#cabbage soft
autisticaradiamegido · 8 months
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day 23
idk if ive told yall about my roommate's cat. but he is so so old. and he loves to be on your lap so so much. and he gets so comfy and you feel so bad about moving him because hes literally just a little tiny small little old man who needs his nap time. but also sometimes you have Tasks to do.
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Some KimChay Post-Happy Ending Things
Okay but like imagine with me for a moment if you will:
Kim being unable to keep his hands off Porchay for more than five seconds when they’re alone (he’s not one for PDA)
Kim shyly reaching for Chay’s hand when they go on a walk
Kim smiling like the biggest idiot on Earth the first time Chay calls him his boyfriend
Kim making Chay blush any chance he gets cause he’s so darn CUTE
Kim telling Porchay at every turn that he loves him so he’ll never have any doubts ever again
Before a concert - “I love you, Porchay.”
In the morning - “Chay. I love you.”
While Chay’s cooking dinner and Kim hugs him from behind - “Hey. I love you.”
Before Chay goes to school - “Oh by the way. I love you.”
And of course during lessons - “You went a little flat there. Also I love you.”
Kim and Porchay spending countless hours jamming on their guitars together and composing so many songs on the spot they have stacks of binders full of them
Porsche to Kim - “If you break my brother’s heart again I will hang you by your lovely cheekbones” :)
Also Porsche - “Thanks for always protecting him when I can’t. I’m glad he has you.”
Kim rescuing Chay from Khun
Porchay borrowing Kim’s jackets
Kim dyeing Porchay’s hair and going with him to get his first piercing
Kim going Mafia Prince when some other guy gets too close to Chay - “He’s mine.”
Kim teaching Chay some self-defense and not at all trying to seduce him because he’s definitely going to need it now, as well as the basics of shooting a gun
Kim and Porchay working as a lethal team when faced with mafia shenanigans.
Because while Chay is still a noodle, he’s learned to be quicker on his feet, a little speed demon if you will
He can run to do the important thing while Kim kicks ass and looks hot
Always ends with Kim hugging the shit out of Chay cause he’s an idiot for wanting to stay with him but he loves him so much and doesn’t know what he’d do without him
Kim cradling the back of Porchay’s head with one hand and kissing his neck, then the cheek, then his lips
Kim holding Chay’s face, checking to see if he’s hurt anywhere and Chay’s just smiling at him all in love and stuff
Sexy times, soft and passionate (Porsche - “PORCHAY NOOOOOO”)
Sweet fluffly pillow talk with lots of kisses
The forever running joke between them:
“I love you.”
“I’m hungry.”
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Soft Rolan thingy incoming!
Rolan with a Tav, who is also a magic user, but one that gains their magic through means other than strict study or innate magical abilities, helping the tiefling wizard expand his knowledge of magic? Like maybe Tav is a Moon Druid, showing and explaining some of the magical secrets that can be found in nature, with Rolan suddenly notice how... enchanting Tav is under the moonlight... despite the tiefling wizard's best efforts to remain focused on the moon like Tav is.
Here we go, anon! Sorry for the long wait. I hope you (and flower crown anon) enjoy! Rolan x gn druid!Tav, 3121 words. No warnings, this one's just sweet :)
If there’s one thing that Rolan thinks of, when he thinks of Tav, it’s the glow of moonlight on their lips as they cast. They seem to carry it with them; back in the Shadowlands, it saved him from the dark. Back in the brief but brutal days under Lorroakan’s thumb, it was their moonlight that called to him, though Dame Aylin’s glowed far stronger. And now, in the peace and comfort of his new life, it dances with a radiance less fearsome; a dusting of hope instead of a blaze of glory. He knows very well that they’re capable of both. 
Moon magic is beyond the reach of most wizards, but Rolan does not consider himself to be merely any wizard. Besides, even if he cannot master it himself, he might improve his own practise with its knowledge.
He’s surprised when Lia outright laughs, when he presents this plan in some detail over breakfast. 
‘That’s a complicated way of asking them out.’
Rolan frowns in confusion. ‘I’m not asking them out. I simply wish to expand my magical knowledge.’
‘Did you run out of books in the library? I thought you said it had everything a wizard could ever wish to know.’
‘Lia, you are well aware of the concept of a figure of speech.’
‘I’m well aware of how to get someone to go out with you. Are you going to suggest they hold your hand whilst they’re at it?’ 
‘Oh for the Gods’ sakes,’ Rolan mutters. ‘I do not fancy Tav.’
‘Are you sure?’ Cal giggles. ‘Even your projection tries to flirt with them. It leans over the counter sometimes. I’ve seen it!’
‘Wretched Hells!’ Rolan huffs, gathering up his plate and the morning’s Baldur’s Mouth with an irritable sigh. ‘If the projection is broken, then tell me. And I am sorry the exchange of scholarly ideas means so little to you, but that is truly all I am after. Tav will understand that, even if you troglodytes won’t.’
They do, in fact, understand it perfectly, even if he fumbles his words over it for reasons he can’t quite be sure of. Probably Cal and Lia’s teasing, making him self-conscious. Tav leans in slightly, and the words jam tighter in his throat. 
‘Tomorrow, then?’ they murmur. ‘After shop close?’
They smell of wood and husky spices. Rolan swallows.
‘Ah - yes. Excellent. I will be… ready.’
He endures Cal and Lia’s mockery for the rest of the next day. It is almost as if they want him to date Tav. Which, of course, they will be disappointed in; though the more he thinks about it, the more he can almost see why they would believe it. After all, Tav is his closest friend in the Gate; they are capable, and powerful, and kind. Rolan has made no secret of thinking such, since the day they battled Lorroakan, though most often he shows it in offerings of herbal teas and discussions of fascinating artifacts. 
In fact, he showed them one such artifact the other day, found deep in the Vaults. It was a pendant made of pearlescent shell set with silver; magic he could not yet identify, but he felt to be protective. Abruptly, a memory of their fingers brushing over his inserts itself, and his heart skips a little. Did it do that the first time? Did he simply not notice? Are Cal and Lia… right?
Gods forbid.
A sudden, heavy banging drums him from his thoughts.
‘Coming!’ he shouts, and misty-steps over, opening the door to their rather beautiful face. 
They shift their metal staff over to their other hand, and smile. ‘Here to teach you the power of Nature. If you’re so inclined.’
Rolan nods. ‘Yes. I’m ready.’
Laughing, they raise an eyebrow. ‘You’ve said that twice now, but I’m not sure you are. A good Druid is always rooted to nature, first and foremost.’
From most people, Rolan would consider their teasing tone an affront. But from Tav… 
‘What do you suggest?’ he asks.
‘Close your eyes.’ 
Rolan frowns, but he does it.
‘What are you - oh -’
He has the strange sensation of having his hair stroked. Caressed, even. And then, the caress gets just a little bit tangled -
‘There we go,’ Tav murmurs approvingly.
Opening his eyes hesitantly, Rolan touches the base of his horns, and then touches them again, baffled. It feels like… flowers?
‘Now you’re ready,’ they tease.
‘Was that strictly necessary?’ Rolan asks, blushing, and looks around for the shop mirror. Intended for trying on magical accessories, not vines; but it will do. Sprays of small, bright white flowers intermingle with large, delicate blue ones, twisted up with the long green rushes he’s seen down by the shore in Rivington
‘Bunchflower and Leeblossoms,’ Tav says. ‘And Swordgrass. And no, it wasn’t. But they suit you.’
‘Hmm,’ Rolan mutters. He finds himself smiling. ‘Well. Shall we proceed?’
Tav spends the next two hours teaching him to listen to the plants on the Tower balcony. It’s not quite the glorious start he had hoped for, but he listens diligently anyway, doing his best to feel the strangs of magic in every leaf. They whisper quietly, but they’re there. When he does feel them, reaching for him, he reaches back; hoping the leaf will move or grow or show some sign of his connection. But the tenuous filaments seem to blow away like spiderthread at even his delicate grasp.
They’re smiling, when he looks up. 
‘You felt it.’
He nods and stares.
The hazy sunset glow cannot be the cause of the silver in their eyes. That’s their own, personal moonglow. But it does illuminate them in a warmth that catches him in its haze, as if awakening from sleep on a summer’s afternoon. Oh no. He bites his lip, standing up sharply.
‘Yes. I suppose that’s the end of our lesson for today.’
Tilting their head curiously, they smile. ‘If you want. It’s a very good start. For someone a little out of touch with Nature.’
‘I don’t mean to be,’ he says. ‘But it is very easy. A wizard can sit at home with their books and scrolls for a long time and… not think of anything else.’
‘You seem like you’ve got more on your mind than that.’
The breath catches in Rolan’s throat. This is altogether too much to think about at once. He rarely makes friends beyond Cal and Lia. To have discovered feelings for the only one he has - feelings he has a concerning belief were there all along - is not ideal. And if they don’t return them -
He yanks off the flower crown, and their face falls. 
‘Ah. Sorry, I won’t do that again.’
‘No - I was not thinking -’ 
Even putting it back on can’t restore the moment; but he wasn’t sure he could survive that moment for a second longer anyway. He needs to write in his journal, or down a large glass of wine, or something. Anything to work out what it is he’s feeling.
The moment Tav leaves is the moment Lia and Cal arrive back, as if they were waiting for them to go; but he won’t even let them finish the smirking sentence ‘Nice flower crown,’ before he misty-steps up to his room and sinks down against the wall, burying his face in his hands. His claws bump up against the flowers, and he takes it off, wearily, gently, looking into the ring of tiny golden stamens in each star of white, as if that might offer a clue about what to do next.
He can’t tell them. He feels that much is obvious. They’ve already rescued him from so much, and he doesn’t want to be a burden. Besides. They are the hero of Baldur’s Gate, beloved by their many friends and every stranger alike. Competing with that seems hopeless. 
There is one thing he can do, though. Carefully, he unweaves every strand of the flowers, unpicking with the delicacy of a tailor so as not to break any stems. In the morning, he moves the vase with the reassembled bouquet down to the front counter. 
Now, all he has to do is wait.
By four o’clock, he begins to see the flaw in this plan. They might not come in at all. Some days they’re too busy, or out visiting a Grove beyond the city. But if they’re doing that - they might not be back in time to see the flowers at all. Hells. 
‘Rolan?’ comes a familiar voice. He whips around.
‘What are you doing down here? Something wrong with the projection?’ they say lightly, though their smile is less easy than usual.
‘Ah - inspecting it,’ Rolan mutters. ‘I’ve had reports it is acting inconsistently.’
‘What’s wrong with it?’ Tav asks. ‘I think it’s charming.’
Caught on his own tail, Rolan hastily thinks of something else to say. ‘Well. Perhaps we should take a closer look. Maybe it’s nothing.’
Their eyes wander to the projection, and then they start. When they turn back, their face is aglow with something unreadable. Curiosity, or relief, perhaps.
‘You kept the flower crown?’
‘Yes,’ Rolan says, flushing. 
‘I’m glad.’ Tav smiles. Then, they pause. ‘Close your eyes?’
Well, perhaps an overflowing number of vases is a small price to pay for a crush. Certainly, Rolan feels it worth his while. Each time they come by, they see the flowers dotted everywhere - the counter, the desk, an empty row on the bookshelf - and smile, and cast him another one. New flowers every time, that they tell him all the symbols and uses of, whilst he runs his fingers softly over them and feels Tav’s presence in their petals.
The longer it goes on, the more he almost resigns himself to this life. Of course he wants more but - that would threaten everything they have. Each week, the Tower’s plants grow higher beneath his fingertips, guided by Tav’s thorough teaching, though sometimes they inexplicably sprout thorns. 
‘Probably reflects your mental state,’ they tell him gently. ‘Clear your mind and try again.’
Lia snorts. He hadn’t realised she’d come up to the balcony. 
‘If it’s based on that, I’m surprised they don’t die on the vine. I’ve seen him scowling at them when you’re not here.’
‘Lia!’ Rolan barks.
Tav laughs. ‘They annoy me too sometimes. Plants have got minds of their own. Bastards.’
That makes him snort. ‘Indeed.’ 
‘Where’s my flower crown?’ Lia teases. ‘Or do you make them specially for Rolan?’
Their eyes flick to him, and he feels strangely hopeful; but then, with a laugh, they tell her they can make her one too. He has to comfort himself with the fact it’s not as pretty, or as detailed, as his own. Only one kind of flower, for starters.
‘You know,’ they say, turning to Rolan. ‘I think you’re ready to try Moonbeam. But we’ll have to wait for the full moon for that. It always makes your first time easier.’
It’s only five days’ wait, but it makes him both nervous and impatient. Not that it’s any different, seeing them under the night sky; or at least it shouldn’t be, when he’s seen them like that so many times before. But they’ve promised to take him somewhere special, and secret, and the mystery snags his thoughts, over and over, ripping his focus away from whatever book he’s reading to make him wonder where on Faerûn they mean.
At last, the night arrives. He brushes down his nicest silk robe and puts a silver ribbon in his hair, one that he hopes will complement their choice of flowers. 
Their staff raps on the door, and he yanks it open so fast they almost fall over into him. 
‘You’re keen,’ they laugh. 
‘Ah,’ Rolan mutters, searching for an excuse. This time, he can find none at all. ‘Come in,’ he says hastily.
A bundle of scrolls sticks out of their pocket. 
‘What are those for?’
‘Where we’re going.’
Rolan frowns. ‘I see.’
Tav grins. ‘All will be revealed. In one moment, I promise.’
It’s automatic. Rolan closes his eyes eagerly, awaiting their magic, and they laugh; but it’s a soft laugh.
‘You know me well.’ 
They begin to murmur the words of the incantation, and the vines begin to weave, brushing his temples as they go. 
‘I like your ribbon,’ they murmur. ‘I tried to match it. This kind of flower only blooms at the full moon. It’s called Selune’s Blessing by some, though we prefer to attribute its grace to Silvanus. At least, he can share in its glory.’
A long glance in the mirror reveals intricate midnight bells, brushed with silver spangles and filled with silver stamen. He can see where it gets its name. The last of the petals are still unfurling, and he watches them, breathing quietly, feeling Tav’s eyes on him.
‘It is beautiful,’ he says quietly, and they smile.
‘It goes with your ribbon, too.’
They linger a little in the moment, and then they shake their head, shaking something off inside them. ‘Right. Let’s do this.’
‘Do what?’
They pull out the scrolls - scrolls of flight - and hand them to him. 
‘Go up to the roof.’
It takes a while for them to ascend the Tower’s many portals and staircases, wending their way to the highest balcony. Normally, they’d be talking more than this, but today feels different, and Rolan is suddenly uneasy. The feeling worsens as they take his hand to fly to the roof; not strictly necessary, when both of them have the spell’s blessing. It’s only another ten yards or so up to the very top, but when they’re so far above the city - he feels untethered from reality somehow, and the feeling only worsens as they land lightly in a puddle of moonlight that seems to have been drawn to Tav themselves. 
‘Normally,’ they say softly, ‘I bring new druids out into the wilderness when I’m teaching them. But I thought that for you, this seemed more fitting. And the moon is very beautiful, over Baldur’s Gate.’
Rolan does look up, briefly, but what he sees holds not a candle to Tav, awash with celestial radiance. The lights of the city beneath form the stars in their own night sky.
There’s a long pause. Tav looks as if they’re about to speak; but then they stop. The unease grows. If these flowers only bloom tonight - well, after that, they’re gone. What if Tav is leaving? Going out to the wilderness, where a druid really belongs? Not that it could matter anyway - he’s resolved not to say a word to them, and he won’t, not even as they throw open their arms and call down a ray of moonshine, ethereal and yet powerful, cool and beautiful, throwing open the recesses within him and shining light into each and every one. He loves them. He should have acknowledged that a long time ago - but in this moment he’s grateful, that he has been spared this pain.
‘Rolan?’ they ask. ‘Did you catch that?’
His tail lashes. ‘Ah. No. What did you say?’
‘Feel the ground beneath your feet first. Then, seek your vines; anchor yourself in the ground.’
Closing his eyes, he twists his tail around his ankle, trying to clear his head of thoughts and his heart of feeling. The stones beneath his feet murmur their connection to the ground beneath; and to some miles away, too, where first they were quarried. But the vines - the vines are harder. They taste of Tav’s scent, they twist like Tav’s fingers, they hold him softly in a way he wishes only Tav would. He winces.
‘Are you alright?’ Tav asks.
‘Yes,’ he hisses, strained. ‘I’m fine.’
‘We can try again next full moon. It doesn’t have to be perfect, this time.’
‘You’ll be here next full moon?’ Rolan asks, too quickly, opening his eyes.
They only smile. 
‘Of course. I belong in Baldur’s Gate, I think. There’s plenty of nature to be stewarded here too. Fighting for its space alongside the rest of us.’
‘Oh,’ he says, relaxing a little. ‘I thought you’d… want to be out of the city. Eventually.’
Their eyes glisten with sudden, piercing light. ‘Would you mind if I left?’
A cold breeze licks at his neck, and he blushes. Panics, even. ‘Ah - I would miss any friend, if they left.’
Tav looks a little faraway, the glow in their eyes extinguishing. ‘Mmmm. Well. Now you’re grounded. Reach out your arms.’
He closes his eyes once more. Ground yourself, he orders his mind. Now. 
‘Alright. I’m channeling the moon’s essence for you, as best I can. Let yourself be open to it. And… repeat with me. Ex textura.’
‘Ex textura,’ Rolan murmurs. ‘Ex textura. Zurgan - Ex textura - Hells!’
‘Clear your mind,’ Tav replies. 
He grimaces. Get a grip.
‘Ex textura - ex textura - oh piss off!’ he snaps at himself, at the growing, tangled buzz of frustration in his brain. 
‘Are you alright?’ Tav asks. ‘Perhaps we should try again next -’
‘No!’ Rolan hisses. ‘No - it won’t be any better.’
‘Is there something the matter?’
Rolan wavers, but - if his feelings are the block to his magic, then Tav must surely not return them. Not one single frown of effort has marred their face. No. They must be at peace in his company. Which makes him a fool, for lacking it. He turns. 
‘I think we should stop.’
‘But - you’re so close,’ Tav says. ‘I promise. I can feel it.’
‘What does it bloody matter?’ Rolan snaps. ‘I’m not like you. Tranquility is not my typical state, if you hadn’t noticed.’
They frown, catching his arm gently. ‘It’s work for me too. I have plenty of feelings; I just learn to put them aside during my connection to nature. Once that connection is really strong, it can feed off them; you just have to learn to use it.’
Hope flickers inside him, but he doesn’t let it burn. 
‘Oh.’ He hesitates. ‘Feelings like…?’
‘Anything strong, really.’ Tav pauses. ‘Rolan - I didn’t want to say this - to put too much pressure on, when you were starting your new life - but…’
‘Yes?’ He twists back, looking at them uncertainly. Hopefully. Fearfully.
‘I like you. More than like you. I care for you very much.’
‘Oh, Gods -’ A stupid tear runs down his cheek. ‘I -’
‘I’m sorry -’ 
‘No!’ It’s his turn to catch their arm. ‘Please - I care for you too. I… love you, even.’
‘You love me?’
‘Ah - ’ 
‘Because I love you too. Gods.’ 
They pull him closer, into their pool of moonlight, and brush a strand of hair from his cheek.
‘I -’
Tav never finishes their sentence, because they kiss him instead.
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chiptrillino · 6 months
My biggest issue with young!Jee is that he isn't anywhere near as smart as OG old!Jee, and that just doesn't feel right for the character. OG Jee would have known Zhao was manipulating him against Zuko's best interests the second Zhao opened his mouth.
i disagree. canon jee doesn't tell us much. and honestly jee hated zukos guts. i wouldn't be surprised if jee for some cheep booze told zhaos crew that zuko found the avatar in the south pole. he left, like the entire crew did as well, zukos ship on zhaos order. leaving zuko and iroh behind.
if your interpretation of original jee is that he is smart and a devoted lieutenant, that is fine by me. but it reads vary fanon to me.
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daegall · 7 months
SOFT HRS ARE OPEN ?? oh boy oh boy ... thinking about sunkissed hyuck ... like we always say hyuck = fullsun but u dont get it his skin is radiant in the sun he literally glows and the light filtering through his black hair and glinting off his eyelashes ... what i'd give to be an artist that could see him in this position and paint him all day </3
- 🥬
i'd die for sunkissed hyuck.
he doesn't believe when you say you get soft for his golden skin bc like???? it's just skin!!! but he will never understand!!!!!! how fucking magical and ethereal he looks when he's standing outside with his huge hoodie (the mornings are cold! what is he supposed to do about it??) basketball shorts and slippers, with a scrunched up face from the sun's rays. He'd think he looks like a mess. You think he looks absolutely beautiful, the way his skin glistens and shines from the sunrise, how his pouty lips look way too cute, and heck his bed head!! who could ever say his messy hair looks bad?
and when he notices your stare on him, he can't help but grow a little shy, sneering playfully and nudging you. "what are you looking at?"
You grin back. He'll never truly know how much you adore him. You can only hope he understands from your words when you tell him,
"oh, what I'd give to be an artist, and to paint a painting of you all day,"
(anjay jago gombal)
!!!!! hyuck gets so shy!!!! and how is it possible that he gets even prettier!!!!! suddenly, he's all you can see, and your breath is taken away at his bright smile, and his soft laughter. you thank god for creating such a pretty pretty boy.
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mr-spice · 2 months
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onewholecabbage · 9 months
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It is beautiful tonight <3
@slaymaxuwu @thatoneguy4352 @zayshah @grapeagata @r0ses-and-vi0lets @bigmeatpete69420 @twilit-beast blessed yuletide and have a happy holiday <3 love you all
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so fucking upset. i looked up what's considered concerning weight loss and got a statistic. i looked up the same question but specified teens and i got a bunch of articles about how to lose weight. what the fuck
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creepyjirachi · 6 days
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i made too much salad 🧍‍♂️
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fieriframes · 3 months
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lattebiscotti · 11 months
once again made something and only halfway through realised i’m missing half the ingredients and used whatever i had instead and it came out better than if i had the right stuff
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leafcabbage · 1 year
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my pitas are improving!!!!
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caterpillarinacave · 11 months
Holy FUCK I missed my colcannon
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What about our favorite tiefling wizard, Rolan, and Tav having ended up in a 'friends with benefits' arrangement with each other, but then- Whoops! Rolan has since fallen hard for Tav! Now what? (Tav would be open to pursuing something romantic with Rolan, too, but they were also convinced that the archwizard was not interested in them that way—especially considering the rather rocky start they had—so they didn't dwell on it or get their hopes up, just learned to be content with what they did have with him)
Rolan isn’t sure what convinced him to start this relationship in the first place - he’s hardly a casual man. He has the sinking realisation that these feelings - undeniable now, as Tav’s hands slip over him for a morning cuddle - were there all along. There in the moment when after a sudden, wild burst of spontaneity in the post-Absolute celebrations, their eyes slipped from their drink to his mouth and suddenly he was beneath them on the floor of the Elfsong basement. And there again, afterwards, when after a long pause they asked if he’d like to do it again some time and all he could say was yes. He felt his heart nipped by their nonchalance, a sharp twinge of pain he attributed only to pride.
It wasn’t pride. Of course he wants to do this again, and again, and again; but he wants more than that, and is afraid to tell them so. If he lost them - the only person in so long who he has trusted and wanted enough to invite into his bed, who sees him at his most vulnerable and yet keeps coming back for more - he doesn’t know what he’d do.
Tav’s hand rubs tenderly over his chest. Rolan freezes - but they cuddle closer in, apparently unaware of his inner turmoil, and suddenly he is throwing himself out of bed like he’s been Thunderwaved.
‘I have to leave,’ he mutters hastily, shoving his shirt and trousers back on.
It’s their turn to sit bolt upright, asking him what’s wrong in equal confusion and concern. That was a poor excuse, after all; they’re in his tower. In his bedroom.
Their face folds with a familiar look; their frustration. Rolan knows he frustrates them, and that only makes it worse. They had so many sharp words for each other before Baldur’s Gate that he fears the scars will never fade, even though they long since healed for him.
But the thing about their arguments is that they always come back. Always persevere.
‘We can stop doing this if you want,’ they say quietly.
‘Is that what you want?’ Rolan asks, trying to conceal the harsh note in his voice. Of course this had to end.
Tav gets up and pulls their shirt back on, and the gesture makes him bite his lip until it bleeds. His eyes sting. He should never have taken their hand on that night; should have known it would lead to this.
But then they sit right back down, shaking their head.
Rolan paces; he can’t help it. If his feet are moving, perhaps it can distract from the fact his mouth is too.
‘Then what do you want?’ he mutters. There’s a slight crack in his voice, one that makes him wince and turn his face from Tav.
Bare feet patter softly on the floor, as they steal forward to touch his arm.
‘You, Rolan.’
Vexingly, maddeningly vague. They have him - don’t they know that? He feels like it must drip from him, every time he gasps their name in their arms and buries his head into their shoulder when they stroke his hair. But of course, he has to be the one that humiliates himself with the admission.
He can’t bring himself to do it.
‘What about me?’ he asks instead, crossing his arms.
They groan, and half-laugh, and groan again.
‘All of you.’
Of all the poetic nonsense - that could mean anything. He scowls.
‘So…?’ they ask tentatively.
‘How should I bloody know? I don’t know what you mean.’
Their face crumples. ‘Fine. Sorry. Bad idea. I thought maybe - ’
Rolan’s insides twist. Gods, he can’t help himself - and now they’re putting the rest of their clothes on and heading for the door, and at last it’s the one brutal shove he needs, afraid that when they close that door behind them they’ll be gone forever.
He reaches out and snatches their wrist, letting it go almost as fast.
‘Please - wait - I did not mean - ’
They don’t turn, but they do stop. It’s encouragement enough, and now he can’t stop the words pouring from his mouth.
‘You have to understand, I have not - it has been so long - ’
Zurgan - why has he not rehearsed this? -
‘I did not think you would return my feelings - oh!’
Lips crush against his a little too enthusiastically, as Tav spins and he stumbles back against the wall.
‘Oh,’ he murmurs again, wrapping his tail around them, and then, as he grows more conscious, his arms too. They like him - more than like him - how unexpected.
‘I have all day,’ Tav says at last. ‘How about a date?’
Rolan nods, fighting a very stupid smile. ‘Ah - perhaps - reading together in the Tower? The balcony window seat is -’
They laugh, but before he can be affronted, their mouth meets his again, and he can feel the joyful curve of their lips, the sunlight in their kiss.
‘That sounds wonderful. And then I’m taking you out to dinner. Because it is a date.’
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sharkgirldick · 2 years
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Stew finished!!!
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eeunwoo · 1 year
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btw my mom made sarmale today and usually they come out way smaller but for some reason it’s like a whole tennis ball in there
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