#can't describe how fast I sat up when I read that line
thats-not-okie-dokie · 6 months
One thing I don't think people are talking about enough is Wally's phonecall and the song choice of "Toyland". I know what Eddie went through is certainly the meat of the update, and while I haven't picked it apart myself, I've read a TON of very interesting theories on it. And some of which I agree with, so for redundancy's sake, I won't dwell on it for long. Whatever happens next, I know our beloved mailman is not okay-
But this post isn't about him. I bring up the song choice of Toyland because I find the lyrics to be an interesting parallel to the puppets "waking up" to the real situation they're in, whatever horrors that may be. The fact that Wally's singing it, and that we know he's been the first and only puppet with full awareness and with the ability to contact the outside world, makes the song feel a little somber upon a relisten.
The song describes Toyland as "childhood's joy land", and "once you dwell within it, you are ever happy there". It reminds me of the world the puppets inhabit; made for children and a place of warmth and joy. Then, the song describes "once you pass its border, you may ne'er return again". I think this signifies how Wally woke up from the happy puppet world. It represents him self-actualising. He can't fall back under the illusion, because now he knows too much. It'd be impossible to go back.
The saddest parts to me are in the second verse. "When you've grown up, my dears, and are as old as I, you'll laugh and ponder on the years that rolls so swiftly by, my dears" It represents just how much time has passed since the shutdown of the Welcome Home show. It's been almost 50 years. The years are passing so fast to him because it's the same old every day, and he can't help but laugh along because there's not much else for him to do. And besides, we've seen what happens when Wally experiences negative emotion. He has trouble processing it.
Besides the song, I also find the line "It's so quiet during Homewarming" to be quite odd. Homewarming is their equivalent to Christmas, right? That's supposed to be a time of togetherness and cheer. Music, laughter and merriment. But he describes it as "quiet" because everyone's busy. That seems like an antithesis of what Homewarming should be. Why is it just him and Home for so long? Why is the neighbourhood divided during what should be the liveliest time of the year? This might be a factor as to how the neighbourhood's getting distorted away from its original teachings and character. Instead of a lively cast of puppets, it's become cold and quiet. Eerie. Wally saying he doesn't want to hang up the call makes me think he feels very lonely. He has friends, like Barnaby, but he's separated from them for long periods of time. I feel like the phone calls are him trying desperately to connect to someone before he's dragged away again.
I also find it odd how he's usually so busy if it's just him and Home. Just what is he always doing, if he's not with his friends? I know that the phonecall ends because he has his adventure with Barnaby, asking around the neighbourhood for what Homewarming truly means, but what about the previous times? He always seems to be in a rush. And what do we hear before he hangs up? The creaking of Home's door and windows. It's like his own home is isolating him.
That's all I have on Wally. Maybe I'm just repeating what people have been saying for a long time, I don't know. But thank you to anyone who sat down to read this! I appreciate it :)
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magpiefngrl · 2 years
"I believe we carry on our ships someone paid to kill you."
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aro-culture-is · 2 years
this isn't a fun and quirky post, it's a question / advice seeking, sorry everyone u_u
so, i never really cared much about being in a relationship, even when all of my friends were obsessed with the idea, i just didn't get it. i had a crush on one of my good friends, but i never wanted there to be an end goal of getting together with her, and those feelings went away after she ended up moving (tho i mean. obviously i was upset bc she was my friend and i missed her), i was content with just being in her company.
fast forward to now, i'm in my second year of college, i've been in a long term relationship (4 years), and right in the middle of it, i'm realizing that i'm most likely aro, or at the very least greyro. i don't HATE romance, it annoys me most of the time, but i definitely experience feelings that could be described as love, towards my favorite things / friends / family; i'm not averse to using the term love when i love something. BUT. not experiencing romantic attraction and "LOVE love" the way others do makes.......a loooooot of sense for myself. i hadn't considered myself aro until a few months ago because i thought it wouldn't be,, "valid?" bc i've been in this relationship for so long, and i really do care about my partner.
i've looked into other terms for myself - i don't relate to demiromantic at all, bc no matter how close i've ended up getting to ppl, i've never experienced anything beyond just close friendship, nor do i jive with cupioromantic, bc if i wasn't in the relationship i'm in now, i wouldn't have any desire to seek one out.
with my partner, i've (half) joked abt how if we weren't together i would probably just be aro, and they said something along the lines of "something about that doesn't surprise me" (IN A GOOD WAY THOUGH not a condescending way), and we've talked a bit about the reality that i am , most definitely somewhere on this spectrum, but i want to talk to them about it seriously. i feel like it would explain a lot about how a lot of the time, i feel like i'm STILL trying to figure out and maneuver being in a relationship. i'm lucky to have a very patient and understanding partner, and i know that if i sat down with them and told them everything, they'd definitely work through it with me.
so AAAAAAAAAALL of that out of the way, my question issss ,, what are the.. logistics of subscribing to a label? some days i'm like "yeah greyro seems pretty accurate," but others i think "mm ,, even greyro seems a bit generous, and i feel like i'm just fully aro." though, i feel like i CAN'T be fully aro if i have a long term partner that i care abt. (i don't know if that's a stereotype, i apologize if it is, this is all still a bit new for me.) i already feel very out of place looking through the aro community and seeing so many people refusing to even use the word love for their pets or favorite tv shows n what have you (full respect to those people, i feel like they probably wouldn't feel the same about me tho :sob: ). i don't know if aro can be used as somewhat of an umbrella term? just hoping to get some advice .. this is the first time i'm even talking about it with someone who isn't my partner. i appreciate the time ur gonna need to take to read and respond to this monster ask LMAO so thank u in advance !!!!!
hi, sorry this has taken forever to get around to!
honestly, labels are really up to the person. there's a number of metaphors about it, but ultimately, labels are meant to help you express how you feel, not to limit you to their exact definition or a stereotype. (and, it is a stereotype that aro people can't date - aromanticism is defined intentionally to allow that you may be able to feel romantic attraction, but feel it rarely or conditionally. it would be quite strange to include that and not allow romantic relationships!)
if it helps to consider, a lot of people I've heard of in similar situations to you appreciate hearing about alterous attraction, or queerplatonic attraction. depending on the definition and era of when it was talked about, sometimes they're distinguished and sometimes they aren't. you may be experiencing your relationship like a queerplatonic relationship!
I'm sorry I can't help more, but I hope this gives some food for thought. I strongly recommend that folks with questions like these take a stroll through my tag "am i aro" and see if anything fits or helps!
- most phoenix
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hyunjilicious · 4 years
I just read what is and what should never be and it was PHENOMENAL! I love everything you write anyway so I was wondering if you could do a small one where Bucky is alone and depressed and he calls yn because he feels lost and she is just there for him? No worries if you can't! I love you anyway 💕
Omg!! You’re too sweet! I really wanted to do this one justice, but I suck at angst... I love you too!! and I’m sorry if this sucks!
Summary: after the events of Endgame, you and Bucky part ways. Even though you haven’t spoken in months, when he needs you, you’re there ANGST 2.2k
Warnings: overall angsty vibes. Sad Bucky. Idk depictions of depression I guess? shitty writing!
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“You came” Bucky's surprised tone pulled you out of your thoughts.
Before saying anything else, you shook your head in disbelief. From certain points of view, he looked exactly the same as when you last saw him months ago, but if you looked past his rugged exterior, it was very easy to tell something was truly eating away at his heart.
“Of course I came” you frowned, “You called me”
“Thought you didn’t want anything to do with me anymore” Bucky mumbled.
You looked him up and down, thoroughly confused by his statement, but decided to keep the tone of the conversation from going too dark too fast. “Shut up, Barnes” you scoffed, “Don’t even joke about that.” A hint of a smile appeared at the corner of his lips, but it was forced, you could easily tell he wasn’t truly being himself. “What’s up?”
Bucky took a deep breath as if gathering the courage to word his thoughts. When his eyes met yours he flinched, the pain clouding his otherwise bright blue eyes. He started with a long sigh and a shake of his head but then, cringed as he finally spoke up. “I need help”
His confession went directly to the pit of your stomach. “What happened? Whatever it is, you got it, but what-”
“Nothing happened” Bucky stopped you, “I need help”
“I don’t understand”
“I need someone to-” he sighed, closing his eyes as his head fell forward in what could only be described as shame, “I need someone to talk to” and it was funny, considering he just walked out of his psychiatrist’s office. “Someone that’s not paid to listen to me” he added, “Someone who understands”
It was moments like these that you truly wished Steve was still here. Or Nat. Your best friends, yes, but they were the glue that held you all together, and now in their absence, you were all threatening to fall apart. 
But of course you’d be there for Bucky. Whatever he needed you were more than eager to provide, but at the same time, you were fully aware that your capabilities were limited. You didn’t lack the understanding or the experience, but you lacked the words. You had the sympathy, but not the advice he needed. But you were there. Like you have always been and always will be, so, that afternoon you ended up on his living room floor.
Surrounded by empty bottles of alcohol that had no effect on either of you whatsoever, you sat and listened to him rant his heart out until his throat couldn’t take it anymore. And then he broke down - completely. A full on mess, tears staining his cheeks as the temperature dropped in the room with every other pained groan he’d release. But he let it all out and the weight he had been carrying on his shoulder was unimaginable. There were too many things eating away at his heart, but the guilt was what kept him under its spell, what kept him up for the last months, what was physically destroying him.
“Y/n... “ he called for you, face hidden in his hands as he spoke, “I know you’re gonna say no, but-”
“No,” you stopped him, “Then don’t ask me”
“No, Bucky” you sighed, grabbing his wrist so you could look him in the eyes, “If you already know it’s a bad idea, please don’t tell me because I’m afraid I’ll actually go through with it right now”
“But i can’t fucking sleep!” he cried out loud, falling back against the couch, arms propped up on his knees, “I keep having the same nightmares over and over again, and I can’t take it anymore”
“You don’t-” you took a deep breath, “You don’t want me to erase your mind, do you?”
The look in his eyes proved that that was exactly what he wanted. And the unshed tears that coated the otherwise pure and radiant blue of his eyes was almost enough to convince you.
“Please-” he begged, “I-”
“No, Buck” you shook your head and shuffled to face him properly, “As time passes, it’s only gonna get worse. The past will eventually catch up to you. You’ll want to know what you did”
He didn’t have it in him to fight you, so silence settled for a while. “You know sedatives don’t work on me?”
“I… never thought about it, but that makes sense”
Bucky gathered his lips into a tight line and nodded his head.
“Lady shrink isn’t of any help?” you asked.
“I have no clue what she’s doing” he shrugged, “Maybe it’s good in the long run, but fuck if I know how she expects me to make any kind of progress right now”
“You are, tho” you reassured him, “Making progress I mean”
“Am I?” Bucky laughed incredulously.
“Yes! You’re almost completely on your own feet. You really pushed through”
“Or maybe I’m just ignoring all of my problems”
“You just told me about them” you chuckled, and threw an arm over his shoulders.
Hesitatingly at first, he eventually leaned in into your hold, allowing himself to completely fall against your chest. “I hate this”
“I think that’s a given” you laughed, curling your fingers around the roots of his way too short hair. “A wise man once said that whenever someone acts like they have their shit together, they’re either lying or delusional”
“Who said that?”
“I don’t know” you confessed, “I saw that on the internet”
For the first time that night, you actually heard him laugh, and it sounded so good - it was short and weak, but it was sweet and honest. “That’s a pathetic attempt at cheering me up, but I can’t tell you how much I appreciate it” Bucky said as he pushed himself up.
“I wish I could do more” you mumbled, “But I don’t know what, or how, but-”
“Thank you”
“You don’t have to thank me, you know that” you smiled.
He didn’t know that. He’d never stop thanking you for even the smallest gestures. The day where Bucky would understand that kindness, in some cases, is a given, was far away, but you had the patience and determination to work for it.
As you talked and talked, and the topic of conversation kept shifting from one area to the other, the sun set, night settling outside his small windows. It was time for you to leave, and you would’ve done it, had he asked you not to at the last second.
You had your shoes on and one hand on the door handle, when he stumbled over his words, obviously too shy to properly hold his ground. “Actually can you- can you-” he mumbled, pointing to his couch, “Can you stay here tonight?”
And of course you did. The night didn’t last much longer after that, with Bucky settling on the floor, only a blanket to keep him company, and you sprawled out on the couch as silence settled.
But your mind was too busy to drift off. You knew his’ was too, but decided to refrain from speaking up, hoping to let him fall asleep, even for a short while.
It was loud inside your head. You always promised yourself you’d never intrude on someone’s thoughts and read through them without their approval, but you physically felt Bucky radiate energy, and your mind just slipped. But then, your heart almost stopped.
You saw yourself. You saw yourself slapping him back in Wakanda when he decided to go under ice again, you saw yourself moving a car out of his way back in Bucharest, when you risked your life for his because you trusted Steve that much, and because you were that good of a friend. You saw yourself at Tony’s funeral, eyes shiny with tears and then felt an almost uncontrollable urge to hug yourself - and then realised it wasn’t your urge, it was Bucky’s. At this point, your heart beat so fast you were actually afraid he’d hear it. But when goosebumps appeared all over your skin, you realised he couldn’t hear you, that he was asleep and that the nightmares started materializing. 
What convinced you to act on it was the sudden jerk of his body and the way to fully tensed instantly after. So, unable to just sit and watch, you rolled over to the side and allowed your hand to fall by his temple, little specks of light rolling off the tips of your fingers as you forced the thoughts away. Seconds later, you saw him relax and shift around, gathering the blanket he laid on to his chest as he drifted off into a peaceful sleep.
His relaxed form and the steady pace of his breathing put a smile on your face. But you made the mistake of thinking this was a one time thing, however, before you realised, you found yourself leaning over him again, ushering yet another wave of nightmares away. And it kept being an ongoing process until the sun rose, and you cursed yourself as you did not get one second of shut eye. But it was worth it. The sight of him finally resting, knowing he spent his night in his happy place that you this time did not intrude on, made up for your tiredness. 
When Bucky drifted out of his deep sleep, you figured it was safe to relax too. But knowing that if you went to sleep right now you wouldn’t wake up until noon, you stood up, determined to give him the full best friend experience.
But all you found in his kitchen was a box of stale cereal, a soft cucumber and candy wrappers. Had he not looked so adorable sleeping shirtless and curled into a ball on the floor, you would have woken him up yelling. But instead, you decided to order some food, and the simple fact that the sound of the delivery guy ringing the doorbell didn’t wake him up, actually terrified you. With a life like yours, no one sleeps that deeply, but then there he was, snoring away the late hours of the morning. 
By the time he finally stirred awake, the food was already cold, and you were bored out of your mind. “What- what time is it?” he mumbled, voice rich with sleep.
“A little bit past 2” you yawned from your spot on the couch.
“2 pm?” Bucky huffed, sitting up in a hurry and rushing to grab his phone. “What the-” he turned to you confused, “It’s 2pm…”
“Yeah” you sighed, “And the food is cold”
“Food?” Bucky gawked, looking over at the small table by the window, “You got food?”
“You didn’t have any” you defended yourself. You wanted to scold him for not taking better care of himself, but he looked so homey and cozy and vulnerable, that you couldn’t bring yourself to.
Eventually, you stood up and walked over to him. “I’ll let you eat, Buck, but I gotta go” you sighed, giving him a hug, “Got some stuff to do” you lied, by stuff meaning sleep, since you were exhausted.
“Yeah, of course” he mumbled in agreement, wrapping his arms around your frame, and bringing you closer. He sank his head into the crook of your neck, holding you to his chest for a moment longer than you would have considered friendly. But you didn’t complain, his hold was stern and loving, and you really needed that right now. “Thank you” Bucky added when he finally let you go. His right palm cupped your cheek as he looked down at you, awe and admiration in his eyes.
“Nothing to thank me for, Buck” you smiled, and then pulled away.
He silently watched you get ready to leave, following you around until you reached the door and turned around to say goodbye. And it was weird. Your heart boomed against your ribcage, and you didn’t have to read his thoughts to know he was feeling the same kind of nervous. And it may have been the one too many stories you read but you actually feared something was going to happen. Thankfully, it didn’t. Instead you shared another hug, and parted ways.
However, all you managed to do was reach the staircase before you heard his door open, followed by the sound of his bare feet sprinting down the hallway. “What are you-”
“Can you stay?” he asked, shaking from head to toe, “In New York I mean, can you please stay? Just a few more days”
“Well, I- yeah, I guess I can” you mumbled.
“I just, I need a few more days. You’re screwing my head back on, I just need you now. Steve is gone, and Sam is all the way in Louisiana and I hate phones and I-”
“Wow-” you laughed, “I’m not even the second choice, I’m the third?”
“Shut up, Y/n” Bucky frowned, “Stop being a smartass for a second”
“I’m sorry” you rolled your eyes, but he didn’t care.
In the blink of an eye, Bucky threw his arms around your shoulders and hugged you close, and you weren’t sure if the ‘I love you’ that echoed inside your mind had actually been spoken or just thought, but it was everything you never knew you needed.
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soldiersweiner · 4 years
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What a Shift (I can't believe I got to write another one omg?)
(Imagine 2)
Summary: “D'you know how hard it was to keep my cool when I got the call and saw you at the end of it?”
Warning: DUI accidents, mentions of drugs, EMT stuff
I apologize for any errors (English isn't my first language and all my works are not beta-read) and the inaccuracy (I tried my best to research as much as I can). I also use gifs to only show what is happening (actions, gestures, etc.) and not to show the physical appearance, etc. of the reader. Feedback is very welcome, let me know where and how I can improve <3
"Lord give me patience or an untraceable handgun." You murmured under your breath while slowly making circles with your fingers on your temple, all the while putting pressure as the headache grew.
You were thankful that it was your turn to be behind the wheel and not the one hopping out of the vehicle to scan the area for the caller, you watched as your partner turned her head from left to right before leaning to the device on her shoulder to radio in your dispatcher and inform them of your current status.
You already had a hunch that it was a prank call from the start when your dispatcher spoke to both of you while on the way to the location they received the call from. You haven’t heard of anyone using a telephone booth in years, let alone aware of any telephone booths still existing in New York in this day and age!
'We already rang them back three times but there was no answer.' They said, their voice static through the radio. ‘But the caller did request an ambulance.'
‘If you wouldn’t mind having a quick drive-by, see if anything’s going on?’ They added before ending the call.
"Well, that stinks - literally.” The door opened, hands on her hips and brows that were furrowed to meet in the middle of her forehead - the look of disappointment and annoyance that mirrored yours. “What a bunch of assholes - an absolute waste of time.” She huffed some more before climbing back in.
“Tell me about it.” You answered with a frustrated sigh before turning to your side and reaching for the latch of your seatbelt and buckling it back. “Can’t believe some kids would think it’s fun to do this.”
“If they don’t use their heads, they better give it away, then.” Monica shook her head while clicking her tongue, already buckling her seatbelt and leaning back on her seat. “They’re costing us money.”
“They’re costing us lives.” You almost exclaimed as you started the engine, shifting the gear stick and letting the ambulance move away from the prank caller’s location. “Do they not realize that we could have been saving lives, responding elsewhere?”
“Right?” Monica agreed, both of your moods already declining and it wasn’t even halfway through your 12-hour shift.
“They got a special place in hell.” She said just before the monitor in the middle of the dashboard beeped, alerting the two of you of another emergency.
“Oh, lookie here,” Monica said, her spirits suddenly perked up as she sat up more attentively to see what it could be this time.
“What is it?” You asked as you turned on the sirens along with the flashing blue and red lights on top of the ambulance, occasionally honking at cars that won’t move out of the way.
“Vehicular accident involving a sedan and a motorcycle,” Monica spoke the information out loud to you as you continued your drive to the location, following the route that was sent to your ambulance’s GPS. “According to them, the sedan was beating a bunch of red lights before t-boning the motorcyclist.”
“Ouch,” you reacted, your face wincing at the visualization your brain brought up in your head.
“Hello, ladies.” You heard Darcy, your dispatcher, again through the radio. “Cops are already on the scene; we’ve also called for EMT backup.”
“Apparently, the sedan caused more damage as we speak.” She added.
“What’s gotten into the person?” You asked, more to yourself than to Monica and Darcy.
“Police said that the driver of the sedan was DUI, but we’re still waiting on their final reports,” Darcy answered.
“Alright, thank you, Darcy. We’re already around the corner.” You informed her before ending the call.
Just up ahead, you saw similar blue and red lights flashing on top of at least 3 police cars. Some of the officers on site were already guiding and rerouting other cars that were driving in the direction the accident took place.
Unbuckling your belt and stepping out, you opened the side of the ambulance and handed over Monica’s EMT bag, and slung yours on your shoulder before meeting with the police officer who was walking up to you.
Your eyes were already scanning the premises trying to decipher each person, be it the officers, the victims, or some nosy people who were standing on the side to watch.
“The motorcyclist took most of the brunt-” the officer was almost panting as he spoke, most likely out of breath from the adrenaline and exhaustion of chasing down the suspect. “-before hitting the front of an SUV.”
“Where’s the motorcyclist?” You asked as you neared the crowd that was huddling around to get a good look at the scene.
“Right this way.” The officer parted the crowd as more of his colleagues tried to corral the people away. “Seated by the curb - male, in his 30s.”
“And the SUV?” Monica asked.
“A family of four - 2 adults, both in their 40s, and 2 minors.” The officer informed.
“Okay, I’ll take the one with the kids,” Monica glanced your way before asking the officer to lead her to them, leaving you to take care of the t-boned motorcyclist.
Your eyes scanned for the man the officer was describing and sure enough, you found him seated at the farthest edge of the scene away from the onlookers.
“Well, I’ll be damned.” You spoke, a smile almost showing with your hands on your hips as you walked up to him. “And here I thought the Winter Soldier was indestructible.”
At the sound of your voice, Bucky almost snapped his neck at how fast he looked up. The worry lines on his forehead disappearing, the anxious heavy feeling in his chest was already replaced by a light skip in his heart, and felt little flutters in his stomach at the familiar face he was seeing.
“I’m glad you find my pain amusing, doll,” Bucky said, almost chuckling but wincing at the pain he felt on his side.
You ignored the tingling feeling in your stomach at the pet name before you gave a small comforting smile as you dropped your bag to the side, kneeling in front of him to assess his situation.
“Does Steve know?” You asked as you took your little flashlight from the breast pocket of your uniform, already laughing internally at the mother hen-like personality Captain America has for his best friend when he finds out what happened to him.
“He already beat you to it.” Bucky smiled, nodding his head to the side before looking back at you, his blue eyes giving a little sparkle - you weren’t sure if it was the noontime sun or something else that did it.
Looking at the direction he gestured to, you saw Steve already conversing with some of the police officers, his eyes would travel back to the person who caused all of this from time to time before glaring at the man.
“If looks could kill,” you chuckled at his remark.
“Okay, can you look ahead, Buck?” You requested before clicking the small flashlight and pointing it at Bucky’s eyes; inspecting their reaction, the light stubble on his jaw tickling the skin of your gloved palm as you steadied his head.
“You know, you shouldn’t have gotten up right away.” You informed him before clicking the flashlight off and tucking it back in the pocket, satisfied with the eyes' reaction to the light. “Can you feel this?”
You started to tap on his upper right arm and down to his forearm then to his fingers.
“I’m fine,” Bucky replied before answering a yes to your question.
“How ‘bout this?” You then started to tap on the side of his thighs and the rest of his leg. Again, he answered a yes.
“Were you wearing your helmet?” You asked again, now putting your attention in inspecting his head.
“I was,” he answered, gesturing to the now broken helmet just a few feet from his Harley that was laying on its side.
You were glad that he wore it today knowing that sometimes, the veteran in front of you would purposefully forget his headgear, reasoning that wherever he was headed to was nearby. Your hand brushed back the locks that fell on his forehead, did the same on the sides and the back of his head, inspecting if there were any bumps or cuts.
“Can you wiggle your toes for me?” You asked before looking down at his sock-covered feet, his toes doing as you say. You then heard him mumble something along the lines of ‘You’re starting to sound like Steve.’
“Okay, no cuts here and I can’t feel any bumps either,” you hummed to yourself as you continued to part some of his hair. “Do you know what day it is to-”
“Y/N, I swear I’m f-” You can hear the annoyance in Bucky’s voice as he reached for your wrists to stop your hands from trying to look for any more bumps in his head and push you away, you knew he hated being coddled but it was protocol and logical that you check everything.
“You’re hurt.” You told him. “You shouldn’t have moved, it could’ve caused you much more serious damage, y’know.”
He only sighed, knowing that you were right from all the stories you’ve told them of your past experiences and encounters working as part of the EMT team.
“Okay,” you say more to yourself, satisfied that he still has feelings in his limbs and that his helmet protected his head and face. Getting the alcohol-soaked pads, you carefully cleaned the scapes, cuts, and nicks that littered his right cheek and neck. “I saw you winced earlier, where’d the sedan hit you?”
“Right side, feels more like an ache,” Bucky replied looking back at you before trying to shrug off his leather jacket much to your dismay with the movement he was doing while injured. “I’m guessing it’s a broken rib.”
He ignored your nagging and protests to stop moving and that you had scissors to cut the fabric of his shirt but he proceeded to lift the clothing anyway from his troubled side; you can instantly see a bruise was starting to form there.
“Why are you so hard-headed,” you mumbled.
“You still love me for it, don’t you?” He teased, the glimmer in his blue eyes still present.
“Okay, can you rate your pain for me from 1-10?” You asked, ignoring his teasing remark as you tried to gently press on to the area he was having trouble with and looking at his face to gauge a reaction, the blue eyes rather hypnotizing as he looked back at you.
With the sudden feeling of warmth on your cheeks, you looked back down on your hands and ignored the unexpected feeling of closeness between the two of you. You heard him clear his throat as you continued to probe the right side of his torso, trying to feel for any bumps or sunken parts that might confirm his hunch.
When you heard him hiss as your fingers touched a tender part just below his second to the last rib, you looked up.
“That’s an 8.” He panted, his face contorting in pain. “I guess the serum’s taking its sweet time to work.”
Bucky groaned from the ache as you helped him pull his shirt down before taking notes with the pen and clipboard beside you, making sure to be as detailed as Helen wanted the medical finds to be.
“Isn’t that a bit too much, Y/N?” Bucky asked, looking down at the clipboard you were writing on beside him. “And how’d you know some of the information there when I haven’t even told them to you yet.”
“Bucky, I know.” You answered with a little laugh as you looked back up at him and caught Bucky with one brow up and a smirk playing on his lips.
“You stalking me now, doll?”
You rolled your eyes before you heard someone jogging in your direction making both you and Bucky look up to who it was.
“Y/N?” Steve called, almost surprised to see you here. “I didn’t know you were on duty today.”
“Hey, Steve.” You greeted before standing up and letting him envelop you in a side hug.
“EMT reshuffled their schedules, so here I am.” You answered with a smile. “I’m glad that Monica and I got the call. At least now I can directly send these to Helen.”
You waved the clipboard in your hand before kneeling back down to put it back in your bag.
“I’m guessing you can stand up?” You asked Bucky, seeing that in the past he would protest and whine against being wheeled in a stretcher or wheelchair no matter how much persuasion.
“Yeah, I’m good.” He answered before Steve crouched down to his left and looped an arm around his friend’s torso, careful not to touch the tender spot on the right.
You did the same on the other side, careful that you don’t hit the alleged broken rib.
“Okay, one, two-” Steve counted before the both of you hoisted Bucky up and waited for him to adjust his footing.
Slowly walking to the ambulance, you managed to make him sit on the steps of the vehicle.
“So what’s the verdict, doc?” Steve asked as he sat beside his friend. Two pairs of blue eyes looked at you and waited for your answer.
“Bucky’s hunch might be right, one or two broken ribs on his right,” You started as you looked back down on the list on your clipboard.
“There also might be bruising on his right leg, I saw him react earlier.”
You looked at Bucky pointedly as if to tell him that you were eagle-eyed and he can’t hide anything from you.
“What did the cops say about the person driving the sedan?” You asked, tucking the clipboard under your armpit before getting the blood pressure monitor and latching it to Bucky’s arm.
You busied yourself in doing all the basic necessary checkups as you listened to Steve.
“The punk was high and drunk.” He answered with a click of his tongue, Bucky shaking his head too at the gathered information. “They don’t know how the guy drove for so long before finally hitting-” He gestured to Bucky.
“What’ll they do with him?” Bucky asked.
“Put him behind bars, that’s for sure; they said that they’ll also do an investigation on who sold it to him,” Steve informed.
“At least now he’s being dealt with, and hopefully he won’t lead the NYPD in another car chase.” You said before instructing Bucky to sit further on the step and excusing Steve off of his comfortable seat beside his friend to reach for the small oxygen tank and mask.
“Would you mind holding this for me?” You asked Steve as you handed him the small tank.
Fiddling with the equipment, you managed to turn it on and set it at the right amount.
“Here, put this on.” You carefully stretched the garter over Bucky’s head and placed the mask on his face, covering his nose and mouth.
“I already saw you were having difficulty breathing - this might help.”
“You can put it down now,” you told Steve nonchalantly before putting on your stethoscope and gesturing for Bucky to lean forward so you can reach his back.
“I have to check again so this may be a little bit cold.” You warned.
“I can handle it,” Bucky spoke before you lifted his shirt to listen, taking your time on each side to try and hear for anything that may result in further damage.
As you squinted your eyes in concentration, you stiffened at the sudden cool and warm hands on your hips. You tried to ignore it but the sudden feeling of thumbs running smooth comforting circles on your stomach made you draw back and stand with your own hands reaching for his and placing them on his lap.
“Oh, c’mon, Buck. Seriously?” Steve groaned. “I don’t take you for the PDA type.”
“Quit it, Bucky. I’m trying to listen.” You warned at the same time.
Bucky only rolled his eyes at both of your scoldings knowing that the two of you were not as serious before you went back to listening to his breathing.
After a few minutes, you removed your stethoscope and hung it around your neck before leaning to your right shoulder.
“Monica, it’s Y/N. I might need to bring the motorcyclist to Helen.” You radioed your partner. “Suspected broken rib, the patient is already having difficulty in breathing.”
“Copy, Y/N. I’m still assisting the family with our backup EMT. We’ll meet you back at the base.” The static voice of Monica was heard over the radio before you went ahead and called for Helen.
After arriving at the Tower where Dr. Cho instructed you to bring the injured Avenger, you and Steve managed to persuade - it was more of a threat, really - Bucky to be escorted in a wheelchair to Helen’s floor that contained the cradle - this way, he won’t exert much effort and tire himself out and lose oxygen.
As you waited for Steve to return with the wheelchair, you busied yourself by prepping your EMT bag to take with you before you heard Bucky clear his throat.
“What’s wrong?” Your instinct to check on your patient suddenly activated as you turned around from the inside of the ambulance and dropping everything on the makeshift table before you stepped out and stand in front of Bucky.
Scanning for any signs or sources for his discomfort from head to toe and finding none, you looked back up at him. “Do you feel any pain?”
“Nothing’s wrong, Y/N,” Bucky reassured, his eyes looking down on your hand.
There was a moment of silence before he spoke again.
“Yeah,” You replied, relieved that he wasn’t in pain before looking down on the gold band on your ring finger with a smile. “You?”
“Taken, as well.” He answered, looking down at his own golden band - a stark contrast on the darker vibranium color of his arm.
“Wife’s probably going to get mad when she finds out what happened.” He started.
“How come? Wouldn’t she be worried?” You asked as you crossed your arms over your chest, curious why the missus will be more mad than worried.
“She’ll be mad when she finds out I stained my shirt. You know, blood stains are hard to remove.” He answered, his lips pursed as if trying to hold back his laughter.
There was a quiet pause before a deafening smack echoed in the garage.
“You bet your ass I’m mad at you, Barnes!” You almost growled, not really caring at the moment that Bucky was your patient. “Just wait until my shift is over.”
“Ow!” He groaned and tried to soothe the already warm stinging pain radiating on his right arm with his left hand. “What was that for?”
“Do you know how hard it was to keep my cool when I got the call and saw you at the end of it?” You were still not over at the sight you saw him in - seated on the curb looking defeated and in pain, the tears you were holding back almost an hour ago were starting to fill the rims of your eyes.
Gone was the hurt and annoyance that Bucky felt at the unexpected smack you gave him as his face softened at the sight of you, he could only offer you a reassuring smile before his hands reached for yours and pulled you to him.
Enveloping you in a tight hug, you tried to breathe in and normalize your heartbeat. You were sure that Bucky could hear it as his head was against your chest, your chin on top of his head.
“I hope what happened finally convinces you to never leave your helmet at home.” Your voice a little muffled as you spoke against his hair, you looked up trying to fight back the tears that were threatening to spill at the sudden imagination of what might have happened if he did forget his helmet at home.
“I promise-” he spoke as he pushed away from you to look you in the eye, “- I won’t leave it anymore.”
The contrast of hot and cold gave you a sense of comfort as he cupped your face in his hands before pulling you down to him, planting a kiss on your forehead, then your nose and lastly placing a chaste kiss on your lips.
“Ah!” Bucky groaned again, pulling away from the sudden insult of a pinch to his left side.
“I’m still mad at you.” You glared before giving him another peck on the lips.
Did not expect it to be that long, tbh. Hope you liked it!
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Girl you know I'm jumping at the occasion :D
Pre-relationship: 1 and 2
General: 1 and 7 bc I can't ever get enough of the dynamics between those two 🖤
Love: 7 and 13
Domestic life: I'd ask for 1 and 2 but I know you plan that hand-fasting fic in the future (still, won't say no to some spoilers... :D)
1. How did they first meet?
Charlie already knew who Kate was from the stories Bill told about her. It was Charlie himself who approached her in the first Care of Magical Creatures class they had together. He had no romantic interest in her at the time, but Bill had spoken so highly of her that Charlie felt they could be good friends. 
His first words were something along the lines of "I know who you are..." He didn't mean to cause her the disappointment he saw on her face.
Kate forced a smile without looking up, wanting to be polite, but nipping in the bud the conversation she was about to have with yet another stranger pretending to know her. 
This all went by very quickly, and as soon as Charlie mentioned that "Bill has spoken very highly of you..." Kate finally met his eyes.
"You're Charlie!" she exclaimed, a little too loudly "Bill has told me about you, too."
They worked very well together that day, like a well-oiled machine foreshadowing the kind of relationship they would have later on. When class was over, Kate ran off to meet Rowan, but not before shouting to Charlie that it had been a pleasure to meet him.
He shouldered his satchel, watching the messy-haired girl hurry off, and thought that not only was she not as the horrible rumours circulating about her described her, but that this had been the beginning of a great friendship.
2. What was their first impression of each other?
He had never been swayed by rumours. But so many people spoke ill of her and her brother that he was tempted to believe them.
The first time he formed an opinion about her was in his first year; he entered the Great Dining Hall with a determined stride and fury written all over his face. Charlie did not know that she had just escaped from a devil's snare, nor that the feud with Merula had begun. Trying not to be too swayed by what he had heard, he merely watched as she sat down at the Hufflepuff table and began speaking at full speed to a girl he would later come to know as Rowan. He had no interest in finding out about her. He just let her be.
Bill remarked that he had a brother at Hogwarts in the same year as her. In the courtyard, Bill pointed to Charlie, who was reading by the fountain. Kate thought he wasn't like Bill at all, that adventures weren't his thing and that he seemed like a quiet boy. A rule-follower. Oh, boy, was she wrong. They didn't meet that day, or for another three years.
1. Who initiated the relationship, and how did it go?
The fifth year was very critical for Charlie, and Kate was his rock in that regard. It was when they started spending more and more time together and to the rest of Hogwarts, they were dating without a doubt. At this point Kate already had feelings for him, but she kept them to herself in the face of his disinterest in dating. In his sixth year, and in better mental health, Charlie began to...feel...things. Dazed by these new sensations, he sought refuge in the forbidden forest until André confronted him. At the same time Rowan, commented that they spent all. the. day. together. Both friends took it upon themselves to set them up on a date.
It was so orthopaedic, so strange and awkward that they both questioned their feelings for each other.At the end of the year, having pretended that the day had never happened, Kate decided to admit that she still liked him. He did the same, with great difficulty.
They both came to an agreement and decided that their friends should not interfere, that whatever they did would have to flow naturally. That agreement day was the start of their official relationship.
7. Who takes the lead in social situations?
Contrary to what it might seem, Charlie. Although he is known as the dragon boy, who is always alone, reading or in the forest, he is held in high esteem by everyone. He makes friends wherever he goes.
Kate is a bit more reserved. She has no difficulty talking to people, but tends to be more cautious around strangers. Paradoxically, she is a magnet for anyone who gets to know her, and although Charlie takes the lead in social situations, there will always be people gravitating around Kate. She says she makes a lot of friends by chance, but it's because she prefers listening than talking about herself.
That said, although they both enjoy being around their friends, they always need to get away somewhere quiet for a while.
7. What are their favorite things to do together?
In the Hogwarts years they used to spend the whole day together studying, reading or going to the Forbidden Forest. It was then when Charlie taught Kate how to track both animals and people.
Their activities didn't change much when Kate moved to Romania, as soon after, the war started and there was no more time for leisure.
After the war, they set about making up for lost time, and began to explore Romania and other nearby countries, making short trips wherever they could. One trip a year is mandatory.
They like to go on picnics in the mountains every weekend; they take a blanket, food, maybe books, and spend the day talking and laughing, sometimes even...
They were both surprised at how much they liked watching movies; when they got their first TV, they started having marathons every night over dinner.
Cooking? Or rather, chatting while Charlie cooked. It's a time just for them, especially during the war, where they can clear their heads. Many times they both prepare food in silence, just enjoying each other's company.
Dancing! Some time ago I mentioned that they attended several dance classes as a couple, something they didn't like very much, they prefer to dance without an audience.Later, when they have their daughter, they discovered how much they like to play board games together.
Although they deny it, they like to attend events as a couple; birthdays, or parties at their respective jobs, where they can show each other off.
13. Who remembers the little things?
They both do, I think. Kate remembers how he likes tea, that he takes a bubble bath when he is stressed and she often anticipates it, the brand of pencils he likes, many of the names of the dragons on the reserve, his favourite balaclava and so on.
Charlie knows what her favourite mug is; when she runs out of seeds, how she braids her hair; that she likes to wear jewellery and also knows what style; that there are some yellow flowers that give her allergies, and he has an antihistamine potion in his backpack just in case....
It's not the only thing, but I think they're both good at paying attention to detail. It's one of their love-languages.
1. If they get married, who proposes? 2. What’s the wedding like? Who attends?
Ok, I'll try to answer with as few spoilers as possible. It's no secret that they do a handfasting ceremony. I once said it was Kate who officiated at it, but no. I'm going to change that because I think I have a better idea.I'm still studying how marriage works in the magical world, but what I do know is that neither Muggles nor the Ministry see a handfasting as a legal union (although it used to be, I'm still studying). This will be important.
If I can get it right, the two of them will be proposing to each other in very subtle and unknowing ways. I haven't decided who will be the one to take a more definitive step, I like both options: on the one hand Kate, because I like the idea of seeing the woman propose, and on the other hand Charlie, because it's something he would never have seen himself doing.
There are 4 people in attendance (6 counting them), one of them is her grandpa, Bernard, and the other three are people they meet in Ireland. One of those three people officiates the wedding.
As I said, the wedding is a handfasting, a Celtic ceremony used to symbolise the intention to marry and the commitement to someone. I don't want to say anything! I think this is my favourite part and I want it to be very emotional. I have looked up what the officiant says to do the ceremony and it is really beautiful. I have personalised it a bit with the fragments that I liked the most.
This is what struck me most (from a website about the ceremony) and what I intend to reflect:
"The absolute honesty inherent in the answers to the questions in this ritual usually takes guests by surprise. This leads the guests to concentrate on what is happening and gets them more emotionally invested in this part of the ceremony".
From this ask
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chanlixformysoul · 4 years
Honeypie [ Chanlix ]
rating: mature
word count: 1624
chapter: 1
➥ Chan wrote a song for Felix.
song recommendation:
estimated reading time: 12.5 minutes
Chan found himself starring yet again at Felix. It was a normal quiet day at their shared apartment. The two had known each other since basically they were in their moms belly. They had grown up together, summer days spent in each other's backyards, the burning sun and heat making sweat run down their temples, all the fun they had all these years.
Chan can still recall the summer evenings where they would run around without a reason, chasing each other till their legs would give out, both collapsing next to each other on the ground laughing at the most stupid jokes and things but then suddenly asking questions such as:
'Do you think we would still be best friends in the future, Chan?'
or one of his favourites:
'If you found someone special you wouldn't forget me, right?'
Felix would always ask him that even though Chan's answer would always be the same
'How can I forget you, Felix?'
But here he was, in the present. The world was in chaos, quite literally. The virus had everyone quarantined including the two boys. Chan was currently sitting at his desk in their living room, pen in hand, papers crumbled everywhere around him. Chan liked to write lyrics and produce music, he had a job already in the music industry, a friend of his helped him in becoming his assistant, which meant he was writing lyrics for a label as well as producing music. He wanted to write a song, a song about Felix. Felix, who was right in front of him sitting in the couch lounging his slim frame on it while watching another anime Chan haven't heard of, Felix, who was his best friend since he could remember his first weeks into the world, Felix, who he liked for quite some time but he never had the balls to confess. Chan knew that if he did something or said something their relationship will change and he abso-fucking-lutely didn't want that.
He enjoyed being Felix's personal pillow at night, cooking for him, helping him, giving him advice on how to improve his essays and he loved just being in the presence of the other .
He thought about a lot of stuff before deciding to go with the best way to describe his feelings, a simple word that probably was kinda ridiculous but to him it didn't matter.
Honeypie, that was it, that was the word.
It was the perfect word to describe Felix, from his honeyed voice to his bubbly personality, to Chan's memories with him, the Australian sun radiating yellow strands of heat. Chan didn't knew what it was but he associates Felix with the colour yellow. The way he would smile, his overall personality just simply screamed cuteness alongside with positivity. Plus Felix's favourite dessert is honey pie but that's just a coincidence ;)
Chan simply scribbled down some lyrics, creativity coming down on him. After what felt like an eternity he finally finished.
Taking the paper in his hands, he slowly read it.
It was perfect.
But the more he looked at it, the more he felt himself sinking in his seat. Maybe the way he wrote down the words was incoherent, just maybe the manner in which every little line and curve of the letters were written just didn't seem right.
Who knows...
Chan wasn't one to give up easily so he did the smartest thing he could do in the moment: rewrite everything.
He didn't want to erase the lyrics, he got too attached to them, they got too much meaning in such a little time to be erased, he wouldn't feel good if he pretended like he didn't write them down.
Chan grabbed his notebook, opening it slowly, he made sure to rewrite the lyrics but in a more neat and cool manner on the blank page.
At the top of the page, the title was proudly sitting, written in a big and simple but also cursive manner.
The melody immediately came into his mind, so he grabbed his laptop opening some advanced music program.
After an hour or so he managed to get a decent melody that still needed a lot of time and patience. It wasn't perfect but it was something he created.
Chan was proud of himself.
He shut his laptop, saving the process he made and then took his notebook and read the lyrics again.
(Yes, I changed the lyrics to fit the fic better, also this song is called Honeypie by JAWNY, go give it a listen while reading this, it's a great song )
Oh, boy don't you stop, don't you stop 'til you get enough honey
Oh, honey, honeypie, honey, honey, honeypie
Oh, boy don't you stop, don't you stop 'til you get enough honey
Oh, honey, honeypie, honey, honey honeypie
Oh, boy don't you stop
Tell your mom, boy and I won't stop it until your my boy
And you can't stop that 'till your my boy and I can't
Find out what you want, what you got, I got that honeypie come bite it
Bring your own fork boy you know I don't provide it
Oh, boy don't you stop, don't you stop 'til you get enough honey
Oh, honey, honeypie, honey, honey, honeypie
Oh, boy don't you stop, don't you stop 'til you get enough honey
Oh, honey, honeypie, honey, honey, honeypie
Oh, honey, honeypie, honey, honey, honeypie
Oh, honey, honeypie, honey, honey, honeypie
Oh, boy don't you stop
Tell your mom, boy and I won't stop it until your my boy
And you can't stop that 'till your my boy and I can't
Find out what you want, 'till your my boy and I won't stop it until your my boy
And you can't stop that 'till your my boy
Oh, boy don't you stop, don't you stop 'til you get enough honey
Oh, honey, honeypie, honey, honey, honeypie
Oh, boy don't you stop, don't you stop 'til you get enough honey
Oh, honey, honeypie, honey, honey, honeypie
Oh, boy don't you stop, don't you stop 'til you get enough honey
Oh, honey, honeypie, honey, honey, honeypie
Oh, boy don't you stop, don't you stop 'til you get enough honey
Oh, honey, honeypie, honey, honey, honeypie
It was finished.
Finally sitting up, he stretched his arms and legs making his way over to the pull out couch, extending it and basically collapsing on the other boy when he was done. Felix let out a yelp but started giggling as the older put his head on his shoulder, sighing softly and then burying his face in the others neck while his eyes are glued to the anime on the tv.
'What were you doing?'
'Umm... you know, writing some lyrics, mixing some stuff, nothing much actually...' he said.
'Oh... okay then, are you finished? I want company while watching Yuri on Ice.' Said the younger while his right hand went into Chan's bleached locks.
'Yuri on Ice?' Chan mostly said to himself 'Is that what we are watching?' He slowly sat up to look at Felix.
'Yeah... I hear it's good so I wanted to try it out myself.' Felix said while looking past Chan to see the TV screen.
'Can we switch places, I don't really see the TV if you continue to sit up like that.' He said while pointing past Chan's shoulders.
'So you want to be spooned?' Chan said with a grin and sitting up fully so the younger could come in front. Felix just simply sticked out his tongue at Chan.
'You know, if you want to cuddle you can just ask, I'm not one to refuse.' Chan said smiling like an idiot. Felix just turned around glaring at the older, but of course Chan being Chan only continued to smile and Felix started laughing.
'You really are an idiot, mate.'
'Yeah but I'm your idiot.' Said Chan laughing and quickly looking at Felix to see his reaction but all he saw was Felix staring at him. Guilt came as fast as his laugh died down. He tried to back off the couch and stand up from it.
'Umm... sorry pretend like I didn't say anything.' Chan softly said as his eyes and heart filled with guilt, he didn't have the courage to look at Felix. On the other hand Felix just looked at him with a little smile forming on his lips.
'You are a big idiot, but as you said you're my idiot.' Chan couldn't believe what he was hearing. Felix was out of what? Pity? Did he feel the same way as Chan? Chan's thoughts were interrupted by Felix's warm hand on his chest.
'Are we going to cuddle more or are you gonna just stand there?' Felix asked with a raised brow getting closer and closer to Chan. Chan just let out a breath he didn't know he was holding and started to smile again.
'What? Miss me already?'
'Yes, you're my snugglebum, now come here or else...' Chan was the one raising his brow this time with a wide grin.
'Or else what? What are you gonna do, hmm?' Felix only smirked.
'Kiss that grin away.' He said this time with something else in his eyes. Chan was caught by surprise and almost chocked. He thought his ears betrayed him.
'You w-what? Come on don't joke around, mate.' He stutters , ears burning red.
'I said what I said.' Felix only said. After some seconds of Chan practically not functioning Felix realized what was happening.
'You're so oblivious. Chan look at me — he went to cup Chan's face with his little hands —I like you, for a while, fuck, I liked you since forever.'
my ao3: Mrs_SnowPitch
my wattpad: ChanlixForMySoul
my masterlist: iza’s masterlist
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msilwrites · 3 years
(A 3AM Update) A True Gentleman, Chapter 19 - Taking back her life
A/N: Hi guys, Chapter 19 is up! Some lighthearted comedy here and there too. Not really much of a plot device, but we're approaching how to handle the reality of Diana's situation as she tries to take her life back. Tell me what you think in the comments below, and Enjoy reading!
Taking back her life
Diana looked at the dating app on her phone and read the exchange of messages with her date. After the first time, in a long time, she was finally going out on a 'date'.
The guy who she had been chatting with seemed kind enough. In fact, she had chatted with him for a few weeks before even deciding to go out with him. She definitely does not want some asshole. Once bitten, twice shy. She has learned her lesson after all the years of being in an abusive relationship.
Again, sadly, she left the house through her bedroom window, not wanting to see Isaac. It had been weeks since they have seen each other. The only thing she heard was his voice and the sound of his footsteps around the house. In fact, he tried knocking on her bedroom door, only to be met with silence. She had been pretending to not be around for some time now, and the only time she talked to him was through phone messages, telling him that she had already paid the rent.
His attempts of communicating further were also met with silence on the other side of the line. If he was lucky, she would give him a late response as she was determined to cut herself from him emotionally.
When Diana arrived at the place that she and her date agreed upon, she saw the open park theatre filled with orchestra musicians, packing their instruments. It appears that they had just finished their rehearsals.
She looked to her side, and there on one of the benches, seated, was a handsome man, reading through countless music sheets. She walks in his direction and clears her throat to get his attention.
"Maestro... I'm Diana Rutherford..."
It was a funny reason why Diana had agreed on this date in the first place. First of all, it wasn't for something romantic. Her date is actually a music executive, composer and orchestra director who went to the dating app, only to find a replacement singer who can sing opera in alto-soprano for a small formal charity benefit to be held at the park. Second, she needed someone to talk to, and he and she happen to get along well. Nothing more.
Diana, with opera training, and whose voice happens to fall under alto-soprano, agreed, with a bit of hesitation, of course, thinking if this was legit or not. Furthermore, there was a promise of payment, which made her finally give in. Taking on a part-time job was not so bad after all, especially that she needed some extra funds.
"Uhhmmm, how do I address you?" was her first question. Of course, she knows his name. An epitome of tall, dark and handsome, he carried this air of quiet respect. So she wanted to be polite.
"By my name would be great" was his reply, accompanied with a disarming smile.
" Alright, Aedan... " she cleared her throat and sat up straight.
"Well, I'm just curious, what were you doing in the app with a fake profile? You don't look like you needed to do that" he states, seeing that she was nothing like the way she describes in her profile.
"I was looking for someone to date... no erase that, I was hoping for someone to talk to... the app was a convenient tool, especially, with the anonymity that the internet provided, but then I found you and that weird ad/ profile of yours." was her straight and honest answer.
He laughs at how honest she was. "Can't you afford a therapist? " he asked playfully.
" I can, but I can't afford to book a session with him every day... that will drain my funds" she reasons, and he chuckles at how direct yet funny she sounded.
"Don't you have friends?"
"Of course! I have friends! But..."
"But I can't possibly worry them enough and stress them out. I can't be dependent on them for everything. There are also some things I can't discuss with them, you know? there are limits..."
"Like how you had been in love with their father for a long time?" he adds, remembering that she mentioned this to him before when they chatted in the app.
" Yep... see how that sounds like? 'Daddy Issues'. I mean I do admit, I have that. I will definitely get disowned by my friends if those issues come to light..." she sighs. "Oh, by the way, where are your other singers? and why did you have to find a singer using the dating app?" she adds.
He sighs, " One is currently busy with her children, a few of them preparing for their final papers, the others are currently overseas, travelling, no one is available on the date of the performance..."
"Oh... yes, that is a problem..." she nodded in agreement. " But why the app? It's unconventional..." she reasons.
He laughs " It's unconventional, but it was fast and it worked! I found you! You do realize that the app isn't only about dating!" he says, referring to the 'social' part where you find people or groups of like-minded people.
"Err... so do you plan to continue dating ?"
"No... I've deleted the app,"
"Ha? But why?"
"I didn't like some messages I've received from some..." he said, shaking his head and feeling the hair on the back of his head, stand. It creeped him out just remembering those inappropriate messages.
"Well... I can only imagine..." she said, understanding that he must've received some 'thirsty' messages that anyone will be uncomfortable reading, due to how attractive he is.
"Why did you click my profile?"
" Well... obviously, I swiped right because you're an attractive man... you look like a clean-cut version of 'Ross Poldark', other than that, I would have not talked to you, if not for what you've written in your bio."
" I like your honesty!" he declares and threw his head back laughing.
"Thank you..."
"Did you really have opera training?" he asked, still in doubt.
"Yes, I started during the sixth form, my grandmother sent me to lessons to build my confidence and voice...It even became my elective back in university... Then I joined choirs, sang oratorios... so on and so forth... I sang with the choir in church and there were times I sang part-time as a soloist in some events. I enjoyed those times, "
" What made you stop? Singing I mean?"
"I... I..." she paused for a moment, finding a clear way to explain what happened. " I got into a relationship... "
"Let me guess... he was either possessive or abusive?" he guessed, already knowing which was it.
"Both actually... he didn't like me being looked at when I sang... I guess he wanted the audience to close their eyes during a song..." she recalls, remembering the incident with her ex, Jesse.
Aedan laughed and nodded in agreement. Hearing such situations wasn't new to him. He had a few incidents before where a soloist came to a rehearsal with a black eye. Abusive people demand the victim's attention solely focused on them, and try to cut off the victim from the activities they love.
"I do hope you are no longer with that man... I don't want another soloist coming to a rehearsal unable to sing properly because she is injured... don't get me wrong, I may want the performance to be perfect, but I do care for people, and I do feel the pain when I see such situations..."
"Yes... don't worry, I've broken up with him a long time ago," she assured.
"Good!" he exclaims and after a while, remembers something and looks at his watch. "Rehearsals resume in an hours time. Let's have lunch, and we will test your voice later"
"What made you want to sing again? If I may ask?" Aedan said, waiting for the orchestra to return to their seats.
"It's just... I want my life back, Aedan... I just want to go back to what I used to be" was her answer, and he understood.
"Alright..." Aedan taps his baton on the podium, signalling everyone that they were about to start rehearsal. He calls in another person, and another man enters the stage.
"Diana, this is Max, your duet, Max, this is Diana, your new partner!" Aedan introduces.
Diana looked at Max and her mouth hung agape in admiration. if Aedan is handsome, so is Max! Tall, dark, and ruggedly handsome, bearing a fleeting resemblance to Hugh Jackman. She smiled, and giggled to herself, thanking her lucky stars for being surrounded by handsome men today. This would definitely be a good step to move on.
"Diana," Max stretches his hand out for a handshake and she gives them a tight squeeze, whilst smiling like a schoolgirl at him.
"You can ogle at him later, all you want, if you pass the 'audition', Diana!" Aedan teased, earning him a grimace from her. He chuckled at her reaction but quickly asked her to stand straight and get ready for vocal warm-ups.
Aedan sits adjacent to the grand piano and plays the keys for the duet to warm up. After the vocal warm-ups, he goes back to his podium and the orchestra sat in position.
"We have a tradition in this group, every time there is a new singer... as a welcome, she is to sing-" Aedan waves his baton and the began to play the introductory part of the song 'Libiamo ne' lieti calici' which was followed by Max baritone voice, singing the first verse and turning to Diana with a smile.
"How appropriate," she smiled, knowing that it was quite a welcoming song and felt the excitement in her heart to sing once again. And when her turn came, she took a deep breath and without hesitation and care of the possibility of singing out of tune, she gave it her all.
When the song was about to close, the orchestra plays increases their tempo, so as the two duets and then together, they hit the high note with their voices, closing the brindisi.
Diana catches her breath, it was definitely a struggle for her to hit the note, how long has it been since she sang? Years. However, she was met by applause by the orchestra musicians, her duet partner, and the director, Aedan, which came to her as a surprise, because she knew she didn't hit every note right.
"Welcome to the group, Diana!" Max smiles, giving her a squeeze in her hand.
"Thank you, Max!" was her response.
"Welcome to the group, Diana! you've missed a note here and there, but I believe that can be improved with practice" Aedan says, as he approaches. The way he said 'practice' already scares her.
"Oh, my, my, Diana! you are glowing, recently!" Mrs Chambers greets Diana as she goes back to her reception area after lunch.
"Thank you! But what do you mean glowing?" she asked, a little bemused.
" You lively! Happier?! no longer gloomy liked you used to be, no offence" was Mrs Chambers direct answer.
"None taken..." she smiles, knowing that Mrs Chambers has a point. She looked like a pale, gloomy flower.
"Is this a new skincare? beauty routine? activity, a new man?"
Diana laughed at the last part of what Mrs Chambers said. "No, unfortunately, not a man... It's probably because of having clarity of the mind now," she said, knowing that Mrs Chambers was also aware of the past depressing incidents that she had gone through.
"I am glad for that!" Mrs Chambers smiles at her.
Earning the clarity of the mind was one of the things Diana was grateful for. Especially now that she was trying to take her life back.
She looks at her schedule on her phone. On Thursday evenings, she takes JUDO classes, and on Friday evening and Saturday afternoon were rehearsals and additional training with Aedan. He wasn't kidding when she told her how strict he is. Heck, he knows when one didn't practice the song. There was a wee bit of regret in her for agreeing to take JUDO classes and joining the orchestra as one of their singers, especially now that she had to follow strict discipline. But gratefulness, enjoyment, and the contentment it gave her overweighs the regret.
Diana enters the restaurant and looks around for Aedan. He told her that they would meet at this restaurant which was, near her office, before they head for practice.
She smiles and waves at him, upon seeing him seated at a table near the window. He smiles back and waves at her to come over.
"Hello, Aedan"
"Good Afternoon, Diana! I sure do hope you practised the song."
"Ahehehe... I did!..."
He narrows his eyes on her.
"I swear I did!, though it was a struggle, I made sure I did, every day! In full voice!" she says in her defence.
Aedan laughs. "Don't worry, I understand, you don't want your 'crush' to hear you singing! By the way, do you still leave the house using your bedroom window?"
She looks at him sheepishly and that look she gave was enough to answer his question.
He throws his head back laughing. "Oh, Diana! How are you going to leave the house on the day of the performance? Do you want me to rescue you from the tower and fight the dragon?" he teased.
"What the heck! Aedan! Dr. Skovgaard isn't a dragon!"
"I never said that!" he says, hand up in surrender, still laughing.
"Diana?!" a familiar voice calls her name, she looks around to find Allegra seated at the nearby table.
"Allegra!" she greets, a little nervous, as if she was a little girl caught in a misdeed.
"You're here! I haven't seen you in a long time! Look how glowing you are!" Allegra says, echoing the same thing Mrs Chambers had said and gives her friend a tight embrace. "You wouldn't join us for dinner, what have you been up to?!" was her next question.
However, before Diana could think of an answer, Allegra turns her attention to Aedan. She looked at him suspiciously which made Diana nervous.
"And may I know who is this? care to introduce me to your new friend?"
"This is Aedan, Aedan, this is Allegra, my best friend..." she introduces, and Allegra immediately takes the seat beside Diana, still looking at the man suspiciously.
Aedan beams at her and stretches out his hands, offering Allegra a handshake, which she took.
"Hi, I'm Aedan McInnes... Diana's date" he says, followed by his disarming smile. Knowing that Diana didn't want to tell anyone of her current activities.
"What?!" Allegra's eyes widened in shock. "Since when? You've never told us anything, Diana!" she says, turning to Diana.
"Oh! it's just recent! I didn't want to tell anyone because everything happened just recently! Plus, I didn't want to worry you, also... Aedan's a great guy!" she reasons and gives the grinning man a quick glare.
"I see... well... Of course, I'd be worried about you, and Aedan, what do you do?" was the beginning of Allegra's interrogation.
" I am a music producer," was his reply, which is part of the truth.
Diana sighs, as the interrogation continued.
"Out of many things you could think of! Aedan! you told Allegra, that you're my date..." was the first thing that came out of Diana during the rehearsal break. They were almost late for rehearsal because of it. "We barely made it out of there!"
However, the only reply Aedan gave was a hearty laugh. "Tell me, Diana, what are you exactly worried about? By right, we are not doing anything wrong,"
She paused for a moment and thought about it. What was she worried about " I... I don't know... Dr Skovgaard finding out?" the reason just carelessly slipped out of her lips.
"Aha!" Aedan exclaimed, causing Diana to jolt in surprise.
" You're worried about your crush finding out!" he declares.
" Wait...what? I said that?! I-"
"Diana, look, you should not worry, in fact, you should be glad! If your Dr Skovgaard reacts, then it means he cares for you!"
"Of course, that man cares for me! I told you he sees me as his daughter! "
"Uh, uh , uh, that will depend on how he reacts!" he adds, making her a little hopeful. However, she knew that it was impossible.
It was a Sunday when Allegra met her father for brunch. She excitedly jogs upon the small staircase that led to the front door of the restaurant. She had been wanting to tell her dad what she had recently found out.
"Woah... Allegra, what is all this excitement about?" was the first thing Isaac said to his daughter, the moment she arrived at their table, looking a little too excited. He chuckles and calls for the waiter, thinking that it was some sort of good news.
"Guess what I've found out yesterday dad!" her tone and expression turning into 'worry'.
"What is it?"
" Ross Poldark! he's dating her!!" Allegra declares. Describing how Aedan, her friend's date yesterday, has a fleeting resemblance to the character.
"Wait... what? " was his reply, unable to comprehend what his daughter was saying.
" Diana is dating again!!" she declares, clearer this time.
Isaac's expression changes from 'worry' to something darker. Which his daughter didn't notice as she continued telling what she found out.
A/N: I probably made some grammatical errors here and there, so I'd do some soft editing from time to time. Why do you think Isaac's expression darkened? tell me what you think in the comments below.
Brindisi - is a drinking song.
A number of Opera Singers / Choral Singers / Soloist / Orchestra Musicians have day jobs.
My face claims were; Aidan Turner and Hugh Jackman for Aedan and Max (Because Hugh can sing). I also want to assure you, they're not rivals of Isaac, but plot vouchers for the next chapters. These characters are there to give clarity and support to Diana.
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I have done Junkrat, Roadhog and McCree before here so if you wanna read those three, you can do that in that other post.
I'm going to leave out Torbjörn because he's married, Winston and Hammond because I'm not going to do the animals and Bastion because he's simply not expressive enough to be described in this.
I don't like writing angst in HC's so here are short scenarios.
You were fighting right behind his shield, shooting the most dangerous enemies to protect your loved one. "Barrier is giving out!" He screamed, looking down at you. You nodded and acknowledged it. Your instincts told you to protect him at all costs. A big flood of enemies was coming to you and at the exact moment where Reinhardt announced "BARRIER DOWN" You jumped forward and threw a grenade into the mass of enemies. "Take cover!" You shouted.
"Y/N!" you heard his voice echo in your head, as you felt the wave of the explosion and how your body was pushed through the air like a ragdoll. You felt how you crashed to the ground, your whole body twitching in pain. Groaning, you tried to move but you simply couldn't. A shadow was visible in your blurry sight. "Nh..." "Y/N! Liebling! Stay with me!" Your body was lifted off the ground, the edges of your sight registering a familiar face.
You smiled, taking a deep, rattling breath. "My strong soldier in sh-" a coughing fit got to you before you could finish. "- in shining armor." Your shaking hand found his cheek. "Y/N... You will be fine, my darling. Angela will patch you up. Stay awake, my dear!" You felt him running. "I love you." You said and reached for him when he left you in the hovership with Mercy.
Akadne had actually told you to stay with the other women. In the back lines. Not because you were weak, but because he could be ruthless and didn't want you hurt.
And in this smaller fight, it was tactically smarter for you to fight closer to Widowmaker since you were fond of sniper rifles. Not as good as Amelie but good enough to fight for Talon. A scream passed your lips when a bullet pierced your shoulder. You came out from your cover and tried to get to Moira, but another shot robbed you of the ability to walk since your leg was hit by another shot. Right in your knee.
All you could think of, was to scream "AKADNE!" and lay as low to the ground as you could, protecting yourself with the gun and the twelve shots you had in the magazine.
Out of nowhere, the tall man stood next to you. "I should have been more careful." You said and tried to get up. He picked you up and kissed your forehead. "We are a team, Y/N. Everybody else should have looked after you better. Including me." You kissed him back, your blood smearing on his bare chest. "I'm sorry." You murmured, your chest heaving in pain. "I was careless." He didn't answer. Simply bringing you to Moira. "Fix this. Now" he barked and jumped off.
You waited for him in front of Shimada castle, giving him cover, keeping a way open... Sadly though, there were more Shimada guards than both of you had calculated. You saw your ninja slicing though them, while you tried your best with your pistols.
One of these bastards sliced the back of your kneecap, causing you to fall to the ground with a blood curdling scream. After that, a neat slice in your hip followed. "Fuck... Fuck fuck fuck!" You whimpered and cried. You heard Genji screaming your name. He summoned his dragon to kill every single person around you while you laid on the ground, bleeding and crying.
"Y/n... Don't leave me." He begged and softly held you. "I won't... You- you know that." You murmured and wrapped your arms around him. "You've been through worse." You couldn't hold the sobs of pain back. You saw your blood shimmering on his armor, painting him red. Redder than he had been before. Genji put his forehead to yours. "I love you." He said. "I love you too." You replied, your eyes closing, letting you glide into unconsciousness.
He knew that it would happen. Some assassins had broke into his place, forcing you two awake immediately and into a fight. They were swift to paralyze you with a tazer. Hanzo was still fighting them, when he suddenly heard a loud crack and a scream of yours that was heart breaking. Some of your ribs had been broken with an aimed kick to them.
You could barely breathe, only pathetic gasps helped you get air while you tried to drag yourself across the room towards Hanzo. As soon as he had heard that, he didn't hesitate anymore to shoot an arrow in every single assassins head. There were seven in total. He scrambled over to you, cupping your face in his hands.
"H-han..." You coughed up blood, "I... It hurts." He carefully dragged you into his lap. "I know, beautiful. You're strong. Don't leave me now." He didn't want to do that, but he couldn't lose you. He sent a message to Overwatch. That he needs help. That a life was at stake.
"They will pick you up, beautiful. They will help you." He would have to be with this damned organization for a mission or two, but your life was worth everything.
You laid on the ground, your body twitching and writhing involuntarily. You had taken electrocution for Gabriel. One of his weaknesses. It had been a trap by Overwatch. Probably that damned Monkey. But you couldn't let him die. You simply couldn't risk it.
"G-g-gabriel" you said, shivering and crying. "S-sorry" your entire body hurt, loud sobs audible through the shots and the screams of the enemies. As soon as you felt hands on you, you screamed in pain. It was overwhelming, your entire skin was burnt. Your face was bleeding, the plastic from the clothes and the vest had burnt and molten into your body. He had to carry you to the hovership. To Moira. So she could help you.
It helped a little, When you felt Moira's hands hover over your skin. The Reaper leaned down, his mask off. His cold lips touched your burnt ones. You were twitching and whining. "I will kill him." Gabriel announced. "I promise, Y/N." Then his hand softly caressed your head. You kept twitching and crying. "Out now, Gabriel. You won't want to see this."
He turned to leave and all he heard was you screaming your heart out. He couldn't bare it. He couldn't listen to this torture... But he had to.
Soldier 76
Jack was running. With you in his arms. Towards Angela. He had to get to Angela! You couldn't die! No! You couldn't leave him! Your hand touched his cheek, a painful expression on your lips. "It hurts." You whispered, as your other hand laid on your ribs, pressing down on the wound like Jack had instructed.
"I know, baby. I know. Don't worry. We're almost there." He ran faster, you heard him huffing. Suddenly, there was a shot. Somebody had shot his ankle. He stumbled and fell, you tumbling from his arms, hissing in pain, a stone pressing down on the wound. Jack got back up, slumped to you, picked you back up and carried you to Angela.
"Dr. Ziegler. Help. Now." Angela jumped up, got you onto a cot and Jack to herself. "Not me, Angela. Y/N!" She shook her head. "You have to get back out there, Jack." She quickly healed his shot. "You can regenerate faster. Y/N can't." Then she got over to you. "I will have to perform surgery. OUT!" She shouted at Jack.
"Don't leave..." You begged, but Angela shushed him out. "Please... Jack..." Tears running down your face, that's the last thing Jack saw, before Angela pushed him out of the medic tent.
"Oh no no no no no!" Lucio said when he saw you falling to the ground. He skated over as fast as he possibly could, dragging you out of plain sight. He put you down and fumbled around in his pockets. You let out a weak laugh.
"That was bound to happen, right?" You said and clutched your chest. Your lover had put on a healing song, amping it up as much as possible. "Stay, Y/N. Stay. Please." He begged as he wrapped a bandage around your wound.
"I.. I'm tired, Lu.. really tired." You told him, your eyes growing weaker. "Oh no." Lucio hissed, trying to stop the blood flow. "It's a beautiful day, Y/N." He said, his voice shivering. "The sun is out and it's... It's so nice and warm!" He tried to convince you that this ugly fight around the corner wasn't happening.
You smiled at him. "Yea... It's really nice weather." You said and looked up at the sun. "I wanna rest." You said and nuzzled your head to his chest. He wrapped his arms around you, the song still playing.
"Promise me, that you'll come back." He insisted. "Promise." You kissed his neck and murmured "Promise" as your mind was taken over by darkness.
A fight in his home. Zenyatta had to count on Overwatch. And on you. But not right now. You laid on the outer platform of the Sanctum, looking up at his face while you felt healing energy was flowing through you.
Your head laid in his lap, he softly stroked your hair. "The Iris embraces you too, Y/N." You smiled, a bit of blood running down your lips. "I know, Zen. As long as you're with me, the Iris is around me." He softly pulled you up, careful not to touch the bullet wounds in your back. He softly held you in his arms, humming a melody.
"Zen... I don't want to leave." You choked out, your chest heaving now. "I don't want to go." "You can stay. You need to stay." He emphasized on that, putting his chin on top of your head, holding you closer. "My entire body hurts." You said, shivering in his arms. "Don't let me pass into the Iris yet. I don't want to die." He kept holding you. That was all he could do, while you said it over and over again.
"I don't want to die."
OH. MY. GOD. I SAT ON THIS FOR LIKE 2 HOURS. MNH! Guys, please be more specific with your characters. It was a LOT. really.
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seth-kate · 8 years
- i can't look at the sky
request: could you write one where the reader is Jason and Cheryl’s sister? Loved Afraid of Heights tysm x
pairing: jughead jones x reader
a/n: okay so I am writing this during my shift at the sleep room where I should be monitoring and watching babies sleep but I’m doing this instead. I should be fired but oh well…...
also the title is a line from a poem that I love.
Jughead didn’t know how it had happened. But some strange and undeniable force had brought them together. He liked to think it had something to with their poetic souls and similar hating attitude towards the universe. But maybe all it had to do with was insomnia, cheap coffee and the promise of solving a murder case.
He remembered the first time he had ever seen her while sitting down the back of his elementary classroom. How she had the trademark Blossom hair, and that look that made everyone feel incompetent. He’d known Jason and Cheryl and had instantly felt like they were the type of people he never wanted to acquaint himself with.
How he had thought that she’d be the same, and how wrong he was.
Jughead was a writer, a spinner of words and a creator of imagination but when it came to her, there were no words. None to describe how she looked in the sunlight, red hair glistening and shining like a thousand strands of fire. There were no words to give her smile justice, or how to describe that aching feeling in his chest when she touched him, like a million live butterflies were flapping wildly inside him like he was a cage.
Different wasn’t the right word to describe her either. But she was. She was different from her siblings, different from her parents.
She read comics under her blankets, and climbed trees with scraped knees. She stargazed with Jughead and made up names for the constellations. She liked to pretend she was a princess trapped inside Archie’s treehouse, waiting patiently for the knights to rescue her. She wasn’t afraid to say how she felt and wasn’t afraid to stand up for her friends.
That’s what they had been. Friends. Her, Betty, Archie and Jug. That’s how it had always been. They had walked to school together everyday, her with her Captain America backpack and her red pigtails swishing above her shoulders and Jughead with his grey beanie and head full of stories and eyes full of adoration for someone who was more radiant than the sun that beat down every day.
It seemed that their quartet was fixed for eternity, that nothing and nobody would ever come between them. If Jughead had to think about it, he always guessed that it would be a fight that would break them up, or maybe Archie would grow up and get a girlfriend and forget about them. Maybe Betty would get accepted to college early and have to leave.
He never expected that the dagger to their friendship would be Riverdale High.
It happened so fast that when he looked back he couldn’t even remember how it had happened exactly. One moment they were walking through the doors together, ready to start a new chapter in their lives and the next they were pulled apart in different directions.
Jughead found himself in words, lost himself in creating and telling stories about the most mundane things and the most fantastic. Archie threw himself into sports and Betty strived to transform herself into the perfect daughter that the Coopers wanted her to be, and y/n became the epitome of the All American Girl.
Head cheerleader. Straight A student and Spring Fling Princess two years in a row. She was undeniably popular and Jughead wasn’t. He wasn’t even her friend anymore and that hurt like a thousand stab wounds. He felt as if he was looking at a different person as she made her way down the halls, but sometimes when she smiled at him as she passed he was reminded of that girl that made him climb up tree-houses to save her as she pretended to be the very thing she had turned into.
It seemed that their friendship had not been made for eternity after all, and so he slunk into the shadows and adored her from afar, constantly trying to shove her from his mind but it never worked. Life went on and time healed him, but they didn’t know that in a few years a horrific murder and a cheap cup of coffee would bring them together again.
Jughead liked the continuity of routine. He liked keeping his life as routinised as possible, so he could avoid unnecessary obstacles whenever he could. He liked how he woke up at the same time, and how he got to school at the same time, how he went to Pop’s every night and wrote while sitting in the same booth as always. It seemed that the people around him also respected his idea of isolation and seclusion from stereotypical American high school, because it seemed that they didn’t notice him very well and he wanted to keep it that way. 
They walked past him without smiles, never stopped to talk to him or ask his opinion on homework or tests but he was okay with that. That’s how it was, and it was just another fixture to his routine. 
What he noticed however was that one particular person was slowly gravitating towards him, smiling more than usual and looking at him with a look in her familiar eyes that almost made him speak to her. But he hadn’t yet. 
He hadn’t spoken to Y/n Blossom in years. 
She had only returned to school this week after the devastating and untimely death of her brother. The complete opposite of Cheryl who had returned with an almost vivacious attitude and a fervor to return to her normal ways. Y/n however slunked to her classes with a heaviness to her shoulders and never sat with her friends at lunch, disappearing into the library instead. Jughead hated that he noticed these things, but he did. 
He needed to get her out of his head, needed to stop worrying and over thinking the reason behind the dark circles under her eyes. He needed to get to Pop’s and write, let words and sentences take him to someplace different. 
The familiar jingle of the bell above the door to the diner clanged as he walked in, Pop’s eyes lifting to see who his new customer was and smiling when he seen the beanie clad boy in front of him. 
“Do you want the usual?” he asked Jughead as he walked closer to the counter. 
“Yeah please, Pop” Jughead sighed, running a hand over his face. 
“Rough day at school?” the older man asked, hands leaning on the silver counter top. 
“You’ve no idea” Jughead told him, appreciating the smell of the freshly brewing coffee as it took over his senses. He felt just a little more relaxed now at the thought of settling into just another part of his routine. Y/n wasn’t here to disturb his thoughts with her sad eyes and kind smile. She wasn’t here to remind him of how he had felt when he was younger. 
“Well I think the pretty girl that’s waiting in your booth might cheer you up” the old man winked, as if he was sharing in some private joke that both he and Jughead knew. But Jughead had no idea what he was talking about. 
His brow creased and furrowed with the weight of bewilderment he was feeling and he whipped his head around, his bright eyes scanning the diner for his usual booth. He nearly choked on the air around him at the sight of her. Her big eyes looking out the window that was shadowed by the neon lights outside. 
Y/n Blossom was sitting in his booth. In his booth. 
“I’ll bring this down to you, kid” Pop told him, sensing the discomfort that was radiating from the teenage boy. 
Jughead nodded his thanks dumbly, eyes still on the redhead that sat in his seat. He could just ask her to move, or sit somewhere else but his feet moved before he could stop himself and his thumping heartbeat drowned out any sense he had left. She hadn’t noticed him yet, still intent with looking at whatever her eyes could see but he was certain she must be able to hear how loud his heart was. 
He coughed quietly once, a hoarse sort of scratch against his throat but she didn’t notice him. He coughed again, louder this time and regretted it instantly. Her eyes, that looked permanently red around the rims, looked straight into his and right past his soul it seemed. He became frozen where he stood. A solid statue that would forever be an immortal remembrance of his adoration. He was sure his love sickness was written all over his face. 
“Y/n.....I um usually sit here” he felt lame as soon as the words left him. He was stupid, he thought, this was a free country, she could sit where she liked. She hardly knew this was the booth he liked to sit in. How could she have noticed something so small and insignificant about him while living her colourful life? 
“I know you do, Jug” her voice was like a whisper. So apparently she did know where he liked to sit. Was she just here to antagonise him with her presence? Did she know she was the most beautiful girl in the world? Like the brightest star in a constellation. 
“Then...why...?” he trailed off, not knowing how to get the words out. 
“I just wanted to talk to you” she shrugged, like it was something she always said to him. 
“To me?” he pointed at himself, eyes blinking with disbelief. 
“No, to the other Jughead standing behind you” 
He was almost tempted to look. Just to prove that it wasn’t really him she was talking about, that there really was another Jughead there and not him. These thoughts of disbelief were almost crippling him and he had to shake himself from the stupor he was slipping into and remind himself that he knew this girl. He was once her best friend, and no status of popularity would ever change that. 
“Would you please sit down?” she asked him, something so desperate in her voice that it made him fall into the booth right after she had spoken. 
Silence fell over them then, the sort that was buzzing with unsaid words that were trapped behind their lips. She dropped her eyes to her hands, fingers on one of them twisting a ring around and around. Jughead took the time to look at her properly, to study each and every line of her face. 
Her hair was unruly and thrown into a plait that was slung over her shoulder, wind swept wisps of it escaping like flames. Her eyes were red and watery and Jughead could tell she had been crying in the last hour, making his face furrow with care. He hated how he cared so much for someone who didn’t care enough. 
“So why do you want to talk to me?” he felt he needed to ask her. She hadn’t explained why. 
“Because I realised something a while ago, and I never done anything about it” y/n told him, her eyes locking with his in a way that forbade him to look away. 
“And what’s that?” he asked her, crossing his arms on the table top in front of him. 
“That I miss you” 
And with those words months and years fell away, and the world seemed a better place because of them. It was like he was waking up, as if Jughead had been asleep all these years while dreaming up a horrible nightmare where he didn’t have any friends. But y/n was real and she was there in front of him looking at him with those eyes that he could write sonnets about. His mouth opened once, twice, three times before he said anything. 
“I missed you too” 
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