#but when i awake I'll be by my wifey!!
akumanoken · 1 year
Me: *reblog prompt*
Also me: *finally finishes everything in time to get dizzy from the zzquil*
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bowandcurtsey · 1 year
Aaaaaaa your requests are open!!!!
Can you please write headcanons for fue, nozel and william accidentally hitting their s/o HARD in their sleep?
HAHAHA this is so funny I love funny requests hehe (✿ﻌ✿)
yes my requests are finally open and I'm finally fufilling them hehehe, thank you for the request Anony!
Characters: Fuegoleon | Nozel | William x f! reader tw: unchecked works
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Fuegoleon Vermillion
Fue was cuddling you from the back and out of nowhere you elbowed him REAL hard.
Man really felt the room spinning for a bit.
He stared at you, wondering if you were awake secretly and was pranking him but you were indeed sleeping.
He went to sleep again after awhile but he hugged you and your arms together, so you couldn't elbow him again
The next morning he asked, "did you had a dream last night love?"
You didn't remember shit, but you saw his face and went oh my god did you fall or something?
"You erm.. Elbowed me last night, honey."
"I did?? It's that bruise??" you were in disbelief yourself but you were extremely sorry and upset about it.
"it's okay honey, at least I know you can definitely self defend yourself if anyone attacks you from behind.." he patted your head.
Nozel Silva
He was soundly asleep when you smacked him in your sleep. And he jolted awake, mind in shock.
This royal was so annoyed and grumpy, he hated to be disturbed from his sleep.
He turned around and saw you soundly asleep, your hand was still on him, except that it glided to his chest now.
He took a deep breath to let all the angry emotions out. Then he cuddled you to sleep.
He was tired and slightly grumpy the next day, and you caressed him in the evening, asking him "did you not sleep well?"
He looked at you and pouted a little. He's extremely cute when he does that and he only did that in front of you.
"You hit me in the face last night, wifey."
You blinked at him for awhile and giggled, to his annoyance.
He took your hand and showed you how and where you hit him.
You brushed aside his fringe and took a look at his face, "Thank god you still look as handsome as ever"
He started blushing a little, "don't do it again, it hurts a lot. I'll hold your hand to sleep from now on."
William Vangeance
He was resting on his off day while you were taking a nap beside him. Then you smacked him in his face, hard. His nose started bleeding.
"oh dear me." he mumbled to himself as he got out of bed to stop his bleeding.
He looked at you as he held the ice pack on his nose, your brows were still furrowing, so he patted you awake.
You stirred for awhile and woke up. You saw him holding a bag to his face and sprung up.
"What happened honey!"
"You.. hit me, love."
"Oh my god! I'm sorry I was having some dream and-"
"It's okay, he held your hand and squeezed it, are you okay?"
"Yes! I'm fine! I'm so sorry!!" you cooed over his face and he sat on the bed, letting you hold the ice pack for him while he lay in your arms.
You caressed his face, "thankfully your nose is still intact..."
he giggled a little, "my my, else I'll have to change my mask, don't I? or the nose area wouldn't fit."
"Is it painful still?"
"yeah, my wife is a strong lady."
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The Taming of Man: chapter nine - Dragon Shifting!Katsuki Bakugou x F!reader
OMG I'M BACK FROM THE PITS! That writer's block was hell, but lemme tell ya, I came back a stronger woman. Enjoy this new chapter, my wifeys! (Ps- ACOTAR brought me back, highly recommend reading something to get those writer juices flowing.)
Words: 2,163
This is incredibly based on the song The Willow Maid by Erutan, I highly recommend giving it a listen for the best experience.
Warnings: Cursing, reader is She/Her and will be AFAB in later chapters, angst, reader revisits traumatic events (loss of her father), Katsuki is lowkey a bad listener, but he's trying dammit!
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I can't remember my dad's face anymore...well, not all of it. I can remember his smile, and I can remember his eyes, but that's about it. I like to think I remember the more important things, though, like his laugh, and the stories he would tell me. Uh...He always used to take me on adventures, even if it was just wandering through the gardens. He used to bring me here, to this realm, and we used to sit on the giant stump, eating tea fruit and talking for hours. We never left the circle, because the Dragonborne on the other side were dangerous.
"Hey, What's that supposed to mean," Katsuki huffed.
"Relax, I'm trying to build up the story, just wait," You said.
My mother never liked us going out, but my dad always seemed to be able to convince her to allow it. I think, at this time, it wasn't so crazy to leave. the portal was more prominent, and people were more willing to allow us to leave.
One day, as we walked around the circle, my dad seemed like he was different, distant and thoughtful, the way he was when he had big ideas. He had a lot of ideas, he liked to make new potions, and build little gadgets, and study the plants and animals everywhere. When he was around, the palace had energy, it had soul.
A-as I was saying, He looked distant. I asked him what he was thinking about, but he just smiled and patted my head. he said, "Nothing, Doodle bug," and kept walking with me. Uh, He used to call me "doodle bug" because I used to roll around in the dirt, like a slater.
"Of course you did," Katsuki scoffed, with a hint of laughter and a ghost of a smile on his face. He didn't look and sound as condescending as he wanted to, he seemed more...lovesick.
"Do you wanna tell my story," you ask, frowning at him.
"Whatever, just do it already!"
ok, so...he told me not to worry about it, and so I didn't, being a kid and all, and we kept playing for a while. We always used to look at the clouds and try to find shapes, or watch the constellations and trace them with our fingers. Sooner or later, he said it was time to go home and...and he sent me back, alone. I was used to going home alone, because he usually did his best thinking in the circle when no one was around. So, he sent me home and I walked all the way back to the palace.
I found my mom, and she picked me up so I could watch her paint. She was different then, she did things like paint in the garden, and play with the village children, and laugh and smile with light in her eyes.
Eventually, it had reached a late hour, and I remember looking out my window and watching as mom rode her Pegasus into the forest, along with three armed guards. I didn't know it then, but she was going to look for my dad.
I should have been asleep by the time she came back, but Dad always told me a bedtime story, and I couldn't sleep without it, so I stayed awake, waiting and waiting and waiting. My mother had returned hours later, and by then I was just walking past the entrance to get to the kitchen, planning to get the chefs to allow me to have cookies and milk.
I'll never forget the look on her face.
She had little burns on her skin, and her clothes were torn up, but it was her face that hurt me...I feel it might have been the first time I ever experienced deep sorrow.
Her eyes were wide and glossy, blank, not as if she were feeling nothing, but as if she were feeling so much of something that she couldn't process it. Her lips were parted, taking in breaths so slow you might think she was dead. Her brows were furrowed, as if she were confused, or even angry.
She looked at me, gaze drifting emptily to meet mine, and when our eyes met it I felt this overwhelming sense of fear and sorrow.
We stepped closer to each other, simultaneously, and she collapsed to the ground, taking me with her. She sobbed into my hair, her face hot against my skin, and all she could do was whisper that she was sorry, over and over again she apologized to me. I didn't know what had happened, but I sobbed too, big hiccupping wails because I feared the worst. I remember asking, and this may be a little selfish, "where's daddy," starting quietly but getting louder with impatience every time I repeated it. I demanded to know, I needed it, I wanted her to say it out loud even though I knew her sadness was overtaking her.
you looked to Katsuki for a moment, only to see he was staring at the ground, listening closely to your story and seeming to be lost in thought about it. He seemed a little...awkward, like he was unsure of what to do or say to this. You took a deep breath, continuing.
She wouldn't tell me anything until we had calmed down, and even then she just told me that he was gone. Neither of us did anything but cry for the weeks leading to his funeral, although in my mourning I had been confined to my room, and as such could hear every conversation the guards had outside of the door. I didn't pay much attention, until the topic of my father and how he died came up. I remember pressing my ear to the door, listening close to see what they would say. I needed to know more. I can't recall their words, but I know they said that he had been killed by a Dragonborne after venturing out of the circle, and my mother had arrived just in time to see it happen, and fight a fruitless battle.
I was so angry, after all my dad always had hope that things had changed since the beginning, since our ancient tale, and yet he had been killed by the very thing he had tried to defend. I think I would have been resentful, perhaps even vengeful, forever, had it not been for the following week.
We had hastily thrown together a funeral...oh, because, In our culture, the sooner you mourn someone with a proper ceremony, the easier their voyage to the afterlife is. It's said that when a fairies dies, Time moves much slower for their soul as they travel to the after life, and your funeral helps push them along...their heart becomes a certain type of flower, their brain becomes a certain type of tree, and their soul moves on to Edelsteinländer, or the Gemstone lands, to live happily and protect their loved ones.
"What do you mean, 'certain type of' stuff?"
"What you become depends on who you are, as well as where you die. Sometimes people say that if you are buried with specific things planted on your grave, that's what you'll become, so you get to choose."
As I said, It was the following week that the funeral commenced, and Everyone close to us attended the intimate gathering. As royals, there's a parade for the dead that the entire country participates in, in some way, so we like to have a smaller funeral first. Everyone showed up, wearing red because of how he died-
"Wait, what?"
"Uh, it's a lot to explain, but basically people wear different colors based on how a person died. Red for murder, Black for natural, blue for uncontrollable, stuff like that."
"Right...keep goin' already." He seemed a little calmer, more considerate.
Ok, so one of the people to show up was my grandmother on my Dad's side, and although I had never met her, I felt strangely connected to her. After the service, She had asked to take me on a walk, and my mom allowed her to, assuming it'd be a walk in the garden. Well, she walked me all the way to the river. We didn't enter through the portal, but we sat on the riverbed and watched as the water flowed past. She asked me, "(Y/n), How do you feel about the Dragonborne?" Naturally, I responded with, "I hate them, I wish they never existed."
You glanced again to Katsuki, who didn't snap at you this time, instead opting for silence. You began to balance on a tree root as you walked, already nearing Schatz. Katsuki took your hand instinctively, fearing you'd trip.
She smiled and shook her head, handing me her woven basket. She said, "Do me a favor, dear, go and fetch me as many pebbles as you can fit in this basket." I did as she asked, finding pebbles of varying shapes and sizes and colors, carrying as much as my little arms could bear to, before returning to her. She peered at the rocks, and sifted through them. "Now tell me," she ordered, "Do all of these appear to be the same?" I shook my head no. "But, they all came from the same river, no?" Well, I, only being around 8, did not understand yet and said, "But that doesn't matter at all!" She nodded, and told me, "This river is the Dragon lands-" we don't know the correct term for Forrmidūl in Gildflå, but she continued with- "and these pebbles are the Dragonborne. Some are sharp, some are smooth, some are red, some are blue, some are good and some are bad."
In my head, then, it all seemed to click for me. I realized exactly what she was saying to me. She let me keep her basket, and all the pebbles I wanted. I loved her a lot, even if that was the first time I ever met her. I wasn't allowed to see her again after, too, because I unwittingly told the story to mother, and she banned her from coming near me. It was around this time that mom started to...decline, but that's a whole other story.
"So...yeah, that's how my dad died," you finished unceremoniously. Even though you had stopped walking on that root long ago, Katsuki still held your hand.
"...'m sorry...about all that," Katsuki mumbled, cheeks burning from embarrassment. He wished he could be more for you...he'd have to work hard on that, read a book on it or something.
"It happened forever ago anyways, I'm doing...better now. Good now." You squeezed his hand, peering at his thoughtful face. "What about you? Uh, you don't have to tell me anything you don't want to, I just-"
"It happened when I was 12," He grumbled, his hand slipping out of yours and being stuffed into his pocket. "It wasn't much, not some big story like yours, he just...got sick. Ate somethin' bad, I don't know. Whatever it was, he was sick for a while. Had time to get all his shit in order, and he went in his sleep so it wasn't painful or anything." Although he seemed to be trying to ease your mind, it looked like he was trying to ease his own mind. He sniffed a little, looking away and roughly wiping his nose with his finger.
"Katsuki," you started, but he cut you off. "Don't give me any 'better place' bullcrap, It's not that big a deal!" without another word, you brought him into a tight, warm embrace, standing on your tiptoes to rest your chin in the crook of his neck. His arms hesitantly came around your back, holding you to him. Right, he forgot this was you. Caring, empathetic, always knowing what to do you. He didn't have to worry about you being condescending or stuck up towards him, you understood him for who he was. You knew what he needed. He didn't know how he lived before you.
you pulled back from him, eyes meeting his as he looked at you with intensity. His face was hard, just as it always was, but his eyes held truth. His eyes held every emotion possible, all at your beck and call. You suddenly began to cry, and Katsuki immediately took you back into his grasp. "Hey, relax, it's not that big of a deal," he reassured you, gruffly, as he frantically searched your face for a hint as to what he could do for you.
"N-no, it's-" it's just that I have to leave you soon, forever. "I'm ok, just a little worked up."
"You sure?"
The two of you kept walking, the cool breeze causing your wet cheeks and nose to feel as if they were getting pricked by a thousand tiny knives. You reached the Circle in no time, ready to go home as the sun began to set on your adventure.
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AUGHHHH I've missed this! as always, let me know your thoughts, I will always do my best to comment back, and if you have any questions at all, you can either ask in the comment section or in the Ask Me box! I don't bite, pinky promise!
Taglist: @sky-angel101 @the-galaxy-fiend @chixkadee @ssplague @sappho-the-kitten-tamer @andysdrafts @daria-rona @tanjirofan63 @aizawaslut09 @tsukiiomii @me1297
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Characters : Rui ayaki (canon, mentioned) , Spider mother (canon, Appearing) , Taiga DeMarco (oc of @warringwarrioridiot mentioned) , Akuma akaishi ( oc of @beautifulfire ) , Lady oni (oc)
Warnings : mentions of eating people, Lady oni being weird , Lady oni trying to hit on Akuma (unsuccessful)
Notes : it ain't Halloween yet, But I wanted to write. Anyways, The POV switches from time to time.
It was Halloween! My Shoes tapped against the ground as I scurried over to Akuma to tell the girl the news.
I carefully walk over to her futon, Shaking her awake gently. She stirred at first, Not fully awake before her scarlet hues opened in a Adorable way.
“ Wifey..Wake up~ ” I spoke with a smile as she got up, Stretching her arms as she looked at me with those round, Hypnotic eyes.
“Why'd you wake me up... Mmhm...I was having a good dream,” The smaller girl huffed, As I twirled a strand of red hair around my finger. “Its Halloween, fire bug.”
“ Only Nii-san can call me that... ” Akuma said, Annoyed. She was Slipping out of bed. “Halloween? My brother really likes this holiday thingy, He always decorates, I was scared when I saw a funny ghost.” Akuma was just talking about the small decorations that kind of scared her a bit.
“Im going to ask Mama if we can go out— I wonder if nee-san would like candy, too.” Akuma said, stepping out as she leaned onto me, sleepy. “I'll get lots.”
“Hm? Come in.” Spider mother said As Akuma nearly bounced over to her, sitting onto her lap as she was writing something. “ Mama, can we go out and get some candy, Pretty please?” spider Mother nodded gently, Wanting Akuma to be happy.
“Be safe, Dear." Spider mother pecked Akuma's forehead gently, Akuma got out of mother's lap to walk over to me and gave me a thumbs up. “I wish you could sit in my lap like that,” I said with a smile. Akuma Didn't seem to hear and turned away. “Humans kinda taste better than candy..” She mumbled Softly.
Me a d Akuma headed to town, Just playing fun little games As it was Halloween, I won a few, But Akuma seemed ty be a athlete as she won a lot of them.
Akuma was already snoring into my shoulder, I was carrying her. I pecked her cheek with a smile, Humming.
Rui surely was going to kill me if he ever found out.
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newtonsheffield · 1 year
Nothing good starts is spot on! A real treat to get me through until the next race, so thank you!!! Can we have them for spicy Sunday?
I'm so glad you enjoyed it!
I hope Part 2 won't be too far away honestly, but I need to update so other fics first.
Okay! Time for us to find out how Kate Sharma became Mrs Bridgerton.
"Here's my wifey!"
Anthony called her that all the time. It had become a little game between them almost as Anthony sat at his press conferences, grinning broadly. He'd started it the very first race after he'd caught her as she leapt towards him and her legs wrapped around his waist and their lips met. He'd sat there with his hair tousled underneath his cap, grinning under that stupid moustache,
"I'm very satisfied with how things went today, obviously. The future Mrs Bridgerton is a hard task master but-"
He'd cut off as the room had filled with murmurs and Kate's own stomach had dropped in surprise at hearing herself described like that and his eyes had widened.
"Oh! We're not engaged!" He caught himself spinning towards where she was standing. "Unless, Kate, How about it?"
She'd gaped at him, shaking her head a little in disbelief, their relationship just seven days old.
Anthony clicked his tongue, winking at her to let her know he'd only been joking, "Ooof Bad luck for me today folks. She's said no. We'll try again next week."
She'd shaken her head and laughed along with the rest of them when he'd repeated the process again and again, week after week. He'd whispered in her ear so many times, as they'd lain awake together with her chin on his shoulder and his arm around her waist.
"I'm serious you know. One day I'm going to marry you."
And it had tighten in her chest, how much she wanted the life he'd offered her with both hands and wide eyes and his heart full of love and gentleness. "One day I might just let you."
He'd been nervous this morning, as he'd stood on the grid, waiting for the mechanics to do their final checks, she'd been able to see it as he spoke with the grid reporter.
"Hoping to make it two in a row this year Anthony?"
She'd watched his right hand twitch behind his back, the only little sign he made when he was nervous, before he answered, "I'm not thinking about anything like that, I just want a nice clean drive and I know Max is probably going to want to go on the hunt today, that's when he drives best."
"Don't be nervous." She'd said, holding his straw out to him.
"I'm not nervous."
She sighed, both of them waving to someone who called out their names, the Monegasque sun beating down on them, "Yeah, you are. Don't be. You are in great shape, the car looks great and you're in pole."
"You forget to mention that fucking Tom Selleck would be jealous of how sexy I look with this moustache." Anthony leaned forward, waiting for her to kiss him.
She rolled her eyes, her headset heavy around her neck as she leaned in to brush their lips together, "Oh, I thought that went without saying."
Anthony grinned, "It's never awful to hear your girl thinks you're a little cute."
"You're very cute." She sighed, kissing him again softly, "And even if you don't win today: I have a little treat for you."
His eyes lit up as she started to make her way to the pit wall, walking backwards away from him, "I'll earn my treat, thank you! I love you!"
"I love you too!"
Her stomach had been in knots as it always was, watching Anthony speed through the streets of Monte Carlo, every beat of it thrumming in her chest and she'd nearly had tears in her eyes as Anthony had rounded the final corner with Verstappen 4 seconds behind him and his voice and whooped in her ear.
"Anthony, that's P1."
"I told you, I wanted to earn my treat."
She'd felt how much she loved him as he'd stood on that podium and she'd felt the pride that they shared as the team dragged her forward and Anthony's lips met hers as the crowd roared and champagne had covered them.
They'd burst through the door of their hotel room, just like they seemed to every Sunday with Anthony's hands already tugging at her clothes and her legs tight around his waist.
She chuckled and her heart hammered in her chest as Anthony did a little drumroll as he shimmied her shirt over her head and a delighted little gasp escaped him when he saw the lingerie she'd had made.
BRI 78 stitched into it.
His eyes had darkened as he'd dropped her onto the bed and his hands had tugged at her jeans, peeling them off her body as she'd tugged his shirt over his head and their lips had clashed in their desperation to feel their skin pressed together.
"We're leaving this on." Anthony gasped. "All night, all morning. Gonna need some pictures when we get home as well."
"I already airdropped them to your phone." She smirked tugging his jeans down over his hips as his thigh slipped between hers and his hand slid into her underwear.
"You are absolutely the love of my life."
Kate was tired, when she woke the next morning, the warm weight of Anthony's body resting over her. Once upon a time she'd panicked at the feel of him, at everything he'd offered her that she'd been so worried she wasn't ready for, but now it felt only comfortable. She loved the way his huge hands felt on her skin, and the way he moved closer in sleep until his body engulfed hers.
Anthony stirred on top of her, a content, sleepy groan in her ear, his lips brushing the spot behind her ear.
"Stop moving, we're not getting up today." Anthony nestled impossibly closer, his tongue tracing his words against her neck, his teeth nipping against her skin.
Kate chuckled, heat already simmering in her stomach "Are we not going to eat today?"
Anthony scoffed, shifting a little until he was straddling her, his eyes darkening by the second as he stared down at her, "There's plenty for me to eat right here."
Her stomach dropped just the way it always did when Anthony's hands slid over her and their lips clashed together and she ached for him, desperate to feel his bare skin against hers.
Anthony leaned down and captured her lips, letting his tongue slip past her lips slowly, letting her feel every inch of it, letting it curl around hers and stroke itself against the roof of her mouth in a promise of what was to come.
He swallowed the moan that rose in her throat with a satisfied hum as his hand fell to her chest and Kate felt her body arch up against him desperate for more but he kept her pinned in place with his body, letting the heat build slowly between them, stoking it with his fingers and tongue.
The morning sun filtered through the window and the heat that was building between them seemed to catch with it and the entire room was set alight as Anthony's lips fell to her neck and he started making his way down her body, his tongue sliding over her skin, soothing the little marks his teeth had left and were leaving on her.
He grinned up at her from between her legs as his teeth nipped at the soft skin of her thigh and just like always the sight of him with his hair in his eyes and a soft moan in his throat seemed to set her on fire.
"Fuck, I want you, Kate."
She loved having him like this. She loved him full stop, she knew but she loved the way things were between them. She loved how confident and comfortable he made her feel, how loved he made her feel. She loved the way he didn't care who knew that their main priorities would always be one another and their relationship, even just seven months in. She loved the commitment they shared and the way he submitted to her completely, here.
Anthony ducked his head and her breath caught in her chest at the first pass of his tongue. Kate felt the moan that rose in the back of her throat rumble through the room as her legs tightened around his head ad she loved the way he chuckled a little smugly. Heat lapped at her skin, burning in the pit of her stomach as his tongue slipped over her, the pressure just right as her hips started the slow grind against him and her fingers twisted in the bedsheets.
She remembered the beginning of their relationship when Anthony had cocked his head his nose wrinkled as they'd sat across from one another at dinner.
"I know I joked a lot about it but if I asked you to sit on my face would you do it?"
She'd nearly choked, "I... like oral sex, so... if you were into that, yes."
He'd grinned, and practically inhaled the rest of his meal so they could leave and his hands on her waist had tugged her so firmly against him she'd gasped even as her eyes rolled back in his head.
"If you pull me down any further I'm going to smother you."
Anthony had gasped as he'd raised his eyebrow, "If this is the way I die: This is the way I die. Sit down."
Anthony's eyes rolled back in his head as he nestled closer and his fingers joined his tongue and Kate felt her hips bucked off the bed at the feel of his moan vibrating against her as he pushed her further and further forward. Closer to the edge with every second.
Fuck, Anthony. Fuck that feels so good, Babe.
She felt him smile, felt his fingers intertwine with hers, anchoring them together as her hips rolled against him, quicker and quicker, and the heat coled in her stomach tighter and tighter until-
Oh Fuck, Anthony!
Kate fell over the edge with a sharp gasp her hips bucking erratically against him but Anthony didn't give her the chance to truly fall.
His Hand snatched away from hers and gripped her waist tightly, rolling them quickly until he was pressed against the mattress and she was knelt above him, his eyes shining up at her from between her legs.
"Oh god." Kate's shoulders were heaving as she realised what he wanted and her thighs clenched instinctively at the thought of his tongue, which was marking slow circles in the crease of her thigh shifting just a few inches.
"No need to be so formal, Babe." Anthony cooed, "You can just call me Anthony."
"Surely there's something else you can do with that tongue."
Anthony grinned and his fingers tightened on her waist tugging her firmly against him and she couldn't bite back the curse that fell from her lips when his tongue slipped back between her legs and she couldn't breathe.
Kate's fingers threaded through his hair, tugging him even more firmly against her and her other hand gripped the sheets in front of her and she couldn't feel anything else. Her pulse was pounding in her ears and her lungs burned, gasping for air as she focused on the slick slide of her skin against his.
She could feel air thickening around them then and it felt harder to force it into her lungs every second as her entire body caught fire and Anthony moved under her with his eyes rolling back in his head and every single beat of her heart seemed to scream his name and all she could think about was how she wanted this forever. Just like this, just the way they were and the pride for him filled her and her enture body started shaking as she clung to the edge, dangling over it and just as she fell, she had no idea what would fall from her lips.
"Oh Fuck, Fuck Anthony. Let's get married."
She collapsed against the mattress, fighting to draw breath her vision almost completely white and she barely realised what she'd said until Anthony scrambled out from under her, his voice hoarse and breathless,
"Are you fucking serious?!"
what is he talking about? She wondered vaguely, still floating in the bliss he'd brought her. And then her eyes shot open.
Oh fuck!
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cascadedkiwi · 10 months
I'll Prep You for Bed [Comfortember 2023]
Characters: Micah Yujin x “Angel” Visual Novel/Game: Error 143 Genre: Comfort (more fluff, I’m feeling) Summary: Angel doesn't have the energy to bathe before bed. Micah is the most willing and helpful hubby a woman could ask for. Word Count: 723
Alternative Prompt: 2 Baths
Cassie sighs, scratching the area below her wrist. “I’m so tired… I just wanna go to sleep but I gotta bathe… That feels like so much effort right now…” She pushes her keyboard away, putting her head down on her arms. She peeks up with one eye to check the time. 8:30pm. So early to go to bed but…
A door opens and shuts in the distance, followed by her husband’s lovely and chipper voice. “Angel~ I’m home~” He singsongs.
She can’t muster the energy to call back to him, thumping on her desk instead. 
It doesn’t take Micah long to find her, cooing as soon as he peeks into her office. “Awww, what’s wrong, wifey?”
“Tired,” she groans into her arms. 
He reaches for her, rubbing her shoulders lightly. “I’ll take you to bed, Angel.”
“No,” she protests weakly. “I’m dirty… I changed the sheets…”
“So you want to bathe first?”
“I need to…” 
He waits for a moment. She makes no effort to move. He pauses for an awkwardly long time, glancing over her computer screen, taking stock of her roughly cleared desk space, getting a cursory overview of the office. It’s not any messier than usual, as far as he can tell.
He pets her fluffy hair, pressing a kiss to her shoulder. “I’ll be back in a minute, sweetheart.”
He has to shake her awake when he returns, taking care to be gentle and keep his voice low. “C’mon, Angel. Let’s get ready for bed.”
Cassie’s only response is a question-marked hum, letting Micah pick her up from the chair with little resistance. 
He smiles at her wobbly form. “Will you try to walk or should I carry you?”
“I can walk…” she mumbles, leaning onto him.
He bends and scoops her up, kissing her head when she leans into shoulder. “Off with us both.”
Micah has run a warm bath, complete with a bathbomb. He tilts her over it. “Yea or nay?”
Cassie looks down at the water, humming as she tests it by flexing her foot about. “It’s pretty…” she murmurs, nodding into him.
Micah beams at the approval and quickly goes about settling them both into the bath. Cassie’s only effort is to hold herself upright as he washes her back, humming now and then.
He speaks gently to her. “You can sleep if you want, Angel. I don’t mind. I’ll take care of you.”
She makes a low sound in her throat, shaking her head.
He chuckles lightly. “I promise, it’s ok. We’re getting out now, anyway.”
She rolls her neck a bit to stretch, blinking slowly as he wraps her in their largest, fluffiest drying towel. He dries her legs and feet with a different one, playing with her toes to earn another hum from his Angel who was watching him with half-lidded eyes. 
She yawns as he takes her to the bedroom, giving her a nuzzle before settling her down on her side of their bed. She blinks as he leaves her line of sight, returning with the longest, warmest nightdress in her possession. She gives a decelerated nod to his questioning look, weakly flapping her elbows.
He dresses her with all the care of a trained professional who’s in love with his client, giving her little kisses throughout the process. “Bonnet or headcloth tonight?”
He huffs knowingly. “Don’t wanna plait your hair down? Not even if I do it for you?”
She moved her head right to left once.
He selects a colorful bonnet, softly getting over her crown. “Will you let yourself fall asleep now, my love?” he asks cheekily.
Cassie tilts to the side, letting herself fall to the mattress.
He lifts her legs to the bed, helping her get comfortable. “You get your own sheet tonight, Angel.” He tucks her in with the cover he bought her last winter. The one with the snap buttons that she drags all over the house in the winter time. She rocks and tucks it under herself completely.
Micah kneels down beside the bed, leaning his head on his arm. “Awww, my sleepy little caterpillar. So cute.” He kisses her nose. “Good night, Angel.”
He only caught her sleepy mumble because he was so close. 
“Thank you, Micah… Love you...”
He kisses her forehead. "I love you, too, Cassie. Sleep well."
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Don't Let Go
ahahahhahahahahahahahahhaha @the-princess-fangirl and @loife1m thanks for the one shot prompt
After the final battle, after discussions and reunions and funerals.
It finally sank in.
The nightmares, the trauma, a PTSD of sorts.
He wasn't sleeping anymore. At first, Aiden just wasn't tired. Nidra had him nice and rested for a good two weeks.
But then, Nidra kept him awake.
What he saw when he had escaped the land of the waking-
It was beyond anything he wanted to relive.
If Aiden went back to sleep, would he ever wake up?
It started to wear on him, the sleeplessness, the sweaty anxiety of even getting close to his bed, his brain screaming for an out.
It went on like this for a month before one day, he snapped at Aru.
"Gods, Shah, do you have to be so extra all the time?" He spat out.
Aru whipped her head at him, a 'how dare you' look crossing her face. "Aiden Acharya, I'm going to give you one chance to rethink that sentence before I walk out of here." Immediately, his heart rate spiked, seeing stars in his vision and his throat closing up. She's gonna leave you-
"No, please," he said hurriedly, sounding strangled. "Don't leave- I'm so sorry, I-" He took a giant shuddering breath. Here we go again, his brain sang, a mocking song to bolster his anxiety further.
Aru was by his side in seconds, dropping all anger and taking hold of his shoulders. "Wifey? What's going on? Hey, no-" she wiped his face- it was wet- he'd started crying- oh dear- and she searched his eyes, worry clear in her frown. "Can I hug you?" She asked. Aru was trying to make it very clear- in his state of distress, he was in control- nothing would happen without his consent. Aiden nodded in response, feeling Aru wrap her arms around his waist and letting his head bury into her shoulder.
They didn't talk for what felt forever, and the silence, the contact, it calmed him down. She was not leaving, he could feel the sentiment in every stubborn fiber of her being.
"Sorry." He said abruptly, pulling his head up. "For yelling at you. I didn't mean to- I'm just really tired."
Aru nodded solemnly. "Exhaustion makes us act badly. Thank you for apologizing. However, I'm more worried about the fact that you're so tired." And ready to have a mental breakdown at any moment, Aiden thought. She didn't say it, but it was there, in the air, unspoken.
"I haven't been sleeping since Nidra," he said numbly. "And not cause of the saved up sleep I had- that's gone now. I'm just." His hands shook and he shut his eyes tightly. "I never want to feel like I won't wake up again." He exhaled, reaching for hands and giving them a squeeze. "I'm scared, Shah."
Aru said nothing for a moment, then, "I didn't sleep for weeks after the Sleeper took me." Aiden looked at her quizzically. "My brain kept telling me, 'if you go to sleep, you leave yourself vulnerable.' And I believed that for a long time." Aru smiled sadly, thinking back to those tremulous times. "I mean, I got over it. Eventually. But it was so rough- and definitely not as bad as what you're going through right now. Because if that was bad, then this is definitely worse, because, Aiden, you died." She looked him directly in the eye, her own looking glassy. "Nidra took you."
"Yeah," he whispered. Sometimes, he couldn't believe it himself.
"I needed someone. And I promised myself in the unlikely event that something similar happened to me or someone else, that I would get help." She squeezed his hands now, comforting and warm. "I can help you, definitely, but maybe you should go see an Otherworld therapist?" When he hesitated to respond, she quickly added, "not that you have to decided right now- it's just an option."
"Ok," he said, curling into her. Aru placed the laptop and notebooks on the ground, making more room on the bed as he closed his eyes. "I'll think about it."
"Alright," she said, leaning into him.
Before he fell into the first of many more hard-fought peaceful sleeps, his brain pleaded,
Don't let go.
To which a small, hopeful flame in him responded,
She won't.
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mxrggo · 1 year
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~In the Dark Night~
Summary; In the dark night, you found your step brother, Rafe Cameron back home in a messed up state.
Warning; Forbidden!! (Please don't interact if you're not into this, I won't be responsible) Language, smut (18+), angst, unprotected seggs, degrading etc
"The number you have dial, is not in service. Please try again later." It's already an hour you try calling your siblings, correction "step siblings". "For fuck sake, the Cameron really pain in my ass." You sighed at your phone.
The rain outside almost like storm been happening since an hour ago. You try calling Sarah and Rafe like thousand but none of them pick it up. "We'll gonna be late. Don't wait for us." You type and send to your mom.
Rose, your mom insisted you to wait for your siblings. "If she want to be a wifey material, should just her waiting for them...not me." You mumbled. The three of them, Ward, Rose and Wheezie already left for Bahamas.
You're going to have a family vacation but it's not a family if it's not complete. Being the oldest, the responsible fall on you, where you needed to drag those two to the airport first thing tomorrow morning. But there's no sign of them.
As far as you know, Sarah always been with the Pogues doing whatever what they are up to and Rafe always sticking with his drug dealers doing yeah whatever he is up to. You never put interest with their matters as long as won't crossed path with you.
"That's it, I'm done." You throw your phone on the side of the sofa. You wanted to treat yourself by making a cup of hot chocolate. You took a novel to accompany you with. Time passes, you are into the book, the heavy rain start to slow down.
Until you heard a slam in the front door. It's awake you and activate your fight or flight respond. You could tell you are stupid enough to sit alone in a big mansion with lights off, only small lamp beside the sofa was on. "Who's there?!!" You screamed ready to jump to whatever that will appear.
There's no answer. Only silence. "Sarah? Rafe? Is that you? You better answer or I'll smash your head!" You added. "Girl, could you slow down your voice, it's hurting my hearing." Rafe appeared from the dark.
"Fuck, Rafe. Should just answered me!" You let out your heavy breath. You can see he rolled his eyes even in the dark, it is obvious. "Jeez, you're awful." You just realised his state. Messed up, dirty white shirt sleeves, and a purple bruise that visible on his right cheek.
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"None of your business. Wait, is that hot choc?" He eyeing to the red mug and went for it. "It's mine! Do it yourself, bro!" You swiflty grab the mug. He sits beside you and took it from your hand anyway. "This house is mine, this mug also mine." He slurpped.
"I can't believe this." You shake your head. "You have to believe. You're not a part of this family. You're just outsider." He plays the card. "Yeah, fuck you Rafe." Annoyed by his behaviour, you stand up and wanted to head to your room.
"You're not going anywhere stranger." He pull your arms and immediately put you to seating again. "Rafe, what the fuck? Are you drunk or high something? You don't control me!" You push his chest hard. "Srrrttt.." He whined in a slow voice.
"Rafe, you're bleeding." Your eyes focusing on the blood stain from the shirt that wasn't there before. "Tell me something I don't know." His voice sound sarcastic. "Jackass." You mumbled but automatically your hands unbutton his shirt.
"What have you gotten yourself into?" You asked him as you saw the long wound across his right chest. "And what have gotten into you that wanting to open me wide like this." He somehow smirk.
"Fine, I'm out." Somehow you can feel your cheeks burnt. Rafe was right, what is wrong with you. "Wait...wait....just deal with this." He slowly beg when he saw you wanted to leave. You hesitated. "Please." He let out. Somehow, his face soften.
"Fine. Let me just....Remove your shirt." You ordered while you went to the kitchen to find medical supplies. When you arrived, he already shirtless and laying comfortably on the sofa waiting for you. You kneel beside the sofa to treat him.
The distance between you guys faces were very little that each of you could hear each other breath. "Are you nervous, sweetheart?" He try to trick you but you didn't answer him. You soak the clean cloth with water. After squeezing excess water to dry, you pat them onto his chest slowly.
"Luckily, it's not that deep, just a minor scratch." You let out a relief sigh. No response but you can feel his eyes followed every movement of your hands on his delicate skin. The humidity around you rising even the night was cold.
Since when he has those abs, like it's built perfectly for him. If he wasn't your step brother, maybe you'll be drooling over him. "Fuck, what is wrong with me? He is your step sibs." Your mind calculating. Meanwhile, you put antiseptic on that wound and covered it with cotton.
"You're sweating. Something bothered you?" He somehow brush his thumb over your sweats on the left side of your forehead and put it on his lips. Yes! He tasted your sweat. You startled by him as you backup a little bit. "You tastes a little bit salty...and sweet."
You place the surgical tape on the cotton just now in a hurry manner. "Alright, you can rest." Your heart about to explode, as much as you hate Rafe, you wanted to admit that you won't make it if he seduces you like this.
The tension between you guys always in a miserable state. You guys often didn't interact with each other around the family but the stolen glaze caught between you guys was immersing. He get up slowly not to hurt himself as he watches you clean up.
Before you could go, he pull your waist and force you to sit on his lap. He locked you with his arm around your waist. "Rafe, let me go. What are you trying to do!" He rest his face on your back and when he speaks you could hear his throaty voice. "Don't go. I'm messed up." His warm breath through your silk pajamas gives you enough shiver till to the core.
You try to escape but he got more strength. "I can't." You let out. "Pl...please...I don't want to be alone." His voice break down. Deep down, you feel bad for him but at the same time you know you will mess this up. In his arm, you turn your head to the side and ask him. "Could you let me go and we talk?"
He didn't respond but he did let you go. You slid to his side immediately. "What happened? You wanted to share with me?" You scan his face. Rafe shook his head unsure. "No...but I rather do this." He grab your face and smashing a kiss on your lips.
You push his shoulder to break the kiss. "Are you out of your mind?! I'm your sister." You mad but you knew you loved it. "We're only 3 months apart plus you're not my sister. I never thought you as one." His hands wrapped around your neck. "Oh, come on, you can't deny. Your face shows everything. You loved it." He continues madly.
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"You're sick, Rafe Cameron!" You scoffed. "Maybe, I'm sick for you." In a flash, his lips were on you again. This time, he devoured and explored your mouth. "Tell me to stop." Rafe whispers under his breath while maintaining his eyes on you.
A moment of silence when you stare at him back. The euphoria of sins starting to exploit you. You slide your hand into the back of his buzz cut hair and give him a kiss. Rafe already losing himself when he help holding your plump ass made you straddle on him. And just like that the gate of hell swung open.
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"No, we can't." You moan on his lips. You could feel his bulge is growing. "Fuck, Rafe." While you grinned on him. "Thing you would do to me. I fantasized about you all the time, sweetheart. Nothing can stop me now." He continue to lick on the edge of your jaw then to the neck. He left his marks there to show that you're his.
His cold hands exploring easily as you wore silk shorts that wrapped just above your thigh. Both of you drifted away deeply, in a sexual pleasure that have never been encountered. Your harden nipples started to show off behind those thin fabrics. Rafe cannot control himself, he sucks them even on the fabrics.
You arched your back to give him easy access. He slid down both of your strap and finally revealed your round breasts. He devoured them like there is no time left. Your soft moan are heavenly for his ears. "You're beautiful as I imagined." He stops to catch his breath.
You unbuckle his belt and take off his pants. You freed his erection and stroke them slowly while maintaining the eye contact. He tilt his head back while moaning your name. He loved it when your soft hands made him go crazier. He lifted you up and laid you across the sofa.
He pulled your shorts down and he adored your crystal clear diamond that dripping along yours. "Stop looking at me." You covered yourself embarrass from him. "So wet, and all that just for me huh?" He locked your hands above your stomach. Rafe get down to get a closer look.
For a second, you felt his cold tongue slick into yours. "Rafe, stop." The sensation is surreal. "Say my name louder. I want my name to escape from your beautiful mouth." He continues. "You're gonna make me come." You begging. He fasten his licks and all for that matter you only could feel your legs shake after reaching orgasm.
It didn't take too long when Rafe try to adjust his tip on yours. "Ready, princess. I'm gonna fuck you hard." He thrust fully until his body met yours. "Rafe, you're so big." There's a small tear break down at the edge of your eyes. It's so good until you left your claws marks on his back.
"It's so wrongggg." You cried his name. "Yes princess, it's so wrong to feel this good. You're too tight." Your wall clenched over him perfectly that made him moan your name too. Rafe never feel this close too soon but you're making him right now. His balls are heavy with all the cum he has saved for you. He continue to thrust like he is furious about something.
Then, you push his chest slowly not to touch his wound. You sit on him, and he loved it very much when you take control. You grind on him fast enough that your tits also bounce in a perfect motion. "Rafe, you're jackass. You're stubborn. A pain in the ass...my...ass." You moaned as you also feel close.
"Really princess? You like it huh? Me fucking you hard like this when no one watching." Rafe levelled up. He did you dirty when you nodded your head in sync with the thrust. "Yes...yes...yes..." you scream loudly. If there's anyone in the mansion, they would heard you clearly.
"I'm gonna cum all over you." Rafe short of breath and the thrust also feel sloppy. When he close, he pull his erection and stroke them fast, releasing all his forbidden cum on your stomach. You also reach your orgasm along with the strike.
Both of you fall on each other shoulder, feeling content and restless all at the same time. Only catching sound of breath could be heard. Somehow, you feel Rafe is smiling behind your shoulder. "Where the others?" He asked. "Seriously? Now you wanted to ask?" You laugh playfully. "Unbelievable Rafe Cameron."
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pikapeppa · 2 years
Hi! This isn't a request or anything like that, but I just finished the entirety of Chamomile and Gwent and I am filled with warm, happy thoughts about Geralt and his wifey! And I was thinking, since Geralt can't have kids anyway and Reader is also hinted to be unable to have kids, what if a few years later during their travels (maybe they're traveling for the holidays) they pass by a village that has been terrorized by monster attacks (in my head it's a werewolf that's exhibiting bizarre behaviour but that's just me) and as they investigate, they happen upon a baby (in my head it's a little boy) that's barely a year old, face scratched up but otherwise unharmed. Reader insists on caring for it alongside the village's very old midwife-slash-healer while they try to figure out what's happening and why it's happening. The child has been left an orphan because of the most recent attack and the people of the village are either superstitious and think they baby's a demon or they think its cries attracted the monster in the first place so for everyone's safety it needs to go somewhere else where it's safer and ta da! Geralt and Wife™ end up with a baby😂 I don't think I could ever write (and publicly post) this idea so I thought I'd share it with you instead if that's okay with you. At this point I think I'm more in love with the Reader in your story than Geralt LOL and every time she just gives her bleeding heart to anyone who's suffering I give my computer screen heart-eyes haha but I also love the idea of Geralt with a little boy! His relationship with Ciri is so beautiful and heartwarming to me but I can't help imagining him with a boy too! A little Vesemir Jr maybe lol. What do you think about this idea? I hope it's okay that I'm picturing the characters in the way you've written them in my head for this! I hope this made sense since English is not my first language and sometimes I'm not sure how to translate it from my mother language to English.. I've been reading your works on Ao3 much more regularly than looking at your Tumblr account since I don't use this website so I'm not sure I understand how to navigate it in case you have rules or guidelines for this blog. Apologies if I've overstepped!
First of all, I'm so thrilled that you enjoyed Chamomile and Gwent, and I genuinely love the idea of people fantasizing about Geralt and Reader's future together and what you think it might look like! The fact that you basically came up with a whole story for how they might pick up a kiddo during their travels? HELLO I'M SO FLATTERED 😭❤🙏
I'll be perfectly honest, I'm not much a kid-fic writer, but this scenario is so sweet that I had to write you a little drabble -- see below the cut!
It’s a peaceful winter morning at Corvo Bianco. You’re warm and cozy in your bed, drifting in and out of a dreamy doze with Geralt’s warm naked chest pressed to your back, when you hear the distinct sound of the front door creaking open.
The sound of the door doesn’t disturb you, though. What disturbs you is the loud and slightly-sarcastic voice that follows. “Yoo-hoo. Honey, we’re home.”
A second, deeper voice follows. “Shut the fuck up, Lambert. They might be sleeping.” 
“Not anymore,” Geralt groans, and you know why he’s disgruntled: the voices in the hall have roused the child who was, until moments ago, sleeping soundly in the cot beside the bed. 
He’s awake now, though — awake and starting to fuss. You throw back the blankets and sit up, but Geralt is quicker than you: the child is already in Geralt’s arms, his whimpering quieted to a happy coo as Geralt bounces him gently and pats his diapered bum. 
“See, there you go,” Geralt murmurs soothingly. “Nothing to fuss about. Not until you see Lambert and Eskel’s ugly mugs, at least.”
You tut playfully at him as you put on your dressing gown. “Don’t tell him that they’re ugly. All three of you are perfectly handsome, scars and all. All four of you, I should say,” you add, and you drop a kiss on the baby’s dark-haired head. 
You reach for the door, but before you can open it, Geralt touches your waist. “Hey,” he says. “Where’s mine?”
“Your what?” you say in surprise. 
“My kiss.”
You shoot him a grin, then pop up on your toes and plant a kiss on his bearded cheek. “Apologies, master witcher. How could I have forgotten?”
He smirks and gives your butt a tiny spank, and you grin cheekily at him before opening the bedroom door. “Welcome home, boys!” you say, and you hurry over to kiss Lambert on the cheek. 
“Hey,” he says, with a pat to your back. “So this is the brat, huh?”
Eskel scoffs. “Real nice, asshole.”
“Eskel, language,” you scold.
He grimaces. “Sorry, sorry. Gonna take some getting used to.”  
You smile and kiss him on the cheek before turning to Geralt. “May I?”
“Sure thing,” Geralt says. “All right, Ves, your mom’s got you now.”
Ves burbles happily and reaches for you, and Eskel raises his eyebrows. “Ves? That’s his name?”
“Yeah,” Geralt says. “Short for Vesemir.”
Lambert scoffs and folds his arms. “You guys are soft.” 
“I think it’s a great name,” Eskel says.
You smile at him, then rub Ves’s back. “These are your uncles, little wolf,” you say softly. “Uncle Esky and Uncle Lamby.”
Geralt chuckles and Eskel grins, but Lambert’s expression is surprisingly serious, and his golden witcher’s eyes are on the baby’s face. He studies Ves’s face for a moment, then sighs and shakes his head. “Damn. He got fucked up good, huh?”
He’s referring to the wicked-looking scars on the right side of Ves’s face — long and ragged scratch marks spanning from his forehead down to his jaw: the souvenirs of a terrible wound took Ves’s right eye, but spared his life. 
Eskel grunts. “Yeah, he’s gonna fit right in with us someday.”
“Yes, he will,” you say firmly. “He’s going to be brave and strong like you boys, and just as handsome as all of you. But hopefully with better manners than some,” you say sweetly to Lambert. 
He smirks. “Ah, fuck off.”
“Language,” Eskel and Geralt say.
You laugh, and Lambert’s smirk widens. He rubs the back of his neck, then gestures to you. “Ah, what the hell. I’ll hold the kid.”
You carefully hand him over to Lambert, who holds him rather awkwardly. Ves giggles and pats his face with enthusiasm, and Lambert wrinkles his nose. “Hey, buddy, watch who you’re throwing hands at.”
“He’s got the right idea, throwing hands at you,” Eskel says with a grin. “Here, hand him over.”
“I just got him,” Lambert complains. “Wait your turn.”
Ves burbles happily and tugs on Lambert’s witcher medal. Eskel edges closer and tickles his chubby neck, making him squeal with laughter, and Geralt sidles closer to you and drapes his arm around your shoulders. “Never thought I’d see these two making a fuss over a baby,” he murmurs. 
You smile and wrap your arms around his waist in a loose embrace. In truth, having a baby wasn’t something you had ever expected, either. But if your life with Geralt has proven anything, it’s that the best things can have a way of sneaking up on you when you least expect them. 
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Delicously dark!aemond x oc (Snow falls, chapter 5: Escape)
CONCEPT: You make your first escape attempt after becoming aemonds wife.
WARNINGS: Forced marriage, graphic description of violence and graphic descriptions of sex, Forced sex, dub-con, non-con, pain play and abuse. Dark Aemond
Hubby after getting his wifey back and planning messed up punishments.
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You are still awake as night falls. Aemond fell asleep next to you and he snores very loudly. You try to get some sleep as well, but it's difficult.
You get up and walk to the window. There is snow outside in the dark courtyard. You used to like snow. You used to go outside and play with your family in the snow. Throw snowballs at your brother. Now he is dead. All thanks to the man that lies next to you, still snoring on his belly with his face in the pillows.
You walk to the door of the room and try it. You don't assume it will work. You think he won't be that stupid. But the door unlocks. He has forgotten to lock it. You slowly sneak back to your clothes and pull them back on.
You also grab a cloak and inspect the coat that belongs to Aemond in search of coins. You find one golden dragon. That should be plenty.
You don't risk the stairs. You instead take a secret passageway that ends near the stables. You don't get a horse. You just calmly walk away from your home. You know if you'll run you won't make it far.
The Snow becomes more and more dreadful as you finally come into the first village. You sigh relieved and drag yourself to the nearest tavern. You show him the golden dragon. 'Can I rent a room?' It's way too much for the terrible room you'll get but it'll do for now.
You go to sleep in your clothes and sleep better since that monster became your husband.
--- The next morning you awake because of hard shouting. Brutal shouts and horses that cry out. You walk to the window and peek outside. Villagers are rounded up and questioned by Targaryen guards.
You piss yourself nearly. They are already hot on your trail. Aemond marches ahead of the two guards and barks orders at them.
The door of your room is opened before you have the chance to process what is happening. The ward that took you in grins and grabs your arm, dragging you with him. 'Don't! He'll hurt me!' You beg.
He just grins. 'He'll give me thousand golden dragons for you. I don't care if he raped your body bloody and made his dragon fuck you: I'm getting my reward.'
He brings you to an angry Aemond. He spots you and gets that little smug annoying smile. You want to smack it off his face. The ward drops you in front of him. 'I assume this is her?'
He claps his hands delighted to see you and you bet he is already imagining that your head was stuck between his hands. 'There she is! My sweetest little wife.' He says, smiling but his eye is deadly. You take one look at him, and your legs take off running far away from him. He chuckles before following you.
You never run. He does. You never train. He does.
It's no surprise he catches up with you and tackles you to the ground. 'You're such a naughty little thing. Walking away from me.' He grins. 'I can be naughty too. We had such fun times yesterday. I loved fucking your body. Perhaps I'll fuck you right here. You seem to be eager for my attention.' He says with a dark chuckle.
In front of everyone? In the cold snow?
You start to kick and push. He lets you take out your aggression. It doesn't hurt him. You don't even hit him. You just wildly attack and barely do any damage besides tiring yourself out. When you are finished and catching your breath he grabs your wrists and pulls you close to him. You sniff his scent and try to break free again.
'I hoped I'd capture you again.' He whispers darkly in your ear. You spit on him. He growls before flatting his hand and slapping you across your face. Your lip rips a bit of blood drops down as you quietly sob, avoiding his gaze.
'We might need to do something fun first before going back to the castle.' He says, grabbing your arm. His grip is cold as stone.
-------- You enter a suspicious-looking cabin. You two rode for a while with the carriage. Aemond has a map with him and you know you are at the right place when he chuckles.
An old man is cleaning what looks to be a sharp knife. There are bottles of paint surrounded by a chair. 'Excuse me, do you take commissions?' Aemond ask. You find it a bit weird time for a tattoo but you do find it very attractive. It might create more spark between the two of you.
'Do you have gold?' The man asks with a chuckle. 'What can I help you with, Valyrian boy? I haven't seen your kind here in a long time.' He doesn't sound half as hateful as your father.
Aemond proudly grabs your arm. 'I'd like a tattoo. For her.' He says with a dark smirk.
You rip your arm free instantly and back away shaking your head. 'I don't want a tattoo.' You eye the door but a guard makes sure you can't escape again.
Your husband hands the man a bag with gold. He whispers in the man's ear and gives him another dragon.
You are pushed by him in what looks like the torture chair.
Aemond sits next to you and patiently waits. You whimper, shaking like a leaf. 'I'll give her something that won't make her able to speak or move for a time. We can start on the tattoo after.' He says.
'Come, sweetling. Open your mouth.' The old man says, holding a bottle of strange transparent liquid.
You refuse. 'No! I don't want to. He already took so much!' You see compassion and sympathy in his eyes.
Aemond sees it too and is very quick to act. 'Swallow it or I'll order the execution of every remaining man and woman in your family home.' He growls.
You don't even have the energy to cry. You take the bottle and take a sip. 'Good girl.' The man cleans two big sharp little knives and selects paint colours for your tattoo.
After a few moments, you can't even lift a finger. The man sits next to you and takes hold of your face. He dips the knife in the ink and starts cutting, creating a tattoo.
You just whimper. You cry. You sob and you can't even lift a finger to defend yourself. Aemond shakes the bottle, eyeing the stuff at the bottom. 'This is good stuff. Where do I buy a few crates of this?' He wonders out loud.
It hurts. The constant stabbing and the colouring of your skin with the thin needle. You want it to end. Your body eventually gets used to it and you black out.
It takes him a whole day to make the tattoo. When you are finished you can nearly move your fingertips again. 'She is done.' He finally announces to Aemond.
He gets up from his seat and looks at your crying face and red puffy eyes. 'She is beautiful. Thank you.' He says with a smitten smile. You look around for a mirror. You are curious as to what they did.
He chuckles. 'You'd like to see? I don't think you'll like it very much. But if you want to, I won't stop you.' You think back to his first warning. When you stumbled upon the massacre. You fear you won't like what he did with you.
You finally notice a mirror close to the door. You get up and walk to it. Facing the truth and your fears. You look into it.
There's a sapphire near your right eye. A small tear ends in what looks like a sapphire.
'I don't understand-' you stutter. It looks pretty. You softly touch the numb skin. It's very sensitive and you regret it right away, hissing.
'You've never met someone from Volantis. I have. They are very interesting people. They mark their toys there. Tiger stripes are for soldiers and whores? Whores get teardrops beneath their right eye.' He says. 'Slaves get tattoos. You are my slave.'
You freeze as the realisation hits you and you don't find it as pretty anymore. Everyone will see. Everyone will know. 'Why?' You whisper your voice breaking.
He grabs your chin as you try to hide from the truth. He forces you to face it. 'The next time you think of running, you think of freedom or something else I won't like: Just look in the mirror and see this permanent reminder of who you belong to now.' The sapphire is his symbol. His name is written on your forehead. Everyone will know now. No matter where you'll go. You'll always be his.
You thought you knew him. You had no idea. 'I never...I thought there was some good in you.' You stutter and you feel dumb for ever thinking that.
There is something in his smile that breaks you. 'There is. You just shouldn't have run from me. That was your mistake. Now you'll live with the consequences. And trust me: This is nothing compared to losing an eye.' He says joyfully before giving the poor man another golden dragon.
The man forgets how miserable you are very fast and thanks Aemond eagerly. You glare at him so much that he cowers and looks at his shoes. You see his toes coming out of the worn-out leather. You feel bad. You hate it. You hate yourself for feeling bad for that horrible old man who mutilated your face.
--- Aemond has dressed you in a sleeveless green gown. You have your head lowered. His hands are on your hips and he keeps you close scared you'll vanish if you are let go a moment.
Aegon is the first to notice the new tattoo. 'Did she meet with that Volantis girl? She has a matching tattoo.' He says with a grin. Alicent looks up from her dinner and drops her fork once she sees your face. She pales and looks like she got a kick in her gut.
Otto looks worried and disgusted even more than usual. 'Explain.' Aemond says, to you to appease his grandfather.
You feel ashamed. It somehow feels like your fault. Good thing you know it isn't. You did what every sane person would do. And you will do it again. Until you succeed...
Or until you die. 'I...I disobeyed.' You hope that that is enough.'This is my ..my punishment for running away.' You say softly.
Otto is even more disturbed than he used to be. Aemond laughs nervously. 'And?' He uses some pressure on you with his hand on your hips squeezing you.
You break, your voice a whisper. 'I'll never do it again.' He smiles and kisses your cheek.
'That's what I wanted to hear. Wait here like a good girl.' He leaves you standing and joins his family for dinner.
You wait. And wait. Assuming a chair will be added. Assuming you might sit on his lap if need be. Assuming you still get food.
'How long am I to wait?' You finally ask him, after the desert is brought out.
He laughs delightfully at you and licks off some chocolate from his fingers. You feel something confusing happen as you watch him do that, following every moment eagerly. You think back to your first time and wonder what else he can do with his tongue and fingers. 'If you think I'm feeding you tonight you haven't been paying attention.' You break free from your fantasy quickly.
You already didn't eat yesterday. You left the castle without food and didn't eat in the village either. 'I left the castle late. I didn't eat yesterday. It was cold and my body is hungry.' Surely he understands.
He slowly takes a strawberry and dips it in the chocolate biting it down until the cap is. 'Perhaps you should have thought about that before you ran from me.' He can't be serious.
You are stunned.' You'll survive a few days without food.' He says very calmly. 'If you won't...Oh well. I am starting to think you're more trouble than you're worth, anyway.'
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adickaboutspoons · 1 year
Tagged by @chocolatepot. Thank you, my v. dear!
Rules: Go to your published works on AO3 and list the first fic you ever published there, the last fic you published, any fic that you wrote for a fandom/ship only once, your favorite fic you wrote in the fandom/ship that has the most works, the fic you wish more people read, the fic you agonized over the most, the fic that sprang fully formed from your mind without any effort, and a work you are proud of—for whatever reason. <3
First fic: On AO3, that would be my drabble collection for Pet Shop of Horrors. Far from baby's first fic(s), but the first that I published where other people could see from way back in the hazy yesteryear of Livejournal. First fic ever was a Mary Sue self-insert Dracula fic. It was terrible beyond words.
Last fic: Last fic FOR NOW is When a Good Plan Comes Together. And frankly? I can't recommend it. I've been fighting myself about maybe taking it down for a week now, because it kind of makes me cringe to think that might be the first thing of mine someone reads. It's not that it's BAD, per se, but it is v. LAZY. I saw a prompt and wanted to knock out a response to it, and a quick one, because I'm currently working on three other fics that require a lot more mental energy. But that meant handwaving the titular plan and "fade to black"-ing on the sex scene, and that's not really up to my normal standards.
Only once: I tend to be fandom-monogamous, and, within my hyperfocus, OTP-centric, so the closest I've got fic-wise is Unbelievable, which is kinda Geoffrey Fettering/the allure of Stede Bonnet's escape to piracy, if you squint at it. Vid-wise, my first vid ever was for my wifey, featuring her favorite character from The Umbrella Academy, Klaus, and I've got a Stede/Hornberry set to "I've Got A Crush On You."
Favorite fic from the fandom I've written in most: Technically, I think I've written more individual drabbles for Pet Shop, but since they're all grouped together, I'll go with OFMD, in which case, it's Like I Want to be Awake. It's prolly what I would consider my best writing to date - funny but still earnest, the first sex scene I've actually found hot while writing it, and, I flatter myself, a solid Ed-voice with some v. creative cursing.
Fic I wish more people read: I mean, the answer is also "Like I Want to be Awake" because I love it so much, and I want other people to love it too. But other than that, my Stede Sonnets. I know, sweetie, I know. You had a bad English teacher who didn't know how to teach poetry, and prolly didn't really know how to teach Shakespeare, so now you hate all poetry, and ESPECIALLY a stuffy, restrictive format like sonnets. But I'm urging you to find it in your heart to give it another go. I think you might find that, because the subject matter is fandom-centered, you might be predisposed to give the slightest damn about what it's about, and able to relax into the format. And you might even find that sonnets don't have to be stuffy - they can be funny, or dare I say, even flirty and sexy.
Fic I agonized over: The answer is also also "Like I Want to be Awake". I'm SOOOO unendingly lucky to have a marvelous group of Discord friends that let me endlessly whinge on at them. It was supposed to be a silly one-shot companion piece to Footsteps in the Dark (just over 1K). Over the course of 3 weeks, it grew into a 16K monster. Mostly because the boys wouldn't shut the fuck up about matchbooks. I agonized whether including a Maori folk story was appropriative or a respectful allusion to the culture from which Ed's mother came. I found a story I loved that was thematically relevant to the rest of the story and wrote up my own version, and then decided to double-check for alternative versions, only to find it was labeled "Maori," but was actually written by a London-born white woman who was a teacher in Ateoroa in the late 1800s. So now that only lives on the Discord server because there was no way I could use it, but the writing was good. Then, after I'd found a different story, researched it, and THEN wrote it up, I agonized over whether just glossing over Stede telling the story of Snow White with Ed's reactions thereunto, since it would doubtlessly be more familiar to my readers, would be othering to the Maori story (that they might not be familiar with, and would therefore necessitate a full telling), or if I DID do a full retelling if that would be obnoxious. I agonized over whether it cut off too abruptly. About whether it counted as a downer ending when really it just dovetails back into canon. About whether the title too like that of a fandom juggernaut, or if maybe I should choose a different lyric from the Petshop Boys song from which I took the original story in order to link them that way? Like I said - I am SO lucky my buddies are so patient with me.
Fic that sprang fully formed: Definitely Your Achilles. I was about half-way through Beautiful and Useless when Ed's voice interrupted Loud and Clear and Insistent that his version be told. From then on, I was basically writing the two stories simultaneously.
Work(s) I'm proud of: Almost all of the above (not you, "When a Good Plan Comes Together" - you sit there and think about what you've done!), but also Advanced Maneuvers , because it was has the first sex scene I'd ever written, and, even though my brain fought me tooth and nail the entire way through, it's not half bad, Time Enough because it was my first time trying to write action, and I'm pretty pleased with how it came out, Under Par because it was my first attempt at a modern AU and I think it's pretty cute, and Dearly Beloved because it's a lot of fun.
A tag to summon (but no presh): @bizarrelittlemew @emi--rose @epersonae @nicnacsnonsense @poetic----nonsense
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bunnylafee · 7 months
This week's adventures
Girlfriend stayed the night Thursday which was nice, we lounged in bed most of the day Friday but she wasn't feeling well and was progressively getting worse feeling. So she couldn't go to work which is understandable. She later tested positive for covid so that is that.
Saturday I laid in bed crying having a fit. I didn't mean to, it's just everything bubbled up and the stress had gotten to be too much and the tears got the best of me. Hubbs found me in my pile of mess and tried his best but it just wasn't what I needed? I have no idea what I needed. I talked to him but I do this thing where I don't tell anyone the whole thing just part of it. Like a tiny fart instead of a loud, blasting, disgusting fart.
I was mentally exhausted Saturday before I even got to work, I then had to work the entire shift while being nice to people.. who were pressing my nerves. While at work that is when I found out girlfriend had tested positive for covid, so my ass disassociated to a point and compartmentalize to get through the rest of the day. Then Sunday comes around and I had to do it all again.
Hubbs has really been testing my nerves this week. Nothing I can really do about it unless I put boundaries up but if you know me.. I have major issues with that. I want to don't get me wrong.. just I know I'll fold. I'm going to discuss it in therapy this week.
I also have this great friend who has my back. Both her and girlfriend are aware of the situation and they are helping me figure out boundaries and just being there for me. It's like they actually care about me. I've never had anyone other than hubbs do that. I've definitely never had any females be there for me like that. It's an odd feeling. Logically I know I can count on them to be there and have my back, talk to and comfort me if need be but illogical side of my brain just keeps telling me how it's just all going to fall apart and they are secretly setting me up. How this is just all false hope and they will pull the rug out from underneath me any moment or worse, I'll fuck it up somehow.
How girlfriend will just ghost me and my friend will also disappear from my life. How I'll be left heartbroken not from one but two relationships and I know I could recover from the friendship eventually, I would likely never fully recover from the girlfriend one. Like eventually I would maybe move on, casually date people but it wouldn't be the same. I wouldn't be the same. I would be a shell of a person of what I once was. Then again same with the friendship in a way. I wouldn't ever truly trust anyone.
I got a chance to talk to wifey today. It had been too long since we last chatted. We did a quick text catching up on our lives and I was as always vauge to a point.
I'm recognizing that I have serious issues with letting people in. My therapist has said something about it in one of the first few sessions we had, girlfriend has repeatedly said something about it, friend has also alluded to it and hubbs just straight up goes, no shit.
I also recognize that I have an issue where I don't have any recent pictures of girlfriend and I together where she's awake.. haha oops. I only have one picture of us together from last summer and I don't think I look very nice in it.. sad frowny face.
Ok, that's it for tonight. I really should try to sleep and recover from this mentally exhausting week of bullshit I've been through. Hopefully it comes within a reasonable time frame.
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seeuxiu · 1 year
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-S.Koushi X Reader.
- fake situation, fake all.-
- warning!! mentions of bl00d, swear!ngs, k!ll!ng and use of g<ns.-
he opened door, expecting the whole room to only see the light coming from outside, yet he was surprised when he sees you in the kitchen eating something.
he closed the door and smiled at you, he held your waist as he kissed your cheek.
" it's already 3 in the morning "
he saw her laugh while she continued to eat.
" sorry, I just don't care what time it is when it comes to food " she said which makes the other to laugh as well.
" I can see that wifey. "
suga thinks he has the perfect life. with you always awake when he comes out from work. hugging his perfect wife makes his whole body more comfortable. all he needs to do is to clean the mess up and everything will be peaceful.
screams and shouts were all heard as the 𝘄𝗼𝗹𝗳 took the man down in just a one shot. no bullets were wasted for the single target. blood gushing out on the man's head as he makes sure to target the brain. it's all easy for him though, the job to clean that up is not included on his job description anyways.
" nice work, agent 3017 or should I say agent wolf "
his boss said to him as he puffs out a smoke.
" you should give me some challenging tasks sometimes, k!lling a president of a company makes me bored, you know? " he smirked while the man smiled at him.
" I did not regret hiring you " he said which made suga scoff.
" I did not plan to work for you, all I need here is the money " he puffs out more not giving any ounce of respect to the man infront of him.
" why are you asking for more money, we gave you a black card. " the man said, getting annoyed but suddenly his face was clashed against the wall behind his head.
seriously, this man is fvcking loud.
" you fvcker, of course I deserved that card. as much as I enjoy blasting other peoples head if you piss me off even more I wouldn't mind blasting your head instead. "
" you're crazy, it's only because the boss favors you that's why I hadn't shot my bullets to your body! " suga smirked as he shoved his gun through the man's head.
" you're seriously pissing me off, y'know " he shot the man through his head as the blo*d splashed through his face.
" such a fvcking waste, could've donated the bl0od to the hospital instead " he smiles as he wipes his face.
a few minutes later a lot of body guards came and saw the blo*d and the corpse on the floor. they immediately dispatched the body as they questioned what happened.
" it's just that he's pissing me off, it's already past my work time, yet he's not willing to give me my paycheck. " the man laughs at him as he touches suga's shoulder.
" just admit it, you enjoy k!lling people before they even pay you " suga smiled as he dropped the cigarette and smashed it in the floor.
" you seriously know me too well, Daichi " as the office was cleaned again they chatted a few more and bid their goodbyes.
" aren't you a bit late today koushi? " you said as he looked at her with an awkward smile.
" well, I bought you this " he hands the paper bag whilst the other smiled.
" you bought this because you know I'll get mad huh " you playfully punched him in the chest as he just laughed at you.
" of course not! it's just because I genuinely thought of you while heading home. " he pulled your waist as he gently combed your hair with his fingers.
" yeah right " she smiled as he saw the roses that were still placed in the corner of the room.
this smooth handsome fine man. he surely knows how to get you.
" you did good agent 3017 " a smug grin formed in his face as daichi gave him a new car key.
" the boss was the one who requested to give you this. they may have taken a liking towards you. " daichi said as suga just shook his head.
" too bad for them " he shows the ring to daichi which made the other tease him.
" oh I almost forgot, the boss requests to see you. " suga doubted for a minute. it's his first time to see the boss, but he showed no worry after a while and decided to come with daichi.
after almost 30 minutes of driving, they arrived in front of a big building and as they entered they were escorted with at least four body guards, making sure that they are safe.
after going through the elevator, they arrived to the boss office and as they got infront of the wide door they were stopped.
" the boss only requests to see agent wolf. " the man strictly said as daichi just nods and took a step back.
as the door opened, suga walked cautiously. he stopped in the middle once he saw that very familiar polaroids that are placed in the table.
his wife is not in danger is she?
where did that person get those polaroids of them?
" what the hell did you do to my wife..? " he asked as he thinks about it, his hands in cold sweat as he tries himself not to be nervous. just touch all of his belongings but not his wife.
suddenly, he froze when he heard the person's familiar voice.
" what do you mean? " she turned her chair around as she looked at the surprised man infront of her.
" I AM your wife, suga " she stands up and and leans forward as she whispered in his ear.
" I 𝗰𝗮𝘂𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝘆𝗼𝘂. "
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bobfloydsbabe · 11 months
Helena, I'm afraid I can't help myself, I'll definitely be writing a Teacher!Bob story of this later but I wanted to share it with you anyways (lol).
So, where I live in the United States is getting really cold and I just heard the wind howling and saw snowflakes when I looked out on the deck and this little gem of a thought kinda sprung from it.
Maybe it's a freezing cold night and Bob x Reader hear Auggie waking up in the middle of the night because the wind is blowing to the point where it's rattling the gutters. Bob picks him right up out of his crib and wraps him in his blanket and gives him his little Dumbo elephant lovey. Wifey!reader is awake but very quickly gets misty-eyed when she hears Bob singing "May It Be" from Fellowship Of The Ring and Auggie is all snuggled against Bob and his lovey's all bunched in his tiny hand.
Helena, I am so sorry, seeing those Lessons in Chemistry pics of Lew with the baby did things to me that are just 😵😵😵😵
Mary, I’m so sorry it took me a while to answer this, but oh my god, I have tears in my eyes. Do you know how much it takes to make me misty-eyed over children? The answer is a lot, but my god, if I am not YEARNING right now.
Watching Bob softly bounce Auggie up and down in his arms as he sings that song would be the cutest thing. You lean against the doorframe, just watching with a fond look in your eyes and an easy smile. A little bleary from lack of sleep, but you know you picked a good one in Bob.
I’m just so obsessed with them, it’s borderline unhealthy at this point. I’m so happy that you share these ideas with me and do it so enthusiastically–makes me smile every time!
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bowandcurtsey · 2 years
When the boys are drunk (Haikyuu) 
Doing an Uno Reverse haha! Happy Birthday ma baby owl Bokuto ♡\( ̄▽ ̄)/♡ Such a precious husbando <3
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Characters: Bokuto, Kuroo, Atsumu x f! reader TW: slight nsfw
Bokuto Koutaro
Soooo LOUD and WHINY. Good lord.
He goes from 0-10 in seconds and moments you wonder if he's bipolar. One moment he's: "y/n, I wuv you. You're my cutie pie, I'll wuuuvv you forveerrr"
The next moment: "I'm not good enough for y/n... She deserves someone that doesn't get drunk like me..."
But please, just coodle this boy and everything will be okay. Some days it's easy to get him out of the party. He moment he sees you, he's like a little puppy running into your arms and hopping into your car home. "I MISSED YOU BABY OWL"
Some days he'll be like "BABYYY~ Stay with me a little longer~" and he'll give you that puppy eyes.
When you finally drag him into the car, he sleeps. Sometimes he snores and drools. But he'll wake up when you arrive, it's like some auto pilot function he has, maybe for when he has super early trainings and his brain is not really functioning yet.
He'll start stripping his clothes the moment he enters the doors and you'll see a trial of clothes as he marches straight into the shower.
He's a sucker for when you dry his hair, he'll nuzzle into your belly and falls asleep again.
When you're done, he's like a broken record that repeats "I love you, baby owl" until you're both in bed and YOU have to cuddle him. He falls asleep real quickly like the precious little baby he is.
Kuroo Tetsurou
If you think that his usual teasing was annoying, wait till he's drunk.
"You missed me sooo much didn't ya baby? That's why you came to get me so quickly~"
"Hey guys, my wifey is here to pick me up, gotta go~" You always suffer from second hand embarrassment when you pick him.
He always says he's not that drunk but his speech is a little slurry. Somehow, he still walks straight but he has his hand draped over you when he walks because he's still protective of you even when he's drunk.
If he's really badly drunk, like he's vomiting and shit, he'll tell you not to worry continuously. Yup. Even though you're not asking. He then pulls you to the sofa or somewhere and goes to lie in your lap and nuzzle for a little while.
He finally drags himself into the shower and every single time he's out from the shower, he seems refreshed and wide awake. He then climbs into bed and pulls you real close and tight to his chest.
"I missed you," and then this horny bastard would have his hands everywhere. And before you know it you're in for a few rounds ;) This man is horny when he's drunk.
Miya Atsumu
He louder and more annoying when he's drunk. He wants to compete in everything.
"Let's see who can reach that bench first!" "Let's see who can shower faster!"
He's so drunk that sometimes he talks to the poster or an object, and then get a little upset that it doesn't respond.
"Hey, you're pretty... but my girlfriend is prettier.." He talks to the Marilyn Monroe poster at the bar, and all you can do is sigh and pull him away.
"Hey look! my pretty girlfriend is here!" he beams when he sees you and then gives you lots of PDA. Holding you, peppering your face in kisses, this boy is shameless.
When he's drunk to a certain extent, he gets really quiet. He suddenly becomes all cool and suave you wonder if he has split personality and became Osamu at times.
Then you realise he's actually really sleepy and just wants to go home.
This boy walks straight into the shower and comes out in 3 minutes, then he plops himself into bed. You have to go over and dry his hair for him because he's already asleep, even an earthquake won't wake him up now.
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heavyhitterheaux · 2 years
Wifey's Lullaby
First Lady of Private Garden Fic
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AN: Jackman is the best husband. Confirmed.
Synopsis: Jack knows how difficult it is for you to sleep without him so he takes it upon himself to record his voice to send to you while he's away
Pairing: Husband!Jack Harlow x Wife!Reader
Please Do Not Repost My Content Anywhere
It was around 2 in the morning and you were steadily tossing and turning in your king sized bed in Atlanta, Georgia.
The bed was big seeing as your husband was 6′3, but happened to be a lot bigger when your husband wasn't laying next to you despite how very much you wanted him to be.
He had been gone now for a week and the last night he was here was when you actually had gotten adequate sleep.
He would be back tomorrow, but that still didn’t make you feel any better.
Despite the time difference you picked up your phone to send him a quick text knowing that it was a possibility that he would still be awake seeing as he was on the west coast and you were on the east.
You- Baby 🥺
You- Jack Jack
You- Jackman
You- Husbandddd
Smush- Hey beautiful. What’s wrong? Why are you awake? You need to be sleeping
You- I've been laying here for hours 😩
Smush- Did you drink the tea I got you?
You- Yes
Jack had gotten you this chamomile tea that is supposed to help you fall asleep easier. Only problem is that is only seemed to work when he was here with you. 
Smush- Do you have one of our children with you to keep you company?
You- Yes, Sophia and I have my teddy bear you got me for Valentines Day the first year we started dating
Smush- Hmm. Give me a few minutes.
You- Okay 😭
Fifteen minutes had passed before you got a voice message from Jack.
You eagerly clicked play and instantly felt at ease with hearing his voice with your heart fluttering.
I promised you I would do this for you since Brandi told me one day that you would literally listen to my music or interviews that I've done so you could fall asleep. Gotta admit that shit is cute so I did this for you.
Y/N, I love you so much and I'm so thankful and grateful that I have you in my life. You always show me how much you support me and you never let a day go by without telling me how proud you are. Every time your name pops up on my phone, I still get butterflies and shit. Just like when we first met. I have no problem telling people how much of a simp I am for my wife and I know you're the exact same way. Whatever life may throw at us, I know we'll be able to handle it baby because I got you by my side. I know I tell you this all the time but, you literally complete me and make me a better person. In these past ten years, I have fallen more in love with you every single day. We may have small disagreements and argue from time to time but, this shit is forever and our babies will have the best mother that they could ever ask for. I see how hard you go for me, so I already know you're gonna go ten times harder for them. Every single promise I made you, I plan on making them happen and you already know you want for nothing as long as you’ve been with me. 
With all that being said, I literally cannot put into words how much I love you and this is literally just the tip of the iceberg. You know I can talk about you for hours and PG constantly get annoyed with me when I do. But anyway, I love you and I’ll be back before you know it.
Get some sleep baby girl.
Tears were cascading down your cheeks as you finished listening to it and immediately sent him a text.
You- 🥺🥺🥺
Smush- Oh shit you're crying aren't you?
You were then getting an incoming Facetime call from him and you quickly answered.
"BABY! That was meant for you to go to sleep, not to cry!"
"I know! But you know how I am!" You responded between sniffles.
"It's now less than 24 hours and I'll be back. I don't like being away from you but this is the career I chose and you wouldn't even let me stay home with you anyway."
"You damn right. You have worked too hard for this shit and there is no way you're letting up now."
Just then Urban came into view and was eyeing you seeing the tears.
"Jack, if you made by best friend cry I will beat the shit outta you."
"I didn't even do anything!"
"It's happy tears Urby! No need to fight him."
"Mm hmm, it better be. I'm watching you." Urban said to Jack as he walked away from behind him and Jack immediately rolled his eyes.
You couldn’t do anything but laugh at what Urban was saying as you saw your husband roll his eyes.
“It looks like it wasn’t just me who was missing you.”
“I always miss you when you aren’t near me. You know this.”
“Even after I just leave to get something for two minutes, you’re screaming at the top of your lungs for me to come back.”
“Do you blame me?”
“No, because I’m the same way.” You replied while shrugging and moving your bear closer to you.
“I love you now go to sleep.”
“I love you too and I promise that I am. What time will you be here?”
“Babe! I need a time to come and get you!”
“You don’t need to worry about that. All you need to worry about is getting sleep so you have enough energy for me.”
“You know I stay ready for you.” You replied while getting settled underneath the comforter and laying on top of Jack’s pillow.
“Is that my pillow?”
“Yes, it smells like you so I need to have it near me to help me sleep.”
“Aww babe.”
“Is this the same person who almost had a mental breakdown when he thought we were getting divorced?” You ask your husband and he immediately started laughing.
“Exactly! He so fake for that shit. Talking about gross but your ass signed us up for therapy and everything.”
“I don’t like the Urban slander that is happening so imma head out. Yall still nasty though.”
“And we’ll be that. Shit, my wife fine as hell.”
“Stop smush!”
“I call it like I see it and forreal this time, turn off the light and go to sleep.”
“I promise I will.”
“I can’t wait to see you mamas.”
“Me either.”
You woke up and noticed that you were now laying on something hard and you immediately knew it was your husband and that he was back.
You glance at the clock on the nightstand and saw that it was around 11 in the morning indicating that you had slept for close to nine hours. 
The most that you had gotten in days. 
Jack had the television on a low volume in the hopes of not disturbing you since he wanted to make sure that you got enough sleep as possible since he already knew that this past week had been a struggle for you.
Sophia was on his lap and promptly hopped down off the bed deciding that her dad wasn’t interesting anymore despite him being away for an entire week and went to find something else to entertain herself with. 
Jack then look down to see you peeking up at him and smiled down at you before kissing your forehead.
“I’m so happy you’re back.” You said while snuggling into him more.
“Me too and I’m happy you actually slept.”
“I listened to it one more time and then I instantly fell asleep.”
“I take it if our kids are anything like you I’ll probably have to do the same thing for them.”
“More than likely you will. So what are we getting into today?” You asked while looking up at him.
“You already know what we’re getting into.” Jack answered while promptly reaching under your his shirt to begin to massage your left breast and you immediately smirked.
“Fine, but you need to feed me first.”
“I will, after I have my breakfast. Been waiting an entire week for this.”
“Wait, what? So you’re about to get food and not feed your wife?”
“I’m about to feed you this dick once I get done with my meal between your legs.” Jack replied while sliding out from under you and positioning himself between you legs and you couldn’t help but to laugh.
“You laughing now, but about to be begging me for mercy in less than five minutes. Spread em.”
He didn’t tell have to tell you twice.
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