it’s because she’s the new shiny toy,” Dee muttered under her breath.
“Come on, don’t be like that,” Jensen said softly, reaching out to her.
Dee pulled away, her expression hardening. “I just hope this doesn’t change things between us.”
“It won’t,” Jensen assured her. “She’s a colleague, that’s all.”
“Yeah, well, we’ll see,” Dee said, turning away. “I’m going to bed.”
Jensen watched her go, a knot of worry forming in his stomach. He couldn’t shake the feeling that this was just the beginning of a much larger conflict. With a heavy sigh, he headed upstairs, hoping tomorrow would bring some clarity.
You sit on the edge of your bed hastily scarfing down a cheesesteak from the diner Jensen mentioned, the glow of your bedside lamp casting a warm light over your open script. You glance at the lines you have been practicing for weeks, feeling a mix of excitement and anxiety. The day had been a whirlwind, from the nerve-wracking audition to the unexpected chemistry reading with Jensen, and finally being told you got the part.
Your heart swells with joy as you replay the moment the casting director said, "Welcome to the Supernatural family." This role is more than just a job; it’s a lifeline, a chance to reclaim a part of yourself you thought you'd lost.
But as the adrenaline fades, the familiar ache in your lower abdomen returns, a reminder of your ongoing battle with PCOS and endometriosis. You press a hand to your stomach, closing your eyes briefly to push through the discomfort. This is not the time to let your condition get the better of you.
A tear slips down your cheek as your thoughts turn inward again. You reflect on the last year—losing your husband and children in that devastating car accident. The grief had been overwhelming, leaving you feeling adrift, your identity swallowed by the roles of wife and mother that you no longer played.
But now, this role, this chance to play Raven, feels like a new beginning. It’s an opportunity to step into the spotlight and rediscover yourself. It won’t be easy. The long hours, the physical demands, and the inevitable moments of self-doubt will test you. But you are ready.
You think back to the audition, the look in Jensen’s eyes when he had watched you perform. There was a connection there, a spark that made you believe you could truly bring Raven to life. And even though you sensed some underlying tension, perhaps from Jensen’s personal life, you felt confident you could create something incredible together on screen.
You take a deep breath, your determination solidifying. You are ready to face whatever challenges come your way, both on and off the set. You have your own dreams to pursue, and now, a new family in the Supernatural cast to join.
You pick up your phone, scrolling through your emails until you find the one from the casting team with your schedule and initial scripts. As you read through it, you feel a renewed sense of purpose. You are doing this for yourself, for the memory of your husband and children, and for the part of you that has longed to be more than just a grieving widow.
Closing your eyes, you send a silent prayer of thanks. This is your chance to shine, to show the world—and yourself—that you are capable of great things. You won’t let your medical conditions, your past, or your fears hold you back. This is your time.
With one last glance at your script, you take some pain relievers, turn off the lamp and lay down, the excitement of the day slowly giving way to a peaceful determination. Tomorrow, you will begin this new chapter of your life, ready to face whatever comes your way. And with that thought, you drift into a deep, restful sleep, your dreams filled with the promise of what is to come.
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memecucker · 2 years
I remember a couple years ago seeing something about Tesla autopilot and how a lot of the data they were using for the AI was from Los Angeles area which makes sense bc not only is there a higher per capita amount of Tesla drivers but LA roads cove like downtown streets, suburban streets, stop and go freeway traffic jams or tight high incline mountain roads or roads where deer regularly run across etc like basically a lot of the important stuff you’d want data for with the most important exception being the lack of snow (which also makes it ironic that the Bay Area is another major source of data but whatever)
Anyway iirc one of the issues that was coming up and also a source of feedback from customers was that the autopilot AI was overly defensive and passive (so there was a time when they leaned hard that way) for LA freeways during rush hour. Electric cars get to use the HOV lane in California which means Tesla autopilot tended to drive on the furthest left lane but when it was time to merge towards the right for an exit it turns out other LA drivers have a habit of not necessarily respecting the mere presence of a turn signal and just push on ahead to pass the burden of slowing down so someone can merge to the person behind them who then also accelerates etc (this especially applies for HOV lane bc not only is it the furthest left but you can only legally enter and exit at certain sections). So when Tesla AIs only ever stayed in their lane before attempting to merge that meant the autopilot was regularly unable to actually reach the targeted freeway exit. So they gradually tweaked the AI so it could perform the ritual where a merging car will start pointing its tires in the direction it’s going and insert it’s corner into the space in between two cars to force the one in the rear position into backing off and letting it merge into that lane.
Anyway I haven’t even looked at any data or actual statistics about autopilot accidents I’m waiting in line at Costco but the idea that they may have went “ok the Tesla AI needs to act more like LA drivers it seems especially for purposes of our research” and this resulted in the autopilot driving like a lunatic in other places is kinda funny to me
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therecordconnection · 2 years
"Here's to the Damned, to the Lost and Forgotten": "People Like Us" From Doom Patrol, S01xE08
When I had heard the news that confirmed Doom Patrol was cancelled and that the second half of its fourth season (coming out at some point later this year) would be the last hurrah, I got really sad. Shows get cancelled all the time and I don't normally get upset, but this was different. It's kinda like how Ron Swanson felt after he found out Lil Sebastian died. If it was anyone else, he wouldn't have cared. But Lil Sebastian was different. Lil Sebastian meant something to Ron in a way that no old bureaucrat ever could.
Let me just say it right now: Doom Patrol was the greatest superhero show I've ever seen, maybe the greatest superhero show I will ever see.
If you are completely unfamiliar with the show, I will give you a (spoiler free!) rundown of what the show is about. Doom Patrol follows the story of five characters: Larry Trainor/Negative Man, Cliff Steele/Robotman, "Crazy" Jane Morris, Victor Stone/Cyborg, and Rita Farr/Elasti-Woman (all pictured below).
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Each of them have traumatic pasts and each were involved in accidents that gave them unique metahuman abilities but also left them all disabled and/or atypical in a very unique but true-to-life way. Cliff is a former race car driver who gets in a car accident but survives and lives on as a brain in a robot body (prosthetics). Rita Farr is an actress from the 1950s who is exposed to a strange toxin underwater during a film shoot that causes her to become a blob-like creature that sometimes loses control of her physical form (mobility). Jane has sixty-four distinct personalities, each with their own superpower (neurodivergent). Larry was an Air Force pilot who got horribly burned via exposure from radiation while testing an experimental space shuttle and eventually becomes tethered to an electrical spirit from another dimension (physical). Victor was involved in an explosion that blew off most of his body parts until his father uses experimental tech to turn him into a mix of half-man, half-machine (prosthetics). All of them (except Victor) are found and put in the care of Dr. Niles Caulder/"The Chief", a brilliant old scientist confined to a wheelchair. In short, this show follows a group of very broken people as they attempt to heal and deal with their respective traumas and try to come together as a superhero team. Even shorter, it's a show about atypical/disabled/neurodivergent characters who are seeking redemption and a chance to rebuild their lost lives with the shitty hands they've been dealt.
The show skips the whole "there is nothing wrong with us" conversation and gets right to the brass tax: There is something very wrong with each of them. The robotman can't feel anything except for emotions (read: mostly anger at being a brain trapped in a tin can), the actress has to deal with her face and limbs melting into a blob that can consume and crush people when under emotional duress, "Jane" is only one of sixty-four others that can come out to play whenever they choose, the former pilot will give everyone radiation poisoning if the bandages come off, and the cyborg has PTSD and some issues with a computer running his brain half the time. To the public at large, they're a bunch of walking freaks. To us, they are a rag tag bunch of misfits that represent and, in a way, stand up for the people who are atypical, the people who are different, and, most importantly, the people who have been brushed off and discarded by society.
A lot of their struggles involve dealing with a soulless government organization known as "The Bureau of Normalcy," which wants anybody who is even slightly abnormal removed from the world. I admit that the Bureau's role on the show and even the name is a little too on the nose, but it serves its purpose and sends the message the show wants to send loud and clear: Being different, whether you're born a certain way or have to endure a disease/issue that you didn't ask for, there is still beauty to be found and people who will love you regardless of what you look like, sound like, or have to endure in order to live your day to day life. Doom Patrol was a show that was on the side of the abnormal. It celebrated those that get stared at in public. It celebrated the people who are deemed weirdos and freaks because of their gender presentation or sexuality. It celebrated the people who manage to find hope in a world that would rather see them removed. There is a genuine and wonderfully human beauty to be found in this very weird show that contains robots, wizards, cults, a talking mouse and a cockroach who is a religious fanatic, carnivorous butts, sex ghosts, a man who is a triple combo of animal, vegetable, and mineral, a strange time lord that thinks humanity peaked on August 6th, 1980, and Alan Tudyk playing the snarkiest narrator/villain god I've ever seen in a television show. I will recommend this show until the day I die.
After the news hit, I began thinking about whether there's one single moment that will define the show for me, one moment that serves as the show's thesis statement. I ended up finding three scenes, but I'll write about one of them now and maybe save the other two for another time. Anyway, for me, if there's one scene that I think will define and illustrate what Doom Patrol wanted to do and who it wanted to celebrate, I think the scene posted at the top of this post is what it will be. I'll be getting into spoilers for the show from here so if you have any interest and it wasn't obvious already, I highly recommend watching the show. With that out of the way, I'd like to talk about Larry Trainor/Negative Man singing a Kelly Clarkson song with a drag queen in a cabaret that exists on a sentient, genderqueer street named Danny.
So, Season 1, Episode 8 is an episode called "Danny Patrol." Throughout the first season, we learn that Larry Trainor's (played by Matt Bomer) full backstory is this: he was a handsome ace pilot with the U.S. Air Force in the early 1960s living all the hallmarks of the American Dream. His only issue is that he's a gay man living a lie, being married to his wife, Sheryl, and being a father to their two kids, Gary and Paul. But unbeknownst to his family, Larry is having a love affair with John Bowers, one of his colleagues. After his accident leaves him a completely hideous looking radioactive man (similar in look to Deadpool), he spends decades conflicted about all the things he hid from. He regrets the secrets he hid from his family and the pain he caused them, he regrets not being fully emotionally open with John and pushing him away after the accident left him radioactive and ugly as all hell, and he regrets flying the experimental rocket plane that turned him into Negative Man. Of all the Doom Patrol members, Larry is the one who hides from the world the most, quite literally in the sense of him being bandaged from head to toe and still keeping his sexuality hidden from the world.
In "Danny Patrol," Larry and Victor Stone find themselves investigating Danny the Street, a sentient, genderqueer street that is being hunted by the Bureau of Normalcy. Larry and Victor agree to help, as Danny might have information on the whereabouts of their missing chief, Niles Caulder (who disappeared with the villainous Mr. Nobody earlier in the season.) While exploring Danny, Larry enters "Peeping Tom's Perpetual Cabaret," a building that hosts drag shows. The happiness found in this building fuels Danny and allows them to thrive. Prior to Larry and Victor entering Danny, we are introduced to the origin story of drag queen Maura Lee Karupt (played by Alan Mingo, Jr.) Maura Lee was originally Morris Walker, a bureau agent tasked with infiltrating Danny the Street and eliminating them. One visit to Peeping Tom's later and Morris (now Maura Lee) embraces who she feels she truly is and leaves the bureau behind in order to remain on Danny the Street.
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In the Cabaret, Larry is asked by one of the drag queens to get up and sing for them. He responds, "I don't sing." Larry is told that in order for Danny to keep going, the party has to keep going. Larry agrees and approaches the stage. Danny (who can only "speak" through rearranging words on signs or flashing them on spotlights) gives Larry the encouraging message, "Don't Worry, Larry. I got you." Once on stage, Larry begins the opening to Kelly Clarkson's "People Like Us":
We come into this world unknown But know that we are not alone They try and knock us down But change is coming, it's our time now
In any other show, eye rolls and groans would start at the idea of a TV show stopping to deliver a seemingly random musical number. For Doom Patrol, a musical number is the least weird thing that occurs. By the time you've reached "Danny Patrol," the idea of an old gay man who walks around looking like the Invisible Man singing a Kelly Clarkson song isn't out of the realm of possibility. You don't even bother questioning how or why Larry even knows the song, he just does. Just roll with it.
If Larry Trainor had to sing a song, Clarkson's "People Like Us" is a perfect choice for him. From the opening lines quoted above right until the end, it's perfect.
Hey, everybody loses it Everybody wants to throw it all away sometimes And hey, yeah I know what you're going through Don't let it get the best of you, you'll make it out alive
The song is important to Larry's character and he's the Doom Patrol member best suited to deliver a message like this. He's the one member that doesn't really want to get involved in things at all and for the first few episodes struggles with even wanting to be alive. What's the point of living if you're stuck being a bandaged freak that can't really get close to anyone? What's the point of living if you have to hide who you really are? Which in Larry's case is being a gay man in a world that didn't accept him back when he was growing up in the fifties, and only marginally accepts him now. Being radioactive certainly doesn't help things. If any Doom Patrol member was going to tell you, "Don't let it get the best of you, you'll make it out alive," it would be the most convincing coming from Larry, a man who has been through absolute hell––he gets tortured and experimented on for years by the Bureau of Normalcy in the sixties––and is still alive to tell you about it.
Right before the chorus starts, Larry looks towards Maura Lee in the audience and invites her to join him on stage, which she does. The pre-chorus of the song is where the heart of the show really comes out. Larry and Maura Lee deliver these lines with gusto:
Oh, people like us we've gotta stick together Keep your head up, nothing lasts forever Here's to the damned to the lost and forgotten It's hard to get high when you're living on the bottom
These lines are representative of whom and what Doom Patrol wanted to celebrate: the damned, the lost, and the forgotten. At it's core, Doom Patrol is a show about truly odd outcasts and misfits learning to realize that all they have are each other. If they don't look after each other, nobody will, because "normal people" don't give a shit about them. Though the show focuses on comic book characters with superpowers, the metaphor works for marginalized groups in the real world. For example, it's called the LGBTQ+ community for a reason. The people within that community have to look out for each one another, because there's no guarantee that anybody else will.
During the performance, Larry is temporarily shown as human again. No bandages, no goggles, no need to hide. It's the first time in the series that Larry looks genuinely happy gets to be who he is without any fear. The look on his face and the way he's beaming when he watches Maura Lee perform the second verse is pure bliss. It's a little cheesy and it's even a little hokey, but Bomer and Mingo, Jr. are so damn committed to bringing the song to life that you don't get anything but genuineness out of them. It's colorful and full of life and full of beauty. It's one of the show's most heartfelt scenes and one that I hope will define the show once its all fully said and done. The show uses the song as a message of defiance and perseverance in the face a world that casts out the weird, the odd, the different, the broken. Larry and Maura Lee sell it perfectly:
They can't do nothing to you, they can't do nothing to me This is the life that we choose, this is the life that we bleed So throw your fists in the air Come out, come out if you dare Tonight we're gonna change forever
We are what we choose to be and fuck anybody that tries to take that away. That's the message Larry and Maura Lee want to spread. "You won't break us, no matter how hard you try. There is beauty in being different and Doom Patrol argues that a better world is one where those that are different are just as loved and just as embraced as those that are "normal."
Beyond Larry and Maura Lee, even Cliff Steele/Robotman gets in on the fun a bit during the song. During the episode, Cliff and Rita travel to deal with one of Jane's more dangerous personalities, Karen, a woman who believes life is one big rom-com and is using hypnotism to keep a boyfriend submissive to her and her whims. During that trip, Cliff sees a little boy riding by slowly on a bicycle. The boy stares at him and Cliff thinks its because the boy is scared of him or thinks he's a freak. Later, while Larry and Maura Lee are performing their song, we cut back to the boy returning to Cliff, this time in a makeshift robot costume made out of cardboard, to show that he also wants to be a cool robot like him. Cliff is shown teaching the boy some cool robot dance moves. You can't help but have a big smile on your face during that.
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The whole damn song is an optimistic showstopper, which is something that DC needed for a long time. In a modern era where Batman is too dark and gritty for his own good, Wonder Woman retired and walked away from mankind for one hundred years for some reason, and Superman kills people (fuck Zack Snyder, by the way), it's beautiful that there's a DC property like Doom Patrol provides a reminder that no matter how dark things get, we have to try and keep going. "You've just gotta turn it up loud when the flames get higher." The Doom Patrol are heroes not because they perform outstanding feats and save the day, but because they inspire people to keep going, even when the chips are down. Their continued presence in our world is proof enough that even those who are dealt the shittiest hands can find ways to keep going, even in the face of impossible odds. Even though the sequence ends with it being revealed that the song didn't happen and Larry repeats, "I don't sing," you're still happy that for just one single moment, Larry got to live out a fantasy. He got to be free. He got to be happy. And everybody deserves that. Even radioactive men who are covered head to toe in bandages.
Doom Patrol's greatest triumph will forever be that it gave a home to the bizarre and the weird, and celebrated them. It not only has a love for its strange cast of characters, but it embraces those characters, warts and all. Though they're all superpowered and clearly ripped out of the pages of an old comic book, there is something so wonderfully human about the Doom Patrol. They struggle just the same as any of us. They battle inner demons, sexuality, trauma, disability, and more, just the same as any of us. They don't win at the end of every episode, but they do make a little progress each time they grace our screens. They help each other, they love each other. They remind us that we're all we've got and we've got to take care of one another. Doom Patrol's thesis statement is that there is beauty to be found in the lost and the forgotten. The Doom Patrol is DC's best kept secret. They're out there and you can find them if you know where to look. If you seek out the strange and the bizarre, you'll eventually find them. The Doom Patrol, both in the show and in the comics, are weird and different and strange. They're a unique superhero team unlike any other. I will miss them when they disappear from television, but my life is better for knowing that they're out there, standing up for the broken and the different.
Here's to the damned, to the lost and forgotten.
Here's to the Doom Patrol. Thank you for what has been a truly unforgettable experience for me.
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prestochange · 1 year
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blog information
Public Knowledge
Natsume or Sabrina is the Psychic Gym Leader of Saffron City, and the sixth leader in the circuit.
She is considered the de facto "Master" of Psychic Pokémon. This is a completely accurate title.
Her psychic ability is lauded as much as it is feared. She leans into this fear more than the accolades, designing her public persona as a goth icon as well as an extremely talented magician.
Sabrina forcibly took the Gym in Saffron City, seemingly with League support, from Battlemaster Kiyo.
Her gym is a hub for psykers interested in developing their psychic powers. It is often open to the public as a "dojo" of sorts for even very young espers. The pedagogy is mastery of mind and body, as to not seperate the two.
She was born with her psychic abilities.
For a while, she was split into two bodies, her favorite doll, and her own human body, although she was disconnected from both.
Her Haunter possesses her hair.
She is a famous actress from the extremely popular Pokestars Studio series "The Magical Kingdom's Mysterious Door", starring as Magic Queen Jujube / Queen Bellelba.
She is a renowned director, producing exceptional and effective horror movies that have accrued a cult-like status. Her most famous film is Geist, a psychological horror/thriller.
She participated in the first Pokémon World Tournament, pulling a publicity stunt by registering and competing alongside a Mewtwo.
She participated in the Pasio Project with Alakazam, and later, Chimecho.
Sabrina was the PWT II Coordinator and absolute ruler of the event, though she only competed personally in exhibition matches.
Sabrina designed the PWT II Stadiums personally.
She became Silph Co's CEO after the rest of the Silph board was... relieved of duty.
Private Knowledge
Sabrina is an ex Rocket Commander, with a specialty in finding and manipulating powerful Pokémon.
She left Rocket violently after the Black Fog Incident.
The Black Fog incident was the catalyst for her personality severance. Her original, childhood Pokémon were killed by its first release.
Her Haunter is the ghost of her original Pikachu, which was separated from her in Lavender Town.
Black Fog came back for her and successfully ripped her soul out of her body while she was at odds with the organization.
The original Team Rocket were the ones to route Black Fog the first time, and force it to retreat.
Giovanni was the reason she survived at all.
Giovanni advised the League not to interfere after Sabrina's hostile takeover of Saffron City's fighting gym.
Her personality severance was solved by Satoshi, who returned her Pikachu's ghost to her.
She killed her parents in an accident, turning them into psychic ghosts that haunt Saffron.
Sabrina has been incorporating herself powerfully into the running and operations of Saffron City. Whatever it takes to make HER city more powerful. This includes installing Metagross as well as Beldum units into the automatic parts of the city.
Sabrina's an underground racer and drifter. She hosts battles on cars going 300+ mph regularly, and has three extremely specialized cars for this purpose.
She extorted the PWT II and stole insane amounts of money from the Silph Corporation, and the League.
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jcmarchi · 9 months
Is your iPhone listening to you? Here's what to know... - CyberTalk
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/is-your-iphone-listening-to-you-heres-what-to-know-cybertalk/
Is your iPhone listening to you? Here's what to know... - CyberTalk
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Have you ever found yourself wondering about whether (or not) your iPhone is listening to you? If the phone is on your person nearly 24/7, what is it hearing that you might prefer for someone not to know about or use against you? (For example, that shouting match with your spouse)
As great as the iPhone is – it’s one of the best, if not the best phone around – it’s awkward to feel like you’re continually being overheard by an invisible third-party.
So, what’s really happening? In this article, discover the truth behind iPhone eavesdropping myths, unravel misconceptions and maximize your phone’s potential.
Gain insights into the nuances of iPhone listening (or lack thereof) and see how to protect your privacy in an era rife with hacking and data compromises.
Is your iPhone listening to you?
It’s true that your iPhone might be passively listening, but perhaps not in the lawless, intrusive ways that you might imagine. Apple does not sell data to third-parties for marketing purposes. The company has explicitly stated that:
“The customer is not our product and our business model does not depend on collecting vast amounts of personally identifiable information…,” in response to a 2018 U.S. congressional inquiry.
If that’s the case, why are iPhones listening?
One of the primary reasons as to why iPhone listening occurs is to detect voice commands, like “Hey Siri”.
While highly unlikely due to Apple’s rules and compliance processes, apps could also be “listening”.
When it comes to advertising, the term “listening” really refers to the use of sophisticated machine learning algorithms, which parse apart language to find ad targeting opportunities.
It’s probably not a coincidence if you’ve had a conversation about buying a new car, and shortly thereafter, corresponding advertisements appear.
Note: This isn’t at all common to iPhones, unless they’ve been jailbroken, and typically only occurs on other device types.
What about Siri?
Siri continuously “listens” for the specific “Hey Siri” cue (and for a small number of similar sounds indicating that a person may have attempted to say “Hey Siri”).
Once a person has said “Hey Siri,” the information is largely processed locally; a somewhat recent departure from the past configuration, where information was processed on Apple’s servers.
Is the iPhone listening illegally?
For iPhones, third-party apps are required to obtain explicit user consent when collecting microphone data. At the outset, Apple reviews apps to ensure that they’re compliant.
All apps must go through the Apple Review Process for privacy compliance ahead of being green-lighted for the app store. That said, the process doesn’t guarantee that app developers can’t misbehave at a later point in time.
In other words, in regards to apps, Apple does its best to ensure that iPhones don’t eavesdrop. Accidents could theoretically occur, although the probabilities are slim and they would be clear violations of Apple’s rules.
Is iPhone listening a cause for concern?
Generally, no. If you’re concerned about iPhone listening, note that the newer generations of iPhones have an indicator at the top of the screen that shows when the mic and camera are on.
The light becomes orange when the mic is on. It turns green when the camera is on. This recently added privacy feature assists users in detecting when an app is accessing their device’s systems.
In exceptional circumstances, spyware could be deployed on a phone, resulting in listening. Typically, this only pertains to higher-profile individuals, uniquely targeted individuals, and/or to jailbroken phones.
iPhone listening privacy tips (2024)
If concerned about iPhone privacy, consider the tips below:
1. Shut off the mic for Siri and for individual applications.
To switch off your iPhone’s microphone for Siri, go to Settings > Siri & Search. Then toggle off the following:
Listen for ‘Hey Siri’
Press side button for Siri
Allow Siri when locked
To review permissions and turn off the mic for individual applications, navigate to Settings and then click on individual apps. If you don’t want the mic for that app to remain on, simply toggle the switch.
2. Consider use of a VPN, which will make your device less vulnerable to threats by providing an encrypted, private connection. Do your research and find a reputable VPN provider. Avoid VPN providers who sell your contact information to advertisers. Carefully read through a VPN provider’s privacy policy ahead of agreeing to use their service.
3. Opt for a comprehensive solution like ZoneAlarm mobile security, which uses enterprise-grade technology to protect individuals’ phones and tablets from all kinds of cyber threats.
Related resources
Zero-click iMessage exploits hit iPhones – Read story
The CISO’s Guide to Mobile Device Security – Get eBook
Top mobile security threats and how to prevent them – Learn more
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blacklister214 · 2 years
Glass Onion: A Mixed Success
I watched Glass Onion twice over the past 48 hours and I must confess myself deeply conflicted about it. I both loved and loathed it.
1) Blanc’s whole quarantine intro, from his domestic situation being married to sourdough making Phillip, to bathtub amongus while wearing a fez...chef’s kiss.
2) The switcharoo from the original knives out in how he arrived at the island. No mysterious invite, he’s crashing on purpose with his client. Love the switch up.
3) All the nuanced characters and portrayal’s EXCEPT MILES.
4) The repeated theme of obvious answers being ignored, and as being Blanc’s blind spot. Nice subversion of murder mystery movies.
5) ALL of Duke’s murder. I always get irritated when character planning premediated murder don’t adjust their plans when there is a famous detective there. This way is perfect because it is an improv murder and Blanc’s being there actually makes it more vital Duke die quickly. The fact that it’s all there on the first shot of the scene. The gun, the glasses, the phone, and the way Miles moves to avoid getting caught. Couldn’t ask for more.  
6) The fact that this time the movie relies on some of the rich shitheads redeeming themselves for justice to prevail. That’s a twist on the first knives out movie. I love redemption arcs and I think their choice is fair. Even Birdie, who is dumb and racist, is not deliberately malevolent. Clair and Lionel very visibly struggle with their ethics throughout the movie. The most remorseless friend is killed, taking away the need for him to make the right choice. I think the fact that they were all friends once upon a time makes it believable that the murder of two of them would be enough for the rest to make the right decision in the end.  
7) All the disrupter talk followed by Helen dramatically demonstrating it. 
8) So much stupid rich people stuff from the Serena Williams to the robot dogs. Genius! Loved it!
9) The pay off with the knife red herring (Birdie had it in a flashback to defend herself). 
10) The payoff with the hot sauce. So good!
1) The portrayal of Miles as being THAT DUMB. They go too far. Miles made things happen for the group ten years ago. Andi agreed to partner with him for  ten years. Miles managed to get lawyers to steal Andi’s company. That needs explaining. Him not being genius is fine, but he should be a cunning, if  egocentric, parasite. He shouldn’t be as smart as he thinks is, but he can’t be a dribbling fool either.
Miles misusing words and trying to pass himself off as more educated than he is great. Miles not burning the envelope and hiding in his onion is fine. It makes sense with his ego. Very Nixon tapes. The dock that only functional at low tide fits with his vanity. However there were too many other mistakes.
Driving his own easily identifiable car to murder Andi was not okay, especially not when he knew the others were likely on their way. Not leaving a suicide note was not okay. Not deleting the email, even if only to accidently leave it in the trash is not okay. Not ditching Duke’s phone, yet finding the time to put on a glove is not okay. Shooting Helen once he knew she couldn’t be Andi was not okay. Andi would have know he tried to kill her. SHE would have needed to die. Helen clearly had no proof or she wouldn’t have been continuing the masquerade.
2) The stupidity of Andi in finding the napkin and then telling people who had already betrayed her about it. Andi is supposed to be an actual genius. If she had a plan we needed to be privy to it. Why was her phone off when she wanted them to reach out? Miles got the email after the group. There is no way he got to her house before someone called. 
3) Everyone acts like they haven’t a care in the world when they arrive at the dock. We never get a scene where we find they’ve previously been re-assured by someone (Lionel) that its been handled. They don’t flock to that person for reassurance once they see her arrive. We need to see tension from the jump or the reason they weren’t tense before. One or the other.
4) The stupidity of Helen finding the envelope and then coming back into the room where her sister’s killer is, along with many people with the motive to not let it see the light of day. She could have just hid until the police arrived. The napkin along with the biofuel sample Miles gave Blanc should have been plenty to take to the cops. Miles could have threatened Blanc’s life to get her out of hiding. She didn’t need to be that dumb of her own accord. Also letting him get that close to her without backing up. Ridiculous. 
5) Helen’s potential multiple homicide/suicide by Hindenburging everyone. Whiskey at the very least did not have that shit coming. Warning them and giving them time to evacuate would have been better once they had jumped on the redemption train.  
6) Helen should have been trotting out example of things Andi/Duke had done for each of them. She had the journals. She should have had an anecdote or two. Miles killed TWO friends. Murdered is considerably worse than screwed over in court. Their grief and rage needs to be more powerful than their selfish self-preservation. Helen should have brought out those examples and then starting knocking statues over. 
7) Not having a line in their about knowing the Mona Lisa was a fake. We still get Miles’ trauma without having the Mona Lisa actually destroyed. Additionally it’s one more Miles is fake art lover joke. 
8) Not even a single line about the Darrel red herring. I want the loose end tied. Why did Miles have him on the island? 
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stormyoceans · 2 years
There's a fan theory on twitter that says what if Mork somehow responsible for Day's accident and i so do not want this to happen 🥺 i want them to be completely new to each other, i want snarkiness at the start, unfamiliarity, uncomfortableness even. All this feelings transforming into acquaintance, comfort, love, acceptance. And i have a feeling bl fandom doesn't have enough critical thinking for this kind of ambiguity with its black or white thinking so no please. Tell me your thoughts dear Monica 💓
the thing is.. i do enjoy my fair share of angst and drama from time to time, however i do need it to be functional to the story and the characters to like it, and i just don't think that this particular plot point would serve any purpose in mork and day's relationship. don't get me wrong, im not saying that a story about character A causing a life altering accident to character B and the complex relationship that could develop between them isn't an interesting idea to explore, and i know we have no idea what p'aof wants to do so i might be wrong, but i simply don't think last twilight is gonna be this kind of story
mork being responsible for day's accident would also become part of a series of more.. 'controversial' topics that i tend to have a lot of reservations about, mainly for two reasons:
1) while it's true that the fandom tends to have a very black and white mentality (and in my experience this is true for every fandom, not just the BL one), it’s also incredibly hard to write certain kind of storylines in a satisfactory way, because there are just so many things to take into account: the characters, the motivations, what you want to say as a writer, what is perceived by the viewers.... if you don't find the right balance between all these different elements, things could easily go wrong (take dan killing sean's dad in not me, for example: the writers wanted us to sympathize with both characters, but the issue lacked any kind of resolution because they clearly didn't know how to give it a proper one, which only ended up disappointing and dividing the fandom even more)
2) i do understand how this kind of.. extremely dramatic stories can be appealing or even seem more realistic to people, but on one hand i always thought that if i wanted realism i would just watch the news instead of a BL show, and on the other i often find that overdramatic plot points usually add very little to the story itself, except creating unnecessary complications that are hard to deal with. tian not being behind the wheel of the car that killed torfun in a tale of a thousand stars doesn't lessen the guilt that he feels for being somehow responsible for her death, and wen not cheating on alan in moonlight chicken doesn't make their relationship any less complicated (i actually think that showing how you can fall out of love with someone and finding it hard to let them go because in a way you still care about them is far more compelling than a cheating plot, but that's a whole other matter). similarly, i don't think that mork not being responsible for day's accident would take something out of their story
from what we saw in the trailer i think last twilight is gonna be about two very different people being thrown together by circumstances and helping each other rediscovering themselves and life and a future that they didn't think they could have, and like you said that's what i want to see
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neiljohnsblog · 1 month
Exploring the Features and Benefits of the Honda ZR-V Hybrid
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As the automotive industry continues to evolve, hybrid vehicles are becoming increasingly popular for their combination of fuel efficiency and environmental consciousness. Among these, the Honda ZR-V Hybrid stands out as a prime example of modern hybrid technology paired with the practicality and style that drivers expect. For those in Peebles seeking a vehicle that offers the best of both worlds—efficiency and performance—the Honda ZR-V Hybrid is an excellent choice. This blog will delve into the key features and benefits of the Honda ZR-V Hybrid, highlighting why it’s a great fit for drivers in Peebles and beyond.
A Perfect Blend of Power and Efficiency
One of the most appealing aspects of the Honda ZR-V Hybrid is its powertrain. This vehicle is equipped with a sophisticated hybrid system that combines a traditional petrol engine with an electric motor. The result is a car that can deliver impressive fuel economy without compromising on power. The ZR-V Hybrid’s engine is designed to seamlessly switch between the petrol engine and electric motor, or use both simultaneously, depending on the driving conditions. This intelligent system ensures that the vehicle operates at optimal efficiency, whether you’re cruising down the highway or navigating the streets of Peebles.
For drivers in Peebles, where both urban and rural driving are common, the Honda ZR-V Hybrid offers the versatility needed to handle a variety of road conditions. The hybrid system not only improves fuel efficiency but also reduces emissions, making it an environmentally friendly option for those looking to minimize their carbon footprint.
Advanced Technology for a Modern Driving Experience
The Honda ZR-V Hybrid isn’t just about efficiency—it’s also packed with advanced technology designed to enhance the driving experience. From the moment you step inside, you’ll notice the intuitive design of the cabin, which is equipped with a range of features aimed at improving comfort and convenience.
One of the standout features of the ZR-V Hybrid is its infotainment system. This system includes a large touchscreen display that provides easy access to navigation, audio controls, and smartphone integration. Whether you’re using the built-in GPS to find your way around Peebles or streaming your favourite music on a road trip, the ZR-V Hybrid’s infotainment system makes it easy to stay connected.
Additionally, the Honda ZR-V Hybrid comes with a suite of driver-assistance features that add an extra layer of safety to your journey. The vehicle is equipped with several advanced features, such as adaptive cruise control, lane-keeping assistance, and automatic emergency braking. These technologies work together to help prevent accidents and reduce the stress of driving, especially on long trips or in heavy traffic.
Stylish Design with Practicality in Mind
The Honda ZR-V Hybrid doesn’t just perform well—it also looks good doing it. The vehicle’s exterior design is sleek and modern, with clean lines and a bold front grille that give it a distinctive presence on the road. But this stylish design isn’t just for show—it also serves a practical purpose.
The aerodynamic shape of the ZR-V Hybrid helps to reduce drag, which in turn improves fuel efficiency. The vehicle’s compact size makes it easy to manoeuvre through the narrow streets of Peebles, while the spacious interior ensures that you and your passengers travel in comfort.
Inside, the Honda ZR-V Hybrid offers plenty of room for both passengers and cargo. The rear seats can be easily folded down to create additional storage space, making it easy to transport larger items when needed. Whether you’re heading out for a weekend adventure or just running errands around town, the ZR-V Hybrid provides the flexibility and practicality that modern drivers need.
Exceptional Fuel Efficiency for Everyday Savings
One of the key benefits of driving a hybrid vehicle like the Honda ZR-V Hybrid is the potential for significant fuel savings. With petrol prices fluctuating, having a vehicle that offers excellent fuel efficiency can make a big difference in your overall driving costs. The Honda ZR-V Hybrid is engineered to enhance fuel efficiency, enabling you to travel greater distances on just one tank of gas.
This is particularly beneficial for drivers in Peebles, where long drives through the countryside or regular commutes can quickly add up in terms of fuel consumption. The hybrid system in the ZR-V Hybrid allows the vehicle to run on electric power alone at lower speeds, which is ideal for city driving. On the open road, the petrol engine takes over to provide the power needed for higher speeds, all while maintaining impressive fuel efficiency.
Environmentally Conscious Driving
In addition to saving on fuel costs, driving the Honda ZR-V Hybrid also means reducing your environmental impact. Hybrid vehicles produce fewer emissions than traditional petrol or diesel vehicles, making them a more environmentally friendly choice. For those in Peebles who are conscious of their carbon footprint, the ZR-V Hybrid offers a way to enjoy the benefits of driving while minimising environmental harm.
The electric motor in the ZR-V Hybrid is powered by a battery that recharges itself as you drive, meaning there’s no need to plug in or worry about running out of electric power. This self-sustaining system is one of the key advantages of hybrid vehicles, offering the convenience of traditional vehicles with the added benefit of reduced emissions.
A Smart Investment for the Future
Investing in a Honda ZR-V Hybrid is not just about driving a modern, efficient vehicle—it’s also about making a smart choice for the future. Hybrid vehicles like the ZR-V Hybrid are becoming increasingly popular as more people recognize the benefits of reduced fuel consumption and lower emissions. As governments and municipalities continue to encourage the adoption of greener vehicles, owning a hybrid could also offer additional financial benefits in the form of tax incentives or reduced charges in low-emission zones.
For residents of Peebles, the Honda ZR-V Hybrid represents a forward-thinking choice that aligns with the growing demand for environmentally friendly and cost-effective transportation options. With its combination of advanced technology, stylish design, and exceptional efficiency, the ZR-V Hybrid is well-suited to meet the needs of modern drivers.
The Honda ZR-V Hybrid offers a compelling package for drivers in Peebles who are looking for a vehicle that combines performance, efficiency, and style. With its advanced hybrid system, cutting-edge technology, and practical design, the ZR-V Hybrid is a smart choice for anyone seeking to reduce their environmental impact without sacrificing the joys of driving. Whether you’re navigating the streets of Peebles or exploring the scenic countryside, the Honda ZR-V Hybrid is ready to take you there with confidence and efficiency.
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vadzoseo · 1 month
Integrating Sony USB Cameras into Fleet Management Systems for Enhanced Visibility
Maintaining the highest level of operational efficiency and visibility is crucial in the dynamic field of fleet management. Fleet managers are increasingly looking for creative solutions to improve their monitoring skills as a result of technological improvements. The incorporation of Sony USB cameras into fleet management systems is one such approach. These cameras have cutting-edge features and excellent image quality, which can greatly increase fleet monitoring's efficacy. This article examines how fleet management systems might improve operational effectiveness and visibility by integrating Sony USB cameras.
Enhanced Visibility's Significance in Fleet Management
Sufficient real-time monitoring and control of a large number of vehicles is essential for effective fleet management. To accomplish this, increased visibility is essential. To make wise judgments, fleet managers want thorough information on vehicle performance, driver conduct, and road conditions. Conventional surveillance techniques, such as manual inspections and simple CCTV installations, frequently fail to provide the in-depth information needed for the best fleet management.
Why Select USB Cameras from Sony?
Superior Clarity Photographs
The high-resolution photographic capabilities of Sony USB cameras are among their best qualities. With its sophisticated sensors and lenses, the Sony USB camera produces incredibly clear images that are necessary for close observation. In fleet management, where clarity can make the difference between seeing a minor issue and missing a serious one, this high-resolution photography is especially helpful.
Dim Lighting Efficiency
Vehicles must frequently be observed at different times of the day and night for fleet management purposes. Because of their exceptional low light capabilities, Sony USB cameras can take sharp pictures even in dimly lit environments. This feature guarantees that fleet managers may stay visible at all times, improving operational supervision and security.
Sturdiness and Dependability
Sony USB cameras have a reputation for being dependable and long-lasting. These cameras are perfect for fleet management because they are made to survive tough situations. Sony USB cameras continue to function, offering dependable and continuous functioning even in the face of road vibrations and changing weather conditions.
Sony USB Camera Integration with Fleet Management Systems
Easy Integration with Software for Fleet Management
It is simple to incorporate Sony USB cameras into current fleet management systems. Sony USB cameras are among the many camera systems that are compatible with modern fleet management software. Usually, the integration process is setting up the software to detect and process the camera feeds and attaching the cameras to the system via USB ports. Fleet managers can now add high-quality video feeds to their monitoring dashboards for real-time data analysis and visibility thanks to this seamless integration.
Improved Monitoring in Real Time
Fleet managers have access to real-time video feeds from every vehicle thanks to the integration of Sony USB cameras into the fleet management system. This improved visibility makes it possible to address any problems as soon as they occur. For example, the camera feed can give vital information to handle the issue quickly if a car gets into an accident or strays from its intended path. Additionally, real-time monitoring helps to evaluate driver behavior, guarantee adherence to safety procedures, and enhance fleet performance as a whole.
Better Records of Incidents
For fleet management, accurate incident reporting is essential. This is made easier by Sony USB cameras, which offer clear video evidence that may be utilized for reporting and analysis. Clear and trustworthy video is essential for efficient incident management and can be very important for insurance claims and court cases, regardless of the severity of the accident or traffic infraction.
How to Get the Most Out of Sony USB Cameras
Optimizing the Position of the Camera
Placing the Sony USB cameras strategically is crucial to maximizing their potential. Camera placement should cover important sections of the car, like the sides, back, and front. Furthermore, taking into account where to install the camera in the driver's cabin can guarantee compliance with safety regulations and offer insights into driving behavior. When cameras are positioned correctly, the monitoring system's coverage and efficacy are maximized, improving visibility overall.
Making Use of Advanced Features
Many cutting-edge capabilities that are included with Sony USB cameras can be used to improve fleet management even more. To enhance monitoring and responsiveness, features like motion detection, zoom, and automated image adjustment can be used. It is recommended that fleet managers investigate these features and adjust the camera settings to suit their own requirements and goals.
Combining Different Technologies
Combining Sony USB cameras with other technologies, such as GPS tracking and telematics systems, can improve their integration even more. Fleet managers may get a complete picture of their operations by merging video feeds with location and performance data. Proactive fleet resource management and more informed decision-making are made possible by this all-encompassing strategy.
Future Directions for Sony USB Cameras in Fleet Management
The significance of Sony USB cameras in fleet management is anticipated to increase as technology advances. Artificial intelligence (AI) integration for advanced analytics, improved video resolution, and more complex camera features could be future trends. Fleet managers may maintain their competitiveness and operational efficiency by staying ahead of these trends and implementing state-of-the-art technology.
In summary
The incorporation of Sony USB cameras into fleet management systems is a potent approach to augmenting operational efficiency and visibility. With their durable endurance, exceptional low light performance, and high quality images, Sony USB cameras give fleet managers the tools they need to successfully monitor and manage their fleets. Through the strategic integration of these cameras into fleet management systems and the utilization of their advanced features, enterprises may attain increased control, safety, and overall performance. Adopting cutting-edge technologies like Sony USB cameras will be essential to fleet management's continued evolution and to maintaining an advantage in a cutthroat market.
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Essential Tips for New Businesses Considering Car Fleet Insurance
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Are you a new business owner considering the management of a vehicle fleet? If so, it's essential to understand the importance of car fleet insurance and the benefits it can provide.
In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the intricacies of car fleet insurance, helping you make informed decisions to protect your business and its assets.
Understanding Car Fleet Insurance
Car fleet insurance is a specialised form of coverage designed for businesses operating a vehicle fleet. Unlike regular auto insurance, which covers individual cars, car fleet insurance provides coverage for multiple vehicles under a single policy. This type of insurance is crucial for new businesses as it ensures comprehensive protection for the entire fleet, including cars, vans, or trucks used for business purposes. Additionally, it helps businesses comply with legal requirements related to vehicle insurance.
Assessing Your Business Needs
Assessing the size and type of your business's vehicle fleet is a critical initial step in acquiring car fleet insurance. Factors such as the number of vehicles, their usage, and the geographical area of operation should be carefully evaluated to determine the appropriate level of coverage needed. Understanding the specific risks associated with your business operations, such as transportation of goods or passenger transport, is vital in identifying the right insurance requirements for your fleet.
Researching Insurance Providers
Researching and comparing different car fleet insurance providers is essential for securing the most suitable coverage for your business. When evaluating insurance quotes and policies, consider factors such as coverage limits, deductibles, and additional benefits offered. It's crucial to choose a reputable and reliable insurance provider with a track record of excellent service and prompt claims handling.
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Customising Coverage to Fit Your Business
Businesses have the flexibility to customise their car fleet insurance coverage to meet their unique needs. Optional coverages such as liability, comprehensive, and collision coverage can be tailored to provide specific protections based on the nature of your business operations. For example, if your fleet operates in high-risk areas, additional coverage for theft or vandalism may be beneficial.
Implementing Risk Management Strategies
Risk management strategies are crucial for reducing potential claims and maintaining a safe fleet. Promoting safe driving practices among your employees, regular vehicle maintenance, and investing in anti-theft devices are effective ways to minimise risks. By taking proactive measures, businesses can reduce the likelihood of accidents, theft, and vandalism, ultimately leading to lower insurance premiums.
Managing Costs Effectively
Managing costs effectively is a priority for new businesses, and car fleet insurance is no exception. Seeking cost-saving tips and strategies for reducing premiums without compromising necessary coverage can significantly impact the overall financial health of your business. Some insurance providers offer discounts or incentives for businesses that implement safety measures or have a history of responsible fleet management.
In summary, car fleet insurance is an indispensable investment for new businesses operating a vehicle fleet. By understanding the nuances of car fleet insurance, assessing your business needs, researching reputable providers, customising coverage, implementing risk management strategies, and managing costs effectively, you can safeguard your business against unforeseen events. We encourage you to take proactive steps in securing suitable fleet management insurance and reiterate the benefits of protecting your business with comprehensive coverage.
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elevator388 · 7 months
Demystifying the Climb: Understanding How Elevators Work
Elevators are ubiquitous marvels of modern engineering, silently whisking us from floor to floor in buildings both grand and humble. But have you ever stopped to wonder how these everyday wonders actually function? Let's embark on a journey to understand the intricate workings of an elevator, exploring its mechanisms, safety features, and the diverse roles they play in our lives.
What is an Elevator?
At its core, an elevator is a vertically travelling platform designed to transport people and/or goods between different levels of a building. While seemingly simple, it's a complex system engineered for safety, efficiency, and smooth operation.
The Heart of the Climb: Lift Mechanisms
The magic of an elevator's ascent lies in its lift mechanism, responsible for raising and lowering the car. Three main types dominate the landscape:
Traction Drive: Most common in skyscrapers, it uses a steel rope coiled around a grooved wheel (sheave) powered by an electric motor. This offers smooth operation and high load capacity.
Hydraulic Drive: Ideal for low-rise buildings, it utilizes a piston and cylinder powered by pressurized fluid for quieter operation and less space needed, but with limited height capabilities.
Machine Room-Less (MRL) Drive: A space-saving design with the motor positioned on top of the shaft, eliminating the need for a dedicated machine room.
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Each type has its pros and cons, and the selection depends on factors like building height, passenger capacity, and budget.
Beyond the Mechanism: Key Components
An elevator is more than just its core mechanism. Key components include:
Counterweight: Balances the weight of the car, reducing the motor's workload and energy consumption.
Guide rails: Steel tracks along which the car glides, ensuring stability and alignment.
Doors: Securely seal the opening, equipped with safety sensors to prevent movement when open.
Control system: The "brain" of the elevator, using sensors and microprocessors to control movement, speed, and safety features.
Safety First: Essential Safeguards
Safety is paramount in any lifting device, and elevators are no exception. They boast a plethora of safety features:
Safety interlocks: Prevent movement if doors are open or other unsafe conditions exist.
Overload protection: Limits the weight the elevator can carry to prevent accidents.
Emergency brakes: Bring the car to a safe stop in case of malfunctions or power outages.
Governor: Senses excessive speed and activates brakes if needed.
Regular inspections and maintenance: Ensure all components are in good working order.
More Than Just Going Up: Diverse Roles of Elevators
Elevators serve various purposes beyond passenger transport:
Freight elevators: Move heavy goods in commercial buildings and industrial settings.
Hospital elevators: Designed for stretchers and medical equipment access.
Home elevators: Enhance accessibility and convenience in residences.
Car lifts: Park vehicles in multi-story structures.
Looking Ahead: Innovation and Sustainability
Elevator technology is constantly evolving, with innovations like:
Smart elevators: Integrate with building management systems for improved efficiency and data analysis.
Regenerative braking systems: Capture energy during descent and feed it back into the grid.
Sustainable materials and components: Reduce environmental impact.
From their intricate mechanisms to their crucial role in daily life, elevators are fascinating creations of human ingenuity. Understanding how they work fosters appreciation for the complex systems that move us around, while reminding us of the vital importance of safety in these silent but essential companions on our vertical journeys.
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