#but uhh - this is also the first gifset i made with my new photoshop
strangledwires · 2 years
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mckkachins · 3 years
46-49 for the ask game 💗
46. ever gotten a really sweet compliment over a set?
YEAH!! i mean i read all the tags on my gifsets so i know if someone just said “pretty!” in the tags and that alone means a lot to me. but then sometimes people also send me direct asks to my inbox complimenting a set and i’m like. *laughs nervously* stop that lest i fall in love w you. uhh i honestly got incredibly overwhelmed last time this happened after i posted the triple rainbow set that’s pinned rn LOL. yall are so amazing and supportive it’s genuinely super heartwarming for me.
47. any advice for novice gif makers/people who want to start making gifs?
mm so vilma @maxguevra posted a nice lil post on this earlier this morning and imma just link hers.
but in addition to everything vilma said, i gotta be honest about patience and time being the best teacher. i think a lot of gifmakers are like under pressure to constantly create or may feel this way, but it’s genuinely okay to take a long time to make something and take the time to add in more complicated effects. idk how many times i’ve thought to myself that ppl on here complimenting me by saying like “i could never do that!” actually most definitely CAN bc they are wayyyyy more talented than me, it just might take a shitton of patience. my longest gifset took over a week and a half to make but it was worth it bc i learned a LOT.
also an underrated tip: program keyboard shortcuts!! it saves a lot of time. i literally gif with my left hand on the keyboard and right hand on the trackpad/mouse. i have keyboard shortcuts programmed or reprogrammed to better fit my hand and also bc for some reason ps 2021 didn’t keep a lot of the same shortcuts from the last version of ps i had, ps 2018. some good keyboard shortcuts to program or get familiarized with: duplicate layer, merge layers, group layers, transform layer, warp, convert to smart object, repeat last filter, undo, redo, select all, etc.
48. how would you describe your giffing style?
WELLL..... to me i don’t really have one. i guess i want to try a new style with every gifset i make? idk i’m always trying new things so it’s hard for me to say if i have a definitive style (yet).
however when i said this last week @nuntox was like “ur style is 100000000 layers” so idk make of that what u will.
49. how much would you say you’ve improved since you first started giffing?
my first gif didn’t even loop. that’s how bad it was flkajsdlkjasd bc i took screenshots manually and then put them into a .gif file. i didn’t even have photoshop!!! obv i never posted it, i was just trying to make a gift for a friend. and even when i did get photoshop and learned how to gif properly, the gifs i made were really bad lol
gif making asks
i’ll get to the rest of these when i make more progress on this cursed assignment flaksjdklasjd
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