#can fit all sorts of issues in this one tiefling phew
fivegoldpieces · 5 years
scholaroftrivia just pointed this out to me: "Jester's insisting Molly was a god and Beau denying it takes another layer when the previous inhabitant of Molly's body was head of a cult who apparently thought killing himself was a good way of increasing his power." Now I'm doubly worried for Jester's well-being. She's put Molly on such a high pedestal that she's not realizing how dangerous it is to do so. Because she doesn't know what kind of person Molly, or rather Lucien/Nonagon, really was...
oh boy I completely forgot about that part of molly's backstory ngl but yeah that's. wow yeah I definitely hope jester doesn't get blinded by her own belief of who molly was.
though, I do have to wonder if jester actually does believe what she said about molly or if she only said that to distract beau and tbh herself from the fact that she is very much not fine at all - that whole conversation went from her guilt to not healing beau, to her sending a message to beau's dad, to the tarot cards: she pretty much took the focus of conversation away from what she's feeling to something else and that's what worries me as well
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