#but whatever I'm just happy I got something in the trailer
antleredoctopus · 4 months
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yes yes warwick and where's viktor and noxus invading and--
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rogueddie · 1 year
Runner / End Of Beginning
Steve has never seen his father as upset, as furious, as he was when he got home with his final exam results. He'd known- suspected- that his father would flip when his results came in...
His father got angry at small things. Hearing that he'd had a party while they were away, that a girl went missing at that party, had been the closest Steve thought he'd ever get to recieving a beating.
But when he came home with his grades... when his father realized that his son, his supposed prodigy, barely passed...
Steve has never ran as fast as he currently is.
As soon as he'd seen an openning, a clear line to the door, he'd stumbled to his feet and bolted. He'd picked a random direction and ran. He isn't going to stop running until he physically has to stop, knowing that his father is most likely in his car, trying to find him.
He can't stop. He has to keep running.
Eventually, he has to pause. He has to catch his breath.
He leans against a trailer, panting. He prays that no one thinks to look outside and spot him. He prays that no one will-
"Fuck." He hisses, squinting up at- "Munson?"
"What the fuck happened to you?" He says, eyes widenning when he finally gets a look at his face. "Second round with Hargrove, or what?"
"Nothing happened, I'm fine."
Munson eyes him for a moment, frowning. "Is someone after you?"
"What do you care?" Steve heaves a deep breath, forcing himself to stand up straight. He brings his knees up in a few knee highs, gearing up for another sprint.
"Ugh. Just- you can come into my trailer," Munson says, sounding as though Steve is forcing him to make the suggestion. "No one would think to look for you there. You can, like... I don't know. Drink some water? You jocks do that, right?"
"Wh- I don't need your help!"
"I'm not waiting for you all day, come on, let's go!" He makes a wide, exaggerated gesture for Steve to follow.
"You just assume I'm gonna follow?"
He sounds so confident, so sure, that Steve can't think to do anything other thank blink and say, "fuck it, yeah, alright."
Steve is a little surprised at how much space Eddies trailer has. It's cramped, but in a nice way- the way a home gets when people actually live in it. When the people inside are actually happy and chase those joys.
Munson does get him a glass of water, mumbling at him to "sit anywhere", before flopping onto the sofa himself. He turns the TV on, focusing on that.
"Thanks," Steve eventually mutters, awkwardly sitting down.
"Wanna talk about it?"
"Nothing to talk about."
"There isn't," he insists, despite how casual and accepting Munson is acting. "It's my fault, anyway. I deserved it."
"Did you?" Munson turns to him, eyebrow raised. "All us freaks and losers can talk about these days is your change of heart. King of Hawkins High turned lame boytoy."
"Thanks, that makes me feel so much better," Steve sneers.
"Even Jeff thinks you're alright now," he barrels on. "Said he bumped into you, pretty hard, knocked all your shit down, and you apologized. Said his coffee ended up on an essay, or something. Thought he was about to get his ass kicked and you just..."
He waves his hand at him, as though that's explination enough.
Steve doesn't know a Jeff, but he's pretty sure he knows who Munson is talking about, and; "I wasn't looking where I was going. If anything, we were both at fault."
"See?" Munson waves his hand at him again, a little more pointed. "Don't doubt you've got a long way to go, but you're not half-bad. You didn't deserve whatever the fuck happened to your face."
They fall quiet, both pretending to watch whatever is on the TV. Steve is so zoned out that, when someone clears their throat, he flinchs.
"Sorry to startle you boys," the man chuckles. But the humor quickly teeters out, once he gets a good look at Steve. "You alright, kid?"
"I'm fine."
"He's not," Munson grins wide when Steve glares at him.
"Staying the night?" The man continues, only looking at Eddie now.
"If I can convince him," Munson shrugs.
"I can't stay the night," Steve tries.
"Good," the man nods, as though Steve hadn't said anything. "I'll start making us all some dinner." He finally looks to Steve. "You got any allergies?"
"I can't stay," Steve tries again, insisting.
"No," Munson answers for him. "No problems with meat either."
The man gives Munson a thumbs up, heading through to the kitchen.
"I can't stay," Steve repeats, turning to Munson. "Really. I have to go back or... I have to go back."
"What will happen if you don't go back?"
Steve grimaces. "Nothing. Just- I can't stay here."
"Why not? They gonna hit me too?"
"You know what, Munson? Yeah, probably. And your- your dad?"
"Uncle," Munson snorts, standing, stretching. "No one messes with us though. We're too scary." He wiggles his fingers in Steves face as he passes by. "And call me Eddie."
"It's my name."
Steve awkwardly follows him to the kitchen, hovering a good distance from the two of them, watch how they move around each other with so much comfort and ease. It makes something in Steves chest ache.
"Oh, hey, you like football right?" Eddie asks, pointing to him.
"Uh, yeah, kinda. Not enough to have, like, a team." Steve shrugs.
Wayne turns around slowly, eyebrows raised. "You don't got a team?"
Talking football with Wayne is so easy that, until he's halfway through the dinner he cooked, Steve doesn't notice how fast the time is going. He can't bring himself to be bothered though. It's too nice.
Plus, Eddie is almost bouncing with joy at how well Steve and Wayne are getting along.
Someone starts banging on the door, loud and aggressive, as they make their way to the kitchen.
"Alright!" Wayne calls, rolling his eyes. "Hold your horses."
Steves stomach drops when the door opens and his father is on the other side. He smiles at Steve, sickly sweet and dangerously calm.
"Oh, thank God," he sighs. "Steve, your mother and I have been looking all over for you. When you didn't get home-"
Wayne blocks his way when he tries to step inside. "Who are you?"
"Robert Harrington," Steves dad sniffs, leaning back so he can physically look down at Wayne. "I'm here for my son."
"He ain't here."
Robert Harrington splutters, face tinting red with anger and frustration. He points to Steve, voice raising as he says, "he's right there! And he's coming with me."
Wayne turns, slow and casual. "Huh. That's odd. Don't see him."
"Steve," he snaps his fingers at Steve, like he's a dog. "Come on. We're going home."
Eddie shifts so he's standing slightly in front of him.
It's enough reassurance for him to finally snap back; "I'm not going anywhere with you."
"Get off my property," Wayne snaps.
His father glares at them, waiting, as though he expects them to back down. When he doesn't, he snarls; "this is kidnapping."
"He's 18," Eddie drawls.
Grumbling, he stomps off.
"Asshole," Wayne mutters. He shuts and locks the door, sliding on the chain too.
Steve has to sit down, with how much his legs are shaking.
"You alright?" Eddie asks, hesitantly sitting beside him.
"Yeah," Steve says. He's surprised to find he means it. "Yeah, I'm good."
"You can stay here, long as you need," Wayne offers. "You'll have to bunk with Eds though. Not a lot of room."
"Why can't he use the sofa when you're-"
"Nope," Wayne cuts him off. There's a glint of mischief in his eyes that has Steve squinting in suspicion. "And you'll need those cuts looking at. Eddie, why don't you go with him. Medkits in the bathroom."
Steve goes ahead when Eddie points the way to the bathroom.
Eddie tries to give Wayne a warning look but he's unbothered and, with Steves back turned, he gives Eddie an encouraging wink.
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thisapplepielife · 3 months
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Written for @steddie-week.
All Hours
Day #1 - Prompt: Secret Relationship | Word Count: 1125 | Rating: T | CW: Language | POV: Steve | Tags: Post S4, Eddie Munson Lives, Good Uncle Wayne Munson, Steve & Wayne
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Steve parks outside of the trailer park and walks in. Careful to avoid the streetlights and the corners where there are known yapping dogs.
He approaches Eddie's window on the back side of the new trailer, and moves to push open the screen, to let himself inside without waking up Eddie, or Wayne. He just hikes his foot up into the sill when he's startled. 
"We do have a front door, you know," comes the lazy drawl, and Steve nearly jumps out of his skin, heart hammering wildly in his chest. He tries to suck in a breath, gripping the edge of the window frame, finally looking over at Wayne as he sits on the back steps, cigarette burning between his fingers.
"I'm sorry," Steve says, taking a step back from the house, pulling the window closed, putting some distance between himself and the room where Eddie is surely sleeping.
Eddie sleeps all the time these days. The doctors swear it's just part of his healing process, the recovery, but Steve still worries. All the time. Everyday. It's impossible not to. Eddie's healed so slowly, after being so close to death, that Steve's terrified he'll never fully recover.
"C'mere, kid," Wayne says, and pats the step beside him. 
Steve goes, but is a little wary. Wayne and him haven't really spent that much time together, they were just ships passing in the night while Eddie was in the hospital. Each taking their turn, and then handing the baton off to the other.
Steve sits down, and folds his hands in his lap.
"I know you've been sneaking in and out of his window during all hours of the day and night, for, well, months now," Wayne says, just barely above a murmur. 
"I'm sorry. I just worry about him," Steve says, and that's the truth. Most of it, anyway. 
There have been a couple quick, tentative kisses, but that's it. Eddie isn't strong enough for anything else, definitely nothing as tawdry as Wayne seems to be implying. It's pretty innocent, this thing they've got going. 
Steve's snuck in a lot of windows in his lifetime, but none compare to crawling over the sill of Eddie's window, and onto the chair Eddie now leaves there to ease Steve's entrance. None have been as chaste as this either. Steve's never spent months pursuing someone, hell, loving someone, that he didn't win over.
Even Robin, he counts as a win. It's platonic love, for sure, but he worked his Harrington charm on her, and got her to love him.
"I know you worry, but we have a front door. You're welcome to use it. Day or night," Wayne says, low and almost too soft to hear, even in the still of the night.
"Oh," Steve says, like this hadn't been something he'd ever considered, and honestly, it hasn't been, "okay."
"Okay," Wayne agrees, and he digs in his shirt pocket and fishes out a single key on a ring. "Here. So I can lock it. I worry about him, about someone coming after him again. And I wanted to put better locks on all the windows, but Eddie protested. Any idea why?" Wayne asks, and it's playful, in a very dry way.
Steve laughs, reaching out and taking the key, closing his hand around it, tight.
"Okay, I'll come through the door."
"Thank you," Wayne says.
"And I'll help with the window locks. If you want," Steve offers, and Wayne nods, like he's accepting this offer.
Now, Steve isn't sure if he should get up and leave, or keep sitting, or what. He stays.
"I don't care, you know," Wayne finally says.
"Don't care?" Steve questions, wanting him to clarify. 
"If you boys are more than friends," Wayne says, and Steve hadn't expected it.
"Oh," Steve breathes out.
"He's my boy, and I want him to be happy. Whatever that means for him," Wayne explains and Steve suddenly feels like his eyes are burning.
He wishes his dad would be as invested in his happiness as Wayne clearly is about Eddie's.
"Thank you," Steve says, "it's…nothing, not really. We're just friends."
Wayne turns to look at him, and grins, "If you say so."
Steve feels like he's lying, even if he isn't. Not really.
"But we could be more than that, maybe, someday. When he's feeling better. Maybe, if he's interested in that," Steve rambles.
Wayne smiles, takes a deep drag on his cigarette, and blows it up into the night sky, "Oh, he's definitely interested. Steve Harrington this, Steve Harrington that. Let me tell you. I've heard your name more in the past few months than I've heard my own."
Steve laughs at that, unexpected and far too loud, and it doesn't take long before Eddie's bedroom window is being shoved open, his head popping out. His hair is a mess, tangled and frizzy, but he's on his feet, and that's a damn good look on him.
It's a beautiful sight. But he always is.
"What? Are you two having fun without me?" Eddie asks, like he's not at all surprised to see them together. Like this whole sneaking through the window thing wasn't a top secret operation.
Was it not a secret?
Steve turns back towards Wayne, "How long have you known I was coming through the window?"
"Since the first night," Wayne admits, "I heard you floundering in, and came to the door to check on him, but I heard Eddie laughing, so I knew he was okay. I asked him in the morning who was making such a racket, and he said it was you."
Steve laughs at himself, apparently he was trying to be stealthy for Eddie's benefit, but they weren't on the same page.
"C'mon in, Harrington. Henderson brought over some new tapes earlier," Eddie says, and Steve stands.
Wayne nods his head towards the back door, "It's unlocked. But your key will work there, too."
And Steve pulls it open, heading towards Eddie's room. Eddie is back in bed, propped up, remote in hand for the VCR Steve had set up in Eddie's room months ago, thinking they'd get better use out of it here, than Steve would at home, these days.
Steve settles next to him, "What do we got tonight?"
"Back to the Future, have you seen it?" Eddie asks.
"Only while very drugged by the Russians," Steve admits, "it'll be nice to see it again."
Steve's sure there's no chance Eddie will stay awake for an entire movie, but he'll be happy to sit with him, no matter what.
"You're so weird, Harrington," Eddie says, but it sounds affectionate, and Steve will take it, as Eddie leans his head on Steve's shoulder.
"Yeah, well. Back at ya, Munson."
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If you want to write your own, or see more entries for this challenge, pop on over to @steddie-week and follow along with the fun!
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ashwhowrites · 1 year
I got an angsty request for you! Eddie and Best Friend Reader who secretly have feelings for each other, but Eddie starts to be a bit distant after his deal with Chrissy because he's hanging out with her a bit so reader gets bummed out but Friday at their regular movie night, they end up having sex. I'm talking that sweet, been wanting to do this forever sex and the snuggle afterwards. Eddie even drives her to work the next day. After some convincing from Steve and Robin, she decides she's going to tell Eddie how she feels so she gets them to drive her back to Eddie's trailer only to walk in on him having sex with Chrissy on the couch. She rushes out of there to catch Steve at the stop sign, while Eddie is trying to yell for her. Maybe Eddie tries to explain but she's not having it because she's hurt. You can choose how it ends just whatever you do make him grovel.
Angst? You came to the right person. I hope this is what you were looking for :) thank you for requesting
⚠️no happy ending
Ex friends
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Y/N has been in love with her best friend, Eddie, since middle school. Back when he had a buzzcut and played air guitar as a hobby. She grew up with him and watched him grow up to become this pretty boy with long hair and guitar skills that made all girls weak. She knew Eddie like the back of her hand but could never place his feelings for her. It was the one thing about him she could not understand.
Not many people liked Eddie, she never had to fight for his attention. But lately, he has been meeting with the most popular girl in school. Y/N grew insecure quickly and drowned in her own jealousy. Eddie became distant with her, and she didn't know how to handle that. But Friday nights were the one night he was all hers. They had movie nights, and it was a rule that no one else was invited.
The movie played, and the sounds of screaming filled the silence. Y/N felt thrown off because of Chrissy and didn't know what to say. It almost felt like Eddie didn't know what to say either. Both felt the distance, and neither knew how to deal with it.
"Are you okay? You seem quiet." Eddie asked, pausing the movie as he looked at her.
"Yeah, just quiet today." She shrugged. She did not want to tell her best friend about how jealous she was. Some things Eddie did not need to know.
"You're never quiet with me. Talk to me, sweets." She melted at the name. Her body fell into him when he cuddled next to her and placed her head on his shoulder.
"I miss you, Eddie." She admitted, closing her eyes. Eddie was confused, laughing softly. "I am right here, silly."
"I know, but lately you've been busy with Chrissy. I miss having you around." She confessed. She worried that she would sound stupid but, Eddie held her closer.
"I've missed you too." He said, kissing her forehead as he rested his head on top of hers. She moved her head, turning to look at him. His head moved at her movement, looking down at her.
"Really?" she asked. He smiled and nodded his head. Leaning down to peck her nose. She smiled at the affection, closing her eyes. Eddie wasn't sure what came over him. But he felt this magnetic pull towards her lips. He's always had an attraction towards her. He knew he liked her, but he also felt something with Chrissy.
But looking at her soft face resting against him, he couldn't stop the thoughts. He leaned down, closing his eyes as he connected his lips to hers. She was shocked when she felt his lips. She opened her eyes to confirm that he was kissing her.
She closed her eyes and kissed him back. His hands held her hips as he moved her on his lap. She moaned in the kiss as she straddled his lap. Her mind was racing. She was making out with her best friend. Her tongue was exploring Eddie's mouth. His hands burned through her skin. Was this happening?
He pulled away, his eyes blown out with lust as he stared at her. She tried to catch her breath as she looked at him. Neither spoke, and neither made any effort to stop. His hands slipped under her shirt, yanking it over her head. His mouth latched onto her chest. Destroying the soft skin with his teeth. Her hands worked on his belt, he took the hint and lifted his hips. He removed his mouth from her, tugging down his jeans and boxers, kicking them off. She stood up as she removed the rest of her clothes.
He watched from his spot on the couch as she stripped. Her skin glowing and the red marks forming on her chest. His stomach was doing flips seeing her like this.
She crawled back on his lap, his hard cock resting between her thighs. She wrapped her arms around his neck as she lowered herself on him. Eddie moaned as he felt her sucking him in. She hissed as she settled on him. Moving her hips as she slowly began to ride him. Taking her time to get used to his size.
Her lips attached to his neck, creating her own marks as he helped her hips roll against him.
She felt amazing clenching around him, he loved how she leaned back and bounced on him. Her chest was in his face as he tried to focus on fucking back into her. Lifting his hips to smack deeper inside of her. He loved all the sounds that left her mouth.
He wrapped his arms around her, turning them around so her back was on the couch. He balanced on his knees as he fucked into her. The new angle allowed him to push deeper inside of her.
"Fuck, you feel so good." She moaned, her hands reaching to feel him. He leaned down, connecting their lips. His left hand met hers, holding it tightly as his right hand moved down to her clit.
She gripped the hand that was holding hers, clenching her walls around his cock as she got close. His fingers knew exactly what to do on her clit and she was seeing stars.
"Always wanted this," Eddie confessed against her lips. The words hit her lips in a puff of air. His words washed over her and made her feel warm everywhere.
"Wanted this too." She admitted, smiling as he smiled down at her. Their smiles meet in another kiss.
"Close? Gonna cum for me, baby?" He encouraged. His lips were soft as he pecked her between the words. His hand still holding hers, the other rubbing her clit as fast as he could. She felt like a work of art under his gaze. The way he watched her with adoration and love.
"Cum with me." She pleaded, using her free hand to scratch the back of his neck. "Cum in me, Eddie."
Eddie's head was spinning. "Fuck, you are beautiful," he moaned. His forehead rested on hers as he got close. Their eyes stared into each other. Their hands gripped each other's.
The closeness they both craved was found. The distance vanished as she milked him. She came on him with a silent scream, his cum filling her as he bit her shoulder. His curly hair covered her face as she drowned in him.
He slid out of her slowly, hissing as the cold air hit his sensitive cock. He was fast to grab the blanket that was thrown over the couch. Covering their naked bodies as he cuddled into her neck. She smiled as the warmth of him covered her skin.
He rubbed her skin softly, luring her to sleep as he kissed her neck one last time.
When she woke up, she had a small fear of what would happen. But as she slowly stirred awake, she felt Eddie's fingers rubbing the inside of her thighs. She moaned quietly at the soft touch. Gasping as he slid his fingers inside of her.
"Morning, sweetheart." He said into her ear, She shivered at the rough sound of his morning voice.
"Morning," she gasped, his fingers working inside of her skillfully. Her back was against his chest, somehow moving as the night went on.
"Need a ride to work?" He hummed in her ear, she wasn't sure how he could easily have a conversation as he fingered her. She choked out a yes.
"Better cum before you're late."
"He's dropping her off, that's a good sign," Steve observed as Y/N made her way out of Eddie's van.
"Still in yesterday's clothes. She spent the night, another good sign." Robin added.
Y/N walked into work with a wide smile on her face, and a small ache between her thighs as she walked up to the counter. Both her best friends stood there with a smile.
"Everything looks like it went well! Did you talk it out?" Steve asked, he knew Y/N was struggling with the Chrissy situation. Y/N vowed to both her friends, to talk it out with him at movie night.
"Um, we talked a little," Y/N said honestly, scratching her head as she blushed to the floor.
"Okay? But you worked things out?' Robin asked, a confused look on her face as she tried to read Y/N's body language.
"We had sex," Y/N whispered.
"YOU HAD SEX?" Steve shouted, Y/N looked mortified as she stared at Steve.
"Shut your mouth, dingus! We have customers." Robin scolded, trying to politely smile at the elderly couple that was glaring.
"So are you together?" Steve asked, this time keeping his voice low.
"I'm not sure? I mean we didn't really talk about it this morning." Y/N said.
"You woke up, didn't talk and he drove you here?" Robin questioned, digging for something else.
"Um, well. He kinda fingered me this morning so my mind was blah by the time I was in the car." Y/N added, embarrassed as she chewed on her nails.
"Okay well, congratulations on getting laid by the love of your life," Robin started, "but you need to confess how you feel."
"I mean we had sex! Doesn't that say something?" Y/N tried but Steve gave her a dad look.
"Nope. That doesn't tell us anything. You have to know where his mind was during it and how he feels now. Make sure there's more than just sexual feelings there." Steve explained. Robin nodded with him.
"I agree with Steve, which is strange," Robin said
Y/N took a deep breath as she got out of Steve's car. He smiled and gave her a thumbs-up as she walked to the door. She watched as he drove off, She found herself at Eddie's trailer because Steve refused to bring her home until she talked to Eddie.
She was terrified but she tried to remember it was just Eddie. She's seen him puke on himself and he has seen her fall drunkenly into a pool. They'd seen each other at their worst, this was her best friend. She can tell him anything.
She took the key from her purse and unlocked the door. She didn't have time to remove the key from the door when she saw them.
Chrissy was on her knees, face on the couch as Eddie fucked her from behind. His eyes closed as his arms wrapped around her. Y/N felt sick as she watched them, not sure why she was torturing herself for so long. Not even five hours ago, she woke up on that couch next to him. And now he's fucking Chrissy on it.
Chrissy was the first to notice her, immediately screaming as she removed herself from Eddie, hiding her body under the blanket. Y/N panicked and ran. Ran right out the door, praying Steve didn't make it far.
"SHIT, SHIT" Eddie screamed, throwing on his boxers as he raced out the door right behind her. Chrissy sat on the couch, embarrassed from being walked in on, but confused by Eddie's anxious reaction.
Eddie cussed to himself as every twig in the grass stabbed his bare feet, but he continued to run.
"Y/N WAIT! PLEASE!" He screamed, seeing her figure in the distance in front of him.
She sighed in relief as she spotted Steve's car at the entrance of the trailer park. Pounding on his window, watching as he screamed.
"WHAT THE FUCK?" He screamed, unlocking the door as she rushed in. She was panting as she locked the door. He looked at her but she didn't say a word. Her face was soaked with tears, she was breathing heavily from the running, and motioning for him to drive.
"Please" she whispered, but before he could pull off, Eddie ran in front of the car.
"Baby, I am so sorry. Let's talk please." Eddie pleaded, Steve looked between the two confused. Y/N refused to look at either of them. Her eyes locked on her feet.
"Drive," she demanded
"I can't! He's in front of my car." Steve said in a duh tone. Y/N reached over and slammed on the horn, Eddie covered his ears but refused to move.
"NOT UNTIL WE TALK," Eddie screamed back, his voice muffled by the glass.
"Why don't you want to talk to him?" Steve asked, she looked at him. Her eyes were red and wet as she choked out, "he was fucking Chrissy."
Steve felt any amount of calmness in him vanish. He unbuckled his seatbelt and got out of the car. Locking it so Eddie couldn't get in if he tried.
Steve stayed emotionless, waving Eddie over to him.
Eddie walked over, his eyes looking into the car as he watched her. "She won't come out, but she wanted me to tell you this," Steve started, Eddie nodded. "Yeah, go on." He encouraged and prepared to listen so he could fix this.
"Yeah just..," Steve said then bunched up his fist and knocked Eddie straight in the jaw. Y/N screamed from inside the car. Eddie groaned as he got knocked to the floor.
"Son of a bitch." Eddie groaned, holding his cheek as he felt the heat of the punch forming.
"Have Chrissy ice your jaw." Steve snarled out, getting back in his car as he zoomed off.
Eddie called and called. He left voicemails, he wrote letters, and he even showed up at her house for a week straight. But she refused to speak to him. He hated that he couldn't even explain to her what happened, because he didn't know himself. He hurt her and he had no explanation other than he was an idiot who fucked everything up.
His jaw was bruised, but his heart hurt more than anything.
But she was hurt too, and it hurt not knowing why Eddie did what he did. She wasn't sure if she could handle hearing what Chrissy had that she didn't.
He regretted Chrissy more than anything.
She regretted Eddie more than anything.
@bmunson86 @mxcheese @ladymunson @michaelfuckinglangdon @z0mbie-blah @biittersweet @mirrorsstuff @somethingvicked @micheledawn1975 @ago-godance @magnificantmermaid @tlclick73 @hargrovesswifee @cityofidek @manyfandomsfanvergentreblogs @silky-luxe @lokiofasgard616 @loving-and-dreaming @eddiemunsonsbitch69 @thegemaqua @ashlynnkennedy @strangerthingsstories5255 @harringt8ns @pleasinghellfire @whoscamila @stusdollface93
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xzerosparrowx · 3 months
The Guitar
Written for the @corrodedcoffinfest
Divider by @saradika-graphics
Day #1 - Prompt: Firsts | Word Count: 861 | Rating: T | CW: Use of homophobic language/slurs | POV: Eddie | Tags: How Eddie Munson got his first guitar, Wayne Munson is Eddie's Dad, Allen Munson, First Christmas, Christmas special.
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Eddie lays awake in bed, watching the weak winter morning sun cast its light across the unfamiliar room with tired eyes. He blinks back hot tears as he feels the chill around his ears, remembering the way Allen Munson pulled at his hair, the sound of the electric razor buzzing against his skin. 
Now he was here in his Uncle's trailer, a man he barely knows aside from the few times Al complained about him over the phone. 
“... Says I should stop stealing cars and get a proper job. Wayne doesn't fucking get it, man.”
“Why does he wanna look after that little queer?”
“... Just because he's got no kids, he wants to steal mine.” 
A soft little knock startles him, the shuffle of feet near his door. “Eddie, you awake?” Wayne calls out quietly, a nervous waver in his voice.
“Yea-yes, sir,” Eddie answers, sitting up but not making a move towards the door.
“I'm not- you don't have to call me that, Eddie. You can just call me Wayne,” Eddie hears him sigh, “I'm thinking of making pancakes or waffles, not sure which one you prefer. If you like something more savory for breakfast, I bought eggs and bacon as well.” Wayne rambles, and there is something sad and warm in Eddie’s chest, an old ache that he had now long been accustomed to that Wayne had stumbled upon and brought into sharp focus.
“I-I’m happy with whatever si- Uncle Wayne,” Eddie answers finally, getting up from bed and pulling on a pair of old sweats and a baby blue threadbare sweater. It’s large on his thin frame, a hand-me-down from Wayne, warm and comfortable. 
He hears his Uncle move away from the door and Eddie gathers his courage to step out of the room. A kaleidoscope of twinkling fairy lights meet him, the trailer lit in a beautiful array of colour and tinsel.
Oh yeah, it’s Christmas.
Wayne is standing in the kitchen, pouring a ladle of pancake mix on the hot griddle. Eddie rubs his eyes, forcing the tears away before standing near Wayne and watching him cook. 
“You know how to make pancakes?” his uncle asks, expertly flipping a pancake. Eddie shakes his head, the only time he ever got breakfast was if Al left him money for groceries, which was not often.   
Wayne pours another ladle in response, before handing the spatula to Eddie, “all you have to do is wait for the bubbles to show up. Once they pop, they’re ready to be flipped. See?” He says, pointing to the little bubbles in the pancake. 
Guided by Wayne, Eddie flips the pancake his uncle beaming down at him when it lands perfectly on it’s uncooked side, “I think we have Julia Childs in the trailer!” Wayne laughs and Eddie cannot help but join him, rolling his eyes good naturedly at his uncle. They continue like that, Wayne ladling the perfect amount of batter on to the griddle and Eddie flipping them with varying degrees of success. 
It’s the first time, since Eddie moved to the trailer a week ago, that living here feels normal. To realise that maybe Wayne is nothing like Al at all. They eat the pancakes in companionable silence, Eddie drowning his in maple syrup while Wayne sprinkles icing sugar and lemon.
“I have a present for you, go sit on the couch,” Wayne says, pushing his plate away and getting up before Eddie can think to protest. Eddie does as he’s told, feeling awkward and unsure again as he listens to Wayne move stuff around. 
“Alright, close your eyes!” Wayne calls and Eddie closes them, he fidgets with his hands, rubs his thumb over his fingers in a soothing back-and-forth. He hears Wayne place something on the coffee table and opens his eyes when Wayne gives him the ok. 
Eddie stares at the old, black acoustic guitar in front of him, lovingly stored in its case. There are scratch marks here and there, the leather strap flaking in places, but it gleams under the lights as if it knows that it is a well-used and treasured thing. 
“I’m sorry it’s not a new guitar, but I don’t really use this old girl anymore, so I thought maybe I’ll hand her down to you,” Wayne offers sheepishly, wringing his hands nervously, thumb over his fingers. 
“How- How did you know I wanted one?”
“I remember hearing you ask Al for one,” Wayne says this like it’s natural that he would remember something so small about Eddie, and Eddie breathes through that sad and warm ache in his chest. 
“That was two years ago, Uncle Wayne,” he manages to choke out, he can feel his throat starting to thicken, tears beginning to well up and he watches his uncle trying to fight off his own emotions. 
“Well, you’re a good kid. You deserve something that’s just for you.”
His uncle's arms are strong and comforting when Eddie leaps towards him in a tight hug. Eddie does not remember the last time Al hugged him, but if he closes his eyes he can almost pretend that Wayne had always been his Dad. 
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lodeddiperactivate · 3 months
Part 2 How to survive a horror movie / OBX x Scream Crossover
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Pairing: Barry x Reader
Word count: 637
Warnings: smut, drugs, alcoholism
Summary: You're the new kid in town, and simply trying to adapt to your new life in the Outer Banks when serial killer Ghostface starts their murder spree. Now, you can't really trust anyone, right?
Author’s note: This part's a bit short, decided to cut it before they got to the trailer because final part will be packed.
part 1
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You walked all the way from your house to the country club, mainly because you just needed to clear your head with everything that had happened since that night. You weren't particularly close with the victims but you knew them from school and have talked to them on several occasions as well. On top of that, the entire town is crippled with fear from the news that there is a serial killer on the loose.
You were only a few minutes away from the country club when you noticed someone familiar walking towards you. Barry, who looked like he had just came back from the country club, was walking towards you counting the money he had in his hands. He didn't notice you and before you could even process what you were about to do, you called out to him.
"Hey Barry, hey!" He looked up at you and smiled.
"Well hello, Y/N, right?" You nodded as he made his way to you, putting the load of cash he had in his pocket.
"Headed to the country club right now, huh,"
"Uhmm yes, I guess I needed some kind of distraction from what's been happening and I've been at home the whole morning so I figured I'd go spent the rest of the day there," you ranted then paused. "I'm just really REALLY bored but also too scared to do anything that may attract the attention of a serial killer, ya know?" you feigned a small smile to which he replied with a light chuckle. There was something dark in the way he looked at you.
"Where are you headed to now?" you heard the desperation in your voice. You thought to yourself that this is not you, you're normally cool and indifferent but Barry's making you act like some highschooler.
"Ah just a couple of errands here and there," he replied. You smiled back at him, and waited. What were you waiting for? You wouldn't admit it out loud but despite Sarah's warnings, you were sort of hoping for an invitation from Barry to go some place else, maybe go with him to do whatever his errands were. But he didn't ask you.
"Well Y/N, it was nice seeing you but I gotta run," he smiled. He knew you were waiting for some kind of invitation but he also knew that the two of you being together is trouble, especially with your father who is one of the most powerful man in town next to Ward Cameron.
Your heart sank as you saw him walk away. He looked back at you after a few steps, and he thought you looked adorable standing there with a defeated look so he decided that maybe a couple of hours spent with you won't hurt his busy schedule.
You saw him walk away from you and stopped after a few steps. He looked back and smiled at you. You tried so hard to hide your smile when you saw him walk back towards you.
"Come on, I know some place a pretty girl like you can go and kill time."
You were so dumbfounded at how this man is so good with flirting that all you replied was, "You think I'm pretty?" To which he replied with a grin as he motioned you to follow him.
You two walked side by side for a while to where he had parked his motorcycle.
"This one's yours," he said as he handed you the one and only motorcycle helmet.
"Where's yours?"
"I only have that one," he said as he mounted the motorcycle and started the engine. "Hop on, princess."
"But all operators and passengers on motorcycles and mopeds must wear a motorcycle safety helmet of a type that complies with Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard 218."
He let out a heartily laugh at that very descriptive explanation before replying, "Then, I'd die happy knowing you were wearing my helmet," he said as he winked at you. "Now come on."
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hannahxhoney · 1 year
we don't talk anymore - e. munson
eddie munson x female!reader
summary: after years of not talking, you see eddie at a party and things get heated. i suck at writing these lol
warnings: kinda angsty, a little bit of asshole!eddie, cursing, use of y/n, and arguements
fic is kind of inspired by the song “we don’t talk anymore” by selena gomez and charlie puth
also this was written on mobile so sorry if the formatting is off! thank you for reading!!!
You and Eddie have always been friends. Ever since you were kids, you and him were inseparable. Long days at the trailer park during the summer, being outside and playing make believe with him. Cold nights in the winter where you would make hot cocoa and watch Christmas movies on your family's beat up couch together. Everyday you spent with him, was always your favorite. Him being about two years older than you meant that all the other kids at school your age would leave you alone, since you were always hanging out with the older kids like Eddie. But you wouldn't have it any other way. Eddie was fun, kind, and so brave that sometimes you felt that his courage would get him in trouble one day. He was your best friend and you were his. There wasn't a day that went by when you wouldn't see Eddie and his goofy smile.
Until now.
It was the summer before you started high school and Eddie was already going to be a Junior. You were excited to go into such an intimidating place already knowing someone. You knew Eddie would help you with whatever you needed, and would even let you sit with him and his friends during lunch. But as the summer went by in a blur, so did that excitement. You didn't see much of Eddie during that summer. He always said he was busy hanging out with his friends or planning his next campaign. You understood, but you still felt disappointed that you didn't get to hang out much during those two months. Before you knew it, it was already August and school was starting in three days. You were still excited that you wouldn't be completely alone going into it, but it all felt weird because you haven't really talked to nor seen Eddie in two weeks. He was never at his trailer when you went to see if he was free and he was ignoring your calls. On the off chance that you did see him, he was still regular Eddie. He was kind and always cracking jokes with you, but your conversations with him were always a quick "hi" and "bye" before he left. Because he always had something to do these days, other than hanging out with you. You started to think that maybe you did something wrong, or said something to upset him.
It was the Friday night before school started, and you were re-reading The Lord of the Rings for the third time, until you heard your mom calling and saying there was someone on the phone for you.
When you got to the phone you were a bit confused, because who would be wanting to talk to you this late at night? Until you heard his voice.
"Hey y/n."
You were surprised to hear from him right now, but happy that he called.
"Hey Eds! How are you?"
There was a beat of silence before he replied.
"I'm fine, but I wanted to talk to you about something."
You were confused what he wanted to say, since you haven't done much talking to him recently.
"Ok, what did you want to talk about Eddie?"
"I just wanted to tell you that I think it's best if we don't hang out anymore."
"Wait what-"
"I don't want to be friends with you anymore, y/n."
It felt like you got hit by a two ton semi truck in the heart when he said those words.
"What do you mean? What's wrong Eddie?"
"I mean that I don't want to be associated with some stupid freshman that follows me around like a lost puppy all the damn time. It's annoying y/n. You always want to hang out with me, but I thought you would get a clue by now since I've been ignoring you. We aren't kids anymore y/n. Yeah we were best friends at one point, but I don't want to be friends with you anymore."
"Eddie, I don't understand. What happened? Did I do something wrong? I-I don't know why you're changing all of a sudden?"
"Look y/n, please just leave me alone and stop trying to call me. I don't want to talk to you anymore."
"Eddie please I-"
"Goodbye y/n".
He hung up. He broke your heart and just hung up the phone, like it was nothing. I guess it was nothing, to him at least. You spent the weekend crying and trying to prepare yourself to see him on Monday morning. You always loved seeing him, but now every time you see his face you're reminded of the time you lost your bestfriend.
It was now your senior year, and Eddie's second. Freshman year felt like hell for you. Having to see his face everyday felt like pure torture, but by winter break you were starting to feel better about it each day. And as you entered your sophomore year, you had made some friends and joined the photography club at Hawkins Highschool. But now, sometimes it feels like you never knew him. He got taller, grew out his hair, and started growing into his rock star look. If you were any other girl, you would have a huge crush on him. But you're not, you know who he actually is. And sometimes you feel stupid that you ever fell for his act and actually liked him. But you grew up too. Puberty hit you hard the summer after freshman year, and you grew into yourself. You developed your own style, learned how to do your hair and the occasional makeup, and developed a wall of confidence that no one can break through. Not even him. You ended up becoming really good friends with Jonathan Byers through your shared love of photography. And when he started dating Nancy Wheeler, you guys got closer too. You would hang out them during and after school, and sometimes even Steve Harrington would join you guys. Since Nancy's little brother is in Hellfire club, you occasionally cross paths with Eddie. He always seems to ignore you, but every once in a while you catch him staring at you. You don’t understand why though, it was his decision to cut things off. Every now and then when it’s late you think of showing up at his door, to really ask him after all this time if he still feels good about that decision but you know that would be wrong. Of course he feels good about it, especially when he has his hands all over a girl at a random party.
Just like right now.
One of the popular jocks at the school - probably Jason Carver - is hosting the usual friday night party tonight and you, Jonathan, Nancy, and Steve all decided to go. Steve already found his girl to take home tonight, a pretty blonde girl who is putting it on pretty heavily by laughing at the jokes Steve is telling that you know aren’t funny. Nancy and Jonathan are outside talking about who knows what, but they always seem to be having fun with each other know matter what they’re doing. That’s why you’re alone in the corner of the room sipping on a mixed drink that is slowly making you feel that warm feeling through your veins. That is also why you catch Eddie’s eyes as he dances with some girl. She’s pretty, skinny, and her hair is dyed a dark blue color. A girl you would typically think Eddie would be attracted too. So why is he still staring at you, when his hands are on her? You don’t care enough to find out, so you walk away looking for something much better to do. To your surprise, you actually end up finding it. So now you’re the one dancing with a random guy. He’s cute, at least cute enough to distract you from whatever was happening between you and Eddie. Plus with the alcohol fairly well into your system by now, you’re even thinking of asking him if he wants to go upstairs. As you’re about to ask said question, you’re suddenly pulled away by the arm by a strong hand.
“What the fuck-“
It wasn’t till you got a look at the long curls of the person dragging you out of the house then you really lost it.
“Munson what the fuck do you think you’re doing?”
Once you were outside, you pulled your arm away and faced the person that all your anger is directed at right now.
“What am I doing? What the fuck do you think you’re doing?”
“Dancing? You’re mad at me for dancing at a party!?”
“No! I’m mad that you’re throwing yourself at some guy that asked me if I knew anyone that had coke at the party!”
Well you didn’t know that. But that doesn’t excuse what he’s doing right now.
“That isn’t any of your damn business anymore, Eddie! Or did you forget the fact that you haven’t spoken to me for years?”
He got quiet after that. You finally looked at him. Really looked at his face and how much he’s changed over the years. You never allowed yourself to really do this before, afraid that it would open up the wounds that took you so long to heal. Suddenly you were a kid again. Waiting on him to say something. You didn’t know how to describe the way he made you feel at the time. But now you do. He was like a drug. After every time you saw him, you wanted more. But then you overdosed.
“Y/n I-
“I don’t want to hear it, Eddie. You were the one who cut things off. You were the one who left me hanging. You don’t get to care about me or stop me from dancing or doing anything with anyone.”
“I just wanted to stop you from doing something you’ll regret. I didn’t mean to upset you.”
“I don’t understand why you even care, Eddie. We’re not friends, and we haven’t been for years. It’s your fault. You’re the reason why we don’t talk anymore.”
authors note: i know the ending is kind of bad but I just wanted to write something. If you read it all, thank you so much!!! I appreciate you all <3
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tboybuck · 1 year
follow me between the jaws of fate
written for @steves-strapcollection's birthday | rating: e | wc: 7,893 | cws: sex pollen, semi-dubcon, first time, virgin eddie, other tags can be found on ao3
happy birthday, ger bear. i love you so much. so. much. you mean the fucking world to me and i'm so glad i got to write this for you. never dilute yourself. your intensity is one of the best and most endearing things about you. <333
beta'd by @patchworkgargoyle and @stobinesque. cheerled, enabled, and encouraged by @sidekick-hero
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It’s new, this thing between Eddie and Steve. So new, in fact, that between their work schedules and band practice and Hellfire and Steve and Robin’s Soulmate Bonding Sundays, the two of them haven’t exactly had… like… the time to, like… y’know. Not that they haven’t talked about it! (and talked about it and talked about it and talked a little more about it - at length, in the car on the way home from the diner and on the phone late into the night after Steve’s dropped Eddie off at the trailer and gone home to that stupid big empty house of his.) 
It’s making Eddie crazy. He’s never been this hungry for someone in his life, and every time they’re together without being together Eddie feels like he’s going to snap. They’ve kissed - they kiss so much, in fact, that Eddie’s pretty sure he knows the shape of Steve’s mouth better than he knows his own - and just the other night Steve let him cop a feel during their make out session before he sent Eddie home to take care of his hard on by himself.
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He’s pretty sure Steve’s been waiting for the right moment, waiting to make it special, because Eddie’s never done this before and Steve’s been talking about taking it slow, or whatever. But Eddie doesn’t fucking want to take it slow - the craving for Steve sits deep in the pit of his stomach and eats him alive and Eddie’s got nowhere to put that hunger. He’s jerking off more now than he ever did as a teenager, thinking of the way Steve’s hands feel on his face when they’re making out, the way his tongue tastes when he licks into Eddie’s mouth, the little sounds Steve makes at the back of his throat when Eddie opens for him.
One of these days Eddie’s just gonna have to get on his knees and beg for it - undignified, sure, but Eddie’s not above making a horny fool of himself if it means finally getting split open on Steve’s cock.
The day everything comes to a head is… normal. It’s a normal fucking day. Eddie gets up and he showers and he goes to work at the diner that Hopper went and spent the summer fixing up, where Eddie and the retired cop now trade lighthearted insults across the kitchen. Steve’s up front, running plates and charming the panties off of every old woman who walks through the door. It’s not a bad gig, this thing at Hopper’s diner, but Eddie hates the hairnet almost as much as he loves Steve’s goofy little grin every time they make the briefest eye contact through the expo window.
Eddie drinks so much coffee during his shifts that by midday he’s so jittery and anxious that he needs to get something fried and greasy in his system whenever there’s a lull in customers. He’s sitting on an overturned mayo bucket outside the propped open back door, fistful of fries in one hand and a cigarette in the other when Steve finds him. He plucks the cigarette from between Eddie’s fingers and takes a long drag.
“Thought you quit,” Eddie teases, the way he does every time Steve commandeers a cigarette from him.
“I did. Don’t tell Robin,” he smiles in return, happily continuing their little in-joke with a wink. “Skull Rock later?”
“Finally gonna have your wicked way with me, King Steve?”
“You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”
It hangs between them like a living thing, this tension. Eddie would like that, and Steve would too, and eventually one of them will make it happen. Maybe today, maybe not. But eventually. Some days, when work’s been busy, they’ll sneak off to Skull Rock after their shift, just the two of them, to smoke a joint and work through a twelve pack of cheap beer together. 
It’s late enough into September now that the leaves are beginning to change. It’s been doing wonders for Eddie’s mood; he’s never coped well with the heat and humidity of summer. 
“Better get back in there,” Steve sighs, handing the cigarette back. “It’s about time for Mrs. Johnson to show up to try to set me up with her granddaughter again.”
“Have fun, slugger.”
“You too, and try to cut back on the coffee this afternoon, yeah? Little water never killed anybody.”
Eddie waves him off and goes back to his basket of French fries, dunking them into the pile of ketchup before shoving them into his mouth. Eddie loves their little Skull Rock dates. If you can call them dates at all. They are, but they’re not. Sure, it’s just the two of them atop the rock together. And sure, they talk about anything and everything under the sun while they drink and pass the joint back and forth. But they keep a respectable distance from one another most days. Until, of course, they get back to the privacy of Steve’s car where they can put their hands all over each other under the cover of night and not have to worry.
After work, they clamber into the Beamer and head to the convenience store. Steve buys a case of cheap beer and Eddie’s got his lunchbox in tow when they make it to their little spot, and then they help one another to climb up the face of the rock to sit together at the top. Steve tears back the cardboard and tosses a can to Eddie as he breaks up the weed to pick out the seeds and stems.
“Rob with Vickie tonight?” Eddie asks.
“Yeah, they’re going into the city to see some foreign film Vickie’s been wanting to see.”
“God, she and Robin are kinda perfect for each other, huh?”
Steve hums, gazing down into his beer like his thoughts are far away. Steve hasn’t said anything about it, and he probably never will but… he’s jealous. Eddie can see it in the droop of his shoulders and the line between his eyebrows whenever they start talking about Robin and Vickie. It’s hard, when your best friend is in those beginning stages of a new relationship. You feel left out, a little lonely now that they’re cultivating something so fresh and new. Eddie can imagine that, for Steve, that feeling is even bigger. 
For like a year, all they really had was each other, and Eddie’s gotten to know the two of them - their dependence on one another - pretty well over the last few months. Steve would never want to come across as needy or inconvenient, but he is needy and now that he’s gotten used to Robin being around all the time, it must be so weird for her to be around less than she used to be. She’d decided to take what her parents called a gap year between high school and college, the way they’d done when they were younger, fighting the good fight against the Vietnam War at whatever protests they could find their way to.
And so Steve had been gearing up to have Robin by his side all summer and into the autumn, just like they’d been since Starcourt, but now she’s got a girlfriend.
“Y’know Jeff got a girlfriend, too,” Eddie says. “It’s been weird, he’s missed, like, the last two Hellfire campaigns and he’s always late to band practice. Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy for him or whatever, but man… it kinda sucks not seeing him as much.”
Steve huffs out a laugh. “Yeah, I get it… I’m not, like, bitter or mad at Robin or anything. Y’know? I’m happy for her. Really. She’s liked Vickie a long time.”
Eddie shrugs. “Just sucks not seeing her as much,” he finishes for Steve.
Eddie lights the joint, takes a big hit into his lungs, passes it across to Steve. “Maybe you should invite me over then.”
Steve scoffs, takes a long pull from the joint and a deep swallow of his beer, his cheeks pink. 
“Maybe I will this time,” he says on the exhale. He passes the joint back, and they let their fingers linger against each other for just a moment too long.
Eddie’s heart is racing. This might be it. He tries to not sound too hopeful, tries to make it a little teasing when he says, “Yeah? You gonna take me home with you?”
Steve’s eyes are locked with his own, and the anticipation is building, the words are right there, but Steve’s eyes flick to a point over Eddie’s shoulder and he squints. His posture changes, hackles up, and it makes something like fear creep up Eddie’s spine.
“What the fuck is that?” 
The spell Eddie’d found himself in is broken as quickly as it started as he watches Steve scramble down off the rock and head over to where he saw… whatever it is that he saw. Eddie’s racing after him before he can stop himself. He lands bad on his ankle and has to hobble a little bit to keep up with Steve’s purposeful trek across the woods.
“Steve!” he’s calling after him. “Steve, what? What did you see?”
“Nothin’ fucking good,” Steve mumbles when Eddie finally catches up to him. “Do you have a walkie? I left mine in the car. Dustin’s gonna kill me if this is what I think it is.”
Steve stops short, beneath a big, old oak tree that’s rotting from the roots. And there, right at the base of the tree, growing out of the trunk, is the ugliest fucking flower Eddie has ever seen. It’s not even properly a flower, doesn’t look like it’s bloomed yet, but the bud is enormous, easily as long as Steve’s forearm and twice as thick at its widest point in the middle.
Eddie’s seen Will’s drawings of what the kids have called demogorgons and demodogs. The bud of this flower… it looks like that. It looks like it could open up at any moment with petals full of teeth and slimy spit to take a bite out of one of them.
Eddie loses the internal battle with his impulse control and reaches toward it, not sure if he's going to just touch it or rip it out by the roots altogether, but certain he doesn’t have control over himself either way, and Steve smacks his hand away as the petals begin to open. He gets in between Eddie and the flower. It unfurls into a deep, bloody red, two yellow stamen in the center poking out, and it seems to creak, the sound of an old abandoned house settling in the night. 
The dread makes Eddie’s skin crawl with goosebumps. They’re too close to it. They need Dustin’s walkie. They’ve gotten too careless. The kids warned them that something could happen at any time, and they’ve gotten too comfortable thinking they’d be done with the Upside Down and the demo-everythings and the horror. 
But now here’s this flower, very obviously from the hell dimension Eddie almost didn’t make it out of the first time, blooming deep red to remind them that they’ll never really be free. And its stamen is pointed right at Eddie’s face.
Eddie’s frozen on the spot, just staring at the fucking thing and shaking in his fucking sneakers. Steve’s got an arm out between the flower and Eddie, his stance defensive, and the flower --
Coughs on him. There’s no other way to describe it. It coughs and it spits spores in Eddie’s face and Eddie gasps when it happens and the moment is over in less than a second but it sinks into them both, the reality of it, and Steve takes Eddie firmly by the hand to drag him away from the flower.
The effect is crazy fucking fast. Whatever’s in those spores goes straight to Eddie’s head and makes him dizzy. That’s how it fucking starts. He shakes his head and tries to focus but his throat is getting a little tight and suddenly he’s sweating like a whore in church. His vision is a little bit fuzzy and distantly, he thinks Steve might be saying something to him.
“Huh?” he asks, taking just a second to lean against the nearest tall, hard surface to catch his breath.
“I asked if you’re okay,” Steve says, and he sounds a little muted, almost like they’re underwater. It makes Eddie laugh, for some reason.
When Eddie looks at him, Steve comes into sharp focus, and the woods around them melt away. Eddie wants to kiss him.
“‘M great, big guy. How are you?”
“Eddie. You’re soaked with sweat, dude, are you gonna be alright?”
“Pssh!” Eddie says, waving a hand at him. How many beers had he had before they ran off? Not nearly enough to be drunk. 
Oh, man, maybe the pot was a bad batch.
“No, Eddie, it’s not the pot. It was the fucking flower that spit spores all over you.”
Did he say all that out loud?
“Yes. Fuck, we gotta get you outta here. Come on.”
Steve touches him again, and Eddie’s skin sings. It’s like an electric shock, everywhere they touch lighting up like tiny little firecrackers, and it makes Eddie laugh again. Steve is pulling him forward, to the edge of the wood where they’d parked their cars, and Eddie feels himself stumbling, his steps off kilter.
He can’t focus on anything that isn’t Steve, can’t see past him or around him or through him and his lips are itching with the need to press against him.
“Stevie, wait,” Eddie says, and Steve turns toward him. “We both feel this, right?”
“No, Eds, the spores only got you.”
“Not that, I…” He hesitates, his head swimming, that hunger for Steve clawing its way to the front of his consciousness until it’s all he can think about. He’s hard in his jeans thinking about before, when they were teasing each other on top of skull rock, flirting with the idea of going home together later. He adjusts himself in his jeans, hissing at the friction of his hand against himself. “This. We both feel that, don’t we?”
For a second, Steve looks like he’s in pain. “Yeah, but… I don’t think… maybe drugged up by an Upside Down flower isn’t the best time to talk about it.”
Fuck talking about it. Eddie doesn’t want to talk about it. He wants to show Steve. He palms himself again, distantly hears himself moan as he presses his hips against his hand.
“Oh, fuck, what did that thing do to you?”
“It’s not that, it’s you. I’m so fuckin’ hot for you I can’t stand myself. Been wantin’ to go all the way for weeks now but we never do. I need you, Stevie.”
“That’s… I think that’s the spores talking, Eds.”
Something bubbles up in Eddie, something like anger, something like frustration. “It’s not. Didn’t you hear me, I’ve wanted this for weeks.”
The feeling ebbs and flows. He’s light headed. He’s dizzy. All the blood in his body is rushing to his cock. He’s throbbing in his fucking jeans, leaking, the front of his boxers wet with precome. He palms himself again, little whines escaping him very much without his permission.
Steve tries to tug him along, but yanks his hand back as soon as it makes contact with Eddie’s skin. Like he’s been burned. 
Eddie’s feeling faint again, wobbly. He’s stumbling along and tripping over branches and vines and it’s like he’s back there, back in the Hawkins beneath Hawkins that Supergirl and Hop and Will swore was closed to them for good and the fear grips him again.
“Eddie!” Steve is saying, clapping his hands in front of Eddie’s face and whoa - Eddie’s on his back. He doesn’t know how he got there. He isn’t even sure he can get up at this point because everything is spinning.
Above him Steve looks like a Greek god or an angel, the sun behind him peeking through the canopy to give him a golden halo.
“I’m flattered. Can you get up?”
Eddie doesn’t know. Everything around him is bathed in color. It’s all swimming and shifting, and Steve’s face is glowing. Almost sparkling. Vaguely, Eddie thinks of the time he tried mushrooms with Grant and they laid out in Grant’s backyard to watch the shifting clouds. They’d been out there for so long the clouds gave way to stars and he and Grant had laughed and laughed and laughed at the shapes they’d made above them.
This is kinda like that.
Except mushrooms with Grant hadn’t had Eddie’s cock hard as stone and straining the zipper of his jeans.
He lets Steve help him to his feet and his skin buzzes everywhere they touch. He tumbles into Steve, off balance, and Steve catches him in those big, strong arms of his. They’re pressed against each other like this and, humiliatingly, Eddie can’t stop himself from dragging his cock up the hard line of Steve’s thigh.
“Oh, fuck,” he hears himself moan, and Steve’s hands tighten in the fabric of Eddie’s shirt where he’s holding him up.
“We have to get you out of here,” Steve says, and Eddie thinks he’s mostly saying it to himself at this point because Eddie’s ears are full of cotton. He can hear Steve and he can understand him, but just barely. His head’s never been this foggy before, not even with the smelliest, stickiest pot Rick’s got to offer.
Everything goes fuzzy as Steve drags him through the underbrush toward the car.
He runs into the passenger side door of the car at top speed, the door panel bringing him to an abrupt stop as… something crashes over him.
“Oh, ohhhh fuck,” he hears himself whine. His eyes roll back, the orgasm ripping through him with the force of a fucking freight train, and his knees begin to tremble.
Eddie slides into the car and for a brief, miraculous moment, his head is clear enough to form actual coherent thoughts. He just came, un-fucking-touched, when he slammed full force into the car.
“Shit. Shit shit shit,” he’s muttering, the front of his jeans damp and uncomfortable. Steve’s getting in the driver’s seat, looking at him a little funny, and Eddie’s face is hot with his shame at what just happened.
His cock is still hard though, still tenting his fly, obvious and unignorable. “You alright?” Steve asks.
“Yeah. Yeah I’m okay for now.. Get me… somewhere, before I cum again.”
“Again?” Steve asks, his eyes wide as he stares at Eddie’s erection.
“Yes, Steve, again. Please just… not the trailer. Can we please go to your place? I need a shower. I need…”
I need to get fucked, is what he doesn’t say, but it hangs there anyway, like a living thing between them, because it’s beginning to dawn on them both now, the reality of the situation. That flower spat some really powerful aphrodisiac on Eddie, in his face, right up his nasal cavity where it’s taken root firmly in his brain matter.
“We need to get Hopper on the line,” Steve mutters. “Maybe Owens, too.”
“We are not calling Hopper. Or Owens, or anybody until this is over. Or until it looks like I might actually cum myself to death.”
“So how do we handle it?”
Things are getting hazy again, all of Eddie’s blood rushing back down to his groin to pool there and make him even harder than he already was. He presses his hand there, unable to stop himself, his head thrown back against the headrest as he thrusts and rocks his hips up into the friction, and just as he begins to realize what he’s doing - fucking jerking off right here in Steve’s car - it hits him again, the warm splash of his release in the confines of his boxers to mix with his previous orgasm. He shakes with it, his voice coming out in these strange little whimpers with each spurt.
“Oh, Jesus.” Steve’s voice sounds choked, strangled, distracted, and Eddie lets his head loll to the side to look at him. Steve is very clearly trying not to look, trying to keep his eyes on the road where they’re supposed to be, but he takes the turn into Loch Nora a little too hard and it knocks Eddie into the door again, the window knob digging into his knee, but fuck, at least he doesn’t cum all over himself again.
There’s sweat pooling in the divots of Eddie’s collarbones, the back of his neck. His hairline is damp with it and he feels like he can’t draw a complete breath with the heat and humidity in the car. 
“Can you turn on the air, man, I’m fuckin’ dyin’ here.”
“Air’s up, Eds. Windows are down, it’s like in the fifties out there.”
“Fuck, man, I’m a mess,” Eddie hears himself chuckle. There’s no humor in it. This might well be it for him. He might actually be doomed to nut himself to death, right here in Steve Harrington’s car. 
But then they’re pulling into Steve’s drive and Eddie is tumbling out of the car onto the concrete beneath, hauling himself to stand, a little wobbly on his shaking knees, as he makes the trek to the front door. He’s still gotta wait for Steve, though, and he stands there at the locked door, leaning against it as Steve fumbles the keys in his hand to get it unlocked to usher Eddie inside.
When the door closes behind them it’s like a dam breaks. Eddie presses Steve to the doorframe and kisses him, hungry and desperate, like he can’t stop himself from getting Steve's skin on his own.
“Fuck,” he murmurs into Steve’s mouth, uncertain he’s even forming words. “Fuck, Stevie, I’m so sorry. I didn’t want it to be like this but I need you. I need this now. I think I might actually die if I don’t have you… that flower, Stevie, it did something to me.”
“Okay.” Steve’s voice is firm, certain, decisive, and it makes Eddie tremble. “Okay, what do you need?”
“You,” he says again. He’s not sure how else to convey the severity of just how badly he needs this, of the urgency curling in his gut at the idea that he might not be able to have everything the way he needs it. “Touch me.”
Steve touches him. Steve’s hand presses against his straining fly and Eddie erupts, his head damn near exploding with the force of it. He ruts against Steve’s hand as he paints the inside of his pants with a third orgasm. There’s no way he should even have anymore in there. There’s no way it’s safe for one person to produce this much spunk in such a short amount of time but as he’s coming down Eddie comes to a realization:
In the scant few moments of clarity between an orgasm and the next wave of arousal, he is able to think. He’s drained, getting more and more exhausted with each release, but he thinks he knows what the solution here is.
“We need to fuck,” he says, impressed with the evenness of his own voice around the druggy haze of whatever the flower’s done to him. “I can’t put my finger on how I know that but it’s like… I get really horny, I can’t think, I cum, and then for like two minutes I’m fine. You need to fuck me until it’s over.”
“This is going to actually kill you, Eddie. We really should call Owens.”
“Absolutely not. Let’s just try it.”
“That’s the spores talking.”
“Maybe! But, like… what else could it be? That thing spit some sort of… sex spore on me!”
“And what if it… I dunno, transfers to me or something?”
“Then we fuck until we die, baby!” Eddie’s voice comes out sounding a little hysterical, even to his own ears but he’s frantic. His fingers are tingling.
“You don’t want it like this, you already said!”
“No, but I may never get it at all if I die like this! And then how bad would you feel, huh? Sorry Wayne, Eddie died because I wouldn’t fuck him stupid when a demon flower got him all hot and bothered. Tough loss, after everything.”
Steve switches their positions, shoves Eddie back against the door and it knocks something loose in him again, any thoughts or words he’d hoped to convey just - whoosh - out the window with everything aside from his libido. He spreads his thighs and takes Steve by the belt loops to pull him into him. He’s dragging his cock over the front of Steve’s jeans, feels an answering hardness there despite Steve’s protests. 
Steve, finally, is using those quick hands of his to get Eddie’s belt unbuckled, his jeans unzipped and down to pool on the floor at his feet. 
“You’re a fucking mess,” he says, and Eddie whines. He doesn’t touch Eddie’s dick just yet, his fingers dipping into the sticky, cooling spend caked in his pubic hair and bringing it up into both their lines of sight. He presses his forefinger and thumb together and spreads them, a string of cum spreading between the two, and then he wipes it on Eddie’s cheek.
“Filthy,” he says, but his voice is so gentle, so affectionate that it very nearly hurts.
Eddie cums again, his cock twitching as he spills onto the floor at their feet. The sheer volume of it should be concerning - it is a little bit - but it takes a backseat to the way Steve is looking at him, hunger in his eyes now as he begins to realize, maybe, that this could be fun.
“You’re really okay with this?” Steve asks. “Us? Like this?”
“More than okay, Stevie. Been tryin’ to get you in bed for weeks.”
The white noise takes over his senses again and he pitches forward, curling in on himself because this time it hurts, his stomach twisting into knots and his cock straining and so hard he thinks it might actually fucking explode if he doesn’t get some fucking relief. His skin goes clammy and he’s having trouble staying planted on his feet, something in his head is splitting open and it’s all he can do to not pass out.
He’s clutching Steve’s forearm, the muscles there shifting and flexing beneath his grip, and it’s like the fog was so close to clearing he could almost taste it but now he’s having trouble stringing one thought into two let alone forming coherent words. He wails, can barely hear himself over the kssshhhhhh of television static in his brain, and Steve helps him out of his jeans and up the stairs.
He’s not sure how they even make it but before Eddie knows it he’s on his back atop Steve’s mattress, the sheets beneath him cool and smooth, a balm to his too-tight skin.
“Can you be good for me?” Steve asks him.
“I can be anything you need me to be,” Eddie tries to tell him, but what comes out is something closer to a long, drawn out whine of Steve’s name.
Eddie does. He plants his feet on the mattress and spreads his legs as far as he can for Steve to see him, take him in, fucking pound him into the mattress already, Christ. The mattress dips as Steve crawls toward him on his knees, shedding his shirt along the way. His fucking jeans are still on but they’ll deal with those later. Right now Eddie is zeroed in on those fuckin’ paws of his, desperate to get those hands on his skin, on his cock, whole fucking fist in his ass if Steve would be so fucking kind.
Steve is up off the bed now, scrambling in the drawer beside it, rustling around in there like he’s searching for something and Eddie’s head is pounding, a headache that creeps around his eyes and into his spine and leaves him even more breathless than before. But then the bed dips again and Steve is there with a bottle of lube and a condom and he’s saying something, his words lost in the white noise between Eddie’s ears.
Steve gets a finger inside him, and everything goes utterly silent. The heat remains, the clawing arousal remains, the painful stiffness of Eddie’s neglected cock remains, but the white noise is gone. He can hear Steve now, his stream of consciousness telling Eddie exactly what he’s doing, asking him if he’s okay and Eddie feels himself nod. He's keening, whining, moaning as he fucks himself on that single finger inside him and he’s already craving more of it. He needs two fingers, needs to get his cock inside Steve’s perfect fucking mouth.
And that’s exactly what he gets. Maybe he said it out loud again, begging for more of Steve in his delirium, maybe Steve just knew, is able to read Eddie like the open book he tries so, so hard not to be. Either way, Steve’s mouth is hot and wet as it engulfs him, the stretch of two fingers shoving into his hole stinging in the most perfect way. Eddie arches, shoves himself down the back of Steve’s throat and the noise it elicits is filthy and beautiful, the feeling of his throat fluttering around the head of his cock with a gag bringing Eddie oh, so briefly back to himself to relish it, just a little, before the delirium pulls him back under.
He’s being so loud, never heard himself make these sounds before but Steve seems to be enjoying it. For just a second, as Eddie lifts his head from the pillow that smells of sleep and Steve and vanilla shampoo, Eddie can see Steve’s hand down the front of his jeans, the bulge of that cock he’s been dreaming of for weeks obvious and prominently erect.
“Fuck me,” Eddie hears himself say. “Please, pleaseplease Stevie.”
Instead, Steve bullies a third finger into his hole and takes his cock deep in his throat again. Something snaps, and Eddie cums, spilling down Steve’s throat and squeezing his fingers so hard he’s a little worried he might break them. The clarity that follows his orgasm is bright and heavy - the knowledge that Steve’s mouth and fingers have finally brought him off and he wasn’t even present enough to enjoy it… it stings a little, makes him just a little bit sad, but then Steve is shedding his jeans and his boxers and taking that big beautiful cock in his hand to stroke it. 
“No condom,” Eddie says. “I think… I don’t think it would work. I think…”
I think I need you to cum inside me. He can’t say it, can’t force the words out, because his clarity is leaving him again and he shakes with a sob. It hurts - every time he gets off something in him fucking hurts so bad. There’s an understanding in him, something supernatural or magical or fucking something, that knows he needs to cum with Steve, at the same time, with one of them buried to the hilt inside the other, for this to end. And he needs it to happen now because there are knives in his body, cutting him up from the inside every time he cums without any real relief.
“I wanted this to be special,” Steve is saying, and Eddie can only just hear him past that old ringing in his ears. 
He wants to respond, wants to reassure Steve that it’s okay, that this doesn’t count, really, that they can make it special next time, tomorrow morning maybe, after the spores have worn off and he can think coherent thoughts again. He can’t. He doesn’t know words anymore, thinks he might have forgotten the English language an hour ago, a day ago. How long has this been going on?
He sobs again, this time with the urgency to get Steve inside him. Please. Please. Please. He’s hot all over, burning up inside, his stomach tearing itself apart and his heart pounding so fucking hard it might actually burst through his ribs.
Eddie hauls himself over, flipping to his front to get his knees up under him, presents himself to Steve like that. Like this, like this, hard. He’s not sure the words make it out of him but god, Steve understands anyway. He shuffles closer, his hands palming the cheeks of Eddie’s ass and spreading them. He’s just looking at him, not saying anything, and Eddie’s skin is singing beneath his touch.
“Hard,” Eddie says into the pillow, his words muffled. He turns, says over his shoulder, “Fuck me hard.”
Distantly, Eddie hears the lube pop open again, feels the slippery wetness coat his hole, Steve’s fingers dipping into him just so before swiftly leaving him again, and then Steve is there - the blunt head of him pressing and stretching him and entering him. It should hurt. There should be a burn to go with the stretch but instead it’s nothing but sweet, sweet relief. 
Steve bottoms out with a deep groan in the back of his throat. Something within Eddie clicks into place, and Steve sets up a punishing rhythm, his hips making these little smack smack smack noises each time he sinks home again. Eddie feels so full, the drag of Steve inside him forcing his voice out in broken little whines as he claws at the sheets under his hands. He presses back to meet each brutal thrust. He’s babbling again, unsure of what he’s saying, hears himself chanting and crying out as the heat in him builds and builds.
Steve’s hands are everywhere - they ghost over the jagged scars on his hip and ribs, grip his shoulders tightly to drag him back onto his cock with force. The long line of Steve’s chest drapes over Eddie’s back suddenly, Steve’s mouth so close to his ear that Eddie can hear now just how ragged and fucked out he is, and Steve’s hand finds its way to Eddie’s throbbing, pulsing cock.
Steve strokes him once, twice, before that hand leaves to travel even lower. He squeezes Eddie’s balls, tugging harshly at them, and Eddie lifts his head to rub his cheek against Steve’s. He turns as much as he can, seeking his mouth, seeking a kiss from him. Steve bites him, his teeth sinking into Eddie’s bottom lip before sucking it wholly into his mouth. 
Eddie spills onto the sheets with a sharp cry, panic rising in him as he oh, so briefly comes to his senses enough to know this isn’t over, that he’s still hard, still needs more of this. He’s not even finished coming, each spurt landing heavily on the bed beneath him, and he takes Steve’s mouth in a kiss again.
The harsh rhythm of Steve’s hips hasn’t slowed.
That hand glides even further back now, frames the place where their bodies meet between two of his fingers to feel the way Steve is fucking him. Eddie’s senses have left him again, all narrowed down to the sensation of touch, and all he can feel is the wet of Steve’s mouth, open against his own, the thick cock impaling him and taking, taking, taking.
Steve’s voice is growing sharper, little “Ah, ah, ah”s falling from his lips the closer he gets to his own release, and he hisses out a ragged, “Fuck,” before pulling out to squeeze himself at the base of his cock. He breathes through it. Eddie doesn’t even have enough time to find his bearings before he’s being flipped to his back.
Above him is Steve. Holy fuck. He’s damp with sweat, his skin glistening a little in the golden sunset light streaming in through the slotted blinds of the window. He’s gazing down at Eddie like he’s the magical one.
“You’re beautiful like this.” 
Eddie hears it, when Steve says it. He feels it in his pores. Believes it, when Steve says it.
And then there’s Steve, lowering himself to lie across Eddie’s body. He guides himself forward and sinks perfectly inside. 
Everything is quiet. There’s no buzzing in Eddie’s head anymore, no ringing in his ears. There’s just this: Steve’s ragged breaths as he bottoms out again, Eddie’s audible gulp at the burn of being so full in this position, a bird outside - mourning dove, maybe, something that coos low and deep.
Steve wanted something special. This feels special. 
Still the heat doesn’t subside. Steve whispers that Eddie is burning up inside, that it’s almost too much, and then he rocks slowly back before pressing forward again and Eddie feels his eyes roll back in his head. Steve guides Eddie’s legs around his waist and he hovers over him, their faces so, so close to each other that Eddie can smell the beer and the pot on Steve’s breath. Eddie kisses him, and Steve laces their fingers together, holds his hand through the first round of slow, torturous thrusts of his hips.
“More,” Eddie whispers. “Deeper. It’s working.”
“How do you know?” Steve whispers in return.
“I don’t know. I just do.”
It’s slow like that, soft and gentle in a way that Eddie never once thought sex could be, each slide home dragging little sobs from Eddie’s lips and into Steve’s waiting mouth. Eddie is overcome with it, with the simplicity of this, but after a while it’s not enough anymore and the knives in his gut are back.
“More, I need more.”
“You’re doing so well,” Steve breathes, the pace of his hips picking up speed as Eddie arches beneath him. “You feel so good. You’re so…” he moans, “oh, god, you’re so good for me.”
Eddie is coming back to himself, gradually, for real this time. He’s got the presence of mind to actively move with Steve, to rock with him, match his rhythm, bring him deeper with every thrust of his hips. Steve takes his lips in another kiss, and Eddie opens for him. It’s a real kiss, a proper one, like so many that they’ve shared before, and that’s what seems to break Steve. He holds Eddie’s face in his hands, pulling back to look at him.
“There you are,” he whispers, almost reverent. “There you are.”
“Can’t get rid of me that easy, Stevie.”
“Thank god.”
“C’mon, sweetheart, give it to me. I can take it.”
“Well I can’t,” Steve groans, laughing at himself a little. “You’re so fuckin’ hot inside, Eds. Gonna burn me up.”
But Steve sits up. He gets his knees under himself and under Eddie’s ass. Hooking his elbows under each of Eddie’s knees, he folds him in half. Eddie didn’t even know he could fuckin’ bend like that but the change in position does something, shifts something inside Eddie and he arches with it. His eyes roll back as his vision goes fuzzy, Steve driving into him with a kind of force he hadn’t expected.
The delirium washes over him again in waves. Colors swim in his vision. Steve begins to glow again, a little bit. There’s a wub wub wub in Eddie’s ears that drown out even the wet slap of their skin coming together as Steve fucks into him. Eddie’s not sure if the sounds coming out of him are euphoric giggles or fucked out whimpers but at this point either seems possible.
Vaguely, as if under water, he thinks he hears himself murmur, “I love you,” and Steve’s hips stutter a little with the declaration. Fuck. If that’s how Eddie goddamn tells Steve he loves him… Fuck. He reaches for Steve, drags him down and lets his body bend even further to kiss Steve again, will him to forget. 
“More,” he pleads. “More. I love you. Fuck. Sorry.”
Against his mouth, Steve laughs. Eddie feels the shape of that laugh more than he hears it. What he does hear, though, is Steve’s response.
“I love you. I’ve loved you for months.”
“Stevie,” Eddie hears himself whine. “Close. Close, I’m close. This is gonna be it, oh god.”
The drive of Steve’s hips is wild. He’s frantic, urgent, chasing his own release. The delirium crashes into Eddie again, makes him cry out. It’s building and building to an absolute fever pitch now, very nearly fucked right out of him and when he blows this last time that’ll be it. 
His cheeks are wet. Oh god, he’s fucking crying. Actually fucking sobbing as Steve fucks him hard and fast and relentless. Steve’s eyes are squeezed shut, focused on not coming too quick maybe, and thank fuck for that because there’s no way Steve wouldn’t stop if he knew Eddie was fucking crying with pleasure. 
That final orgasm crashes into Eddie with the force of a meteorite. It’s a cataclysmic event. The kind of shit that could eradicate life. Maybe this is what killed the dinosaurs, Eddie thinks vaguely.
He shouts and tears at the sheets, hears them rip a little beneath his clawing fingers. There’s so much fucking cum. It’s boiling hot on his skin. He paints Steve’s chest with it somehow, and has just enough control over himself to drag his hand through it, scrape his fingernails through the mess of his chest hair and that’s what does it for Steve.
He drives deep, deeper than he has yet, his balls trapped, squeezed between their bodies. There’s a hot blooming sensation inside him as Steve fills him up with his release, and Eddie can feel Steve’s cock twitching inside him with each spurt. 
“Fuck, oh fuck Eddie, holy shit.”
Slowly, Steve draws out of him, and Eddie winces. He feels empty. Empty, but satiated and relaxed. Beside him, Steve collapses onto his back.
Everything is so quiet in the aftermath. Eddie’s cock is finally going soft. He’s drifting in and out of consciousness, just a little nervous he might not wake up if he gives himself over to sleep. The poison is out. He knows it is. He’s coming down from it, the euphoria and delirium finally leaving him altogether.
He’s exhausted. His body fucking hurts. 
But Steve is here. Steve is kissing him. Steve is murmuring love against his mouth, giving him praise, telling him he’s beautiful, telling him he’s good. 
“Thought I was gonna lose you again. ‘M sorry.”
“Hey, don’t do that,” Eddie says, breathless. “No apologies. You did…” he swallows, “you did exactly what I needed.”
“You were crying!”
“Good tears, I swear!”
Steve narrows his eyes at Eddie at that but doesn’t fight him, and Eddie feels a smile creeping across his face. 
“God, it feels so good to be able to think straight again.”
“Nothin’ straight about the way you think.”
Eddie huffs a laugh. “True enough. C’mere. Wanna cuddle you for a minute before I try and get up.”
“Eds, you need a shower.”
“Need you more. We can shower after.”
He pulls Steve into him. He tangles their legs together and pushes Steve’s sweaty hair back from his face and just looks at him. He wants to apologize for getting too close to that fucked up flower, for forcing a situation that Steve might not have been ready for just yet.
“What are you thinking about?”
“You didn’t want to… I just… like, I know you wanted to eventually, but… I’m sorry you had to, like… do this. Today. Because of this. Because I was stupid and tried to touch a fucking demon flower I had no reason to fuck with.”
Steve sighs. “It would have gotten one of us either way, I think. And it’s not that I didn’t want to, Eds. I’ve been… I’ve wanted to, for weeks now. Months, maybe. I just wanted to make sure we were both… that we were on the same page before we did.”
“What do you mean?”
Steve’s fingers trail lightly over Eddie’s brow, as if mapping his face, committing it to memory. “I needed to know you loved me.”
“Of course I do.”
“I just fall really hard and really fast. You know? I didn’t wanna be there before you, do this, and then find out afterwards that we… that whatever this is is just… physical to you. I can’t have another relationship that revolves around sex.”
“Yeah. Yeah, I get that,” Eddie sighs. “Well for what it’s worth, I’ve been struggling to not tell you how I feel for… Jesus, for months. Think I might’a fell for you that first time I saw you in the hospital, after everything was over.”
“Yeah?” Steve smiles. “Tell me about that.”
“Nah. Maybe another time. Let’s shower. This shit is starting to flake and I’m startin’ to get itchy.”
The shower is lukewarm. The shampoo is expensive, and smells of vanilla when Steve works it through Eddie’s hair. He groans at Steve’s fingers on his scalp, more relaxed than he’s been all day, maybe even in weeks. After washing his hair, Steve works out the tightness in Eddie’s shoulders. Eddie might fucking cry again.
“I didn’t expect to see you, in the hospital,” Eddie says quietly as Steve drags a washcloth over his skin. “Max had just woken up, too, and… I get it, I wasn’t upset about it at all. If I’d made it out the way everyone else did, I’d have been right there with you.”
Steve is quiet, the washcloth slowing its scrub across Eddie’s back as he listens.
“But there you were. You came in while they were changing my bandages and you… fuck, Steve, you looked like you hadn’t slept all week. You smiled. I think I was a goner right there.”
“You smiled first,” Steve tells him. “When you looked up and saw me. You smiled, even though the old bandages were sticking to you when they pulled them off. I never thought I’d see you smile again.”
“Were you a goner too Stevie?” 
It’s meant to be teasing, but Steve says, “Yeah. Yeah, I was a fucking goner.”
“What took us so long, huh?”
“I don’t know. Glad we figured it out.”
When Eddie’s clean they switch positions, and Steve lets Eddie return the favor. He washes Steve’s hair and his body and he kisses him all over his face and neck, counting those perfect moles with his lips as he goes. The shower is nearly cold when they finally shut it off and step out onto the plush mat on the bathroom floor. Steve’s towels are soft.
It’s not until they get back to Steve’s bedroom that they realize what a mess they’ve made of the bed. Steve tosses a clean pair of underwear to Eddie from his own dresser and then they strip the sheets. It’s nice, doing this together. It’s soft and domestic and Eddie is entertaining the idea of someday. Someday they can maybe have this for real, the two of them and Robin and Vickie in a little place somewhere in the city.
Maybe he and Steve can have forever.
After the sheets are changed and the moon hangs heavy outside Steve’s bedroom window, they climb back into his bed and get back to kissing. There’s no rush here, no urgency, no need to take things any further than this.
“Oh, fuck,” Steve says later, startling Eddie just as he’s finally drifting off to sleep. “We forgot to call Owens.”
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neko-loogi · 9 months
Alright, I'mma give my opinion again. This time with Hazbin Hotel..
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So I saw the trailer for Hazbin Hotel a few days ago and honestly, I am so disappointed. Like, you're telling me I waited years for them to release a trailer for the series, and this is all we get??
I'm not saying it wasn't enough, no, on the contrary, I think they revealed way too much. But what I mean is, I was expecting something else, because this ain't it, chief.
Alright so first off, we have the voices. I'mma be hella honest with y'all, this shit sounds unfinished, as in, it sounds like Viv got confused and published the behind the scenes instead of the finished product because omfg, the voices sound bad.
I genuinely don't understand the weird obsession Viv has with hiring celebrities or broadway actors into her shitty shows, it's not like she's rich enough to afford that- plus she does this often, doesn't that mean it affects the budget of the show? (I don't know much about that stuff so bear with me).
It's funny cuz, she hires these super famous celebrities to voice characters in her shows, but she doesn't need to, like, you can be a professional, but that doesn't necessarily mean you're a great VA. It almost feels like she does that because she wants to feel important, she wants to show off like "Oh look at me, I have celebrities voicing my characters! Aren't I cool?"
But anyway, going back to the voices, I have to say this, my least favorite are Alastor and Angel Dust. I just think it's absolutely ridiculous that Viv got rid of the pilot VAs just to replace them with broadway actors, only for them to make the characters sound flat and emotionless.
Like, it's funny because she makes these broadway actors imitate the voices from the pilot, however it doesn't come naturally for these actors and it shows. It almost feels like they have no idea what they're doing. It legit sounds like they're reading the script but not putting any effort into it. (Y'know how people shit on anime dubs because they don't sound good or whatever? That's exactly how I feel about this-).
The next thing I wanna talk about is the animation. Don't get me wrong from what I've seen, in some moments the animation looks alright, but other times it looks choppy as hell. I thought this show was supposed to be more 'professional' since they literally got A24 and Bento Box ent. for this. But yeah, all I can say is, the animation hasn't changed at all, the only thing that is slightly different is the art style but aside from that, the animation still sucks.
And finally, the last thing I wanted to discuss is the plot of the series. So as we all know, in the Pilot, it was established that Charlie (along with Vaggie) opened the Happy Hotel in hopes of redeeming sinners so that they can go to heaven because Hell was too overpopulated (plus the whole extermination thing). But the whole point of the plot was that she wasn't entirely sure she could actually do it or if it was even possible, and that's what made the plot more interesting back then. But here? It's absolute garbage. Not only did the trailer basically reveal way too much information already (before the series could even come out yet), but the plot was changed entirely!
Like I mentioned, Charlie's motives were to redeem sinners, but here she's more focused on having some kind of war with heaven/the angels. And that's the thing, now that we know that heaven is a thing in this series, plus the inclusion of Adam, it just makes the series feel so predictable, because now we know that the sinners can be redeemed, which beats the entire purpose of the show. It's like, "Hell bad, but heaven is worse" and "Good VS. Bad!!", cliche type of thing. You think a series 'made for adults' would have a more interesting plot than a kids show, but nah, we get these basic ass levels of writing. I swear a fucking five year old could come up with something better and far more creative than this nonsense-
So yeah, I'm honestly hella disappointed that this is what the series has turned into. I had high hopes for Hazbin Hotel (since Helluva ain't shit-), but nope, it turns out, Viv is capable of making herself look even more stupid by completely butchering her own series. Hell, I actually have Amazon Prime, but I am probably not even gonna watch this shit, I'll just wait till some dumbass on YouTube uploads the first episode or something stupid like that (so that I can watch it and critique it later). Because I know that someone definitely will.
Anyway, that's all for today, thank you for reading my dumb post- alright bye!
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libraryofgage · 1 year
A combo of 18 and 10? At some point Steve is told by Eddie's band mates that Eddie told them he doesn't actually like Steve. It's been a while but Steve still loves Eddie and wants to pretend for a night that it isn't true.
Okay, so I know you probably meant for this to be more angsty but I'm a fucking marshmallow and had to slip in the happy ending hfdjsk
Either way, I hope there's still enough angst for you!
Also, for reference, I usually call the unnamed freak Asher, so don't be surprised by the name lol
Prompts 18 and 10 from this prompt list:
10. “Let me call you mine, just for tonight.”
18. “Is hating me your only personality trait?”
You'll want to read the tags btw, I promise lol
"You know, Eddie doesn't actually like you."
Steve blinks, his pen dragging across the page and striking ink through Will's carefully written campaign story that he'd asked Steve to review. According to him, Steve was neutral, and his lack of D&D knowledge meant he'd be able to tell Will if the story made sense even to a new player.
Unfortunately, any thoughts of Will's campaign are disintegrated by Gareth's seven words. "What?" he asks, trying to blink away the daze as he looks at the rest of Corroded Coffin across the garage. He doesn't usually step foot into their practice space, but he and Eddie had plans to hang out after practice and Jonathan had helpfully dropped him off. Now he was just waiting for Eddie to get back from the bathroom.
"Eddie," Jeff says, "he doesn't like you. He told us."
"He won't fucking shut up about it, actually," Asher says, a grin tugging at his lips, and Steve thinks it looks particularly cruel.
In fact, their words so far have held an undertone of anticipation, like they were waiting for Steve's reaction. As cliche as it sounds, their grins feel like knives stabbing into him. It's not just his heart, it's Steve's entire body, like every inch of his being had only existed on the premise that Eddie Munson liked him at least a little bit. Not even romantically (Steve isn't that deluded), but as a friend.
"He...," Steve swallows around the lump in his throat, trying to keep his voice from breaking. Apparently, he doesn't do well, since Jeff's grin widens and Gareth's eyes light up, and Asher opens his mouth like he's ready to hammer the final nail in Steve's coffin.
Whatever they plan to say next is interrupted by Eddie finally returning and grinning at Steve. "Ready to go, Stevie?" he asks.
Suddenly the grin is mean, the nickname cruelly teasing, and Steve wonders how he went so long deluding himself that Eddie liked him. It hurts even more with his bandmates' words still playing in his head and their grins hidden behind Eddie's back like they're proud of breaking Steve's delusion.
"Uh, yeah, ready," Steve says, forcing his voice to sound normal as he closes Will's campaign notebook and follows Eddie to his van.
By the time they end the night at the Munson trailer, Steve feels frayed at the edges and three seconds from tearing in two. The entire evening, all he could think about was how much Eddie seemed to be covering his own dislike and how it bled through anyway. Every smile was sharp, every casual touch seemed hesitant and quick to end like Eddie couldn't pull away fast enough, and every glance seemed to pierce Steve with dislike and reinforce the shattering of his delusion.
At least the weed Eddie gave him when they got to his room is helping a little. It's filling his lungs with something other than hurt, clouding his mind with something other than doubt. It even stops the questions and stops him from wondering what he could have possibly done to make Eddie play some kind of long-con instead of just saying he didn't like Steve.
"Heeelloooo," Eddie says, waving his hand in front of Steve's face. "Anything going on in there, big boy?"
Steve blinks, his chest tightening as he looks up at Eddie. They're on the bed, with Eddie sitting next to him while Steve reclines against the pillows, his usual position that lets him stare at the ceiling. That mean grin is back, and Steve once again wonders how he ever mistook it for anything else. The words, too. How did he ever mistake those words for playful teasing?
And maybe it's the weed, but Steve can't stop himself from sitting up and asking, "Is hating me your only personality trait when we're together?" It's not even relevant. Steve knows that. He knows that Eddie hasn't done anything overtly hateful, but he can't help asking.
Eddie's grin falters. "Woah, woah, what are you talking about?"
"Why do you even hang out with me if you hate me so much?" Steve asks, steamrolling over whatever Eddie wanted to say by grabbing him by the shoulders. "Why don't you just tell me to fuck off? Why do you hang out with someone you don't even like? Is it funny to you? Do you enjoy tricking me?"
His voice is cracking by the end, and Eddie's eyes are wide, undoubtedly surprised that he's been caught in the act. And this time it's definitely the weed clouding Steve's mind and making him act on impulse because he can't be bothered to think as he grabs the collar of Eddie's jacket and pulls him closer. "You can punch me later, or run me over with your van if you hate me that much. But...but right now, just let me pretend I can call you mine, just for tonight."
Before Eddie can respond, before he can tell Steve to fuck off and kick him out of the trailer, Steve kisses him. Their teeth clack together painfully, and Steve is sure his lip has started bleeding, but he doesn't care. He's more focused on keeping his eyes squeezed shut, forcing his brain to delude him into thinking this is a happier kiss, that his eyes aren't stinging and two seconds from making the kiss salty.
They stay in an admittedly uncomfortable position for a few seconds before Eddie grabs Steve's waist and pushes him down against the pillows. Steve's surprised grunt is muffled by Eddie pushing his tongue past his lips, and he only has a brief moment to be relieved that Eddie is playing along when he suddenly pinches Steve's side and breaks the kiss.
Steve winces and opens his eyes, his body tensing when he sees Eddie staring down at him. The only thing he can hear is his own panting and the sirens screaming in his brain that he's truly, irrevocably fucked everything up.
"So," Eddie says, his voice surprisingly soft for someone about to rip Steve's heart out, "where'd you get the idea that I hate you?"
Steve shuts his mouth, biting his tongue as he looks away. That doesn't help much, though, since Eddie's hair has fallen around him in a wavy curtain that obscures his view of anything else. A few moments pass before Steve shifts uncomfortably and replies, "Your friends told me."
Eddie hums softly, holding himself steady with one arm on the pillow by Steve's head while the other tugs on a lock of Steve's hair. And it's only now that Steve realizes he's fucking surrounded, pressed into Eddie's mattress by Eddie's body with Eddie's hair cutting him off from the rest of the room. "And what, exactly, did they say, Stevie?" Eddie asks, his tone sharp and dancing like this entire situation is funny to him.
It's enough to distract Steve, leading his brain to lag behind as he tries desperately to remember what Gareth, Jeff, and Asher said. "You don't actually like me. You told them yourself. You won't shut up about not liking me," Steve finally says.
Something like recognition really sparks in Eddie's eyes, and his grin falls slightly. He looks ready to speak, but then he thinks better of it. His smile comes back, nearly full force, and he says, "They're right. I don't like you."
Oh. Steve acutely feels the breath get stolen out of his lungs, the way they ache as his heart sears with the pain of being ripped from his chest. His eyes are stinging even worse, and his nose feels astringent like he just walked into a bathroom with bleach spilled across the floor.
"I love you."
Steve blinks. "What?"
"I love you."
Yeah, it still doesn't make sense. "...are you sure?"
Eddie bursts out laughing, finally letting all his weight fall onto Steve so he can bury his face in Steve's shoulder. Steve is still blindsided, trying to get his brain and heart to get on the same page.
"Yes, I'm serious," Eddie says, raising his head to look at Steve. "I can guarantee they were fucking with you. If I hadn't come back, those fuckers would've revealed my massive crush on you."
"Massive," Steve mumbles, cursing the weed for inhibiting his ability to think properly.
Eddie's grin gets even wider, his eyes lighting up in a way that tells Steve he's about to roll his eyes at a dumb joke. "Yeah, almost as massive as I am," Eddie says, playfully grinding his hips down on Steve like their jeans aren't in the way.
Steve was right. He does roll his eyes. And it helps him shake some of the daze, allows him to pull himself out of the fog of doubt and spiraling thoughts. "Fuck off," he says, placing a hand on Eddie's face and pushing him away.
"Well, if you insist," Eddie says playfully, exaggerating movements of getting up only for Steve to grab his arm and pull him back. "You're really giving me mixed signals here, sweetheart."
"You really love me?" Steve asks, ignoring Eddie's joke.
"Of course, Stevie. What's not to love?"
And there's such genuine emotion in Eddie's voice that Steve represses the urge to ask if he wants the list in chronological or alphabetical order. "Okay, then you can't be angry when I fucking murder your friends."
Eddie laughs and pushes his head into Steve's neck like a cat, playfully biting his throat. "I'll help you."
"Are we moving too fast by plotting murder for our first date?"
"We went through an Eldritch nightmare together, sweetheart."
Steve concedes to that point, reaching up and idly running his fingers through Eddie's hair. They occasionally snag on a few tangles, and Steve resists the urge to get a hairbrush. "Right," he says, a smile tugging at his lips, "then we should plan a romantic murder date."
And Steve feels Eddie's smile on his skin, tries to commit the sensation to memory, and feels immeasurable relief at the fact that it won't be the last time Eddie smiles against him like this.
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lunatic-pudge · 6 months
Postal Dad Headcanons
(Requested by Gojifan1962)
HAPPY POSTAL 2 DAY!!!!! Can't believe Dude is finally old enough to drink. Homie is going places and I'm proud of him!
-Aight, so I'm turning this request to a pregnancy/dad headcanons cause why not. Kill two birds with one stone and might as well start from the beginning, breaking the news that you're pregnant
-Now, Dude doesn't seem one to want kids. But since these are my headcanons, too bad. I'm sure he's thought about it before, but never really took time to truly consider it, especially with his deteriorating mental health and a marriage that has lost it's meaning long ago
-He's always had Champ to look at as his baby. His spoiled little baby at that. But now that he isn't with his ex-wife anymore, and is now in a happier relationship (with you, dear reader) having a kid or two might be something for him to start considering, might
-The pregnancy was definitely unplanned. A little "oops" if I may. It was nervewracking to tell him. How would he react? Does he even like kids? Could he handle being a dad?
-So, after some pep talk, you finally tell him. It doesn't register at first. KInda goes in one ear and out the other. It takes a few seconds of him blankly staring at you for him to finally understand what you said. And, surprisingly, he's ecstatic! Pick you up, swing you around, give you some smooches. Maybe some tears even shed
-But then the hard part starts, the big thing is that there's gonna have to be some changes (the crack addiction). After years of doing it, it's gonna be hell to quit. But if he kicks it now, it won't be a problem later when the baby is born. So be ready to have a cranky Dude around. You're both gonna be taking care of each other during this time. He's gonna need a lot of support during this
-Once the rough part of withdrawls is over, and he starts feeling better, he'll be already coming up with ideas for the baby's room. I'd like to think that his trailer has two rooms, one the guys you sleep in, the other is probably where he keeps his weapons. So he's gonna have to find a new place to put all his weapons cause we can't have the new baby trying to use the Napalm Launcher... yet
-At some point, he's gonna question if staying in Paradise would be the best choice. He doesn't want his kid to get hurt or deal with the consequences of being his kid, so you guys might pack the trailer up and start anew somewhere else, let's just hope the chaos doesn't follow
-As the months go on, Dude will start to get anxious. He worries that he won't be a good dad for the little one. He never had a good relationship with his Father's, one's dead and the other he basically has no contact with. He knows you'd make an amazing parent, no doubt about it. But he will need a lot of reassuring that he'll make a good dad. Plz help him
-He's ready to deal with anything and everything you throw at him. Morning sickness, cravings, he will go out at 3am to get you whatever you're craving if it means making you happy. He'll let you lay around and do nothing while he takes care of the place. Hell, even Champ will be loving on you as well. Staying by your side during the whole pregnancy (Dude gets a little jealous)
-When it's baby time, he's in full panic mode. Speeding to the hospital and refusing to leave your side. He'd be ready to fight the doctors and nurses if they don't listen to you or are even slightly rude. By the time the baby is born, he's gonna have a broken hand by how hard you were gripping it and he almost got kicked out of the hospital three times
-So now baby is born and Dude now has a new best friend. He just met his kid and he's already planning all the fun chaos the two will have. He's so excited to finally be able to hold his baby. He already knew he was gonna spoil the fuck out of them
-He's a lot more of an active dad than you'd think he'd be. He's rather a night owl so he doesn't mind being the one who's getting up to take care of the baby, he wants you to get your rest.
-Is the type to get the baby onesies that say things like, "I can't fucking read". He thinks it's hilarious. And if you don't stop him, he'll be trying to teach the kid how to swear and flip people off.
-The type of dad you'll catch sitting at the tiny kids table with your kid, wearing a tiara and getting his nails done by your kid. Yes, he will wear a dress if his kid asks. How is he supposed to say no to such an adorable face?
-He can't help but spoil them. Again, he struggles to say no to them. He would kill for his kid. He would steal toys for them as well. He will shank a bitch for an American Girl doll, he doesn't care. His child NEEDS this doll, and he will stop at nothing to get them what they want
-He will teach his kid how to defend themselves. He doesn't trust people and he wants to make sure his kid is safe. He'll be gifting his kid weapons once they turn 13. The kid will have an alarming knowledge about different types of weapons
-He doesn't want his kid seeing him killing people. He knows how traumatizing it can be to see such a thing. He'd feel so horrible if he was the cause of his kid's trauma. But he sees his kid kill someone, he's helping with hiding the body. If they're killing someone, then clearly that person was in the wrong cause his kid can do no wrong
-He really do be a dad that is chill and you can tell everything to. If his kid is in deep trouble, they know they can call their dad to help. Very rarely will Dude ever be mad at his kid. They have to do something really horrible for him to be upset with them. He's also the type of dad who wouldn't care if his kid smokes and/or drinks. He'd smoke with his kid if it didn't make his schizophrenia worse
-So to finally end this long post, Dude would be a good dad. He wouldn't be perfect, but he's trying. He would want the best for them. He does get overprotective of them as well. He'd be a content man in life with his family. Ain't nothing gonna ruin it <3
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evren-d · 24 days
Said as a start to finish Caitvi shipper!
Been trying to figure out how to say this and I think I got it. Since watching just the first season, I've shipped Caitvi, but ultimately hoped that they are not end game. I would find their relationship most satisfying as another example of the tragedy of "what could have been," having them briefly touch in season one and having a decent amount of potential and chemistry, but never come back together to further explore their relationship after their Oil and Water scene.
I also don't want the plot line to be made to serve their romance, making sure that whatever happens, they are still an item, when I'd be disappointed if either of them started prioritizing the other over the much more important issues at hand.
I'm very VERY excited that I've seen zero romance between them in any of the clips/trailers. They're both being serious, they have some really contradictory goals and values, and I want to see those play out with integrity more than anything.
I'd love a tragic kiss, a final marker of them both acknowledging the what could be and never can (See Cyndi Lauper's Goonies R Good Enough for a lovely songmatch, if you like)
If they both live, I'd be happy to see them like, cross the square at the same time seven years later, get to talking, learn what the other is up to, and maybe strike something up then. But I don't want to take time from the politics and more prominent relationships already established to watch Caitlyn and Vi figure themselves out.
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timkontheunsure · 4 months
Now that full moon has come out, how do you think apology tour will play out, with clips from the trailer that seem to be from that episode? We know now how their conversation went after the crystal which was about 75% what most fans thought. Whether stolas was invited by verosika or not, he will sing a song about Blitz, at a concert called Blitzo Sucks. For me, after this episode, stolas singing a song bashing blitz seems unfair. And I’d hate for it to be seen as character development for stolas to feel empowered by saying he’s better off without blitz.
Hum ok so here's the trailer without full moon.
(sorry it makes the sound a bit garbled)
So yer we can assume all stuff with Verosika, or them in the same outfits is going to be apology tour. 🙂
Wait didn't we see Stolas calendar.
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This half of the season has been fairly close together.
Humm ok going to guess that whatever gets Stolas to Voroskia's show is the scary thing with 2 !!
Heh he also put a dick on the calendar, these two are so alike. 😆
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Hang on, I'm about to fall down a rabbit hole. So Western Energy and Oops are a week apart, with Mammon's Magnificent Musical Mid-Season Special shortly after.
Going to guess Western Energy is on the 4th with the 5th and 6th blacked out with Blitz's freekout to find Barbie.
Can see the 5th says 'kill all!!' and 'check the van!!'
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Humm can see why it'd need checking after that.
Could be Oops was on the 15th with 'Call Fizzarolli" being the day after?
Not sure where Mammon's Magnificent Musical Mid-Season Special would be though. Maybe 21st if 'kill that fucking guy's is about the creepy stalker?
Ok, back on track.
Going guess that Blitz goes to talk to Stolas in his garden.
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Trying to pretend nothing happened, that they can just go on as normal like they did in seeing stars.
And gets snarked at because Stolas isn't having it. Something he says makes Blitz need to talk with Voroskia.
Possibly the "any kind of remorse for what you do?" bit. (Honestly still sounds like a line to Stella, but they played the other bits straight so now less sure).
Think Blitz sneaks in, looks like he might have hidden under a drop cloth from backstage. Gets into a fight with Verosika before the show " the everyone in hell is shity" bit. Possibly mentioning the breakup with Stolas.
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He ends up ticking around for the show when he sees Stolas there.
Voroskia does her normal Blitz sucks song (effigy cake cutting in it);
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then invites Stolas to also dump on him because of what Blitz says.
Stolas song starts off about how his life was crap before Blitz (parles with You will be ok),
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that he loved this guy who made him happy, but who never wanted him back,
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that their relationship was just coursing them both pain, that Blitz was never happy with him,
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and that the image in his head of them has been shattered.
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Looks like Voroskia comes to twist the knife at how badly Blitz screwed up a really good thing.
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Hopefully with them talking and her getting real closure? While Blitz finally come to see Stolas.
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Blitz breaks into Stolas' bedroom after the show and they both talk. (Can see they're on his bedroom sofa).
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With them agreeing to give it a shot but not really defining what that is. (What can I say I still think they'll be dummies).
(Sorry this tuck a bit to get back to you. My draft got eaten by save errors grumble).
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cosmignon · 1 year
keep having digital circus thoughts
- its not lost on me pomni's a jester and she's basically replaced a clown with kaufmo being out of commission. makes me wonder if there's a limit to the number of players or if it was just a metaphorical passing of the guard to bring our protag into this story
- I like that the utah teapot is a part of the swirl of objects bouncing around in the opening. i hadn't made note of it until the full pilot aired. it makes me think that whatever this game is (in-universe) it is, in fact, like retro CG style instead of that being a visual signifier that we're Inside the game at a higher fidelity like I thought while watching trailers. though the in universe graphics are probably much crunchier. I'd love to see what it looks like from a "real world" perspective someday
- I wonder what people's read on Caine's explaination for lying about the exit door is. I personally feel inclined to think he was being genuine in his own weird way. He can't just make them happy, so he need distractions. Exit gets brought up a lot, give them what they want! which makes kaufmo abstracting after going nuts about said door feel neglectifully cruel and ironic in a way i find fitting for the tone so far. we'll see if that door shows up again or not
- I'm curious what determines everyone's new digital apperance. they're all play things for one, and they just pop in here instantly so it's not like there's a character creator (unless they just can't remember that yet, workin with what I got). I like the general thought so far it reflects something abt them as people, but just don't know them well enough yet to see exactly what about them that is
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sassy-bi-latina · 6 months
I have a new ramble incoming that might get me in deep waters with some bl stans. I'm sorry, I TRULY mean this with no hate.
First and foremost, I want to say I in NO WAY, SHAPE OR FORM mean hate towards Fourth nor Gemini
If you know me, you know I'm a ff reader, if you don't know me, well now you do. I mainly use AO3.
I'm currently watching 23.5 degrees, I love it so I went to read some fics.
There are 115 fics under the show's tag. I got excited thinking people work fast, absolutely not realizing the pilot trailer was out in 2022. I knew I've been waiting. I just didn't realize how long.
Previously to 2024, there were only 3 Ongsa fics.
Okay I'm rambling here and I'm not gonna edit the post. I write as I think.
So this is the context. Which brings me to my point.
I'm actually happy Fourth and Gemini are not part of the project anymore. I don't know them as actors. But I'm sure they would have done great. But I'm glad they aren't here.
As I said, there's 115 fics in total as of right now, Sunday 31st of March, but once you filter out Night/North you are left with 37, and that still leaves you with some other mlm tags. If you filter those out, you're left with 22. TWENTY. TWO. fics in TOTAL. And excuse me but I find that sad. And you might think, oh maybe you filter out some Ongsa/Sun fics when filtering everyone else. Yeah, I did, like 3 where they weren't main. And not even the ones left are only theirs but they're sapphic ships of the show. It's 25% of the totality of the fics made, in a show THEY ARE STARING.
Look, I'm the first to say, ship whoever you want, don't let canon cut your wings. I'm okay with people shipping, I'm happy people love something so much they decide to make art about it.
And this post isn't about going against these two actors or their fan base. It's mostly a I'm tired post.
I'm tired that sapphics in media always come second or third or whatever place but never first. Not even in their own shows. It's discouraging.
I'm tired of popular sapphic shows in western media getting cancelled left and right. I'm tired of barely there rep in the asian countries' media I watch. I'm tired of being shadowed by the latest pretty mlm couple.
So yeah, I'm happy they're not here. I know their fans could have brought more views which is a bonus. But I feel we would have media flowing with people talking about them and we want companies that GLs can have the same pull.
I'm happy that we still have gay men rep because I don't want that being pushed aside. But I prefer this approach where the focus are not one but two sapphic couples.
I also like that the boys aren't models and that they look nerdy. And soft and just, I just like this approach better.
If you read all this, thanks!! If you read all this and you're a fic writer. Continue that fic you left forgotten or are unsure to finish. You're marvelous and I love you. Y'all kept me sane during hard times.
Final note, I want to remind, once again, no hate to the actors nor their fanbase.
I also don't know how much sense this all made. Sorry for that.
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babybluebex · 2 years
Hi! Congrats on 13k that’s insane!! I have an angsty Eddie idea. I know people tend to headcanon that is Mother is dead. But what if she just left when he was little? Could we please please pleaseee see what would happen if adult Eddie had to find out that she was happy with another family?
UNLUCKY 13 ANGST NIGHT omg yes this is gonna be good
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When you walked into the trailer that afternoon, loaded down with the required groceries to make dinner, you didn't expect to see Eddie sitting on the couch, head in his hands, sobbing heavily. Eddie was pretty open with his emotions and he cried every so often (most recently, watching an old VHS of Dumbo), but he never sobbed.
"Eddie!" you gasped, dropping the plastic shopping bags and going to him, dropping to your knees in front of him and grabbing his hands. "What's wrong? Are you hurt?"
Eddie sniffled, and he pulled his hands away from his face to expose his red cheeks and watery eyes. His lips were pouted out as he sobbed again, and he wordlessly grabbed a bit of crumpled paper next to him and shoved it into your hands. "Baby, what is this?" you asked, slowly unraveling the paper, and you saw a pit of printer paper with neat pen scrawl on it. Some of the ink was smudged from Eddie's tears, and you took a moment to read the contents of it.
The letter detailed a recent trip to New York City that the writer had taken, talking about everything they did and saw, and they spent a lot of time discussing what "Jim and David" did. The end of the letter implored Eddie to write back before signing off "I love you, baby, Loretta".
"Eddie, who is this?" you asked slowly. "Who's Loretta?"
"My mom," Eddie said, his voice watery. "She— She left when I was little, left me alone with my dad, and... And look! She's so happy!"
"Oh, Eds," you mumbled. "Baby, who's Jim and David?"
"My stepdad," Eddie said. "Her new husband. And Dave is my brother— half brother. He's 13. She found someone new, she replaced us, she replaced me. And she's so much happier with them than she ever was with us."
"Babe," you whispered. Eddie's voice was full of a venom that you had never heard from him before; he never spoke about his mother, and you assumed that maybe she had passed away with the infrequent amount he talked about her, but this proved that she was alive and well. "I'm so sorry."
"Whatever," Eddie mumbled, wiping his face with his hand. "Fuck her, I'm perfectly happy without her. I have you and Wayne and Hellfire, I have everything I need."
You sighed softly, and you touched his knee, setting the letter aside. "It's okay for you to want a mom, though," you told him. "To want a mom who's there for you."
"Yeah," Eddie said. "It just hurts because... She was my mom first and I feel like she forgets about me until it's convenient. Like I'm nothing but a mistake but, the moment she can brag about something and show off how good things are, I'm the first one she tells."
"That's cruel," you said. "Why do you still talk to her if she treats you like this?"
"I don't," Eddie said. "I haven't answered her letters in years but she keeps sending them. And I'm stupid and I keep reading them, even though I know it'll hurt. Last month, it was 'Oh, Jim got a promotion' and before that 'Dave was top of his class'. They're everything that my dad and I weren't, everything that Wayne and I aren't, and I just... She's a bitch. Plain and simple."
You got up on the couch and sat close to Eddie, and you cradled his head to your chest and let him cry into you. "It'll be okay, baby," you told him. "Listen, we can, like, burn this or whatever you want, okay? Fuck her; she doesn't deserve to know someone as wonderful as you anyway."
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