#can you stay in the closet of straightness misha
pygian-weapon · 1 year
Misha Collins really is the only man who suffered from heterophobia, he lives in the alternate universe of that youtube video where straight people are the minority
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livelist · 9 months
Okay because clearly I am still upset about this.
April 23:
To Spn Con Audience: “By show of force: how many of you would consider yourself introverts?" How many extroverts? And how many bisexuals?” “I’m all three.”
April 25:
“I want to deeply apologize for misspeaking this weekend...“My clumsy intention was to wave off actually discussing my sexuality, but I badly fumbled that and [I] understand that was seen as me coming out as bisexual.”
THIS DOES NOT MAKE SENSE. Misha did not need to "wave off actually discussing [his] sexuality." He brought it up himself. He is literally just speaking at a podium, and of his own accord, announces that he is Extroverted, Introverted, and Bisexual. That is a pre-planned, pre-written statement if I have EVER heard one!!! Literally like... bisexual doesn't even make sense in that list? Its clearly a joke so he can come out in a funny way?
Like what argments even exist that can possibly explain what he meant if not "he is Extroverted, Introverted, and Bisexual"? Do you think he just stupidly thought bisexual was a word for both extroverted and introverted? Because that seems fucking impossible!!!
Why would bisexuals be in that list? Also, hes asking the crowd, meaning he literally does not need to say that he is ANY of them!! The whole and only point of asking was so that he could announce that he was bisexual!!! That is the only reason to do this little song and dance audience interaction in the first place!!
I mean, its not like he asked "How many straights? How many gays? How many bisexuals?" And then he felt weird and said "I’m all three!" That could sound more like a natural conversation topic that ended with him making an awkward joke that he thought was nonsense and actually made him sound bisexual. But he obviously did not say or intend to say that, I’m just writing fucking fanfiction to try and make any of this make sense!
Like seriously, there is no way to interpret the actions of April 23 than an authentic coming out of a bisexual actor. I cannot fathom any other interpretation. It is not a mis-speak? What was he trying to say if not that? Please, give me any crazy theory you have, I’m begging, because I have nothing.
And that brings me to April 25.
I really don't see how to interpret the combination of these actions as anything other than biphobic. Either one (1.), he thought it was appropriate to joke about coming out as bisexual, and pretend that it was real for two days, or two (2.), his statement on April 25 was a lie, he did mean to come out, and was forced, by either internalized or externalized biphobia, back into the closet.
1., I think, is overtly biphobic, because intentionally deceiving people into thinking you have come out for multiple days, using that to gain attention and therefore money, making coming out and bisexuality seem like the butt of a joke, like.
Fuck I’m just feeling again how fucking CONFUSING this shit is! There is no logical way to interpret it!!!
Occam's Razor honestly, 1. Doesn't make sense its too weird and confusing for his statement on April 23 to be a joke, lie, or misspeak.... it doesn't compute...
2. Internalized or externalized biphobia forced him back into the closet.
Honestly this is the only thing that actually makes any sense to me. Whatever has been forcing/convincing him to stay in the closet for decades forced/convinced him to walk it back (poorly).
I honestly honestly hate to do this because I really try to take people at their word as much as possible. I give people the benefit of the doubt. And ESPECIALLY when it comes to sexuality. I really believe that we must defer to what they call themselves, because even if they will change their minds one day, I believe that questioning them or invalidating how they define themselves in the moment does more harm than good. Or, in simpler terms, I think that people getting constantly questioned about their sexuality usually makes it harder for them to figure it out themselves.
But also. This is a middle aged man, a public and loud supporter of queer people, and he knows he not only has a specific presence within that community, he knows what his fans *think* about his sexuality. (Whether or not the fans are problematic for that is a matter for a different time.) So forgive me if I feel I should hold him to a higher standard when he makes statements regarding his sexuality.
But this isn't a high standard.
The incredibly low bar he couldn't manage to cross?
Don't authentically come out and then take it back two days later
I didn't even think I had to make a fucking bar for that!!!
It's genuinely so hard to even wrap my mind around what the fuck happened here! What is he claiming happened? "Misspeak"?!?!
Okay. I’m sorry. It's so hard to be clear on this issue because it just genuinely doesn't make sense. But I hope I made it a slightly bit more clear why it doesn't make sense? And seriously, I need answers. At least give me a better lie so I can sleep better at night.
I would really care so little if he was bisexual if it wasnt for the fact that he SAID HE WAS ffs I’m out I hope he and his wife and kids are very happy
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fellshish · 2 years
Hi Fells, hope you’re having a nice day. I’m genuinely trying to understand what these horrible homophobic jokes Misha has made have been? Did he maybe make gay people the butt of the joke?(you know like the Js have done? Which seems to be ok with everyone especially when it’s Jensen. Not trying to turn this into a competition, just trying to understand) or did he actually make all those jokes about himself? Because that’s not really problematic to me? people can make jokes about themselves if they’re trying to figure things out? And there’s absolutely nothing wrong with being gender non-conforming while being straight. In fact shouldn’t we encourage these things so that they’ll be normalized and queer people wouldn’t be as easily outed?
I think people have a right to feel what they feel, I don’t think it necessarily stems from a place of rationality, but that doesn’t really matter at all. I do however think it turns into a problem when you express these feelings of hurt by lashing out and being indirectly cruel to people who can actually see it. Like people calling him a coward for supposedly going back into the closet (that one was personally like a slap in the face since it hit a little too close to home) or gatekeeping how people going by a certain label shouldn’t behave. This really isn’t about Misha at this point. A lot of us may have to identify as straight for whatever reason. Are certain behaviors not allowed for us?
I really hope you don’t take this the wrong way. I’m genuinely not trying to be confrontational here. It’s just that some people have been so hurtful these last 3 days(not you) that it’s the first time that fandom drama has actually brought me to tears. Thank you for letting me vent in your inbox anyway<3
Hey there! So sorry to hear you got hurt by some of the takes going around the dash. Please stay safe and log off for your own mental health if that is what you need. Seek out other cool (irl if you have a network) queer people who have open minds. I promise you the gatekeeping is NOT as rampant as it appears from scrolling spnblr the past few days. The lgbtq community has so much room for exploration, for eggs who haven’t cracked yet, for allies, for anyone who diverges from the norm. SO MUCH LOVE. You belong.
My opinion on misha’s jokes, i’ve talked about here. My friend wrote an excellent post about the damages of gatekeeping and another friend wrote this post about the damages some of the current discourse is doing to people wanting to go outside gender norms the way misha does.
Please keep in mind that for big fandom events like this, things tend to settle after a few days. So we’re in the aftershocks likely. My dash is already healing with more destiel content, i hope yours does too. Big hug <3
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writethelifeyouwant · 3 years
Femme Fatale - Ch 1 / 2
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Pairing: Alex x Reader (background J2) Rating: 18+ Tags: Dom/Sub relationships, Sub!Alex, Domme!Reader, Dom!Jensen, Sub!Jared, sex/bdsm club, voyeurism, exhibitionism, pegging, humiliation kink Word Count: 3.3k Created for: @spnkinkbingo - Dom/Sub
A/N: Thank you so much for being my first ever commission Sin! I've had a lot of fun tackling this challenge because I've never written a Domme!reader before but I really appreciate you trusting me with your idea, and I hope I do it justice ❤️
Series Masterlist
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This is a weird idea, even for Alex. A night out with his cast mates isn’t unusual, and Y/N has gone along on plenty of group dinners with Alex, Jared and Jensen (that were essentially double dates) before, but they usually ended by closing out the hotel bar or crashing in someone’s guest room. They had never ended up at a proper club before, let alone planned a whole evening around going to a specific one. But that’s the plan tonight.
When Alex informs her that the location was Misha’s suggestion, it makes even less sense to Y/N. Misha seems like he would be the least likely of all of them to actually enjoy clubbing but hey, what does she know?
“Alex, I don’t have anything to wear!” Y/N complains from inside their closet, hoping her boyfriend can hear her through the bathroom door.
“That cannot be true,” she can hear the amusement coupled with a light mix of exasperation in his tone.
“What did they tell you the dress code was?” Y/N calls as she continues to flip through the clothes hanging in front of her.
“Misha said, and I quote, ‘dress slutty’.” Alex appears in the doorway to the closet and leans against the frame, tucking his arms across his chest. Y/N actually does a double take when she sees him.
“I see you took that advice literally,” she eyes him, gaze dragging across his body and catching against each new feature she notices like sandpaper running against the grain. Alex is dressed casually, but most definitely sluttily too. A loose and frayed wife beater hangs off his shoulders, showing off his waist where one side is tucked into his shorts. The elastic of his boxers is sticking out over the shirt too, which is completely on purpose in a move to tease. The denim shorts are tight, torn-up, and just to the knee. Y/N has seen him wear them before, and she knows when he turns around she’ll have an amazing view of his ass.
“I’m good at following instructions,” Alex smiles, clearly pleased with himself that he’d successfully fulfilled his remit.
“So eager to please,” Y/N teases over her shoulder as she goes back to thumbing through outfit potentials. “Honestly, the fact that Misha is telling us to dress slutty and not Jared must mean dress really slutty.”
“You could just not wear anything,” Alex offers as a suggestion. “Nothing sluttier than free access.”
“In your dreams, babe.”
“How did you know?” Alex is mock horrified and you laugh along with him when he breaks character. “Still can’t decide?” and Y/N shakes her head in response. “Can I pick for you? I do have a pretty good memory of all your sluttiest outfits.”
“Hey! Who you callin’ a slut Mr. Slutty McTightShorts?” Y/N rounds on Alex, comically enraged.
“You, duh,” Alex laughs and pecks her on the cheek as he moves over to a drawer where Y/N keeps her underwear.
Alex goes straight for the lingerie, Y/N should have guessed, and he pulls out a matching set of lacy thong and longline bra, both enmeshed in patterns of criss-crossed elastic and ribbons. Then he ducks down to the bottom drawer where Y/N keeps a load of her old college clothes that she’s too sentimental to get rid of, and rummages through it, clearly looking for something specific. He finally liberates a skirt that barely has the right to be called a piece of clothing. Y/N can’t even remember why she owns that. Finally he reaches for a swingy tank made of a light gauzy material. It’s really meant to be a cover-up for the beach because of how loose and flowy it is but Y/N imagines that is Alex’s intention behind picking it – he knows it won’t stay on properly or do a single thing to hide the bra she’ll be wearing beneath it. Alex hands her the pile of clothes, again looking very pleased with himself.
“You’re really not pulling punches tonight, are ya?”
“I just want to show off how awesome my girlfriend is,” Alex shrugs.
“Yeah, you want to show off all of her, apparently,” Y/N holds up the small skirt skeptically.
“You’ll look incredible, scouts’ honour,” Alex swears, grinning.
“If we show up and the others aren’t dressed super slutty, I’m gonna maim things.”
“I won’t stop you,” Alex laughs and pushes Y/N out of the closet. “C’mon get dressed so we can go down some alcohol before the car gets here.”
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They’ve both knocked back a beer and a shot when the car pulls up and a message pops into the group chat saying they’re here. The night is close and warm outside of the air conditioning, and for that reason at least Y/N is glad to be wearing such a small amount of clothing. When the young couple slides into the car they’re greeted by Jared, Jensen, Misha, and his wife Vicki – another surprise to Y/N, as she doesn’t come out with them too often. Something about tonight must be special.
“Hey hot stuff!” Jared greets them, grinning as he eyes them both up and down. Jensen pinches him on the leg. “Behave.” Jared doesn’t let it derail his examination.
“Thanks, I know, right?” Alex jokes and ruffles his hair, throwing Jared a wink. Y/N gives him a side eye, silently imitating Jensen’s instruction of behave. Alex grabs for her hand and kisses it in a gesture of reassurance, dropping their joined hands to his lap and keeping them there. Alex is a flirt, just like Jared, but Y/N knows that he would never stray from her. At least, not unless she tells him to.
The car proceeds to drive them across town to an area of L.A. Y/N isn’t familiar with. She and Alex haven’t lived in the city very long, so it’s not like she’s expecting to know every inch of its nightlife scene but this place seems much more out of the way than she was expecting them to be going. The streets they’re trundling down are dark, not bright and shining with neon and glittering lights like so much of downtown tends to be. The occasional person or couple is walking along the sidewalk, but overall it’s deserted by city standards.
“Where are we going again?” Y/N pipes up from her seat, looking out the window and spotting another couple in dark coats holding hands as they amble down the side street.
“We’re almost there,” Vicki smiles reassuringly at Y/N, then turns to Jensen. “Tom texted to let me know he’s set aside a table upstairs for us, so everyone can just watch or they can join in, whatever you want.”
“Who’s Tom?” Y/N asks curiously, she hasn’t heard the name before.
“He’s our boyfriend,” Misha answers matter of factly, like he’s trying not to betray any emotion around the statement until he can judge Y/N and Alex’s reactions to that news. Y/N can’t pretend she isn’t surprised, but the more she thinks about it the more she realises that Misha is always quite private about his and Vicki’s relationship – this must be why.
“Oh, cool dude,” Alex laughs, giving an approving nod, almost like he’s impressed with Misha’s nonconformity. Y/N smiles. Alex always loves finding out about what people have going on ‘outside the box’, it helps him come out of his own shell just a little bit more every time.
“Can’t wait to meet him,” Y/N chimes in, just to quiet the small hint of wariness she can see playing behind Misha’s eyes. He relaxes visibly and smiles, much more his carefree and goofy self in that instant.
“Oh, s’that it?” Jared points out the window to a dim neon sign and a small group of people sitting on benches and little round tables, smoking. The block letters shine against the rough brickwork of the building they’re mounted on, grey and sophisticated, unlike all the garish colours Y/N would usually expect from a nightclub.
Femme Fatale.
Y/N hadn’t known what to expect when they got inside but she never would have expected what she’s witnessing now. Femme Fatale is a swingers club. Not just that, it’s a BDSM swingers club.
How had they known? Y/N wonders. She and Alex don’t usually make a habit of discussing that aspect of their relationship with other people. Especially since Alex is still pretty new to being a Sub. He had toyed with the idea of being a Dom in a previous relationship, and technically he labels himself as a Switch when people ask, but he once he had told Y/N that since he met her she brings out a part of himself he hadn’t really connected with properly before, and he loves it.
His eyes are wide now, blown out with obvious lust as Y/N watches him watch his surroundings. Jared is the same, and Jensen is watching him just as intently as Y/N is watching Alex. With how they act, Y/N always suspected that Jensen and Jared were in a Dom/Sub relationship, and she was quietly smug that she had been right. Misha and Vicki had left the party at their table on the exposed balcony as soon as their boyfriend Tom, who Y/N now understands is the manager of this club, had shown them in and sat them down. Now, Y/N knows what Vicki had meant in the car about them just being able to watch if that’s what they wanted to do, instead of joining in. Misha and Vicki have clearly opted to join in, and Y/N can’t see where they went off to, lost in the heaving crowd of people below them.
So far, she’s enjoying watching, and Alex clearly is too. His slutty shorts are doing nothing to hide the semi he’d popped almost the second they walked in. It isn’t so much her thing, but Y/N knows Alex has an exhibitionist streak, and she can easily imagine what must be running through his mind right now. Being out in the middle of everything, shown off, performing. And Y/N thinks she might like showing him off, showing everyone what a good little boy he can be for his Mistress, showing everyone how much control she has over him. How much he wants to do everything she asks of him, to please her.
“Jared,” Y/N looks away from Alex when Jensen speaks, and Alex looks up from the ground floor where he had been watching some of the people on display. “Do you want to go play?” Jensen asks neutrally, very carefully leaving the choice up to Jared, without betraying his own feelings on the notion.
“Can we?” Jared’s eyes light up instantly and Y/N smirks to herself. Jared and Alex are more alike than she realised.
“Yeah, c’mon baby boy,” Jensen smiles indulgently and holds out his hand to Jared, who takes it and follows him down the stairs to the play areas. Y/N looks back to Alex, whose eyes are glued to his cast mates’ backs.
“What about you, baby boy?” Y/N purrs, using Jared’s nickname teasingly and Alex blushes as she runs her nails up his bare arm. She’d never called him that before but it’s clear he likes it. “Do you want to go play?”
“I–” Alex breaks off, considering. “Can we just watch for a bit? See what everyone’s doing?” he asks nervously.
“Of course, sweetheart,” Y/N smiles and offers Alex her hand. They make their way down the iron grate staircase into the madness that has been churning below them this whole time. It’s easy to spot Jared and Jensen, despite the crowd. They stick out above the heads of a lot of the people nearby because most of them are bent over or crouched down to some extent.
They’re at the edge of the dance floor, in a space that’s still public but is cordoned off for more… intimate play. There’s two St. Andrew’s crosses bolted on the wall, both currently occupied with girls – one wearing an assortment of leather straps with metal studs poking out of them, and one wearing absolutely nothing but the cuffs binding her to the beams. Leather couches and benches are dotted around the floorspace, all covered with partially to wholly naked occupants engaging in every variety of sexual activity Y/N can imagine. Alex looks like a kid in a candy store watching it all unfold before him.
“You can watch whoever you want, but no touching without my permission, okay?” Y/N speaks into Alex’s ear so he can hear her over the bass of the music that’s vibrating through the crowd around them.
“Yes, ma’am,” Alex salutes her cheekily and starts to move away but she grabs the neck of his shirt and hauls him back, looking him sternly in the eye.
“Do you want to try that again with a little respect, baby?” Alex drops his eyes and looks penitent.
“Yes, Mistress.” He gives her a weak smile, asking for forgiveness, and Y/N decides to let him off this time.
“Good boy,” she leans up and kisses his forehead before giving him a swift pat on the backside. “Have fun, I’m going to grab a drink,” Y/N points to one of the bars lining the far side of the play area. “Find me that way if you want me, okay baby?”
“Yes, Mistress,” Alex nods meekly, giving Y/N a small kiss before he ducks into the crowd towards a group of spectators all watching a girl tied to a bench getting teased by her Domme and a flogger. Typical, Y/N smiles to herself and makes her way to the bar to order a glass of wine.
Wine in hand, Y/N spins on her heel and looks around the room. Alex is still where she left him and a few groups over she spots Jensen, his back to her, watching something else she can’t quite make out between everyone’s bodies. Jared doesn’t appear to be anywhere though. Y/N decides to have a look at whatever Jensen’s observing, curious what’s got him so stoically still. There’s a lot going on around him but it becomes instantly clear which performer Jensen’s watching when Y/N approaches and peeks over his shoulder.
Jared is on his hands and knees, in amongst a crowd of people. There’s a sort of black leather platform that he’s perched on, so they’re elevated from the floor. It puts Jared’s mouth at the perfect height to reach people’s waists, which he’s currently putting to good use by swapping between two men with their cocks standing out stiff from their jeans. Jensen is watching closely, smirking at the crowd all raptly watching his boyfriend. When Jared takes the man with the bigger cock so deep that his nose is pressed to the man’s stomach, Y/N can’t help but laugh.
“I see why you like him so much,” Y/N bumps her shoulder against Jensen and he jumps, looking down at her and grinning when his brain catches up to her comment.
“Yeah he’s good with his mouth,” Jensen agrees, smiling proudly.
“Nice of you to loan him out.”
“I like to think I’m generous,” Jensen shrugs. “But not too generous,” Jensen catches the arm of a man trying to round the platform to get to Jared’s ass instead of his mouth. “Sorry man, no guys back there.”
“Oops, sorry dude,” the guy backs off quickly, and Y/N is impressed by how respectful the whole exchange is.
“Is that Jensen only territory?” Y/N questions, wiggling her brow.
“Yeah I don’t like other guys fuckin’ him,” Jensen explains. “But I like girls pegging him, it’s fun to humiliate him like that.” Just then Y/N spots a small woman climbing into a strap on with the help of her partner, who drops to her knees to suck on the dildo a little before covering it in lube from the bottle on the ground by the platform.
“No kidding,” Y/N whistles lowly, in awe as she watches the girl push the black silicone inside Jared, inch by inch. The way his hole is pulsing around the intrusion is almost hypnotic. She tries to picture what Alex would look like, on his hands and knees amongst all these people, everyone watching him get split open by some little girl with a big dick… everyone seeing him loving it, like Jared clearly is.
Y/N hears Jensen laugh beside her and she jumps a little, clearing her throat in embarrassment at being caught out staring at Jared’s asshole so blatantly.
“Sorry,” she clears her throat again and takes a sip of wine to hide behind her glass.
“It’s okay,” Jensen laughs again. “I wouldn’t let him do this if I didn’t want people to watch him.”
“Good point,” Y/N acknowledges, feeling a little better. “And um, out of curiosity,” Y/N pauses, trying to frame her question politely. “How did you get Jared to agree to the pegging?” Jensen raises an eyebrow at Y/N curiously. “You know, one Domme to another,” Y/N elaborates, so Jensen doesn’t think she’s trying to ask if she can peg Jared. That’s the furthest thing from her mind right now.
“No kidding?” Jensen chuckles, clearly impressed. “Well, I don’t know what you and Alex get up to normally, but it wasn’t too much of a stretch for Jared. He gets off on humiliation and I get off on humiliating him, and this fits that bill for both of us.” At that comment, Jensen looks back to Jared and smirks before reaching down to adjust himself subtly, and Y/N laughs. “What about it is calling to you?” Jensen asks, and Y/N has to pause to consider that before she can hit on the answer.
“It’s the one part of Alex I don’t think anyone’s touched. I mean he’s never mentioned it if he has done it before but I don’t think he has. The idea of marking him like that, of having something no one else can have from him…” Y/N trails off, letting her thoughts spiral as she feels the space between her legs heat up. When she adjusts her stance, she feels the slick brush of wet panties against her skin. Yes, she loves that idea. The thought of taking that last first, touching a part of Alex that no one else has touched. Being literally inside of him. Fucking him into submission would take on a whole new meaning.
“Yeah, that’s hot,” Jensen agrees and Y/N smiles dreamily. Now she just needs to figure out how to bring it up to Alex. “Hey,” Jensen taps her on the shoulder and points over Jared to the other side of the crowd, “you might not have to do as much convincing as you think.”
Standing across from them, Jared still on his hands and knees between them being fucked at both ends, is Alex. His eyes are fixed steadily on Jared, the rest of the world a mere blur around him and the object of his focus. His pupils are huge, in part due to the dark of the club but Y/N knows it’s also to do with desire. She watches his eyes dart back and forth and realises that he’s not just watching Jared, he’s watching the dildo that’s steadily fucking in and out of Jared’s ass, following its movements closely. He licks his lips and Y/N smiles. Jensen is right, she’s not going to have to convince him at all. He already wants this.
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Part 2 - read ahead on WordPress here
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deanwasalwaysbi · 3 years
Thinking About How This Wasn't Actually a Denial
But was it self preservation?
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The year was 2013 and rather than a denial, Jensen said "Don't ruin it for everybody now."
What was the fan 'ruining' for everybody? The Con? or something else? So if I was a tinhatter - and sometimes I am - I might think about other tv shows from the past that were covertly queer and how they handled the question, were TV shows 'out'?
Mainstream shows like Bewitched, you know, shows that are so clearly straight, you can tell because... well. ... they never technically used the word 'gay'. ... witches honor
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SPN Film Studies is Back in Session! Join Under the Cut for more on supernatural & the story about how Bewitched! came out of the Broom Closet
Bewitched aired from 1964-72, it's so old the first season was in B&W. The show starred Elizabeth Montgomery as Samantha, the strange housewife with a stranger secret. Her husband, Darrin, unwittingly married into the whole witchy family, from the now drag icon Agnes Moorehead's Endora with her open marriage, to the unmarried and batty Aunt Clara (Marion Lorne who played the mother in Hitchcock's heavily gay coded 'Strangers on a Train'), to the extremely coded Uncle Arthur (gay actor Paul Lynde). (We can't know for sure, but it seems at least 4 members of the cast were gay themselves.) The core premise of the show involves Samantha balancing who she really is with repressing that self for the safety and comfort of her family.
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Samantha and her husband keep her [ahem] 'queer' nature a secret which gets harder on Samantha when she has to tell her daughter to live the same way, “I know what fun it is to be a part of the magical life ... to have so much at your fingertips. But we’re living in a world that’s just not ready for people like us, and I’m afraid they may never be. So you’re going to have to learn when you can use your witchcraft and when you can’t.”
There are plenty of generic 60s wacky hijinks but there are also whole episodes metaphorically about repression being harmful, episodes where characters asked if another was a 'thespian', episodes where Darrin was queercoded while under a spell, episodes about representation & bad stereotyping in media, and even two episodes where witches discussed whether it was time for witches to come out to the mortals, (whether mortals could accept that they were just nice normal people trying to live their lives like everybody else - or not - and would just freak out and kill them again).
When it came time to recast Dick York's Darrin with a new 2nd lead, Elizabeth and her husband, William Asher, knowingly cast the gay Dick Sergeant. (Although he wasn't out publicly at the time.) Then, when Sergeant came out in '91, Montgomery supported him and the two served together as the grand marshals of the Hollywood pride parade.
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Dick Sargent expressed in the 90s what he would want in a Bewitched reunion episode: for Darrin to meet another like couple, a witch and a mortal who are married, and another, and another, and end up forming a whole community and support group, finding out that it was never so uncommon after all, that it was actually "about 10% of the population." The two would march in the first mortals and witches pride parade, saying they should have come out years ago.
In '94, Montgomery had this to say about the queer themes of the show, “Don't think that didn't enter our minds at the time. We talked about it on the set, that this was about people not being allowed to be what they really are. If you think about it, Bewitched is about repression in general and all the frustration and trouble it can cause. It was a neat message to get across to people at that time in a subtle way.” (x)
Interviewer: Are you concerned that your involvement in the gay-pride parade will lead people to believe you're a lesbian?
"[Laughing] I'm really not worried about that. There are bigger things to worry about. Like the presidential election and finding a cure for AIDS. I did the parade in support of Dick. I mean, in the end, didn't we all?" (x) (Montgomery was also one of the first celebrity allies to fight for LGBTQ rights and support HIV/AIDS-related fundraisers.)
So did they talk about it at the time? No. You can bet they didn't speak about it publicly. What would have happened if a fan, publicly, had asked Elizabeth, William, or Dick about the show's queer allegory content? This was a time when being gay was a literal felony. They would have had to have lied or risked losing the show, their careers, and possibly subjecting themselves to violence.
Now. back to Jensen and the Schrodinger's long con:
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This was in 2013 - The same year that the Supreme Court of the United States struck down a federal ban on gay marriage. You certainly couldn't call homosexuality illegal in the US at that time. It's the same year that Dabb and Sgriccia spoke about the Aaron moment on the DVD and whether there's 'this potential for love in all places' for Dean. Of course Jensen said this about the very same scene: "But it was - you know - it was comedy. It was a comedic moment in the show and fortunately Dean gets a lot of the comedic moments in the show and it was just, you know, Ben was poking fun at the fact that - you know, how can we make this very kind of manly, heterosexual guy uncomfortable - uh -you know, or  or have him back on his heels and throw him off his game a little bit.”
I'm reminded of 2012 when Ben Edlund stepped in about a Destiel question at comic con, pretending it was some freaky thing that fans had made up even though he'd already written and directed TMWWBK, which had already aired.
Jensen: “What’s Destiel?” Ben Edlund: That’s some weird shit. Jensen: Is this something that you created, Ben? Ben: You don’t want any part of that.
Or the next year for season 9 when Jensen said “I think the whole Cas and Dean thing has gotten out of hand”  ��I don’t think there’s anything secret to their relationship even though a lot of people wish there was” EVEN THOUGH- that season we got the nightstands acknowledgement and Misha (or both of them?) was told to “play him like a jilted lover”
Or Jensen's knowing bromance smile in 2015
I think recent events (cough spn gate) have made clear that the network and many viewers were still uncomfortable with CAS being gay in 2020, deleting even familial mentions of Cas from the finale episodes once he was revealed to be not only gay but also in love with Dean. (x) (x) (x) Can you imagine then what Warner Brothers would have said to an acknowledge bisexual Dean Winchester in 2013? Granted, there was no Trump election, but legitimate, could that have been the end of the show? Or the Russian and Conservative US viewership? Is it possible that Jensen would have feared so?
Is it possible that Jensen had a more personal reason for a knee jerk defensive response?
So was Jensen covering in 2013? Well. This happened 5 years later in 2018:
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That hostile "? No." came even though Misha confirmed that he and Jensen had discussed Destiel by that point. Granted, discussing Destiel as a concept and accepting Dean being inherently bisexual are two very different things - Cas is GN after all - still, less than encouraging.
I may never get over the jumps back and forth that Jensen did. At this point I think there's no denying that a lot of SPN's queer content was on purpose, even as writers and actors were telling fans and network execs otherwise. Yet when each person involved was brought in? that question haunts me at night. I have gone off before about the timeline in my pursuit of whether Jensen was Ben Hur'd (x) and, if so, for how long. I'm sure many in this fandom have so much to add.
In the meantime we'll just have to cherish this moment from 2019:
Interviewer: 'So, tell us just a little bit about what you’re most excited to tackle with your character this final season.’ Jensen: “Cas. Just like a full football form tackle.”
Bewitched references in SPN:
2.05 - Dean: Well, it looks like he can't work his mojo just by twitching his nose, he's gotta use verbal commands.
2.20 - Dean says Barbara Eden was hotter than Elizabeth Montgomery - sigh - Dean.
7.05 - Dean thinks a husband has no idea his wife is a witch, and refers to him as Darrin. Dean also indicates he likes the first Darrin better. - (I guess I can't make a comment about how much TV Dean watched as a kid if I get all of his references and also haven't saved the world.)
14.03 - Jules refers to the witch as 'Brunhilde' - this is a minor character in bewitched but more so from mythology and likely referred to the cartoon witch from WB cartoons - the stereotypical witch that faced bugs bunny with the green skin and straw hair.
let me know if you have any to add. Stay Witchy ✌
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zayamoone-old · 4 years
TF2 Mage AU
A Team Fortress 2 AU where magic exists and I change the storyline.
Hi! I don’t post here often, so I thought I’d change that by posting something that’s been occupying my thoughts for a while: a TF2 mage AU! When I discovered that a mage AU didn’t exist (at least, not any that I could find), I just had to take it upon myself to make one of my own. So, here are all of the ideas I currently have for the AU! Note that (eventually) this will become a written story. How long that will take, I have no clue. I still need a plot (if you have any plot ideas please please let me know; I’m desperate).
Basic Premise/World Info
The premise of the AU is, obviously, that mages exist. When people reach a certain age, they are allowed to start learning a single type of magic. There are many different magic types, ranging from elemental magic to dark magic. When a mage reaches a certain skill level, they are given a Familiar. They do not get to pick their Familiar- their Familiar picks them. They then keep their Familiar as a pet. The Familiar’s state of health, life span, and mood are synced with their owners (so for example, when their owner is sick the Familiar is sick, when the owner is sad the Familiar is sad, when the owner dies the Familiar dies, etc.). There are some people who choose not to take up a type of magic. These people are creatively referred to as Nomages, and in some cultures are looked down upon (though the same could be said about Mages).
Some things to clear up about the altered side of the AU are 1) The BLU team does not exist; I never saw a need for the two teams, and having them both just leads to basic and generally overused plot lines, 2) Australium doesn’t exist!! No immortality crap, 3) Gray Mann is the younger brother of Redmond and Blutarch (Red and Blu are still twins) and does not have a ridiculous story of him being able to talk since birth and being raised by eagles and whatnot, and 4) Saxton Hale is not very important to the plot. In fact, he’s actually dead in this AU. I wasn’t going to include him at all because I don’t like him and I couldn’t figure out how to fit him in, but a friend of mine actually had a cool idea for him being dead that I’ll elaborate on later.
Anyways, with all that out of the way, it’s time to introduce the characters!
Characters (headcanons and other details will be saved for asks)
Offense Classes (Elemental Mages)
Name: Jeremy Andrews
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
POB: Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Age: 27
Magic Type: Wind
Uses his magic to move faster, jump higher, and knock back enemies. I’d imagine he’d also use it to propel himself past or over enemies to land in front of or on top of them.
Decided to learn wind magic for basically the canon reason: he wanted to get the upper hand in fights, and also wanted to manage to beat his brothers to fights. So, instead of Speed magic, he decided to take up Wind magic since not only did it make him faster, but it is a great tool for fighting.
Name: Jane Doe
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Pansexual, he really has no preference
POB: Minneapolis, Missouri, USA
Age: 50
Magic Type: Earth
Uses his magic to reach high places and throw literal boulders at people; basically a replacement for his RPG.
Took up earth magic to thereotically assist him in WWII (because if he’s a mage, they’d have to accept him, right?). He also found being able to throw destructive boulders to be incredibly helpful in any fight.
Name: ???
Gender: Nobody knows, everybody just refers to them as a they or an it.
Sexuality: Aromantic asexual
POB: ???
Age: ???
Magic Type: Fire
Idk what to tell you man they just really like fire.
Doesn’t have the optical mask; they see everything as it really is, but their behavior towards fire and death and destruction remains the same. They still like unicorns and rainbows.
Defense Classes (Trait Mages)
Name: Dell Conagher
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Mostly straight, but he leans both ways. Ultimately, he doesn’t care much about relationships.
POB: Bee Cave, Texas, USA
Age: 43
Magic Type: N/A (Nomage)
Doesn’t see a need to learn magic, he already has enough skill in the engineering field.
Was mainly hired because his family worked for the Admin’s family for decades. And also because, y’know, he’s one of the smartest people on the planet.
Name: Mikhail 'Misha' Morozov
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
POB: Dzhugdzhur Mountains, Khabarovsk Krai, USSR
Age: 57
Magic Type: Strength
Uses his magic to make himself inhumanly strong whenever he so chooses. This means he can switch from oh so gentle to strong enough to crush bone in seconds.
Took up Strength magic after he escaped the gulag to better protect his family, should the need arise.
Name: Tavish DeGroot
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
POB: Ullapool, Scotland
Age: 49
Magic Type: Leaping
His magic basically just lets him jump really high (higher than Scout can go with his magic). This lets him shoot/throw grenades/bombs from more effective and destructive distances.
Mostly took up Leaping magic just to get his mom off his back about him learning magic. His father was a Leaping Mage, so Demo simply followed in his footsteps.
Support Classes (Arcane Mages)
Name: Dr. Ludwig Humboldt
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Gay
POB: Stuttgart, Germany
Age: 45
Magic Type: Necromancy
Familiar: Archimedes - Dove
Uses his magic to revive people, heal people, and communicate with the dead.
Took up the controversial art of necromancy to aid in his job. This eventually cost him his medical license.
Ngl I'm super excited to write Necromancer Medic I'm really happy with this concept help
Name: Mick Mundy
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
POB: Whyalla, Australia
Age: 28
Magic Type: Shadow
Familiar: Hunter - Australian Shepard
Uses his magic to teleport into and transform into shadows. This is helpful for sneaking in between watchtowers and passing people unseen.
Began learning Shadow magic before he was even a sniper. He has always been an introvert and wanted to be able to get through crowds unseen and hide from people without being found.
Despite his young age, he already has a Familiar. He's just that much of a professional.
Is actually from Australia and the Mundys are his birth parents.
Name: Eugène Baudelaire
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
POB: Bordeaux, France
Age: 46
Magic Type: Mind
Familiar: Jacques - Birman
Uses his magic to read minds, bend wills, and use telepathy. These abilities all have some limits, but they are incredibly useful nonetheless.
Always enjoyed being sneaky and deceitful as a child, and as he got older he started learning Mind magic. This combined with his cunning nature and Dell's cloaking technology makes him one of the most stealthy and dangerous men in existence.
Although he denies it, he loves Jacques more than anything or anybody else. He'll often let the cat curl up on his lap while he's reading a magazine in his smoking room.
Other Characters
The Administrator
Name: Helen Callaway
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Aromantic asexual. People are horrid.
POB: Bristol, UK
Age: 56
Magic Type: N/A (Nomage)
Runs Team Fortress and uses them for her own needs.
A family friend of the Manns who took over TF after all the Mann brothers were m y s t e r i o u s l y murdered.
Miss Pauling
Name: Allison Pauling
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Closeted lesbian
POB: Like. America or something. (Madison, Wisconsin for now idk)
Age: 31
Magic Type: N/A (Nomage)
A close friend and long-time assitant to the Admin. Eagerly helps her run TF.
Redmond Mann
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
POB: England or somewhere, idfk. The Manns are British or something right?
Age: 89
Magic Type: Fire
Before his and Blutarch's death, he ran the RED team. After his death, the remains of his team consisted of only Pyro, Engie, Demo, and Spy.
Never used his magic. They only reason he learned Fire magic was to try to get the upper hand on his twin.
Blutarch Mann
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
POB: Ditto
Age: 89
Magic Type: Ice
Ran the BLU team before he died and the two teams were merged. After his death, his team consisted of only Scout, Soldier, Heavy, Medic, and Sniper. Since he had more people on his team at the end, he counts this as a win for him.
Also never used his magic. Learned Ice magic also to try to get the upper hand as his brother. Their magic types basically cancelled each other out, so this was not helpful in the slightest.
Gray Mann
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight, but couldn't care less
POB: Ditto
Age: 84
Magic Type: Shadow
Familiar: Delta - Bald Eagle
After he murdered his older brothers, he took over TF Industries and merged RED and BLU to create Team Fortress.
Took up Shadow magic in preparation for the day he would get what he wanted. It also comes in handy for literally anything illegal.
Saxton Hale
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
POB: A U S T R A L I A .
Age: 37
Magic Type: Strength
Ran TF Industries in its early days alongside the Mann twins before he died.
Learned Strength magic to better wrestle animals. That's it.
Idolized by literally only Soldier. Everybody else is like "Yeah no that guy was an idiot."
Wow. That was a lot to write, and I did it all in one sitting. It is late. I am losing the ability to comprehend any thoughts.
So anyways, I'd love to hear your guys' thoughts on this!! It's a heavy WIP, so I'd appreciate feedback and suggestions ;) Also, please feel free to submit asks about the AU!! It'd help a lot with its development! Also, plot ideas would be MUCH appreciated. Literally the only thing that ever prevents me from writing is my inability to come up with a plot. So if you have literally ANY ideas, please do submit them via an ask! I'd love to hear them, no matter how stupid you think they may be!
That's all for now! I'll post writing and art for the AU whenever I get around to that. Stay tuned, and please do send me your thoughts! I'll see you all later ✨
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wayward-mikaelson · 4 years
The Run In
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Word Count: 4692
Pairing: Misha x Reader 
Characters: Reader, Misha, Diego (OG Character), Xander (OG Character), Divorce Lawyer, Police Receptionist, George (OG Character), Female Officer, and Male Officer
Summary: The Reader gets away from her abusive husband. After bumping into a stranger, the Reader forms a friendship with him which the Readers soon-to-be ex-Husband finds out about. 
Disclaimer: Language, Angst, Fluff, Mentions of Domestic Violence, Mentions of degradation, Blood, Implied Smut
Disclaimer 2: This work of fiction contains Domestic Violence. If you have been a victim of DV please read at your own discretion. If you are in a DV situation please call 1-800-799-7233, of you’re unable to speak safely, you can log onto thehotline.org or text LOVEIS to 22522. YOU ARE NOT ALONE. If you are in an emergency, call 911. There are also DV/IPV programs and shelters in your area who can help you. 
Disclaimer 3: Any of the shorts that are hot and steamy, I want to put out there that it's in no way disrespectful towards Vicki at all. I love her to death and respect that marriage between her and Misha. So when reading those shorts, know that it all takes place in an alternate world where they aren't married at all.
A/N: Sorry this is late. I have been hitting some sort of writing block. I have the words in my head but for some reason I can’t get them out. 
A/N 2: Tag your anyone who loves Misha! 
*18+ Content. Anyone younger than 18 will need to move along. I do not want to risk my account being deleted. 
**Please DO NOT copy and paste my work anywhere WITHOUT my permission and WITHOUT giving me the proper credit. I work way too hard on my work and don’t want it to get stolen.
***This work is also posted on Instagram, Wattpad, and AO3. Go show it some love over there.
****Please follow me on my other accounts Instagram, Wattpad, Twitter, and AO3
*****DMs are CLOSED for REQUESTS. I gotta finish up my other two projects. 
Forever Tags: @donnaintx​ @myinconnelly1​ @magssteenkamp​ @elansaidaris​ @hobby27​ @440mxs-wife​ 
I sit alone in the apartment, huddled on the couch. The fight had been bad this time. I mean, all fights with Diego were bad but, this one in particular had been pretty bad. I look around the trashed apartment and try not to replay the events that took place almost an hour before. The television was busted, a couple chairs had been thrown over, the mirror my mother had salvaged and repurposed for me was destroyed, glass was everywhere, and my grandmothers clock she passed down to me was busted up.
I don't know how I got here.
I don't know how I let it get so bad.
I slowly get up off the couch and watch my step all the way to the bathroom. I flip the light on and there, glowing bright red, on my face is the handprint of my husband. The throwing of things has been going on for a couple years. Hitting is new and Diego never hit me until recently. I should have left him months ago. Maybe even years ago.
After that first hit.
It was after a Christmas party at his office. We got into a fight about me talking to his co workers and about the dress I wore. He said he had been embarrassed by it all. I'm the stand you ground type of woman who snaps back. The moment I had snapped back, was the moment Diego hit me. Diego has been surprised so he left for the evening. I should have just packed and left. I didn't, I waited an apology that never really came and when it did, I knew he didn't mean it.
Tonight, it was about the fact I went out with a few friends and forgot about dinner for Diego. When I came home with take out, he lost it. Called me every name in the book. Threw things and hit me and left.
I slowly touch the already welting mark. I suck in a sharp breath when my cool hand touches the raw skin. It stings so bad that even my tears make it sting. I look at myself again in the mirror. "How pathetic," I whisper to myself. "How pathetic of you to have stayed this long over a boy that can't handle his anger. That's going to change."
I walk out of the bathroom to the room Diego and I share together. I head straight towards the closet and pull out a duffle back and begin to fill with the important things. Clothes. Some shoes. Bathroom and shower necessities. I swap out purses, leaving both my car keys and phone in my old one. I can't risk having Diego try looking for me. I log into my bank account and change every security question and answer. I close my eyes. I never thought I would need to do this yet here I am.
I look around the apartment one last time. My eyes land on the photo from our wedding day. I grab it and rip the picture from the frame. I take a lighter and set it ablaze in the kitchen sink with a few other photos. Taking a deep breath, I finally make my exist from the apartment.
I walk to the nearest bus stop and wait for the bus to show up. Even in the dark it's difficult to hide my swollen face from the world. So I keep it down and tucked behind the collar of my coat. When the bus finally shows up, I get on it and pay my fair. I go sit in the back and ride it all the way to where I need to get off. The ride is quiet. A few people stare at me when they catch sight of my face. I turn away from them and keep my face hidden away. I stare at my bags and think, this is all I have now. A few clothes, money, these bags, a few personal items, etc.
The bus stops and I quickly grab my bags and get off. I turn this way and that looking for the building I need to go into. I spot it, It's hidden behind some trees and another bus stop across the street. I make my way across the street and into the police station.
There is a lady sitting at the front desk. It looks like she's packing up to go home. She gives me a friendly smile and sets her bag aside.
"What can I do for you?" She asks. I see her zero in on the mark on my face and the look in her eyes looks like she's about to cry. "I think I know what papers you need." She turns and leaves the area and returns with a few papers in her hands. She slowly hands me the papers and a pen. "Do you need a safe place to fill these out? Theres a room I can take you to."
I nod, I want to cover as much of my trail and steps as I can. Diego is a smart man. He will soon learn I left him and will soon come looking for me. The lady walks me to a room with a table. She tells me that she won't close the door because some people in my situation get triggered. She walks to the officer that is sitting at a desk across the way and tells him something while pointing to me. The officer looks at me and then nods to the woman.
I look down at the Order of Protection and Restraining Order papers and take a deep breath. When I start to fill the paper out, I notice that I am still wearing my wedding ring and band. I take them off and set them in my bag. As I finish my paper work, I slowly get up and walk out of the room. The officer sees me and slowly approaches me.
"I can take care of this for you," He says reaching for the paper. "Now how about we get some ice for that mark and have a look to make sure it isn't more than raw skin." The officer sits me down and leaves. When he comes back he has a small ice pack and places it on my face. The cool pack feels so nice.
"I have a question," I say as the officer pulls out a first aid box and starts to look at my face.
"Yeah?" he responds.
"Is there a way to put in your system that I am not a missing person but on the run from my husband?" I flinch when the officer wipes my face with the alcohol wipe.
"Sorry," He starts to apply an antibiotic to my face. "If or when your husband comes to us looking for you, our system will actually show that these orders are on him. What will happen is that they will take your information and tell him he has two days until you are declared missing. In that time frame he would have been served with the restraining order." The officer puts a large band aid over my face.
"Good," I say.
"How long?" the officer asks.
"Long enough to finally say fuck it and leave his ass."
A few days pass. I'm staying at a hotel and paying by the day. I purchased a brand new phone and got a new number. I called my parents and told them what was going on. They were mad and sadden by the situation but are happy that I got out when could. I got word from my officer friend that the restraining order was delivered but he said that Diego didn't look happy.
A week passes and I am still staying at the hotel. Not many apartments won't rent to me until I'm legally separated from Diego. I meet with a lawyer to have divorce papers drawn up and served to him but according to her, once the papers were signed, it would take a few months for them to be filed.
"Now all we need to do is get you two in here to sing these?" the lady says.
"About that," I fold my hands. "I have a protection order and restraining order on him."
The lawyer nodded her head. "I see. Well, I will have someone deliver to him and see if he will sign them. Just be prepared," She reaches for my hand and takes it in hers. "Some men like him, they will stall this as much as they can to get you to meet in person."
I nod. "I understand, in that case, if I have to meet him, I will have someone I trust with me."
As predicted, a week later, the lawyer calls me ups and tells me that Diego refuses to sign. Says I'm having a mental breakdown and needs to just come home so we can work it out. The lawyer also mentions that Diego had said that I'm lying about him throwing things that it's all me and that he only hit me in self defense because according to him, I slapped him before he slapped me.
I sit back in my hotel room in hot anger. I can feel the steam of my anger coming off my skin. I'm angry he won't sign the papers. I'm angry he started to make up shit about me. But jokes on him, I kept a private album on my iCloud of all the times he hit me. It my friends idea, she encouraged me to document it all somewhere where he doesn't know the password to. She passed away about a year ago from getting hit by a drunk driver.
"I'm going to need a printer," I say looking at the countless pictures of abuse.
The next day I go out and purchase a decently priced printer. And a decent laptop since everything was on my phone. As i'm walking down the street back to my hotel, with my things, I find myself falling onto hands and knees. The printer box rolled a few feet from me. I hope it isn't damaged, I think slowly sitting back on my knees and just staring at it.
"Oh my goodness," a voice says. "I am so sorry."
I look up to see a man with a ragged hair, black sunglasses, a black t-shirt with a jean jacket over it, and dark skinny jeans reaching down to help me up to my feet. I take his hand and slowly get to my feet. I notice the scruff framing the rest of his face. The sun shines perfectly behind him and I can't help but feel drawn to him.
"I should have watched where I was going and make sure there wasn't a beautiful woman carrying a large object," the man says turning to pick up my printer. "Doesn't look damaged from the outside."
I smile and feel my face burning. I'm sure it's bright red. "It's okay, I should have called an Uber instead of walking three blocks. I'm sorry about your coffee." I gesture to the fallen cup and spilled contents on the sidewalk. "Let me buy a new one."
The man laughs and waves a free hand. "No need to waste your money on my accident."
"What can I do?" I ask after I made sure my laptop box was fine.
"How about you let me help you with this so another person doesn't run into you?"
Taking a deep breath, I accept the strangers offer.  We walk the last block talking about the city. When we get to the hotel, this man offers to carry the printer all the way up to the room. Didn't even question if I was living there.
"Thank you for doing this," I tell him as he sets the box on the small table.
"Anything," he smiles. "And when you are ready to search for apartments I know of a few good ones."
I give a small smile. I guess it's obvious that I was living in the hotel. "Thanks," I watch as he walks himself to the door. "I did never get your name." I call after him.
"Misha," he smiles. "Collins."
A month goes by and I am no longer looking like a crazy person after submitting all my pictures to my lawyer. Still Diego refuses to sign the papers unless he can meet with me alone. Of course I say "fuck no."
"If you want to be rid of him forever, then you have to compromise," my lawyer tells me.So I makes plans for the inevitable. But I have my officer buddy tagging along with me to the meeting.
I stare at the divorce papers and I am praying Diego will sign them at our meeting. But I doubt it. Ever since I left him, I started to see the red flags. Even friends that I still have and that haven't been manipulated by Diego, have told me they saw the way he treated me and spoke to me.
I need fresh air.
I get out of the hotel and walk to the the nearest park. It has a lake right in the middle of it. I rest my arms on the railing and then drop my head on my arms. This is more stressful than when I planned a wedding with Diego. I'm closing a door on almost seven years of marriage.
Diego was never like this. Even when we dated for five years. He was always so sweet, so kind, understanding, etc. He would buy me flowers for no reason. My apartment would be covered in them and I would tell him that I would donate some to nursing homes just to make room. I don't know what snapped in Diego to make him the way he was now.
Sighing I look up and stare at the lake. There is a small flock of ducks swimming passed me. Their color feathers shine in the afternoon. It puts a smile on my face. Something that is hard for me to do lately with everything going on.
"I was wondering when that smile would come," a familiar voice makes me turn to my left. There, a few feet away from me, Misha stands. I haven't seen or spoken to him since he left my hotel after giving me his number.
A number I never called or texted.
I had too google him to see if I could find anything on him. Well, I found a crap ton on him. An actor who did a crap ton of good. He is loved by millions.
"How long have you been standing there?" I ask. Another smile creeping onto my face.
"Not long," he says walking closer to me. "Just long enough to see that frown turn upside down." He gives a small smile. "Are you still at that hotel?"
I chuckle. "I am, I haven't had the time to look at apartments. I've been preoccupied trying to get my soon to be ex-husband to sign divorce papers."
Misha leans up on the railing along side me and looks at the ducks. "Maybe he's holding out to want to try and work things out with you?"
I laugh. "No, he's abusive and isn't having it with me being in control of myself now. The night I left him, it was really bad. It took a while for the mark he left on me to go away. Then he tried to convince my lawyer that I was having a mental breakdown."
"I'm sorry," Misha pulls back from the railing and pulls out his wallet and shows me a penny. "Here's to him signing the papers so you can officially be free of him." He tosses the penny into the water. "Are you doing anything, tomorrow?" He asks.
"Besides meeting Diego to get him to sign papers? No." I answer twiddling my thumbs.
"How about after you meet with him, I take you to look at apartments?" He leans towards me with a smile. "I can get you a really good deal. I'll even drive, so we don't have to walk."
"He's late," Xander says stirring his now cold coffee. Xander is the officer that helped me the night after  I left Diego. Xander was also the one who helped set me up at the hotel I'm staying at. Xander's wife, was a domestic violence victim and he was the officer that pulled his ex husband off her. They didn't get hook up until a year later when they ran into each other. They have been married for almost ten years with two kids.
"Just give it a few minutes," I say contemplating buying another coffee eying the divorce papers on the table.
Five minutes later, Diego waltz into the Starbucks and spots us. A smile spreads across his face when he sees me. Then it instantly fades when he sees Xander. He crosses the little shop in a few short strides. His black shoes squeaking from the rain outside.
"So," he sits down and crosses his arms. "Is this who you left me for? Some wanna a be body builder."
Xander smirks. "No, I'm actually a police officer. Since YN here has a few orders drawn up on you it's best that she have the right protection. Even in a public place." I notice that as Xander leans over he has his badge in his hands.
Diego looks over to me. "Can' you stop being so dramatic about this? So that we can just do this alone"
"Not ever going to happen," I say firmly. "And I'm not dramatic. Not about you hitting me."
The look in Diego's eye's grows dark but he puts on a fake smile. "I would never hurt you," He looks around as a few people over heard what I said. "I can't believe you're still on that."
"Look," Xander leans back and pushes the papers towards Diego. "All YN needs you to do is sign these. This game you're trying to play, just keeps hurting her."
Diego stares at Xander. "I don't think I will." He pushes the papers back and starts to get up. "Until next time."
"You're just going string this along aren't you?" I stood up so fast that Xander's coffee spilled. "I don't want to be married to you anymore. I stopped wanting that when you threw the first book and kicked a hole in the wall. I stopped when you hit me. I just let it go on for so long that I forgot how to not walk on eggshells. You don't own me. I don't love you. So sign the fucking papers."
Diego stares at me. I hadn't realized, but I pretty much yelled. I gather my bag and make my way out. Xander follows me.
"Hey," He hands me the papers. "Do you need me tot drive you back?"
"No, a friend is picking me up," I pull my phone out and text Misha. "He should be meeting me in a few minutes. He's taking me to look at apartments."
Another month goes by and I'm moved into my new apartment. All thanks to Misha and his ways of persuasion. I got the first six months half off. It was a nice little one bedroom apartment with a little den. Misha even convinced me to let him buy the furniture sets I had my eye one in a catalog.
"I'm just use to working hard for stuff like this," I say when the last of the movers move the stuff in. "I literally don't know how to thank you. Even just saying 'thank you' doesn't seem to be enough."
Misha laughs. The laugh takes up his entire body. "Just a simple thank you would be enough. Unless you want me to come up with a way to convince you to let me take you out to dinner. As friends of course."
I feel my cheeks start to burn. This dude is smooth. "Okay, dinner, as friends, it is."
Misha smiles big. "Awesome, now lets get this place looking as good as you."
For the next two days, Misha is over helping me settle down in my apartment. Whenever he leaves for food or whatnot, he always comes back with something to add to the place. I didn't even argue once.
The time I spent with Misha, he always hyped me up for stuff, he said things how it was and never ever sugar coated things, he held doors open, and gave me words of encouragement whenever I told him that Diego, again, refused to sign papers over.
Diego not signing papers was frustrating. The more time I spent with or talking to Misha, the more my feelings for him grew. But I was still tied to the asshole of a man who knew what he was doing. He knew of my interactions with Misha, he always brought it up but I would shut it down.
"He's just using you for public gain," Diego would tell me. But I knew Misha pretty well at this point. Things I've read on Twitter about him, Misha would never use someone like that.
Each meeting I had with Diego, I started to see him for who he really was. I don't even know how I fell in love with him. He's even gotten his parents convinced that I'm a lunatic. His mom would text me calling me all sorts of names and telling me that I should be the one paying for Diegos therapy sessions. She would also tell me that she knew I was trouble when he brought me home to meet them. His father wanted me to pay back every dime he had spent on mine and Diegos wedding or he would get a lawyer involved. He would even send disturbing texts saying that he's got people watching me and that I should be be careful.
I won't lie, that scared the shit out of me.
That last one pissed Misha off. I have never seen him go off about someone before. After that text, I went out and put restraining orders on Diegos parents and Misha convinced me to have someone look after me while he was gone for his show. I agreed and my new 'bodyguard' went with me everywhere and made sure I got home safe. Misha even hired a security company to set up an alarm system at my apartment.
If I didn't know better, Misha was or has developed some kind of feelings for me.
A year after I made my escape from Diego, I finally have my own car. Paid for all on my own. So no more walking. I park my car in my apartment parking spot and pull out my phone. I see the text from Misha, it's from an hour ago. His flight is delayed and that he would see me at some point tomorrow.
"Bummer," I lay back and watch as George, the bodyguard, pull his car into the parking spot behind me. I unbuckle and get out and watch as George do the same. Before I could get a word out, I see two police cars come up and two officers run passed me.
I slowly turn around and watch them run up to my level. My heart beats fast and I follow them. George, of course follows as well. I skip the steps two at a time and watch as one officer kicks my down. I hear yelling and banging around. Suddenly, George has both his hand on my shoulder and pulling me back as an officer finally come out.
With Diego in handcuffs. His nose is bleeding and a bruise is already forming on his face.
I pull away from George and run into my apartment. There standing in the middle of the room was the other officer talking to Misha. Misha has a busted lip and small gash on the side of his head. I notice that the glass bowl that Misha got me was in pieces and the coffee table was destroyed.
Misha sees me and I rush over to him. "Oh my gosh," I take hold of his face. "Are you okay?"
"Are you the lady who lives here?" the officer asks.
"Yes, and this is my friend," I don't my eyes off Misha.
"And the gentleman we arrested?"
"That's no gentleman," my voice is hard. "That is my abusive soon-to-be ex-husband. He has a restraining order on him."
The officer puts her note pad away. "That will explain a lot. We will contact you if we need anything else." With that, the officer left.
"Everything is all good?" Georges voice makes me turn around.
"Everything is good, George," Misha says. "You can go."
After George leaves I turn back to Misha. "You said you're flight had been delayed. What happened?"
Misha leads us to the couch and we sit down. "I only said that so I can surprise you. I hadn't been here for even an hour before he broke in. He wanted to know where you were and I wouldn't tell him. I guess a neighbor called 911 due to the yelling and stuff. Officer saw my stuff and I said my friend lives here and is letting me stay with her."
I nod my head. "I'm just happy you're okay. I don't know how Diego found me."
"It doesn't matter," Misha takes my hand. "He will answer for it in court.
And Misha was right. A week after everything went down, Diego was charged with breaking and entering, assault, and basically breaking the restraining order by stalking. I sat in during the hearing with Misha. Diego's parents tried to fight the five year sentence but the Judge said that if they said anything else before court ended he would double it without parole.
A few weeks after that, I am getting dinner ready when Misha shows up. He had been showing up a lot lately. I don't mind it at all, Misha makes me feel sane and safe.
"Hey," Misha says setting his coat on the couch. "I see that new coffee table came."
"It did, thanks to you," I say pulling a second plate down. I've learned to make a bit extra whenever Misha came over. "Also, I have some good news." I point to the orange envelope on the table. Misha looks at it and then back at me.
"Did," he starts to say.
"He sign it?" I finish his question. "Yeah, he called saying he will sign it. So I dropped by and had them take the paper to him to sign. I wasn't going to see him. They brought it back all signed. I am mailing in the morning."
"That's amazing, YN," Misha comes up to me and hugs me.
"Well, let's celebrate with dinner."
After dinner, after we clean up, we are sitting on the couch. Talking about whatever came to mind. We are talking about things we are still embarrassed by when Misha takes my hand.
"YN," He says softly. "I want to tell you something."
"Sure," I put my free hand on over his.
"I...I really care about you and I am glad that it was me here and not you when Diego broke in," Mishas voice is soft still. "I honestly don't know what I would do if you were here and he hurt you. All I ever wanted was for you to be safe."
"And I am," I slowly rub his hand with my thumb.
We stare at each other for what feels like forever when Misha pulls his hands from mine and put them on my face. His eyes look search mine for permission but I lean closer to him and brush my lips over his. He closes his eyes and I feel the shiver run through his body.
His gentle grip on my face forces my face back to his where his lips wait. They're smooth and there's a lot of passion behind his kiss. My hands run up to his collar as I move closer to him. The kiss deeps and Mishas hands trail down my sides to my hips where he pulls me onto his lap. It makes it easier for my tongue to push pass his lips and into his mouth.
Without breaking the kiss and with a low growl, Misha stands up, both arms supporting me as he walks us to the bedroom. Kicking the door shut.
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impala-dreamer · 5 years
The Game
SPN FanFic
~Look, when you're stuck on set for upwards of 18 hours a day, sometimes you gotta come up with things to amuse yourself. Enter: The Game. Three handsome men, one beautiful and willing woman, endless possibilities.~
J2M x Reader (Jared x Reader, Jensen x Reader, Misha x Reader, no m/m entanglement)
2,370 Words
Warnings: NSFW! Bukkake! Circle-Jerk. Masturbation. All the cum. Um... it's just fun fluffy porn.
A/N: This gem is for my Bukkake Square for @spnkinkbingo 2019. Hope you enjoy!
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It was a little game they played sometimes, when the crew was delayed or the weather was bad; when something held up production and gave them a large gap of downtime. It was a particularly fun game, as really there were no losers, and those were always the best sorts of games.
There wasn't really a name for it, but Jared like to call it Jackson Pollack, because that's what you looked like when they were done with you. Just a ruined canvas splattered with their paint.
On this particular Friday afternoon, a freak hail storm had closed down the set for a few hours, and Jensen had beckoned you to his trailer for a round of play. Excited by the idea, you were practically dripping by the time you reached his door, and Misha met you with a smile, taking your hand to help you up the stairs.
“Hey, Y/N,” he greeted with a smile; pink lips spread wide, cheek shadowed in Castiel's scruff. Unfortunately, he had already been to wardrobe and no longer wore the costume, but his tight black t-shirt was a fine, sexy replacement for the suit.
“Great scene this morning,” you said, hitting the top step. “Very growly.”
Misha laughed and came up behind you, wrapping himself around your back. He nuzzled into the crook of your neck and growled as he nipped at your tingling flesh.
“Yeah, just like that,” you murmured mid swoon, blood already simmering.
His lips rose and pulled at your ear, sending a shiver through you that would have knocked you down had his wide hands not been locked around your front. He stroked your breast with this big thumb and your nipple popped to greet it.
“Hey now... save some for me.” Jensen appeared from the bedroom, bottle of beer dangling from his fingertips, a slick smile gracing his lips.
Misha’s grip slackened and you slipped away, swinging your hips as you walked to Jensen. “You know there’s always enough for everyone.” The blush was full in your voice as well as your cheeks and Jensen pulled you close as soon as you were within arm’s reach, wrapping one big hand around the nape of your neck to drag you forward. You looked up and gasped gently as his kiss closed your eyes. His lips were soft and wet with beer, his tongue hungry as it pressed between your lips.
He hummed and let you go, watching with dark forest colored eyes as you swayed on your feet, a little dizzy from his kiss. “Got a special treat for you today,” he teased.
You came back to Earth with a happy sigh and batted your lashes at him. “Oh, really?”
You laughed and licked your lips, catching a final hint of his beer. “I’m excited.”
Jensen coyly reached out and pinched your nipple, still hard and visible from Misha’s attention. He cocked an eyebrow and smirked. “I can see that.”
“Where’s Jared?” you asked, trying to get a move on the game before you came simply from anticipation. The ache between your legs was growing stronger with each sly smile and pass of fingers against your sensitive skin.
Jensen nodded towards the bedroom behind you. “Setting up your surprise.”
The bedroom was at the very back of the trailer and wasn’t big, but it was twice the size of yours. The double bed was made and clear of anything but a few pillows. You frowned at it, expecting to see your usual bondage kit, but turned your eyes to see Jared bent over, fiddling with something on the floor. There was about four feet of empty space between the bed and the closet, and Jared took up most of it, his sexy ass displayed in your direction beneath Sam’s dark blue jeans.
“Well, that is a nice surprise,” you laughed, tilting your head to take in the view.
Jared twisted around as he stood and gave you a grin. “That’s for later,” he joked, and then stepped aside to reveal your true present with a wave of his big hand. “That’s your surprise.”
Standing erect on the laminate floor was a large, bright purple, suction cup dildo, complete with a firm set of balls that seemed to sparkle in the light.
Jared pushed up behind you and slipped his thumbs beneath the waist of your jeans, slowly drawing them around as he bent to your ear. “You’re gonna ride it.”
“I am,” you agreed in a weak voice, breath catching as he popped the button on your pants.
“You’re gonna put on a nice show for us…”
“Uh huh…” Your head rolled back against his chest as his long fingers snuck inside your panties.
“And then we’ll see who wins you tonight.”
Two fingers spread your lips as he pressed up against your clit, and your shoulders shook against him. “Please.” Your voice was a deep whimper that drew the other men into the room.
“Already begging,” Misha noted with excitement. “This is gonna be fun…”
Jensen shut the door.
Jared drew the blinds.
Misha caught your shirt as you flung it across the small room.
“Hey, slow down,” he told you with a laugh. “Take your time.”
Jared perched on the end of the bed, long legs spread, hand on his thigh. “I said we wanted a show.” His voice was dark and sexy, and your pussy clenched at the hard tone.
Jensen leaned back against the door, his arms crossed, lip pulled tight between his teeth. His eyes were glued to your body as you slowly slid the denim from your hips, inching it down.
“Like this?” you asked coyly, flashing him a sexy pout.
He licked his lips automatically and your clit throbbed. “Just like that.”
You turned when you jeans were around your knees and bent over at the waist, giving each man the perfect view of your tiny panties. You could feel the thin cotton sneak upwards between your ass cheeks and you knew that Misha, in particular, would appreciate it. He liked to play with you like that, yanking the fabric up into your pussy, rubbing it through your slick. He was a bit more...kinky than the others, and you didn't mind one bit.
“So sexy, Y/N/N,” the angelic actor sighed.
His voice made you shiver and you shot him a wink as you stood, reaching around your back to unhook your bra. When the clasp was open, you drew an arm across your chest, covering your tits as you pulled the fabric away. Chewing your lip, you spun around to face your audience and dangled the bra between two fingers.
“Who wants it?” you asked, grinning as three sets of gorgeous eyes tried to pry behind your forearm.
Jensen clicked his teeth and you tossed the bra his way, nearly knocking him in the face with it. The silk fell at his feet and he dipped his head to look at it. “Nice. Keep going.” His eyes flipped up to yours, thick lashes framing the green, and you all but lost your train of thought as his gaze bore into you. “Now.”
Heart racing, you slowly dropped your arm and hooked both thumbs around the elastic of your panties, pausing to make sure you had their attention.
Jared’s eyes were wide and dark, staring at your newly exposed breasts. “Go on,” he said softly, bottom lip wet and bright pink as he bit down into it.
Misha whistled in admiration as you pulled your panties down, taking your time to slide them off of your legs and step out. You made sure to stay bent over a bit longer than necessary, knowing how much he liked to watch your tits swing.
“Better?” you sang, standing straight up and popping your hip. The rush was intense, every man staring at your nakedness, lust and dominance visible in their eyes. They wanted you and it made your pussy clench almost painfully.
“Much.” Jared’s voice cracked, deep and raspy. “Now why don’t you try out your new toy?”
Your stomach flipped at the idea and you slowly backed up until the huge purple cock was between your legs.
“Like this?” you asked, sinking to your knees.
Jensen pushed away from the door frame. “Might wanna get it wet first…”
Nodding in understanding, you dropped down onto all fours and slowly licked the tip of the dildo. Misha hummed, Jared shifted, and Jensen stepped closer, squinting as he watched you take the shiny silicone between your lips.
“That’s beautiful,” he grinned, turning towards Jared. “You see that? Beautiful.”
“She is,” Jared replied, big hand sliding up and down his thigh firmly. “Very nice.”
You set your hands on the floor beside the dick and went to work, bobbing up and down, doing push ups as you slicked the toy up nicely. After a final gag, you sat up, a nice line of drool strung between your lips and the tip, and looked over at Jensen innocently.
“Is that good?” you chirped, batting your eyes at him.
Jensen smacked his lips and glared. “Why don’t you go for a ride and find out?”
The dildo was warm from your mouth and slick enough to impale yourself with little trouble. It was thick but the stretch was delightful, making you moan as you lowered your cunt around it.
“Well?” Misha asked from the back.
You popped an eye open and smiled. “So good.”
“Glad you like it,” Jared said. “Now, ride it.”
You started moving, slowly rolling your hips over and over, enjoying the tightness, the full feeling of the new toy. Once you were sure it wasn’t going to move from its spot on the floor, you picked up speed, riding until your thighs began to burn.
Jensen was the first to step up, dragging the zipper on his jeans down with two thick fingers. Your eyes flew instantly to his hand as he pulled his dick free and began to jerk slowly.
“Oh, fuck,” you moaned, mouth watering as Jensen’s beautiful cock loomed so close.
“Not today, Princess,” he said, shaking his head. “You just keep doing what you’re doing.”
Misha was next, dropping his pants when he reached your side. He stood opposite Jensen and bit his tongue as he whacked off, firm stomach tensing beneath his tight tee as he watched you fuck yourself.
Jared held out the longest, simply staring quietly as your cunt swallowed the purple dick again and again. He rubbed himself through his jeans, palm open, fingers splayed, teasing until it hurt too much to keep going.
“We ready?” he asked the guys as he joined the circle, standing right in front of you and pulling out his massive cock.
Misha grunted and Jensen nodded, too intent on winning the game to answer him properly.
Jared fisted his cock and looked down over you. “Are you ready?” he asked sweetly.
Biting your lip, you looked up with pathetic eyes, your own pleasure dull against the thought of them dumping their loads on you. “Yes, Jared. Please.”
“Faster,” he ordered and you bounced with all your remaining strength, fucking yourself for their amusement.
You weren’t sure who came first, you or Misha, but there was a moment of shuddering breath and rolling eyes when your orgasm nearly knocked you off your knees and his hot spunk hit your chest. It flowed down in a sticky wave, droplets leaving the stream to dance around your nipple.
“Fuck!” He backed away, victorious and spent.
Jared’s fist was a blur, whipping up and down so quickly that you could barely see it. Your pace had slowed, but you kept riding, your pussy throbbing around the giant purple dildo.
“Right...there!” Jared grunted as he came, shooting his cum straight and true, hitting your chest and sliding down between your breasts, painting your stomach as well. He staggered backwards with a huff, chest heaving and brow sweating as he retreated.
Your legs were shaking but you kept on, one last player to go.
“Come on, Jen,” you whispered, eyes flickering up to his. He stroked his cock hard, beating away, teeth clenched, shoulders tight. “Please, Jensen…” You opened your mouth and laid out your tongue for him, begging for his cum.
“God...fuck!” He missed your tongue, but it didn’t matter. Jensen spilled onto your tits, hot and wet, making your entire body shiver.
You were covered in them, painted like the perfect canvas Jared always said you were.
He helped you up, strong hands coming to your rescue as your legs refused to work.
“Alright there?” he smiled and smoothed the hair back from your eyes.
You laughed, a little giddy and lightheaded. “Oh, yeah. Mhm. Alright is a little weak in the word things.”  
Misha chuckled as he fiddled with his giant belt buckle. “Awe, we broke her.”
“You sir,” you said, wagging a finger at him, “you’re the broken.”
“I might be broken,” he said, with a wink, “but I won.”
Jensen cleared his throat. “What? No, you didn’t.”
Misha gawked at him. “Yeah, I did. I came first. I win.”
“It’s not who comes first, ya moron,” Jensen retorted, shaking his head at Misha. “It’s who lasts longest. How many times do we have to go over this?”
“Ya know,” Misha nearly pushed you aside as he rushed to Jensen, his finger wagging just as yours had a moment ago. “When it’s you cumming first, you always win. When it’s me, forget it. You can’t just change the rules when it suits you.”
Jensen gasped and clutched imaginary pearls. “Like hell I change the rules! You never even knew the rules to begin with!”
“I helped make the rules!”
“You’re insane!”
While Misha and Jensen argued, you looked up at Jared and smiled sweetly. “Wanna take me to dinner?”
He laughed and kissed your cheek. “Go hop in the shower, babydoll,” he said, giving you a gentle shove towards the bathroom. “You’re mine tonight.” He tapped your ass with his palm as you went and you jumped, spinning to blow him a kiss.
“Guess you win!”
Jared grinned and nodded. “I always win.”
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2019 Forever Tags:
@akshi8278 @amanda-teaches @arses21434 @awesome-badass-cafeteria-sauce @because-imma-lady-assface @burningcoffeetimetravel @colagirl5 @cosicas-cuquis @cosmicfire72 @courtney-elizabeth-winchester @covered-byroses @crashdevlin @dean-winchesters-bacon @deansenwackles @deansgirl215 @deanmonandnegansbitch​   @dolphincliffs @dubuforeveralone @emilyshurley @emoryhemsworth @ericaprice2008 @eternal-elir @feelmyroarrrr @flamencodiva @focusonspn @gayspacenerd @hella-aj-the-trickers-son @herbologystudent252 @hobby27 @ilsawasanacrobat @justcallmeasmodeus​ @katymacsupernatural @lastactiontricia @maddiepants @mariekoukie6661 @meganwinchester1999 @missjenniferb @mrswhozeewhatsis @mysticmaxie @onethirstyunicorn @our-jensen-ackles-love @peridot-rose @pisces-cutie @risingphoenix761 @roonyxx @roxyspearing @sandlee44 @shadowkat-83 @spnbaby-67 @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester @spnficgirl @supernaturaldean67 @supernatural-took-me-over @thehardcoveraddict @tmiships4life @wegoddessofhell @winchesterprincessbride
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randomly-random-jen · 5 years
Uncalled For Actions (14/?)
A Girl Genius fanfic
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When Gilgamesh Holzfäller is fourteen, he’s taken on as an apprentice to Baron Wulfenbach as part of a program to produce the next generation of leaders in the Empire–a group that will hopefully get along (although most see this as wishful thinking on the Baron’s part). He’s learned a lot over the months of shadowing the Baron, but nothing has prepared him for his most challenging assignment: confronting the skeletons in his closet.  
[Part 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | Part 15 ]
Part 14
"Not taking the bait, huh?" he continued, eyes sparkling with amusement. "Aren't you just a dedicated little thing? I wonder how dedicated, though." He stood, rifling in his coat while his companions--probably the same idiots from yesterday--snickered at his side.
There was a swish of metal on metal that made all of the hairs on Violetta's arms stand up and then a dagger landed ten centimeters from her left pinky. She didn't flinch--just glared at the knife. More feet entered her field of view while interest grew in the confrontation. She was sure some people were taking bets, and she didn't like her odds at the moment.
Another knife landed with a thunk between her hands, setting off additional rounds of betting. She never hated anyone more than she hated Martellus at this moment--him and his stupid games and always trying to make Violetta look bad.
What is his problem? She very nearly gave in to the urge to blurt the question but bit her tongue instead to keep quiet.
A moment, later, a third knife dropped past her face, wedging in the ground between her thumb and forefinger on her right hand, getting the tiniest twitch in her fingers. Sweat coated her skin and dripped into her eyes, forcing her to blink to clear them. She wet her chapped lips, tasting the salt then swallowed hard.
Martellus disappeared behind her where a knife skimmed her leg, landing near her knee. Another settled near her left boot while a third suddenly appeared next to her wrist--this time drawing a trickle of blood.
"Oops," Martellus said, "did that hurt?"
Violetta called on every training exercise she normally despised to keep still and control her breathing. She wasn't too worried about Martellus right now--he wouldn't do anything to seriously injure her with all of these witnesses, but he would enjoy humiliating her which just fueled her need to show him a fool.
"Damn, I'm out of knives," Martellus called. "Anyone got a spare or three." He laughed at his own lame joke as the other kids clamored to appease his request.
Violetta focused on her reflection in the large dagger directly ahead of her and prepared for the next knife to drop, but Martellus decided to change things up. The knife he dangled before her was more of a small sword. He pressed the flat side to her forehead--the steel feeling cool to her clammy skin then slowly he slid it up then over the top of her head and across her back.
He settled it between her shoulder blades, hilt resting against her tailbone and the tip scraping her collar.
Martellus pressed his mouth to her ear--his breath hot and heavy. "You should really learn to mind your own business, Violetta."
The implied threat froze her insides, setting off panic alarms in her head.
“Let's see how still you can be," he said loud enough the crowd could hear. "That point is sitting a millimeter from your brain stem--the smallest tremor could move it which would be very, very bad for you, little dumpling."
Violetta's arms ached as she fought to keep still and the knife was heavy enough to throw her balance off--nevermind all of the blood that had been pooling in her head the last half hour. Worse than the physical pain was the edge of panic wedging into her subconscious. She had no idea how she was going to get out of this short of Martellus showing mercy which was a hell of a long shot.
Her only option was to hope she could hold out long enough that he just got bored because she knew no one was going to take her side over Martellus--not even her own brothers who were somewhere in the cavern already doing nothing.
If Tarvek were here...
But he wasn't, and she had told him she didn't need him to protect her. She almost laughed at the irony and redoubled her efforts because she didn't want Tarvek finding out about this and proving him right. It would go right to his already-fat head.
Martellus squatted down in front of her again and tapped her nose. "How you doing, Violetta? Ready to admit defeat--you just have to say the words."
Not a chance in hell, she thought but kept her jaw clamped tight. Somewhere to her right, a boy shouted then a scuffle broke out, forcing the crowd to shift away from them. Violetta watched a boot come precariously close to stepping on her fingers. She still refused to move.
"Sounds like the natives are getting restless; you could get trampled. Just say the words and you're free to go. 'Martellus, you are so much better than me in every way, and I bow to your superiority.' Of course, you'll have to actually bow, too--it's only right."
Violetta rolled her eyes--he was so full of himself, and she bowed to no one except maybe Tarvek, but she worked for him, and there would need to be circumstances.
Someone suddenly bumped her side, causing the knife to slide down her back, the point now pricking her skin. A trickle of something slid over her neck, but she couldn't tell if it was sweat or blood.
"Uh-oh," Martellus said with a laugh that made her want to punch him.
Of course, most things he said and did made her want to punch him.
"What is the meaning of this," a voice boomed, echoing around the chamber.
The other students scrambled back to their stations, giving Violetta her first clear view of things. Several kids had stayed in their positions like Violetta, but most had given up and were now trying to decide if it was worth the effort to fake it.
Next to her, Misha lifted himself back onto his hands, but Viktor just stood at attention behind her. Martellus hopped to his feet, snatching the daggers from around her as he turned to the front of the room.
Herr Delmeck strolled purposefully through the chaotic lines. "Martellus von Blitzengaard, why am I not surprised? I was under the impression you graduated from my class already, but perhaps you've realized the sad conclusion that you don't know as much as you think you do."
"I've missed you, too, sir," Martellus answered smoothly.
"Then perhaps you'd care to join us."
Martellus started to walk away, the knives nowhere to be seen. "I'd love to, Herr Delmeck, but I'm needed at the summit."
"That wasn't a request, von Blitzengaard--in formation now."
Several kids snickered as Martellus cringed then slowly turned to take up the ready position next to Violetta.
Delmeck studied them a moment before returning to the head of the room. "Maybe you can help us in our lesson today."
"Which is?" asked Martellus sounding more bored than anything.
"We're having a discussion on the merits of routine versus spontaneity in the field. Half of the class believes in following routines because it's as it always has been while the other half responds to sudden changes because that's what was demanded. What are your opinions?"
Martellus thought it over a moment. "Routines, training, dedication-" he side-eyed Violetta "-are good starting points in any engagement. It's what you know and can keep you safe by reacting without thinking but being able to change based on circumstances is how you win because real life is nothing like training--it's unpredictable.
“On the other hand, following orders just because someone yells them could get you killed--you have to learn to trust your instincts.”
"Very good, Herr von Blitzengaard," Delmeck said with a nod.
"What?" Viktor shouted, his voice cracking in his apparent anger.
"Wait," said Misha, now sitting, "you mean there's no right answer. It didn't even matter if we followed the routine or did the flip?"
Delmeck stopped in front of Misha. "Ah, but you did neither, Herr Dohvoshki--you are dead."
"What was even the point?" asked Viktor.
"The point was to make you think. Training can take you only so far; you must learn to react to sudden changes, and as Martellus said, trust your instincts."
"Well, my instincts told me to be confused," Misha muttered.
"Yes, and that's why you are dead--your instincts need to be worth listening to before you act on them."
This got laughs from the other kids.
"Your instincts told you to follow my commands," he said to Violetta," because you trust me."
"Yes, sir," she whispered, ashamed of the way her voice quivered with exhaustion.
"And you stayed in this position because?"
Violetta swallowed hard, hoping her voice less croaky this time. "Because you didn't dismiss us yet."
Delmeck didn't respond right away, just strolled off.
"Such a suck up," Martellus said under his breath. "You learn that from Tarvek or does it come naturally?"
Violetta growled as her patience wore dangerously thin, but before she could give in to the urge to react, Delmeck returned to the front of the cavern.
"Class," he shouted, "at attention."
Despite her aching muscles, Violetta shot upright, back straight, arms at her side. Martellus and the others did the same without hesitation either.
"Violetta, Carmine, Delia, Warner, and Sanjay," Herr Delmeck called, "the five of you remained at your commanded positions even after I left and von Blitzengaard commandeered my class. I commend your dedication and your instinct to obey your trainer. You are al free to go."
Violetta let out a sigh of relief, her shoulders relaxing.
"The rest of you obviously need more lessons."
Not waiting to see what lessons the trainer had n mind, Violetta darted for the exit, snatching one of Martellus' daggers still in the floor near her foot. She bypassed the Smoke Knight dorms and didn't stop until she was on the other side of the castle.
Again, her instinct was to find Tarvek to tell him what happened so maybe Delmeck was wrong about her. She ignored the urge, instead, creeping through passages until she found her way to Tarvek's empty lab.
Chemistry wasn't her strong suit, but Tarvek had tutored her extensively for her last exam. That with the textbooks and equipment here she could try to analyze her potions to figure out what went wrong with her interrogation.
She laid her vials on a table then gathered her supplies using the lists Tarvek had her memorize for the tests then she stood there staring at the mess.
"I can do this," she said out loud but didn't feel much convinced. Before she could dwell further on her sure-to-be-failure, she forced herself to set up the burners and prepare samples like Tarvek showed her.
"I can do this," she repeated with more force. “I don't need Tarvek to hold my hand through everything." She still didn't sound too convincing but the longer she messed with the equipment, the more confident she felt
While the first test did its thing, Violetta finally allowed herself to relax, tossing her cloak onto a chair and stretching her sore shoulders. When her fingers brushed over a raised spot at the base of her skull, she vowed to make Martellus pay, and for that, she might have to ask Tarvek for help.
* * *
The afternoon meeting got off to a slow start. Gil skirted through the door just as the guards closed it, but the Baron and Prince weren't at the table. He took his seat beside Tarvek but neither acknowledged the other.
A servant arrived to fill the ink wells and deposit extra stacks of parchment then disappeared without a sound. Gil nearly asked the boy if he could get a snack--a piece of bread would do--but managed to hold his tongue. Minutes passed with nothing happening which gave Gil too much time to think about everything that had happened the last two days and wonder at what catastrophes lay ahead. 
He opened the folder in front of him and found his schedule for the week. Today's meeting was to end at six in the evening. According to the clock on the wall, it was half-past two--three and a half hours to go then no doubt countless more hours finishing his translations Tarvek had so kindly volunteered him for. Supper was to be served at seven in the guest dining hall or private quarters.
The next morning, smaller workshops were scheduled on various topics, but it looked like the Baron would be having private meetings. Gil didn't know what that meant for him--maybe more translating. More workshops and more meetings filled the afternoon with Thursday being more of the same.
Friday was another day of long meetings in the summit room with presentations by various apprentices. He groaned when he saw his own name penciled in at three--he had no idea what to do his presentation about. His father hadn't given him a choice when he made Gil an apprentice, but he'd thought it would be at least more exciting than school.
He was wrong.
With a sigh, he slipped the schedule behind his other papers and tapped the folder with his pen. Why weren't they starting yet?
Having nothing to do was almost worse than having too much except he had things he could be doing like translating or eating or sleeping off the growing headache. His other fingers joined the rhythmless beat of his pen while his grumbling stomach offered a counterpoint.
Tarvek suddenly grabbed both his hands, crushing all of his fingers together then signaled with his other hand to a guard. "Do you have any idea what the delay is?" he asked the older man.
"Apparently several apprentices are missing--they're attempting to track them down."
"Who's missing?" Gil asked, struggling to free himself from Tarvek's grasp.
"I do not know, sir."
"Thank you, sergeant," Tarvek told him, waiting until he returned to his station before releasing Gil.
Gil swiped half-heartedly with his pen, but Tarvek easily deflected.
"Any idea who's not here?" he asked.
Tarvek glanced around the room--people were milling about, obviously curious of the delay and bored. "No."
"There's only like fifty of us and aren't you related to half of these people?"
Tarvek sighed like the teachers often did with the younger students on Castle Wulfenbach. "There are actually fifty-six including you and me, and I may be related to many of them, but I'm not their keepers."
Gil frowned at his folder. "Wait, there's fifty-five apprentices for the Fifty Families? Do you people even know how to count?"
"It's complicated," Tarvek said with another sigh.
"Family always is," Gil muttered then quickly added, "or so I've heard." A couple minutes passed before Gil found himself tapping again. "But weren't some of them sick?" he asked suddenly, remembering that detail from yesterday morning. "That would narrow the field."
"Holzfäller, let it go--I have no idea who isn't here."
"I'm bored," Gil protested, "work with me here."
Tarvek pinched the bridge of his nose. "How are you even here? Of all the people, why did the Baron choose you when you can't even sit still?" He grabbed Gil's tapping fingers again and squeezed. "I can't figure out his angle. Seventy-five percent of politics is tedium, and the rest is schmoozing and you can't handle either. All of your fumbling around just looks bad on him and the Empire, so why you?
“My only conclusions are he picked your name from a hat and is unfortunately stuck with you or he's completely lost his mind."
Gil tugged his hands free, glaring. "I'm sitting right here."
"I know, and it's totally baffling. You should quit."
Tarvek continued to watch the room, avoiding Gil's gaze. "I'm not trying to be rude, but you're not cut out for this life--being a ruler is-"
Gil crossed his arms over his chest. "I'm not here to be a ruler."
"Then why are you here?" Tarvek asked, finally looking at Gil.
Because I'm going to lead this Empire some day. He didn't say it out loud, though, and before he could formulate an acceptable answer, the door behind them opened and their fathers took their seats, bringing the meeting to order.
The afternoon progressed with little time to dwell on Tarvek's veiled insults or the fact that he sort of agreed with the weasel--Gil wasn't sure he was made to be a leader. It's a thought that haunted him at every meeting he was dragged to.
Finally, four hours later, recess was called for the evening and Gil was dismissed. He didn't wait around to be hauled back to the library to translate but had no idea where else to go so he followed the other delegates back to the guest quarters where they were preparing the dining hall for supper.
"Hey, Holzfäller," someone called, running up behind Gil. "You going to the party, right?"
"Party?" Gil frowned, racking his brain for a memory of a party listed on his itinerary.
"Yeah, a bunch of us are getting together tonight--strictly invite only."
A momentary thrill shot through Gil at the thought of being included--how often had he wished for that as a kid? "Sure," he answered without really thinking, "I'm in."
The kid clapped his shoulder then headed for his next invite just as a little sense cleared Gil's head. "Hey," he called after him, hesitating slightly until a name popped into his head, "Erik, is Sturmvoraus a part of this?"
"Prince Stick-Up-His-Butt-" Erik said with a laugh, "hell, no." Then he winked. "But his sister is."
"Okay," Gil said not sure if he felt relieved or disappointed, and the fact that he couldn't decide worried him almost as much as the sudden flare of anger over Erik's insult of Tarvek.
Why do I care what the other kids think of him? Plus, they're right--he's a stick in the mud. No one wants him around. Except a tiny part of him kind of did, and he hated it. He shook his head, veering towards his room to change--after all Anevka would be there. The thought made him smile as he snagged a buttered roll from a wheeled cart outside the dining room.
Maybe the day could be salvaged after all.
* * *
Gil waited for Barkley to go on his midnight walk before slipping out of their suite and following the barely legible directions scribbled on a scrap of paper he'd found after his shower. His heart raced as he snuck around the castle, reminding him of all the adventures he had as a kid--funny how Tarvek had been there for those, but now that they were in his house, he was nowhere to be found.
Which was for the best Gil reminded himself because Tarvek would probably ruin the fun somehow.
Taking a left, Gil found himself in a large sitting room with an entire wall of windows looking out onto a dark patio. According to the directions, he needed to cross the patio to a mirror sitting room. At least he thought that's what it said--he was worried about the literacy of whoever wrote the note.
He'd made it three steps into the room before someone grabbed his arm, yanking him to the floor behind a sofa, a hand slapped over his mouth as someone else shushed him just as a guard stomped through the room.
"That was close," said a girl--Celeste he remembered from a meeting last month.
"There's still two more," said the girl that shushed him.
Gil pulled away from the hand over his mouth to get a better look at the familiar voice. "Zulenna? What are you doing here? You're not an apprentice."
Zulenna scoffed. "I should think not, but my father and brother are here so the Baron allowed a pass to visit our families. Theo is here, too," she said, nodding past Gil.
Gil squinted over his shoulder just making out the glowing white eyes and teeth of his friend in the darkness.
"Hey, Gil," Teho whispered.
"Aren't you kind of young to be going to parties?"
Theo crossed his arms over his chest, eyes narrowing. "I'm twelve... and a half."
Gil snorted. You sound just like Seffie."
"Shh," Celeste hissed, ducking further behind the sofa and squishing Zulenna into Gil who fell against Theo. Another guard entered the room, looked around then exited onto the patio.
"What are we doing?" Gil whispered.
Celeste peeked over the back of the sofa. "We need to get across there, but the guards are changing shifts."
"They're very unpredictable--Uncle Aaronev says it keeps people on their toes."
Of course, she's a cousin, Gil thought. "Guess we know where Tarvek gets his sneakiness from," he muttered.
"We need a distraction," Theo said excitedly, eyes sparkling as he started snatching things from around the room. “I could totally make a misdirection gun from this and this-"
Gil slapped his hand over Theo's mouth as his voice pitched up an octave. "Calm down, Sparky," he said.
Theo mumbled something into his hand so Gil slowly pulled it away. "I just want to help."
"I know, but the solution doesn't always have to be so complicated. Watch and learn." Gil picked up a small solid glass orb from a dish on the side table then tossed it over the sofa towards the open patio door.
The four of them peeked over the sofa as the orb smacked the door frame, bounced across the room and into a large wall clock, setting it off then ricocheted off of a bookshelf into a lamp that wobbled precariously but didn't fall, and finally crashed into the patio door, spreading spiderweb cracks across the glass.
The guards, attracted by the noise, came running just as the large pane shattered.
"Oops," Gil mumbled.
"I'm watching, Gil," Theo said, "and learning so much."
"Stuff it, both of you," Celeste hissed then shoved them towards the patio where a window sat slightly ajar.
They crawled behind the guards' backs as they argued and discussed the broken door then one-by-one left out the window and scurried through the potted plants and mostly leafless trees. Back inside the castle, Celeste guided them out of the sitting room.
"This way."
"How do you know?" Gil asked. "Do you have a map or something?" He twisted his written instructions sideways and upside-down but they still made little sense.
Celeste grabbed the paper, crumpling it. "I memorized it, simpleton. Now let's go before the next guard rotation comes through here." She marched off, leaving Gil blinking after her.
"I like her," Zulenna said, hurrying after Celeste.
Gil sighed and followed.
"I'm still learning so much," Theo said with a grin.
"Oh, shut up."
"Both of you shut up," Celeste said without slowing. "How the guard hasn't caught the two of you with as much noise as you make is beyond me--no grace at all." The last part was said to Zulenna who nodded.
"You have no idea. On Castle Wulfenbach, I've been trying to get them to implement much-needed poise and etiquette lessons, but they don't listen."
"Not everyone can be as brilliant-" Gil said catching up to the girls.
"Or perfect," added Theo.
"-As you, Zulenna. You should definitely keep pressing the issue."
Gil nodded vigorously, Theo mimicking the move. "Oh yes--the Baron always wants to know how things are running on the ship, and who better to tell him about the school's shortcomings than the brightest student."
His father would kill him if he ever found out Gil's part in this, but he couldn't help himself--Zulenna was such an obnoxious brat, she deserved the Baron's personal attention.
"This way," Celeste commanded at the next intersection, turning right.
"What happened to being quiet," Gil asked.
"This part of the castle isn't used in the winter," she stated confidently.
No sooner were the words out of her mouth when a guard shouted, "You kids, halt!"
Celeste froze, color draining from her face. Zulenna looked between her friend and Gil with wide, frightened eyes that made him wonder if she ever stepped out of line and got caught. Well, Gil wasn't waiting to find out.
"Scatter," he yelled, grabbing Theo's arm and darting down the hall, taking a left not knowing where he was going but anywhere away from the guards was good with him--he was in enough trouble with the Prince already.
The two boys made it halfway down the hall when two guards appeared at the other end. Gil shot through an open door, Theo on his heels. The room appeared to be some kind of storage for the castle servants--filled with cleaning and maintenance supplies and no exit.
Great. Gil's eyes darted around, looking for any way out, anything to keep them from being caught.
"Now what?" asked Theo.
Heavy booted feet stomped down the hall as Gil's gaze landed on some barrels just inside the door. He used all his strength to swing a barrel around, tipping it on its side as he did.
"Now you get ready to run."
[ Part 15 ]
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gothify1 · 5 years
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Welcome to #WhoWhatWearing , a series in which we highlight you, our stylish community of readers. Each of the following looks came straight from a photo you tagged us in on Instagram. Want to be featured next time? You guessed it: Use #WhoWhatWearing on the outfit posts you want us to see. I’ll admit that I am dubious at times when it comes to opting in to the latest trends. For me, the long-term unsustainable impact of keeping up with season after season of the newest It items—or the fact that some trends aren’t practical at all—makes it harder to hop on the bandwagon. Nevertheless, as I scrolled through all the spring outfits our readers tagged us in, I couldn’t deny the truth that not all trends are created equal; some  really are worth embracing. Our readers have proven that some of spring 2020’s biggest trends are not only easier to style than one would think but also that some of these are—dare I say—easy to wear in the coming season and beyond. So ahead, you’ll find the trends our readers love the most and their tips for pulling them off flawlessly. On Kat Hsu: Orseund Iris Velvet-Trimmed Cotton-Canvas Bustier Top ($685); Mejuri Locket Necklace ($100); Prada Re-Edition 2000 Nylon Mini-Bag ($725) As we roll out of our state of hibernation, it looks like the boudoir styles aren't staying in the bedroom   come spring, and honestly, we’re here for it. But I promise editors aren’t just clamoring for corsets, garter belts, and slip dresses. As Who What Wear reader  Kat Hsu told us, “I love pairing lingerie pieces for a casually sexy just-threw-this-on ensemble.” But if you’re intimidated by the look, Kat suggests pairing your lingerie-inspired piece with “similarly colored trousers for a clean, monochrome look accentuated by a colorful touch like a bright purse or fun earrings.” On Kat Hsu (left): & Other Stories High Rise Jeans ($79) and Tube Tank Ivory ($195); On Kim Seidensticker (right): Orseund Iris Ribbed-Knit Corset ($175); Agolde Criss Cross Upsized Jean ($188) Still not convinced to take that bra out on the town? Let Kat's twin and fellow Who What Wear reader,  Kim Seidensticker ,  show you. As she told us, “I think lingerie-inspired pieces are so fun to style for spring. I like to style them with oversize blazers or wide-leg trousers for a look that is a mix of masculine and feminine.” Meaning you, dear reader, can also pull off this look come springtime. All you have to do is style it in a way that works for you. On Daniela Moreno: Salisa Blazer02 ($215) and Trousers05 ($179); Margi Gaba Moo Bag ($249); Missoma Gold Roman Arc Coin Necklace ($180) While suiting has been a thing for a moment , something about the trend for spring feels, well, groundbreaking. Daniela Moreno backs us up on this sentiment, professing, “I love wearing light and neutral-toned suits in spring because it adds a bit of masculinity to the season's trends that tend to be floral dresses.” On Niki Mallikarachi: Frankie Shop Single Breasted Cropped Blazer ($139) and Tie Cuff Trousers ($109); Nike Air Force 1 Shadow Leather Sneakers ($110) Suits truly are spring’s most versatile trend, and no one makes that case quite like Niki Mallikarachi . She explains, “I am into suits for spring because they are so easy to put together effortlessly and can be dressed up or down depending on your mood!” Business casual or polished, you can’t go wrong with a suit for spring. “Suits are the perfect piece to add into your wardrobe for spring. They are the gift that keeps on giving,” Chiara Perera professed to us. No truer words have been said, but it must also be noted the versatility of this trend isn’t limited to how you approach styling; there’s a whole world of colors and prints you can cop to take part in this trend. And if you’re unsure what type of suit is for you, take a cue from Perera and try a pinstripe suit this spring. It’s a surefire way to pull off the trend. On Allison Romero: LPA Top 532 ($128); Zara Flared Pants ($50) For those of us living in colder climates, the best thing about spring is being able to peel off the heavy layers and swap them out for lighter fabrics. But no matter where you live, high-shine satin is a fabric anyone can get behind for spring, and Allison Romero agrees. She stated, “ I live in a climate that’s warm year-round, so silky satin pieces are some of my favorite ways to transition into spring and give my closet a little refresh.” On Sarah Butler: Fabiana Filipi; Chloé Small Aby Lock Bag ($1547) “Shiny satin fabrics are my go-to for elevating a spring outfit,” says Sarah Butler . “Whether it is a satin top, slip dress, or trousers, the luxe fabric always has a sophisticated vibe, which I love. To keep the look feeling refined, I opt for solid colors over patterns in this fabric,” she explains. Satin for spring is a no-brainer. On Francesca Carolina: Dazie Nicolina Backless Top ($50) and Nicolina Slip Skirt ($60); Senso Brooklyn Sandals ($199); Dylan Kain The Linda Bag ($168) Don’t get it twisted: If  the S/S 20 runways taught us anything, it’s that black and white for spring can be bold. From stripes to polka dots , we’re fans, but you don’t have to just take our word for it. Francesca Carolina told us, “ I love black and white for spring because it’s such a crisp look. It also means you’re not limited to your accessories!” Whoever said black and white were boring clearly didn’t see our readers' outfits. On Hannah Hill: ASOS Check Wrap Dress ($54); Steve Madden Kagan Ankle Boot ($60); Jacquemus Le Chiquito Leather Mini Bag (sold out) If you’re still not convinced about black and white for spring, look to reader Hannah Hill  for inspiration on how to pull off this color palette for spring. She states, “Black-and-white prints are versatile and chic, but don't be afraid to go for bold silhouettes with asymmetrical hemlines and perfect puffy sleeves!” It doesn’t get more fun for spring than mixing in colors and various hemlines to take the classic palette into the new season. On Meeka Hossain: Misha Giulia Blazer Dress ($260); Schutz Analeah Boot ($295) Green for spring? I can hear your eyes rolling. Despite it being slightly cliché, from its previous iterations of pistachio on the runway to mint for this season, this color in all its various forms clearly hasn’t stopped growing on us. If you’re not sure how to embrace mint green for spring, Meeka Hossain ’s tip for adopting this color is to add edge by pairing opposing colors together. “Toughen up the dreamy mint hue by adding a contrasting color like black,” she suggests. On Chainky: Gimaguas Ona Top ($108); Dal Hae The One Choker Necklace ($156) “You can never go wrong with green for spring,” Chainky told us, and we have to agree. But don’t feel tethered to adopting mint as the only hue to try for the season. You can still ride the trend’s wave by playing with other shades of green this spring. Ultimately, it comes down to the color you feel the freshest in, and according to Chainky, “this particular shade of green has a tropical vibe that brings some heat.” Who wouldn’t want to add a little tropical heat into their lives? At some point, you’ve probably already encountered former versions of this  bag trend.  T hink back to the  Fendi Baguette  or  Dior Saddle Bag . A nd while these bags aren’t going anywhere this spring, you can expect a shift to a more individualist approach to this trend. As reader Leena Ha told us, “I love ’90s shoulder bags for spring not only because of how practical they are, but they add some class to my otherwise grungy style.” Whether you’re like Ha and choose to adopt the trend based on your approach to style or you opt for a labelless version of this trend, the best thing about  ’90s shoulder bags  is that it is something you can incorporate into your life on your terms. On Tash Baker: Lacausa Long Sleeve Crewneck ($77); Flash Eva Pearl Sleeper Hoops ($249); Jurate LA Necklace ($124); Bonito Golden Layering Necklace Trio ($215) What makes a trend truly viable is its ability to be rebirthed, re-worn, and reincorporated into our lives. The ’90s shoulder bag embodies that. It’s been popular before, it’s popular now, and it will probably be popular again, so even if after getting to the end of this story you’re weary of trends, this may be the easiest one to adopt because it's the perfect combination of timeless and wearable. Next: These Are the Biggest Spring 2020 Trends, Period
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 7 years
Dean’s Flannel
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Summary: Flannel is a standard in the hunting world but it slowly becomes something more for Dean and the reader...
Pairing: Dean x reader
Word Count: 1,300ish
Warnings: language, implied smut
A/N: Written for @thing-you-do-with-that-thing ‘s Favorite Things Challenge. My prompt was “Flannel”...
No one told you hunters had a dress code when you started out. There wasn’t an official one but almost all had the same look. A pair of boots that were sturdy to kick some ass in and a jacket that wasn’t too warm or too cold with plenty of pockets were standard. But no one told you just how many pairs of flannel shirts you’d come to own.
Staring at your closet in the bunker you counted twelve. Fucking twelve pairs of flannels. Every single one was different.
“Y/N, you coming to pick up dinner with me or no?” asked Dean, standing in the doorway of your room. “Just pick one sweetheart.”
“You put yours in with mine so I had to reorganize them,” you said, sliding open the other side to show his gajillion pairs of flannels off. 
“Just pick one so we can go. They’re all the same,” he said.
“Fine,” you said, grabbing a red one and throwing it on. You were busy rolling up the sleeves while Dean gawked. “What?”
“That’s mine,” he said.
“You did say they’re all the same, Dean,” you said. Dean scowled but you knew he loved it when you wore his shirts. “Try not to get a hard on in the car.”
“Wear a coat and I won’t,” he said as you stepped past him.
“Where’s the fun in that?” you teased, walking away. “Come on, pizza’ll get cold if we don’t go soon.”
“You’re running in to grab it,” he said, following after.
Dean had contained himself during the evening but the second you were in your room, he pounced.
“Sorry babe, not in the mood tonight,” you said, even if you were very much in the mood. He rolled his eyes and tugged on his shirt.
“I’ll do that thing you like, the ‘I do what you tell me’ thing,” he said, raising an eyebrow.
“I appreciate the offer, the one that you fucking adore to have done to you by the way,” you said, Dean smiling shyly for a second. “I’m just not feeling it.”
“Okay,” said Dean. “Another time then.”
The next morning you walked into the kitchen with a yawn, stretching as Dean fucking whimpered at the sight of you.
“Y/N, you’re killing me here,” said Dean. You looked down at yourself wearing his blue flannel, the fabric hitting you mid-thigh, showing off the perfect amount of skin. Good thing he didn’t know that was the only thing you had on. 
“I always walk around like this when Sam is off doing his own thing,” you said.
“It was bad enough with the tees but you had to move up to my fucking flannels?” he whined, putting a plate of food in front of you.
“If I’d known you’d be this desperate I would have done it ages ago,” you said with a dark smile.
“No, you are not going to wear them all week are you?” he asked, Sam not back for another ten or so days.
“Would you mind if I did?” you asked.
“Fuck no,” he said without missing a beat.
“Well, that settles that then,” you said. “I’m doing some chores this morning if you want to watch a movie this afternoon?”
“Y-Yeah, sounds good,” said Dean, sighing happily to himself as you ate together.
At four days into your little game of wearing Dean’s flannels and a crap ton of sex, you started to feel different about them. Yes, they’d always been the hottest fucking thing on this planet to you. Dean just looked like perfection to you when he had them on. You were pretty damn sure he felt the same when you wore them.
But today you weren’t feeling horny as you snuggled into Dean while you watched Netflix. Dean certainly noticed the shift in you and started stroking your arm.
“What’s up pretty girl? You’re thinking about something,” he said softly.
“I feel safe,” you said, glancing up at him to catch his smile.
“I’m glad. Do you not normally?” he asked. You shook your head, unsure of how to describe this.
“Your shirts...they make me feel safe,” you said. “Like it’s you kind of. You’re always there, wrapping yourself around me.”
“I like when you wear them. I can either make you give them back which always leads to fun...or I can know that you feel that way, even if I’m not by your side,” said Dean. “You feel like mine.”
“I am yours,” you said, Dean’s chuckling rumbling through you.
“I know. I wish you could just know what it’s like though. I don’t fit in your flannels,” he said. 
He was right, he didn’t. But you had an idea of how to make that work.
It was two days later when you were wearing a flannel that Dean raised an eyebrow at but dismissed. It certainly looked like one of his but this one was brand new. You wore it that day and through the night, letting Dean know you like this one in particular.
“Hey boy,” you said, hopping into your room after doing the laundry, holding a box behind your back. “I got you a present.”
“Oh well come in then,” he said with a laugh. “You’re excited.”
“I hope you like it,” you said, handing him the box as he sat up in bed. It took no time for him to unravel the bow and reveal the flannel and note on top.
Now I can know.
Dean unfolded it and you saw him recognize the same colors and pattern. He smiled and took off the one he had on, pulling this one around him as he rolled up the sleeves. He smiled something different when it was on, something that ran straight to your heart.
“I love it,” he said. “It’s my favorite one.”
“Oh, that one is mine. You can borrow it when you like though,” you said, shooting Dean a teasing smile. 
“Yours,” he muttered under his breath, trying to keep his smile from growing too large.
“Come on, I want to take you out and show you off in my shirt,” you said, Dean nodding.
“I can get behind that,” he said.
At some point you stopped organizing the flannels in your closet. Some of Dean’s were on your side, some of yours on his. Occasionally you wore his out and about but Dean always made sure the one you got him stayed on your side so he knew. It was yours and so was he. Sometimes after bad days you’d catch him changing into it for no real reason.
He’d been gone on a hunt with Sam for a few days when he came home to find a box on your bed again.
“What’s this?” he asked.
“I got you a present,” you said, watching Dean open it up to find a green flannel inside, not one of his.
“Can I borrow your shirt, sweetheart? The one I got on is kind of gross,” said Dean, giving you a smirk.
“Of course,” you said, sitting on the edge of the bed.
“Oh, but first...” he said, going to his duffel and pulling out a bag. “I got you a present.” You untied it to reveal an also green flannel for your size. “Just had a feeling you might want a new one.”
“It matches yours,” you said with a laugh, holding it up.
“Great minds think a like,” he said, wrapping you up in a hug. No matter how good the flannels felt though, nothing beat the real thing. “Every Winchester needs an unnecessary amount of flannel.”
“Thirteen for me, a ton for you...think we’ve got an unnecessary amount yet?” you teased, nodding over at your closet. Dean looked down over your shoulder and shook his head.
“Nope, definitely not. Guess we’ll just have to get us some more sweetheart,” said Dean, smiling against you as he kissed your cheek.
“Good because you and flannel? You’re two of my favorite things.”
@anokhi07 @xxwinchester-22xx @charliebradbury1104 @everyday-supernatural-af @squirels-angels-and-moose @youwerelikeadream @drugpug@darkx143 @kristaparadowski @tom-is-in-my-tardis @tanithlowisabamf @smoothdogsgirl @dancingalone21 @ktrivia @demonic-meatball  @oaisara @feelmyroarrrr @cojootromuelle @gallifreyansass@fangirl1802 @itstheprincess @casgetoutofmydiddlydarnass @mogaruke@secretlyfurrydragon @perpetualabsurdity @ria132love @heycassbutt-67 @aingealcethlenn @docharleythegeekqueen  @missmotherhen@smacklesandstretch67 @ceeceewinchester  @tumblinwith-me @xfanqirlinq @heaven-is-aplaceonearthwithyou @hey-um-misha@bennyyh @acreativelydifferentlove @imissyoualittlemoreeveryday @lovelife-tothefullest @under-general-asthetics @tardis-full-of-fallen-angels @missdestiel67​ @evyiione @jensenackesl​ @xxxdevine-demonsxxx​  @ayeeitsemry​ @mac5323​ @bellastellaluna @atc74 @captainemwinchester​ @lemonadegazeelle​ @nanie5​  @idalinette​ @maximoffangel-girl​ @quiddy-writes
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No Regrets - An Unconventional Place
Request not a request. I was just in “the mood” :P And y’all know how Becca was made so it is only fair you got to know how Athena “AJ” Ackles came to be. ;)
Characters: Jensen Ackles, Y/N Ackles, Misha Collins, Daniela Chiusa (I think that is spelled right), Genevieve Padalecki, Jared Padalecki, Rebecca Ann Ackles (OC - and aww first time I wrote that last name for her!)
Pairing: Jensen x Wife!Reader
Warnings: Unprotected sex (kinda the point though), Playful teasing Jensen (yes that is a warning), smut, pretty much pure smut and fluff ;)
Wordcount: 1805 (yeah that is so not a drabble but I am not even sorry!)
A/N: This is a drabble complication. All drabbles fits into the universe I created for my Jensen x Reader series Living with Regrets. Most can be read as stand alone but will also very much be part of the series.
Takes place between part 9 and 10 - JibCon 15
Thanks to the amazing @deanxfuckingadorablexwinchester for betaing this hot mess for me.
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“Jensen!” Y/N ran up behind Jensen and Misha. Jensen stopped, bringing  their entire entourage to a halt and Y/N looked slightly annoyed by that effect. Jensen frowned at her expression, slightly worried if something was wrong. Misha quickly read the situation and urged the people around him to keep moving, knowing Jensen had about 30 minutes before the two of them had to be on stage anyway.
Daniela looked a little worried about the change in her plans, but Misha’s arm around her shoulder prevented her from turning back to get Jensen or Y/N.
“What’s up babe?” Jensen tried, but Y/N just grabbed his hand, dragging her confused husband after her through the hotel until they reached a supply closet. Jensen’s bewilderment didn’t lessen as Y/N pushed him inside, before locking the door behind them.
“Y/N? Are you okay?” Jensen stared at her in absolute shock as she threw her short jacket on the floor and turned to face him.
“I’m ovulating.” She stated like it was the most obvious thing in the world and Jensen’s jaw dropped.
“You’re… So you wanna… In here?” Jensen babbled, not really sure what to make of this. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to touch her, kiss her everywhere they went. Hell he had thought about pulling her into a few closets himself, but that was just not who they were. They held hands, kissed maybe, but that was it. When they were in public that was. Home and away from prying eyes were an entirely different story.
“Well you wanted a baby,” she smirked at him as she began unbuttoning his shirt. She looked up at him through her lashes, and her words made him swallow harshly, “don’t you wanna put a baby in me Jay?”
“Fuck it!” Her sultry tone, combined with her words and her touch flipped a switch in him. Suddenly he didn’t care where they were, if anyone heard them or even saw them disappear into the closet. Jensen wrapped his arms around her and pressed her against the door as his lips crashed against hers.
She giggled into his kiss as she pushed his shirt over his shoulders and onto the floor. Leaving him in front of her in nothing but jeans. Her moans when her hands touched his bare chest went straight to his cock, making it jump with interest. Jensen groaned as she ran her hands down his chest until she reached his belt. His lips attached to her neck, making her gasp, pushing him back slightly.
“Don’t! Photo-Ops” she scolded, when her attempts to move him were uneffective. Jensen smirked against her skin, before running his tongue down her neck to her collarbone. His hands pushing down the straps of her dress until it fell to the floor, leaving her in front of him in her underwear.
Jensen took a step back letting his eyes wander her body, making her lovingly roll her eyes at him, as she unhooked her bra, letting it fall to the ground. “Are you gonna stare at me or fuck me Jay?” She mocked making Jensen laugh.
“Can’t a guy do both?”
He crooked an eyebrow at her when she protested.
“Normally yes. Right now we don’t have time.” Jensen met her objections with a fierce kiss, before dropping slowly to his knees, kissing ways down her chest to her stomach. He teasingly bit a hold of her panties pulling them out a little looking up into her eyes. Enjoying the way she gasped and threw her head back, before vaguely objecting again. “We don’t have time for that either Jensen.”
Jensen’s eyes found hers again, as he slowly pulled her panties down her legs before letting her kick them off.
“I... don’t…care. They… can...” Jensen spoke in between placing kisses to her inner thigh as he lifted her leg up to rest on his shoulder. “Wait,” Jensen finished his sentence before sucking down right neck to her core, effectively leaving a mark and pulling a gasp from her lungs.
“Jensen,” she tried to scold, but he just sent her his best Dean smirk. “Well sweetheart, noone but I am allowed to take pictures of you there and I don’t mind a few purple marks one bit. Matter of fact why don’t we make a few more?”
Jensen attached  his lips right above her cunt this time, making her squeal half in pleasure and half in amusement, before clasping her hand over her mouth realizing where they were.
Jensen played with her a little longer before running his tongue over her slick folds, drawing a sinful moan from her lips. He didn’t get any further before she pushed back on his shoulders. “Don’t. Your beard. People will know.”
“That good huh,” Jensen winked at her, making her laugh.
“They see you idiot! Not like you got time to shower or wash it before walking on stage. Certainly not with the speed you are going,” She mocked him and Jensen got back on his feet pushing her against the wall, with a grin plastered across his face.
“You never complained about my speed before, babe,” Jensen teased kissing her deeply, robbing her of her chance to talk back. She wasn’t about to let him win though. Quickly she popped the button on his pants, unzipped them and snaked her hand down the front of his boxers. Jensen broke the kiss and his forehead fell to rest on her shoulder, as she began stroking his throbbing length.
“Fuck!” He groaned letting her continue her ministrations for a few moments, grabbing her wrists and pressing his lips back against hers. “There won’t be a baby if you continue that, Y/N/N.” Jensen chuckled making her laugh.
“Then fuck me Jay,” she half whispered against his ear, as she began pushing down his boxers along with his jeans. A animalistic needy groan left Jensen’s lungs as he hoisted her into the air, letting her aligne his aching cock with her opening and he slowly pushed inside her. Their joint moans filled the small space when their bodies connected. Fully seated inside her, Jensen paused. Kissing her lips slowly and tenderly, letting her adjust to his size and giving himself a moment to not blow his load within the first few strokes.
She drove him crazy. Everything about her made him lightheaded. Her soft curves under his hands, her perfect round breast pressed against his chest, the way her mouth opened slightly as she moaned his name when he began to move. The way her pussy stretched and tightened around him, welcoming him in. She was gorgeous and sexy and his. All his.
“I love you so much Y/N Ackles,” Jensen whispered into her ear as he rocked into her, slowly and steadily building their high.
“I love you too Jensen Ackles,” she managed to gasp between her moans, and Jensen smiled against her neck. Running his tongue over the sensitive spot below her ear, before capturing her lips with his the second he picked up his pace. He stifled her moans with his kiss, preventing himself from groaning along with her as he thrusted into her over and over. Hard and deep, hitting her g-spot with perfect aim. Within  seconds she tightened around him and her body began to shake and quiver in his arms. Two deep thrusts and Jensen followed her over the edge, releasing  his load inside of her as his  head fell to rest on her shoulder.
Their breathing was heavy and Y/N soothingly caressed her husband’s back, helping them both down off their high. Jensen’s lips found her’s again. Kissing her slowly and lazily for a few minutes before she giggling pushed him off her, telling him they had to hurry.
Jensen cleaned them both up with his boxers, before tossing them in a corner behind a couple of brooms that looked like they hadn’t been used in over a year, making Y/N laugh at him and gently slap his shoulder.
Jensen’s eyes never left her as they got dressed, and he couldn’t help but smile when he saw the blush in her cheeks. No matter what they did together, she never stopped blushing when he looked at her. He never wanted her to either.
Y/N lovingly straighten his hair, and he untangled a few locks for her before they existed the closet, meanwhile looking deeply into her eyes. He couldn't help but hope. Maybe next year they would have a little girl or boy with them in Rome. There was no way Y/N would a few month old baby in another country. Getting her to leave Becca for a few days, had been a battle in itself, even when she was staying at her uncle Jared and Aunt Gen’s house.
Before Y/N could run down the hall in the opposite direction of the stage, towards her meet and greet, Jensen grabbed her arm and pulled her back flush against him. He felt her smile as she melted into his kiss, no longer arguing how late they were. She seemed serene and almost glowing, when they pulled apart for air.
“I think we did it,” Jensen smiled pressing a chaste kiss against her lips and giving her a quick squeeze before releasing her.
“I hope so,” she winked at him before blowing him a kiss, which never failed to make his heart sore, and running down the hall.
A few minutes later
“Finally!” Misha let out a overdramatic sigh as Jensen stepped onto the stage. “Where the hell have you been? And why do you look like you have been in a hurricane?” Misha frowned and looked his friend up and down.
Jensen lifted the microphone to his mouth, before wiggling his nose, thinking. He really should have made up a story before stepping onto the stage in front of a 100 people and Misha right next to him.
“Yeah… no. I don’t have a good answer,” Jensen grinned and the crowd erupted into laughter, clearly thinking he was making a crude joke and not trying to hide the truth.
Misha on the other hand instantly turning his back to the audience, whispering into his friend's ear. “You didn’t? At a convention?”
Jensen shrugged with a smile, turning his head so the crowd couldn’t see his answer, “can you blame me? My wife’s hot.”
Misha threw his head back in laughter, before sending Jensen an  approving nod and Jensen smirked before turning to the audience. “Okay so who’s got questions?”
When a forests of hands showed, Jensen nodded to Misha to pick someone, letting his mind drift to Y/N and the little life they hopefully were welcoming in a few months’ time.
Jensen Tag Team
@mysupernaturalfics @blacktithe7 @percywinchester27 @quiddy-writes @jpadjackles @supernatural-jackles @supernaturalyobessed @skathan-omaha @feelmyroarrrr @torn-and-frayed @sinceriouslyamellpadalecki @mysteriouslyme81 @winchesterprincessbride @curliesallovertheplace @docharleythegeekqueen @faith-in-dean @ellen-reincarnated1967 @winchestdiaries @adriellej @moonstar86 @alexafromthefandom @atc74 @nikolanna @cyranodebergerac-fan @brooke-supernatural16 @yoursmilemakesmeloveyou @just-a-touch-of-sass-and-fandoms @melonberri @thatonehaspanicchick @stilinski15 @phoenixia67 @bringmesomepie56 @thebunkerismyhome @chaos-and-the-calm67 @jasminwild @anokhi07 @lilyleely @smoothdogsgirl @angelkurenai @deanxfuckingadorablexwinchester @charliebradbury1104 @chelseypaigeake @gecko9596 @katrena7 @thecynicalnerd @nichelle-my-belle @mouselovesmusic @lucifer-ismy-bae @sleepywinchester @tanithlowisabamf @deansleather @katnharper @secretlyfurrydragon @fangirl1802 @ashleymalfoy @buckysmetallicstump @staticbirdy @spn-fan-girl-173 @jensen-gal @loveitsallineed @tas898 @iamnotsaneatall @waywardjoy @naadestiel @jensen-jarpad @deansbaekaz2y5 @like-a-bag-of-potatoes @femmewinchester
@@mizzzpink @the-amaranthine​ @volleyballer519 @padackles2010 @nothin-after-79 @gemini75eeyore
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 8 years
Locked In (Part 8)
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Summary: Detective Winchester has to bring up an old secret if they want to help Sam…
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7
Pairing: Detective!Dean x reader
Word Count: 1,500ish
Warnings: language, mild violence
A/N: Detective Winchester’s backstory incoming...
Dean was breathing hard as he sped out of your neighborhood. He was fighting the part of him that wanted to run out and find Sam that second. But he couldn’t do that, not yet. He had to get his head on straight.
“Base?” you said, grabbing the radio off of Dean’s dash, watching him nearly knock himself out after whacking himself in the head for not calling the others in.
“Base over. What’s wrong Y/N?” said Bryce. You sighed, still unclear on the problem yourself. “Little Winchester?”
“Somebody...I don’t know, took Sam from our house,” you said, trying to keep your voice even as Dean nearly clipped one of the unfortunate cars to be out driving. “Baby, slow down.”
“I have to...fuck, Y/N,” said Dean, gripping the wheel so his knuckles turned white. “Fuck, I promised I wouldn’t let this happen.”
“Dean, slow down. If we die in a car crash we can’t help Sam, can we? It’ll be okay,” you said, running your hand up and down his arm. He sighed and slowed down some. It was a start at least.
“I radio’d the guys in. They’ll be at the station in less than ten,” said Bryce. “What do you...fuck I can hear you coming from inside the building. How many laws did you guys just break getting here?”
Dean was already flinging open his door, tugging you across the bench and out the driver side door before you could answer. 
“I’m right here,” you said quietly, reaching for his hand, finding it shake in yours as you walked toward the entrance.
“I know,” he said, trying his best to make his voice soft but it only came out scared. You’d heard that tone before and it still broke your heart. Dean got you in the building fast and into the back where Bryce sat with wide eyes.
“Guys? There’s shitty luck and then-”
“Put out an APB on Henry Anderson, originally from Rockbridge, in his fifties. Last I heard was at the state penitentiary up north on Route 5,” said Dean, dropping his hand from yours before he went back to the supply closet. Bryce didn’t ask more questions and did as told, Dean returning a few minutes later in some station issued sweats and a hoodie.
“Dean?” you asked, watching as he dropped a bag on your desk.
“You’ll want to change out of your pajamas probably,” he said. You didn’t argue and quickly made your way to the women’s room, exchanging your shorts and thin tee for sweats and boots, a thick long sleeve shirt and a warm hoodie. By the time you were back out, Dean was sitting on top of your desk, staring at the floor. The others had arrived and it seemed as they this was a story Dean only wanted to have to tell once.
You sat beside him, wrapping an arm around his waist. He sighed and brought his head up, holding his own hands as he looked around nervously. Twelve hours ago he thought these people hated him and he was tense even after having a fun day with them.
“Um, I guess I’ll start from the start,” said Dean, relaxing some of his muscles as you ran your hand up and down his side. “Y/N knows my parents died when I was a kid. I was four, almost five. Sam was half a year old I think. I said they were killed in a car accident and that’s what Sam thinks too. Maybe not anymore. I don’t know. Who knows what he’s been told...”
“Focus kid,” said the chief, snapping Dean out of whatever dark path his brain had begun to travel down.
“Yeah, so that was a lie,” said Dean, digging his fingernails into his palms. You reached around with your free hand to unclench his hands, asking him to stop hurting himself. “There was actually a house fire. I woke up and went into the hall when I heard yelling. Our dad came back out with Sam and shoved him in my arms and told me to take care of him and get out of the house. I ran outside and turned around and...and the uh...it was an older house and it started collapsing. Our parents...they didn’t come out.”
“I’m sorry baby,” you said quietly. You understood a bit better why Dean had that need to protect. He’d been doing it all his life.
“I was four so I was freaking the fuck out but I had Sam to watch out for,” said Dean, holding onto your hand. “I went over to our neighbor’s house to get help but this guy...he popped out from between the houses and stopped us from going further. I asked him to help us and he...he tried to take Sam out of my arms. I wasn’t letting go, Sam was all I had and the guy...he got pissed. He got a hold of Sam and I kind of hopped on him and started wailing on his back. He reached behind and grabbed me like I was nothing and tossed me aside and said that Sam was his. That pissed me off more than a kid should be capable of. Sam was mine. Sam is mine. My family, my blood, he’s mine, not some stranger’s.”
“What happened?” asked Stu, glancing over to Bryce’s computer, seeing the alert for Sam be blasted out county wide.
“One of my neighbor’s saw and got Sam back and handed him back to me while he decked the guy. He took off and I never saw him again for years. One of our foster homes had a peeping tom or something and I caught him one day. Same guy that tried to take Sammy. This time he was arrested. I know he set that fire and killed our parents and I know he’s always been trying to take Sam again. I thought we were okay. He’s supposed to be in prison.”
“Looks like he got probation four days ago for working some inside deal and good behavior. Enough time to figure out where Sam was and grab him,” said Lexi, typing at her desk. 
“I never wanted to scare him with this stuff so I never told him. Now he’s gone,” said Dean. 
“We’ll get him back, Dean.”
It’d been a week and no sign of anything. It’d gone from county to state to nation wide. No sight of your Sammy or this dick Henry yet. 
“Dean, do you want anything special from the grocery store?” you asked, running your fingers through his hair while he worked away at the kitchen table.
“No sweetie. Let me grab my coat and I’ll come with you,” said Dean. You sighed as he stood and shoved him over towards your bedroom. “What’s wrong?”
“Take a hot shower and a nap. I’ll wake you up when I get home and make some dinner,” you said, Dean’s body turning into a solid wall, preventing you from moving him any further.
“I can’t stop,” said Dean, looking at you with pleading eyes. 
“You’re exhausted, Dean,” you said, rubbing his cheek, dark circles and bags under his eyes, scruff getting thick from where he hadn’t trimmed in a week. “Please take two hours to yourself. We’re no good to Sam if we aren’t thinking clearly.”
“Say it,” you said, Dean’s shoulders going lax.
“I’m going to bring Sammy home,” he said. “But I’m not a machine and need to take breaks.”
“Good boy,” you said, wrapping your arms around him. Dean moved you so he could hug you back, holding on almost too tight but it was alright.
“I don’t know what I’d do if I didn’t have you to take care of me,” said Dean, burying his head in your shoulder. “I was just starting to feel normal, feel like normal people are supposed to and then this had to happen. I’ll never understand why you stay.”
“Because you’re mine,” you said, Dean’s heavy breath ghosting over your neck. “The Winchesters are my family. I’ll never abandon my boys.”
“You too,” mumbled Dean, lifting his head, a sliver of the weight of the past week slipping away. 
“Me too what baby?” you asked, running your fingers through his hair again, Dean melting into your touch.
“You’re our family. You’re Sam’s little sister. You’re my girl. Someday, when this bad is behind us and we’re all together again, I promise, I’ll make you a proper Winchester finally,” said Dean. 
“I still remember when we met. I thought you hated me,” you said, smiling up at those worried green eyes.
“I love you too much to ever think something like that. I’m an idiot most of the time when it comes to us but I’ve always loved you. I’m not so screwed up with you,” said Dean. “I’d be a mess right now if you weren’t here by my side.”
“I’m always with you, Dean,” you said, leaning up to kiss him. He hung onto it longer than normal, not wanting to pull away and come back to reality. “It’ll be okay.”
“Thank you,” he said quietly, watching as you pulled back. “Don’t take too long at the store Little Winchester.”
“I won’t. Be back soon,” you said, gently guiding Dean towards the bedroom again.
“Love you.”
A/N: Read part 9 here!
@anokhi07 @xxwinchester-22xx @charliebradbury1104 @everyday-supernatural-af @squirels-angels-and-moose @youwerelikeadream @drugpug@darkx143 @kristaparadowski @tom-is-in-my-tardis @tanithlowisabamf @smoothdogsgirl @dancingalone21 @ktrivia @demonic-meatball  @oaisara @feelmyroarrrr  @illisea @cojootromuelle @gallifreyansass@fangirl1802 @angelwingsandsupernaturalthings @itstheprincess @casgetoutofmydiddlydarnass@mogaruke@secretlyfurrydragon @perpetualabsurdity @ria132love @heycassbutt-67@aingealcethlenn @docharleythegeekqueen  @missmotherhen@smacklesandstretch67 @ceeceewinchester  @tumblinwith-me @xfanqirlinq @heaven-is-aplaceonearthwithyou @hey-um-misha @bennyyh @nikolanna  @nerdwholikesword @deanwnchstr @under-general-asthetics @the-infamous-duckasaurus @benjerry707   @fernwinchester326 @lean-mean-sam-and-dean  @thisistheonly-nameleft  @acreativelydifferentlove @imissyoualittlemoreeveryday @lovelife-tothefullest
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