#but we'll have to wait and see ay neighbor?
talesfromeorzea · 26 days
New Adventure
FFXIV Write 2024 Day 1 Prompt: Steer
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Ruruma walked into the bustling evening of the Quicksand deftly weaving her way through the crowd gathered for the evening revelry. She made her way to the bar right in front of Momodi and sat down giving the busy Lalafell a quick wave as the woman was taking the orders of a rather large adventuring party. Momodi waved back and said quickly, "Just sit tight he will be here shortly then we'll both explain why we've asked you to make yer way back here to Ul'dah."
Ruru simply nodded and sat back to the bar watching the busy tavern with a measured gaze. It had been some time since she had set foot in this city and to most it would seem the same as it had been back then but Ruru knew better. The hustle of the crowd did not hide the apprehension that laid heavy in the air. People put on a good show of it but she could see clearly that many around still bore the scars of the Calamity.
Ruru herself had been lucky her little ranch at the edge of Thanalan and the Shroud had been spared any damage wrought by the dragon that burst from the red moon. She had done everything she could to help her neighbors who were not as lucky. Five years had done little to mend the damage wrought and it was telling here even as people caroused in the night there was still an air of tension.
"Ruru you are a sight for these old eyes how have you been lass?" a voice from her right stated and she turned to see Papashan striding up to her
She gave the elder Lalafell a smile and said, "Lass huh? Trying to butter me up before you and Momo give me some terrible news?"
"Most certainly not, I am truely glad to see you my dear it has been some time."
She chuckled and nodded, "Aye never really intended to set foot here again after I retired but you both sending a request for my aid told me it was something."
The old Lalafell nodded and took a seat beside her and both waited in silence as Momodi finished with the last of the adventurers and sent them to a nearby table to await their drinks and food. She then made her way over to the pair and stated, "It is, to be blunt Ruru we have a huge favor to ask of you."
Papashan nodded and added, "It will be a lot to ask but I believe it is well worth it in the long run given your habit of helping those in need,"
Ruru gave a huge sigh, "You both haven't forgotten that I have retired from the adventures life yes?"
They both nodded in response and Momodi stated, "Aye I am well aware but Ruru listen we have need of you again, now more than ever. There are more and more tasks for the guild to take on and to be blunt not enough adventurers with experience to take them on."
"There are plenty of young eager volunteers to take on the jobs but it soon is apparent that…." Papashan started then hesitated a moment
"They're too green and dying instead o getting the job done?" Ruru growled at him more than a little annoyed with the both of them because they knew her feelings when it came to young adventurers taking on too much.
Papashan nodded, "Yes, I know its a…delicate matter with you but it is also why I thought to ask for your aid. You of all people…"
"Am soft hearted enough to make sure the young fools don't get themselves killed!" she snapped back
He went silent clearly uncomfortable with pressing further a look of reget deep in his eyes which at least gave Ruru some sastifaction even as she was seething.
"They need someone with experience that can guide em Ruru, its why were asking you. I know you have been done with this buisness for some time and it pains me to have to ask but I'd rather try than see more youngbloods die." Momodi murmured
Ruru pinched her nose and then took a steadying breath, "Fine, I know if both of you are worried about it this is something incredibly needed. Wheres the damn book Momo I'll put my name on the roster once more."
Momodi didn't hesitate or question she simply slid the Adventure's Guild roster over to her along with a quill and Ruru scrawled her name down once more. She then glared at the other Lalafell and stated, "They'd better know to listen cause and they'd better not expect to be mollycoddled cause ye know that's not how I am."
Momodi nodded and closed the book stating, "Thank you Ruru and I will be sure any I send with you are well aware of that fact."
"Truly my dear we are grateful," Papashan added
"Save it, you both knew what my answer was gonna be with ye both hounding me on it." She gritted then softened as both seemed to flinch, "But, hells ye know full well Im not gonna let fools die for nothing."
She then hopped down and looked at Momodi, "Welp looks like I'm gonna need my old suite in the Hourglass unless ye've given it to someone else?"
"I'll get it arranged dear friend welcome back and once again thank you,"
Ruru just gave a wave as she made her way out of the Quicksand and into the busy evening streets she sighed. She was definetly angry at both of her old friends for playing upon old wounds like that to get their way but she also knew full well if she had refused they would have respected that.
But something is definetly happening, she thought to herself as she made her way to the stables at the edge of the city to get old Pumpkin her chocobo to return home to pack what she'd need to once again begin as an adventurer. Why else would I been having the strange dreams and hearing that voice since the damn moon fell.
As she took the reins from the stable hand and mounted the bird he chirped at her questionally sensing his mistress's mood. She patted him and stated, "Well old boy seems were dragged back into the adventurin business."
As Pumpkin took off he squawked his opinion of that comment and she chuckled letting her mood lighten as the bird took off. One thing she couldn't deny she did love adventuring.
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