#can i please genuinely have normal parents and a normal life i feel fucking sick
n1ntendos · 1 year
i’m literally so fucking angry i don’t think i’ll be able to be employed in a stable manner and my govt aid is NOTHING, absolutely nothing and my student loans don’t cover the tuition for my final uni year … i genuinely want to throw up and then end it all like i don’t know what the fuck i’m going to do. why the fuck did i get laid off like this
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starlahuskyz · 5 months
Chances - Chapter 19
Summary: Jordan's story only goes downhill, the boys soon discover where he distrust and anxieties came from.
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The follow up to Jordan's lore, this might be longer than the previous chapter.
Chapter 18 <<< >>> Chapter 20
TW// Vampire Indoctrination, Vomit, Implied Suicide, Blood and Gore
Everyone felt tense, no one said anything for a moment, Jordan shuffled a bit in Marko’s hold feeling discomfort. David spoke first.
“So those fuckers were vampires, I had a feeling.”
“I thought you guys could tell when someone was a vampire?” Jordan tilted her head in confusion.
“Well we didn’t know you were a vampire, so that’s not quite how that works.”
“Oh” She leaned back into Marko and Paul talked next.
“So, what did you think when you found out your boyfriend was a vampire?” 
“I’m getting there, warning you all now though it goes downhill from here.” She continues on.
Jordan had chosen not to tell her parents about what happened that fateful night. She pondered whether what happened was real or just a really fucked up dream. She had gone the boardwalk in search of Viktor to see if he could give her the answers she was looking for. She didn’t see him for a few days though, until she saw him performing again. After the performance she entered the backstage and confronted him, he was abnormally tense after seeing her approach him.
“Viktor, we need to talk.” Jordan grabbed his hand.
“I already know what you’re gonna say.” He pulled away from her grasp.
“That’s not what this is, I’m looking for answers dammit. What the hell was up with that night, was that all some sick prank or was it real?”
“What do you think? It should be pretty obvious what happened, I’m a vampire and killed those guys for you.”
Jordan was at a loss “A vampire? They’re real?”
“I mean you’re looking at one.” Johnny piped up from behind her and cackled.
“Okay, so if you’re a vampire…why didn’t you kill me?” Viktor looked surprised.
“Why would I? I love you, I wouldn’t even fathom doing such a thing. But now I must ask, how come you’re so…normal about this?” 
Viktor was genuinely confused, most people who learned of his true identity would run and scream and he’d have to unceremoniously end their lives. Yet, Jordan didn’t seem to care too much, she cared more about the fact he wasn’t too honest about being a night stalker.
“It hasn’t bothered our relationship up until this point, I don’t see a reason to get upset about it. You did save my life after all.” She didn’t seem like she was bluffing.
“I see. So even though I’m a bloodsucker, you don’t really care?” 
“Not really.”
Viktor only stood there thinking to himself, now faced with a scenario he never imagined himself being in up until this point. Having a mate who didn’t him being a vampire seemed like an impossible dream, and yet, here he was.
Viktor pulled Jordan close to him and relaxed, his bandmates also seemed relatively happy with Jordan’s thoughts.
“I’m glad to hear you’re so accepting of me, hopefully you can join us someday.” At that statement, Jordan pushed him away.
“No…I’m sorry but no. I can’t be a vampire, I have a family and a job.” Viktor’s smile faltered. 
“C’mon, won’t you at least consider it? Being a vampire is wonderful. You’ll stay young forever, never have to worry about being sick, and never let anyone be in your way. I implore you to at least think about it, please?” Viktor seemed genuine, but Jordan remained conflicted.
“I don’t know, maybe. I’ll have to take some time to think about it. It’s a big decision.” Viktor smiled.
“I’ll give you time.”
“So you found out he was a vampire and that’s how you react?” Paul looked at her with judgment in his eyes.
“I guess I didn’t really care because we had been dating for a while without issue. I didn’t really think that he could be incredibly dangerous to me.” Marko inhaled once again feeling peeved.
“Why couldn’t I have dated you first, you were so perfect.” He would’ve loved to date Jordan if she were this casual about vampires before she even became one.
“Thanks, but if I turned him down and stopped dating him he would’ve killed me. So be happy I’m here now and you have me.” She reached over to pat his head.
Jordan had distanced herself from Viktor and his bandmates for quite a while, they had been pushing her to become a vampire like them and she was very against the idea. She weighed her options a lot considering that Viktor truly loved her. She didn’t want to drop him completely considering he’d been the best thing that had ever happened to her. But at the same time she didn’t want to leave her family behind and become a killer to survive. And no matter what even after a whole month of thinking, she never came to a decision.
She sat in her room listening to her walkman as it played music that fell on deaf ears as her thoughts overtook her mind. She didn’t even initially notice at first but there was knocking at her window. She eventually noticed when the song came to an end and saw Viktor trying to open the window with varying degrees of success. She eventually opened the window to let him in.
“Hey Viktor, did you need something?” She watched as he climbed into her house through the window while holding a tall paper bag in his hand.
“Just came to check on you, you don’t come to the boardwalk a lot anymore.” He stroked her hair affectionately.
“I’ve been busy lately, that’s all.”
“Let me guess, still trying to make your decision?”
“Yep, it’s been seriously bugging me lately.” Jordan moved to sit on the bed again.
Viktor sighed “You really shouldn’t think too hard about this, just jump in and make a decision. And I got something to help make it a little easier for you.”
Jordan watched as he pulled out a very bejeweled wine bottle filled with what she assumed to be red wine. Jordan got a little tense because she was only 19 so not legally able to drink. 
“You know I’m only 19 I can’t drink yet-”
“One swig won’t hurt anybody, it’ll be enough for you to calm down a bit. And trust me I know, you need it more than anybody.” He handed it to her and she took it hesitantly.
It was covered from its neck to base in colorful gems in all kinds of shapes and sizes. She popped the cork off the top and looked inside the bottle, a red liquid filled the container and it smelled quite putrid.
“What is this? It smells awful.”
“It’s what I call a fine wine, it might not smell or even taste very pleasant for you. But trust me, it’ll make you feel fantastic.” He continued pushing the bottle towards her, pressuring her to drink from the bottle.
She decided not to question him any further, with a deep breath, she drank from the bottle. She could hear the deep rumble of a laugh that came from Victor when she started drinking. It tasted unlike anything she had ever had before, it was sweet but also bitter. It was slightly thicker than water and gave her an intense high that made her see stars. After lowering the bottle, she closed her eyes relishing in the feeling given by the liquid contents within the bottle. Viktor leaned into her side whispering something gentle into her ear.
“Now, our love will be forever intertwined…” He lowered his mouth to her neck and took a large bite, he sucked the blood out of Jordan, but at that moment, she could care less.
“So it’s a common thing for vampire indoctrination to include drinking a mysterious red liquid from a fancy bottle I assume?” Michael finally spoke after mostly listening the whole time.
“You know us too well, Mikey.” Paul really hammered the fact into Michael who only stared back less than thrilled.
“God I feel so stupid…” Jordan sighed frustratedly, Marko only held onto her tighter not saying a word.
“Everyone fucks up in life, you just fucked up harder than most.” David said not really helping Jordan.
“Thanks…dick. I know it was a fuck up, but if I would’ve believed the whole vampire thing to begin with, I would’ve just let him kill me right then and there. But now I’m forced to pay the price…”
No one spoke for a while, there wasn’t much the others wanted to say. Not including the half vampires, they hadn’t really thought of the idea of regretting becoming a vampire. They had all taken to being turned as a minor inconvenience that soon gave them many benefits. All except one…
“I get how you feel.” Dwayne spoke solemnly with a nod towards Jordan.
“Woah, really? I thought you loved being a vampire?” Jordan was surprised.
“I’m fine with it now, only because I got over my sadness now wanting to live a life of pure misery and pain all because I never moved past one bad decision I made many years ago. You need to do the same, you sit here talking about how stupid you were back when you were young. You’ve seemingly learned from your mistakes, so get over it, you’re just hurting yourself.”
The others were rather taken aback by Dwayne’s statement, they knew that he wasn’t in a very good place when he was turned and he always refused to even mention it. Now here he was talking about it with Jordan, someone he didn’t know amazingly well.
“I understand what you’re getting at, but it’s not very easy for me to forgive. And that includes myself, if it wasn’t for my stupidity, none of this shit would’ve happened.”
The night after Jordan drank from the bottle, she felt awful. She couldn’t keep her food down and kept running to the bathroom in pain and vomiting up whatever she tried to eat. Her parents grew concerned about her and they of course eventually found out what she did the night before and while they were less than thrilled, however they were more worried about making sure their daughter felt better. Both her parents thought she was suffering from a hangover or even alcohol poisoning and so decided to wait the day out and see how she would be feeling the day after.
Even after two days, Jordan wasn’t getting any better. In fact, it was getting worse, she started getting sensitive to the sun outside and she still couldn’t eat anything being presented to her. This led to Jordan’s parents taking her to see a doctor to find some answers. The doctor simply said she might’ve been suffering from food poisoning and prescribed some medication for her in hopes it’ll cure her.
Nothing…after a week, no results. She still suffered the same pain and nausea, but now she was getting better at hiding it from her parents. She didn’t want them to worry, she was starting to suspect Viktor did something to her. Now she was dead set on going to find him and see if he could help her out. Now with her new sleeping habits, she slept through the day and stayed awake all night making it a perfect time to go and find Viktor.
She had hopped onto her bike and rode through Santa Carla in search of Viktor, it was late though…very late. The usually bustling town was now dark and quiet, she rode through stirring up the only noise that wasn’t commonly heard this time at night. She eventually reached the boardwalk and parked her bike near the beach and looked around, not a single sign of life was present around her. She didn’t even see the usual bonfire being lit by Viktor’s bandmates, even though she saw nobody and there was nothing to prompt her to look any further, she descended the steps leading onto the beach. 
The waves crashed violently as Jordan walked down the beach getting further away from the boardwalk and becoming more isolated by the minute. She could feel a pull taking her somewhere, she wasn’t sure what it was, but her body seemed to sense something her brain couldn’t. Then, she saw the only sign of life around her, a drunk guy who was standing facing the ocean with a bottle in his hand. Jordan could weirdly sense his mood, he was sad, upset, solemn. She approached him with caution.
“Sir, are you okay?” The man turned to her slowly, he wasn’t in a hurry or even alarmed by her sudden appearance.
“What do you want?” He spoke blankly with a slight slur in his voice.
“I just want to make sure you’re okay, did something happen?” The man suddenly swung his bottle at her and Jordan backed up.
“I DON’T NEED YOUR HELP GOD DAMMIT!” He roared at her, refusing to listen to her.
Jordan’s patience was waning quickly, she only wanted to help this man and yet he seemed to have something against her. It was then that the man’s demeanor changed, he lowered the bottle and sat down on the sand sobbing hysterically.
“I can’t fucking take it anymore, could you do me a favor?” He looked solemnly at Jordan, who only dreaded to imagine what he had in mind. He spoke no more, but only lifted the bottle up to her as an offering. Jordan felt uneasy, yet she didn’t try to stop him.
“Are you sure?”
The man saw a rock to his side proceeding to shatter the bottle in his hands. In the process he cut his hand open making it bleed all of the sand, the man didn’t even care. He stood up and once again handed the bottle towards her direction, but now it was shattered and covered in the man’s blood. Then something overcame Jordan, it was a sudden pang of pain within her. She could hear the man’s pulsing heart and smell the blood coming from him, it all became quickly overwhelming to her.
Without even taking the man’s weapon offering, she lunged at him, pinning him to the sand and looking at his neck intensely. She felt an instinct kick in, it was unlike anything she’d ever experienced. It was a primal urge to rip into him with her bare hands, she felt her teeth grow into sharp fangs, her nails grew sharp like blades. Without much resistance, she then dove into his neck biting down hard in an attempt to rip out his jugular. The man barely even reacted, only giving out strained gasps as he felt her rip into him. With a forceful pull, she ripped his vocal chords out of his neck and sucked the blood out of him greedily. She even clawed at his torso, tearing him up like an angry cat. It didn’t take long, only a few minutes and he was nothing but skin and bones. When she was finished, she felt a high come over her. The pain and nausea all gone, her discomfort left her and she relished in the relief…only for a moment.
The realization suddenly hit her like a brick, she came down from her high and stared down at her own hands and started to panic. They were covered in blood  Shaking her head back and forth in disbelief, she was at a loss at what to do. She looked around at her surroundings for any potential spectators. As she looked, she spotted figures approaching her.
“It’s not what it looks like I swear!” She immediately yelled, only to hear a slow clap from the person approaching her. It was Viktor and his bandmates.
“You don’t gotta hide it, babe. I’m proud of you.” Viktor pulled her into a hug despite her messy state.
“Proud? What are you talking about?” Her mind was racing still not quite processing what she just did.
“C’mon, you still aren't getting it are you?” Viktor looked at her with a raised eyebrow as if it was obvious about what was going on.
Jordan thought for a moment before furrowing her brows and looking up at him.
“What did you do to me?” Her tone was ever so slightly pissed because she knew he did something.
“Don’t you remember our night together, you had your first drink that night. I started you down the road to be like me, but tonight, you really…sealed the deal.” Viktor caressed her face with his cold hand.
Jordan was confused at first, she looked at the body behind her, then to Viktor. She thought back to the night they had spent together, and the wine he gave her. Then, it all clicked…
“You…YOU BASTARD YOU FED ME BLOOD!” She shoved him away from her in anger.
“Relax Jordan, it was going to happen eventually. I thought you wanted to be with me forever?” He tried to sweet talk her but she was beyond upset.
“Yes I did, but not like this! I told you I didn’t want to be a vampire!” Jordan pointed at him accusingly.
“Listen, I didn’t want to have to do this either. I wanted you to make that decision on your own, but you weren’t making any progress so I wanted to help you. Plus, vampires and humans being lovers never last forever.”
“I don’t care, change me back! I don’t want this!”
At Jordan’s request, Viktor faltered, not answering.
“I’m afraid that’s not possible, at least…not anymore.”
“What are you talking about? Surely you can change me back!” She didn’t want to believe him.
“You were only a half vampire for these past few days, but now that you’ve made your first kill, you’re a full vampire now. You’re a killer now, and there's no going back.”
At his answer, Jordan felt her whole world come to a stop. She fell to her knees and threw her fists at the sand beneath her in a rage.
“HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME? YOU TOOK MY LIFE AWAY FROM ME YOU BASTARD!” She didn’t even look at him, she kept her head down and felt tears leaving her eyes and falling onto the sand.
Viktor kneeled onto the sand in front of her and pulled her in close.
“I did it out of love, it may hurt now, but you’ll feel better eventually. Soon the memories of your humanity will fade, and you’ll relish in the new ones we’ll make together.” Jordan’s despair was only amplified by his statement and she felt her fingers curl back into claws and quicker than anyone could predict, she snapped.
“I HATE YOU!” Before Viktor could respond, she swiped at his neck creating a large gash that sprayed blood everywhere. He let go of her and fell back gasping at the sudden attack.
The others jumped in to try and calm Jordan down but she wasn’t going down easy. She felt an inconceivable amount of built up rage within her that she was going to do whatever it took to get back at Viktor for what he did. Jordan found a piece of driftwood on the beach and started attacking the others with it. None of the band members wanted to get too close in fear of being staked. Unfortunately, Xavier got too close and received a stake to his heart, Jordan felt no remorse for him. The others now moved in to try and kill her, but it was a surprisingly futile effort. They one by one all dropped like flies, Johnny had his spine pulled out from his back, Jackson had his jaw ripped off and both of them were properly torn into. Bolt managed to get her down onto the sand and almost neutralized her, however, Jordan freed her hands and was able to rip one of his arms off. He got off of her and taking advantage of his surprise, she quickly grabbed his head and snapped his neck leaving him to fall onto the sand unresponsive. The only responsive vampire left was Vitkor, he was still bleeding out on the ground and watched her every move. He was incapable of speaking due to his wound, Jordan only watched him with hollow eyes and spoke. 
“You wanted to be with me forever, but now you lost your chance.” For good measure she retrieved the stake from Xavier’s chest and brought it over to Victor. She drove into his chest and then without dwelling too hard on what she did, she left the scene and ran down the beach with a heavy new undead heart.
Everyone at the camp was left in either surprise, shock, and a twinge of fear. No one spoke for a few minutes, taking time to process what she had just revealed to them. David was surprised that she had managed such a feat of killing her whole coven with just her unadulterated rage. The other boys were shocked but also not too surprised considering that she was able to rip Dwayne’s arm clean off. Michael and Star were also somewhat shocked because they never expected someone as meek as her to be so dangerous. Laddie was snoring away softly on Dwayne’s chest and was the only person who didn’t hear the ordeal.
“So you killed your whole coven…impressive.” David watched her with his icy gaze.
“Impressive? The hell are you on about?” Jordan was confused.
“C’mon, killing five vampires alone is not an easy thing to do! Especially someone like you, that’s what anyone would call impressive.” Paul supported David’s statement and egged her on with enthusiasm.
“So what if it was impressive? I could care less how cool it might’ve been. That was one of the worst nights of my life.” Jordan leaned back into Marko and sighed, continuing on with her tale.
She never looked back as she ran, the boardwalk was still deserted when she got back to it. She mounted her bike and immediately went home, praying that nobody would see her bloody appearance. She got home rather quickly and dumped her bike aside and ran to the front door. But before she could open it, she faltered. Her parents were no doubt gonna be waiting for her, and she didn’t want them to see her like this. So she ran to the back of the house and found the doors leading into the basement and broke the solid metal lock in order to get inside. Even though there weren't any light sources to be seen inside, she could still see everything inside. Mainly old dusty boxes and items that belonged to her grandparents. She closed the doors behind her and haphazardly went down the steps and into the heart of the basement. A linear path led from the back entrance to a door leading into the house. She walked down the path and accidentally tripped on a lamp cord making a loud ruckus inside.
After settling everything down, she heard footsteps approaching the door inside the house. The door opened up and a light shined in Jordan’s face making her cringed. She saw her father shining a flashlight onto her face, his face agape with the shocking image of her daughter covered in blood.
“Jordan…what happened to you?” Harold made no move to leave or get closer and stayed where he was. Soon, Jane came over to see what was going on and was equally shocked if not more.
“I don’t wanna talk about it, just leave me here.” Jordan pulled into the shadows concealing herself.
“If you don’t talk about it, we can’t help you. Talk to us, Jordan.” Her father’s tone was calm and collected, he really just wanted answers more than anything. 
Jane got over her initial shock and tried remaining calm, she moved down the steps and into the basement to try and talk to her daughter.
“Jordan, we aren’t gonna hurt you. We just want to know what’s going on, I promise we won’t get mad.” She took a few steps into the basement but stayed within the light coming from the house.
While Jordan didn’t quite budge at first, he took a minute to think. Her parents cared about her a lot so she believed they would show some understanding. But on the other hand, she never told them about her boyfriend’s affliction of being a vampire. She decided there was no reason to hide it any longer, her life was over anyways.
She peeked from her spot behind some boxes, “You promise you won’t get mad?”.
“Cross our hearts.”
“Man, your parents are saints compared to mine. My dad kicked me out for being gay…” Paul chimed in.
“Wasn’t it also because of drugs?” Dwayne countered.
“Well that too, but mainly for being gay.”
Jordan shook her head at his comment, Star looked at Jordan curiously.
“Your parents seemed to take you being a vampire rather well considering you still live with them now.”
“Yeah, it surprised me though. I mean, I never told them a damn thing about this vampire business and yet they totally took it better than I ever could’ve expected. I thought my dad was gonna take me out back and put me out of this misery.” Marko squeezed Jordan tight in his arms.
“If he would’ve done that, I would’ve killed him.” Jordan only laughed at his statement.
“You didn’t even know me at that time.” She looked back at him and he only nuzzled into her.
“But we’re practically soulmates, he would’ve been destined to die by my hands one way or another if he took you away from me.”
Jordan made a mental note to tell her father about what Marko said.
Sitting at the dining table, the family all sat in silence. Jordan had gone at length to explain everything that had happened, her parents were admittedly peeved a bit at the fact their daughter never elaborated on anything before. But the damage had been done and now her parents were at a loss, they weren’t quite sure where to go from here. Jordan made no move to sway their minds in any way, she just sat and waited to see what they would say.
“Jordan, you know we love you right?” Jane spoke first, Jordan still refused to even look in their direction.
Jordan nodded wordlessly.
“Even though we aren’t thrilled about what’s happening, we don’t want you to shoulder this alone. You understand?” She reached out a hand towards her daughter as a sign of affection.
“Why, I’m a killer now.” Jordan stared off into space blankly.
“Why? Because you’re our god damn daughter, that’s why. That no good piece of shit tried to take you away from me and I’m not letting him succeed whether he’s dead or not. If him being a vampire didn’t bother you at all, there ain’t no reason that you being a vampire should bother us as well.” Harold spoke firmly, he genuinely wanted the best from his daughter. 
He was definitely peeved by the situation but he wasn’t going to give Viktor the satisfaction of letting the vampirism drive his daughter away. Jordan finally looked at her parents and looked surprised, of all the outcomes she expected, this wasn’t one of them.
“Really, even though I’m a vampire?”
“We never gave up on you before, we aren’t going to do it now. Vampire or not.” Jane spoke warmly.
Jordan had no words to express her relief and gratitude she had been granted. She outstretched her hand and grabbed a hold of her mother’s already stretched out hand. It wasn’t going to be the easiest transition, but it was one she was willing to put herself through if it meant she could still live a somewhat normal life.
“So through 1987, I spent that time adjusting to this new life I still live now. We worked on moving my stuff into the basement and all the stuff from the basement into my original room. I changed my appearance as well, and vowed to try to only kill those who deserve death.”
With that, Jordan had finished her story and left the others processing what she had said. Paul decided to applaud her finishing the story and was feigning tears as if he was moved by the story.
“Bravo! That was a beautiful story, thank you for sharing. Is that the whole story, Ms.Jordan?” He moved over to Jordan and Marko’s spot leaning onto both of them in interest.
“I have some stories, but I’ll save those for later.” David then stood up from his spot and spoke.
“Good call, the sun will be up soon. We should all get some shut eye before we burn.” 
And with that, everyone got up to get going. Dwayne handed off a sleeping Laddie to Michael and Star and the boys all retreated to their bikes. Jordan hopped on her bike and watched as Marko joined her on his own, he started making a habit of taking her home even without her asking.
“Goodnight, love birds!” Paul called out to the two as they drove off.
Jordan arrived home pretty quickly and was mentally exhausted yet satisfied, she weirdly felt a weight lift off of her shoulders. She was happy she didn’t have to keep this secret around her friends and felt somewhat free now. She climbed off her bike and Marko did the same, Marko seemed a bit bothered by something though. His face was rather peeved and he was biting his thumb, a trademark for a bothered or thoughtful Marko.
“What’s up Marko, you look bothered.” She walked up to him grabbing his large hand on her own.
“I keep thinking about that guy you were talking about in your story, Viktor.”
“What about him, he’s not around anymore? And I say good riddance.” She watched as he furrowed his brow, still thoughtful.
“I just want to pummel the lights out of him for what he did. Tried to make you his mate, but he didn’t fucking deserve you.” Marko pulled her close and held her possessively which caught Jordan off guard. 
“You don’t have to worry about it, I’m yours now. Even if you can be a true shithead sometimes, at least you're honest about it.” Marko pushed her away to look at her, then he looked at the rising sun and thought for a moment. Without warning, he lifted Jordan over his shoulder and walked towards the door going into her house.
“Hey! What are you doing?” She watched as he snatched her house keys and opened the door.
“You said it yourself, you belong to me. So you aren’t gonna sleep alone tonight, maybe we can…make that official.” He wiggled his eyebrows at Jordan who caught onto what he meant and she immediately started trying to wiggle out of his grip to no avail.
“Like hell we are doing that now!” Jordan protested, but Marko made his way into her room and threw her onto the bed climbing on top of her cuddling into her and purring.
“I’m joking, but if you ever want all of me, just say the word and I’ll be there.” Jordan turned over and laid face to face with him purring back at him.
“I’ll take that into consideration, but I’m too tired right now.” It didn’t take the two very long before they both fell into their day sleep while holding each other in their arms. Bixby soon found his way onto the bed and slept at the foot of the bed with them.
Taglist (If you wanna be tagged, just ask ^ ^)
@blog4horror @ria-coolgirl @oceansrose2002 @hypocriticaltypwriter @deliciousfestsalad @kristel1990
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fractured-shield · 2 months
Writerly questionnaire
thanks for the tags @honeybewrites and @nczaversnick!!
about you:
when did you start writing?
I was stapling together loose paper and handwriting weird shit on the playground instead of socializing for as long as I can remember, but I was 12 when I first got serious about telling any kind of coherent narrative and 19-ish when I overhauled FS into it's current form
are the genres/themes you enjoy reading different from the ones you write?
oh, nah, I'm a sucker for the same cliche high fantasy tropes as I write. I got really into LotR in 6th grade (like, reading the silmarillion and other supplemental texts the following year. don't ask me about my favorite traumatized elf guys unless you want the most incomprehensible rambling response. i've been told it's all very predictable of me on no less than half a dozen occasions) and that shit was a formative experience I can't go back from
is there an author (or just a fellow writer!) you want to emulate, or one to whom you’re often compared?
yeah i think every high fantasy writer gets compared to tolkien at some point, the whole mt fuji analogy of the genre and all that. I'm not really trying to emulate the same scale or depth of lore, but I find that a lot of the themes really speak to me now in my mid-20s more than they did as a kid, so I like to lean into some of those in my own writing, and keep (and occasionally fuck around with) the typical high fantasy trappings along the way
can you tell me a little about your writing space(s)? (Room, coffee shop, desk, etc.)
eh...don't really have one rn. i'll write anywhere from scrap paper during church (i'm a church musician only so i don't lose my skills lmao) to my phone, to actually sitting at a desk. but i recently had to move pretty suddenly and don't have much set up yet
what’s your most effective way to muster up some muse?
find yourself in traumatizing situations and project them onto your characters instead of getting therapy long car rides listening to music
did the place(s) you grew up in influence the people and places you write about?
i'm sure it did a bit subconsciously, but most of my formative years were spent using fiction as escapism, so not too much
are there any recurring themes in your writing, and if so, do they surprise you at all?
grief and trauma and coping with things out of your control, finding purpose, found family and good supportive familial relationships, feeling lonely and othered and using self-improvement as harm...etc. normal stuff like that. i'm doing so good i'm so well adjusted please believe me
your characters:
would you please tell me about your current favorite character? (Current WIP, past WIP, never used, etc.)
😔 <- character profile link. i cannot pretend anyone else is my favorite when i literally have a tattoo in honor of him. (tldr that's my protag's father. she wouldn't even be mad she's relegated to second favorite, she'd agree with me)
which of your characters do you think you’d be friends with in real life?
i think i'd get along with a lot of them actually. therien, oenith, and waith would all have some initial conflict but we'd figure it out. hal would be chill. i wish leithe and idhren were my parents
which of your characters would you dislike the most if you met them?
i think if i met maithyr he'd kinda scare me tbh. and i'd be so tired of dealing with malin's genuinely friendly extroverted behavior, love the guy though. waith's parents piss me off, as do deras and ealrid. alfrin is a little shit and, like therien, he'd get under my skin. unlike therien, i'd be too much of a coward to punch him
tell me about the process of coming up with of one, all, or any of your characters.
uhhhhhh therien and oenith kinda happened on accident...? a friend and i were fucking around and wanted some sick ass fantasy self insert ocs and now it's 12 years later and they're their own fleshed out fully different characters. waith was originally a shared oc with a different friend, and she's still pretty similar and they get consulted sometimes about how i write her. idhren and leithe were always therien's parents but their role wasn't originally supposed to be this big. maithyr and linna are shamelessly based on the vibe of a popular ship in a fandom i've been in but i made them debatably worse. hal just showed up one day and malin reinvented his whole self when i wasn't looking. ...mor and arennir and alfrin were...interesting cases...
do you notice any recurring themes/traits among your characters?
mostly the trauma, yeah
how do you picture them? (As real people you imagined, as models/actors who exist in real life, as imaginary artwork, as artwork you made or commissioned, anime style, etc.)
i've had them all for long enough that it's some fluid mix of faceclaims (one very notable story about that), picrews, video game character builders, and just imagined collections of features and vibes
your writing:
what’s your reason for writing?
idk i didn't know it'd be 12+ years of these guys with no signs of stopping when i made therien and oenith and idhren back in 2012. they're like real people to me and i'm very fond of them, so i enjoy thinking about them and i think their story deserves to be written
is there a specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating coming from your readers?
i really like when people connect with my characters. particularly therien and idhren, any "oh my god she's weird as fuck i love her" or "ohhh im sad about him i think a hug from him would fix me" is like. going to make my entire week
how do you want to be thought of by those who read your work? (For example: as a literary genius, or as a writer who “gets” the human condition; as a talented worldbuilder, as a role model, etc.)
tbh i've never really thought about how i want to be seen as a writer. i just want to tell a story people connect with, i'd rather readers find characters as inspirational rather than myself
what do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
probably characters, but only within FS. I don't think it's a strength, like any new character I make for another project is whatever, but with these guys—I hope they feel complex and realistic, I've been thinking about them for long enough
what have you been frequently told your greatest writing strength is by others?
i've been told I write dialogue well I think? I also got a comment from when I submitted ch1 of my current draft for a class critique last spring where someone said I wrote anxiety/panic in a very realistic way. that scene wasn't even in the outline lmao my characters do what they want
how do you feel about your own writing? (Answer in whatever way you interpret this question.)
it's...fine I guess? It's definitely gotten noticeably more consistent and closer to what I want it to be in the past 2-ish years, but I still struggle a lot with feeling like the style is bland and the topics forgettable. I try not to linger on it too much because I primarily write for my own sanity, the approval of any readers is just a bonus
if you were the last person on earth and knew your writing would never be read by another human, would you still write?
oh yeah, i'd keep writing. i like my characters and i like seeing new parts of them and their stories revealed to me as i progress
when you write, are you influenced by what others might enjoy reading, or do you write purely what you enjoy? If it’s a mix of the two, which holds the most influence?
nah, not really. i mean, aside from "if i introduce this thing earlier it'd make more sense / breaking the chapters here would flow better for readers" type things. the actual content and themes and characters are purely what I enjoy. i'm not delusional enough to think publishing is likely anyways, i know the whole "cliche high fantasy" thing isn't terribly marketable, especially how it falls in the overlap of YA and adult
open tag for anyone who wants to join! doing open tags until I get caught up I think
tag list: @just-emis-blog @orions-quill @honeybewrites @leahnardo-da-veggie @robin-the-blind-sniper-rifle
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pinkspiraling · 2 years
still complaining about my parents
i hate them being here and it makes me feel so mean, like them being here makes me fucking annoyed cause they’re here SO MUCH. like my mom visits 7-10 times a year and for usually WEEKS AT A TIME. it’s so fucking ridiculous and she lives so far away like on the other side of the country and she still visits that much. and she just visits to visit, like just to see her kids and i feel like a dick because i genuinely think that is not right. she has no life of her own, she has no hobbies or friends or anything, all she does is think about her kids and visit her kids like that’s what her life revolves around and i don’t think it’s right. we’re all adults but she treats me like i’m 15 and i def don’t think i’m a mature or capable or well-functioning person :) but it does not help to have her acting like she sees me that way. she babies me and does the most overbearing shit, it’s so inappropriate for her to be acting that way toward her adult children but if you try to talk to her about it it hurts her feelings so bad. she thinks it’s normal and fine, she thinks her kids have always been her life so they should continue to be her life and i disagree!!! we can be close to her and see her and she can visit but like not every fucking month, that’s so unnecessary and not okay. she has no boundaries and she sees no issue with it. idk how to communicate that to her, like she’s not even friends with most of her kids (only one of my sisters actually can stand her but the rest of us have a hard time with it) so idk why she thinks we should all hang out all the time? or why she thinks we want to??? as adults we don’t want our lives to revolve sm around our parents esp when they were very strict and emotionally distant when we were kids like…she needs to see a therapist and let a therapist tell her that she is overstepping. i can’t handle it idk i’m fucking sick of it and i hate that she’s too sensitive to have a conversation about it. like how do you tell your mom “hey it’s not personal, but fuck off and stop visiting and please act like a normal mother towards your adult children pls”. also can my dad fucking leave like I HATE THEM BEING HERE bc i can’t relax, i can’t feel like my time is my own, i need them to leave like omfg why are they fucking here like i can’t drink when they’re here bc i get too worried about seeming drunk or smelling like alcohol and i just fucking hate everyone and everything and i need to move out of this house but also i’m about to be unemployed lmao I HATE MY DECISIONS I HATE THESE PEOPLE I HATW HOW SUFFOCATING IT IS LIKE FUCK OFF FUCK OFF FUCK OFF FUCK OFF FUCK OFF FUCK OFFFF
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hgkitten · 2 years
Going Back to Therapy
So, with the breakup of my relationship with my GF, I've been doing a lot of thinking.
It's a time to reflect, what happened, do I need to make changes.... etc.

So, while a large part of the breakup really was ex-GF's inability to handle my crazy scary depression this year there are some things, I'm responsible for.
 I need to know how to handle my anger. I “don’t do angry” I’ve said it a million million times, it makes me physically sick because the only time I flare up is when I’m nearly enraged. It wasn’t till I said I was angry all the time when I was drinking that I really thought about it.
I'm angry. Like.... ALL the TIME.
My parents
My childhood, my inability to go home
My difficulty finding people that I “click” with, … I would like some more friends please
My own shifting moods, why can’t I just be “normal”
My body is a piece of shit. The medical field is fucking me over at the moment.
My relationship with my husband.  He’s amazing and has rarely made me feel less than loved and genuinely cared for. Rarely…. Because we’re human and shit happens, that’s why we talk about it.
I can’t let the man just be in a bad mood about something without trying to fix it
I can’t do things on my own
Someone flat out asked me if I was on the Autism Spectrum a month ago. I felt poleaxed. How could she know what was happening in my head? I hadn’t’ uttered it to anyone at all. She said she asked because she suspected that she might be.
I want to know.
I know that’s it entirely possible that the answer is “no, you were just badly abused as a child and didn’t learn a lot of shit.” But…. What if it’s both?
I’ve already told Vampyr that I’m not going back to just vegging at home with him all the time. Right now, he’s finishing finals for the semester and I’ve been focusing on helping him with that.
But I want to go to the local game store and hang out like we used to do when we were younger. I don’t have kids, I can’t have kids (five years of my life just exhausted), so …. Time to focus on me again.
I wanted to write all this down so I can keep my goals for therapy straight, appointment is schedule for Dec 22nd. And… I figured, let’s shout it to the void. I know there are a couple of people listening, even if they don’t shout back.
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my-emotional-self · 3 years
Toxic Love Chapter 4
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Pairings: Steve Rogers x Reader, Bucky Barnes x Reader, Steve Rogers x Reader x Bucky Barnes
Summary: Finding out your soulmates were Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes was one thing.  But when someone from your past comes back to haunt you, you have to figure out if a relationship with two super soldiers is something you really want to pursue or if you’d rather go back to your comfortable single life.
Series Warnings:  18+, Swearing, Angst, Fluff, past mentions of rape, self-harm, attempted rape, domestic violence, stalking, death threats, possible Dark!Steve?, Steve will be an asshole a LOT in this series but I don’t know how dark it will get, explicit sexual content, mental health issues, kind of A/B/O dynamics but not really (no they are not actual wolves, more like the hierarchy), mentions of suicide, flashbacks of suicide
A/N: There will be no taglist for this story!  I apologize in advance!
The three of you gathered around the kitchen island and ate the pizza.  Well, more like Steve and Bucky inhaled a whole pizza each while you ate two slices.  The pizza was delicious, probably the best you’d ever had and your stomach was grateful for the yumminess.
“Why don’t you tell us a little about yourself Y/N?” Bucky asked as he licked the grease off his lips.
“What do you want to know?” you replied.  
“Let’s start with your family and where you grew up.”
You shrugged as you wiped your fingers with a napkin.  “There isn’t really much to say.  I grew up in a small town in the Midwest.  Both my parents died when I was a teenager.  I never knew my grandparents and I was an only child, same with my parents, so I don’t have any other family.  I moved here when I was 20,” you stated honestly.  Well, mostly at least.  Yes, it was true both of your parents died, but how they died was tragic.  They both committed suicide.  First your mother, then your father one year later.  As far back as you could research, mental health issues unfortunately ran in your family and that was including you.  But you weren’t ready to open up that old wound yet. You were on medication to help it and that was that.  Luckily the dosing you were on worked well and you could only hope you wouldn’t need to adjust your medications anytime soon.  
“We know how you feel doll. Obviously all of our family is gone too. But we can make a new family with the three of us,” Bucky stated as he wrapped his metal arm around your shoulders. You liked the sound of that.  The three of you becoming your own family. It sounded nice.  
You gave Bucky a wide smile, mirroring his.  “What have your past relationships looked like?” Steve announced from the other side of you.  
This was something you had been debating on bringing up.  If you weren’t going to tell them about your mental health issues just yet, you didn’t want to lie and be dishonest about John as well.  Taking a deep breath, you held it in for five seconds before releasing it.  “I’ve only been in one relationship before.  His name was John, John Smith.  He’s in prison right now.”
From the corner of your eye you could see Steve clench his fist; his knuckles cracking in the process.   “What happened?” he growled out.    
“He…he umm.  Well, he hit me,” you said, almost as quiet as a mouse but you knew both men had super hearing and they damn well heard you.  
Steve slammed his fist on the granite countertop making you flinch.  
“Steve!” Bucky barked at him in anger.  “You’re not making this situation any better right now.  Calm the fuck down and let her talk.”  Bucky soothed his arm up and down your back.  “Go ahead doll.   We’re listening.”
Nodding, you began to speak again.  “Things were great in the beginning.  He seemed like everything I could have ever asked for in a man.  I didn’t know if or when I would ever meet the two of you so I decided to live my life and date him.   The first six months were a whirlwind of romance.  He was the most charming man I had ever met.  But then things took a turn when I moved in with him. I was ready to have sex yet, but he was sick of waiting.  That first night I moved in, he…he raped me.”
This time you saw Bucky’s right hand clench on the table in front of you while Steve knocked his chair over as he stood up, pacing the kitchen.  “Go on doll,” Bucky urged, trying to keep the anger out of his voice as best he could for you.
“That was just the first time.  He umm, he did it again for weeks.  I wanted to leave, I really did.  But he was rich and he had security around the house.  I knew I couldn’t just up and leave.  Finally, when he demanded I quit my job, I stood up to him and told him no. That was the first time he hit me. That continued for months.  I was ready to give up on myself.”
“What happened next huh? How did he end up in prison?” Steve demanded as he leaned over the counter, staring at you with those piercing eyes.  
“I got lucky,” you replied. “We were out shopping one day.  He felt bad for the wrist he broke the night before so he took me shopping.  One of the sales ladies escorted me into a fitting room and I slipped her a note letting her know what was going on.  I stayed in the fitting room for as long as possible.  And then I heard them.  The police. The sales lady called the police for me and they took him away.  He’s been locked up ever since.”
Closing your eyes, you let the tears slip down your cheek.  “You were so brave,” Bucky cooed as you felt his lips on the top of your head.
“Look at me Y/N,” Steve demanded yet again and that deep feeling to please him was happening again. You snapped your head up and looked directly into his eyes.  “That will never happen in this relationship. Do you understand me?”  You simply nodded.  “Bucky and I would never hurt you like that.  Ever.  You have our word.”  As soon as he finished talking, he stormed out of the kitchen and down the hallway to where you only assumed was his room.  
“Just give him a minute to cool off sweetheart,” Bucky spoke in your ear.  “Stevie gets pent up sometimes and he has a lot on his plate. He may seem like it, but he’s not mad at you.  I promise.”
You collapsed into Bucky’s chest and softy sobbed.  It felt like a weight was lifted off your shoulders and you were relieved to have told them about John.  “I’m so sorry you had to go through that doll.  That will never happen to you again.  We won’t let anything like that happen.”
It couldn’t have been more than 10 minutes later when Steve emerged from his room.  “How about we go down and show you the communal kitchen and living room.  Give you a little tour.  What do you say?”
A small smile broke across your face.  “I’d like that very much.”
As the elevators opened to the communal floor, you jaw dropped.  If you thought Steve and Bucky’s apartment was big, this was ten times the size. Not only were there ample more couches, the television was bigger and there was a large dining table big enough to sit at least twenty people.  
“Holy crap,” you exclaimed in awe.  
“Yeah, Tony likes to go big if you couldn’t already tell,” Steve joked.  
“You think?” you quipped back, earning a smirk from Steve.  
The entire space was void of anyone except the three of you as Steve pulled you further into the living room.  He explained that the group tries to do a movie night at least once a week.  “To make things as fair as possible, Tony pulls a name out of a hat to see who gets to pick the movie that night,” Bucky said.
“Yeah but it doesn’t really work.  There is still always complaining and bitching from everyone else.  Mainly Clint,” Steve chimed in.  
It made you giggle, genuinely giggle and it felt good.  That hadn’t happened in quite some time.  
Steve and Bucky guided you towards the hallway, explaining that these were the ‘hobby rooms’ of everyone and their soulmates.  Steve opened the door to the one at the end of the all on right left side.  
“This will be your room. You can make it anything you want. But I’m going to guess this will be your game room where you work.”
“That would be correct,” you answered as you turned on the light.  The room was very decent sized and you would have no problem fitting all of your gamer stuff in here.  Hell, there would be a lot of room left over and you were quickly trying to think what else you could fit in here.  
“C’mon.  Let’s go back to our floor and we can show you your room up there.”
On the elevator ride back to their apartment, Steve and Bucky explained who all lived in the tower and who their soulmates were.  Tony and Pepper were soulmates together, along with Bruce.  Bruce was best friends with Tony and more of a brother figure to Pepper. Then there was Natasha, Clint and Darcy Lewis and they were all in an intimate relationship together.  Lastly, there was Thor and Jane but they didn’t stay in the tower too much as they spent most of their time on Asgard.  
Steve stopped in front of your door.  It was across the hall from Bucky’s and right next door to Steve’s.  
“Go ahead and open it,” Steve said with a smile.  “Just place your hand over the screen.”
Taking a deep breath, you did as he said and placed your hand, palm down, on the digital screen where there would normally have been a doorknob.  With a soft click, the door opened for you and you walked into your new place.  It was nothing like what you were thinking. You were honestly just guessing it would be a bedroom, but no, this was an entire apartment.  
Straight ahead was a decent sized kitchen.   There was dark cherry wood cabinet with black granite countertops and stainless steel appliances.  To the left is what you would assume would be the living room, however it was completely bare of any furniture.  As you continued to move through the apartment you found that the bedroom was all the way in the back.  It was a very nice sized master bedroom with the biggest walk in closet and on suite bathroom you had ever seen.  
“What do you think?” Bucky asked as he came up behind you and placed his hands on your shoulders.  
“It’s big,” you replied with a chuckle.  
“I’m going to have Tony’s interior designer email you.  Give him examples and ideas of what you would like and she will make it happen.  Don’t worry about prices.  This is Tony’s gift to you.”
Your eyes grew wide at his statement.  “Are you sure?”
“Yes sweetheart,” Steve replied as he slipped his hand in yours.  “We want the best for you.  Whatever you want this new home of yours to look like, then so be it.  We will make it happen for you.”
That night as you lay in bed after spending time with Steve and Bucky, you couldn’t help but frown. Things had seemed to be going much better tonight than they did when you first met them two days ago.  Now, you had to pack up your apartment and move. You weren’t really nervous about that part, hell, you were looking forward to it.  But then it meant things were starting to get real.  When things start to get intimate with them, would you be able to let yourself go and do that?  Would things be vanilla in the bedroom? Would you be able to tell them that because the only sexual experiences you’ve ever had was being raped, that you could now only get yourself off on violent fantasies of being raped, or tied up, or choked?  Fuck, what was wrong with you?
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so the real question is... do you have any fic recs 👀
>:) luckily for you i have spent much of my life reading destiel fic like it's my job. i'm gonna focus on the ones i rarely see on rec lists! be aware that most of these deal with pretty heavy themes.
my father's favorite by nonpradu (gen)
Pre-series. 11 year-old Sam is feeling adrift when faced once again with the prospect of moving to a new town to start all over again. When a messenger of God appears in a dream, Sam prays that his family will stay put so they can be safe and normal. It's a case of "be careful what you wish for." Very sick!Dean.
warnings for graphic depictions of major illness; leukemia; no major character death. this fic scooped me inside out. if your doctor says you can read one supernatural fic before you die choose this one.
empty spaces by schmerzerling
Dean is fine. The way he sees it, things are simple. He had a house and a family and food in his stomach, and now he doesn't. And yeah, that's a downer, but he's not going to let that stop him from being fine, because he's in control of the situation. He definitely doesn't need anyone to save him. And it's not like the weird guy with the nice butt from down the road is the knight-in-shining-armor type, anyway.
warnings for anorexia; grieving a parent; major depression; graphic suicide attempt; no major character death and hopeful ending but this fic is very difficult to stomach. please read the warnings!! it's absolutely worth it though i had to go on a three hour walk after finishing it lmao
what fun it would all be by 8sword
Nothing dies in Purgatory, but they are forever finding corpses.
A thoroughly jossed S7 coda fic in which Dean and Castiel find Emma in Purgatory.
warnings for major character death. emma winchester my beloved
if these wings should fail me by narrow_staircases
Some days, Castiel wonders if he should never have healed Dean at all.
Because now Dean has nothing to wrestle with, no physical pain to nurse, no slowly-mending fractured ribs to remind him that his brother and his sacrifice were real, that Sam Winchester saved the world and that Dean was a part of that fight. He's a blank slate, and it's Castiel's fault. Without pain to ground him, center him, do whatever it is that pain has done for Dean Winchester his entire life, he erodes, steadily and quietly, until Castiel no longer recognizes him, and has no one to blame for his loss but himself.
warnings for alcoholism, depression, dean being mean to cas >:( i didn't love the ending but the first two thirds are very strong and i loved their interpretation of dean and cas. also dean stops being mean eventually lol don't worry
ends of the earth series by microcomets
a short collection of season 10 codas written in purple prose. this author is best known for their "cas keeps popping up in the life of preseries dean" fic but i like this better! it's very quiet and grounded. warnings for suicidal ideation.
song of songs series by outpastthemoat
a collection of stories inspired by bible verses.
no warnings! im not gonna pretend this is like high literature but i like it a lot and it has barely any hits :) it's very sweet "dean wants to share the news: he is in love" hell yeah u funky little guy. i love u
popular fics that i like:
a complete kingdom (mcd)
peace and good luck to all men (this one is genuinely so fucking funny. rip to people who refuse to read au's you are missing out on the best entertainment of your life)
there are many things
a lot like falling
i'm not gonna bother linking the really popular ones but so says the sword deserves the hype idc idc!!
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atlafan · 4 years
The Tutor - Part Two
a/n: thank you all for the support on the original one shot. I just really love these guys, so I had to make a part two, and may even go back to them at some point for some other fun stuff, but for now, here’s the second half of fall semester! Read part one here! 
Warnings: angst, we start out with a lot of angst I’m so sorry. Plenty of fluff and smut to balance it out though! Partying, alcohol consumption. 
Words: 18.7K
Part Three
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Harry thought he was going to be sick. There it was, sitting right in front of him on his desk: C-. For the life of him he couldn’t remember the last time he did so poorly on a test. It was for his Conversational French class. Harry knew French well, that’s why he was in a higher level course. Most students needed a full year of a language, but he only needed one because he tested out of the lower levels. It was his own fault.
The night before the test when he should have been studying he was buried deep inside Y/N. The hockey team had won an away game, and she asked him to come over for a little while and he physically couldn’t say no to her. He didn’t think he would end up staying the night, but he did. Y/N had whispered that she wanted to do it again, and she had pinned him down, and he sort of really liked that so once again he didn’t say no. And the way she was riding him and panting his name and looking down at him with her big eyes. Anyone would have stayed the night after that.
He knew he didn’t do his best on the test, but he thought he’d at least get a B, not a fucking C-. He sighs heavily as class ends.
“Monsieur Styles…” The professor makes a come her motion with her pointer finger. He turns around and walks over to her desk. “Normally I wouldn’t be so worried about a C, but you always get A’s on your tests, what happened?”
“I…I guess I didn’t study as much as I should have. Maybe I just got cocky and thought I knew the material more than I did…”
“Harry, you’re always going to the study group meetings, did you not go last week?”
“No, something else came up.”
“Like what?”
“Well…” He runs a hand through his hair. “My girlfriend is on the hockey team, and they just won a game on the road, and…” He sighs. “I know it’s not a great excuse, I’m sorry. I’ll buckle down for the next test.”
“Look, I know having a partner in college is very exciting. You’re an adult, you don’t have a curfew, and you don’t a have a parent telling you to keep the door open, but try to keep your priorities straight. You’re a very bright student, and I hate to see your grades suffer in this course, or others.” She takes a sip of her water. “I’ll let you in on a secret, but only because I thought you were going to wet your pants when you saw your grade. I tend to drop the lowest grades at the end of the semester, so you don’t have too much to worry about GPA wise, but try not to let this continue.”
“Okay, I promise I’ll do better on the next one. Thank you so much.” He smiles and leaves the classroom.
She was right, he didn’t want his other grades to suffer. Harry nearly had a 4.0, and he wanted to keep it that way. He needed to buckle back down, but he wasn’t quite sure how to explain this to Y/N. He liked spending his free time with her, but maybe he was being a little too available. It was almost time for their tutoring session, maybe in the seriousness of the library he could have this chat with her.
Y/N was overly excited to see Harry. She had wonderful news for him. She had spoken with her mom, and they both thought it would be a good idea to invite Harry home for Thanksgiving. He had explained that he just stayed on campus last year and that it was really boring. She bounces into the library looking cute as ever in her sweats, and goes over to their usual table. He was already set up and looking serious.
“Hey you.” She says, kissing his cheek. He gives her a soft smile as she sits down. “How’s your day been?”
“Just alright?” She pouts. “Well, maybe explaining the difference between bonobos and apes to me will add some excitement.” She laughs and takes her books out. “I mean, I sort of get it. One group is super chill and sexual, and the other group is fucking crazy and aggressive. The main difference I noticed is that one group is matriarchal and the other group is patriarchal, so what I wanna know is, why don’t all people study these two groups? I find it to be absolutely fascinating, and-“
“Y/N, please!” Harry snaps. “Why do you even need my help anymore? It seems like you’ve got it.”
“I…well…I mean it’s helpful to talk these things through with you. I need to write a paper about this and I was sort of hoping you could guide me with my outline. Maybe point me to some good sources.” She chews on her bottom lip. “You don’t want to tutor me anymore?” God, he was so fucked for her. How did one girl hold so much power over him?
“It’s not that, I…I mean, we meet up like this twice a week for two hours, four hours total, and then we also meet up to do homework together other nights and that goes on for hours, and sometimes we don’t even end up doing homework, and…ugh, look at this!” He slaps his French test down on the table. She scans it over and gives him a confused look.
“What’s wrong with it?”
“I got a C-, Y/N!”
“Is that bad?” She was genuinely confused.
“Are you serious?”
“It’s terrible! Luckily my professor told me she usually drops our lowest grades at the end of the semester, but what if this happens again?”
“Are…are you blaming me for your grade?”
“Well, I was at your place the night before my test when I should have been studying. You invited me over after you guys won your away game, remember?”
“Yeah, I remember you kissing and touching all up on me. You didn’t mention once that you had a test. If you did I would have told you to go home, or I wouldn’t have invited you over at all.” She shakes her head. “I can’t believe you right now. Just because you have poor time management doesn’t mean-“
“I do not have poor time management.” He seethes. “I have impeccable time management.”
“Well, apparently you don’t, otherwise you would have left more time to study for your fucking French test.” She huffs, and takes her highlighter out to help herself as she looks for quotes in her book.
“I can’t believe that you don’t even care that I got a bad grade.”
“That’s the difference between you and I, Harry. When I see a C, I don’t think it’s a bad grade. Had that been a D-, then okay I would probably be more concerned. You said it yourself, she’s going to drop your lowest grade, so it’s no big deal.” She looks at him. “You’re on the clock right now, aren’t you? I need your help with this.”
“Fine.” He leans closer to her and they work on her outline for a bit. They only talk about things related to the class. When ten of four hits, he starts packing up and so does she.
“You’re being a baby.” She mumbles.
“No I’m not. I have to keep up a specific GPA for the grant that I was given.”
“Yeah, same here, Harry. News flash, half of the students here have to keep up a specific GPA, you’re not special in that.” She slings her bag over her shoulder. “You can blame me all you want for your grade, but that’s on you. Learn some self-control because I will not be made into being a fucking distraction to some boy.”
Before he can say he’s more than just some boy to her and that he’s her boyfriend, she’s gone. Harry slumps forward and knuckles at his eyes. She made a fair point, he shouldn’t blame her for distracting him. He needed to create a boundary. This is probably why he was fine just having a couple of casual hookups last year as opposed to having a girlfriend. It’s much easier to just text someone if they’re up on the weekends, and then focus on school work during the week. With Y/N he just wanted to be in her company whenever he could, and with that came his urge to really be in her company. Maybe he did need some self-control. She had no problem telling him when she wasn’t in the mood or couldn’t come over, he needed to do the same.
Harry: hey, can I call you later?
Gemma: of course! I’m getting ready for bed soon though…
Harry: oh right, time zones, I’ll call you now
“What’s up, H?”
“How do you handle being in a relationship and getting good grades at the same time?” He asks as he heads out of the library, not wanting to disturb anyone.
“Jesus, you’ve been seeing this girl for all of two months. What happened, did you fail a test?”
“No! I got a C- on a French test.”
“You’re freaking out over a class that isn’t even one of your major courses?”
“What if it’s a slippery slope? You had a boyfriend in uni, how’d you manage your time?”
“I just told him when I was busy, and then we found other times to hang out. Usually we’d try to meet up for lunch or dinner if we could.”
“We usually sit with our other friends at lunch…and she doesn’t go to the dining hall for dinner because she cooks with her roommates after her workouts. We’re both really busy in our own rights, so it’s like the second we’re both free…”
“Do you have sleepovers?”
“Gemma.” Harry blushes as he gets into his apartment.
“Harry, I’m not asking you what you’re doing, I’m just asking if you spend the night.”
“Yeah, mostly on the weekends though…”
“And what night does the weekend start?”
“Sometimes on Thursdays…but she usually has early practice on Friday mornings, so-“
“I think you two should define which nights are for sleepovers. So, if you hang out on a Wednesday or something it’s clear no one’s staying over.”
“But I’d feel so guilty leaving after we…you know.”
“Just communicate about that too.”
“I don’t want her thinking I’m only going over there for that though.”
“Harry, I’m going to say this slowly. Communicate.”
“She’s probably so mad at me.” He groans as he gets into his room.
“I sort of blamed my grade on her…”
“I know! I’m an idiot, okay?”
“Well, you better fix it. If you think a relationship in uni is distracting, a break up is ten times worse.”
Y/N was sprinting on the treadmill, she was beyond pissed. She wanted to bash Harry’s head against the table in the library. She hops off the treadmill once her run is done, and she goes into the weight room with the other girls to work with the weight trainer. She was being more quiet than usual as she lifted.
“Take a ten minute break girls, then we’ll work on the deadlifts.” The trainer says.
“Y/N, are you alright?” Ashley asks.
“No.” She looks away.
“What’s wrong?”
“Harry and I got into a fight.” She mumbles.
“Aw, about what? Want me to beat him up?”
“No.” Y/N laughs. “Thanks though. He got what he thinks is a bad grade on some test and he blamed me.”
“What the fuck?” Amanda says, overhearing the conversation. “Why would he do that?”
“Apparently he was at our place the night before his test so he didn’t study the way he should have, but that’s not my fault. He could have left or not come over at all.”
“Y/N.” Ashley sighs. “You’re both right and you’re both wrong. Try to think of it from his perspective, or, like what if the shoe was on the other foot? Like say you spent the night and overslept and missed practice. You’d probably blame him when it’s on you to make sure your alarm is set, right?”
“I guess so.”
“Cut him some slack. What was the grade?”
“Only a C-.”
“Well, if that’s a big deal to him you have to respect that.”
“Alright, ladies! Let’s get back to it.” The trainer says.
Ashley winks at Y/N, and she smiles. She was right, and talking it through calmed her down a little. She used whatever anger she still had to fuel the rest of her workout. Her, Gina, and Amanda all go home, take their turns showering and eat dinner. It was around seven when Y/N sat down to finish up some homework. Harry hadn’t texted, but she hadn’t texted him either. She wasn’t sure if she should give him some space to cool off or not. She never had to deal with something like this before.
“I’m gonna go up and try to FaceTime him, I’ll be back in a minute.” She tells the girls as she leaves the living room. The phone rings for a while, and then he finally answers. “Hey.”
“Sorry if I’m bothering you, I just thought we should talk.”
“Please don’t break up with me.”
Harry had, like, really bad anxiety, and this entire situation flared it up. It probably didn’t help that he was always drinking coffee. He talked with Y/N briefly about it, in case he ever had an anxiety attack in front of her, he didn’t want her to be scared.
“What?! Harry, first of all, I would never do that over a fucking FaceTime, second of all, how could you think I would break up with you at all?”
“I don’t know, my sister got into my head and…sorry…I’m really sorry for snapping at you earlier, that wasn’t fair.”
“I’m sorry for not understanding how much your grade bothered you.” She chews on her bottom lip. “I should have been more sympathetic.”
“And I shouldn’t have blamed you…it was my own fault for not making more time to study. I’m trying to balance you with everything else, and it’s hard sometimes.”
“I know, but if you need to study I don’t want you to feel bad for not being able to come over or something.”
“Well, I could come over…but I can’t always spend the night.”
“It’s just that…it would make me feel guilty if I didn’t.”
“Because if it’s a night we decide to hook up and I don’t stay I feel like you’d be upset. I wouldn’t want you to feel like I was only coming over for that either.”
“Harry, it’s okay. You don’t always have to spend the night afterwards. You have your own life. We can keep sleepovers for the weekends if you want.”
“Yeah, I think that would be a good idea. Things are just going to get crazier as finals creep up. I mean, it’s already almost Thanksgiving for fuck’s sake.”
“About that.” She smiles. “Before you got pissy at the library earlier, I was actually pretty excited to see you.”
“You were?” His face softens.
“Mhm, I talked with my mom, and well…I was wondering if you’d wanna come home with me for Thanksgiving…”
“Really?” He perks up.
“Yeah! I want you to meet the rest of my family, and you said how boring staying on campus was last year.”
“Y/N, I’d love to come home with you.” He beams. “Thank you.”
“Yay! I’m glad you want to.” She beams back. “I love you, Harry.”
“I love you, too.”
“I need to get back to my homework, and I’m sure you do too. Will you be at the game tomorrow?”
“Of course I will be.”
“Okay, I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“See you tomorrow.”
They both hang up and feel the same wave of relief. Harry gets back to studying, but not before texting his sister to let her know he’s been invited home with Y/N for Thanksgiving. He was too giddy to not tell someone.
Harry goes to Y/N’s game Wednesday, clad in the jersey she had given him. Sometimes he was given looks, he knew they weren’t the most typical couple, but he didn’t really care what other people thought. He sits with Andrew, Billy, Air, and her new boyfriend Scott. Niall and Louis also join, handing Harry his requested hotdog.
“Thanks, mate.” He says to Louis as he sits next to him.
“No problem. Think this is first women’s game I’ve ever been to, sort of feel guilty.”
“Me too.” Niall says. “Glad we didn’t have a game tonight. Bout time we came to see your girl play.”
Harry chuckles and shakes his head. He bites into his hotdog just as the lights dim and both teams skate out onto the ice. The crowd cheers, and his face lights up when he sees Y/N. Number 21 in all her glory. She assists two goals in the first period, giving the girls a decent lead for the second period. During the second period she gets her shit rocked by one of the bigger girls on the other team, and the wind gets knocked out of her. Harry was frightened when she didn’t immediately get up. A trainer and the coach go out onto the ice to help her up. The other girl gets benched for the rest of the game for unnecessary roughness, and the arena claps for Y/N as she’s helped off the ice.
“Oh my god, I have to, I have to go see if she’s okay!” Harry says frantically.
“Harry!” Andrew grabs him. “They’re not going to let you into the women’s locker room.”
“I know, but maybe I can go wait for her where the trainer’s office is, that’s probably where they brought her, right?”
“He’s right, mate.” Louis says. “You’ll have to wait until they bring her back out.” He puts his hand on Harry’s shoulder to get him to sit back down. “I know it sucks right now, but she’s in good hands, she’ll be alright.”
After what felt like a lifetime, Harry squints and sees Y/N sitting on the bench. Her helmet and all of her other gear was off. All she had on were her warm ups.
“Fuck, I hope she doesn’t have a concussion.”
“They wouldn’t have let her sit out there if she did.” Niall says. “No fucking way, the ice would be blinding her.”
“Bruised rib?” Harry looks at Louis and Niall.
“Har, you’ll find out soon enough.” Louis gives him a reassuring smile. “Try to calm down. She looks fine.”
Harry sighs, his leg won’t stop bouncing as he sits in the stands. The rest of the game goes by agonizingly slow. Luckily the girls won 2-0, so at least everyone would be in decent enough mood. Harry says goodbye to everyone as he nearly sprints out of the arena to wait for Y/N where he usually did down below at the ice near the skate rentals. When he sees her come through the doors with Amanda and Gina, he races over to her, throwing his arms around her top half.
“Harry! Babe, you’re crushing me!” She laughs and pats his back. His hands move to cup her jaw and he kisses her over and over.
“I was so scared! What happened? Are you alright?” His eyes scan over her body.
“I’m fine!” She giggles and takes his hands away from her face. “I got the wind knocked out of me, and they had me sit out for the rest of the game because they put some ice on my ribs.” She unzips her sweatshirt to show him. “I’m fine though, that girl just rammed into me.”
“For no fucking reason.” Gina scoffs. “She’s lucky we didn’t all attack her.”
“Whatever, at least we won.” Y/N shrugs. “Sorry I couldn’t text you or anything, phones aren’t allowed on the bench.” She says to Harry.
“It’s okay, I’m just glad you’re alright.”
“We’re all gonna go downtown for dinner to celebrate. Do you have homework or anything?”
He did have homework. He had a powerpoint he needed to work on. But he so desperately just wanted to be with her.
“Um, I have a presentation I need finish up, so…I guess I should go do that, but text me when you’re back on campus. If I’m done with everything I could come over after.”
“Okay.” She smiles and kisses him again. “Sorry you were so worried.”
“I’m just glad you don’t have a concussion or something.”
“Nope, nothing that serious.”
“Come on, we better get down there before they eat all the food.” Amanda says.
Y/N waves off to Harry and leaves with the girls. It was too bad because he liked getting dinner with the hockey girls, but he needed to stick to what he and Y/N spoke about last night. It’ll be a reward or a treat for him to see her once he’s done with his work. That was all the motivation he needed to finish up his presentation, and get some other homework done.
Harry: hey baby, I just finished everything up…do you still wanna get together? Are you doing hw?
Y/N: maybe tomorrow night, I’m really tired and we have practice in the morning. But I’ll see you at 2, right?
Harry: yeah of course. Love you, goodnight!
Y/N: love you too, night!
Harry sort of felt sad that he wasn’t seeing Y/N tonight, but he couldn’t blame her for being tired. He just wanted to hold her and make her feel better, but he thought of how small her bed was and realized how she’d probably be more comfortable sleeping in it alone. He couldn’t blame her for that either. Just as he’s settling into bed, his phone goes off and he smiles.
“What’s up, babe?”
“Nothing…kinda just wanted to hear your voice…”
“God, you’re gonna make me melt into a puddle over here.” He chuckles. “Are you feeling better?”
“A little yeah. They want me to sleep sort of propped up so I can breathe easier, it’s not very comfy.”
“I’m sorry, baby. Wish I could make you feel better.”
“You are.” She smiles, not that he could see. “So you were working on a presentation? For what class?”
“My anthropology class.”
“Tell me about it.”
“It’s kind of boring…”
“I don’t care, it’ll be like you’re telling me a bed time story. Please?”
“Alright.” His heart was fluttering.
Y/N fell asleep with her headphones in listening to Harry discuss his presentation. Believe it or not, talking through it helped Harry give an even better presentation than he could have hoped for. Maybe this new system will work for them.
Harry was dressed up from his presentation when Y/N met him in the library for their tutoring session. He looked incredibly handsome in his green dress pants, white button up, and floral patterned tie to match.
“Hey.” He smiles and kisses her cheek. “Let’s finish up that outline.”
“Hey, yeah.” She sits down and takes her materials out to show him. She looks him up and down. “How’d your presentation go?”
“Oh, really well actually. Talking it over with you last night actually made me feel more prepared.”
“That’s great! Sorry I fell asleep on you.” She chews on her bottom lip. “Maybe next time I could come over and you could really practice it for me.”
“You did ask for a bedtime story.” He smirks. “It’s fine. How are you feeling?”
“Much better. I took it easy during practice this morning just in case, and the trainers are going to work with me during lifting this afternoon, but I should be fine to play Saturday.”
“That’s good, and that game’s away right?”
“Yeah and we have to leave Friday night because it’s, like, hours away or something.”
Harry nods and looks over Y/N’s outline. He marks up a few spots and lets her get to work on her paper while he works on a paper of his own. He listens as she grumbles to himself and he can’t help but laugh.
“Stop, it’s not funny. I’m not a very good writer.”
“What are you struggling with?”
“I just don’t how to articulate myself professionally sometimes.”
“So write it as if you didn’t need to be professional, and then go back and edit it. Get all of your ideas out, you know?”
“Oh, good idea! Thanks, Har.” She smiles.
“It’s what I’m here for.”
She gives him a quick peck on the cheek and he sighs happily.
“Do you want to…um, come over after your workout. We could have dinner…”
“Yeah, I’d like that. Can I bring all my shit over so I can just spend the night and get up to go to practice? You live closer to the ice arena, it would be perfect.”
“Sure! That sounds great.”
While Y/N is at her workout, Harry whips up some pasta and meat sauce that he knows she’ll like. He makes enough for Louis and Niall as well. They were usually ravenous after practice just the same. Niall and Louis come bursting through the door around when Harry is pulling some garlic bread out of the oven.
“Alright! Mum cooked!” Louis teases him.
“Oi! Go fucking wash up before you start grabbing at the food, fucking animals.” Harry scolds them. “And we’re waiting to eat until Y/N gets here, you’re lucky I even made extra for the two of you.”
“Ugh, fine.” Niall says and the two go down the hall to wash up.
There’s a knock on the door and Harry practically races over to open it. He smiles at Y/N with all her bags, and he lets her in.
“I can bring those up if you want. Go ahead into the kitchen, dinner’s all set.”
“Thanks, babe.” She pecks his lips and hands her things over to him. “Hi guys.” She says to the boys as she sits down.
“How are you feeling, Y/N?” Niall asks.
“Oh, I’m fine. Took it easy today, but I’m alright.”
“I couldn’t believe how hard that girl hit you, it was wild.” Louis says.
“Okay! Everyone can make up their own plates, have at it. Made your favorite, Y/N.”
“Thank you.” She blushes and makes up a plate.
It was like they were having a family dinner, it was sort of fun. Y/N had gotten to know Niall and Louis alright over the last couple of weeks. The boys help clean up with Y/N while Harry puts the leftovers away. The two go up to his room, and she flops onto his bed. Harry gets on and crawls up her body to straddle her. She starts giggling and shakes her head.
“I just ate so much food, I need a minute.”
“Can you even do anything? How are your ribs?”
“They’re fine, but we probably shouldn’t be too aggressive.”
“You don’t have to do a thing if you don’t want to.”
“Harry.” She scoffs.
“We haven’t really been able to makeup since our little argument the other day, I wanna make you feel good.”
“What exactly are you proposing?” She raises an eyebrow at him.
“Well, you know me, I have a bit of sweet tooth.” He grins at her and she bites her bottom lip.
He situates himself between her legs and pulls her sweatpants down. She raises her hips up to help him, and he looks up at her just to make sure what they’re doing is okay. She nods yes, and he hooks his fingers into her underwear as well. He places soft kisses on her inner thigh, working his way to her center.
“Yeah, babe?”
“Would you do that thing where you, um, stick your tongue inside?” She was embarrassed and blushing, but she really liked it when he would do that.
“Want me to fuck you with my tongue?”
“Can do.” He smiles and dips his head back down.
He licks the flat of his tongue up her center and nibbles on her clit for a moment before licking into her. She bucks her hips up from the sensation, and he uses an arm to hold her down. He uses his other hand to rub her clit while he fucks her with his tongue.
“Fuck, oh my god.” She breathes and tangles his hair between her fingers.
He moves his face from side to side so she could catch some of the scruff on his chin, although, he only just started to grow some of his facial hair out. Harry shaved just about every day until Y/N told him once that she sort of liked the way it felt on her. Harry’s facial hair came in sort of patchy, so that’s why he would normally just shave it, but he was willing to grow it out a bit for her.
He rubs on her clit a little faster, and it has her panting and breathing rapidly. Her chest was heaving, and he could tell she was getting closer. She’s a whimpering mess when she comes to her release, and he continues to lap away at her.
“Holy shit.” She breathes as he sits up.
“So good, come here.”
He smiles and hovers over to kiss her. She was so fucked out she didn’t even care that she could taste herself on his tongue. He grinds himself against her and she winces.
“Too many clothes, get naked.” She whines.
Harry chuckles but does as she says. She takes her t-shirt off and sits up. She has him sit up against the wall so she can crawl into his lap.
“I think this’ll hurt less if I’m on top.”
“Whatever makes you more comfortable, baby.” He reaches over to his desk to grab a condom, but she swats it away.
“We’re only sleeping with each other, do we really need one?”
“I just like having it as a backup, as much as I love feeling you. Is that alright?”
She waits for him to roll it on and she slowly sinks down on top of him. He grips her hips and helps her move up and down on his dick. He bites down on her shoulder to muffle his moan when he feels how deep inside her he is. Her hands are tangled up in his hair again as she rocks back and forth on him. He licks a stripe up her neck and just under her earlobe to suck a mark on her. He snakes a hand between them to rub circles on her clit and she gasps.
“Fuck, how do you always know how to do that?” She groans. “Feels so fucking good.”
“I just know what you need, baby girl.” He nips at her bottom lip as he continues to rub her right where she needs it as she bounces up and down on his dick.
Her tongue glides against his, and she can feel sweat starting to pool between their bellies by how close they are. She feels the knot in her stomach starting to form again, and she hides her face in his neck. He keeps his other arm around her, hand gripping her ass.
“Y/N.” He groans, not being able to hold on much longer.
She cries out into his neck, and when her body starts to calm down a bit he comes. She clings to him for a moment before he lifts her off of him. She throws a t-shirt on and goes to the bathroom quickly while he slips into a pair of boxers. She double checks her two alarms, and he sets one on his clock-radio for her as well. He crawls into bed with her and spoons her. He kisses the back of her neck and sticks a leg between hers.
“Can I ask you a personal question?” He says.
“Um, sure?” She chuckles.
“When do you typically get your period?”
“What?!” She turns over and sits up. “Why, why would you ask me that?”
“Well, we’ve been together a couple of months now and you haven’t even mentioned it.”
“I…it’s not something I really wanna share with you, Harry. I don’t know, I probably got it before we started dating, and then I probably got it again before we started having sex, I…I’d have to check my pills to see when I get it next…couple of weeks, maybe?”
“I just don’t want you to think it’s something you need to keep a secret from me, like, if you wanna leave a box of tampons or whatever in the bathroom you can.”
“Harry.” She hides her face in her hands. “Please, this is too embarrassing.”
“Why?” He peels her hands away so she’ll look at him. “I just want you to feel comfortable…”
“It’s gross, that’s why. I wish I didn’t get it all, it’s a nuisance.” She sighs. “But thank you, I may bring some supplies here since you’re saying it’s alright.”
He kisses her cheek and brings her back down to him so they can spoon again. He snuggles her close and nestles into her hair. Y/N was frazzled. She had never met a guy like Harry, and she was honestly surprised he didn’t already have a girlfriend. She didn’t know a college guy could be so cool and chill about those types of things. She grabs his hand and intertwines their fingers, resting it against her lower stomach. He lets out a small sigh before falling asleep.
Y/N jumps out of Harry’s bed when she hears his clock-radio go off. He knuckles at his eyes and sits up as she shuffles around to grab her things. She goes down the hall to do her thing, and sees the bathroom door his closed. One of the boys must be in there. Louis opens the door, shirtless and only in his boxers.
“Morning.” He yawns and gestures for her to use the bathroom.
“Morning.” She blushes and goes in, and locks the door. She washes her face and brushes her teeth and quickly goes back into Harry’s room. She smiles when she sees him typing away at his laptop. “What are you doing?”
“Just answering some emails. I’m getting more tutoring requests with finals approaching.”
“I didn’t think you took a lot of classes that people would need help in.” She says as she braids her hair back.
“Well, I’m a study skills tutor too, so sometimes I meet with other students who just need tips on how to properly study.”
“Like flashcards and stuff like that?”
“There’s some of that, yeah. I explain how to code while reading, how to look at previous quizzes, sometimes they need help just emailing a professor too. I had to go through a training for it last year with the tutoring office. It’s good money so I don’t mind.”
She gets her jacket on and looks at him. She goes over and cups his jaw, giving him some kisses to his lips that were still slightly swollen from the night before.
“When do you leave tonight?”
“Around five, I think. Wanna meet up for lunch at the dining hall?”
“I’d love to.”
“Okay, I’ll see you later.”
“Alright, have a good practice.”
She grabs her things and heads out. She sees Niall and Louis getting their sneakers on.
“Do you guys have early lifts in the mornings?”
“Yeah, and then we have field times in the afternoons. So opposite of you.” Niall says. “Do you want a ride to the ice arena since we’re headed that way?”
“Do you mind? That would be great.”
“Don’t mind at all, pet.” Louis smiles and grabs one of her bags for her. “Your Harry’s girl now, so you’re our girl too.”
She giggles and follows them out to their car. She thanks them for dropping her off and she heads inside. It was a good practice, she was feeling much better. As she was changing after practice she could hear a few people snickering.
“What?” She looks at her friends.
“You and Harry really had some fun last night, huh?” Amanda says.
“What are you talking about?”
“Your neck and shoulder.” Amanda takes her mirror out of her gym locker to show her. Y/N gasps.
“Oh my god…”
“I mean, I like a hickey just as much as the next person, but shit.” Gina says.
“He…does it when he’s trying to be quiet. His roommates were home and sometimes he moans, like, really loud.” She smirks. “It’s cute.”
“Ooo, Y/N’s giving Harry that good good.” Amanda teases with a squeal.
“Shut up.” She nudges her. “I like that he moans, you always hear of guys never making any noise, what’s the fun in that?”
“The complexities of liking dick.” Gina laughs.
“You know what makes you guys lucky?” Y/N says as she pulls her sweatshirt on. “You don’t have to worry about condoms.”
“Aren’t you on the pill?” Amanda asks as they all leave the building to walk up to campus.
“Yeah, but Harry likes using condoms as a backup, which makes sense. Sometimes I just wish he wasn’t so responsible. It hurts a little whenever he pulls out when he wears one, and it kind of hurts for a couple of days after.” Both Amanda and Gina stop short. “What?”
“Do you think you’re allergic to latex?” Gina asks. “Or the spermicide?”
“Oh shit, I didn’t even think of that.” Y/N groans. “What am I supposed to use, sheepskin?” She makes a gagging noise.
“No, I’m pretty sure there are latex free condoms that aren’t sheepskin. We’re going to WalMart after lunch to get snacks for the bus, we can look while we’re there.” Amanda says.
“Good idea, thanks. Harry’s gonna join at lunch, so don’t mention any of this, okay? He worries about every little thing, and I don’t want him to get anxious.”
The girls agree, and they head to their apartment to drop their things off before class. Friday classes should be illegal, but Y/N only had Mind, Brain, and Evolution on Fridays, so it wasn’t terrible. When she finally gets to the dining hall she sees Harry waiting outside for her. God, he looked so fucking good. He had a light blue sweater on with some khakis, and his beanie. She loves the way the ends of curls would peak out of the hat. She throws her arms around him and kisses his cheek.
“You didn’t have to wait out here.”
“I know, but I wanted to.” He smiles and kisses her lips before going inside.
They both grab their food and sit down together at the girl’s hockey table. Everyone greets Harry, and he joins in on the conversations circling around him.
“Do you have anywhere to be after this?” He says to her.
“We’re going to WalMart to get snacks, and then I need to get my overnight bag together. You can come over to help me pack if you want.”
“Sounds good.”
“Are you gonna go out tonight, or anything?”
“Yeah, Louis and Niall have a home game tonight, so I’m gonna go to support them, and then there’s most likely going to be a party at the soccer house, so I’ll probably go to that for a bit.”
“Is that alright?”
“Yeah, I don’t care.” She shrugs.
They kiss goodbye before she hops in Ashley’s car to go to WalMart. She grabs the snacks she wants, and then Amanda and Gina yank her down to the aisle with the condoms. They read the boxes and find a brand that still prevents against STDs, but didn’t have latex.
“Try these and then see how you feel.” Gina says. “I wish we could be more help…” She laughs.
“This is help enough, thanks. I should probably go to my doctor and just have an allergy test done.”
“You two had sex last night, right? How does your vagine feel?” Amanda asks.
“Sore, honestly.” She sighs. “I thought it was just like this because we do it a lot and it’s still so new for my body, but he’s mostly gentle when we’re doing it, I suppose being allergic to latex would make the most sense.” She throws the box in the cart with everything else. “Hey, can I ask you guys something?”
“Of course!” Amanda says.
“Anything!” Gina says.
“When you’re hooking up consistently with a girl, do you ever ask her when her period is?”
“I synced up with a girl once.” Gina says.
“Sometimes it gets brought up, like, a girl has told me when she’s on hers so we don’t venture down south, why?” Amanda asks.
“Harry asked me last night when my next one would be. I just found it to be peculiar that the topic didn’t gross him out.”
“God, every time you tell us something about him, it astounds me how much of a man he really is. I would very much like to shake his mother’s hand.” Gina says. “He’s met Ang, have you met his mom yet?”
“Well, considering that she lives in fucking London, no, I haven’t.” Y/N rolls her eyes.
“You could FaceTime.” Amanda suggests.
“We could, but I’m way too nervous. Meeting a guy’s mom is so much different that meeting the girl’s mom. I mean, it’s just her and his sister, that’s her baby boy, I wanna make sure I make a good impression.”
“He’s also your baby boy, and that’s all I’m saying on that.” Amanda says.
“Yeah, baby girl.” Gina teases.
“I’m not going to tell you guys anything he says to me anymore if you’re going to make fun of us.” Y/N pouts.
“Please! No, don’t take the stories away, they’re too good.” Gina says.
The girls pay for their things and meet up with the people they drove with, and head inside their apartment. Harry comes over to watch Y/N pack her things.
“I don’t think you got enough snacks, think you could use some more.” He says sarcastically.
“We get hungry on these longer rides.”
“You’re only going for one night.” He rummages through her WalMart bags to see what she got.
“Harry, wait-“
His eyes grow wide when he sees the box of condoms. He takes them out and holds them up.
“Why do you need these if you’re going away?”
“I hadn’t put all of my shit away yet.” She snatches the box from him and tosses it in her closet.
“You didn’t need to buy those, babe, I can take care of that.”
“Well, it’s just…you know, it should be both of our responsibility.”
“But,” He grabs the box from her closet, “this isn’t the brand I usually buy. These aren’t even ribbed.” He says as he reads the box.
“No, but…they don’t have latex in them…” She blushes and takes the box back from him. “I think I may be allergic or something.”
“How’d you come to that conclusion?”
“Because I noticed that afterwards…I’m sore for a couple of days, and-“
“Y/N.” He sighs and sits on the edge of her bed, pulling her onto his lap. “Why didn’t you say anything to me?”
“I don’t know.” She looks down as she wraps her arms around his neck. “I thought I was just getting used to you still.”
“But if you were in pain afterwards I’d want you to tell me. Am I too rough?”
“No! That’s just it, you’re not. So…I mean, I was talking to the girls about it and they asked me if I was allergic to latex, so we got those while we were out and I figured we could give them a try when I get back. It’ll be like an experiment.”
“Is that why you don’t always want to use one?”
“Yeah, I’m never sore after we don’t use one.”
“Alright, then we’ll try those. I’m sorry, baby. If I had known we could have bought those sooner.”
“Don’t be sorry, it’s on me.”
“I just want you to talk to me about these things, that’s all.”
“It’s embarrassing, Harry.” She groans. “I don’t wanna talk about my vagina with you.” She pouts.
“God, you’re cute.” He pecks her lips. “No, you just like when I lick on you, is that it?”
“Ugh, I don’t have time for this.”
“You don’t have to be at your bus until five, it’s 3:45, think you have plenty of time…if you want, that is.”
“M’sore.” She says shyly. “But…if you did wanna lick on me…I would do the same to you.”
“That sounds like an excellent idea.” He grins.
She stands up and makes sure her door is locked before getting her pants off. He takes care of her first, getting her back to arch off the bed from the sheer force of her orgasm. She practically growls at him when she undoes his pants. She gets between his legs and gets her lips wrapped around his tip in seconds. Her ass was in the air, and he couldn’t help but reach forward and finger her from behind.
“Oh!” She gasps and looks at him. “That’s different.”
“Does it feel okay?”
“Yeah…I just…it’s your turn is all.”
“Babe, we’re just having some fun, it doesn’t matter. I’ll make you come as many times as I can, I don’t give a fuck if I only get one.”
“Oh my god.” She breathes and puts her mouth back on him.
She moans around him as his fingers pump in and out of her, and it makes him buck up into her. She gags for a second but keeps going.
“Y/N.” He grunts. “This would be a little easier if we just-“
“No.” She mumbles with him still in her mouth.
“But if we just-“
“I don’t want my entire ass in your face!” She uses her hand to pump him quickly, and he removes his fingers from her to grip at her sheets. She rubs her thumb over his tip how he likes, and his eyes roll into the back of his head.
“Oh fuck, I’m gonna come.” He groans, and she puts her mouth back on his tip to gets everything in her mouth.
She pops off of him and swallows. She was getting more used to that, and the taste didn’t bother her as much. Once his breathing goes back to normal he tackles her down where he was laying and she giggles.
“What are you doing?”
“Gonna finish what I started, love, otherwise you’ll be restless on that bus.” He slips his fingers back inside her and she moans out. “Course, I could be mean and just get you really worked up so you’d have to think of me while you’re in that hotel room of yours.”
“Mm, yeah, you know they make us share beds, four to a room, so that wouldn’t really, fuck, work for me.”
“Really? They don’t make the boys share beds.”
“God forbid.” She grunts as he goes in knuckle deep and curls his fingers up.
“Feel alright? I know you said you were sore earlier.”
“No, it feels fine, really good, actually.” She pants. “Fuck, Harry, oh my god!”
He loved watching her face when she’d come to her release. She always bit her bottom lip really hard and squeezed her eyes shut, and then her mouth would fall open as she’d come down. He retracts his fingers and wipes them off on his thigh before grabbing his boxers and pants to put back on.
“I just need to, um, pee. I’ll be right back.” She almost felt lightheaded as she stood up. She puts her sweatpants back on and goes down the hall to clean herself up. Amanda peeps her head out of her room, as does Gina.
“What the fuck were you two doing in there?” Gina chuckles.
“Um, he just made me come so hard that everything went white, so…”
“Damn, boy’s got a good dick.” Amanda says.
“He does, but he didn’t use it. Just his fingers.”
“Oh shit.” Gina says, impressed. “Maybe he was a lesbian in another life.”
They all burst out laughing, and Y/N goes back to her room. She kisses Harry a few times and then finishes getting her bags together.
“I’ll text you later when we’re at the hotel. Have fun at the soccer game.”
“I will, safe travels. When do you think you’ll be back tomorrow?”
“No idea, but I’ll let you know once we hit the road.”
“Sounds good, love you.” He pecks her lips.
“Love you too.” She smiles and waves him off as he leaves.
The boys and girls soccer teams won, so there was a rager at the boy’s soccer house. Harry pregames with Niall and Louis before going over. He had a long-sleeve black button up on with the first few buttons undone, and a ripped pair of black jeans. He cracks open a beer and sips on it as he talks to some of the guys at the house.
Harry gets a good buzz going, opting to play a few rounds of beer pong, and flip cup with some people he knew in the kitchen.
Y/N: just got to the hotel, hope you’re having a good night!
Harry: wish you were here, missing my dance partner ;p sweet dreams baby
“Harry, you’re turn!” Niall shouts and Harry flips his cup effortlessly. He finishes off his drink and grabs another one.
“Well, look who it is.” A girl named Maggie comes up to Harry to make a drink of her own. Harry hooked up with Maggie last semester.
“Maggie, um, hi.” He blushes. “How are you.”
“Good! Haven’t seen you since school started.”
“Yeah, I got busy…with the, uh, tutoring.”
“Right.” She nods and takes a sip of her drink. “You look good, Har.”
“Thanks.” He takes a sip of his own drink.
“So, are you here alone?”
“I came with Niall and Louis.” He points over to the guys as they’re still playing flip cup.
“No, I mean…” She puts her hand on his shoulder and steps closer to him. “Like, you’re not here with anyone?”
“Well…my girlfriend is away tonight, she’s on the hockey team.” He swallows, unsure of what in the fuck was happening. “They have an away game tomorrow, so they had to leave tonight to get there on time.”
“Poor thing.” She pouts at him. “Are you feeling a little lonely? I know how you can be.” She had backed him into a corner and pressed herself up against him. His hands were not on her at all and he just didn’t know what to do.
“Maggie, could you, uh, you’re a little too close.”
“Am I?” She bats her eyelashes up at him. “I don’t think we’re close enough, if you ask me.”
Harry looks over at Niall and Louis, hoping to catch their attention. He didn’t want to be rude, but he needed this girl to step off. He looks down at her and frowns.
“Did you not hear me? I said I have a girlfriend.”
“I heard you say she was gone for the night. Come on, Harry, have a little fun. You’re not married.”
“This isn’t fun for me.” He pushes her away and goes over to Niall and Louis. He tells them what happened and that he’s going to leave.
“Mate, don’t go.” Louis frowns. “Night’s just getting started.”
“I’m not having fun anymore. I used to hook up with Maggie, and we hooked up right when school started. Y/N’s not here, and I don’t feel right.”
“So…what, you’re not gonna come out unless she’s with you?” Niall asks.
“What’s the main goal of coming to a party? Finding someone to hook up with. I don’t need to be here if she’s not here. It’s too dangerous. I’m gonna go home, I’ll see you guys later.”
“Wait.” Louis sighs. “We’ll come with you.”
“No, you guys had a major win tonight, you should stay and celebrate. I’m just gonna go to bed.”
“You’re drunk, H, we should go with you.” Niall says.
“M’not drunk. I can make it back. Please stay, it’s fine.”
Harry makes his way out of the house and bumps into Maggie again.
“For fuck’s sake.” He says to himself as she looks at him with a devious smile.
“Where you going, Harry?”
“Need some company?”
“Not from you.” He shakes his head and she pouts at him.
“Damn, who knew some hockey bitch could have you so whipped.”
He wanted to strangle her, and Harry was not a violent person in the slightest. He just couldn’t believe one female athlete would say that about another.
“You may be alright with trying to fuck up someone’s relationship, but I’m not. Get some fucking help.” He brushes by her and gets out of the house quickly. The cold air hits him a little too hard, and his stomach turns. He shakes it off and makes his way home. He couldn’t believe that even after he said he had a girlfriend that Maggie would still try to pull a move on him.
Harry gets inside and feels so disgusted that he decides to take a shower. Maybe taking a shower while buzzed wasn’t a great idea, but it certainly calmed him down. He was never going to a party without Y/N again. The thing he wasn’t sure about was if he should tell her about the altercation. Maybe if he had been sober he would have waited until the morning to text her, but there he was, towel hanging low on his hips, water dripping from his hair, as he typed out his message.
Harry: baby, I’m home now, I had to leave that party. I know you’re sleeping, but this girl tried to hook up with me, even after I told her I had a girlfriend! Can you believe that?! I got away from her, but she got really close to me. Nothing happened, but I just wanted you to know…for whatever reason. I love you so much, I hope you know I would never do anything to put our relationship at risk. I’m sorry for texting you like this while you’re sleeping, I just needed you to know.
His anxiety had fully taken over at this point. After he hit send he immediately regretted it. He knew he should have waited.
“Fucking moron.” He chews on his nails. Now he had to wait until morning for her to answer. He flops onto his bed and puts his headphones in so he could fall asleep to a podcast.
Y/N rubs her eyes as she wakes up the next morning, and they widen when she sees the massive text from Harry.
“What the fuck?” She says, sitting up.
“What is it?” Amanda groans next to her, sitting up as well.
“Some girl tried to fuck Harry last night!”
“What?!” This wakes Gina up in the other bed. They were also rooming with this other girl Becca who they were pretty good friends with.
“He said nothing happened, and he left right away, but she got really close to him even after he said he had a girlfriend.” She sighs. “Fuck, do you guys mind if I call him quick? His anxiety must be through the roof. He sent this at like one in the morning.”
“Go ahead, Y/N.” Amanda rubs her back as she dials his number.
“Y/N?” Harry says groggily through the phone.
“Hey, I just saw your text, are you alright?”
“M’fine.” He mumbles.
“Did you know this girl prior?”
“She…well…ugh, don’t be made, but I used to hook up with her. Mostly last semester, and then a couple times when school started. It was before we met, Y/N.”
“So…she came up to you thinking you were single, you told her you weren’t, and she still tried to take you home?”
“Yeah, but I got away from her.”
“Where were Niall and Louis?”
“Playing flip cup, they offered to leave with me, but I told them they didn’t need to.”
“What’s this girl’s name?”
“What does it matter?”
“I just wanna know.”
“Maggie…she’s a junior.”
“Please don’t be mad.”
“I’m not…and nothing happened?”
“No! I got outta there and went right home. I’m so sorry, I’m never going out without you again.”
“Don’t say that, you can go out. I want you to have fun, Harry.”
“I didn’t have much fun last night.” He mumbles.
“I’m sorry, Harry. Hopefully that girl has learned her lesson.”
“I know you’re probably gonna be tired when you get back to campus later, but…would you come over?”
“Of course! The second I get to campus I’ll be at your place, alright?”
“Okay…thanks babe.”
“Yeah.” She looks at the girls and she feels terrible. “Did you sleep last night?”
“I listened to a podcast and it helped me drift off, yeah.”
“Okay.” She sighs. “We have to get ready and eat breakfast and stuff…”
“Alright, I’ll be watching the live stream later, so know I’ll be rooting for you.”
“Thanks.” She smiles. “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
Y/N goes onto Harry’s Instagram to see who follows him, looking for anyone named Maggie. She finds one, and her page wasn’t private, so she was able to look at her photos.
“This girl used to hook up with Harry, and she tried to last night. She’s…like…really pretty.” Y/N frowns, and show’s Amanda. “He said he left right away, but…how could he go from her to me.”
“Y/N!” Gina says. “You’re one of the fucking hottest girls on campus, don’t talk about yourself like that. Besides, he got out of there because he wants you, not her, and because he’s not a fucking dick. Don’t let this bother you.”
The game went really well. The girls won 4-2, and had a nice big dinner to celebrate. Y/N texts Harry the second they’re on the road. He tells her to let her know when the buses are close so he can meet her down at the ice arena to walk her back to his place.
He got some homework done, and spoke to Niall and Louis about how uncomfortable Maggie had made him. They apologized for not immediately going home with him to make sure he was alright. Harry smirks when he sees some of the other significant others waiting down at the ice arena for the girls. It was only around 9:30 when the bus pull in.
“My house, one hour, ladies!” Ashley yells as everyone gets off the bus.
Y/N runs right over to Harry, and throws her arms around him. He lifts her up so her legs can wrap around his waist. She kisses all over his face, and he smiles.
“Hey, beautiful. That was a great game.”
“You watched the whole thing?”
“You’re the best.” He sets her down and grabs her bags for her. “We don’t have to go to Ashley’s tonight if you don’t want to.”
“Do you want to?”
“Well…yeah, but-“
“I’ll go.” He shrugs. “Could use some actual fun after last night.”
“We don’t have to stay long, I just wanna make an appearance.”
“S’fine with me, love.”
They both get ready, and before they leave, Y/N goes into the living room to see Louis and Niall playing video games. She clears her throat so they’ll look at her. They pause the game.
“Do you guys wanna come to the hockey house with us?”
“Sure!” Louis says. “Sounds like fun.”
“Yeah, I’m in.” Niall says.
Harry puts his arm around Y/N’s shoulders as they walk to Ashley’s place. They all get to drinking once they’re there, and it’s a great time as always. Y/N and Harry get into a game of up and down the river with some of the other girls. That game was extremely dangerous, but super fun. Once they’re done, they find themselves in the basement, dancing the night away.
“Missed you so much last night.” Harry says into her ear as she grinds back against him.
“Mhm.” His hands grips her hips harder to pulls her even closer. He starts kissing on her neck and her head rolls back to his shoulder.
“Missed you too.” She turns around to press her front to his and his hands slide down to her ass. “I have some of those new condoms in my bag…” She kisses on his neck. “Wanna go try them?”
“Yup!” He yanks her up the stairs from the basement, through the house and outside. He gives her a piggyback ride back to his place, and she continues to kiss on his neck.
He gets them inside and up the stairs to his room. She rifles through her bag for the condoms and takes them out. He cups her jaw and sticks his tongue in her mouth, and she immediately sucks on it. She tugs at the collar of his shirt, and starts to unbutton it the rest of the way. She pushes his shirt off his shoulders and kisses down his stomach as she gets on her knees to undo his pants. She yanks his jeans and boxers down and gives his hard cock a few licks and kisses before standing up. He pulls her top off and gets her out of the rest of her clothes. He snatches a condom and rolls it on. He gets her on the bed and opens her legs up. He rubs his fingers up and down her slit to make sure she’s wet before pushing in.
“Oh fuck!” She cries. “Harry.” She moans as he rocks in and out of her.
He looks down between the two of them to watch himself go in and out. She grabs one of his hands to put on her breast. He gets the idea and leans down to suck on one of her nipples while he kneads the other one.
“Harder, Harry, please.” She whines.
He sits up a little and puts her legs over his shoulders. He gives it to her hard and fast, and it fucking sends her. Her head rolls back into his pillows and she grips at the sheets. His tip rubs up against her g-spot over and over, and she can feel herself almost ready to lose it. He feels her squeezing around him, and he loves it. He loves being the only one to do this to her.
“Okay?” He grunts.
“Amazing! Don’t stop!” She doesn’t give a fuck how loud she’s being, she feels way too good to care.
He drops one of her legs to rub at her clit, he barely even needs to touch her and she loses it. She cries out, but he doesn’t let up. He continues to thrust in and out of her.
“Come here.” She whimpers.
They’re chest to chest, kissing sloppily, as his thrusts get less rhythmic. She knew he had to be close now.
“Wanna come, Harry?” She coos.
“Want me to?”
“Don’t you want to?” She laughs.
“I could actually keep going.”
“Okay.” She laughs again and so does he.
“Think I’ve got the opposite of whiskey dick.”
“I’m good to keep going.” She bites her bottom lip. “Wanna try something fun?” He nods yes and kisses on her neck. “What if I ride you, but reverse?”
He pulls out of her immediately, and gets them both in position, making her giggle. He lays flat on his back while she raises and lowers on him. She looks over her shoulder at him. His head was thrown back and he was squeezing at her hips. He sits up and she squeals when he starts thrusting up into her. He gets an arm hooked around her, squeezing one of her breasts, and his other hand rubs at her clit.
“Oh fuck.” He groans. “I’m gonna come, oh my fucking god.” He bites down on her shoulder, and this pushes her over the edge, and feeling her release pushes him over the edge. He spills into the condom and cries out into her neck. “Jesus Christ.” He breathes. He kisses on her shoulder as he catches his breath. “Alright, up you go, babe.” He lifts her off and she whimpers at the loss of him.
He gets up to throw the condom away, and she puts on his black button up to go use the bathroom. He uses it after her and comes back to her nearly passed out in the bed.
“M’so tired, Harry.” She whines.
“I know, you’ve had a long day, huh?” He climbs into bed with her.
“Yeah.” She snuggles up to him and he throws his arm around her. “But there’s nowhere else I’d rather be right now.” She kisses on his chest and it makes him smile ear to ear.
Even though a few days had passed from the soccer house incident, Y/N grimaced every time she saw Maggie around. Harry assured Y/N that it really wasn’t that big of a deal, and that they should both let it go. He didn’t even know she would know who Maggie was. Harry said he liked sportier girls, but Maggie wasn’t sporty in the slightest. She was tall and skinny, she could be a model for Christ’s sake. Y/N spots Ari in the dining hall during breakfast one morning, and goes over to her while she’s making a coffee.
“Hey, Ari.” Y/N says shyly.
“Oh, um, hi, Y/N.”
The girls weren’t exactly friends, but they weren’t exactly enemies either. Ari was dating Scott, but Y/N was still the girl that crushed all chances of her getting with Harry.
“Can I ask you something?”
“You’ve been close with Harry for a while…do you remember when he was hooking up with some girl named Maggie?”
“Yes, unfortunately.” She sighs as she adds some cream to her coffee. “They had public speaking together last semester, and I guess it was a debate day and they were on opposing sides, and the next thing he knew he was getting his dick sucked in the custodial closet in Smith Hall.” She rolls her eyes. “They hooked up pretty consistently, mostly on the weekends after a party. I thought he was done with her after this summer, but I guess the hooked up a couple of times at the beginning of the school year. Then you sort of started to take over.” She sips her coffee. “He was very concerned about tutoring you, or whatever. The boys mostly talked with him about Maggie, I didn’t really care to listen. She had texted him one night and he didn’t answer…he said he had a thing for someone else and didn’t want to fuck her anymore.”
“Wow.” Y/N was trying to take everything in. “He really said that?”
“I didn’t take you for the insecure type, Y/N.”
“It’s hard not to be…she’s, like, perfect.”
“Can I tell you something?”
“I honestly only think he was hooking up with her because she had more experience than he did. And I think he only hooked up with her at the beginning of the school year because he wanted to show her how much better he had gotten over the summer or something.”
“Seriously?” She makes a disgusted face.
“Harry’s a great guy, but he’s still a guy.” She chuckles. “Anyways, he’s really into you, you have to know that.”
“I do…I guess I just freaked out for a second. She saw him at a party Friday and tried to make a move.”
“I heard about that. You shouldn’t worry, he got right out of there.”
“That’s what he said.” She smiles at the girl. “Thanks, Ari.”
“No problem.” She shrugs and walks away.
Harry and Y/N were doing homework together in his room one evening. He lifts his glasses and knuckles at his eyes.
“Alright, I think I need a break before my eyes pop out of me head.” He closes his laptop and gets up. “Need a snack? I’m gonna grab some chips.”
“Yeah, that would be great, thanks.”
He nods and leaves to go retrieve some food. He comes back with a couple of sodas and chips, and tosses her a can.
“I’ve been needing to ask, how have you been feeling with those condoms?”
“Oh!” She nearly chokes on her soda. “Um, good. I’m not sore anymore. When I go home go home for winter break I’m gonna see my doctor so she can check me out and test me for the allergy.”
“Good idea. I’m glad you’re not in any pain, I felt really bad.” He sips on his soda and pops a few chips into his mouth. “I’m really excited to go home with you in a few days.”
“Me too!”
“What will the, uh, sleeping arrangements be like?”
“As chill as my mom is, we can’t stay in the same room.” She rolls her eyes. “So you’ll be in my room, and I’m going to bunk with my sisters.”
“And you have a younger sister and brother, right?”
“Mhm, my sister is a senior, and my brother is a freshman.”
“Little guy.”
“Mhm, he was quite the surprise, but he’s super cute.”
“Do they play sports too?”
“My brother plays hockey, but my sister is into theater. She’s applied to every school in New York she could, but also applied here as a backup.”
“Do you two get along or not so much?”
“When we were in high school not at all, but we do now. I think the distance made her miss me. We shared a room when we were younger so we were just always on top of each other. My mom was able to buy a bigger house when the bar really took off.”
“And…your dad?”
“Not in the picture.” Y/N chomps down on a chip. “He sends us birthday cards and shit like that, but that’s all the contact I need from him. I don’t really wanna talk about it.”
“It’s alright.” She shrugs. “We shut down the bar on Thanksgiving and have a big dinner in there with our family, I think you’ll really like it.”
“I’m looking forward to it, babe. What time is she coming to get us Wednesday?”
“She said around nine. You should probably let us pick you up here. I’m sure she knows what we’re doing, but she doesn’t need to see it first-hand.”
“Good idea.”
“Also, since you to know these things…I do have my period, so there won’t be much funny business.”
“Can’t really fool around when we’re staying in separate rooms, can we?” He smirks.
“Please, she’ll be running around the bar at night, I’m sure I could sneak in a blow job.”
“Wouldn’t feel like doing that now would you?”
“Not particularly.” She chuckles and then pouts at him when he makes an offended face. “Just not in a very sexy mood right now. My cramps are killing me.”
“Do you need any ibuprofen?”
“No, I took some earlier, thanks. I think just some cuddles tonight will do the trick.”
“That can definitely be arranged.” He kisses her cheek. “After we finish up the rest of this homework.”
“What are your finals looking like? I have one paper, and four presentations. Four! I mean, I’m glad I don’t have an actual test, but still. It’s a lot to remember.”
“Is the paper for Mind, Brain, and Evolution?”
“Yeah, I’ve already started it. Do you think when I finish it you could give it a once over?”
“I’d be happy to, babe. I have a few presentations, two of them are group projects which is super annoying for a final. I’ll be happy when this semester is over.”
“Me too. I get two weeks off, and then I come back second week of January. We have a lot of games.”
“When does the season end? Do you ever get a break?”
“It technically ends at the beginning of February, but if we make it to the playoffs and championship it could be beginning of March, and then we get a break. We all still go to the gym and stuff together, but I get a couple of months where I can sleep in which is nice.” She grabs her laptop and so does he. “What do you do for winter break?” She asks without looking at him.
“I go home, I’m really excited. I’ve secured a paid internship at a law office. I’ll miss working in the bakery, but I can do that over the summer if I want. This’ll be a way better use of my time.”
“That’s really exciting, Har. Is that what you want to do? Law?”
“I’m not sure, honestly. I’m just trying out some different things. I really like what I’m learning in my ethics class, so I thought maybe law would be cool. It would mean a lot of extra school though, so we’ll see.” He shrugs. “Six whole weeks we won’t see each other, gonna miss me?” He grins.
“Shut up.” She nudges him. “We’ll just have to figure out when to FaceTime with the time change.”
“It’s only six hours ahead, it’ll be easy enough to figure out. I’ll be able to introduce you to all my friends…and, um, maybe my mum too?”
“I’d like that.” She smiles at him and gets back to her work.
The ride to Y/N’s house only takes about an hour and twenty minutes. Harry sat in the back and listened as Angie spoke about how the weekend would go.
“Harry, I hope you don’t mind staying in Y/N’s room. I guess I’m old fashioned that way.”
“Oh! It’s no problem at all. Your house, your rules. I’m grateful you invited me. It was really boring on campus last year.”
“We’re happy to have you, honey.” She smiles back at him and then looks at Y/N. “Your siblings have a half day today, so they should be home around eleven.”
“What are their names again?” Harry asks as Angie pulls into driveway.
“Julie and Cooper.” Y/N says as she gets out.
Harry grabs their bags, and she leads him inside, and up the stairs.
“So, my mom’s bedroom is downstairs, makes it easier for her to be quiet on the late nights, and then all of ours are up here.” Y/N explains. “Here’s my room. My sister and I have a Jack and Jill bathroom, and then there’s another on down the hall.”
She pushes the door open and Harry gazes around. Her room was…shocking. It was a lot different from her room from school. The walls were a light pink, and her bedding was baby blue. She had plenty of trophies, but she also had posters of boy bands. There was a huge Jonas Brothers poster on the wall opposite of the bed. She also had a large poster of Zac Efron, and Tyler Seguin.
“It’s a little outdated in here, I just never think to redecorate.” She shrugs.
“No, it’s, um, it’s cute.” He clears his throat and puts his bag on her bed.
“Here, I’ll show you the bathroom.”
“And I’ll share this with you and your sister?”
“Yeah, but if you feel more comfortable you can use the one down the hall.”
She opens the door and shows him where he can put his things, if he wants, and then she shows him her sister’s room, which was a mess. She had a set of bunk beds, which had clothes all over them.
“Ugh, I told her she needed to clean up in here.” Y/N rolls her eyes. “Sorry about that.” She shuffles him back into her room.
“No worries, looks like any other house.” He smiles.
They both go downstairs and she shows him the rest of the house. Angie was working to whip up some sandwiches for lunch.
“You have a lovely home.” Harry says as he and Y/N sit down at the kitchen island.
“Oh, thank you, sweetheart.” She smile and places two sandwiches in front of them.
“Thanks, mum.”
“I have to go do some work in the office, let Julie and Coop know there’s lunch made when they come in.” She smiles and leaves the kitchen.
“Your mum is really nice.”
“She loves it when she has all of us home, and she loves being a host.”
“I cannot believe you did that!”
“I didn’t do it on purpose!”
“Oh boy.” Y/N sighs. “They’re home.”
“I’m never driving your friends home ever again, in fact, you can fucking walk!” Julie storms into the kitchen and stops short.
“Technically, that’s my car, and I say you have to drive him.”
“Y/N!” Julie smiles and hugs her sister. “Cooper and his friend decided to spill the beans that I have a crush on my friend Brian, and Brian just so happened to be in the front seat of my car.”
She huffs and grabs a sandwich. Y/N puts her hands on her hips and looks at Cooper.
“Why would you do that?”
“It just slipped out.” He shrugs and hugs her. “Oh, yum, mum made sandwiches.” He snatches one and looks at Harry, so does Julie.
“Sorry, this is my boyfriend, Harry.”
“It’s nice to meet you both.”
Julie’s jaw drops when she hears his accent. She goes over to Y/N and whispers in her ear.
“You didn’t say he was British!”
“I can hear you.” Harr whispers and smirks.
“Sorry, um, it’s just…I wish I had known sooner. Our production at school is Mary Poppins, I’m Mary Poppins, and it just would have been nice to listen to you talk so I could study a real accent. I’ve just been watching videos of Julie Andrews.”
“Wow! You’re the lead, that’s so cool. Will we get to see it?”
“Mhm, opening was last weekend, but we always do a show during Thanksgiving break. Friday night.” She smiles and then heads upstairs.
“Clean up the clothes up there!” Y/N yells after her.
“Cooper, Y/N tells me you play hockey too, has your season started?”
“Not until after the holidays.” He finishes up his sandwich. “Not that it matters.” He rolls his eyes.
“Why do you say that?” Y/N asks.
“Because I’m a freshman on the varsity team, I’m gonna be riding the bench the whole season.”
“You made vars for a reason, they’ll let you play.” Y/N assures him, and then he leaves.
“You’re all so talented. Your sister is a lead in a play, your brother’s on the varsity team, and you…well, everything about you is amazing.”
“Harry.” She pouts and then kisses him. “You’re so sweet.”
“So, what are the plans for tonight?”
“Well, my mom is gonna go to the bar to work and to prep some of the food for tomorrow.”
“Does she need help?”
“Nope, she makes a lot of it advance. Most if it thawing in the fridges probably. We’ll hang out here for a bit, and then we’ll go to my friend Max’s house for a kickback.”
“Max, huh?”
“Just a friend.” She smiles and then furrows her brows. “I think you’re, like, my first real boyfriend.” She blushes.
“Awwww.” He squishes her face and kisses her. “I’m honored.”
Harry and Y/N mostly hang out in her room. Julie was mindlessly singing in her room, and Cooper was playing video games in his. Y/N ends up heating up a lasagna that Angie left for them for dinner.
“I need my car tonight.” She tells Julie.
“Max is having a party.”
“Can I come?”
“Why not?!”
“Don’t you have your own friends to hang out with?” Y/N groans. “I’m not bringing you to a party where a bunch of my friends are going to be drinking and smoking and whatever else, plus, you need to stay home with Coop.”
“I’m fifteen, I don’t need a babysitter.” He scoffs.
“Can you both please just give me a break? I’m only home for a few days, and I just want one night to go see my friends.”
“Will you take us Black Friday shopping?” Julie asks.
“Okay, your keys are in the bowl by the door.”
Harry and Y/N get ready in her room, and let Julie and Cooper know that they’re heading out and will be home a little after midnight. She needed to be home before her mom.
“So, how long have you been friends with Max? You’ve never mentioned him before.”
“Known him since elementary school, became good friends in eighth grade, became even better friends in high school. We talk when we can. He goes to a school a few hours away, and we’re both busy.” She shrugs. “Some other friends will be there too: Michelle, Brandy, Ryan, Candace, and probably others. Max has a big basement.”
She pulls up in front of his house, and goes around back to where the basement door was. She walks right in, and she squeals along with some other people. It was hugs all around. She introduces Harry to everyone, and grabs a couple of drinks out of the cooler. There were people vaping, and there were other people smoking weed.
“Y/N!” Max exclaims.
He lifts her up and spins her around, and kisses her cheek. Harry clears his throat.
“Max, this is my boyfriend, Harry. Remember, I told you I was bringing him?”
“Oh, right.” He shakes Harry’s hand. “Nice to meet you, man.”
“Same here.”
Harry looked hot tonight. He had his contacts in, he was wearing his black ripped jeans, and a dark green sweater. He puts his arm around Y/N’s shoulders and takes a sip of his drink. Harry stays sort of quiet as Y/N catches up with her friends, but she never leaves his side. She tells all of them how she and Harry met, and she kisses his cheek. It felt nice to finally bring a real date around her friends. Harry notices how attentive Max is to Y/N. Offering her a new drink just about every time her current one was empty.
They all get into a game of flip cup for a bit, and then someone starts playing really good music so a few people start to dance.
“Did you all party like this in high school?” Harry asks Y/N as he grips her hips.
“God, no! We’d usually just watch movies or hang out down here. We started having parties like this over the summer.”
“His parents can’t hear?”
“They’re not home! Everyone’s down at my mom’s bar drinking. She always does this big special the night before Thanksgiving. No one wants to cook the night before, you know?”
She wraps her arms around his neck and grinds her front against his. They were having a great time.
“Damn, Y/N’s boyfriend is hot!” Michelle says to Max.
“I guess.” He mumbles.
“What are you so bent out of shape for?” Ryan asks.
“I don’t know…I forgot she was bringing him home. I didn’t think things were this serious, look at them!”
“She told me that they love each other.” Michelle says.
“Not helping.” Max groans. “It’s my own fucking fault. Should have made a move last summer.”
“Didn’t you guys make out?” Ryan asks.
“We kissed, and that was forever ago. It was summer before we went for freshman year. She hadn’t been kissed and neither had I, and we both wanted our first kiss to be special, so we got it over with, with each other. Neither of us ever talked about it again, but I wish I had. Now she’s kissing someone else.” He sighs.
And she was. Her tongue was inside Harry’s mouth. Her period was making her extra needy for him. She pulls him back towards the couch in the basement. There were plenty of other people making out, so it wasn’t a big deal. He sits down and she sits on one of his thighs, not wanting to straddle him and risk leaking. She tugs at his hair and attaches her lips to his neck. He gropes at her ass and bites his bottom lip as she sucks on his soft skin.
“Do you think, um, you’ll be able to drive back to my house?” She says into his ear.
“Are you about ready to go?”
“Mhm.” She grins. “But I want you to drive us out somewhere first, somewhere I’ve always wanted to go with someone special.”
He smiles and nods. They both get up and say their goodbyes. Y/N hugs her friends, and gives Max an extra squeeze before leaving. She tells Harry where to go, and they end up parked out on this hill that has a beautiful view of the water and the nearby city.
“Wow.” He says. There are other cars parked and he smirks. “Did you bring me to a make out spot?”
“Maybe.” She grins. “I’ve only ever been here during the day. Wanna get in the back?”
He nods and they both get into the back seat. She kisses on him before inching down his body and undoing his jeans. She tugs his cock out and she starts pumping him. He holds her hair back while she gets her lips around him.
“Fuck.” He breathes.
She swirls her tongue around his tip and then licks around his shaft before sucking on him again. She moans around him and his eyes roll into the back of his head. She bobs her head up and down on him, and he starts to carefully thrust his hips up and move her head. He was fucking her mouth, he couldn’t help it. She was so wet and warm and perfect, and she was just letting him take control.
“Y/N.” He moans. “Feels so fucking good.”
She moans around him again, and he loses it without warning. She gags on him for a second, but she’s able to take it all, and then she swallows. She breathes heavily as she pops off him. She tucks him back into his pants and he pulls her face down to his. He bites and sucks on her bottom lip.
“How heavy is your flow?” He breathes.
“Don’t even go there.” She laughs and pulls away from him.
“Just wanna take care of you, baby.”
“It’s okay.” She smiles. “Come on, we need to get back to my house.”
Harry drives them back to her house, and they get inside. They both do their nightly routines and she gives him a kiss goodnight. She crawls into the bottom bunk of her in her sister’s room and settles in.
“Hey.” Julie whispers.
“Hey.” Y/N whispers back. “Do you always sleep on the top bunk?”
“No, I just thought it would be easier for you when you got in.”
“Oh.” She laughs. “Thanks.”
“Did you have fun?”
“Mhm, I took Harry to the lookout on that hill after the party. It was nice. Are you still upset about the Brian thing?”
“No.” She giggles. “He texted me and told me he liked me too. We’re gonna go out Saturday after the matinee. I’m excited for you to see the show.”
“That’s great! And me too.”
“Is it torturous to have Harry in your bed without you?”
“A little, but I don’t wanna disrespect mom. This’ll be fine for a few days. I have my period anyways, so it’s not like we can do much.”
“What was your first time like?”
“It was…special.” She smiles to herself.
The girls stay up talking until they fall asleep.
The next morning, Y/N crawls into her bed with Harry to have a little snuggle. They giggle and get up eventually. They all take turns showering and getting ready before going downstairs. Y/N drives them all to the restaurant to meet Angie there and help get everything set up.
“Wow.” Harry says as they walk into the bar. “This place is huge.”
“Yeah! We have live bands here and stuff, it’s so cool.” She walks him to the back where food was cooking.
“Smells so good back here.” He says.
“Thanks!” Angie says.
Everyone helps set up the tables and chairs, and family slowly starts to show up. Y/N introduces Harry to her aunts and uncles and cousins and grandparents. The long table was full of laughing and loud conversations. Harry really enjoyed the food that Angie had put together. He was happy to see that Y/N came from a really loving family.
They all take a nap after getting home, and then wake up around eleven to go to the mall for Black Friday shopping. They spend a few hours there, shopping for holiday gifts, and head home around two in the morning. Harry had so much fun, never having gone shopping like that before. Saturday, Angie takes everyone to Julie in Mary Poppins for a matinee. Julie was very talented, and Harry secretly hoped she was able to go to school in New York like she wanted. Saturday evening Harry plays video games with Cooper in the living room while Y/N spends some alone time with her mom. Things were going really well until the doorbell rang. Cooper sighs and pauses the game. He looks out the window first to see who it is.
“Shit.” He says and runs to the back of the house where Y/N and Angie were in the office. “Dad’s here.”
“What?!” Angie says. “Christ, he must’ve come to see Julie today. I’m glad she’s out with Brian.”  
Y/N and Angie walk out to the living room, and Angie opens the door, crossing her arms.
“What do you want, Robert?”
“It’s Thanksgiving weekend, I just wanted to see the kids.”
“You don’t have any sort of custody over them for a reason, you need to leave.”
“Y/N? Is that you? How’s school, honey?”
Y/N scoffs and rolls her eyes. Harry isn’t sure what to do expect put his arm around her as they sit on the couch. Cooper sits closely on her other side.
“I saw Julie perform today, she was amazing.”
“Yes she was, and I’ll pass the message along, now please go.” She steps forward and whispers. “I don’t want to have to call the police.”
“I just want to see my kids.”
“You have two other kids, go be with them and your wife. Does she know you drove all the way out here?”
“Robert, get out of here. They don’t want to see you.”
She goes back inside and slams the door shut in his face. She locks it up and looks out the window to make sure he leaves. He sticks an envelope in the mailbox and gets into his car. She sighs heavily and plops down onto the couch.
“I’m so sorry about that.” She more so says to Harry. “He does this around most holidays.”
“It’s alright.” Harry assures her. “Every family has their issues.”
“Well, I don’t know about you all, but I’m pooped, and I need to take you back in the morning, so I may turn in.” She kisses Cooper on the top of his head and goes to her room.
After Julie gets home, and dishes about her date with Brian, Y/N goes to cuddle with harry for a bit. He wanted to ask what exactly happened with her dad, but he didn’t want to pry.
“That was really embarrassing earlier, I’m sorry about that.”
“Don’t be, babe.”
“It’s just…like, ten years ago, we found out he was having an affair. He was shit to us, but amazing to this other woman. He had two kids with her, and was giving all of his money to her. My mom won full custody in court, all three of us said we wanted nothing to do with him, and she had a really good lawyer. It sucked, but we got through it. He ended up marrying her…and…well, we think he had a drinking problem or something, so now he’s trying to make up for lost time. Maybe someday I’ll forgive him, but right now I can’t stand him.”
“I’m so sorry.” He caresses her cheek. “That had to have been really hard.”
“The three of us had to see a therapist together, it was wild.”
Harry wasn’t sure what to say. His parents divorced when he was really little, and he had a decent enough relationship with his father. He really couldn’t relate, but what he could do was sit and listen as she spoke, and gives her back gentle rubs as she continued to explain her trauma.
“Harry, do you mind if I drop you off first, sweetheart? I’m going to take Y/N grocery shopping.” Angie says as they approach the exit for campus.
“Not at all! Works for me.”
“Unless…do you need groceries?”
“I’ll go with my roommates later, they have a car, but thank you.”
He thanks her again for having him for the weekend, and tells Y/N he’ll text her later. Angie and Y/N go grocery shopping and she helps her get everything into her apartment.
“So…” Angie says. “I like him a lot. He’s very sweet, Y/N.”
“Yeah, he is.” They both sit down on her couch. “Thanks again for letting him stay for the weekend. I’m happy he got to meet everyone.”
“You really like each other, huh?”
“Well…we sort of love each other mom.”
“Oh, honey.” She puts her hand over hers. “I’m so happy you have someone that makes you feel this way, but try not to get too wrapped up, okay? He’s your first real boyfriend, and he lives in London when he’s not here, and-“
“We’re nineteen, I’m not saying we’re getting married, can you calm down?” She laughs.
“I just don’t want you getting heart broken when things get hard over the summer when you can’t be together all the time. Winter break is one thing, but three entire months apart…anything could happen.”
“I don’t know if he goes home for the entire summer. Louis and Niall don’t because of soccer. We haven’t talked about it yet. We’re just going with the flow.”
“Alright.” Her mom smiles. “I just worry about you, that’s all. You’re all growing up so fast.”
Y/N and her mom hug before she leaves, and then Y/N goes upstairs to unpack her bags. She gets a reminder on her phone that she needs to register for classes tomorrow morning. She had already spoken with her advisor about it, but she wanted Harry’s opinion on her gen eds.
Y/N: mom’s gone, are you around?
Harry: yeah! Just got back from the store, wanna come over?
Y/N: be there in ten!
Y/N puts her laptop in her backpack, and makes her way to Harry’s apartment.
“Hey.” He smiles and lets her in. “Long time no see.” He says sarcastically.
“I know, feel like I haven’t seen you in ages.” She rolls her eyes and goes right up to his room. “I get to register for classes tomorrow, wanna see what my plan is?”
“I get to register tomorrow too! Yeah, let’s compare.” They each show each other their major courses, and then Harry squints at her gen eds. “Wait, you’re going to take the Art of Film for your creative thought requirement?”
“Yeah, Megan took it and said it was really easy. You just watch movies and talk about how they’re made.”
“I’m gonna take that too! Mondays and Wednesdays at 10:30, right?”
“Yeah!” She can’t help but squeal. “We’re gonna be in a class together? Wow, I bet you’re super sexy in class, all serious and taking notes. I don’t know how I’ll be able to concentrate.” She winks at him and giggles.
“It’ll, um, certainly give us an excuse to do homework together.” He was blushing.
“Mhm.” She closes both of their laptops and moves to sit in his lap. She kisses on his neck and wraps his arms around her back.
“Do you still have your period?”
“No.” She smiles against his neck.
“Thank god.”
Y/N yelps as Harry moves her to pin her down on his bed. He lifters her shirt up over her breasts and he frowns when he sees her sports bra.
“Why’d you even bother with this thing, huh?”
“I wasn’t going to bounce around while I walked over here!”
“But you had a coat on, no one would have noticed, just making things so difficult for me.” He pouts and helps her out of her shirt and bra. “There we are, hi girls.”
“Harry.” She giggles. “Stop being so silly.”
“Can’t help it.” He kneads her breasts and rubs his thumbs over her nipples. He stops and then he looks at her.
“I think…I mean, I know you’re my girlfriend and all, but…you’re like my best friend, Y/N. I can just always be myself around you.”
She pulls his face down to hers. She felt the same way. Harry had become Y/N’s best friend. Things weren’t always sexual between them. They were able to joke around, sending gifs and memes to each other over text, tagging each other in tik toks the each thought the other would find funny. After she’s done sucking on his bottom lip she looks up at him smiles.
“I feel the same way.”
He smiles and dips his head down to suck on one of her nipples, and his hand slips inside her sweatpants. He pets her over her underwear at first, and then slips inside so he can really feel her. She groans as he rubs over her clit and moves to suck on her other nipple. If every moment between them could be like this, Y/N would be happy forever.
Reality was setting in as finals got closer and closer. Harry got busier tutoring other people, and even though he still made time to go to Y/N’s games, they weren’t able to hang out as much. They were able to meet up for a few holiday parties between their various friend groups, and that way great and all, but sleepovers were few and far between. They were able to practice some presentations together, and Harry did look over Y/N’s paper for Mind, Brain, and Evolution, but they both just couldn’t wait for finals to be over.
With finals being over, though, that meant they both would be leaving for the end of the semester. Finals week itself was more chill than the week leading up to it. Y/N and Harry had a sleepover almost every night, and she found herself waking up and crying a couple of times because she was going to miss him so much, and seeing her like that broke his fucking heart. She was such a sweet girl, and only he really got to see this side of her.
“It’ll be okay, baby, we’ll FaceTime and stuff, it’ll go by quickly.”
“I know.” She sniffles. “Just thinking about it makes me sad, though. Campus was so quiet last winter break. It’s boring having nothing to do but practice and go to games.”
“I wish I could stay…I should have tried to find an internship here, or something.”
“No, it’s okay. I don’t want you doing something like that just for me. It’s just gonna suck at first, but it’ll be nice to look forward to seeing you.”
She stayed in his arms as long as she could until Angie came to pick her up for the couple of weeks she’d be home. It was a teary goodbye to say the least.
Final grades came out after Christmas and Y/N nearly passed out when she saw she had received straight A’s. For the first time in her life she was an A student. It had to have been because of Harry. He really was a good study skills tutor. She couldn’t wait to tell him how well she did. She took a picture of her final grades and texted him. He almost immediately called her.
“Babe! What are you doing up? It’s like the middle of the night over there, isn’t it?”
“It is, but I heard my phone buzz, and then I saw your text. Congratulations! I’m so proud of you.”
“It was all thanks to you…”
“No, you put so much work in, that was all you.”
“How were your grades?”
“Sraight A’s, same as you.” He yawns.
“You need to go back to sleep.” She giggles.
“But I like your voice.”
“I like yours too, but we can talk tomorrow when we’ve both gotten some sleep.”
“Okay, baby, I love you.”
“I love you too.”
Harry was enjoying interning at the law office, and most days he would tell Y/N all about it. One evening they plan a FaceTime so Y/N can “meet” Anne and Gemma. Y/N was back on campus after the holidays so she didn’t have to worry about her siblings or mom embarrassing her. It was a great chat, Y/N spoke about why she was majoring in business, and what it was like to play hockey, and how she was looking forward to the season ending in a month or so.
“She’s very nice, Harry.” Anne tells him after they hang up.
“I know.” He says, proudly.
“You must miss her a lot.” Gemma says. “What are you going to do about summer?”
“Oh, Harry, please don’t stay in America over the summer.” Anne says.
“Wasn’t planning on it mum. I was sort of hoping she could come here for a visit when the lads and I go out to Italy for our annual holiday.”
“That’s like a three week trip you lot take, you better ask her soon so she can save up for the air fare.” Anne says.
“I know, I’m gonna run it by her when I get back. I didn’t wanna freak her out or anything. I can’t wait to see her. We have a class together this semester, so even if we both get busy we’ll be able to see each other.” Anne and Gemma look at each other and then back to Harry. “What?”
“It’s just nice to see you so smitten.” Gemma says. “Didn’t think you’d want to be so serious with someone in uni.”
“I didn’t either, but she took me by surprise. She’s just very real and herself, and I like that. Some of the girls at school are so fake sometimes, pretending to like things just because I do.”
“Aw, poor thing, it’s so terrible being liked by so many people.” Anne teases him and he rolls his eyes.
“S’not was I was saying. I’m done with this conversation, you both are so annoying.” He groans and leaves to go to his room. Anne and Gemma giggle with each other.
The other teams on campus were basketball and wrestling. A lot of the girls on the basketball team were with a lot of the girls on the hockey team, so Y/N would often go to their parties. She felt a little better about going to a party where there would be more girls, it just got difficult when Amanda and Gina would leave with a girl, and Y/N had to walk alone to her apartment. She knew she was safe, but it was creepy in the winter from it being so quiet. She missed her dance partner terribly.
What Harry hadn’t told her is that since he lived off campus, he didn’t have to follow the confines of the move in schedule, so he, Louis, and Niall, all came back a week early on the same flight. He was planning to surprise her at a home game. He bought flowers and went to the ice arena with the guys. Y/N’s eyes grew wide when she spotted him in the stands.
“That son of a bitch!” She said to herself very excitedly. Now she had to get through the entire game before running into his arms.
They played a great game and won, 3-1. Y/N rips her padding off and runs out into the arena only in her under armor not caring who saw, and she squeals when she sees Harry. His face lights up when he sees her running towards him. He opens up his arms and she jumps into them. She wraps her legs around his waist and slots her lips over his.
“I.” Kiss. “Missed.” Kiss. “You.” Kiss. “So.” Kiss. “Much.” She couldn’t stop kissing him.
“I missed you too.” He giggles. “You’re crushing the flowers I got you.” He snakes them out to show her.
“Thank you so much!” She kisses him again. “Ugh, I have to shower and stuff.” She pouts.
“S’alright, I can wait for you, or I can come to your place once you’re done here, whatever you want.” He lets her down and she smiles up at him.
“Come to my place in an hour, okay?” She takes the flowers from him.
“I’ll be there.”
She runs back into the locker room she can shower and get ready. She was extremely excited to see Harry for multiple reasons.
“Do you want us to go find somewhere else to be for a bit?” Amanda asks as they all walk to their apartment.
“Yeah, we can go downtown for food or something.”
“You guys are so nice. Maybe just stay downstairs?”
The girls nods and giggle as they make their way inside their apartment. Y/N rushes to clean up her disaster of a room. She picks out a thing she knows Harry will want to rip off and puts a pair of leggings on with it. She throws on a t-shirt without a bra, and waits for him. She was getting wet just thinking about the sex they were about to have.
Amanda lets Harry in and he goes right up to Y/N’s room.
“Babe?” He says as he goes in.
She lunches towards him and pushes him up against the now closed door, locking it while she kisses him. He lifts her up and brings her over to the bed. He gets on top of her and grinds against her. She groans as she gets his shirt off. His hands were a little cold from being outside, but she didn’t care. She wanted him to touch her all over.
“Good break?” He breathes as he moves to take her shirt off, attaching his lips to her breasts, leaving hot, wet kisses behind.
“Mhm, you?”
“Can’t complain too much.”
He yanks her leggings down and grins at her flimsy thing. He flips her body over and she giggles as he kneads her bum cheeks. He kisses down her back and down one of her cheeks while taking her thong off. He spreads her legs and licks into her from behind.
“Oh my god.” She gasps and he moans into her.
“So wet for me already?”
“Been like this since I saw you at the game.” She whines. “Please take care of me.”
“I will baby, I will.”
He was surprised she was letting him do this since she didn’t like having her ass in his face usually, but he wasn’t going to question her on it. Once he’s had a good taste he stands up to take his pants off. She pulls him forward by his hips and she wraps her lips around him.
“Christ.” He groans. “Missed this so much.”
“Aw, did the naughty pictures I sent you not help enough?” She pouts up at him, spit dripping down on her chin.
“No they helped in the moment, and then just made things worse because I wanted to touch you.”
“Touch me now.” She nearly growls and yanks him on top of her.
Harry taps two of his fingers on her bottom lip and she opens up for him to suck on. She swirls her tongue around them before he takes them away, slipping them inside her. She reaches for a condom in her desk drawer while he fingers in. She felt like she was going to go cross eyed.
“Shit, Harry.” She pants and then he takes his fingers away. “What are you doing?!”
“I want us to come together.” He mumbles as he takes the condom from her, sliding it onto his dick. “Is that alright?”
“Yeah.” She smiles. “We can fuck all night, though, so don’t feel like this needs to be drawn out.”
“No party?”
“No there is, but I’d much rather stay in and be with you alone.”
He spreads her apart and pushes inside. He nearly nuts right there from how tight she is. He stays there a moment before moving.
“You’re so fucking tight.” He grunts.
“I tried using my own fingers while you were gone, but you do it so much better.” She wraps her legs around him and pulls him even closer, nails dragging down his back. “Feels so good, Har.”
“You feel amazing, been dreaming of this, baby girl.”
He fucks into her hard and quick, rubbing on her clit, and they both cry out as they come together. He collapses on top of her and she plays with his hair before he pulls out. They just snuggle and lay together for a bit, talking about their breaks. Harry kisses on Y/N and holds her close. They end up doing it again, nice and slow with her riding him, rocking back and forth until he can’t stand it anymore and takes over the pace. She throws some clothes and grabs them both some snacks before cuddling back up with her laptop for a movie.
“So, I get you to myself for an entire week?” She asks.
“Mhm.” He kisses her temple.
“Good, I missed your bed.” They both chuckle.
“I have something to ask you…I know it’s a ways away, but every summer since I was in high school my friends and I take this trip to Italy for a few weeks. My friend’s dad has a house on the water, and we rent a boat. We go fishing, and we even go camping for a couple of days. It’s incredible…we usually go end of July through early August.”
“Okay.” She looks up at him sort of confused.
“Well…I know the plane ticket would be expensive, but how would you like to come with me this summer? Sometimes they bring girlfriends too, so you wouldn’t be the only girl there, not that I think you’d care much about that.”
“You’d really want me around for that long?”
“Of course! Be a nice way to break up the summer for us, don’t you think?”
“Yeah.” She smiles. “I’d love to come out there…I’d just have to ask my mom. She really relies on my help during the summer. We get a lot of tourists so we’re super busy…”
“Even if it’s just ten days, doesn’t have to be the full three weeks, as much as I’d like you there the whole time.”
“I’ll talk to her about it for sure. That sounds like a dream!” She throws her arms around him and hugs him tight, kissing his cheek. “I’ve been to England before, you know?”
“How are you just telling me this now?” He laughs.
“I don’t know.” She laughs too. “I went during April vacation in high school my junior year, it was so much fun. So at least I’ve traveled internationally before. I bet she’ll be fine with it. A nice thing to look forward to.”
“Exactly.” He squishes his nose to hers and smiles.
Deep in her heart, Y/N knew she and Harry were still kids. He’d be twenty in a couple of weeks, but they were still so young. She loved him a lot and he loved her, and she knew it would be dumb to think super far ahead about their relationship. Right now, they were having a lot of fun, navigating college life together, and that was enough. It didn’t need to be overly serious. Y/N had a few friends that were seniors, and some of them acted like they were already married, playing house. She didn’t quite know where life was going to take her, and that was okay. She didn’t know where life was going to take Harry either, and that was okay too. They were both living in the moment, and absolutely fucking loving it.
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petersasteria · 3 years
Marriage - Tom Holland
Pairing: Doctor!Tom x Lawyer!Reader Requested? Nah 7,630 words TW; character death, very angsty as usual, an unusual ending
The one is bold is the question from the activity.
* * * *
It was 7 o’clock in the morning and everyone in your house was busy. Tom, your husband, was checking your kids’ backpacks while you made sure your kids ate breakfast. They were invited by Mr. and Mrs. Bergstein on a camping trip with their kids. Of course, you and Tom happily agreed. It’d be nice to take a break from the kids just this once. You and Tom didn’t worry too much about them because your kids are 10 and 8 years old. Both of them are boys and you wanted to try for a little girl this time. Only, there was one problem.
“Okay, Mr. and Mrs. Bergstein are here! It’s time to go!” Tom shouted from the living room after checking from the window. Your sons, Jacob and Mason, immediately got up from their seats and ran out of the house.
“You didn’t drink anything, Jacob!” You shouted from the dining area. Jacob quickly came back and finished his full glass of orange juice. You smiled at him as you wiped his mouth. You kissed the top of his head and said, “Behave, okay? Take care of your little brother, but most of all, have fun! I’ll call you guys every night.”
“Okay, mum. I love you!” Jacob smiled before leaving again. You and Tom followed behind him as you waved at them from the front door.
“Bye, kids!” Tom shouted with a smile on his face as he waved with his other arm wrapped around your shoulder. You and Tom watched as the kids waved from inside the car.
“I can’t believe you didn’t have the decency to pack their things last night. Do you know how tired I am?!” Tom quietly said while smiling at the kids.
“I can’t believe you’re complaining! You don’t even help around the house and the one time I ask you to do something, you’re pissed? How fucking dare you!” You said, the same way as Tom. You didn’t want the kids to see you fighting.
The Bergsteins drove away and as soon as they did, you shrugged off Tom’s arm around your shoulder and went inside without another word. Tom followed and slammed the door when he got in.
“You’re such a bitch, you know that?” Tom said angrily.
“You’re such an asshole, you know that?” You mimicked. “I fucking hate you! The only good things you gave me were Jacob and Mason! Other than those two, all you gave me were headaches and your whining! News flash: when you whine and complain, NOTHING CHANGES AND NOTHING GETS DONE.”
“Well, I’m sorry for making you so fucking upset! I’m sorry that I have a job that’s always stressing me out and I’m sorry that I don’t have time for everything and everyone in this house!” Tom shouted.
“Oh, please! I know how you fucking feel because I’m a lawyer and the cases I handle are so out of this fucking world and it adds to my problems! You and I aren’t so different in terms of having a busy work life, but I make time to do my part as a wife and a mother!” You hissed.
That was the problem. Both of you hated each other’s guts. You don’t know when it started and despite everything, you and Tom agreed that Mason was definitely the result of angry sex. In fact, that was the last intimate moment you had together. After having Mason, yours and Tom’s love life just went downhill. You loved your kids, but you weren’t sure if you loved each other anymore. For the first time in 14 years, you and Tom questioned your relationship.
You and Tom have been together since you were 16. You got married at 23, had Jacob at 24 and had Mason at 26. Now you and Tom are 34 years old and both of you can’t be bothered to make a third child. In Tom’s words, ‘FUCK THAT SHIT.’
“Are you saying that I’m not doing my part as a husband and as a father?!” Tom shouted.
“I provide for this family!”
“I provide for this family too and I’m so tired goddammit!” You yelled before retreating to your shared bedroom. Tom watched in anger and shouted, “I hate you!”
“The feeling’s mutual!” You shouted back before grabbing your work clothes and entering your en suite bathroom.
Tom scoffed and asked the maid to clean up in the dining room. It was his day off today and he didn’t want to do anything for the whole day. He just wanted to relax, but that was ruined when you asked him to pack the kids’ bags for a camping trip with the Bergsteins.
Half an hour later, you went down already ready for work. You were putting an earring on when you looked at Tom to find him watching golf on TV.
“I’m off to work now.” You said.
“Good riddance! At least no one’s going to boss me around.” Tom rolled his eyes as he said that without leaving his gaze from the television. What he said made your blood boil, but you didn’t say anything. You had to go to court today and you refused to let your emotions and personal problems get in the way of an important case. So you put your heels on, grabbed your things, and left without another word.
When you left, Tom looked at the door and sighed. Regardless of the constant arguing, Tom hated it when you argued. He hated all the fights, he hated the fact that you slept next to each other but turned on opposite sides, he hated not exchanging I love you’s anymore, he hated being angry all the time, but most of all, he hated not being partners in crime anymore. A few weeks ago, you told him to just leave. He didn’t because he made a vow to stay with you through thick and thin.
You hated fighting too and if you were being honest, you didn’t know what happened. It just started going downhill. There was no doubt that you loved Tom and he loved you, but sometimes things just don’t work out between two people who loved each other since they were 16.
Work was tiring as always and as if work wasn’t tiring enough, Tom texted you and said that your parents were trying to contact you, but for some reason couldn’t get a hold of you so they called Tom instead. Apparently, your parents made reservations at a restaurant for dinner and they realized that they couldn’t make it. They didn’t want to cancel because they would be asked to pay a cancellation fee. Your parents want you and Tom to take the reservation instead.
Upon reading Tom’s message, you called him and he answered immediately. “What did you tell them?” You asked Tom as soon as he answered. You were walking to your car while trying to find your car keys.
“Hello to you too, darling.” He said sarcastically and you could imagine him rolling his eyes. “I told them that we’d go. I’m already dressed and I’m literally on my way out the house.”
You found your keys and sighed before unlocking your car. “Fine. How will you go there? Do you want me to pick you up? Or will you take a cab?”
“I’ll just take a cab. I wouldn’t want to inconvenience you, Y/N. I’m sure having dinner with me is at the bottom of your list, but I love your parents too much to say no.” Tom hissed as he walked out of the house.
“I didn’t mean it that way, alright?! I’m just tired. I’ll see you at the restaurant.” You said as you put your things in the backseat of your car.
“Bye.” Tom said before hanging up. You tossed your phone on the passenger seat before getting in and driving to the restaurant. When you parked the car, you quickly fixed your appearance and practiced a smile before grabbing your phone and bag before getting out of the car and locking it.
Tom got there first and he was already munching on the free bread and sipping wine. He saw you and lazily waved you over. You walked towards him and sat across.
“Have you ordered?” You asked and he shook his head.
“I was waiting for you.” He replied with his mouthful which made you roll your eyes. “Can you stop being a pig for once?” You whispered.
Tom rolled his eyes, took a sip of wine, and swallowed his food. “Can you give me a break? Today’s the day when I don’t handle a patient’s death or sickness or check up or anything else. Let me be human and forget a few manners, alright? It’s not like I’ll die if I talk with my mouth full.”
“Yeah, but you could choke on it.” You explained.
“Oooh, kinky.” Tom said sarcastically.
The waitress came and handed your menus before leaving again. The waitress was your saving grace and you were happy that you could pay attention to the menu and not Tom. You honestly couldn’t deal with him at the moment. After five minutes of scanning the menu, both of you called for the waitress and gave her your orders. The waitress immediately left after taking your orders and you and Tom were silent.
Tom coughed awkwardly, “How was work?”
“Stressful and I have to be in court again tomorrow.” You told him.
“The pro bono case?” Tom asked.
You nodded, “The pro bono case. I genuinely feel bad for my client and I hope I win this one for him.”
“What’s his case?” Tom asked. For the first time in forever, both of you were normal, functioning human beings.
“His daughter got taken away from him simply because everyone said that he has the mental capacity of a 7-year-old and that his daughter is already becoming smarter than him. His daughter’s teacher also said that they think she’s holding back from learning all because of her father. They’re bullshitting, I swear.” You answered before grabbing a piece of bread and scarfing down on it as if you haven’t eaten in days.
“Well, do you?”
“Do I what?” You asked after swallowing the bread.
“Do you think he has the mental capacity of a 7-year-old?” Tom asked. The waitress arrived with your food and you thanked her. Tom poured you a glass of wine for you to drink and you took a sip before answering.
“No.” You shook your head. “He has autism, but I think he’s very capable of being a parent. Hell, he’s been raising the kid alone for seven years, so why do they all doubt him now? It just makes me so angry that they think that way.”
The dinner went surprisingly well and Tom even offered to pay for the bill. You were happy that both of you were functional human beings again and you didn’t fight anymore even when you arrived home. You even got to cuddle up to him when you laid in bed and he kissed the top of your head.
“Oh shit.” You said suddenly.
“We forgot to call the kids.”
“Oh shit.” Tom sighed. “Let’s just give them a quick call now. I’m sure they’re tired.”
You grabbed your phone from the nightstand and quickly pressed Jacob’s contact to call him. His phone rang as you put it on speaker and he answered after the third ring.
“Hi, mum!” Jacob said from the other line. “Mason, come say hi to mum.”
“Hi, mum!” Mason greeted.
“Hey kids!” You smiled. “Your dad’s here too. Say hi to your dad.”
“Hi, dad!” The two said at the same time.
“Hey, boys! We miss you already.” Tom said. “What did you guys do today?”
“We went fishing!” Mason said cheerfully. “Yeah, and we had smores. It was delicious!” Jacob added with a small giggle which made your heart swell and forget your problems. You really loved your kids and you would do anything and everything for them.
You spent the rest of the night talking to your kids and it felt like nothing was wrong anymore. But of course, you knew it was temporary. You knew better than to keep your hopes up. You knew that when you wake up in the morning, Tom would already be ready for work and say the coldest ‘goodbye’ to you as if you didn’t cuddle at all the night before.
You were right. Except this time, he added a small ‘good luck in court today’ which made you smile a bit before waving goodbye to him.
You sighed to yourself as soon as he left before getting ready for the day. You wished you could go back in time to where this coldness and the arguments began because you had no clue how to fix it now. You couldn’t blame Tom and you didn’t blame yourself and you most certainly didn’t blame your kids. It’s hard to solve a case when you can’t even solve your own problems at home.
Two days later, Jacob and Mason are finally back from the camping trip and you can’t wait to spend time with them. You missed them dearly. You took a day off to be with them and as much as Tom wanted to go, he had an emergency to tend to at the hospital.
“Hi!” You greeted as soon as you saw your kids get out of the car. They ran up to you and you hugged them tightly as you kissed the top of their heads. Your sons were yours and Tom’s pride and joy. They were your angels.
You pulled away from them and thanked the Bergsteins for the camping trip before waving them goodbye as they drove away. You three went inside and helped them unpack their things as they told you stories of what happened.
Since you didn’t go to work today, you knew you had to make up for it. So after dinner and after readying the kids for bed, you went to your home office and started working. Tom came home an hour later. He took off his coat and took his shoes off as the maid reheated the dinner that was left for him. He went into the dining room and thanked her before loosening his tie and eating.
No one noticed it, but he was tired. He wished he could quit his job, but he knew that if he did that, he’d be very unhappy. Being a doctor has been his dream for so long and he wasn’t going to give that up. It was his passion and he loved it. He loved seeing happy patients getting out of the hospital, he loved seeing his fellow doctors telling patients that they’re cancer free, he loved seeing a patient’s loved ones visiting with balloons and flowers. It’s true what people say, you really see true emotions in either a hospital or airport. Mostly in a hospital.
Tom rubbed the sleep off his eyes before quickly finishing his food. He just remembered Jacob and Mason were already home and he wanted to see them. Tom loved his sons and he would do everything to make them happy and protected. He loved his little family and he wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world.
He got out of his seat, washed the plate and utensils he used, dried and put them back before going to his sons’ shared room. He gently knocked on the door before entering. He silently hoped that they were awake so he could hear about the things they did in their trip because he knew that he’d have to wake up at 4AM and do the same routine again. He wanted to catch up with his kids because he feels like he’s been missing out a lot and he hated that. He swore to himself that he’d become the best father for them and that included hearing them out no matter what it was they wanted to say.
He opened the door and saw them half-asleep watching something on Netflix. He smiled at the sight and said softly, “Hey, guys.”
Jacob and Mason turned to face the door and smiled brightly when they saw their father. Tom grinned as he walked in and quietly closed the door. The kids ran up to him and gave him a big hug which Tom returned. His sorrows were washed away and it hurts to admit that when his two boys will be teenagers, they wouldn’t want to hug their dad anymore. Right now, he’s cherishing it before they turn into monstrous rebels that sneak out to party. Although, he hoped his boys wouldn’t be like that.
Tom kissed their foreheads before sitting on the large beanbag as the kids sat on his lap. “Tell me all about your camping trip. Was it fun? Did you see bears?”
“I saw an eel and Eli caught a fish!” Mason exclaimed as he excitedly told the story. Eli was the Bergsteins’ youngest son. He’s the same age as Mason.
“Wow! Really? Did you catch a fish?” Tom asked him and Mason shook his head. Mason didn’t seem bothered about it, though. “I saw a butterfly and a caterpillar. They were beautiful like mum.” Mason smiled as Tom nodded and brushed the hair off of Mason’s face.
“Yes, your mum is very beautiful.” Tom smiled. Jacob watched the interaction between his little brother and his father and he was slightly jealous that Mason got his parents’ attention. He knew that the love was equal, but he just didn’t see it that way. Jacob loved his brother and he would do anything to protect him, but sometimes he wished his parents would realize that he’s their son too and he needed attention just as much as Mason.
Mason is the exact definition of a ball of sunshine. He always saw the good in people and he stopped fights in school because he hated it when people fight. It pained him to see you and Tom fighting even though you hid it from him and Jacob, he could still hear it and he could sense when something’s wrong. He was a peacemaker and he loved nature. In fact, you and Tom decided to have a small garden corner for Mason in the backyard. Mason was often teased in school for being effeminate and Jacob would always defend him. It broke Jacob’s heart to see that his precious little brother is being teased for being who he is.
Mason loved flowers. He didn’t have a favorite and if you ask him, his answer changes every time. Despite his different answers, you, Tom, and Jacob thought each thought about different flowers that suit him. To Jacob, the flower that suited Mason best is zinnia because it means goodness and to him, it definitely described Mason. To Tom, Mason suited a chrysanthemum because it means cheerfulness and positivity and it truly defined Mason. To you, he suited a baby’s breath because it means innocence, love, purity, and sincerity.
In truth, all of those flowers suited Mason. That’s why you and Tom fought when trying to decide the kind of flowers to get for Mason’s funeral.
It all happened so fast.
Knowing his love for nature, you and Tom took the kids to a nature park for Mason’s 9th birthday. You knew he would appreciate it and you knew he wanted to spend time with his family on his special day. So, you and Tom organized it, surprisingly, without fighting.
You went to the park and there was a lake there where everyone could swim. It was a little pricey, but you and Tom thought that it was okay to spend a little over the budget for the kids to swim. So, you all swam.
When it was time to get out of the water, you noticed that only Jacob got out. Mason was nowhere to be found. That made you panic.
“Jake,” You called your eldest son. Jake was his nickname. “Where’s your brother?” Upon hearing your question, Tom stopped packing your things and went over to you and Jacob.
“What’s going on?” Tom asked as he dried his hair with a towel.
“Mason’s missing.” You said in panic. You had a bad feeling and you guessed that it was your maternal instincts kicking in. “I don’t like this one bit, T. I feel like something bad just happened.”
Tom turned to Jacob and asked, “Where’s Mason?”
“I don’t know.” Jacob shrugged. “We were playing and I never saw him again. Should I go back in the wa-”
“No!” You said loudly, cutting him off. “Don’t go back in there. It’s dangerous.”
“I’ll go look for a lifeguard or something. Stay here.” Tom said sternly, going into full dad mode before running to immediately find someone who could help. Not even a minute later, he comes back with the nature park’s rescue team as they search for Mason in the lake. Tom went with them as you stayed with Jacob.
“Will Mason be okay?” Jacob asked, his eyes full of worry as they stared back at you. You gave him a small smile and said, “Yes, he’ll be okay. They’ll find him. I know they will.” Jacob nodded and you engulfed him in an embrace as he sat on your lap. In truth, you didn’t know what to do. Your mind was thinking of so many things at once and your heart was racing.
An hour later, Tom and the rescue team come back with Mason’s cold body. His lips were pale and judging by the look on Tom’s face, Mason needs to be in the hospital as soon as possible.
“They called an ambulance already and they should be here by now.” Tom told you. “I’ll go with them and you and Jacob can follow.”
“Okay.” You cried. The three of you quickly changed into dry clothing, grabbed your things and went to the front of the nature park where the ambulance was waiting. Mason was quickly brought inside the ambulance while Tom followed suit.
“Just follow the ambulance!” Tom called out to you before the paramedic got in and closed the door. Your body ran on autopilot. You hurriedly stuffed your things in the backseat of your car before getting in with Jacob. You pulled out the parking lot and quickly drove to catch up with the ambulance.
Tom arrived at the hospital first and Mason was brought to the emergency room. Tom waited outside and after a few minutes, a doctor told Tom that Mason was dead on arrival. It was heartbreaking. As a doctor himself, Tom had his fair share of telling families that their loved one has passed. He just didn’t expect that he’d be the receiving end of it and it shattered him. When you and Jacob arrived, Tom broke the news to you and you let out the most painful cry. Jacob cried too. Jacob blamed himself for Mason’s death, but you and Tom assured him that it was no one’s fault.
Today’s the funeral and you were arguing with Tom. You were in the anger stage of grieving and it broke Jacob’s heart seeing you two fight.
“I want the baby’s breath flowers for him to hold in the coffin!” You shouted.
“Well, I want the chrysanthemum!” Tom yelled. “That’s final!”
“You can’t just decide what’s final and what isn’t! I’m his parent too, in case you forgot!” You angrily shouted as you stood in front of Tom. Tom was about to yell, but Jacob beat him to it.
“Stop fighting!” Jacob cried, causing both of you to face him. “Mason would hate both of you for fighting right now! He seriously would! Can you guys just compromise? I understand that you guys are very sad and I’m sad too. But we have to go now and let’s just agree that Mason can hold all of the flowers we got him. He loves them all, anyway.”
Yours and Tom’s heart broke seeing Jacob cry and you felt so bad that you forgot all about him. You knew Tom forgot about him too. Tom looked at you and nodded, “He’s right.”
You nodded and said, “Okay. Jake, we’re sorry.”
“Let’s just go.” Jacob said as he walked out of the house.
The funeral was short and simple. You three got to see Mason one last time as you all put the flowers in Mason’s hands. They closed the coffin and lowered it down six feet under. You will never get over the pain of burying your son; your youngest. Things will never be the same again.
After the funeral, you and Tom were back to your fighting routines. Jacob didn’t have the energy to stop you guys anymore. In fact, you were so busy fighting and working that you didn’t notice Jacob anymore. You never went to his room because it hurts too much knowing that Mason stayed there too. What you didn’t realize was Jacob’s pain. It hurt him to sleep in the room he once shared with his brother. It hurt him to not hear Mason’s voice not calling his attention when he wanted a midnight snack. It hurt him to lose his number one partner in crime.
A few months later, it’s Tom’s parents’ wedding anniversary party. Things have already been downhill by that time and Jacob wasn’t talking to both of you at all and that worried you and Tom.
You arrived at Tom’s childhood home because that’s where the party was being held and after Tom parked the car, all of you got out of the car. Tom locked it and entered the house first with you and Jacob behind him.
“Tom!” Nikki smiled as she walked towards him and kissed his cheek before giving him a warm embrace. She turned to you and did the same. “How are you?” She asked.
“I’m doing better.” You smiled as you put your hands on Jacob’s shoulders. Nikki smiled and turned to Jacob, “How are you, young man?”
“Fine.” Jacob said.
“How’s football?” Nikki asked him again, hoping to get an elaborate answer. She missed the 10-year-old boy who resembled Tom.
“I quit a few weeks ago.” Jacob said as he shrugged off your hands and went to his uncles. You sighed and Tom shook his head upon seeing that.
“I’m sorry about that, Nikki.” You apologized and she waved you off saying it was nothing. She said that Jacob was probably just upset about something and that he’ll come around soon. “I hope that’s true.” You told her.
“It’ll pass. Don’t worry about it.” Nikki assured you.
The party began and everyone was having fun. You went to the kitchen to get yourself a drink and on the way there, you saw Tom and his ex talking and laughing. You knew it meant nothing and you knew it was ridiculous to be jealous of his ex especially because he chose you in the end, but you couldn’t help it.
Forgetting about your drink, you walked up to them and cleared your throat. “Tom, can you help me with the drinks in the kitchen?” You asked sweetly.
“Okay.” He said, before excusing himself from his ex. They were still friends and their breakup was mutual. Tom didn’t have feelings for her anymore and he loved you despite the hardships and fights.
You went to the kitchen and Tom trailed behind you. You turned to face him and he immediately asked, “Okay, what’s wrong? I know you don’t need help with drinks.”
He knew you too well.
“How’s your ex?” You asked with your arms crossed. Tom groaned. “No, tell me. How is she? What did she tell you that was so funny? If you find her so amusing, why don’t you just date her? Oh, no you can’t because you’re married to me!”
“I fucking knew it!” Tom raised his voice, causing the people in the house to look at both of you. “You know, you’re so jealous! I was literally catching up with her and you’re making an issue! That’s what’s wrong with you!”
“Oh, wow!” You chuckled. “So if I were to talk to my ex and laugh with him, would you be jealous?”
“Yes, I would! But I wouldn’t make a scene and I wouldn’t worry too much about it because I know that at the end of the day, you come home TO ME; your husband. I trust you, but you don’t fucking trust me and it’s insane!” Tom shrieked.
“Oh, so now I’m insane?!”
“Yeah, you are! How can you get it through your thick head? Nothing’s going on between me and her! We’re just friends and there’s nothing to worry about!”
“That’s where it all starts.” You said. “You become friends and then you hang out again and then before you know it, you’re going on secret dates and then you’re cheating.”
Tom laughed bitterly, “See what I’m talking about?! You already made some shit up! I can’t believe your spewing random stories out of your fucking mouth! God, you’re so irritating sometimes!”
At this point, you and Tom were loudly and shamelessly arguing in the kitchen. You forgot about the guests and you forgot about the party. Dom, Tom’s father, had to tell everyone the party was over, so that they could all leave and not witness your fight.
Jacob shook his head at the sight and said, “They do this all the time. I’m used to it now. I bought myself headphones to keep myself company. Those headphones are my best friends now.”
Taking pity on Jacob, Paddy said, “What music do you listen to? The speaker’s still in the garden and we can plug in your phone there, so we can listen together.”
Sam heard and nodded, “Yeah, I’ll join in too. What’re you into?”
“Count me in. Shit is heated here and I need a break.” Harry sighed before earning a nudge from Sam. “Ouch, what was that for?”
“Watch your mouth.” Sam said.
“That’s fine. I’ve heard so many curse words now. Let’s just go to the garden.” Jacob said as he led the way.
Nikki closed the backdoor after all of them went to the garden and she quickly went back to the kitchen to stop you guys from fighting.
“Hey!” She shouted, causing you and Tom to stop. “Let’s talk in the living room.”
Now, here you were in the living room with Tom, Nikki, and Dom. You never thought that you would ever receive an intervention of some kind.
“Why are you fighting?” Dom asked.
“She was jealous because I was talking to my ex and she was being super unreasonable. It’s so irritating.” Tom answered as he rolled his eyes.
“Have you ever hit each other?” nikki asked and you shook your head. “We would never hit each other.” You cleared up, earning a nod from her.
“Have you ever thought about marriage counseling?” Dom asked and you and Tom shook your heads.
“We don’t need it.” Tom said. “We’re just having a rough patch at the moment.”
Dom laughed, “That’s a funny way of saying it. Son, you’ve been fighting for YEARS. I think it’s time for both of you to get some help and sort out everything.”
“You need to fix this. If not for both of you, then do it for Jacob and Mason. We all know that Mason hates fighting. Imagine how Mason would feel about all this.” Nikki said softly.
“That’s not fair.” Tom shook his head. “You can’t just use my dead son against me.”
“I’m not using him against you. I’m just saying that he would be disappointed in both of you for fighting and for forgetting Jacob.” Nikki snapped.
“Let’s go.” You said quietly.
“What?” Tom turned to you.
“Let’s go to a marriage counselor. Tom, they’re right. We need help. I thought fighting was just in court. I don’t want to experience it at home too. We’re tired from our jobs and I think that’s the reason why we’re snapping at each other. I want us to talk about this before we do or say anything stupid.” You explained as you rubbed your temple with your left hand.
Tom looked down and nodded, “Fine. I don’t want to fight forever.”
You looked at each other and gave him a small smile as you grabbed his hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. With that small gesture, Tom hoped that everything would be alright.
Today’s the day for yours and Tom’s first marriage counseling session. Both of you were extremely nervous, but you both knew it had to be done. The drive there was quiet and if you were being honest, you had to admit that being quiet was strange for you and Tom.
When you arrived, you two still hadn't spoken to each other in fear that it might lead to another fight. Both of you were asked to wait in the waiting room until your names were called and when it was, both of you nervously walked in the marriage counselor’s office.
They asked you to take a seat in front of their desk and you did as you were told. They smiled at you and said, “Mr. and Mrs. Holland, am I correct?”
“Yes.” You answered at the same time.
“Alright. Tell me about your relationship. How did it start?” They asked.
You chuckled at the memory and so did Tom. “Well, I was in a relationship when I met her and she had an attitude.” Tom said with a grin.
“That’s true.” You chuckled. “I was a new student in his school and I was just mean because I hated being new and I hated starting over. You see, my family kept moving around but this time, we stayed.”
“So anyway, when my girlfriend and I broke up, I was upset. I was 15 at the time and I thought that she was the one. Of course, I was wrong because I got to know Y/N after that. Something told me that Y/N was someone special. I just didn’t know that she was the one. Of course, I found that out years later. Heck, that’s why I proposed.” Tom admitted.
“Tom was my first boyfriend and I honestly thought we wouldn’t last because we were 16 when we started dating and that’s so young. So, I really didn’t give my all in the relationship because why would I give my all if we weren’t going to last, anyway?” You said, biting your lip.
“I just knew that now.” Tom confessed and then there was silence, but you quickly broke it.
“Of course, I changed my mind.” You said.
“What made you change your mind?” The counselor asked.
“I changed my mind when I met his family. I just felt really special that time and we were already dating for about 5 months. I felt really happy and I felt as if something good is about to happen. I was right.” You smiled as you looked at Tom. “He was the best boyfriend I could ever ask for and I couldn’t imagine being with anyone else.”
The counselor nodded, “Okay and what was your marriage like before?”
“Oh, it was spectacular! We got married when we were 23 years old and we traveled from to time because at that time, we weren’t super busy.” Tom answered. “Then, we had our son, Jacob, the year after that. It was quick and definitely a surprise, but we were excited to be parents. I knew that Y/N would be an excellent mother and she is. I never doubted her, not once and not ever.”
“Everyone said we were crazy for getting married so young, but why should we wait for a long time, y’know? We already know that we’re it for each other. Love is different for everyone and people failed to think about that during those times.” You answered. “A month into our marriage, I still couldn’t get over the fact that I’m his wife. It felt so surreal and I felt like I was on cloud nine. It felt so good.”
“That was before, right?” The counselor asked and both of you nodded. “What do you think changed? What happened?”
“I think it’s because we got busier at work and we had no time for each other. Then, we still had Jacob to take care of and it was just tiring. I guess that’s why we kept snapping at each other. That’s where it all began. The snapping and then it moved to the raising of voices-”
“Then the shouting and yelling, the saying things we don’t mean, and the not talking to each other for days. I honestly thought our marriage was done, but we vowed to each other that we would be there for each other through good times and in bad. Why would I give up on Y/N after a bump on the road? So, I stayed.” Tom continued.
“Does one person feel the need to win whenever you argue?”
“I don’t feel the need to win.” You said.
“I don’t feel the need to win either. I think we argue because we think we’re right and we don’t agree with things.” Tom answered.
“That’s true. We can’t even talk to each other properly without it leading to yet another heated argument. I think this is the longest conversation we have without shouting and yelling and saying things we don’t mean.” You said.
“Why are you here? What made you come here?”
“We came here because we realized that after years of fighting, we need help. After years of fighting, we finally admitted to ourselves that we need help from a professional.” You said.
“What are you hoping to learn from counseling?”
“I want to learn how to deal with our problems without yelling and getting angry about it.” Tom said.
“Okay, and you?”
“I want to learn how to learn the same thing. I can’t go on fighting anymore. We’re supposed to be teammates and we can’t do that if we’re always arguing.” You answered.
“Where would you like to see your marriage by the end of counseling?”
“A strong and healthier marriage, definitely.” You nodded. “I want that for us.”
“By the end of counseling, I want us to still be together. I want us to be better than who we are now especially for Jacob because I feel like our fights are rubbing off on him. He barely talks to us and I hate that.” Tom said and you agreed.
“Okay, thank you for that. That’s all I need for now and I’ll see you in our next session.” The counselor said.
Counseling helped greatly and it made you learn more about yourselves. You learned about your new strengths and weaknesses. Life at home slowly changed too. There were a few fights, but they weren’t as bad as before. Jacob still wouldn’t talk to both of you, though and that scared both of you.
Today was your last day of marriage counseling and the counselor said that there will be a last activity before they can conclude anything.
“I have a set of questions here that I want you both to answer, alright?” The counselor asked and both of you nodded.
Do you trust each other?
Tom: Yes, I trust her with everything in me.
You: I do.
Is there anything you feel you can’t trust each other with?
Both: No.
Have you ever felt the need to check the other person’s phone when they leave it unattended?
Tom: No.
You: Yes, but that was before we were married.
Tom looked at you and you just shrugged, “I’m just being honest.”
Have you ever done anything to lose the trust of the other person?
Tom: No, but I’m sure she had her doubts at some point.
You: No, and he’s right.
What makes you both happy?
Tom: Seeing my family happy.
You: Same answer.
When was the happiest period of time in your marriage, and what about it did you enjoy the most?
Tom: Our wedding day because I finally got to marry the girl of my dreams. I finally had my dream come true.
You: Our one year wedding anniversary because we’ve been together for 8 years in total and married for a year. It blew my mind that we lasted so long and we’re having our first born on the way.
Is there anything the other does that brings you down?
Tom: When she accuses me of not making time for our family. I try to make time, I do. It’s just that I’m always the doctor they call whenever they need something and I can’t help it. I know I promised I’d be there, but I took an oath to be there for patients too. It’s my duty to serve the public and I don’t want to abandon that and aside from being a husband and father, I dreamt about being a doctor too. It would break my heart to not do what I’m supposed to do.
You: When he would blame me for things that aren’t my fault.
Do you feel that you care about each other’s happiness?
Tom: Yes! Last year, she got me golf clubs for my birthday.
You: Yeah and he got me tickets to a concert that I want to go to.
What can you do to share each other’s happiness?
Tom: Go golfing with me.
You: Have a relaxing day together; just me and him.
Do you stress each other out?
Tom: I guess so. We wouldn’t be fighting if we don’t stress each other out.
You: True.
What do you find the most stressful?
Tom: When she doesn’t understand me.
You: When he forgets his role at home.
Do you feel you can come home to each other after a special day and feel better?
Tom: If I was asked this before, I’d say no because I always come home late and she’d be asleep. So, we couldn’t fix our problems. But now, yes.
You: I agree with him.
What do you feel are the biggest stressors in your marriage?
Tom: My job, but I can’t quit.
You: Our schedules because they always clash.
Do you feel like you can talk to each other about everything?
Both:: Yes.
Do you feel like the other listens when you speak?
Both:: Yes.
Do you make love as often as the other would like?
The question made you and Tom giggle causing the counselor to look at both of you. “I’m guessing, you do it more often now than before?”
“No comment.” Tom said, trying to hide a grin on his face.
“Alright, moving on.” The counselor chuckled.
Do you fulfill each other’s needs physically?
Tom: Definitely.
You: Absolutely.
Have you ever thought about seeing someone else?
Tom: No.
You: Never in a million years.
Have you ever seen someone else while you’ve been together?
Both:: No.
Do you still communicate with others you’ve been with intimately?
Tom: No.
You: I’ve never been with anyone else prior to Tom.
Is there anything in the past that the other has done that still bothers you?
Tom: I don’t think so; no.
You: The way he laughed with his ex at his parents’ wedding anniversary party. This is completely on my part now; it’s not his fault.
If you could change one thing about the past, what would it be?
Tom: The thing that got us into this whole mess. I would like to completely remove that.
You: Same here.
Would you say your relationship has been mostly good, mostly bad, or something in between?
Tom: Something in between.
You: Yes. No relationship is perfect.
Are there any conflicts in the past that you feel have not been resolved?
Both:: No.
What are some fond memories you have about the past?
Tom: When we first started dating, blissfully unaware of what our future will hold.
You: When we still had Mason.
Tom looked at you with a sad smile and grabbed your hand.
Do you want to remain married?
Both: Yes.
Where would you like to see each other a year from now?
Tom: Hopefully having a daughter.
You: True. I would like that.
What about five years from now?
Tom: New and improved.
You: Better at handling our stress.
What is one thing you’ve always loved about the other?
Tom: She’s caring and loving.
You: His passion for the things he loves.
If you could take a vacation, just the two of you, where would you go?
Both: To where we had our honeymoon.
What is something the other does that makes you smile?
Tom: When I see her with Jacob
You: When I see him being in his natural element.
What is your most cherished memory of the two of you?
Tom: When we first bought our house.
You: When we officially became parents.
What is something about your marriage that you wouldn’t change for anything?
Tom: Everything despite the fighting and crying.
You: Same here.
“This is now your last day for marriage counseling. On our first meeting, I asked you where you see yourselves at the end of marriage counseling. Did it happen?” The counselor asked as they looked at the two of you seriously.
You thought about it for a while before looking at each other.
"I think so." You answered. "I'm not really sure."
Tom nodded, "Yes, I'm not sure too."
* * * *
lmao cliffhanger bc there'll be two endings
this took me DAYS to write and i hope you guys enjoyed it! feedback would be lovely x
𝐍𝐄𝐖 𝐓𝐎𝐌 𝐇𝐎𝐋𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓: @blueleatherbag @cocoamoonmalfoy @thatforgottenangel @parkerpeter24 @turtoix @slutforsr @givebuckyhisplumsnow @buckys-little-hoe @runawayolives @chewymoustachio @hollandsrecs @just-here-to-escape-from-reality @yourstrulyamour @juliediggory @lharrietg @alexx-stancati @rumplebutterbaby @dummiesshort @spideyspeaches @thevelvetseries @buckymylove @quxxnxfhxll @marvelsimps @dreamy-clousds @bora-world @hunnybunimdun @supred12
𝐍𝐄𝐖 𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐄𝐑𝐀𝐋 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓: @holland-styles @trustfundparker @calltothewild @felicityparkers @hufflepuffprincess24 @tommysparker @justasmisunderstoodasloki @quaksonhehe @call-me-baby-gir1 @itstaskeen @theonly1outof-a-billion @lost-in-the-stars03 @justafangirlduh @piscesparker @speedymaximoff @miraclesoflove @lexirv @blairscott @getbywithasmile @pqrkerr @lavender-writer @blackbat2020 @hoodpankow
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deleteddewewted · 3 years
Incel!Shinsou Oneshot: "Why are you acting like that?”
To keep busy I just thought that a oneshot of Shinsou getting self conscious/needy would be cute since we already have his redemption arc rolling in. The next part of the Incel!Shinsou series (Part 3) will have him proving his worth at the Sports Festival. So in thinking of how he will prove himself to you I thought of how will all of those people affect him, especially you. ( This oneshot takes place pre changes, so Shinsou is still his disgusting self but he's figuring out how to woo a woman, especially of your caliber.)
Incel!Shinsou Series:
Part 1: Incel! Shinsou x F!Reader
Part 2: Incel! Shinsou x F!Reader
Incel!Shinsou Headcanons
"I know what you're doin' here. Made your intentions clear. Oh you, you terrible thing, you. Terrible thing, you. Terrible thing, you. Beautiful thing"
TW: Strong Language, Mild Sexism
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People were never an obstacle when it came to the things Shinsou wanted. He’s aware that others would do anything for him if he played his cards right. The right words with the right question did wonders for him. So why the fuck couldn’t he have what he wanted when it came to you? You drove him up the wall with the kindness you showed him. He didn’t deserve it and you’re existence almost felt like a punishment from whatever deity that existed out there to make him suffer. You guys were suppose to be studying for your upcoming project that required a poster, a slide show, and one influential person that would help prove your projects point. You left him running circles within his own mind as to how you were so willing to challenge him. He wanted you to obey him not see through his bullshit. It wasn’t like you didn’t listen to him vent, or didn't give him attention, but he wanted to hold you under his control. To be the person you listened to.
In class you where both seated on the extreme ends of the room on opposite sides. You never realized this (you do), but his head would periodically turn towards your direction to look at you, to figure you out (liar). This time, you managed to catch him do it.
“What are you doing?” You asked plainly. You honestly didn’t care that he was staring, everyone does when you dress like you're attending an MCR concert in the middle of autumn.
“You look different....today.”
“Nice.” It was difficult to care. Shinsou was just some guy in your class that you had to deal with. Nothing special really....ok, maybe it wasn’t fully true. You didn’t really know him all that well or anything (Unless it was mocking and belittling everything you did, that was normal behavior for him so it wasn’t surprising to find out he was like that outside of campus.) but he wasn’t all that bad? If he cared for himself a bit more, hygiene wise he would be considered handsome or at least a competent human being (you weren't going to call him a man, men don't act this childish. At least the ones you knew.) Maybe then you would take his opinion seriously, but for now you’ll ignore his...interesting comments he's been throwing towards you today.
“It’s rude to ignore someone when their talking to you, you know?” The neutral face he had now possessed a frown and a furrow to his brows. You still couldn’t process how he took the time to make sure his hair stayed purple but didn’t care for his body odor. (This man dyes his hair purple yet cant bother to shower or use deodorant for once in his life.)
“I’m not ignoring you, I’m just not interested in anything you have to say.” With that you get up and take your things and leave. There was no point in wasting time on someone who couldn’t even look at you directly and had to also sneak glances at you. "Do I really look that unbearable?" you thought to yourself. In the end you didn’t care anymore, everyone was entitled to an opinion and the last thing you need is feeling self conscious because of your out of place classmate.
Shinsou was fuming. How the fuck did you just get up and leave his ass while he was trying to complement you. You should have been more appreciative that he was giving you his attention for once. A bitch like you wasn't even worth it so he doesn't understand why he even tried with you.
He never goes directly home after school but instead to the local theater. It was one of the few places where he could be around others and could genuinely be himself. It was weird, he didn't feel like himself when he was speaking with his "friends", friends that he's never spoken to verbally, never seen, and never would meet. He knew that he didn't deserve this, to have a safe haven when he acts like an ass, yet here he was.
"Good morning Shinsou! How are you? Are you ready for rehearsals? You did remember to read your lines, right?" Shinsou rolls his eyes at his theater mates antics. Monoma never seems to stop but he does know when to tone it down and when it comes to Shinsou he tones it down a bit. (Because Monoma is canonically considerate of others, look back the Sports Festival and the Joint Training Arc.)
"Im good man, yes i did read and memorized the script, dont worry about it." What an odd friendship, the most chaotic gentleman like man out the bunch with the quietist incel in the group. Shinsou should have seen it coming when he was adopted by Monoma but he's running on 2 to 4 hours of sleep so he doesn't really care.
Believe it or not Shinsou does take showers (only for theater) but very quickly and with no care (no shampoo or soap, fucking why man.) Theater means more to him and so making his character look the best they possible can was his first and foremost priority. He puts on his costume, gets to makeup (the minimum, because it's "gay" for him to wear makeup and since the world is unfair and cruel he has perfect skin for a greasy headed asshole.)
"Everyone get a move on! Kodai, Tsuburaba, and Awase! Go to stage left! Light techs, how's it up there?" One of the tech heads shouted out. Shinsou and Monoma got to their positions on the stage and the rehearsals began.
Love, the play was about love. Love that wasn't rejected but also not accepted. He didn't understand the concept fully. Was it romantic? Platonic? Familiar? Admiration? He loved his dad, but he mostly admired him. He worked long hours and middle resents him for not being there for him, yet he realizes that his dad works to give him the world, a home with all the things he wanted. He never had a mother so he never had parental or familiar, again his dad was there but he wanted a parent that would hold him when he came back from school everyday. He didn't have a girlfriend, so he doesn't know romantic. So far all of his characters where villains, or evil in some way. He was starting to get sick of them. Shinsou wanted something more, wanted to play a character that wasn't how everyone saw him as on his day to day life. He wanted a challenge, he wanted....affection. Just to show it. He wanted attraction. Just to abuse it. He wanted...love. To just...maybe...feel...enjoy...understand it.
"You terrible thing you. My love, you're so cold. You've left me hanging on every one of your words. You've made me loose my self, lose my self-control because of you!" He pours everything into his performance, his loneliness, his regrets, his experience. He's been told by his co-performers and directors that he has a great future in the arts, in theater. If he just took care of himself more he would be an amazing actor, not only incredibly talented but also attractive. He would have the world kneeling, bowing to him just from his words alone. He could have anything he wanted just because of his existence.
" You've made me do things i don't want to do...for you." Kodai stands there looking horrified. He's covered in blood, the blood of her lover, the one she left him for.
"No, i-i didn't-"
"YOU MADE ME-MADE DO THIS FOR YOU! You terrible, terrible, terrible thing! You beautiful thing, I've done this for you!...and you still cant and won't love me." He doesn't see Kodai anymore. It's not her face he sees, nor her voice that he hears.
Its you...its your voice. You. You looking back at him while he slowly lowered himself to kneel and crawl towards you. It's you who backs away from him as he starts to cry and hiccup.
"You wreck me, you made me. You leave me in your wake, please let me go!" He sees you and feels you grabbing his wrists back, pushing him into himself.
"Don't you ever let me go...."
You terrible beautiful thing, you.
And here we are again. This was a lot fun to write since it feels more concrete when it comes towards his personality and his full thought process. In many cases people like Shinsou just want attention or some sense of validation, which there is nothing wrong with wanting those things but it's more about the manner you go about it. You shouldn't pressure or force others to spend time with you, but there is always someone out there that will like to give you those things.
Tag list: @blossominglark
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drawlfoy · 4 years
Wonders of Ohio P.9
requests are closed, but please read this first :)
if you want to be tagged, send an ask or message me!
pairing: draco x reader
request: nope, my original shameless self insert idea lmao
summary: american high school senior y/n y/l/n is in for the ride of her life when their exchange student is...a bit strange (but very hot). NOT a nonmagic AU, though you already knew that if you’ve read part 8 ;)
warnings: swearing, mentions of a break in, concerns about a home intruder, objectively the most fluffy scene we’ve gotten so far in this series (hehe), draco being fucking obnoxious and moody (did i mention swearing?)
a/n: ayoooooo so here’s part 9, as promised. i’ve started getting back into the hp universe more and more, so i should probably be picking up my writing soon. i’ve been feeling more myself again!! which is super awesome. i don’t think many people read this series anymore (or my author notes in general but i don’t blame yall) but i’m having a lot of fun writing it, so i’m going to keep going :)
music recs: 
puppy princess -- hot freaks
loverboy -- A-wall
linger -- the cranberries
tags tags tags: @gruffle1 @missmulti @cleopatera @hahaboop @accio-rogers @geeksareunique @eltanin-malfoy @war-sword @cams-lynn @itsivyberry @ayo-cowbelly @nerd-domland @yesnerdsblog @shizarianathania @evanstanfanatic @strawberriesonsummer @hariosborn @night-ving @straightzoinked @imintoodeeptostop @naiomimoonshard @jejegu @ophelia-enthusiast @alwaysbeanunknownfan @nearly-memories @litty-dumb @callieclearwater @malfoy-wife15 @charlenasaxen @belladaises @fiantomartell @writeandtranslate @erisdogwood @loveissupernatural @sycathorn-slush @big-galaxy-chaos
word count: 3.8k :)
Y/N couldn’t help but wonder if Draco deliberately waited until the last minute to tell her family that he was leaving so he could evade her questioning. She tried to talk to him later that evening by knocking on his door, but she was met with complete silence. 
Draco was ignoring her, and she didn’t get why. She’d promised to not tell anyone--even begged for him to trust her and essentially swore on her life--but he still wasn’t acting normal. Perhaps he didn’t want her to badger him with questions about the magical world. 
Or maybe this was an excuse to get away from her.
Y/N swallowed the second possibility and locked it away somewhere out of sight. He’d left without a single word more to her (not even a congratulations for getting into a top 20 school, that loser) and never even bothered telling her when he’d return. And maybe that was the nicest part of it--she could pretend like he was never coming back.
As attractive as that option was, she had to admit that there was a Draco-shaped hole in her passenger car seat every time she drove to school. And in the kitchen when she was studying. And everywhere else he’d once touched. 
“Why do you think he went back?” 
Y/N took a break from reviewing her Art History final exam notes to look up at Lizzy. “Maybe something happened with his dad or he wanted to spend his holidays with his family? It’s probably not that serious.”
“Speaking of his dad, I tried to look up his name and see if anything came up,” Lizzy began. Y/N felt her heart jump into her throat. “Don’t you think it’s kinda sus? I haven’t found anything for him. It’s like he’s been completely wiped off the face of the earth. Do you know anything about it?”
“Honestly, I don’t think it’s any of my business.” Draco’s franticness when she found out lingered in the back of her mind as she chose her words carefully. “I’m sure if he’s a genuine political target, they’ve just scrubbed the web clean of him, being a minor and all.”
“But don’t you think it’s funny that he’s apparently so important but there’s no evidence of him or his father ever existing?”
“Lizzy.” Her voice was firm. “It’s entirely possible that his real name is different. And either way, it’s not our story to uncover. He’s entitled to his own privacy, and if he doesn’t reveal his true identity then we need to respect that.”
“Oooookaaayyyyy, Mother,” said Lizzy. “You’re so fun. You know that, right?”
“It’s my job.”
After the close brush with Lizzy, Y/N avoided the topic of Draco with her friends like wildfire. At the back of her mind, she registered that that was probably more suspicious, but when Sylvia asked her about him during lunch, she finally spun up a story.
“I told him I liked him,” she told everyone, the words stinging her throat. “He doesn’t feel the same way. I just would feel better if we dropped it.”
Her friends reacted immediately with sympathy, telling her that it wasn’t her fault that he couldn’t see her for what she was worth. Somehow, this made her feel worse. She didn’t even need to tell him her feelings to know his thoughts--he didn’t see her as anything but a “muggle”, or whatever he called them. She never stood a chance.
Y/N spent an embarrassing amount of time wondering how things would’ve been different if she was a witch. She didn’t know anything about his world (apart from the fact that they really had a stick up their asses about people knowing of them) but she somehow craved a place in it. Would Draco feel differently towards her if she was magic? 
It was probably better if she didn’t pay too much mind to it, but she couldn’t let the thought go. Every time she shut her eyes at night, the memory of waking up next to Draco replayed in her head, over and over. She would’ve sold her soul to have gone back to that. Would things have been different if she had just...not found the letters? She was driving herself crazy digging through all her interactions with him. There’s no way she was imagining things, and judging by the surprised reactions of her friends when she told them he didn’t reciprocate feelings, she wasn’t the only one who thought something was there. If he was really so disgusted by her and her people, he wouldn’t have let her sleep in his room, in his bed no less. 
As December wore on, her mind began to be occupied by another feverish stream of thoughts. If she didn’t already feel like she was going crazy over the Draco problem, she was going completely insane over the fact that she was misplacing things like crazy and forgetting the most basic of things. It seemed like it was almost every day that she was forgetting where she put her keys (even though she could’ve sworn she’d hung them up by the door) or getting home to find the door already unlocked even though she was sure that she’d locked it behind her. It would’ve creeped her out, but she was really off kilter. It just wasn’t right having Draco away, and the sense of dread she got every time she went by her room just threw her off balance. What if she still had lingering sickness from whatever magical infliction she suffered? 
He really should’ve stuck around to watch after me. Just in case. 
Another thing was bothering her--a name she saw pop up in the pouch from when she went through his letters. It was a small portion of his collection, and she didn’t even think to examine it until after he took them back from her, but she noticed that the name “Pansy Parkinson” came up more than once as a return address. 
Her mind immediately jumped to the worst--Draco was madly in love with another girl, a magical girl, and traveled back home with the express purpose of declaring his neverending devotion for her and complaining about that rat Ohioan muggle that he had to spend his days with. 
Y/N knew it wasn’t healthy, but no matter what she did, she couldn’t quite shake it. The fact that he’d no doubt grown up around girls that would be suitable for him to date was making her physically ill with jealousy, which was probably the most embarrassing part of her feelings for him. Nevermind how much time she spent fantasizing about how soft his hair felt or how his stupidly pretty fingers would feel grazing her skin--she couldn’t even cope with the idea of him existing with other women that were honestly a better choice to him. 
That Christmas was surprisingly bleak. Being an only child always made for a quiet house during the holidays, but the expectation she held of having Draco there set her up for disappointment. Her house felt empty.
“Do you think he’s coming back?” Y/N asked her mother as they did the morning dishes together. 
“Well, I assume so. Why wouldn’t he? He was scheduled to spend the entire year with us. I think that if he’s changed his mind we would at least know by now.”
“What if he’s still deciding?”
“Why, miss him already?” Mrs. Y/L/N’s tone was teasing, but she felt her cheeks grow hot. 
“Quite the contrary. I’m just wondering if I’m about to become the pampered only child again or if I’m going to need to go back into the unglamorous life of sharing the spotlight.”
“Y/N,” her mother tutted. She’d stopped doing the dishes.
Y/N made a point to evade her knowing look. “Mom.” 
Her mother took a breath before answering. “Nothing. As a matter of fact, I did get a letter from him a few days ago. He’s scheduled to return the second week of January, right before school goes back.”
“Oh,” said Y/N. No matter how hard she tried, there’s no way her relief wasn’t visible.
“How’s that for your Christmas gift, hm?” 
“Hey! Hey, it was a joke,” Mrs. Y/L/N said, throwing her hands up in a “no can do” sort of gesture. “I know that you’re good friends with him is all. Unless…”
“Mom!” Her cheeks were all shades of red.
“All I’m saying is that he seems to enjoy your company.”
“Stockholm syndrome, I’m telling you.” Her explanation of what that meant was on the tip of her tongue before she stopped herself. There was no reason to--the only person who would need that explained to them was no longer on the same continent as her. 
“Whatever you’d like to think.”
The snowstorm hit them without warning, two days after Christmas. Her parents had left for the night to attend a charity auction, but unfortunately for Y/N, by the time that they realized that their daughter would be snowed in, the roads were too dangerous to drive on. Y/N begrudgingly agreed to do all of the things they told her to--get the generator ready, make sure the fireplace was prepared, and locate all the candles in the house. 
On any normal day, she wouldn’t have been concerned in the slightest, but she’d felt uneasy in her house ever since the night of the break-in, and now that this was the first night she’d have to spend alone, her heart was pounding at the thought of having to sleep in an empty house. Especially if the power was out. Especially when whoever broke in was still on the loose. 
She locked up at dusk, making sure that every entry to her home was completely sealed shut. The generator was in the basement, all set up in the case that the lights went out. She’d located all the bottled water in her house in case the pipes froze, and she finally retired to her room to relax. 
The sense of dread that hovered around Draco’s room was gone, thankfully. The overall feeling of creepiness was just beginning to lose its jarring sting, but she’d never quite been able to shake how many things she misplaced in the beginning of the month. 
She busied herself with mundane activities--she cleaned out her closet, organized her drawers, read, changed her sheets, and finished the last of her homework--but nothing could distract her from the gnawing inside of her. The hairs on the back of her neck constantly stood up, even when she was tucked away in the corner of her room, nestled into her blankets. The tingling was akin to what she felt when she walked into that antique shop on homecoming night--the same night when Draco helped her off her feet and narrowly kept her from throwing up all over Heather.
Looking back on it, she realized that when he grabbed her wrist, he must’ve done something to quell her nausea, something magical. There was no way her carsickness could’ve been able to disappear so quickly. 
Her soliloquy was interrupted by what sounded like footsteps outside. Before she could assess the situation and decide what she was going to do, a boom sounded off in the distance and she was all of a sudden bathed in darkness.
Y/N froze.
Someone was most definitely outside her house, but thankfully she’d locked all the doors. And, thankfully, the boom told her that her fuse box hadn’t been messed with. A tree had probably just fallen on a transformer. 
But those small comforts still didn’t change the fact that she was no longer alone--and not only that, but no longer alone without power. 
Her thoughts were interrupted once again by banging on her front door. Y/N jumped, just barely managing to clap her hand over her mouth to muffle her shriek. She’d seen enough horror movies to know that alerting someone that you were home wasn’t the smartest move. She’d have to be strategic. 
Heart pounding out of her chest, she crept out of her room and down the stairs. The power outage was quite lucky, she realized, as whoever was outside couldn’t see in. The moon only cast a slight light as it reflected off of the snow, so she was going to be able to see the person outside before they would see her.
She squinted from her perch by the base of the staircase. She could make out a silhouette, a tall and lanky one. The weak moonlight reflected off a very light head of hair, and Y/N was struck with a feeling of familiarity.
No way...
Y/N stood frozen for a few seconds as she heard the person knock on the door again. A muffled version of a familiar British voice said, “Is anyone there?”
Throwing all caution to the wind and praying to any higher power that was listening to her that her suspicion was correct, she pushed down on the doorknob and swung it open.
Her heart stopped. 
“Draco? What are you--”
Before she could get another word out of her mouth, she was pulled into the tightest (and snowiest) hug of her life. One of his arms wrapped solidly around her waist, the other reaching further up to her shoulders to hold her closer. He was tall enough in comparison that he could rest his chin on the top of her head while she cautiously clasped her hands around him, breathing in the same soft pine scent that she knew so well.
When he finally let go of her, she noticed that his face was decidedly less pale than what it had been when she first opened the door. At a loss for words, Y/N just made her way behind him and shut the door to keep the storm from blowing any more snowflakes in. She noted that Draco was shaking.
“You’re okay,” he said, his voice low and quiet.
She grinned. “Yeah. Believe it or not, I’m not that scared of the dark.”
He didn’t look nearly as amused, wringing his hands out in front of him instead of meeting her eyes.
“You’re going to freeze to death if you’re gonna just stand there in soaking clothes,” she chided. “And what are you doing back half a month early? I know you must’ve missed me, but I didn’t expect you to miss me THAT much.”
He rolled his eyes, bringing Y/N the comfort that the sarcastic asshole was still in there. “We need to talk.”
“No, what you need to do is get changed into dry clothes,” she said. “Not sure if you’ve noticed, but until we get our generator working, there’s no heat...and I’m not sure if the Ministry is going to like it if I let you die on my watch.”
Even though he didn’t normally laugh at her jokes, he seemed especially solemn when she said this. It became very clear to her then that he regretted his brief display of affection.
“What are you doing, just standing here? Shoo! I don’t want to see you dripping snow all over the rug.” She waved him off until he made his way up the stairs, still eerily silent. 
Once she was sure he was actually getting dressed, she made her way to the kitchen where she started heating up the water. She’d never been more thankful for the fact that they had a gas stove instead of an electric one. 
The tea was almost finished brewing by the time that Draco was back downstairs, perched awkwardly on the couch. She’d never seen his sweater before--it was in a rich forest green with a silver crest of a snake. 
“Are you going to tell me whatever is going on? I’ve never seen you like this before,” asked Y/N as she handed him the mug that she knew to be his favorite.
He took a sip and waited a bit before responding. “I found out some things while I was away.”
“Is that it? Must’ve been something pretty interesting for you to come in here and act like I’m your long lost love or whatever.” She took careful note of how his cheeks were especially pink, but it must’ve been because of the cold.
“I shouldn’t tell you everything, but I think you should probably know the gist of things,” he began. “First of all, I figured out why I couldn’t use the Obliviation cube on you. Also, you have to consent to an Unbreakable Vow.”
“A...what? Care to elaborate? Like, at least a little? Why didn’t it work on me?”
He sighed, a sharp breath of air that left his lungs in a huff. “Because you stumbled upon a very important box that can bestow the gift of magic onto anyone. And since you did something in your dream to try and open it, it permanently took root in you. I tried to reverse it, but there’s always going to be an imprint of magic on you.”
“Sick. So I’m a witch now? Like you?”
“No.” His tone was sour. “No, you’re not. For that to work, there needs to be a ritual actually completed by someone magical. That’s why you got so sick--because you would’ve needed me to help you through your dream sequence and open up the box. So, now that you’ve essentially pushed yourself into the magical world uninvited, I can’t use anything on you that’s catered towards Muggles.”
“Rats,” said Y/N. “That’s no fun. What about the whole part about my safety? And what’s that vow thing?”
“Apparently someone really, really wants that box,” Draco told her. “It doesn’t just give muggles the gift of magic--it can also give current wizards powers that are otherwise completely unavailable to the rest of the population. In the wrong hands, they could wreak havoc on the world. And I’m almost positive they think you have it.”
“Oh…” Everything started falling into place. “So, the break in? That probably was them right? And, uh, let’s say if you feel like maybe someone has been in your house while you’ve been gone? Like, that’s something I should be worried about, right?” 
“Is that happening to you?” His face looked significantly more pale.
Y/N was tempted to tell him no--just to ease his nerves--but something in his look told her that she needed to be truthful. “Um, kind of. You know how I can be forgetful, though. It’s just little things, like sometimes I come home to find that the front door is unlocked when I’m sure I locked it, or I can’t find little things like my car keys and my phone, but it’s all easily explained.”
“I never should’ve left,” he said, tucked his knees up to his chest. “I should’ve known that that was Merlin’s Box.” He swallowed, meeting her eyes with a gaze that looked so forlorn that her heart ached. “I’m so sorry.”
“Hey, hey, all we have to do is tell them I don’t have the box, right? And then they’ll leave me alone.” 
“I don’t know,” he admitted. “I assume so, but if they didn’t find the box when they originally ransacked your room and they’re still hanging around, I don’t know what to do. That’s why I can’t obliviate you, the proper way that we use on wizards, because I can’t always be there to save you. Once I’m gone, you’re going to have to manage on your own.”
“Please, Draco,” said Y/N. “People will always talk a big game, but once I pull out my pepper spray it’s over. I can take care of myself! I didn’t need protection while you’re away.”
He smiled then, a small one that seemed more sad than anything. “You sound like me. When I was younger.”
“You probably don’t even know what pepper spray is. What’s that vow thing?”
“You have to promise that you won’t say anything that would reveal what you know about me and my world,” said Draco. “I need to find a wizard to say the incantations, but it shouldn’t be too hard. I ended up telling the Ministry what happened--I’m not going to get sent away as they have a clear record of me at least attempting to wipe your memory and they agree that you need to be able to protect yourself. Unbreakable Vows are just really intense promises. If you break it, you die.”
“Is that your way of saying you don’t really trust my word?”
He rolled his eyes. “It’s required by the Ministry. If you don’t comply, then you’re going to be completely obliviated and then you can have as much fun as you’d like trying to run from whoever that criminal is without even knowing why they’re after you. Oh, and without me.” 
“Then why are you even offering the vow? Don’t you want to go home?”
Draco took a long drink from his mug. “I still have a sentence to carry out. If I go back home, I’ll get sent to the same prison that my father is being held at right now.”
“A...sentence?” Y/N stared at him. “I know you mentioned a punishment, but a sentence?”
He remained silent and refused to meet her eyes.
“Draco, what exactly did you have to do?”
“It’s none of your business,” he snapped. The sudden switch of tone made Y/N start, but he was unwavering in his scowl. “I’d prefer to not think about it.”
“But...Draco…” Y/N cast her gaze to the ground so she didn’t have to see the no doubt furious look in his eyes when she continued to push. “How bad? Do you think that maybe whoever is after me might know that I don’t have the box anymore? And that they might be trying to seek revenge against you for whatever it was that you did instead?”
He didn’t respond.
“Think about it. That would explain why I was untouched this whole time that you were away when they were still keeping tabs on me.”
With a pronounced bonk, he set his mug down on the coffee table. “I’m going to bed.”
She managed to get one more look at his face before he spun around to head up the stairs and was shocked to see what was etched into his face--anger, yes, frustration...and also shame. Unmistakable shame.
final a/n: weeoooooooo i’m like 3 minutes early...this is a monumental moment for my blog. let me know what you guys think (if there’s still people sticking with this series fjkds;al). i am going to go back into my hole and work on some math hw (wonders of ohio y/n vibes...i have low key become her trying to roleplay as a stem girl). the plot is going to thicken and hopefully there will be more fluff soon. i honestly didn’t want to add the hug bc i do want this to be slow burn but it has come to my attention that this is now about 30k words long and i haven’t given y’all so much as an inkling that draco has feelings/anything will happen between them so i gotta give you something to hold you over fjdska;
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prettyspence · 4 years
Hanging in the Inbetween
Summary: Moving to DC proves to be the right move when you meet Emily Prentiss, finally come out to your brother, and feel like you have a happy future with somebody you could actually love.
Tags: 18+, smut, reader-insert, coming out, internalised homophobia, getting together, smut/kink tags under the cut
Pairing: Emily x Reader
Word Count: 4.2k
Read on AO3
Smut/Kink Tags: top!emily prentiss (but the lines kinda blur), light dom/sub, fingering, sex toys, dirty talk, kink negotiation, first time
You moved to DC for a few reasons, the first of which was that you wanted to get the fuck out of Virginia.
The move to Richmond from Manassas hadn’t even helped much: you were working in your dream field and had some distance from your family, sure, but Virginia’s still the South. And after you came to a very poignant realisation about yourself earlier in the year, you wanted to get as far away from the bigotry that defined your lived experience there as possible.
The second reason was that you missed Aaron. Your brother had moved away when you were only little, but you’d always been close and he was the only family member left that you felt you could genuinely trust with your secret, even if the idea of telling him that you liked women still left you frozen with fear.
So when he invited you to brunch with his colleagues at the FBI you agreed in a heartbeat, it seemed like a great way to meet new people in your new city and spend time with your incredibly busy older brother simultaneously.
If you had any doubts about your sexuality, Emily Prentiss would have eradicated them. As soon as she’d walked into the cafe, her enigmatic presence had captivated you and you were hooked, addicted, obsessed. She smiled warmly at you but all you could do was stare dumbly at her as you shook her hand, eventually managing a weak smile in return. It was as if she was glowing, the others dimming in comparison as you took in her breath-taking beauty. Every time she spoke your breath caught, aching to bask in her voice for the rest of your days.
It felt so dramatic, childish almost. You’d never understood that ‘take your breath away’, ‘at first sight’ kind of love, but you knew it as soon as you met Emily.
But Emily was this gorgeous, confident woman. You knew she was a lesbian, she didn’t hide that from anyone and frequently made jokes about it, and while you shared her identity, the way you approached it couldn’t have been more different. Sure, if anyone looked hard enough, they would catch the adoring looks you sent Emily at every get-together, the way you blushed at any interaction with her. Hell, even she probably knew.
But it could never happen. After years of conservative indoctrination and being surrounded by people convinced of your ‘sin’, you were still on your journey to accepting yourself, still sometimes sick to your stomach every time you remember that you weren’t ‘normal’, that your parents wouldn’t see you as their daughter as soon as you told them. So you hide under layers of facade, wear a mask of confidence over your crippling insecurity and internalised homophobia, pretend that everything’s fine when it feels like you’re crumbling under the surface.
You thought you’d crumble further when Aaron inevitably discovered the truth about you, but really it’s the moment where your foundation starts to rebuild itself. It happens completely accidentally one evening, you don’t mean to come out at all. You’ve been so careful at using gender neutral language for so long. You always talked about a future ‘partner’, said ‘they’ when talking about prospective relationships, the kind of words that don’t attract questions or attention. But you slip up.
“Have you thought about getting back out there, Y/N?” Aaron asks one evening, when you’re both sitting on his couch having a much needed catch-up. “I know it’s been hard after you and Samuel broke up, but maybe you should think about putting yourself back in the scene.”
“God, Aaron, you are not talking about my love life, please,” you groan, swatting his arm lightly. He’s not usually interested in what’s going on in your romantic relationships as long as you seem happy, but it’s been pretty obvious how low you’ve been recently. It’s sort of sweet that he’s talking about something he feels so awkward about to try and make his sister smile.
“I’m serious,” he smiles fondly. “I want to see you happy again, like you were with Tom, remember?”
You were not happy with Tom. You’re not sure you’ve ever been happy in a relationship (for the obvious reason that none of them were women) but you’re pretty damn good at pretending, so you can hardly blame him.
“Ahh, I don’t know, Aaron,” you grimace. You can’t think about anyone but Emily right now, God you’ve tried to move on but everyone seems to pale in comparison at the moment. “When I finally get a girlfriend I want it to be real, you know. An accidental meeting, nothing manufactured…”
You trail off as you see his eyes widen and face contort in surprise. Immediately, your stomach sinks and eyes brim with tears as you realise how badly you’ve fucked up. Jumping up from the sofa, you run to the bathroom and lock yourself in, barely able to contain the sobs as you feel your world implode around you. Fuck, you’re out. Aaron knows.
You sink down to the floor and fold yourself as tightly as possible, trying to hold yourself completely as you feel your walls crashing down, anxiety taking over. It’s only minutes after you’ve barricaded yourself in the bathroom that you hear the knocks at the door.
“Y/N,” Aaron says softly. “It’s okay, I’m not angry, I was just surprised. Why don’t you come out and we can talk about this? I’m not mad, I promise.”
It feels like it must be some sort of trap. Surely Aaron isn’t really okay with it? Choosing to trust your brother despite your scepticism, you peel yourself out of your protective position and splash some cool water on your face in an attempt to calm yourself down a little before unlocking the door.
You must look utterly miserable because Aaron’s face immediately softens and he envelopes in a warm, protective hug, the kind that used to reassure you in your childhood and still has the same effect today.
“Why didn’t you tell me, Y/N?” he asks as he guides you to the sofa, voice gentle.
You take a deep breath before you explain everything, finally unloading the emotional turmoil that’s been whirling around inside you for months, connecting with another person properly since you realised yourself. You weren’t lying anymore; Aaron knew the truth.
Aaron basically forces you to stay over that night, tucking you in the way he used to do before he left for college, left for Washington to be a big bad FBI agent. You don’t fight him. It’s nice to be taken care of again, to feel really close to your brother for the first time in a long time.
Instead of crumbling, your foundation is firmer. You genuinely feel like you can do this, like you have a happy future ahead of you again.
It’s a Tuesday evening and you’re running across town, butterflies swimming in your tummy. An excited smile is playing over your face on the metro, in the taxi, while you run down the road towards Aaron’s apartment. You keep checking your phone to confirm this is really happening, but the text message isn’t leaving; it isn’t a delusional mirage borne from isolation and desperation.
Hi Y/N, how would you feel about grabbing coffee with me later this week? ;) Feel like we haven’t had a chance to properly get to know one another! Let me know - Emily
You pound on the door as soon as you get there, knowing Jack is at a sleepover with his friend tonight, squealing as soon as Aaron opens the door. He smiles amusedly as he lets you in, practically bouncing with excitement as you thrust your phone in his face. “Is this what I think it is?” you ask eagerly as he reaches a hand to steady your shaking ones so he can read the message.
“I don’t know, Y/N,” he says. “It could be. I’ve seen the way Emily looks at you, this looks like an invitation on a date to me, especially with the winky emoticon, but equally, she might just be asking you as a friend.” He smiles sympathetically as he says that, hating to temper your excitement. He’s never seen you this happy over a prospective partner and he doesn’t know how he missed how unhappy you were with men.
You giggle at Aaron speculating over the message as you would’ve done with your girlfriends back home. “She doesn’t know I’m gay,” you reason. “But I’m pretty obvious so she probably guessed. Maybe she really does want to go on a date with me!”
“Well, why haven’t you messaged back?” he asks.
“I wanted to tell you first,” you say, a little shyly. It was just nice to share in your truth with somebody. You couldn’t help feeling so eager about it.
He smiles fondly down at you. “Why don’t you make your message back a little more flirty?” he suggests as he makes his way to the kitchen to get you both a drink.
“Ooh, okay,” you muse. Subsequently, the next half an hour is spent agonising over the appropriate response, giggling and squabbling together in the way you used to before life got in the way.
Emily, I’d love to! It would be a great pleasure to spend some more time with your gorgeous self ;) How does Thursday at Cooper’s work? Maybe late morning?- Y/N
As long as we don’t get a case, I’m there :) - Emily
(If Aaron does his utmost to ensure there isn’t a case, well that’s nobody’s business but his own.)
After agonising all morning over the perfect outfit, you hurry across the city to get to your favourite cafe in time to meet Emily. You arrive first, ordering yourself a coffee and a pastry and finding a cosy seat in the bay window, your favourite spot. Thankfully, it’s not overly busy and Emily spots you as soon as she walks in not long after you’ve sat down, grinning widely as she approaches.
“Y/N, I’m so glad we could finally do this,” she says earnestly as she gives you a hug.
“I know,” you smile shyly, returning her hug and revelling in having her so close, feeling the warmth of her body against yours, catching the gentle notes of her perfume.
“I’ll just go order a mocha and I’ll be right back,” she smiles, heading over to the counter.
You sit back and just watch her, how graceful and powerful she looks as she moves, how assertive and confident she is. Her gorgeous raven hair frames her face so perfectly and her body looks so strong under her smart, professional but stylish outfit. She smiles beautifully as she comes back over, holding a pastry in her other hand.
“Ah, another pastry addict,” you say, still a little shy and flustered.
“Oh, don’t you know it,” Emily chuckles self-deprecatingly. “Nothing better than a buttery pastry mid-morning, right?”
“Mm, I’ve got a huge sweet-tooth,” you confess. “I’ll do pretty much anything for a sweet treat.”
She laughs loudly at that, looking at you with so much warmth you think she might light you on fire. “I don’t blame you,” she agrees. “The team knows that if I’m grumpy, all I need is something sugary and I’m back on track.”
“You’re so lucky to have such a wonderful team,” you tell her, smiling back at her. “I’m so jealous of you and Aaron, surrounded by all these amazing people.”
“Oh, I know it,” she says. “Found family is important, and I rely on them a lot. I never thought getting into the FBI would change my life this much.”
“Oh, really? What led you to the academy?” you ask, gazing at her adoringly, not bothering to hide it. If you’ve misread the situation, so be it. You’re fed up of hiding, you’re going to take this risk, dive head first into it.
You chat amicably over coffee and pastry for over an hour, and when she frowns and tells you she has to get back to work, you can’t help the raging disappointment inside you. You’ve never felt this connected to somebody, ever. Maybe it’s just that Emily is the first woman you’ve allowed yourself to crush on properly, but it feels like more than that. It feels real, reciprocated even. You can’t help the burning excitement in your chest as you think about what it might be like to be close to her, to call her your girlfriend, to kiss her, to come home to her.
She gives you another hug before you part ways and the smouldering imprint of her body against yours keeps you warm the whole journey home.
It’s nearing 7pm when you hear the knock at the door. You uncurl yourself from your cosy position on the sofa and put down your hot chocolate, leaving the movie you’re watching playing quietly in the background as you get up to answer it.
“Emily?” You’re a little bewildered to be honest. Wrapping your cardigan a little tighter around yourself, you send her a puzzled look, but you’re curious, too. “What are you doing here?”
“I need to tell you something,” she says, face serious. “I’m done screwing around; we’re not children, so let’s talk about this like adults.”
Right on cue, butterflies start swimming in your tummy, partly nerves, partly warm fuzzy hope. “Okay,” you say, still a little confused, but you guide her to the sofa and gesture for her to speak.
“I like you,” she says, taking a deep breath. “I’ve liked you since I met you and you intrigue me. I want to know more about you. I think you’re absolutely gorgeous, inside and out, and I’d love to take you out for dinner, on a proper date.”
You’re stunned for a moment, not entirely sure you’re actually awake. “Yes,” you say as soon as you reboot, reaching out to grab her hands gently. “Yes, please, that sounds amazing. I like you, too, I’ve liked you since I first met you.”
Her face lights up at your admission as you share a heated look before leaning in for a gentle kiss. You scoot a little closer to her and place your hands tentatively on her waist, only feeling emboldened when she leans a hand up to place on your neck, the other finding your hip. As you melt into her touch you feel her melt into yours, a mutual melding; a coming together.
It doesn’t stay chaste and gentle for long, however, quickly finding a rhythm that properly conveys the intense passion and amour filling the room, Emily eventually leaning forward and pushing you back slightly on the couch so she can lean more of her weight on you. This must be heaven. No kiss has ever felt like this, not even with your long-term boyfriends, no-one has ever made you feel the sparks that are flashing in your tummy right now.
“Hey, is this too fast?” she asks as she pulls back a bit, breathing heavily as she reaches a hand up to brush some of your hair away from your face. “Do you want to slow down?”
“No, no,” you deny, desperate to continue. “I don’t want to stop, I just… I haven’t been with a woman before.”
Your confession is shy, tentative; you don’t want to scare her off, but she simply smiles softly down at you, continuing to gently caress your hair. “Don’t worry about that,” she says. “We’ll see where this takes us and if you want to stop or slow down just tell me, alright?”
“Yeah,” you agree before leaning back in to continue the kiss, pushing your hand up under her shirt slightly and feeling her toned abs, the soft curve of her waist. It only serves to make you wetter, the feel of a woman under your palms more euphoric than you ever could have anticipated.
She moans as you explore her midriff, pushing your shirt up to do the same, and if you thought feeling a woman was amazing, being felt by one feels incredible, shivering under her touch as she runs her fingers up and down your waist, pushing your shirt up even more to caress the sides of your breasts.
“Off.” You obey and sit up a little bit to shrug off your cardigan and t-shirt as she does the same, both left only in your bras and pants, pressed skin-to-skin on the sofa. “Fuck, you’re so gorgeous, Y/N,” she moans, kissing you deeper as she tangles her fingers in your hair, tugging a little at the strands.
“Emily,” you whine as her other hand comes to your breast, teasing you with a finger slowly before running her thumb over your nipple through your lacy bra, squeezing gently. You’re already a dripping mess for her, this is already the best sex you’ve ever had, and you’ve barely started.
“Let’s go to the bedroom,” she suggests, pulling back a little to sit up before taking your hand and letting you lead the way. “Take your bra off and lie down on the bed.” Her voice is soft but there’s an authority to it that calms you slightly. You may not know exactly what you’re doing but Emily does and she’s going to take care of you.
“I have a few toys,” you confess shyly as you follow her orders, watching her with blown pupils all the while. “They’re washed and clean, and there are condoms and latex gloves, too.”
“Oh?” Emily asks, quirking an eyebrow slightly.
“They’re in the bottom drawer,” you say, blushing wildly as you share your sex toy collection with the woman you’ve been crushing pretty hard on for a while now.
She immediately lights up and rummages through, a playful smirk colouring her face as she pulls out a few options. You take in the fairly sizable dildo -- a favourite of yours -- the finger vibrator you’d bought only last month and a butt plug you’d had for years with hungry eyes, excited for what she has in mind.
“Before we really get going, let’s talk,” Emily smiles gently, leaning over to kiss you softly before pulling back. “What are you into, up for, wanting to try?”
“I’m not really sure,” you say, blushing awkwardly. This kind of discussion is fairly foreign for you. “I’ve never enjoyed sex before because it was always with a man.”
Emily pulls a face to make you laugh before nodding in agreement. “Okay, well how about I tell you a few of the things I like and you can tell me if you’re comfortable with them? And if you do try it and you’re not into it we’ll just stop, yeah?”
“That sounds like a plan.”
“Great. I like to be on top mostly, I’m quite a dominant person but I can tone that up or down to whatever you like, too,” she starts. “I’m very into dirty talk -- a little mild verbal degradation etcetera -- I love clitoral stimulation and don’t get much from internal simulation so maybe you could use this finger vibrator on me while I tell you what to do? And I could use this dildo on you if you’d like, the butt plug, too?”
“With my boyfriends the only time they could make me cum is if they got really into dirty talk, calling me names and stuff” you confess, “so that works for me, especially if you alternate with praise. And I’m happy for you to top and be more dominant, that sounds… good. All of what you said, I want, except I think the butt plug is a bit adventurous for today?” Your face must be fire engine red but Emily is looking at you fondly so you clearly haven’t turned her off with your inexperience or bashfulness.
She grins at you before leaning in to kiss you again. “Perfect. If I say or do anything you don’t like, tell me immediately. I won’t be offended, okay? I’ll do the same.” You nod in agreement, blush calming down as she settles her body over yours, a comforting, reassuring weight in an unfamiliar scenario.
She quickly gets the lube and condoms out and once she’s ready, Emily trails latex covered fingers down your waist, tickling slightly and revelling in the shiver she elicits, before slipping beneath the waistband and pressing gently, teasingly against your clit. She presses another kiss to your lips, deepening it against your moans as she moves down to push a finger inside.
“Emily,” you cry, panting as the initial pressure against your walls makes you see stars, warm wetness helping to ease her fingers inside. She slowly works you open as she alternates between kissing you, sucking on your neck and whispering dirty, encouraging platitudes in your ear.
“Do you think you’re ready to take my cock, princess?” she asks, tone dripping and sultry as she whispers directly into your ear, licking a stripe over the shell as you moan loudly. She holds the condom-covered dildo directly in your line of sight as she presses her own heat against your thigh, rutting slightly to ease her own immediate arousal.
“Yes, Emily, please” you beg, pushing your thigh up so she can use it properly, getting an appreciative moan in response.
“Good girl,” she praises, kissing you again as she lines up the dildo, easing it into you gently, pausing when your aroused moans betray a hint of pain. “God, you took that so well. You are a dirty little slut for me, aren’t you? Built to take my cock.”
“Yeah,” you whine, writhing as you feel the fullness of the dildo inside you, moaning again as Emily starts to fuck in and out. She starts out slowly before speeding it up, fucking you hard with your own dildo as she murmurs absolute filth into your ear. “Stop, stop.”
She stills her hand immediately, but you quickly ease her mind. “I’m close, don’t want to come yet.”
At that, she beams down at you. “Good girl. I think it’s my turn to get off, don’t you?”
Technically, she’s been grinding down on your leg the whole time she’s been fucking you, but you get what she means and reach for the finger vibrator, dildo still wedged firmly inside you, while she rolls onto her back. You fit the vibe onto your first finger and turn it on, thankful you recently changed the battery recently as you slide on a latex covering over your finger. She smiles encouragingly as you maneuver her hips to the right angle before teasing her a little with your middle finger to ease her into it before pressing the vibe to her folds first, thoroughly enjoying the jerk her hips make at the pleasure, before working your way up to her clit.
She throws her head back and moans wantonly as you work her over, running your other hand up her side before making your way to her breasts, leaning down to suck and bite gently at them as she cups her hand against the back of your neck, keeping your mouth where she wants.
“Keep going,” she moans as she approaches her orgasm, rutting against your finger as you swallow her nipple into your mouth with renewed vigour, desperate to bring her off. She shouts your name as she cums, squirming around your finger as her hips writhe with pleasure, eyes screwed close. It’s a beautiful sight, seeing a woman cum, and it’s so much better than whatever you’ve seen in porn, because you did this. Emily’s orgasm is your work of art and you couldn’t be prouder to sign your name against it.
“Good girl,” she sighs as she comes down. “You did so well. Now, shall we finish you off, baby?”
You’re virtually there already, seeing Emily’s pleasure had been getting you closer and closer to your own orgasm. It only takes Emily rolling you onto your back, kissing you again and fucking you a few more times with the dildo  that’s stayed inside you the whole time while fingering your clit just teasingly enough to get you over the edge, powerful orgasm crashing over you as Emily whispers praise against your ear. It takes you out for a minute, lost in the haze of pleasure and its aftermath, feeling so right in that moment that you never want to leave it, wrapped up in Emily’s arms while you hang in the inbetween of a dreamy daze and reality.
Eventually, you blink your eyes open, meeting Emily’s glassy ones and smile up at her, working the energy up to roll her over and kiss her again in earnest, knowing exactly what she likes by now.
“What was that for?” she asks after you break apart, chuckling a little at your eagerness.
“A thank you,” you murmur, smiling fondly down at her.
“The best thank you you could give me is a dinner date later this week,” Emily grins. “And I’ll thank you afterwards with another mind-blowing orgasm, how does that sound?”
You stare down at her for a moment, wondering how on earth you managed to win somebody so perfect, before shaking out of it and smiling softly again. “That sounds perfect.”
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nct-lian · 4 years
wayv’s relation to lian
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they have the cutest little interactions ever :(
was one of the members that kun was most comfortable around at first
she made him feel so welcomed!
when nct 2018 appeared on weekly idol, lian was placed in the front
but she moved her chair over to kun’s side to be closer to him !!!!!!!
lun stans found dead
they go out to eat food together a lot :D
now that lian doesn’t feel the need to look over him anymore, he stepped in and is now a very good parental figure for her
he bought her an expensive ass ring for her birthday
him and johnny both being her dad: 🤝
kun has been arguing back and forth with chenle about lian’s chinese name
he loves the name xiuying for her :(
they hype each other up all the time !!
lian and kun had the best time with each other when filming from home
we got so many adorable clips of them :DDDD
when talking to each other they can’t pick a solid language
like they’re always switching between mandarin and korean
they also slip in a bit of english at times as well
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if kun is her dad then ten is her cool uncle
he lets her do whatever she wants
like he will just sit and watch as she teases the fUCK out of hyuck
just like kun they switch between multiple languages in a conversation
they normally speak english with each other!
their fashion game is always on point.
no actually they literally wore matching shirts one time
liten supremacy breaking the internet: <3
ten once said “guys she’s like my daughter stop being weird~~~!” on vlive when people kept asking if him and lian were dating
as he should !
they mention each other ¿ everywhere ?
ten even helped her choreograph the new ver. of yoncé
don’t touch me i’m soft
no because ten ships her with someone in the group … just not who you’d think ;)
i swear he’s her #1 hypeman
ten was actually the one who made their ship name- goals asf sry i don’t make the rules
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lian is yet another member of nct who will sacrifice her soul to the devil for winwin
“winwin winwin winwin winwin is on the mind forever and always i love you winwin” was what she posted for his birthday
winwin loves her just as much and he shows it
he likes hugging her DDDDD:
also ten ships them
so that’s that uh :p
lian cried so hard when he had to pause promotions with 127 :(
especially because they were super close!
winwin was actually another one of her first friends in nct because she was fluent in mandarin
and they were both super comfortable speaking with each other :)
winwin: i like lian the most :D
yuta + taeil: am i a joke to you?
no cause yuta is constantly losing in this thing
lian picks winwin and winwin picks lian what is happening
winwin’s current lockscreen is a picture of lian rolling her eyes at yangyang
yup yup their lockscreen tradition LISTEN AND WEEP
winwin’s selfies are lian’s favourite thing :)
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omfg the chaos these two bring
i’m crying because nct 2018 was chaotic in itself but lulian was something else
taeyong was going through an existential crisis the entirety of 2018
leave it in 2018 sweetheart we been knew lian is the size of a jellybean
he had her react to his drama where he dances to replay after killing his girlfriend
lian confirmed it was 10/10 and would recommend watching
she genuinely thinks lucas should have been added to nct dream and she stands by that opinion daily
the MOMENTS we got during nct world 2.0 were chefs kiss
they were both so chaotic while mark was frying eggs
the oldest + youngest in the 99’ line remain iconic
lian hates him but loves him at the same time
because he’s nice to her but he SPENDS TOO MUCH OF HIS TIME MAKING FUN OF HER HEIGHT
“lian you’re like literally two feet tall i could fit you in my pocket”
“i will drop kick you in 2.5 seconds if you don’t shut the fuck up wong yukhei”
lucas once said that their favourite thing to do together was play at playgrounds
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what you’ve all been waiting for
xiaojun went so long thinking that lian was chinese (∩╹□╹∩)
like she speaks mandarin perfectly, has a chinese stage name
when they met the first thing he said to her was how pretty she was
“y-you’re so pretty uhh”
*cue distressed xiaojun*
he followed lian on instagram before nct 2020 was even confirmed
he didn’t know jaehyun or yuta liked her and accidentally patted her head in front of them and called her cute
they’d like to do a duet someday :)
he couldn’t get her lyrics from kick it out of his head when he first listened to the song
sometimes still quotes them around her to make her laugh
lian hyped his drama up SO MUCH !1!1!1!€]£<]~\£>€{
“dejunnie is having an acting debut soon !! please go support him and his cast~”
xiaojun brags about that a lot ... and her nickname for him :)
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the teasing
besties ™
they would occasionally message each other before and they considered themselves to be pretty close but when nct 2020 happened they were chaos
especially when they ended up in the work it unit together
everyone was so sick of them like they would not shut up about random ass things
hendery and lian are like another version of haechan and lian
but minus the lovey stuff they sometimes do
with liandery it’s constant teasing and making fun of each other 24/7
and it’s all fun and games so they can go DOWN if they’d like to
lian roasted him so hard once bye
they were supposed to be a pair on “it’s awkward but it’s ok”
but they developed such a good friendship within like two weeks that they had to switch up the members
hendery is kinda soft for her though ngl
he’ll just randomly poke her dimples
it was just the way she presented herself at that time because she was a little frustrated, but it wasn’t anything that wouldn’t change later on
hendery thought she was older than him by like three years rip
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when lian met yangyang she gained another child
but yangyang’s not a baby anymore (҂⌣̀_⌣́)
yet he’ll 100% act cute so that she does stuff for him
she’s not complaining though anything for her son
they’re like yangyang and ten all over again
once had a whole ass conversation through memes
it started with spongebob ended with shrek
lian now knows how to introduce herself in german thank you yangyang
not lian teaching yangyang toronto slang :’)
yangayng for some reason gave her big haechan energy when they first met
because the first thing he did was mock her height
he literally bent down and said “can you see me better”
lian: hello i saw you perfectly fine before my neck isn’t broken sir
but it was okay because now they have a really playful relationship with each other :D
have teamed up on numerous occasions to make kun’s life harder
“i thought the chaos stopped with yangyang, lian when did you become such a problem child?”
but lian gets special treatment because well .. she’s lian what do you think
yangyang calls her lili :)
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tomhollandstrash · 3 years
Chasing Stars part 2
This is a part two to Chasing Stars. You can find the first part here! 
You sighed as you sat on the couch in your apartment. Your fingers absentmindedly dancing along the rim of your mug, the tea inside of it having gone cold a while ago. You couldn’t believe that Tom was getting married to someone who wasn’t you. It broke your heart but there wasn’t anything either one of you could do about it. The fact that there was nothing that could be done to keep the two of you together almost hurt more than the fact that you likely wouldn’t see each other again. A life without Tom wasn’t one that you were particularly keen on. It’s not that you didn’t feel like you were dependent on him for your happiness, but he just added so much warmth and love to your life. Would you be able to find that with another person? That wasn’t even a thought you wanted to entertain at the moment. Tom was your person, he was without a doubt, the one. The one you wanted to marry, the one you wanted to start a family with, the one you wanted to declare your love for over and over again until the day you died.
You vowed not to turn on the TV or to go on social media today or for the next week. The whole country was celebrating today. Celebrating their precious prince’s wedding day, and the media would be covering the festivities on every channel. When you’d gone on Twitter earlier, you already saw people speculating about potential baby names. The thought of that made you absolutely sick. The universe really did have a way of playing cruel jokes on you. You couldn’t help but wonder how things could have been different if you were born into royalty, or if Tom were just a normal guy. Would there have been a happy ending for the two of you? What were the odds that the two of you were just destined to fail?
Placing your cold mug of tea on the table in front of you, you spread out on the couch and pulled a nearby blanket up to your chin. You grabbed the remote and turned on your favorite movie as though it could distract you from the deep aching of your heart. As you tried to watch the movie, you felt your eyelids growing heavier. Maybe you could use this time to catch up on sleep, after saying goodbye to Tom, sleep had been hard to come by. 
Tom looked at the clock on the wall and grimaced. 10:53am. In a little over an hour, Tom would be a married man. He hated the thought of getting married to someone he wasn’t in love with. Sure, she was a perfectly nice woman. Intelligent, compassionate, and beautiful. A perfect combination for a perfect prince. In theory, she was an ideal match for Tom. Try as he might to accept the fact that she was to become his wife, he couldn’t get his mind off of you. You were everything to him. When Tom thought of his wedding day, he never thought that instead of being excited he would be filled with dread. 
He couldn’t stop thinking about the way you looked at him when he left your apartment that morning. Your eyes were filled with love, disappointment, and tears. Tom could tell that your heart was breaking just as much as his was. 
“You okay, Tom?” Harrison nudged his friend gently. 
“Yeah,” Tom replied, running a hand through his hair. “Never better, everything is just fantastic,”
Harrison frowned at his friend’s response and sat on the couch, meeting Tom’s eyes in the mirror. 
“Mate, you don’t have to do this,” He said and leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. 
Tom’s hands dropped from their place on his tie before he turned around to face Harrison. 
“But I do,” Tom and Harrison’s frowns grew deeper as a thick silence fell over the room. 
It was a hard truth for Tom to accept. What could he do? Sure, in a different world he might be able to run away with you and never look back. In this world, he had a duty to his country and his parents; and sadly, that duty included leaving you behind. The more Tom thought about spending the rest of his life without you, the more he could feel himself getting sick. You have always been there for him. All the late night and early morning meetings were something he would especially miss. Your gentle fingers carding through his soft curls, the sound of your heartbeat when the two of you fell asleep together, and the sweet declarations of love were things he would never experience again. Sure, he could try to fall in love with his wife to be, but he didn’t want to. Tom wanted you.
“Fuck,” Tom groaned, falling into a crouching position with his head in his hands. “I don’t know if I can do this. I know I have to, but I just... can’t,”
Harrison walked closer to his friend before leaning down and placing a comforting hand on his shoulder.
“I know you think you’re disappointing everyone if you don’t go through with it, but sometimes you need to do what’s best for Tom. You’ve spent your whole life trying to keep everyone happy, always doing what was expected of you, even when it was at the expense of your happiness. As your best friend, I don’t want to see you spend the rest of your life being miserable,”
“You always did have a speech at the ready whenever you needed one,” Tom looked up at Harrison and chuckled lightly.
“What are best friends for?”
The historic chapel was filled with guests milling about dressed in extravagant clothing. There was a buzz of excitement in the air as foreign dignitaries, local diplomats, family, friends, and the most loyal of subjects waited for the wedding to begin. No expense was spared for the wedding. The chapel was decorated with stunning floral arrangements, complete with
Meanwhile, Tom could feel his throat getting tighter as each moment passed. He convinced himself that the way he was feeling could be attributed to the fact that he was about to get married. Everyone gets cold feet when they get married, right? 
Tom couldn’t shake the feeling that he was possibly making the biggest mistake of his life. 
Three knocks on your door woke you up from your much needed rest. You rubbed your eyes and looked at the clock on the wall. It was 1pm, Tom was now a married man. You frowned before you sat up and glared at the door. Who could it be? And didn’t they know that you were planning on spending the foreseeable future on the couch moping? With a sigh, you pushed yourself off of the couch and wrapped your sweatshirt around yourself. You looked about as good as you felt.
“What do you want?” You asked, not even bothering to look at whoever dared disturb your nap.
When they didn’t respond, you finally looked up at them and almost fell over.
There Tom stood in the doorway of your small apartment still wearing his fancy suit. You rubbed your eyes and blinked a few times, worried that he would be gone when you opened them again. Why was he here? It wasn’t that you weren’t happy to see him, but you thought the two of you agreed to limit your contact after the wedding. The wedding was today, wasn’t it? Why wasn’t he with his family and his new wife?
“Tom?” You asked, somewhat cautiously.
“Hi, Y/N,” Tom looked at you with a soft smile, rubbing his hand on the back of his neck. “I’m sorry to just show up like this,”
“No worries, come in,” You said, still slightly dazed as you stepped aside to let him into your home. You silently cursed yourself for the pile of cookie and candy wrappers that littered the sofa.
Tom stepped inside your apartment and the two of you fell into a slightly awkward silence.
“So, not that I’m not happy to see you, but what are you doing here?” You rubbed your arm as you looked at him through your lashes.
“Well,” He said as he played with his fingers, something he always did when he was nervous. “I.. uh... I couldn’t do it,”
“...Couldn’t do what?” You asked, genuinely confused.
“Get married to someone who isn’t you,” Tom confessed. “I just, I thought I could go through with it, but I couldn’t. You’re everything to me, Y/N. If I’m going to get married to someone, I want that someone to be you,”
Tom’s confession didn’t necessarily surprise you, you always thought the two of you would get married too, but it did make you deeply emotional. You couldn’t help but let a couple of tears slip out of the corners of your eyes.
“But what about your family?” You asked, wiping the corners of your eyes.
“I honestly don’t know. I think they’ll understand,” Tom took a step closer to you and cupped your face in his warm hands. “Even if they don’t, getting to be with you would make everything worth it,”
You’d be lying if you said you didn’t think about this moment happening. There was a part of you that really thought Tom would come back for you, but now that it was happening, you were sure it was too good to be true. What if this was just a random impulse decision and he would just end up leaving you all over again? That was something you didn’t think your heart could take. Having to go through one breakup with him was more than enough heartbreak.
“Tom, please tell me that you’re being serious. I don’t think I can take it if you’re not,” You looked into his eyes and frowned slightly.
“I promise I’m serious. In fact, I’m so serious about you that I’m prepared to do this,” Tom stepped away from you before getting down on one knee.
Your breath caught in your throat. Was Tom really proposing to you? This was something you could only dream of. Ever since Tom told you he was betrothed to someone else, you’d buried your dreams of marrying him deep within yourself. You could burst from nerves. Seeing Tom get down on one knee was a sight you never thought you’d get to see in real life. It was all happening so fast. You loved this man with all of your heart and had no doubts that he felt the same way about you.
“Y/N Y/L/N, will you marry me?” Tom beamed at you, the love practically radiating off of his body. “I know it’s sudden but I love you more than I can express in words, and I know that I want to spend the rest of my life with you,”
“Of course I’ll marry you, you stupid prince,” You smiled as you wiped the happy tears from your face.
You wrapped your arms around Tom as tight as you possibly could, hoping it would keep you from losing him again. The two of you were grinning at one another so wide you were afraid your lips might split.
“I love you so much, darling. I’m never letting you go,” Tom kissed your forehead, your nose, and finally your lips.
Your relationship with Tom was far from perfect, but moments like this reminded you both of how much you really needed and loved each other. 
Okay, I think that’s it lmao. It’s taken me a long time to get this up, life just decided to get stupid busy. I finally bought a new desk top computer, so fingers crossed that I can find the motivation to do more writing. 
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Another double feature, because it's been another hard day.
Part 7 of Jimercury Kid series
‘Those bastards!’
Freddie’s exclamation from the next room didn’t alarm Jim; it was something that happened quite often, though the cursing had lessened considerably since they had adopted Khaleel. Whatever it was that had angered Freddie, it had to be something bad.
‘What’s wrong?’ he asked as he entered the kitchen, finding Freddie and Phoebe at the table, Freddie clutching a newspaper in his shaking hands.
‘Look at this!’ Freddie yelled, practically shoving the paper under Jim’s nose. ‘Look at this absolute trash they’ve printed!’
Jim took a moment to smooth out the paper, before running his eyes over the article that had upset his husband so greatly. The headline read – MERCURY’S SECRET LOVE CHILD? – with the tagline below reading: AIDS survivor rumoured to have fathered child with former girlfriend. Below was an image of Jim in a playground with Khaleel, holding his son protectively in his arms and shielding his face from the camera.
Jim sighed; he had warned Freddie that it was a bad idea for him to take Khaleel to the park that day. He understood why Freddie wanted him to go; he wanted their child to be able to have as normal a life as possible and be able to visit a playground just like any other kid. But the reality was, the press was always sniffing around. Jim had been pushing Khaleel on the swings when he noticed a photographer lurking in the distance, and he quickly grabbed his son before the bastard could snap a photo of his face.
He continued reading the article: Mercury’s gardener, Jim Hutton [pictured above] was seen with the child rumoured to be Mercury’s son in a local playground. The unnamed infant is believed to be the result of an on-and-off again relationship with the singer’s ex-girlfriend, Mary Austin, who he previously described as “the love of his life”-
‘Absolute drivel!’ Freddie grabbed the paper back before Jim could read any more, crumpling it in his hands. ‘Love child. Can you believe them? And I never called Mary the “love of my life,” who the fuck came up with that? “On-and-off again relationship”? We broke up nearly twenty years ago, for God’s sake-’
‘Freddie.’ Jim interrupted calmly. ‘It’s just another shitty tabloid. They make a living off printing lies. You know that.’
Freddie simmered quietly, while Phoebe took the hint and excused himself to put the kettle on, leaving the couple to talk. Jim sat down at the table and took hold on Freddie’s hand, thumb gently stroking his knuckles until Freddie was calm enough to talk.
‘Khaleel is our son.’ He growled between clenched teeth. ‘Mine and yours. No one else’s. I’m sick of them making up lies.’
‘It doesn’t matter what they think.’ Jim replied softly. ‘Weknow the truth. Khaleel is ours and he always will be. So what if the public think he’s Mary’s? Hell, some of them actually believe you’re straight!’
At this, Freddie snorted with laughter.
‘People are going to believe what they want to believe.’ Jim went on. ‘Like you said, that’s the way it is when you’re famous. Fuck them!’ He smiled when Freddie chuckled again. ‘Our little boy knows who his parents are, and I value his opinion much more than some rag of a paper.’
On cue, Khaleel scampered into the kitchen, a large piece of paper clutched in his little hands that he immediately shoved under Freddie’s nose. ‘Look, Baba! I drew you and Daddy and me!’
Freddie looked at the clumsy, crayoned drawing Khaleel had made. The three of them were standing in what he assumed was the garden, Khaleel in the middle while Freddie and Jim stood on either side of him, holding a hand each. There was a little square drawn in the background (which he assumed was the house) a few weirdly shaped cats (all of them with their names spelled wrong) and a round circle with arms and legs and a big smiley face squeezed into the corner with “Uncle Feebee” scrawled beneath it. Freddie’s front teeth were comically large, like a rabbit’s and Jim’s moustache took up half his face.
The sight almost made Freddie burst out crying.
‘It’s beautiful, darling. I love it.’ He said in a tight voice and leaned down to give their son a kiss.
Khaleel knew exactly who his family was. Fuck everyone else.
Ahhh they finally face the real world! It's as if they were living in their own little bubble till now, away from the vicious society that they live in. You expressed Freddie's anger beautifully, I feel. And oof, the comments about Mary. I want to tattoo those words lol because yes, they're relevant in our reality too. And I am sure Freddie would be upset if he saw the disregard his chosen family has faced since his passing.
But in this universe, I am glad that he has Jim and their son to support him and love him. Speaking of Khaleel, I am so in love with this baby boy. Him making a family portrait with his papas and uncle feebee and his feline brothers and sisters is the cutest thing ever💙
I hope you know how much we're all loving your writings, anon. A lot of us genuinely wait for your daily updates, and you have been receiving prompts from other anons too. However, if you ever feel you need to take a break, please don't hesitate to take one. Your priority should be your well being. Also, the offer to talk privately will always stand, so if you ever feel ready to contact me personally, you are most welcome to do so💙
(More drabbles by writer anon)
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daedrabela · 2 years
thinking about that reddit post where this guy wouldn't let his short-term partner get an abortion when he got her pregnant so she told him right there she would have the baby but she was going to relinquish her parental rights + not have anything to do with them after (perfectly normal thing 2 do if she was a man btw) and HE AGREED
fast forward a few years later and he is complaining about being a single father and that this woman is paying EXTRA on her child support so he can't just take her to court bc she's being completely legitimate and he was idiotic enough to think she'd change her mind (hah guess what, mommy hormones DON'T work like magic!! surprised??)
and i'm just thinking more mothers should be able to see leaving as an option ESPECIALLY when they can set a better example than most fathers that fuck off. like yeah, pay EXTRA child support fr. sign away your rights completely and agree to adoption. ESPECIALLY if your birth was forced!!
and i'm thinking about this person i knew who grew up feeling unwanted bc their birth mom wasn't there and they went through shit in foster care but even then she's not to blame for that. her only responsibility was the birth. everything afterwards is up to a system that needed to be designed to care for that child and it failed them. that was up to the court to place them in the care of a proper family.
i guess what i'm saying is, can we please 🙏 p lease give a fuck about the children AFTER they're born, instead of blaming their birthgiver for fucking everything. we NEVER blame men for getting women pregnant without remorse. we NEVER blame men ENOUGH for not paying child support (and if someone can pay fucking extra then there is no reason it isn't affordable, that is a genuine case in which you DO need to work and be responsible for that child)
can we please do thorough background checks on these foster parents. can we please have more rights to investigate the welfare of the children in their care. can we stop trying to keep kids in familes that are actively harming them!!! that should be a no brainer, but children have DIED, literally been KILLED, by their caregivers because they - for some reason - were able to retain custody of a child they were harming WITH evidence and WITH witnesses.
there was a case in the UK, 2 in fact that come to mind for me, where a kid under 10 was being HORRIBLY and OPENLY abused by their caregivers and child protection did NOTHING until they died. they had evidence of these caregivers threatening to harm them, literally telling social workers they would kill those children, and still they wouldn't do a thing.
i'm just sick of living in a world where everyone's up in arms but only when it comes to themselves. no one gives a single solitary shit about anyone else's life unless they're telling someone else how they think they should be living it and it's infuriating!!
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