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Public washing house and old fortifications of Céreste, Provence region of southern France
French vintage postcard
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aurevoirmonty · 1 year
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L’essentiel est sans cesse menacé par l’insignifiant.
René Char, cabanon de René Char à Céreste.
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entomoblog · 1 year
Oligoptilomera luberonensis, nouveau genre, nouvelle espèce, premier représentant fossile d'une sous-famille de punaises d'eau, vient d'être décrit et illustré à partir de l'Oligocène de Murs (Vauc...
The first fossil representative of the water strider subfamily Ptilomerinae (Heteroptera: Gerromorpha: Gerridae) in the Oligocene paleolake of Murs (southern France) with some palaeoecological considerations
André NEL, Bastien MENNECART, Tamara SPASOJEVIC, Alexandra VIERTLER, Olivier MARIDET, Loïc COSTEUR, Romain GARROUSTE & Pauline COSTER en European Journal of Taxonomy 888 (124) - Pages 124-136 Publié le 15 août 2023 Oligoptilomera luberonensis gen. et sp. nov., first fossil representative of the gerrid subfamily Ptilomerinae, is described and figured from the Oligocene of Murs (Vaucluse, Southern France).
  Extant Ptilomerinae live in streams in warm climates, of the Indo-Malaysian, eastern Palaearctic, and Papouan regions. The discovery of this Oligocene French Ptilomerinae is in accordance with the putative age of the subfamily, at least older than the Eocene, and with the Indo-Malaysian affinities previously recorded for some other insects from the Oligocene of France.
  The two insect assemblages of Murs and Céreste are compared and the differences discussed. Although of similar ages, that from Murs was possibly corresponding to a more shallow water paleolake than that of Céreste.
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jimmyr07 · 1 year
Photographer Research Post 3
About the Photographer
This post will be about the French Photographer named Henri Cartier-Bresson. He was born on August 22, 1908, in Chantelup, France. He lived up to 95 years old before passing away on August 3, 2004. His most recent work was a scrapbook of his that was published two years after his passing. The scrapbook had several prints that Bresson placed himself, but restoration was done to some of the prints as well. That work is currently in a foundation that is called Fondation Henri Cartier-Bresson. He is known for his unique and unplanned dynamic photos. 
Piece of Work and Personal Opinion
I will only focus on one of his photographs that he took in 1932. The photograph is called Place de I’ Europe Gare Saint Lazare. It was taken outside Saint Lazare train station in Paris. The photograph shows a man attempting to hop over a large puddle, and the picture takes the shot where he is suspended in midair. The man’s feet are just about to touch the puddle, which causes a sense of anticipation. When I first saw the photo, I could tell he does know how to take a dynamic photo. It is a great photo, and it makes me wonder how long it takes for him to take photos like that one. I liked the dynamic pose that the man did while he attempted to jump over the puddle. Dynamic photography is something that catches my interest, but I imagine it takes a long time if a photographer does it unplanned. Even though it might be difficult to do, I might try to take pictures that feel/look dynamic in the future. 
Photo and References (links)
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nathalietardieu11 · 4 years
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#AlpesdeHauteProvence #ProvenceAlpesCôtedAzur #Céreste #Peipin #Mane #Volx #Pierrevert #Pierrevert #Brusquet #Mallemoisson #Malijai #Villeneuve #Oraison #Brillanne #Jausiers #Aiglun #Escale #Gréouxlesbains #Saintetulle #chateauarnouxsaintauban https://www.instagram.com/p/CIY3XbrpOq2/?igshid=15qno3timbque
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willowsisterhood · 4 years
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Narcisse des poètes, Narcissus poeticus
Céreste, France
Visit my Etsy shop for more 😊 : https://www.etsy.com/fr/shop/WillowSisterhood
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soniagivray · 2 years
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La felicidad irradia como la fragancia de una flor y atrae todas las cosas buenas hacia ti". -Maharishi Mahesh Yogui. 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 Happiness radiates like the fragrance of a flower and attracts all good things to you." -Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. #lavender #lavenderfields #nature #flowers #france #provence #lavanda #lavenderroute #holiday #aroma #blossom (en Céreste) https://www.instagram.com/p/CeyiAEvqwOa/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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luberon-provence · 3 years
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Vente maison de village rénovée à Céreste en Luberon https://www.immobilier-en-luberon.fr/maison-de-village-renovee-a-cereste-1001
Renovated village house for sale in Céreste in the Luberon https://www.immobilier-en-luberon.fr/en/renovated-village-house-in-cereste-1001
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randomnotesnet · 3 years
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As a photographer he felt indebted to the great films he saw as a youth. They taught him, he said, to choose precisely the expressive moment, the telling viewpoint. The importance he gave to sequential images in still photography may be attributed to his preoccupation with film.
In 1940, during World War II, Cartier-Bresson was taken prisoner by the Germans. […] In 1945 he made a film for the U.S. Office of War Information, Le Retour […].
Though Cartier-Bresson’s photographs had been exhibited in 1933 [… t]he following three years found him in India, China, Indonesia, and Egypt. This material […] helped considerably to establish Cartier-Bresson’s reputation as a master of his craft. One of them […] contains what is probably Cartier-Bresson’s most comprehensive and important statement on the […] central idea in his work – the decisive moment – the elusive instant when, with brilliant clarity, the appearance of the subject reveals in its essence the significance of the event of which it is a part, the most telling organization of forms.
The French filmmaker Louis Malle recalled that, during the student revolt in Paris in May 1968, Cartier-Bresson appeared with his 35-mm camera and, despite the explosive activities, took photographs at the rate of only about four per hour.
Cartier-Bresson devoted his later years to drawing.
His Leica—his notebook, as he called it—accompanied him wherever he went, and, consistent with his training as a painter, he always carried a small sketch pad.
Aaron Scharf
Quick Facts
Born: August 22, 1908 in Chanteloup, France
Died: August 3, 2004 (aged 95) in Céreste, France
Notable works: “The Decisive Moment”
Founder: Magnum Photos.
# 388
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jeanfrancoisrey · 4 years
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Champs fauché au petit matin près de Céreste, Alpes de Haute-Provence …
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Céreste [Provence] – September 2019
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Public washing house and old fortifications of Céreste, Provence region of southern France
French vintage postcard
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lord-allo · 5 years
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Meine Fossilien-Sammlung | My fossil collection
Dapalis macrurus
Frühes Oligozän, vor 33,9 Mio Jahren | Early oligocene, 33.9 mya
Céreste, Südfrankreich | Southern France
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lostprofile · 6 years
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High-end, urban domestic architecture of the 11th and 12th centuries.  All examples are French except where noted otherwise 1. Céreste 2. Bourg de Cluny 3. Rosheim, Germany 4. Saint Gilles du Gard 5. Lincoln, England  6. Capestang 7.  Bourg de Cluny 8. Beaune 9. Hyères 10. Nîmes
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a-dinosaur-a-day · 7 years
Cerestenia pulchrapenna
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By José Carlos Cortés on @quetzalcuetzpalin-art​
Name: Cerestenia pulchrapenna
Status: Extinct
First Described: 2000
Described By: Mayr
Classification: Dinosauria, Theropoda, Neotheropoda, Averostra, Tetanurae, Orionides, Avetheropoda, Coelurosauria, Tyrannoraptora, Maniraptoriformes, Maniraptora, Pennaraptora, Paraves, Eumaniraptora, Averaptora, Avialae, Euavialae, Avebrevicauda, Pygostylia, Ornithothoraces, Euornithes, Ornithuromorpha, Ornithurae, Neornithes, Neognathae, Neoaves, Aequolitornithes, Charadriiformes, Turnipacidae
Cerestenia is a relatively newly described genus of extinct bird from the Céreste Formation of France, living in the Rupelian age of the Oligocene of the Paleogene, about 33 to 28 million years ago. It is actually known from a decent skeleton, on a slab no less, that indicates it was part of an extinct group of Charadriiformes, the Turnipacidae, which were small near relatives of modern Buttonquails, but living in a more forested environment rather than open grasslands and scrublands, so it probably didn’t feed much like modern Buttonquail, but may have been more of a tree-dwelling (though not specifically adapted for it) dinosaur. 
Mayr, G. 2000. Charadriiform Birds form the Early Oligocene of Céreste (France) and the Middle Eocene of Messel (Hessen, Germany). Geobios 33 (5): 625 - 636. 
Mayr, G. 2009. Paleogene Fossil Birds. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
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luberon-provence · 4 years
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Vente maison de village avec jardin à Céreste dans le Luberon https://www.immobilier-en-luberon.fr/maison-de-village-avec-jardin-a-cereste-925
Sale village house with garden in Céreste in the Luberon https://www.immobilier-en-luberon.fr/en/village-house-with-garden-925
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