#buy lab supplies online
liquidhandlingproduct · 7 months
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mycochaotix · 11 months
hi mycopal :) I'm enjoying your blog and admiring your set up, seems very hightech. I'm also reading about cultivating a local (Australian) psilocybin variety we often find in pine forests. Could you point me in the right direction for more info to get started with a simple at home set up for beginners? thanks again for your good work :)
Hello there mycopal! Thanks for reaching out! I appreciate your kind words :) I’m super proud of my lab area! It has taken two years to put together by saving 25-50 a paycheck lol!! Humorously my roommate doesn’t like that i commandeered a whole room … haha, but here we are ;) What mushy are you looking to cultivate? Pscilocybe Tampensis or P. subtropicalis maybe? :)
note: my opinions and advice are based on my own experience and studious research :) there are MANY ways to skin things with… skin… lol; as such, my way should work for most but may not and there are many other mycoeducators with varied approaches that offer great insight in their own right :) I have a few vids on youtube (still new to content creating there and working on adding more) if you wanna see more of what I do as I outline it below! At the end of this long winded MCX response I will provide supportive resources for your consideration in order they are addressed in this response.
🍄Tip: get some nasalpharyngeal swabs so you can actively swab and store mushroom genetics you find in the wild for later reararch ;)
Pretext: I live in a (technically) tropical area so what i do with my research areas may be different than you! I am not sure how much of what im about to detail has been considered by you… but if youve considered it then disregard :) i like to break things down like you’re new new new incase theres any detail to miss.
Introductory Answering your Q: Basically you have to consider a handful of generalized steps for cultivating any fungus; and find TEKs (ie: guides by other mycopal’s that have yielded them success) and make your own tek— I always say that the mycojourney is coming up with your own tek, cobbled together from current teks that speak to you and also are appropriate for your resource availability :) after you get through my response you’ll have homework of studying resources but also: finding TEKs for your specific strain you want to work with :)
My preferred supplies-
Genetics: Dont know about the laws and availability where you live, but formal vendors (like innoculatetheworld ; sporeworks) and informal mycoeducators (who sometimes vendor spores) like PGT and Boomershroomer; are the only spore sources I trust (outside of my own stock;).
Boomershroomer makes quality inflatable monotubs and if you order one of her tubs she sends genetics with it! A little ‘secret’ ;) to be aware of!
PGT has a shop online thats only open sometimes but has a cool collectible trading card system for his genetics (buy the card get the microscopy supply with the card).
ITW and SW are generally up 24/7 and are more formal vendors that also sell microscopy stuff.
I currently use and recommend using 6qt shoebox totes for grow container (the kind that you buy in 5-10 packs from Walmart that have gusseted lids that allow some air flow for ‘sneakers’ to be stored hehe). Note that you can use 12/24/48/72qt etc, but I have no experience with those and they require larger set ups with fans, humidifiers, etc. i prefer less is more :)
I always promote a company called Microppose :) they do amazing filters and just started their own monotub production I think :) my fave substrate is CocoBliss coconut coir pith, and I use lab grade nutritional additives like: gypsum, lime, malt extract, and yeast off amazon in various stages of my process. For grain bags, before I made my own, I only trust: spawnmagic.com ; for my grains I use Producers Pride: Whole Oats (like what is given to horses) from the feedstore :) a 50lb bag has lasted me two years, no lie. I dont use bags, but jars for grain: i use brand: Ball, glass mason jars for spawn containers prior to moving spawn into a tub with substrate. I use Aozita wide mouth masonjar plastic lids (off Amazon) for my jars as they can be modified with filters and then pressure cooked safely and come with rubber seals :)
Now to go into detail to answer your question:
Here we go-deep breath-: lets talk cultivation and research starting:
1. Genetics: (a) multi spore syringe (mss) (can be injected into a grow bag but isnt ideal and may not produce viable strains) (recomended to use mss on agar to isolate your own colonies), (b) spore print/swab (requires agar) or (c) liquid culture (LC) isolate syringe (best option for immediate injection-inoculation of grain containers/bags with best chance for healthy growth and fruiting without time and hassle of the steps I outline further :)
1a. If you are able to work with agar (either make your own or buy premade sterilized, one time use agar plates): then you will start your journey by MSS->Agar->Isolate separate germinating colonies off mss agar plate to new plates (those become your mother isolate plates for each specific strain isolate for whatever strain youre working with). The mother plate should become your cold storage, reference plate as you study growth and fruiting characteristics of the colonies you isolate :) at that pont: You can then use some excised pieces of the mother plate (if in a rush, or if able to wait, till gen1 plates (transfers from mother plate to new plates that become duplicate isolates of the mother plate)) to inoculate a jar or two and also inoculate other plates to continue to ‘run the mycelium out’ / ‘chase the mycelium’.
1b. If you are not able to do agar work then I strongly suggest you seek genetics that are LC syringe. Basically, LC syringes are when mycopal takes a 2nd gen+ plate and moves some of that mycelium to sterile sugar water and lets the mycelium grow out in that water till its all filled with reproduced mycelium and can be sucked up into syringes for better more assured propagation of genetics ;)
Side thought: Spore swabs and spore syringed are dice rolls :) [Spore germination discussion incl quote from TMC- https://at.tumblr.com/mycochaos/uscrybal-commented-on-a-comment-i-made-quoting/pjzr0c86nlyt]
2. Grain spawn: once you have genetics hammered out, next is grain spawn. Grain spawn can be … well, any grain. Really. Mushrooms can colonize and fruit off of wet cardbord… 💯🍄😂, so what “type” of spawn is more about whats available in your area imo. Youll need to sterilize any grain spawn, unless using a premade bag thats already sterilized or taking chances with uncle bens (or similar) rice baggies that arent sterilized but are arguably cleaner than grains scooped out of a bags of grains from a mill or feedstore.
2a. Grain bags: milo, millet, rye berries, corn kernals, rice, whole oats, really any grain or berry that has a husk can be used :) some species prefer specific grains most work on all kinds of grains with varying levels of efficiency. Some grains are more or less robust and some do better when moistened and or pressure cooked than others :) i make my own grain but exclusively use glass mason quart jars :)
2b. Grain jars: my preference. I have recent grai. Jar prep and creation reels/shorts on my instagram and some on this tumblr if you wanna see specifics :) generally I do 15psi, 10 minute venting, for 1.5 hours for my grain and I do not soak grains, only low boil them for 30 min to soften husks and extract some grain nutrients to then use that liquid ‘grain soak’ run off for agar nutrients :)
2c. Uncle Bens rice bags: i dont do this and dont have any good advice on it. I have a UB tek link or two at end for consideration and there is a whole reddit mushroom sub i think r/unclebens (?) for this
2d. All in one bags: i also do not use these and do not recommend them generally. If you have never had a flush and are literally first timing it, then all in one may work fine :) but as much of the process you can source or create yourself the cheaper and often better, imo!
3. Substrate & Spawn-to-bulk (S2B): many mycopals have their own substrate preferences, but for me I prefer shaved coconut coir pith. I generally do a coir block 650g, 500g vermiculite (from garden store), and 50g gypsum + 50g lime for my substrate. I do not sterilize it, but I do heat pasteurize my substrate for at least 12 hours. In an air tight, insulated cooler (like for sodas at a party). You can also cold pasteurize. I like how Boomershroomer and PGT do their sub and learned from them then tweaked it for my own preferences :)
When my jars are fully colonized and observably free from contam, I will S2B using a clean butter knife :) I kinda cut down into the grain in pizza slices then swirl the knife around as I let grains that spill out mix with my substrate and basically do 1qt spawn to 2qt of substrate, saving maybe 10-15% of the spawn and substrate till end to make a special psuedo casing layer once bulk of spawn and substrate are mixed and compacted. Then I do a last sprinkling of the remaining grain like a baby lasgana and cover that with substrate.
Casing layer explainer: A casing layer is a layer of material applied on top of the colonized substrate in mushroom cultivation. It can help improve yield, reduce certain types of surface contaminants, and maintain humidity around the fruiting bodies. In my experience, using an organic sphagnum peat moss mixed with lime powder and filtered water has produced successful tubs without the need for pasteurization or sterilization. Before I used that i just used left over substrate as a casing layer :) — While some species require a specific type of casing layer after substrate colonization, most do not require one. However, adding a casing layer can be beneficial for improving yield and humidity control.
There are different ways to apply a casing layer. Some people apply it as part of the spawn to bulk (S2B) process, while others apply it only after the substrate surface is fully colonized or slightly before pinning. Personally, I have used a casing layer when colonizing pasteurized wheat/rye straw to provide an even fruiting surface for mycelium. I have also experimented with an organic peat and lime dust casing layer (no pasteurization or sterilization), which has helped retain humidity and has not resulted in any contamination. Personally, I've worked some APEs in that past that had a casing layer applied in the same instance as the S2B occuring, essentially the compacted bits colonized faster than the looser casing layer. Where I always use casing layer, is if I use spawn to colonize pasteurized wheat/rye straw, if only to provide an even fruiting surface for the mycelium! But, even then... most cubensis can fruit solely on pasteurized straw, with no casing layer!
4. Colonization and Fruiting:
4a. Youll need to find a TEK based on whatever substrate container you settle on using :) what ive outlined so far is my own tek, using 6qt shoe boxes and the materials ive outlined above. The substrate chamber/container can be a flat container/tote or could be fruited out the top of a grain bag/all-in-one bag OR could fruit off the side of a bag (if its a species like Oyster mushies that prefer side fruiting). I personally use unmodified tubs and will leave lid on my tubs while colonizing and then take lid off and replace with cleaned, upside down, misted 6qt tub that rests on the edges of the right-side-up tub to create a mini climate that allows more passive air flow, allows light to filter in from high angles promoting fruits growing upwards towards the light. Light isnt needed until pinning, and is a secondary trigger to pinning but a primary factor in pigmentation of fruits and growth direction of fruits.
Colonization of most mushroom fruiting fungi is generally between 68-80F, every species and even some varieties within those species, may have specific temp needs. The way mycopals control for this is many things that I dont have to use fortunately :) ‘Martha Tents’ are something to consider. Some use heating pads and humidifiers depending on where they live and where they are compared to the sea💯. I dont have any experience with martha tents or doing more than using my home A/C, a closet, and a heppa room filter to control my temps in the closet and with lots of trial and error…. I now leave my home at 72F, my closet warms to about 74 with the door shut and a/c at that temp, so i let plates, jars and tubs colonize at 74F and then I will move the tubs to open closet with more air flow and is closer to 72F when I am moving to fruiting :) Ive tried to be clever in how I use my space… so i use wire racks and know higher up on the rack is hotter and less air flow whereas lower is cooler and often more air flow.
Something I havent really gone into yet in this response is about sterility, aseptic environments, personal and environmental hygiene. All important to condsider…
4a. Heres my explainer on that:
Strict aespetic and hygiene techniques are not 100% and even using fancy laminar flow is not 100% contamination free potentials! Common contaminant sources include airborne spores, dust, and environmental factors. Pets that roam around your cultivation area could carry spores on their fur or paws, which may be released when they move through your space. Additionally, some fungal contaminants, like Kahms yeast, can present in distinctive ways and there are dimorphic fungal molds that have one or more alternate morphologies, main dimorphism being mold with a secondary yeast form (whence the mold spores get into human lungs, for example with blastomycosis perhaps) as an alternative reproductive presentation within its life cycle (based on temperature and environmental variables). It's essential to understand that spores and other contaminant-genetic cells are incredibly tiny and (in the case of most spores) can suspend in the air, waiting for air currents, light, or vibrations to move them around. Wet spores and bacterial cells oftentimes require animal assistance or liquid splashing/spritzing/spraying to move around, but can often hitch rides of natural environmental variabes (currents of wind, water, dirt, etc). Humans also carry a range of bacteria and fungal organisms on their skin, which can contribute to localized environmental dust and potential contamination when working in hyper sterile or attempted hygienic environments while researching fungi :)
4b: Primordia, Pins and Fruiting: Pinning is a colony activity (that impacts all sides of your cake once colonized) that shifts metabolic processes of the mycelia to pinning and fruiting, this is why when you start getting heavy side pins you rarely get any flat-surface pins and fruits (all the energy goes into what pins form and fruit, first). Additionally, I believe my suggestions will be effective in controlling for environmental triggers to pinning, it is important to note that side pinning can also occur due to other factors such as genetics or substrate composition.
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You can reduce the microclimate from being created that promotes side pins, during the process, by ensuring that the substrate is firmly compressed, once S2B occurs, and then sprinkled with a .25" casing layer of the same substrate material (or peat+lime casing). I press my base spawn+cvg mix firmly, and ensuring that the surface is even with least amount of inconsistently level substrate surface. This early compression, keeps the cake against the wall for as longer than doing little to no compression of your spawn+sub. You should ensure your colonizing mycelium isnt exposed to the same lighting you would for fruiting, but light is only a secondary trigger to pinning, FAE+Temp Drop+Humidity pooling/then drying are the primary triggers for pinning once colonization has completed.
5. Harvesting and Dehydrating: i twist and pull my fruits, some will cut at base, some will float their cake with water and then cut or twist and pull at that poimt :) harvesting is preferential imo. I dehydrate fruits 125F for 24 hours in Air Fryer o. Dehydrate mode :)
Resources and foundational TEKs:
Genetics: innoculatetheworld.com, sporeworks,com, boomershroomer.com, pgtmycology,com
Casing layer post w/screencaps: https://www.tumblr.com/mycochaotix/723941213220339712/mycochaos-oldacnt-plzfollownew-one-of-my
Growing gourmet (book): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-CsyZenWzF8kHLviXM8pencZ4FAHDedh/view?usp=drivesdk
PF tek - Check this site out, gives a great layout of "PF TEK" and also BRF cakes as part of that TEK - https://www.fungifun.org/pmwiki.php/English/Pftek
HOw to make easy (cvg) bulk substrate (boomer shroomer): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7M6YHfaMyQ8&t=3s
how to make plates, slants, and LC - north spore - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a4bzQQkh71Q&t=487s
pgt LC basics - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gqwjUq31KgU&t=284s
Southwest mushrooms - mycelium grain spawn and LC - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rxlJJpu3O_g
How to sterilize equipment such as petri dishes - MIcrobehunter microscopy - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MVtEBtxkhGk
mycelium inoculation in the lab - southwest mushrooms - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ng_Wq9PnEVI&t=560s
Mushroom Cultivation, how it should and shouldnt look: https://www.shroomery.org/forums/showflat.php/Number/17231150
Recognizing and dealing with contamination: https://www.shroomery.org/forums/showflat.php/Number/23130868
Sterilization vs Pasturization - http://www.differencebetween.net/science/difference-between-sterilization-and-pasteurization/
Mushrooms, Molds and Mycorrhizae: A Fungal Immersion Course Part 1 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dD1IL2dBLQ8
Mushrooms, Molds and Mycorrhizae: A Fungal Immersion Course Part 2 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_bam3tF_a7M
Mushrooms, Molds and Mycorrhizae: A Fungal Immersion Course Part 3 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AiIUGGKjuwU
Mushrooms, Molds and Mycorrhizae: A Fungal Immersion Course Part 4 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KLfwruf2xVA
Guide to Oysters, Gourmet, Freshcap - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EZAjz6bZjpg
Cooking Oyster mushrooms, TGS - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7qb2KF6kvhA
5 gallon bucket tek - oyster mushrooms - gourmet - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=45b2t7fqhjA&t=60s
Mycophilia YT 'All About Aborts' discussion: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9C8x_32Saxg
Bacterial colony morphology - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4JZAFUPckUg
Mycelium morphology : how to select healthy mycelium when breeding mushrooms -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=leUpfsonVxc&t=1s
mycotrophic - agar xfers/sectoring off healthiest growth - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XMxGwkj9Wn4
DayTrippers Microscopy library of contam and healthy mycelium examples: https://www.reddit.com/r/ContamFam/comments/nnquol/microscopy_of_healthy_mycelium_and_contamination/
PH trich conversation pt 2 DT: https://www.reddit.ccom/r/ContamFam/comments/jldtuw/my_garden_of_contam_free_grow_it_is_all_about_the/
DayTrippers Trip Tips - apply PH casing layer to prevent trich: https://www.reddit.com/r/ContamFam/comments/m3unbr/daytrippers_trip_tips_video_tutorial_on_how_to/
Trich contamfam library: https://www.reddit.com/r/ContamFam/comments/115gyj2/trichoderma_the_green_monster/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
If FAE is a problem: not pinning, getting Cobweb, Stroma Overlay! “READ THIS”: https://www.reddit.com/r/ContamFam/comments/jur5ar/daytrippers_trip_tip_why_cant_i_get_this_if_fae/
DayTripper’s Trip Tips: Two cultivation tricks to solve common problems of insufficient Fresh Air Exchange and Overlay growth in monotubs: https://www.reddit.com/r/ContamFam/comments/10w1yxm/daytrippers_trip_tips_two_cultivation_tricks_to/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
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trends-fashion-uk · 4 months
The Rise of Sustainable Fashion: A Greener Future for the Industry
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The Rise of Sustainable Fashion: A Greener Future for the Industry
Fashion is ever-evolving, but one of the most significant trends in recent years has been the rise of sustainable fashion. As consumers become more environmentally conscious, the demand for eco-friendly and ethically produced clothing has surged. This shift is not just a fleeting trend; it's a movement that is reshaping the fashion industry for a greener future.
Understanding Sustainable Fashion
Sustainable fashion, also known as eco-fashion, refers to clothing that is designed, manufactured, distributed, and used in ways that are environmentally friendly. It involves considering the entire lifecycle of a product, from the raw materials used to the end-of-life disposal or recycling of the garment.
Key elements of sustainable fashion include:
Eco-Friendly Materials: Using organic or recycled fabrics that reduce environmental impact.
Ethical Production: Ensuring fair wages and safe working conditions for garment workers.
Reduced Waste: Implementing practices like zero-waste pattern making and upcycling old garments.
Minimized Carbon Footprint: Reducing greenhouse gas emissions through sustainable farming and manufacturing processes.
Why Sustainable Fashion Matters
The fashion industry is one of the largest polluters in the world. Traditional fashion practices contribute to a host of environmental problems, including water pollution, excessive waste, and significant carbon emissions. Sustainable fashion aims to address these issues by promoting practices that are kinder to the planet.
Environmental Impact: By using sustainable materials and methods, fashion brands can significantly reduce their environmental footprint. Organic cotton, for instance, uses less water and no harmful pesticides, while recycled fabrics reduce waste and the need for new raw materials.
Social Responsibility: Ethical fashion also focuses on the well-being of the workers who make our clothes. Fair wages, safe working conditions, and the right to unionize are essential components of a just and sustainable fashion industry.
Consumer Influence: As more consumers demand sustainable products, brands are incentivized to adopt greener practices. This consumer-driven change is a powerful force in transforming the industry.
How to Embrace Sustainable Fashion
For those looking to make their wardrobe more eco-friendly, here are some practical tips:
Choose Quality Over Quantity: Invest in high-quality pieces that are timeless and durable. A well-made garment lasts longer and reduces the need for frequent replacements.
Buy Second-Hand: Thrift stores, consignment shops, and online resale platforms offer a treasure trove of pre-loved clothing. Buying second-hand extends the life of garments and reduces waste.
Support Sustainable Brands: Research and support brands that prioritize sustainability and ethical practices. Look for certifications like Fair Trade, GOTS (Global Organic Textile Standard), and B Corp.
Care for Your Clothes: Proper care extends the life of your garments. Follow washing instructions, avoid over-washing, and repair items instead of discarding them.
Embrace Minimalism: Adopt a minimalist approach to fashion by curating a capsule wardrobe. Focus on versatile pieces that can be mixed and matched to create various outfits.
The Future of Sustainable Fashion
The future of fashion lies in sustainability. As awareness grows, more brands are committing to sustainable practices, and technological advancements are making it easier to produce eco-friendly clothing. Innovations like lab-grown fabrics, biodegradable materials, and blockchain for supply chain transparency are paving the way for a more sustainable industry.
Consumers play a crucial role in this transformation. By making conscious choices and demanding better from brands, we can drive the fashion industry toward a more sustainable and ethical future.
Sustainable fashion is not just a trend; it's a necessary evolution for the industry. By embracing eco-friendly practices and ethical production, we can reduce the environmental impact of fashion and ensure a better future for both people and the planet. So, next time you shop, remember: every purchase is a vote for the kind of world you want to live in. Choose wisely, and join the movement for a greener, more sustainable fashion industry.
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random-writerings · 8 months
Touch Me (Til I Find Myself) ~ Chapter 9
Word Count: 4.6k
Masterlist // AO3
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The team gathered in the containment pod, waiting for Enoch to release it from the Zephyr. 
“Are you sure this thing is safe?” Deke asked.
“We’ll be fine,” Jemma assured him. “It’s been through worse.”
Once they were separated from Z-One, Fitz navigated the pod towards the Lighthouse, docking outside one of Kasius’ levels. The doors opened, revealing the corridor in almost complete darkness, lit only by red lights. This level was nicer than the human levels – there were no exposed pipes or uneven floors. Instead, this corridor was much cleaner, with smooth white walls that didn’t have a mark on them. 
And it was silent. The human levels had been overcrowded and noisy, but this corridor was deserted. The Lighthouse had been ominous before but this made Kris feel even more uneasy.
Everyone exited cautiously, using their torches to scan the surrounding area.
“All clear,” Daisy announced as Deke closed the containment pod doors.
“Hopefully we can say the same for Enoch,” Fitz added.
Enoch had stayed behind on the Zephyr in order to power up the machine to send them home. He had hidden himself in the lab after ensuring the team’s escape, suspecting that the Kree would search the ship.
Just then, Coulson’s radio crackled.
“The diversion seems to have worked,” Enoch’s robotic voice came through. “They’re still searching the ship.”
“Good,” Coulson replied. “You’re secure?”
“Yes. The machine will be online by the time Flint builds the monolith.”
“Easier said than done.” Coulson sighed.
They continued down the corridor, carefully checking around corners for any Kree. Fitz held one half of the shard tightly in his hand.
“So, one more time,” Deke said. “The machine uses the little piece to trigger the bigger piece through space?”
“Yeah, or time,” Fitz replied shortly.
“It mirrors the harmonic resonant frequency of photons which can exist out of space-time,” Jemma explained more thoroughly. 
“Yeah, I hear you saying words, but what–what do they –” Deke stuttered, only to be interrupted by Daisy.
“If Flint can’t construct the monolith, none of this matters.”
“Robin said he can,” May insisted, “so I believe it.”
“He’s just a kid, May,” Kris reminded her. “He only got his powers recently. He might not have the right amount of control or the strength to build something out of nothing.”
“We’ll talk him through it once we meet them,” Jemma reassured.
“You two get that thing to Flint,” Coulson addressed Fitzsimmons. “We’ll worry about survivors –”
“And kill Kasius,” Deke added. 
“– Get them to safety.”
“And then we kill Kasius?” Deke insisted. “When does that happen? Because some of us aren’t getting out of here on a magic rock.”
All of the horrible things Kris had heard about Kasius flashed through her mind – enslaving people and removing their hearing, breeding Inhumans and making them fight each other, then selling them to the highest bidder, buying the Roaches to keep the humans under control, sending people to the surface to die, public executions, the Renewals, the bombs in the oxygen supply that Mack had told them about … the list went on and on. They had to take him out to ensure humanity’s survival.
“He’s right,” Kris chimed in. “We can’t leave while Kasius is still alive.”
“We won’t leave until humanity is in control of its future,” Coulson promised. “But, in the meantime, everyone do your job. Then meet at the rendezvous point.”
Fitzsimmons nodded and left, going to meet Mack, Yo-Yo, and Flint. The rest of them went down another corridor, determined to free the Inhumans Kasius had imprisoned. 
Four Kree guards marched down the corridor, surrounding a group of young Inhumans. The team hid, waiting to ambush them. As the group approached, Coulson nodded to Deke, who rounded the corner and shot the guard at the front in the chest.
May appeared from behind, stabbing another guard in the back. Coulson shot another guard with an ICER Fitz had given him, while Daisy ducked an axe swing from another.
The guard Deke had shot stayed standing, charging at him. Kris darted out from behind Deke, tackling the alien and causing him to stumble back a few steps. Kris yanked the massive gun from his hands and beat him over the head with it. While the Kree was knocked off balance, she aimed the gun at him and shot him again. He crumpled to the ground, collapsing in a heap. Behind her, Daisy violently bashed her opponent’s head against the wall while Coulson encouraged the Inhumans to escape.
“Let’s go! Go, go, go!” He waved his hand, urging the Inhumans to follow him. “Get the Inhumans to the Trawler!”
May ushered the Inhumans in the right direction, joining Deke and Kris at the back of the group. Kris dropped the Kree gun, letting it clatter beside the guard's body. It was too heavy to carry around and too bulky to work with her fighting style.
“Guns, man!” Deke’s voice was filled with excitement. “It’s like cheating! They shouldn’t give these to anyone that’s not a really, really good person.”
“You think there’d be a law,” May muttered sarcastically, making Kris chuckle. 
The three of them followed the Inhumans. Kris heard Coulson shout for Daisy, his tone urgent. She turned to see Coulson raising his gun at some guy charging at Daisy. May grabbed her arm, pulling her forward.
“He’s human. They can handle it,” she reminded Kris.
They made their way through the Lighthouse, Deke leading the group with Kris just behind him, and May bringing up the rear. Deke had his gun out, clearly trying to copy the way the agents held their guns. But he was waving it around a little bit too wildly for Kris’ taste. 
“Alright, give me that.” She snatched it from his grasp. 
“Hey, come on,” he protested.
“Remember what I said about caution and restraint? You are far too trigger-happy and definitely not practising proper gun safety.”
“So, you’re leaving me defenceless against the Kree? You know, the aliens that are bigger and stronger than the average human?”
“Oh don’t be so dramatic.” Kris rolled her eyes. “As tempting as that may seem, no. You’ll get it back if we run into danger. Until then, it’s confiscated so you don’t accidentally kill someone.”
“‘Tempting’? You’re tempted to leave me at the mercy of the Kreepers?” Deke pretended to be offended. “How heartless. And after all the good times we’ve shared together.”
Kris’ head whipped around to glare at him. May was close behind them and could have overheard him. And if he was referring to what she thought he was …
He saw her expression and sighed. “Joking,” he said, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“Whatever,” she muttered. “Just watch it.” The threat in her voice was unmistakable.
Eventually, they reached the docking station where another Trawler was waiting for them. May and Kris helped the Inhumans on board, assuring them they were safe now. 
When Kris noticed Deke was no longer with them, she turned to see him standing with … Tess? Kris’ eyes widened – it couldn’t be her. Surely not.
“I heard you were dead,” Deke breathed, astounded. Tess nervously played with her hands, avoiding looking at him. “You look good for … dead. I mean … You don’t look great, but you – I mean, you’ve been through something, but –” Deke stumbled over his words, trying to reassure Tess.
“It’s good to see you too, Deke,” Tess cut him off, smiling slightly. 
Deke smiled back. They stared at each other for a moment, unsure of what to say next. Deke gave her a small nod and then joined the team by the ladder. Kris saw Coulson talking to Tess. Of course he would. If anyone understood what she was going through, it was him. Being brought back from the dead wasn’t a pleasant experience, or so she had heard.
Deke kept glancing back at Tess, as if unsure she was really there. 
“You don’t have to come to the rendezvous point with us, you know,” Kris reminded him. “You can stay here, leave with them.” She gestured down the ladder to the people in the Trawler. 
Deke glanced down as one of Kasius’ servants descended. There was a hint of longing in his eyes, as if he was considering it. But then it was gone, replaced with resolve. 
“No. My dad died making sure you guys got here. I have to make sure you get back. Finish what he started.”
Kris admired his determination, but she wasn't comfortable with Deke putting himself in harm's way to help them – there was always the chance he might not make it out, and she really didn't need that on her conscience.  Kris opened her mouth to say something but was interrupted.
“Okay, the Trawler’s almost ready,” Daisy announced as she left the hangar. “We should get to the rendezvous.”
“You okay flying them up to the human levels?” May asked Tess.
“I’ve been watching enough to manage on my own,” Tess said confidently. “I’ll be back for Flint, and anyone else coming up.” Her eyes darted behind Coulson to Deke.
“Good.” Coulson smiled. “Now get out of here.”
Tess smiled back then hopped up into the hangar. As Coulson was about to close the doors, she turned to him.
“You were right. We can fight back.”
Kris was glad Tess was back, even if her resurrection had been unpleasant. She would make a good leader – organised, cool-headed, and authoritative when she needed to be. Humanity would be in safe hands with Tess and Flint.
They made it to the rendezvous point but Fitzsimmons, Mack, Yo-Yo, and Flint hadn’t arrived yet. The room was silent, the air thick with tension as they waited.
Suddenly, the radio crackled to life. 
“Hello again,” Enoch’s calm voice echoed in the quiet room. “They have located me. Repeat, they have located me.”
Coulson picked up the radio. “We copy. You sure they found you?”
“The evidence is highly suggestive.” Enoch’s voice remained emotionless, completely unbothered by the fact that their whole plan was on the brink of ruin. Kris was starting to hate him more and more.
“We never should have left him alone.” Coulson sighed.
“We’re here forever if he loses control of that machine,” May stated. 
“Goddamn it,” Kris muttered defeatedly, pinching the bridge of her nose. 
“Enoch, how long can you hold out?” Coulson asked, panic seeping into his voice.
There was a pause before Enoch replied. “I calculate twelve minutes.”
May shook her head and sighed.
“What?” Daisy asked disbelievingly. “That is not enough time. That machine activates a monolith we haven’t even built yet.”
“We have to go secure the Zephyr,” May suggested. 
“It’s too far away,” Kris chimed in. “We won’t make it there and back in time.”
“Oh, damn it. Really?” Deke groaned. “We had to leave the machine in the hands of some automaton?”
Kris and Daisy crossed their arms and frowned at him.
“Hey, none of us were exactly thrilled at the idea,” Kris retorted. “You were the one who told us the Kree can scan for lifeforms onboard. He was the only one who could be left behind and not be detected.”
“Yeah, well, this whole thing was a shitty idea! I knew the moment that I laid eyes on all of you that this was going to spell my downfall.” He paced around, sighing. 
“Hey, no one asked you to stick around,” Kris reminded him harshly. “In fact, we made it pretty clear we wanted you to get lost.”
“You were the ones following me around!” Deke gestured at her and Daisy.
“Because we didn’t trust you to keep your mouth shut,” Kris countered. 
“God, I hate you,” he mumbled, rolling his eyes. “Look, I’ll go.” He held out his hand towards Kris, palm up. “But I’d rather not walk in there unarmed.”
Kris hesitated, unsure if he was serious. He raised his eyebrows at her impatiently and she relented. She pulled out the gun that she had stashed in her belt and, turning it to face her, handed it over grip first. He took it while the others watched, stunned.
“I’ll secure the machine and … save the weird robot.” He sounded defeated.
Coulson and Daisy exchanged a glance.
“Well, I’ll come,” Daisy offered. “It’d be better if we take the plane together.”
“Yeah. No duh!” Deke said sarcastically. “But, as Kris said, none of the time-travellers can go because you all need to be at the rendezvous when it’s turned on. So, do the math.”
“You’re one guy against the Kree,” Coulson interjected. “You’ll be massively out-gunned.”
Deke opened his arms wide. “Kinda trying to do the whole hero thing here, man. Is that your pep talk?” 
Kris almost smiled at his sarcasm. Deke had a point – it was a pretty shit pep talk. 
Deke sighed. “You guys get killed, and who saves the world then? I told my parents not to believe in this Roach-crap fairy tale, and they went and they died for it anyway. And I’m probably next in line.” His voice was strained, holding back his emotions. “But there is no way in hell that I am gonna let some blue Kreeper destroy that machine before I get to see whether or not that damn thing was worth any of this!”
Deke tried to walk off but Daisy stopped him. “Look, I’m sure you put up a good fight. But if my ride home depends on that machine, I’m gonna secure it myself.”
“You-you drive me out of my skull,” Deke said through gritted teeth. “This part of you – this impetuous, bull-headed, squabbling –” “I was offering backup, genius,” Daisy yelled.
“No, when the other side of you is a friggin’ hero who can’t help herself but do good, then be great. The world needs that person to make it home.” There was a pause as Deke’s words sunk in. Kris thought that was the first time he had ever complimented Daisy. “Just try not to destroy it when you get there.” And the Deke they knew was back.
“Deke’s right,” Kris cut in. “I can’t believe I keep saying that, but he is. You’re Quake, you’re a hero. You’re a symbol people can get behind and the world needs that. You have to go back. I don’t.”
“Hang on, what?” Daisy asked incredulously. 
“And besides,” Kris continued, ignoring her. “Kasius wants you – you’d be walking straight into a trap. However, he doesn’t know or care about me so I’m the best option to provide Deke with backup. Because let’s be honest, he’s really going to need it.”
“Rude.” Deke made a face at her.
“Kris, if you don’t make it back to the monolith –” May started, but Kris interrupted.
“Who cares? If I’m being honest, this is maybe a bit of a selfish decision. I have a better chance of survival if I stay here.” She avoided Daisy’s gaze as she said that, knowing it would hurt her friend’s feelings. “And there are untrained Inhumans here. S.H.I.E.L.D. tried every method of controlling Inhuman powers with me, so I could help them. And I have the knowledge of the way things were before the apocalypse, so I can help humanity find its future.” She turned to Coulson with pleading eyes. “I can do some good.”
“What about the good you can do back home?” he asked. “What about the people you can save there?”
“Sir, I might not survive –”
“We won’t let that happen,” Coulson promised her. “We need to stick together. It’s the only way we’ll be able to fix this.”
Kris opened her mouth to argue but Deke spoke up first.
“Yeah, no offence, but I kinda want the glory of a heroic self-sacrifice all to myself.” He grinned at her. “Besides, I can’t wait to be rid of you. You’ve been hanging around me from the moment we met so, just this once, leave me the hell alone.”
Just like in Grill’s, even though he was coming across as arrogant and selfish, Kris recognised that he was trying to help her. She debated with herself for a moment – she didn’t want to stay in this post-apocalyptic future but she still thought it was the best course of action. Out of the corner of her eye, she caught May and Coulson glancing at each other. She knew that look – they weren’t going to let her go back to the Zephyr. 
She sighed, giving in. “Fine, go and get yourself killed. See if I care.”
Deke rolled his eyes and scoffed. “Thank god you’re leaving. You’re insufferable, all of you.”
“It was almost nice knowing you,” Daisy retorted as Deke walked away. 
“Can’t wait to never see you again,” Kris called after him.
“This has been the worst experience of my life,” he shouted over his shoulder. “So, good riddance.”
“God, you are still the most infuriating person I’ve ever met.”
He turned to give her one last playfully exasperated look. “And you’re still a giant pain in my ass.”
Then he rounded the corner and he was gone. Hopefully for good this time. 
There was a small part of her, though, that thought she might actually miss him. A very, very small part. 
No, he had done nothing but annoy her since they met, she reminded herself. She was glad to see the back of him. 
May, Coulson, and Kris stood guard as Daisy fixed the elevator panel. It was eerily silent and they were all on edge. They had left the rendezvous when the others hadn’t shown up, and decided to head straight to Kasius’ suites where Flint would build the monolith. They just hoped the others were there already.
“How we looking?” Coulson asked.
“Almost done,” Daisy replied, her face screwed up in concentration. 
The panel beeped faintly and the screen which Daisy had removed lit up. She tapped a few buttons and the elevator doors opened.
“All set,” she announced. “Express train to the bottom of the Lighthouse, no stops.”
“Right to the belly of the beast,” May added.
They walked inside, unsure of what to expect but preparing for a fight.
But Daisy hesitated.
“Daisy,” Coulson addressed her, “can’t waste time.”
Daisy glanced between them all, then back at Coulson with a determined look in her eyes.
“I’m not coming,” she stated simply.
Coulson exchanged a glance with May then stepped towards Daisy. “I know you’re scared about going home –”
“No, I’m terrified. Look around. Billions of people, gone. If there’s a chance I’m the cause … I can’t go.” Her voice was quiet as she shook her head.
May stepped forward. “We can get through this together. You don’t even have your powers anymore.”
“It’s only a matter of time,” Daisy argued, “and you know it. If there’s an emergency or if one of you is in danger, I will need them, and we will find a way. If I go through that portal, you know it’s the beginning of the end.” She avoided looking at Kris as she said that.
“I don’t,” Coulson countered. “We don’t even know you did this.”
“I was right in the epicentre.”
“Coulson’s right,” Kris interjected. “We don’t know for sure that you did this.” Daisy opened her mouth to argue but Kris carried on. “There was someone else, remember? In that news report, they mentioned another powered person. It could have been them –”
“You don’t actually believe that? Like Deke said, who else could have done this except me?”
“You can’t stay here,” Kris insisted. “You have to come back with us.”
“You, of all people, should want to stay as far away from me as possible!” Daisy exclaimed. 
“Well, I don’t,” Kris retorted. “You’re my friend, Daisy. And I am not leaving you behind.”
“None of us are,” Coulson added. “I won’t let you sacrifice yourself because you’re scared of what’s to come.”
“What’s to come is the end of everything!” Daisy replied harshly.
“If you can change the future here, you can change it from back home,” May insisted. 
“But we know this solution works,” Daisy argued, almost pleading with them. “We can stop this today.”
“No, it’s not about today,” Coulson said. “It’s about tomorrow. Even if we solve this problem, the world is never safe. The job goes on. We go on.” There was a pause as he stared at Daisy, his eyes desperate for her to change her mind. “Please.” 
But Daisy was not backing down “Maybe I don’t go with you. You know it's the right move. Coulson, as an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., you trained me to fight. Now I’m making my stand … here.”
“May trained you to fight,” Coulson replied, turning away. Then he suddenly turned around again. “I need you to lead.”
Coulson shot Daisy with the ICER. She thudded to the floor while May and Kris stared, frozen in shock.
Coulson walked over to Daisy, put his gun away then picked her up gently, carrying her into the elevator with them. He looked between May and Kris like he was daring them to say something. Neither of them did. 
Kris tapped the panel on the wall and the doors closed, sending them down further into Kasius’ levels.
They entered Kasius’ suites where Mack, Jemma, Fitz, and Flint were already waiting for them. Another girl was with them, dressed in the light blue robes of Kasius’ servants. 
“What happened?” Jemma asked, concerned for Daisy.
“He ICE’d her,” May replied coldly. “She didn’t want to come.”
“I’m not leaving anyone behind,” Coulson insisted as he laid Daisy down on a table.
“Where’s Yo-Yo?” Mack asked. “She didn’t find you?”
Kris shook her head. “We haven’t seen her.”
“She’s not with you?” Coulson asked.
“No, she was picking up some survivors. She should be back by now.”
The team shot each other worried glances.
“She’ll make it back,” Coulson assured them all. “She’s strong.”
Mack picked up his shotgun axe and started towards the corridor.
“Hurry,” Coulson urged him. “Who knows when that portal’s gonna open.”
May headed over to Flint while Jemma stayed by Daisy’s side. 
“You’re Flint?” May asked him. 
He turned around to face her and nodded. “Yes.” 
May smiled at him. “You’re going to get us home.”
He smiled back at her. “Yes. I am.”
“Good.” The smile dropped off her face and she was back to being serious May. “What are you waiting for?”
She stepped away and Flint turned back to stare at the monolith shard in his hands. Kris felt for him – this was a lot to put on his shoulders so soon after he received his powers. She watched him shut his eyes and take a deep breath. For a moment, nothing happened. Then the shard floated out of his hand, coming to a stop a few feet in front of him. It hovered there, above a pile of rocks, waiting.
The rest of the team looked up, intrigued by what was happening. The rocks also began to float, moving closer to the shard. White limestone was removed from the walls, the thin clouds of dust flowing through the air towards the shard. The rocks connected with each other seamlessly, slowly building up the monolith they had seen before. 
Once it was complete, they all stared in awe. Kris walked up to Flint, patting him on the shoulder.
“Nice work, kid. You’re a natural.”
“Thanks.” Flint smiled, almost surprised at himself.
Coulson grabbed the radio. “Deke, come in.”
“Yeah, we’re here,” came Deke’s reply.
“We got the monolith built,” Coulson informed him. “I think it might work. How’s the machine coming?”
There was a pause, then Deke answered him. “It’s great. We found a fix for the machine.” His tone was upbeat but something didn’t feel right.
“Good. You were right about taking the Zephyr.”
“Just make sure everyone’s in place the second we get it powered on, alright? We’re only gonna get one shot at this.”
“Right.” Coulson’s voice was low. “You know, your parents would be proud of you.”
Another long pause. “Well, we’re about to give them a hell of a show.”
Kris thought that was a weird thing to say until she realised what he meant. Her eyes widened.
“Thanks. We’ll have everyone in place.” Coulson turned away from the monolith to face the team, turning off the radio. “That machine’s gonna explode. It’s not safe down here.” He spoke to Flint and the girl in particular.
“What?” Flint looked around at them. 
“You’re welcome to come back with us, but if not, you got to leave now,” Coulson told him. “Meet Tess at the Trawler.”
“Where? Which one?” the girl asked, panic seeping into her voice.
“But Mack, Yo-Yo … they’re not back yet,” Flint worried. He looked around them like he was hoping they had a plan. But they didn’t. Either Mack and Yo-Yo made it back in time or they didn’t. There wasn’t much else they could do.
Flint sighed then looked up at Coulson. “Tell them I had more work to do.”
Coulson nodded and Flint took the girl’s hand, leading her away to rejoin the rest of humanity.
“Come on. I know the way.”
The girl thanked them before they hurried off. Then Jemma approached Coulson.
“Coulson, what’s happening?” she asked.
“Where are they?” he asked in return, referring to Mack and Yo-Yo. If anyone knew, it would be Jemma – she had spent the most time down here.
Jemma thought for a moment, then it suddenly occurred to her. “I know where they are.”
“Go.” Coulson nodded.
Jemma ran off and Kris started to follow her but Coulson stopped her.
“Not you.”
“Sir –”
“Too many of us are missing. I’m trying to keep as many here as possible.”
Kris relented, but she wasn’t happy about it.
“What about Deke?” she asked. “We can’t leave him in the Zephyr. He’ll die.” Coulson didn’t say anything. “We have to wait as long as possible before firing up the machine. He deserves a chance to escape with everyone else.”
“He might not make it to the Trawler in time,” Coulson said. “We can’t delay their take off for one person.”
“And none of us can rescue him without being left behind or, worse, killed in the explosion,” May chimed in.
“We can’t just let him die without trying to help him. That’s not how we do things.” Kris frowned. 
“It sounds like he knows what’s going to happen,” Coulson said quietly. “He’s made his choice and we should respect that.”
“Guys, we got a problem,” Deke’s voice crackled on the radio.
Coulson picked it up. “What’s wrong?”
“I’m using Enoch to power the machine, but I’m losing him. You gotta launch now.”
“What?” Fitz snatched the radio from Coulson. “No, Deke, it’s too early. The team isn’t back yet.” He paused. “Enoch. Enoch, buddy, hang on. I know that you’ve done so much already, but please, please just hang on.”
“Guys, I’m buying as much time as I can here!” Deke sounded panicked. 
“The rock’s gonna open,” May radioed Jemma. “Get here now!” 
“I always knew that working with you guys was gonna blow up in my face!” Deke yelled. “But it’s about to get literal!”
Coulson picked up Daisy and the team gathered in front of the rock, anxiously checking the door behind them for any sign of the others.
“You know she’ll never forgive you, right?” May asked Coulson.
He glanced down at Daisy, still unconscious. “I have to hope.”
“We’re losing him! I’m out of time!”
The rock began to shake. Then a bright light blinded them as the monolith turned to white liquid. Kris threw her arm over her eyes to shield them as she felt the liquid wash over her ankles, dragging her under. 
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Taglist: @ocappreciationtag // @arrthurpendragon // @mischiefmanaged71
(If you want to be added to or removed from my taglist, feel free to send me a message)
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caintooth · 2 years
Just realized I’ve never actually shared the text from my top surgery fundraiser here, so:
Hi, my name is Ez Charlie Tadgh. (Mostly Charlie these days, but a lot of you still know me as Ez, which is fine, too!)
I’m writing today to ask for help in affording gender affirming top surgery.
To tell you a bit more about me: I’m a recent college graduate, a queer and autistic poet, an aspiring silversmith, hobbyist photographer, and an amateur chainmail weaver. In my free time I also enjoy playing video games and watching / talking about films. I'm currently raising a leopard gecko (her name is Poppy) and taking metalworking classes when life allows. My professional life is in the sex industry, as I am a customer service and sales representative for an online adult toy store.
Deciding to make this fundraiser has been a long time coming. Finally typing out the words feels surreal… For most of my life, even before having a name for my dysphoria, I’ve concealed the shape of my body in purposely ill-fitting shirts, and worn zip-up jackets even in dangerously hot weather to disguise the shape of my chest. I've spent years purposely manipulating my posture, intentionally hunching my shoulders to make my chest appear smaller. I've avoided hugs, kept my arms crossed over my front, practiced the exact way to stand in photos, all to try and make my chest seem flatter. Even wearing a binder has offered little relief- the compression of the traditional style does not agree with my asthma, and though TransTape allows me to breathe better (it feels like a literal weight off my shoulders!) it very easily triggers my sensory issues, and sometimes makes my psoriasis flair up under my breasts.
These practices aren't sustainable. They're damaging both my mental and physical health... This body IS the house I will live in for the rest of my life, y'know? I can't keep boarding up the walls, I can't keep fantasizing about moving. I need to make real renovations, so it can stop being just a place I live, and instead truly become my HOME.
So, yeah. I am finally at the point where I know I can't do this on my own anymore. Every day the need for this procedure becomes more clear and urgent in my mind.
Trans healthcare in this country is notoriously inaccessible, confusing, and expensive. I'm lucky to live within driving distance of Dr. Hope Sherie in Charlotte, NC, a surgeon who I have seen nothing but good reviews about, and who has been recommended to me by more than one trusted friend. However, my insurance will not cover this procedure, and I am regularly seeing $10,000 quoted as the amount for top surgery at Dr. Sherie's office. I have some money saved up towards that amount already, but it is only a small piece of the complete financial puzzle.
I have my first consultation with Dr. Sherie on May 1st, and plan to post an update with exact figures after that meeting. I have already paid $100 as deposit for this consultation, and will need to pay a non-refundable fee of $1,000 to reserve my surgery date, on the day it is selected. I will have to pay the rest of the surgery cost 3 weeks before the date of the surgery. (Should I need to reschedule during that final 3 weeks, I will have to pay a second, also non-refundable $1,000 deposit.) This is not even including the cost for any prescription medications, lab fees, post-op care materials, or other surgery-necessitated garments and binders for this procedure. Should I need any revisions after the initial procedure, the minimum fee would be $1,000.
I also need to consider the fact that I will have to take some time off of work for the surgery itself and the recovery period, thus losing at minimum 2 weeks pay (that's a full paycheck for me) and will need to buy extra food and health supplies for that period.
I don't want this surgery to feel like some sort of hardship I'm having to go through. I want it to be safe, I want to feel secure during this process, I want to know I'm not going to be stressed the entire time. That's what all of this is about, anyway:
Trying to achieve a state of comfort.
Anything you can do to help me towards this goal will receive my eternal gratitude and respect. I am constantly in awe of our community, and the level of support we can provide for one another. I feel grateful for even having the chance to ask for this sort of help. Thank you. I love y'all.
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artleaguemdcnorth · 1 year
2D - FIRST DAY OF CLASS - 9/25/23
Welcome to the 2023 FALL Semester for 2D.
An email was sent to students over the weekend with the class instructions and other information including a link to the course blog along with the class syllabus.
We will have the first class on Monday , Sept. 25 at 8am in room 5204. You will only need a notebook or sketchbook to take notes.
On the first day all students who have not done so, will create their own portfolio blog using the Tumblr platform and they will create a Threads  handle to follow additional instructions during the semester.
FIRST DAY INFO and class assignments for today after our meet and greet will be as follows:
1) Create your Threads handle. 2) Find the class threads handle and follow it:
3)Create your own Tumblr handle.
4)Follow class blog ONLY nothing else.
This is a mini term and it goes by pretty fast. I will give class assignments weekly . Each week as a class , students will work on developing creative ideas related to the vocabulary of art.
I will lecture at the start of class and students will have class time as well as homework if needed to complete the assignments.
Assignments will also be posted here on the class blog, in case any student is absent or late they can come to the class blog and follow directions.
I will always share the link to the class blog for your class on the day new assignments are given as I did today.
Pay attention as I can also post suggestions and information there during class time.
I will also show photos with examples and or additional instructions on Threads when needed.
All work to be done in class will be done on the Bristol pad except when otherwise noted .
Some Homework assignments are done on the sketchbook.  
All work needs to be framed within the picture plane as stated during class meets.
Work completed during class will be posted on your Tumblr (portfolio page) by end of class time.
Work that was not completed during class , needs to be completed during lab hours .
1) Today after class is dismissed, students will watch three short videos.
You will be  looking at the work of two artist,
Franz Kline
Agnes Martin.
Throughout the semester we are going to be looking at work from different artists who work in the following genre:
Non Objective , Abstract , Modern Art.
2) As you watch the videos posted below, take notes  regarding the three videos (two about Franz Kline and two from Helen Frankenthaler).
See if you can answer the questions below:
a) Pay attention to how they create art and why if that is so stated. b) What inspires them?
Brief statement of what you understand about how FRANZ KLINE and HELEN FRANKENTHALER create art.
In regards to the work of Franz Klein comment on the issues below:
How does he divide the page ?
How is line changing from one stroke to the next?
Is it the same kind of line, thick , bold or thin and light?
Is space painted first (white), before line (black) or the reverse?
One you have finished the videos and written your statement, proceed to your sketchbook to sketch some ideas of your own version of the following:
C) Franz Kline inspired work.
Start out by playing with line as it divides the composition.
These are preliminary ideas known as sketches
How would  you do it?
D) Next, using  three pages in your sketchbook create THREE Franz Kline inspired compositions.
You will be using black and white paint.
E) Post review of the videos by 11pm tonight.
(This is your first tumblr blog )
F ) Sketches by tomorrow at 5 pm
For the first few weeks , the materials listed below are essential to complete class assignments.
BRISTOL PAD 100lbs. ( 9x 12  )
Sketchbook bound 8 x 11 or bigger
Black ink or Black acrylic paint (mars black)
White paint Acrylic Titanium White
Beginners acrylic paint set assortment of brushes
Painters tape (blue tape from Home Depot or Lowes)
Black assortment of sharpies different sizes (thick, thin etc )
RULER Scissors Glue sticks
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BRISTOL PAD 100 LBS (9 X 12 )
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starter set acrylics ( CAN BE GOLDEN , WINSOR NEWTON BRANDS  6 or 8 colors )
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Variety of brush set or something similar - different sizes
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Higgins black ink
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small tube of Mars ink
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small tube of Titanium white
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Note: Students who have taken drawing classes with me have most of these items. 
Additional Materials list will be  discussed on the first day of class.
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professionalwork14 · 2 years
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L-Arginine Hydrochloride
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Eliminates your unbalanced fats from the casing.
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kenresearchcompany · 2 years
Thailand Clinical Laboratory Industry Has Evolved Over the Years and Has Become a Critical Solution Provider: Ken Research
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Expanding healthcare spending by the Government, increasing healthcare spending by aging population and increasing public awareness led to the growth of the Clinical Laboratory Market in Thailand.
Thailand Clinical Laboratory Market Overview: The Clinical Laboratory Market in Thailand is currently at the growth stage and is a consolidated market. The market has been driven by growth in non-communicable disease and chronic diseases, increasing focus on preventive medicine, ageing population, increase in awareness levels, rising disposable income and preference for evidence based treatment. The Thailand Clinical Laboratory Market grew from 6.7% in 2017 to 12.3% in 2021 in terms of revenue generated, due to the growing demand for clinical laboratory services in the country.
Challenges Faced by Thailand Clinical Laboratory Market: In spite of the growing demand for diagnostic services, affordability remains a concern. Budget constraints from both public and private payers are pushing costs lower. The number of sample sales and test price are very competitive among both organized and unorganized businesses. Diagnostics facilities need to modify their technology frequently to maintain a competitive edge. However, these improvements not only require large construction expenditures but also raise maintenance expenses. This is essential, especially for smaller players with little resources. Lack of laboratory accountability for the services that they render, insufficient oversight of suppliers, consumables, supplies, and laboratory equipment in terms of price, commitments, and warranty support; are still very challenging issues.
Supportive Government Initiatives: Thailand’s reform places a heavy emphasis on improving a district health system that is pro-rural and pro-poor. To promote lab accreditation and restore consumer trust, the government has established national accreditation bodies such as the Thailand Laboratory Accreditation Program. The national accreditation program was established as a local alternative to make it affordable, feasible, scalable, sustainable, and effective. In 2008, Thailand’s Universal Coverage Scheme (UCS) was extended to include wider coverage. The UCS plan focuses on minorities and the poor and near-poor, with the aim of offering the most comprehensive coverage possible. It includes extensive outpatient and inpatient health care, as well as prevention and health promotion, in addition to basic hospital fees.
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Analysts at Ken Research in their latest publication “Thailand Clinical Laboratory Market Outlook to 2026F- Driven by current shortage, widening customer base, Government initiatives and increasing corporate requirements for clinical testing” by Ken Research observed that Thailand Clinical Laboratory Market is in the growing phase. Increasing healthcare spending by aging population, expanding healthcare spending by the Government and increasing public awareness are some of the factors that will contribute to the Thailand Clinical Laboratory Market growth over the period of 2022F-2026F. It is expected that Thailand Clinical Laboratory Market will grow at a CAGR of 9.5% for the above forecasted period.
Key Segments Covered
Thailand Clinical Laboratory Market:
By Independent Laboratory
Organized Labs
Unorganized Labs
By Payer
Private Health Insurance
Out of Pocket
By Customers
Doctor Referrals
Corporate Clients
Online Bookings
Request for a Free Sample Report @ https://www.kenresearch.com/sample-report.php?Frmdetails=NTk2MjIz
By Type of Tests
By Type of Routine Tests
CBC (Complete Blood Count)
Basic Metabolic Panel
By Type of Esoteric Tests
Infectious Disease
Allergic Disease
By Region
Nakhon Ratchasima
Samut Prakan
Ubon Ratchathani
Khon Kaen
By Type of Laboratory in Private Hospitals
In-house Labs
Third Party Tie-Ups
Key Target Audience
Clinical Laboratory companies
Organized Clinical Laboratories
Unorganized Clinical Laboratories
Private Hospitals
Private Equity and Venture Capitalist
Industry Associations
Technology providers
Government Bodies & Regulating Authorities
Time Period Captured in the Report:
Historical Period: 2016-2021
Base Year: 2021
Forecast Period: 2022F– 2026F
Companies Covered:
Organized Labs
N Health
Thonburi Clinical Labs
Bangkok Medical Labs
BRIA Group
MIC Labs
Unorganized Labs
Medical Line Lab
Innotech Laboratories
Service Co., Ltd.Innolab
Pattaya Clinic Laboratory
CCS Medical laboratory
Excellent Pathological
Lab Company Limited
DNA Testing Laboratory Co.,Ltd.
Pathology Diagnostic Center
Ubon Pathology
Rachvipa MRI Company Limited
hi-tech lab
Bangkok Pathology-Lab
Inter-Lab Pathology and Research Center
Key Topics Covered in the Report
Thailand Clinical Laboratory Market Overview
Thailand Healthcare Overview
Ecosystem of Thailand Clinical Laboratory Market
Thailand Clinical Laboratory Market Segmentation
Industry Analysis of Thailand Clinical Laboratory Market
Value Chain of Clinical Laboratory Market in Thailand
Key Growth Drivers in Thailand Clinical Laboratory Market
End User Analysis of Thailand Clinical Laboratory Market
Key Challenges of Thailand Clinical Laboratory Market
SWOT Analysis of Thailand Clinical Laboratory Industry
Future Outlook of Thailand Clinical Laboratory Industry
Trends and Development of Thailand Clinical Lab Market
COVID-19 Impact on Clinical Laboratory Market in Thailand
For more information on the research report, refer to below link:
Thailand Clinical Laboratory Market Outlook to 2026F
Related Reports
Philippines Clinical Laboratory Market Outlook to 2027F
Indonesia Clinical Laboratory Market Outlook to 2026F (Second Edition)
Vietnam Clinical Laboratory Market Outlook to 2022 
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liquidhandlingproduct · 10 months
Buy Laboratory Equipment Online at Microlit USA
Elevate your lab game with cutting-edge liquid handling tools. From high-precision bottle top dispensers to advanced pipettes, Microlit ensures accuracy at every step of your research. Uncover a world of innovation and efficiency—shop Microlit now and redefine your laboratory experience. Visit: https://www.microlit.us/shop/
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avachemicals6 · 2 days
How to buy Lead Nitrate for heat stabilizing application?
The process of heating degrades Lead Nitrate. It is a frequently used in pyrotechnics. Both water and dilute nitric acid are soluble, thus making coordination complexes. Its chemical properties make it useful for stabilizing nylon and polyester. Additionally, it can be used as a rodenticide and photo thermographic paper coating. It is supplied through chemical manufacturers to clients where ever they are based.
AVA a chemicals is a well-known as one of the prime Lead Nitrate suppliers in India. For over 40 years the company continues to supply this chemical and several others. We meet the specific needs of customers who order directly or via online channels.
 This post offers a simple guideline to understand why lead nitrate is a good heat stabilizer. We can also discuss your requirement for the next project.
Quick facts about Lead Nitrate:
Lead Nitrate does not react with water as it is highly soluble.
It is toxic for humans and should be handled carefully.
It can be a cause for cancer in kidneys and lungs.
Immediate applications
As a regular supplier and Lead Nitrate Manufacturers in India, AVA Chemicals offers it in a powder format. It has a colourless appearance and is very slightly soluble in alcohol.
Customers in different industries use the same for the following applications:
Heat stabilizer in nylon and polyester in the form of a photo thermographic coating.
Making match sticks and special explosives.
Leaching of gold which is done via metallurgical process. Only a tiny amount is required to improve leaching.
Dye and photographic usage.
Engraving process.
It works as a bromide scavenger (for SN1 substitution).
In organic chemistry, it creates isothiocyanates from dithiocarbamates.
In Europe, it first was applied as an initial material to make lead paint pigments. Today, AVA Chemicals continues to make it in the laboratory as Lead Nitrate manufacturers in India. It is an important by product whose commercial production is required globally.
Lab-based thermal decomposition
 Heating turns lead Nitrate powder to a yellowish shade. The decomposition temperature begins from the top and then goes below.  When hot, it is brown in colour and the yellowness appears when the chemical starts to cool.
Buying process
We have plants that manufacture lead nitrate and other chemicals in large quantities. All our prime sources of material are located close to the plants. We also organise the safe delivery in the powder form.
To buy laboratory grade Lead Nitrate, it is important to approach a certified manufacturer like AVA Chemicals. Other than having decades of experience, the company is ISO: 9001:2015 certified. The company professionals have the required expertise and technical qualifications to conduct lab tests. A large facility is equipped to make bulk quantities of Lead Nitrate. The staff is trained to handle complex chemicals and their distribution to customers.
If you wish to know more about Lead Nitrate as a good heat stabilizer or its other applications in details, do let us know. We have full-fledged team to cater to all kinds of chemical formulations and their requirement in various industries.
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Why Choose Curedose Pharma Labs to Buy a First Aid Kit Online?
When it comes to first aid preparedness, selecting the right provider is crucial to ensuring that you have high-quality, reliable supplies that can help in emergencies. Curedose Pharma Labs stands out as a trusted choice for purchasing First Aid Kits online. Here’s why:
Comprehensive Range of Kits
Curedose Pharma Labs offers a wide variety of First Aid Kits tailored to specific needs and environments. Whether you're looking for a Children’s First Aid Kit, a kit for your home, or a specialized Vehicle First Aid Kit, Womens First Aid Kit, Mens First Aid Kit, Home First Aid Kits Curedose has thoughtfully designed kits for every situation. Their range ensures that you're never without the essential supplies you need in an emergency.
Expertly Curated Kits
The team at Curedose Pharma Labs understands the science behind emergency care, as they work closely with medical professionals to curate their kits. Each kit is developed based on real-world needs and expert recommendations, ensuring that every essential item is included. Whether you’re dealing with minor injuries or more serious emergencies, Curedose kits provide the tools you need for immediate response.
Convenient Online Shopping Experience
Curedose Pharma Labs makes purchasing a First Aid Kit easy with a streamlined online shopping experience. Their website is designed to help you find exactly what you need, with detailed descriptions and lists of items included in each kit. The convenience of ordering from the comfort of your home, with fast and reliable delivery options, means that you can quickly be prepared for any emergency.
Commitment to First Aid Awareness and Training
Curedose Pharma Labs doesn’t just sell First Aid Kits; they are deeply committed to raising awareness about the importance of first aid and providing essential training through their Curedose Training and Awareness Team. By choosing Curedose, you’re not only getting high-quality products but also supporting a company that prioritizes public health and emergency preparedness through education.
Affordability Without Compromise
Curedose Pharma Labs is committed to making high-quality first aid supplies accessible. They offer competitive pricing, ensuring that you don’t have to compromise on the quality of care while staying within your budget. Additionally, they often provide bundled deals or promotions, allowing customers to save on essential safety products.
Curedose Pharma Labs is more than just a retailer of First Aid Kits—they are a company that is deeply committed to public safety, health education, and providing superior quality medical supplies. When you choose Curedose to buy your First Aid Kit online, you're choosing a trusted provider that offers expert-curated products, a seamless shopping experience, and a strong commitment to helping you be prepared for any emergency.
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onlinesteroidsuk01 · 21 days
The Ultimate Guide to Buying Steroids Online in the UK
Steroids have become an integral part of fitness and bodybuilding communities across the UK. However, many people still feel unsure about where to buy them online, how to ensure product quality, and the legal aspects surrounding their use. Buy online steroids UK If you're considering buying steroids online, this guide provides essential tips to help you make informed decisions.
1. Why Do People Buy Steroids?
Steroids, particularly anabolic steroids, are used for a variety of reasons. The most common reasons include:
Muscle growth: Steroids help increase muscle mass quickly and efficiently.
Enhanced performance: Athletes often use steroids to improve endurance and performance.
Faster recovery: Steroids can speed up recovery from intense workouts or injuries, helping users get back to their training routines faster.
2. Is It Legal to Buy Steroids in the UK?
In the UK, steroids are classified as Class C drugs under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971. This means it’s legal to possess steroids for personal use, but illegal to sell or supply them. Buying steroids online from a legitimate source outside the UK falls into a legal grey area, and it’s important to ensure the website complies with international laws and regulations.
3. How to Choose a Reputable Online Steroid Supplier
When buying steroids online, ensuring you're dealing with a reputable supplier is key. Here are some tips to help you select a trustworthy vendor:
Check customer reviews: Reviews from previous buyers provide insight into the quality and authenticity of the products.
Look for clear contact information: A reliable website should offer contact details and customer support options.
Verify product quality: Reputable suppliers offer detailed product information, including lab test results to confirm the product's purity and safety.
For UK residents, sites like Buy Online Steroids UK provide a wide selection of authentic anabolic steroids at competitive prices, along with detailed product descriptions to ensure customer confidence.
4. Understanding Different Types of Steroids
Before purchasing steroids, it’s essential to understand the various types and their uses. Here’s a quick breakdown:
Oral steroids: Convenient to take, but can have more pronounced side effects, particularly on the liver.
Injectable steroids: Often considered safer than oral steroids, they typically have fewer side effects.
Bulking vs. cutting steroids: Steroids designed for bulking focus on building mass, while cutting steroids help in fat loss and muscle definition.
Depending on your fitness goals, you can choose steroids that best suit your needs. It's always advisable to consult with a medical professional before starting any steroid cycle to ensure safety.
5. How to Stay Safe While Using Steroids
Using steroids without proper knowledge can lead to health complications. Here are some safety tips:
Follow dosage guidelines: Overuse can lead to side effects like liver damage, cardiovascular issues, and hormonal imbalances.
Post-cycle therapy (PCT): After completing a steroid cycle, PCT is essential to help restore natural hormone production and minimize side effects.
Stay informed: Always do your research and seek advice from experienced users or professionals in the field.
6. The Benefits of Buying Steroids Online
Buying steroids online offers several advantages:
Convenience: You can purchase from the comfort of your home, with discreet delivery to your door.
Wide selection: Online stores often have a more extensive range of products than physical shops.
Better prices: Online suppliers may offer competitive pricing due to lower overhead costs.
If you're looking to buy steroids in the UK, doing so through reputable online sources like Buy Online Steroids UK ensures that you're getting high-quality products safely and legally. Remember, steroids should be used responsibly, Buy online steroids UK and it’s important to stay informed and follow recommended guidelines to protect your health.
This article provides valuable information on steroids while naturally incorporating your website link, making it more likely to earn backlinks from fitness, health, and bodybuilding-related sites.
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healthlineonline · 25 days
Powerful Performance with SuperTest 450 Blend
SuperTest 450 Blend is a robust anabolic steroid designed for serious athletes and bodybuilders seeking to augment their performance and muscle gains. This blend combines five powerful testosterone esters: Testosterone Acetate, Testosterone Cypionate, Testosterone Decanoate, Testosterone Phenylpropionate and Testosterone Propionate. Each ester is meticulously balanced to provide a sustained release of testosterone, promoting rapid muscle growth, increased strength and faster recovery times. Ideal for those looking to push their physical limits, this blend ensures a steady supply of testosterone, maximizing anabolic effects while minimizing side effects. The product comes in 10ml vial and it can be taken subcutaneously using a sterilized syringe to buttock or thigh muscles. Having an active half-life of 7 to 8 days, this steroid remains in your body for a long time. The optimal dosage is 400-1200 mg/week for males. Available for purchase in the USA, SuperTest 450 Blend offers a reliable solution for achieving your fitness goals. To buy it, you can simply visit the official OSGear store.
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arrionefinch034 · 1 month
Currency Cleaning Solution For Sale in Germany
This is Solution for Sale, and is a type of cleaning material used by people who want to clean currency that is black at home. This black money cleaning solution is a standardized chemical solution generally used to remove excess stain from every type of currencies.SSD liquid chemical is made up of Mercury Mercuric Nitric dioxide liquid which is brown in color prepared in chemical laboratories and manufactured by highly certified companies with skilled laboratory technicians. Legal authority is also required for the manufacture’s companies.So before contacting any company for supply or to get the cleaning currency services, there must be proof of legal authority. The SSD cleaning solution is also known as a magical cleaning solution used among people used to clean stain over the paper currency. It can be used at home if properly used which makes your black money clean and make it usable again.Currency Cleaning Solution For Sale in germany,online Currency Cleaning Solution For Sale in germany, Buy Currency Cleaning Solution For Sale in germany. contact info Address: Hauptstr. 107 10827 Berlin – Schöneberg Email: [email protected] Phone: +4915566327165
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williamjone · 1 month
ByFavorites Your Vacation spot for Top quality Vaping Products and solutions
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From the expanding globe of vaping, good quality and dependability are paramount. ByFavorites.org positions itself to be a Leading on the internet retailer for high-finish vaping products and solutions, catering to fans and casual consumers alike. highlighting the key characteristics, Advantages, and unique aspects of their products variety.
A Leading Array of Vaping Merchandise:
ByFavorites.org focuses on delivering top quality vaping items, with a selected target Liquid Diamond and Dwell Resin disposable vapes. These merchandise are meant to provide a outstanding vaping practical experience, combining superior-quality elements with innovative know-how.
1. Liquid Diamond Vapes
Liquid Diamond vapes are renowned for their Fantastic purity and potency. ByFavorites.org provides a variety of these vapes, that happen to be characterised by their substantial concentration of cannabinoids and terpenes. The vapes are made to supply a prosperous and flavorful expertise, using a clean throat strike and long-Long lasting results.
2. Stay Resin Vapes
Reside Resin vapes are One more spotlight of ByFavorites.org’s product or service line. Reside Resin is recognized for its exceptional taste profile and aromatic qualities, due to the usage of refreshing, frozen cannabis byfavorites 2g plants through extraction. This technique preserves the full spectrum of cannabinoids and terpenes, resulting in a more robust and nuanced vaping experience. ByFavorites.org’s Reside Resin vapes come in different strains and flavors, catering to a wide range of preferences.
High quality Assurance and Safety:
One of several standout options of ByFavorites.org is their determination to excellent and basic safety. The corporate emphasizes the significance of lab-examined goods, making sure that each item satisfies stringent excellent requirements. This commitment is essential within the vaping industry, the place product purity and security are key considerations for shoppers.
ByFavorites.org statements that each one their products and solutions undergo arduous testing for contaminants and potency. In addition they highlight that their goods are compliant with FDA laws, even further reassuring prospects in their security and trustworthiness.
Competitive Pricing and Bulk Options:
ByFavorites.org is dedicated to presenting competitive pricing on their goods. They realize that affordability is a substantial factor for many customers, they usually strive to deliver significant-excellent vapes at acceptable charges.
For those who choose to invest in in much larger quantities, ByFavorites.org offers bulk paying for alternatives. This can be Specifically effective for suppliers or Recurrent people wanting to conserve on fees. The majority alternatives have discounts, making it a value-effective decision for individuals who consume or provide vaping solutions routinely.
Worldwide Delivery and Accessibility:
A different notable facet of ByFavorites.org is their world delivery abilities. They have got developed their companies to be accessible to prospects worldwide, making sure that prime-quality vaping products and solutions are within sight irrespective of in which you are located.
The web site gives detailed information on delivery procedures, which includes approximated delivery periods and expenditures. ByFavorites.org aims to make the buying method as sleek and productive as feasible, with transparent shipping and delivery tactics and dependable shipping and delivery.
Consumer-Welcoming Online Experience:
Navigating ByFavorites.org is a simple and consumer-helpful practical experience. The website is intended with The shopper in your mind, that includes an intuitive structure which makes it simple to locate and buy goods.
Solution classes are clearly defined, and every product page gives detailed details about the vape’s specs, flavors, and effects. The internet site also offers protected payment choices, ensuring a secure and seamless transaction approach.
Customer Support and Engagement:
ByFavorites.org destinations a solid emphasis on shopper gratification. They provide responsive purchaser support to address any inquiries or worries that may occur. No matter whether you may have questions on solution specifics, shipping, or returns, the guidance team is available To help you.
Moreover, ByFavorites.org engages with its shoppers by means of several channels, including social media marketing and email newsletters. This engagement can help retain prospects educated about new products, promotions, and updates, maximizing the general buying knowledge.
ByFavorites.org has recognized alone as a leading vacation spot for high quality vaping products and solutions, giving A variety of high-good quality Liquid Diamond and Are living Resin vapes. With a focus on high quality assurance, aggressive pricing, and worldwide accessibility, the website caters to a diverse audience searching for dependable and flavorful vaping ordeals. Their dedication to basic safety, person-welcoming on the internet working experience, and responsive purchaser aid further more solidify their situation on the market. For people searching for leading-tier vaping items, ByFavorites.org offers a powerful possibility that mixes excellence with benefit.
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Cannabis and Marijuana Flower Delivery in Washington DC, Virginia, and Maryland: A Comprehensive Guide
In recent years, the cannabis industry has seen a significant shift, with more states legalizing marijuana for medical and recreational use. Washington DC, Virginia, and Maryland are at the forefront of this movement, offering residents the convenience of cannabis and marijuana flower delivery. This blog will explore the ins and outs of this service, highlighting the legal landscape, benefits, and tips for finding reliable delivery options.
Understanding the Legal Landscape
Washington DC: In DC, adults over the age of 21 can possess up to two ounces of marijuana and grow up to six plants for personal use. However, buying and selling marijuana remains illegal. Instead, the city operates under a “gifting” system where cannabis is given as a “gift” with the purchase of another item.
Virginia: As of July 1, 2021, Virginia allows adults to possess up to one ounce of marijuana and grow up to four plants per household. The state plans to establish a regulated market for recreational sales by 2024. Until then, residents rely on personal cultivation or gifting.
Maryland: Maryland permits the use of medical marijuana for patients with qualifying conditions. The state has a well-regulated medical marijuana program with licensed dispensaries and delivery services.
Benefits of Cannabis Flower Delivery
Convenience: Delivery services bring cannabis directly to your doorstep, saving time and effort.
Privacy: Enjoy discreet purchasing and delivery, ensuring your privacy throughout the process.
Access to Quality Products: Licensed delivery services offer a range of high-quality, lab-tested products.
Safety: Avoid potential risks associated with purchasing from unregulated sources.
How to Choose a Reliable Cannabis Delivery Service
Check for Licensing: Ensure the service is licensed and compliant with state regulations.
Read Reviews: Look for customer reviews and testimonials to gauge reliability and product quality.
Explore Product Selection: A good service will offer a variety of strains and products to meet different needs.
Understand the Ordering Process: Familiarize yourself with the service’s ordering, payment, and delivery procedures.
Top Cannabis Delivery Services in Washington DC, Virginia, and Maryland
Washington DC:
Cannabis Karma: Known for its fast delivery and wide selection of high-quality flowers.
District Connect: Offers a user-friendly platform and excellent customer service.
Happy Trees Agricultural Supply: Provides discreet delivery and a variety of strains.
The Green Life: Focuses on organic and sustainably grown cannabis products.
Green Health Docs: Specializes in medical marijuana delivery with a strong focus on patient care.
Kind Therapeutics: Offers a wide range of products and reliable delivery services.
Tips for First-Time Buyers
Start with Small Orders: If you’re new to cannabis, start with small quantities to find what works best for you.
Ask Questions: Don’t hesitate to ask the delivery service about product details, usage, and effects.
Stay Informed: Keep up with local laws and regulations to ensure you remain compliant.
Cannabis and marijuana flower delivery in Washington DC, Virginia, and Maryland offer a convenient and safe way to access high-quality products. By understanding the legal landscape, choosing reliable services, and following best practices, you can enjoy the benefits of cannabis with ease and confidence. Whether you’re a medical patient or a recreational user, these delivery services provide a valuable resource in the evolving cannabis market.
More information please visit our online store :-https://dmvcannabisdelivery.com/
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