#buuuut i do prefer the character design part more than anything else-
greaserink · 2 years
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dollivication · 26 days
Hihiiiii, this is gonna be long, i've got a rant AND an idea thingy. i've mentioned before not bein into anyone other than Wesker in Resident Evil buuuut I just watched Resident Evil: Vendetta and I GET THE HYPE, I ADMIT, I GET IT. LEON'S MODEL IS SO FINE. I'm guilty to say seeing him in the movie and the old games vs in RE2+4 Remake, I prefer this design. He's more rugged? LAIK I KNOW HE STARTS OFF AS A ROOKIE BUUUT THEY COULDA KEPT HIS LOOK I saw people speaking about the newer design for his character saying they gave him the 'dumbass pretty boy' look cuz it makes more sense for him as a rookie cop in 2 but man.... Rookies can look like anything so if that were the case for the change....eeeeeh.... Also unpopular opinion, I also prefer Louis' old design. I'M SORRY, HE DOES GIVE OFF THE CREEPY UNCLE VIBE IN THE REMAKES MODEL. ANYWAY, I hope you're doing well today, staying hydrated and fed! Gotta look after yourself above all else. To make this less of a rant, I shall be the first (I think) to make a Wesker scenario/idea thingy. Wesker is all about himself, right? It's a part I surprisingly love about him. BUT LAIK, if he deems you special enough to make you his 'pet', just know he's NEVER letting you leave him. He knows all, where you go, who you talk to, what you're doing, etc. And if you even think of trying to contact anyone (perhaps a certain STARS agent...) you can find yourself tied up by his Uroboros tentacles and used for hours until he's done with work and uses you himself. He's superior, he tells you that, and he'll fill you up with his cum, talk about giving you a 'purpose' , laik breeding you to have his obviously 'superior, god-like children' OOP- He's a feckin menace, I can imagine if you go to get help in person (he has eyes on you at all times, so ofc you can roam around but not for long if you keep creep round some rookie or CHRIS) you'll end up in a bloody puddle, not dead but certainly taught a lesson... ☉▵☉ JUST AN IDEA FROM A DEPRAVED WESKER FAN DON'T MIND MEEE Love ya, Dolly (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ -Nell 🍓
NELLLLLL HAI HAILLO HEY :3!!!! WHEN I SAW THIS I LIT UP I CANNOT LAI… it’s always a treat to hear from yu!!! ^.^ and oh my we have MUCH TO DISCUSS TAKE A SEAT MWAAA 🩷🩷🩷
VENDETTA LEON IS JUST A SKRUNKLE!!!! HE IS a sopping wet andgrumpy kity… AND NOW THAT YOU MENTION IT,, it would be interesting to see him laik dat in re2.. laik how could this stingy critter get even stingier… a leon miserable from the start would’ve been pretty funy methinks LMAO
you are SO right about luis’ old design you are voicing thoughts i am 2 shy to say.. laik his new design is great!! but there’s a certain peculiarity to his old wan that screams yucky weirdo uncle.. might be dat wack ass hair and outfit GIGGLING he looks laik a vampire too !!! they’re both in special parts of my heart…. 🩷
I AMMM DOING SPLENDID and oh my lordy lord i forgot to drink water today THANK you for the reminder LMHREKSLFG i promise that’s not usually like me.. I HOPE YOU ARE DOING THE SAME HOWEVER !!!!!! please take lots o care!!!! >.<
THE. THE WESKER SCENARIO. IM SAT.!!!!??? TENTACLES,, ESPECIALLY FROM UROBOROS,,, ARE THE WAY TO MY HEART …. THE SUPERIORITY COMPLEX. BY JOVE!!! he’s so narcissistic and he’d probably tell you to be thankful that he chose you to have his kids… anyone would die for a chance like that!! (he is NOT wrong HEL))
his freaky ass would probably even put a shock collar on you,… god forbid you do anything that’s remotely out of line! AND ESPECIALLY god forbid you go near chris he’ll actually tweak the fuck out … i want wesker to stab me and say it was my fault for pushing him i CANNOT lie.. laik yur rite king i’m sorryIMSO SANE IM SO SANY
nell i’m hugging yu so tightly rn this crumb of thought was yumy… i lauv wesker so badly….sighs dreamily💔💔💔
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ritasalami · 3 years
Masara Kagami - Assassin done wrong - Part 1
I´ve mentioned it before so now I´m going to explain why I think Masara is the epitomy of misused potential for character design in all of Magia Record.
This is part one and will focus on her gameplay. Her visual design will be part two. In terms of character writing and personality I´m actually quite fond of her.
So, lets get going. Disclaimer: I don´t mean to hate on her or people who like her! I really do like her myself which is why I´m upset about how lazy the designers were when it comes to her. 
Rarity: 3*-> 4*
Disks: AAB(<->)CC
Type: Attack
Personal: 100% Chance to Critial hit to self for one turn
Stats: 21.930 HP | 9.295 ATK | 6.963 DEF (SE 100/100)
Connect: Chance to Critical Hit 75%/85%
Magia: Damage One Enemy | Chance to Chase - Self / 1 Turn / 100% | Chance to Evade - Self / 1 Turn / 30%
SE (memorable nodes): Chance to Anti-Evade 35% | Charge Disc Damage up 10% | Blast Damage Up 16.5 % | Chance to Evade 15 % | Chance to Defense Pierce 15% | Charged Attack Damage up 10 % | Chance to Critical Hit 15%
SE Active: Chance to Critical Hit 35% - Self - 3 Turns
Now lets get going. Masara´s fighting style (ingame and story) is simple. Go in and strike. She is essentially an Assassin. She turns invisible and goes for the backstab. She is a glass canon and her stats reflect that. 
But it doesn´t quite work. Now we gotta keep in mind she is not a limited special unit but I feel like even with her being low rarity she was done dirty. Why is that?
Let´s start with her disks. Double A and Double C with one B. This is the disc set of a support/magia type. Masara does get buffs for her charge discs, but how does she use them? Does she contribute to charge combos? No. She isn´t a chargius and doesn´t have tools the likes of Tsukasa (Charge +1) or Hagumu (Charge draw personal) have. Does she use her charges for blasting? Not really. She does have blast up in her SE but only one blast disc. Does her connect support charge? Not really, it is not consistent.  Being able to give a charge conservation 20 stack blast combo a crit chance of 85% sounds lethal but it´s not 100%. There´s a saying in the Pokemon fandom that goes: If it isn´t 100% accurate it´s 50% accurate. It´s high risk somewhat high reward and all her connect offers. Most people prefer consistency in connects so they won´t use her for anything other than basic content. The really good synergy is missing.
Maybe she´ll slot well into blasting. Obviously not. Without connect(s) she will never be able to pull of her own puella blast combo. If you really want to slot crit into a blast combo, just use Yachiyo. Her crit chance might be lower at 70% but the blast up is guaranteed. Plus she can reach 5 stars, something Masara can not do yet.
Since Masara can´t use her charge disks for blasting she can use them to boost her own mp gain, right? Yes! Buuuut...
She gets no sources of AC or MP gain up pre 100. This will slow her down. But she can get there. Once she does, what does she do?
She will destroy a single unit. Her attack is rather high for a capped four star and with the buff to single target magias she can even oneshot challenge bosses. But does her magia benefit her team? Not at all.
She gets a 30% chance to evade which is just her passive evade chance times two. Why. Whhhhyyy. She can turn invisible! Her evade should be 1000%. Tsuruno and Oriko can evade 100%, but the invisible assassin can´t. But maybe thats because the other effects are so broken? Nice one. It´s chase 100% for herself for one turn. Now here´s the problem with that. It´s useless if you use three magias in one turn. It´s also bad if you only use her magia and two discs cause you won´t maximize the damage. If it would last for two turns you could chase on a puella combo. But that´s a luxury she wasn´t given.  What her magia should do is provide Defense pierce. Assassins literally exist to bypass defenses. Either 100% to self or like 50% to her team. It would be good but nowhere near too broken for a free character. But you know who else is free to play, light type and can oneshot single target enemies. Shizuku. Her magia, being random targets, will outdamage single target magias. She is also uncapped and her Magia gives crit to her team for three turns. Thats more than Masara does. She also gives herself Attack up for three turns. Masara doesn´t do that either. So if you need a strong single target light magia, pick Shizuku (who also gets more mp and has evade as an SE active which makes her more  reliable).
Now, Masara is still capped and once she can reach 5 stars her stats will surpass Shizuku´s. But who knows when that will happen.
Lets summarize: She gives herself bad evade and mediocre chase. She gives others a very high crit chance but nothing else. By the way her chrit chance is bad on magia teams who don´t care about disc damage. Her SE gives her a mediocre crit chance for three turns and her personal gives her 100% crit for one turn. Her magia is outclassed by Shizuku´s who does more for herself and her team. She has no niche to fill in this game other than brr connect almost 100% crit but not quite brrr
Masara´s only source of defense pierce is a low chance from SE. Defense pierce should be her gimmick and her evade should be 100%. You can´t get more invisible assassin than this. This would make her unique but still balanced around being free to play. Her connect should be 100% crit chance PLUS another effect. Get creative and pick your poison. Ingore Dmg cut / Anti-Evade/ Evade/ Defense pierce/ Damage up whatever. 
I know that she might get new abilities once she gets uncapped but I´m not very optimistic. She is not a teamplayer and thats okay. But her not living up to her assassin theme is such a shame. The only thing 100% about her kit is chase which is a fun mechanic but no saving grace. Everything that makes her lethal in concept is weak in execution. 
So that wraps up everything wrong with Masara´s gameplay as an Assassin. Also let her throw knives from behind her enemies that would be so cool. 
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eren-s · 7 years
tag game
Always post the rules
Answer the questions given by the person who tagged you
Write 11 questions of your own
Tag 11 people
tagged by: the lovely @tatakaeeren thank youuuuu <3
tagging: @yaboylevi and @uttsukushi because i would love to to know your answers to some of these questions and all that but don’t feel pressured to answer this if you don’t want to c: also tagging anyone else who wants to do this
1.- If you could date one anime characters who would it be?
These type of questions always make me think that i love things differently from other people... or something? lol because i never get a crush on the characters i  like... i know this isn’t mean to be a serious question and all that, you know but kahjdkhasjdg i won’t date anyone lmao i prefer being by myself even if it gets a bit lonely sometimes 
2.- What was your first anime? 
Definitely dragon ball, i have many many memories from it from my childhood, my mom still doesn’t like it haha my brother on the other hand loves snk and levi is his favorite, he also watches some other animes from time to time  
3.- Fictional character or real people?
Fictional character, i have been there and loved real people (as in idols etc) and it’s draining and tiring and not something i would like to do ever again lol
4.- What’s one of your dreams? 
Writing a book, i have had this dream since i was a child and i actually wrote a so called book when i was like 13 haha but it’s a mess so i have it hidden somewhere in my room, i also used to get praises here and there when i wrote poems, etc for school. Tbh idk if i will ever be able to accomplish it because the career i’m majoring in, in college has nothing to do with this type of thing so yeah but maybe some day as for now i still write fics in my free time
5.-  Favorite books of all time?
I wish i read more buuuut i will just mention the one i’ve been reading recently which is ‘everyday’ by david levithan, i have yet to finish it, but i love the way it’s written and some of the things the author writes about in the book hit close home for me, i have some favorite quotes as well and i just love the book jasgdjhsagd gotta finish it before this year ends 
6.- What’s your dream country to live in?
I like my country but maybe spain, places i would like to visit tho: korea and japan also any other countries in south america because all i know is my own country and i’m curious lol  
7.-  Isabelle/Levi/Farlan or Armin/Mikasa/Eren? 
why... the shiganshina trio because the bonds of friendship between the three of them are lovely, as for the acwnr trio... it makes my heart ache and i can’t watch/read it w/o crying lmao 
8.- What’s your otp (only one)? Eren + happiness 
9.-  Drabble or Fanfic? 
Fanfic, although i really admire people who can write short things ajsgdjhasgd haha how do you do that 
10.- Your hogwarts housse (if you don’t have any cause you’ve never made the test just answer muggle, or go made it !) -
11.- How many time do you spent on tumblr ?(daily)  
…I check it several times through the day but the time i spend on it varies? it depends on wether or not i’m trying to upload gifs or something or if my dash has new content or if i’m talking with someone and stuff like that haha i think i spend more time over at twitter 
12.- Your top 3 anime openings? 
Sora ga Aozora de Aru Tame ni by Glay 
Know know know by Does
Guren no yumiya by Linked Horizon
13.-  Quick! you have the power to bring one character back from the dead (with no secondary effects) who would it be? 
Carla Jaeger, jsagdhjasgdhjsa Eren has been missing his mom for years, i just- need okay
14.- If you could crossover 2 animes, which ones would they be?
omg gintama x shingeki haha that would be soooo funny to watch
15.- Choose 3 hair colors.Ok. Ready? Now tell me your fav character with that hair color.
pink hair - kominato haruichi
white hair - gintoki
black hair - hijikata
16. Guilty pleasure?? (food, music, movies, etc)
food: like anything sweet, i love sweets... cakes, ice cream, cookies, etc lol
music: maybe those songs that are famous and that you don’t want to openly like but you end up liking them anyway?? haha
17.- Pick two characters to protect you and the rest will kill you [choose from here x]
yo eren and luffy for the first part and then the rest could kill me 
18.- In which anime do you think you would fit the best if you were to live in their world?
relife... i have no idea if you have watched it but i am one of those adults (ugh yeah i’m an adult lol) who feels like their life isn’t going in the direction they want it to go and i really love the idea that the author of this manga (which was adapted into the anime last year) offers, it deals with important topics such as: depression, suicide, being unemployed/not being successful at the expected age by society... the consequences it has in your life and stuff like that? i just think i would like to live inside that universe because the characters are really really kind towards each other and they help each other out and there’s the particular relationship between the protagonist named Arata and Yoake which is the person who helps Arata to ‘relife’ his life haha (spoilers maybe if you end up deciding to look this one up) anyway this relationship esp is my favorite, i just LOVE how they support each other
19.- A night out! ..pick 3 characters and tell me: who is buying the drinks, who is the designated driver and who is the one dancing while singing barbie by aqua
hanji is buying the drinks, annie is the designated driver and the one dancing while singing barbie by aqua is definitely sasha 
20.- A movie that you can watch a million times and will never bore you? Why?
any animated movie! be it a disney movie, or one from studio ghibli,  i... really love animated movies 
21.- Do you have a favorite seiyuu(s) which one(s)? 
I’m not much of the kind of person who gets enthusiastic over voice actors or any other type of famous person in the industry tbh... not even the authors of the mangas itself because i don’t like getting invested into people but rather i fell in love w/ the characters they create more than anything else so i don’t really have a favorite seiyuu 
22.- How would you like Snk to end: everyone dies, a bitter sweet ending, a happy one or an open ending?  
Victoria you sure love making these kind of painful questions lol jk but i haven’t really thought about it, being realistic there’s no way there’s gonna be a happy ending at least not a “wholesome” one i think? I would really hate it if everyone died at the end though... at least one of these persons who sacrificed their lives has to live to see a new beginning, or new something start... i don’t care who although my bias would love for it to be eren and all the kids (and the vets) but just someone, you know? As for an open ending it depends... like what if it ends right before eren is about to die... or on some really ambiguous scene? tbh i would like to feel satisfied with the ending more than anything else be it a happy/sad or open one just something that ties everything up nicely... that’s my humble opinion 
my questions: ( i will just write 4 or 5 because this is long enough as it is and i’m not a really creative person lol )
- What’s one thing you really like about yourself? - What do you do to cheer yourself up when you are feeling down? - Do you play any instrument? - Are you a cat person or a dog person?
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tumblunni · 7 years
ANYWAY! I’mma gonna talk about my playthru of Digimon World Next Order, to distract me from the fact i’m rapidly approaching the ending and have to wait to sate my JRPG tastes on Persona 5 afterwards...
* it is really really REALLY REALLY really REALLy great to finally be able to play a game in the DW series as a female character. Holy SHIT, man this is overdue! And it isnt handled awfully like in Cyber Sleuth where everyone constantly calls you male and the character design is really oversexualized and doing weirdass poses for everything. There’s still a lil bit of ‘cliche girly option traits’ but seriously she’s like the least stereotyped design we’ve had in the games since Dusk and Dawn! She gets to wear SHORTS and A HOODIE! A hoodie that has an inexplicable hole in the back for some reason, but whatever! xD Also I actually like her version of the Protagonist Hair better, even tho I think its lame they colour coded them in the ol cliche genderedness. Boy character just has one streak of coloured hair at the front, but girl has a spiralling streak on the end of her ponytail that looks like a punk poison sort of fashion~! And it leaks pixels when she runs, and has a really nice glow effect that kinda makes it draw patterns as you swing her model around. Makes me wanna run in circlesssss~ Her dubbed voice is a bit boring cliche anime love interest tho, a bit squeaky after you’ve been hearing it for hours. But the dude is Like Every Shonen Hero Voice Ever, so i think its meant to be intentionally generic for both of them. I could swear he’s voiced by a bad Tai impersonator! XD Also I’m just kinda thankful cos every other girl in the plot gets a REALLY squeaky unbearable english voice, thank god protagonist is spared...
* its a lil bit of funnyness tho that for some reason the skill list is the only place where the translators forgot about the protagonist options. Like.. a LOT of Tamer Skills are weirdly gendered when it would have taken five seconds to change that. Why does it have to be stuff like ‘Cooking Boy’ and ‘Cooking Man’ instead of basic and advanced cooking? Especially cos the other one in between is called Gourmet Cooking...
* I love forever that so many of the virus type recruitable digimon are sweethearts of hugs and joy. Now THAT reminds me of the original Digimon World! Seriously I am SO GLAD that Literally The Same Myotismon has a sidequest about rescuing his precious myobrella so he won’t faint in the sun. or like.. if its not the same Myotismon then MAN he would totally be a great ship with the other equally helpless one in the first game XD He has a nice new function as a townsperson, instead of just being ‘a manager’ in the colloseum and never even being a fight. (That annoyed me as a kid! He just stands there!) Now he runs the card gallery, cos you collect ‘antique cards’ in this game and he restores them with his painting skillz. its a nice lil in-joke cos they’re all the original first trading card artworks from waaaaay back in the first season! And Piedmon is in this one too, yay! He’s actually like the only morally dubious virus type AT ALL, he talks like a cliche mwahaha mad scientist even as he does nothing particularly evil. His sidequest is a funny thing of playing hide and seek and he sucks at it. While yelling hammily about being an evil genius! And then he has quite a useful function in the town, he does a random effect on you once per day with his evil science, and it could be good or it could be bad, but if its bad he actually pays you compensation money for it! EVEN THE EVIL GUY IS TOO KIND And OH MAN I am so happy and sad for Skullgreymon! A good guy skullgreymon was always one of my ideas for a DW fangame, im so happy it happened for real! In this game Skullgreymon is a fashion designer with low self confidence, and you recruit them by finding weregarurumon who’s their biggest fan and becomes their first friend. Its so sweet! They never actually interact once you recruit them both tho, cos they work at different parts of the town. But im still gonna assume they keep in touch! Its also a shame skullgreymon doesnt actually run a fashion shop, cos there actually WAS a fashion shop in Digimon World Redigitize aka the one damn game we’ll never see dubbed T_T Instead skullgreymon gets this kinda depressing role of just standing around outside the entertainment area saying ‘i wish i could work with children but they’re always scared of me’, and then if you bring a newly hatched digimon to see them then they gain bonus stats from being terrified somehow?? NOOO WHERE IS THE OPTION TO TEACH MY CHILDREN THAT SKULLY IS A FRIEND
* Anyway, my main digimon are (still) Hershey and Zephyr, and I love them! I’m still working on hoping to eventually get the full terriermon and lopmon canon digivolution lines with them, wow its hard. But I adore them no matter what form they take at the moment! I ended up loving them so much that i never raised any other digimon ever. i just rename them the same name every time they reincarnate, and pick the same eggs! I’ve gotten close to unlocking every single variation of the bunno brothers evo lines!! But it IS getting really annoying that you have to type the name manually every time, why no option to just stick with the previous name? DW1 had that and it was on way worse hardware! Oh, and its funny that I started off calling them the bunny brothers cos thats what they were in adventure 02, but then after playing the game for ages I’ve settled on headcanoning hershey as female and zephyr as nonbinary. And also I started off with the cliche personalities of sassy rebel terriermon and stoic lopmon like in Tamers, but Hershey ended up being the rebel instead and Zephyr is like a shonen hero cinnamon roll! They’re both equally sassy and eccentric tho XD I’m not quite sure yet what would be their ‘canon’ final mega forms that I wanna keep them in for the final boss and stuff. But hershey’s made me regain my appreciation of Ladydevimon after I stopped liking her as soon as I grew old enough to understand that most of her fans only liked her for being ‘a stripper’ :P Like.. she’s a really damn good design even without the fanservice?? I like her way more than devimon, myotismon and etc, I wish she’d gotten to be a major villain! i mean it sucks that devimon got to be one when she’s literally his evolved form. (And yes I am happy that it continues to be canon that ladydevimon can digivolve from devimon and the same for angewomon and angemon. DIGIMON AINT RESTRAINED BY HUMAN GENDER ROLES YO) So yeah anyway, I kinda headcanon Hershey as a hypothetical less skimpy redesign of LadyDevimon? or like.. if she got her own unique Mega form that kept a similar design, rather than just being retconned into lilithmon and rosemon’s evo lines. I just don’t think the skimpyness fits with Hershey’s personality but the rest of the design just has such a cool piratey thiefy type look?? And she’s like THE BEST monster girl in the franchise, she’s the only one who really gets to be monstery looking, even if she’s still an hourglass figure sex object. i mean i always thought it was meant to be a subversion of that?? She has that giant monster claw hand and is really vicious and powerful in battle! All her animations in the game are her shredding things with it and doing the classic dracula rise-from-the-grave when she’s knocked out, and just... ITS REALLY BADASS!! I didnt know how cool a fight with her could be, cos she just got that stupid ass fanservice joke slap fight in the anime... ANYWAY Ladydevimon is good I appreciate her I like her even though she’s in the general genre of fanservice digimon that I dislike. She’s like the one single one I dont hate! (Tho I still wish we had more than like.. two un-fanservice female digimon in the entire damn series) Buuuut I dont think her design quite fits Hershey even though she’s the digivolution I keep using ingame. Maybe if I can find a different Mega that I prefer, and make up a fanmade digivolution line? or I could do a fanart variation of the digimon...
* ANYWAY I kinda ended up headcanoning Hershey as a former member of the broken apart pirate crew in Mod Cape. Cos like.. what if your digimon had backstories of what their life was like before they met you! like Gatomon in Adventure, they were chosen to be partners to a destined hero but had to wait so long they’d become disillusioned. Cos when you meet em at the start of the game they’re mega level and only get poofed back into eggs cos of machinedramon’s attack. WHAT LIFE DID YOU LEAD WITHOUT ME. I AM HERE TO PROTECT YOU NOW AAAAAAA!! So yeah it would be cool to headcanon Hershey as a former highway bandit type character who has trouble adjusting to living in a city surrounded by happy innocent people and hugs. I dont see her as grumpy tho.. like, she’s kind of a bombastic trickster archetype but she’s still super cynical and ‘I only care about myself, anything else gets you hurt’. I was thinking maybe if I designed a fanmade mega for her she could be like a magician pirate zombie demon??? Like.. yknow piedmon is a deck of cards clown guy with those four daggers? i actually got Piedmon as her digivolution when she was a Ladydevimon and I was thinking MAN it could be so cool if we had like a zany zombie digimon who attacks by stabbing a sword through her own back! Like ‘watch me saw a woman in half’ XD A design where she has a load of weapons stuck in her and uses them to fight with! like how mummymon is a mummy + soldier in a leg brace design, hypothetical zombiemon could be a zombie + actual tragic assassination victim. Plus a magician. Or a clown. And ladydevimon. And a pirate. LOOK I JUST HAVE A LOT OF MUTUALLY CONTRADICTORY HEADCANONS OKAY xD
* I don’t really have as much development ideas for Zephyr yet, aside from that they’re Hershey’s more cheerful and positive sibling. But I see them as also being kinda creepy and battle-hungry and stuff? Like.. both these twins are total virus types, clown type, typical final villain type of acrobatic doom! And both are good guys deep down. But Zephyr is a more cinnamon roll type of good and Hershey is grumpy unwillingly dragged into goodness. And like.. Zephyr is a bit dotty and only accidentally creepy, not really understanding how to socialize properly. And probably they would be like ‘NO BIG SISTER, STEALING IS BAD’ *currently stabbing a guy* I think maybe my headcanon for Zeph might be that they were for some reason left completely alone while waiting for the protagonist? Hershey at least found some companionship with the pirates, even if she became super bitter after the team broke up. I think Zeph maybe started off as a wild forest mon that’d even forgotten how to speak, until by pure chance they bumped into their long lost twin sister and then met the protagonist. So like an innocent angel who’s all new to the city and excited about everything, but also kinda fighty and dangerous because of the same stuff that makes them innocent. I dunno, I might make them an angewomon or ophanimon to match with Hershey? Tho I wanted to make them both good guy virus types, it could be an equally interesting contrast to have a vicious battle-obsessed angel who’s the absolute opposite of softspoken fancyness! And I also kinda associate them with the colour green even though I ended up picking a grey themed digivolution for Hershey instead. But all of Terriermon’s natural digivolutions are all machiney and don’t suit this personality as much... I dunno, maybe I could make up another headcanon/variant type thing? Cos after all lopmon’s line gets two champion level forms and two megas but terriermon only has two recolours for the same ultimate level. Maybe even it out, lol! Or like, I’m thinking like.. what if Terriermon had a mega that suited Henry more? i was reading someone’s review where they said it was weird that pacifistic Henry got a giant robot specializing in attack while Rika got the humanoid pacifist digimon. And yeah, that IS totally weird! And it got me imagining what if Terriermon got a humanoid digivolution that was like a martial artist?? or maybe like a speedy superhero lookin armour thing! Like just a more humanoid rapidmon! or I dunno maybe if puppetmon is in this game then zephyr could be puppetmon. I miss puppetmon. puppetmon never got to be in ANY games except dusk and dawn! I WANNA SEE A 3D PUPPETMON YO!!
* Man I just spent this entire post rambling my headcanons for silent protagonist characters instead of actually talking about the game... aaaa...
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mimi-kurusu · 7 years
BNHA ask: All of them you havent already done
hhhHHHHH YEEEES! ok this got really long so i put it under a read more!
1: What part of the anime/manga piqued your interest?tbh i watched it on a whim with one of my friends because we were bored and procrastinating on homework one night and we looked at the plot summary on crunchyroll and went “yeah sure!”
2: Did you think Midoriya would be a good protagonist in the first few chapters/episodes?yes!! immediately i loved him and only wanted the best for him; i have always thought that he makes a wonderful protag!
3: How do you think Midoriya’s conflict with Bakugou will end?not really sure! i just want them to be on good terms ;w;
4: What was your first reaction to Bakugou’s treatment towards Midoriya?i was not happy to say the least, but knew that his character would evolve :D
5: What do you think of All-Might as a hero?i love that man oh my god
6: Do you think that Midoriya deserved to get OFA?yes!!! are you kidding me??? he’s a good bean who just wants to help everyone!!
7: Aside from Midoriya, which character in the series do you think has had the most character development?iida and todoroki!!
8: Favorite unpopular character?i’m not 100% in-tune with the fandom so i can’t tell who is unpopular really so i may be wrong in saying mina and hagakure?
9: Favorite overall character?…. aizawa and uraraka
Pink: What are your main/favorite ships?midoriya/uraraka, midoriya/todoroki, aizawa/mic, kirishima/happiness and good fortune, endeavor/being alone and miserable forever
Blue: Do you have any NOTPs?any of the adults/any of the kids, endeavor/his wife or anyone else for that matter
Yellow: Favorite fanfiction about your OTP?i love all erasermic fanfics
Green: Any preferred rarepairs?not sure if they’re really rare, buuuut allerasermic, iida/todoroki, mic/all might, midnight/aizawa, aizawa/mic/midnight, midoriya/shinsou, uraraka/mina, kirishima/kaminari, jirou/kaminari, and jirou/momo are all very good and i love them
Purple: Do you have any works centered around your OTP?nah
Orange: Fluff or Angst?angst that ends in fluff is THE BEST!!!!
Red: What do you like the most about your favorite ship?the dynamics between the characters!
Turqoise: What do you hate about your favorite ship?canon can be unhelpful ;A;
Lavender: Does your ship get a lot of hate? If so, why?i’m not sure since i don’t really pay attention, but i certainly hope not? the fandom (or at least the small section i’m in) seems very relaxed about shipping!
Grey: Realistically speaking, will your ship ever become canon?one of them, maybe (midoriya/uraraka). i consider erasermic basically canon x3c
Pop: Do you think the “Dabi and Shouto are brothers” theory is true?i’m unsure, but it’s a good theory! it’d be really interesting, but dabi doesn’t look anything like shouto and the rest of the todoroki kids, so i’m on the fence :0
Indie: Opinions on the Traitor Kaminari theory?please no ;A; my heart can’t handle it
Punk: Opinions on the Traitor Kirishima theory?see above ;;;A;;;
Rock: What do you think of the “The doctor from Midoriya’s childhood is affiliated with the League Of Villains” theory? (in reference to this post)oh…. my god…. i’m stunned! i have never seen this particular theory before but WHOA WHOA WHOA! my mind is BLOWN!
Jazz: What do you think will happen now that Eri has been saved? look, i only know that eri exists because i am bad at blacklisting spoiler tags. i know she exists, but i have managed to avoid anything about her like her quirk, who she is in relation to everyone else, and what happens with her, so i’m not really sure! (i am not caught up with the manga since i mainly just watch the anime, btw)
11: Dekusquad or Bakusquad?both!!
12: Most underrated student?kouji hands down
13: Dadmight or Dadzawa?uhhh obviously BOTH! two dads are better than one
14: Whose quirk do you think is the most unique?aizawa, mineta, momo, kurogiri, jirou, midnight, sero, aaaand tokoyami
15: Aside from Midoriya, who do you think has the most potential to be #1 Hero?i believe in my kids and know they can all be great heroes, however, i want to say that iida, momo, todoroki, and bakugou are pretty high tier. as for who is #1 between them… it’s a good toss-up. :P
16: Should Mineta be replaced by Shinsou in the hero class?nah just add shinsou in. the more the merrier!! give aizawa more kids 2k18
17: Favorite student(s) outside of Class 1-A?shinsou and mei
18: Any HCs for the entirety of Class 1-A?each one of them has slipped up and called aizawa ‘dad’ once or twice. momo keeps a tally for each student in a notebook. hagakure, todoroki, midoriya, mina, and momo herself have slipped up the most. aizawa never flinches nor does he mind when this happens and is fully aware of the tally. he keeps his own mixed in with papers to grade and important files.
19: Do you remember their seating arrangement by heart?lmao nope (sorry kids!)
20: Which of the students do you think has the most potential to become a villain?i impulsively want to say bakugou, but when i actually think about it, i just can’t picture that?? the show (and manga that i’ve read) have made it a point to show and explain that he is a flawed, angry kid who does terrible things, but learns from people calling him out and losing and making mistakes and all that. so it just seems to whittle his characterization to bare bones by saying he might become a villain because of these things, ya know? so i guess the real answer is none of them XD
Techno: Favorite villain?kurogiri
Classical: Eight Precepts of Death or League of Villains?shhh i don’t know the first group so i gotta go with the league
Soul: Shigaraki or Chisaki?i don’t know who chisaki is but i absolutely do not want to choose shigaraki >>
Alternative: Most obnoxious villain?SHIGARAKI LMAO
Apple: Favorite popular HC?actual father dadzawa, esp when he adopts the kids with crappy family situations. c:
Strawberry: Who is your favorite pro-hero?aizawa, mic, all might, midnight, thirteen, gunhead, selkie
Banana: Which of the pro-heroes’ quirks fascinates you the most?mic’s!!! i relate!!! so much!!!
Cherry: Should Endeavor die like right nowYES. REST IN SMITHEREENS, ASSHOLE
Pear: What was your reaction to Todoroki’s backstory?i despised endeavor so, so much and wanted to adopt todoroki immediately. sorry endeavor, but he’s MY son now. it made me love that boy as much as i do and now i just want him happy and safe more than i did before learning his backstory
Kiwi: Should the BNHA girls get more spotlight/recognition?UH. DUH!!!!!!!!
Pineapple: What do you like the most about BNHA, as a whole?the wide range of characters!!! everyone is so cool and fascinating and there’s so many!
Watermelon: Dub or Sub?i love both! :D (tho i like mic’s japanese voice better since his entire thing with all the “YEAHHHHH!”s and other little english remarks he says makes more sense when he’s not already speaking 100% english. XD plus it’s higher and more… uhhh well, over-the-top in a good way!)
Coconut: How do you think Hokiroshi is doing, in terms of the plot?i love it so far! i’m having a great time watching and coming along for the ride and really look forward to season 3!
Blueberry: What makes BNHA unique from all the other shonen animes/mangas out there?the characters!!! both in design and personality and how the writing treats them, idk, it just feels different, ya feel?
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