#but yeah I love love love her I've been rotating her in my mind more often lately
bibiana112 · 2 years
Phi for the character bingo!! :D
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I love her sm I was just having thoughts about her I wish she was in better games 😭
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ash-and-starlight · 9 months
Books of 2023
the list nobody asked for <3
My reading habits had gone a bit stagnant in the past couple of years so this year i made the effort to engage in reading again and wow books really are good!! who would have thought! Sharing this year's book log with the small reviews i did while reading yeah i am That kind of list lover if u feel like being nosy, (and maybe even help mi crowdsource reading recs based on my likes 👀🤲?)
The left Hand of Darkness - Ursula K. Le Guin Ursula i Need to know your thoughts on omegaver- [gunshot] THAT ASIDE yeah. mrs Le Guin you've done it again. I can see why everyone got their brain chemistry altered by this book.
The Membranes - Chi Ta-Wei another brain chemistry altering book. would love to discuss it with a gender studies major lmao
Satanic Verses - Salman Rushdie its a v atmospheric and poignant story, I know I would have loved it more if I was familiar with the rich religious/cultural background it draws from
The Masquerade Series - Seth Dickinson Crazy insane in the membrane about this series. one of the most compelling worldbuildings I've ever seen, and most importantly it features one of the most crazy wet pathetic scrunkly meow meow protagonists i've ever had the pleasure of reading about.
Middlesex - Jeffrey Eugenides i liked the writing style of this book a lot! idk how well it holds up re: intersexuality topic, but its a very engaging read.
Dead Blondes and Bad Mothers: Monstrosity, Patriarchy, and the Fear of Female Power - Jude Ellison, Sady Doyle The title says it all honestly, its a beautiful, thought provoking and engaging essay, spanning eras, pop culture phenomenons, and real life events on the topic of women and horror.
The cat who saved books - Sōsuke Natsukawa this was so cute and heartfelt, it will really make you go Ah Yes, this is Why we Love Books <333
The Locked Tomb Series - Tamsyn Muir now when people say there is a girl who is the cursed sacrifice of 2000 infants who falls in love with the sleeping embodiment of the soul of the Earth (barbie) and also another girl who is the only survivor of the aforementioned sacrifice and is. a Jesus metaphor? and also the two girls become one at some point. and every book is a different genre. and god is bisexual. and memes survived the nuclear apocalypse. I can just nod and say so true.
The Area X Trilogy - Jeff VanderMeer Rotating this series in the microwave of my mind at the speed of light it's soSO GOOD!! the movie doesn't even come close honestly u NEED to read the books. and then go touch grass and be aware of every strand in a completely new way.
The Dawn of Yangchen - F. C. Yee nice read! I was more invested in the worldbuilding crumbs than in the actual story lmao, I will forever think about the HEATED airball rivalry between the air temples and about the swt greetings / bethrotal armbands.
Inuit Stories of Being and Rebirth: Gender, Shamanism, and the Third Sex - Bernard Saladin d'Anglure starting w a disclaimer bc I feel like the topic of native colonization was ignored when it should have been way more prominent when talking about the context of where and when these testimonies were collected?? That aside it was very interesting and well put together, with first account testimonies of Inuit elders about their myths, lifestyles and beliefs.
Pachinko - Min Jin Lee i read the book after having seen the tv series (which i also rlly recommend). Very moving story about a family and its generations, from Korea under Japanese colonization to modern day America.
Her body and other parties - Carmen Maria Marchado sometimes I go about my day then I remember this book exists and stare at the wall for 30 minutes.
Dictionnaire de l'impossible - Didier Van Cauwelaert big miss. this collection of articles about "strange impossible phenomenons" sounded so quirky and interesting but i sure would have loved if the author hadnt so clearly picked a side. and also way too much church for my tastes.
He who Drowned the World - Shelley Parker Chan Im not even gonna speak about this one if you've followed me since july you know what pits of insanity and despair i'm in
Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow - Gabrielle Zevin Sometimes!! the book with pretty covers put in the "famous on socials" bookstore section!! are good!! It's about being othered it's about connection it's about diaspora it's about love and friendship and most of all it's about viddy games.
Station Eleven - Emily St. John Mandel reading this post-covid and learning it was written in 2017 was A TRIP. Psychic damage at every page. still feeling very normla.
The Mask of Apollo - Mary Renault Ugh i desperately wanted to like this book because the setup is so interesting and full of potential, but the end result was just. flat. flat story flat characters the plot focusing on the wrong things at the wrong times i was so DONE when i reached the end otz.
Babel - R. F. Kuang LOVED the worldbuilding in this, the "lost in translation" system of magic is one of the most interesting things ive ever read. I think theres something about the writing in general that didn't win me over completely?? but all in all a very good
Red Ocean - Han Song This sure is a Book. That i've Read. its so profundly strange and unlike anything ive come across that i dont even know what to feel about it. i think 90% of my confusion comes from Not Getting Cultural References so if someone has a "red ocean explained" essay plz send it my way bc i couldnt find one.
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mooonjin · 2 years
Hi hi!echo anon here i just realized that instead of putting echo x reader i put hunter/// can you feel my love for that man coming though yet-??? Anyways..the echo fic was so cute!! I hope you dont mind me requesting again;;but since i cant seem to get hunter off my mind... Hunter x reader where hunter is being a dad figure to omega AND navigating being in a relationship with the reader? I feel like alot of fics skip the part where The bad batch were soldiers and loving someone doesnt really come as easy to them;; oh my lord i wrote alot- anyways ill end this!! Do you have a masterlist?? And rules for your writings?
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Notes: AAAA so sorry echo anon that took so long to come you!! but its hereeee~~ to answerr your questions, i will have a masterlist soon once i get rest of the bad batch fics out and rules? not so really,, just nothing so super violent or extreemly dark smut ykk? okok enjoyyyyyyyyyy :DD
Pairing: Hunter x gn!reader
Summary: Dealing with a role as an older brother (dad)  was something he'd never have thought of but also getting into a relationship? Yeah, that's another.
Warnings/Tags: mentions of Zygerrians, mild kissing, fluff — tell me if I've missed anything!
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Hunter whimpered into the kiss.
You don't remember how many rotations it's been since you were able to have a makeout session with him. Let alone have him make noise. The shiver that travelled throughout your body caused you to push desperately against him.
Hunter's breathing shifted, he was almost panting like a dog in need of water. His kissing was sloppy, though you didn't complain. He's a soldier, obviously not the type to go around and practice kissing.
As Hunter's firm hands slid under your blacks, goosebumps appeared across your skin. His mere touch can send you into a frenzy; it was electrifying and soft. His hands came down to the hem of your shirt with the intention of removing it. He grinned teasingly against your neck, you could feel it.
As inexperienced as he seemed, he could still be the biggest tease ever. Just as he was about to take your top off, his thoughts wandered too far into a territory he'd been avoiding.
For him, he felt oddly free of worry and thought. He wasn't about to let that mindset take over him.
Hunter's paranoia kicked in, his hands abandoning your shirt and you completely.
You pouted once his touch left your skin, "Wait, where's Omega?" Hunter's iris dilated at a concerning speed, his eyes staring you down, his squint as menacing as ever. The initial atmosphere of arousal dissipating at lightspeed.
You sighed, shaking your head. He still wasn't used to balancing such a dad-like life with a relationship at the same time, "I sent her off with Wrecker," you reassured him, but he didn't appear too convinced. He always had to make sure Omega was somewhere in his sight, "Your brother's a big guy 'n Omega can handle herself now." you added on.
Whilst cupping his jaw, you examined his face. You gently took your thumb and caressed the tatted skull upon his cheek. He seemed nervous and wasn't easily reassured that Omega was okay. Not that he doesn't trust you or his brothers, oh gosh no.
"Woah-ho, 'm I interrupting?" a booming voice suddenly filled the Marauder, frightening Hunter and yourself.
It was only Wrecker, who seemed to be searching for Gonky as he frantically whipped his head around the nooks and cranny of the shuttle. The brute loves doing sets with the poor droid and is also the master of barging in without warning.
Although you had a grin on your face, Hunter wasn't the same. You could feel his gloved hands grip the lower part of your waist and you didn't know why.
His lips pursed inwards and his eyes squinted more than you've seen before. As his eyes darted around the space in thought, you spoke with a soft voice, "Hey, you okay?—"
"—Wrecker, where's Omega?"
This time, your eyes darted around the space, trying to regain Hunter's eye contact. You could hear happy noises erupt from further up the ship, assuming Wrecker found gonky laying around.
With a quick kiss on your forehead from Hunter, he hastily bolted up towards Wrecker, who was fortunately not paying attention to the lovebirds in the ship.
"Where's Omega?" as you walked slowly towards the two, you could hear how stern Hunter's voice became. You placed both of your hands on his shoulders to calm him down.
He looked over his shoulder to face you, oddly getting distracted by your beauty. The sight of his eyes relaxing a little bit was relieving.
"Left 'er with Cid, said she wanted to show her something she'd like—" faster than the speed of hyperspace, Hunter was out the Marauder in milliseconds and dashing his way deep into town, accidentally bumping you to the ground.
He didn't look back to apologise or even think twice about the harsh contact, by the time Wrecker helped you onto your feet, he was no longer visible.
You sighed, rubbing the back of your thigh from where you fell.
"Y'know... I have another weapon similar to that energy bow of yours," Cid mumbled. She walked over to her desk, the surface area filled with artifacts Omega had never seen before.
She wanted to inspect them all, pry, use, poke, do whatever she was able to do with the mysterious item. They didn't appear clean or regularly dusted but that was expected. 'Clean' wasn't usually the word for Cid's parlor.
Cid whipped out an old crate labelled 'FRAGILE' in bright red paint as well as being covered in crispy, aged blaster shots. Assuming the box was valuable and was definitely shot at, Omega's attention was directed from the target she was focusing on to the crate.
"Was that box stolen?" Omega piped up. She titled her head, curiously, making her way around the hologram table and towards Cid's desk.
As the crate made contact with the desk, multiple metal thumps could be heard from inside, a small wave of dust bouncing off the surface.
Cid scoffed, waving her hand about before opening the box, "Mmm, maybe, but no one's comin' after this, I'll tell you that," it was dusty. Really dusty. It must've been hidden away in the office for some time.
Unfortunately, Omega was too small to see what was in the box so she urged Cid to bring whatever the contents were inside, out. She received an eye roll from Cid, who complied anyway.
Having the embodiment of curiosity run about on two legs has its cons. It wasn't the most ideal around a snappy, sassy lizard.
Omega's eyes widened at the sight of a golden... stick?
"What's that supposed to be?"
"An electro-whip." Cid dusted off the thin layer of dust on the handle before presenting it. Omega let her fingers slide along the strange prongs on one end of the whip.
She was particularly interested in the design of the handle, her fingers descending from the prongs and onto the swirly, yellow designs.
As Cid lent Omega full control of the whip, she was already trying to find an on button, "How does it work?" she titled the handle on every angle, checking if there was anything to touch, press, hold, anything. She even dangerously stuck her eye through the prongs, looking down into a small contraption where the whole show of the whip emerged from.
"You might not wanna stick your eye there, Tiny," Omega immediately backing away as Cid chuckled. Cid gently took a hold of the handle and turning it around before giving it back to Omega, "Hold this handle and push this button, you'll hear a buzzing sound. And make yourself some room." she shooed Omega back.
She did as instructed, backing away from Cid's desk to give herself some room to charge up the whip. Looking around the handle, she found the button to hold down. Her thumb pressed against it, a tingly feeling and a buzzing noise slowly climbing up in decibels.
A golden stream of electricity emerged from the tip of the handle which startled Omega. She looked at the activated weapon in awe, fascinated at how it worked. Before she could wind up her arm to test the whip, Hunter came bursting through office door.
Startled again, Omega took her thumb off the button, the whip retracting, "Well, look who decided to show up." Cid chimed in, crossing her arms as Hunter stepped into the room.
His eyes immediately landing on whatever Omega was clutching in her hand. He noticed it right away, that same whip that he managed to overpower from the Zygerrian when they did their first rescue mission for Cid.
Hastily, he snatched it out of Omega's hand, careful not to hurt her in the process, "You shouldn't be toying with this," he walked over to the open crate on Cid's desk, placing the whip inside and closing the crate back up with a loud slam, buckling the crate tight.
He shot a brooding glare at Cid who defensively put her hands up.
Hunter placed a hand on Omega's shoulder, ushering her out the door. Omega waved to Cid before the sliding doors closed. The two exited the parlor entirely and was greeted with the sound of Ord Mantell.
The Marauder wasn't far from the parlor and neither was the Pantoran man that sold Mantell Mix. Omega giggled at the sight of Wrecker attempting to bargain the price.
As they passed Wrecker, Hunter gestured to him to just pay what the original price is considering they were going on a mission soon that pays well, "Maybe'll get cheaper next'ime..." he grumbled.
Omega gently shook her head, dismissing and forgiving Wrecker even though she didn't expect him to get anything when she came back from Cid's.
Wrecker happily ran ahead at the sight of a fixed Gonky and a disappointed Tech. You emerged from inside the Marauder, glad to see Omega well and Hunter calmed down.
After Wrecker had accidentally sat on Gonky's charging port, he'd ran off the buy something to compensate Tech for having to fix it.
You observed as Omega went along to hang out with Wrecker and Gonky. Tech, on the other hand, was glued to his holopad once again, "Echo and Crosshair are in need of my presence in town, excuse me." His put on his helmet and walked off, nodding dismissively to Hunter to let him know as well.
You stood upon the open door of the shuttle, waiting for Hunter to acknowledge you. Once he had taken his eyes of Omega, his eyes swept straight to you.
He expected a grin or an arms open hug but was met with a cold expression. Deep down he knew he did something wrong running off like that and ignoring you instantly. You exited the shuttle, walking towards him. He froze, terrified he might've made you angry.
He didn't know what to do in situations like this, having only seen scenarios similar when he would watch holofilms. Hunter was nervous, expecting it to end how it would've in the films: yell, shout, quiet down, angry break up.
"Look I really—"
"—You okay?"
He didn't expect that question from you. Hunter was taken aback, almost forgetting to answer your question, "Wha— oh, yes, I'm okay? I guess," you chuckled at his step up, bringing a grin to his face. He hoped this wasn't a cover up of you being twitchy with him.
You pecked his lips, pulling away to address the recent situation, "Omega can be curious—" you began.
"—And reckless." Hunter finished, sighing, but you quickly shushed him with your index finger.
"And that's what makes her, her. I know you want to prevent her from getting hurt or lost but she's still a kid." Hunter's eyes panned over to Wrecker and Omega playing catch — Gonky basically being piggy in the middle — proudly witnessing the first time on Saluecami with Shaeeah and Jek. They both were happy and giggly, occasionally missing the ball and accidentally throwing towards one another's face, "Remember what Suu told you?"
"Children will always find ways of getting into trouble," he quoted, taking his eyes off the duo and back to yours. They always seemed to glimmer every time he stared.
You pulled him into a hug, if wasn't as comfortable with his armour on but the embrace is what matters.
Hunter pulled away, his hands returning to your waist, "I really like you a lot..." he sighed.
He became flustered at the intense eye contact, "Well—maybe more, I uh, don't know...?"
"I love you too," you pecked him again, watching as he scratched the back of his neck, "You're allowed to say it, are you not ready?" you prepared to apologise.
"No, it's not that it's just... I'm not the type someone falls in love with." he nervously confessed. You enveloped him in a passionate kiss, offering comfort. A small smooch of a plop was heard as the both of you pulled away.
"Would you care to finish what we started?" you grinned, feeling how tense his hands became that rested behind your waist.
"Gladly," he growled.
This time, you were gonna get more than whimpers out of him.
Post-Notes: didya like it? i enjoyed the prompt s bunch!! tysm anonn ^^
wanna be a part of my taglist?
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@elsastoes @nekotaetae @jiabeewrites @lokigirlszendaya @imalovernotahater @backyard-bear
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cosmik-homo · 4 months
Running here to say someone JUST told me they will read death gate, so the pyramid scheme is working :)
I'm really glad I read it, I had a lot of fun! The final books didn't quite hit the mark for me but as a whole it was a really nice series :) what are your favorite parts if you don't mind me asking?
Yayyyy my empire grows!
I've been really rotating in my mind how to answer this, for basically the whole day. There's very much a case here of "the thing you latch on to as a 12 year old is gonna stay with you forever", and this series helped me unlock a lot of things that have become central to my life, from grappling with sexuality and gender in my tweens and teens to. Very actively opening the door to question the Zionist assumptions I grew up with.
And I do think that despite certain pitfalls (looking at you pryan) the politics of the series are pretty cool, for a fantasy shlock- the validation of rage and vengence instincts on the side of the opressed as real and human (as opposed to bestial or barbaric) while also being unconstructive to creating actually better futures to any sides involved, and the necessity of solidarity and empathy and models of shared life and whatnot are all kind of relevant to what I believe and do with local circles.
But more than that, I really love the character dynamics. Haplo's arc is just a really good examination and deconstruction of fantasy masculinity tropes, and its beautiful and cool and explains how toxic masculinity as we refer to it today functions very well for something written before the phrase was coined.
And Alfred...
Ok, I am entirely incapable of being impartial about Alfred "dopamine creator in chief" Montbank but before I go down that rabbithole, i think what I really want to say here is I often feel the way i recommend or advocate for the death gate cycle in itself kind of ruins for others one of the things I like about it the best and the most and find delightful, which is the entire Bait And Switch ordeal.
It's unique, it's fun, it manages Layers, and it's so interesting in it's meaning.
AUTHORS NOTE: I am going to literally physically cut off the incoming alfred rant when it reaches 300 words. i will let myself write it as much as i want cuz god knows i need the serotonin, this is my version of chasing my own tail, and then just cut it at that cuff.
What Alfred means and represents and does and is in the books is so cool, and it's another thing that being fixated on dgc changed for me. I used to enjoy star wars the way a normal person would, once upon a time. It was Alfred-Majoring that made me c3po crazy. cuz its like, what kind of people are important to a story, what kind of abilities and attitudes and emotions and symptoms are "normal" and "good" to have on screen or page, as opposed to how we as people react to traumatizing or difficult situations in real life? He's an active expriment in discomfort with the pathetic in yourself and in others, in empathy, in being allowed to exist and be loved and meaningful Ugly and Weird. yeah in some ways its just an ugly duckling but. the whole swan/dragon side coming to the foorefront doesnt make the duck not there, hes just an extremly wonderful and powerful ugly, neurotic swan and its awesome.
The fact that being outside a system because youre too weak or odd to belong or manage to fit in it brings you unique opportunity to question if it's necessary or good.
I read a lot of margaret weis interviews and she never directly talked about writing alfred but she does often mention she doesnt read a lot of sf/f- her favorite authors are actually dickens and austen, and between that and the prufrock connection tm I wouldn't be surprised if alfred was purposefully designed to be a Literary character dropped into a SF/F story- and its sooo interesting in how it interacts with the genre convetions of power/magic/masculinity/trauma/danger etc.
OK that 278 words but I'm gonna cut it off now, I finished my entire coffee and then some crackers. normal behavior ensues-
On a less Analytical viewpoint of "favorite parts" I will say that the plot, dynamic and Imagery of fire sea is the one I find myself returning to most on a sf/f level - being reminded of it whenever necromantic societies come up, or Life Changing Enemies To Working Together Field Trips, or whatnot- Serpent Mage is i think the best constructed and I am often thinking about the social dynamics Alfred experiences there, and I have a deep and unbridled affection and obsession to the iconic mess of a jumble of a novel that is seventh gate because. sometimes, you just need dragontorture/ xars murderous paternal bedwarding / ghost handhold/ psychicthreesome/ dog based ressurection / closing the gate/ epilogue with children serotonin in life. that was balls to the walls the entire way through. and it rocked.
As i recently explained to a very cool person who ran a lecture on deathgate in a local convention: "When i was thirteen i was like oh i love basing my identity on dragonlance lets go for a fun ride. ooh its kinda slashy yayy. and then the existential teenage conditions hit and i started appreciating the Mental Health Representation, and then the panic attack representation looked me in the eye and said Become Leftist. NOW. we were not joking about the opening your worldview arc it isnt a metaphor this is directly about you. YOU need to fight the horrors in a radical kindness and peace way, even though you have crippling fear, right now. and then i did".
AND there's dogs, and dragons, and gay people devotion. so,
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So every summer I do a personal project of some kind. Because I need to have a work addiction to survive. And I think solidly with how much of a mess this last episode was, my personal project for this year is going to be just one giant fix it fic. I'm not even kidding. I'm not a very spiteful person. But with this episode and how much of a complete mess time quangle it was, I simply just, need something to survive off of about the rat grinders that isn't this mess.
Don't get me wrong! This episode had so many good parts. But 1. the last minute "Oh the rat grinders aren't actually completely evil. And removing their rage star fixes it all because sure yeah that's good writing right" 2. The fact that Lucy doesn't even mention KLCK 3. The weird, weird weird continuous virginity jokes. Kind of just. Huh. It felt like I was going through, at least five episodes worth of development within one episode and I think it's somehow both soured and made the season better for me. I'm like so deeply confused and also so deeply frustrated. I feel like I've been shot by a pirate.
Anyways uh, honestly I'm just going to start believing that, KLCK gets brought back later after they have the time and they have a really long and emotional discussion with Lucy about what SHE wants and whether or not she wants KLCK to be revived. Rotating a low polygon 3d model of Kipperlilly in my mind. I love you rageful girl
SOOO TRUE. if you do end up doing a TRG summer project i would LOVE to see it!!! UNQUANGLE THIS NONSENSE!!
But yeah, it's... well, I know I'm biased. I didn't expect an ending I'd like. But I was at least expecting an ending that was... competent...?
Like. As you said, the shatterstars being a complete mind control thing is such a hivemind. ALTHOUGH, all that being said, it also makes their brutal killing of Kipperlilly even fucking worse. Because we do know that she still HAD a shatterstar in her. Brennan specifically said that her shatterstar doesn't join the battle because of the way it was brought into her - meaning she does still HAVE one.
So she still WAS being fucking mind controlled. So according to this logic (which I do think is unsatisfying), her biggest crime was being 15 and asking to be made a part of a conspiracy to revive a god. Which isn't great. IT'S STILL NOT WORTH ETERNAL DAMNATION!!
The way Lucy was just a dead wife montage, even when she was alive... oh it's okay you killed my friends, they killed me to. It also contradicts with all of the rage star bullshit....? because it wasn't them who killed her. it was just a hivemind that took their bodies. i guess.
and the VIRGINITY JOKES. like...? i don't think of myself as a prude...? i do think that fantasy high has always been a bit weird about sex jokes, but it's usually been.. idk.. not so fucking rampant? if i wanted to be more erudite about this, i could absolutely make something about the fact that losing virginity is a status symbol for men and something that 'taints' you as a woman. but i don't know where i;d be going with that tbh.
anyway so true. i have one au where kipperlilly is sent to the seaside for her own mental health and one au where she's otome isekai'd. the house always wins for me.
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zukkaoru · 6 months
nikolai and teruko for the hc ask game..?
Sexuality Headcanon: i don't think he labels his sexuality bc he doesn't seem like the sort to like labels sfdgfhk the hc i have written down for him in my doc is "silly & fruity" which. is probably about what his answer would be if you asked him his sexuality
Gender Headcanon: same as above; i don't think he labels it beyond "not cis" + along with that, any pronouns nikolai is something that has been rotating in my mind recently
A ship I have with said character: (fyo)nikonathan. thanks to nikonathan ceo louie <3
A BROTP I have with said character: i mean. nikolai and kenji. i did write 22k words about them. also nikolai & sigma! and nikolai & dazai can be so fun as well (emergency number laizai is sooo wonderful omg i love them)
A NOTP I have with said character: i don't think i have any? at least not any that are popular ships lol
A random headcanon: he likes embroidery,, i don't have any real reason for this; it just showed up in my nikolai & kenji fic and i was like. yeah. so true op
General Opinion over said character: he is SO fascinating. i want to study him like a bug i want to dissect his brain i want to put him in a jar and shake him around i want to peel back all of his layers like an onion until his raw core is on display and i want to poke it until he breaks
Sexuality Headcanon: bi maybe? alloaro perhaps? but probably actually it's "i'm too busy with my job to think about that rn" <- has been saying that for 30+ years
Gender Headcanon: i don't really have one for her
A ship I have with said character: also don't really have any ships for her,, i think she probably had some feelings for fukuchi but i don't Ship them
A BROTP I have with said character: all of the hunting dogs but especially tachihara!! also i think about teruko & sigma in last train home a lot. ALSO also i think she and elise should meet. i want to lock them in a room together just to see what happens
A NOTP I have with said character: all of them? idk like i said i don't really ship her with anyone but also i've only seen maybe one teruko ship so there aren't any popular ones that i actively dislike either
A random headcanon: she gives surprisingly good and wise advice, but only to people she cares about. tachihara is the most frequent recipient of it, but tecchou and jouno and even fukuchi have all found themselves looking to her for help when they need it. however, she usually has to (lovingly) bully them before she says anything helpful
General Opinion over said character: she's a queen. an icon. she probably gets unfounded hate bc she's a female character which means i have to love her even more out of spite. "annoying" female characters i still love you even when the fandom doesn't <333
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kanonavi · 10 months
hello new mutual navi <3 what are your thoughts on tgcf <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Hiiii new mutual Star <3 It's nice to hear from you, even though Hua is a menace and is terrorizing us <3 <3 I'll have you know I was at orchestra rehearsal and was unable to defend myself from their vicious attack, this was all very rude of them lol
But yeah tgcf omg.... I have so many thoughts about it tbh. For reference, I'm currently 6 volumes in (7 is in my possession, just waiting on my roommate to finish it first. If I read past him he'll get sad) and have watched all of the donghua so far and it's like. There are few things that I have felt more like the Target Audience for. My roommate clocked me for this, so this entire thing is his fault and now I've read 6 entire not-insubstantial novels in half a year.
To get the obvious part out of the way, I adore hualian, and out of all of my ships I think they're the closest I've ever gotten to loving both characters in it equally. Like in xiaoven I have a bias for Venti and in xingyun I have a bias for Chongyun, but with hualian I really and truly struggle to pick a favorite. If I had to choose, Xie Lian would probably win out just barely over Hua Cheng, but probably only because we're in his head for the books and thus get to experience his silly thoughts and awful trauma firsthand. However, they are rightfully a set, do not separate in my mind.
I do have a favorite character outside of the main pairing though and that character is Shi Qingxuan and I love her so so so so much it's not even funny. My roommate didn't predict this even though Qingxuan and Venti are so incredibly same guy, it's like. Of course I, renowned Venti enjoyer amongst my compatriots, was going to love the character who's the master of the wind, is a bit silly goofy, enjoys their drink, and also has a cool Gender going on. I have, however, been cursed (blessed) by my roommate's takes about her that don't seem very fandom mainstream, so I am just going to be content rotating her in my brain endlessly. She is in the microwave. Also, it's been an absolute treat watching her in s2 of the donghua, she is everything to me.
The last thing I'll add for my bare minimum thoughts about this series is that I do actually like it for very similar reasons that I like Genshin Impact. In Genshin, I've always been very fond of the immortal characters because I love the way that the writers at mhy explore the humanity of inhuman characters. The Gods and Dragons and Adepti and God-made Puppets and otherwise in Genshin aren't human, but the struggles that they face are incredibly human, whether living like and alongside humanity is one of their goals or not.
Tgcf, with its humans (exceptional humans, but still humans) that ascend to godhood, is much the same to me. Most of the Upper Court officials are completely detached from humanity much of the time, but their struggles and their vices are completely and totally human. Xie Lian is the most interesting of them all to me, since he's used his godhood to live the human life that he was never allowed when he was actually human, and I could go on an entire rant about that but I'll spare you the details. Every character in the series is so interesting in the way that their human problems have been left to grow and fester over the course of the centuries, and it's both awful and enthralling to watch.
oops that was so long my head is very full of thoughts. Thank you for the ask, even though it was kind of an arranged playdate lol I appreciate the chance to ramble <3
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good-beanswrites · 1 year
Could I request "cooking is an art form" with mahiru and presumbly orekoto? I read your Night drabble of those 2 and now the idea of a potential friendship has been stuck in my mind for days, that was probably the sweetest interpretation of him I've seen! Mahiru can't cook in the current state she's in though so I guess orekoto could act as her hands...?
Ah thank you so much!! I was so worried about doing Orekoto justice, that's so exciting you enjoyed 😭 We still don't have a ton of characterization for him, so bear with me, but I absolutely loved writing this. Thank you so much for the request -- with food playing such an important role in Mahiru's story/symbolism, and the pair's unique relationship, this made me so crazy to think about !!!
The knife twirled through Mikoto’s hands. He brought it down with a grunt. Emotion pulsed through his veins. He went back for another swipe, much harder than necessary. He wiped spatter from his face.
“You’re making a mess.” Mahiru observed from behind. 
He glanced back to find her scowling at the tomato he was taking out his frustration on. “Who gives a shit? We’re not on cleanup duty.” 
He wasn’t supposed to be on cooking duty, either. It was Mahiru’s night according to their usual rotation, but she was in no shape to do any physical activity. Mikoto must have volunteered, and also gotten into some fight about it, because now there he stood: angry at an unknown source, full of adrenaline, and worst of all, in charge of tonight’s curry.
“I suppose…” Mahiru said. “I think that’s Muu tonight, I’ll apologize to her later.”
It was unsettling, how she remained positively cheery as she walked him through each step of the recipe, despite her current condition and his bad attitude. Not that he’d ever turn his anger on her. Mikoto approved of her, and that was enough for him. She’d been going through so much at the hands of their common enemy, he wouldn’t say a single thing against her. Even as she tested his temper with her cooking instructions.
“No, no!” With her good hand, she tugged on the side of his uniform. “You have to turn the carrot as you cut it. Like -- yes, like that!”
Mikoto rolled his eyes as he did what he was told. “It’s all going to get cooked together anyways, it’s not a big deal.”
“It is! You have to take your time with things like this.” She placed her hand over her heart. “It’s about the process, not just the final product. Cooking is an art form!”
“It’s about the final product to me. I’m fucking starving.” 
She was briefly distracted with the next set of instructions, telling him how to combine everything over how much heat. When she returned to the topic, her lighthearted voice was laced with a bit of desperation. “I mean it, there’s something magical about pouring your heart into something for someone else. Putting in your time. A little finesse here and there.”
“I know what it’s like to do something for someone else -- and there is absolutely no finesse involved. Or potatoes.” He gestured to the cut pieces before dumping everything into the pot over the stove.
“One of the most universal love languages is food, you know? People make meals and treats for their loved ones in every culture, in every time.” 
“They do a lot of other things, too.”
“You went to art school, you understand. This is an expression of yourself!”
“It’s a waste of time.”
“It’s the surest way to help someone!”
“That’s a load of bullshit.”
There was a pause. Then a nervous laugh. Then, “yeah.” As she dropped into more uncharacteristic silence, he stole a glance at her. 
Tears poured from her eyes. 
“Mahiru?” Fuck, he didn’t mean to make her cry.
“It is.” she hiccuped. “I thought… I thought it could save him. I made this big meal… I thought… But I was so stupid…”
She buried her face in her hands, offering weak apologies for the sudden outburst. He threw the lid over the pot before stepping back to her.
“Hey, hey. Come on. Don’t cry.” It was a command rather than a comfort. 
She didn’t listen. She just continued sobbing and blubbering on. “It was all stupid, worthless… I should have known…”
He crouched by the wheelchair. There didn’t even seem to be anything wrong, they’d just been talking about food. Why was she such a mess? He gave an impatient sigh. No reaction. What was Mikoto’s nickname for her again? “Listen, Mappi --”
She snapped her head up to look at him. 
Her teary eyes flicked all over his face, making him scowl. “What?”
“Oh.” Her shoulders relaxed, though her breath still hitched. “Sorry. You said… and well… I thought you’d gone away. I want you to stay.” She took his hand. “You.”
His eyes narrowed. “Why?”
“Because you understand me.” 
He did not. Like, at all. But he kept his mouth shut.
Thankfully, she was too talkative not to explain herself. “You love someone very much. That love turned out to be dangerous -- deadly. And you weren’t forgiven for it.” She pressed her lips together, suppressing the wave of emotion that almost overcame her. “And now we’re both getting what we deserve for it.”
“Like hell we are.” He felt the spark of rage again. “Neither of us deserve any of this shit, okay?”
“But --”
“No.” He glared at her. That familiar fire rose up inside him. “I’m tired of all your speeches and optimistic crap. You’re always falling over yourself for others. You’re pathetic. This place is hell, so you need to get your shit together and act like it. You might be willing to forgive the others, you might be able to treat them with that stupid sweetness all the time, but no one’s going to do the same for you. Stop letting them fuck with you.”
She gaped at him. He realized he’d leaned in very close. He prepared himself for more tears, or maybe some cowering away from him. Good. Mikoto didn’t need people like her who would convince him this verdict was deserved. He didn’t need any of these people. It was fine to push them all away.
Mahiru surprised him by leaning over. Her head rested on his chest. “It’s hard. It’s so hard, Mikoto. But… I’ll try.”
His attention was quickly ripped away by a hissing behind him. He yanked himself away from her to run to the curry, which was bubbling and burning and spilling out of the pan all over the stovetop. 
With an outpouring of profanities and clattering of dishes, he cleaned the sad remains of dinner off the burner. When he looked back at Mahiru, she had dabbed at her eyes and composed herself slightly. 
“It’s okay,” she said, “I’ll pick something easier you can make instead.”
“Nah, I’ll make more curry. Tell me how much of everything again.” 
His agitation slowly faded as she began her gentle instructions again. Though he had just tore her apart for it, he was grateful for her patience with everyone around her. He probably could have left, then, seeing how calm the kitchen became. But he wasn’t risking ruining the meal a second time with an unexpected switch. 
And maybe Mahiru’s words still played through his mind.
The food was back on the stove in no time. He stood diligently next to it. They’d lapsed into a content silence. He still didn’t know what had set her off earlier, but wasn’t about to ask questions.
Mahiru had regained her usual bright smile. “Hey, when I get better, I’ll cook something for you, okay? I think you don’t appreciate cooking because no one’s made something special for you before. I want to do that.”
He sneered. “Heh, sure. And I’ll let you in on my preferred art form.” His words were layered with sarcasm. By now, she could guess that included destroying things by putting all of one’s might behind a powerful swing. 
But she giggled, completely unfazed. “Well, friendship is about give and take, right? I’d love to try.”
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spaceratprodigy · 6 months
could i bother u for more thoughts on faith and max in a mock apple orchard 🥺👉🏻👈🏻
@gayafsatan — I would absolutely LOVE to brainstorm some fun ideas of them in a mock apple orchard!!
I've been replaying again so they've been rotating around in my mind a lot extra hard and was especially thinking about mock apple picking bc the botanical labs also has a lil orchard where you can pick mock apples up off the ground! But I'm currently in Roseway so oughhh.. ideas....
I want you now I am going to ramble a LOT so please bear with me I swearsies it'll be more fun if we get the full lore dump from my brain 😩💖💕
My thoughts are very chaotic and rambly so let me try to walk though my ideas lmao
Roseway is typically where I peg Faith's death wish arc happening, and to summarize what all that entails, it's when the mask slips and the weight of everything finally hits her in full force.
I always envision this story happening over a long period of time so a lot of time has passed since first arriving at Edgewater and the Groundbreaker.
Halcyon. Her situation. Her identity. The life Phineas threw her into abruptly and his expectations for her. Making split second moral decisions where no matter what someone is going to get hurt. Being so alien and alone, no one to understand her or believe in her predicament but having to be the mysterious competent captain regardless.
It finally gets to her. Bad. And she makes some self destructive decisions. She gets sloppy, careless, hoping someone else will end this nightmare for her. Until they almost do.
I am swiftly brushing past many details so we don't get too lost in the sauce. But Max went after her, found her collapsed and injured bad, carried her back to the ship for Ellie to do whatever she could, and then stayed by her side for as long as it took for her to wake up.
This is such a key moment for them getting closer. Because there was a lot of frustration and emotion and being forced to confront the possibility of feelings existing, but nothing they fully understand or are ready to acknowledge as such yet.
She tries to brush past the subject of what happened, deflecting everything until he raises his voice in a way he hasn't since she gave him the journal and she threatened he never talk like that to her again. And it was enough to break through her facade, for her to show just how utterly broken and vulnerable she is, and they have a proper fucking conversation about where she's at mentally. He still isn't ready for the truth about her life before. But it's a step forward.
There is a lot of patience and understanding and just. Yeah. A lot happens here. Some walls come down. There grows some room for them to become softer and closer over more time.
All of this is important because a short piece I had written a long time ago took place in this area roughly after this incident.
It was a personal outlet vent piece, I will be honest. When I wrote it it was after I had a very bad panic attack after an awful scare. And I wrote it into Faith because I just wanted to get some feelings from that experience out of my system.
The shortened version of that one is Faith recovering from a bad episode, trying to calm her breathing, waiting for her ears to stop ringing and for her vision to come back. Her legs gave out on her and she was sitting under the mock apple trees. Her voice locks up on her when she's seriously distressed. Yadda yadda yadda, Max had brought along his datapad so she could communicate anything important and she was incredibly confused because she knows he doesn't like using his datapad ever and then rendered even more speechless to know he brought it specifically for her in case something like this were to happen again. It ends with her just asking if he would keep talking to her, and they sit there under the mock apple trees for a while, in no particular rush to get anywhere.
And after this point, I think the mock apple orchards become a really peaceful, therapeutic spot for her when she just wants a moment to herself. Sits there, breathes, takes in the Roseway scenery and collects herself before jumping back into the horrors of Halcyon. Spends some time picking mock apples to take back to the ship.
I've been having a lot of ideas of her asking Max to go with her. I'm of the mind if she'd ask directly that he'd either decline, or at least pretend to be uninterested but she's the one who asked so he accepts the offer.
But I can see her being vague and just saying that she's heading out if he'd join her and she leads him to the orchards. By this point they're already often in each other's company, she indulges his interests often, letting him be the one who is finally listened to. But in general, they get along very well in conversation when it comes to a handful of similar interests and their personalities and attitudes bounce off of each other well.
(In my story anyway, since she spends an extended amount of time in Edgewater and the Vale, there was also a lot of time spent doing some early bonding with Max. So do with that info what you will. They're not likeee besties yet but they're much more than strangers by this point, ya'know? Just to get an idea of where their familiarity with each other is at and why there's enough respect and trust to some extent already existing. Not to mention how much time they had spent on the Groundbreaker).
They'd be having such a peaceful time away from the rest of the crew.
Oughhh hear me out, okay, Faith loves to bake. She doesn't even ask, she just makes Max hold her bag open while she starts collecting mock apples and after they finally head back to the ship she figures out how to make mock apple pie for the crew 😭 we already know Max doesn't care much for sweets (I wonder how sweet or tart a mock apple pie would be.. Faith girl what all Halcyon ingredients are you adding to that bad boy) but.. what if.... After everyone goes to bed...... He tries some anyway........ Because she made it..........
Most of what's bouncing around in my brain is them early on having wholesome bonding time in a spot just for the two of them. Just enjoying each other's company. Realizing they have genuine respect for each other, Faith feeling like she found a genuine friend who went to lengths further than anyone had in her entire life to make sure she survived. I am specifying Faith's feelings here intentionally. I write Max in a more complicated spot very blinded by his revenge scheme more or less unaware for a long while just how much the lines start blurring between his faith and his Faith. To put it succinctly. (Look I know I'm always drawing The Good Stuff™️ but in actuality their relationship is suchhhh a slow burn. They are not the most romantically inclined people lmao).
But also.. once she realizes she can talk to him when she needs to. I think coming back to this spot, off the ship, away from the crew, she just likes it there. She likes being there with him. She finds comfort in that spot.
OKAY BUT DO YOU KNOW WHAT ELSE WOULD BE CUTE.... they should come back here.. post-scylla and post-gorgon...... Ya'know......... The first being when they establish not wanting to be apart and the second being when they want to make that partnership a permanent one......... ASKING HER IN THE MOCK APPLE ORCHARDS WOULDN'T THAT BE DARLING ough okay I need a minute my brain is going too fast to comprehend
My Roseway ideas aren't the most cleaned up I know BUT so many important bonding moments exist and oughhhh LOOSE IDEAS ARE STILL WORTH TALKING ABOUT OKAYYYYY
I just want them to go mock apple picking together and learn how to get smiles out of each other and not understand why it makes their chests hurt but they know they need to do it again
ACTUALLYYYYY post-scylla when he's much more mellowed out and they're the closest they've been I think would be so so nice. they'd be so much softer and he'd probably be so much more involved in wanting to enjoy silly lil activities with her.....
Currently imagining him reading out loud to her, all the conversations they'd have, maybe he brings his tossball cards to show her, maybe they bring one of the lil games, have a lil makeshift picnic....
Godddd the transition between just how much enthusiasm he shows spending time with her is enough to make me explode. Can you see my vision. The reluctance, to the hesitancy, to becoming absolutely inseparable.
Literally feel free to add on or share your own thoughts I'm begging you lmao I promise there is so much room for ideas to be fleshed out and better put together, I'm mostly just spitballing what all I think would be incredibly fun ideas to work with. Plus I'm kind of thinking across the timeline and how much their relationship would change between each visit. And how over time they would enjoy it more and more and make each visit more special than the last.
WAIT BEFORE I LOSE THE THOUGHT!! They make a stop RIGHT BEFORE HEADING TO SCYLLA TO GO TO THE HERMIT'S LODGE!! Oh that could hurt so good omgggg. Okay okay I need to stop now I NEED TO STOP.
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genericpuff · 1 year
Same anon as before talking about writing stuff and worrying about if people will find it (but not the same anon as the other asks before that) - I think many people who are budding writers and artists have these concerns and bring them to you because you A). Are a creator yourself so you know what you're talking about in a verified sense and B). Idk about other anons but some of us (like me) take your reasoning (and critique) in regard to writing seriously because of your experience and how you analyze stuff such as LO.
I think at least some of us (again I can't speak for everyone nor can I or should I) wants to make sure they're not making mistakes such as the ones RS does in writing.
Also I might just take you up on your offer of Zelda fanfic - I do so love LoZ 😅.
ugh god, am I y'all's role model now or smthing? why would you do that to yourself (ㆆ_ㆆ)
okay but jokes aside, obviously people can't help who they look up to and I'm not gonna be a dick if y'all look up to my work and what I do here, just remember also that you're not obligated to agree with everything I say or take it to heart, you also shouldn't take my analysis of LO and how it's written/drawn personally because so much of that analysis is within the VERY specific definitions in which LO exists, definitions that don't really apply to many other webtoons on the platform. If there's anything I say or criticize LO for that speaks to you and your own work on a certain level, try not to take it as a direct personal attack towards you and more just like... if the things I'm saying about LO feel like they apply to your work, take it as advice for improving your own craft.
Or don't! You can literally ignore me and do what you were gonna do anyways. I literally cannot take that away from you and you absolutely shouldn't let me. I have no real power over anyone here, that's what I mean when I say I'm just a guy participating in their hyperfixation so don't feel like you gotta take me too seriously lmao
Also, yeah, okay, I'm a webcomic creator myself, but to put myself on the cross for once - I've never succeeded at this gig. Rekindled is the most consistent audience I've had in years, I think the last time my work was in a banner rotation was in 2015 (and it wasn't on WT), and I somehow make something like $20/month off Patreon. I've had small victories along the way, it hasn't been all bad, but this isn't my living and chances are low I'll ever find mass success with it. Everything I said about not taking my opinion too seriously because I'm just a random Internet guy applies to people like Rachel as well, while I criticize her work on the basis of it being a commercial product that should know better and I DEFINITELY harp on her for a lot of shit, at the end of the day she's in no way obligated to pay even a second of attention to me because she's made way more money in webcomics in the last 2-3 years than I could ever dream of making in the 10 years I've been doing this, that's something I can't take away from her and that was never the goal when it came to discussing her work. All I have to show for my own efforts is experience and rhetoric, and a few odd readers who have been around so long I wonder why they even still follow me LOL I am your typical "can never live up to the success of those who they criticize" chronically online shitposter. I don't think I should have to be on Rachel's level to be able to discuss her work, mind you, that's half the function of an audience to begin with, but it's not like I have any real legitimacy in this industry that you should worry about what I have to say. It's not like I'm capable of robbing Rachel of her awards or the money she's made lol
And by all means, go ahead and look for my fanfiction stuff, but I'm not providing any eye bleach because I wrote it when I was like, 13 years old, so search at your own risk lmao
(and if you do find it, no you didn't (︶^︶)/hj)
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amethysttribble · 1 year
Im sorry if this bothers you, but i was thinking about Jae and Alys parenting today, mostly in terms of saera and viserra, so what's your take on Feanors reaction to that whole thing in Everlasting Song. Like does he agree with their tactics (probably not...) or what? I really enjoyed your work and routinely rotate it in my head pretty much every single day.
AND NOW I have been rotating this question in my mind since you sent to me yesterday, thinking... considering... what a really great question, this isn't a bother AT ALL! It is my absolute pleasure to try and give an answer.
Feanor's take on Jaeherys and Alysanne's parenting, WHAT a thought. Now that I've cracked open the question of Feanor's historiographical takes, I'm tempted to have something like 'A History of House Targaryen, a Commentary by Ser Feanor Blackfyre' or something such floating around, the idea amuses me so much. You know Gyldayn hates it, if it exists.
But, okay, okay, let's think on this. Feanor would have grown up with a very traditionalist kind of education about the Targaryen monarchs. In text, basically everyone admires and thinks well of Jaehaerys and I believe Feanor would have been taught to admire him as well. And then Summerhall and Jaehaerys II.
I think his uncle being Jaehaerys the Second contributes a lot to Feanor's thought processes in regards to his historical evaluations, as he starts to read the histories more deeply. The comparison is natural.
I think he first goes, 'wait' when reading about the marriages Jaehaerys I and (and to and extent Alysanne) forced on his daughters and connects the dots to Rhaella and Aerys, neither of whom wanted to marry the other and got married really, really young, something Feanor is perfectly capable of realizing even at like twelve has been extremely bad for the both of them. I think every time he reads about one of Aerys's daughters, he thinks of Rhaella- Rhaella who isn't 'headstrong' like J&A's 'troublesome' daughters (who are almost described as evil by Gyldayn, it's so uncomfortable, not sure I agree with that writing choice), but suffers just as much, even as she does everything right
And Feanor, during JII's reign, is also feeling trapped and controlled and /unloved/ by someone who should love him, no, I bet he feels a great deal of sympathy for Viserra and Saera. Like, I'm sorry my life and my living of it makes you uncomfortable; I'm sorry it's inconvenient; sorry I'm here at all.
So, yeah, I don't think Feanor is primed to admire Jaeherys once he gets to the Citadel and then all bets are off.
I think once he starts studying, he notices what many people noticed while reading Fire and Blood, which is that most of J's good deeds are really Alysanne and Barth's good deeds that he signed off on. His respect for Jaehaerys dips lower. That being said, I don't think he's particularly in love with Alysanne's parenting style either.
Feanor grew up in an environment where, well, as Barristan says "all of King Aegon's children married for love." And the text makes clear that Aegon and Betha being permissive, loving parents causes serious problems for the realm, but Feanor's not likely to acknowledge that if even recognizes it. I think he believes that Alysanne prioritizing marrying her young daughters to 'safe' older men from her pool of friends to be selfish and short-sighted, at best.
I think in all things, when evaluating other people as parents, he compares them to his parents, who he /idolizes/ until the day he dies. And Alysanne and Jaehaerys come up wanting. Jaehaerys doesn't come off looking like a particularly great king either.
And those are my preliminary thoughts! This sent me down a rabbit hole, though, I can't help thinking- what did Feanor think of Aemon the Dragonknight? And what did that make him think of himself
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gemharvest · 1 month
As promised, NENE FOR THAT ASK GAME prompted by @zackcharine
favorite thing about them: I really like her design. She's really pretty 2 me also I kinda just like her... whole characterization idk. I get obsessed with girls who like sharp objects and have no problem using them. I wont her.
least favorite thing about them: You know what, funny thing for me to say after that but I can't think of anything else. The way she was designed for Pico's School was certainly A Choice. Really does make you go "Oh yeah, Pico's School/ Nene's Interactive did come out in 1999, huh".
favorite line: Once again gonna have to pass for now bc I like. LMAO I haven't engaged with enough Pico's School stuff to have anything stick to my mind yet. Most of my engagement has been playing Funkin' over and over and these fuckers don't really. Speak. In that game.
brOTP: Like I said with Pico the NG trio are so silly to meee I love those goobers, but as it stands now I am very specifically obsessed with the Pico & Nene friendship dynamic. Need to get. A more confident read of her and Darnell and then maybe I'll get more obsessed with them. lol
OTP: GFNENE I lauv GFNene. I haven't many serious thoughts on them yet bc I like. JUST got down my personal characterization for GF and don't quite have a solid one for Nene (though it's been getting there for a while now) but idk I like girls. Glirls. Also something funny about GF being a literal demon and Nene being Christian. I also fuck with CassNene, but it's even more of a passive thing than GFNene like I have 0 serious thoughts. I just think it'd be cute if they kissed. #womenswrongs
nOTP: I daurnt knoowwwwwwww. TBH I think if you asked me this when this fixation started I would have said romantic PicoNene but that's not the case anymore. I can get behind a good exploration of them in a romantic context, even if it's still not something I'll ever explore myself. So I guess, honorable mention so I say at least Something. Literally other than that Idc.
random headcanon: Shieettttt I don't have very many HC's for her rn. Like at all. You know what this is another "funny thing to say after what I just did" moment: I sometimes rotate Pico & Nene FWB in my mind. I do not think abt it deeply and it is not something I consider canon to what I write for these guys, but it's There.
unpopular opinion: Gonna have to pass on this one too. I don't even have anything annoying I've seen to complain abt I just straight up dunno if I have an unpopular opinion on her. I think she would be justified killing Pico I don't Fucking Know. I typed that out planning to delete it but no that's staying, that's funny as shit. Kill his ass Nene.
song i associate with them: FUCK I need a Nene playlist. Uhhh I never shut up about KATAMARI but I'm gonna force myself not to pick a Femtanyl song. What if I said Bed of Roses.
favorite picture of them:
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I tend to stray from PS Nene art for The Obvious but I think this one is really cute. Wauts he telling her. .. Runner-up would be this PA doodle:
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>> Original Prompt Post <<
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spicyraeman · 9 months
Well interacting with you makes my week too! **aggressive friendly fist bump**
I hope your holidays are going well 😁
Wolfheart is ending me. Can I pet that dawg? CAN I PET THAT DAWG? (https://vt.tiktok.com/ZGeN9U7kG/)
I love seeing the hairy SH art! PCOS / trans / wolf girlie, I stan all versions I see. We're not cowards here! The new band drawings are fire, still making my heartrate go jglcbxlw. And seeing the growth? Honestly it's magic to me, I think it's perfect then it becomes even more perfect and I'm just how?? How possible?
Veteran'zel, Baby'zel, Beam'zel, Horny'zel, Rat'zel, all I do is love'zel! The cheetah/dog doodle + wet rat'zel made me hiccup from laughter, we were blessed.
Buddy, Karlach's got her tail docked like the gith children, that's why! See, problem fixed **insert Flex Tape meme**
Also for Lae'zel's accent : yes, she would have such a harsh accent! As a foreign speaker, the pronunciation isn't always intuitive and is sometimes paradoxal. She probably never used some sounds, and it's hard to guess a lot of them. It's so inconsistent. I lack air in the middle of my sentences because of the tonal accentuations differences. Languages are crazy man. Lae'zel would have a stroke, struggling to say "library" with Gale correcting her.
I've been upgraded to bestie? Careful, I feel like the most specialest goblin in town now 😎
I also wanted to share with you my recent victory : I passed my exams with unexpectedly high grades! It's been 10 years since I succeeded in anything school related, I feel strangely proud and hopeful. I attribute this partly to the intense hyperfixation for BG3. I can come back to this fandom and get comfort when I feel burned out and in need of motivation. Thank you for being part of it and sharing your blorbos with us. Good soup for our cold starving souls. So yeah, you and your art matter even if you find it bleh sometimes and you doubt yourself.
I wanted to be brief but I'm incapable of shortening shit even if my life depended on it. Violently dumping my brain in your ask like I'm late on garbage collecting day. Sorry not sorry for the awkward emotional stuff. Take care of yourself, bestie ✌️
Sry for answering these “backwards”, I just needed to get the conlang stuff out first before all my good braincells shut down lol
hope the holidays are going well on your end as well :]
To pet a werewolf truly is the dream isn’t it, wereshart is prob my fav hc for her it just fits so well. I've been trying really hard lately to figure out how to draw her recently bc despite the art disparity her and lae’zel are neck in neck at being my fav characters. Seeing the growth in the bass drawing really gave me that boost of confidence that I'm at least slightly getting there lol
I truly do love Lae’zel in every form, but wet rat’zel rotates in my mind more than it should, sadly its not a hc I could ever commit to considering I can’t even remember Karlach’s canon tail lmaoo I really should just hc that karlach got her tail docked at this point, that or I need to make a checklist for her so I can go through and make sure ive got all her bits when I draw her
Also Ive already posted my big rambling mess about Gith accents but yeah harsh accent lae'zel best lae'zel, it just makes sense
But yoooo big gratz on the exams! Def something to be proud of!! I can agree this fandom really is a huge motivator, I haven’t had this much drive to do anything I've been doing recently in years. Glad I could help provide a lil comfort spot full of blorbo soup for the soul lol
Dw about shortening shit as you’ve prob seen i’m prone to rambling and also every emotion I experience is awkward so that's just par for the course here.
Hope life treats you well till the next ask, peace ✌️
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far-from-fran · 2 months
Do Zuko for the ask game, lol
How I feel about this character
Zuko's kind of a tough one for me, because I have Strong Feelings about him, but I also don't? Like, he's my favorite character of all time, he's my number two comfort character, he's half of my OTP. ...But, I hardly ever think about him??????
Like, I'm rotating Janus Sanders around in my mind like he's in a microwave, but Zuko? He's just kind of There™.
When I do give him time to be thought about, I want to squeeze him until he pops, I want to shake him for being dumb and because I love him. I want to kiss all over his face (in a platonic way) and cook him big home cooked meals. He's dumb and awkward and makes every bad decision he could ever make. He's inspired me to keep going despite all the bullshit, he's made me feel like I can do anything (can't fuck up as bad as Zuko/Zuko got through worse), he's Just Like Me Fr™. But, also? He's just kind of... sitting around my mind palace like this:
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It's a weird dichotomy.🤷🏾‍♀️
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Katara, I'm warming up to Zukaang and Zukaangtara. Julie Yamamoto, Gwen Tennyson. I don't ship Zuko (or Karata) with many people, but all the other people I ship them with come from the Ben 10 series... Huh... weird. Probably because they were both my hyperfixations for the longest time.🤷🏾‍♀️
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Probably Sokka. I'm also really liking Aang and Zuko as best buddies.
Platonic Janus/Zuko. They are my favorite characters, I need them to hang out. Also, Zuko and Kevin definitely need to hang out too.
My unpopular opinion about this character
This one won't make me many friends...
I'm putting this under a cut.
Fellow Zutara shippers, look away.
🚨!!Last Chance!!🚨
Uh, ok, as much as I love Zutara, I hate when people make Zuko completely pussy-whipped to Katara. They are equal partners in battle, friendship, and pretty much everything, and yet, I see a lot of people ignore this. I love a man who Loves His Wife as much as the next guy, but it's annoying when his character is completely changed to make him Katara's #1 hype man and lapdog. It's annoying and makes me like Katara less, not more. It's actually a big reason why I don't read atla fanfic. (It's annoying with any Zuko ship, I've just seen it with Zutara the most, and I'm saying this AS a Zutara shipper.)
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
We find out what happened to Zuko's mom, and we see him get that closure. I get that the end with Zuko asking Ozai about Ursa was just meant to be symbolic of him not being under Ozai's control anymore, but it still would've been great to:
Know what happened to her. (I don't count the comic "explaining" it. Too convoluted.)
Have Zuko have all the loose ends of him family tree tied up, so he could move on from the trauma and heal along with his nation. Yeah, he technically did that in canon, but I think it would've been more powerful if he knew what happened to her. Not necessarily see her again, she was probably dead, but still. Just knowing what happened.
Anyway, though...
That's my boy.😌
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Thanks for the ask!!!!!!!!😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊
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yiga-hellhole · 1 year
ship opinion bingo with gan-based ships
bonus : kohga/gan and demise(or Ganondorf hw)/ghirahim
the whole shebang, huh? here we GOOOOO!!!!
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AND WE HAVE A BINGO! so i haven't finished totk but bro. bro. holding your arch nemesis by the tits for 10.000 years. yeah something happened there. i adore a good divorce ship, and this is the one where the divorcees just keep coming back to each other because the homoeroticism is too on the nose. i see it. i see it. i see it.
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again, haven't finished totk. i have only seen sonia in like two cutscenes thusfar. but i love it when women get to be pissed off at huge burly men and in doing so get to be recognized as a viable threat. so i will be rotating this one in my mind on the backburner until i'm more informed on their canon dynamic and each characters' backstories in the game
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this is one of those ships where i don't really care for it but some people do interesting stuff with it and i see what they're going for. the fun with zelda and ganondorf is that he doesn't necessarily want her, but wants everything that she has. this old man is so fucking jealous of someone half his age at minimum. so honestly the age difference is a bit too big and dynamic is a bit too antagonistic for me to actively like this ship. i guess i can see it playing out as a bodice-ripper type story, but that goes against nando's character to me, and i've never quite been fond of them in the first place. something like an arranged-marriage-turned-something-more or a hyrule warriors esque wartime romantic tension could work. they *are* entangled eternally in a cycle of being tied by soul, but fated to be enemies each time. at some point something could spark i guess. but at the end of the day its a solid "eh" from me
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the same kind of arguments as zelda/ganondorf, but instead of royal diplomacy, link has a sword. again there's gotta be something about being the one prpphesized to slay the same guy cycle after cycle. maybe in one of the cycles, he won't want to...? how scandalous. but generally, i don't care too much for this ship
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i love divorce and i love horny old men thirsting over big buff dudes. i have a feeling kohga has a thing for large and bulky men, for no reason at all, that's not at all present in the game. so, in botw i see ganon's worship as a purely "riding-on-the-coattails-of" thing where kohga doesn't actually care much about ganon, he just wants a reason to make his personality cult and have an ez way to overthrow the monarchy. when that fails, he ditches the joint. but then ganondorf awakens into this absolute handsome beefcake and the illustrious master kohga would probably be like. "okay. hold on. Pause." and the rest is history. i see it. i havs the vision.
this has already been answered in the ghirademi bingo. but if you go for ganghira, there's the added tension of "you remind me of the man i devoted myself to, and his presence lingers within you", which would definitely have some serious emotional weight to ghirahim. but that i don't see reciprocated, once again, given that ganondorf always pursues power first. and this time there's not even the shared bond that ghirademi has, where ghirahim served as his sword for centuries! they basically just met, and all ganon knows is this sword freak is devoted to him! oh ghirahim, stop going after men who terrify you!!
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goddevouringserpent · 5 months
tagged by @miseryscrowned to take the "Which D&D class suits your personality?" (or, in this case, your OC's personality) quiz. took me ages because I have been so busy & stressed out I am starting to lose track of time, but wat ever we stay silly and take things as best as we can take them~
putting it under a cut because I chose not one, but two OCs for this, and as is often the case with me I started rambling and this got long as hell, lol.
in light of the DLC release date announcement, I'm back in WOTR mode and rotating my beloved wrathful girlie at washing machine speed, so!
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picrew credit
Kaija (she/they), my most developed Knight Commander. who, yes, has a canon class, or... sort of canon? IDK, she's a Sword Saint/Vivisectionist, but I've been contemplating a different build for the run I'll do once the DLC comes out—probably will still be martial heavy, but we'll see... anyway, I just wanted to see what class she got assigned based on her personality LOL
and the result was:
You’re a practical and unusually resourceful person with big dreams that may or may not involve copious amounts of money or treasure. You’re ambitious, you know what you want, and you’ll do whatever you can to get it. Some people might think you’re selfish, but you know it’s important to take care of yourself first. You thrive under pressure and you might have a bit of a mischievous or chaotic side.
Arcane Trickster subclass
Some rogues enhance their fine-honed skills of stealth and agility with magic, learning tricks of enchantment and illusion. You’re an adaptable person who likes to cultivate a range of skills and interests. Once you decide to pick up a new skill or hobby, you’re more than willing to put in a little time and effort to learn how to do it well. You like to feel competent and powerful. You’re not always the most direct person and you may sometimes hide your true thoughts and feelings behind lies or misdirection. Some people might not know what to expect of you, or you might be a bit misunderstood, but you’re capable of a lot more than some people give you credit for.
and I'll admit the result really surprised me at first because I've never seen them as the roguish type—she is quite literally built like a wrestler, roughly 190cm tall, contains multitudes of rage & does not have a single subtle bone in her—but upon reflection I can definitely see it, especially considering how the test openly states that it assigns a class based on personality, not mechanics. the descriptions given match really well, too; INSANELY resourceful, ambitious, materialistic, selfish, chaotic, adaptable, hates feeling powerless/needs to feel like the strongest and most powerful person in the room at any given time, rarely if ever shows her true feelings, often underestimated or not taken seriously despite being more than competent enough to deserve a different treatment... so yeah, fair, she would make a really good rogue! might keep that in mind for the aforementioned new build plans hehe
also: fun result considering one of the characters I ship Kai with—and who is essentially her "endgame" pairing in terms of being a healthy, loving, long-term relationship—is Woljif... who is an Eldritch Scoundrel 🤭 meant for each other~
then, because I am equally as excited about Shadow of the Erdtree releasing soon (June release dates for both DLCs, in fact... I'm gonna eat GOOD this winter break 😌), my Tarnished Yunia! aka the other she/they I have been spinning in the vortex of my thoughts 24/7, and who hilariously enough could not be more different from Kaija if they tried lol
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art credit (and also sick as hell modern fit design credit)
Yunia got:
You’re dedicated, caring, and probably a sucker for happy endings. You spend so much time helping other people that you might forget to take care of yourself. You’re very idealistic and have a strong sense of faith in your beliefs, which may be actual religious beliefs or just your personal moral code. You like to be prepared for a variety of situations and you may have a bit of a protective side.
Nature domain
Gods of nature are as varied as the natural world itself; from inscrutable gods of the deep to friendly deities associated with particular springs and groves. You feel comforted by nature and you’re drawn to the outdoors. You want to do as much as you can to take care of our world and you wish other people would take environmental concerns more seriously. You might come across as a calm and easygoing person most of the time, but you can have a surprisingly vicious side when someone violates your principles. You’re not afraid to confront harsh truths and you generally have a practical and realistic outlook on life.
Cleric tracks, it's a ridiculously good fit for her thematically—their entire Character Thing is passionate devotion towards the House of Caria (and later, to Ranni & her ideal for the Age of Stars) which overrides even their most basic self-preservation instinct at times and is pretty much, like, the core of their identity. so in a D&D AU, Yunia being a cleric of the Moon goddess Ranni would work out extremely well: following her dogma to a letter, doing everything in Ranni's name and to serve her earthly purposes, drawing from that very faith and dedication to find their own power and way in life, hopelessly in love with Ranni but shh don't tell anyone
Nature domain, on the other hand, I did not see coming, but the description works... ish? like, I'm not sure Yunia is particularly concerned about environmental issues in their source material LOL (even if there is quite a lot of shit to be concerned about, but that's probably on account of the Lands Between being an absolute shithole at the best of times <3), but in a modern AU I could definitely see her going for something like Environmental Sciences, yeah. being a protector-type with very firm beliefs is, again, a core part of their personality, & it's more likely they'd find themself working with flora or fauna because she is just Not good with people at all lol
(the part about having a "surprisingly vicious side" is 100% true though and I hope one day I can write any of the fics involving her I have planned, because that would be SO much fun to delve into :3)
tagging @hate-not-wanting-a-name (Zimka and/or Fixer? Zimka and/or Fixer maybe? my beloved little guys perhaps? 👀), @takers-flames, and UUHHH whoever else wants to do this, feel free to say I tagged you / mention me in your post so I can see! I'd tag more but I'm pretty sure that most of my mutuals' OCs already have assigned classes lmao 😭
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