#c; Amara
bbubbleo · 8 months
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new years resolution is anytime i see bad c!schlatt takes her tits get bigger
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severass-snape · 1 year
Amara jumped, eyes flicking towards the source of the noise. An owl had thumped against her window, a small piece of parchment tied to it's leg with twine string. She lifted the window open, scratching the bird lightly under the beak before taking the letter.
Dear Amara Duskgrove,
I hope this letter finds you in good health and spirits. It has come to my attention that we share a common interest in matters concerning the welfare of our magical community. I would be greatly honored if we could meet and discuss these important issues in person.
Given your reputation for intellect and compassion, I believe your perspective and insights would be invaluable in shedding light on the challenges we currently face. If you would be willing to entertain my proposition, I suggest a meeting at the Hogwarts, in my office. The most suitable time for me would be tomorrow at 8:00 PM. However, if this time is not convenient for you, please do let me know, and we can arrange an alternative.
With utmost respect,
Albus Dumbledore
-----Two Days Later------
Amara furrowed her brows, icy blue eyes scanning the door to the Great Hall. The meeting with Albus had been a complete surprise. It felt like in a matter of seconds she'd accepted a job offer as the new teacher for Ancient Runes and Artifacts, and pledged her loyalty to the Headmaster by joining the Order. Of course, the latter part wasn't public intel, but the fact that she'd be a new teacher today was.
Today was the day she'd do something with her life, something that would actually make a difference.
Soft brown waves bounced as she opened the doors to the Great Hall, her posture straight, head held high, her shoulders pushed back.
"Dear esteemed colleagues and students, it is with great pleasure that I stand before you today to introduce a remarkable addition to our esteemed faculty. Please join me in warmly welcoming Ms. Amara Duskgrove, who will be assuming the role of our new Ancient Runes and Artifacts teacher," Dumbledore announced, perfectly timed with Amara's arrival.
She offered a soft smile, lightly bowing her head before finding an empty seat at the faculty table next to a black haired man.
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drakeheart · 1 year
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i use my legendary armor for serious purposes only
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cancerian-woman · 1 year
Bonnie and Qetsiyah are the only two women among all of tvdu to get cheated on and are constantly villainized for reacting to what happened to them. Now, my only issue with Qet is how they reduced this powerful and prominent women to only caring about Silas. As for her reaction she got both Amara and Silas together. Nobody was missed from that period. A nice case of fuck around and find out. The Bennett witches never got to have emotions outside of serving everyone else or being these grand creators of something so I loved how they introduced Qet. Amara and Silas both got what was coming. What made Qetsiyah any different from Klaus or Silas? She’s just a woman lol. Bonnie got cheated on and no one wanted to tell her and IF she didn’t overhear the discussion she wouldn’t even have been told in the first place, yet plenty of fans have this argument that Bonnie should’ve been more understanding to Jeremy’s feelings or that because of the Gilbert device(another thing created by a Bennett witch mind you lol..) she deserved to be cheated on in the first place.
These discussions about cheating and what should’ve been done would be so different if it was Elena or Caroline, Katherine blah blah blah :P
Edit: i lied lol, i do have something else im mad about. The lack thereof with Bonnie and Qetsiyah but Bonnie aint allowed family.
in the end all this Silas-Amara and Qetsiyah triangle did was center another Bennett witch in this never ending petrova mess.
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deepinthedarkworld · 11 months
Amara was woken up by the soft knock on her door. She was on her couch, wrapped up in a blanket. As she moved, there was a thud from her book hitting the floor. She must have fallen asleep whilst reading. Again. About to close her eyes again, having thought she imagined the knocking, it happened again. A soft sigh left her lips as she got up, throwing the blanket aside. In a pair of pyjama-pants and and oversized sweater, the brunette walked over to the door. A lady she had never seen before introduced herself as the mother of her neighbour and Amara could only think how much it would have hurt for this woman to give birth to the giant living on the other side of the hall from her.
In the end, Amara invited the lady inside for a cup of coffee and some breakfast. Apparently her neighbour wasn't home and Amara felt bad that this woman had come all this way for nothing. Having entertained the woman for what felt like forever, it felt like a blessing when they finally heard the sound of keys sliding into a door. "I think he's back," Amara smiled just as the woman stood and walked over to the door. Hello, young Mister. And where have you been?" Their voices continued yet Amara focused on rinsing the coffee cups.
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bldrdsh · 4 days
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@poisonpicked said:
❛ are you saying you care about me? ❜ (houston to bodhi)
"I'm saying you're a lot less of a headache when you're alive and NOT being held in captivity."
OF COURSE there's admittedly still the matter of the fact that Houston almost definitely did what BODHI himself would've done. After he came face to face with the judge, he decided to SEAL himself further by attacking the judge and giving him a nasty black eye for his trouble.
He'd never really admit it, BUT HE WAS PROUD. He'd tried to help by teaching him a few moves here & there for if he'd ever gotten in a bind, but he never really expected them to be actually used.
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"...You close your fist the way I taught you when you clocked that scumsucker? Never mind, your brother was worried about you, maybe consider that next time you get caught yeah?"
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florbelles · 1 year
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for @unholymilf xx
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aidankeef · 4 months
closed starter - @amaranthaes
local: arena
Como de costume, o arsenal estava completamente bagunçado após o ataque. Os semideuses tinham o hábito de armar-se com a primeira coisa que viesse na frente deles e logo em seguida lançavam as armas na sala com qualquer indiferença. E apesar dos inúmeros defeitos de Aidan, ser desorganizado não era um deles. A visão caótica fez com o filho de Ares ofendesse os ventos assim que abriu a porta do arsenal e se deparou com o caos. Desistiu de entrar no local e virou-se de costas, logo em seguida, bateu a porta atrás de si com força o suficiente para solta-la do batente. Enquanto dava passos firmes pela arena, murmurava mais para si do que para qualquer outro no local. "Bando de animal. Como conseguem ser tão imbecis ao ponto de fazer aquilo? Depois morrem desarmados e querem cerimônia com música triste..." A voz se desfez assim que o doce perfume familiar lhe tocou. Sem conseguir conter a própria reação, seu olhos buscaram pelo local a feição da ex namorada, com um pequeno teor de preocupação dentro de si, e assim que a localizou, esboçou sua preocupação como melhor pôde "Tá inteira, docinho?".
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cosmic-ships · 6 months
*sweating nervously* B-Borderlands 3 keeps crashing with my main FL4K and boy... I am getting.... GETTIN' A LITTLE NERVOUS!
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shallowseeker · 7 months
15x09 The Trap should have featured Emma W. and Andrea K. dancing in the ruins. Dean thinks maybe he’ll find Benny? Boom, enter Andrea and Emma who take a shine to Cas and wanna keep him.
Utter chaos!
Narrative symmetry! Dean-and-Jack shadow replacements, hello! And enticing Cas to stay ofc was always a crunchy theme.
#emma winchester#andrea kormos#narrative symmetry#come on this would’ve been soooo crunchy and messy and horrible#it would’ve needed another episode tho#andrea takes over purgatory...*she* is king of the place#see the thing i love about these eps#dean was passive-aggressively fishing for whether or not cas *really cared in the first place* and not just b/c of narrative reasons#he said: *i don’t know if you CARE or not but chuck is back on the board*#then about amara: *we had a thing* -- dean was fishing for a REACTION he is starved of cas reactions since cas tends to WITHDRAW#i would have LOVED dean to get an unexpected outlet for that messy spillover of emotion but reversed in the form of andrea and emma#and emma would have underlined jack’s death SO well you know it would've#even though dean had reason to be angry with cas for withdrawing#he was absolutely cruel with words and actions *you've been to hell before* while expecting / taking cas's support FOR GRANTED#yet he still expected cas to be there for him even when initially talking abt killing jack w/the equalizer in the bunker/chuck confrontatio#dean was so damn HURT over everything he was neurotically chomping at the bit for cas replacements from lee to benny to amara to whoever#even in the script of Last Call he was relishing getting his ass grabbed by that bar lady cause *it's nice to get some attention for once*#in the trap: *we should split up*#dean was craving a reaction FROM CAS#when dean can't even say jack's name!#when dean can't admit that trusting chuck was a mistake#*i always knew chuck was squirrelly and untrustworthy he says in 15x01 >>> he didn't*#anyhoo i think this scenario would have supported ALL of those complex crunchy situations!#cause it's almost like the whole - be careful what you wish for in dean's case but on the other foot
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legends-and-savages · 11 months
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@hellgiven sent: it’s a lot to consider. (For the Darkness)
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Amara looked at the witch. "Yes it is, but you have to figure out what you're going to do about it." She said. "You do not strike me as a person that is going to back down or run from something like that."
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jackson-darby · 2 years
text 📲 jackson & amara.
Jackson: hey Jackson: do u want a raisin?
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cfhiraeth · 1 year
"I'll be right there," Amara said from the back. The bell hung above the door had rang more than usual today, or so it felt to the witch. The air in town felt different, she could feel it, almost taste it. Not that one needed to be a witch to see it, everyone waking up to the gruesome news. And of course, Amara knew it was just an animal attack, all witches knew. It was hard to think one of the wolves in town was behind this but one could never be too careful. "That crystal is almost priceless." The words were said with a smile as she walked into the shop. The crystal was one of the most priceless they had, more to help the shop's energy then to be sold. "Such a tragedy," she said with empathy. It was almost all anyone talked about, and with reasons, it wasn't the kind of things that happened in town.
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drakeheart · 1 year
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decided to get back to my roots and play this game again! the first step of which is setting up reshade and taking some glamour shots :]
amara drakeheart, my 8 year old ranger main and blog namesake
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melcnia · 1 year
“You’re beautiful.” In another conversation such words had far different connotations attached, but in this instance they were nothing but innocent and filled with utter devoted affection from one sister to another. Melania had missed this. Amara’s company beside her, the absolute assurance that no matter what occurred that was where Amara would remain, the comfortability of being able to make any mistake before her sister and simply remain loved. In this new world love came without conditions, but that hadn’t been the world in which they grew up. That world, their world, had so many--- too many. It had made Melania terrified, to be discovered in all her wrongdoings, to be judged, to be made an example of. Now here she was, in a world that didn’t judge, and yet she only remained comfortable among Amara and Silas. Now it was her own problem, not the world’s. “This new face of yours,” Melania mused, and she did a light boop to her sister’s nose. “Had it been chosen for you or by you?” They weren’t the same eyes she knew as a child but she still saw her in there, AMARA, without doubt, her sister and dearest friend. 
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bldrdsh · 3 months
@poisonpicked / bodhi amara
He pauses momentarily, having half a mind to let loose a little of his frustrations since Finn has been dancing upon his last nerve since he woke up this morning. He's only ceased by a look from Dallas before Bodhi's attention turns to the younger man, his brow furrowing before he speaks.
"This'd better be good, and I mean it, I will whoop your fucking ass if you're just trying to start shit this early in the morning."
Eloquent as ever, Bodhi's temper was usually well checked, but Finn had a habit of pushing his buttons in a way that SO FEW others really could.
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