#but what they did was the definition of suicide bait
voidpumpkin · 2 years
“tumblr doesn't ban TERFs” we say to ourselves whenever we see someone we like get banned but never notice the TERFs getting banned because we’re sensible people who don’t keep track of TERFs.
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candy-red-river · 2 months
I will add the reasons why in the following…
First and foremost, I want you to be aware that several individuals have been persistently targeting me for absolutely ridiculous reasons!!!! Despite not doing anything to provoke them, they've been quite unkind and even extend their hostility to others within the fandom. This is why I've been noticeably inactive lately, as a result of their relentless attacks!!!
Starting off with Sebastian, during our former friendship he would often purposeful endanger himself even when his friends would tell him not to. For hours. He'd say he wouldn't do it but would go claim to do that thing anyway. He would also talk heavily sexually when I and him were with other friends despite being 14 (he told me and someone else he was 15) his made me, as an older teen and new adult, VERY uncomfortable. I tried to ignore it and laugh it off.
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He would repeatedly lie to us about everything, and played coy whenever we were suspicious. Recently he admitted to harrassing us in private via tumblrs anonymous asks. After we realised what he'd done he had threatened suicide on his instagram, and would immediately go back to using discord the next day.
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Sebastian has been spreading lies abt his ex under the age of 13, while he is 14, calling them a groomer and such, a manipulator, spreading their personal vents/rants without permission, etc. Those were all lies, his ex was doing nothing he said. Even when his ex’s status on disc had nothing to do with love or relationships, Sebastian would change his status to pretend he had a boyfriend, to quote on quote, ‘make them jealous’. Sebastian has been obsessing over (censored), going as far to harass his friends, carve his name into his chest and show him, lie abt his age to get closer, then play the victim once confronted. Randal would give Sebastian compliments, which Sebastian would take way out of context, often making lewd and inappropriate comments in response unprompted. He exaggerates Randal’s words, making it seem that they were genuinely flirting or in love. While joking flirting was not unheard of, they were not genuine feelings. Randal had stated several times that he had no romantic/sexual/etc feelings towards Sebastian in any way. When Randal confronted Sebastian, mainly his only responses were “I don’t know what you’re talking about”, no apology, nothing, just feigning innocence. Along with those two things, Sebastian has been sharing his friends personal info, as well as publicly suicide baiting on Instagram stories. He has been saying multiple times that he has “been shoved into a hospital” and/or “actually killing himself tonight”. A final thing he did quite often was make many comments about how “Incel’s are hot” or that he was purposefully going to get groomed, most definitely for sympathy and attention. Also for attention, he would act overly sexual, making random sexual comments unprompted. He is a manipulative liar, he never defends himself, because he can't.
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Before reading this, please know I have really bad memory, so I might have skipped over or watered down things Sebastian did, so please bare with me,
Back when I was 12, Sebastian had groomed me for months when him and I dated (and he now refuses it despite me having proof), he also was racist and tries to defend himself over it by saying "it was a dream" which doesnt make things any better. He also frequently spoke about sexual topics and even sent me a list of things he was into despite me telling him I didn't like talking about that stuff considering my age, also considering the fact I was recovering from something disgusting my stepdad did to me a few days prior, which I told him about. He also had shared stuff about my personal life (my hypersexuality, intrusive thoughts, vents, and probably more things I'm not aware of.)
When I broke up with him for the first time because our age gap made me slightly uncomfortable considering I wasn't considered a teen, also because he made me feel like shit and he was already a horrible person for things he did that I explaiend above. Afterwards he made hints that he would be killing himself, he also obsessed HEAVILY over me and manipulated me until we dated again. This time, he treated me as if I was some sort of secret which made me feel horrible because he KNEW our relationship would be heavily frowned upon for two reasons, one being that hes 14, i was 12. and two, people hated his guts and i promised those people I wouldn't go back to him.
He did a lot of things on calls that I can't provide proof for because I'm 99% sure he was taking precautions just in case I left him again. I WILL be mentioning it but they'll just be considered allegations as I can't provide proper proof. We broke up a final time after a month because he kept ignoring me for hours and made me feel like shit because he met new people and I suddenly became irrelevant.
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He also liked to make fun of my overuse on painkillers, and constantly called me a "druggie" which only made things worse on my end. He also never shut up about me claiming I ruined his life, I manipulated him, and he was the victim despite me getting groomed by him.
He made me isolate myself from all my friends (irl and online) so he could be the only one in my life, he did this subtly by saying "I don't like your friends blah blah blah" and gaslighted me into believing I hate them. He also liked to flaunt what he did to me because he got away with it, he also admitted he didnt feel sorry for a single thing he did to me. For whatever reason he also faked having a boyfriend to try and make me jealous (which never worked.)
I'm sure theres a lot more things he did, but I'm having a hard time remembering
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I have things about Sebastian and it’s just him sending me a mean anonymous question + him telling me about how Randal thinks that he’s the one sending mean anonymous questions so I can write a message about that ? But I’d also like to stay anonymous because I don’t want to be associated with that,, ( ;´ - `;)
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The next person to be spoken of is kitty carpet.
The person who kins kitty carpet has been an on and off bother for me and my friends for months now. She would occasionally come up again to insinuate drama, going after my friend and people adjacent to him online. She has also been dating and interacting with people way too young for those such as cherrycon. She gets angry at proshippers but is a self proclaimed "necrophile", who loves talking about how writing dark content is ok while being against it making her morals unclear.
Kitty has a contentious reputation. She inserted herself into a drama not involving her aggressively harassed someone for no reason, causing them to delete their Tumblr account. She's dated a younger person, age 14 while being 17, and spreads malicious rumors about those who reject her advances. Not only did she label a 13 year old as her “master,” but she also resorted to misogynistic name calling a friend of mine.
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My experience with Kitty is pretty limited because when I was active in the Ranfren fandom she had me blocked. Not exactly sure why since I had never interacted with her once. Her ex-boyfriend (I forgot his name but his URL was 'Rabiesivory' I think at the time) and I were mutuals. When he had first followed me, I had "MINORS DNI" in both my bio and pinned post. Since he followed me and was reblogging content marked with the "18+ content filter" I had assumed he was of age (he probably lied about his age while registering so he could have access to 18+ posts). I later found out that he was a minor (14 years old), and I ended up blocking him due to this. I was unaware that he was a child because he was not forthcoming with his age. Later on, someone had informed me that Kitty had just turned 17/18 (I forget which one it was but IIRC she is actually 18 IRL) and was still dating this 14 year old boy. My main issue with Kitty is that she is a massive hypocrite and tries to constantly manufacture drama. She has accused me of things I did not do, and has tried to send her friends and followers to harass me. She also is a self-identified necrophile, and has posted about supporting illegal/immoral paraphilias & being a proshipper while simultaneously saying she "hates proshippers" and "doesn't want them to interact with [her]". She has also repeatedly made romantic advances towards non-consenting people. Kitty is a very dangerous person in the fandom, mostly because of her hypocritical nature & her insatiable thirst for drama. I would recommend avoiding her and people she associates with, because from my own experiences she will try to start drama with anyone and everyone over small, irrelevant things. She is also not above lying about things to make others look bad. I especially want to warn any minors in the fandom of her behavior since she is a known groomer and potential abuser.
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This section was short, however most of the people above have the same problem with her.
Final one is Michael, this is the shortest section as most people don't know him very well.
My experience with Michael
Michael who was once a friend of my friend or is still a friend, I’m not sure…consistently harassed me and spoke poorly about me. He repeatedly called me a derogatory term because I wasn't online for a day. Even after my friend forgave me he refused to move past the situation, even though it wasn't a serious issue. He has connections with a lot of problematic individuals involved in the entire situation.
Well for starters He seems to enjoy mentioning how my parents like him better than me a lot, for no reason either, its something he likes to brag about a lot which has always annoyed me. In his pinned post where it says he has untreated bpd is a lie, he’s never gotten a diagnosis with bpd, he also shares things that no one needs to know, for example he’s stomped out a little toad before and wouldnt stop talking about it for a week like if it was the best thing he’s ever done.
Warning for transphobia below.
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Green has informed me that minors can not be diagnosed with bpd due to puberty and hormonal changes.
I tried to get all of the relevant screenshots down, to avoid stress and harassment I will not be responding to any questions (maybe).
Please do not harass or go after anyone meantioned. Block and report.
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mj-iza-writer · 7 months
Tw: tongue removal, character suicide, suicidal suggestion, finger breaking.
Whumpee squirmed as another finger was snapped by the tool.
"Please no more", Whumpee pleaded. Their hands having gone numb from the pain now.
"Answer my questions about your master, and this will stop", Whumper stood in front of them, "I'll return you to your normal life, and you'll get to heal and forget this ever happened."
"My master will find....me.... and kill me as a traitor", Whumpee struggled to breath.
"You were the one holding a gun to your head when my team found you", Whumper knelt in front of Whumpee, "in retrospect, you should be dead already."
"It would have been an honorable death. It's... what my master... requires", Whumpee gritted their teeth, "please just kill me."
"I can't do that, I need live bait. You need to be alive for that to work", Whumper grinned, "break another finger", they spoke to the person behind Whumpee.
"We've ran out of fingers", the person sounded apologetic.
"My, you must be in a lot of pain", Whumper winked at Whumpee.
A loud explosion took everyone by surprise.
Debris covered everyone as they took cover.
Whumpee peered through the dust and smoke.
"Master... I", Whumpee coughed.
"Save it, I'm here to kill you before you can say anything else", their Master walked toward them, knife in hand.
"I haven't said anything", Whumpee pleaded, "please believe me, I haven't said anything."
"You should already be dead. You chickened out and didn't follow my one request", their master frowned and lifted the knife toward them, "I have to make an example of you... stick out your tongue."
Tears ran down Whumpee's face as they followed their orders.
In one swift movement the tip of their tongue was severed away.
Whumpee screamed in pain.
"You're a cruel person. You request loyalty from your people to the point they must kill themself to get out of capture", Whumper came out of their cover from the explosion, "what are you, a samurai?"
"You stay out of this", Whumpee's master frowned at Whumper.
"They haven't said anything, they've quite literally been through shit and back to keep your secrets", Whumper looked at Whumpee, "at this point just take them and let them heal. No harm done, I kind of feel bad for them honestly. Being stuck with you and all."
Whumpee's master gave a harsh push to the chair Whumpee was tied to.
Whumpee screamed as the chair fell back. Their head slammed on the floor.
Succumbing to the pain, they watched as a battle ensued. The last thing they realized before their eyes closed.... 'who's hands are touching me?'
Whumpee squinted their eyes open.
"I-I'm not dead?", Whumpee whispered.
They tried to sit up, but found they were tied to a bed.
"What's happening?", Whumpee struggled.
"Oh good, you're awake", Whumpee jumped as someone came into the doorway.
Whumper stood near the entrance of the room. Their arm was in a sling. They definitely had been scuffed up by Whumpee's master.
"I'm not dead?", Whumpee frowned.
"Nope, not yet at least", Whumper came closer and sat down, "your master is insane."
"I know", Whumpee sighed, "are these bindings necessary."
"You tell me", Whumper frowned, "I wasn't sure what mood you'd wake up with, and I've had enough fighting people today. So I was saving my team the headache. How exactly did you get mixed up with them?"
"It was accidentally. They caught me at a bad time, and I.... I got mixed up with them", Whumpee felt a tear fall, "I didn't want this for my life. I was supposed to make something of my life. The way I promised my parents I would. I screwed up."
"It happens, sometimes our parents make us promise things that we can't keep. Things that don't exactly fit in where our lives do lead", Whumper looked at their arm in the sling, "if you promise not to cause me any issues, I'll call someone to unlock you. My arm is not in the best of shape right now to do it myself."
"I won't fight you, I don't have much to live for anyway. It's just a waiting game to see when you or my master will kill me", Whumpee sighed, "I won't do anything."
"Alrighty then", Whumper pulled out their phone, "no need to worry about your master. They ran off to hide and lick their wounds. My team is waiting for them to come out. They'll pay for what they did today."
Whumpee frowned.
"Plus I have a score to settle with them", Whumper smiled.
Someone came in and stood next to Whumper.
"Could you unlock them please? I do believe they won't fight us now", Whumper handed over a set of keys, "I don't honestly think they're in the best of shape to fight anyway, but I don't like taking chances."
Whumpee frowned as they sat up. They remembered their tongue and tried to look at it.
"Yeah, they took quite a bit off, but you should be okay", Whumper stood.
'Wait, what are you going to do with me?", Whumpee looked up at Whumper.
"Well that depends. What do you want me to do?", Whumper reached to adjust the blanket that covered Whumpee.
"May I pledge my loyalty to you?", Whumpee bowed their head to show reverence.
"I don't do that", Whumper frowned, "you are welcome to stay here for a while if you like. I'm sure that's your plan to stay alive. You want my protection, right?"
"You're not wrong, but you're not right either", Whumpee sighed.
"Explain", Whumper frowned.
"Master kept me on a tight leash, I guess through that I've learned to be loyal to a master", Whumpee looked down again, "yes your protection would be great, but all I know is to be loyal to a master. Mine wants me dead, and I'm sure I can be beneficial to you as well."
Whumper thought for a few moments.
"If I'm loyal to you, my original master has lost their loyal pet. I can answer your questions without being tied down by them", Whumpee smiled, "I can be your loyal pet. It seems that's what I'm good for."
"You drive a hard bargain, but how do you prove your loyalty to a new master, when you're about to out your old one?"
"I am no longer theirs", Whumpee lifted their hands, "look what I went through to protect them."
Whumper grinned, "you have a point."
Whumper turned to leave.
"Wait you're not answering me", Whumpee looked at them with a concerned expression.
"I'm not one to step into something quickly, I need to consider my options", Whumper walked toward the door, "maybe you should consider the same. You are so ready to throw yourself into another person's hand, you aren't even considering if I can be trusted with your life. Remember who broke those fingers."
A few days passed and Whumpee had regained enough strength to follow Whumper closely.
"Are you going to be like a little shadow all of the time?", Whumper complained, "is this what your previous master had you do?"
"Actually, yes Master, I was the decoy. If someone came after them, I'd take the hit while they got away", Whumpee looked around, "I wasn't kidding when I said I was their loyal pet, I was a guard dog for them."
"Don't call me your master, I haven't agreed to anything yet", Whumper frowned.
"You haven't exactly said no either", Whumpee mocked.
Whumper rolled their eyes.
Someone came into the doorway and stared at Whumper then at Whumpee.
"Yes, you must be new here. How can I help?", Whumper stood in greeting.
Whumpee ran toward the person.
The person revealed a hidden dagger. They raised it at Whumpee and prepared to defend themself.
Whumpee attacked first, they winced as they punched. Their fingers had been bandaged, but hadn't healed from being broken yet.
The person fell to the ground.
"Now who's more trusting?", Whumpee checked that the person was unconscious. They moved the person's head around to show a mark hidden behind the ear. Then, they revealed they had the same one.
"It's my old Master's mark, everyone who worked for them received this as their first display of loyalty", Whumpee turned to Whumper who had backed against the wall in shock, "I wonder if they were coming for me or for you."
"I guess we will find out", Whumper composed themself and walked toward them, "how did you know."
"Their body language. This isn't the first time I had to locate the hidden knife quickly", Whumpee frowned, "is this a bad time to mention I've been stabbed?"
"What?", Whumper watched as Whumpee tumbled over.
"I need some help in here. Why is no one helping?", Whumper called out into the hallway.
Several people came running.
Whumpee groaned as they woke up.
"Ow", they hissed and reached down to the stab wound.
"Don't touch it", someone gently slapped their hand away, "doc and nurse are already ticked to see you back. Let's not make them even angrier by touching their hard work."
"Force of habit", Whumpee sighed.
"Hmph", Whumper frowned, "spoken like someone who gets stabbed often."
"Where do you think the scars came from", Whumpee groaned as they sat up, "so who was the target? Did they wake up?"
"They woke up all right. While we were e busy with you, they slit their throat", Whumper leaned up closer to the bed, "fairly certain you were the target, and if they had time, I was next."
"Sounds about right", Whumpee winced.
"I guess I would be stupid to deny your request. You did just take a knife after all", Whumper sighed, "if you want to, you can become part of my team and pledge loyalty to me."
"I would like that a lot actually", Whumpee smiled, "it would be an honor to serve you."
Taglist. As always please let me know if you want to be added or taken off of the list. It's not a problem at all. @villainsandheroes @the-beasts-have-arrived @sacredwrath @porschethemermaid @monarchthefirst @generic-whumperz @bloodyandfrightened @freefallingup13 @notpeppermint @cyborg0109 @idontreallyexistyet @thebejeweledwatercat @painfulplots @whumpbump @everythingsscary @skittles-the-whumpee @expressionless-fr @theforeverdyingperson @legendarydelusiongoatee
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separatist-apologist · 3 months
thoughts on tog couples? do you ship rowaelin?
I definitely have thoughts. I don't ship Rowaelin- I KIND of liked it in QoS (I think?), but then immediately back peddled in the next book. My issues are this, you can take them or leave them:
Aelin is 18 years old when Rowan finds her on that roof. She's burdened with saving her home and her friends and feels responsible for the death of a friend, so she's not doing well.
Additionally, Aelin's whole life from 8 years old onward is about survival first- sometimes I feel like people forget that Arobynn KNOWS who she is and weaponizes this knowledge against a little girl before playing with her like a toy.
She also watches what could happen to her through Lysandra, should Arobynn ever change his mind about her. She's either violent tool or she's a submissive toy- but at not point is she EVER a person.
By contrast, when Rowan meets Aelin, he is an old ass man. And I'm sorry, but I'm tired of SJM telling me that these fae warriors have immaculate self-control but then everything we see is the opposite. Rowan is angry he's been assigned to train Aelin- which she NEVER asked him for. That's on Maeve. Every issue Rowan has is with Maeve, but because he lacks the power to punish Maeve, he punishes Aelin instead.
Aelin wishes his people die- this is always the line where people are like, okay well I understand he's mad- but like, again she is a child in Rowan's aging terms, lashing out because he's been a fucking dick 24/7 since picking her up.
Rowan is practically baiting Aelin into suicide and needs someone outside of his group of comrades/training to tell him that he is going out of his way to harm her, and can he PLEASE stop?
I'm not even touching on the whole face punching thing.
My issue with Rowaelin is that Rowan never really views Aelin as a person until she proves herself useful to him in battle, which nearly kills her (because Aelin is self-sacrificial to a point), and he sees what her homeland did to her. Only then can he find empathy for her, only then does he shift the way he treats her. If Rowan had been kinder from the start, Aelin might have had a better command of her magic that prevented the burning up to begin with.
But he lets all his own prejudices and emotions get the better of him for too long, and I never quite got over how they started. I don't think he ever deserved her loyalty, and I get tired of stans saying they were both equally awful because like, Rowan has a duty to Aelin to help her. It's not her fault Lyra was killed, or that he's enslaved to Maeve, or even that he was assigned to train her when all she wanted was to ask for help from a powerful relative.
Also, in later books SJM seems to realize that the age gap might be weird for some readers and instead of just leaning into the trope, she has Rowan thinking about how he "forgets" Aelin is only 19 because she's so much more mature and I wish she hadn't done that. I think most fantasy readers accept this age gap trope, so she forces us, instead, to keep acknowledging it and it makes him read a little creepy.
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satancopilotsmytardis · 6 months
How about, an asylum/psychiatric AU?
They got tossed into one before they managed to become villains? :))
Trigger Warning: Very brief mention of suicide (faked)
So Magne, Dabi, Toga, Twice, and Shigaraki are in a large psychiatric facility. Shigaraki and Toga have been in the facility the longest since their families had them locked up as soon as their quirks manifested. Dabi got sent there shortly after he turned eighteen when his father realized he was going to say something about his mom also being locked up/was going to out Todoroki secrets and staged it so it looked like he tried to kill himself/was a danger to others (possibly even staging it so Shoto blamed his brother for his beatings)
Spinner is an orderly and Compress is a psychiatrist who looks over most of the wing that Dabi's been put into. He starts one-on-one therapy at first, but Compress quickly determines that aside from some mild anger issues and massive daddy issues, Dabi is not a danger to himself or others as long as he's not overworking his quirk. So he gets integrated into other areas and also joins group therapy with the others.
He has to learn the way that the facility works, but overall, it's not terrible. He definitely thought that it would be more akin to like the horror stories about haunted asylums and horror movies, but this is just a hospital, like the one his mom is at, just not as well-funded.
Toga immediately latches onto him because he's new, and she introduces him to the others, including Spinner who occasionally sneaks them things like their favorite soaps/snacks from the vending machines in the employee breakroom/little things they can't do any damage with. He and Shig fall into at tense holding pattern because what is Duster's problem with him?? But it's just Shig vibrating slightly because he really, really wants to rail Dabi within an inch of his life, but he's in the process of petitioning for his freedom, something he's been working on since his 18th birthday, and he cannot get in trouble while he's working on that.
He does get out and he immediately starts making so much trouble. He gets in contact with the police (and Detective Tsukauchi in particular) to try and get Dabi out and Endeavor's lie to unravel, and through his conversations with him, Rei, and eventually Shoto who understands what he did now and knows it was wrong but always felt helpless to change it, Dabi gets his day in court and it turns into a trial that the entire country is watching with baited breath. Endeavor is found guilty of a laundry list of things, and Dabi is let out and kisses Shigaraki as soon as he steps out of the courtroom.
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penguinkyun · 23 days
chapter 159 review
trigger warning: this chapter deals with a canon suicide which will be referenced. please click off if it affects you! your mental health is important
this is the second chapter in a row thats accompanied by me having a fever. not sure if that says anything. anyway
i take back very little of what I said last time because the point about ruby not surpassing ai still holds, but at least she wasn't stabbed like ai. at least.
instead we got the comedy of akane wearing a knife proof vest with ichigo planning the whole thing. and yknow what im actually totally fine with this. its better than ruby being stabbed and its inadvertent subtext of "ruby is a better idol than ai, so much so she survived being stabbed" that comes with the scenario where it actually was ruby who was stabbed and survives especially with the surrounding hamfisted narrative of ruby surpassing ai
i really do like the significance of ichigo correcting his mistakes with ai by making sure no one dies in the second attack, because he is the character who has to correct his failures relating to ai's death. its great that he gets to do that in this chapter!
whats not great is him using a 19yo girl as bait in order to correct said failures. what if nino went for the throat? but then again it is in line with ichigo's character *gestures at him guilt tripping aqua in 108*
whats funny is that ichigo apparently knew ryousuke and nino were dating and just did not investigate her in the least. i could play devil's advocate for him here and say that even if he did investigate nino, ai hid who the father was and idk if nino wouldve given hikaru up at that point and theres no real way to get concrete evidence hikaru and ryousuke knew each other, not to mention goros death wasnt found out until 16 years later and even then you cant connect ryousuke to it, but thats all flimsy, paper thin justifications. cmon aqua was better at the revenge job when he was 16 and akanes been doing it better for years, ichigo do better you failed at investigating 101
(cinemasins voice) akane has double hoshigans in this chapter but last chapter she had only one hoshigan
get yourself a murderer who apologises after stabbing you
another giggle is ichigo going (shocked pikachu voice) NINO?! when her hood falls because like. Did You Not Know it was nino? like you really didn't? did you just expect someone to attack on the day of the final concert like what happened to ai? why would you expect that? i can definitively say aqua didnt tell him because aqua said shit in 155 to ichigo, but apparently neither did akane??? he really just expected it to happen. what was he gonna do if the attack happened at the concert?? what was the plan here ichigo??
155!akane: i cut my hair because i didn't feel the need to imitate hoshino ai anymore
158-9!akane: so i'll larp as her daughter instead!
i will say that this dialogue of ninos is actually what ive always thought was part of her thought process
Nino: "If Ai was nothing but an ordinary girl, what would that have made the rest of us then? I just want Ai to be “special.”`
my interp of nino was always that her idolization of ai was her coping mechanism for dealing with the Everything in first gen bkomachi, a coping mechanism that turned into an true belief after ai died because she doesnt want to face the facts about her and ai's relationship: that ai wasnt invincible, nino did hurt her and they never made up. its protection against the sheer grief and regret that would overwhelm her because she never received any closure in regards to that which was compounded by the disbandment of bkom a mere 2 years later, losing her boyfriend and her idol so horrifically (especially after she told them to die) and the years of mismanagement in bkomachi because. all she really wanted to be was friends with ai. and if they were really ordinary girls they would've made up, right? but they didnt and now nino has to live with that
nino saying she wanted to be friends with ai too is all the emotional catharsis and closure i had hoped she would get since 132 and im really glad to see that its here
unfortunately that catharsis is preceded by the plot contrivance that is nino stabbing ruby in the first place which is further duct taped together by the reason nino went after ruby which is that ruby apparently surpassed ai which — no she didn't
and that total plot device becomes even more bullshit by this chapter, where ruby is mimicking ai right down to the cut of her idol dress, her poses and double white hoshigans which gives the message that yeah. ai really was the greatest and most invincible idol who nobody could rival. because even in what is supposed to be rubys moment of triumph at reaching new heights, shes not allowed to do it by her own unique charisma.
ruby has to be shown surpassing ai visually, but because the set up was so utterly hamfisted, all thats left to show her doing so is making her do ai's own poses instead of letting what makes ruby an effective idol shine through, because her character has been so butchered, her original love and compassion for idols and life and the people around her were molded to fit whatever the plot needed to be that this moment, which is supposed to be ruby's shining moment, it just. it just rings hollow.
throughout the latter half of the movie arc shes been wanting to surpass ai on her own terms but shes not allowed to do so and instead ends up just being Ai. its all of the payoff with none of the required set up
speaking of payoffs and setups, kanas situation is the total inversion of this where kana has all the set up for her romantic resolution, her chance to shine the brightest on stage and turn everyones glowsticks white and there's absolutely no payoff. she isnt even the centre in her own graduating concert! aqua isn't there to watch her spellbinding performance because hes dealing with his father whos possibly an antagonist again so her one dream from 151 doesn't get fulfilled! she's gotten utterly pushed to the side because akasaka brute forced the "ruby surpasses ai" in 158 and realised it had to be fulfilled and thus we got whatever the hell was this final bkomachi concert. kana gets tiny singing panels with two dedicated to her solo act (which was actually nice to see at least she Did get the spotlight and her tearing up about graduating ;-;) while ruby gets the biggest, shiniest panels at kana's graduation concert and mem? who's mem? she's barely there and honestly feels like an afterthought with how her age scandal just had no tangible impact whatsoever on literally anyone! it just feels like a thread akasaka just wanted to get out the way
in general the handling of bkomachi's structure, especially now that kana is leaving and mem will age out soon along with her applying to colleges, along with how mem's reveal impacted their presence in the industry, and the impact of ruby's black hoshigan shenanigans severely skewing the popularity to her side has been incredibly lacking and its honestly just sad considering how important B-Komachi as a whole is to all of their characters.
and this scene just pisses me off entirely on ruby and bkomachi again but i ranted about that enough in 158 askhfskd moving on
coming back to nino and ryousuke for a second its honestly a little funny that nino's gay crush on ai was so strong she forgave ryousuke for jumping ship to another idol
on that note though it does touch on something re: nino and her idolisation of ai being her coping mechanism. of course everyone would move from her to ai, ai is the best , of course she would lose all relevance in bkomachi, ai is the best, of course her boyfriend would choose ai, ai is the best. it makes it easy for her to cope with being so strongly and so deeply in ai's shadow — if ai was imperfect that means nino would have to face the hurt, anger and sadness at constantly being second choice when in consideration with ai, that she would have to face that she deeply hurt ai, because that would mean ai was just as normal as her and that would mean that nino wasn't good enough. but if ai was Perfect then its obvious, isn't it? you pick the prettiest flowers after all.
although nino telling two people to die and then they actually do is. yikes. i want to hug her
speaking of ryousuke, the question of nino saying "ever since we let him die..." (mangaplus TLed it as "killed him" but that is a mistranslation which is also proved incorrect by this chapter) is answered here! i had originally assumed it meant they failed to stop him from committing suicide and that's...partially true. on the timeline, its a bit difficult to pinpoint when exactly nino yelled at ryousuke, but considering she says she forgave him for jumping ship and then says `when i told him to go die, he obeyed me just like that` when the visuals clearly show her in shock, that implies in the small window between ai dying and ryousuke committing suicide, he might have called nino in a panic, probably on a payphone and she yelled at him to die in her panic and anger at hearing yknow. that he killed ai. and that was his last straw and then she found him dead when she went to search for him
that still doesn't answer my question of how on earth ryousuke and hikaru got to the hospital ai was at
and so besides all of what i just said about nino, her and ryousuke is clearly a blatant retcon <33. none of it remotely makes sense in an in-universe context line up of events and like basically the only thing it confirms is that ichigopro really were lax about dating. net zero information gained
that being said akane implying that someone else was behind all of the murderous shenanigans going on and that someone being implicitly confirmed to be hikaru by aqua's dialogue is just...why? why bother with the nino red herring? it's a bit hard for me to put a finger on why exactly i don't really like this, but it's like. 154 showed him to be utterly defeated and depressed over ai still loving him and him having killed her and being the final end to their love story it really felt like hikaru was going to do something to make up for it! the 158 phone call even implies this! but by what akane and aqua say here, it gives the feeling of hikaru having been behind ai's and also now, what would have ruby's attempted stabbing? with making him do a deranged yandere smile to boot? it just feels off
i dont really want to make any predictions just yet so i'll just. watch where this goes
i did like aqua's mephisto jacket tho
no break next week!!!
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vexic929 · 6 months
Hi, I'm just curious about what you meant by Barry being suicidal all through season 3? Because I never got that vibe at all, and I'd like to see where you're coming from. I feel like I'm missing something.
yeah for sure! thanks to @shrinkthisviolet and @angst-is-love-angst-is-life for helping me come up with some of these because my brain refuses to brain tonight lol
specifically, he actively plans to die at least once (possibly twice?); just after the Savitar reveal he jumps to killing himself as the solution SO fast it's alarming, I genuinely don't think he'd have done so in earlier seasons especially, he might have come to that conclusion eventually but not immediately
future Barry while not being exactly the same as present Barry clearly hasn't been taking care of himself - is he actively suicidal? debatable but probably not, he certainly is passively suicidal though wasting away in the Time Vault
Savitar, again not quite exactly the same as present Barry but Barry nonetheless, almost kills Barry more than once "I want so badly to kill you" really shows the self-loathing Savitar has and Barry is capable of
baiting Caitlin to kill him - admittedly a bit of a grey area but that icicle was WAY too close for comfort and Barry knew there was a chance that she would actually kill him
amnesiac Barry is all but the exact opposite of season 3 Barry, full of life, energy, and most importantly hope, I honestly think this Barry is one of the most compelling arguments for normal season 3 Barry being severely depressed to the point of passive suicidal ideation because everyone acknowledges that amnesiac Barry is better off at least mentally
in Duet, Barry actively steps in the middle of a gun fight, smiles as he's dying, and seems lowkey disappointed or at least a bit put out when he wakes up in the real world alive
EDIT bc how did I forget: he walks into the Speed Force in the finale with a smile on his face fully prepared to never come back from it, he's not only accepted his fate but he's relieved
there's definitely more and I fully intend to make a list during a full watch-through when I have the time
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doodlegirl1998 · 7 months
Tw: suicide (pls ignore if you're not comfortable)
You know what comes up a lot? Fics where Izuku does take his own life and Bakugou drowns in regret and misery. Now, I stay away from these kinds of fics because they do exactly what the show does; focus on the abuser's pain and not the victim's. I'd much rather read about Izuku's thought process and what he's feeling before it happens, not Bakugou being depressed over it when he was the cause of it.
But I do wonder, do you think Bakugou would genuinely care? Especially prior to UA? Because I have such a hard time believing it. MAYBE he'd feel guilty, but to actually care that Izuku is dead? I have so many doubts. Maybe I'm pessimistic, but🤷🏾‍♀️
Hi @sapphic-agent 👋
Do I think Bakugou would care if Izuku killed himself?
In all honesty, no. I think that, canonically, Bakugou would not care.
We are talking of the same kid who suicide baited Izuku with a BIG smile. Who, when his friends say he went too far, Bakugou rebuffs them. He also proceeds to NEVER - not even in his bastardised "apology" - bring up the suicide baiting again.
Another gripe with those sort of fics is that it spreads harmful rhetoric that to get back at the bully, the victim can end themselves to make the bully feel bad.
In real life, it doesn't work that way.
There is no guarantee that the bully will feel anything about their victim passing away at all. Yet when the victim decides to take their life, their life ends there.
There's no seeing anything that comes after. It is definitively final.
They're done completely.
Meanwhile, the bully (if they feel bad or not) has the privilege to continue to live their life.
Bakugou, in these fics, encapsulates this well. His pain around driving Izuku to suicide is focused on and he gets to move on from what he did while Izuku dies there, suffering the most permanent concequence of Bakugou's abuse - death.
And how disgusting and unjust is that?
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Purge March: Initial Thoughts
Hello everybody! Sorry this took so long to get out, I got more distracted by real-life stuff than I expected since the drop. I made the decision back on the night of the Amane drop to wait for the audio drama and give myself time to think, and I'm glad I did, because in my opinion, Amane's case is really complicated.
I used the audio drama translation done by @/muu_kusunoki on twitter, which I'll link here, I'll also be doing a lot of referencing both the Purge March (PM) MV and the Magic MV. This is still going in as my Initial Thoughts rather than a synthesis theory, but it'll definitely be closer to synthesis than normal.
As usual, I'll be making bolded claims and then discussing them. Let's get started!
TW: Many kinds of abuse, indoctrination, murder, animal death suicide
The person Amane healed WAS actually a cat.
Truly insane. I'd assumed the whole time that the orange cat was symbolic for a human, but it's actually genuinely just a cat. That sort of throws out the whole theory from Magic that Riyone didn't have a role listed because their role related to the falling stage light, meaning that the injury on the cat was staged.
I think it still makes sense that the cat's injury was staged. Rather than being staged because the cat did something inherently wrong, though, I think it's more likely that the cat was staged to test Amane's belief of cult doctrine. She knows she's not supposed to heal using medicine, but here's an injured cat, just waiting for you. Amane takes the bait and heals the cat (the good thing to do), and as a result, she gets punished. Tased, it seems.
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Riyone is the one responsible for electric torture. Because of that, I'm going to make the claim that Riyone was the one with the taser in the MV.
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I've seen a couple different posts floating around say that they believe this is Amane's mother. The most convincing piece of evidence I've seen is from this alleged picture of the storyboards, but I have no idea how this was procured or if it's legit.
I think Riyone being Amane's mother makes a lot of sense, though. I mentioned earlier how Riyone doesn't have a listed role at intro like everyone else; that's probably because, to Amane, the role is just "mom." We know Amane's dad is frequently gone, so this probably isn't him. Additionally, it seems like Amane may live in this house we see in the MV, and as soon as she gets home, this other person is there. It would make the most sense if this person was her mother.
So, based on that, Amane's mother (Riyone) would have placed an injured cat right outside of their house to see what Amane would do. Amane heals the cat, and that results in Amane being punished for it. Punished, in this case, for interfering with divine will by using medicine to counteract fate.
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Being the flag associated with destiny, it makes sense if Riyone is the one upholding the torture related to the cat. The cat seems to be dead and gone later, too, so it's likely that Riyone "fixed" destiny by killing it. But, in that case, who's that other guy?
Gozake is responsible for the water torture.
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Safe enough claim. It's right there.
Anyways, the important thing is that means the hand you can see here is Gozake's.
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This seems like it's in the same house as before, which I've theorized as Amane's house. If I'm right, that means that either Gozake is her dad, Gozake has access to her house despite not living there (the most plausible imo), or that all the cult leaders actually live here and it's more of a shared housing situation. In any case, what's important is that Gozake was in Amane's living space and tortured her there.
For what, though?
If I'm right that Riyone was the one handling torture related to the cat, that means Gozake was focused on something else. Let's check out those flags.
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"Discard vulgarity" just kinda sounds like not swearing at first glance. However, vulgarity is defined as a more general lack of sophistication. I take this one to mean something like, "Behave in a way that is befitting of the cult."
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Gozake seems to be in control of the cult's image and what they say to the public or something like that. So, to me, I think this means that Gozake punished Amane for outwardly doing something that the cult didn't approve of. Could also be the cat, could be something else. From Gachata flicking Amane at the beginning, it seems like the torture wasn't limited to "big mistakes" in the cult's eyes. Anything she did wrong could result in intense punishment.
Gozake is the one she killed.
If it's one, anyways. I'm still not fully convinced that she only killed one cult leader, but that's doesn't matter at the moment. Right now, my job is to convince you that Gozake is extremely dead.
The biggest point against him is the fact that Amane's prisoner card in UNDERCOVER shows that her murder took place in the shower.
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It's kind of hard to see, but that's a bathroom. Based on the other prisoners' cards, it seems like the location on the cards is the location that their murder/related death incident occurred. Because Gozake was the one who tortured Amane in the shower specifically, that's a pretty bad look for him.
There's also plenty of reason to believe that at least one of the cult leaders is the one who died. All of Amane's lyrics about how she was sorry, but now the roles are reversed, makes total sense if a previous abuser of hers was begging for her mercy against being killed. Plus, there's the scene towards the end of Purge March where she's twirling her baton. It goes from clean to bloody at around 2:17.
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Notably, this shot is taken from between times it shows the four cult leaders up on the cloud. We never see them again after this. (That's part of why I believe all four could possibly be dead, but I honestly don't consider it very relevant.)
We already know that Amane's murder weapon is a pole of some kind based on her kill shot of Es in UNDERCOVER.
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She also uses her magic wand in Magic similarly. The point is, we know that Amane killed someone via whacking them with a pole. That's what we see in the end shot of Purge March.
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That person? That's Amane's victim. Or, one of them, anyways.
Amane may have had multiple victims.
Again, I don't know how much it really matters, but it's definitely possible. That person looks like they're killed in the bedroom or something, right? And there's the light on in the bathroom.
I've seen some people say that they just think the person (Gozake) crawled from the bathroom to the bedroom before Amane finished them off. However... why?
What situation would that help in? I'm under the impression that the door out of the house is the other way, so if the victim crawled to escape, they'd likely head the other way. Additionally, Amane is still a twelve year old girl. If there were a prolonged fight, it seems like it would favor the grown ass man. So, this would have to mean that Amane would partially damage him before he crawled, out of the bathroom but AWAY from the front door. That doesn't make sense to me.
There's also the question of what Amane's murder weapon is. Let's look at that shower scene again.
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A clothes washer (I think), a sink, some sort of pole thing (is that part of the clothes washer? Or is it more of a vacuum or something?), and some conspicuous bleach.
A big question for me is what that pole thing is. Could that be Amane's murder weapon? Is it detachable enough to bring to the bedroom? That's really relevant.
Basically, I think there's two options based on this.
The pole is detachable. Amane hits the guy's face with bleach and he tries to crawl away, but can't see where he's going. She then carries the pole over to the bedroom and finishes him off there.
Amane uses the bleach to kill him in the bathroom, leaving him there with the light on. Then, Amane uses either that pole or a different one and heads to the bedroom, killing whoever else is there (probably Riyone, if I had to guess).
I'm honestly kind of partial to 1 now that I've written it out. However, there is also this:
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This is Amane's associated image from UNDERCOVER. We don't know what it relates to, exactly; we just know that it's something to do with her.
I would... assume that this is someone in the shower, based on the water torture. However, when I first saw it (and I know this is true for others, too), I thought it was rain. The way the water drops fall looks more like rain to me. And, based on what we saw, Amane was kneeling on the shower floor. That means that it should be Gozake in the shower, thus invalidating the theory that Gozake crawled out of the shower before getting finished off in the bedroom.
Except, what if it is rain?
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If it is rain, that makes this matter a hell of a lot more. Because, if that isn't in the shower, that means that someone ended up on the ground like that outside of that house. Possibly someone who never entered the house, possibly someone who never entered the cult. Who knows!
...Possibly the little girl with the balloon?
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Obviously if that's the case, it's someone related to the cult. Still, the sky is clearly the same sky, at least. There's the same rainbow despite the same clouds. Plus, we see the little girl's balloon wander off later in the MV. Maybe something happened to her?
I don't know what her involvement is otherwise. I don't know why she's important enough to be depicted. Interestingly, I believe Amane is the only one who hasn't gotten the reveal of someone important's actual face in the second round. We've seen a LOT of people with impact on her life, but none of them have been singled out with actual facial detail. Unless you count the swarm of Amanes, I guess.
Amane has or expects to take over a cult leader role.
She sees herself leading the Purge March. She seems to place herself in a position of authority. This, I'm sure, also relates to a very complex self image she likely possesses, but the fact of the matter is, she's the one leading it.
If she killed at least one cult leader (likely, Gozake is so dead), she might believe that she'd be the one to replace them. We don't know if this is true or not; Mu doesn't know what happened to her surrounding any legal punishments or authorities or anything, so it's possible that Amane doesn't actually know what the aftermath of her murder would end up being.
Still, it's something to consider. If Amane, unchanged, returned to the world, she could very believably recruit others into the cult and continue the cycle.
Amane wants to be innocent, but she has changed the meaning of what an innocent verdict is.
Amane is pulling a Trial 1 Kotoko. She's offered Es a deal surrounding verdicts. That makes it much harder for us to communicate with Amane, because she changed what the verdict means.
Much like Kotoko in Trial 1, Amane's Trial 2 audio drama is her guiding Es through the discussion she wants to happen. She tells Es that she wants Milgram's forgiveness so she can turn it into the ideal world for her cult.
That means that, if we vote Amane innocent, she likely will take it as Es approving Milgram for her cult. That's obviously bad, but the other prisoners (other than maybe like Haruka) are hopefully not impressionable enough for it to be a problem?
However, I still do believe Amane wants to be innocent. She asks Es to remember her pleas for forgiveness at the end of the Purge March MV. We all forgive Amane; the question is how to tell Amane that we forgive her disobedience and we're sorry for the situation she grew up in without approving the cult's beliefs.
It's wrong to torture a child in order to get them to conform to your beliefs.
This is what Amane's story is about. The cult leaders tortured Amane until she was brainwashed into their beliefs. Amane insists that, just because her beliefs aren't the norm, that doesn't make them wrong.
Arguably, a guilty verdict could be seen as doing the exact same thing. We'd be subjecting Amane to audio torture, at least, given that we know guilty prisoners are bombarded nonstop with the reasons why people voted them guilty. She would also be restrained, and due to Kotoko's attacks, we know it's at least hypothetically possible she could get physically injured from it to.
That's obviously not cool. Don't like that part.
Amane wants to kill Shidou.
Amane warned us that Shidou's actions (saving Mahiru's life and healing up Futa) disobey with her beliefs, and if we don't do something about it, she'll have to take action. It's not entirely clear whether that means she'll punish Shidou as she was punished, or if she'll attack Mahiru to kill her as God intended.
Either way, it's bad news for Mahiru if that happens. It's been directly stated that Mahiru is in a critical condition, and it's possible that the removal of Shidou as her doctor could kill her even if she doesn't get hurt again. If Amane killed Shidou, it could mean both of them could die.
However, Kazui has also promised that, if he gets an innocent verdict, he'll protect anyone he can from harm. Kazui could take Amane in a fight (I forget where but somewhere it's established that Kazui is the strongest in a fight, plus he beat Kotoko who I assume could easily beat Amane), so hopefully Kazui will be able to protect Shidou.
That also opens up the door for a weird possibility, though, which is the case of Haruka. Given that, in this case, Kazui would be focused on protecting Shidou and/or Mahiru from Amane, that means that Kazui would likely not have time to look after other prisoners, such as Haruka, who's threatened suicide if we voted Mu guilty. Which we did.
So, basically, the whole thing's a mess and voting Amane innocent makes it much more likely that someone dies, whether that someone is Shidou, Mahiru, Haruka or some combination.
If you couldn't tell, the last four sections are me deliberating on which verdict to give her. In my opinion, there are a lot of arguments in both directions, which makes it difficult to decide. If I was ignoring meta voting, I'd obviously vote innocent, given that Amane is a highly traumatized child and she killed her abuser(s). That's forgivable. However, given other circumstances surrounding the dynamics of her vote, I have doubts on if it's really the "right" move.
I think that with Amane, there's no good option. To be clear, I don't regret the Trial 1 guilty verdict. I've seen a lot of people saying that this state of no good options is a result of stupid people thinking guilty was right last trial. I think that an innocent verdict would just mean that she'd be like Kotoko is right now, believing that she's right without a shadow of a doubt. Milgram is mean, intentionally. They weren't going to give us good options either way.
As a result, given that I can tell a lot of people have WAY stronger opinions on this one than I do, I'm currently not actually voting. If the margin gets close enough, I'll probably commit to a direction, but for now, I'm letting the rest of the fanbase steer the verdict. I was fully team guilty when I was worried about Kazui getting a guilty verdict. With Kazui innocent, I'm much more open to the possibility of forgiving Amane, because that verdict hopefully won't cost Shidou and/or Mahiru's lives.
If you have a convincing theory or argument in either the innocent or guilty direction, please let me know! If I'm ever convinced enough, I'll probably start voting, but for right now, I'm honestly neutral on the verdict.
NOTE: don't yell at anyone. Do not insult anyone else or get aggressive when pushing for a verdict. This is a fan blog for a fictional series that exists to have fun solving mysteries and calmly discussing ethics. Please, have fun and don't take this too seriously.
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bugbuoyx · 6 months
There is no good justification for suicide-baiting.
Full stop. I was actively suicidal for most of my life and did attempt at one point which ended in my hospitalization and forced therapy, which apparently saying all that makes you an expert on it.
Suicide-baiting is harassment and an act of violence, I refuse to even call it bullying because it is much worse. I still remember the name and face of the kid who told me to kill myself when I was 15, I don't even remember most of my teachers names, even the ones I liked, because of long term depression caused memory problems. I'm 24.
If you are blaming it on a mental illness, stop. You are not only actively contributing to society's negative views on mentally ill folks as inherently violent (despite being more likely to face violence than enact it) you're also just a fucking asshole. "But it's a symptom!" Yeah and you know what I do when I lash out? I fucking apologize because there are no excuses.
"But it's fine if they're a nazi/fascist/pedophile/rapist/etc." your definition of an acceptable target will broaden and broaden to encompass any group you hate, you will make excuses until any target is acceptable. Lies will be spread without proof to justify your hatred. Any asexual, aromantic, and bisexual person, amongst many other groups, will tell you how there have always been accusations of them being heterosexual invaders/ not truely queer. How many times have we seen accusations of pedophilia against trans folks from both within and outside the community? How many folks claim aromantic folks are rapists? That gay trans men are predators? What lows are you stooping to to justify your hate right now?
All of this is is made worse by the prevalence of hatred in a community already prone to extremely high rates of depression and suicide.
"We don't want that filth in our state" - Oklahoma senator on Nex Benedict's death.
That is what you sound like. Do better.
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anti-katsuki-lounge · 11 months
Gotta love when people put 100% of the blame on the adults when it comes to Bakugou's behavior, as if he's some sort of mindless being without agency of his own.
Yes, it was definitely on the adults to curb that shit asap, but Bakugou sure as hell knew what all he was doing was wrong, and he showed no remorse for it. Why else would he omit what all he did when he puts out his blanket statement of "I bullied Deku because he was Quirkless." He knows that if he spills the details - the physical assaults, vandalizing his things, suicide baiting him - it'll make him even more of a horrible, awful person.
Absolutely. Yeah, the adults should’ve stopped him, but he consciously knew that he was being an absolute POS to Izuku. He enjoyed bullying Izuku and there’s no one else to blame but himself.
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aroace-ventplace · 3 months
Hey, so I've been on tumblr for years but I only started identifying as aroace much later/used to only really associate with fandom sections of the website so I think I missed a lot of the really cruel aphobic shit (which I'm glad for tbh). Reading your posts though I remembered I had reblogged that asexual Nicki Minaj moodboard thinking it was just something funny another ace had made. What was the real intention behind that??? What was OP trying to do with it?
you're definitely not the only one who came across posts like "asexual nicki minaj" devoid of all their acecourse context; i kind of envy you lol
@cheeseanonioncrisps wrote a very good summary of the nicki minaj post's relation to 2016-era tumblr aphobia, which i'll quote below:
Okay… for people who are genuinely confused, here's some context: Essentially back when this post was made it was a popular trolling tactic on Tumblr to post deliberately inflammatory (and typically homophobic) things while identifying themselves as ace people, as like a parody of what All Ace People were supposed to be like. These posts then got reblogged ironically by other aphobic people who were in on the joke, and then frequently spread to people who weren't in on the joke and assumed the posts were genuine and reflected mainstream beliefs in the ace community. (To be fair, you did get some ace people unironically reblogging these as well. Every community has its Loud Minority Of Utter Weirdos and the aspec community is and was no exception.) Part of this trend was people making 'ace moodboards' of people who were seen as obviously not being ace. Some of which were very openly mean-spirited. 'Donald Trump Ace Moodboard' and ‘Margaret Thatcher Ace Moodboard' are two I remember getting a lot of notes. The 'joke' there of course being that a) there's no evidence that either person is/was ace, and b) Thatcher especially was pretty infamous for her homophobic politics, and the common narrative around asexuality at the time was that it was motivated purely by homophobia. Moodboards like the one above are obviously less dickish in nature, but it's essentially a guilt by association thing for being part of an aphobic trend. The sheer level of vitriol directed at the ace community at the time made some part of the community (then and now) pretty hypersensitive about this stuff, which is why the reactions seem so over the top. (Yeah it's unlikely that anybody's going to be killing themselves over the ace-Niki Minaj moodboard, but also the kind of people reblogging shit like this were frequently also the ones posting suicide-bait in the ace positivity tags. So I suspect that's where the accusation is coming from. It's just misdirected.) For the record, I have no idea what OP thinks about ace people, but this post specifically does tend to show up on a lot of blogs run by people who are openly aphobic, which is another reason people don't like it. I'll admit that I'm personally not that into it (although the "I never fucked" thing is pretty funny, ngl) but it's kind of cool to see so many young ace people in the notes actually kinda vibing with it and being confused as to why anyone could find it aphobic, in a 'nature is healing' kinda way.
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klbwriting · 7 months
Broken Prism
Chapter 25
Fandom: Red Hood
Pairing: Jason Todd x f!reader
Warnings: mentions of suicide
Summary: YN is taken by the killers and finally meets the doctor
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Jason walked over to the Pyg mask, slamming in on the ground over and over, letting it take the anger he was feeling. Then he sat once he was sure that no one was watching anymore, waiting. He saw Tim slowly coming back, looking terrified that Jason might hurt him. Jason stood up and marched over to the teenager and grabbed his shoulders. Tim froze, Dick taking a few steps closer in case he needed to stop Jason from hurting him.
“Is she gone?” Jason asked, voice and face unreadable. Tim nodded slowly. “Did she take the tracking bug with her? And it was functional?” Tim nodded again. Jason nodded back and then stood straight. “Alright, time for part 2.” He seemed fine. They had all just watched the one person who seemed to make Jason be like the old pre-dead Jason again throw her ring at him and walk out, with Tim of all people, and he seemed.
“OK, what the fuck Jason, I need an explanation now,” Dick said. Jason looked around confused before realizing that they all thought it was real. To be fair Jason had thought it was real at first too, until she mentioned Black Mask. That wasn’t his fault, he knew that, and she knew that. YN was many wonderful and sometimes annoying things, but she wasn’t going to throw something in his face that wasn’t his fault. That was when he realized that this had been a plan. They wanted to break her, they break her and then she would break him. It had to look real and after her friends had been killed like that, she had used all that anger and thrown it at him like any normal person would.
“She faked it,” he said. The others looked between each other and then back at him. “Black Mask wasn’t my fault, a dirty cop sold her out to him. But she knows that, I know that, this doctor may not. So she took matters into her own hands because I definitely wouldn’t let her do what she is doing. Too late now though.”
“She pretended to blame you because they were watching,” Bruce said. Jason nodded.
“Hugging me was because they were watching?” Tim said.
“Right again Robin,” Jason said. “All the times I ever said something was my fault, right down to not pulling an alarm to evacuate the lounge before Ivy got there, she threw it back at me, whoever was watching would know that if she said that to me, if she went to my half-ass replacement, I would be broken, would throw myself right into the line of fire for them. But they’re not stupid, they won’t want her changing her mind and coming back to me, so they’ll take YN to wherever they are holed up until they’re ready for their next move.” Tim was already looking at his tablet.
“Transmitter is moving,” he said. Jason nodded. “So she used herself as bait for us to try and get the upper hand on these assholes?”
“Ya, I hate what we’ve done to her,” Jason whispered. “I can’t wait for that vacation.” He went to double check his guns and added a couple blades to his gear as they waited for the tracker to stop moving.
YN really hoped Jason knew that you did not mean a word of what you said. He was smart, he would hopefully catch onto the Black Mask reference, he would know that you were just yelling anything that he could be hurt by. You walked briskly down the driveway of the manor, taking side streets, staying towards lit areas, not wanting whoever was following you to realize that you were onto them. You wanted caught. Huh, you really were becoming more reckless. Maybe Jason was a bad influence.
You almost ignored the sound of footsteps behind you, but that would be suspicious, so you stopped. And the steps stopped. You turned, seeing nothing under the nearby lamplight, yet you could feel them there.
“Just come out already,” you called, gripping the switchblade in your pocket. You took it out, not wanting to make this too easy for them. Finally, the man in the pink suit walked into the light. “That really is a look, not sure what kind, but it’s a look,” you said. You heard a deep, dark chuckle behind you and turned, seeing a very bald man with a knife. You swallowed.
“Don’t worry Lady Red, we’ve been told to take you to your appointment alive,” said the bald man, a sickening smile coming to his face. You took a breath.
“Which one of you cut out their hearts?” you asked. A whisper behind you:
“That would be me.” You turned, slashing and managed to catch the man across the face with your blade. He seethed a little but then laughed as the other two grabbed your arms, forcing the knife from your hands. You kicked and screamed, wanting to tear out his heart, finding the doctor be damned. He just laughed more before injecting you with what you assumed was a sedative. You let darkness take you.
“Come now YN, wake up,” you heard, your eyes still heavy, mind still foggy from whatever that asshole gave you. You shook her head a little, trying to wipe your eyes but finding you hands strapped to the chair. You looked around, four men before you. Pink suit, bald guy, heart cutter, the doctor, and you, the partridge in a pear tree. You were in a doctor’s office, or what once was a doctor’s office. It was in shambles, chairs toppled, lights flickering, papers strewn everywhere. The only thing in order was the old desk, pristine against the dust surrounding it.
“Who are you?” you asked, trying to yank one more time on the straps. The doctor smiled at her, fixing his glasses.
“My name is Dr Hugo Strange,” he said. “And I’ve been following the Batman, or Bruce Wayne, as you know him, for many years now. I’ve been working very hard to understand his drive and the drive of his young followers, find out exactly how far they will go, its been fairly easy, send Flamingo out to assassinate someone, Mr Zsasz could maybe place some false evidence, suggesting Fries or Bane responsible. Then you watch them fight, see what they do, how they solve the case. Nothing was ever enough to break their spirit, their moral code. Not even telling Joker who Batgirl was and watching him paralyze her. The only thing that came close was the death of young Jason Todd, Bruce Wayne and Dick Grayson almost did it. They beat Joker so much I did think he was going to die, but they stopped. It was disappointing you see, because Pyg of all people had been right. The familial bonds are extraordinary in humans, but the true bond, the only one that really could cause the kind of mental anguish required to destroy these so-called heroes is the soulmate bond.”
You listened, understanding more about these men. They were the catalysts in Gotham, trying to torture the Bats until they either killed everyone around them or themselves. It was disgusting. You swallowed hard but didn’t say anything, refused to make a noise while this ‘doctor’ monologued how amazing he was, how smart, how much he knew about the hero’s psyche.
“So, you see, now that we have you, we will prepare a place for you, make you nice and pretty, and then kill you so that Jason Todd finds you, his precious soulmate. Imagine the carnage that will ensue when that rage he is barely suppressing takes over. No one will survive,” Strange whispered, a sick smile on his face. “Mr Stirk, please take her to the other office, she will need to get dressed for her final gala.”
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nathaaaan · 10 months
While I was listening to Hate Me by Nico Collins (I still am), I started thinking about an amphibia AU. I probably won't write it, or maybe I will... but it's an interesting thought.
It's toxic sashanne.
Anne is obsessed with Sasha. Like, madly obsessed. An addiction.
I guess you could call her lovestruck?
She's literally willing to do anything for her. Sasha tries to explain that she has changed, but Anne can't really seem to grasp it.
"Sasha? Change? Nah, never."
Over the years, Sasha manipulated Anne. Anne saw this as normal—acceptable. Sasha had Anne wrapped around her thumb. After (or during season 3b of) Amphibia, Anne still has this obsession, as she can never be truly mad at Sasha. Even after they've fought on several accounts. Even after Sasha tried to kill her froggy family one time. Even after Anne got sent to Earth—which really only made her longing for Sasha grow.
If it's Post-Amphibia, they'll drift apart as they did in the canon, but Anne does these drastic things to get Sasha's attention. To keep her close. Like suicide baiting, because she knows Sasha won't let her die. The people around her—her friends definitely take notice of this behavior.
If it's during Amphibia s3b, Anne does whatever she can to be near Sasha. This includes watching her sleep, making plans with Sasha (despite not knowing what's going on), sparing with Sasha (purposely failing/not trying so she can feel Sasha's touch), and constantly holding and touching Sasha whenever she can. Sasha will probably be the most oblivious of the bunch, because it's happened Pre-Amphibia, but she notices because it wasn't... all the time back then. The Plantars and the other members of the resistance will take notice, as Anne was never that touchy. Not even with Marcy, and when they first reunited, Anne was all over her.
That's not all, Anne would definitely be willing to serve Sasha. Asking questions for if Sasha wanted or needed something VERY specific, because Sasha used to ask for very specific things before. Perhaps hoping that Sasha would be happy with her. Sasha tries to explain that Anne doesn't need to do any of it anymore.
Sasha definitely realizes that she ruined Anne. The old Sasha was a massive sadist, and Anne is (NOT WAS) a masochist.
Anybody remember Sarcasm by Get Scared, or was I too emo :/
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penguinkyun · 2 months
chapter 155 review
cw for references to canonical unrequited incest and suicidal ideation
i wish there were enough words in all the four languages that i know to express just how much glee this chapter filled me with
but since there aren't y'all are going to have to deal with this hopefully coherent chapter review
first things first is the hikaru (part of the) revenge is over!! leaving him absolutely emotionally devastated! and also leaving me devastated because i was kinda hoping we'd finally address the AqRb Kiss from 12 chapters ago because of the very clear parallels being drawn between aqrb and hkai in terms of the toxic codependency formed between ruby-hikaru and aqua-ai respectively and the way ruby was standing outside with a dark shadow on her face (because we had no idea if she knew where the revenge was happening yet or not) but oh well. guess she does know whats happening but when she found out? who even knows. another thing offscreened sigh
also uh. about the "mama" in the internal narration. i really wish i could confidently say its aqua finally calling ai "mama" but unfortunately both aqua and ruby are in frame, ruby notably being under the text box. (also if anyone else was as confused as i was about the panelling in the beginning, ruby is already present inside the room and is following hikaru out when aqua stops her)
so it's still unclear whether its aqua speaking or ruby so i'll hold off on cheering there (and also imo that if aqua does finally call ai mama i just think it deserves to be bigger moment)
anyways this particular sequence (and the one with ichigo) raises several interesting questions which is how the fucketh did ruby know about where this retelling of the hkai breakup was taking place and also does not answer anything about rubys acting.
by that, i mean we've been told ruby somehow forgave hikaru in the movie but uh...her trying to chase after him with double black hoshigans doesnt exactly convey that she's forgiven him (and neither does her acting considering we don't see any of it. all we see is ruby thinking about if she can forgive hikaru or not in 147 and then all thats shown is her acting out ai's death without a smile on her face (unlike how ai was smiling at the end of her life. so unless that particular tidbit is being saved for later chapters who knows even)
in that same vein it sure is interesting aqua says "your revenge" is over. wonder if that has any implications (it definitely does and i will get to that in a minute)
so with aqua framing the DVD reveal as ruby's revenge being complete, its no surprise that the next few moments are ruby's homecoming.
god this scene was so so cathartic to read with rubys hoshigans turning to permanent white with her homecoming from her revenge, miyako embracing both the twins and aqua finally getting to break down.
and the parallels with 124 too! in that chapter, miyako was worrying over the twins while a meal was being cooked for her, lamenting that she couldn't understand them as she wasn't their real mother but in 155, she finally gets to embrace them after making a meal for them, getting to finally comfort them in a tangible way
ahem. right so that felt incredibly good to read thank you akamengo.
(i will say that there is still that niggling thought of like. why miyako didn't follow up after being told point blank that aqua was breaking down and like. i guess you could say she knew he wouldnt accept that comfort and thus opted to wait until he would but it'd still have been nice to see a panel of her at least checking up on him because the only thing we get is her bullshit answer in 142 regarding the incest bait lol and then she just disappears from the movie arc entirely)
anyways im of two minds regarding the ichigo conversation
because if we assume aqua isnt lying here then i dont...really like the implication aqua only chose to not kill kamiki because ruby forgave him (not only because ruby clearly didnt considering her actions earlier lol) but because as a major part of his arc, aqua choosing not to kill kamiki has to be his and his own conscious choice because its been emphasised over and over that aqua cannot kill someone without causing severe psychological and physical damage to himself leading to his own death. him choosing not to kill kamiki is his choosing not to kill himself in the process and thus him consciously choosing that he wants to live.
but i think (and my theory is) that aqua was clearly lying to ichigo here because he's the one to stop ruby from going after hikaru and also because he told ruby her revenge was over. hers, not his. for ruby, her revenge consisted of ruining kamiki and the same went for ichigo. you can see his moment of deliberation here, where he pauses before answering ichigo, without meeting his eyes.
Tumblr media
this way, in saying that rubys revenge is over, he has set it up so that both her and ichigo are now free from their self imposed duty of avenging ai (and goro for ruby), essentially giving them the same grace he had during his no hoshigan arc without letting them in on the final act of his play.
(sidenote its so funny that aqakn are both back into their love now hairstyles. and also akane saying she doesnt have to imitate ai is a textual confirmation of her purposely changing her looks to match who she wants to be like. but as is with the case of this entire arc i sure would've loved to see the character development that led her to finally letting go of ai here!)
(also justice for katayose yura finally shes mentioned again after *checks notes* around 45 chapters!)
(this is the third sidenote i should plan these out better but lmao is this what akane and aqua were doing during the movie arc?? searching for other evidence to hikaru and accidentally stumbling on nino?? itd be hilarious if the only reason nino noticed akanes stalking was because it wasn't hikaru she was stalking but nino instead lmao)
i cannot tell you the sheer delight that filled me when nino appeared. i had been wondering of her role in all this and i had the tentative theory she was also involved in the events leading to ai's death especially considering the hospital sequence because how the fuck would either ryousuke or hikaru gotten that address but man it sure is validating to see that she was somehow involved confirmed!
toxic yuri wins once again!
(that being said, as happy as i am to see nino as the final boss, i will be holding back some of my delight because how her involvement unfolds is important considering how her and ai's fight is framed as an ordinary fight between friends that would've been solved if it was anyone else in the main manga and her character in main manga.
but i suppose that is the point isn't it? love can rot and nino's certainly did, evolving into a complicated mixture of hate, love and unwavering belief in ai as the perfect idol. and well. all a fan wants is to see and help their idol rise to the top, isn't it? why should nino be any different?)
(but also yeah i have a few issues with this im not sure how to put into words ahsjd)
also please read 45510 its very important as a basis for ninos character and this twist as it is a short side story which is in her first person narration discussing her view on ai right before the movie arc!
(also def interesting aqua only attributes ryousukes, goros and yuras deaths to nino and not ai's huh)
no break week!!!
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punkeropercyjackson · 9 months
this person is literally a fucking maniac I’m so sorry they did that shit to you??? It’s headcanons and you didn’t even mention anything remotely offensive or required whatever shit they were spitting. Fucking SUICIDE BAITING OVER WHAT?? Dios mío. (to get your mind off it if you would like, share with me your favourite punk percy headcanons)
RIGHT LIKE THAT NIGGA REALLY SHOWED ME NOOSE PICS OVER FUCKING PERCY JACKSON💀And said i was 'fetishizing' trans people as if i'm not trans myself and as if she's not a cis woman and probably straight too.Stop projecting come mierda♡
But tysm,i will and you choose a good time to ask because i've been finally continouing my punk history research!!
Always had the punk mindset as seen in canon since she's anti-authority,rebels against all corruption she sees and protects and is extremely loving towards younger minorities
But was too poor to afford the clothes and piercings and such.Didn't bother him though since he cared more about acting punk than looking it
Thalia was his first real experience with the subculture headon and that's why he admired and was lowkey jealous of her along with a bit of gender envy
Goes to protests and does charity work with Rachel
And she bought him a bunch of punk stuff(from punk bussiness ofc,otherwise what's the point)
Learned to diy so many things it's gonna be a running in my fics of her
Rrrrt girl and Mcr fan-Also not punk but loves Ice Spice and Megan Thee Stallion too ofc.Really likes Green Day too!!
The specific types of punk Percy is are afropunk(because i hc them as half afro-dominican and half black-greek),seapunk(NOT because of Poseidon but because of Sally)and either crustpunk or pastel punk depending on wether we're talking her as transfem bigender and a mix of masc and fem or her as a super femme trans woman.Not for gender roles reasons because that would be ridiculous but i think just that their lives would be significantly different so that leads to a few differences in their tastes
Persephone Amelia has comics!Starfire hair,Perseo Isadore has dreads
Straight edge
His autism definitely contributes to how he approches punkness
Their patches jacket has spikes and frills around the collar and the patches are the dominican and trans flags and a black mermaid to represent Sally,a skull and a yellow diamond to represent Nico and Hazel and he has a god handful of pins but his favorites are the Riptide one Lex made him and the cat one(Yes i'm including my Pjo self-insert in this because i couldn't help myself)
Goes on estrogen but only a light dosage and for a short time compared to full transitions and gets no surgeries.Wears makeup too and gets a tongue ring,an eyebrow piercing and forward helix on both ears
Radicalized Nico and Hazel,who are now goth punk and pastel goth punk
Exclusively buys video games and consoles secondhand because of being anti-capitalism
Killed Luke in TLO not only because of being the hero of the prophecy but also because no actual punk wouldn't unalive a fascist who's also a serial ped0phile the second they got the chance.He made sure it was extra painful too and even had Nico use his soul erasing power we saw in BOO on him
And eventually manages to kill Poseidon too-Idk about Perseo but Persephone exists in my Pjo x DC x Spiderverse crossover where she's got kryptonian heritage and i headcanon krytonians are on the same levels of gods in regards to power so that's how.Zeus is too scared of Percy afterwards to stop her from fixing the greek myths world system LMFAOOOOOO
And for a lil more Perlex because i am down horrendous,him and Lex punk4punk but Lex is pastel punk and solarpunk!!They go on punk themed dates like going to concerts in matching outfits and defacing public property together <3 Also Percy has the cocky flirt punk guy thing you usually see in male characters who are but it's a Lex exclusive
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