#capt gets a happy rust!
demon-blood-youths · 3 years
“You don’t have to deal with everything alone.” (Cap, to Rust)
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Hearing that surprises the blond. After a moment of processing that, Rust can't help but chuckle, "Thanks, Capt. I appreciate it." For some reason, Rust can look up to Capt as a strong mentor and can rely on, for certain situations like this. "It feels good to know that ya got my back!"
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echo-three-one · 3 years
Chapter 40
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It's not that hard to say goodbye. But it's really sad for the notable few who enjoyed it.
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The SIXth Ship
Sierra Leone, Africa
"Echo 3 - 1 to Hunter One One. We have confirmed the presence of a suspected SAM Turret. Advising not to deploy air support until it's down, over." Alex muttered over the radio as he lowered his scope.
"Copy that, Three One. We'll stand by for your go signal." Roach replied as Alex signaled his team to move forward, covering Alpha Team's six.
"This place is suspiciously quiet." Price muttered over comms.
"It's 5 am. Bad guys probably needed sleep too." Alex commented, scoping on what's head of Team Alpha.
"Well, I want Volt awake, so I could beat Nero's location out of him." Price spat.
"Guardhouse on the east. Single guard, fast asleep."Alex shot his suppressed rifle as the guard dropped to the ground.
"Good Night."
"I'm hearing an engine starting on our east." Soap whispered as Alex turned his scope east. There was indeed a truck load of food arriving at their base.
"Civilian delivery truck." Alex warned.
"Let him pass. He'll notice the dead guard and run." Price predicted and it actually happened as the innocent driver sped off away from the base.
"How long till he calls the cops?" Alex asked.
"Never. France already bribed the guy." Soap answered.
"What?" Alex was puzzled.
"Welcome to Africa." Soap chuckled and they hid into the supply truck while Price drove inside.
"Alright, we're in. Soap and France should plant charges on SAMs and Comms. Once their alarm rings we light things up." Price ordered as Alex's team advanced and circled the perimeter, protecting the gates.
"Where could Volt be hiding?" Alex asked.
"Could be anywhere. This base has lots of buildings." Rocket replied not far behind him.
"There are also six ships by the dock. He could be in one of those." Royce added.
"Alpha Team, we've got movement on your six. Looks like they're looking for their supply drop. They're by the truck and unloading their supplies." Alex warned as the three remained quiet.
"Tango by the guard house down." Rocket confirmed his kill as the body dropped on the ground.
"They're about to discover their dead allies. Prepare for the alarm!" Alex roared as their alarm system activated, dozens of troops from their camps emerged carrying weapons.
"Shit! I'm taking sniper fire by the rooftops!" Soap yelled over comms. Bravo team immediately turned their sights to the rooftops and took down the snipers with ease.
"There's no sign of Volt here. He must've woken up early. Rendezvous with me by the tower." Price muttered.
"Sir. This is Meat from Charlie Team. We've confirmed movement on the docks. No positive ID of Volt yet."
"Copy that meat. Proceeding to the docks." Price said as gunfire echoed through his comms.
"Seeing multiple reinforcements from the gate!" Alex alerted as they attempted to shoot down armored cars loaded with more enemies.
"Alex! This area is compromised!" One of his allies suggested as smoke started to cover their forest.
"Shit! We'll have to meet up with them inside! Change to assault weapons and advance to the gate. You two cover our six using thermals." The two nodded as Alex switched to his assault rifle, advancing towards the gate, taking down reinforcements as they arrived.
"Price? Soap? France? Sitrep?" He roared through comms as his team was now barraged with heavy fire as they hid for cover.
"This is Bravo Six. I made my way inside the last ship. Looks like he's trying to escape. France and Soap are by the docks taking heavy fire. I'll handle Volt from here. You hold out for extraction. It looked like we didn't have a choice." Price said.
Alex felt the heat of the explosion as the ground shook. Soap had detonated the charges they set and help was on the way.
"Roach!" Soap sounded hurt.
"Way ahead of you!" Roach said as the air support bombarded the base with grenade shells, blasting every enemy away as the ground troops recovered.
"Reloading for another round. Stand by." He said as the plane circled back.
"Okay team! Their numbers have reduced. Let's finish this." Alex informed his bravo team as they finished off the remaining waves of enemies, which were too resourceful as they also had attack hyenas, something they didn't expect.
"These dogs are furious!" One commented as they entered the gates, securing the whole base or what's left of it, for valuable intel.
"Echo Three One to Actual. Jack, it looked like they cleaned this place already."
"Actual to Three One. Looks like it. I guess their getaway ship had all his latest work."
"Charlie team found a way to follow them. Bravo team resume recon on the five ships." Jack commanded and the rest followed
"Copy that, Actual. Proceeding towards the ships with caution." Alex replied as they carefully pressed deeper into the base toward the pier. Alex wondered how many piers and ships had been involved on his missions. Looks like Nero doesn't trust air travel.
The ships were rusted and broken, but the components inside were new stacks of equipment possibly used for his bomb making.
"This sly guy hides his stuff inside these rusty ships." Alex reported, his voice echoed around the ship.
"We're all clear, Alex. This ship is empty of tangos." One of his allies reported.
"So are the other ones." Another one reported.
"We found the rest of Alpha team by the pier. Looks like Soap's injured." Said another.
"Copy that. Stay frosty. We have no visual of the entrance so reinforcements might arrive." Alex replied to everyone.
"Roger that." The rest of his team replied in unison. Roach's Air support chopper hovered ahead of them and followed the getaway ship, providing support to Capt. Price. Charlie team had borrowed some small boats to aid in Volt's capture.
"It's all up to him now." Alex muttered as they resumed securing the enemy base.
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"So, how was your day?" Samantha smiled, slipping herself inside the covers as she lay down beside Alex. The tired man huffed out a sigh and looked at her beautiful girlfriend, whose eyes were staring at him longingly. It's been almost a month since the task force was created and they were on separate beds, but Alex always makes sure he sleeps over every time he's free.
"Oh, you know. The other kind of usual. We beat information out of Nero's bomb maker today." He said in an interesting tone.
"I know beating people is wrong, but when you've been played with by these kinds of people, it's kind of pleasant to the ears." She chuckled, her hand gliding on his arms and looked for his hands.
"Yeah. I'll never stop doing it until they get a taste of their medicine." Alex breathed and looked at Samantha. Her eyes that once looked blank and lost now looked happy. It was tragic how she just wanted to live a normal life but had everything taken away from her.
"What would you do when this is all over?" She asked, questioning his last statement.
"Well, I could finally take you out on a nice date. Maybe say hi to your dad or something." he blurted, making Samantha's eyes widen in surprise.
"Aww.." She smiled as she leaned in for a kiss, while Alex slowly lifted her so that she's now lying on top of him.
"Why is it that every kiss feels so different." She mused as she leaned for another one.
"Maybe because my love for you grows stronger every second?" He replied.
"Haha. You're funny." She said sarcastically.
"That I am." He grinned as they rolled over, giggling at whatever they were doing.
"I love you, Samantha." Alex whispered in the sexiest way that he could resulting to Samantha actually giggling in disbelief.
"I love you too, Alex." She replied.
"Now, go to sleep. I want you well rested for your work tomorrow." She added as she turned the lamp off. Alex groaned like a kid who doesn't want to go to bed yet.
"How can I sleep, when even in the dark, I could still see your pretty face." He whispered as Samantha laughed.
"Flattery will get you nowhere, mister." She said as she turned back, letting Alex hug her from behind. She always loved his warm embrace beside him, a feeling of security amidst all the times that she'd been kidnapped.
The next morning, Alex came back to the base after breakfast with Samantha. It has been a while since he had that and thought that it wouldn't hurt to go late once in a while.
"Where have you been?" Roach asked as soon as he got to the base.
"I overslept." he lied as Roach scoffed.
"You? Hahaha. Nice try. I know full well that no matter what happens you always wake up at the exact time." Roach laughed.
"Why? Is there something wrong with Volt?" Alex pressed on to the main topic at hand.
"The guy had a little fight. But he actually talked."
"Yeah? About what? Nero's location?"
"No. And This isn't like the official thing, it's just rumors. Price slept at the infirmary today and hasn't woken up yet. So the news is that his EMP tech is now capable of killing humans on a set radius."
"Shit." Alex hissed.
"I know. It could launch anywhere anytime and no one could hide from it. A whole new kind of killing weapon." Roach wondered, making them worry about what Nero's about to do.
"Volt better get talking soon."
"Yeah. He better." Roach approved with an encouraging voice.
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Later that afternoon the whole 141 was briefed about a message sent from Nero himself. Thousands of humans, civilians and soldiers alike, were nuked just outside the American capital.
The blast didn't do much damage to infrastructure but machines and humans suffered more than ever. Some were able to withstand the mental damage while some were left in a trance state. Some who already had some form of mental problems suffered horribly and dropped dead on the streets.
It was estimated that about half a million people were affected as the nuke exploded by the ocean. Some say this was a miscalculation and others speculated that this was Nero's warning shot.
America had raised itself on high alert, any time Nero's troops would charge on American soil ignoring all authorities who wanted to stop him. This was it. His plan finally came to fruition.
As for the task force, they have located the main signal of the nuke's control. A place somewhere in Cuba. Alex and Jack knew this place was once visited by older CIA SAD members and rumors had it that one of their Black Ops comrades died there. It once housed the reverse engineered Greenlight nuke. Alex never told anyone in 141 about this as history would tend to repeat itself. He hoped that this was not the case.
This would be the lead that the rest of the task force will be focusing on. As the war rages, Alex was sure that the following days would be the toughest so, while waiting for any potential final lead and orders from above, they spent the rest of their time training for the final showdown against Nero.
Optional Chapter : The Fall of the Capital - Pvt. Ramirez
Next Chapter : FIVE Seconds
Notification Squad my Beloved
@enderio @samatedeansbroccoli @smokeywhalee @ricinbach @bumblingbee1 @whimsywispsblog
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emogene26bok-blog · 6 years
Deer Calling Fawn - A Outline Of A As Well As Enjoyable Home Hobby
Cleaning or exfoliating on the epidermis is the first thing in a skin anti aging regiment. Burn dead skin cells by exfoliating continuously. You can use crushed sea salt, oatmeal or cornmeal in this. Citrus fruits are also ideal as aid to break the dead cells. Lemons will help your face will sting slightly but the results are this! Many states have legalized deer feeding tips. Due to this hunters and nature watchers can distribute feed, minerals, and fruits in hard work to attract deer. This information is not in what to feed your deer or what may attract deer for your own area. Like we mentioned earlier, deer cover a substantial range and diet is just as diverse. Deer hunters that walk out into the woods and hung up a corn feeder will be pretty disappointed when the feeding station receives minimal to no use. Here i will discuss click this that most likely to make your deer feeder a center for deer task. The most rudimentary formula for removing scar marks whether with the use of medicines or chemical peels or anti aging laser treatment or with natural ingredient is always two pronged. You need to have to remove the outer damaged layer of skin yet still time searching help the cell generate healthy skin that is lying you should put. Rogue River, Oregon The river is protected by the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act leaving nearly untouched by advance. It is a very vivid river with great rapids. Each time a break of this office or civilization home made deer feeders by and large is what you are then is the river you r. A number of Jehovah's Witnesses walking typically the same area discovered the particular groups Saturday morning and called police. Four days later, a faint unpleasant smell still hung in atmosphere. You is going to incorporate an enclosed as well as another anti aging skin ringing in the ears a balanced approach to your problem. After all, businesses you put a nice fresh coat of paint on a rusted motor? It may look good on your short time but this will not last elongated. When you walk heel-toe this can be a extremely noticeable style and design. The bottom line is actually you get walking deer feeding tips along with a regular, rhythmic gait, splitup the program. The feral dogs didn't are part of anyone, but a man who owns a house at no more the road had been feeding them, said Oglethorpe County sheriff's Capt. Shalon Huff. He told authorities the dogs never behaved aggressively toward him, anf the husband did not believe the dogs had killed the happy couple. "Sometimes the pack mentality can play a measure. feeders supply preston highway gets aroused and that revs up his buddies," Goldfarb described. The dogs were aggressive toward authorities who rounded them up using traps and tranquilizers, Huff asserted. At one point, a group individuals cornered two different people against a car or truck. There were no signs the dogs were rabid, Huff said. Authorities believe Sherry Schweder went for per night walk near her home on Friday, perhaps hunting for one of her own dogs which had been missing for about a month or so.
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