#can they pacify julie
stayconnecteed · 2 months
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kim seungmin drabble    —   808 words !
⠀⠀⠀for the ❛ drabble event ❜⠀﹙ requested by @starlostastronaut ﹚⠀fluff / comfort, "shh, stop fussing. i'm just braiding your hair"
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16 : 22⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀you felt seungmin’s long, tender fingers caressing your hair, and you hummed. it felt nice. the summer had begun, and you were melting under the warm sunlight of july, all cosy between your boyfriend’s legs, already falling asleep.
one of his friends had invited you to come over to his place, eager to celebrate a birthday party for his first born, and seungmin - the funny and chaotic uncle - just had to be there. your presence was requested with his lovely threats and bright puppy eyes, and you couldn't ignore, so you had let your boyfriend pick out his favourite sundress while you showered and ended up accompanying him to the gathering.
but once everyone had enjoyed chan’s barbecue, and all the side dishes his fiancée had brought to changbin’s house, once the birthday girl had blown out her candles and the chocolate cake had been devoured, it was nap time. jisung had kidnapped his godson, the youngest seo, to have a peaceful sleep indoors, and the rest of the big family had decided to stay in the garden, chatting and relaxing over soft blankets, barefoot and free.
seungmin’s massage had started as soon as he realised how tired you really were, watching you drift between consciousness and the haze of dreams, helping you rest as much as you could. you had just finished eating, and with all the stress you had been under just before finally having your well-deserved holidays, he was going to make sure nobody disturbed you while you got rid of all the exhaustion you had put up with for weeks.
and you weren’t going to complain. with your head resting on his belly, feeling every breath, the gentle breeze dancing on your skin and the murmur of his friends a lullaby that sounded far away. it was the type of plan you didn’t know you needed, but you ended up going to anyway - and it always made you feel so much better.
dozing off, trying to pay attention to the anecdotes changbin and his daughter are sharing with their characteristic giggling but failing miserably, you found yourself falling into the familiar blur of quietness that seungmin's touch put you under. for a moment it almost felt like you were in the comfort of your bed, cuddling your boyfriend in a content whirlpool of pacified emotions.
until you got rid of the daydream, startling yourself back to wakefulness, and you realised someone was trying not to pull your hair too tightly. you frowned, thrashing around between seungmin's legs as much as you could before the pain of your hair being tugged made you bring your hands to your head, soothing the ache away.
“shh, stop fussing” your boyfriend whispered, his fingers interlocking with yours, guiding your hand back to his thigh, where it had been resting while you were sleeping.
“what…” you tried to ask, still uncertain about what was going on. you couldn’t see seungmin’s face, his navy cap spilling shadows over it, but you could feel jeongin’s teasing smile from the edge of the pool, where he was sitting, swinging his feet in the water.
“i’m braiding your hair, silly” he revealed, the pressure applied on the strands of your hair becoming a distant memory. then you felt his hands kneading at the flush in your shoulders, and you sighed, malleable under his touch.
“what for?”
“it's pool time!” changbin's daughter shrieked, coming out of the house with her pink swimsuit and into your arms. “can you help me with the pinkeu sae?”
“the pink bird, her flamingo float” seungmin whispered into your ear, caressing the sides of your hips now that you were still in his embrace. as soon as the toddler asked for her unnie attention, he wouldn't have you much more time by his side.
he saw you nod, sharing a brief glance with him, and then get up, taking the girl in your arms to go and apply some sunscreen. seungmin could get used to that vision, at least in the future. but he wouldn't say a thing, not before being sure it was what you wanted. a family.
“you’re a simp” minho announced, somewhere to his left.
“i only braid her hair because i know she loves how it curls after swimming, when it has dried” he said, crossing his arms over his chest and leaning against the tree he had been sitting by. he still had a hair tie on his wrist out of the three he had put that morning. he could still feel your body on his. he could hear your laughter from inside the house, as you put on your bikini and helped jisung get the kids ready for the pool.
“a siiiimp!” repeated jeongin, splashing water in his direction.
seungmin smiled, but he didn't say anything.
yes, he was. but only for you.
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© stayconnecteed 2024 ★ do not copy, translate, repost or share this work as yours on other platforms ! consider leaving a comment or reblogging.
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maddiethedogstories · 1 month
New You Gym - 12
Kylee reached behind her and felt the weight of her messy diaper in her hand. It was squishy and warm in a way that wasn't unpleasant. What was unpleasant was the smell. It hit her nostrils and she scrunched up her nose in disgust. Thinking about how she so easily debased herself and acted like a naughty toddler made her horny in a way she had never been before. That was good. Kylee knew if she didn't cum her marriage was over, and she was in far too deep now to go back.
Kylee pulled her hand back up and slowly lowered herself onto the floor, feeling the poop that was once just a pile in her babyish undergarment spread out over her ass and pussy. Kylee had to admit, despite her expectations, the feeling was not unpleasant.
Kylee spread her legs and looked down at her crotch. Despite being so horny she felt like she could explode, she couldn't figure out the best way to pleasure herself. Normally, she would just put her hand down her panties and stimulate her clit directly, but that seemed too gross. So, Kylee tried the next best thing she could think of and started rubbing herself over the diaper. The pressure on her pussy almost had the desired effect.
"That's right Ms. Poopypants, show Ms. Julie how much you love your diapers," Julie encouraged as Kylee rubbed.
Kylee's cheeks turned red behind her pacifier as she was teased. However, being reminded of how pathetic she was, and that someone was watching her, drove her crazy. She started moaning and rubbing more fiercely. Her pussy felt good. Her whole body was throbbing with pleasure, but the friction she was getting with her hand through the diaper wasn't enough. Desperate for relief, she moved her hand to the waistband of her messy diaper and started to try and slip her hand in.
Before her fingers crossed the threshold into the poopy domain of her diaper, Kylee felt another hand grab her wrist.
"Ah, ah, ah, little Kylee. Rubbing a messy diaper is one thing, but playing with your poop is too icky and naughty. I didn't think I had a little girl who liked playing with her poop. Naughty babies who do that get the mittens," Julie lectured Kylee as she pulled out two large locking pink mittens, seemingly out of no where, and slipped them on Kylee's hands.
"Nof pair," Kylee blurted out from behind her pacifier, "How m'I 'posed ta finish?"
"No talking with the pacifier in!" Julie said, giving Kylee a warning smack to the side of her diaper. "I know there are plenty of toys here that can help you finish. I bet Mr. Bear over there would be more than willing to help your stinky little butt out." Julie pointed to a giant stuffed bear sitting in the middle of the room Kylee hadn't noticed before.
"Actually, I think that is a great idea. As part of your punishment, I want you to cum while showing Mr. Bear the time of his life," Julie said with a maniacal gleam in her eye. "Crawl over there baby and hump Mr. Bear, now!"
Kylee complied. On her hands and knees, now locked in soft mittens, she crawled across the playroom. Kylee's shit covered, diaper ass swung side to side as she worked her way to Mr. Bear as fast as she could as Julie hovered over her.
Once at the giant stuffie, Kylee mounted her new toy. She placed her useless hands around the neck of the bear and buried her face into its chest. Then, with legs spread out, she started to grind her poopy pussy into the stuffed animal.
Kylee started slowly before beginning to thrust her hips faster and faster. She started to moan loudly into the bear's stuffing. Tears started to swell in Kylee's eyes as she experienced the dueling emotions of nearly paralyzing shame mixed with incredible arousal. The feeling of her messy padding pressing up against her throbbing pussy was incredible and horrible, all at once.
"Good baby, ride Mr. Bear how he likes it. Show him how much you love being nothing more than a pathetic little diaper girl," Julie encouraged.
Kylee worked her hips faster, she was close.
"Lift your face up baby, I want to take that pacifier out," Julie instructed. Kylee complied, drool dripping embarrassingly down her face as the binky was plucked from her lips.
"I want you to yell for me Kylee. I want you to yell about how much you love humping your poopy pampers," Julie told Kylee.
"I... LOVE... MY... POOPY... PAMPERS!" Kylee yelled as she bucked her hips harder into Mr. Bear's fluffy stomach.
"Again!" demanded Julie.
"I LOVE MY POOPY PAMPERS!" Kylee yelled again, tears now streaming down her face. She felt like she was so close to cumming.
"One more time," Julie stated with a stern quietness that left no room for disobedience.
"I FUCKING LOVE POOPING MY DIAPER! I'M A DISGUSTING LITTLE DIAPER GIRL!" Kylee screamed as her body suddenly started to convulse with the most shameful, most disgusting, but most wonderful orgasm Kylee had ever experienced.
Kylee buried her face in Mr. Bear's soft neck and her body convulsed as it was hit with wave after wave of intense pleasure. She started sobbing like a baby at from the overwhelming emotions she was experiencing.
Julie watched, satisfied, then checked her phone to make sure everything was recorded by the daycare's high-definition security cameras.
It was.
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y-rhywbeth2 · 10 months
Random assorted stuff about the Forgotten Realms setting: For fic and roleplaying needs, or whatever. Brief stuff about language, "I'm going to kill everyone in this party except Wyll, who actually greets me like he lives in this setting," religion, magic, time and the calendar and holidays
The proper name of the world is Abeir-Toril, which translates to "the cradle of life" in an unknown long extinct language. It's abbreviated to Toril in common use. Fourth Edition decided that the Realms to retcon Abeir-Toril into being two sister worlds, Abeir and Toril, locked in orbit but not always connected so that it could force the Dragonborn in. *grognard voice* Even though there were ways to do that without literally blowing up the setting...!
You say hello by saying "well met." It's the default phrase and it's used all the time, despite only Wyll using it, for some reason.
Common is a trade tongue, simplistic so that it can be easily learnt for it to be spoken widely and understood by pretty much everyone. It is not much use for expression or for discussing complicated topics. Most people cannot read common if you wrote it down.
The language spoken in Western Faerûn (including the Sword Coast) is Chondathan, which is something like a romance language in structure. It is not unsimilar to common, but is more complex.
The majority of Faerûnian languages (including common and Chondathan) are written in the Thorass script.
Waterdeep is part of the Sword Coast North - also just called the North, and both Chondathan and the Northern language Illuskan are spoken there. Gale might speak both. (Illuskan is basically a Germanic language.)
Toril's inhabitants are polytheistic. The people worship all the gods who are relevant to their life: You pray to Chauntea for a good harvest, to Tymora for luck, to Waukeen for financial success, to Umberlee for safe sea voyages, to gods like Shaundakul and Selûne for safe travel in general... Generally you pray to the good and neutral deities for protection and help, and the evil gods in order to pacify them so they won't capsize your ship or have their priests sacrifice you or something. Some religious individuals also favour and worship one god above the others, not all of whom are clerics. Most of them are still polytheists, even clerics, and it's unusual for somebody to devote themselves to a god at the exclusion of all others. Apparently gods keep an eye open for undedicated mortals whose behaviours and beliefs align with themselves and often try to sway those mortals into worshipping them through dreams and omens and such.
All magic comes from the Weave (Mystra is the middleman between a god and their priest in this regard) and all magic is the domain of the gods. A ranger or druid must worship a nature deity who they receive their spells from, as paladins and clerics must serve a deity. Arcane spellcasters are not required to worship, and Mystra would only be allowed to cut off a mage in response to literally Earth-levelling degrees of stupidity, but many worship her by choice for similar reasons.
Days are 24 hours long. The equivalent to a week is 10 days long, and referred to as a "tenday" or, less commonly, as a "ride." Most people do not own clocks or other means of telling the time, and nobody really tries to keep track of an hour, mostly getting by through keeping an eye on the sky/light levels, as well as the activity of the people around them, and using habit and intuition.
In human lands (that is to say, pretty much all of Faerûn) the Calendar of Harptos is used. Twelve months long, 30 days in a month. It does weird leap year stuff with an additional five festival days between months, with the celebration of Shieldmeet occurring once every four years. January = Hammer - Midwinter/Deadwinter Day Feburary = Alturiak March = Ches April = Tarsakh - Greengrass May = Mirtul June = Kythorn July = Flamerule - Midsummer -Shieldmeet (occurs once every four years) August = Eleasis September = Eleint -Highharvestide October = Marpenoth November = Uktar - Feast of the Moon December = Nightal
Midwinter: Traditionally a day for making or renewing alliances between the nobility, who celebrate it with parties. If you're a commoner and you live in the North there are no parties and you call it "Deadwinter Day" and it's a day to hope your food stores hold out and that you don't freeze this year.
Greengrass is a festival to welcome spring. Traditionally, the wealthy gift flowers to the commonfolk who wear them or offer them for the gods relevant to summer (Lathander, sun god of renewal, for example)
Midsummer is about music and feasting and also pretty much it's valentines day, with betrothals and new courtships and dancing. If the weather is bad on Midsummer then that's a bad omen.
Shieldmeet is the leap day on the calendar. Traditionally rulers are to open their council to the common folk and listen to their voices on this day. Competition and tournaments (including ones for spellcasters) are a common feature in the festivals.
Highharvestide is, as the name implies, the harvest festival as the crops are all pulled in for winter. It's also the day travellers who haven't already left wherever they're staying leave before winter sets in
The Feast of the Moon is a holiday for honouring the dead and your ancestors.
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severalforraelee · 1 year
The Girls Part 11: Charles Leclerc x Reader
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Photo credit to si.com
Word count: 3,091
Written by raelee / Posted July 22
Formula 1 Masterlist
The Girls Masterlist
“Good job, Ada,” I compliment as she kicks the ball across the room, we watch as it bounces against the kitchen cabinet. “Nice job, Lucy.”
The blonde girl is the one to kick the ball this time, but it only rolls a few feet away. She huffs, tiny arms crossed over her chest as tears begin to fill her eyes.
“Okay, come here. Can you feel? What emotions can you feel?” I open my arms and she collapses into them, tiny sobs shaking her body as I rub her back comfortingly. “I thought I had at least two months until the terrible twos hit.”
A knock sounds at the door and I rise to my feet, Lucy still clutched in my arms.
“No,” Ada shouts, arms winding around my leg as she drops to her bottom.
“Really? How am I supposed to get to the door, you guys?” I whine. Ada giggles and Lucy sniffles.
I make it to the door in twice the amount of time that it would normally take, swinging it open to reveal Charles on the other side.
“Dada,” Ada hollers, hopping up to reach her hands up towards him.
He grins at her, pulling her up and into his arms as Lucy raises her head at her sister’s words, face lighting up at the sight of the familiar man. She reaches out for him as well and he pulls her into the crook of his other arm, stepping over the threshold into the apartment as I close the door behind him.
“You should really just give me a key to your apartment at this point,” Charles tells me, lightly throwing the two girls on the couch and sending them into a fit of giggles.
“What, you want a drawer, too?” I motion towards his backpack.
“Well, if you’re offering.”
I roll my eyes, throwing a few stray toys into the toy box.
“Why the red eyes, Lucy?” He traces the toddler’s puffy eyes with a frown.
“A little sisterly jealousy,” I explain. After glancing at the clock I add, “And tiredness.”
“Did you stay up after your bedtime just to see me?” Charles questions enthusiastically, tickling the two girls' bellies. They’re full of laughter tonight, because they think that was the funniest thing. “I think it’s time for bed now, then.”
“No,” Ada whines.
“You’re already up past your bedtime-”Lucy erupts into another set of tears, interrupting her dad.
He pauses, glancing at me to see my reaction. I raise my eyebrows at him. He knows what the action says.
If you’re the one responsible for having them stay up even later than they already are, you’re dealing with the bedtime routine and cranky tantrums tomorrow.
But, as always, he cracks.
“Okay, fine, one episode of Bluey wouldn’t hurt.”
“One episode of Bluey won’t hurt,” I mock Charles’ words.
He doesn’t respond, reaching forward to place the giraffe pacifier back inside Lucy’s mouth and the penguin pacifier back inside Ada’s mouth to soothe their cries. I can still see him roll his eyes out of the corner of my eye.
I even warned him this morning that we should have a lowkey day because of how late he let them stay up, but once I returned home from class he announced that he placed a reservation at a nearby ball pit so the girls could have a fun activity to do.
Charles checks us in for our reservation once we arrive, and as soon as we place Ada and Lucy in the ball pit, it’s like the tantrums that occurred not even an hour ago never occurred at all.
“Are you going to answer that?” Charles questions after my smart watch buzzes for the third time in a row, altering me to a text.
I already know that it’s Lando. We had that conversation last week in hopes of repairing our relationship, but it’s still a bit tense. I guess it hurts more than I care to admit that my family just cast me aside once I got pregnant, and that Lando remained oblivious to it all this entire time.
Sure, I didn’t tell him at the time, but I think it was noticeable by me missing from photos that they sent of weekly family dinners or texts in the group chat. It’s just difficult to move past the resurgence of bad memories.
“No,” I shake my head, watching as Lucy throws a red ball a foot away from her with a wide grin.
Now it’s Charles' watch that buzzes.
“Are you going to answer that?” I repeat his question.
“No,” he answers. “I want to enjoy this time with my three girls.”
I roll my eyes at his response, but look down to hide my blush.
Surprisingly, or unsurprisingly because of how late they stayed up, the girls are tired out and fall asleep as soon as we put them in their stroller to head back to my apartment.
“Charles,” I pause on the sidewalk, watching as he pushes the stroller towards a looming apartment building. “What are you doing?”
“I have a friend that lives here,” he answers.
“But the girls are sleeping, we need to get them home before they wake up,” I remind him. They’re not the best sleepers in their stroller.
“It won’t take long, I promise,” he responds. I reluctantly follow him. It’s not like I have much choice, he does have our kids with him.
He smiles at the doorhop as we pass him, then the receptionist behind the front desk as we make our way towards the elevator. Of course he has a friend that lives in this building- it has amenities like a doorhop, receptionist, gym, spa, and pool by the signs plastered in the elevator, along with elegant chandeliers and marble floors.
To put it bluntly, it’s in the rich part of town, the area that Charles is familiar and comfortable with.
I, on the other hand, am completely uncomfortable by this. Although I was raised in a wealthy family, we were never taught to flaunt our wealth in such a public manner, like in the things that we own. We lived in a nice house in rural England and the thing that probably showed our money the most was the fact that Lando was karting.
Besides, family money is something that I haven’t experienced for years. Even before becoming pregnant with the girls and distancing myself from my family, I rarely let my family pay for my things. Of course, I let Lando pay for my tickets to the grand prixs, but that was mainly because I was working for him. And being away from Formula 1 for so many years, I sometimes forget how these guys are so used to a luxurious lifestyle.
The elevator doors open on one of the top floors and he pushes the stroller out and down the hall with confidence. I follow after him closely, not wanting to get caught in the hallway by anyone who might see us.
“Your friend gave you his key?” I question, confused as he presses the fob to the lock.
“Yeah,” he grins back at me, pushing the door open.
He steps inside the apartment and I follow close behind. We enter a small entryway, intricate detailing on the doorway welcoming us into a larger space. There’s an area straight ahead with big glass windows and doors that lead to a balcony, clearly meant for a living area. Between that area and the entryway is an empty space, for what I assume is a dining table. Off to the left is a decent sized kitchen with white cabinets and white marble countertops, a small island in front of stainless steel appliances.
“Did your friend just move in?” I ask, taking note of the obvious lack of furniture.
“Yeah. Why don’t you take a look around?”
“Take a look around your friend’s new apartment?” I raise my eyebrows at him skeptically.
“Yeah,” he shrugs.
I give him another look, trying to understand where this is coming from. Why would I want to look around his friend’s apartment? Of course I want to- it’s always fascinating to see how the other half lives, but why would Charles encourage me to?
I don’t argue with him on it, though, not wanting to start another fight.
I start on the right side of the apartment, finding a nice sized bedroom, full bathroom, and laundry room. Then I head to the left side of the apartment, finding two more nice sized bedrooms and another bathroom.
“It’s nice,” I comment once I rejoin Charles and the girls, looking around the main space of the apartment once again.
“Yeah, you think so?”
“Could do with more color,” I suggest.
“Well, you can add the color.”
I turn back to him in confusion, resting one hand on the handle of the stroller casually. “What do you mean?”
“You’re my friend!”
I pause, staring at him. “What?”
He stutters. “I mean, I bought this flat for you.”
My mouth gapes open a bit in surprise as I gaze at him. “Why did you do that?”
“Your apartment now is so small, and it’s not on the safe side of town,” he explains.
“I like it being so small,” I defend, “It makes it easier to hear and see Ada and Lucy, and I can get to them quickly. And, I don’t know why you and Lando keep saying that, I feel safe where I live.”
“There was just a murder in your neighborhood last week!”
“On the other side of the neighborhood!”
“You’re going to put your ego over the safety of you and our daughters?”
I stare at him in shock. “I’m putting our daughters’ well-being in front of my ego, if anything. Don’t you think I would love to stay in this apartment and show it off?”
Charles can’t help but crack a grin, knowing that’s incredibly unlike me.
“The girls love saying hello to our neighbors every day, they love walking down the street to the park, hell, they love sharing a room, Charles,” I motion to the three bedroom doors.
“And they can share a room here,” he responds.
“Then what is the third- oh.” I stare at him in confusion until my face blanks.
“Why ‘oh?’” He questions.
“Charles, we just talked about this,” I sigh, crossing my arms over my chest before looking off to the side.
“Talked about what?”
“We’re not having another baby.”
It’s quiet- which is understandable, I’m sure it’s hard for him to really get it through his head that I don’t want another baby right now- and it’s not just with him, it’s with anyone. Currently, the girls are more than enough for me to handle.
Although, I do think it’s weird that he is still pushing for another baby since that pregnancy scare caused an argument and more tension between us.
It remains quiet. Too quiet.
I look back over at him, expecting a shattered expression, just to see a smug smirk on his face. My annoyed expression deflates at the look on his face but I quickly put it back on, not wanting him to think he has the upperhand in this scenario.
I feel like I’m missing something.
“What?” I ask him.
“The third bedroom isn’t so that the girls can have separate rooms, or so that we can have another baby. The third bedroom is so that we can all live together. That way we can have separate rooms, so I can be with the girls all of the time while in London and have somewhere to keep my stuff,” he explains.
I feel all the blood in my face drain at his explanation, and embarrassment creeps throughout my body.
“Oh?” He raises his eyebrows at me suggestively.
I stare out the wall of windows at the bustling London street below, avoiding eye contact with Charles while feeling his gaze on the side of my face. I don’t respond, just wanting to get out of this humiliating situation.
“You want another baby?”
“No,” I whip my head towards him, narrowing my eyes. “You want another baby.”
“You’re the one who just brought it up,” he responds defensively.
“Yeah, because you just bought an apartment with three bedrooms after we had a pregnancy scare,” I roll my eyes.
“You know I’d have another baby whenever you’re ready,” he offers.
I don’t respond, instead rolling the stroller to the front door of the apartment.
“So I contacted a moving company and they can move you in as early as next week, they told me since you have such a small amount of stuff we can be moved in within a day and we can shop for the rest of the furniture together,” he says, following after me.
My feet stop in the hallway, causing Charles to almost run into my back. I turn around slowly to face him.
“What about that did you not understand?” He wrinkles his eyebrows in confusion.
“What about what I said did you not understand?”
“Oh, I understood you alright,” he smirks at me.
I take a deep breath, fighting back the eyeroll. “I’m not moving into this apartment, Charles.”
“Why not?”
“Do we need to go through this again?” I raise my eyebrows at him.
“Clearly we do.”
“The girls are happy where they are now,” I assert.
“The girls are not even two years old, they don’t even know where they are half of the time.
“Charles,” I stare at him in disbelief.
“You’re not even with them half of the time, how would you know that?”
I know that it’s a low blow, but my blood is boiling. I understand that he’s not here because of his job, one that he’s really passionate about, but it feels like when Charles wants something, he does whatever he wants to make it possible.
It used to be a character trait that I really admired about him. I loved watching him overtake on the track and advocate for certain strategies with his team, admiring all of the passion that he puts into everything he does.
But when you have kids, that personality trait has to be thrown out the window.
It’s no longer about what you want and what you think is best- it’s what’s best for the kids. And I know my kids, and although someday I’d like to move into a bigger place, while I’m in school and working and the girls are still young, it’s best to stay where we are.
“I could be with them more if we moved into this apartment,” he waves his arm, as if to make his point.
I can’t hide my eyeroll this time, turning around to push the stroller back to the elevator.
“No response?” Smugness sneaks into his tone.
“It’s not even worth a response,” I tell him, pressing the button to go down. “Tell your realtor that you changed your mind.”
“After hiding the existence of my daughters for almost two years, you can’t do this one thing for me?”
My feet whip me around to face him before I can control my movements, and I begin to speak before I can stop myself. “Are you serious?”
His jaw drops open, as if he can’t believe he said those words himself.
“We had this whole conversation before, Charles, and I thought we figured out how to get over it. And, you’re not going to try to guilt me into doing something that I don’t think is the best option for our daughters, that’s not how cooperating between us is going to work,” I protest. “I will put our daughters' well-being in front of your emotions, and my own, time and time again because that’s what you do as a parent. And I’ll do everything that I can to get along with you because of them as well, as difficult as that may be.”
I step inside the elevator, pulling the stroller with me. Charles just stands in the hallway, staring back at me with a blank expression.
“Are you coming? I need to press the button.”
Ada and Lucy begin to squeal at the familiar sight of Ms. Berry, the elderly neighbor who always gives them lollipops whenever she sees them.
“Oh, you sweet darlings, it’s been too long since I last saw you,” the woman coos, pulling a strawberry flavored lollipop and cotton candy flavored lollipop out of her purse. Like clockwork, Ada reaches for the strawberry one and Lucy reaches for the cotton candy one.
“And who is this young man?” Ms. Berry smiles at Charles who stands holding Lucy’s hand.
“This is Charles, the girls’ dad,” I inform her.
“I hope that means that I’ll be seeing a lot more of you.”
“Say thank you to Ms. Berry,” I instruct the girls, who say the words around a mouthful of sucker.
“Anytime, girls. You’re the highlight of my week.” “Who was that woman that we ran into in the hallway earlier?” Charles asks later at dinner.
“Oh, Ms. Berry?” I reach over to wipe the ketchup off of Ada’s face. “She lives a couple doors down. She loves to see Ada and Lucy.”
“I’ve just never seen her before.”
“It’s because you’re usually gone on the weekend when she returns from her daughter’s house in the country. She stays there during the week to take care of her grandchildren, that’s why she loves the girls so much.”
Charles is quiet after that.
I know that he’s thinking about the apartment that he bought for us to share without my permission. It’s been a couple of days since we visited and fought about it. From the way his gaze lingers on me and flits around the apartment, I can tell that he wants to apologize for making such a rash decision without me and expecting me to go along with it, then guilting me when I refused.
But for some reason, he refuses to apologize.
Whether it’s pride, still partially believing that he’s correct, or something else, I don’t know.
All I know is that I’m sick of fighting with him.
Despite the fact that we fight about literally everything, I’m ready to move on and get along with him for the sake of our daughters. But it seems like everytime we take a step forward, we take two steps back.
And I’m just wondering how much of this back and forth we can both take.
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little-babybell · 10 months
heard you do scott pilgrim stuff umm ... could you provide some little gordon/gideon headcanons... perhaps featuring cg julie?? tysm :))
Omg yesyesyes!! Also srry this took awhile period cramps are horrible 。°(°.◜ᯅ◝°)°。
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Anywhoooo regressor!Gordon!! (+ a teeny weeny bit of cg!julie)
He usually switches between regressing back to his highschool years or like preschool but he isn't too sure of his age but knows he regresses to one or the other(if that makes sense)
Julie usually calls him Little goose, gordy, gid, gord, little champ, munchkin, but as an inside joke between the two Julie would call him shithead
He's usually really sweet when regressing to a preschooler but a complete moody drama king when he regresses to a highschooler
Julie gave him a goose onesie as a joke now he never takes it off if regressed to a preschooler
Really sensitive and also clumsy when regressing to a preschooler
No matter what he regresses to, those dumb baby sensory videos with the fruit could just have him focus on ANYTHING. Julie trying to talk to him? Play some baby sensory videos beside you so he can focus. Julies trying to get him to do chores? Baby sensory videos.
He's very messy when regressed to a preschooler!! Like paint and just anything he can find everywhere
Usually likes playing video games a lot when regressing to a highschooler
He does have a pacifier with a gaming controller on it, he was given it by Julie so he could stop biting things when regressed
Anywayys that's all I got!! Hope you enjoy! (^• ω •^)
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agerefandom · 1 year
Stella’s 1,800 Follower Giveaway!
Two years ago I had a giveaway for 500 followers, and now we’ve more than tripled that number in our agerefandom community! It continues to be so fun and rewarding to make content from art to fanfiction for all of you lovely regressors and dreamers and allies: I feel lucky every day that I get to wake up to the notifications and requests on this blog. 
So in celebration, here is the second-ever @agerefandom​ giveaway! 
To Qualify, You Must:
respect my DNI
be following @agerefandom
reblog this post!
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1. Your Choice Of Jellycat Stuffie
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(details: up to $31, shipping covered in US/Canada, must be available on the Jellycat website) 
2. Custom Pacifier From @punkiepacis (on Instagram) 
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(details: includes custom center, double outlining, and handle letters: shipping, charm and two special decorations also covered by me) 
3. Content Batch From Yours Truly 
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(details: skip the line and get your request filled before I officially open requests in July! Includes a 1,000-3,000 word fanfiction and a headcanon set, OR 3-4 headcanon sets if you prefer. If you’re interested in something else, like moodboards or art, we can set a number for those as well <3) 
you can reblog this post multiple times, but it only counts as one entry!
for a bonus entry, you can tag me in some agere content for any of the fandoms on my fandom list! moodboards, writing, art, headcanons, whatever you like to do! have fun!
the first person will get to choose between all three prizes. The second person will get to choose between the last two, and so on.
the giveaway will end on June 24th, 2023. The winners will be chosen before June 28th. 
Okay, that’s it! I love you all, and good luck!
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dearmailman · 1 year
hii i love you blog and i was wondering if could you do some headcanons or a fic about julie and frank taking care of a little reader who gets easily overstimulated together? TYYYYY
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Hello neighbor! I hope you enjoy this short fic, your neighbors are always there to comfort you.
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It’s your birthday, and you should be having fun. The entire neighborhood is over, and there’s been nonstop music and fun for hours! For better or worse, considering where you are now.
You’ve hidden under a table in the hallway, all the way across the home from the living room where everyone is wafting sounds of happiness your way. You wipe your face and try not to cry. It’s your birthday! You should be in there too! But as much as you love your neighbors, they can get very noisy and rambunctious. You can feel yourself regressing slightly already because of how overstimulating the party is. You’re overwhelmed, to be frank.
Speaking of being frank, you hear the distinct sounds of dress shoes on the wood floor and quite a bit of grumpy grumbling moving towards you.
“I’ve told them to quiet down four times, Julie! Four!”
“Aw, Frank come on, it’s a party! They can have a good time!”
“Julie, if I’m overwhelmed, then I just know Reader is too. I can’t- can’t find them though! Ah, I’m such a putz.”
You scoot toward the table cloth hiding you as you hear Frank’s overstimulation also boil over - his arm waving is practically audible. You reach for the cloth, only to flinch back as a loud thud sounds, and Barnaby and Howdy both begin laughing heartily in the distance.
“Frank, it’ll be alright, I’m sure they’re not in any trouble,” Julie soothes, joyful voice calm and even for Frank’s sake. “Would they have gone to their bedroom, maybe?”
“No, no they usually go somewhere small and close quarters when they get overwhelmed.”
You peek just an eye out from under the tablecloth, staring at them. Frank looks very miffed, tapping his shoe and staring at the ground very hard, like it will tell him where you are if he’s intimidating enough. You only think on it for a moment before swallowing the lump in your throat and calling out to them.
“Frank, Julie,” it comes out a stage whisper, but they both whip around, moving in unison like only twins or best friends can do. They spot you though, and come rushing over, crouching down to look at you.
“Reader, I have your earplugs if you need them, and your… you know,” he seems slightly embarrassed, but he hands you your ear plugs and your pacifier, even with Julie watching. He sits and scoots towards you, face worried. “Are you alright?”
“I’m fine…” You start what would have been a great lie, probably, but instead your voice breaks and you feel yourself tear up slightly. Frank pulls you out from under the table and into a hug almost instantly. Julie joins in, of course, petting at your hair softly.
“There, there - poor Reader. Snap, I’m sorry everything got so crazy, you know everybody gets so loud when we have fun.” Julie frowns sympathetically. “Do I need to kick them out of your pad?”
You shake your head, hidden against Frank’s sweater.
“Do me a solid and go tell them to quiet down at least,” Franks sighs exasperatedly.
“‘Kay!” Julie skips off to the living room and Frank turns back to you.
“You can use your binkie if you need it, friend. You know I’m always okay taking care of you.”
Frank - and sometimes Eddie too - have been your caretakers for a few months now, and they know you tend to go small when stress arises. Your posture slumps slightly, letting some of the weight go as the other room quiets to normal chatting. Frank helps you put your pacifier in and rubs a friendly hand on your back to comfort you.
“They really were wigging out!” Julie calls as she meets you two back in the hall. “Barnaby says ‘sorry about your flower vase.’” Julie glances curiously at your pacifier, humming. “What are you up to, neighbors?”
“Ah, it’s a comfort thing I’ve been helping them with. I do hope you don’t find it… weird.”
Julie laughs. “Weird? Well if anything I’m jealous! When do I get to cuddle up to my best friend and play baby,” she teases. Frank rolls his eyes at her, but you can see his smile. You giggle quietly and set your hand on Julie’s shoulder.
Julie smiles brightly, and plops herself into the cuddle pile, wrapping her arms around both you and Frank. “Big or baby, we’re all always here to comfort you Reader.”
“Even when it gets overwhelming, you know I always carry ear plugs and toys for you, so never be afraid to ask to be small.”
“Hey, sunshine, don’t you have a TV in your bedroom?” Julie smiles.
You nod to her, expression lightening by the second.
“Good idea, Julie. Let’s go watch cartoons. In the quiet. I’m sure those goofs will realize the party’s over eventually.”
“Far out,” Julie laughs, and the two help you upstairs for a cuddle session.
You get so lost in cartoons and comfort that you hardly notice the quieting of everyone heading home for the night. Julie decides, without prompt, that you three are officially having a sleep over, and you can’t help but giggle and go along.
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sfw interaction only
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passivenovember · 2 years
don’t leave me waiting with all this love
A two-bedroom apartment falls out of the sky and into their laps because with the pooled weight of their hush money, they can afford it.
Steve’s lived in a castle since the day his parents brought him home, swaddled in blue fleece from Hawkins General, and Billy’s never had a room that felt like his own, and a two-bedroom apartment is a one-way mirror. It’s a shroud, it’s protection. A spiny defense to hide behind when their landlord raises an eyebrow and asks if they’ve got a girlfriend. 
Not two girlfriends. A. 
Split between them, or something. As if the landlord knows they’re conjoined, down to their roots.
Steve tracks the way Billy’s shoulders pull tight, how his smile is a bit too sharp, his laugh so thunderous that their landlord doesn’t wonder why they have six months' rent upfront. Steve knows it’s a pacifier stuck between Mr. Morrison’s front teeth so he won’t ask any more questions.
They move their furniture that night, huffing up three flights of stairs in the July heat. 
Steve yaps about ordering a pizza. He floats the idea of renting a video and they christen their apartment, their shiny new life, with letters addressed to the burning past. The worst is over. Billy’s lips and tongue and sweat-slick skin roll over Steve like fresh dirt, baptizing him.
Steve comes apart imagining home.
He sees blue eyes. Blonde curls tied back as the kitchen fills with the robust, lingering smells of Tuscany and his Nonna’s house in Indiana. Billy thrusts harder, faster, and in this dream world, their home smells like them. Sun-warmed blankets that never get washed, bathroom mirrors spackled with hair spray. In every luminous version of the future, Billy’s laugh runs through the very core of the Earth, rattling the tracks of the last train Steve will ever wave goodbye to, and it’s Graceland.
It’s bliss, until Billy offers to sleep on the couch.
He says it’s because he doesn’t have a mattress.
Steve hangs off the door jam in his fruit of the looms, “You can sleep with me,” He says, thinking he shouldn’t have to say that. His stomach shouldn’t clench with worry that for the first time in two years, Billy might so no.
It’s warmer in the living room right now than Hawkins ever was.  
Billy’s hair sticks to his neck. He wipes at it, and Steve opens his mouth to insist he’s not above begging. Billy came inside him. Billy’s teeth sunk into his neck as if Steve were made of ripe fruit, and this is their house. This is their home. The second bedroom is just collateral. 
I want to be with you, Steve imagines telling him, I want you next to me, inside of me.
“I’ll be alright,” Billy says, as if hearing every unspoken word. He turns away, he. Stares out the window with the same cold, empty expression he sometimes got when the night was closing in Hawkins. Steve thought they had washed their hands of that, and yet when Billy realizes Steve’s frozen to the floor, he grins. “I promise,” he says. 
It’s empty, too. Horrible.
Steve goes. 
Sleeping alone is like trying to make love on a burlap sack full of bowling balls. Steve tosses and turns and swears the door was shut when he went to sleep without a blanket.
Still, he wakes before dawn wrapped in the ugly knit Max threw at Billy’s head when he told her they were leaving.
“He’s probably an evil clone.”
“He’s not an evil clone.”
“Are you sure? He hit his head pretty hard on the tile. Banged his everything else against the fist of a space monster–”
“You’re not actually helping.”
“I’m just presenting the facts. He’s probably a government spy,” On the other end of the line, Robin’s slurping on something. Really taking her time with filing every single one of Steve’s nerves down to the cartilage. 
Steve shivers. It’s the middle of the day in September, and he’s shrouded in darkness. “Bills couldn’t be a government spy.”
“Why not?”
“Because,” Steve says, twirling the phone cord around one hand, “Because he still wants to shower together. He still likes Hershey's chocolate and little marshmallows in his peppermint tea. He’s afraid of the dark.”
“All of that’s just shit the clone learned from Billy’s personal file.”
Steve rolls his eyes. “Billy doesn’t have a personal file.”
“Don’t be thick, we all fought monsters so we all have a personal file in the event that we decide to air Big Brother’s dirty laundry,” Robin tells him. “I don’t give a shit what you say, if he’s not fucking you anymore it tracks.”
“You’re an idiot, Buckley. ”
“Why, because I don’t believe that thing is really Bills?” 
“You’re an idiot if you think even a robot version of Billy would stop fucking me.”
“God, that’s so gross. You’re so gross–”
“So you admit that I’m right?”
“No,” Robin Snaps, “Evil clones are not the strangest thing that’s happened to us. Not by a long shot.”
“And if you’re suggesting that the government isn’t homophobic, you should read more.”
“I’m serious. The feds planted crack-cocaine in disco balls because that’s where all the gay–”
Steve scrubs a hand across his forehead. “I’m hanging up now.”
“Okay, fine,” Robin groans, finally stopping to take a breath, “Billy’s not an evil clone and all that hush money wasn’t just a ploy to get you out there. Alone. So they could finish the job.”
Steve wants to laugh. 
He aches to roll his eyes and call Buckley a bonehead before hanging up the phone and getting back to the three loads of laundry sitting on his-and-not-Billy’s bed, but. “What do you think the deal is?” Steve frowns, “Evil robots–”
“--Notwithstanding?” Steve asks, ignoring her. He perches the phone against his shoulder so that his hands are free to sort through the lights and darks. 
There are a lot of lights here. Apparently, this Billy wears beige. And sea-foam. And that lovely shade of periwinkle from Billy’s senior picture that makes his freckles look like a million spattered treasure troves. Steve hates it. He loves the color and hates the change. Hates the meaning. 
He’s so stupid for thinking this move would spell silver linings. 
He’d never imagined in a million years that it would change Billy to the core, even though it used to be all he hoped for. That Bilyl would fall asleep and stay that way for a hundred years, and when he finally woke up again all the hurt inside him would gone. 
But now. Steve’s wishy-washy. He’s a big fat washing machine man.
Robin hums, sucking at the dregs of ice in her piggly-wiggly cup. “Honestly, I think he’s happy.”
Steve drops Billy’s underwear as if it’s caught fire. “You don’t think he was happy before?”
“In Hawkins? I think he was trapped and miserable,” Robin says, “I think he was happier when he got you. You’ve always been his window into the outside world but now he’s got a doorway, you know? Being home again.”
Steve gets that. 
No one’s meant to be anyone’s everything, and.
Steve could accept it, were it not for the other stuff. The huge shift in dynamic even though Billy’s the same as always, at the root of him. Laughing at Steve and wagging his tongue and fucking Steve nasty all over the apartment. 
Avoiding the bed, though.
Shying away from any real intimacy, and all the domesticity that comes with waking up next to someone every day.
“It doesn’t make sense,” Steve grumbles, feeling like the last three years never happened. They’ve gone back in time, landing on the doormat of their relationship when Billy was still consumed with fear.
“Have you tried talking to him about it?”
“A few times,” Steve admits, “Mostly he just kisses my cheek and tells me he’ll be fine in the living room.”
“That is weird,” Robin says thoughtfully. “Listen. Don’t freak out, but. Right before my parents thought they were gonna get divorced–”
“You don’t even know what I was going to say.”
“Doesn’t matter, I don’t want to hear anything about divorce or separation–”
“You guys aren’t even married.”
“It doesn’t matter,” Steve insists, bile cracking like an egg behind his breastbone, “If you’re going to sit there and talk about endings, I don’t wanna fucking hear it.”
“We’re not your parents. This isn’t the first big sign of a falling out–”
“--Okay, Harrington, I believe you–”
“--Billy loves me,” Steve snaps, “Billy loves me so much.”
But the more he says it, the more it sounds like a swan song. Steve admitting, over and over and over again, that he would rather die than see the credits roll. That he’ll break his fingers before he lets go of Billy again.
“Don’t cry, Steve.”
“I’m not.”
“My parents never got divorced,” Robin tells him gently, like that’ll slap a bandaid on it, “Billy’s always slow on the take-up. He’s probably still adjusting to the move. His whole life has been one big change after another, you know? And all that shit with the Mind Flayer–”
“It’s just,” Steve tries, chin wobbling dangerously, “The first night we moved here and he said he didn’t want to come to bed I couldn’t remember the last time I slept somewhere without him. I know I have before, I just. Couldn’t remember. I still can’t,” Steve wipes his nose on Billy’s favorite pair of boxers, feeling dramatic and comical and lame. “Maybe I should call it quits. Give him an out–”
“No,” Robin snaps, so harshly that Steve’s tears crawl back inside his skull to hide. “Steve, if you break up with him–”
“God, I’m gonna split my skin. I’m crazy.”
“You’re not,” Robin assures him firmly, “It’s completely valid to wonder what brought on such a big change but it’s not what you think it is, and if you try to give him an out he’ll think it’s because you don’t love him. You know that.”
Steve nods, groaning when more tears slip out from behind his eyelashes. 
“Billy’s as batshit crazy about you as you are about him, the feeling’s mutual,” Robin says. “Besides, he probably wants to come to bed but They haven’t programmed it into his memory board yet and he can’t recall the purpose of a mattress–”
“I’m gonna kill you with a brick.”
“Hey, there he is,” Robin chirps. Steve imagines her flying high above the trees and then swooping low, angry pigeon style, to bomb his head with the truth. “It’s going to be alright, Dingus.”
“I know it is.”
“You don’t sound very convincing.”
“I’ll be okay,” Steve snaps, clutching Billy’s dirty underwear to his chest like some disgusting, demented teddy bear.
He hopes, down to the pads of his bare feet, that Robin’s right about this. That things will turn out okay. Because if they don’t and this spells the end of the best thing that ever happened, Steve will sink into darkness and he won’t be able to find his way out again.
Call him dramatic. It’s just the truth.
Darkness leaks out of him, through snags and tears he wasn’t even aware of. The only plus is that once the crescendo happens and Billy’s strapped down, swallowing mouthfuls of the rot he’d been dribbling for years, he lives. He can imagine a world where all the shadows are cast out. 
Maybe the ichor doesn’t seep out through harsh words, anymore, because there’s nothing left.
He’s empty. Wrung dry.
There’s all sorts of shit that comes along with that: hurt, pain, and guilt rotting inside him, growing teeth until they feed on each other. Billy’s nothing. He’s a non-issue.
Owens says it’s not productive to think of himself that way.
“What would your sister say if she heard you talking like that,” The Doctor says. In Billy’s memory of him, Owens always smokes black and mild cigars in a white jacket. “What would Steve say?” The Doctor asks, and it becomes like a chant, the evil cheerleaders in Billy’s mind playing both sides of the field.
Gloom, following him like a shadow.
What would Max think if she saw the way your eyes light up at the possibility of crashing your car into the gulch. What would Max growl at you under her breath if she heard the half-drunk promises you make to your teddy bear that the age-old dream of skipping town to find your mom would be an adventure? What would Steve think, crying big fat crocodile tears, if he heard you scream into the sky that you’re a devouring worm who’s going to eat and eat and eat through everyone’s love until they, too, are shining emptiness?
Owens always circles back to that. “You’re not a black hole, Billy,” He says, with so much feeling it almost seems like he believes it, “Your sister loves you. She’s happy you made it back to her. Steve loves–”
“I know,” Billy says. Doesn’t understand it. Never understands it–
“Do you?” The Doctor asks, cloaked in a milky haze so Billy can never tell if he’s leeching joy from Billy’s scarce reserves.
When Billy tells the doctor that he’s moving to California and Steve’s coming, too, Owens says it’s good. It’s something to celebrate. “You’re not a black hole. You’re a room waiting to be filled with dayglow,” The Doctor tells him, lighting his customary cigar, “California Dreamin’, right?”
Their sessions never make it past the thirty-minute hand.
On Wednesday, the phone rings. “Robin said that Steve said that you said–”
“This isn’t high school,” Billy relaxes into child’s pose and watches a bead of sweat fall, lazy as dew-drop rain, into the yawning hands of the carpet. “Might be a bit of a shocker, since that’s where you’re at in life but if you’re gonna do this telephone, he said she said bullshit–”
“Telephone?” Max interrupts. 
“Yeah, you know. The game where you whisper into the ear of the person beside you, and they whisper into the next person’s ear, and then that fucker whispers–”
“God, you’re so old.”
Billy’s sweat is absorbed and digested into the putting green of the spare bedroom’s floor. He hikes himself into downward dog, willing his arms to stop shaking in their sinuous hold. “Just tell me what Robin said.” 
“Not Robin,” Max clarifies, chewing on something crunchy, “Well, Robin told me, but really she heard from Steve that you said you aren’t in love with him anymore.”
Billy’s arms give out. 
And really, gun to his head, it’s probably because there’s no future, no alternative timeline, no possibility in all the infinite choices and lifetimes Billy sometimes imagines when he gets too high, that he would ever stop loving Steve Harrington. 
But, he’s also in recovery.
His hands don’t work quite as well as they used to and his stamina, in all things but especially in the demented world of his teenage sister, is for shit.
His forehead stings, “Ow, godammit–”
“What happened,” Max barks.
“It’s fine, just,” Billy rubs between his eyebrows, “Just give me a minute.”
“It’s not true, right?” Max demands because she can’t follow instructions. Because since the very beginning, even before Billy knew what to call this thing with Steve, she was rooting for them. Stapling pompoms to her hands to muster happiness when Billy said I’m going home and Steve’s coming with me.
For Max, anything involving Billy is better if Steve’s beside him.
It’s sweet.
It’s a thorn in Billy’s ribs, too, a dagger-tip poisoned with worry that when Steve realizes he’s too good for the life they’ve built together, it’ll break her heart just as much as it’ll shatter Billy’s.
Max isn’t crunching on the other end of the line, anymore. “You still love him,” She says, “Obviously, you still–”
“Why would Steve say something like that?”
“I don’t know,” Max says, in exactly the sort of stretched, wavering voice she has when she does know. When it’s her doomsday tale, come to fruition.
“Tell me what you know,” Billy demands.
“I already told you, dipshit, I don’t know anything. I only know what Robin heard from Steve who heard from–”
“Yeah, I got that part,” Billy tucks his feet under him, muscles sore and loose. His tendons trip over each other, clenching painfully to hold the rising tide of worry threatening to seep from his bones. “I don’t understand. Is he pissed that I threw out the boxed pudding last week?”
“You threw out all the boxed pudding,” Max repeats, and Billy imagines coppery horror dawning bright across her freckles.
“Owens said I need to cleanse my body, just like I need to cleanse my mind.”
“Yeah, that was a bad move,” Max reports glumly.
There’s not much Steve gets up in arms about. He’s as deep and as calm as a river, he’s moss-covered boulders and wisteria growing through cracks in the rubble of ancient buildings. He doesn’t simmer and boil over like Billy does, but Steve’s serious about dessert.
He’s got a sweet tooth the size of Mississippi that’s only gotten worse since Billy escaped death. They’ve got their ways of coping.
“He’s probably gonna kill you in your sleep,” Max tells him.
“Yeah, probably.”
“You’d deserve it,”
“I’d deserve it,” Billy tells her. For the pudding and for so many other nameless, faceless things that lurk in the past. Billy picks at the fiber of the carpet, “Still doesn’t seem right, though.”
“You think he’s worried about something else?” Max chuckles, “Wait, don’t answer that. It’s you he fell in love with, there’s always something to be pissed about.”
“Gee, thanks.”
“I’m just saying, you do things all the time without thinking about it.”
Billy resists the urge to cross his arms and pout. “Like what?”
“You want me to name them?”
“Yeah,” Billy spits, losing the war, “I want you to name them so I can be better. For everyone, but. For Steve. And you.”
Max groans. Long and low and Billy’s grateful, somewhere past his resolutions, that some things and especially some little sisters, never change. Billy tries not to smile, “Look, tease me all you want, okay? Owens says–”
“Owens is a quack.”
“He’s not a quack,” Billy insists, and now his hands are shaking.
It’s a drop of a dime, these days.
It’s out of his control.
“I know, he’s a partial quack. He’s got quack-like tendencies.” Max works to make her voice kinder. Softer. It means the world that she would try.
It means even more that she doesn’t baby him. 
Billy sits back against the wall in the guest room, tucking his knees up to his chin. He rifles through the last few months, unpacking every moment he’s shared in this apartment with Steve. They’ve cooked dinner together every night. They grocery shop and split the chores on Sundays, and Steve reads out loud to him from any book Billy picks up from the library, and.
“I thought everything was good,” Billy mutters, “I thought it was perfect. Steve is, and. I thought I could be.”
“You’re an idiot if you think anyone’s perfect.”
“I could try, Max. For him.”
“Look, is this about your survivors guilt, PTSD whatever?” Max demands. Billy hates the way he can’t hide from her. “We’ve already done the twelve-step apology bullshit, Billy. Everyone forgave you.”
He didn’t deserve it. 
Billy bites down so hard on his cheek that he tastes blood. He shakes his head and can’t admit that he never deserved a second chance. Not happiness, not love, and not steve.
Billy clears his throat, “Not everyone.”
“Well, everyone who counts,” Max says quietly. “Bills. You need to forgive yourself.”
It stings, like the reopening of a wound. 
Salt and rubbing alcohol burning in his nose when he breathes just like the Doctor taught him. Inhale joy, exhale pain. Inhale mercy, exhale–
“You have to forgive yourself,” Max tries again. Her voice wavers a little around the edges, fuzzy like it gets right before she starts to cry.
Billy hates himself, but. He hates that even more. 
For so long he wanted to believe that he was on the road to keeping his head above water. That soon enough he’d be able to think of the dark ages and not give into its way of life. 
Billy had thought that things were different.
In California, under sunny-bright skies, he’s a man made new.
Billy’s done everything right. He changed the way he eats. He does yoga. He sleeps on the mat on the floor to attone for the sin that still stain his hands like blood, he holds Steve far enough away that he’ll be safe but so Billy, selfish as he is, can still warm himself by the glowing light–
Billy sits up so fast that his head starts to swim. “I will,” He tells her.
“You mean it?”
“I’ll try,” Billy says. 
It’s all he can do.
Friday night, Steve comes home from work and falls into bed with his shoes still on. 
He’s asleep before his head hits the pillow. Billy hovers in the doorway for ten minutes to watch him sleep. Steve will wake up with a sore neck. His skin will ring itself red, indented with the seams of his pants.
Billy wants to enter the room. Feels like a sinner pacing the carpet outside confessional. 
He’s seasick and guilty about that. It’s a line of thought that leads nowhere, it careens madly off the edge of a cliff. 
Billy chews his nails and tells himself everything’s fine. 
He can cross the threshold without invitation. He can make sure his lover is comfortable. 
He can do this.
Just like this morning. Just like yesterday.
Billy gnaws at his thumb. Steve’s always more comfortable with his shoes off, soft and pliant with one sock clinging stubbornly to his foot. He can’t decide if it’s worth it to wake Steve or if getting the shoes off while he’s knocked out cold is even possible.
And once the shoes are gone, there’s the matter of Steve’s pants. Tight and scratchy denim and covered in drying finger paints and Billy knows even if he can manage to get Steve undressed, Steve will whine about the paint tugging on his leg hair, and then he’ll want to shower, and.
Well, Billy never could deny him.
The change in Steve’s breathing is like the first wave of a thunderstorm arching into the slow, lethal way the shadows in their room change shape and grow teeth. 
“Billy?” Steve calls, thick and groggy, edging toward panic, “Bills, where–”
“I’m on the couch,” Billy says. 
The whole house adjusts around the weight of Steve’s body. He runs down the hallway, appearing startled and out of breath, hair wild and cheeks lined.
“Jesus. I rolled over, and.” Steve runs a hand through his hair and Billy almost melts into the couch when those eyes slip like cool water over him, ringed with relief at the sight of him, tired and whole in their living room. “Nice to see you’re migrating closer to our bedroom.”
Billy shifts, freezing cold without a blanket.
Steve watches him for a long, quiet moment. “You scared the shit out of me,” Steve grumbles, padding toward the coffee table with his sneakers still on. Billy makes room between his legs without a second thought and Steve curls like a cat between them, burrowing his face into Billy’s stomach. 
He sucks a mouthful of Billy’s stomach between his teeth, letting it fall doughy again before he presses a soft, firm kiss right above the worst of Billy’s scars.
Billy tangles his fingers into Steve’s hair, scratching and tugging at his scalp until Steve’s shoulders drop, until he’s breathing like he’s worried each inhale might be his last.
Billy wants to promise he’d give his own last breath to keep Steve alive. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s alright. You smell good,” Steve says, his tongue dragging lewdly over Billy’s happy trail.
Billy doesn’t deserve this. “I haven’t showered yet today.”
“Doesn’t matter, taste like vanilla bean,” Steve chews on him a little more, and Billy an feel every inch of his smile. “There is no more ‘yet,’ fyi. Today’s almost over.”
“Do you want me to clean myself up?”
“No,” Steve flails around, rolling and tucking his knees until Billy’s got a clear landing to his mouth, to the folded, unhappy lines of Steve’s forehead.
“You sure?”
“I like the way you smell,” Steve grumbles, carding his fingers through Billy’s leg hair. “It’s like aromatherapy for my trauma.”
“You’re a dork.”
“I was having a nightmare.”
Billy falters. He doesn’t know what to say, so he kisses Steve’s forehead, over and over again until the skin smooths itself out. Knows that even after all these years, Steve‘s gotta be smothered back to Earth when he wakes up screaming. 
“Wanna talk about it?” Billy asks, tracing a thumb over the perfect swell of Steve’s mouth. 
Steve kisses his finger. “You were gone,” He says softly, eyes unfocused and far away. “I pulled you out of a frozen lake and took all my clothes off so you could be dressed in something warm again, and I blinked. When I opened my eyes you weren’t there. You were gone.”
Billy should’ve been there. Next to Steve, in their bed. If he had swallowed his fear and just been there–
“You know I’m still in love with you,” Billy blurts suddenly. He holds tighter to Steve’s chest, fingers digging into the muscle around each one of his ribs. “No matter what you told Robin I did or what Max said you said Robin told–”
He may as well douse the fire. He may as well throw a blanket over passion, and a bucket of cool water on the night. 
Steve frowns at him. He searches Billy’s face and he says, “I was worried,” like the knife is finally being pulled form his stomach. 
Billy hates himself. “You never have to worry about me.” He swears, like a white-knight. A King.
Steve’s forehead wrinkles again. “You don’t touch me anymore.”
He wants to.
Billy aches, constantly, to the very atoms that make up the marrow of his bones, to touch him.
“I can’t. Because,” Billy tries. “Because I don’t deserve–”
“You’re wrong,”  Steve says harshly. 
Billy flinches. His throat closes up and Steve can tell, lurching into action so Billy doesn’t suffocate to death.
“Hey,” Steve says, sitting and twisting until his forehead tacks itself to Billy’s, “Breathe, c’mon.”
Steve demonstrates how to do it.
He patient. He’s beautiful.
“There you go, big guy.”
Bill holds onto the wrists that frame his face. Comes back to Earth, again, back home. Where he belongs. 
He feels Steve’s pulse through every inch of his body, thumping Billy’s blood when he can’t do it himself. He looks into those eyes, honey-pools that followed him into the dark. “I’m trying to do better.”
“You are better.”
“I’m trying to be perfect,” Billy says, “For you. Before I start this new life in our house, I want to be–”
Steve kisses the rest of it out of him. 
Everything, gentle licks and nips until all that’s left is fresh ground. 
“You’re done apologizing,” Steve says bluntly. He tucks a piece of hair behind Billy’s ear, eyes gentle on Billy’s face. “I’m sorry if I ever made you feel like you had to.”
“I needed it.”
“I know. But it’s not necessary anymore.”
“I’m sorry I made you think I didn’t want you anymore. I was worried that if I didn’t take this pilgrimage, something bad would happen and I’d hurt you.”
Steve kisses him. “You won’t.”
“I couldn’t take the chance before.”
“Let’s take it now,” Steve says. He sits back on his haunches, voice strong and true and bursting like dawn through the night. “The whole point of a fresh start is that we don’t have to crawl on our knees anymore, Billy. We get to be happy, now. We get to be together.”
Billy searches for the words he always thought were better left unsaid. 
He quiets the shadows that whisper there’s no going back. If he opens himself up to this, for real and forever, he sacrifices control. 
But if Steve’s the one he’s kneeling to–
“Can we go to bed?” Billy asks, small and uncertain. 
He braces himself for the sneer, for the unkind word, for reality to come crashing like a furious wave. 
Instead, Steve smiles. 
When he takes Billy’s hand, a door is opened. And light pours through.
for the lovely @chrisbitchtree for Harringrove for Turkey!
I hope you like it and I’m sorry it took forever and ever.
all my love,
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sgstories123 · 2 years
You are my Valentine
“You got Valentine’s date tonight?” Leena asked Peipei, as she poured hot water into her mug. The smell of Nescafe immediately filled the small pantry room.
“Why, you want to be my Valentine is it?” Peipei gave a naughty smile, caressing Leena’s perfectly round butt seductively before giving it a pinch and slapping them softly.
“Fuck lah! You think I lesbian?” Leena pushed Peipei’s hands away.
Peipei laughed. Since she joined the company about a year ago, Leena had been her closest colleague. They have lunch together most of the time and also meet each other to go shopping during the weekends.
Peipei thought to herself. Was she a closet lesbian? She looked at Leena closely. She must confess that Leena was indeed a voluptuous and sexy woman. Her breasts were the size of watermelons. Wearing a low cut, tight, bright red blouse, her breasts were squeezed upwards, screaming to be let out of the clothes, revealing a deep abyss of a cleavage that many men would be lost in. Her body tapered from the large upper body to a waist that was just right for any man to wrap their arms around. Wearing a short, low hung skirt, she showed enough of her smooth, light brown skin to make any man want to peel away all her clothes to see her naked.
“Adam wants to take me out for dinner at a fancy restaurant in Orchard Road tonight.” Leena continued. “At first, I thought it was a romantic Valentine Day’s dinner just for the two of us. But I was wrong. His cousin from Australia is in Singapore and wants to join us. So, I was thinking if you don’t have a date, how about you come along and double date? It will be so weird to have dinner with two guys on Valentine’s Day by myself.”
“What is so weird? You can do a threesome.” Peipei giggled, before adding, “Not like you have not done it before.”
“Fuck!” Leena shoved Peipei, spilling some of her Boh Tea.
Peipei was well aware of Leena’s sexual exploits as Leena had shared them freely with her. With Leena’s good looks and sexy body, she has no shortage of boyfriends. Sometimes, she even has more than one boyfriend at any one time. There was one time when she was caught on a date with one boyfriend by another of her boyfriend. To pacify both of them, they had a threesome. Somehow, all of them ended up being happy and broke up amicably after that. Leena was good not only in getting boyfriends but in breaking up with them as well.
“So, you have a date or not?” Leena persisted.
“You know I broke up with Ah Hock last July. How to have Valentine’s Day date? I am not like you, boyfriends lining up from one end of Orchard Road to the other end.” Peipei replied.
“No, you are wrong. My boyfriends line up from one end of Orchard Road to Changi Airport.” Leena laughed. “So you on for tonight?”
“Wait. The guy is ang mo?” Peipei asked, a little frown crossing her face.
“You stupid or what? Adam is Malay. How can his cousin be ang mo? I Malay. Is my sister Chinese?” Leena sighed exasperatedly.
“You say he from Australia what. How I know?” Peipei replied sheepishly.
“Why is that important? Whether he Malay, ang moh or Chinese?” Leena looked at Peipei curiously. “ You racist?”
“If I racist, I would not be your best friend, silly.” Peipei countered.
“Then why?” Leena’s curiosity was piqued.
“I only have a few boyfriends and they were all Chinese.” Peipei said slowly. “I am not like you. I don’t have boyfriends who are Malay, Indian and Caucasians. I am scared that they are different.”
“Different? What you mean? All the men are the same, just different skin colour.” A sudden realisation hit Leena. “Oh. You dirty-minded girl. You worried ang moh cock too big you cannot take it. You thinking of sleeping with Ahmad’s cousin, a guy you just met? You are a fucking slut!”
Leena roared loudly with laughter. She recalled telling Peipei about how her previous Caucasian boyfriend had a 9-inch dick and how Peipei was horrified of the thought of having such a large monster in her. Peipei must still be concerned with having sex with men with big dicks.
“Stop it. The whole office is going to hear, you idiot!” Peipei was embarrassed and pinched Leena on her shoulder. But that only made Leena laughed louder.
“Look. It is Valentine’s Day. I was only thinking that it is natural to have sex with your date. I am not dirty-minded.” Peipei said defensively. “If you don’t stop laughing, I won’t go on the double date with you tonight.”
It worked and Leena stopped laughing almost immediately, suppressing it into silent giggles and dirty looks.
Several hours later, Peipei and Leena joined Adam and his cousin Hazer at a fancy hotel restaurant in Orchard Road. It was the first time that Peipei had seen Adam. It was not surprising as Leena had only met Adam at a Christmas party. Leena change boyfriends so fast that Peipei has not even the chance to meet most of them.
Adam was good-looking with a boyish charm. He wore a long sleeved pale blue shirt and a pair of tight, black pants, with a very noticeable bulge. “Stop staring at my boyfriend’s cock.” Leena whispered when she noticed Peipei stealing glances at Adam’s crotch. Before Peipei could utter a protest, Leena teased her further. “Yes, he has a huge cock, thicker and longer than your Ah Hock and all your other Chinese boyfriends. You scared?”
Peipei ignored her and turned her attention towards Hazer. At thirty years old, he was the oldest among them. He wore a green casual jacket over a white t-shirt. He must have worked out in the gym as Peipei could see the muscular contours of his body behind the t-shirt. He told them funny stories of his life in Australia. Peipei caught his large eyes looking at her several times and could feel herself easily attracted to his charms.
After chatting and laughing over dinner, Leena stood up. “Sorry guys. Peipei and I have to go to the Ladies to touch-up our make-up.” Without waiting for a response, she pulled Peipei out of her chair and led her away.
“Did you see what the boys were eating?” Leena asked, once they entered the Ladies.
It was a buffet-style dinner. Peipei tried to recall what each of them was eating. “Adam ate chicken, prawns, noodles and ice-cream? I think Hazer had the rendang, soup and some cakes for desert. I can’t really remember. Why?”
“You silly girl. They both took oysters, a whole plate stacked right to the top.” Leena rolled her eyes.
“Oh yeah. That was quite early on. I forgot about it.” Peipei thought further before continuing. “And Hazer had some mussels as well.”
“You know what that means, right?” Leena probed.
“What?” Peipei was still puzzled.
“They want to fuck us. Oysters? They give men strength and stamina?” Leena offered. “Gosh. You are so inexperienced. Are you prepared?”
“Prepare?” Peipei asked.
“What do you have in you bag? Let me see.” Leena lost her patience and snatched Peipei’s clutch bag. It was only large enough to carry some cash, credit cards, keys and a couple of other small items. “I knew it. LuckyI prepared them for you. Here. Take this.”
Peipei looked at the small metallic case with a yellow smiley face on it. “What’s this?” She opened it and found three condoms. It was a condom carrying case.
“I can’t carry this. They will think I am a slut.” Peipei protested.
“Hazer’s staying in this hotel. I am sure they will ask us to his room later and fuck us there. Are you hoping that they are prepared? I don’t think so. Men prefer doing raw and don’t care if they get you pregnant.” Leena replied.
“You carry it. I get from you if I need it.” Peipei was totally embarrassed by this conversation. She looked around nervously and hope no one will overhear what they are discussing. Although Peipei tries to act mature at work, in reality, she was still sexually inexperienced and conservative.
“Don’t worry. I have my own special ones for Adam.” Leena gave a devious smile. She took out another box of similar size but with a picture of a naked couple in hot embrace. She opened it and inside were Okamoto’s Big Boy condoms. “Adam’s cock is bigger than most. Maybe bigger than my Caucasian ex-boyfriend. Scared right?”
“You think Hazer’s small size meh? For all you know, his one bigger than Adam’s.” Peipei fell for Leena’s taunt.
Leena giggled. “You crazy bitch. You defending Hazer like he your boyfriend. That’s it. You are definitely fucking him tonight. You are such a cheap whore.”
“This cheap whore will not only fuck Hazer but also your boyfriend Adam. I will show you I love big cocks as much as you do.” Peipei raised her voice. She regretted immediately as the door to the Ladies swung open and a group of teenage girls walked in. They clearly heard Peipei as they stared at her, giggling uncontrollably. Peipei walked out quickly, head turned away, hoping that they  did not catch a good look of her face. Leena really knew her well, tricking her into saying and doing all the most embarassing things. Peipei sighed. Is that the price of friendship?
Leena was right. When they returned to their table, they saw the men finishing off another plate of oysters, the empty shells glistening in the light. Now that Peipei was more aware of the significance of the oysters, she also caught meaningful glances between the two men. After dinner, the men suggested that they go up to Hazer’s room to catch the night view of Orchard Road. However, once they entered the room, Adam started hugging and kissing Leena passionately. There was only enough time for Hazer to close the door before Adam started removing Leena’s dress. Adam was more interested in the view of Leena’s naked body than Orchard Road at night.
Once Leena’s clothes were fully removed by Adam, Peipei realised that Leena was really beautiful and sexy. Her large breasts were equal in size and shape, a perfect mirror image of each other. They were beautifully shaped, large, round mounds of pleasure with large protruding nipples, seemingly invitingly delicious. Even Peipei who was a woman felt desire in wanting to suck those nipples and squeeze those huge ripe melons of breasts. The curves continued downwards from Leena’s breasts to her contoured waists, expanding outwards again at the hips, providing support to the perfect globes of ass that just hours ago, Peipei had pinched and slapped them. Further down, the curves flowed into her legs, showing off beautiful skin covering tight, muscular calves. Leena was a sexy goddess, Peipei thought. No wonder she had so many boyfriends.
Adam continued to kiss Leena, covering her whole body with his mouth. His hands worked feverishly in removing his own clothes. Peipei gasped when Adam stood out of his briefs. Leena did not lie when she said Adam had a huge tool. Adam’s cock was already erect, protruding outwards, quivering just so slightly as if it was also anticipating the union with Leena’s vagina. Adam covered Leena’s body with his own, moving along her body as he continued hugging, touching and kissing Leena. The only sound coming from Leena was her satisfied sighs of pleasure. Adam must be one good lover.
Lost in the sex show of Adam and Leena, Peipei was awakened only when arms went around her waist, pulling her backwards. She felt a blunt rod pushing up against her ass. She turned around, only to have Hazer pushing his mouth onto hers, forceful, with a tinge of animal lust. She could feel his breath on her cheeks, warm and moist. Hazer forced himself down further. Peipei craned her neck backwards, opening her mouth. Sensing an entry point, Hazer stuck his tongue into her mouth, sending electric sparks along her body as their tongues touch each other. He continued exploring her mouth while his hand moved upwards, partly supporting her arched body and partly unzipping her dress. A cool draft touched Peipei’s skin as her dress fell to the floor. It was only when her skin touched Hazer’s bare skin, that he was already naked. He must have removed his clothes when Adam and Leena were removing theirs. Peipei had been too mesmerised by the sex between Adam and Leena to notice. She moved her hands towards her back to gain some balance but instead grabbed Hazer’s hard cock. That was the blunt object that was pressing against her ass.
“You like my cock? Want to suck it?” Hazer whispered in her ear. Peipei looked into Hazer’s eyes. It was so beautiful and enchanting that it seemed to hypnotise her. She simply nodded, kneeling in front of Hazer and kissing his cock on its head.
Hazer’s cock seemed to be about the same size as her previous boyfriends. She did what they seemed to like, licking the head of the cock with her tongue, making swirling motions. She squeezed Hazer’s cock, sliding her hands along the shaft, before licking it from the balls all the way to the top. Sufficiently lubricated, she swallowed Hazer’s cock, slowly taking it in till it reached the back of her throat. Slowly at first, her lips traversed along the shaft, her tongue wrapping it tightly and her fingers squeezing the base of the cock. She let Hazer’s hands on her head guide her, increasing her pace as needed, to provide Hazer with maximum pleasure. She knew she was doing well as Hazer started moaning louder and louder in pleasure. He started to push her head onto his cock at a faster pace simultaneously pushing his hips, fucking her mouth relentlessly. With several quick thrusts, he ejaculated into her mouth, as his body shuddered with pleasure. He held onto Peipei’s head tight, forcing her to swallow his cum. Peipei held onto his bare butt, her mouth pressed against his body as his cum dripped out from the sides of her mouth.
“Good girl.” Hazer smiled at Peipei, stroking her head lovingly as he pulled his cock out of her mouth. He turned to look at Adam and Leena on the bed. Adam was now fucking Leena furiously in doggy style, his back towards them. “The bed’s occupied. Get up on the couch and lie down on your back.”
Peipei obeyed without a word. Hazer pulled off her panties, bringing them to his nose for a quick sniff. He closed his eyes and made a satisfied grunt. He unclasped her bra, revealing her erect pink nipples to the cold air in the room. Covering them with his mouth, he licked them, jabbing them expertly with his tongue and causing little waves of pleasure.
Peipei moaned softly. Hazer was so much better at sucking her nipples than her other boyfriends, she thought. She held onto his body, enjoying the touch of his muscled body, feeling the sense of masculinity strength behind the skin. She sighed as he pressed his body against her, feeling the contours of his muscles rubbing against her body. His fingers caressed her inner thighs and Peipei’s body tensed in anticipation. This is it, she thought. I am going to be fucking my first Malay man.
Hazer’s fingers rubbed against her slit, spreading the moistness that was emanating from her insides. Spreading them slowly, a finger pressed against the entrance, pushing its way into her. Peipei moaned in pleasure as a familiar feeling of warmth and completeness engulfed her lower body. It had been too long since she lost had sex. Her body jerked uncontrollably, beckoning the finger to enter her even more deeply, to fill her even more completely. Hazer allowed a second finger and then a third, expanding her entrance to pleasure. Peipei was now moaning even louder as Hazer quickened his pace. She grabbed his hands as the pleasure becomes more unbearable. She wanted him to stop and yet wanted him to continue. It was a dilemma. She thought she was going crazy with pleasure. Her body jerked upwards, towards Hazer’s fingers, willing it to go even faster and deeper. Her ass lifted, her body gave a final shudder, squirting her love juice all over Hazer as she groaned loudly, giving herself up to her orgasm. When she opened her eyes, she saw Hazer looking at her sweetly. She was tired but happy. She smiled.
Hazer returned the smile and spread open her legs. She saw Hazer’s cock was hard again and positioned between her legs.
“Wait. Put on a condom.” She remembered what Leena told her earlier in the evening.
“I don’t have a condom. Let’s just do it raw.” Sensing her hesitation, Hazer continued. “Adam is also not wearing a condom. What are you worried about?”
Peipei looked towards the bed. Leena was now riding Adam in reverse cowgirl position, her huge breasts swinging up and down, moaning loudly. She could not make out whether Adam was wearing a condom.
“Wait. I get you a condom.” Peipei sat up and retrieved the condom box from her bag, retrieving a condom for Hazer.
“You carry condoms in your bag? Alright. Looks like we are going to enjoy ourselves tonight.” Hazer smiled.
He rolled on the condom before spreading her legs again. He pushed it in slowly, enjoying the warm, tight cunt grabbing his hard cock. Peipei groaned in pleasure as Hazer’s cock filled her up. It was so different from his fingers, going much deeper and spreading her sides so much wider. This was what nature intended. A cock can never be replaced by anything else, not fingers, not a dildo.
Hazer lifted Peipei legs onto his shoulders as he pumped her, harder and faster. They were both now moaning and groaning in pleasure. Hazer turned Peipei over to her side, fucking her sideways. In this position, Peipei saw that Adam was done fucking Leena. He was seating on the edge of the bed, smiling at her while watching her being fucked by Hazer. Leena was lying motionless on the bed on her back, her legs spread wide open, proudly displaying her vagina for all to see.
“Cumming!” Hazer grunted as he thrust deeper and faster. He held onto Peipei’s body tightly as he ejacluated into her. Peipei grabbed her breasts, squeezing her nipples as she enjoyed the last few thrusts of pleasures. Hazer waited for his pleasure to subside before pulling his cock out of Peipei. Bending down to give her a kiss, he whispered “You are my Valentine.”
He got up from the couch and went to the bathroom. Peipei could hear the shower running. She was too exhausted to do anything except to continue lying on the couch.
She saw Adam smiling at her. She smiled back. Adam stood up, his cock erect. As he approached her, Peipei saw his cock up close. It was really much longer and thicker than any cock she has seen, much larger than Hazer’s even though he was older than Adam.
He kissed her, a gentle seductive kiss. Peipei knew it was wrong. Adam was Leena’s boyfriend and she is just sleeping in front of her in the same room.
“No, wait. You are Leena’s boyfriend.” Peipei whispered.
“So? When I first saw you enter the restaurant, I wanted to fuck you. You are so pretty.” Adam confessed. “I knew I had to fuck Leena to tire her out before I have a chance with you. So I ate a lot of oysters in preparation. I am so jealous that Hazer gets to fuck you first but now that both are away, you are mine.”
Adam turned her over on the couch and on her knees. Without warning, he positioned his hard cock onto her entrance.
“Wait. Wear a condom.” Peipei grunted.
“I can’t. They are too small and won’t fit.” Adam continued to pry open her vagina walls with his fingers, guiding his cock into her.
“Wait. Leena. Leena has condom of your size. Please.” Peipei moaned, trying to remain focused as Adam’s giant cock slowly entered her and the pleasure emanating from it started to blur her senses.
“No, she doesn’t. We fucked raw just now.” Adam insisted. “Just keep quiet and let me fuck you. I have been waiting for this the whole night.”
As Adam’s huge cock entered her, Peipei’s senses started to fade. She was only aware of a pleasurable numbing sensation from her lower body coursing through her whole body. She could not hear or see anything, just floating in pleasure. She is aware she must be screaming in pleasure as there was a vague sense of soreness in her throat. It was as if she was on drugs as she seems to see things floating past her. Then she came to her senses, as Adam bent forwards to kiss her. His body rubbed against her, one arm grabbing her from behind, fondling her breasts.
“Let’s cum again for me.” Adam whispered. He thrust harder and faster, and Peipei clutched the arms of the couch tightly, her body once again losing control to the her carnal pleasures. Arching upwards and backwards, she screamed in pleasure, as her love juices squirted in buckets, this time drenching the couch with a large dark patch.
Peipei was exhausted and wanted to rest, but Adam continued pounding into her, his cock seemingly reaching deeper and deeper into her, finding new spots of pleasure that was unknown to her. Adam pulled her up from the couch and pressed her against the glass windows. Peipei could see Orchard Road lit by the street lamps and the occasional vehicle. It was already well past midnight and there were few people on the streets. Peipei wondered if any of the people on the streets looked up, will they see her being fucked against the windows.
As Adam was taller than Peipei, in standing position, his cock dug even deeper into her. She tried to stand on her toes, to give herself some respite from the deep fucking that she is getting but Adam was not having any of that. He closed the distance between themselves and the window, flattening Peipei’s breasts against the glass. The cold glass on her nipples send another wave of pleasure coursing through her and Peipei no longer had the strength to resist whatever Adam wants to do with her. Several thrusts later, Peipei released another round of love juices, spraying against the window and onto the carpet.
“Please, no more. I cannot take it any more, Adam.” Peipei whispered as Adam now pushed her onto the bed. With her legs lifted upwards and lying on her bed, Adam entered her again.
“You are so fucking sexy. So tight. So warm. I have to try so hard not to cum even though I have already cum thrice with Leena earlier. I want to fuck you all night long.” Adam replied.
“Please. I promise to fuck you anytime you want. Please stop for now. I cannot take your big cock any more.” Peipei whimpered, all her strength sapped out of her.
Adam smiled and bent down to give her a kiss. He closed his eyes and thrust even faster and deeper. Minutes later, he groaned in satisfaction, ejaculating into Peipei. He opened his eyes and gave Peipei another kiss. “You are my Valentine.”
Withdrawing his cock from Peipei, he walked over to the bathroom. “Hey Hazer, you done yet? I need to use the shower.”
Peipei heard the bathroom door open and then close. She looked around. Both Hazer and Adam are in the bathroom. She looked down at Adam’s cum flowing out of her vagina. Then she looked down at Leena. She was sleeping soundly, her breasts heaving upwards slowly with each breath.
Peipei bent forwards to suck on a nipple, squeezing the large breast gently. Yes, it was very sweet. She whispered to the sleeping Leena, “You are my Valentine.”
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butterflydemons · 4 months
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𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: Miya agrees with Kaya and decides to invite Chan to her house so he can officially meet his daughter.
𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: bangchan x biracial!oc ( Miya )
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 5,536
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: 𝖼𝗈𝗇𝗏𝖾𝗋𝗌𝖺𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇𝗌 𝗈𝖿 𝖼𝗁𝗂𝗅𝖽𝗋𝖾𝗇, 𝖿𝗅𝗎𝖿𝖿𝗂𝗇𝖾𝗌𝗌, 𝗆𝖾𝗇𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇𝗌 𝗈𝖿 𝗌𝗍𝖺𝗅𝗄𝗂𝗇𝗀, 𝖽𝖾𝗉𝗂𝖼𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇𝗌 𝗈𝖿 𝖼𝗁𝗂𝗅𝖽𝗋𝖾𝗇 & 𝖻𝖺𝖻𝗂𝖾𝗌, 𝗆𝖾𝗇𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇𝗌 𝗈𝖿 𝖻𝖺𝖽 𝗎𝗉𝖻𝗋𝗂𝗇𝗀𝗂𝗇𝗀.
𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬: 𝖳𝗈𝗈𝗄 𝖺𝗐𝗁𝗂𝗅𝖾 𝖻𝗎𝗍 𝖿𝗂𝗇𝖺𝗅𝗅𝗒 𝖿𝗂𝗇𝗂𝗌𝗁𝖾𝖽 𝗂𝗍. 𝖧𝗈𝗉𝖾 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝖾𝗇𝗃𝗈𝗒.
𝐓𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭: @michelle4eve @lovesunshinefelix @resi4skz @kaciidubs @linosazuna @dandelions-143
⇢ ᴘʀᴇᴠɪᴏᴜꜱ ——— ɴᴇxᴛ
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Chapter III🧸: Everything To Me
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『 July 21, 2022 』
MIYA SAT UP all night thinking about her conversation with Kaya the previous day. Although she knew her best friend was right, she was still skeptical about having Chan in Noémi’s life. She knew what came with being involved with a K-pop idol. There were the fans, paparazzi, and those people who secretly took pictures of them. Along with came stalkers and dangerous individuals, and now that she has a child, she would NEVER do anything to put her in harm's way.
In her mind, Miya knew that Chan had every right to be in Noémi’s life no matter what. She is part of him as she is part of her. His blood ran through her. Miya knew that if news got out that she had a child with a known idol, their fandom would be in an uproar. Hell, World War III might even start.
The sound of Noémi’s cries made Miya snap out of her thoughts. She threw the blankets off her, slipped on her house shoes, and headed to the infant’s room. Noémi stood up wide awake with tears rolling down her face.
“Oh, Mimi, why are you crying?” Miya cooed, picking up her daughter only to gag at the smell of the cause of her daughter's tears. “Oh my god, that’s why.”
Miya took the baby to her main bathroom and ran Noémi a bath. She went to the bedroom and cleaned her up before returning to the washroom. Before Miya washed up Noémi, she put her hand in the water to ensure it wasn’t too hot. Noémi played and babbled, making funny noises to her mother as she splashed around.
As Miya began styling her daughter's hair, her ringtone echoed off the walls. She glanced at the screen to see Kaya calling before setting the soft bristle brush on the bed and tapping the green answer button.
Bestie🤍🥤- Hello, my love, what are you doing?
I just got Noémi dressed for the day. What’s up?
Bestie🤍🥤- I was wondering if you wanted to meet Karsyn and me at a restaurant for brunch.
Yeah, I’ll meet you there. Just send me the address.
Bestie🤍🥤 - You got it. Love you.
Love you too.
Setting her phone to the side, Miya finished doing Noémi’s hair before placing her in her playpen with a pacifier. She got up and took a brisk shower before dressing in light blue jeans, a pink strapless top, and white Air Forces. Miya did her tresses in a slick half-up, half-down style before adding a little makeup. When ready, Miya grabbed her belongings and Noémi before heading to her white Mercedes Benz G-Wagon. After strapping her daughter in her car seat, Miya entered the driver's seat and drove away from her house.
As Miya drove, she put the address Kaya had sent her into the GPS and followed the directions. Arriving at the small cafe, Miya parked, exited her vehicle and went to the backseat to grab her daughter. As she walked inside, she immediately spotted Kaya and Karsyn. She smiled, placing Noémi in the high chair, and sat down.
“Hello, my gorgeous girl.” Karsyn grinned at Noémi, holding her arms out. The baby reached out to Karsyn and held onto her neck.
Karsyn placed repeated kisses on her cheek, making her giggle, before sitting her in the high chair.
“Did you guys order yet?” Miya asked, opening her menu and scanning the different dishes it had.
“No, we got here not too long ago,” Kaya replied, sipping on the ice water.
A few minutes went by before the three friends started looking over the menu. Everything looked and sounded terrific, but Miya couldn’t decide on what to get to eat. Soon, a waitress approached their table with a notepad already in her hand to take their orders. She smiled at the young women, and they returned the same gesture.
“Welcome to Savor Street. What can I get you?” The young woman asked Miya and her friends.
“I’ll have the Street Toast Sandwich and an iced chai latte, please.” Miya politely ordered, smiling at her. “Also, can you add a small strawberry oatmeal for the little one?”
“I want the gyeran bap with an iced americano,” Kaya replied, closing her menu.
Once Karsyn placed her order, the waitress left the friends to talk again.
“Has Chan contacted you since yesterday?” Karsyn asked, looking at Miya.
“Not yet,” Miya answered, shaking her head. “He’s supposed to call me to talk when he has free time.”
“At least he’s taking the initiative to want to be in her life,” Kaya replied, tapping her nails on the table.
By then, the waitress had arrived with their food and drinks. Miya smiled at her daughter, who had a gummy grin when she went to feed her the strawberry oatmeal. When the toddler had enough to eat, Miya sat the spoon down and gave her daughter a bottle that Karsyn fed her. The girls were talking about random subjects when Miya’s phone vibrated with a text. She saw it was from Chan and clicked on the notification, taking her to their conversation.
(850) 961-3198 - Hey, are you busy today?
No, why? What’s up?
(850) 961-3198 - I’d like to know if we can meet at your place to talk.
Okay, at what time?
(850) 961-3198 - How about in an hour and a half? I have a few hours of free time.
Alright, I’ll send you my address.
(850) 961-3198 - Thanks.
“Chan wants to meet at my place to talk, should I?” Miya asked, looking at her friends.
“Do we have to have this discussion again?” Karsyn asked, narrowing her eyes.
“Of course you should. As the father, he deserves to be in her life.” Kaya replied, biting into her fluffy pancakes.
“You’re right, but I’m nervous. Imagine the uproar if and when the K-pop fandom in general finds out.” Miya expressed, pushing her hair behind her shoulders.
“I understand, but you can’t worry about the what-ifs. Like my mom always told me, people will talk about you until the day you die, and there’s nothing you can do about that except to live your life the way you want to.” Kaya explained, and I knew that she was right, like always.
Miya knew Kaya was right in her statement. That was the reason why they were friends. Kaya was always Miya’s go-to person for advice.
“Damn it. I hate it when you’re always right.” Miya huffed amusingly, rolling her eyes with a smile on her face.
“It’s the truth.” Kaya laughed, shrugging her shoulders.
“Okay, fine. I’ll let Chan come over.” Miya sighed, giving in to the temptation.
Miya grabbed her phone, went to the messages from Chan, and sent him her address. Suddenly, she felt a sense of nervousness in her chest. Why was she anxious? I mean, it’s only Noémi’s father, who’s also a K-pop idol with billions of fans, who is ruthless. She had to admit, though, that she was a fan of Stray Kids, not precisely a Stay, but a fan, in her opinion.
From the moment Noémi could see, Miya would watch SKZ Code and listen to their music. At the moment, Noémi’s favorite song was Charmer, and whenever she’d hear her daddy’s voice, she’d dance and smile. It warmed Miya’s heart to see her daughter get excited when seeing Chan on TV. It made her glad that she gave birth to her. And she loves spending every second with her.
The girls continued talking amongst each other before paying their tab and leaving the establishment. They got in the vehicles they arrived in and decided to shop for a little bit before driving to Miya’s house. It's good that Miya kept a basket of non-slide socks in every size by the front door so people can wear them since she has tile flooring. After the girls entered the house, they removed their shoes, walked to the living room area, and sat on the couch. Noémi sat on her playmat, playing with her toys in her world.
“Are you nervous?” Karsyn asked, looking at Miya from her phone.
“Honestly, yes, I am. I don’t know what to say.” She responded, shrugging her shoulders. “I’ve never done this before, but I’m nervous about talking to Chan.”
“That’s understandable because he’s an idol, famous worldwide, and his fan base is savages,” Kaya explained, leaning her head against her hand.
“Oh, I’m not worried about them. You know me, but I’m worried about my child. I know someone will take it too far behind a phone screen and talk about my child.” Miya softly expressed, running her fingers through her hair. “You know how I can get when I feel like someone has crossed a line with me.”
“Girl, I'm the same way. My mouth starts going when I’m at that point, and it’s hard to get me to stop.” Kaya said, nodding in agreement.
“Exactly, and I don’t want that to ruin his image.” Miya sighed, feeling her chest tighten with anxiousness.
Suddenly, the doorbell echoed throughout the house, making the girls look at each other. Miya sighed, rubbing the sides of her head as Karsyn and Kaya went outside while she answered the door. She stood before the door and sighed heavily before grasping the handle and opening it. On the opposite side of the doorway was Chan, who looked scrumptious in her opinion.
Miya smiled at him, showing respect and manners by bowing. “Hi, Chan.”
“It’s good to see you again, Miya.” Chan greeted her, smiling at the one with whom he shared a passionate night.
“Come in and welcome to my home.” Miya grinned, stepping aside to allow the father of her inside.
Chan entered the house, looking around at the design from the ceiling to the floors. He followed the young woman to her living area and sat across from her on the second sofa.
“I love your house.” Chan politely complimented, fiddling with his fingers.
“Thank you.” Miya smiled, blushing a little as Chan grinned.
“How long have you lived here?” Chan asked, leaning his head against the back of the sofa.
“I’ve been here for eight months.” She answered, bringing her knees to her chest.
As Miya went to speak, she heard Noémi’s whines coming from upstairs, followed by Kaya’s voice. “Miya Noémi wants you.”
“Okay, I’m on my way.” She replied, standing to her feet. “I’ll be right back.”
Miya walked upstairs, following her best friend’s voice to her bedroom. Kaya had Noémi in her arms as she tried to get out of her grasp, reaching for her mother. The mother held the baby in her arms and carefully walked down the stairs. As she entered the living room, Chan looked up and fell in love. There she was.
His baby girl. There was no denying her because the resemblance was uncanny. Noémi had his eyes and mouth but had her mother's nose. Chan was hesitant initially but held his arms out to his child. She stared at him, taking in his facial features before reaching her arms out to him.
Chan let out a breath that he didn’t even realize he was holding in as he held his child for the first time. Noémi stared into Chan's eyes, studying his face, every tiny freckle and every pore. Suddenly, she smiled, making her father's heart swell as she laid her head on his shoulder.
“I-I don’t know what to say.” Chan laughed, rubbing his daughter's back. “She’s beautiful.”
“Thank you, but now that you two are side by side, you guys look like twins.” Miya complimented, smiling at the pair. Seeing them together made her heart also swell, and it made her feel something.
Chan sat on the sofa, sat his daughter on his lap, and started cooing at her, loving the sounds she returned. He ran his finger down her chubby, soft cheek before kissing her forehead. Many emotions ran through Chan, and he honestly wanted to cry.
“Hi, baby girl,” Chan said, smiling funny at the toddler. Noémi looked at him and gave him a wide grin, showing her gums. “You’re so cute. Do you talk to her in Korean, too?”
“Yes, I do, so she knows both languages,” Miya responded, running her hand through her hair. “One thing about Noémi is that she loves your music.” Miya laughed, grabbing her phone.
“Does she?” He questioned, widening his eyes in surprise. “What song does she like?”
“She’s hooked on Charmer.” She smiled, scrolling through her music.
After finding the song, Miya turned up the volume, and immediately, Noémi turned toward her mother. The second the music started playing, the toddler began dancing, wiggling her hips and bouncing up and down. Chan laughed, seeing his daughter wiggle around to his music, and couldn't resist taking his phone out and recording her.
“That is so adorable. Thank you.” Chan praised, staring at Miya with a sense of admiration. She was allowing him to see his daughter, and not many women do that when they get pregnant on a one-night stand. “Now that I’m seeing Noémi, it’s surreal. When I saw the picture, I didn't believe it at first, but I started adding the dates.”“Believe me, I understand. When Noémi was born, I stared at her face for five minutes in disbelief that I have a baby now.” The young woman explained, leaning her head against the back of the couch. “I’m a whole mother, and the fact of who her father is, my world will flip upside down.”
“I was wondering if you knew who I was.” He grinned, watching his child play with her toys.
“I didn’t realize it until the next morning. I was shocked and embarrassed that I would do that.” Miya admitted, covering her face as her cheeks flushed a pink color.
“If it didn’t happen, we wouldn’t have her now, would we?” Chan inquired, smiling at Miya, making her heart flutter.
“No, but I am worried about what would happen if and when this gets to your fans worldwide.” The young woman confessed, chewing on the inside of her cheek.
“Yeah, it will make Stays go into an uproar if that makes sense. They’re going to ask questions and want answers.” Chan responded, understanding her fears. He wasn’t wrong, though. If and when Stays finds out about Noémi, they will want answers on who the mother is and ask numerous questions. “If you’re worried about Stays bombarding you and Cheon-Sa, I can step back some-”
“No, I don't want you to do that because I want you in her life. I fear for her.” Miya avowed, glancing down at her nails. “What if something happens to me or god forbids Noémi if we’re walking down the street?”
“Miya, listen to me. I won’t let anything happen to you, let alone Noémi.” Chan promised, grasping Miya’s hand softly.
“You’re not always going to be there, Chan. Sometimes, you’ll be across the sea touring while I’m here.” Miya truthfully stated, shrugging her shoulders.
“I know, but I’ll do my hardest to be there for you and Noémi.” He assured her, gently rubbing the back of Miya’s hand with his thumb.
“I don’t doubt that you will.” Miya smiled, cocking her head to the side.
The pair continued their conversation as Miya discussed Noémi’s likes and dislikes. Chan was glad he had this time with Miya to learn about her concerns and worries. He enjoyed sharing the moments with Noémi because he already felt a bond with her the second he laid eyes on her little body. After a while, Chan checked his phone and saw the time on the screen.
“I have to go, but I’ll call you tonight,” Chan said, standing to his feet. Miya did the same, picking up Noémi and following him to the front door when he put his shoes on. “Bye, baby girl.”
“Say bye to Appa.” The young woman cooed, kissing her baby girl’s cheek. The toddler smiled at Chan, waving her tiny hand at her father.
Miya waved goodbye to Chan as he got in the car with his bodyguard and drove off. As she closed the front door, Kaya and Karsyn came downstairs and walked to the living room.
“So, how did it go?” Kaya asked, sitting on the sofa.
“It went well. We talked and agreed on some things.” Miya replied, setting Noémi in her play area.
“That’s good. Chan seems like he’s a good guy.” Karsyn nodded, smiling at her friend.
“He is.” Miya grinned as her mind couldn’t help but wonder about the what-ifs and what could happen.
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Chan arrived at the dance studio where he was meeting the others. On his way there, his phone blew up with messages from his group members. When he entered the room, the guys groaned and hollered that their leader finally appeared.
“Yah! Where have you been?” Changbin yelled, jumping to his feet.
“I need to talk to you guys,” Chan replied, scratching the back of his neck. The members knew something was off by Chan’s demeanor.
“What’s wrong?” Felix asked as the guys gathered around and sat on the sofa. Seungmin, I.N., and Han sat in front of them on the floor.
“Do you guys remember the restaurant we went to for my birthday that my friend Caleb paid for last year?” Chan questioned, looking at each of his members.
“What about it?” Minho inquired, shrugging his shoulders.
“Do you remember the girl that wore a blue dress? She was Hyun-Jung’s friend.” He responded, leaning his elbows against his knees.
“I remember her. She sat at the opposite end of the table.” Felix replied, realizing who Chan was talking about.
“So, um, after we went to the club that night, we returned to my hotel room, and one thing led to another,” Chan explained, rubbing his hands on his jeans. The group stared at him with wide eyes, not believing he would have a one-night stand with someone he just met. “Today, I went to her house because she became pregnant, and now I have a daughter.”
Silence filled the room as the group processed what their leader just stated. Bang Chan a dad? No, it can’t be. Suddenly, Hyunjin screamed and started running around the spacious room.
“Wait, are you serious?” Felix asked, staring at Chan wide-eyed.
“Very.” Chan nodded, pulling out his phone and showing them the picture he took of Noémi.
“Wa, geu salam kkog dangsin-ilang dalm-assneyo.” Han gasped, looking back and forth between his leader and the picture. ( “Wow, she looks just like you.” )
“There’s no denying that,” Felix responded, laughing at the video of Chan’s child.
“What’s her name?” Seungmin asked, putting his hands on his hips.
“Cheon-Sa or Noémi,” Chan answered, rubbing his chin.
“Geunyeoui eomeonineun ban-eun hangug-in-ingayo?” Hyunjin questioned with a wide grin on his face. He didn’t know whether to be excited that his leader was a father or that he was considered an uncle. ( “Is her mother Korean?” )
“Yes, she is.” The group leader nodded, answering his third oldest member.
“JYP is going to go nuts.” I.N. laughed, staring at his leader.
“Nuts? He’s going to have a heart attack.” Seungmin laughed, slapping his shoulder.
“I’ll handle JYP regarding that, but just keep it between us for now,” Chan responded, looking at each of his members. “She worried about when that time would come, but for now, keep it hush.”
The group nodded, understanding Chan's situation, and decided to keep it hush. They’ll get through dance practice for now, but they would want to meet Miya and Noémi eventually. However, one thing's for sure. The guys were happy for Chan and even excited. Now that his group knows, all he has to do is tell his family.
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Outside in the backyard area, Miya, Kaya, and Noémi splashed around in the pool. It was a warm day, so they decided to get in the water. Noémi was a water baby. She loved being in the pool and bathtub. So much that she never wanted to get out.
Karsyn smiled, watching the toddler interact with her mother. She adored the way Noémi giggled and laughed. It made Karsyn want a baby, but was now the right time? Maybe or maybe not, but eventually, she’d want one. Thinking about her future with Caleb made her begin missing him.
It made her glad that she met him on Valentine’s Day in 2017. Karsyn walked inside the house, pulled her phone out of her pocket, and called her longtime boyfriend.
02/14/17🖤👅 - I was beginning to miss your voice.
What are you doing?
02/14/17🖤👅 - Getting ready to do a tattoo.
Can I come over?
02/14/17🖤👅 - You know you don’t have to ask.
I know, but I like to.
02/14/17🖤👅 - Can you bring me gimbap and bibimbap from the restaurant by the apartment?
Okay, only because I’m hungry.
02/14/17🖤👅 - Miya didn’t cook?
No, she had a meeting with Chan.
02/14/17🖤👅 - How did that go?
Miya said it went well. They talked and got on the same page regarding Noémi being a secret from the public.
02/14/17🖤👅 - That’s good. Noémi deserves to have both parents in her life.
Exactly. Well, I’ll be on my way when my Uber arrives.
02/14/17🖤👅 - You know how I feel about you using Uber.
Well, you’re prepping for a tattoo.
02/14/17🖤👅 - I still don’t like it.
Whatever. I’ll see you in a bit.
02/14/17🖤👅 - You’re lucky I have your location.
I love you.
02/14/17🖤👅 - Love you too.
Hanging up the phone, Karsyn ordered her Uber before heading back to Miya's backyard. “My Uber is on its way. I’m going to see Caleb.”
“No, don’t leave,” Miya whined, holding her hand out to her best friend.
“I’ll call you later.” Karsyn laughed as she received a notification from Uber saying her driver was arriving.
“Yeah, right. Knowing Caleb, you’ll probably see him for something else.” Kaya teased, playfully wiggling her eyebrows.
“Whatever, and he’s doing tattoos today.” Karsyn defended, placing her hands on her hips.
“Yeah, but not all night.” Her best friend grinned, making Miya splash her with pool water. “I’m just saying.”
“Anyways, I’ll call you guys later. My ride is here.” Karsyn replied, waving at her two best friends.
“Be safe and careful!” She heard Miya yell from the pool.
“Always, and you have my location!” Karsyn responded, exiting the house to the red sedan.
She climbed in the backseat, smiling politely at the middle-aged female driver. Before arriving at Caleb’s tattoo shop, she stopped by the restaurant in their shared apartment and ordered his food. Karsyn also bought herself something to eat before returning to her Uber and heading toward her boyfriend’s location. Arriving at Caleb’s tattoo shop, she grabbed her food bags and exited the vehicle. The bell above the door dinged as she entered the building, signaling her arrival.
Caleb walked to the front, seeing his beautiful girlfriend with food. A smile appeared on his face as he wrapped his arms around her. He pulled away from Karsyn before planting a kiss on her luscious lips. Their smooch lingered on, but before it got heated, Karsyn pulled away.
“Hana deo.” Caleb breathed heavily, trying to kiss Karsyn’s lips once again. ( “One more.” )
His girlfriend giggled, pressing a kiss to his lips, but he wanted more as he pulled her closer. “No. You have work to do.” She finally pulled away and held up the bag of food.
Caleb poked out his bottom lip in a childish pout before grabbing the bag and heading towards the back room. After a ten-minute wait, Caleb’s client finally arrived. The man greeted Karsyn as she sat at the reception desk before doing the same to the tattoo artist. Her boyfriend led his client to the tattoo station and got to work. Karsyn sat in the front as hip-hop music echoed throughout the establishment.
Karsyn admired Caleb and his eye for creativity. She supported him when he suggested opening his tattoo shop. She got his initials tattooed on her right ass cheek, and he had hers on his pelvis on the grand opening day. On Valentine’s Day in 2017, Karsyn was stood up by the man she thought loved her, but it turns out he didn’t when she received a message of him sleeping with another girl. After watching that video, she became devastated.
She rushed out of the restaurant, and right when Karsyn exited the door, she ran straight into a hard chest. Karsyn looked up, and low and behold, she saw the sexiest face known to man, in her opinion. Caleb had the prettiest smile she had ever seen and instantly started melting. They talked, exchanged numbers, and started dating after a year because of Karsyn’s new relationship issues. Now they’re two peas in a pod and are inseparable.
Approximately three hours later, Caleb finished tattooing his client. He wrapped up the new ink in plastic and thanked the man as he walked to the front and paid. Caleb turned to Karsyn, who was finishing a drawing she was working on. Wrapping his arms around his girlfriend, Caleb pressed his lips to the top of her head before pecking her cheek, making Karsyn giggle.
“Was that the only client you had today?” Karsyn asked, smiling at the taller male.
“No, he was the third one. I helped Tae-Woong with his client who got a back tattoo.” Caleb explained, playing with the nape of Karsyn’s neck. “And another client got a small rose on her forearm.”
“You must be tired.” Karsyn smiled seductively, wrapping her arms around Caleb’s neck. He could see the list clouding her eyes.
“Well, not tired enough for you.” He responded, leaning down to capture her plump lips.
“Well, if you hurry up and close, we can get home faster.” Karsyn grinned, biting her bottom lip teasingly.
Caleb quickly pulled away from his girlfriend and sanitized his equipment before grabbing Karsyn’s hand and keys and locking the door behind them. As they entered his car, Caleb started it up before holding his lover's hand and driving away from the building. When they arrived at their shared apartment, Caleb was instantly on Karsyn. Their lips smacked against each other as his hand gripped and groped anything he could. Karsyn moaned as Caleb pushed her against the nearest wall.
As the couple went to their shared bedroom, clothing came off. Caleb tossed his girlfriend on the bed before climbing on top of her. Once the barrier keeping them apart vanished, Caleb’s back was marked with bright red scratches as he explored Karsyn’s inner walls. He covered her neck and chest in hickies. Their sound of lovemaking echoed throughout the dark apartment.
After their escapade, Karsyn lay in Caleb’s arms as they stared at nothing in particular. She wanted to talk about what she was thinking of earlier and decided that now was as good as any time. Caleb knew she had something on her mind, so he wanted her to say it.
“Speak, dove,” Caleb said, tapping his girlfriend’s forehead with his finger.
“It’s nothing.” Karsyn denied, shaking her head. “I was just thinking about something.”
“Tell me.” He replied, squishing her cheek and making her laugh.
“What would happen if I were to end up pregnant?” Karsyn questioned, looking into her boyfriend’s brown eyes.
“Are you?” Caleb responded, staring at her.
“No, I’m not, but I wondered if I was. I was watching Noémi earlier and was wondering what it would be like if we were to have a baby.” She explained, playing with the silver chain around his neck. “Would you still be with me if I fell pregnant?”
“Of course, I would be with you, Karsyn. Nothing or no one would change that.” He responded, rubbing her shoulder.
“I kept picturing what our child would look like. Would they have your features or mine?” Karsyn commented, smiling at him. “I want them to have your smile. It’s beautiful with curly dark hair and a cute button nose, but I'm scared.”
“Scared of what?” He asked, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion.
“Of being a good mother. With my relationship with mine, I wonder if I’d end up like her.” Karsyn confessed, picking at her fingernails.
“Baby, listen to me,” Caleb said sternly, grasping his girlfriend’s face to make her look at him. “You are not your mother. In no shape or form. You will be an awesome mother to our babies one day. Understand?”
Karsyn nodded as tears ran down her cheeks. Caleb pressed a kiss to her lips as they lay there in each other's embrace.
“Your dream will come true one day,” Caleb said, giving her a reassuring smile.
He kissed her forehead as she cuddled up to him, soaking in his body heat. In his mind, Celeb wanted the same thing Karsyn did. Since Noémi was born, he has wanted a baby of his own. It did not matter the gender. He just wanted one shared with his sweetheart.
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Miya hummed a lullaby as she rocked her daughter to sleep. It was 8:45 pm, and Noémi had gone to bed ten minutes earlier. She carefully placed the toddler in her crib before quietly leaving the room but keeping the door open. As Miya entered her bedroom, she went to her attached bathroom and turned on the shower. Once it was ready, she stripped out of the clothes she had on and stood in the glass enclosure under the water.
The hot water felt amazing on her skin, soothing her muscles. Caring for a one-year-old was hard work, but she managed to do it. After her shower, Miya stepped out and wrapped a towel around her body. She changed into a white seamless plain rib lingerie set for bed since she was the only person in the house. Before settling in bed, Miya did her nighttime skin routine.
As Miya walked out of the bathroom, her phone started ringing. She raced over and saw Chan’s number flashing on the screen. Before answering the call, she found a white oversized t-shirt, put it on over her body, and pressed the green button.
Hello Chan.
(850) 961-3198 - Is this a bad time?
No, I'm just relaxing my brain. It won’t let me fall asleep.
(850) 961-3198 - We have the same problem.
Yeah, I understand. It sucks.
(850) 961-3198 - That it does. Is Noémi asleep?
Yes, she is. She had a hard time falling asleep tonight.
(850) 961-3198 - Aww poor baby.
I know, but she finally gave in and went to sleep.
(850) 961-3198 - Does she stay asleep all night?
Yes, unless she’s sick or something.
(850) 961-3198 - I want to ask you something.
Ask away.
(850) 961-3198 - How did you become friends with Caleb?
I met him through Karsyn when I moved back to Korea. She introduced him as her boyfriend; we’ve been like siblings since then.
(850) 961-3198 - That’s nice.
Yeah, Caleb’s always been like the protective brother I never had. He was there when Noémi was born and cut her umbilical cord, but since that day, his protectiveness has intensified.
(850) 961-3198 - That's good. Someone is there to protect you when I can’t.
Exactly, but it’s out of love. He doesn’t like it when I go out with Noémi by myself.
(850) 961-3198 - I can understand that. Caleb wants to make sure you two are safe.
Yeah, and I love him for that, as do the others. I love them with all my heart.
(850) 961-3198 - I like that for you. I like your friends who will do anything for you and Noémi.
Yeah, I couldn’t ask for anyone better.
(850) 961-3198 - Tell me about you.
What do you want to know?
(850) 961-3198 - Anything. What’s your favorite food?
Kimchi fried rice.
(850) 961-3198 - Do you like sweet or spicy food?
Both, but mainly spicy.
(850) 961-3198 - I'm not fond of spicy or bitter foods.
Why spicy food is the best.
(850) 961-3198 - My spice tolerance is very low.
Well, we’re going to have to work on that. I make the best spicy tteokbokki, as my friends say. They love my cooking.
(850) 961-3198 - Who'd you get your recipes from?
My mother and grandmother.
(850) 961-3198 - I’d have to try your food one day.
It’s — amazing.
(850) 961-3198 - You’re cute when you yawn.
Thank you for that compliment.
(850) 961-3198 - I’ll get going and let you go to sleep.
Goodnight Chan.
(850) 961-3198 - Night Miya.
After the call disconnected, Miya added Dimples🤗 to Chan’s contact and laughed as she charged her phone. She was glad Chan called, beginning to miss the sound of his voice. His profound yet alluring voice honestly made her throb down below.
“Go to sleep, Miya Giselle,” Miya spoke to herself, sighing as she turned over.
Before Miya knew it, she was asleep, dreaming about these brown eyes, deep dimples, and husky voice that belonged to her daughter's father.
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plangentlyre · 8 months
On the rare times that Jessica shows any face of disgruntlement at Jennifer, it comes through in the form of bustling city streets, heavily looming rush hours and the sweltering heat of July summers. To name it more precisely, the perpetrator responsible for the tingle of dissatisfaction that licks across the arcanist wrongly falls solely on a certain blondie.
Her brows have remained furrowed for the past hours as she is dragged from shop to shop without a single hint that her lover acknowledges her presence. The way that Jennifer holds onto her like her designer bags and trendy pink brands without paying her any attention nor look at her way drives a certain surge of want to rush in her blood.
It boils her so heatedly that when Jennifer ignores the annoying lady's sudden closeness in proximity, how she disregards the hand that creeps along her arm and the stare of greed that seeks her as if she were the one who starved in an abandoned campsite under countless full moons with only stories of nightmares and memories to ground her, waiting in yearn for that certain girl to return, everything bursts at the seams.
I don't like this, she thinks and so she summons her critter friends and commands a well-aimed strike at the intrusive lady. A commotion of panic ripples across the boutique, triggering a mass of employees within their distance to shriek and scream at her in fear.
The guards run at her with a falter in their steps and a shiver crawling up their backs as they come to arrest her. She sees Jennifer hurry to pacify them, spewing out needless excuses to vouch for her good character. When she turns to her however, Jessica is already exiting the shop and stomping her way back home.
She rushes to catch her. "What was that all about? I was just about to get a great deal for that handbag and you went all berserk for no reason! What's with you?!"
Jessica's silent response allows Jennifer to continue. "H-Hey! Don't you dare ignore me! If this is some kind of twisted tactic for entertainment, then I hope you know when to watch yourself. You can't just do things so recklessly. You know how much your actions can hurt us."
"Then maybe Jennifer shouldn't have been reckless herself!" The sharpness in Jessica's tone catches the other girl off guard. "Letting yourself fall prey to a vapid lady, giving her more smiles than me... don't you know how much that hurts me too? I hate it."
"Jessica, what are you—?" She stops when Jessica faces her. A look of devastation mars her face and even without a trace of tears dampening her cheeks, the thick coat of blurriness that sheens over her pretty eyes is enough to tell her of its inevitable wreckage.
The way that Jessica shrinks in on herself ever so slightly and looks at her with a keenness akin to a wary animal twists a tight, painful knot at her heart.
Before she can gather her words, Jessica swerves and gallops quickly away from her, leaving Jennifer a permanent image of her hurt expression to plague her restless mind.
And soon after futile hours of searching, that face comes to fill her journal's pages with messily scripted apologies from the hand of its heartsick artist.
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3unnyceleste · 1 month
Mama and dada
CG! Barnaby Beagle x Cg! Poppy Partridge x Little! YN
Today's your special day! It's your birthday! And what better way to celebrate by baking a cake with your lovely mama and dada?
Tw: mention of pullup and changing, use of stove and knife for baking
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"Rise an' shine! Up an' at 'em, lil' tike! It's yer birthday!"
A sudden, sweet bubbly voice filled your nursery room. You open your sleepy eyes, and begin rubbing the sleep out of them. You were still wearing the adorable baby blue sleeper with clouds on them, and your pacifier was clipped to your bib, which read, 'puppy'. Barnaby strode over to your white crib and smiled down at you, leaning his body against the railing. "Well, well, well! who's this lil' cutie?" He teased and tickled your chin, making you giggle with glee. You felt very small today! Just like a little baby. He chuckled and picked you up, feeling how warm you were, and squeezed you in a tight bear hug.
"Oooooooh! So warm and snuggly! You been takin' lessons or somethin'?" Barnaby teased softly as he bounced you in his arms. You giggled before snuggling your face into the crook of his neck and babbling incoherently. Talking felt like too much of a chore this morning. Barnaby laughed and shook his head, finding you absolutely adorable.
"Well then, let's get this lil' pup changed and ready for the day!" He tossed you up and down before laying you on the ground onto a little star coated mat. He pulled out a new pullup and some cute birthday clothes! He got your pullup changed and dressed you in a cute set of overall shorts, with a striped t shirt that said, "Birthday boy/girl". He put a new bib on with a cake slice embroidered on it, and put knee high socks on you, knowing you were likely to stumble onto your knees. He picked you up and patted your back as he carried you and your diaper bag out the house. "Can you guess where your old pops is taking you?" He asked, knowing you already knew the answer. You perked up and shot your hands into the air before exclaiming:
"Mama!" You knew you were going to go to see your mama, Poppy. You couldn't wait! Her barn smelled of cinnamon and vanilla, and her feathery hugs were the most soft and cuddly.... So were your dada's, of course.
Barnaby carried you over to Poppy's barn, occasionally greeting the other neighbors, before knocking on the barn door.
"Hey poppy! Can we get some service 'round here?" He called out in his loud joking voice. Poppy hurried over, occasionally squawking as she bumped into things clumsily.
"Oh my! Hello, Barnaby! Oh!" She gasped softly as she saw you sitting in the blue dog's arms. She immediately reached to pick you up.
"Oh how wonderful! You've brought the little bird along as well! Happy birthday, my little darling." She cooed with her soft accent. she peppered little kisses all over your face with her beak, making you squeal and laugh in joy. Barnaby chuckled and shook his head.
"Hey! Save some for the rest of us, pops!" He grabbed you back and noogied your hair before pressing his muzzle to your face for a long time before letting out an exaggerated kiss noise.
"MWAH! Now we're even!" He chuckled, tossing you up in the air like a doll, all the while poppy panicked.
"OH! Do be careful! I'd hate for my little bird to get hurt!" She squawked as she reached to take you back. She carried you inside the barn, Barnaby trailing behind you two.
"Hey, nice place ya got! How come you don't have me over no more, eh?" Barnaby asked Poppy, giving her a knowing look. Poppy let out a sigh and cradled you tightly to her.
"Because the last time, you and Julie and Eddie made the BIGGEST mess! Poor Eddie's clothes were ruined!" she sighed. Barnaby snickered.
"Ey! It's an improvement! Better than a white shirt with nothin' on it!" he cackled. Poppy set you down on a stepping stool. "Now then! since it's my little bird's special day, why don't we make a delicious cake?" She cooed at you as she showed you her recipe book. Your mouth watered at the sheer amounts of sugary goodness. You sucked on your pacifier long in thought, thinking what cake would taste the best. Then it hit you:
Red velvet!!
You pointed excitedly at the red velvet recipe, and Poppy pulled out the ingredients. She put a little apron on you and ruffled your hair.
"The first step is to pour our flour! Shall we have you do that my lovely little bird?" Poppy handed you the measuring cup. You poured the flour into the bowl and squealed at the cloud of powder. Barnaby chuckled. "Heh, that's nothin! I've seen bigger clouds of baby powder when i'm changin' you, kiddo!" He laughed, making you pout a bit. You were just a little flustered that's all. Poppy waved the cloud away and let you crack the eggs, gasping slightly when you got it all over you. After a quick clean up, the three worked through the recipe, and at the end of the afternoon, were rewarded with the most decadent, richest cake!
They gathered you around the cake and began singing happy birthday:
"Happy birthday to you!" They sang, clapping their hands for you, and Barnaby even did his funny high pitched voice at the end, making you giggle with joy. They even bought presents! (courtesy of Howdy's Bodega of course). Barnaby's gift was a brand new Ragged Anne doll, and a big bouncy ball with beautiful bright colors! Poppy had bought you a brand new baby block set, with colorful blocks, and even little wooden dolls to put in your little block houses!
The three sat together around the dining table feasting on the cake, while showering you with birthday wishes and affection, and making sure you kept yourself clean while Poppy fed you cake.
It was truly an unforgettable birthday.
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🎨 CG!Wally darling HCS 🍎
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⭐| your little foods are mostly fruits and apple slices, some occasionally treats like cake or ice cream
🎨| let's you paint on his canvases. If you don't paint/cant paint, he will give you other easier activities like coloring or drawing to do instead.
🧃| Since he can only count to twelve, he avoids anything that involves numbers above twelve. This includes education, so instead he finds alternatives to help you learn (mostly ending up failing to think of anything)
🏠| Home is very quiet when you're around, mostly to make sure they don't accidentally frighten you. If you are stressed, or even randomly home will make small creaking noises to help calm you down or to say hello.
🍎| Is a overprotective caregiver, and will get worried if he let the other neighbors babysit you without him around, also he holds your hand in public so you don't wander off.
🍼| He spoils you with everything you could ever want. Spite being a bit strict and overprotective, he loves to give you gifts to spoil you when you're good or achieve something. Mostly involving; stuffies, toys, pacifiers, sippy, bottles, etc.
🖌️| mostly trusts Julie, frank and Eddie to babysit you when he is away, on some occasions he would let howdy babysit when the other three can't
🍎| easy to get your way with puppy eyes
💤| since he never sleeps, he would stay up and protect you during the night, and if you have a nightmare or just can't sleep he'll sooth you with a hum or a short song and a cuddle
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paper-starz · 1 year
/ay itsa me, a idiot that uses Dotty's acc.
/so I was wondering..
/cross over between Seven Sins and Self-aware Swap? Like. What could go wrong? A hand full of self aware puppets, and a handful of literal demons, in which a few have REALLY weird powers.
/Barnaby's ability is so useless that I love it.
YEESSSSSSSSSS!!! I can already see the interactions.....
The Julies
SAS!Julie (smiling through clenched teeth) Thanks.... I did it myself...
(They are both very neutral towards each other. 7S! Julie tries to be friends, but SAS!Julie is a bit defensive...)
The Barnabys
SAS!Barnaby: Oh hey who are- WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR LEGS?????!!!!
7S!Barnaby: Relax man, I'm fi--
(They are both friendly with each other. Both bonding because of their love of jokes... especially the dark ones that SAS!Barnaby tends to make at times.)
The Franks
SAS!Frank: What are you supposed to be...?
7S!Frank: A demon of course! Specifically pride (starts explaining demon hierarchy/ history)
SAS!Frank: (Starts writing EVERYTHING down) Yes! This could be useful for my theories!
7S!Frank: ...Theories?
(They are both friendly with each other. They both share a love of butterflies and they both love infodumping all the research that they have collected. I see 7S!Frank listening to all of SAS!Frank's wacky theories.)
The Eddies
SAS!Eddie: I like your tie
7S!Eddie: Thank you! I like your scar! Makes you look super cool!
SAS!Eddie: Thank you! I got it from Home!
7S!Eddie: W...What?
(They are both VERY friendly with each other. I see both of them loving to chill and hang out with each other. Though, sometimes SAS!Eddie does say something something INCREDIBLY concerning once in a while)
The Poppys
7S!Poppy: Oh my! That smells delicious!
SAS!Poppy: Thank you!
7S!Poppy: We must share recipies!
(They are both friendly towards each other. They like to swap recipes once in a while, maybe even drink tea together. XD. I see them as two old lady friends who gossip.)
The Sallys
SAS!Sally: (Literally just existing)
7S!Sally: Ugh... STOP SHOWING OFF!
(They don't get along well at all. Mostly because 7S!Sally seems to be jealous of her counterparts... well, everything! 7S!Sally does not realize that SAS!Sally needs to be perfect though...)
The Howdys
7S!Howdy: Where the HELL is my counterpart?!
SAS!Howdy: (hiding because he is WAY too scared to even meet the guy).
(They DO NOT get along well. 7S!Howdy thinks his counterpart is pathetic and cowardly, while SAS!Howdy thinks his counterpart is greedy and mean. Also! HE'S. A. DEMON! YOU SHOULD NEVER TRUST THEM!!!!)
The Wallys
7S!Wally: Wanna see a magic trick?
SAS!Wally: Of course!
7S!Wally: WATCH THIS-- (sets a tree on fire)
SAS!Wally: Wow! So pretty! I wanna touch it!
(Both are friendly towards each other! SAS!Wally has lots of things to learn about when he's with his counterpart! 7S!Wally just likes to cause chaos while SAS!Wally tags along.)
The H O M E S
SAS!Home: I LOVE your Wally! He's so cute!
7S!Home: Yes, he is quit-- WHAT IN GOD'S ACTUAL NAME???
SAS!Home: Is... Something wrong?
SAS!Home: Torture... Oh! Hehehe! I guess you could say I run my own special kind of hell over here!
7S!Home (absolutely mortified): And here I thought it was impossible to meet someone as scary as me....
(Both are neutral to each other. SAS!Home is pacified as long as 7S!Home doesn't tell Wally the truth. 7S!Home is both impressed and horrified at Home. Sure, 7S!Home is the literal Lucifer in this AU... but he tortures BAD GUYS! THE ABSOLUTES SCUMS ON THE PLANET. Not... these poor puppets.)
I also see some other interactions like:
7S!Howdy: (talking to SAS!Wally) Pfft! How is my counterpart afraid of you? You're practically harmless!
SAS!Home: (looms over in the back)
7S!Howdy: Anddddd there's the harm.
SAS!Frank: (talking to 7S!Wally) Wow! And what are your special powers?
7S!Wally: Oh! Fire!
SAS!Frank: Oh, do show me!
7S!Wally: I would... but I have nowhere to practice on.
SAS!Frank (points at SAS!Home): There's something you practice on!
(7 Sins Au belongs to @dottyorange!)
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weridpersonhelp · 1 year
Red Phone [8]
Previus - Next?
master list!
warning: slightly scary, first-time horror writer, stalking, confusion, gramma and spell mistakes, screaming, getting up a horrible hour of night, neurodivergent reader, slow burnish? , x reader, children, puppets, curse langue, music, be ready for cringe!
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“Peak a boo! Peak a boo! Who’s that hiding their? Peak a boo! Peak a boo! It’s sissy hiding there!” Jimmy laughs manically, it amazed me at how something so simple could entertain babies. But then again when could play with a pop it or infinity cube for hours, so I can’t judge. Jim claps his hands happily together once again.
“Y/n are you a Jim ready?” Mum asks me, I stand and grab jimmy’s car seat with two hands.
“Yep, want me to put him in?” I ask she just nods spraying her cheap perfume, today we were going into town and shopping. I don’t know why we where going shopping here when at home in the big city their where thousands of places to shop. Placing Jimmy in the car I take my seat next to him in the middle buckling both of our seat belts. Jimmy sucked on his pacifier while I scrolled through TikTok, I hear the car side door open and in pop grandma with a nice coat sitting in the front.
“isn’t dad coming?”
“Oh no honey he’s working on some stuff at the house, do you know what we are doing again?” Grandma asks.
“where going to the second hand shops most likely, I’m going to be spending my money on new tea pots and cups for my collection!”
“aah yes, you always had that umm, interesting fascination with my tea cups and pots. Do you want them?” My grandma question confused me a little, why would she give them away to me?
“I mean yes, but what about your collection?”
“Oh, it’s fine I’m cleaning out my house a little I have too much. You’ll be sharing with your cousins as well! But I’ll let you get first pick.” Grandma whispers the last part I chuckle at her words and like that mum enters the car.
“Alright who’s ready to shop! Till we drop!” Mum starts the car, and like that the shopping day started. I’ll spare you the details but we went to over 15 different shops! I didn’t even know they town had that many second-hand shops!
“Y/n! you take Jimmy while me a gran look around some more!” mum says handing me Jim, before disappearing with grandma with out another word. Jimmy was wailing, crying most likely because he was done with today already and wanted to back to grandma’s. And I couldn’t agree more, I felt over stimulated. My legs where saw I felt the music grown louder with each second, and not to mention Jim’s wailing. I was exhausted and ran out of the store as quickly as possible for some fresh air. I hadn’t noticed until now how a I was holding onto my breath, did I even breath in their? It didn’t matter now, the cold air hit me like a ton of bricks, and slightly calmed my down and it seems like something similar with Jimmy as his crying calmed down a little bit. I rock back a forth for him while we waited, that was until I noticed he was pointing at something. I looked in the window, and their it was. Another Welcome home Vhs tape! But what was one doing here of all places?
“woohuei” My brother says, or tries too. I was a little shocked at first how did he remember his name when he only watched it once? The cover was different, with wally outside painting he faces the viewer with his smirk, Barnaby and Julie laugh, frank trying to catch a butterfly that landed on Eddies hat. And of course home a bit further in the back ground that you can just see it.
“Sissy wooheui!!” I nod my head along, we only watch one episode of the show so far, there was still like 5 left? Would it be worth buying the second tape or would I be wasting money that didn’t need to be wasted? My brother points again this time with a bigger smile, dam it. How could I resist such a cute smile? I walk back into the store and grab the tape walking up to the counter quickly as I could.
“Hi, their, how much was this?” “only a dollar love.” The old lady says I pull the dollar from my pocket and hand it to her she smiles and places it in the draw.
“Would you like a bag with that?”
“no thank you, but could you wrap it in newspaper?” the lady does as I have asked with no question, which I was thankful for. What would I tell her anyway? Oh my grandma just acted weird when we first watched it so I don’t want to possibly harm her by letting her know I bought this!
“Thank you for your purchase have a nice day.” “You too ma’am” I say leaving the store and opening up the car, I place the now newspaper wrapped. I put the boy in and sigh giving him his pacifier, I was just so done with today. It was honestly fun, I like shopping and getting good deals as long as it’ not 15 shops next time.
“You talked about him, do you ever know what happened to the body?” Liane asks Maggie as they approach the car.
“yes, down by the creek. He seems he wanted to go swimming but drowned. Or that’s what the police said,” Maggie explains the two women get in the car. Liane turns to face her kids but they where both past out, dead asleep.
“I don’t know what I’m going to do with them honestly!”
“Let them rest. you’re a little too hard on Y/n, she’s still a child!”
“I know, Isaac reminds me. It’s just- ugh how do I explain?” she says pinching the bridge of her noise and sighs.
“She just so different from us? I know it’s not easy for neurodivergent people to make friends, but she only has Safa! And I’ve talked to her parents and she going to collage for a business degree while my baby. she, I’m just scared for her. And last night made me more scared! She could have been hurt! And she answers the phone instead! She so much like John! And I don't want her to resent or hate me just like him!"
“That child of yours is strong. Considering what she has been through, and what you have been through! I’m just happy your both here."
who is john?
Tag: @quittingfortgebetter @egg1sblog @ice-cream-writes-stuff @thealreadyunsteadyteddynewpaper @narucore
[hi again so I have something to share. I got an idea but not 100% sure on it again so I'm asking you guys!
the poll is here
I didn't put is here beacuse last time I could not change anything and it was very annoying so here have a good one and yeah
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outrunningthedark · 1 month
So is there Getting into WWE 101 guide cause apparently there are storylines? When I was a kid I only saw them wrestling but I didn't really know anything at the time so.. how do we know the sl? From social media or tv? I'm currently obsessed with rhea but starting watching right away feels like tuning in for a movie in the last 20 minutes
If you're getting back into wrestling, I would suggest following what's on tv first because social media activity will reflect what we see on screen. (If you were to look at Rhea's twitter right now, you would see a photoshopped picture of Dom with a pacifier 🤭)
The current Liv/Dom/Rhea story line can be traced all the way back to 2022 when Liv and Rhea were tag team partners. They split up after some brutal losses (Rhea left Liv), Rhea joined The Judgment Day, became Women's World Champion, and Liv...was always just trying to keep up. Liv suffers a shoulder injury in July 2023. Doesn't return until January 2024. Another (real) injury to Rhea's shoulder in April (at the hands of Liv, of course) forced Rhea to be written out until July, during which time Liv found ways to get closer to Dom and convince him to join her side, which finally happened when Dom turned on Rhea at SS just over a week ago. And now we're here. That's the easy to read, condensed version of events, but THIS article breaks down every major event that led to where we are.
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