#cankles cankle workout
I know this topic has been beaten to death, but it really is crazy growing up as a woman and seeing the beauty standards and expectations for girls rapidly change while people pretend that those new standards have always been a thing.
Awhile ago I saw some short vid of a male showing women whose eyes were large enough that you could see the whites under their iris. He said that this was a "deformity" that "most people opt to get corrected" LMAO NO TF THEY DO NOT! When I was a teenager girls would put white/cream eyeliner on their lower lashline to make their eyes LOOK like that. Old Hollywood actresses and models from the 60s-70s who had this feature were highly praised for their eyes' beauty, now it's apparently a deformity that people (and by people he meant women obviously lol) should get surgery for???
Just this morning I saw a commercial where this lady introduced herself and was like, "We all wear deodorant under our arms, but I hate how people make women feel bad for not putting it on other places too. That's why I made this full body deodorant that's safe to put anywhere!" HUH?????? When the hell did full body deodorant become a thing? I first heard about it from a post on here a week ago, but now women should be slathering ourselves in deodorant??? Males (who literally have larger sweat glands and more BO than women) aren't being advertised this shit.
And don't even get me started on all the names people come up with for body parts so they can advertise their workouts to either achieve them or get rid of them. Cankles, love handles, saddlebags, hip dips, bubble butt, thigh gap, etc. The new thing is apparently to try to get rid off the little bit of fat under your butt (banana butt or banana rolls as they call them) and to get botox in your traps to get 90 degree angle shoulders. When will it end 🫠
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redvinylboots · 2 years
I’m back babes and i’m ready to be skinny once and for all 🤘🏼
To keep me motivated here are some updated reasons for becoming skinny:
- To look good in any piece of clothing… literally anything
- So I look tiny next to my boyfriend
- So his hoodies are oversized on me and not perfectly fitting
- So i’m prettier than a friend of mine that everyone fawns over
- So my boyfriend can effortlessly pick me up and throw me around
- So I never feel self conscious about my body, I can throw on anything and look stylish because let’s face it, skinny IS an accessory.
- So my boobs aren’t massive and I can go braless in cute lil tank tops
- So I won’t feel giant in shorts this summer
- People will overall treat me better (i’ve experienced this first hand it’s crazy)
- Concern from others, my ED will be validated…
- So I can wear hightop shoes/boots and it won’t look like I have cankles
- When in a group of friends and we all pile into a car they will suggest I sit in the middle because i’m small
- Being referred to as “the tiny one”
- So I can be that skinny gorgeous gal at the gym doing cardio that everyone envies
Also I have NOBODY I can talk to about this stuff so if anyone wants to be friends pls don’t be shy :)
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deepfriedb · 1 year
Things I used to do:
Buy cute outfits / wear stylish clothes
Wear mid calf boots and sandals with skirts
Take care of and style my hair
Stay ~somewhat~ consistent with my skincare
Take baths
Go for long walks on my lunch break
Read and listen to audiobooks
Workout and tan a little
Make food at home and eat healthy portions
Take selfies
Be in other people's pictures
et cetera et cetera
Things I do now:
Recycle the same few outfits that still fit
Wait to buy new clothes until I'm smaller
Hoard clothes that don't fit me or I'm not confident enough to wear
Wear shoes that cover my cankles but my calves don't roll over
Avoid showing my legs and arms, really any skin
Binge watch TV and doomscroll reddit
Binge junk food
Only shower when absolutely necessary
et cetera et cetera
I just... I know I wasn't always 'healthier' and I don't think I was necessarily 'happier' either. I didn't know what I had when I had it because I've always been lightweight disgusted by myself. I wish I could have that body back with the perception I have looking at it now. Idk if that's possible. But I definitely don't want to end up looking back on today's body wishing I could get back to it. So I have to be better. I can't just keep getting worse like I've been.
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pangtasias-atelier · 4 years
Could I please request a continuation of the Byleth and His Three Fatties story. But with a slight twist. Maybe we can get some insight as to how the three of them act when Byleth isn't around? With all the fun bedroom shenanigans!
And here we have the final request of this batch! Once again, thanks for being so patient, and especially for the kind words of encouragement in our talks! Had a lot of fun (as shown by the length anbdhbs) so I hope you enjoy!
All smut will be tagged #risque
The long oak table currently seating one hungry diner, a bevvy of dishes rest in front of them. Caspar digging in, his heavy gut presses firmly against the table. Seeping onto the table itself, his sprawling gut also rests on his meaty thighs. Though his hefty lower body seems rather small with how much room his stomach commands and takes up. But his fleshy thighs twist and strain his ill-fitting boxers, the hem creating a concavity in his soft ample thighs. His ass, while dwarfed by the rest of him, still offers some extra height upon sitting down, Caspar no longer as seemingly short as before. Sporting two sizable jugs for moobs, Caspar’s tank top is more reminiscent of a sports bra. The black fabric clings and wraps around his breasts, the bottom hem of his shirt digging into the fleshy underneath of Caspar’s moobs. Food Caspar’s first order of business upon waking from his deep snore filled slumber, his hair is a tad bit more unkempt. The shaved sides of his hair are the same as always but the tuft of Caspar’s hair is a bit more grown, the surprisingly soft blue wisps splay out in all directions. His corpulent chins wobble with each heaving swipe he takes at his buffet for breakfast, Caspar cramming a mouthful with each hurried bite. Focusing on the hashbrowns, Caspar’s preference for loading up on filling carbs is no different from his workout days. The bottom flab of his stomach slowly firms up with every plate, the soft mass rounding out.
Letting out a yawn, Caspar leans back into his poor chair. The chair thankfully lacking any arms, Caspar’s stomach has enough room to rest and spread comfortably. Bringing a hand to his face, his doughy arms jiggle as he rubs the crust from his eyes. Caspar rests his free hand on his stomach. Rubbing it, he smacks his lips, the sweet sticky syrup from the pancakes still dancing on his lips. Decently loud snoring in the background, Caspar pays it no mind.
“Hey!” The second should be occupant of the table just now arriving, Ashe’s tidied appearance is in contrast to Caspar. His neatly kempt hair a new fixture from his old haircut, the medium length gray hair is still just as well maintained, Ashe’s hair still parted perfectly. Ashe’s body also contrasts Caspar, Ashe heavily pear shaped. A shelf for an ass wobbles behind him as he waddles. Bringing a corpulent thigh past the other, Ashe’s gait is slow. His sweatpants are unable to reach over his hill of an ass; instead, the upper fat of his ass sneaks out, squished by the tight waistband. His stomach jiggles to and fro with each step, the soft paunch contained by his gray tshirt, albeit snugly. His perky yet supple moobs shake as well. Huffing, Ashe carries two plates in his hands. The sleeves wrapped around his arms, they leave a notable indent. His arms quiver under the whopping food piled onto both. A large stack of pancakes topped high on each plate. A penchant for anything and all sweet, Ashe’s craving sweet tooth only intensified as more and more extra pounds piled upon his short frame.
Placing both plates on the table, Ashe takes a seat on the extra chair; Ashe’s ass covers the entire spot, both sides of his asscheecks hanging off. Clearing his throat, Ashe sits up straight. His paunch rests against the table. “Those dishes were supposed to be for all of us,” Frowning, Ashe keeps his plates of pancakes close by. Cutting into them, his arms admittedly feel tired from the taxing effort, so used to having Byleth cut them for him. Hearing the slumbering Sylvain snore away, Ashe ignores it in favor of his own food, doing the exact same as Caspar by worrying about his own hungry gullet first.
“I left you your pancakes, didn’t I?” Boh hands rubbing his massive belly now, Caspar lets out a burp before sighing. “Besides, there’s still tons more in the kitchen,”
“Well, yeah,” Ashe admits, taking a bite of his syrup soaked pancakes. “But you could’ve waited at the very least,”
“I gotta keep up my weight,” Letting out a chuckle, Caspar flexes his left arm, the flab from his arm instead sagging instead of flexing in any meaningful way. Resting his right hand on his nonexistent bicep, his right arm simply presses against his plush moobs, the overgrown melons seemingly larger. “Gotta make sure I give myself all the extra attention Byleth’s been giving me as of late,”
Mouth chock full of pancakes and syrup, Ashe takes a swig from his milk. Quickly washing down the food, a tactic Byleth taught him to eat faster, Ashe lets out a heavy breath. “Byleth has been giving me special attention too,” Ashe bristles, his tone a bit more forced than before, a frown marring his round face before he goes back to stuffing his face.
As if giving any sort of meaningful examination from his seat, Caspar rests a large hand under his chin as his eyes roam all over Ashe’s body. “Hmm,” Standing up, his bare skin wobbles, the soft billowing mass pulled down from gravity. Behind Ashe, Caspar sinks both his hands onto Ashe’s breasts. “Yeah, you are starting to fill out a lot more up here. I’ve heard how Byleth praises you while you’re underneath him and panting as-” Sporting a bit of a chubby down there, Caspar grins at Ashe’s flustered state.
Swallowing the bit of pancake in his mouth, Ashe feels his face burning. “Well, I can hear you too!” Ashe responds matter-of-factly. Caspar meekly grins. “I can hear how much you whine and beg for Byleth to keep his hands-”
A particularly loud snore rumbling through the large space, both Ashe and Caspar quiet down. The snoring still going, it dies down back to its usual level.
“But, you’re not as loud as Sylvain is,” Ashe whispers, his sweatpants as tight around his groin as Caspar’s boxers.
“Hah! He’s always complaining about how he’s still got it and whatnot,” Caspar grins, shaking his head as the thought of Sylvain’s incessant claims fill his head. “So,” Caspar grabs Ashe’s hand. “Let’s go see if it’s true,” Caspar, leading the way, the two waddling men make their way to Sylvain’s room.
“Wait, what?” Ashe bumbling behind, his paunch nearly presses up against Caspar’s portly rear. If their positions were swapped, then they’d be practically on top of one another. The scene reminiscent of the two’s semi common ‘get togethers’ Ashe rapidly blinks, Sylvain’s room closer and closer with each successive blink.
“You heard me,” Caspar lets out a triumphant hmph as they stand in front of Sylvain’s closed door. Sylvain’s snoring sounds much louder as well. “We’ve seen how we’re in bed, so let’s see how Sylvain compares,”
Caspar’s lack of tacit throws a wrench in the cogs of Ashe’s brain, words unable to leak out of his mouth as he looks on at Caspar wide-eyed. “W-well, yes we have been intimate with each other, and,” Collecting his thoughts, Ashe lets out a contemplative huff. Shifting his weight, his sweatpants struggle under the shift, sagging down some more.
“And?” Eyes purposefully not drifting to how Ashe’s ass sticks out behind him, his mind instead thinks about Sylvain’s the man’s prodigious figure more enticing. The exploration much like a brand new expedition to uncharted lands, so many unknown and new folds to touch and feel.
“And we should give him a surprise since Byleth isn’t here today,” Bringing a fist into his open palm, Ashe’s little lie to ease his conscience aids him in achieving his excited state, a cat-like grin adorning his face. Pushing forward, the unlocked door easily swings open for the two obese intruders.
Upon entering, his ass brushing against the doorway in the process, Ashe stands stupefied at the pile of blubber that is sleeping on the massively sized mattress. A big belly pushing him from behind, two hands then push Ashe out of the way.
“What’s the hold...!” Caspar whispers, before standing just as in awe as Ashe. “..up…”
“He’s huge,” Ashe whispers. He instinctively takes cautious steps towards Sylvain. Beside Sylvain, his huge stomach rises with each heavy snore he emits.
“Damn, he sure is,” Caspar on the opposite side of Sylvain, he licks his lips upon the sight,
Sylvain sleeping on his back, his titanic gut rises up into the air, the mass of fat shifting and quivering upon each inhale and exhale. The crest of his gut rising a good three feet, the rest of his stomach cascades down, blanketing his own body in a hefty dosage of fat. Rolls adorning his body, Sylvain’s meaty love handles splay out, each as thick as a pillow. Two monstrous tree trunk thighs popping out from underneath, the sheer width of them refuse to be outshone by Sylvain’s gut. Clearly demonstrating his lack of restraint, the fat from Sylvain’s cankles even overlap, the folds of his thighs folding. His titanic breasts larger than his own roly poly face, the two prodigious tits press up against Sylvain’s chins. Sylvains saucers for nipple take up a good portion of his chest. Arms pushed aside from the bundle of fat occupying his breasts, they rest useless to the side. Pressed up against the satin sheet, the bunched up fat seems much more tantalizing, Sylvain’s arms massive. A mitt for a hand attached at the end, those in turn have portly sausage fingers, the small bundles of fat close to one another.
Sylvain’s massive form puts both Caspar and Ashe to shame. Each priding on their stomach and ass respectfully, Sylvain’s figure is larger than both while being equally massive everywhere.
Snickering to himself, Caspar edges his way down the bed. Enough space, he climbs on the bed. A dangerous creaking filling the room with two large men on top, Caspar pays it no mind. His boxers tighten up further as he gets closer to his goal. In front of Sylvain’s stomach, Caspar takes great caution to not step on Sylvain’s rolls of fat with his knees.
Sylvain still snoring away, he keeps going strong even as Caspar rests his weight on Sylvain’s gut. Even still when Caspar worms an experienced hand in between his stomach and thigh folds.
Ashe aware of Caspar’s plan, he wastes no time in disrobing. T-shirt thrown to the side, he struggles removing his sweatpants before tossing those as well. Boxers the last to go, Ashe climbs the bed as well, the creaking much louder now. Sylvain’s hole hidden from lying down and his dick currently occupied by Caspar, Ashe paws at Sylvain’s fat, smushing and grabbing the abundant folds.
A wrist deep just to reach Sylvain’s dick, Caspar huffs as he hugs Sylvain’s stomach with his right hand. Giving a tentative touch to Sylvain’s flaccid dick, Sylvain pauses his snoring to huff. But only for a second before he resumes his snoring, still blissfully in dream land. Sylvain’s dick already chubbing up from the simple touch, Caspar moans. Despite Sylvain's fat pad surrounding his dick, Caspar can still feel it's girth, Sylvain well endowed.
“I’ve barely touched him and he’s already hard,”
Ashe removes his mouth from Sylvain’s saucer like nipples. “He probably can’t reach himself,” Ashe only aware of such a thing due to his and Caspar’s growing difficulty with said task, he resumes playing with Sylvain’s nipples, pinching them. An idea forming in his head, he gets off the bed and waddles out of the room, one of his hands fondling his own dick, his fat pad pushed back far from the exertion.
“Fuck…” Caspar groans from the realization. His boxers feel ready to tear apart, and not just from the pathetic size of them. His dick sinks into Sylvain’s stomach, the fat warping around it. Sylvain’s dick sufficiently hard, he gently wraps his hand around it. Easing into it slowly, Sylvain’s snores die out just as slowly.
Little moans sounding out from Sylvain, Caspar begins to pick his pace, a dribble of precum smears his hand. Using his thumb, he eases the tip of Sylvain’s dick; a particularly loud moan comes from Sylvain.
The creaking of wheels coming from behind his back, Caspar picks up his pace, mentally thanking Ashe. The cart full of nothing but pancakes, Caspar holds back his eye roll.
Reaching the shaft of Sylvain’s dick, his skin pulled back, seems to break the dam. A splooge of Sylvain’s cum splattering over Caspar’s hand, Sylvain huffs and groans as he wakes up.
“Byleth?” Sylvain yawns.
“Nope,” Ashe at the ready, he crams an entire rolled pancake inside Sylvain’s mouth before bringing his hand to Syvlain’s mouth.
Sylvain instinctively chewing, he goes to complain about the dryness of it, no syrup provided. Instead, his mouth ends up assaulted from Ashe squeezing the syrup straight from the bottle and into his mouth. The sweet sticky syrup piling up all in his mouth, his words feel slurred, so much more lethargic.
“Where’s Byleth?” Some sort of liquid smeared on his stomach, Sylvain pays it no mind, instead greedily accepting another pancake from Ashe. Feeling spent, Sylvain’s well rested brain connects the dots, his cum stained fat pad making the job easy.
“Went out, that’s all he told us,” Caspar appears beside Sylvain once more. Grabbing Sylvain’s hand, Ashe does the same. Both of them pulling with all their might, and Sylvain helping, he finally is seated on his bed, his fat now sagging forward instead of all directions.
“Thanks, and listen, I don’t mind, but if we’re gonna fuck, then I get to take charge,” Putting on his showstopping grin, Sylvain’s grin dies as Caspar laughs at him, Ashe snickering as well.
“We can hear how Byleth tops you,”
“And seen,” Ashe chimes in, remembering when Byleth took Sylvain right in front of them upon Sylvain’s insistent demands of getting to top Byleth.
“Yeah yeah. That’s ‘cause if I topped him, then he’d probably break under all of this hot bod,” Confident face losing the facade, Sylvain begins to feel rivulets of sweat form on his forehead as both Ashe and Caspar retain their grins.
"You are big as hell," Caspar grabs Sylvain's love handle, shaking the mass. A chain reaction occuring, Sylvain's body shakes like the ocean, billowing fat smacking each other. "You'd probably crush us too,"
The two grabbing Sylvain's hands once more, they use their other hand to help move Sylvain once more. Heaving him up, Sylvain's body tremors as they push him on his stomach. A good amount of adjusting to position him just right, Sylvain's hill of a dimpled ass rests high above him.
"H-hey!" Grunting, Sylvain's arms wobble as he attempts to lift himself up. Falling back down into his plush, supple moobs, he catches his breath. Ashe smacking his ass with a resounding slap, Sylvain feels his spent dick already firming up again. Taking charge was fun and nice, but to be fucked senselessly… Eyes closed, Sylvain shakes his head, forcibly yanking the thought out of his horny addled brain.
Unfortunately, an already lubed sausage finger tapping at his entrance shoves it back in, Sylvain whimpering. A fork brought to his mouth, Sylvain finds a now nude Caspar standing in front of him with a plate. Stomach grumbling, he opens wide, the still warm hash browns smoothly going down his greedy gullet. A bite turns into a couple before the entire plate of hash browns ends up devoured, Sylvain's blubbery stomach still craving more. Pancakes offered next, the heavy carbs trudge their way into their rightful spot in the pit known as Sylvain’s stomach. Crammed into his mouth whole, the vigorous chewing distracts Sylvain’s mind, his soft billowing gut ever so slightly firming up. Syrup poured down his throat, his adam apple bobs as he laps up the viscous liquid. Parched, a few mewls has Caspar at the ready, a pitcher of milk brought to his lips.
A heavy weight resting on him, Sylvain's hands cling and curl around the bedsheets, Ashe's dick at his hungry entrance.
"Still think you're a top?" Unwilling to hold off any longer," Ashe immediately goes to town on Sylvain's ass. His own fat body shaking, the quivering mass that is Sylvain's quakes. The bed reminds them all of its precarious situation, the frame not equipped to handle such a dangerously high weight. Fat slapping against fat, Ashe's engorged dick easily slides in-between the soft rolls of fat making up Sylvain's ass.
"Y-eah, of course…" Sylvain's back arches as high as he can, his stomach pressing deep into the mattress. "Yeah, I'm a-" Another forkful ready, Caspar has scrambled eggs now. His body shaking back and forth with each hump, Sylvain's body becomes increasingly hotter. Gut chock full of food, the stuffed sensation is no stranger to Sylvain. Despite doing none of the actual work, two large warm bodies pressed up against him as they have their way with him has him breathing heavily.
His dick left painfully unattended, the friction from his fat pad is sufficient enough. Balls churning, a shove forward from an eager Ashe has Sylvain ejaculating all over; the dried sticky fat pad adds some more fresh cum. A pair of brusque forceful lips on his own, Sylvain finds himself pulling himself forward to the gesture.
Caspar pressing his lips against Sylvain’s, his tongue darts inside Sylvain’s readily open maw. Stubby hand reaching under Sylvain’s chins, Caspar helps raise up his face, gazing at him with half lidded eyes. Breath required for both of them, Caspar pulls back, his moobs rising and falling with every labored breath. Bringing his hands to Sylvain’s cheeks, he pulls and squishes them. “You really are damn adorable,”
Sylvain mutters in response, his face just as flushed as before. A whine escapes him as Caspar stands up. Ashe pulling out only has Sylvain a bigger mess, the lack of warmth sending a chill up his spine.
Ashe still raring to go, he shifts on his knees. Hands slowly pumping his dick, his legs twitch as he almost cums. Slowly inching his way, Ashe finds his perfect spot. Touching himself, his legs slowly spread as he tilts his head back, Ashe growing louder. So painfully close, he unabashedly moans as he cums, his seed ending up all over Sylvain's side.
Taking his time, Ashe slowly eases himself off of the bed.
"W-wait!" Grunting, Sylvain's huffing and puffing face betrays him.
"We're not done yet," Casper gleefully announces. Making his way to Sylvain’s ass, Caspar traces his girthy fingers across Sylvain’s body before parking himself right in front of Sylvain’s entrance. Wasting no time like Ashe, Caspar girthy dick penetrates Sylvain's gaping chasm.
Sylvain's dick woefully spent, it still has blood flowing to it, his dick painfully hard. Reaching down, his hand barely makes it to the edge of his stomach. Too much fat barricading his dick, Sylvain grunts as he futilely tries to reach.
Ashe taking Caspar’s old residence in front of Sylvain’s face, the plump overfed face makes his heart swell, beads of sweat trickling down Sylvain’s  half lidded face as he attempts to catch his breath. Leaning down, his prodigious ass sticks in the air as he gently brings his lips to Sylvain’s. Squirrel cheeks pressing up against his own, Ashe holds his spot, Sylvain putty in his hands. Pulling back, Ashe huffs, his dick hard once more. “We should - we need to spend more time together,”
Sylvain finds himself humming in agreement, words unable to be uttered as Caspar continues to pound his ass.
Ashe finding it unfair how Caspar got to give Sylvain a hand job, he decides to do one better. Climbing on to the bed, he rests his belly on Sylvain's head. Positioning himself, the need is unnecessary, Sylvain happily accepting Ashe's dick.
Caspar still pounding away at Sylvain's ass, his sprawling gut makes it difficult, the blanket of fat sprawled over on the rolling plains of Sylvain's back. Balls smacking, Caspar grips into Sylvain's ass for dear life. "No fair," Caspar grunts, his breath shallow. Caspar picks up the pace, hands leaving imprints on Sylvain's ass now.
"Don't care," Sylvain expertly slurps away. His skillful tongue works wonders on Ashe as it happily licks at the tip of Ashe’s dick.
Unwilling to be left behind, Ashe takes charge, face fucking Sylvain. Hands gripping Sylvain’s fiery red locks, Ashe huffs. His knees shaking under him, the wide legs shake from their overuse, Ashe nearly ready to fall over and lie down.
Pounded away from both ends, Sylvain can only offer muffles mixed in with his small breathy groans, his brain unable to think of anything meaningful. His entire body jiggles, two fat men fucking the obese man. The quick yet heavy breakfast from Caspar resting heavy in his stomach, his wobbling from being pounded on both sides causes it to churn and gurgle.
All three ignore the treacherous creaks and splinters of the frame underneath them, their own libido of much higher importance. Now a race to see who finishes first, Caspar ends up the winner. Falling against Sylvain's ass, his dick slowly softens. His semen filling up Sylvain's ass, dribbles of it trickle out. Ashe not far behind, he once again makes sure to pull out seconds before. A bit ending up in Sylvain's mouth, he happily swallows the sweet semen. Yet most of his ends up splattered on his face, Ashe painting Sylvain in his cum. All three resting, the painful splintering of the bed rings in their ears, even their tired pants drowned out by it. A few seconds passing, time seems to move at a standstill.
Until a deafening splinter sounds out. The frame finally gives out from underneath the incredulous weight stacked on top of it.
Plummeting much closer to the ground, all three of their corpulent bodies wobble, all their flab smacking against each other. The room quakes from the crash, furniture shaking as a result.
"Fuck…" Sylvain breathily moans as he attempts to catch his breath.
Legs worse than jello, the effort of standing up feels like the hardest task in the world for Caspar and Ashe. Moving Sylvain proceso even more challenging, all three read to sleep without a care. Getting Sylvain back up, they bring him back down on his back.
Caspar too tired to give a damn, he goes to nuzzle against Sylvain's stomach, pressing up against him as much as he can.
Ashe much the same, he pats Sylvain's stomach. "We'll clean up," Yawning, his jaw feels painfully sore from how wide he opens. "after a nap,"
Sylvain already asleep, his loud snores fill the calm and quiet air, Caspar's and Ashe's little snores sounding out as well.
Ashe and Caspar having some splooges of cum on them, neither of them compare to Sylvain's cum riddled body, their semen marked all over him. Cleaning up the least of their worries, they save it for later in the day. A couple hours passing by, noon soon hits the day. All three still asleep, none of them notice the door opening. Byleth returning from his long retreat, he brings a new addition in tow. Ferdinand behind Byleth, the extra couple of pounds on his frame are given away by his tight outfit. Spotting the debaucherous sight, their acts present on their bodies and by the musty smell, Ferdinand blushes.
"Soon, you'll be in that huge pile," Byleth whispers in Ferdinand's ear, laughing as he blushes yet nods, eager for said day to come.
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willow-salix · 4 years
Isolation update! Big thanks to @hodgehegposts for the prompt and fun chats.
Day 67 of Isolation on Tracy Island and today I learnt that the Tracy’s and I have totally different ideas of how to protect ourselves.
Some of us were watching a movie and some of us, namely Kayo, were attacking everyone stupid enough to go near enough. 
“Arghhh,” Gordon screamed as he flew backwards and landed on his butt with a bone rattling bump.
“Who’s next?” she asked, beckoning us forward.
Alan rubbed his butt in remembered pain and shook his head.
Kayo looked at Scott.
“Nope, I’m secure enough in my masculinity to know that it's not a good idea to go up against you.”
“Erm, let me think...no.”
Virgil was on the upper level, headphones on, totally in the zone while he painted and we all knew that nothing would get him to move bar an emergency call and that wasn't likely to happen any time soon.
She looked at me.
“Nope, don’t even think about it. I don’t know anything about your fancy moves, I’m no karate kid.”
“You don't know any self defence at all?” Scott asked.
I shrugged. “Well, I know enough to protect myself in a packed bar, does that count?”
Apparently it didn't, because less than ten minutes later I had been wrestled into my workout gear and was standing on the mats in the gym.
“I don't have a good feeling about this,” John muttered to Scott.
“Nonsense, she needs to learn, it’s important she can defend herself if the need arises. Do you want her getting hurt because she doesn't know how to take down an assailant?”
“Of course not, but it’s her.”
“I can hear you both, you know!”
“Busted,” Scott whispered to John, who sighed, knowing he was very likely to get yelled at for that later. And he would be right.
“Don’t listen to them, don’t let them put you off, you can do this,” Kayo encouraged me. “You can’t be that bad, you must know something. You said you could defend yourself in a packed bar, so lets start there, show me your moves.”
“I don’t really have a set of moves, I kinda just make it up on the fly,” I admitted, ignoring Scott's snort of amusement and John’s groan of disbelief.
“We can work with that, on the fly is what we do best. Scott?”
“Attack her, grab her from behind.”
“I dont think so.”
“John, you do it then.”
“I value certain parts of my anatomy.”
“Sure, I’ll do it, what's the worst that could happen?”
John actually laughed at that, he knew never to annoy me.
“No, I don’t want to hurt anyone,” I said, backing away.
“You couldnt hurt me, don’t worry. I’m just gonna grab you and all you have to do is break my hold.”
“You sure?” I asked. “I fight dirty.”
“So do bad guys,” Kayo laughed.
“I can take it,” Gordon assured me.
“OK,” I shrugged and turned around for him to grab me.
“Just do what you would do in a crowded bar and someone grabbed you,” Scott instructed.
I nodded.
Gordon waited a few seconds and then grabbed me, one arm around my chest, another around my waist.
I didn't bother struggling, I leant closer.
“Hey, Sailor, oh, you’re strong. Are you single? Because I’ve got four kids at home that desperately need a daddy. You don’t have a fear of commitment do you? Because I feel like we could have something really special, you know? Do you feel it too? This special thing between us? Wanna get marrie-”
“I’m out!” Gordon dropped me like I was a hot potato.
I turned around, waiting for my praise.
Scott cracked up laughing, almost falling over, only his grip on John’s shoulder keeping him upright? 
“That’s what you do in a bar?” John asked in utter disbelief. “You’re never going out alone again.”
“What if your attacker isn't some creep in a bar, what if he’s following you home and jumps you in an alleyway?” Alan asked.
“Why would I be in an alleyway?”
“He could grab you and drag you in,” Scott answered, finally gaining control of himself and managing to stand on his own.
“Who’d want me?” I argued. “I’d open my mouth and he’d run away in fear.”
“Truth,” Gordon muttered.
“Grab her again,” Kayo ordered.
“Do I have to?”
“I’ll do it,” Scott sighed, stepping up to the bat.
“So no words, just fight? Anything goes?”
“Yep, fight like your life depends on it,” Kayo instructed.
“Sorry,” I told Scott in preparation for kicking his butt.
“Don’t be,” he scoffed. “Do your worst.”
I started walking.
“Oh, look at me, an innocent-” 
John snorted. I ignored him.
“-unarmed girl, all alone on this dark, dark street. It would be so terrible if someone was to grab me right about now...”
Scott struck, looping his arm around my neck and another around my waist. 
I went limp and he fumbled to catch me, seizing the opportunity I lifted my foot and stamped down on his toes.
“Oww, dammit!” 
Not giving a second I slammed my elbow into his stomach and jumped, smacking the top of my head into his chin. When he let go to grab his chin I spun round and went for his chest, grabbing and twisting.
“She went for the nipple cripple!” Alan screamed in delight as Scott screamed in pain.
I let go and dragged him into a hug. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, you told me to fight!”
Scott accepted the hug, still whimpering pathetically.
“I said I was sorry, you know I love you!” I stroked his head getting a handful of gel which I sneakily wiped on his shirt when I patted his back.
“At least she kept it above waist height,” John commented.
“Well, that was…” Kayo started.
I waited. 
“Unorthodox and creative, but a woman wouldn't fight like that. Care to take me on?”
“Sure,” I shrugged. Nothing like taking down the big bro to give you a little confidence..
“Show me how you’d take on a female attacker.”
“Give me a second!” I stuck my hand in John’s pocket and retrieved the hairband I kept there for emergencies and tied my hair back.
“OK, I’m ready. Come at me!”
Kayo launched at me and I was immediately on the defensive. I head back, hands up, nails like claws.
“What are you doing?” Gordon asked.
“Cat fight, baby!”
“Cat fight?” Alan whispered to John who shrugged.
“Your hair looks awful today and those pants make your butt look huge!” I yelled at her.
“What?” she paused before aiming a punch my way but I screamed in her face and ducked, making her jump.
“Those boots give you cankles!” I kicked her in the shin and she yelped, hopping on one foot for a second, rubbing her leg.
I scrambled to my feet and grabbed her by the ponytail, yanking hard.
“Get off!” she yelled trying to spin out of my grip.
I let go and literally kicked her butt. I never go for the back, go for the butt, they never expect it. The sole of my foot hit her square on the cheeks and she stumbled in shock. That was my cue. I leapt on her back, screaming my best Xena impression, throwing all my weight on her, riding her down to the floor. I wound her hair around my fist and leaning all my weight on her shoulders, I pinned her down.
“That is not how bad guys fight!” she yelled, squirming.
“No, it's how London girls fight. I take it you’ve never been in a drunken cat fight with someone who thinks you stole her lipstick? You’re just lucky I didn't unleash my claws and go for the eyes, or smash your face into the floor.”
I got up off her back and helped her up.
“That was dirty,” she scowled at me. “I do not have cankles.”
“I did warn you all.”
“What are cankles?” John asked Alan, who shrugged.
“You don’t have a big butt either,” I promised her. “I was just trash talking.”
“Can you girls do that again?” Gordon asked, grinning at us. “Maybe have a pillow fight too?”
Kayo and I didnt dignify that with an answer.
“I think it’s time we teach you some basics,” John insisted.
“You still don’t believe I can take care of myself?” I huffed, folding my arms.
“Oh we know you can, but just in case you aren't attacking drunk people-”
“Hey! They always attack me first!”
“You still need to learn some real self defense,” Scott finished for him.
“Real self defence? How are your moobs, my man?”
“Oww, you’re mean when you fight,” Gordon accused.
“I...I do not have moobs!” he turned away, anxiously smoothing his hand over his pecs, just to be sure.
“Yeah, OK supermodel, you’re out of here,” Kayo ordered. “You guys too. We’re gonna start running through some basics. So, unless you want to be the attacker again, I suggest you get going.”
They got gone.
It was easier without them there and Kayo is actually a really good teacher. One day I might even be able to fight off a bad guy without resorting to a crotch shot. A girl can dream.
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martinalter-blog · 5 years
How To Get Rid Of Cankles (Swollen Ankles) EASILY, Fast At Home (2019)
I reveal to you an easy-to-follow program, that will show you exactly how to treat your cankles using a combination of Exercises, Diet, Nutrition, Improved Circulation and Supplementation. - You will learn about the most common foods that are responsible for giving you cankles. - You will learn about the foods that are commonly labeled as ‘unhealthy’. But in fact that you should eat. because they are so helpful, in helping you get rid of cankles! - You will also learn about the exact combination of supplements that you should take, in order to drain your ankle of the excess water and fluid, that is being retained inside them.
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1jules · 4 years
Happy Sunday yall!
I wasn't going to post my pic because well, it's not even almost a flattering Instagram photo with perfect lighting, flawless fake looking human in the most beautiful, decorative, super clean house.
I didn't sit here and take a bunch of "selfies" and choose the best one. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
But I decided to step out of my comfort zone, I set my timer and started my workout.
This is what we got!👇🤣
You can see my ridiculous hair, my arm flab, them thunder thighs and y'all I have always had cankles for some reason even when I WAS thin lol because for me... THIS is real life.
Also, my cute doggy was doing todays stretches with me!💙
Social media has a horrible way of making us forget that what we see on SOME peoples posts are only their highlight reel.
We compare our chapter 2 to somebody elses chapter 12.📖
.........Moral of my story.......
This life is YOUR book!
Your story is YOURS... and YOUR story will impact the world in some way.
🚫You don't have to accept anything less than you deserve.
🚫Don't be afraid to go after what you want!
🚫Don't worry what others may think.
Those who matter don't mind, and those who mind don't matter.
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fitblr-baby-steps · 7 years
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2015 and 2016 were two very hard years. I found myself turning to food for comfort, eating when I was already full, or not even hungry at all. In 2016 I reached my highest weight: 212lbs. April 2017 is when I completed my first Whole30 Challenge and lost a little over 20lbs. I let myself go over the summer and got back on track November of 2017. My clothes are now starting tio fit a little looser on me, my tummy rolls are shrinking, my round face is starting to slim down and take shape, my hands and wrists are finding definition, my butt and boobs have shrunk, my thighs don’t jiggle as much anymore, I’m finally almost rid of cankles. I have more energy, my face is no longer constantly red and blotchy, my mind is clearer, I’m sleeping better at night, I’m in a better place mentally. I’ve learned a lot about food and it’s affects on my body, I’m learning how to portion my meals, I’m learning to listen to my body when it’s telling me it’s full or hungry. In February 2017 I am now down 24lbs, currently weighing in at 188lbs, over the course of 10 months! At times it doesn’t feel like I’ve lost any weight at all. But looking back at pictures, or putting on a pair of pants and then fitting differently and almost falling off, those are awesome moments. In the picture above, I am finally wearing my purity ring again! I haven’t been able to wear it in 2 years. I was so excited when it slid back on my finger! It’s still a bit tight, but just a reminder that I am making progress and that there is still more progress to be made. I have 13lbs to go to reach my first goal of 175lbs. From there, I will decide if I have more weight I would like to lose, or if I would like to maintain that weight. Losing weight is not my main goal, my main goal is to lose inches, clothings sizes, to have more energy and to be the healthiest version of myself that I can be. To have confidence in who I am. In addition to eating healthier, which is all I’ve done up to this point to lose weight, I am going to slowly start adding at home workouts a couple times a week. I’d like to start toning and eventually add muscle. It’s only been three years since I first started trying to lose weight. At the beginning it was for all the wrong reasons and I went about it in the wrong way many times. I had to learn to love myself first and realize this isn’t about punishing myself, but about trying to better myself and take care of myself. To see what my body is capable of. To nourish and strengthen my body and to live a long and healthy life. I don’t know how long it will take to lose the remaining weight and reach my first goal. I’m sure there will be set backs and many days spent in frustration on how long it’s taking. But I’ve made it this far and I at one time thought that to be impossible. I can’t wait to reach my first big goal!
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yourlifefun · 4 years
20 Best Secrets to Strip Fat Everywhere
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Find out the way to melt fat from even the foremost stubborn trouble spots on your body.
Whether you're disgusted your beer gut or can't lose your cankles, we all have trouble spots we wish we could reduce. Unfortunately, you cannot specifically target fat loss in precise locations in your body. Its simple science: Everyone's body is different, and a few individuals are genetically predisposed to lose (and gain) weight in certain areas of their body compared to others.
But you'll reduce overall, and as you're doing so, your body will lose inches everywhere. You’ll also target specific muscle groups through exercise. This can not only tone and firm your body, but it'll also assist you to build leaner, fat-burning muscle.
  20. Eat three square meals every day
Although some diet experts swear by smaller, frequent meals throughout the day, sticking to the fundamentals might just be what's best for blasting away belly fat. A study published within the journal Hepatology found that eating in between meals increased abdominal fat. The researchers suggest three square meals every day would be better for your waistline.
  19. Ditch diet soda
Think a sugar-free and calorie-free beverage is additionally good for your waistline? Re-evaluate. Consistent with a study published within the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, drinking diet soda was linked to weight gain and a rise in waist sizes. One theory is that the synthetic sweeteners in diet drinks trick your metabolism into thinking its ingesting sugar and spiking insulin, which stores in your body as belly fat.
18. Stop stressing
If you're balancing your career, family, social life, which never-ending to-do list, stress is inevitable. But an excessive amount of stress can cause how bigger gut. When you're stressed, your body releases the strain hormone cortisol. Cortisol is critical to managing important bodily functions like sign and fluid balance. But if you have an excessive amount of it, studies have shown your body finishes up storing it in your midsection. Although stress is some things that are difficult to tackle head-on, confirm you evaluate the foremost stressors in your life and seek therapy if necessary.
  17. Try a HIIT workout
HIIT, which stands for high-intensity interval training, is that the recent new because of computing, consistent with fitness enthusiasts. And thus the benefits are worthwhile. Not only do I reap the advantages of high-intensity workouts during a brief er period of a short time, but it also can help blast belly fat. Greek researchers studied exercisers who performed intervals for 20 minutes and another group that ran for 20 minutes straight on the treadmill. After eight weeks, the group who did intervals ended up losing two inches of belly fat, while the treadmill group lost but one inch. Although strength training and cardio are both keys to a successful fitness plan, confirm you're incorporating intervals, too.
  16. Fill up on fiber
Fiber is slow to digest, so it helps keep you fuller, longer. Loading abreast of this important nutrient will help keep you feeling satiated and assist you to kick those food cravings to the curb. Fewer empty calories mean less back fat. Load on whole grains, beans, and nuts for a much-needed fiber boost.
  15. Work your lats
While you cannot magically get fat to reduce from your back through some exercise, you'll target the often-ignored latissimus dorsi muscles, or "lats," to assist you to lean out. Your lats are located around your middle back and fasten to your spinal column. Target them with lat pull-downs: once you sit at the pull-down machine, grab the wide bar overhead in conjunction alongside your palms facing forward, ensuring that your hands are placed at a wider distance than your shoulders. Stick your chest out, exhale, then pull the bar down until it reaches your upper chest. Hold briefly then raise the bar copy slowly. Confirm you're feeling your back muscles, and have enough resistance so it's tough but not impossible (if you are feeling it in your forearms quite your back, inform see your form).
  14. Lay off the sugar
One of the quickest ways to pile on fat, including on your back, is with sugar. Sugar is in everything and is detrimental to your health beyond the empty calories. Sugar causes weight gain quicker than other calories because it spikes your blood glucose and causes your insulin to extend, leading your body to store more fat. Abandoning sugar will cause quite a health benefits, less hunger, increased energy, and losing inches, especially in your back and belly.
  13. Do push-ups
Although people typically think push-ups are mostly for your chest, they also help strengthen back muscles and support your spine, helping torch back fat within the tactic. To undertake to an accurate push-up, lie on rock bottom face down in conjunction alongside your hands at your sides, just outside your shoulders, and your feet hip-width apart. Raise your hips, thighs, and chest off rock bottom so your weight is supported by your toes and palms. This is often the starting position. Exhale as you straighten your arms and push your body up until your arms are straight. Decide to keep your head, hips, and ankles aligned as if your body could even be a straight plank. After a quick pause at absolutely the simplest, inhale as you lower yourself down. Repeat for ten repetitions.
  12. Avoid booze
One way to spice up overall weight loss, which can reduce your face, is to urge off on the empty calories from booze. Jim White, RD, ACSM HFS, owner of Jim White Fitness and Nutrition Studios, recommends curtailing on alcohol if you're looking to reduce. Although he usually lets his clients have 150 calories of whatever they need a day, which might be a glass of wine or a light-weight beer, any longer is often a slippery slope to weight gain. Plus, alcohol is dehydrating, which causes your face to bloat and appearance puffy. Try sticking to only one alcohol at a time, and ensure you chase it with a glass of water.
  11. Eat more carrots
If you're affected by saggy face skin and an unsightly "turkey neck," load on carrots. The colorful orange veggie is chock-full of carotenoids, which prevent cell damage and premature skin aging by protecting the skin from free-radical damage. The less aging and wrinkles you've on your face, the thinner it'll look. Plus, carrots are crammed with vitamins and antioxidants, which may combat inflammation.
  10. Get more vitamin C
For a brighter, thinner complexion, load on vitamin C. Research published within the Journal of the American College of Nutrition found that folks who have adequate vitamin C levels oxidize more fat during exercise than those with low vitamin C, meaning you will get more fat-burning effects out of your workouts. Vitamin C also brightens your skin tone and may help fade the looks of dark spots and other blemishes. Load on fruits and veggies like oranges, grapefruit, kiwi, spinach, kale, and bell peppers for this essential vitamin.
  9. Lay off the salt
If you're keen on dousing your meals in salt, it is time to place the shaker down. A Spanish study published within the journal Nutrition Hospitalaria found that sodium intake may promote weight gain. Plus, an excessive amount of salt can cause your body to retain water, leading to face bloat and puffy eyes. Albeit you're doing not use salt that always, sodium lurks in many processed food in large amounts, so inform read your labels.
  8. Do more upper body workouts
"Focus on hitting upper body workouts 3 times hebdomadally," White says. He recommends doing a mixture of hammer curls, preacher curls, dips, dumbbell kickbacks, and tricep press downs. "To tone, these areas stick with 12-20 reps per set," he says.
  7. Stop eating after dinner
Doing all the arm exercises within the planet isn't getting to help if there's still a layer of fat covering your upper body. "The more body fat you lose, the more muscular tonus will pop," White says. He recommends to chop down on eating after dinner the utmost amount as possible to spice up weight loss.
  6. Cut portion sizes
White also recommends curtailing on portion sizes to spice up weight loss. In one study of 329 overweight people, 40 percent of these who practiced portion control for 2 years lost 5 percent or more of their weight. Within the same study, folks that did not gain weight! Measuring out your food and sticking to proper servings will assist you crop on calories, and reduce overall, exposing those toned and fire arms.
  5. Get more vitamin D
If you tend to know the weight in your arms and have a troublesome time building muscle, you'll have a T-type somatotype, meaning your body doesn't produce enough of the hormone testosterone. The thanks to boosting testosterone production are with vitamin D. Take 1000 IUs of a vitamin D supplement or eat more vitamin D-rich fish like salmon or sardines.
  4. Hit the load room for HIIT
Toning your legs takes time, White says, and it's going to take a quick time to work out any real progress. But an honest place to start out is within the load room. "In the load room consider high-intensity training. Super-set a mixture of squats, lunges, leg extensions/curls, and leg press," White says. "Since legs are how bigger muscle, consider 8-12 reps per set."
  3. Up your veggie intake
"Oftentimes, the layer of fat covering the leg muscles can blur the definition," White says. And more veggies could help burn fat; a study published within the journal Nutrition Research found that overweight adults in Brazil lost more weight once they ate more fruits and veggies. White recommends eating more fruits and vegetables to spice up overall weight loss, which can boost your toned legs. He says to aim for a minimum of 5 servings of fruits and vegetables every day.
  2. Take a spin class
Incorporating cycling into your workout routine are becoming to be a double-whammy for understanding your legs. The increased resistance and motion will work your leg muscles, and thus the moderate to the high intensity of the workout will help torch calories and boost weight-loss. Plus, many spinning classes contain intervals; a study published within the journal Obesity found that folks who performed high-intensity intermittent exercise experienced a rise in fat loss.
  1. Focus on lean protein
"The food you eat can positively or negatively affect the looks of your legs," White says. He recommends that consider lean protein, which may help build more fat-burning muscle. Protein has also been proven to assist people to feel full and reduce if you stick within the daily range (about 1.6 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight). Some good sources of protein include chicken, fish, Greek yogurt, and nuts.
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emilybusroh26-blog · 5 years
How To Get Rid Of Cankles (Swollen Ankles) EASILY, Fast At Home (2019)
I reveal to you an easy-to-follow program, that will show you exactly how to treat your cankles using a combination of Exercises, Diet, Nutrition, Improved Circulation and Supplementation. - You will learn about the most common foods that are responsible for giving you cankles. - You will learn about the foods that are commonly labeled as ‘unhealthy’. But in fact that you should eat. because they are so helpful, in helping you get rid of cankles! - You will also learn about the exact combination of supplements that you should take, in order to drain your ankle of the excess water and fluid, that is being retained inside them.
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"Just Lose Weight"
A little about me, I am a 30-something living an amazing life with a very rewarding career and I have a sarcastic sense of humor, however I am one of the most sensitive people you might ever meet.
Growing up I was never comfortable with my body. Specifically my legs, I HAVE CANKLES!!! Even when I was 135 pounds throughout high school and college, I was embarrassed by the way my legs looked and it became the one thing I always hated.
Fast forward to post-college, and the real world. My metabolism had started to slow down (isn’t getting older just awesome?) and my weight continued to increase. Now don’t get me wrong, I know my weight gain was due to a lot of things, one to many beers, too many late night runs to Taco Bell after the bars closed, but why was I specifically getting bigger in the lower half of my body?
Little did I know, seriously LITTLE, like zero, maybe negative 10 did I know what was really going on with my body. I wasn’t until I decided to start looking up cankles, exercises to get rid of cankles, and any other thing/workout I could do to be proactive in losing weight.
Oh I lost some weight, just not from anything below my waist… 3 days ago my self diagnosis of lipedema (Thanks Google) was confirmed by a medical professional…
Stay tuned for my story
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bridgetscott-blog1 · 8 years
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Gym Confessionals: 2017|WON: 1 I've been a member of several gyms. I've attended several group workout classes. All of them, I was fat & still did the damn thing. At one point I had even lost 50lbs. I was excited about fitness & enjoyed pushing my body to new limits. When I moved to NC, there wasn't a gym that was feasible for my daily commute. I live in a rural area (on a farm) & my drive to work didn't pass any gyms. I was okay with that. I got myself a puppy & used the beautiful farm that I lived on, as my gym. My puppy would run & I'd walk. At first I thoroughly enjoyed my time outside, exploring my new home. But anyone that has anxiety knows that little voice inside your head that will just talk you the fuck down & allow you to sike yourself out. The time changed & it was dark when I got home. I stopped my workouts outside. I stopped walking. Tried doing workouts in my home, it just wasn't the same. Then, my puppy, my work out partner, my little buddy suddenly passed away. My depression began to get worse. My anxiety about my body got worse. So I just stopped working out completely, no more exercise completely. I even got rid of my gym shoes. I was never skinny. I've been fat all my life. But when I worked out regularly, I felt strong. I didn't get intimidated by stairs. I enjoyed my calf muscles. I didn't have cankles. I was proud of my body. So I promised myself when I was starting this new journey, I'd join a gym. Luckily, I got a promotion at work & our local YMCA was just about next door to my office. To put the icing on the top (sugar free, low calorie icing 😜) my employer will pay half the cost of my membership. Here it was, a gym that was easily accessible. Bridget was gonna get her groove back & kick ass at the gym. This afternoon I changed at work, put my hair in top of my head. My wonderful coworkers were super encouraging. I got to the gym, checked in for the first time. Got overwhelmed & walked straight past the treadmills to the bathroom. I didn't expect to be so nervous. I've had issues with severe back pain, "what if I can't do this?", I thought. I got myself together and went back out. Kept my head down so I wouldn't make eye contact with anyone there. I'm about 80lbs heavier than the last time I worked out, I didn't want to see people's faces judging me as I walked to a treadmill. I know what they're thinking "another New Years resolution, she'll be gone in a month". I plugged my headphones in, entered my info into the treadmill and set the clock for 30 minutes. "I'll start there, and possibly do 60 minutes" I told myself. I wasn't too good in a work meeting today so I was looking to burn that crap off! Within the first five minutes, that familiar pain flared up in my back. I spent the next few minutes trying different elevations, speeds - nothing helped my back pain. It was excruciating to say the least. I felt like crying. I wondered if anyone else noticed how much I struggled. People were walking/running around me, going a lot faster than I was. Fuckkkkk. But I made it my thirty minutes. Burned 190 calories. My first workout of 2017 was over just as quick as it started. I felt stiff as fuck and hobbled back to my car. Ya know I didn't even feel sad on my way home. More or less scared - will my back ever feel better? I sat in silence most of the ride home. Didn't even turn in the radio. I got home and told the hubby how my workout went. Told him I wanted to do an hour (that's what I was use to doing) but I could only stand 30 minutes but that I was going back tomorrow to try again. He told me he was proud of me & reassured me to keep trying. He said not to over exert myself, not to set unrealistic goals that my body can't keep up with. He said "even if you go back tomorrow & can stand to do just 5 minutes more than you did today, that is an improvement. As long as you keep trying, that is an improvement". God I fucking love him. So I guess the moral of the story is: -no I didn't eat perfectly today, but it could have been worse. -no I didn't reach my workout goal today, but I did put my whole heart into it & still worked out. I won't quit. I owe it to myself to be happy. I want to wear all my pretty clothes that fill my closet. I want to be happy with who I see when I look in the mirror. I want to be healthy so I can live a long, happy life with my husband. I want all of these things, & quitting because of anxiety or depression or pain isn't going to get me there. "As long as you keep trying, that is an improvement".
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Cankle Exercises (How To Get Rid Of Cankles)
Cankle Exercises (How To Get Rid Of Cankles) // Cankle Exercises (How To Get Rid Of Cankles)// Want exercises to get rid of cankles? Been looking for workouts to get rid of cankles?
In this video I will be showing you one of the best way to deal with cankles and a quick cankles workout. In all honesty cankles are difficult to target but I will share with you the best candle exercises at home that you can do to workout your lower legs.
If you want to know how to get rid of cankles fast or just want a cankles exercse this video will give you what you need. Your journey to slim calves will be shortened with these calf exercises. 3 slim calf exercises will show you exactly how to get slim calves. This is THE slim calves workout you have been looking for
Make sure to leave your feedback on what you thought of this slim calf workout. I look forward to reading it.
Grab Your FREE One-Minute Workout Where 60 seconds of work gives you the same results as 20 minutes of other workouts http://bit.ly/Cklevid
Say hi on social:
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/SvelteTraining/
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/svelte_trai…
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/livesvelte
source https://mysmarthealthfitness.com/cankle-exercises-how-to-get-rid-of-cankles/
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robrileyreally · 5 years
Posted @withrepost • @searchandrescuedrygoods We heard all the cries for inclusivity from the Cankle Community so we dedicated this workout to you. Such a brave bunch. #reggielovethecankles @robrileyreally @coach_gaines The General Store - Day 63, available now on IGTV. Featuring @mmpartners #thenewopenhouse New items in the store! Link in bio. @searchandrescuedrygoods See it. Say something. We got you. The frame is the Window Display. #indiefilm #arthouse #brewerytown #itsstillnorthphilly #philly #newyork #losangeles #london #tokyo #johannesburg #berlin #international #fitness #workout #sweatitout #r3lat3 (at The Civic) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4iqj0UACcU/?igshid=ki46vkx6wirc
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freehealthguider · 6 years
The 3 fitness moves to do if you're expecting
The 3 fitness moves to do if you're expecting
When myBody+Soul asked me the best three moves for pregnancy, I decided to sit down with our 28 pregnancy physio, Chloe Lorback, to get her help and her advice isn’t what you expect.
Here are three of her favourite moves that are safe, simple and extremely beneficial.
#1 Pelvic floor, pelvic floor, pelvic floor
Pelvic floor exercises are something you can do anywhere, anytime but they are so incredibly important. As someone with little experience in the pelvic floor area, I had a chat to the 28 pregnancy expert Chloe Expert to get her advice on how to strengthen your pelvic floor. According to Chloe, technique is really important so to get an idea of what you should be doing she recommended trying the following:
“Sit up straight with your feet on the floor (yep, you can do this at your desk or even while driving). Place your hands gently on your lower tummy and let go of all tension in your belly, bum and thighs. Imagine you have a tampon in and someone’s trying to pull on the string and remove it. Your job is to keep it in, so feel those inner muscles engaging to resist the movement. Those are your pelvic floor muscles!”
Once you know that you’re contracting the right muscles, you want to hold the squeeze for a couple of seconds. Make sure you keep breathing and aim for 5 seconds of squeezing with 5 seconds rest. Try to repeat this for 5 to 10 reps.
#2 Calf raises
All that extra blood volume can result in some swelling around your ankles, especially later in pregnancy and in warmer weather. Your circulatory system is under extra pressure to manage the extra load. Your calf muscles act like a pump to help blood flow, so calf raises assist your circulation to clear the extra fluid away. Bye, bye cankles!
#3 Bicep curls
They might look small but after a while- babies are heavy! Not to mention, you’re rarely just carrying the baby. Throw in a baby, a nappy bag and a much needed latte and you’re going to need as much upper body strength as you can get.
Sam Wood is the founder of the 28 by Sam Wood program and the 28 App.
For more post-natal workout inspo, check out Snez’s top 5 pregnancy Pilates moves. Plus, Tiff Hall reveals her new pregnancy routine.
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shythyme · 7 years
@chunkyhoe Thanks for tagging me boo
List 10 of your recent music faves and tag 10 mutuals (not gonna tag 10 but eh)
1. 10,000 emerald pools by Børns. Listen this song is actually my aesthetic along with anything other songs this god makes. But yeah pls check them out they deserve more rec.
2. On the Loose by Niall Horan. A bop that I listen to literally everytime I do my makeup.
3. Rockstar by Post Malone. YALLLLLL THIS SONG IS SO GOOD TO WORKOUT TOOOO. Keeps your running in time and hypes you up. Its great.
4. Sexual by NEIKED. Once again another good song to do your makeup with or just bop too. Its very easy to dance to this song and I love it.
5. Cigarettes & Cush by Stormzy. This 👏song👏 is👏 such 👏a 👏chill👏 lowkey 👏bop. So yeah pls listen.
6. Jon Bellion. Anything by him. Just anything. He's my fav artist and I love literally every single song.
7. Homemade Dynnamite by Lorde. But the one with Khalid, Post Malone, and SZA. This version makes me so fucking hype. Its also a good workout song.
8. Ultralight Beam by Kanye West. Listen if you haven't heard this then wtf just do yourself a favor and listen.
9. Straight Into Your Arms by Vance Joy. Another one of my aesthetic songs. I listen to this song almost every day. Its such a nice chill happy song. Plus it has easy notes to hit so everyone sounds good singing it.
10. Atlantis by Seafret. You guys this song is so good to just lay back in bed and listen too. Its so nice and the other songs the group has are also really really good.
@cascifers @ginseng-cankles @sinful-rainbros @elllasbd
Obvs yo guys don't have too tho so idk.
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