#by my beloved inka
youraverageaemondsimp · 10 months
how it feels not being able to read the fic you've saved to binge read just because you have midterms and you got no fucking time at all 😭
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piassportjacke · 3 months
Sehr spezifische Beschwerde, aber ich finde es sollte mal einen "Einführung in das StGB"-Kurs für alle Drehbuchautor*innen von Krimiserien geben. Wenn der Tötungsvorsatz fehlt, ist das kein Totschlag!
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maractean · 10 months
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Here's an older set of expressions I did also based on this meme!! Some of the designs of these ocs have been updated and changed since I drew these but I'm still really proud of how they came out!!
From left to right, the ocs are:
Flora, Oliver, Glory. Jericho, Marilene, Inka, Burger, and Hopper
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switchthedragon · 17 days
Masterpost time!!!
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Been a while since I’ve made one of these! So let’s get into it :DDD
Right off the bat: let’s start with DNI
Alright, with that out of the way let’s get into it!
I have a discord server!
Co-Owner of @motorverseofficial!!!
Hyperfixations/Special interests: Utmv, Gravity falls (BILLFORD MY BELOVED), furries, art, etc
You can call me Switch :]]]
I have ADHD, depression, Anxiety, and I’m a highly sensitive person so please be kind & use tone tags if possible TwT
I ship sanses & self ship occasionally so if you’re uncomfortable with that maybe you don’t wanna follow me
More info under cut :]
Very friendly!!! I don’t bite! I nibble affectionately/j/j
Art requests aren’t open, but I’m almost always down to do an art trade or collab ^^
#my art - My artwork :]
#switchthedragon , #switch the dragon - I put these on most of my posts
#switch rambles - When I’m rambling abt stuff lol
I also once in a blue moon use #tw suggestive so you can find that there
@italic-doing-random-shit @toffeebrew @thatidiotutartist @largefound @iatetheglue @justanidiotartist @xmelic @inka-boi @seagullbomb @kaneverse @psycho-chair @panda-of-the-trash @xullian @junipers-insects @sandeewithtwoe (IF I FORGOT ANYONE IM SO SORRY TWT)
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leggerefiore · 1 year
Building off of the bento story there are things called husbento which is pretty much just 'bento for my husband'. If Ingo ever hears his s/o call it that the man would melt from pure joy. Think it would be kind of cute if his s/o had like space online where they post pics of the bento they made, or maybe they make videos showing people how to cook the stuff that they put into Ingo's bento. Maybe every Friday they make the cute special bento for him. Sort of to give him something to look forward to at the end of each week. The same could happen for Emmet, but he gets the bonus of getting a cute Pokémon themed sweet every Friday. One Friday it's cookies that look like Archen. Another Friday it is a Durant dirt pie pudding dessert. If they can branch off from the twins Pokémon (and their Pokémon) they could probably make Applin apple dumpling, or Poke Ball Cake Pops. The possibilities are endless. Bonus thought. If Ingo's s/o does make videos of the bento making process maybe sometimes Erin appears in the videos to help. His s/o makes sure that no one ever sees their faces, but you can hear Erin's enthusiasm at the idea of helping to make his dad a special lunch. Ingo's heart would melt at that as well. Heck, he would probably save a few of those videos onto his phone.
Ingo finally encouraged to always take his lunch break to enjoy the lovely food his beloved made for him and stop overworking himself. The special Friday bento always has him excited for his break, and he actually rushes off to enjoy it. Everyone's happy Ingo is finally taking better care of himself.
Emmet is literally vibrating with excitement for his special Friday bento. He needs with cute dessert his darling made for him. He's literally rushing through people to get to it. His smile is terrifyingly large as he indulges in whatever cute sweet he was given.
The video idea... Just getting tons of views as people wonder who your husband is. There's so, so many theories from the shape of the pokemon dishes. They've determined he's Unovan but nothing else. It's a popular pass time to try to guess which possible Unovan figure receives such a cute lunch (or if it's some random business man).
Erin popping up to help on his little step stool and going on and on about how he wants to make something Litwick themed for his daddy. His face is definitely obscured, but sadly, his constant blabbing about trains and battling makes it very obvious who his father is. Ingo does tear up and let out a soft bravo as he watches his son make him a small Litwick cake or some kind of jelly to look like a Litwick flame. (The viewers find it adorable the mysterious husband has such a sweet son.)
Oh, and Emma and Inka getting in on making lunches with their parent for Emmet. Emma tries to sneak in sweets for her papa while Inka tries to sneak them away for herself. They both do try to make something some cute for their dad. Inka accidentally gives him food poisoning, but Emmet still thanks her for her hard work.
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thearoaceshark · 1 year
Disenchanted x TMNT.
There was a small red demon and a human in an orange tunic in the Heaven. They had just killed God and were looking at His reserve light bulbs, probably if they put one in Him He will revive.
"Look, Mikey, light bulbs. Stacks of 'em. Brand-new hardward-store-fresh light bulbs" the demon said to his half-sibling "Where's your other nunchuck?" He asked and the youngest took out another nunchaku "Hand it over"
Mikey was going to give it to him but they backed away.
"Wait a minute. What are you gonna do?" they asked.
"Smash the light bulbs"
"Okay, then" they was going to give it to him but "Wait a minute"
"What?" The demon was getting angry.
"If you smash the light bulbs, God can never come back" they said worriedly.
"We took a vote and everyone agreed I would become the new God, and you would be my number two. My butler. Cool butler Mikey. Now butle-up, Miks" he try to persuade them.
"But we don't have no proof you could become God anyway. You yourself pointed out everything is slowin' down and fadin' out. That's what's gonna happen"
"Aghh. Look, Miks, I need this. I had a very traumatic childhood. I never told you this, but my drinking buddy stiffed me on the bill multiple times"
"But Raph, why not for once in your life... Choose love?"
"Okay, let me tell you about love, buddy. Love is a scam. Same people who proclaim love are the ones who pollute the air, join love cults, kills animals, spill oil, hates homosexuals, read bargabe on the beaches even if they have a stack of garbage next to them, make fun of feminine things, they make spelling mistakes, make bad and offensive jokes about others, promote insane vaccine conspiracies––"
"You're right. Take the nunchuck" they said this time handing him the weapon once and for all.
Raphael entered the light bulb warehouse, and Mikey prepared to hear him destroy the hundreds of them. But instead nothing was heard, and they saw their half-brother dragging out a gigant light bubl.
"All right, come on, Miks. Give me a hand with this thing. I don't wanna drop it," he said, concentrating on his work, putting on that blank expression he always got when his feelings were disconcerting to him and he just wanted to ignore them and concentrate on what he was doing.
"Aw gee, Raph! You're the best" they said happily helping him carry it.
"And don't forget it. Now let's screw this into God's gaping neck hole and see what happens"
And so they did, they went to the body of God and removed the broken light bulb to place the new one. Waoh, blurring and twisting the light bulbs reminded Raph of when he was decapitated and brought back to life but his body and his head didn't join together and he had to be twisting it every time he fell. They were bad times, Casey and Donnie let his headless body fall into a puddle of their vomit once, the damn ones.
"Inka. Dinka. Binka. Bonka. Boom!" He recited while they screwed in the new light bulb and it began to flicker, until it finished turning on, giving God life again. Before the resurrection of the great creator, Heaven began to shine again, the River of Joy returned to its heavenly glory and the angels stopped crying.
"Aghhh. Ah! What a refreshing nap" said God rising from His ancient eternal resting place "I didn't have any of my usual recurring nightmares. Did I snore?"
"No, God, you were dead" responded His most beloved creation whose life He let be a shit, Michelangelo.
"Daed tired, that is. I hope you rested well, Lordy" the red demon lied and laughed nervously.
"Why is you being so modest, Raph? God, I'm the one who killed you. Raph is the one who brung you back to life" but those in the orange tunic decided to tell the truth. And God started laughing, that laugh He makes when He "already knows," because of course He knew.
"I know all that, Mikey. I was just testing you" because of course the bastard did. "I was going to smite you. Maybe even mega smite you. But for your honesty about killing me, I forgive you" decree the deity. He grabbed the nunchaku that killed Him. "So, this is the murder weapon. Hmmm." He dropped it from the sky and said smilingly, "Look out below."
Yes, that brick was probably going to kill someone, or ruin someone's life, or both. Or maybe its just killed some annoying guy complaining about the happy ending and the holes in the plot that no one cares about, but no one is going to miss him.
"Now, Raphael, I'd like to know why you were so modest about bringing me back to life"
"Pfft. Ah, geez, man. When you're a dirty, dark demon, and you don't allow God to just die, it's bad for your reputation" he explained his point seriously "I'll never live this down" God laughed at his words.
"Haha, such integrity from one of Hell's tiniest flunkies. I would never have thunk it" He reached out to pat the little demon's head "Raph, I don't usually do this, but I really like you, and you did save my life" He said, leaving the caresses "Maybe that's why I like you. Huhuhu. Here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to give you a single wish. Right now, no holds barred, anything you want" Mikey just watched the conversation unfold.
"Anything at all?"
"Do you want wealth? Fame? Success? You wanna be a big shot?" He began to name everything he could ask for "Would you like to lose weight? Eat endless pies? Maybe total enlishtenment? Pick one thing. It's hard, isn't it?" Raphael thought about it.
"...Does the wish have to be for me?" he asked.
"Strange. No one has ever asked that" God said "The answer is the wish can be for anyone you want"
"Well, than my wish is for Leona the Mermaid to come back alive. For Cass"
"Interesting. May I ask why?"
"Why? Because Cass has tried so hard and done so much" he began to explain, letting his emotions come out "Because Cass deserves love. Because the love of Cass's life is Leona, and because..."
"Because what?"
"...Because I love Casey, and I want them to be happy once and for all" he confessed, shit, that toothy human had stolen his heart... They were and are the best friend he has ever had.
"Aww, that's beautiful, dude" said Mikey.
"Yeah, yeah, leave alone" said the demon, he wasn't going to let his feelings out again for at least the next nine hundred years.
"I'm going to give you a big huge" they said approaching and taking the red one in a hug, he left and snuggled into the chest of his younger sibling "Do I feel tears on my tunic? Are you cryin', "Raphie?" they said borrowed and surprised.
"I'm not crying. I'm not crying. I... That was me laughing" he said and faked a laugh "Hihi. I'm a clown. I just... I have no feelings, you know me. I'm all like, bibbidi-bobbidi bibbidi..." he was heard sobbing "Boop!" The demon took a deep breath. "Skippity-skoppity skip... Sewer apples."
"I hereby grant Raphael's wish" God proclaimed "Leona the Mermaid comes back to life for Cass. Clap!" He exclaimed as He gave a great applause, a roar was heard and divine waves were formed. He had done His thing.
In the land of the living and mortal, a person with black hair and squirrel, rabbit, beaver, all the nicknames you can think of, teeth, was sitting on the rocks on the beach mourning the loss of their beloved mermaid. They was resting on a large rock behind her, so beautiful, until she began to decompose.
"I hate this. Everything sucks," said the queen, although that was just a title, they wouldn't feel like a queen, and they certainly weren't fit to rule. "My crazy mom finally died, and yet, where is the glory? And what is that smell? My boots or Leona's rotting fish body?... Sorry Leona"
"Apology accepted, Cass" they heard behind them say "By the way, what reeks are your boots"
They turned around and saw the mermaid alive. Alive and smiling at them.
"Leona? You're alive?" They jumped over the stones and went to their beloved who received them in her arms.
They both looked into each other's eyes, happy about this miracle, and kissed. There is finally peace and happiness in Casey's life.
"Just don't stab me anymore, okay? There's other ways to get to my heart" their girlfriend told them when they separated from their kiss. And they kissed again.
The end.
"What?!" said a man coming out of his window "Why does it end so quickly?! You didn't even rewrite the entire chapter, and why did you only copy what it said in the English subtitles and barely adapt the dialogues to how the TMNT characters would say it?! You know so little about English? You live in America and you still watch shows in Spanish and that's why you don't know how to reinterpret it because you've only seen the Latin dub? What an idiot. And why didn't you write the scene of them fuck–? Agh" a brick fell on his head and he died.
"Oh, a fun fact. Did you guys know that Leona the Mermaid is your half-sister?" God told to Mikey and Raph
Now, thats the end. By.
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korelist · 10 months
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UYARI : Yazılar genel olarak spoiler içerebilir. İçermeyedebilir.
Drama: In the Soop: Friendship Trip
Hangul: 인더숲우정여행
Director: Hybe Corporation
Date: 2022
Language: Korean
Country: South Korea
Cast: Peakboy, Park Seo-joon, Choi Woo-shik, Park Hyung-sik, V
Yorum yazmanın anlamsız olduğu bir yapım daha karşınızda. Kısa kısa bahsedeyim tanıtım gibi düşünülsün. 4 bölümden oluşan bir arkadaş tatilinin vlog çekimlerini mini seri olarak yayınladılar. Aslında bakarsanız Kore’de çok yaygın olan “variety show” dedikleri eğlence yapımlarından biri değil. Birbirinden ünlü beş kişiyi bir araya getirip prim toplayalım diye düşünmemişler. Gerçekten uzun süredir arkadaş olan 5 kişinin, yoğun hayatlarından uzaklaşıp “mola” verdikleri 4 günlük bir tatili kayda almışlar.
Onları izlerken bende tatile çıkmışım gibi rahatladığımı, aynı zamanda inanılmaz kıskandığımı söylemeliyim. Aralarındaki ilişki, birbirlerine karşı duydukları sevgi ve bağ takdire şayandı. Onları burada izlemeden önce bu kadar yakın arkadaş olduklarını bilmiyordum. Bize gösterdiklerinin dışında bol bol bir araya gelip, tatile gittiklerini de öğrenmiş oldum.
Arkadaşlardan ve arkadaşlıklarından bahsedeyim. Bu grubun bir nevi kurucusu olan Park Seo-joon ile başlayalım. 16 Aralık 1988 doğumlu olan yetenekli oyuncu grubun aynı zamanda en büyüğü. Diğerlerine sorarsanız “grubun babası” diyorlar. She Was Pretty (2015), Hwarang: The Poet Warrior Youth (2016), Fight For My Way (2017), What's Wrong with Secretary Kim (2018) ve Itaewon Class (2020) gibi birbirinden bambaşka rollerde bambaşka karakterleri canlandırarak yeteneğini her seferinde kanıtladığını görebilirsiniz. Ayrıca kişisel fikrimi sorarsanız Koreli aktörler arasında en başarılı kişilerden biri olduğunu düşünüyorum. Hemen arkasından gelen isim, Kwon Sung-hwan (27 Mayıs 1989) sahne ismi ile Peakboy. Seo-Joon ile lise yıllarında tanışan ve o zamandan beri yakın arkadaş olan Peakboy; şarkıcı, yapımcı ve söz yazarı olarak çalışıyor. 2012 yılında Park Seo-Joon ikinci dizisi olan Family (2012) de Choi Woo-shik (26 Mart 1990) ile tanışıyor. Setteki arkadaşlıkları çok daha güçlü bir dostluğa dönüşüyor. 2012 itibariyle üç isim ayrılmaz oluyor. Ben Choi Woo-shik ile Our Beloved Summer dizisinde tanıştım ve nedenini bilmiyorum ama çok beğendim. Çok ilginç bir aurası vardı. Ama bir çok insan onu Parasite (2019) filmi ile tanıyordur. Baktığınız da iki oyuncu birbirlerinin dizilerinde gerek beraber oynamış gerek konuk oyuncu olarak yer almış ve birbirlerini hep desteklemişler.
2016 yılında Hwarang: The Poet Warrior Youth dizisi için Park Seo-joon, Park Hyung-sik, V bir araya geliyor. Sette Park Seo-joon ve Park Hyung-sik o kadar iyi anlaşmışlar ki, Park kardeşler gibi lakaplar takılmış. Park Hyung-sik (16 Kasım 1991) Strong Girl Bong-soon (2017) dizisinin Min Min’i olarak benim gönlüme taht kurdu. Başka bir söze gerek yok bu konuda. Grupta Park Hyung-sik “grubun annesi” olarak adlandırılıyor. Ve son olarak grubun en genci BTS’in V’si Kim Tae-hyung. 30 Aralık 1995 doğumlu olan genç şarkıcı grubun “küçük çocuğu” olarak biliniyor. Hwarang ‘da ilk kez oyunculuk yapan Tae-hyung, sette en çekindiği kişi olmasına rağmen Park Seo-joon’a gidip, sahnelerde ona yardım etmesini istemiş. Bu işi ilk defa yaptığını ve düzgün yapmak istediği için çok gerildiğini dile getiren V, Seo-Joon’un kalbini çalmışa benziyor. Çünkü söylediklerine göre ondan sonraki bütün sahnelere V’yi çalıştırmış, okumaları beraber yapmış, kısacası ona kol kanat germiş. Bu abiliğin karşılığında da ayrılmaz bir dostluk doğmuş.
Hwarang ekibi olan Park Hyung-sik ve Kim Tae-hyung boş zamanlarını yakın arkadaşları ile geçiren Park Seo-joon’a Choi Woo-shik ve Peakboy ile tanışmak istediklerini söylemişler. Merkez kuvveti olarak herkesi bir araya getiren kişi Park Seo-Joon olmuş. Bu tanışmalar sonrasında ise Kim Tae-hyung’un ortaya attığı bir soru cümlesi aralarında dolaşmaya başlamış. "Woori-ga Gajok-inka mı?" yani “Biz bir aile miyiz?” anlamına gelen bu sorudan yola çıkarak gruplarına Wooga Squad ismini takmışlar. Kurucusu her ne kadar Park Seo-joon olsa da isim babası V olmuş.
Dönelim bu tatil vloguna, bütün bu arkadaşlık sonuna kadar her saniyesinde hissediliyordu. Dediğim gibi hem çok keyif aldım hem de çok kıskandım. Tatil sırasında bütün ekibin V’ye ailenin küçük çocuğu gibi ilgi ve şefkat göstermesi inanılmaz tatlıydı. Sürekli “üşüdün mü, rahat mısın, bununda tadına bak, uykun geldi mi” şekilde V ile ilgilendiler. Choi Woo-shik’in yeni yayınlanan dizisi Our Beloved Summer’ın bir bölümünü beraber izlemeleri de oldukça keyifliydi. Park Hyung-sik o sıra da “Happiness” dizisinin çekimi olduğu için bir gün geç gelip son günde sabaha karşı 04:30 da ayrılmak zorunda olsa da gerçekten 4-4’lük bir arkadaşlık izlettiler.
Hepsine bayıldım. Peakboy’un 2021 de yayınlanan GYOPO HAIRSTYLE şarkısının klibinde Wooga Squad’ı oynatmış olmasını da buraya not olarak bırakayım. Son olarak Peakboy’un kısa tatilleri için yazdığı şarkıyı Wooga Squad olarak beraber seslendiriyorlar.
Şarkının adı : POLAROID
Raven Melus
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Family to her (Cow Inka au)
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I just wanted to draw something cute for the Cow Inka au cuz Cow!Inka, my beloved
I also wanted to try out something different with Inka’s glasses shape so that’s why they look like that Kinda digging it, actually
I’m mad that I didn’t draw something for this au sooner >:T
So, I figured what better thing to do then 39 & Inka being family? Cuz it just makes me so happy
This may or may not also be a bit of an Rp illustrated, but be that as it may ------------------------------------
39 from: Five nights with 39
Inka by: @dorkygurl-89​
Designs & Cow Inka au by: O & I
Do not steal, trace or copy.
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wayouts123 · 3 months
Poland v Austria… Poland 2 Germany lite 1
Slovakia v Ukraine… I’m so sorry Ukraine but… Slovaks 2 You 0
Netherlands v France. My beloved Holland will squeak a win from the cheese hoarding surrender monkeys
Peru v Chile… Inka Cola 2
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muscosus · 7 months
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aejiajia · 1 year
other topic : don't worry, inka's boyfriend name will drop soon.. 🤭
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piassportjacke · 2 years
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can you be homesick for a place that’s not your home anymore?
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stealanity · 1 year
Bff, my beloved Matty, do i have permission to be ridiculously annoying and adhd about my dearly beloved Sujin either here or on Inka's ask box? Because i am on an ADHD high and unmedicated about current Sujin events/j/nf/lh - @aejiajia
BABY OF COURSE, you can do whatever you want i'm alway all ears for you, you have all my attention 😼
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Birthday Twins and Triplets
Posted: May 19, 2023 9:27am PHT
Edited: June 24, 2024 12:51pm PHT
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February 15
your mom
S/ebastiano M/auri
April 2
You ❤
J/aime R/ay N/ewman
April 10
J/amie C/hung (the friend of my third imaginary ex-boyfriend)
Co/nor L/eslie (the woman that my second imaginary ex-boyfriend was rumored to have been romantically linked with)
June 24
my late beloved paternal grandparents' wedding anniversary
M/inka K/elly (my third imaginary ex-boyfriend's ex-girlfriend)
E/rin M/oriarty
June 29
my dad
L/ily R/abe
August 22
your dad
my sister
October 4
D/akota J/ohnson
November 14
R/ussell T/ovey
D/ylan L/eslie (the brother of the woman that my second imaginary ex-boyfriend was rumored to be romantically linked with)
my brother
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leggerefiore · 2 years
Now we need to hear about the adventures of adopted Arven!
Not really stories of adopted Arven but more Arven basically getting adopted.
cw: spoilers for scarviol, not really reader centric
When Inka had returned home from the academy for the holidays, you had expected her to bring a friend over with her. What you had not expected was for him to be so tall and clearly uncomfortable with the situation. For a moment, you worried that your niece had forced it on him, but she was quick to explain that Arven had a tough upbringing. You nodded. The boy had explained that he wanted to visit Unova to experience the different kinds of food native to the region. You chuckled a bit.
He and Ingo would probably get along great. Your husband had, after all, taken up cooking soon after you started dating and then proceeded to overload it with the introduction of Erin. As you chatted with both of them about their school year and newly developed interests, Erin's Skitty, Taffy, made her grand appearance to harass the new person with demands for pets and attention. The little, pink feline basically hopped up to him and sniffed his hand. Suddenly, her fur puffed up, and she rushed back, hissing. Arven was mortified by her reaction.
“He has a dog,” Inka explained. Ah. That made sense.
“… As you might know, one of the most popular dishes of Unova is our Castelia-styled pizza,” Ingo began to tell the long-haired boy, “It's impossible to recreate unless you have the right equipment.” He had missed the introduction of Arven as he had been at work covering for Emmet. His younger brother had needed, in his own words, to take the day off and spend time with his darling little girl who had been overseas. Ingo was not going to deny his brother time with his daughter, just as Emmet would not do the same for him and Erin. Still, however, it made trying to get to know this teen a bit difficult.
“How did your parents handle you wanting to visit Unova with just a friend?” Ingo decided to ask, “I know I would be extremely worried for Erin, but he's still a small child…” Arven tensed up at his words. The older twin immediately knew he had hit a sensitive topic with the dirty-blond. “I apologise, I should have taken into account that I am unfamiliar with your parenting situation,” Ingo set out to correct his behaviour, “I do hope being here helps you feel more at ease. If you need someone to talk with, I am always available.”
“… You work a lot, right?” Arven asked him with averted eyes. Ingo nodded. His job was a time-consuming one, but something that had to be done. “Do you leave Erin alone to fend for himself?” he continued. The Subway Boss froze up.
“N-never!” he shouted out, eyes wide, “My son is one of my most beloved people. I would never leave him alone for such long periods of time.” Arven seemed still discontented by his words and gazed out the window at the city. Ingo's stomach felt like it was being engulfed by a black hole. Had Arven's parents done that to him? Ingo could not even imagine. Even when his father had taken up long hours working in his youth, his mother had been there in his absence. If you had to leave for a few hours, Ingo would immediately work to find a way to be there for Erin.
He may only have a few weeks to make an impression on Arven, but Ingo swore to himself that he would.
“What's a 'Paldea'?” Erin asked his cousin's weird, tall friend. Arven cut his eyes to the boy. Then softened when he saw how genuine his face was. “Dad said you're from Paldea and Uncle said that's where Inka has been. Is Paldea a building?” Arven held back laughter at the kid's genuine confusion. He had heard Unovans were quite a bit more isolated than the rest of the world, but this certainly proved it.
“Paldea is a region, like Unova,” he told Erin, “I am Paldean, you are Unovan.” Erin nodded. The silver-haired boy's eyes moved to stare at Mabosstiff, who laid pitifully on the ground at his feet. The canine would have preferred his side on the couch, but Arven did not want to cause any discord in the home.
“Is your doggie Paldean?” Erin asked, clearly entranced with this new knowledge, “Does Paldea have a language? Is it like how Unovan's speak Galarian, but we're not Galarian?” Arven seriously debated responding to all his questions in Paldean to tease him, but resisted. He could tell it would go right over the boy's head and lead to more confusion.
“Mabosstiff is a Paldean pokemon, Paldeans speak Paldean, and Galar is where your language comes from,” he explained. The kid appeared enlightened.
“You are smarter than my dad!” he cheered. Arven's heart felt both warm and hurt by his words. Knowing your dad seemed like such a blessing to him. Erin's face suddenly turned dead serious. “C-can I pet your doggie?” he inquired nervously, eyes once again on Mabosstiff. He chuckled. Nodding, he set to work on teaching Erin how to properly introduce himself to the dog. The boy held out his hand eagerly, while Mabosstiff gave a few curious sniffs before a polite lick. Erin then reached a tentative hand to pet his head. Mabosstiff met the boy half-way and raised his head for him.
His tail wagged eagerly, and Arven could tell Mabosstiff liked him enough. “Heehee, he's like a Stoutland,” Erin giggled as he bravely moved to scratch behind his ears. Arven smiled at them.
Unaware was he that Ingo had watched the whole scene.
Arven sat on the couch, feeling a bit lonely. Inka had apologised for leaving him alone for the day, but her twin sister had been insistent that they go out and do something together. Emma was polite and kind, but clearly had dearly missed her sister in their time apart. He had often heard twins get terrible lonely when separated, so he supposed it was best to just let them have their time together. Unovan shows failed to entertain him, and it was too late into the night back in Paldea to message anyone there. (Maybe outside of Penny, but he was not wanting an Eeveelution spam right now.)
“Are you alright?” a voice called out and made him nearly jump out of his skin. Ingo had entered the living room without him noticing. He had clearly just got off from work, judging by his attire. “I do apologise from frightening you, but you were wearing such a sad expression.” The older man sat down on the opposite side of the couch. Arven felt a bit amazed. He supposed he had got used to never having a parent come home by the evening that he had stopped expecting it to happen.
“Ah, just feeling a bit lonely,” he decided to be honest, “Time zone differences leave everyone back home asleep right now.” Ingo nodded.
“Ah, yes, I do recall Emmet crying that it was too late to call Inka around this time when she was in Paldea,” he replied, “Well, would you like to help me prepare dinner?” Dinner? Like, actual cooking? Arven was stunned.
“Didn't you just get off from work? Aren't you tired?” Arven unconsciously felt the words slip out. Ingo cocked a brow up at him.
“I'll admit I am a bit tired, yes,” Ingo spoke clearly, “But my spouse is out helping my friend with her gym leader related issues and Erin is likely getting hungry again. His after-school snack was just a few pecha berries. He needs proper nutrients, as do you and me.”
“You're dedicated…” he sighed, “I'll help you. Could you teach me a something local?” Ingo nodded and stood up. Arven followed the man into the kitchen, where he saw Erin sitting at the table. Taffy was curled up in his lap, purring.
“¡Hola!” he suddenly said, and Arven tilted his head, “¿Cómo ah-stás?” That brought a laugh out of him. Oh, he tried his best.
“G-good attempt, little buddy,” he walked over and pat his head, “Where'd you pick that up?”
“My friend at school said she was Paldean! I asked her to teach me some to show you!” Erin smiled sweetly. Ingo stood there and softly observed the exchange. He might have come across as rude and distant at first, but had come to be obvious that he simply was uncomfortable being in a new place.
“He's been babbling on and on about Paldea since you told him,” Ingo opened the refrigerator to pull out ingredients, “He's been dying to impress you since you first arrived.” Arven felt his face fluster when he heard Erin's whiny 'daaaad' leave him. Impress him? Why? “Erin, are you wanting to help cook or just watch? I'm teaching Arven today, so I suggest just sitting this one out, alright?” The boy nodded and went back to doting on his cat. “Are you ready, Arven?” He nodded.
The teen soon found himself learning hot to make hamburgers quite aggressively. It was also then, he learnt that Unovans truly did enjoy grease. Whether or not this was truly full of nutrients evaded him, but it smells and look certainly appealed to his brain. They even made fries as a side, which led to more concerns about health. By the time the cooking was all finished, he found Emmet had joined Erin at the table.
Dinner was had with laughter and playful conversation. Alongside a train-related discussion, that Arven could not even begin to understand but was stunned even Erin could keep up with. He had recalled Inka's slight disappointment at Paldea's lack of a rail system. It all suddenly made sense now. By the end of the night, he felt himself flustered again when Ingo patted his back and complimented his technique. The loud 'bravo' really got to him.
Arven felt strange as he stood beside the man on a shopping trip. Ingo had gone out of his way to make him feel welcome and comforted. At first, he had been intimidated by his stiff expression and seemingly cold attitude, but that was quickly proven to be wrong by just how much the Subway Boss acted and spoke. Rather, it was Emmet that made him feel a bit threatened. (That had only been because he assumed that Arven was trying to date Inka when he was most certainly not. Upon having this explained, the younger twin lightened up, finally.)
“Is it hard being there for Erin?” Arven asked as he watched the people move over the railing. Nimbasa was endlessly busy with people seeking recreation from whatever ailed them in their day-today. Arven felt envious of them and Erin. The boy had two attentive parents who always tried their best for him. Even with a busy work-schedule, Ingo slowed down to be there for him. Much unlike his mother. And now she was… He bit his lip.
“Extremely,” Ingo answered, “I have no idea if I'm being a good father to him, and I worry about his development since he's so shy and awkward. I was like him, but I had Emmet to help me. He doesn't have anyone like that.”
“… I think you're a wonderful father, Ingo,” the teen told him while thinking back on all the interactions he had saw with Erin, “I wish I had a dad like you growing up. It would have been better… I don't even know who mine is.”
“… That's awful…” the older man mumbled out. Arven hated the pity, but he could tell it was something that deeply bothered Ingo. Someone who prided themself on being a caring parent would never like to hear about a bad one. “You're a wonderful person, Arven,” Ingo turned to him with gentle eyes, “Even with your hardships, you kept a kind heart. I think anyone could be proud of you and who you grew up to be. Please feel free to speak with me about any of your worries. I've got enough paternal affection to go around, according to my Depot Agents.” The soft pat on his back wasn't enough to settle the feelings that Ingo's words had stirred up in Arven's heart.
He hugged the silver-haired man tightly and thanked him for his kindness. The hug back was something that sent his mind to years back in the past, with his mother's smell of coffee stinging his nose when she had come home late from a research project. She apologised then for being so busy and offered to make him dinner. The AI's words about her always loving him haunted his mind. “… You're too kind, Ingo,” Arven managed to get out without hiccuping, “Erin really is lucky.”
Inka sighed as she sat beside Arven on the plane. He was staring at the photo her family and him had taken on Christmas. The way Ingo wrapped an arm around him made her curious, but she supposed that was between those two.
“Inka,” Arven spoke suddenly, “How is Ingo so fatherly while Emmet is so…” He did not know how to put it kindly. Ingo was polite in seeing them both off, giving a kind smile and hug. Meanwhile, Emmet clung to Inka for dear life, sobbing his eyes out about losing his little girl. He was a bit concerned, but Inka managed to shrug him off and board the plane.
“Papa is fatherly… in his own “Emmet” variety is how my other parent puts it,” she replied and recalled how clingy he was growing up. Arven nodded.
“He still thinks you're trying to date me,” she continued.
“Please correct him.”
“I did. He won't listen.”
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skzinka · 2 years
inka, a beloved mother : i care about all my children equally.
jisung, one of her kids : the others and i were attacked while you were away.
inka, panicked : IS JEONGIN OKAY!!??
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