#but we can't HAVE THAT if y'all don't work with us
hahaifolded · 20 hours
141 x POC!GN Intelligence Operative - Nikolai (Long Drabble) Author's Notes: Don't scroll past the picture if you don't want spoilers. I need help deciding something so poll after the picture. And also since I have y'all here, thank you for all of the support on this little series of mine! Warnings: MDNI, Sexual Themes, Angst
So, no, things were not fine.
Especially when the only person who gets an ounce of your kindness these days is Nikolai.
When the only person that is allowed in your office to “do work, because the rest of the place is too gloomy” is Nikolai. 
When the only person who is allowed to ask you about your well-being and actually get an answer is Nikolai. 
When all the 141 can do is watch.
Was this their punishment? To see you get closer with someone else right under their noses.
No, this was not their punishment.
Although you are constantly in their mind, Johnny, Kyle, John, and Ghost were hardly in yours these days. Maybe a few months ago, they were. Maybe when you saw a good piece of art, or smelled something really good, or touched something really soft, or heard a beautiful piece of music, you used to think of the boys. Maybe when you laid in bed at night and needed a quick release, you used to picture their bodies on top of yours to get you to that high point - maybe it was just one of them or all four at one time.
But, these days, they just exist how you exist in their minds: co-workers with no obligations to one another. Just a group of people who only need the other to get their job done and that's all. If that's what they wanted, that's what they get. If that's how they'll treat you, you'll treat them the same.
So you being friendly with Nikolai was just you matching his energy. He's friendly, so you are too. There was no ulterior motive here, because doing anything out of spite means you care and honestly you didn't care (that much) anymore.
All you cared now was your work and earning your ticket out of here.
But, to your dismay, it seemed like Nikolai had his own ulterior motives.
The last time Nik was here, which was around your second month with the 141, he noticed the way all of the guys looked at you. He knew that they liked you, probably before they did even. So now that he's back, he wanted to play matchmaker.
And honestly, this was the perfect scenario for the team. All 4 of them dating the same person. They were a unit, a package deal, a team. None of them were able to hold down a partner on their own... he's seen it with his own two eyes. But together, they would be unstoppable. And it seemed like you had more than enough love to give so honestly this was a win-win for everyone. But, things weren't exactly where he wished they were.
That's why when the current mission was over, Nik decides to take matters in his own hands.
After wrapping up on the final reports for the latest mission, Price calls for a celebratory bar trip. Nik is right behind the rest of the guys when he notices you falling behind.
"Aren't you coming?" he calls out. The 141 freezes while you look up like a deer caught in the headlights.
"No, I actually have--"
"Nonsense! We can't celebrate without you. Right Captain?" Nik looks at Price for support who only looks at the ground. Nik didn't take John to be the shy type. And not just John as everyone else looked at either the floor or the walls. Wow, this might be more work than he expected.
After begging for 20 minutes, Nik eventually wears you down. He would not take no for an answer.
But now as you sit with the 141 and Nikolai, you really wished you had told the Russian to fuck off. This was just painfully awkward. The only person that's talking is Nik and he just got up to get the next round of drinks. You would try to make small talk but they wouldn't even bother looking at you.
Thankfully, Nik comes back quick with 6 beers. After handing each guy a beer and taking one for himself, he slams the 6th one in front of you.
"We're here to celebrate, so drink with us!" he cheers as he tries to pull your soda from your hands.
You pull back and admit that you don't drink. The rest of the guys still at that.
Nik lets out a hearty laugh. "What do you mean you don't drink? The last time I was here I saw you down 5 tequila shots like they were water."
"Well, I stopped after... a bad night. I don't want to make the same mistake twice," you say before taking a sip out of your soda. Nik backs off and happily takes the beer for himself. The rest of the team just sit in silence. John and Ghost immediately down their drinks in an attempt to push down their guilt. Johnny starts to bounce his leg as he fights the urge to say something. And Kyle watches the condensation runs down his beer as his mind races.
A moment passes before Nik starts the conversation up again. He calls out your name and asks if you were interested in anyone on base. Everyone chokes on their drinks.
After catching your breath, you asks Nik why he would ask such a question.
"Oh c'mon, you're telling me that no one has caught your eye. Not even these big guys?" he quips while signaling at the 141. Their eyes widen at Nik's question. Wanting to know if you were interested in any of them, they finally look at you.
They wished they didn't, because your face twisted in utter disgust.
"Nikolai, I am here for one thing and one thing only and that's to do my job. I have no time nor desire to pursue anyone on this base and less this team," you got up from your seat and dropped some bills on the table.
"Wait, I didn't mean to offend or anything," Nik cries. He reaches for you. This is not where he thought this conversation would go.
"Of course, no one ever does. Everyone just talks and talks and assumes that I won't take it to heart. Well guess what, I'm done," you finish up your soda. "So I need you, and everyone else here, to get it together, because starting Monday, we are starting that joint mission and I refuse to look like a fool because you guys can't be professional" And with that, you leave the bar.
Nikolai is gasping for air. What the fuck happened? He looks at the rest of the team and is met with guilty faces.
What did they do?
Word Count: 1107
More Thoughts - Next Thought
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Aight, so like the IO said up above and kinda insinuated in Ghost's drabble, the 141 is starting a JOINT mission soon. So you know what that means... another task force on base. Will the IO get close to them... who knows? But what I do need to know is how to write this other Taskforce! So please answer this poll below if you would like to help lil old me. If you have any specific ideas, feel free to send them to me either through my asks OR through messages!
If it's canon characters, it's most likely going to be Nikto, Horangi, and Keagan just because those are the only other characters I know (beside the other 141 associates such as Alejandro, Rudy, Farah, and Alex) that I can probably take a stab at in writing. And don't bother mentioning Konig because I'm not including squeaker here. Also if we do this option, the other Taskforce will be only 3 members
If it's OCs, they are not going to be super fleshed out. Like they'll have personalities and a general background but I won't name them just cause if I name them I'll feel obligated to give them backstories and faces and I can't be bothered honestly. My brain is not that creative. They'll be referred to as their title (so like the captain, the lieutenant and so on). If we do this option, the other Taskforce will be 4 members
Let me know what you think in asks or messages. I'd say comments but spoilers so yeeah. Also Imma be honest, this is to get a feel what y'all would prefer but I could change my mind!
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rachetmath · 3 days
Weakest link
Cinder: Hello.
Jaune: Cinder.
Ruby: What do want?
Cinder: Salem wants all of you gone so she sent me her strongest agent to take care of all you peasants.
Jaune: Wow really? She sends her weakest agent to deal with us. Pathetic.
Cinder: Um excuse me.
Jaune: I said what I said. I mean come on she could have at least sent a more competent ally.
Cinder: Competent? I am capable to take care of you.
Jaune: Ruby can stare you to stone and we can kill you after. Hell isn't that the reason you had Neo fight alongside you?
Cinder: um.
Jaune: Speaking of Neo, how did she end up falling into the Ever After? You can fly so you could have caught her.
Cinder: Um…
Jaune: Oh no, why? Why did you let her fall?
Cinder: She threatened me!
Jaune: How?
Cinder: You see, we made a deal to kill Ruby together. As long as I get what I wanted.
Jaune: Which was?
Cinder: The relic of course and the maiden powers.
Jaune: I mean that was your fault. You fumbled the bag on maiden powers twice. Regardless, Neo brought you the relic. Twice
Cinder: And?
Jaune: And did you keep your end of the bargain?
Cinder: Well-
Jaune: No. Especially since she fell with the target. Has she ever complained or defied your orders?
Cinder: I mean no- I mean she brought it up but still.
Jaune: You mother- so Neo was being a decent person to you. And you decided to repay her by killing her. For nothing.
Cinder: … …
Jaune: Not to mention you used knowledge and now it's useless to everybody. Meaning Salem, who is in Vale, probably looking for the relic of choice, vigorously. Because somebody, you, used up the last question which would have made it easier to find. Dumbass.
Cinder: I mean… it's not that bad.
*Somewhere else*
Tyrian: My queen. Are you sure?
Salem: Yes, Tyrian, I want you to kill her and make Gillian my new maiden. And if you feel the need to, kill Mercury as well.
Tyrian: But ma’am-
Salem: Tyrian, Watts is dead. Ozpin is still alive and now the relics are useless to me. Both of them are. Because I don't have a scientist to use creation, you know, in order to construct and build new ways to upgrade the Grimm because Cinder left him to die.
Tyrian: … oh.
Salem: Cinder has failed me not once. Not twice. Not thrice. Not four. But five. Five times that girl has failed me.
Tyrian: What is the fifth one for?
Salem: Team Rwby.
Tyrian: Ah.
Salem: I let her side too many times. Six will not be the last. If she makes another mistake, get rid of her.
Tyrian: Yes my queen.
*Back to Cinder and Jaune*
Jaune: You dumb as hell. You are most definitely the weakest link.
Cinder: I-
Jaune: Heaven Academy, you and Raven were working together so how was Yang able to get the relic?
Cinder: Because Raven betrayed me.
Yang: Then how did Vernal die?
Cinder: I killed her.
Jaune: You got to be f***** with me right now. You killed Vernal, why?
Cinder: Maiden powers.
Jaune: … … …
Emerald: I should have probably mentioned this but we had a plan before but she changed it at the last minute.
Cinder: Emerald!
Emerald: I don't work for you now.
Jaune: Y'all had a plan before. Why didn't you use it?
Emerald: Ruby.
Jaune: Of course… of course. Ruby. Ruby is the main reason. And you… … you didn't -*laughs* you still haven't killed her yet. *laughs in harder* You- you had so many opportunities and still didn't kill her. Heaven I can understand but Atlas. Atlas. You didn't even attempt to look for her. You had so much time on your hands and you didn't do shit. Wow. Oh my God. *Laughs even louder*
Cinder: *embarrassed* you still can't beat me though.
Jaune: Oh baby for how many times I topped you, it's only a matter of time before I am fully capable of taking your life. Shit I almost did.
Cinder: Damn it. Well since we're on the topic, you, Jaune Arc, are the-
Jaune: No. I'm far from being the weakest link.
Ruby: Well I mean-
Jaune: Yang and Blake decided to give information to Robyn who before was prepared to start a fight with the military. Which caused us to be deemed traitors.
Ruby: Okay but-
Jaune: Yang loses many of her fights and sometimes she gets an attitude which escalates the situation making it worse than it needs to be.
Ruby: True But-
Jaune: Weiss barely does anything. In fact there were moments she was completely useless. And she has a variety of skills in her reservoir.
Ruby: Well-
Jaune: Qrow is a weaker link than all of us.
Cinder: *laughs*Damn right. You're right Jaune. *laughs louder* Like he saved Amber at the last minute. He should have had a glimpse of who we are. Mercury remembered before he could remembered us. And what so crazy was we infiltrated your school right, which should have cameras. He couldn't even try to identify us. Not that he could though considering he was an alcoholic so he probably forgot about us.
Jaune: Yeah he was. He even started a fight for no reason.
Ruby: Jaune-
Jaune: And then Heaven he was horrible. He was getting whooped more than us except Weiss. She had it worse.
Cinder: In Mistral and Atlas. Speaking of Atlas, Tyrian was under his watch. Tell me, why would he work with one criminal and then Tyrian against another hunter on duty. Then when Tyrain kills them and gets away he turns himself in. For what?
Jaune: Damn. He is an idiot. Worthless ass mother f****.
Ruby: Okay, Cinder I can ignore, but Jaune, that's my uncle and my teacher, please stop insulting him.
Jaune: That explains a lot on how your such a f*** up.
Cinder: Damn! Oh no, how is it possible for the whole family to be filled with weak links? *Laughs* Oh God. Oh God. No wonder their family is messed up.
Yang: *tears falling*
Jaune: Anyways Cinder, you are Salem’s worst ally. You have screwed her and your allies so bad that you might as well be the hero of the story.
Cinder: Huh.
Jaune: I mean a lot of Salem's plans have been compromised because of you. You and Ruby might as well be same because you both are a hindrance to those who work with you.
Cinder: Okay I let some of what you said slide but -
Jaune: Oscar stole your girl.
Cinder: … …
Jaune: He stole your only bitch. He upgraded from loli to hotty. No effort. Neo, who I'm sure isn't dead, will return. With a vengeance. And not just her. You got Raven. You got Winter. And you got myself coming after you. You might as well give up cause you ain't going to make it and what’s crazy about this is you brought this upon yourself. You're done. Give up. You had multiple opportunities but you fumbled all of them because of your damn ego. Better run and make a new life for yourself because if we catch you, you're done. Game over. Finished.
Cinder: Oh shit.
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paaelle · 16 hours
Since I finally got some time and motivation for this, today is yapping session day!!
Talking about fop:anw concept art for motive at all!
I'll be presenting mostly if not all works made by Mayuko Watson, Chris Battle and Eirik Paye.
First of all I want to take a look on concept art of our beloved protagonist Hazel Wells!
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Art by Chris Battle (coloring by Jojo Aguilar)
I find it so interesting how Hazels concept art fluctuates between completely different from what we got and resemblance of the final desing. I read something about them focusing on making the characters desings fun, I think that translates very well on those.
Also theres was a chance of Hazel using glasses?! Just think about it!
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Art by Mayuko Watson
Those are SO COOL!! It's always fun to take a look on characters reactions and general vibe. I must say I love those so much, every single pose and action they are doing.
I think Winn holding a bat and the 6 Dev are one of my favorites from those.
Also they are so silly, I love all of them so much 🥰
Going to characters turn around refs
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Art by Mayuko Watson
Can't believe somehow Dale is taking the most space here, greedy mf 🙄
Anyways I just need y'all to look at them! Cosmo and Wanda are cutiepies, I would kill to also see their fairy models refs. For some reason it doesn't matter the angle Wanda swirl stays in the left (I wonder if its like that in the show, I didn't really pay attention to that). Marcus looks scary without his glasses, keep those on pls 😦
Also sorry Dale fans but this man has NO ASS at all.
Also 2 : I need yall to look at Dev's wet cat face.
I'll need to split this in two bc image limit, BUT THE YAPPING NEVER STOPS
I'll put the link here
Part 2
Linked the artists names to theirs Instagram profiles, even though I know they have Tumblr accounts, I think Instagram is easier to look though the art and they seem more active there.
Feel like I need to say that I posted this accidentally 3 time and got super frustrated, don't know how I didn't gave up on doing this post.
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cistematicchaos · 2 years
Black trans people are just getting murdered left and right in the US, it’s so fucking scary. When it’s Black trans women, it’s “just another murder” to some of y’all. When it’s Black nonbinary people, y’all will usually misgender them before going, again “it’s just another murder”. When it’s Black trans men, you think it’s an anomaly for a second and then go “it’s just another murder.”
Black trans people crowd-fund on here and get such absurd amounts of hate, just for asking for help and can’t get anything in comparison to a lot of white people who crowdfund on here. It’s almost like y’all don’t care about Black trans people at all. Which is almost more horrifying than the amount of us dying in mass from these murders. We’re fucking people. 
You could fund all our crowdfunds and yeah, that’s great, do that, but it’s not gonna replace us if we’re murdered. Black trans people in the US are some of the most likely to be hate crimed and it’s not just police brutality, it’s the fact we don’t have the same support, we’re fighting anti-Blackness on top of transphobia, we’re fighting some of you. It’s just. Some of y’all won’t even pretend to give a fuck about us once we’re dead. That’s unfathomably disgusting to me. There is no justice for dead people but y’all keep pretending you can dish it out by reblogging a post or two.
Support the funeral crowdfunds, sure, but that doesn’t mean jackshit if you don’t support us while we’re alive too. Why can’t you just support us while we’re alive. 
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tinystepsforward · 18 days
ngl it makes me want to die a little bit that it's so often trans people who feel that sex is mutable but oppression is always-forever based on asab in ways that allow them to demand that information from other trans people. like it feels fucking bad. it feels bad when it's people holding up someone who posts a lot of selfies as transition goals to a degree they have to clarify what they have or haven't done or what "direction" they're going in, it feels worse when people are out there like "caster semenya is not tma" or whatever the fuck. i am, as always, not a trans woman, but here's a sentiment echoed by many of the trans women around me who log the fuck off, quoted directly from one: "people who draw a clear line where they say that semenya or khelif are tme and then call me tma are just calling me male at this point".
like i get it. i really do. we seek community and shared experiences, and we feel betrayed when people have less in common with us than we thought they did. [*more on this later.] but that's not those people's faults and my god in the case i'm seeing play out on twitter rn this poor person did absolutely nothing to intentionally mislead people, just posted pictures of their actual kid self. who looks a lot like i did, because shockingly enough "we can always tell" doesn't fucking work for trans people either!
on the one hand i move in intersex circles which are unapologetically welcoming in cis "dyadic" people with pcos, because it serves nobody to draw a clear line where mutilation or genetics or some ineffable childhood suffering are what make somebody intersex, especially when most of us (esp in places like nz) have never been karyotyped and are being treated for symptoms without a pinned-down cause anyway. the more of us there are the stronger we are, the more pressure we can exert on a medical profession which doesn't like to consider how common outliers are, how uneasy sex is at all. and then on the other hand there's dyadic trans people on the internet who've yelled me out of spaces because a couple of traumatised incarcerated trans women i worked with as a prison abolitionist assumed i was also a trans woman and i didn't immediately tell them my entire csa-involved history of being sexed in varying ways as an infant and child and/or exactly how big my phallus was at birth or where in my junk config my urethra lives so they could decide i was tme or whatever.
returning to the * for a related but not identical thought: i think presuming shared experiences leads to some fucked shit in general! "oh we all had a radfem phase" or "oh we all were channers" no we fucking weren't and it's particularly obnoxious when me & mine are trying to build trans community locally to organise and resist the growing wave of far-right backlash against our existence, and there's just white people in there on a spectrum from "straight up being antisemitic and trying to get the n-word pass" through "handwringing about how they need to make space for people who aren't politically correct" to "handwringing about how brown people are right to be mad at them but doing shit fuckall". and then the other fucking brown people in the space are on some identity politics shit where they're like "trans joy inherently excludes those of us who could get deported" or "big city white queers are killing us by being visible instead of going stealth bc it stirs up the discourse" or whatever the fuck i've heard pulled out this year. there's a bunch of reasons i primarily organise outside of trans spaces and that's one of them. i've never felt more alone in spaces where people claim we're all the same than being left as the brownest moderator or organiser in a space full of people to whom "this is a safe trans space" apparently means they get to abdicate all other responsibilities not to lapse into presumed shared patterns that are fucking racist or otherwise alienating. i've never felt more alone than surrounded by exclusively trans people who sort people into boxes and assume everyone in those boxes has the transition goals they have. like i was on cypro until it disagreed with me to the point of endocrine crisis and now i'm on t and at both those points people were so fucking presumptive or entitled to my reasons or journey or personal relationship w my body
literally just submitted on (and was invited to consult on) the nz law commission's review of the human rights act and like. it's straight up fucked how many nz trans people fully do not comprehend that any "sex assigned at birth" type definitions fundamentally exclude migrants who have no way of proving it and many intersex people who happen to have been reassigned later or many times or never assigned at all as a baby. we can't make law with this shit and that's why we have to have symmetrical protections for all genders/sexes/expressions/presentations, bc naming and defining a protected class here often leaves the people who already are left out from those shared experiences of marginalisation out in the cold when they face violence
#reblogs turned off because obviously i'm already bracing to be pilloried for saying one thing not quite correctly or whatever#and also bc i have zero interest in having this be boosted by trans dudes on their own transandrophobia agenda either#i'm just venting#but frankly the first time i got yelled at for saying that as an intersex person some of the immense violence i experienced as a child#was motivated by transmisogyny#i was a teenager and it was someone a fair bit older than me with more local clout so like. it's been a decade. how is it worse now.#intersex spaces have made SO much progress and yet#also yes i'm femme! i'm femme in a trans way! many dykes who aren't women are!#many of us got more comfortable w it as adults who had gender agency!#in literally the same way it took my wife ages after transitioning to work out she's also butch and doesn't actually want to do femme thing#bc that's a shared experience in how we've navigated the expectations of womanhood before opting out of the parts we don't want!#anyway the lawcomm shit was fucked bc honestl i don't give a shit if someone lost their gonads as an adult in an accident#they should be protected even if they don't consider themselves intersex#and we know that gender as an axis of oppression comes back to the reproduction of the nuclear family#and that cis women who can't have kids sometimes become the political football though ofc not as much by far and like#idk. y'all ever heard about solidarity? sometimes i feel like i'm back in the place where the loudest traumatised person at the party#is yelling at another young woman like “you'll never understand what it's like to be a victim”#when said young woman was assaulted the week before.#a politics that starts by defending and defining oneself w oppression kinda fucking sucks actually#and intersex people stopped policing intersexness by who got mutilated a long time ago#bc actually we want the generations ahead to not get that treatment#and when i see “trans elders” going on about how “if you pass and got on hrt before 18 you're not trans like i am” i'm like. why! what!#anyway. tired.#may regret this. we shall see#tony muses
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nientedal · 11 months
Usually I just save stuff like this to my drafts until I calm down but you know what, fuck it, I'm done.
Any so-called leftist who refuses to recognize that our options right now are "genocide abroad, progress at home" and "genocide abroad AND genocide at home" and that there is a significant difference between those two options is cordially invited to eat shit and die. We do not have time to entertain your anti-voting hopeless nonsense. A future in which we are able to move towards less death will always be preferable to the one in which we can't, and if you smug, sneering little clowns sacrifice that future on the altar of your own self-righteousness because you're too high on your own farts to realize how far up your own ass you are, I genuinely hope you fucking drown. Specifically, I hope you drown in the blood of the people who will die all over the world as a result of your bizarre refusal to work towards a future that doesn't include ethnic cleansing.
This is the United States. We sell war, here. I don't know how so many of you are only just now figuring that out, but you better get over your shock like yesterday because we are out of fucking time. We ran out of time when Reagan took office if not long before. You think not voting will improve any of this?
Keep calling, keep writing, keep screaming. Governments everywhere are (slowly) beginning to listen. Democrats are (slowly) beginning to listen. But Republicans never will, and if they seize power again next year (which they will absolutely do their damned to attempt), everything will be so, so much worse for everyone, everywhere. The work is slow and painful and imperfect but it will only get done if we show up and do the work, so keep calling, keep writing, keep screaming-- and when the time comes, you show up and vote for the future that lets us build a better tomorrow instead of just choking to death in the steaming shitpile of today.
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Listen. LISTEN.
The best thing about being left-handed is that when you're sitting next to someone who isn't
Honestly, it's the best thing about it
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dapg-otmebytheballs · 3 months
coming back the next day to my blog terrified of reactions and yea I worry this will get swept under the rug and be made into a non issue
#the problem isn't even dnp at all at this point it's the way fan spaces are so happy to turn a blind eye#bc they know we'll tire out and leave eventually and they'll never have to think about their own behaviour#like y'all have driven people out this way already but we see when it matters and when it doesn't#this isn't about people posting about other stuff or about tour tickets or anything btw v happy for you guys! /gen#more about people who refuse to acknowledge that there's a racism problem in the FANDOM#and congratulate themselves on simply not engaging with poc when they speak up for your own personal comfort#that's the privilege at work again we see when we are just a 'distraction' to you btw#literally the fact that poc fans taking the time and energy and hate and triggers to talk about this instead of abandoning cause#shows that no one's trying to call dnp racist but that doesn't stop from particular remarks and behaviours in the past being racist#i don't think it's a huge ask to acknowledge that the fans around have been trying to get us to shut up and sit down#and been condescending when we didn't#it's not a big ask to acknowledge that your spaces have these microagressions#ik you wouldn't just pass it off as 'keep safe frol discourse' if a buncha people had been homophobic in here#just think a little man no one's saying you can't also enjoy the tour and other stuff while acknowledging racism#again. genuinely happy for everyone who's going to the tour and excited to see more about what they do there#hope this issue also stops being treated like radioactive waste tho
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si-cucumber · 2 months
I really wish I wasn't living in the middle of a natural disaster site right now :D
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saw an exclusionist post so here's a reminder
specifically in reference to transmasc lesbians and trying to draw lines in the sand on who can and can't claim the lesbian label, about how being a lesbian is exclusive of loving men, with someone referring to the people they're attempting to exclude as "fandom gremlin transmascs and neo-mogai crazies."
I don't have the spoons for a proper response but i do feel like i need to make something clear.
on this blog we support fucky genders, fandom gremlin transmascs, and neo-mogai crazies. reblog if u love ur fellow fandom gremlin and neo-mogai crazy queers.
#tw ableist language#tw exclusionism#byrd chirps#oh and if you have a problem with this then feel free to sound off in the notes so i can block you#there's a fucking trans genocide happening right now i will NOT tolerate exclusionary politics around good-faith identities#also why the fuck do the labels matter? we're all a bunch of filthy queer degenerates to the people that want us dead anyways!#if you police good faith identities you're a fucking fed and functionally conservative#and yeah if we wanna work together on something basic and/or general i can play nice with you#but there's no way in hell that i'm just gonna allow y'all into our spaces just so you can try and push me out!#if you're a lesbian and you don't want to date enby/genderqueer/multigender folk that's fine!#nobody is saying in good faith that you have to date us! do you realize who you sound like right now?#gee i wonder who else argues for pushing nonconforming people out of their spaces because they think we're predatory -#- and expect them to date us? i fucking wonder!#if you can't handle gender fuckery then don't make it my fucking problem! i'm not out here making it yours!#and no me existing and sharing labels with you is not 'making it your problem'#look you have the general lesbian space. we have the subset of genderqueer/transmasc lesbian space.#you cannot claim to be supportive of enben (including nb lesbians) if that support doesn't extend to genderqueer/multigender folks!#anyways rant over im not here to fucking argue about my right to self determination#that is specifically what i came to tumblr to AVOID.#not gonna link op because i don't wanna put them on blast just.#op if ur reading this. skedaddle. to the person i was following that put it on my dash. skedaddle.#to the person who they reblogged it from. skedaddle.#out. now. i am sweeping you off my front porch with a broom. you are not welcome on this blog#oh and the person who i'm quoting from the notes? that goes double for you. out.#inclusivity#intersectionality
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ereborne · 7 months
Song of the Day: March 15
“Over Yet" by Hayley Williams
#song of the day#very exciting to have one of my brothers tell me entirely unprompted that he's enjoying the current playlist#a very big win#I spent most of my work day today doing what I've been thinking of as 'evil rubber-ducking'#where the IT guys throw me the especially Difficult faculty members--the ones who can't be helped because they won't listen--#and I trick them into actually talking me through what they're doing so we can find the problem and fix it#(eternally amazed by people who request help and then refuse it. you called me bud. you submitted a service request ticket on purpose.#oh you can't do your job without connecting to the vpn? that's great we can't fix it until you tell us what's fucking stopping you)#mostly this 'tricking' takes the form of me being a sweet young butter-wouldn't-melt Southern girl in over my head with mean IT guys#bless them (derogatory) these folks who won't let IT even attempt to start working through the 'have you tried' scripts#because they know they're getting something wrong but are too angry-embarrassed to admit they don't know what#are still delighted to mansplain the idea of a remote connection to me#--that's not fair. I shouldn't mischaracterize them it's mostly not mansplaining.#the two today were yankee-splaining me. city-splaining maybe.#what would a hick like me (y'all is one person. all y'all or some'a y'all for multiple people) possibly know about enterprise networks--#anyway they were using the wrong login credentials and were so sure of themselves they'd never even tried the other set just to see#bless. their. hearts.#(IT owes me so many little favors like this now. the latest database tweak I asked for got done live while I described it to them)#anyway anyway! love the chorus on this song#'to get out of your head yes break a sweat / baby tell yourself it ain't over yet'#makes me move my head every time
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helpimstuckinafandom · 6 months
Davina Claire is allowed to commit mass murder if she ever so desires. As a treat.
#the things y'all have done to this girl#after everything getting her SHUNNED from the witch community was the answer? really marcel? (and vincent)#she didn't even want this shit in the first place. wanted nothing to do with the covens.#then she was convinced into it because NO ONE wanted the position#then people were pissed she was regent. DESPITE THE FACT NO ONE ELSE WANTED THE POSITION#her best chance at bringing kol back gets hijacked#she follows marcel's advice for proving power by force by instructing for ONE witch to be killed. who had already made a move on davina#ten witches are instead killed (unfortunate but not davina's plan. she feels immense guilt even)#(and this is the only thing that's like... yeah fair if the witches don't want her after that)#but she doesn't continue on this vengeful murder path. she extends an olive branch to the witches suspicious of her (fair that they don't -#- accept but she's working on repsiring shit)#the this vamoire secret society (cult) wants her. and marcel and vincent's plan to make sure she can't be used by them#is to trick her to admit what she did to the witches so that she is cut off from the ancestors and completely excommunicated#to the point where she can't even buy shit from witches in the quarter#WE LEAVE HER ALONE FOR LIKE FOUR EPISODES#she's living in that attic she wanted to escape so bad#and now she's gonna join the vampire cults personal coven because she has no other community and it's the only method she has to res kol#like good fucking job guys. your work to make sure the vamp cult couldn't potentially pressure her to do shit for them#has given her no choice but to be permanently on retainer for them#AND VINCENT GOT COERCED BY THE VAMP CULT TO DO WHAT THEY NEEDED FUCKING ANYWAY#haven't seen a witch this mistreated since bonnie bennett#and it's almost worse cause unlike vampire diaries everyone except davina is an adult#(whereas bonnie wasn't the only teenager and she aged along with the others)#so davina's age is felt way more. and the way she is used and manipulated by everyone is just that much more awful#literally only one who actually gives her supoort is josh. and he's also a teenager (and more recently vamped)#and even then#the originals#davina claire#((i'm only around halfway through s3))
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chososrightnipple · 2 months
❝𝐣𝐣𝐤 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 + 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐬 (𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐭𝐰𝐨)❞
a/n: almost four hundred followers omg.. i love all you freaks mwah!! here is part two as promised. included some requests for characters. aged up! megumi and yuji of course. might do a part three maybeeee? afab body w/no gendered language as usual.
part one.
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▸ panty stealing. he thinks of it as memorabilia. snatching your panties from the floor before you have the chance to put them back on- just something he keeps to remember you bye.
▸ daddy kink. we all saw this coming, right? you call him daddy once and it's all he needs to fuck you into the bed for the rest of the night.
▸ thigh riding. seeing you frotting against his large thigh, desperate to cum, pussy practically drooling for it... his favorite foreplay 100%.
▸ cum play. this man will cum anywhere and everywhere and he'll love it. let him cum on your face, your ass, your chest, your back, down your throat, etc etc.
▸ hatefucking. angry sex after an argument where he takes out all of the stress you caused him on your poor holes :(
▸ breeding. you can give him another baby, can't you? you can make him a daddy all over again, right? just let him cum inside of you as much as he wants, he'll make it happen, he swears.
▸ exhibitionism. you grind against him once on the bar floor and next thing you know he's dragging out to the empty alleyway and pressing you against the nearest wall.
▸ size difference. he's so large, so big, every single part of him practically overtaking you. and he gets off on that fact so fucking hard!!
▸ cockwarming. seating himself inside your warm pussy while he's stuck doing all kinds of boring paperwork. he'll fuck you, he swears, you just gotta sit pretty on his lap for a little bit, okay?
▸face fucking. he loves taking out all of his stress on you. gripping your hair as he uses your mouth mercilessly, bullying his cock down the back of your tight throat.
▸blindfolding. silk ribbons in a variety of colors that he matches to the underwear you're modeling for him. only the best for his lover <3
▸ thigh riding. there's no better way to put him in the mood than pathetically grinding yourself against his thigh, using his body selfishly for your own pleasure.
▸ hair pulling. y'all know that one scene... he pulls at your hair exactly like that. fingers going white with how tight he's tugging at you, manipulating your position until you're face to face with his scowl.
▸ spanking. makes you count for every slap and if you miscount, he's starting all over again. pay better attention to him next time, yeah?
▸ semi-public. yes, he will bend you right over his desk, no he doesn't care there's a meeting going on next door. or better yet, against the window of the fourth floor, overlooking the busy street below it.
▸ phone sex. it really isn't any problem that he's across the country on a mission. even just the sound of your whines over the phone is enough to get him off.
▸ panty stealing. he would say he feels bad about it, but he doesn't. you looked so good in the lacey little things, he can't help but want to keep them for later. even has his own little drawer for them.
▸ masochism. the stinging pain of your nails running down his back is utterly euphoric. and don't get him started on how harshly you tug at his hair when he's eating you out- he can cum in his boxers just from that alone.
▸ breast play. massaging at the skin, feeling the plumpness under his fingertips. sucking at your nipples and leaving a trail of kisses down the valley of your breasts. he's obsessed.
▸ edging. leaving you just on the brink of release over and over again, until tears are streaming down your face. he'll let you cum eventually, you just look so pretty this worked up for him.
▸ marking. oh my goddd do not get megumi started on this. he doesn't know why it gets him so worked up- seeing you covered in the hickeys and bite marks that he's left on you- but it does.
▸ cunnilingus. eats you out like a man starved, like he'll never eat you out again. pulling him away from your poor pussy is next to impossible if he's not yet done with his meal.
▸ mutual masturbation. sometimes you both just need to relaxation of release and nothing more. sitting across from each other on the bed, or maybe side by side, listening to the moans of the other as you both touch yourselves.
▸ dacryphilia. like adoptive father like adopted son. seeing your eyes brim with tears from how good he's fucking you drives him crazy.
▸ ass play. we all know he's an ass man i mean come on?! doggy style is his favorite position just because of it. seeing how the fat of your ass moves with every slap of his hips is fucking addicting.
▸ praise kink. tell him how good he's fucking you and how much of a good boy he is pleaseeee!!!!
▸ toys. he didn't realize how much he would love bringing toys into the bedroom until he sees how hard you can cum around him while he holds a vibrator to your clit.
▸ raw sex. he knows it's stupid, fucking you with no protection. you're pussy just feels so good, so warm, he needs to fuck you raw.
▸ face riding. please sit on his face, suffocate him, he doesn't care. it's his favorite position to eat you out.
▸ overstimulation. poor baby doesn't even mean to overstimulate you half of the time- he just has so much stamina, you understand that, right? and seeing you so flushed and fucked out under him has him so horny. just one more round, yeah? you can do that for him, right?
▸ dirty talk. yuji is a yapper and that doesn't stop when he's fucking you. the filth that comes out of his mouth has you wet just thinking about it.
▸ dry humping. the tension, the intimacy, the panting, the friction?? all of it, it's like a drug to him.
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spectrearia · 11 months
ugh so I thought that I could easily access the old Atria world server (the world that Khalan's journal is based on) by just popping the Essential mod into the correct folder and moving the world files over to a singleplayer instance but. of COURSE. Essential doesn't have the specific Version I need to make that happen ;;;
I wanted to revisit the world to get some screenshots and video, but the last time I attempted to run the server I ran into Java path issues/crashing and I've been too lazy to try and fix it. it's been a little while since I've done some real server stuff after moving to Essential, so I'm kind of rusty on it and I don't fully remember what I need to do to get it running properly again :'c
the fam is thinking about getting a new internet router so i've had concerns that it might be harder to get that server running again once we switch, because of the IP changes and stuff, so that's why I was hoping i could just move the world to something easier to access before that happens. riperoni. i'll just have to troubleshoot the server the old fashioned way i suppose.
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nyxire · 1 year
the compulsive urge to open google docs and spend the rest of your day writing on a half finished story that you haven't touched in 2 years when you have a million other things to be doing
#<- anyone else got that#i very randomly opened google docs with no particvular reason in. mind like 2 days ago. and i went to looks over at some old writing things#and i read it over and like 'hmm. actually i think i know what to write here! and then i more or less rewrote my oc main character and wrot#like half of the story i had plotted out#his characeterization in the story was pretty inconsistent with the character sheet i had for him but i liked his character in the story mo#i thought it felt more natural and made more sense & stuff so then i went & edited my character sheetand yeah#oh yeah. tips for writers from me ^^ if u do use character sheets don't be completely rigid withthem#bc sometimes u will write your character in a different way & be like. well this is ooc to the sheet but i think this works better?#and so then u hv to figure out if the character is acting the way they are bc of the situation they r in#or if it's just their personality or if it's mix of both!#so then it's a question of okay is this character development or just their character?#at least for me. y'all can totally just stick to your sheets if u want. but generally i try to use the sheet as more of a vague reference#their charecterization isn't strictly limited to what i hv written down. 1st of all bc i know for a fact i can't probably convey that in#the sheet but that's mostly just a me thing. and 2nd of all bc ppl r very multifacted so they will act out in ways contrary to themselves!#sometimes they will be ooc and that's alright! it's a very interesting part of humans. we don't have one stricvt personaliy#there are sides and dimensions to us. some of which will never be fully understood and that's alright!#anyways i totally went rant mode there. idk if any of that is cohesive
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a-b-riddle · 5 months
Part Five
Can't stop thinking about the attempt of reconciliation and reader ain't having it. Our girl is going to be wilddddd y'all. Also goodnight. See y'all tomorrow (maybe)
You call Meredith when you get home.
You. Are. Fuming. She's not sure she can ever remember a time you using so many swear words at one time.
How fucking dare them? Immature? You're the immature one? You were the one trying your best to salvage four failing relationship meanwhile none of those assholes could be bothered to try and keep one. They had one person to manage: you.
"I wanna go out this weekend." "Wear something tight and borderline risk indecent exposure."
"You know what I always say," Meredith begins. "The best way to get over someone-"
"is to get under someone else." You finish. You weren't exactly keen on the idea of bringing someone to your bed just yet, but a little attention would do you some good. "I don't want to fuck someone just yet." You admitted. "I'm more on the getting drunk and making out."
"I didn't know we resorted back secondary school heavy petting?" She teased.
"University, Dear." You corrected. "I didn't peak until after I graduated."
"No." She argued. "You didn't put your books down long enough to realize that boys actually wanted to fuck you." You were glad she couldn't see you roll your eyes. "Saturday work for you? I have a late night Friday and won't be up for it."
"That works."
"Sorry." She apologized. "I plan on getting you absolutely smashed so I need to be ready to play the nanny. I know how you love to get drunk and run off."
It was true. You had always found it hilarious when you were drunk to just run. Quite literally run away. It got to a point during university where Meredith would handcuff you to her so you didn't stray.
"I won't run." Your sober mind promised.
"Uh huh." Meredith's tone told you that she knew that was a load of shit. "I'll text Tabs. Let her know the plan."
The next day at the shop was pretty uneventful. No more unexpected visitors. You still had them all blocked. Not caring if now they decided to offer up some bullshit apology.
Months. This had been a steady decline for six months. A text or a simply sorry won't fix this. You weren't sure anything could.
But it didn't matter. You were done and they obviously were too.
You had picked up enough take out to feed a family, but you didn't plan on making your lunch before work or cooking when you got home. The rest of the week you planned on just going through the motions until you could go out Saturday and hopefully get everything out.
You weren't paying attention as you walked down the hallway to your flat. Fishing in your purse for keys. You were at almost at your door when you saw him.
Sitting next to your door was a familiar face. A face you felt you haven't seen in forever.
“What are you doing here, Kyle?" Your voice was flat as you continued to blindly try and find your keys with one hand. Fuck. You really need to clean out your purse...
“My key wouldn’t work.” He explained. "So I’m out here.”
"I'm aware why you're not in my apartment since I changed the locks," you said, trying to keep your irritation at bay. "What I am asking is why did you come here?"
"You won't return any of our messages."
"You're all blocked, so technically I didn't really get any messages." "Besides, you don't get to complain to me about not responding to texts, Kyle Garrick." Your fingers finally wraps around them. God bless. "If you're here for your things, it'll have to wait. I have to sort through everyone's shit and I don't know whose is whose."
"We need to talk." He explains as you put the key into the lock, opening the door.
"Nah," you say scrunching your nose in that way he used to adore. "I'm good. But you can swing by tomorrow and pick up your things if you'd like." You say before trying to shut the door on him. You were stupid in thinking you could be faster than him.
"I know things haven't been good and I've definitely could have been better,'' he admits. "But can you at least try and let us apologize? Let us try and work it out."
"No." You answered, trying to close the door. Not caring if you had to resort to kicking his shins to get him out.
"Why not?" He countered.
“Maybe because I've already tried, Kyle?” You gave up on trying to shut him out. You were strong, but he didn't have any issues in besting you. “Because I actually tried with you. With all of you. You didn’t need to come here giving me excuses about your life being hectic because I’ve made the excuses for you.” You didn't miss how he practically flinched. He had always blamed his busy life. Family. Work. You stopped caring about whatever excuse he gave you and realized it was just that. An excuse. “I’ve been telling myself for months that everything you guys didn’t do for me wasn’t because you didn’t care about me. It was because of the stress of your deployments is the reason none of you tell me when you get back from until it’s time to fuck. I tell myself it’s because of the fucked up situation of me being with all of you that makes it awkward to meet your families. Families you all have that I now know I’m not worthy of meeting.” He wanted to correct you. You were. You were worthy. He was an idiot. “It’s not that I need your excuses to make me feel like what you did was justified. No matter what it was, it was apparently to you because you did it.”
He took a step back, processing everything you had said. He had been selfish. You were the reliable constant in his life. Someone he believed he never disappointed. Someone he couldn't disappoint no matter how many times he fucked up.
You took the opportunity to slam the door. Quickly turning the lock before he had a chance to open it back up.
That felt good.
You had spent that evening collecting their thing in case Kyle did show back up tomorrow. You wouldn't make their lives easier by sorting all their shit and organizing it. Everything. One box. Let them figure it out. You almost had a mind to add a shirt that you knew didn't belong to any of them just to have them argue over it. Or least make them think there was someone else...
You were almost tempted if not for the premise that you wanted them to realize this was their fault. Their fuck up. But now that you were officially all broken up, you were free game.
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