#by their clothes ot hair styles
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beautiful book
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apomaro-mellow · 9 months
King&Prince 7
When Eddie returned to the castle, it was in the form of a raven. He perched himself on the outside of Steve's window. The prince was deep asleep and of course, looked completely harmless. Eddie knew not to be fooled by that though. Dustin looked downright cherubic when he slept but could still be an absolute menace. This was a prince, meaning he'd been taught in the ways of strategizing your next move and making every moment count.
It was very likely that he was just regaining energy for an escape attempt later on. Nancy's worries didn't fall on deaf ears. At the time, the reason Eddie didn't put a constant eye on him was because Dustin seemed attached to him already. Now that he was out of the cell, Dustin would probably seek him out at all hours. Which meant the prince wouldn't be able to get far before the young boy mentioned to someone that he couldn't find him.
He was dangerous. Eddie had to remind himself of that even as the prince was surrounded by softness and his face was smoothed of all tension.
The next morning, Steve was awakened by someone banging on the door. "Up and at 'em! Time for work!", Robin shouted through the door.
Steve got up, almost reaching for the doors of the wardrobe before remembering there wouldn't be anything there for him. All he had were the clothes on his back. Even the ones he'd come in with, dirty and wrecked, had been taken. Probably tossed, useless as they were.
He took a quick look at himself in the bathroom mirror. It wasn't too bad. His hair was lacking in its usual style, falling over his forehead, and there was still a bit of darkness under his eyes, but at least he didn't have that layer of filth anymore.
Steve let out a sigh when Robin pounded on the door again. He understood people's problem with him, that didn't mean he liked it.
"What, no breakfast?", Steve asked when she all but dragged him down the hall. They passed a few people who had sneers and glares to spare. At least back home people knew how to hide their disdain for him.
She put him to work in the music room again, arranging chairs with a prepared diagram. He heard someone call her name and she was out of the room, leaving him by himself. Steve wondered if they were just underestimating him or if they were that confident in their security. Steve continued to work for a few minutes before deciding to try and venture outside.
The moment he stuck a foot out the door though, a gaggle of kids were out in the hallway, waiting for him.
"See! I told you!", Dustin exclaimed.
Mike's jaw was on the floor. "They've got you doing chores?!"
"That's gotta be all he's good for", a red-headed girl he didn't recognize said.
The rest of them included Will, Lucas, and another girl he'd never seen before and they started arguing among themselves about Steve and his uses right there.
"Hey, hey!" Steve clapped his hands. "Has no one ever taught you brats any manners?"
"Do you really think so little of us?", Dustin asked.
"Forget it. I've got work to do." Anything to not be surrounded by a random group of children. But just as Steve went in to finish putting up the chairs and arranging the instruments, he was followed right away by the kids, discussing very loudly what was to become of this whole music lesson thing.
"What gives Eddie the right to tell us what to learn?", Lucas asked.
"He's literally in charge of everything else", the red haired girl, Max, said.
"And you guys had no complaints about him making sure you get educated in other things", Mike said.
"Because every young child should have a healthy dose of math, science and the arts", Dustin said.
"Guess what music counts as", Will grinned.
There was that Eddie guy again. Apparently in charge of what these kids learned. Maybe he was some sort of headmaster? Or some kind of higher up here. But Steve had never heard a title attached to their name. Not a lord, or duke, or even a mr. So just who was he to these kids. Steve's interest was almost piqued to ask but he had other things to worry about. Like filling his stomach.
His stomach growling was somehow heard over the cacophony of voices and it was heard by El. Steve had only known her for about fifteen minutes and yet she unnerved him. She laughed and smiled like any child and yet there was something lurking underneath the surface with her.
"He's hungry", she commented.
"Time for lunch then", Dustin decided.
Steve was somehow corralled by them all and he found himself taken to the castle kitchens. He was taken aback by the sights and smells. It was just like the kitchen back home, when he used to sneak down as a kid. The only difference was that instead of a numerous staff, there were much fewer people.
That and some of the pots were stirring themselves. Steve went up to one in awe.
"Cooking magic", Will explained.
"Sit down, children", a voice said from deeper into the kitchen and Steve was pulled to a small table in the corner with chairs for all of them. The moment they did, a tray of warm bread floated to land in the middle and bowls of soup came flying towards them, landing without spilling a drop.
"Thanks mom!", Dustin called out.
Steve's mouth watered. He'd been eating scraps for days and none of it had been warm. He took his first bite and nearly cried. It was so good. some of the best he'd ever had. The kids were still talking, but Steve hardly paid whatever topic they were discussing any mind. He was too focused on the food. That and the fact that they didn't seem at all bothered by him.
The king's minions had attacked him and thrown him into a dungeon without any thought. The king himself hadn't shown his face until he was sure that Steve had no value as a bargaining chip. That Robin woman saw him as a pack mule and used him as such. The few adults in the kitchen would openly glare at him and Steve wondered if he should worry about poison in his food.
But Dustin and his friends...it was like they didn't care.
Robin appeared just as they finished eating to drag Steve to the library and have him move books around. Steve thought that at least he'd be free of the kids, but of course they weren't too far behind. The idea of library manners were lost to them as well, as they kept their normal volume around what must be thousands of books.
The next couple of days went very much the same, Steve being led around by Robin to reorganize the library. Sometimes it was blessedly quiet, the rest of the time, Dustin was there, asking questions about him or his kingdom which usually prompted some kind of argument amongst his friends.
Somehow, despite himself, Steve started to like them. They even got a laugh out of him once or twice. Dustin was bright, if a bit self righteous. Max was always instigating and it was clear she had fun doing it. Will had a sweet face but wasn't afraid to speak his mind. From what he gathered, they all lived here in the castle, and some of their parents were in the staff.
It was such a routine, that Steve was confused when Robin didn't come to get him one morning. He thought he should wait, but when it got close to noon, well he had to leave in search of food. He was still barefoot, but thankfully that wasn't much of a problem. What was a problem was how he was turned around and didn't know where he was going.
He heard some voices from around the corner and thought of asking for directions before remembering his place. If anyone other than the kids saw him walking around unescorted, they'd probably think he was up to something. Steve ran in the opposite direction, avoiding places he heard people talking and ended up in what looked like a sparring arena. The roof opened up to let the sun in and there was a wall of weapons. The area for sparring itself was a simple arena in the dirt and there was Lucas in the middle of it, struggling to lift a sword that was about as tall as he was.
"Uh, I can explain", Lucas said.
"No need", Steve said, mostly because he didn't want to have to explain what he was doing. "You're obviously in the middle of training." He looked to how big the sword was and how there was no teacher in sight. "A little advice, choose a weapon you can pick up."
Lucas frowned. "Why don't you show me, since you're so badass? Dustin told me you know all these techniques but so far I've just seen you carry stuff."
Steve raised a brow as he walked over and took the sword from Lucas. "Carrying stuffy counts as heavy lifting." He took a step away to get a safe distance and swung the sword with ease. "For now, you might be better with that", he used the sword to point to a rapier on the wall.
"That twig?"
"Think it's too much for you to handle?"
Lucas snorted and took it off the wall. He swung it around, not too confident in it. "Looks like it'll break if I went up against that", he gestured to the broadsword Steve had.
"It's not meant to go head to head like that", Steve said, sure that Lucas was imagining his sword slicing down right on top of Lucas' blade. "Real sword fighting is about using your skill to create an opening to land the right blow."
"Isn't most fighting like that?"
"Just shut up and show me your stance."
Nancy was running through her to do list in her head. Spring would be coming soon and while the human inhabitants would be celebrating and holding festivals, the demo-creature population would be preparing for hibernation and there were things that needed to be arranged.
Her thoughts were interrupted by sounds coming from the sparring room. Neither she nor Jeff and called upon anyone but the room could be used by anyone trying to brush up their skills. Curious as to who was putting in extra work, she was surprised to see Lucas clashing swords with the prince. She didn't see anything else but red. She didn't see the smile on Lucas' face or how slowly Steve seemed to move.
She pulled out a dagger first, throwing it right in front of the prince's nose to get him to back off before unsheathing her own sword and getting between him and Lucas.
"Whoa! That was too close! You could've hurt him!", Steve said.
"What the hell do you think you're doing?!", Nancy shouted back.
Lucas put a hand to her shoulder from behind. "Calm down, he was just-"
"Stay behind me. I knew something like this would happen." She advanced, raising her sword against Steve.
He was surprised at her ferocity when she was so small. That was when he remembered. "You were part of the ambush!"
"I should have killed you then", Nancy declared while actively trying to kill him. "Eddie was wrong, you're-"
Steve cried out when he tripped on a stray rock, cutting his foot in the process. It caused him to fall forward, which Nancy wasn't prepared for. A rush of black smoke was their saving grace, pushing Steve away and cushioning Nancy before turning into a man that held her close. Not just any man, of course. The king.
And just like most of the court, all he had for Steve was a hardened glower. Lucas had been stupefied into silence but spoke up when he saw the blood.
"Listen, it's not what it looks like! Steve was helping me train."
"And why would he do that?", Nancy demanded to know as she righted herself. "You know we're not taking on anyone new until training officially starts. You shouldn't even be in here."
"Yeah, well he was", Steve said, ignoring the pain in his foot for now as he sat up. "And he needed some pointers."
The king's eyes narrowed. "So you took it upon yourself to train him?" Then he looked to Lucas. "And that's the story you're going with?"
"It's not a story, it's the truth. We were just practicing", Lucas said.
The king stared down at the prince, thoughts running through his head. He approached and Steve held up his sword. His foot might be hurt, but he could still fight if this beast wanted a challenge. To his surprise though, the king paused, and held his hands up like he was trying to show he meant no harm.
He glanced down at Steve's foot. "Let's take care of that first. Everything else can wait."
"I don't need your help", Steve said, rising to his feet. He took a step and while he held back a hiss, he was able to move just fine. He knew he was dripping blood but his pride kept him from looking down. He let the sword drop to the floor. He'd find his way back to his room and tear a bandage from his sheet or something.
He let out a yelp when suddenly he was lifted up into the king's arms and when he blinked their faces were just a breath apart.
"I can appreciate being too proud to accept help, but I won't have you trailing blood around the castle."
Steve had no choice but to cling to him. Walking or being carried, his blood would still drain from his foot, so he could see how it mattered. The king carried him anyway sat Steve on his bed where a bandage cloth was already waiting, as well as a basin of water. He was set down on the bed and Steve expected to be left alone to dress the wound but the king surprised him yet again by kneeling and starting to wash his foot.
"You're...You're the king, aren't you?", Steve asked.
"That I am."
Steve didn't think he needed to elaborate. Kings didn't kneel. For anyone. And they especially didn't help enemy royalty with cuts and bruises. They didn't carry them to their rooms. It made no sense at all for King Edward to treat him like this, especially after what he had to endure in his cell.
"Why were you helping Lucas?", he asked.
Steve shrugged. "Kid needed help. He was trying to lift a sword as big as he was."
"Hmm. Well, considering the current state of affairs, it's been irresponsible of me to leave you unattended for so long. So you'll be getting a new guard detail, starting tomorrow."
That sounded more sensical than anything else that had happened so far, so Steve didn't even question it. Someone came by to drop of dinner, but besides that, Steve didn't see anyone until the next day when the king himself appeared at his door with a pair of well worn boots.
"Of course. You're my guard."
"No one better", the king grinned.
Part 9
Tag Team
@thesuninyaface @only-evanescent @snakeorsquid @ignoremyworld @theclichefortunecookie @goodolefashionedloverboi @just-a-tiny-void @0body0disphoria0 @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @samsoble @jamieweasley13 @y4r3luv @xtkxkrzrizir @un-knownperson @greekgeek24 @justdrugsformethanks @potato-of-the-lord @notaqueenakhaleesi @swimmingbirdrunningrock @queenie-ofthe-void @nebulainajar @lil-gremlin-things @nicememerino @robininblue
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btdemaru · 1 year
hi could you do the obey me characters reaction to like a male mc with long hair/piercings and is just really into like goth/mallgoth type fashion/makeup/music in general?
Obey me! Brothers X M!Goth reader
Note : idk much about this style/fashion so please i apologize if it's not correct! I tried doing alot of research of what the style looks like tho
Warnings : -
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🖤 Lucifer
Would love your style alot, i like to think that he'd love to match with you from time to time. And will be intrigued to see your piercings, even perhaps asking to see it up close or touch it.
He loves every goth style that you choose and will not question you and no matter what part of the style you prefer.
Lucifer does listen to the music you play and sometimes would ask if he can join in or share headphones/airpods (ykwim).
If you do your makeup, he'd secretly glances at you from his desk. Probably trying to be subtle too 😭
💛 Mammon
Will swoon. Will be lovestruck. Will be in awe. Mams in LOVE.
of course this mf wouldn't show it (it's obvious though). Would ask alot of question like your color palette or why you like this style and basically just loves to hear you talk about it.
He doesn't mind metal/dark music and is open to listening to the playlist you have or even the one you made for him!
If you try to get him going to the cemetery or basically doing some scary stuff like even going to a so called 'haunted house' or a scary escape room it'll be a huge no no for him, even if he did go mams wouldn't be much help as he'll only be loud.
Will try to do your eyeliner (if you wear) or eye shadow but fails miserably making your face look all bad and messy makeup everywhere.
💙 Leviathan
He wouldn't mind, not big on it but he doesn't judge or hate it. Will let you do your thing, he doesn't know much about it so he'll ask you a few things to cure his curiosity.
Doesn't really listen to the music you do but isn't opposed to trying, turns out he actually does like ot after playing a song or two.
If you have a tongue piercing he'll zone out while staring at it. Totally not thinking about you using it on hi-
💚 Satan
We all know he likes to read, so when you walked in the room he's already analyzing your style all the way back from the first originated in the '80s following the punk subculture of the '70s.
Compliments you from your hair to piercings to makeup and clothes or even your boots.
I dont think Satan really listens to music but he does like to write/read and literature generally so maybe dark poems are things you guys can do.
man probably can't stop looking at you and would buy you jewelry or matching silver rings.
🩷 Asmodeus
Literature isn't really his thing but probably watches and admires you while you're doing it.
Will try matching you clothes with his own color palette and asks your opinion on it.
Asmo thinks you're hot. Definitely. 100%.
He's the type to bring you bouquet of black or red roses (whatever you prefer really), or even do your hair
Feel free to do his hair in return or putting your style of makeup on him, he'll take alot of pictures and posts it with the caption that you did the makeup.
Music? Yes. Listens to any music you play if he's in the mood he'd even asked for a a little makeout
🧡 Beelzebub
He doesn't mind it tbh, since i like to think that his twin also has a similar style.
50/50 on the music, he prefers pop punk but open to any music genres you exposed him to.
Would ask if you could do his eyeliner. (He moves alot) so you practically have to do it again and again for it to match so it's not lopsided.
Beel still loves you no matter what style you wear or what you do/listen to.
🩵 Belphegor
DING DING DING. love at first sight.
Belphie always asked you to dress him up or pick his clothes jusy cause he's too lazy to do it himself 💀.
Blasts music together while he just lays there like a dead person while you do your makeup/hair
Would always crawl to your lap whenever you're doing literature or writing about some gruesome poems he'll be there just deep asleep.
Doesn't really bother to go to those creepy dark places unless you're the one carrying him.
Would fiddle with some of your piercings if it doesn't hurt you.
Again im so sorry if there's a mistake i did about goth styles while writing this.
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a-998h · 10 months
Creator's POV
Having Yae Miko stare down at me, made me feel small. In the game she always carried this aura of intimidation, but seeing her face to face caused that feeling grow. She stared, her trademark smile plastered on her face. She walked over to me and offered her hand. I just stared before taking it. She helped me up than bowed.
"It is an honor to see you, your grace," I stuttered something inaudible in response.
She giggled and asked me to follow her. Having no other choice I do and I'm led to a door. Yae Miko opens the door and inside I see a futon, blanket, geta, and folded clothes. I'm led inside by two shrine maidens and once the three of us are inside the door is closed, and I think I heard a locking sound.
This set my senses on high alret. Trying to open the door failed. The two shrine maidens just stared at me.
"Your grace? Are you ok?" One asked.
I tell them I want to leave, and get told that once I'm cleaned up the door will be unlocked. This pissed me off, but knew I couldn't do shit. The two shrine maidens dress my in the folded clothes, which turned ot to be a kimono. The kimono is pure white, red obi, and a tatsu pattern. It looked very nice. After putting on the tabi sock and geta shoes, the two shirne maidens start to style my hair. When those two were done, I'm lead out the, now unlocked, door. I'm lead outside the shrine and get greeted with members of Raiden's army and Sara Kujou? I look closer at the woman and yeah, it's Sara. She walks up to me and bows deeply.
"Umm... You don't need to do that Sara," I say.
"It would be disrespectful if I did not bow to you," She said.
I give up on trying to convince Sara and follow her to Tenshukaku. It always looked impressive in game, but standing in from of it in reality, it make me feel so small. Sara and the other guards kneeled and bowed. I copied their movements, and heard footsteps.
The footsteps stopped in front of me and I was told to stand up. When I stand I'm met with a woman. She has an expressionless face, purple hair, and had this aura of power. It was Ei. She gestured for me to follow her inside. I do and I'm lead to a large room.
"Hello, Sozonushi," she said. She bows her head.
I tell her that she doesn't need to do that, but she says it's the only way she should greet the creator. This sparks my confusion and I ask what she's talking about.
Ei asks if I remember anything about creating her and her sister Makoto, to which I say no. Ei frowns and then keeps asking me questions. What I end up learning is that I'm the reincarnation of a god that created Teyvat, the archons, yokai, hilichurls, slimes, etc.
I stare at her and go to leave, only to feel like something is in my mind. It was like someone was holding my shoulder, the spot felt cold and the grip was tight.
"Please... don't leave them... They need you" The voice says, it feels motherly, kind, and desperate.
The grip lets go and I turn around to see who touched me, but all I see is a worried Ei.
"Sozonushi! Are you alright?" Ei rushes over to me.
"Yeah... I think so," I reply.
She keeps me busy for hours, I just want to find out what that voice, and feeling came from. Ei tells me stories she heard about "me". Everythign Ei is talking about is never mentioned in the Genshin game, so I start to think that I'm in a different diminssion one similar to the game but different, till Ei mentions how before Lumine helped her defeat Raiden Shogun and causing her to end the Vision Hunt decree and returning all the taken visions. I relieze, to these characters when I first downloaded the game, that was when their "world" started. I was in control of there actions, so to them I am an all powerful god.
When night falls, I'm lead to a beauitful room. I'm given sleeping clothes and a nice futon. I get under the blanket and fall asleep.
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flowerandblood · 1 year
The White Flame (Part 1)
[modern! rockstar • Aemond Targaryen x fem!reader]
[warnings: sexual tension, drugs, angst, swearing, fluff]
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[description: Aemond is the bassist of the band whose leader and vocalist is his brother. The whole band decides to use the marketing and design help of their guitarist's friend. The story is an interweaving of domination, desire and slowly burning feeling.]
* English is not my first language. Please, do not repost. Enjoy! *
Next chapters: Masterlist
"The White Flame" - the name of their band - was Aegon's idea. Ever since he started taking singing lessons he always knew he wanted to start a band. Although Aemond didn't believe in this venture, he gave in to him when he said one day that he had found a guitarist and a drummer. Their house was big, so the first rehearsals took place in their garage.
Aemond loved the bass guitar, its low sound, the way it was always in the back carrying the whole song on its weight, giving it that nice quivering feeling in your chest when it played on stage. Cregan as a drummer was very lively and energetic, he could improvise very well and bring a lot to the whole composition, adding to its expression.
Mathylda, whom they simply called "Momo", was a great guitarist and had a very interesting way of applying makeup. Often blue butterflies were pinned into her short black hair, her make-up was wide and bright, passing through all the colors of blue. She dressed all in black, and despite the glasses that made her look like a nerd, she had a rock star vibe about her.
They managed to get an agent who arranged their first concerts in small clubs. Slowly, they began to receive more and more offers, and after two years they played almost every weekend. Mathylda said that they needed someone to care for their marketing, someone who would run their social media, design logos and gadgets, and promote their style.
"My friend is great at these kind ot things, I can ask her if she would like to help us." She said one day, referring to the girl who would come to their concerts sometimes and then have drinks with Momo at the bar.
She didn't talk to them much, seeing that the boys often disappeared with the girls in some corners, snorted something or just drank. Sometimes, however, she and Mathylda would come over to exchange a few words. One day she was talking to Aegon while eating marshmallows shaped like litte rabbits heads.
"Actually, you yourself look like a bunny." He once said drunk. She laughed and asked if he thought she had rabbit teeth. He said he meant her bun.
Indeed, she often combed her long hair so that part of her front hair was wrapped at the back of her head in a small bun, fastened with a colored terry, which she could tie on demand without even thinking about it. Aemond wondered how she did it that she didn't even look at herself in the mirror, and that the bun always looked perfect.
From then on, Aegon always called her "Bunny", and it stayed that way. Sometimes they used an abbreviation and just called her "Bun." Compared to them, she was very colorful, joyful and, above all, sober.
She had had drinks with Mathylda of course, but Aemond had never seen her drunk enough to gibber or cajole. She talked a lot and was always discussing something with Cregan or Aegon.
She often wore sweatshirts or sweaters in bright, pastel colors, sometimes with a character from a fairy tale. For example, she had a "Adventures of the Gummi Bears" hoodie that Aegon loved. For some reason he called her "Gummi Bunny" back then, to the dismay of everyone, including her.
Although her choice of clothing might seem childish, she always paired it with high-waisted trousers or mid-thigh skirts with high wool socks, which emphasized her slim figure and nice proportions. Aemond found himself staring at her legs a lot when she was wearing a short skirt.
When Momo suggested that Bunny handle their marketing, everyone was comfortable with the idea. Sometimes she would show them her designs and illustrations, and they were all impressed.
Aemond never commented on what she was doing, but he thought she did have talent. Once everything was settled, Bunny came over to them after one of the rehearsals with her laptop and sketchbook. She wanted to show them some designs for their new logo.
“I decided that a classic typographic solution would be the best. Your music refers to classic rock, so I went the way of Deep Purple, Led Zeppelin or AC/DC.” She said calmly, unfolding the pages. Aemond was surprised that she had done her homework. Her designs referenced the typography of the 60's and 70's, making the inscription "The White Flame" look retro.
Everyone loved the direction she was going. After a lively discussion, they came to the conclusion that the most interesting design was the one in which the L was a flame, with the rest of the thick, serifed letters.
Bunny suggested that if she could, she would stay with them while they practiced and start making a logo on the laptop so she could consult with them on changes. Nobody had any objections to that.
After a few weeks, the logo was ready. Bunny one day brought everyone stickers with it on it, saying it was a cool and inexpensive gadget and that they could use some t-shirts and bags too. She also took care of their social media. One day she brought her little purple Instax and said she wanted to take some cool retro pictures of them.
She took one of the photos of Aemond from hiding, standing to the side. Aemond stood against a completely black background, his eyes narrowed in concentration, a cigarette in his mouth. His sleeve with a large tattoo peeked out from under his black T-shirt, his white hair, bright face and black&white guitar contrasted with the whole setting.
Bunny approached him with excitement, saying that it was one of the best pictures and that it turned out great. As she stood next to him, he smelled her scent, some pleasant floral perfume. He just grunted, exhaling smoke through his nose, tilting his head to the side so as not to blow on her.
After concerts, there were always at least a few girls waiting for autographs at their door. Usually half of them wanted to fuck. Aegon took advantage of this every time and went to the toilet with them. Cregan didn't, at least not right away, but sometimes he gave his phone number to girls he liked.
Aemond only fucked the most desperate ones. It excited him to think that he could give them everything they wanted, give them hope and leave them with nothing. He wondered, what they expected?
However, he felt uneasy when, after one such action, he left the men's room with one of the girls, who was quickly adjusting her skirt, and Bunny was waiting on the other side, apparently waiting for the women's room.
The look she gave him was not one of reproach or disgust. She looked like he was physically hurting her. She lowered her gaze as he turned and walked away, deciding that he didn't have to explain anything to her.
During one of the rehearsals, she sat on their couch. She'd been working on her laptop for a few hours now and took off her shoes, putting her hunched legs together.
Aemond involuntarily, sitting in the armchair next to her, tuning his guitar, looked at her legs dressed in high, cream socks to the middle of the thighs. She was wearing a big, long, light-colored, long-sleeved Gryffindor sweatshirt and shorts. That's why she looked like she was wearing nothing underneath.
Aemond felt a tightness in his pants at the thought of being between those thighs. He wondered if she would moan sweetly under him as he fucked her, if she would be wet and tight for him. He looked away, clenching his jaw, blowing smoke out of the corner of his mouth.
He looked up at her in surprise when he saw her put the laptop aside, walked over to him and leaned her hip against his armchair, showing him one of the sketches on a piece of paper she must have done earlier.
“Aegon once proposed to decorate your guitars. I already have a project for Momo, but I decided to do something different for you.” She said calmly, a note of satisfaction and pride in her voice. Aemond looked at her drawing. It accurately reproduced his bass guitar.
In her illustration, a black and white dragon with claws, drawn in a sharp, simplistic style, was eating its own tail as it curled around the shape of the instrument. Aemond took the cigarette from his mouth and flicked the smoke onto the ashtray, that was on the small table beside him.
"I like it." He spoke briefly and to the point.
A few days later, he, Momo and Bunny drove their guitars to the printing house. At first, Momo and Bunny were going to go there alone and get his guitar too, but he told them that if he saw even a scratch on it, he would kill them. Frightened that something might escape their attention, they simply told him to come with them.
They went in and explained that they had come to print the guitars with the designs Bunny had sent them earlier. Bunny frowned as they showed her the stickers that would then be welded into the fabric and secured.
"Why is the print resolution so poor?" She asked, looking at the man in surprise. The man shrugged.
"Perhaps you sent such a project." He said dismissively. Bunny frowned.
"I have sent you a high resolution file." She said coldly. The man sighed and checked everything on the computer again. He pursed his lips as he realized she was right. She raised her eyebrows, obviously expecting an apology.
"After all, since you play on stage, you won't be able to see pixels from a distance anyway." He said calmly. Bunny opened her mouth, nervous, but before she could say anything, Aemond walked over to her, took the sheet of paper with the sticker, and tore it up in front of them. He tossed it on his desk, staring at him with a stony face.
"Nobody's gonna put this pixelated shit on my guitar. Print it again because you're getting on my nerves already, mate." He said low, his voice making the man look at him with wide eyes. He clenched his jaw and wordlessly turned the machine back on. He must have changed something, because this time the printouts looked perfect.
Aemond watched carefully as he pasted the design onto his guitar. Bunny and Momo looked at them with amusement as they saw the man's hands shaking. When it was over, they left the printing house, quite satisfied with the end result.
"I'll drive you to your home." He said calmly, and the girls looked at each other, surprised, apparently not expecting such a kind heart from him. They both sat in the back, talking about nutrition, how frustrated the guy was and his nonsensical remarks.
First on the way was Momo's house. As she said goodbye and closed the door behind her, Aemond drove on. The silence fell between them. He looked in his mirror and saw in the reflection that their eyes met. They turned immediately.
Aemond considered stopping somewhere in some small, empty street for a while to just fuck her on his back seat. He thought after a moment that he would probably just scare her. Her voice snapped him out of his thoughts.
"I have something for you." She said shyly, smiling warmly. He looked from the road to her face in the mirror, surprised. "Aegon told me you recently had a birthday. But I didn't have the courage to give it to you in front of everyone." She said, looking down at her lap.
Aemond swallowed softly, completely bewildered. He didn't like celebrating birthdays, and he didn't like missed gifts. He stared straight ahead, saying nothing.
He glanced in the mirror again, hearing her rummage through her white suede backpack. He parked in front of her house when he heard her lean over him, her elbows between the two front seats, her head close to his face.
She held an envelope in her hand, it was not sealed. Aemond reached inside, without even asking her if he could see what was inside, and pulled out a few sheets. After a while he realized they were tattoo designs.
“Aegon told me you want to make a new one, but you need a good design. That you wish it had a dagger on it that belonged to your great-great-grandfather. He took a picture of him for me and I came up with several versions. I tought you might like one of them." She said softly with a smile, her gaze warm and sincere.
He looked at her, their faces millimeters apart. He wanted to fuck her, kiss her long neck, listen to her soft moans. He wondered if he saw it in his gaze, because she shivered and swallowed softly, her lips parting slightly.
He looked at her lips, then back at her eyes. They leaned against each other's foreheads, and she sighed softly, as if in relief. She smiled at him. He thought she was going to kiss him, but she pulled away, zipped up her backpack, and left the car without a word, her legs trembling slightly.
He watched her as she walked into her house and didn't even look back at him. He felt his entire jaw clench with desire. He squeezed his eye shut, swallowed hard, and started the engine, driving out of her driveway with a squeal of tires.
Let me know what do you think and if you want a series form that! If you want to be tagged, leave a comment below. ♥
@zenka69 @melsunshine @opheliaas-stuff
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dailydragon08 · 5 months
Hi hi hi! Would it be possible to request for headcanons of the OT gang and how they would react to being invited into going to a concert of yours (opera, orchestra, idol, band, etc.) and then, at the end of the concert, you say you dedicate the concert to them? Thank you for your time! Your writing is so much fun!
Thanks so much for the ask! I love music and am a huge rock and metal girlie, so this ask is right up my alley.
My masterlist and a list of fandoms I write for is available in my pinned post on my page. Any reblogs are greatly appreciated!
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Big functions like this are typically par for the course for Leia, so while she’s flattered that you invited her, it isn’t really something she’d find overwhelming, per se. She’s very excited to support you and curious what the experience will be like. If it’s more of a casual concert—like a typical rock or pop concert—she really enjoys the change of pace from the more prestigious genres in fancier music halls. She already knows going in that you’re going to be fantastic, and if it’s a setting where cheering is appropriate, is one of the loudest voices in the crowd. If this isn’t really a venue where cheering happens, she’s standing up and clapping the hardest for you after every song and is glowing with excitement with a vibe of hell yeah, I knew they could do it. I’m still an avid believer that Leia, being royalty and a politician, is an avid fashion lover like her mother and she goes all out with whatever outfit matches the venue and music style – even if it’s not something she usually wears, she loves being able to experiment and show her support for you even more with her clothes, and may even know what she’s doing since she knows the press will be taking pictures of her the moment they realize she’s there. She’s more than happy to help you promote yourself with her presence.
When you take a moment at the end to dedicate the concert to her, she’s so touched (especially if you included a few pieces with a connection to her lost homeworld) and has the biggest smile on her face. Being the last princess of Alderaan, the second she stands up at the end to clap, it triggers a standing ovation from the whole crowd. Any articles with footage the next day will swear she got a little teary-eyed for a moment, but of course she’ll deny if anyone asks. Knowing you’re probably exhausted after such an ordeal, she comes backstage afterwards with the best catering that includes all the food and drinks to soothe your throat and help you recoup while insisting she knew you would be incredible even before hearing you and it did not disappoint.
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Luke has maybe been to a few smaller concerts here and there, but nothing too big or fancy. More often, it’s been music in cantinas or passing by some sort of club with live music where everyone was paying much more attention to their drinks. He wants to be fully prepared with how best to support you while he’s there, so does his own research on what type of venue you’ll be in, what the crowd will be like, what he should wear, whether he’s supposed to cheer or clap, etc. He’s elated to be invited and if you’re also Force-sensitive, his excitement and anticipation is so powerful when he walks in the venue, you can feel it from backstage. If it’s a fancier gig, he enlists Leia and Lando’s help for the appropriate outfit and makes sure his hair is combed all nice and neat and he’s clean-shaven. Once the concert starts, he’s awed by your talent and anyone with him will tell you afterwards that he had the biggest heart eyes the entire time. Any nerves or discomfort he had about the crowd (you know he’s an introvert) completely fade the moment you step on stage and he’s bobbing his head to the music the whole time, clapping enthusiastically after every number.
He's completely caught off guard when you dedicate the concert to him at the end and doesn’t bother to hide his watery eyes. If you’re already together, he’ll use the Force to extend a strong wave of love and affection towards you, and will still show up backstage with your favorite takeout meal, and either a bouquet of your favorite flowers or a bag of your favorite snack depending on your preference. He even has a thermos full of your favorite tea he made himself in case you need to soothe your throat. He doesn’t hesitate to tell you how amazing and talented you are and everyone around is pretty sure they just watched him fall even more in love with you.
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When you extend an invitation to Han, he gives you a casual “sure thing,” but is equal amounts curious and excited. Out of the entire crew, he’s been to the most concerts, but is usually paying more attention to the drinks, potential romantic partners for the night, and maybe even the money to be made with the music as a backdrop. For a second, with his reputation, he even gets a little worried that someone will recognize him in the crowd and stop him from putting all his attention on you – but he’s determined to have his eyes as glued to you as possible and even brings Chewie with him to run interference so he can fully enjoy your performance. More casual venues and genres are more his thing, but he’ll still come to a fancier event to support you and finds he likes it more than he thought he would just because it’s you (although you still can’t really get the concept through to him that buttoning up his shirt all the way isn’t really “fancy”).
When you dedicate the concert to him at the end, he’s completely in shock and sort of stands there like O.O until Chewie gives him a little grumble and nudge. Then Han’s on his feet clapping as hard as he can, hollering out a whooo, yeah! And adding a sharp high whistle with both fingers in his mouth – even if it’s not that type of venue. Of course, he apologizes later if that’s the case, he just got too excited. He comes backstage to congratulate you laden with the best celebratory drinks (and if you don’t drink, he got you some non-alcoholic cocktails that taste amazing) he could find. He wraps his arm around your shoulders and gives you a big squeeze with a “knew you’d blow it out of the park.”
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Lando immediately accepts your invitation with a huge grin on his face. With his impressive resume, he’s been in all sorts of settings – from some of the fanciest concert halls the galaxy has to offer to even dingey dive bars where the music’s so loud, you can barely hear yourself think. One of his biggest love languages is gifts (you can pry this headcanon from my cold, dead hands) and he’s not pushy, but insists on making sure you have all the monetary support, set pieces, and perfect garb to put on an exceptional show should you need his help. He’s prepared for any situation (and any outfit – you know that guy’s got a closet bigger than most people’s houses) and even though he’s all cool, calm, and collected when he gets there, he’s barely containing his excitement. He’s 100% dancing – whether it’s more subtle moves in his seat and tapping his leg with his hand, or getting up and busting out his best moves. Of course, he keeps it classy, but there’s no denying he’s having the time of his life.
Like Leia, he’s so touched when you dedicate the concert to him. He has a huge smile on his face and puts both hands over his heart before giving you a tiny bow and extending his hands towards you – even if you’re too far away to see it, he hopes you can somehow feel it. He comes backstage to congratulate you with a giant smile on his face. He rubs your back and tells you that you’re a talent unlike anything he’s ever seen and he’s so glad you got to perform again, and he’s happy to give you all the tools to keep performing for as long as you want. He’s also brought an entire suitcase filled with comfy clothes, your favorite foods, plenty of water, and all the things to run you a nice, hot bath so you can relax while he gives you a massage.
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Being Han’s partner in crime, Chewie (platonic) has also been to more than a few concerts and is happy to join. If you and Han are together, he’s taking his bodyguard duties very seriously so that his friend can have full attention on you without having to worry about anyone trying to use him to cause a ruckus. If he sees anyone familiar heading towards Han with a scowl or too much purpose in their step, he quickly removes them before Han even realizes what’s happening. Otherwise, he’s nodding his head in time with the beat and you can’t help but smile from the stage when you hear an excited roar with each round of applause.
Chewie will roar excitedly again and shake his fists in the air if you dedicate the concert to him, and once he’s backstage, will give you the biggest bear hug as he lifts you off your feet and rambles out an ecstatic string of Shyriiwook. C-3PO or Han will translate and let you know you’re now his favorite person. If you weren’t part of the family before, this experience cements it and he will protect you for life.
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R2-D2 (platonic) has never been to a concert where he’s just a guest versus helping serve drinks, food, or sneaking around to find information, so is extremely excited and hops around on his little legs to show you just how much. If your gig is fancier with a crowd that’s expected to be quiet during songs and people around him are talking, R2 will give them a little warning zap with one of his retractable arms, and will whistle as loud as he can between numbers. If it’s a more casual gig, he’s wobbling back and forth on his outer legs in tune to the beat.
Dedicating the concert to him will have him so excited, he’ll spin his little head around multiple times until he gets so dizzy, he falls over and the people nearby will have to set him upright again. The whole way backstage, he’s whistling his favorite songs by you and stays glued to you the whole rest of the night – fetching you food, water, a change of clothes, you name it, to the point that Luke wonders if he’s ever going to see his astromech again.
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Upon invitation, C-3PO (platonic) will give you an excited “oh my! Well, of course I’ll come!” while waving his hands in the air in excitement. Fancier gigs are much more his forte, but he will eventually get the hang of a more casual one after a few songs. In between each one, he’s bending down to R2 (or whoever he’s with) with a “oh, they’re just wonderful, aren’t they?” Eventually, he can’t resist the urge to clap, even though the metallic CLANG CLANG CLANG of his hands annoys pretty much everyone around him.
Dedicating the concert to him will draw out a shocked “oh good heavens! For me? R2, did they say me? Are you sure? There isn’t another C-3PO in this premises, is there?” before he looks around to double check. Once backstage, he goes on and on and on about how grateful he is to you, how wonderful you were, and then won’t stop telling everyone about how you dedicated “the most wonderful concert” to him for weeks afterward.
Taglist: @kaleidoscope1967eyes @masterlukessaber @coffeeorsomething-irl @eveningserenityyy @victorian-nymph @lxstfathier @rogue-kenobi @lavandula-ipsum @sonofthedunes @pomplalamoose @lex-the-flex @ilovemarkhamill
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itslouisan · 2 months
Some Revivebur headcanons!:
Btw some of these only exist due to @syndicatedsystem design on my man so...yep
Also shootout to @utahlive because some of these headcannons also came from some of the posts in there and @tntduopolls for answering some of my questions but also ✨ headcannon material✨
(Art by: zirzipper on twitter!! )
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• Transmasc!! Either we agree C!Wilbur in general is transmasc or demiboy ot transfem, and that's it. Also bi
• This man totally tried dying his hair back to complete brown only to find out the streaks are always coming back white no matter what he did
• He started smoking on teenager years, considering how I hc Wilbur roughly as a 40 year old max (and C! Quackity as a 36 year old max) he lived through the time where smoking was seen as something "mature" and "cool" and socially even to this day many adults use smoking as a way to cope with pressure but also fit in the society and create connections in the work space, which Wilbur probably understood, picking up the habit of smoking for said reasons
• That being said, he's autistic, end of story, bye. He's also probably REALLY good at masking
• Because of tntduopolls I came to a conclusion: either Wilbur's style fluctuates between classy, rustic, OR JUST RANDOM BS FROM THRIFT STORES HE BOUGHT FOR 1.99 FOR SHITS AND GIGGLES
• Wilbur is anemic as fuuuuck, also lacks vitamin D
• His coat has a intense smell of cigarettes, whiskey, dry blood, gun powder and wet dirt, that's because he always had a problem with washing clothing, to the point he felt if he washed it, it didn't fit in his skin anymore and felt wrong, when Tommy took it, it was already completely destroyed and there was nothing he could do to repair, it was as if a mark of Wilbur was in that coat even after death
• This mf will enter in your house/office or whatever and steal anything he finds fitting, no, he won't apologize, yes, he will gaslight you to believing you just lost the item and is crazy blaming him, yes he keeps a collection of said items
• His favorite items to steal? Gold, keys, dice, cards, coins, lighters, rings, necklaces, sketchbooks (these he might give back if you draw him), history books and gems
• Quackity had to create a "code Wilbur" during Las Nevadas from how constantly that bitch forced his way into the office to steal some shit or just sit in Quackity's chair and play the president
• He did have an affair with Quackity before dying, it was secret though and both of them took it to the grave, literally
• He is rotting inside, like, he doesn't have warmth in his body, but it's not JUST that, other things that show that he's dead is the fact Wilbur has to constantly stitch himself together otherwise his limbs may stop responding and fall apart, also he feels phantom pain in the chest sometimes at night if he doesn't go to bed for far too long, but, inside his skeleton, his bones are rotting slowly, his voice is slowly becoming raspier and raspier because his vocal chords are hurting each other, maybe one day he'll end up mute and it doesn't help the fact that he smokes so much, and his teeth are permanently yellow. Not to mention the rotten and fucked up nails
• He actually has a tattoo with the L'Manberg flag on his left wrist
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Tw: some of these can include the topic of self-harm, suicidal thoughts, body scars, body dysphoria
• He always HATED that he is an avian, often using unsafe binding methods on his wings, the result? He can't fly anymore, and due to death, his wings are rotting, falling apart, you can even see some of the bones in it already, birds also tend to pluck out feathers when stressed, so just like Phil, he took away multiple of his feathers from the wings, arms, armpits, neck and chest. He also clipped his wings.
• Wilbur DID self-harm when he came back to life, not because of depression this time though since in Pogtopia he used to sh from mental illness, in here, he feels ALIVE when he cuts himself, it's a reminder that he isn't just a husk, an empty cold corpse, that he feels pain again, that he isn't going to wake up in that train station again.
• In his limbo he did think of jumping in the train line a couple of times, but because the train never came he'd just be suffering in the bottom without a way to go back up
• Wilbur unsafe binding also extended to his chest, in which resulted to permanent scars in his chest and ribs, as well as breathing problems, all due to the fact he didn't want to ask for help of others for his gender but didn't want to live not feeling manly enough
• Wilbur has a massive issue with bed rotting sometimes spending half a day only in bed, and that extends to his apartment, dirty and messy and his own appearance
• In pogtopia, knowing that he'd die, every night he'd wrote song lyrics to burn them in candle light, letters saying what he wished he had the courage to say to people he cared about in person, and burnt himself with cigarettes only to feel alive (yes, yes it is a reference to Noel's lament, I'm sorry Wilbur is so Noel codded--)
• Sometimes by walking near places with water he sees the ghost of sally....he hates water now
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Accidental Warlord AU headcannon that the Witchers have to take human carrying lessons. Prior to Geralt's little oopsie, a Witcher on the Path wouldn't have handled a non-witcher at all or with much care whem they did have to. Like having to fight a monster and only having one hand free to shove some scared person behind them or carrying a corpse back to town. It's not gentle handling of relatively fragile (emotionally and physically) beings.
After Geralt's become the Warlord, there's a baby in the keep. And that baby gets handed to different people, all of whom have 0% experience holding a baby, much less correctly.
"The baby doesn't like me."
"Why'dya think that?"
"Everytime I hold her she rolls her head away from me! She doesn't want to look at me."
"She's a baby. She doesn't know what she likes yet."
"...do you think she's afraid of my scars?"
"Maybe someone else should watch her for Geralt during meetings."
"No, look. Let's go get her right now and figure this out. Prejudice is learned, right? It's not possible that she could make that kind of judgement I don't think."
"Well, okay but I swear she does it."
"...you know you have to support her head, Eskel?"
"...What's that mean exactly?"
"I don't know. Ya just do it."
"Helpful advice."
And like, Jan has to come to their rescue and teach them how to hold baby Ciri properly and how to swaddle her just right and how to carry her in a bjorn sorta thing without slipping out to hit the floor and how to carry her on a hip while still getting work done as she gets older. Throwing her over a shoulder potato-sack style is a sometimes-at-play thing not a consistent means of transporting the Warlord's heir (no matter how she laughs when they do that).
It doubles with chores for efficiency. Bricks and mortar wrapped in old clothing to mimic the general shape of babies which are then strapped to chests or cradled in an arm. If your brick cracks your baby is dead. If the "head" rolls off your baby is dead. If you forget about it off to the side for too long the enchanted cloth changes color to signify your baby is dead.
Literal sacks of flour hoisted onto a hip and kept there all day to mimic clingy toddlers. Your "kid" gets wet the enchanted sack becomes covered in a layer of mucus to simulate how easily they can become sick. Your "kid" drops to the floor, it's been enchanted to scream until you cuddle it into a fitful "sleep".
The Witchers develop a point system and maybe a drinking game about it.
After Geralt, who has learned how to hold Ciri in the trial-by-fire that was traveling the Path with an infant, Lambert and Aubry pick it up the quickest, being the most involved with the current generation of Wolf Cubs.
After a good streak is kept, most Witchers are free to leave the training game, but a good chunk decide to move up a level instead and learn to handle the live children in the Keep. Mostly the little trainees, but also the servants' children. And all the laisse-faire attitudes about dropping bricks and sacks of flour are abandoned immediately.
Little bodies, so warm and heavy in one's arms that when they wriggle away it leaves Witchers feeling bereft. The slow puffs of sleepy breaths buried against hollow throats as children doze off while being held in arms that have been trained ot destroy. The bouncy giddyness of a child-upon-hip delighted at the height at which they see the world as stairs are ascended. A fussy baby distracted by strands of long hair that surround them as a nose buries into their head to breathe in deep that sweet infant scent.
And it feels right caring for the children who are their future brothers and honorary nieces and nephews and cousins. Like something they should have been doing all along. Tending to a kinder future.
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eternalchiyo · 6 months
𝔼𝕧𝕖𝕣𝕝𝕒𝕤𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕊𝕡𝕒𝕣𝕜 ~𝔻𝔸ℝ𝕂 08~
Summary: Dead man walking
Word Count: 1245
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“Good grief, wherever could he be?” Reiji said, tapping his fingers on the open textbook at their table. Chiyo was fidgeting in her chair nervously. She hated it when Shuu bailed on their shared lessons and left her alone with Reiji. The boy was only a little bit older than her but never failed to scold her for everything. According to him all she did was wrong, her posture during lunch, the way she dressed, the way she spoke. Her whole existence was wrong.
The only thing she had an upper hand in was their German studies. She had spent a good chunk of her childhood in that country. Apparently, that was where her mother was from. She picked up on the language way faster than Reiji and she knew it made him livid. As long as he was better than Shuu, he still was in somewhat of a good mood though and with Shuu skipping on his lessons more and more, chances were he would get the worst grade out of the three of them.
Chiyo looked at Lady Beatrix, who was peacefully embroidering a piece of cloth a good distance away in the garden. No matter what, she would always compliment Shuu on his work, treating Reiji and her more as an afterthought. But still the girl could not help but admire the woman. She oozed elegance every second of the day. From her long hair and her delicate face to her stern but feminine demeanor, to Chiyo it screamed authority. She hoped one day she would be as beautiful as Lady Beatrix. Already, she had started to grow out her own hair, asking her maid every day if it was long enough already to put it in a similar style as the King’s second wife.
Chiyo’s own hair was curly and difficult to tame. And of course, not long enough still, she sighed.
 “Will you stop spacing out like that already? I can’t believe I have to deal with Shuu and you on top of that…”
“Shuu…” she muttered.
“Yes, Shuu, who else would I be – “
Across the garden they could see Shuu running towards them. His clothes, while still intact, were terribly dirty. Chiyo wasn’t sure what it was. Soil maybe.
The boy was completely out of breath once he arrived at their table. Reiji let out a mocking laugh.
“And what are you trying to be? Dressing up as a farmer boy?”
Chiyo looked closer at Shuu. He was sweating, had a scratched knee and completely messed up clothes. His hair clung to his forehead and looked even more tousled than usually.
“Sorry I’m late I– “
The children all turned around, to see Lady Beatrix stand right behind them.
“Mother, I…”
She didn’t let him explain and took him with her. Chiyo could only make out a bit of their conversation.
“What are you doing, running around like this? This is not how an heir should behave.”
“I know mother, I… I apologize.”
“You’re dismissed from the lessons today, go and change out of those clothes. And make sure you catch up with the missed study materials.”
Chiyo heard Reiji sigh and say what a good-for-nothing his older brother was.
“Say, don’t you think it’s annoying, the way he keeps on sneaking out to that human village?”
Chiyo looked up at the boy.
“What do you mean?”
“He doesn’t care about anything else other than this human boy. Edgar this, Edgar that. He doesn’t care that he keeps us waiting, he doesn’t care about making mother angry, he doesn’t even care about you anymore.”
Reiji was looking her straight into the eyes when he said that last part. A devious glint in his own. Chiyo frowned at him.
“That’s not true!” she said.
“Oh really?” Reiji asked, eyebrows raised, and amusement audible in his voice, “I guess we will see about that.”
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Chiyo was walking across the campus in search for something, or rather someone. Reiji sent her on a quest to fetch Yui, who was uncharacteristically late after class. She usually would be one of the first people by the car, ready to go home, but today she didn’t show up.
Ever since her encounter with Ruki Chiyo made a point of avoiding the library, although no other room was as good at cancelling out the student noise as that one. She feared if she went back there, he would take it as a direct invitation for… for what? She wasn’t sure what exactly.
He couldn’t possibly show real interest in her, could he? Her bet was more on him messing with her on purpose.
She shook her head in hopes of getting rid of that man. The last thing she needed were intrusive thoughts about this Vampire. Or his strange cold eyes that seemed to dig right into her soul. Or–
Chiyo groaned. That was exactly what she wanted to avoid.
Focus. She needed to focus.
She was searching for Yui.
Maybe the girl was somewhere outside? Chiyo decided to take a look at the school’s backyard. Sure enough there was some sort of commotion coming from the incinerators.
“Yuma-kun, please let me go, I really got to get back to the others!”
“The others? Yer gonna tell me ya go back to that redhaired loser on yer own volition?!”
While Chiyo found redhaired loser to be a nice description of what she assumed was Ayato, she still decided to intervene with whatever was going on. She could see a bit of Yui, standing next to the incinerator, most of her frame covered by a huge guy that she has never seen around before.
“Chiyo-san!” the girl shouted in relief.
It must have taken the guy by surprise, because Yui broke free and ducked behind her.
“Hey! Come back here – huh?!”
Chiyo’s eyes widened in horror. Was this the divine punishment that believers would talk about? Or was she simply starting to go crazy?
Why in the world was a dead man standing in front of her?!
“The hell are ya looking at with that stupid face, huh?!” the dead person asked.
Chiyo couldn’t get out a single word. Heart hammering in her chest like never before, she wasn’t able to breathe properly.
A single word repeating inside her head.
Finally, Yui shook her out of her state and made her snap out of it.
“Chiyo-san? Let’s just go home, okay?”
“The fuck? Get back here!” the dead person shouted after them.
Everything that happened after, felt like a blur to Chiyo. She succeeded a bit at calming herself down enough to keep herself composed during the ride home, although she got a few comments about her even paler than usual complexion. Most of the others were content with Yui’s explanation that they were held up by one of the Mukamis. However, Reiji seemed to keep his gaze trained on her for some reason.
Back at the mansion Chiyo immediately collapsed onto her bed. A quiet whimper finally escaped her lips when she was all alone.
Why was he alive?
Why was Edgar alive?
He was supposed to be dead!
Reiji said he died!
That everyone in that cursed village died!
Chiyo’s trembling hands reached up and she grabbed her own hair, rocking back and forth on the bed. Hot tears were streaming down her face.
Her past seemed to finally catch up to her.
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maigeiko · 1 year
Kamisuwa Onsen, collected random infos
Back in March, a reader of this blog asked for a blog entry in the vein of previous "the look of..." features, but for Kamisuwa Onsen 上諏訪温泉. Sadly, there isn't much visual material available and the basic look of the 3 or less remaining Geisha boils down to: Yohatsu, Homongi, light-coloured Obiage, Otaiko Musubi, or the formal look: Tsubushi Shimada, Kurotomesode, red Obiage, Otaiko Musubi. So here, I present some collected random infos you might find interesting.
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Kamisuwa Geisha, Setsubun 2014
Dances Kappore かっぽれ Takeda bushi 武田節 Kiso bushi 木曽節 Kohan bushi 湖畔節 Ina bushi 伊奈節 Shôchikubai 松竹梅 (performed in the new year season) Tsurukame 鶴亀 (performed at wedding receptions and birthdays) O-Suwa Takashi お諏訪節 Sukêto bushi スケート節 (Ice skating on lake Suwa) Kirigamine kouta 霧ヶ峰小唄 (ice skating) Onhashira kouta 御柱小唄 Suwa ondo 諏訪音頭 (about the beauty of Suwa throughout the seasons) Okaya kouta 岡谷小唄 (about the Okaya silk industry) Numbers 1930's ("early Showa period"): 200 Geisha in Kamisuwa 1958: 80 1960's: 300 2006: 3 History The first Hanamachi on lake Suwa developed in Nawatemachi 縄手町/畷町 in 1903 (renamed to Otemachi 大手町 in 1909). In the following years, a few Ryotei were established. In 1920, the area of Otemachi 1 and 2 chôme was designated as area for Geisha, so Okiya and Ryotei of the neighbouring Izumichô area 和泉町 were moved there. In the early Showa period (1920's/30's), Okiya that were formerly located in Hamamachi also moved to Otemachi. Kamisuwa had two kenban: Ote kenban 大手見番 and Koyanagi kenban 湖柳見番. In Shimosuwa 下諏訪, it seems kenban had no specific names. In Okaya 岡谷, there used to be another Koyanagi kenban 小柳見番 in the Honmachi area. In Chino 茅野, there were Miyagawa kenban 宮川見番 (current Miyagawacho area), and Eimei kenban 永明見番 (current Nakacho area). Before the around 1969/70, Geisha of these respective cities did not work in other cities. But with the decline of Geisha numbers, the Hanamachi in Okaya, Shimosuwa and Chino were no longer able to meet the demands of their customers, so it was allowed for Geisha from Kamisuwa to pad those numbers.
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Chiyomaru 千代丸 in "Showa Meigiren", 1988 Daily life Geisha usually practiced their respective arts (such as Narimono, Nagauta, Kouta, dance) until 15:00, afterwards they went to the beauty parlour to get their hair done, put on makeup and change into work clothes. Ozashiki usually lasted for two hours. Style In the year 1935, Geisha still wore their natural hair instead of wigs, and their hairstyle changed, depending on rank and age. Hangyoku wore Momoware 桃割れ and Oshidori おしどり. Geisha under 26 years wore Yuiwata 結い綿 or Taka shimada 高島田, no info on Geisha between 26 and 30, Geisha aged 31 and above wore Geiko yui 芸こ結い, tsubushi (shimada?) つぶし, icho gaeshi 銀杏返, and yokai maki 夜会まき. Around 1955, most Geisha wore short hair or western updos on a daily base and used Nihongami wigs for work. Becoming Geiko Three mediators who acted as go-between of Okiya and families/volunteers worked in Kamisuwa. According to Manchiyo, who worked from 1930 to 44 in Otemachi, the daughters of poor farmers and travelling entertainers were sold to the Okiya for 15 yen. When the parents met with the Okiya, the length of the girl's service was decided. After becoming employed by the Okiya, the girls were doing "odd jobs", while taking lessons in Hanayagi-ryu dance, Shamisen and other arts. It's like Shikomi in Kyoto, although no specific term is named. When a Hangyoku was ready to become a Geisha, she had to prove her skills in dance or shamisen to a council of dance/shamisen teacher, Okiya owner, senior Geisha, head of the Geisha association and a member of the Kenban. The Okiya spent around 30 yen for an Erikae, while the Geisha had to take a loan of 150-200 yen. If her parents were to borrow money during her time before becoming independent, it was added to her loan. If parents continued to ask for money and the Geisha's debt became too large, they often became prostitutes in order to pay off their debts. Around 2 years after becoming Geisha, they became "Goshugi tori" ご祝儀取り - they receive some of the money from the Gyokudai, but tips were entirely for them to keep. The next level was called "share" 分け, when 40% of all earnings were her own. When becoming independent from their Okiya, they paid fees for food and being registered at the place. Most Geisha also had a patron after becoming independent, which also lead to most of them retiring before the age of 30. @gardengeisha yes, this is about Kamisuwa Onsen located in Suwa-gun in Nagano prefecture!
Sources: https://www.saginoyu.com/blog/10090 (2014) 地方花柳界における〈芸〉と〈色〉諏訪湖沿岸 地域の事例 (2015) 花街文化伝える学校が開校/長野・上諏訪温泉 (2008) はなあかり: 昭和名妓連 (1988)
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𝑬𝑵𝑫𝑳𝑬𝑺𝑺 𝑵𝑰𝑮𝑯𝑻 ║ Chapter 2 - The Hedgehog's Dilemma
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| ENDLESS NIGHT | series masterlist | main masterlist | | PAIRING(s): Joel Miller x fem!OC/reader, Ellie Williams x platonic!fem!OC/reader | RATING: explicit material | 18+ | WORD COUNT: 3.9k | CHAPTER WARNINGS: none
| CHAPTER SUMMARY: Joel has been assigned to your project as build manager, and you finally get to meet the man himself after being limited to observing him from afar. It’s not long before he throws you off your game entirely, and you start to recognize Joel Miller is a man full of surprises.
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"𝙸 𝚍𝚒𝚍𝚗’𝚝 𝚔𝚗𝚘𝚠 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚖𝚘𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐, 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚗𝚘𝚠 𝙸 𝚍𝚘𝚗’𝚝 𝚛𝚎𝚖𝚎𝚖𝚋𝚎𝚛 𝚗𝚘𝚝 𝚔𝚗𝚘𝚠𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚢𝚘𝚞."
─ Nɪᴄᴏʟᴀ Yᴏᴏɴ ✧⋄⋆•✧⋄⋄⋆⋅⋆✧•✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆•⋆⋄── •✧• ──⋄⋆•⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧•✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧•⋆⋄ ✧
You were due to visit the new worksite this morning and finally meet Tommy’s brother to discuss project planning. You swiped through your closet, finger hesitating on the warm weather clothes you couldn’t justify wearing so early in the spring. You longed for the warmer days ahead and told yourself they’d be here before you knew it. You settled for a pair of well-worn denim overalls, a chunky knit green sweater, and multicolored, thick striped socks shoved into a pair of brown lace up work boots. There probably wasn’t going to be a lot of construction happening yet, but you wanted to be dressed appropriately if you needed to jump in and help. It wasn’t unusual for you to lend a hand with whatever goings on there were as you made your stops around town. You liked being a Jack-of-all-trades, and your willingness to get your hands dirty went a long way with people. 
The ends of your dark brown tresses brushed just below your shoulder blades before you gathered and twisted them into a thick plait down the center of your crown. You pushed the tendrils of hair that fell into your eyes back into place, behind your ears. No matter how you styled your hair, by the end of the day it was always an unruly mess of tufts, wisps, and strands flying every which way. It wasn’t as if you didn’t take care of yourself. Your hair just seemed to have a mind of its own and always had. You knew having long hair that was too wild and too long for its own good was completely impractical, but it made you feel pretty. Your mother had always braided yours and Caroline’s hair and had taught you both the skill. Caroline was more adept at it than you ever were, but still you styled it into a braid every day for over 20 years by this point. It was one of those small things - like Tommy being able to eat his precious bacon with eggs at breakfast - that made you feel like yourself again, like the old you that never knew destruction and death and loneliness. Sometimes you even catered to the whim of wearing a pretty yellow dress around the house because you liked how it made you feel frivolous and carefree. You almost always wore dresses and skirts before the outbreak, much of your mother’s Pageant Queen influence being the deciding factor on your wardrobe. Still, it was just one of those things that reminded you of better times, so you clung to them with every ounce of your being.
You had never actually left the house in your yellow dress, but you didn’t regret trading for it. In fact, you wish you had more dresses than you do. You left the house, trusty clipboard in hand, and started off on your busy day ahead. Mid morning rolled around, and you were grateful that the chilly bite in the air was now competing with a little more sunshine.
You were cautiously eager to make your way to the next stop: the new worksite. You could hear the sounds of men’s voices mingled with materials thudding before you could see anything. You rounded the corner and found familiar faces of younger patrol guys that often worked side gigs as handymen. One face that had only recently become familiar to you stood out from the others.
Tommy’s brother didn’t tower over anyone, but his solid frame and broad shoulders gave the same effect of a dominating presence and conveyed a strength that seemed to eclipsed the others. You had never seen him in close proximity with anyone except his daughter, who looked like a whisper of a thing next to him. It was only now you could fully appreciate how commanding his presence was as other younger men at their physical peak flanked him.
His hands rested on his hips as he scowled at the timeworn building in front of him. It was the same stance Tommy often held, but you noticed how large this Miller brother’s hands were as they sat firmly on his sides. They looked strong and like they had been put to hard work for decades. You didn’t normally find yourself fixating on a stranger's hands, but you hadn’t been afforded an up-close look until now.
The more the gap between you closed, the more you thought his graying brown hair didn’t give the impression of a man aging out of his prime but rather a man who had experience and was refined, someone whose knowledge made them dangerous if crossed. As if his physical make wasn’t imposing and menacing enough, his hardened features sent the message loud and clear: this wasn’t somebody to mess with unless you wanted your day to go sideways real fast.
Despite his foreboding appearance, you didn’t feel scared to approach him. It was quite the opposite. You felt giddy nerves the closer you got despite the fact that he hadn’t even glanced your direction. You decided to chalk it all up to an understandable curiosity about your build leader and one of Jackson’s newest residents. He was still a mystery to you, ultimately. 
He gave no welcoming or friendly air whatsoever, and yet you weren’t apprehensive about interacting. You didn’t know him, but you knew this wasn’t a man who would harness his power on anyone vulnerable, powerless, or unmatched. Maybe knowing the kind of person Tommy was influenced your positive bias towards what sort of person his brother was. Even without that common thread, you still knew this man was a devoted protector above all else. Seeing him with his daughter was more than enough evidence of that. 
Some of the crew noticed your arrival and enthusiastically greeted you. A few didn’t bother to downplay their flirtatious antics, but it never bothered you. You were used to most people being friendly with you. “Morning, guys,” you called out, smiling brightly. Joel turned his head to see who had everyone so abruptly animated. He scanned over you and figured this must be the tour guide or whatever it was that Tommy kept talking to him about. Joel watched with mild curiosity as you made your way to him, your movements almost between bouncing and floating. Your eyes lit up when you caught his gaze. The morning sun behind you illuminated every wild strand of hair that had come loose from your braid already. You looked to be in your early 30s despite your stature giving a different first impression. You were a touch shorter than Ellie, but you were more robust and lithe. It was difficult to make out any distinct shapely curves that might be hiding underneath the layers of oversized clothing you wore. You were sporting a broad, genuine smile, and it made Joel a little bit uncomfortable how your sincerity was funneled directly to him. You had something of an exhilarating air that almost buzzed louder the closer you got. Joel thought this might be like how cats can hear electricity running through walls. You were a bit of controlled chaos as far as he could tell. “Hi, you must be Joel. Nice to meet you,” you announced brightly, introducing yourself. Joel thought to himself you were lucky to have such an amazing smile because it distracted from the mop of hair jutting every which way on from your head. You hugged your clipboard to your chest with one hand and extended the other. “Yeah, m’Tommy’s brother Joel,” he replied, showing you his soiled hands in explanation for not returning your gesture. You wouldn’t have minded taking his hand in yours for a moment, dirt and all. Finally standing next to him instead of observing from afar only made you realize he was even more striking up close. He had a prominent, defined nose that balanced his rugged face and angled jawline. His stern gaze was offset slightly by his warm, dark chocolate brown eyes. His beard had a few patchy areas, but it was well-groomed. The small lines on his forehead and around his eyes were the only testament to his age you could discern in his face. Your eyes flicked to a small dip of a scar on his right temple before following the slope of his thick neck as it blended into the wide sweep of his shoulders. You swallowed thickly and redirected your gaze onto the worksite. You hoped he hadn’t noticed you practically leering at him.
“And speakin’ of my idiot little brother, do you have any idea why he chose this piece of shit as the project site?” he scoffed, looking back to the building. His words were as abrasive as his tone, and you stiffened slightly at the insult he had unknowingly hurled at you.
“Actually, Tommy didn’t choose it. I did,” you corrected. Joel’s eyes snapped back down to you with a benign sneer forming on his lips. “Is that right? Well, ‘spose I can excuse the bad call since I don’t guess you have any construction background.” He offered a lazy shrug in penance for the unintended jab. “Good to know Tommy hasn’t completely gone off the deep end.” Normally when someone accidentally insulted another person straight to their face, they would show a little humility at the social faux pas and act a little more contrite, but Joel was not your typical person. You could tell he wasn’t really all that apologetic because he had only been telling what in his opinion was the truth, and Joel didn’t seem like the type to apologize for speaking the truth. You ignored the impulse to get defensive and instead chose to advance the conversation in a more friendly trajectory. “I can assure you I made the right choice,” you countered coolly. Joel exhaled a humorless laugh through his nose and looked down at you from the corner of his eye. He examined the small woman whose internal annoyance was more detectable to him than she probably realized. He thought to himself you probably didn’t even know he had not only been well-aware of the up and down you had given him today but of the numerous occasions where he had caught you eyeing him and Ellie as they went about town. “So you’re the project superintendent or somethin’?” he asked, his tone tinged with disdain. No matter how many decades had passed to buffer the life he once lived, the presence of an overbearing, credit stealing, unskilled desk worker who didn’t actually do any of the labor still made Joel’s nostrils flick in annoyance.The nagging urge to defend yourself once again rose in your chest, but you thwarted its emergence with a firm swallow. You hadn’t even begun working together, and he was already projecting his preconceived notions of bureaucratic oversight onto what was supposed to be a cooperative undertaking.
Your grip tightened on your clipboard where both hands now firmly pressed it against your chest with folded arms. Joel took your body language as an indication that he was correct.
“Well, that’s quite a fancy title you’ve given me, but I prefer ‘the lady who does the annoying information consolidation, material sourcing, and presentation for approval to whoever happens to be the elected decision makers for the community,’” you offered smoothly with a wry smile.
Joel’s eyebrow notched up slightly. He had expected a retort laden with all the encapsulated, defensive irritation he had sensed from you.
The expressions on Joel’s face were hard to figure out. They were subtle in a way that had you wishing you knew him better so you could determine if it was in fact disappointment that had just danced across his face so briskly. Even if it had been disappointment, what was it for? Disappointed that you had given a calm, level response instead of letting him get a rise out of you? Disappointed he hadn’t said just the right thing to end this unsolicited conversation? Every aspect of him was more confusing than the last crumb of comprehension you’d gleaned, and it was incredibly frustrating.
Joel mirrored you, crossing his arms against his chest. The fabric tightening around his biceps distracted you for a moment, but your eyes slid back to his face. You couldn’t exactly place his reaction, but you didn’t wait for him to offer any further cues before adding, “And, I’d actually prefer to not have to babysit anyone’s work, so hopefully you’re as capable as Tommy claims.”
You were careful to avoid any edge in your tone. After all, you could understand the apprehension at what was thought to be a “do none of the work, take all of the glory” administrative shill showing up out of nowhere on a jobsite.
“Tommy may regularly talk outta his ass, but in this case he is right about which one of us is the obvious choice for a job of this scale,” he replied. Joel didn’t seem fond of the idea that his brother had enough jurisdiction to be calling the shots about where and how he would be spending his time in Jackson. His reaction to the mere mention of Tommy possibly dictating anything concerning him immediately resurrected the age-old brawling brothers dynamic. You wondered to yourself if there was something of a strain to their relationship - either currently or in the past. He hadn’t said anything outright, but it was the nagging impression you had gathered from Joel’s choice of words combined with his tone. “And for the record, Tommy is the one who needs to be babysat half the time, running off to god knows where, trying to prove himself to god knows whatever authority figure that gets him rattled enough,” Joel huffed, almost talking to himself as his cursory rant shifted the conversation. Yep. Definitely something rocky there.
A smile tugged at the corner of your mouth. Got him you think to yourself, prematurely celebrating another newly formulated assessment. A piece of the picture had come into view, and you knew just where to drive the conversation next to get Joel to dethaw a little. A smile crept into your features, but you couldn’t help being so amused at the sibling dynamic roaring to the front of the conversation. Of course Joel had to make this discussion all about how Tommy would place his trust in the wrong figurehead and listen to any authority figure as long as it wasn’t his older, wiser brother.
It was good for your self-esteem that you had no idea Joel was currently stewing on the fact that he didn’t like your self-satisfied smile at his unceremonious venting. The way you drove the conversation and reacted with a sense of omnipotent understanding was enough to get right under his skin. He was beginning to get the feeling you regarded yourself as the default wealth of knowledge in any given situation, and not even your stunning smile could redeem you from that. He couldn’t stand a know-it-all. No doubt all the fanfare you must receive, like the extravagant welcome the crew had showered on you this morning, did nothing but encourage it.
You see a neck muscle tensing as Joel’s jaw sets to one side. It didn’t exactly rattle you, but it certainly gave you the impetus to shift back to a more lighthearted interaction.
“Hey, if you ever figure out how to make your kid sibling actually listen to an ounce of wisdom you have to impart, please pass the secret on to a fellow annoyed elder,” you joke, playfully brushing his elbow. The acute, maddening experience of being the responsible older sibling was something you and Joel shared, and you consider how incredibly aggravating someone like Tommy must be as a younger brother to someone like Joel. You couldn’t help but picture a sort of Bert and Ernie dynamic, and the thought alone drew a belly laugh out of you.
Joel seemed to soften a bit at this. Maybe it was your softened cadence, imploring gaze, and delicate touch that made it a whole lot easier for him to quickly feel more tolerant of your perceived arrogance. He still didn’t care to act overly friendly. The jubilant laugh you let out after your playful comment brought him a step closer to pleasantry. The sound conveyed an understanding at the futility of trying to get your shadow of a sibling to heed any advice whatsoever.
Joel relaxed his shoulders a bit and a small twitch of a smile tugged at the corner of his mouth. It was Ellie’s first day of school, and it admittedly had him on edge. He worried if she’d like it or make any friends. In all likelihood, his lack of patience with you was  probably just misplaced, anxious energy. Never one to be known as a chummy guy, he at least tried not to be critical without warrant. He needed to ignore his fruitless worrying over Ellie and give you a fair shot. You didn’t seem so bad, really. Once you got past the aggravating as hell, know-it-all energy, that is. 
Normally the conversation would have been well over by now, but Joel had to admit there was something about you that made him want to keep it going. At the very least, he needed to not be an outright asshole to somebody so important around Jackson. Deciding to follow your lead, Joel rejoined the conversation with a lighter approach.
“So you got your own pain the ass around Jackson to annoy the shit of you, too, huh? At least we can commiserate on that,” he muttered. Joel uncrossed his arms, resting them once again on his hips. He looked quickly in your direction to steal another glimpse of your smile. “Just as long as your little brother isn’t assigned to my build as your eyes and ears. Nobody likes that nepotism bullshit.”
His words were abrasive, but there was a puckish edge in his tone now. It was clear he meant what he said, but he took the usual sting out of his inflection. It didn’t go unnoticed or unappreciated by you, but you were currently distracted by the pang in your chest that had just taken you by surprise.
Little brother. You weren’t sure why you hadn’t just corrected Joel. Why you hadn’t just explained that it was a baby sister, but she had passed away many years ago. There was no little brother that was running around Jackson. You normally would have corrected it. It wasn’t really awkward to mention deceased friends and family like it would have been before the outbreak; most everyone had lost someone over the decades in some terrible way.
Your mind whirled to the past couple of weeks, which had been strange and  punctuated with bits of Caroline emerging in your day to day. You always found the spring of sadness well up around certain dates like her birthday or holidays, but this recent spell was out of left field. As if on cue, your mind dredged up the memory of a 5 year old Caroline cackling wildly as she clutched the Barbie she had stolen from your toy chest, sprinting from your irate 7 year old self. She was so pleased with herself for finally being fast enough to outsmart and outrun you. The sound of your apoplectic yells and her raucous laughter echoed for a moment in your ears.
The pang in your chest pinched you back to reality. You drove the unpleasant feelings away, refusing to let them make this first impression fall flat. It didn’t really matter anyway whether Joel knew about your baby sister. You doubted a situation would arise where that context would be needed. It wasn’t often a point of connection you initiated or fostered, which meant it wasn’t the easiest topic of conversation for you to navigate. Most of Jackson wasn’t even aware of Caroline’s existence, only aware you were the sole surviving member of your family.
Joel followed your fluctuating focus between reality and the swirling convergence inside your head. The mostly calm surface you presented was contradicted by the storm behind your eyes and the minute expressions that slipped through your carefully manufactured guise.
You glanced back up at Joel and forced a pleasant expression.
“Nope, no nepotism bullshit. Just your bullshit and whichever way you wanna sling it,” you chirp as you flashed a cheeky smile. You were hellbent on upholding the calm and easygoing slant you wanted for this interaction.
Joel’s scrunched brow was replaced with a crooked smirk at the adoption of profanity for his benefit. You seemed sweet if not a little annoying, but the combination of an expletive and your spirited, cheery voice was an amusing contrast nonetheless.
You joined Joel in his crooked smirk. Finally, a well-deserved victory for you. You’d love to see Tommy’s disbelief at you having successfully engaged his taciturn grump of a brother, who was now showing a hint of genuine amusement. You wished the direction of the conversation hadn’t suddenly felt so fraught so you could appreciate your win more. Your smile faltered when from the corner of your eye you realized Joel had a probing gaze firmly situated in your direction. You turned to meet his gaze, expecting him to look away, but instead he held it. It somehow became even more penetrating. You felt like you were under a microscope. The way he looked at you made you feel like he could see inside your head, and you didn’t like it one bit. You were forced to look away first when Joel didn’t drop his gaze. He clearly had no problems asserting his dominance in conversation. Contrary to what you’d expect in a social exchange like this, Joel didn’t appear bashful or uneasy in the slightest. You, on the other hand, could feel how warm your cheeks were getting. You ignored both him and the pit of your stomach turning slightly, thinking once again of Caroline. You almost breathed a sigh of relief when he liberated you from his scrutinous examination. Joel turned to face the building once more after gathering a sufficient perception of you. There was certainly something turning up in that pretty head of yours. It was a bit confusing to Joel as you did seem very genuinely kind and easygoing, but just under the surface there was a flurry of mayhem that came and went without any discernible pattern. His assumption of controlled chaos may be way more accurate than he originally thought. He could see in his periphery you looked like you might combust from mortification, so he decided to move things along. After all, he had decided he was going to try to be nice today. “Alright then,” Joel agreed, nodding in mutual understanding that you were going to let him do his job and not insert yourself where you weren’t needed. “Okay, perfect,” you chimed with effort. You didn’t look at Joel again just in case he decided for another round of scrutinization. “C’mon,” he prodded, his hand brushing against your back for a split second to usher you towards the door. “Okay, so what’s your vision for this shitshow?” Joel asked with a small grin, opening the door for you. 
Between his hand leaving a tingly sensation where it had been on your back, his tiniest of smiles, and this unexpected show of chivalry, you felt like the little tailspin you were experiencing wasn’t just from the topic of your baby sister coming up.
Joel followed in step and dutifully indulged all your ambitious ideas. You were grateful for the change in subject and the earnest interest of the perplexing curmudgeon that was Joel Miller.
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This chapter is titled after the metaphor of the same name: hedgehog’s dilemma aka porcupine dilemma. The metaphor goes that a couple of hedgehogs want to get close to one another as they seek out intimacy and comfort, but because of their sharp needles they can’t get close without hurting each other. 
EnNi Gal® and Joel are def a pair of hedgehogs in their own way. Joel is way more ~prickly~ for sure, at least on the surface. But what about someone who hasn’t had a deep, complex, and earnest relationship with another person for a very long time? They may not have retained the skills to manage something like that, which could land them in ~prickly situations~. Hm, I wonder if anyone in this fic might be like that. 
Also, idk why Joel being such a fucking asshole amuses me so much, but it does. Genuinely can’t help but cackle when he’s a rude grump to anybody and everybody. Fortunately for my twisted sense of humor, we will see PLENTY of him being a complete dick in this fic.
Catch ya later,
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miraiq · 10 months
👉 ( we all knew it was coming, serval )
[Send 👉 to tickle my muse] LOVE LANGUAGE: PHYSICAL TOUCH STARTERS | Accepting!
She knew something was wrong.. very wrong. Nothing good comes when a blue haired idiot man gives her a peculiar look. Especially when it's accompanied by a vague hand gesture that poses as mildly threatening concerning.. Each step he takes closer to her, she takes one back, wanting as much space in-between them in case she needs to kick him and book it.
" Sampo..? What are you doing? "
At her question the peculiar look turns almost menacing and it genuinely makes her consider tossing her leg. There may be a smile on Serval's face, but she is beyond nervous. The unknown tends to do that.
Now, the mechanic knows she has a great sense of style. Of course she does! Took her years to refine it to her own special flare, and she's proud of it. Oh.. but now, she learns that it has a very glaring downside.
It's a blink-and-you-miss-it moment. Sampo makes a leap at the lass, closing the distance, and immediately begins the assault. Playful fingers push into her sides and brush against her skin, the open planes on the sides of her shirt proving no sort of barrier of protection. The initial fear becomes replaced fairly quickly, a laugh bursting out uncontrolled as hands fly to grasp at his own- likely scratching them on accident in the process. Serval is in a fit of giggles and the lad clearly has no intention of ceasing his bullying ways.
" H-Hey! Ahahha-- s-stop i-it! Buaaahahhah! No-ot fair, not fa-air! "
Serval does manage to get both a solid and harsh enough a grip after a minute, yanking his hands away from her aching torso. The man seems content enough with his game, no longer fighting her hold on his wrists. You know, Sampo has a very similar problem in regards to his choice of clothing... It would be a shame to not use his own shirt having similar holes at the hip against him.
Perfect time to return the favor.
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crqstalite · 1 year
Okay, so if you wanna be asked about your OCs, I am gonna ask about your OCs. What's your Ryder's (whichever one you like or both) favorite color? What's their favorite style? Like, if they don't have to wear Initiative clothes, what do they wear? Why did they train to become the class that they are?
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Ooo, great questions!
Talis' favorite color is a dusky pink, akin to the sunrise. Occasionally some orange as well, considering her current hair color.
Mateo's favorite color is probably closer to an ocean blue. Lot of greens and blues on this boy.
Also fashion is an awesome question because the fashion in the OT and in Andromeda both make me incredibly sad. SO --
Talis' style includes pieces like this, this, or possibly that. I cannot google what I'm thinking of, so eventually I'll have to do an outfit sheet for her. She's very much Big Pant Little Shirt in my mind though -- anything that lets her stay active in her casual clothing, so our idea of techwear I think. Most of it is in this same pink/red palette though, so I like to think bright colors fit in with the Andromeda atmosphere. Mateo alludes me on the best of days though. Arguably something similar, but a little more rugged + jackets, always. He is is constantly somewhere he's not supposed to be and usually this means he's freezing.
(rubs hands together) This is where it gets long btw --
So! It's my canon that both of the Ryder twins are inherently biotic, like both are implanted and will always have rudimentary capability to use their biotic abilities. However, active-as-always Mateo is canonically a sentinel/infiltrator whereas sciency-and-analysis Talis is canonically a vanguard.
Talis trained as such because it fascinated her. Having such fine control over her own nervous system was the pinnacle of being a scientist. She'd run so many tests in the Alliance gym with varying results, but she got incredibly good at it. She knew where her body would be before she moved, her brain could almost work fast enough to make miniscule changes in-motion, y'know, a-la-sandevistan-from-cyberpunk-edgerunners. She and Ellen would work together on it, fine tuning her mnemonics and pushing and pulling at her body. Talis has incredibly fine control over biotics as well, capable of picking up small objects or affecting them with her mass distortion. She blinks in and out of where she needs to be, and puts on a hell of a lightshow when she gets in close on someone -- yet her surroundings remain largely untouched if that's what she's gunning for. Given biotics were still such an unknown in the Milky Way that while she was a Ryder, there was still some prejudice against her when she enlisted. Before Alec's plans went south, she was slated to be part of Kaidan's team as a student after she finished university. She resents Alec for this, watching the opportunity dissolve before her not too soon after. While Alec always appreciated Ellen's work, something about his daughter being capable of moving mass beyond his own understanding never quite clicked for him. That part of her he just never understood.
[And I also headcanon while he was shown using biotics-ish during Habitat 7, it wasn't actually biotics and a rudimentary recreation of it using SAM. He wasn't a biotic and couldn't relate to his daughter who leaned so heavily on it.]
Mateo however never lead with his biotics. No accident, no previous trauma, he just preferred to be without. He didn't have the mind for science needed to finetune his abilities on his own, and simply didn't show the same aptitude his sister did. So combining his interest with cross-species military history, he instead incorporated strategies from other races and jailbroke the hell out of his omni-tool to allow him to do and hack all sorts of things. It allowed him to put his weapon mastery to work at least, with less focus on mnemonics and more on skill with his trusty Viper. But if Alec's opinion didn't affect this, and it wasn't one of the few things that they related on when he was around, who knows what class Mateo would have trained in? Alec's approval when he topped charts in his unit for best shot in basic probably is what kept him going. All his little comments about never quite getting SAM's profiles to work like Talis' and some disapproval of it when he thought he was being quiet (or even in their arguments) probably had a massive hand in Mateo deciding to at least be what Alec wanted. He has the warp/overload combo down pat anyway -- makes him a special kind of deadly when no one sees him coming.
Both of them specialize in hand-to-hand combat though. They have very similar builds too, definitely stockier people who aren't super afraid to throw their weight around. Mateo is a little more nimble than his sister though, especially when using his cloaking device. He also was the one who actually took classes prior to enlistment, so his strategies are significantly easier to predict but harder to dodge. Talis didn't, so while she has basic training, she also makes things up on the fly. Whatever works in the moment, and she just keeps pushing no matter what.
(Talis is also more likely to be able to take a punch. She has a stupid amount of bruises to prove it and Lexi thinks she's going the Asari version of grey)
Thank you for asking!!
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witchthewriter · 2 years
Hello can i pleas can get a level 3 match up? With Strangers Things, the Walking Dead and Marvel?
Thank you! Hope you have a good day
I'm a Capricorn/moon caner/rising libra/30.12.2001/, and INTP,also Slytherin. Saying my full name is just weird and makes me feel insanely bad and guilty. I don't have a preference for my partner,I can love anyone.
I have a normal body. I 'm 5.6 foot, my eyes are a grayish blue color, my hair is now a darker red wich goes darcker to the ends. I leave loose hair at every place like a cat, its gos me to my boobs. It happens often that I find random bruises and don't know how they get here. As I have some small scares, even behind my ears. Now to my style,i dont have one but mostly go with alt , Gothic and punk? Sometimes i just pick things out from my clothes and I love oversized things and weirdly man boxers, man they are comfy. Although i try to went barefoot at ever time of the year. Than asking me why i am sick the same day. I like to wear necklaces and earrings,sometimes bracelet even. I will wear the stolen things(for my partners) outside and grin at the person
To my personality, I have trouble finding friends due to my shyness and social anxiety. Or i just don't like them and so I don't talk much As i will not trust easy or fast.I have trouble standing up for myself, and hate when people are rude to me. I will feel small everytime, sometimes I even start to stutter or just go away and complain to my friends. Because of my ADHD I'm forgetting things, or to sleep and have bad time management. I tend to space out when I am bored or it's just too much for me, sometimes I will start rambling on topics and will not let you speak, unless you shut me up. I am easy to scare and confused, with the right Person even a blushing mess. As i will not really talk about my problems like, or i make jokes of than. I tend to make jokes of myself. Over than this i have a bit of "fuck this, if they want to talk than talk." As i wont change my personality from someone. I like to annoy people, as i like to have a from attention others. I love to cnuddels and physical touch,as i don't like getting gifts. I feel bad cause i don't have most of the times. You have to just give than to me.Sometimes i can have a bit of an attitude and angry issues. Also i may be littel possessive to my s.o but try to keep it to much.I will and can talk to peopel if i have a problem or they with me. I just hate avoiding a solution. Also i can be at bad days just clingy and wanting attation
I like reading books, horror, listen to music, cigarette smoke( i don't smoke), nights and my friends, good naps, fire, backing. As I have a soft spot for neck kisses and cuddles. But praise is on another level . As i love coffee and energy drinks I am uncomfortable with abuse and will stand up fro people i love, as i have an trauma from abuse and bullying. I even got an fear of being abandoned because my birth father left me and don't proper contact me for years. I got severe depression because if this since a young age. I hate pop music as well as romantic movies, [usually it means i really like them offer to wacht one] as well as hiding me from others and lies ot to sweet things, and assholes.I tend to take my time about trusting someone and feeling fear of getting abandoned. As well beging ignore or ignored an Problem.
To my hobbies, i love playing vido games, reading books mostly horro. Or just staring at the wall, watching movies and series, going on night walks or waking with the dog. I also draw and write sometimes, backing is also a hobbie of mine. As well annoy others, playing bord or card games [ and mostly win].
Want one? Here be the rules 🦋🌈
You know you're the FIRST ever person to ask for the Walking Dead! Anyway, thanks for participating <3
𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬
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I ship you with Robin Buckley! I think you two would have a lot of fun and interesting conversations. Like the mind-blowing ones where you delve deep into societal norms and what's accepted and what's not, why that is and what it's based in.
・She likes playing with your hands a lot, and she'll do so mindlessly. It calms her down.
・Both nerding out about movies and books. I think Robin would totally be into horror, although she would be a tad scared afterward.
・Calls you cute pet names like "honey," "sweetheart."
Theme Song:
↬ Girls Just Wanna Have Fun by Cyndi Lauper
Relationship Tropes:
↬ Secret Admirer (Robin has a secret crush on you that only Steve knows about and he pushes her to interact with you via poems, letters, cards etc)
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I ship you with Nebula! I think you two would have such an interesting dynamic and other's would be shocked to see Nebula in a fully functioning relationship. I actually think you'd be such a power couple and intimidate anyone without effort.
・She's very hesitant at first, especially in the relationship. She doesn't know how to love and she sees things from a very black-and-white perspective.
・Your romantic interactions would actually be so incredibly cute - she's just like ... 'oh' when you kiss her and if she could blush ... she totally would
・You spar together and it's very teasing and flirtatious!
Theme Song:
↬ The Red Means I Love You by Madds Buckley
Relationship Tropes:
↬ Rescue Romance > Rivals > Forced Proximity > One Bed Trope > Feelings Develop > Confesses Love While Thinking The Other Is Unconscious
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐝
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I ship you with Daryl Dixon! I think you would be two peas in a pod. So similar - your love would be founded on friendship and mutual respect. He knows you can handle yourself and never oversteps.
・Being his hunting buddy at first, and you guys bond without the thought of romantic feelings. That was until years later, when you got hurt, he found himself worrying.
・Not overly affectionate, but if that is something that you like than he would try his best. I think he would take your hand in his and kiss your palm. And his favourite thing is when you kiss his eyelids (ITS JUST SO SWEET AND INTIMATE AND OMG)
・Probably calls you by your last name, or a variation of it. He isn't one for pet names, unless it's in a teasing way.
Theme Song:
↬ Young and Beautiful (Violin cover) by Joel Sunny
Relationship Tropes:
↬ Mutual Pining
↬ Beauty and the Beast
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likecometsx · 1 year
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// task 10
beth greene’s closet
describe your muse’s aesthetic in five words or less.
basic bish soft girl core
does your muse spend a lot of time on their outfit and appearance? how long do they spend getting ready in the morning?
the amount of time beth spends getting ready depends on her plans for the day. when she was a nanny and student, she didn't have much time for make up and hair, and that has followed even now that she is teaching full time. she loves a messy bun.
does your muse consider the way they dress to be trendy? would other people agree?
beth definitely took a lot of notes from trends, before and after gaining her memories. the country girl wants to blend in in the big city. i think most people would say she dresses like every other bish.
how often do they buy new clothes? are they the type to keep a outfit for years or replace it after one wear?
beth does wear the heck out of her clothes, but she also LOVES to shop. she loves a good local boutique and a good thrift but shopping is more often recreation than it is her going out specifically to buy clothes.
is your muse the type to accessorize? how much?
i think living in a zombie apocalypse would make a person less likely to accessorize, but beth wore jewelry through it all. her accessory choices are much more aesthetically driven then they were in her old life, and much more minimal. dainty rings and necklaces. bracelets always.
how much time do they spend on skin care/makeup/grooming?
day to day make up is usually some blush and mascara, so it doesn't take her very long. however, she does spend time on her nails. i hate ot say it, but this girl loves a bath bomb and a pampering day now and then. definitely does facemasks while she drinks coffee and plays guitar.
if money and societal expectations were not a concern would your muse dress differently than they currently do? if so, how?
i don't think her style would change much, but her pieces would be more expensive.
would your muse wear the same outfit two days in a row if they knew they wouldn’t run into any of the same people?
yes, if she's had a lazy day at home and is just running out for more snacks, she might stay in her same clothes.
have they started dressing differently since arriving in washington? was the transition difficult? do they prefer the clothes here or back home? if your character is unaware feel free to answer as if they are aware.
she arrived in the city unaware and dressed pretty differently from the get go. when she arrived she believed she was a country girl going to college in a big city and made an effort to fit in. her personal style evolved a bit through the years in the city, and she definetly prefers the way she dresses now. back home, style wasn't a huge factor, but is was one joy beth tried to hold on to after the fall.
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dragoncorde · 2 years
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» INTRODUCING... vincent crabbe.
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full name: vincent atreus crabbe
gender identity & pronouns: cismale & he/him
age & d.o.b: twenty-five & july 1st
place of birth: bristol, england
sexual orientation: pansexual / demi-romantic
traits: adventurous, sociable, abrasive, and foolish
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height: 5′10
hair & eye color: brown, dyed blonde & hazel brown
glasses & contacts: no
scars: long, deep scar on left shin, several minor scars on hand, several circular scars littered about the body
piercings: ears, right eyebrow piercing, left nose piercing
tattoos: link tba
clothing style: link tba
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zodiac: cancer sun / scorpio moon / aries rising
vices: gluttony, envy
virtues: charity, patience 
personality type: enfp
dominant hand: right
character parallels: josh washington (until dawn), elphaba (wicked), dukat (star trek: deep space 9)
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specialization: dragonology
year: fifth
house: slytherin
student activities: quidditch league, exploding snap extreme
blood status: pureblood
wand: 13″ Blackthorn, Dragon heart-string, flexible 
patronus: n/a
amortentia: n/a
boggart: his father or siblings reenacting the worst day in vincent’s childhood 
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mother had vincent when she was in her teens. or at least that’s what he heard. because she was so young and she was poorer compared to the family of his father, vincent was kept secret. so when he was born, she dropped him off at the orphanage for gifted (magical) children. vincent grew alongside the cruel children of the orphanage and was often at the hands of their torment. 
at the age of ten, to his disbelief, his mother came back, now a much wealthier woman and respected by the old money of the crabbe family, to retrieve him. vincent was elated, a childhood dream come true, but that didn’t last very long. the crabbe’s were a prestigious family, his father having many lovers before and after vincent’s mother. the household was like a menagerie with the collection of vincent and his four half brothers and sisters, another due in his mother’s belly. although he was far from the orphanage, vincent once again found himself at the mercy of cruelty from his siblings and their torture which fueled his resentment toward his family (TW ABUSE/ANIMAL ABUSE somewhere in the fields behind their manor, a place he went to escape the blows his father and older siblings dealt him while his mother turned the other cheek, he could not believe his eyes. the shimmering dragons egg lying there. for weeks, vincent visited the spot and did his best to keep it warm, to make sure it’ll be ready when it hatches. when one of his younger step siblings, adora, had asked him where he was going off, he was reluctant to rely on her, but revealed to her the dragon’s egg by taking her to the spot, making her swear not to tell any of their siblings. adora swore, but it was a few days later when vincent was at the spot in the fields, he heard the hoots and hollers of his cruel siblings. while vincent was held back, wailing with tears, his siblings smashed the dragon’s egg to pieces. adora begged for vincent’s forgiveness, but it only hardened the shell he began to build around him. his guard has been up ever since END TW).
attending thiudreiks gave vincent the opportunity to start over. he made it his mission to no longer be at the hands of bullies, and so he became a bully himself, the cruelty of his siblings fueling his cruelty toward his classmates. vincent was often a disturbance, a trouble maker, a class clown. and somehow, he made it through. 
now, at aurelius, specializing in dragonology to fulfill a childhood dream, vincent is still hard-headed, blunt, and wary of others who are not already in his social circle.
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exes ;  can’t imagine vince ever being able to keep a real relationship down and withdraws whenever a real connection comes up !
friends with benefits ; bc why the heck not
rivals with benefits ; do they hate each other? yea. do they want to f*ck each other? hell yea.
childhood friends ; & old schoolmates, perhaps?  (gregory goyle, blaise zabini)
best friends ; from either thiudreiks or aurelius
unlikely friends ; the oddest of matches pls (taken: luna lovegood)
enemies ; no doubt with vincent’s attitude he accumulated a couple of enemies!
the one that got away ; an ex that had such a connection, vincent still thinks about them....has a soft spot for them....would lowkey die for them (taken)
confidant ; vincent isn’t one to open up, but this person makes it feel as easy as breathing (taken: hermione granger) 
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