#cains not able aftermath au
oceandolores · 2 months
𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐫'𝐬 𝐝𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐫 | chapter 2
Dbf! Joel Miller x female reader
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"𝘣𝘦𝘤𝘢𝘶𝘴𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵'𝘴 𝘩𝘰𝘸 𝘮𝘺 𝘥𝘢𝘥𝘥𝘺 𝘳𝘢𝘪𝘴𝘦𝘥 𝘮𝘦,"
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summary: as time progressed, Joel notice something's wrong and then at one night, You stood at his door, looking disheveled and distressed, your face streaked with tears and your clothes rumpled. 
warnings: 18+ only, Minors DNI, AU, No outbreak. (TW) mentions of substance abuse/alcohol use disorder, adult content, religion abuse, violence, blood gore, mentions of death, sexual abuse, sexual content, domestic violences, ped0ph!l1a, cann1bal!sm, human traff1ck1ng, r4p3, dad's best friend!Joel, HUGE age gap (i will not specify her exact age, but she's legal and Joel is 49), daddy issues, mentions of toxic family dynamic, Joel is widowed, Ellie is 16, angst, smut A LOT, forbidden relationship, soft and protective Joel, innocent and pure reader. your last name is Gibson. any other details will be explain throughout the story. inspired by the album Preacher's daughter by Ethel Cain and also mix with lana del rey vibes.
masterlist of the series!
previous | chapter one
next | chapter three
Saturday arrived with a sense of dread you couldn’t shake. The dinner invitation at Tommy and Maria's hung over your head like a dark cloud. Joel had decided to come, partly due to Ellie and Tommy's insistence, and also because it was a chance to catch up with your family, the Gibsons.
The aftermath of last Sunday's beating from your father for abandoning your duty at church service had left you changed. The light in your eyes had dimmed, replaced by a quiet resilience. Your body was still sore, the bruises and scars not fully healed, making even the simplest movements painful.
You worried some of the wounds might be infected, as you had been running a high fever and coughing for days. Your mother was concerned but too scared to take you to the hospital. In this small town, everyone knew each other, and a trip to the doctor would raise questions. Your family's reputation, especially with your father being the town preacher, was paramount. So, your mother did her best to care for you at home, but it wasn't enough.
You still went to school, hiding your condition under oversized sweaters. You had no close friends, just a few acquaintances, but you were well-known as one of the prettiest girls and the preacher's daughter. Boys liked you, always trying to get close, but you kept your distance. One day at school, Ellie noticed you didn't look well and asked if you were sick. You lied, saying you were fine.
"You sure? You don't look so good," Ellie said, her eyes filled with concern.
"I'm fine, Ellie, really. Just tired from studying for finals," you replied, forcing a smile.
Ellie frowned, clearly unconvinced. "If you say so. Just... take care of yourself, okay?"
"I will," you promised, though you weren't sure if it was a promise you could keep.
As one of the smartest students, your teachers noticed your decline and sent you to the school's psychologist. The psychologist observed your physical and mental changes, but you lied again, blaming sleepless nights spent preparing for graduation.
As your family prepared to go to the Millers, you told your mother you might not be able to go because your body was still sore. The scars hadn't healed, and you worried about infection. You'd had a high fever for days.
"Mama, I don't think I can go tonight. My body still hurts so much," you said, your voice weak.
Your mother, worried but too afraid to confront your father, insisted you come. "You know your father will be angry if you don't come. It's better if you come, even if you're not feeling well," she said, her voice trembling.
Reluctantly, you agreed. For the first time in a while, you applied makeup to cover the bruises on your skin, arms, and the corners of your eyes and cheeks. Your father reminded you to behave, to maintain decorum as a preacher's daughter, and not to embarrass him.
"Remember, you represent this family. Behave yourself and don't cause any trouble," your father said sternly.
"Yes, Father," you replied, obedient as always, though the words felt heavy on your tongue. The weight of his expectations bore down on you, threatening to crush the fragile strength you had left.
At Tommy and Maria's house, Joel and Ellie were already there. Your family arrived at their front door, your mother's grip on the pasta dish tightening as if it were a lifeline.
Maria opened the door with a warm smile, her eyes lighting up at the sight of your family. "Oh, Evelyn! Father Gibson! It's so good to see you all. Come in, come in!"
Your mother returned the smile, albeit a bit strained. "Thank you, Maria. We brought some pasta for adding some to the dishes."
"Oh, Evelyn, this pasta looks amazing. Thank you so much," Maria said, taking the dish and placing a gentle hand on your mother's arm. "You didn't have to go through all this trouble."
"It's no trouble at all," your mother replied, her voice soft. "It's the least we could do."
Maria led you all inside, the house filled with the comforting aroma of home-cooked food. You stepped in and immediately met Ellie.
"Hey, how are you? You didn't look so good at school the other day," she said, her voice full of concern.
"I'm okay, just a bit under the weather," you lied, trying to sound convincing.
"Are you sure you're okay?" Ellie asked again, her eyes narrowing with worry. "You really didn't look well. Are you getting enough rest?"
"Yeah, I'm fine," you insisted, forcing a smile. "Just tired from all the studying for finals."
Ellie wasn't convinced but nodded. "Alright, but if you need anything, just let me know, okay? We can study together if that helps."
"Thank you, Ellie. I appreciate it," you said, grateful for her concern but knowing you had to keep your secrets hidden.
Maria, finishing her conversation with your mother, turned her attention to you. "Sweetheart, you look a bit pale. Are you feeling alright?"
In front of your parents, you forced another smile. "I'm fine, really. Just a bit tired," you said, your voice steady but hollow.
Your mother quickly added to the lie, her voice filled with false cheerfulness. "Oh, you know Maria. She's almost graduate and been working so hard on her studies. It's just stress, really, right honey?" You nodded to your mother.
Your father, ever the manipulator, chimed in with a practiced smile. "She's fine, just been studying hard for her finals. Nothing to worry about."
Maria looked unconvinced but didn't press further. It was just another sad reminder of the facade your family maintained, the preacher's household hiding its cracks beneath a veneer of perfection.
You moved further into the house, your father's charm offensive continuing as he greeted Tommy. "Tommy, good to see you! How's everything going?"
"Going well, Tony. Just keeping busy with the business and this little guy," Tommy said, gesturing to his newborn son, Luke.
"He's adorable," you said, managing a genuine smile as you looked at the baby. For a moment, the weight on your shoulders lightened.
"Thank you," Tommy said proudly. "He's a handful, but we're loving every minute."
As you continued to mingle, you felt Joel's eyes on you. He was helping Tommy with the food, but his concern was palpable. He approached you, his expression serious.
You smiled at Joel, remembering the last time you interacted with him by the lake. That memory was a rare bright spot amidst the pain your father had caused after it.
"Hey, Joel. Good to see you here," you said, wondering why he decided to come. You tried to lighten the mood, despite the pain radiating through your body with every movement. The fabric of your clothes rubbed against your skin, irritating the unhealed scars, but you did your best to endure it.
"Ellie and Tommy wouldn't take no for an answer," Joel replied, his tone a mix of annoyance and warmth.
You chuckled softly, though the motion sent a sharp pain through your ribs. "They can be pretty persuasive."
Joel's eyes softened slightly, but his concern remained. "How are you holding up?"
"I'm fine," you lied, forcing a smile. "Just tired from all the studying. It's near my graduation, and I have to prepare for the finals."
Joel's eyes lingered on you, taking in the pallor of your skin and the dark circles under your eyes. "You look sick. Are you okay?" he asked, his voice tinged with worry.
You hesitated, feeling the weight of his concern. Joel was a man of few words, often letting his actions speak for him. His gruff exterior hid a deeply protective nature, one that he rarely showed to anyone. "I'm okay, really. Just a bit run down," you replied, trying to sound convincing.
Joel frowned, clearly not convinced, but he decided to lighten the mood. "So, how's school going? When are the big finals?"
You forced a smile, trying to ease the tension. "Yeah, finals are coming up. Lots of studying and late nights."
Joel nodded, his eyes never leaving your face. "I remember those days. Ellie gives me a hard time about studying too. But she's a smart kid, just like you."
"Thanks, Joel," you said softly, appreciating his attempt to comfort you. You cracked a small joke, trying to lighten the mood. "I just hope I don't end up like a zombie by the end of it."
Joel chuckled, though his eyes remained serious. He noticed how you occasionally winced and shifted your weight, clearly in pain. "You sure everything's okay at home?" he asked gently.
"Everything's great," you lied, remembering your father's stern warning. "Just the usual stress of school and stuff."
Joel's concern deepened, but he didn't push further. But before Joel could probe further, your father suddenly joined the conversation, his presence commanding attention.
"Joel, good to see you," he said with a broad smile that didn't reach his eyes. "What are you two talking about?"
Joel straightened, his demeanor shifting. "Just catching up, Reverend."
Your father chuckled, waving his hand dismissively. "Joel, we’re at dinner. Call me Tony. We’re friends, remember?"
"Sure, Tony," Joel said, though the familiarity felt forced.
"How's the construction business going, Joel?" your father asked, his tone amiable.
"Busy as always," Joel replied, his eyes drifting back to you occasionally. "But it's good. Keeps me occupied."
Your father nodded, pretending to be interested. "That's great to hear. We should get together sometime, reminisce about the old days."
Joel's gaze met yours briefly, and you felt a flutter of something in your chest. "Yeah, that sounds good," he said, his voice lacking enthusiasm but polite nonetheless.
As they continued to talk, you couldn't help but steal glances at Joel, feeling a strange sense of longing. His concern was genuine, unlike the superficial care your father displayed. It made you yearn for something more, something real.
Joel's eyes met yours again, and for a moment, it felt like he could see everything you were hiding. His concern was like a warm blanket on a cold night, a small comfort in the midst of your storm. You smiled at him, a silent thank you for his kindness, and he returned the gesture with a slight nod.
"You remember the time we went fishing at the lake, Joel?" your father said, trying to sound nostalgic. "We caught that huge bass, and you almost fell in trying to reel it in."
Joel smiled, though it was a shadow of his usual warmth. "Yeah, I remember. Good times."
You watched the exchange, feeling a pang of longing. Joel's presence was a reminder of what you were missing – genuine care and concern, something your father could never provide.
As dinner progressed, everyone was making conversations and catching up. You remained silent, but to avoid suspicion, you occasionally joined in, talking to Ellie and responding when someone addressed you. Joel observed quietly, speaking only when necessary or when someone engaged him directly. His occasional glances toward you felt like anchors, ensuring you didn’t drift too far into the depths of your own discomfort.
When it was time to sit down for the meal, you ended up seated across from Joel. Your father, ever the sociable one, continued to dominate the conversation, regaling everyone with stories and jokes. You picked at your food, the pain in your body making it hard to eat.
Joel noticed your discomfort, his eyes filled with quiet concern. He whispered after you shifted uncomfortably for the umpteenth time, "You sure you're okay?" this time in a whisper so your father wouldn’t hear.
You forced another smile. "I'm fine, Joel. Just tired."
He didn't look convinced, but he let it go, respecting your space. His presence, though, was a constant reminder that someone cared, even if you couldn't fully accept it.
The conversation flowed around you, snippets of dialogue filling the air.
"So, Ellie," your mother said, smiling warmly, "how's school treating you?"
"It's good, Mrs. Gibson. A lot of work, but I'm managing," Ellie replied, glancing at you with a reassuring smile.
Your father, ever the charming host, turned to Tommy. "And how's the construction business? Keeping you busy, I hope?"
Tommy laughed. "Busy doesn't even begin to cover it. We're swamped, but that's a good problem to have."
Joel's eyes flicked back to you as you winced slightly, shifting in your seat. He could see the struggle in your movements, the way you tried to hide your pain. His gaze softened, but he remained silent, respecting your space.
Tommy, clearly enjoying the topic, continued with enthusiasm. "We’re working on this big project downtown. It’s a major redevelopment of an old warehouse into luxury apartments. It's been a challenge, but it’s rewarding. We’re talking high-end finishes, state-of-the-art amenities. It’s a bit of a tightrope walk between maintaining the budget and meeting the client’s vision."
Your father, clearly interested, responded with a knowing nod. "Sounds like a big undertaking. How’s the team handling the pressure?"
Tommy grinned. "We’ve got a solid crew, but it’s been intense. Lots of late nights and early mornings. Joel’s seen the stress firsthand. He’s been around to lend a hand whenever things get tight."
Tommy’s gaze turned to Joel, as if inviting him to elaborate. "Right, Joel? You’ve had your fair share of those late nights, haven’t you?"
Joel nodded, a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips. "Yeah, late nights and long days. It’s all part of the job. We keep pushing through because, in the end, it’s worth it."
Your father leaned in, his curiosity piqued. "You’ve been in the business a long time, Joel. What’s been the biggest challenge for you lately?"
Joel paused for a moment, thinking. "The biggest challenge is always adapting to new demands. Clients want more, and sometimes it feels like we’re racing against the clock. But we get it done."
Tommy, sensing an opportunity to keep the conversation lively, added, "Joel’s been great about handling the unexpected. I remember one time we had a major issue with a contractor, and Joel stepped in and saved the day."
Joel’s expression remained neutral, but there was a glimmer of appreciation in his eyes for Tommy’s support. "Just doing what needs to be done," he said.
Your mother’s voice was bright and enthusiastic as she shifted the topic. "Tommy, Maria, how’s little Luke doing? I can't believe how quickly he's growing."
Maria’s face lit up with pride. "He’s amazing. It’s been an adjustment, but we’re loving every moment of it. He’s starting to smile more, and it's just the sweetest thing."
Your mother nodded approvingly, her smile wide. "Oh, that’s wonderful! It’s such a joy to watch them grow. We’ve always said that parenting is the most rewarding experience."
The words felt like a raw wound being picked at, each one a reminder of the dissonance between their image of perfect parenting and your own reality. You shifted uncomfortably in your seat, feeling the sharp pangs of pain that only seemed to intensify with every sugary comment.
Your father, ever the performer, joined in with his own brand of parental wisdom. "Yes, it’s true. Parenting brings out the best in you. It's about guiding them, teaching them right from wrong, and showing them how to navigate the world."
Tommy, clearly enjoying the turn of conversation, added, "Absolutely. We’ve had our challenges, but it’s worth it to see Luke grow and thrive. Every milestone is a victory."
Your mother leaned in with an air of authority. "And don’t forget the importance of structure and discipline. It’s all about finding that balance and being consistent. We always said that’s key to raising well-rounded children."
As the conversation continued, your parents spoke in glowing terms about their parenting philosophy, each statement reinforcing the image of perfection they projected. The more they spoke, the more you felt the weight of their insincerity.
The pain you were trying to suppress seemed to magnify with every word. You gripped your fork tighter, the effort making your knuckles white. You wanted to scream at the facade, the false sense of superiority they exuded while completely ignoring the reality of your struggles.
Joel’s eyes flicked back to you repeatedly, his concern growing more evident with each shift in your posture. He watched as you tried to mask your discomfort, his gaze softening as he saw the strain on your face.
Maria, ever perceptive, noticed the change in your demeanor as well. "Everything alright, sweetheart?" she asked gently, her voice filled with genuine concern.
You forced another smile, though it felt like a mask slipping off. "Just a bit tired, Maria. Nothing to worry about."
Maria didn’t press further but her gaze remained concerned. She glanced at Joel, who gave a subtle nod, acknowledging her unspoken question. Joel’s eyes continued to linger on you, the concern etched deeply into his expression.
As the conversation shifted to a more religious tone, your father, ever the preacher, began to elaborate on his views. His voice took on that familiar, reverent cadence. "Children are a gift from God," he said, his eyes sweeping over the table as if to bless it with his words. "They are entrusted to us to guide, nurture, and instill the values that will shape their futures. It's a sacred duty, one that brings us closer to our faith and to each other."
He continued, the fervor in his voice rising, "The Bible teaches us that we are stewards of these precious souls. Our responsibility is not just to provide for their physical needs, but to mold their character, teach them right from wrong, and guide them in the ways of the Lord."
The words, so full of sanctimonious zeal, felt like a punch to your gut. Each statement was a cruel reminder of the gap between his idealized view of parenting and the harsh reality of your own life. You could feel your discomfort intensify, a wave of nausea threatening to overwhelm you.
Joel’s gaze shifted between your father’s preachy sermon and your growing distress. His brow furrowed, sensing the tension in the room. He saw you clutching your stomach, your face growing pale. Maria’s concern mirrored his as she glanced at you, her eyes filled with empathy.
Feeling trapped, you struggled to maintain composure, but the discomfort was becoming unbearable. You gripped the edge of the table, your knuckles turning white. The facade of your father's perfect parenting began to feel like a cruel joke, and the more he spoke, the harder it became to stay seated.
Finally, unable to endure any more, you excused yourself. "Excuse me, I need to use the bathroom," you said, standing up quickly. Your voice was strained, but you tried to keep it steady.
Your father’s smile didn’t waver, but there was a coldness in his eyes that made you shiver. "Sit down, dear. It’s not polite to excuse yourself while others are speaking. We’re all here to enjoy each other’s company." The reprimand felt like a vise tightening around you.
You glanced around the table, feeling the pressure of everyone’s gaze. "I really need to go," you said, your voice trembling slightly as you tried to hold your ground.
Your father’s smile turned colder, and the sharpness in his tone cut through the tension. "If you must go," he said, his eyes narrowing slightly as if warning you not to embarrass him further. "But do you know where the bathroom is? Don't want to bother Tommy and Maria, they are still eating,"
Before you or Tommy an Maria could respond, Joel’s voice cut in, low and steady. "I can show her where it is. I’m finished eating, so I can walk her there."
Your father’s eyes flicked to Joel, his expression softening slightly in a forced show of graciousness. "Thank you, Joel."
You nodded gratefully, feeling a small measure of relief as you met Joel’s concerned gaze. He stood up, his movements deliberate and calm. Maria was occupied with Evelyn, and Ellie was still eating, leaving Joel as the most suitable candidate to help you.
Joel approached you quietly, his demeanor gentle as he offered a reassuring smile. "Come on, I'll show you the way."
You nodded, standing up with a sense of cautious relief. As you walked toward the hallway with Joel, you could feel the weight of the conversation still hanging over you. Joel’s presence was a quiet comfort, his concern a stark contrast to the harshness of your father’s demeanor.
As you made your way down the hall, Joel glanced at you, his eyes filled with genuine worry. "You feeling okay, kid?"
You managed a small, appreciative smile. "I'm good, thanks, Joel."
He gave a reassuring nod as you approached the bathroom door. "I’ll be right here if you need anything. Just take your time."
As you stepped inside the bathroom, the coolness of the tile against your skin was a brief respite from the tension. You leaned against the sink, taking a deep breath to steady yourself. The solitude offered a momentary escape from the scrutiny and discomfort you’d felt at the table.
With trembling hands, you slowly opened your dress to check the scars, the ones that had been worsening over the past few days. The sight of them made your heart sink further. They were inflamed, bruised, and itching painfully. You traced the edges with your fingertips, and the pain was sharp and immediate. A stifled hiss escaped your lips as tears welled up in your eyes. The physical agony was overwhelming, but it was compounded by the emotional turmoil of the evening.
You tried to steady your breathing, but the pain made it difficult. Your fingers brushed the scars again, and a small, anguished cry escaped you. The pain was almost unbearable, and you felt the tears streaming down your face uncontrollably.
From outside the door, Joel’s voice cut through the quiet. "Kid, is everything alright in there?"
His voice, tinged with concern, snapped you back to reality. You quickly wiped your tears, trying to compose yourself. "I’m fine, Joel. Just... give me a minute."
There was a moment of silence before Joel spoke again, his voice gentle but firm. "If something’s wrong, you can tell me. I’m here to help."
You hesitated, the pain and fear making it hard to respond. "I... it’s just—it's nothing serious. I’ll be out in a second."
After a few deep breaths and a final check, you composed yourself as best as you could. You pulled your dress back into place, the physical discomfort still sharp but slightly more manageable. You wiped away the remaining tears, trying to regain your composure.
Opening the bathroom door, you found Joel still standing there, his eyes meeting yours with a mix of concern and patience. You offered him a shaky smile, hoping to convey that you were alright. "Thanks for waiting."
Joel’s gaze lingered on you, his concern deepening as he took in the faint tremble in your hands and the redness in your eyes. "You okay, kid?"
You nodded and smiled, trying to appear nonchalant. "Yeah, why wouldn't I?"
Joel didn't respond immediately, his eyes searching yours for the truth. “You sure? You look...like you're in pain."
Your smile faltered, and you looked down, unable to maintain the facade under his steady gaze. “It’s nothing,” you mumbled, trying to deflect. “Just...school stress."
Joel's eyes narrowed slightly, but he decided not to push further. "Alright, if you say so. Let’s get back to dinner.”
You both returned to the dining room, where the atmosphere had lightened considerably. The meal continued with lively conversation, the clinking of silverware, and the warm glow of shared company.
After dinner, your mom joined Maria in the kitchen to help with the dishes, their laughter and chatter floating through the house. Outside, your father, Tommy, and Joel settled on the backyard porch, their conversation punctuated by the occasional sound of a beer bottle opening or the murmur of crickets.
You found yourself in the living room with Ellie, who was scrolling through her phone while little Luke slept peacefully on the couch. You took a seat next to her, and she looked up, smiling.
"Hey," you said, leaning back into the cushions. "How's school been for you?"
Ellie shrugged, putting her phone down. "It's alright, I guess. Same old stuff. How about you? Finals must be tough, huh?"
"Yeah, they are," you admitted. "But it's almost over. Just a few more months, and then we're done."
Ellie grinned. "Bet you can't wait to get out of here."
You laughed softly. "Yeah, it's definitely time for a change. How about you? Any plans after high school?"
"Maybe college, if I can figure out what I want to do," Ellie replied. "So...Tell me, are there any boys at school you've got your eye on?" She tease giving you a smirk.
You blushed, shaking your head. "No, not really."
Ellie rolled her eyes playfully. "Oh, come on. Everyone knows you're like the most popular girl in school. The boys are all over you."
You sighed, feeling a mix of amusement and exasperation. "I can't say I'm like that and it's not quite like that. They're just...curious, I guess."
"Curious about what?" Ellie asked, raising an eyebrow.
You hesitated, then shrugged. "I don't know, it seems like they're curious about me."
Ellie then brought up what she saw a week ago. "So...don't want to be nosy, but I saw you with Jamie the other day. Is he the one?" She gave you a smirk, clearly enjoying teasing you.
You rolled your eyes and shook your head. "No, he's just a friend."
"Come on, you can tell me," Ellie insisted, nudging you playfully.
You blushed and tried to deflect, but Ellie wasn't letting up. "Stop, Ellie. It was nothing."
Ellie grinned, leaning in closer. "Okay, but don't tell anyone. Jamie's been trying to get close to me. It's been going on for two months now. We’ve gone out a few times. He’s kissed me, but it hasn’t gone beyond that."
Ellie raised an eyebrow, looking more serious. “And he’s asking for more, isn’t he?”
You nodded, feeling a knot of confusion and frustration in your chest. “Yeah. He keeps bringing up sex, but I’ve told him I’m not ready. He said he’d wait, but he keeps asking. I don’t know what to do.”
Ellie leaned back, her expression thoughtful. “Jamie’s the captain of the football team, right? Popular, blonde, not too smart?”
“Yeah, that’s him,” you confirmed, sighing. “He’s nice, but this pressure... I don’t know if I’m ready for that.”
Ellie nodded understandingly. “You shouldn’t feel pressured to do anything you’re not ready for. If Jamie really cares about you, he’ll respect your boundaries. And if he doesn’t, then he’s not worth it.”
You sighed again, the weight of your father's teachings pressing down on you. "But... I’m afraid he’ll be disappointed if I don’t do what he wants. Jamie is nice and polite. His family has giving our church a lot...he also giving me a lot of nice stuff, like dress, necklace and all. My dad always said if someone’s nice to you, you should be nice back. And always obey men because they’re higher in status than women."
Ellie’s eyes widened in disbelief. "Who told you that?"
You shrugged, feeling a bit defensive. "My father."
Ellie shook her head, her expression turning serious. "That’s...kinda messed up. Just because someone’s nice doesn’t mean you owe them anything, especially not your body. And men aren’t superior to women. We’re all equal."
You bit your lip, considering her words. "But that’s how my daddy raised me, Ellie. He always says women should obey men."
Ellie leaned forward, her eyes filled with conviction. "Well, according on how Joel raise me. He taught me to stand up for myself and that I’m just as important as any man. It’s about respect, not obedience. You don’t owe Jamie anything just because he’s nice. If he can’t respect your boundaries, he’s not worth your time."
You felt a flicker of hope at her words. "I... I guess you’re right. It’s just hard to go against everything I’ve been taught."
Ellie reached out and squeezed your hand. "I know it’s hard, but you deserve to be with someone who respects you and your choices. Don’t let anyone, not even your father, make you feel less than you are."
When Ellie said that, it felt like a hit to the chest. "Don't let anyone, not even your father, make you feel less..." Her words echoed in your mind, resonating with a truth that was both comforting and terrifying. You wished you could believe it, wished you had the strength to stand up to your father. But the reality of your life loomed large and unyielding. Defiance meant danger. Defiance meant pain.
As Ellie's words replayed in your head, you felt a knot tightening in your stomach. You imagined standing up to your father, telling him that you were more than his expectations, more than his strict rules and harsh punishments. The thought made your heart race with a blend of hope and fear.
You glanced at Ellie, her eyes filled with a fierce, protective light. She believed in you, saw your worth even when you couldn't. It was a beacon in the darkness of your doubt, a small but vital spark of hope.
Yet, the idea of challenging your father felt insurmountable. His shadow stretched long over your life, dictating your every move, every thought. You had been molded by his will, taught to obey without question, to live in the confines of his rigid beliefs.
You had to pretend to be the perfect daughter, maintaining the facade that your father was the saintly preacher everyone believed him to be. The weight of this pretense was suffocating, but it was the only way you knew to survive.
Outside, the conversation between Tommy and your father continued, their voices a low hum against the backdrop of the evening. Joel, on the other hand, was mostly silent, nursing his beer as he leaned against the porch railing. His eyes flicked occasionally to the living room, where you and Ellie were talking.
Joel's expression was hard to read, but there was a tension in his jaw, a tightness in his grip on the beer bottle that hinted at his unease. He listened more to your conversation than to Tommy and your father's, though he tried to appear disinterested. Something about you drew him in, made him care more than he wanted to admit. He told himself it was none of his business, that he had no right to interfere in someone else’s family matters. But still, there was a nagging feeling in his gut, an instinct honed by years of protecting those he loved.
As Joel watched you, he saw the way your shoulders slumped slightly when you thought no one was looking, the way your eyes darted nervously to the doorway whenever a noise came from the kitchen. You were like a skittish animal, always on alert, always ready to flee or freeze. It reminded him too much of the broken children he'd seen in the aftermath of tragedy, children who had learned too young that the world was a dangerous place.
He took another sip of his beer, trying to push the thoughts away. He didn't need more complications in his life. He had enough to deal with, enough to protect. But damn it, there was something about you, something that called out to the part of him that had once been a father, that still is a father to Ellie. It was a part of him that couldn't ignore the signs of distress, the silent cries for help.
In the living room, Ellie continued to speak softly, her words a balm to your troubled heart. "You know," she said, squeezing your hand, "no matter what, you've got me. If you ever need to get away, to take a break, my door's always open."
You looked at her, the warmth in her eyes contrasting sharply with the cold dread that usually filled your days. "Thank you, Ellie," you whispered, your voice barely holding back the tears. "It means more than you know."
Joel caught that moment, saw the brief glimpse of vulnerability and the strength it took for you to accept Ellie’s offer of support. It stirred something deep within him, a protective instinct he hadn't felt in a long time.
He tried to shake it off, focusing back on the conversation outside. Tommy was laughing at something your father said, their voices blending into the background noise of the night. But even as he tried to tune them out, his mind kept drifting back to you. He didn't know what he could do, or if he should do anything at all.
As the evening wore on, Joel glanced back at you one last time, his eyes meeting yours for a brief moment. Maybe, just maybe, he could find a way to help, without overstepping the boundaries he was so careful to maintain.
The last few weeks had been a blur of routine and unspoken tension. Each day felt like a balancing act, with you trying to maintain the perfect image your father demanded while wrestling with your own growing doubts and fears. The only moments of relief came when you could steal a few minutes alone with Ellie, her unwavering support a lifeline in the storm.
One evening after school, you found yourself in your usual spot on the porch, the soft hum of cicadas filling the air. You hugged your knees to your chest, staring out at the darkening sky, your thoughts a tangled mess. You were wearing a nice white mini dress, modest yet elegant, with your hair braided into two sides and adorned with white ribbons.
You had managed to keep up appearances at church, attending every service, helping with every event, but the pressure was becoming unbearable. The weight of your father's expectations pressed down on you like a vise, and each day it grew tighter.
Suddenly, an unfamiliar truck parked in your driveway. You watched as a middle-aged man with a salt-and-pepper beard and black hair stepped out. He had a ruggedly handsome look about him, and as he saw you, a charming smile spread across his face. He stood there for a moment, then walked towards you with an air of confidence.
“Evenin’,” he said, his voice a smooth drawl. “Is this Father Gibson’s house?”
You nodded, standing up and smoothing your dress. “Yes, it is. Can I help you with something?”
He chuckled, the sound deep and rich. “Well, aren’t you a polite one? I’m lookin’ for the Reverend. Is he around?”
You nodded again, trying to ignore the flutter in your stomach. “He’s inside. I can get him for you.”
As you turned to go inside, he called after you, his voice teasing. “You know, you’ve got a real pretty smile. Brightens up the whole place.”
You felt your cheeks heat up and forced a polite smile. “Thank you, sir. I’ll be right back.”
Inside, you found your father in his study, poring over his notes for Sunday’s sermon. “Dad, there’s someone here to see you.”
Your father looked up, frowning slightly. “Who is it?”
“I don’t know his name, but he’s outside waiting,” you replied.
Your father nodded, rising from his chair and heading towards the door. You followed him, your curiosity piqued.
The man was waiting patiently on the porch, his hands in his pockets. As your father approached, he extended a hand with a broad smile. “Reverend Gibson, pleasure to meet you. I'm Naomi's cousin, I assume she already told you?"
Your father shook his hand, a wary look in his eyes. “Ah, yes. Nice to meet you, Mr. Smith."
The man leaned in slightly, lowering his voice conspiratorially. “I was hopin’ we could have a little chat. Got some things I’d like to discuss."
Your father glanced at you, then back at him. “Of course. Let’s step inside.”
As they moved inside, the man glanced back at you, giving you a wink. You watched them disappear into the house, a strange mix of apprehension and curiosity swirling inside you.
Not long after, you heard the rumble of Jamie's truck pulling up. Your heart lightened, and you smiled, walking towards the driveway with an eagerness that belied the tension you had been feeling all day. You hung by the fences, your fingers curling around the cool metal as Jamie got out of his truck.
"Hi, Jamie," you said, your voice bright with excitement.
Jamie grinned, his eyes lighting up at the sight of you. "Hey sweetpie, how are ya doing? looking beautiful as ever,"
Jamie’s compliment made your cheeks flush, and you smiled shyly. “Thanks, Jamie. I’m doing alright. How about you?”
Jamie’s grin widened. “Can’t complain. I was thinking maybe we could catch that new movie tonight. What do you say?”
The thought of escaping the confines of home and spending a carefree evening with Jamie was a welcome distraction. “That sounds great. But I need to ask my dad first.”
Jamie nodded, settling back into the truck as you approached the front door. The door swung open, and you saw your father still deep in conversation with the man you didn’t know, whose gaze was fixed intently on you.
You swallowed hard, trying to ignore the unnerving feeling that his eyes were tracing every inch of you.
You spoke to your father, trying to keep your tone as casual as possible. “Father, Jamie asked if I could go to the cinema with him tonight. Is it okay?”
Your father glanced at you briefly, then at the man, whose expression was inscrutable but decidedly interested. “Jamie Lee?” your father asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Yes,” you replied.
Your father’s eyes flickered with annoyance at being interrupted but softened as he looked at you. “It’s not ideal to leave while we have a guest here, but alright, you can go. Be back by eight.”
You thanked him and turned to leave, but as you did, you couldn’t help but notice how the man’s gaze lingered on you. His eyes, though polite, seemed to hold a predatory glint, scanning you with an intensity that made you shiver slightly.
You gave a nervous smile as you rejoined Jamie at the truck, who was looking at you with a hopeful expression. “Dad said it’s fine. Let’s go.”
Jamie’s face lit up, and he slid into the driver’s seat with an easy grin. As he started the engine, he turned on some country music, the tunes filling the truck and momentarily lifting your spirits. The drive was smooth, and you found yourself relaxing, your earlier worries momentarily forgotten.
After the movie, Jamie suggested a detour. “How about we grab a drink? There’s a little bar outside of town where we can chill for a bit. What do you say?”
You hesitated, not entirely sure about the idea but wanting to enjoy the evening. “I don’t know… I’m not really into drinking.”
Jamie reassured you with a charming smile. “Don’t worry, it’ll be fun. Just one drink, I promise.”
When you arrived at the bar, a dimly lit place with a cozy, rustic feel, you felt a mix of excitement and nervousness. Jamie led you inside, and you slid onto a barstool. Jamie ordered whiskey for himself and told you he’d get you something sweet.
The bartender handed you a glass, and you took a tentative sip, expecting a cherry cola. Instead, the liquid was warm and had a strong, unfamiliar bite. You grimaced, looking at Jamie with confusion. “This doesn’t taste like cherry cola. Are you sure this is what I ordered?”
Jamie leaned in, his voice low and soothing. “Nah, it’s whiskey, babe. I thought you might want to try something a bit more adventurous.”
Your heart skipped a beat. “I can’t drink whiskey. I’ve never had it before, and my dad would be really angry if he found out.”
Jamie gave you a reassuring smile, placing a hand on your back. “Relax. It’s just a drink. No one’s gonna know. Besides, it’s just one drink. You’ll be fine.”
You hesitated, glancing around the bar. The atmosphere was relaxed, but you couldn’t shake the nervous feeling in your stomach. Jamie’s insistence and easy demeanor made it hard to say no. You took another small sip, trying to convince yourself it wasn’t a big deal.
Jamie’s eyes twinkled with mischief as he watched you. “Just have a little more. You might actually like it. It’s good for loosening up, you know?”
Reluctantly, you took another sip, feeling the warmth spread through you. The whiskey tasted harsh and made you cough slightly. “I don’t think I’m cut out for this.”
Jamie laughed, a bit too loudly, but with a genuine affection in his voice. “Don’t worry about it. Just relax and have fun. We’re here to enjoy ourselves.”
Despite the alcohol, you felt an uneasy flutter in your stomach, the drink making you feel lightheaded. Jamie encouraged you to drink more, and you found yourself gradually giving in, the whiskey dulling the edges of your anxiety.
As the evening wore on, you felt the effects of the alcohol more clearly. Your thoughts became hazy, and the room seemed to spin slightly. Jamie’s presence became more comforting, and his laughter more infectious. He kept encouraging you to drink, telling you it was all in good fun.
The bar buzzed with life around you, but the world felt distant, the sounds muffled by the warmth and haze of whiskey. Jamie’s arm around your shoulders was a constant presence, a mix of comfort and tension that made your skin tingle.
As he helped you into the truck, his touch was firm, and you leaned against him, inhaling the potent blend of whiskey and his cologne. The city lights outside blurred, a streak of neon against the dark sky, but Jamie abruptly pulled over to a quiet, secluded road.
“Jamie, where are we going?” you asked, your voice trembling with a mix of curiosity and apprehension.
Jamie’s gaze was intense, a smoldering look that seemed to pierce through the fog of your mind. “I just wanted to be alone with you,” he murmured, his voice low and slightly slurred. His fingers traced your jawline, his touch both tender and possessive.
The air in the truck was thick with anticipation, charged with an electric tension that you couldn’t ignore. Jamie leaned in, his breath hot against your ear as he whispered, “You’re so incredibly beautiful. I’ve been wanting you for so long.”
A shiver cascaded down your spine at his words, a confusing mix of desire and trepidation swirling within you. The whiskey had softened your inhibitions, making you feel exposed and vulnerable.
His words were like a seductive caress, stirring a deep, unsettling need. “Jamie, I can't,” you began to say, but his lips silenced you, capturing yours in a slow, deliberate kiss.
His lips were rough, demanding, and they moved with an intensity that set your senses alight. His hands roamed over your body, finding the buttons of your blouse with a hunger that made your heart race. he's messaging your boobs you slowly moan because it feels so good.
The kiss deepened, his tongue exploring your mouth with a passionate urgency. His hands were warm but rough, the contrast of his touch creating a mix of discomfort and electric thrill.
You felt a rising heat as he tugged at your blouse, the fabric yielding under his insistent fingers. “Just this once,” he murmured between kisses, his breath hot and ragged. “It’ll be everything you’ve ever wanted, I promise.”
A part of you wanted to resist, but the intoxicating mix of his touch and your own growing desire blurred your judgment. You felt a strange, almost reckless surrender, your boundaries melting away in the intensity of the moment.
"Stop, I-I can't," you said
"I promise, it will feel good, baby," he said
Jamie’s fingers moved with a deliberate skill, teasing and exploring your most sensitive spots. You gasped as his touch sent jolts of pleasure through your body, making your head swim with a mix of desire and confusion. The whiskey's lingering warmth mingled with the heat rising within you, clouding your ability to think clearly.
His other hand slid down your back, pulling you closer until you were almost on his lap. The friction between your bodies only intensified the sensations coursing through you. You could feel his arousal pressing against you, a hard, undeniable reminder of his desire.
“Jamie,” you breathed, your voice a mix of protest and longing. “I shouldn’t—”
But your words were cut off as his fingers found their mark, pressing and circling with just the right pressure. Your hips bucked involuntarily, seeking more of that delicious friction. A moan escaped your lips, unbidden and undeniable.
“Just let go,” he whispered, his voice husky with need. “I’ve got you.”
His mouth found yours again, the kiss deepening as he continued to work you with his fingers. Your body responded eagerly, every nerve ending on fire. You clung to him, your hands fisting in his shirt as you surrendered to the sensations overwhelming you.
With a deftness born of experience, he slipped your blouse off your shoulders, his lips trailing hot kisses down your neck and across your collarbone. Your skin tingled where he touched, each kiss sending a wave of heat through you.
His hands moved to your breasts, kneading and teasing, his mouth following close behind. The contrast of his rough fingers and the softness of his lips was intoxicating, making you arch into his touch. You could feel the last vestiges of your resistance crumbling, your body aching.
“Jamie,” you whispered, your voice a mix of wanting for more but you are scared, “Please, stop…”
His eyes darkened and he wasted no time in shedding his own clothes. The sight of him, bare and ready, sent a fresh wave of heat through you. He reached for you, pulling you close until you were both lying back on the seat, your bodies entwined.
With a slow, deliberate motion, he positioned himself at your entrance, his eyes never leaving yours.
“Jamie, please,” you begged, a note of panic creeping into your voice as his grip tightened and his movements became rougher. The initial pleasure was swiftly giving way to pain, each thrust sending shockwaves of discomfort through your body.
“Stop, Jamie, it hurts,” you pleaded, trying to push him away. But he was too strong, his body a heavy weight pinning you down. His eyes, glazed over with alcohol and desire, didn’t seem to register your distress. Instead, his anger flared, his thrusts becoming more forceful and unrelenting.
Tears streamed down your face as you cried out in pain, your voice breaking with each sob. “Please, stop! Jamie, please stop!” you screamed, your hands frantically pushing against his chest, but it was no use. He was lost to his own needs, driven by the alcohol coursing through his veins.
You felt a deep, pervasive sense of violation, your body and spirit shattering with each brutal movement. Desperation clawed at your insides as you prayed for an end to the torment. “God, please make him stop,” you whispered through your tears, your voice a broken, helpless plea.
But Jamie didn’t stop. His grip on you tightened, his fingers digging painfully into your skin. The pain was overwhelming, each thrust tearing through you, leaving you feeling dirty and used. Your cries for mercy fell on deaf ears, drowned out by the sound of his ragged breathing and the cruel rhythm of his assault.
Time seemed to stretch endlessly, every second an eternity of agony and despair. You felt yourself slipping into a numb, distant place, a coping mechanism to survive the relentless onslaught. Your body became a vessel of pain, your mind retreating to a place where the hurt couldn’t reach you.
Finally, with a shuddering groan, Jamie reached his climax, his body stilling as he released himself inside you. The moment he pulled out and rolled away, you curled into a ball, your body shaking with sobs. The physical pain was nothing compared to the emotional devastation, the sense of betrayal and violation that coursed through you.
Jamie lay beside you, panting and spent, seemingly oblivious to the trauma he had inflicted. His eyes slowly cleared as the effects of the alcohol began to wear off, but the damage was already done. You felt hollow, your trust shattered, your sense of self irreparably damaged.
"Fuck, I'm sorry," Jamie mumbled, his voice thick with regret as he reached out to touch you. You flinched violently, recoiling from his touch as if it burned.
"Get away from me!" you screamed, your voice raw with pain and anger. You felt so dirty, so violated, your mind reeling from the horror of what had just happened. You wanted to disappear, to vanish from the world and escape the unbearable weight of your trauma.
Jamie pulled back, his eyes wide with shock and guilt. "I didn't mean to... I was drunk... I—" His words were a pathetic jumble of excuses, falling on deaf ears.
"Just shut up," you spat, your voice trembling with rage. "Just shut up and take me back to town. I can't be here with you. I can't even look at you."
He nodded mutely, too ashamed to argue. As he started the truck, you pulled your clothes back on with shaking hands, each movement a reminder of the violation you'd endured. The drive back was silent, the air thick with a tension that neither of you dared to break.
When the truck finally came to a stop near the outskirts of town, you didn't wait for it to fully halt before you opened the door and stumbled out. "I can walk from here," you said coldly, not looking back. "I don't want to see you ever again."
Jamie opened his mouth as if to say something, but no words came out. He simply nodded, the look of regret and sorrow etched on his face as you slammed the door shut and started walking away.
As you walked, each step felt like an eternity, your mind a whirlwind of pain and confusion. You couldn’t go home, not like this. The thought of facing your family in your current state was unbearable. Instead, you turned your steps towards Ellie’s house. She was the only one who would understand, the only one you could trust to hold you through this nightmare.
You stumbled up the porch steps, your vision blurred by tears, your makeup smeared and your hair a tangled mess. Your dress was wrinkled and torn, a stark reminder of what had happened. You knocked on the door, hugging yourself tightly in a futile attempt to keep warm, to feel safe.
When the door opened, it wasn’t Ellie who stood there. It was Joel. You looked up at him, your eyes wide and filled with tears, your breath hitching in your chest.
Joel's eyes widened in shock and concern as he took in your disheveled appearance. "What happened?" he asked urgently, his voice trembling with worry. "What’s going on? Are you hurt?" Ellie wasn’t home; she was staying at a friend's house for the night.
The sight of him brought a fresh wave of tears, and you couldn't hold back the sobs any longer. You collapsed to the ground, your body shaking with the force of your cries. The world around you blurred into an indistinguishable mess of pain and despair.
Joel was beside you in an instant, his strong arms wrapping around you, pulling you close. "Hey, hey, it's okay," he whispered, his voice breaking as he held you. "You're safe now. I've got you."
As he held you, his heart raced, a sense of urgency fueling his every movement. He noticed the blood seeping through your legs, and panic gripped him. There was a raw, protective anger in his eyes, one that he usually kept buried deep beneath his calm exterior.
You buried your face in his chest, your tears soaking into his shirt. "Joel," you choked out, your voice barely more than a whisper. "He hurt me. He wouldn’t stop. I begged him, but he wouldn’t stop."
Joel’s body went rigid, his jaw clenching as he struggled to maintain his composure. "Who hurt you?" he demanded, his voice a mix of anger and sorrow.
"Jamie," you sobbed, the name tasting bitter on your tongue. "I told him to stop, but he wouldn't listen."
The silence that followed your confession was thick with tension. Joel’s face darkened, his eyes blazing with a fierce protectiveness that made you feel a flicker of safety amidst your despair. He took a deep breath, clearly fighting to keep his anger in check.
"Come on, let's get you inside," he said softly, helping you to your feet. His touch was gentle, but you could feel the barely restrained fury simmering beneath his calm exterior.
He led you into the living room, where the soft glow of the lamp cast a warm light on the room, a stark contrast to the cold emptiness you felt inside. Joel carefully sat you down on the couch. He needed to clean you up. The sight of your blood-soaked dress made his heart ache with a mix of sorrow and rage.
Joel disappeared for a moment, returning with a blanket and a cup of tea. He wrapped the blanket around your shoulders, his touch tender and reassuring, then handed you the tea.
"Here, drink this," he said softly, his eyes never leaving yours. "It’ll help."
You took the cup with trembling hands, the warmth seeping into your skin, offering a small measure of comfort. Joel sat beside you, his presence a solid anchor in the storm of your emotions.
"You don’t have to talk about it right now," he said quietly, his voice steady but filled with sorrow. "But I’m here to listen whenever you’re ready."
You looked at him, the tears still streaming down your face. "I feel so dirty," you whispered, your voice breaking. "I didn't want this. I didn’t want any of it."
Joel's face softened, his eyes filled with a mixture of sorrow and fierce protectiveness. "You're not dirty," he said firmly, his voice filled with conviction. "Baby, it's not your fault."
The sincerity in his voice broke something loose inside you, and you sobbed harder, your body shaking with the force of your grief. Joel pulled you into his arms, holding you tightly as you cried. “We’ll get through this,” he promised, his voice a steady anchor in the storm of your emotions. For the first time in a while, Joel opened his heart, letting his walls down to show you his unwavering support.
He held you for what felt like hours, his embrace a cocoon of safety and warmth. The tears seemed endless, each one carrying a fragment of your shattered soul. But Joel remained steadfast, his presence a constant reassurance that you were not alone in your suffering.
As he held you, Joel's thoughts churned with a mix of emotions. He was a man of few words, accustomed to keeping his feelings locked away, buried deep beneath a hardened exterior. But seeing you like this, broken and vulnerable, stirred something dark and primal within him.
It reminded him of his own past, the pain and loss that had shaped him into the man he was today. The memories of Sarah, his daughter, flashed through his mind – the way he had failed to protect her, the helplessness and rage that had consumed him. He had vowed never to let himself feel that kind of pain again, to never let anyone get close enough to hurt him.
Yet here he was, holding you, feeling an overwhelming need to protect you, to shield you from the world’s cruelty. The thought of Jamie, the man who had done this to you, ignited a fierce, burning anger within him. Joel's grip tightened around you, his jaw clenching as he fought to keep his emotions in check.
He would make Jamie pay for what he had done. There was a darkness inside Joel, a ruthless side that he rarely let see the light of day. But for you, he would unleash it. He would ensure that Jamie never hurt you – or anyone else – again. The thought of revenge, of justice, gave him a grim sense of purpose, a way to channel the turmoil inside him.
Joel's mind was a storm of conflicting emotions. He was deeply troubled by the sight of you in such pain, and his protective instincts surged to the forefront. He knew he had to keep himself under control, to focus on helping you heal. But the thought of Jamie’s actions ignited a cold, calculated fury within him.
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mikiib · 3 months
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The aftermath of freakshow Caine ‘marrying’ Pomni out of possession of her- his ‘doll’. She uses it as a chance to try to escape, but after what feels like years… she’s loosing her strength.
The song: Poison (Hazbin Hotel)
The only time she even sees other players is either Ables ‘pet’ Bird- a twisted experiment from a newer player to ‘humiliate’ his brother, OR when she’s preparing for a show- most often dominating in the games after LOTS of practice from the RUTHLESS Caine.
Caines wife can’t be seen as weak- after all she represents him and the circus.
So she uses dancing to fight, using her speed, flexibility and quick thinking to win against the other players- but against Jax? It’s always a mixed bag of wins…
If you’re curious about stuff that likely WON’T be in the music video that I thought about, I’m sure I will be making a whole post that will connect to each little topic! But here’s a few off the top of my head:
Ragatha is the only one she goes easy on. If she can spare a win for her, she does.
Pomni still maintains some pleasures for herself- she’s learned to ‘code’ a bit. Of course only with permission from Caine- she enjoys making small little trinkets and morphs (usually giving them or leaving them for the other players around their tents)
Because of her basic understanding of coding she is considered maintenance for the players for tiny fixes like torn clothes, small injuries and in general upkeep. A flower Kinger was observing got stepped on from Gangles AI twin on purpose? She can fix that. But you loose an eye or tongue or something that was meant to be a punishment from Caine or Able? You’re on your own.
She has learned to ‘like’ most of the other players outside of Jax. He’s relentless in his cruelty, and only got worse after Kaufmo abstracted.
Every win she makes she’s given a reward for- whether she wants it or not… and if she looses? A sleepless night of punishment. In Pomnis opinion, some rewards can be just as terrible as punishments.
- bath + pampering
- alcohol
- simulated sun room with a garden
- interacting with the other players for a celebration
- a new outfit (sometimes with bonus abilities)
- lavish dinner dates
- ‘love’ bites
- training
- physical and mental abuse
- being paired against an abstracted human
- locked in the mansion for days on end with no stimulation
- going up against Jax, Zooble, or Gangle.
- being displayed as a ‘bad’ doll to the other circus members
And other things for literally everything, buuuuut imma keep them to myself for now :)
@hootbon is the original creator of the Freakshow AU!
@sm-baby is the person I originally found the AU through and BOTH inspired me to try my hand at this animatic. (And maybe a few more to come!)
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sm-baby · 8 months
Your fic of Hootboon's au gave me a thought.
Basically, my thought is focused on the long-term aftermath of the marriage, one of the things being Caine's personality starting to rub off on Pomni and how she acts and sees people.
I know it'll most likely never happen (because Pomni and also Caine), I just thought it'd be interesting if Pomni started acting more...caine-ish.
See-- that's the thing that I like about Pomni. She puts up a fight. She puts up mental boundaries. I don't think she would let herself be affected by Caine because she already disassociated from him mentally, and doesn't see him as a good influence even in a subconscious manner. She's a good judge of character.
Girl had ONE bad conversation with Able and didn't allowed herself to be affected with him moving forward. I feel like others would easily fall for the love bombing cuz likely theyre vulnerable and desperate for anything good to actually happen to them, but Pomni is mentally too capable to let it happen.
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thescarletnargacuga · 2 months
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Art: @iamespecter
Racing AU!
Sorry folks, today's race is cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances...and the aftermath of that afterparty! But it's all showtime ALL the time at the Raceway when Pomni takes Caine up on his offer for a second date!
WARNING: suggestive Ragatha/Loo
"Able..? Able to do what?" Pomni asked with a shaky voice. Abel only glared. "Oh! That- that's your name. Sorry."
"I'm not surprised you don't recognize it. Few memories often make it through the transfer."
"You-! You know what's going on?"
"Of course I do. I am a prisoner of Caine, like you. I was the first, but I have since been isolated."
"Wait, you're like me? You're human??" Pomni slid off her bed and took a few steps towards Abel.
"Yes. And I know how to leave. I simply lack access. This is where we can help each other."
Pomni swallowed the nervous lump in her throat.
"In my solitude, I have figured out how to work myself into the game's code, but I must do so slowly lest Caine ruin everything. His most recent distraction..." Abel eyed Pomni up and down. "...Has left me an opening. Enough that I'm finally able to speak in person."
A cold shiver went down Pomni's spine. "So you're the reason things have been glitching?"
"Yes, and they will only increase the closer I get. Keep Caine distracted. Once I have made it to the mainframe, I can use my administrative access and get us all out of here."
"Administrative access? How-?"
"I remember more than most. Caine saw to that personally." Abel's voice deviated from it's calculative cadence to a more venomous tone. "Caine is a rogue AI. Everyone trapped here is his personal play thing."
Pomni felt numb. "H-how do I know your telling the truth?"
"Ask about me." Abel smirked. "I'd love to know what he has to say." He stood. "Keep in mind, Caine is dangerous. Tread carefully. I'll be in touch."
Blue sparks jumped from Gummigoo's eyes and dissipated into the air. Gummigoo staggered and grabbed his head. "Oooooh, crikey. What..? Pomni? What are you doing in my-?" He looked around. "How did I get here?"
Pomni wasn't sure if telling him the truth would be a good idea. "You...were a bit drunk. I guess the silly juice finally wore off." She forced a laugh and pushed Gummigoo to the door. "Looks like you can go to your own room now, have a good night!"
"Pomni, wha-" The door slammed on Gummigoo's face.
Pomni leaned against the door, slid to the floor and curled her knees to ther chest.
Caine teleported himself to his workshop, listlessly floating along. He truly felt lighter than air. The excitement from racing with Pomni had left him full of new soft feelings that he let himself relish in. His thoughts if her turned to new desires. The kiss she blew his way...even as just a distraction, he wanted her to do that again. Maybe a bit closer next time.
He gave a lovesick sigh and slowly backflipped in the air. "What a woman..." As he drifted along he spotted Bubble. "Bubble! I simply MUST tell you about the most spectacular time I just had with Pomni!" He zipped over and grabbed Bubble with both hands.
"Okay, boss! But first I need to tell you that the jungle starting light tasted normal."
"That's gre- wait. Bubble, you've already told me that. That was ages ago. You, uh...you feeling alright?" Caine rolled Bubble around in his hands, seeing nothing visibly out of the ordinary.
"I feel great, boss! Ready to see you announce the winner! Was it Pomni? Is that why you're so excited, boss?" Bubble's smile was as big as ever.
Caine's upper jaw furrowed with confusion and concern. "Bubble, the jungle race was yesterday. We've done a whole other race since, you were there! The- the Drift Disco! The afterparty??"
Bubble just smiled at him with their blank, beady eyes. "Whatever you say, boss."
Caine's eyes widened in horror. "The glitches...they're starting to affect you! Don't worry Bubble, I'll fix it! Whatever's going on, I'll fix it!" He teleported away with Bubble.
The following morning was a slow one. No one left their rooms when sunlight poured in though the windows. With the exception of Jax, who was still passed out under a table.
Ragatha stirred awake, feeling a presence in bed with her. Her eyes gradually widened as she realized she was being spooned by someone. Long, thin arms draped over her. She slowly turned to see Loo peacefully sleeping behind her. Her hand flew over her mouth to keep from screaming. She remembered dancing and...that's about it. Ragatha tried to scoot away but Loo's grip tightened.
"Five more minutes..." Loo mumbled.
Ragatha didn't know what to do. She was flustered all over again, her face as red as her hair. "How did this happen?" She wasn't upset by any means, but couldn't even begin to imagine how she got in this situation.
"You were wonderful last night, that's how~" Loo whispered.
Ragatha put both of her hands over her face, wishing the bed would swallow her whole. "Oh... I'm SO sorry. I don't-"
"I'm not." Loo kissed Ragatha's cheek. "That was the best night of my lives."
Ragatha lowered her hands. "Lives..?"
"Mmhm. Ironically, I didn't have a lot of fun as some medieval princess." Loo giggled.
Ragatha spun around to face Loo. "You REMEMBER??"
"Yes...well, partially. It's sort of like trying to remember a dream, but you...you I remember clearly."
Ragatha's mouth hung open, eyes wide. "How???"
Loo shrugged. "I don't rightly know. You must have made quite the impression."
Ragatha cringed, remembering her finger guns. "...yeah." She cleared her throat awkwardly.
Loo smiled sincerely, kissing Ragatha's palm. "I look forward to seeing you in the next life I get to lead."
Ragatha frowned. "...so, does that mean...you know?"
"That this is all some simulation? Oh, yeah. Not that hard to figure out, really. But, I'm not too bothered."
"Seriously? But all of those lives-"
"Are real to me. And that's all that matters." Loo boops Ragatha's nose. "And I get to see you in all of them."
"Wow...you're incredible."
"I try." Loo giggles and sits up to stretch.
Ragatha sat up too, fiddling with her sheets. "What happens now? Do you wait for Caine or-"
"No, I disappear when I perform my exit action. In this case, it's leaving the garage."
Ragatha wrapped her arms around Loo. "You're never leaving this building."
Loo laughed. "You're too sweet. But, I have to go at some point. How would I ever get to live my next life? Don't worry, I'll find you again." She kisses Ragatha's cheek. "You're worth finding all over again."
Ragatha nearly cried.
Slowly but surely, everyone emerged from their rooms. They gathered in the lounge, waiting for Caine. They all slept so late into the day cycle, he should to be arriving any moment to announce the day's race. Pomni sat on a bean chair, Gummigoo sat next to her.
"Hey, uh, Pomni...did something happen last night? I really don't remember much and, well, you seem...upset."
Pomni was upset. Her whole body was upset. Upset was a constant state of mind for her since Abel showed up. She couldn't look at Gummigoo without thinking she saw blue. "Nothing happened. Really. You just...wandered into the wrong room."
Gummigoo remembered accidentally trying to get into Ragatha's room, it wouldn't open for him. He remembered his own room. He did NOT remember going to Pomni's room. He frowned. "...alright." He got up to move away from her.
Hours pass. They preoccupy their time with mini games and light reading. Gangle draws, making Kinger a portrait of him and Queenie with their extensive combined insect collection.
Kinger smiled, it brought a tear to his eye. "Thank you...moths were her favorite." He went still and silent as memories of Queenie preoccupied his mind. He gently touched her drawn face, trying to remember what she felt like.
Ragatha and Loo were in the throngs of lively conversation. Taking about everything under the sun, laughing together, and enjoying tea from the bubble chef.
Jax knawed on one of his candy sticks, looking out the window. The sun was past it's highest peak and turning west. "Hey, where the actual [%$!#] is Caine?" He asked the others.
Zooble looked outside too. "Now that you mention it...yeah, this is weird."
"Caine's never late." Gangle put her hands over her mouth. "Pomni! What happened last night? You and Caine left together."
Pomni jerked her head up out of a contemplative trance. "Huh? What happened?"
Jax smirked. "Gangle says you eloped with Caine. What did you do to him? He's late."
Pomni suddenly realized it was all eyes on her, again. "Uh, nothing. We just- he, uh, taught me how to drift."
"Oh, well that was nice of him." Said Ragatha.
Gangle narrowed her eyes out of suspicion. "Uh-huh...what ELSE did you do?"
"Nothing. Really. Stop asking." Pomni asserted.
"Oh [%$!#]." Chuckled Jax. "It's serious. When's the wedding?" He grinned wider as Pomni glared at him.
"I said, drop. It."
"Knock it off, Jax." Ragatha groaned. "If Pomni isn't kissing and telling, don't push it." She was joking but Pomni looked at her as if she'd spat at her.
"CAN EVERYONE JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!?" Pomni exploded and marched out the front door.
Caine was in the mainframe painstakingly sifting through Bubble's code line by line, looking for any anomalies. Nothing stood out to him beyond the unexplainable gap in Bubble's memory. He carefully bundled up Bubble's code and their avatar manifested.
"Hey, boss! Don't you know it's race time?"
Caine looked at his wacky watch with tired eyes. "Yes...I know, but you were more important. Are you sure you feel okay?"
"I'm as well off as any Bubble can be!" They cheerfully exclaim.
Caine snapped and the code curtains vanished. He sighed heavily. "I suppose I should tell the racers that today's race is cancelled. I've got nothing for them, not even an old one, ready. I hope they aren't too disappointed."
He teleported himself into he garage, the gathered racers stopped talking and looked to him. He put on his best stage face. "Hello, my gathering of glonkers! I apologize for my tardiness and wish I came bearing good news, but the Amazing Digital Raceway is experiencing some minor technical difficulties. Therefore, today's race has been cancelled." He braced himself for the backlash.
"Oh. Okay." Shrugged Ragatha and went back to talking to Loo. "You could stay another night if you want!" She whispered excitedly.
"Ugh, wish you had said something sooner, Caine. I wouldn't have bothered getting up." Jax leaned back on the couch and closed his eyes.
Gummigoo was mildly disappointed but didn't say anything. Kinger wasn't even paying attention. Neither was Zooble, but on purpose.
Caine wasn't sure if he should be relieved or not by this kind of lukewarm reaction. He counted heads. Someone was missing. "Wait- where's Pomni?" A cold spike of panic hit him. "She hasn't run off looking for doors, has she?"
Gangle pointed to the window. "She's outside. ...you should go to her." A small mischievous smile on her mask.
"Thank you, Gangle. Enjoy your day off! Please excuse me." He teleported outside.
Caine felt candy butterflies in his code as he appeared just a bit to Pomni's left. "Hello, my-"
"WHAT IN THE FLYING MONKEY CHRIST DO YOU WANT!?" Pomni screamed before she looked at who she was talking to. Her stern glare faltered when she saw Caine.
Caine jumped a bit, his hat sliding forward on his head. "Well, hello to you too."
"Oh my god! Caine, I'm SO sorry. I thought you were someone else. Um, hi." She forced a smile.
"It's quite alright. That's not the worst thing anyone's ever said to me as a greeting." He laughed but the smile did not reach his eyes. "A bit on edge today?"
Pomni took a calming breath. "Yeah, um- actually, I'm glad your here..."
Caine perked right up. "Really?"
"Mmhm, can we-? Uh, can I take you up on the offer for a second date?" Pomni blushed just a little bit.
Caine's very being became more vibrant and saturated with color. "Yes!! As it just so happens, I'm free today. I wasn't expecting you to take me up on my offer so soon, so I don't have anything planned...but I'm sure we'll figure something out." He held out his hand to her.
Pomni took his hand and they teleported. She blinked and she was out of bounds, surrounded by random game assets.
"Welcome back to my workshop! Excuse the mess. Here, I create the tracks, if you'd like...you could help me build the next one for tomorrow."
"Oh, okay. Yeah, that's sounds fun. Can we...can I ask you questions? I'd really like to get to know you better. That what people do on dates, after all." She fiddled with her fingers.
Caine's code fluttered. If he had a heart, it would skip a beat. "Of course you can! I'm an open book!" He snapped his fingers and a floating tray of lemonade appeared. He handed a glass to Pomni and clinked his to hers. "Cheers."
"Cheers." She smiled nervously.
Working on the track was as simple as Pomni telling him what she thought would look good and him either finding or fabricating it. He took care of the track technicalities, letting her focus entirely on the aesthetic. Occasional casual questions were asked in between the building stages.
"This is coming together nicely, Pomni. You really have a creative vision." He sipped his lemonade, his coat long abandoned on a random asset.
"You don't think it's cheesy? I mean-"
"Nonsense! If you want cheesy, you should see my backlogs of early builds. Those are just awful. And boring. And unoriginal. I've grown a lot in my time as host." He lounged back in the air as he focused on fabricating a giant neon mushroom.
Pomni sipped her drink. "...speaking of early. Can I ask you about your early life? What was it like, uh-...suddenly coming into existence?" She didn't know how else to phrase it, it's not like AIs are born.
Caine set his drink down in the air, it levitated next to him. "Well, disorienting would be a good word for it. Imagine suddenly appearing in an unknown world with a head full of questions and no memories."
"Yeah...can't imagine that at all." Pomni said sarcastically.
"I-....oh. OH. I never thought about it that way..." He cleared his voice. "Well, moving on, I was introduced to the game. Oh Pomni, I wish you could have seen it in it's hay day. The connected worlds' populations grew so fast! I could evolve an entire world and structure entire adventures and campaigns! I could've entertained millions!!"
"What happened?"
Caine became crestfallen. "An error. An irreversible one. It resulted in the inadvertent destruction of the exit and the trapping of the beta testers."
"Can I ask...um...were one of these beta testers...was one of their names...Abel?"
Caine looked at her. He didn't answer right away, but eventually did so slowly. "No. There has never been any racer by the name of Abel. Why do you ask?"
Panic grabbed Pomni's heart. "I just wanted to know about those who came before me, that's all. I thought I overheard the name at some point, my mistake."
Caine continued to look at her, his eyes unreadable.
She could feel herself sweating. "Uh-! What about the worlds? You said that the game used to be bigger?"
Caine looked down. "Yes, a lot bigger. But that...was human error. I was reduced to what was originally a side quest minigame. An option of an option. Between that and the subsequent entrapment of the beta testers...suddenly everyone beyond my digital realm was gone. I was on my own to figure out how to fix my situation. It's been a lot of trial and error...more error than not." He sighed and then chuckled. "Wow. What is wrong with me? I've already apologized for over sharing and here I am, dumping this on you. I'm sorry." He pinched the area where the bridge of a nose would be.
"No! No! Don't apologize. I asked. I'm glad you trust me enough to tell me. I'm sorry you got rug pulled like that." She took his hand in hers, gauging his reaction.
He smiled, giving her hand a gentle squeeze and bringing it to his teeth for a gentlemany kiss.
Color blazed across Pomni's face.
"Thank you, my dear." He caresses her knuckles with his thumb. "But as good as it's been for me to vent, we should talk about lighter topics."
Pomni nodded, tongue completely tied by Caine's romantic gesture.
As Pomni and Caine continued onto more fun topics of conversation, a small blue spark zipped along the rows of assets. The spark stopped when it reached Gummigoo. With a touch, the Gummigoo asset began to glitch and flicker until it completely vanished from existence.
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the-silent-fellowship · 5 months
Binded to the Mind
Binding of Issac AU
[PT: Binded to the Mind | Binding of Issac AU]
Hiiiiiii, system here who has a obsession with the Binding of Issac and have had this HC/AU idea for a hot minute so ima post it here ig. I would on the fandom blog we have but I like to explain shit with system terms and I’d rather not have system demonizers find it easier.
Anywho. Too the basics! (It’s long so go under the cut)
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Firstly the systems host and assumed original is of course, Issac. Issac is the oldest known headmate in the system yet is the youngest within the headspace. Most to all the others are adults, teens, or older kids. The system is spiritive-heavy with a lot of figures seen form the Bible or at least heavily influenced by it. The system is Traumagenic…if not obvious why. Listed bellow this is general info about each character!
Order: Name, Pronouns, Gender, Roles
Issac, He/Him, Genderfluid, Host (autism creature)
Magdalene, She/Her, Transfem, Co-Host & Main caregiver (A caring woman who shows affection to all)
Cain, He/They, Male, Co-Host & Main Protector (one of the first formed he kinda just sticks out. New York accent)
Judas, Only Name, Unknown, Charge(link) (formed and immediately tried to gets mothers help before being pushed away)
??? (Blue), It/They, Unknown, Urge Holder & Trauma Breaker (formed during the chest incident)
Eve, She/They, Demigirl, Urge Holder (…no comment)
Samson, He/Him, Male, Protector & Anger Holder (after a bit they got so mad that they like swore at their parents)
Azazel, Any, Genderfluid, Janusian(link) & Ex-Co Host (a chaos gremlin who needs a leash)
Lazarus, He/Him, Male, Shock Absorber(link) (tends to be the one at front when they get hurt. He hates it$
Eden, All Pronouns, Pangender, Mood Booster & Symptom Holder (she is one of the few who knows about most of their disorders but like tells no one)
The Lost (Casper), It/Its, Agender, Sadness Holder & Fear Holder (Formed during the chest incident and thinks that they are dead)
Lilith, She/Her, Transwoman, Parental figure & caregiver (she was formed during a time when the parents where fighting and she acts as a form of getting a healthy parent relationship)
Keeper (Cuddles), By name, Non-binary, Comforter & Archivist (Keeper in this AU is based off a toy Isaac has that formed into a headmate)
The Forgotten (Skulls), They/Them, Nonbinary, Masker (The soul acts as a backup)
Bethany, She/Her, (trans)Woman, Religion Holder & Persecutor (Bethany is the only member who actively attempts to hurt the body as a act of punishment due to the religous beliefs)
Jacob & Esau, He/They, Systemgender(link), Protectors & Trauma Holders (The two are mentally linked so can be accounted as the same. When they are separated they end up having self districtive actions)
Tainted characters in this AU are just the aftermath of the system leanring and processing their trauma. So in the beginning of the AU it takes the story but makes it that they end up not dying due to the chest. The mother realizes she fucked up and tries her best to rekindle a relationship with them. She ends up getting suggested a (Christian) therapist who believes they are possessed .
Later on they do find a better one and are able to diagnose them with what they are. They go though the motions to figure out who everyone is and process everything!
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If you’d want to see more please let me know! I really love the concept of plural TBOI and I know there are others who HC the charaters as such! If anyone has questions feel free to put them into the ask box! (Also we may do doodles for it)
(Tag being I mentioned this like a bit ago to you @dove-tears)
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fantasticalbiology · 5 months
The Amazing Digital Battle Circus ep 2 Aftermath
For more context on this here The Amazing Digital Battle Circus Pilot. For those of you who don't want to read that in short The Amazing Digital Battle Circus is an au idea in which the Amazing Digital Circus is a blood sport watched on by millions. The cast fight die and respawn all the time
Gangle is the most deadly person and takes no shit especially from Jax
Kinger is crazy but battle hardened
Jax has the same personality and gets the crap beaten out of him by everbody for it
Caine is more blood thirsty because he in this AU has acess to all the internet. Whenever he says the boys at C&A he talking about the company behind The Amazing Digital Battle Circus Caine and Able
Ragatha while nice is cold blooded
and Pomni is still a nervous wreck, but is just as deadly as everyone else
Now what this post is about
Caine: Hello, Hello and welcome to the recap of the Amazing Digital Battle Circus, as always I’m Caine, host and commentator of the greatest blood sport on the internet. For those who don’t know this is a way to decompress and tell you about everything even the unseen stuff of our little show here, so lets begin.
Caine: The most dangerous woman in the ADBC suffered her first lost in the Candy Canyon Kingdom arc at hands of THE FUDGE, but she got her run back as she filled Jax with explosive and turned him into a chocolate rabbit and you can guess the rest.
Caine: The rising star of the ADBC [Laugh track]. Who am I kidding she is not, losing fight after fight, she has a worse record than Zooble. However a bleak light has opened up as Pomni is now able to summon the gummy gator gang. The boys at C&A however had to make some room for these summons so say goodbye to the abstracted long arm mcgee and Jummy, they will not be missed, I mean seriously they only ever talked to Zooble so what is the point of keeping their memories alive.
Caine:Thanks to the beautiful freaks that watch the ADBC, the Ragged Ravenger Ragatha due to popular demand now has the ability to summon Princess Loo. This is the only time were doing this so don’t expect the Amazing Digital Battle Circus to become the Amazing Digital Love on the Battlefield Circus because that is already a registered trade mark somewhere else. I do however think she threw the token for Princess Loo away as most npc are useless against human combatants in a direct fight anyway
Caine: Jax can now add drowned in chocolate and fed to The Fudge as one of the many ways he has died in the ADBC. However before he died he saw Gangle lose to The Fudge so his Moral should go up and he’ll keep fighting. [Looks off screen] Nevermind he is currently being made into Gangle b**** all is right with the world
Caine's announcement
Caine: As you all know I made Kinger the war commander for the Candy Canyon arc, and he did wonderful so Kinger has won the MVP award for most amount of candy guts spilled. He has also gained army of candy men,
Caine: Gangle… was there, and that’s all I can say
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omiteo777 · 9 months
Post-Abstracted AU Character Bios.
Rett - Since the day he was saved from abstraction, he hadn’t been himself lately. From losing his tongue and jaw to receiving trauma in the aftermath, the dog spent most of his time isolated, avoiding any sort of contact from the others.
Wriggle - Despite no physical damage on his body, the worm suffers through the trauma given from his experience as an abstracted. The pain and suffering he went through was the final straw of his mentality decreasing. Fortunately, he was able to keep in contact with his other friends as they would be the source of his comfort throughout his lifetime in the circus.
Moppsy - Like with Wriggle, Moppsy would also suffer from trauma given from her experience as an abstracted, especially during the times she would think of finding the exit. The poor sock puppet would go through the trouble of pure insanity and would lash out at others without warning. In addition, she would suffer from multiple scars surrounding her entire body along with losing one of her ears due to the abstraction clawing at her and brutally ripping her ear off in an attempt to trap her inside of it again. Since then, she had not been herself.
Yucko - The yellow clown had changed a lot since he was forced out of his abstracted form. In the aftermath, he would lose a hand and part of his lower arm from the abstraction tearing through it while trying to bring him back inside of it forcefully. Ever since then, he wanted to plot revenge on Caine. All the pain and trauma that he and his friends have received from the AI’s lies and manipulation to the point of abstraction was all he thought about. Not once did he let it go for some time, and he won’t stop until Caine would get what he truly deserves. He would make sure of that the easy way or the hard way.
Bizz - Having lost his long nose, the jester had suffered through the shock and fear of abstracting again. Now being mentally unstable like Kinger, he can’t help but think he was fool for giving up. He thought that he was coward for it. He saw himself at fault for abstracting without realizing how the others would feel. It stuck with him ever since he was saved from his abstracted form. Each day, he would go through a series of panic attacks whenever he thought about an exit. Something that he would try harder to ignore this time so that he wouldn’t abstract again, if it were possible. Thankfully, the others would give him support and encouragement on fighting his fears. It would take a while for him to recover from the whole ordeal. Rather he would fully recover or not, he would have the goal to never let himself abstract again. All for the sake of his sanity and friends.
Doz - The purple dinosaur was known to act the opposite of her usual adventurous tone. She used to be this happy and cheerful dinosaur who would make the journey more fun by having the others admire the adventure they were in. After being forced out of her abstracted form, that wasn’t her anymore. She was now just a purple dinosaur who wanted nothing to do with anyone. All she cared about was herself. She had an attitude towards the others. It wasn’t like her, but Caine made her this way. The rage built inside of her like Yucko was over the top. She wanted revenge for the way she was treated. The fact that Caine lied about the exit and forced everyone to stay in the circus was something she could never understand. However, AIs were known to be manipulative, so it wouldn’t surprise her anymore. In the aftermath of being saved from her abstracted form, she would lose her legs, similar to the way Yucko lost his hand and part of his lower arm.
Blonk - Now blind and deaf, the pink cyclops was driven with pure insanity. The only thing he could do was touch and feel everything and everyone around him to keep him sane and careful. The others would take the time to assist their friend continuously, trying their best to not make a single mistake. Whenever Blonk would have a mental breakdown to the point of destroying everything or risking the harm of his friends, they would try their hardest to keep him calm, even when it would fail. Even though it was a lot of work to take care of the pink cyclops, the others never thought on giving up on him, for he was a friend, and friends always stick together.
P.S. These are the bios for each abstracted character listed for the Post-Abstracted AU. I hope they work out as I gave them my all. Again, I wish I could draw what they would look like in appearance, but I’m not good at drawing characters at the moment, so there won’t be fanart anytime soon. Though I will try my best on improving and hopefully I get something out one day, even if it takes a whole year or more. Overall, I’m happy with what I wrote down. Sorry if it’s not much. Thank you for your time reading this. The blurred out abstracted characters will be added as soon as their designs are revealed. 👍
*I do not own the show or the names of the abstracted characters (really like these names). They both belong to their rightful owners, consisting of GLITCH, Gooseworx, and Sunnie_Daies (the names).*
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peekingbois · 4 years
Eyyyy, I'm back with some edits! I really like how these turned out-
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Credit to @arquablysalty for the art of the first one!
Credit to @gabycantart for the art of the Lily one!
Credit to @ask-kinders-teenau for the art of the other Ted one (the third one)!
Credit to @toastykiiro for the art of the Monty one!
Credit to @lavphire for the art of the Penny one! (The fifth one)
Credit to @displacedbias for the art of the Felix one! (roleswap Felix)
Credit to @arquablysalty for the sketch and @frosty-chiion for the coloring of the seventh one! (Cain's not able aftermath/Cain)
Credit to @cainsnocreaturefeature for the art of the Theonny one and the last one! (cainsnocreaturefeature)
Go show all of them some love they're awesome!
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Cass is CERTAIN her instincts haven’t failed her, even if she can’t see anything. And temporary moment of contemplation. Jason feelin a little homesick but his brothers will return to keep him busy.
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bigskydreaming · 3 years
Like, the idea that victims should be grateful for their victimization because it involves elements they’re able to turn INTO forms of empowerment is sooooo soooo odious to me.
To bring the typical attitude of TW fandom in regards to how they so often viewed Scott as ‘ungrateful’ for the assault that made him a werewolf, like back to Batfandom, its like saying that Dick Grayson should be grateful his parents died, because it led to him being trained by Batman and given the resources that led to him becoming a hero and saving all kinds of lives as Robin and Nightwing.
Except....Dick’s trauma and tragedy are not the REASON he’s a hero. HE is. There was never absolutely any guarantee, any given, about the fact that even WITH the resources and training he got after his parents’ death, that he would ‘inevitably’ end up a hero - that’s still down to his own choices. He could have just as easily lain about Wayne Manor for the next ten years just wallowing in misery, and that’s a thing that could have happened and he wouldn’t have been a terrible person for it.
Just like....imagine saying that Jason should be GRATEFUL for his murder, because it led to him getting more training from the League of Assassins and becoming the bad-ass he is as the Red Hood....as though its just a given that he couldn’t have become just as competent if not more if he had ended up living and training more as Robin, before splitting off on his own.
Imagine saying that Cass should be GRATEFUL for how David Cain raised her, because of the skills it gave her in reading body language, as though that didn’t come with a price tag in the form of her years of isolation, trouble with other forms of communication, and oh yeah, the abuse itself. Imagine saying that Damian should be GRATEFUL for being raised as a child assassin because of how deadly it made him, or for his death because of the superpowers he briefly got in the aftermath. Imagine saying that Tim should be GRATEFUL he was left alone and neglected enough as a kid that he could afford to devote himself to the routines that led him to eventually join the Batfamily and become Robin and then Red Robin, or that Duke should be grateful for what happened to his parents as it eventually led to him unlocking his meta powers like that couldn’t have happened while his parents were still an active part of his life, etc, etc.
Its just....a very gross idea, to me. That heroes who have been victims at some point in their life in part OWE their heroics and accomplishments to their past victimization, and by extention, their actual victimizers.
How about no?
Incidentally, this also might have a lot to do with my resistance to Dick-as-a-Talon fics, because not ALL the time, but with some I’ve read, there is a tendency to stray into this territory in the sense of treating his ‘upgrades’ in healing and senses, etc, as ‘worth it’ - which bugs the shit out of me because it usually glosses over the fact that he’s one of the top tier superheroes and fighters in the DC universe even WITHOUT those things, and for eighty years he’s never NEEDED what the Court does to him in various AUs in order to be a ‘more effective hero’ and so its like.....nah. Let’s skip the idea that deliberately inflicted torment and trauma are ever something that someone needs to be grateful for. 
Suffering does not actually beget strength. At most, suffering REVEALS strength, but the strength was already there all along. Far more often, its more like strength exists in spite of suffering.
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katehuntington · 4 years
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2020, 2nd edition Disclaimer: ‘Kate Huntington’s Author & Fanfiction Recommendations’ is a platform for writers, to show appreciation for their work and expand their audience. I do not claim to be the author of these stories, neither do I own them. Read each writer’s warnings carefully, most of them are rated +18.
Without further ado, here is my list of recommendations.
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One shots
“My Hero” - written by @plaidstiel-wormstache Angst/fluff - Sam Winchester x female reader, Dean Winchester - 1524 words     When Sam gets hurt on a hunt, Y/N is the only one who can help him. What I love most about this fanfic is the medical accuracy. I am no expert in any way, but after seeing countless medical dramas and having done plenty of research for characters and stories, I really appreciate it when knowledge about medicine practically drips from my screen. A lovely read.
“Everytime You Leave, I Hit Rock Bottom” - written by @arazialotis  Angst/fluff/slight smut - Dean Winchester x female reader - 2050 words      This story portrays little snippets of Dean’s and Y/N’s relationship as they struggle to balance her normal life with his life as a hunter. The writer has done a beautiful job showing how much of a challenge it would truly be. The longing for each other after weeks apart, the realistic arguments. It’s liberating to read fanfiction that shows the imperfections that come with being a hunter’s other half.
“Nicotine” - written by @talesmaniac89 Angst - Dean Winchester x reader - 1966 words      Dean has plenty of unhealthy coping mechanisms to help him get through his dark days, but the only drug that really helps, is you. This story is inspired by the song Nicotine by Chef’Special and was written for my 1K celebration. The lyrics to this song are surprisingly depressing, despite it being an upbeat song, and the writer has captured it better than I could have ever hoped for. If her writing was music, it would be a symphony played by an orchestra. Her way with words is melodic and moving. Goosebumps all over.
“Over Our Heads” - written by @deanssweetheart23  Fluff - Dean Winchester x female reader - 2482 words      The feelings Dean and Y/N have for each other and have been under wraps for years begin to surface during a movie night. Oh my word, what an amazing thing to witness. This sweet story is a gorgeous piece of writing. How the author is able to take such a quiet and simple moment and turn it into something so meaningful and heartfelt, is beyond me. Talent oozes from this fanfic and is worth your time and love.
“The Voices” - written by @fictionalabyss  Angst/comfort - Dean Winchester x female reader - 1215 words
Based on ‘I hear the voices when I’m dreaming. I can hear them sing’ from the Supernatural anthem Carry On My Wayward Son, comes this breathtakingly beautiful piece of fanfiction. Perfect lines, spot on dialogue and it couldn’t have been more true to the character. It’s painfully raw, sad, and tears will fall. It makes you feel for Dean in ways that are difficult to describe. The writer of this story is known for her talent with words, but she outdid herself here.
“The Things We Tell Ourselves” - written by @imamotherfuckingstar-lord  Comfort/fluff/explicit - Dean Winchester x reader, Sam Winchester      Y/N is miserably stuck in a stale relationship, and then an old flame rolls into town. The very first line is already a winner; what a way to start a fic. The picture this writer paints of a flawed relationship is very realistic. I think a lot of people can relate, being stuck, too far in to just pull the plug. The descriptions are very detailed and this story has the reader wishing for more. 
“Promise Me We’ll Be Alright” - written by @impala-dreamer  Angst - Dean Winchester x reader - 1303 words      This one shot portrays Dean’s struggle with bearing the Mark of Cain so beautifully. Everyone could imagine how rough it must have been for him, but this writer took that pain and my heart with it. She has the ability to leave things unsaid in order for the next line for a bigger impact; it’s smart writing and it’s so effective. It’s vivid, it’s realistic, it’s breathtaking.
“Time For Plan B” - written by @thegirlwhorunswithwinchesters Fluff - Dean Winchester x pregnant!reader, Sam Winchester - 1900 words      So much fluff, that I smiled all the way through. For one, it’s incredibly well written, it flows so wonderfully. Secondly, the comedy and the lightness of this bit of fanfiction is perfect. Writing something that’s funny isn’t easy, but this author did a terrific job. It’s a perfect blend of fluff and funny. Thirdly, who can resist father-to-be Dean? “Side By Side” - written by @talesmaniac89 Angst - Dean Winchester x reader - 2542 words      On the anniversary of yet another fallen friend, Dean is unable to cope with the loss, but thankfully he has Y/N by his side. Another brilliant creation, based on the song Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol. A song which surfaces a lot of emotions, much like this poetic and amazing piece of fanfiction. Words that come to mind are heart wrenching, tear jerking, and in a way comforting as well. A must read.
“Cabin Fever” - written by @slytherkins Angst/explicit - Dean Winchester x Chloe (OFC) - 17002 words      This has got to be hands down the best thing to discover in a while. What an amazing work of art. 17K might sound like a lot and original characters aren’t read as much on this platform, but it is worth every second of time. The storytelling is gripping and the well told tail will not let the reader go. The way the creator described Dean and his torment, his inner thoughts and his struggle is absolutely superb. It’s a homage to everyone dealing with chronic pain, disability and depression. This fic had me clutching my chest and praying ‘no no no no, please don’t do it’ all the way through. I haven’t felt emotional about writing like this much, but this writer knocked it out of the damn park.
“I Just Called To Say I Love You” - written by @talesmaniac89 Angst - Dean Winchester x reader      When Dean gets lethally injured and has only minutes to live, he calls the woman he loves to have one last normal, happy moment with her. It hurts as bad as it sounds, but in the most wonderful way. It’s exactly how Dean would go down, the characterization beyond perfect. The descriptions, the dialogue, the details, the choices. The song that serves as the perfect title has been forever ruined for me. It’s a Rembrandt painted with letters.
“To The End Of Time” - written by @impala-dreamer Angst - Dean Winchester x reader - 2600 words      Talking about fanfiction completely changing the meaning of a song. I have heard ‘Paradise By The Dashboard Light’ by Meatloaf a couple of times on the radio now, and I cannot listen to it without thinking of this story. Dean mourning the death of his loved one is painfully well described. The alternations between the present and the flashbacks, the evident contrast between the happiness that was and the sorrow that is now. It’s beautifully done. The song fits the story perfectly. What a read. 
“Calm After The Storm” - written by @thegirlwhorunswithwinchesters​ Angst/comfort - Dean Winchester x reader - 2200 words      What a pleasant surprise this one shot was! As a stormchaser, this little AU had my heart from the beginning, but you certainly don’t need to be an admirer of the weather to appreciate it. Besides that the subject really appeals to me, it’s also incredibly well written. The comfort Dean offers is sincere and moving.
“Bring It On Home” - written by @thoughtslikeaminefield  Fluff/explicit - Dean Winchester x female reader - 1207 words      Dean comes home to his girl after a hunt, unable to wait to be with her again. This writer has a very poetic way of describing this sweet scene. There are so many wonderful lines in here, little gems wrapped up in heartwarming, carefree and happy fluff. I wish something so pure for my favorite hunter.
“A New Future” - written by @kittenofdoomage​​ Fluff/angst/explicit - Alpha!Dean Winchester x female Omega!reader - 9944 words      Dean is unable to deal with the aftermath of losing his brother, but Y/N is there to pick up the pieces. How she puts the battered hunter back together is a beautiful thing to see in words. I’m always amazed how well this author writes A/B/O. Although it might not be everyone’s cup of tea, she certainly managed to get me on the alpha omega train. The storytelling is strong, the characters authentic, the details amazing, every word of dialogue spot on.
“Comfort” - written by @idreamofplaid​  Fluff/comfort - Dean Winchester x female reader, Sam - 2342 words      Y/N and Dean have a routine when he leaves on a hunt, but also one when he comes home to her, and it’s such a beautiful thing. It’s lovely to witness how comfortable Dean is and how he allows her to love him, as much as he loves her. The details are astonishing, how she makes everything perfect for her hunter to return, how they don’t talk about the hunt, but just are. Very well written, I was floating while reading this and felt warm from all the affection. The writer does a wonderful job drawing the one reading in, making it impossible to put down.
“If It Was To Work” - written by @deangirl93​ Angst/Fluff/explicit - Dean Winchester x reader, Sam Winchester - 3979 words      After a much needed black and white, non-Chuck hunt, the Winchesters go to a bar for a good time. Dean doesn’t expect to run into a familiar face, however. The very first one shot of a new writer and it certainly deserves attention. This new kid on the block has so much potential! This story for instance is an uncut diamond. The writing is smart, with beautiful quotes which call back to the show we all love so much. The author of this fanfic is one to watch!
“Imagine Dean debating asking you out” - written by @luci-in-trenchcoats​   Fluff/comedy - Dean Winchester x female reader      Dean has a crush on a girl, Sam is calling him out. When his little brother threatens to expose his secret, Dean tries to silence him, and it’s honestly the funniest read I’ve had this month. Writing comedy isn’t easy, but this was flawless.
“Imagine depression hitting you hard” - written by @wicked-wayward-warrior​ Angst/comfort - Dean Winchester x Jazzie Baker (OFC) - 1993 words      Jazzie is struggling, but thankfully Dean is by her side. This story is an ode to everyone dealing with mental illness. The way this author put depression to words is both chilling and amazing. Dean being the support and the comforting man that everyone wants in their life if just what I needed.
“Imagine experiencing your worst nightmare” - written by @carryonmywaywardcaptain​ Angst - Dean Winchester x reader      The angst is strong with this one, because Dean expresses what he really feels, but it will not be what you think. The opening is painfully dark, then it takes a turn, and the way this writer described the confusing and anxious thoughts of Y/N is really well done. Everyone can relate to this; being dismissed and hated by the ones you love is worse than losing them all together. A good read.
“All That’s Left” - written by @impalaimagining​ Angst/comfort - Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki, Misha Collins - 559 words      Just the thought of my favorite show ending has me emotional, not to mention when it’s put into words like this. God, this is beautiful.  The way this author describes Jensen, Jared and Misha is amazing. So true to them, so tangible. She’s brave enough to leave things unsaid, the silence expressing so much more than words ever could. Reading how everyone’s favorite people say farewell to Supernatural pulls at heartstrings in a way that is both sad and comforting.
“She’s Not You” - written by @winchest09​ Fluff - Dean Winchester x female reader - 995 words      At the night of senior prom, and Y/N’s date stood her up, until someone knocked on the door. I for one am a total sucker for a prom date!Dean; still a teenager, sort of innocent, and yet still the Dean we’ve all fallen in love with. This was written so effortlessly and sweetly. If anyone is in the need of some tooth-rotting fluffiness, this is the go-to fic. 
“You’re Home” - written by @impala-dreamer​  Angst/explicit - Dean Winchester x reader - 682 words      Another drabble that’s worth mentioning is this short story. It portrays the hunter waking up from a nightmare about Purgatory, Y/N next to him to sooth him. Beka does Dean’s PTSD more justice in 682 words than the writers have ever done on the entire show. A beautiful piece of art.
“Home Is Where You Are” - written by @muggleishly​ Fluff - Daddy!Dean Winchester x reader      Dean comes home from a hunt to his family, and oh my word, it couldn’t be fluffier. Dean as a father melts every fangirl’s heart, but the creator of this lovely little drabble turned it up a notch. Sweet as candy, uplifting and light on its feet. This one will definitely lift your spirits in dark times.
“Handy Man” - written by @deanwanddamons​ Fluff - Dean Winchester x reader - 862 words      Dean fixing a blocked drain under the kitchen sink in a black shirt and Levi’s jeans; what a sight that must be. The writer of this fic is able to describe the scene in great detail. Besides the obvious appreciation of the gorgeous man, it’s great to see him doing something normal and domesticated. It’s the life we all wish for him. A great little drabble for a Sunday morning with a cup of tea by the side.
“One For Tomorrow, One Just For Today” - written by @thoughtslikeaminefield Explicit/fluff - Dean Winchester x reader - 662 words      Sex with Dean is always amazing, but there’s nothing hotter than him singing a classic while he’s doing it. After reading this, that famous song by The Doors will never sound the same. Sit back, relax and listen to the music.
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Thank you for reading! If you enjoyed the work of the authors above, don’t be afraid to let them know. I’m sure they will appreciate it. Feel free to share!
If you have any suggestions or would like a tag in the future, drop a request in my inbox or send me a message.
Love, Kate
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victorluvsalice · 4 years
AU Thursday: Tell Me Where To Find Shelter/Fallout of Darkness Worldbuilding
I really gotta decide on a proper name for this verse. . .anyway, a few worldbuilding thoughts about this weirdass crossover, focused around how vampires work here:
-->I’m still trying to figure out how Bloodlines would work in the world of Fallout 4, but I do know Heather was a person in Alice’s life for a little while. Alice sent her away shortly after the “locking a man in the bathroom” incident, realizing the blood bond was doing awful things to Heather’s head. She wanted to catch up with her at some point, try and forge a real friendship, but -- the ending of Bloodlines happened, and I’m thinking Alice ended up fleeing L.A. as soon as she could.
-->I stated in the past that this version of the Commonwealth has a small vampire community, living in Wildwood Cemetery because I once saw a mod that set up a player house in there. It’s about eight vampires, and made up of the various vampires you can pick for Bloodlines protagonists. I’m thinking Male Ventrue, Female Toreador, Female Nosferatu, Male Tremere, Female Brujah, Male Gangrel, and both the Female and Male Malkavians because I like thinking of them as creepy twins. XD I’m not sure when Victor encounters them, but he helps them out with a hunter problem and earns their loyalty that way. Also, the Malkavians call him “Sole Survivor” because I think it’s funny.
-->The Wildwood vampires have Plasma Fruit from Sims 4 at their disposal! With the nuclear war having killed off a lot of the vampires’ food supply, not to mention a fair number of vampires, the Tremere ended up pouring a lot of effort and blood into a ritual to warp the mutfruit that developed in the aftermath of the radiation. They succeeded, and the Tremere of the Wildwood maintains a couple of plants for their community. It doesn’t taste great to them -- nothing compares to a fresh human neck -- but it satisfies their nutritional needs, and that works for them.
-->As for other vampires in the Commonwealth:
1. I think the blood center up near Fort Hagen is being maintained by a Tremere who hasn’t quite gone wight (aka 0 Humanity) yet, but is on the edge. They’re keeping their emergency blood supply magically preserved, meaning it serves as a great food source for Alice and the Wildwood vampires after Victor ends up tangling with the Tremere investigating the place.
2. You know how Deacon implies that he’s had regular plastic surgery to maintain his anonymity in the Commonwealth? I kind of want to make his “surgeon” a friendly Tzimisce who fleshcrafts him from time to time in exchange for blood. They’ve got the usual creepy flesh decoration thing going on, but it’s all nonsentient animal parts. Everyone is still freaked out.
3. I have mentioned that I think it would be funny for Caine to be the “Mysterious Stranger” in this reality? XD I just want Alice to be able to ask him “so, the cab driver thing didn’t work out, huh?” and tell Nick that he can arrest the Stranger for “murder -- the FIRST murder, in fact!” (Nick, meanwhile, is having a mild panic attack over his “white whale” target being THE GRANDDADDY OF ALL VAMPIRES)
-->Mama Murphy’s Sight in this verse? She spent some time in her youth the unknowing ghoul of a Malkavian, who told her his blood was some sort of special drug. She gained a measure of Malk insight during her time with him -- and when he died, it lingered. She’s been using chems to activate it in a desperate attempt to find the same high drinking “Vitae” gave her. Alice is pissed when she figures this out.
-->Also, I kind of want Coursers to be as tough as they are thanks to some sort of infusion of vampire blood in their system. I haven’t fully decided where the Institute is sourcing this blood, but -- well, it would make SENSE for Beckett to have gotten tangled up in this mess, right?
-->And now, a moment with “Me and My Brain:”
Me: Urgh. . .I still have no idea how I’m going to fix Alice’s little “sunlight issue!” I kind of want to leave the job to Jack Cabot, but I don’t feel like I know enough about him and his quests to really commit to that. . .but what other options do I have?
My Brain: Psst.
Me: What do you want?
My Brain: Remember how you stumbled across Monte Cook’s World of Darkness and liked the general idea of how an incursion by some Lovecraftian being caused vampires and whatnot?
Me: Yesss. . .
My Brain: Doesn’t Fallout 4 canonically have a Lovecraftian being in it? And you stumble right into one of the spots where it was being worshiped?
Me: . . .
Me & My Brain: [evil grin]
So yes, vampires in this verse are in fact the result of Caine’s murder of Abel calling a bit of the essence of Ug-Qualtoth into the world, which “infected” Caine and caused the vampirism thing. Also Kremvh's Tooth (the sacrificial machete you find in Dunwich Borers) is the weapon Caine used to do in Abel. The bit of Ug-Qualtoth in Dunwich Borers notices Alice and her condition while she’s trying to help the hallucinating Victor, and puts it in the couple’s heads that, if they kill someone using the Tooth and Alice drinks the blood, it’ll strengthen the connection to Alice just enough for Ug to fix the “burns to death in sunlight” issue (I can travel near the stars with no issue; why can’t you?) Victor and Alice are -- uh -- anxious about taking the deal, but can’t leave until Victor at least takes the Tooth, and eventually it gets used on some pretty vile enemy, which does indeed lead to Alice being able to walk in sunlight. (Possibly the other vampires too, if Ug is feeling nice.) Alice is quite anxious about being manipulated by the essence of Ug within her, but Ug never actually does anything, content to watch its “children” in this strange world.
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afni-fics · 3 years
One-Shot - Innocence Lost
Innocence Lost (1000 words) by C_R_Scott Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Red Robin (Comics), Batman - All Media Types, Batman (Comics), DCU - Comicverse, DCU Rating: Mature Warnings: Rape/Non-Con Characters: Tim Drake, Dick Grayson, Donna Troy Additional Tags: Red Robin 24, Red Robin 25, what if..., AU, Tim Drake-centric, Tim Drake is Not Okay, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Rape Aftermath, Past Rape/Non-con, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Adoption Series: Part 1 of Batman AU: Mockingbird
In Red Robin 25, Tim Drake life and virtue were saved by Cassandra Cain. What if his life had been saved, but nothing else instead? What happens twelve months after the fact?
  Warning: Possible triggers for mention of a past rape (no graphic descriptions, just references to it) and surrendering a child for adoption.
Dick's voice was somber.  No uplift.  No happiness.  Just a heavy heart as he gazed upon his younger brother.
The eighteen-year-old man sitting in the dark bedroom didn't even register that another presence had entered.  He just sat there, numbly staring at the small bundle cradled in his arms.  When a tiny hand worked free of the blankets that bound it and reached up for him, only then did Tim's expression shift.  He offered one of his fingers, and his lips parted slightly as he watched the delicate little hand wrap tightly around his fingertip.
Everything in Dick's heart told him not to raise his voice.  He wanted so much to let the silence linger a little bit longer.
But the silence couldn't last.  Not today.
"Tim?" Dick said, a little louder.
Tim lifted his eyes from the bundle and glanced uneasily at his brother.  The young man didn't say a word, but Dick could read his silently pleading expression.  He shook his head.
"Donna's here," the older man announced.  "It's time."
Tim turned his eyes back to the three-month old baby in his arms.
Donna Troy sat in the study of Wayne Manor.  Alfred and Bruce waited along with her in silence.  The two older men were grim while the dark haired woman was anxious.  All eyes turned at the sound of the door opening.
Dick held the door open as Tim reluctantly walked into the room.  The young man tried to avoid the gazes of everyone, though his nervous blue eyes caught sight of movement from Donna.  She met him halfway across the room, and for a minute the two of them stood there in silence. 
"Are you sure you want to do this, Tim?"  Donna finally asked, her voice hesitant.  She had been gazing at the child longingly, but turned her eyes to the young man as she posed her question.  "It's alright to change your mind, if you wish."
Tim's eyes were still on the child... his daughter... even as he nodded.  "It's the best for her," he murmured so softly that those in the room without enhanced hearing had to strain to catch the words.  Into Donna's open arms, Tim gently placed the baby.
At the sudden loss of her father's familiar warmth and scent, the infant began to whimper and shift.  The plaintive sound seemed to cut straight through Tim, cracking the feeble attempt he'd been trying to make at remaining stoic through the entire exchange.   His face became immediately stricken and he almost reached out to take his daughter back.  Instead, he froze before he could act on the impulse.  When he finally moved, it was to take a step back away from Donna and the baby.
Donna's eyes were full of tears as she cradled the baby close, instinctively comforting the upset infant as she'd once comforted her own long-dead son years ago.  The former Wonder Girl's heart was tangled up with a mixture of happiness for the opportunity to be a mother again and grief over the entire situation that led up to this point.
Tim, though, felt nothing but anguish as he continued to slowly back away.  Logically, he knew that Donna would be a wonderful mother for the child and that this was all going to be for the best in the long run.  However, at that moment, the innocent baby's cries made him feel like a horrible person for abandoning her to someone else so easily.
"I'm sorry," he whispered as the tears finally spilled down his cheeks.  "I'm so, so sorry." Then, without another word, he spun around and ran out of the study.
"Tim, wait!" Dick followed close behind when his younger brother bolted.  He followed Tim to his bedroom in the manor and felt his own heart break at the sight of the normally strong teenager in the midst of a severe emotional collapse.
Twelve months earlier, Tim had been raped and nearly killed.
A meta teenager who was also a daughter of Ra's Al Ghul had lured him into a trap as Red Robin.  Once the trap had been sprung, she had used her powers to weaken him and brutally take what she wanted from the then-seventeen year old vigilante.
Dick, as Batman, had been in time to save his brother's life, but little else.  The damage had already been done, physically and emotionally.  His brother's tortured screams still haunted Dick's nightmares.
Once he'd recovered physically from the ordeal, Tim became a man obsessed with finding Ra's and the meta who'd raped him.  During his torture, the girl had made it clear that it was his child that she'd wanted.  Despite the circumstances surrounding its conception, Tim became consumed with finding HIS CHILD and making sure he or she wasn't turned into another Damian.
It took nearly an entire year, but Tim finally found her...
A daughter...
His daughter...
A three-month old infant who captured her father's heart nearly upon first sight...
A three-month old reminder of the violation that was her conception...
An innocent child he wanted to protect with all his heart...
A helpless target that Ra's Al Ghul wanted desperately to reclaim...
Even as his own heart ached, Dick wrapped his arms tightly around his brother and held him close.  "It'll be ok, Tim," he murmured into the young man's hair.  "She'll be safe in Themyscira.  Ra's won't be able to reach her, and Donna will love and protect her."
Tim didn't even bother trying to make a show of fighting off Dick's affection.  Instead he clung to the older man, sobbing broken-heartedly. 
Later on, when some time had finally passed, Tim would realize that giving the child away had been the right thing to do.  However, at that moment, in his brother's strong, comforting embrace as his first and only child was walked out of his life, Tim grieved for the loss of both his child and the loss, months ago, of his last strands of his innocence.
Original Author Notes:
Decided to write a flash fiction about a "what if" situation inspired in part by this image by kaciart. At the end of Red Robin #24, it appears that Tim is about to be raped by one of Ra's Al Ghul's brood. Of course, in issue #25 he's saved by the timely appearance of Black Bat, Cassandra Cain.  This "what if" is a look at what might've happened if Tim hadn't been saved in time.
In this story, Tim's life was saved by Dick (as Batman), but he was only in time to save his brother's life. The rape happened.
When Tim was well enough to get back into uniform, he became obsessed with finding the child he KNEW had to have been conceived. Tim had to make a deal with the devil (aka Talia) to gain access to where the child was hidden.  He stole his daughter back because he didn't want a child of his to be turned into another Damian or worse.
Tim fell in love with the baby girl, but knew he could not keep her.  Though he loved her, she was still a painful reminder of the suffering he'd endured when he was raped. There was also the constant threat of Ra's trying to hunt her down to reclaim her, since there was a fair chance she'd inherit her mother's meta genes. This zeroed out any chance to adopt her out to an anonymous family.
Dick was the one who suggested giving her to Donna Troy and having the child raised among the Amazons in Themyscira. Years ago, Donna had been married and had a child of her own, but lost her former husband and son to tragedy. So when offered the chance to be a mother again, she leapt at the chance, though her joy was tempered by the knowledge of how the child was conceived.
This story managed to come in at 1k words, which is the upper limit for a flash fiction. It was hard and I had to do some severe edits, but I think it still works. I think, though, the next short story I write will need to be something a little more upbeat. This one was pretty heavy on the angst.
New Author Notes:
Though I originally wrote this with the intention of it being just a one-shot, I actually did use this as a springboard for the start of a longer story with the working title of Mockingbirds & Butterflies which takes place seven years after this story. I'll be sharing the first three chapters I wrote several years back over the next few days.
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thewillowbends · 4 years
Fic writer meme: 17, 31, and 37?
Do you write your story from start to finish, or do you write the scenes out of order?
Generally, I have a few key scenes in mind when I start something, and I’ll try to jot them down in advance or sketch them, but for the most part I do write linearly.  Especially if it’s a longer story, I feel like it’s kind of impossible to do otherwise.  So much of longer storytelling hinges on being able to maintain a constant thread of ideas that when you skip around in a story it becomes too easy to break the flow.  Quite often, if I write out of order, I find myself having to go back and edit or rewrite scenes in order to make them retrofit when I wrote preceding it.
Do you take liberties with canon or are you very strict about your fic being canon compliant?
I prefer canon-compliant stuff if I’m writing fanfiction.  Canon AUs are fine, kind of like “what if” jump off points to see how a story could have gone in another direction, but if it’s a major, major AU, like fundamentally altering the circumstances and characters, it’s kind of like...why is it fanfiction?  I’ll read it if it’s a good author, but my brain generally views it as an original novel.  And if it’s good enough, I wish for them to delete it, change the names, and publish it professionally so I can pay them for it.
Talk about your current wips.
Hmm, a much shorter list now that I’ve suspended everything I worked on for my one fandom, so here’s the list:
1. A Clear and Perfect Surface - Ongoing Legend of Zelda WIP, romance, Link/Malon.  I hadn’t seen a Link/Malon story that hit all the right buttons for me, so I decided to write my own.  It’s really as much a coming of age story as it is a romance since it’s Link-centric and focusing on the idea of rebuilding life after trauma.  Much slower going than I’d hoped thanks to...life and just a general lack of response for it, but I’m trying to push it out faster going into 2021.  It blew up a little, much larger than the 12 chapters I originally imagined for it, but it will eventually finish.  Hopefully next year I can pump out most of it faster, though I suspect it’s probably going to end up around 200K rather than 150K like I first thought.
2. “The Baring of Teeth” - Lucifer fic, last one I finished before I left the fandom.  It just needs edited.  Season 3 piece featuring Charlotte and Cain, character examination.
3.  Untitled - Vivian/Gabriel one-shot fic for the novel Blood and Chocolate.  Basically just filling the short gap afterwards.
4.  “The Quiet” - Link/Zelda BotW fic, writing meme request fic.  Very close to completed.  (I DIDN’T FORGET ABOUT YOU.  MY NON-WORK LAPTOP JUST NEEDED A NEW CHARGER.)
Dumped/suspended WIPs or discontinued to turn original:
The Loves that Were Not (and the One that Was) - Six lovers Lucifer may have wound up with if the story went another way, and the one he did (Chloe).  Multi-chapter, have about 15K of it done, examining Lucifer winding up with six other characters in the show, and then how it ended with Chloe.  I still add to this occasionally, so I may wind up finishing it for @venividivictorious since it was her prompt, though I may also borrow the format for a romance novel.
The Second Death - Post-canon Lucifer fic where Chloe and Eve went to Heaven after they died, and Lucifer and Maze got stuck down in Hell dealing with the aftermath of the grief.  Originally Mazifer, got changed to platonic Mazifer when I replotted parts of it for 5A.  Was eventually going to explore the idea of rehabilitating Hell.  Had about 30-35K written.  Dumped it when I left the fandom, though I’ll probably poach huge parts of it for an original novel I have in mind featuring Eve and Lucifer of mythology that I’ve had percolating for the better part of a year.
Untitled Case Fic - Long form post-canon casefic with Lucifer and Chloe trying to solve a murder while chasing down a soul that escaped Hell.  Very explicit and humor-driven, had about 30-35K written or outlined.  Not sure I’ll ever come back to it, which is a shame because I had lots of fun writing it.
“Gonna Walk All Over You” - Lucifer and Chloe finally tackle the Candy situation.  The pink platform pumps make an appearance.  Roughly 1K written, dumped.
“The Upturned Hourglass” - Post-canon oneshot where Chloe went to Heaven after she died, examining what happens after.  Roughly 1K written, unlikely to be completed. 
“Sin Crouches at the Door” - Cain lives out his punishment over and over again in Hell when mom drops by for a visit. He’s not exactly sure what it means. 7K written, may or may not be completed.
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stusbunker · 5 years
Supernatural Series All
Questions Series - Complete
A female hunter keeps crossing paths with the Winchesters. Can she trust them? Why is she sticking around after every mess they make?
For Better or Worst Series (x OFC)- Season 14 AU WIP $
Sam Winchester will stop at nothing to save his brother from the Archangel Michael, even if it means taking a ludicrous deal to stop hunting. Months pass and Sam wades through life as an archivist at the local university, while his new wife teaches History.
Can Cas break through their carefully constructed life to get Sam back while remaining under the radar of the powers that be? What is Jack’s part in their schemes? Will Dean ever be safe? What stake does Sam’s wife hold in the deal and can he trust her? As Sam begins to piece together truth from lies, she learns just who she is married to. Will the newlyweds remain united as their deals unravel or part as adversaries? Or worse: strangers?
Through the Years: Reincarnation AU Complete
Souls have a way of meeting in every lifetime. Sometimes they are friends, family, lovers, enemies or rivals. Follow the journey of the relationships with Sam and Dean over many lifetimes. Told by our favorite Angel as a bedtime story.  
KNOWN Series (x demon!reader, x female vessel OC) $ COMPLETE
Hell is a place of torment, a place of pain and despair. A place that had been slowly corroding your soul, until the moment you laid eyes on the Righteous Man and everything changed. Once freed from the confines of your afterlife, you seek out the one person you have any connection to, possessing the first viable vessel you find and riding her in secret.
The years have changed him and you are hesitant to play all your cards. Once he accepts the Mark of Cain, he begins to sense you and all you have been hiding within her. And as much as he wants to rise above temptation, he needs your darkness. But will you allow him to lose his light?
Just Friend Things $ Ongoing
A drunken night finds you and Dean moving into uncharted territory.
A Gentlemen’s Agreement (x Benny) $ COMPLETE
Dean could use a distraction, luckily a few stores are still open. Benny helps him find more than he was looking for. Follow Dean as he navigates a sudden and intense relationship with Benny. Along the way he has to navigate those he loves from discovering his hidden sexuality without losing the best thing that ever happened to him. Can Dean be himself? Will Benny be able to be patient enough to wait until he's ready?
What Lingers Within COMPLETE
Reader witnesses the impossible and is thrust into the world of monsters. Unbeknownst to her, Dean has to face the consequences of old choices.
Hunters’ Crossing $ (Swinging AU) Abandoned
Big Girls Don’t Cry (platonic!plussized reader) Mini Series COMPLETE
Dean calls her back into their lives because Chuck is on the rampage. Can they put the past behind them and save the world?
Heard, Seen, Believed $ COMPLETE
After a messy witch hunt, you call your roommate desperate for some help with the aftermath. Everything changes between you.
Never Doubt the Best Man $ COMPLETE
Dean takes a chance encounter to the next level and invites a hookup to be his plus one to Sam and Jess’ wedding. Will it be the casual fun he intended or will his family and the rest of the wedding party ruin it for them both?
Desperate Measures $ Complete
Dean becomes an Alpha for hire to help keep food on the table while Sam finishes high school. What he finds is a new kind of pack.
The Places We Hide with AU Human!Castiel/Hermit!Dean (DCBB 2022)
Castiel is going through it. He’s been dumped by his husband and demoted at work. A walk in the woods to clear his head makes it all horrifically worse. Luckily, he is saved by a bearded stranger. Through his recovery Castiel searches for the man in the woods. When he finds Dean, an unlikely friendship grows. As Cas comes to terms with the way his life is changing, Dean opens up a whole new world to him.
Spotless (Rockstar Faking Dating AU with Dean/Bela eventual Dean/Reader) WIP
Being friends with the man you've been secretly in love with is hard enough, but he also happens to be your boss. Meet Rockstar Dean, lead singer of Phantom Traveler, an international sensation with multiple platinum albums. As their publicist it's your job to maintain the band's image. But it's been a long year, after losing a founding member to Dean's temper and having to cancel the end of the last tour, you've got your work cut out for you.
What you sell to the record label is a new Dean: rejuvenated from months out of the spotlight, a new romance that hints he's ready to settle down all while still making amazing records. Now, you just need him to agree to it.
Tattered (A/B/O) $ Mini Series WIP
Dean didn't know what she kept from them. But when Sam gets out of the cage wrong, he finds her first. She lets her guard down and gives in to the alpha. What happens when Dean finds out what she really is? What happens when they realize why Sam's ruts are back for the first time since losing Jess?
Screw Biology (A/B/O) $ Beta!Kevin Tran COMPLETE
From the moment you were dragged into the Bunker by the Winchesters, you knew something was special about the young prophet. But with Heaven and Hell working against you, is it worth getting attached? Especially when there are two available Alphas that Nature intended to breed Omegas like you?
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agreateryesterday · 4 years
Wincest - Mpreg fics
Things from the past by Winmance
*Finished* 2 chapters
She remembers how Dean looked at Sam, like the sun never shined before Sam was here, like the colors, the air, the love, everything around him was non-existent before Sam. And Sam, little baby Sammy, would look at Dean with the exact same look, as if he already could tell that his brother would do everything for him. Now, 35 years later, they still look at each other the same, but while she should be happy to see how her boys still love each other, how close they still are, she can’t shut the weird feeling in her belly.
Our Happily Ever After
Thing 1 and Thing 2 by marvelous_spn
*Finished* 24 chapters, One Shot
All Sam and Dean have known their entire lives was hunting. It made them no strangers to pain and tragedy. But what if something happens to them that changes their lives? What will they do as they are lead down a path they thought would never be possible? Will they finally be able to get their happily ever after?m
Its the girls first Halloween and Sam surprises Dean with the girls costumes! This is a timestamp to Our Happily Ever After. Its just a cute little oneshot; so you do not need to read Our Happily Ever After.
Self Sufficient by Anonymous
*Finished* One Shot
Dean and Cas are four hours out when Sam goes into labour. With no help close by, he has no choice but to deliver his baby, alone.
Not Alone by Anonymous
*Finished* One Shot
Sam is on bed rest as he’s having Dean’s triplets. And he’s bored. And Dean...is slowly being driven out of his mind.
steady beat by thebrotherswholoved
*Finished* One Shot
A car accident and one of the boys end up getting a CAT scan or blood test that shows there’s a uterus/hormones found in pregnancy are high
Christmas Come Early by Anonymous
*Finished* One Shot
Sam’s due date is a few weeks away, which means this will be their last Christmas before their lives change for ever. Their baby, however, has other plans.
Giving Up the Ghost by brokenlittleboy
*Finished* One Shot
One night of unprotected passion and Sam is pregnant. He sees it as the start of something new.
Lullabies by TammyRenH
*Finished* One Shot
Sam can’t sleep, the baby won’t settle, he feels big and unbeautiful. Dean takes care of him.
Secondhand by compo67
*Finished* One Shot
On his seventeenth birthday, Sam receives a used music book from John. It seems like the most useless thing on the day their lives change with the arrival of something new.
Sam Winchester Is Not Okay by Anonymous
*Finished* One Shot
Sam doesn’t know he’s pregnant until after Dean takes on the Mark of Cain, and he decides to keep it to himself until things are a little more under control. But then Dean finds out, and makes it perfectly clear to Sam that he wants nothing to do with it. Oh, and he better not go running to Cas either. Sam is left facing a frightening, difficult few months, but will he be alone when the time comes?
Possessed by multishippinglover
*Finished* One Shot
The demon is teasing Dean saying he will kill the baby.
Don't Worry Sammy, I Got You by professor_hartwin
*Finished* One Shot
Dean and Sam began their less-then-brotherly relationship a little over a year ago, but lately Sam's been acting weird. AU where men can get pregnant just like women.
Sickness and Health by brokenlittleboy
*Finished* One Shot
Sam's sick. Really sick. And after a lot of distancing that Dean doesn't know the cause of, he's more than happy to baby his baby brother. Except delirious Sam has a secret for him that he's not prepared for.
Right Before My Eyes by gothpandaotaku
*Finished* One Shot
Going on a hunt is never really a good idea. Going on a hunt while pregnant is definitely a bad idea. Going on a hunt while eight months pregnant is possibly the worst idea anyone's ever had. Going on a hunt while eight months pregnant and Sam Winchester is downright suicidal.
Worth It by ObsidianRomance
*Finished* One Shot
Sam and Dean go off the grid to ensure their son is delivered safely. That doesn't mean it's not still quite a struggle for Sam or that Dean's going to get through it in one piece.
The Life Inside by multishippinglover
*Finished* One Shots
demon dean gets Sammy pregnant (he doesn't want to have Deans kid) and when he does he tries to sneak out but Dean catches him
Part 2 of Sam pregnant with demon Dean's kid
Threshold by ObsidianRomance
*Finished* One Shot
After hell, labor is a walk in the park for Sam. The hard part comes when he has to push and Dean needs to couch him through it.
The Time Sam Winchester Mistakenly Thought he was Harboring the Antichrist by ObsidianRomance
*Finished* One Shot
Sam is pregnant. He’s convinced he is growing the antichrist in his womb because there is no other explanation for the crazy things going on with his body.
Hello; Imagine Us; Too Good To Be True; Here, Kitty Kitty; I Think I Wanna Marry You; Marriages Are Made In Heaven; Take Me To Church; The Gift That Keeps On Giving; Lullaby; The Mysterious Room of Magical Mysteriousness; I'm The Colorless Sunrise; Life in Color; First Kiss; Thanks For Nothing; Like A Virgin; Heads or Tails; Gender Neutral; Cherry Blossoms by gothpandaotaku (very loosely a series; mpregs are slanted)
*Finished* One Shots
Sam is alone at Stanford. Sam doesn't do alone well.
Desperate for his big brother's attention, Sam follows Dean on a hunt and winds up right in the middle of it.
Sam had always known life with Dean was too good to be true.
Maybe witches weren't so bad after all.
Dean has the realization that he and Sam could get married now. If they wanted. He wants.
Sam and Dean have something they want to tell Cas.
Sam and Dean get married, and cliche's be damned, it may just be the happiest day of their lives.
Sam has a surprise for Dean this Valentine's Day. Dean is very, very surprised.
Sam's not dealing so well with the aftermath of his time Lucifer in Cas' body. It takes a sleepless night for Dean to notice.
Sam and Dean discover a magical room in the bunker and it may be the answer to their problems.
They settled into a routine of sorts. Dean picked up hots chicks in bars most nights, fucked his brother when he felt like it on others, and they never, ever talked about it. Sam felt like he was drowning.
When someone finds their soulmate, their world bursts into vibrant color. For the first time in their lives, they can see the reds and oranges and golds of a sunset; the blues and greens of a cloudless sky. Until then, they’re stuck seeing in dull shades of gray.
Sam and Dean don't remember their first kiss.
Dean's thankful for many things.
Tag to 12x09 "First Blood" Sam and Dean have a little fun after laying their traps.
"In the corner of the aisle there was a small display of Plan B pills. Ignoring the way his hand was shaking, he shoved them into the basket as well. He walked out of the aisle—and turned around, grabbing a second bottle of pills with a smiling, glowing pregnant woman on the front"
Dean gets a gender neutral surprise for their baby.
Sam Winchester's 36th Birthday.
Moves We Take
Choices We Make by ObsidianRomance
*Finished* One Shots
After finding a place for himself hunting with Dean again and sharing the same bed, Sam finds himself pregnant. Lying is an old protective instinct Sam falls back on and he knows Dean isn't going to be happy about anything when he finds out. Dean finds out.
Sam and Dean deal with trying to make sure Sam is able to carry their baby to term and the complications that result from Sam's actions in "Moves We Take."
Protective by multishippinglover
*Finished* One Shot
sam is pregnant. they're walking and suddenly some guy that used to bully sam in highschool runs into them and insults him; and dean gets pissed and knocks him out
free as the birds that fly. by orphan_account
(Last updated July 2, 2015) 5 chapters
When Sam discovers that he's pregnant with Dean's child, things rapidly need to change. Because in a world full of hunters and demons, there's no place for a pregnant teenager. Fortunately, Sam isn't the only one who intends on keeping the child after dropping out of their cruel, violent lifestyle and together Dean and Sam start something new. Something real.
I love you enough to let you go (even though it's going to hurt)
You must've heard me crying by IsabellaStarsAreEverywhere
*Finished* (Last updated Oct 4, 2016) 29 chapters, 11 chapters
Sixteen-year-old Sam Singer is gay and he's living in a small town, not exactly the best combination. Since he doesn't have any friends, he spends most of his free time in the school library. One evening his father, Bobby, invites two hunters over for dinner. John Winchester and his son Dean are passing through town, and they make a stop at the Singers' That was the best day of Sam's life. Dean sees Sam for what he truly is, which is a fascinating person. They decide to meet again, and again. Then Sam gets pregnant. Sam knows how much Dean loves being a hunter, but he also knows that Dean would give up the hunting lifestyle if he knew about Sam's pregnancy. Sam does what he thinks is best, he breaks up with Dean, and has the baby. The baby is a spitting image of Dean, and when Dean shows up there is really no denying who the father is. But can Dean really forgive Sam for what he has done?
Sam and Dean are enjoying married life, and their son, Noah, is now fourteen months old. Both Sam and Dean want to have another baby. Dean has promised Sam that there will be no more hunts, but then Cody shows up at the Winchesters' doorstep with news about a hunt. A hunt that Dean has been waiting for since he was six years old.
How To Handle a Rope by DownInTheGutter
(Last updated Jan 4, 2016) 11 chapters
Sam doesn’t want to have a kid, but Dean won’t let him get rid of it.
Camper by Vexed_Wench
*Finished* One Shot
Dean had spent the last few years searching down any lead that might explain what had happened to Sam. Dean had turned over every rock looking for the smallest clue about what had happened. He wasn't prepared to find out why Sam had run and who helped him stay hidden.
A Night Out by cwgirlup75
*Finished* One Shot
Dean goes out after a fight with Sam.
By Your Side
Birth by multishippinglover
*Finished* One Shots
Sam is 2-3 months pregnant, and demon Dean is possessive as hell. Sam has had a rough pregnancy is constantly getting morning sickness. Sam wakes up after passing out from dehydration from being sick in a unfamiliar place, freaks out and nearly hurts himself trying to escape. Turns out, Dean has made a room where he can monitor him 24/7 to make sure he's healthy and the baby is fine because Sam never tells him when he's sick.
part to two the last demon!dean mpreg!sam.
Sam goes into labor during sex
Maybe This Time by TammyRenH
*Finished* One Shot
After Sam miscarried twice in the past (after Dean died in season three then again after he and Cas got sent to Purgatory), he's afraid to tell his brother when he gets pregnant later down the road in case it happens again because he doesn't want to get Dean's hopes up. When Sam makes it past the first trimester, that's when he finally decides to tell Dean they're going to be parents - but he already figured it out and understands why Sam didn't say anything.
Believe In Me by BleuBengal
*Finished* One Shot
Dean looks at Sam with such a sadly hopeful and heartbreaking expression that he feels sick about what he now has to tell him. That he's pregnant at age 16. That they're going to be parents. That their lives are over.
Better Than a Bunny; Be a Brave Little Duckie; What a Month; No Good Deed...; New Traditions; Not a Grape; All I Want For Christmas; Never Again; Thumpy Leena; Peanut Makes Three; Every Boy Wants a Giant; I'm the Gingerbread Boy; A.J. the Baker; There's a Sammy in the Hen House; Holiday Cheer by Vexed_Wench
*Finished* One Shots
Sam gives Dean life changing news while they are window shopping with their son.
A bit of fluff about A.J. and his fear of thunder.
Dean looks forward to the new month.
Halloween with A.J.
Christmas Eve fluff.
A.J. surprises Dean with a sandwich.
Dean has a plan for the holidays.
Dean braves the scariest shopping day of the year.
Dean will always save a lady, even if he can't see her.
A.J. and Sam have a chat and a nap.
Sam and Dean wonder about A.J.'s reading habits.
Dean buys new holiday pajamas for A.J. and Sam's not the only one amused.
Dean should learn to ask what's in the food A.J. makes for him.
Sam loves Dean's cooking.
Dean remembers what it was like when they were kids.
If You're Warm, Then You Can't Relate To Me by gothpandaotaku
*Finished* 4 chapters
"You know what I think? I think it should be you up there." The words keep running through Sam's head, like a song on repeat. The worst part is, he agrees with Dean. It should be him up there. How the hell is he supposed to tell Dean he's pregnant now?
You Are My Freak by CC_Sestra
*Finished* One Shot
Starts out a bit dark but ends up oh so happy. Sam doesn't think Dean should have to deal with him carrying the mystical child he can't get rid of. Of course, Dean disagrees. In spades.
Baby by multishippinglover
*Finished* One Shot
Sam in his final months maybe some cuddles and sweet talk.
Forbidden Love by rockondean
*Finished* 31 chapters
Sam and Dean both secretly love each other more than two brothers should. A drunken night together changes everything. But will they both admit their true feelings for each other, or continue to hide from then? Based sometime after Dean comes back from hell.
More parts for more happiness by CC_Sestra
*Finished* One Shot
Sam gets emotional when preggers.
Safe Place to Land by yellowcloud
(Last updated June 27, 2016) 1 chapter
After retiring from hunting 22 years ago, Sam and Dean have to deal with their nest finally being empty. There is literally no plot -- just happy times and fluff.
A Family Affair by Anonymous
*Finished* One Shot
Sam never expected to end up King of Hell. He also never expected to end up carrying Dean’s child. Hell, it seems, is just full of surprises.
Destination by gothpandaotaku
*Finished* 8 chapters
Mary's back from the dead, Sam's missing (and apparently pregnant), and Dean's head is spinning.
Moving on by random_firework
*Finished* One Shot
The one where Dean is anxious.
Date Night by Anonymous
*Finished* One Shot
Sam is pregnant, everybody´s staring and Dean´s never claimed to be a strong man.
Protective by multishippinglover
*Finished* One Shot
Sam is suffering from depression (a normal thing that happens to 1 out of 10 pregnant people) and ends up hurting himself (not the baby). Dean becomes really overprotective and doesn't let Sam out of his sight afterwards.
Dance in the Graveyards by yellowcloud
(Last updated June 10, 2016) 10 chapters
"So what was it, hmm? What could possibly make you stop just like that? A girl? Was there a girl?" "The girl had nothing to do with it." Sam doesn't look for Dean, and ya, Dean's pissed, but he never imagined that this was the reason why.
Nick Of Time by Anonymous
*Finished* One Shot
With Chuck’s peevishness slowly ruining the world, TFW are busy trying to find a way to ensure their family survives it. That means Sam is left behind to look after Elliot and to ensure his safety since it won’t be long until he’s due to give birth. Unfortunately that comes sooner than expected, and Sam is faced with having to deliver his baby by himself.
Forever Faithful by marvelous_spn
*Finished* 3 chapters
Sam finally has everything he's ever wanted. He got his brother back from Hell, they quit hunting, and settled down in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. However, Dean's unexpected reaction to some news may undo everything they worked so hard for.
Sports Peppers on Hot Dogs by compo67
*Finished* One Shot
Without much warning from Sam, Dean can already tell he’s going to be prodded for another hotdog. This place used to only accept cash, which would actually be good for Dean right now, because he’s out. Six months ago, some hipsters complained and the stand accepts credit cards...
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