#but they're one of the many clothing items I want but everyone only uses as the base to make their own fashion outfits
lesenbyan · 2 years
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[ID: A screenshot of Cynthia, an Au Ra woman with warm redish skin and short bright red hair. She wears red shorts and knee high boots with a black bralette and a red rose corsage on her left wrist. The camera is angled from below her as she looks at something off camera above it, and holds a large axe, two handed, resting on her right shoulder. /end ID]
Eve vc: Hello, this is Cynthia Qestir Himaa and she will be your tank for the evening.
mods: x | x
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chahnniesroom · 8 months
for richer, for poorer
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pairing: bang chan x female reader
summary: gift giving has always been something you've agonised over. for chan, just having you in his life is enough.
word count: 3.4k
warnings: insecurities (especially related to finances), feeling anxious, hurt/comfort
a/n: i know it’s still a long time until october, but i didn't write it in time to fit as like a holiday related fic.
bonus: minho's reaction to his gift (included as a reblog of this post)
till death do us part collection | read it on ao3 | masterlist
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Gift giving has always been something that you agonised over. You wanted so desperately to get something meaningful and special that nothing you ended up getting seemed special enough.
So when Felix had proposed throwing both Chan and Minho a party for their birthdays, you were more than happy to help plan. You could see that Chan had hesitated when Felix had told them about it, but he had ultimately agreed when he saw the way Minho had seemed to perk up at the idea.
It wouldn’t be anything too big, Felix promised, just inviting some close friends to have dinner and hang out. It slowly balloons into more than a simple dinner, but the opportunities for the members to have their friends gather are so rare that you swallow your concerns.
The night of, you can’t help feeling a bit nervous. You recognise almost everyone, but that's the part that scares you - you've only seen most of these people through your phone screen before. You know Chan and Minho have a lot of idol friends, but you didn't realise there would be so many at the party. You had discussed the guest list with Felix briefly, but your concern had been about the number of guests and not who they actually were. Now you’re starting to regret it, you aren’t mentally prepared to be face to face with so many celebrities.
The time passes surprisingly quickly with people trickling in as the night goes on. Dinner is casual, you’ve helped to cook a number of dishes and takeout was ordered to fill the rest of the counter. There isn’t enough proper seating so everyone is spread throughout the kitchen and living room.
You spend most of the time just wandering through and making sure that there’s no shortage of drinks, appetizers, and that the empty dishes or cups are cleared away. Of course, you greet everybody as they arrive and thank them for coming, but it’s hard not to be intimidated by all the famous faces.
Eventually Changbin drags the birthday boys to the living room, standing them in front of the TV to open gifts. Everyone else either crams themselves onto the couches, sits on the floor, or loiters closer to the doors.
Chan insists that he open presents at the same time as Minho instead of one at a time like Jisung suggests. Someone pushes a couple of matching boxes into their hands and steps away.
It's almost comical how different they open them. Chan takes his time, carefully pulling apart the ribbon that's wrapped around the box, sliding the lid off and putting it to the side, then slowly peeling aside the tissue paper. Minho on the other hand, manages to pull the ribbon off the box without untying it and flips the box to shake off the lid and reveal the contents.
They're complementary hoodies in the casual and oversized fit that the boys usually go for. You recognize the brand, have seen the members wear it on more than one occasion, and know that they most likely cost the same as your monthly salary.
The next gifts seem fairly innocuous, a beanie for Chan and a baseball cap for Minho, but you know their pieces often go for over a million won, more than you’ve ever spent on a single clothing item.
It continues on like this, the boys receiving items like music equipment, alcohol, and sunglasses. It makes you swallow hard when you think of your own, mostly handmade gift.
Maybe the worst part is that nobody else at the party even blinks an eye at it. You can’t blame them, it’s the nature of their occupation that has gotten them desensitised to being surrounded by luxury and it’s not like they can’t afford to indulge in getting more expensive things.
When you look down, wanting to stop staring at the pile of opened gifts, you see that you've partially crushed the packaging of your own gift. It already looked shabby enough, it was obvious you had wrapped it yourself and the paper you used was from the supermarket, but now it was even worse.
When you try to smooth out the crinkles, your shaky fingers somehow make it ruin it more. You bite your lip, hard, then stop, self conscious about your appearance around all these idols.
It suddenly feels cramped and too warm, sweat starting to gather on your forehead and back. The room starts to spin slightly and you become overly aware of your heart beating in your chest.
A burst of laughter from the crowd spooks you, pulling you out of your head. You use the opportunity to get to your feet and excuse yourself. You slip away as quietly as you can and breathe a sigh of relief when you make it into Chan's room without anyone following you.
You don’t bother to turn on the lights, not wanting anyone to check up on you, and sit on the ground with your back against Chan’s bed. With the door closed, the noise from the party is muffled and it’s significantly colder in this area of the dorm. You press your hands to your face and take a few deep breaths to try and calm your heart rate.
You don’t know what’s wrong with you because you know you shouldn’t feel like his. You had been looking forward to watching Chan and Minho open their gifts, you had spent a lot of time preparing them and you had felt confident that they would enjoy them.
Well, until you saw everything else that they received.
Now your ideas just seemed silly. You feel humiliated at the thought of everybody seeing the obviously cheap gifts and even worse when you consider how ashamed Chan might be for others to know that you were his partner.
Although you were working full-time at the moment, you had only graduated from university last year and your student debt was an ever present weight on your shoulders that you tried your best to hide. Everything you had went to paying it back and checking in bi-weekly to see the number get smaller and smaller was the only thing that made you feel better.
Chan knew that you often worried about money. You had been mortified the first time that he had walked in on you trying to organise your finances for the next few months. He had glanced over your shoulder before you had even realised he was in the room and all the red cells showing where you were in a deficit were hard to miss.
It had been early on in your relationship and the dates that the two of you had been on as well as a couple unforeseen events had meant that you had been spending way more than what you had anticipated. Of course, Chan had treated you on a number of occasions, but you refused sometimes because you felt guilty every time he offered to pay, especially since it had been only a couple years after his debut.
He had been more than understanding, but you had been so embarrassed and caught off guard that you couldn't stop the tears from streaking down your face. Since then, Chan and the members had never done anything to make you feel like they pitied you or thought any less of you for your financial situation, in fact they did the opposite.
When you had first started visiting the dorms, opening the food delivery apps was like a reflex for all of the boys once it was dinnertime. You were always hesitant to choose anything and felt even worse by the nonchalant way that they covered the costs each time. Even though you knew they didn’t think anything of it, you couldn’t help but feel like you were taking advantage of their hospitality.
Somehow they caught on to your reluctance to buy food and now it's tradition that you cook for them when you come over, enough so that they keep the kitchen stocked with more than ramen, chicken breasts, and protein powder.
In particular, Minho absolutely loved your cooking and had needled you many times on sharing how you made it. You had always denied him though, saying that you didn't use exact measurements and came up with things on the fly. That’s why for his gift, you had taken the time to create a recipe book, complete with pictures for each step and modifications that he could make based on the ingredients he had.
You had spent a few months thinking about what to give Chan. He was harder to shop for since you knew he wasn't overly fond of celebrating his birthday and didn’t want you to spend money on him, but was always touched when you got him something. Usually, you tried to do something he was more likely to accept.
Last year, you had organised with the company to give Chan a day off and had taken him out to a movie. It was a pretty standard date, but the two of you rarely had the opportunity to go out together and you knew Chan had resigned himself to watching the movie when it was released online instead of going to the theatres like he had hoped to. Having to spend a few days trying to sort out all the logistics of secretly rearranging Chan’s schedule had been more than worth it with the way that his face had lit up when you had told him about what you had planned.
You don't know how long you sit alone, but every time that you tell yourself to get up and rejoin the party, it feels impossible to move.
“Hey,” Chan's voice is cautious, but you startle anyway, scrambling to stand up. Stuck in your thoughts, you hadn’t even noticed him entering the room. “Is everything okay?”
“Yeah, I'm fine, I'm fine. Just needed some air, it was getting kind of stuffy in there,” you explain. “I didn't think you'd notice.”
“Of course I noticed. You were there one second and gone the next, I didn't know what happened.”
“It’s nothing.” You avoid Chan’s gaze, not wanting to see the concern that shines in his eyes.
Chan steps closer, then reaches out and tangles your fingers together, using your connection to pull the two of you to sit on the bed.
“Y/n, baby,” he says softly. “Talk to me. Tell me what’s going on in here.” He leans forward until the side of his head bumps into yours.
“Don’t say it’s not important,” he warns. “It’s important to you and that makes it important to me, okay?”
“Uhm,” you pause for a moment, unsure of how you want to word your thoughts. You trust Chan, but it still feels scary being vulnerable. “I guess, I was just feeling… Insecure.”
“Insecure?” Chan tilts his head slightly. “About what?”
“Everyone-” you laugh slightly, embarrassed. “Everyone gave you guys such nice gifts, I feel like mine don’t even compare.”
“Y/n, you know I don’t care about that kind of thing. If I had the choice, nobody would be giving me gifts at all. Just having you in my life is enough.” Chan’s voice is painfully sincere.
“I know you don't mind. It just- It feels bad that I can't give you something nice like they can. It's dumb, I know, but I can't help it.”
“I can open it here, away from everyone else if you want,” Chan offers. “Or you don't even have to give it to me today, you can save it until you feel better. Or don't give it to me at all, it's all okay.”
“No no, I want you to have it,” you say immediately. Before you can think better of it, you reach down and retrieve the gift from where you left it on the floor.
“Whatever makes you feel comfortable,” Chan reassures you.
“This is fine,” you decide. “Just the two of us."
“It’s not designer,” you say suddenly, fiddling with the ribbon that keeps the two packages together. Both of you ignore the fact that you’re just stalling at this point.
“I don’t need any more clothes, I barely wear everything I own now,” Chan jokes.
“Really, you might not like it,” you warn.
“Baby, when have I ever disliked anything that you’ve gotten for me?” Chan drops the teasing tone. You think for a moment.
“When you asked me to order noodles for you and I accidentally got you the spicy version and it made you cry?”
“Did I say that I didn’t like them?”
“No, you ate it all even though I warned you that it would make your stomach hurt for the next couple of days,” you say, smiling faintly at the memory.
You had gotten yourself the same dish and had found it to be bearable, while Chan’s face had turned bright red after the first bite. You had offered a few times to get him a non-spicy version so that he could enjoy himself, but he had been determined to finish, soaking his shirt and beanie with how much he had sweated. He hadn’t even been able to continue carrying a conversation with you, too busy trying to suck in air to cool his mouth.
It had been even funnier for you the next day, receiving multiple texts from Chan about his stomach hurting and having to continually pause dance practice to go to the bathroom.
“The pain was worth it,” Chan insists. “I'm actually convinced that I'll like anything you give me. Now come on, let me open my gifts!”
You hand over the gift and watch as he pulls away the ribbon to separate the boxes and peels away the tape on the first package. His brow is furrowed in concentration as he tries not to rip the wrapping paper.
This gift was more neutral, a set that contained a wallet and cardholder, both in black. Although Chan hadn’t complained at all, the wallet he had been using was from years ago and the synthetic material was starting to crack and flake away at the edges.
He looks delighted, examining it briefly before pulling out his old wallet and transferring all his cards and cash into this new one. Although it’s not a name brand, you had purchased it at a small shop specialising in handcrafted genuine leather goods at a surprisingly affordable price. It was good quality and suited the simplicity that Chan preferred.
“It's just what I needed,” he says, sounding pleased. “You pay so much attention.”
“I'm glad you like it,” you say, feeling relieved even though you had been pretty sure that he would be happy with it.
The unease comes back when he turns his attention to the second gift. Once again, he puts in effort to gently unwrap it, revealing an old chocolate box that you had repurposed from one of your dates.
You’ve always been on the more sentimental side and had saved it, wanting to remember the evening that Chan had taken you out and the two of you had spent 20 minutes in the shop, meticulously picking out the flavours that you wanted to try. The box is made of a surprisingly durable material and is the perfect size for this gift. You’ve painted over it too, concealing the original design.
Chan turns it around in his hands curiously, before sliding the lid up. You turn away to stare at your hands, overwhelmed by nervousness.
You already know what’s inside. It’s a deck of cards that you’ve transformed, with 52 things I love about you inscribed on one of the jokers. On the flip side, you’ve painted a picture of you and Chan smiling widely with your cheeks pressed together. It’s his favourite, one he always tells you would be permanently on his lock screen if he wasn’t an idol.
The rest of the cards are decorated similarly, a small drawing or painting on one side with the things, people, and places that Chan loves on one side, and something that you love about Chan on the other. The last joker is the only one that's different, you've treated it as a card and have a small message written on.
You had been so excited when you had thought of the idea, even though it was almost embarrassingly cheesy. Chan was often hard on himself, overly critical, and sometimes insecure. You tried your best to reassure him that he was doing well, both in his career and personal life, but you weren’t always able to be with him to do it in person.
As time goes by, your dread just continues to build, but you don't dare look up, not wanting to see Chan's reaction. Based on the silence, he’s clearly not thrilled with the silly idea that you had gone with. You can almost imagine his expression, jaw clenched and lips pressed together as he tries to think of what he can say to let you down easy.
Finally, you can't take it any longer and you lean forward, reaching out to grab at the cards that he's still reading though.
“I'm sorry, it's stupid, I know,” you say quickly. “You can tell me that you hate it, it's okay. I don't know what I was thinking, but just- give me more time, I'll get you something else, something nicer-”
It catches Chan off guard, and instead of successfully taking the cards away, you grapple with them for a second before they slip between both of your hands, scattering across the floor like confetti.
You instantly drop to your knees, scrabbling to scoop them up like the most awful game of 52 pick up that you've ever played in your life. To your horror, the task gets even more difficult as tears start to well up in your eyes.
“Y/n-” Chan says gently, reaching out and taking your wrists in his hands to stop your frantic movements. “Come here.”
You resist for a moment, but he pulls you into his arms, cradling your head so your face is resting on his shoulder. The tears leaking from your eyes soak into the fabric and you sniffle softly.
“I'm sorry,” you say, voice partially muffled. “I'm a mess.”
In response, Chan pulls back slightly and when you don't turn towards him, he taps a finger against your cheek until you face him. Your eyes widen when you notice that he also has tear tracks streaking down his face.
“It's okay, I'm a mess too. I should have said it sooner,” he says, voice low and gravelly. Still in his embrace, you can feel the rumble of it in his chest. “I love it. I was overwhelmed, I wanted to say something but you left me speechless.”
“Don't just say it-”
“I've never had a gift so thoughtful, Y/n,” Chan says earnestly. “How could you think this was stupid? You must have spent hours and hours on it and I really appreciate it. It’s just- is this really what you think of me?”
“What do you mean?” you ask.
“Do you really love that-” Chan picks up the closest card to him and flips it so that he can read the message. “That I snore? Y/n, why do you even have this in the list?”
“Yes, snoring was one thing and it's because with everything, there’s always a reason to love it. It's not that I love that you snore, but with your insomnia, hearing you snore is a relief because it means you're sleeping, that you're resting. Even with your insomnia, I know you're busy thinking of every little way you can make things just right for you and the members. It's because you care so much, how could I not love these parts of you?”
“You- you really love all these little things?”
“Of course I do,” you say in a hushed voice. “Of course. When I was making these, I couldn't fit it all. I love everything about you, Chan.”
This time, it's Chan that breaks eye contact, shaking his head as if in disbelief.
“I don't know what I did to deserve you.”
“It's not about deserving. You didn't have to do anything, that's the whole point. I love you just as you are.”
“You know that's how I feel about you, right?”
“Even if you never got me anything ever again, I wouldn't love you any less. You being in my life, by my side, that's the greatest gift you could ever give.”
till death do us part collection | read it on ao3 | masterlist
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heartfullofleeches · 1 year
Yans (Nerd, Bully, Student Council) + Dismissive Creep Reader Blurb [G.N All]
Warning: Bullying, mentions of dead animals, violence, death
(An: Never been huge of the school setting but this came up while listening to a song with the same title. If you can guess it you get a cookie)
Creep Reader who's friends with the school punching bag. Saying they're acquaintanced is a bit of a stretch as nerd hangs out with them because nobody bothers them when they sit next to this freak and they dress their wounds, and Creep only tolerates them because they take pictures of every blossoming bruise and cut.
You never offer input in their one-sided conversations, scribbling away in that notebook of yours as they go insane rambling on about what their bullies did that day and how it feels everyone appears to be out to get them. All you ever do with anyone is watch, listen, and write. It's honestly like talking to a brick wall sometimes.... which is why they had no problem accepting the only good advice ever given to them.
"Y'know.... Even if I report this to the principal it wouldn't stop. They'll get suspended for a few days and when they come back - they'll probably just kill you. If you want this to stop, you need to find a new target for them."
A new target...There's only one person more of a freak than them.
"Y/n takes pictures of dead animals."
The rumor spread like wildfire. A tale spun by a sock puppet account and sprinkled throughout the halls. Really, even they weren't sure if the rumor was true or not, but with that camera and your track record it wasn't out of possibility. All eyes were immediately on you. Your phone number was leaked and the threats and queries poured in. People would point at carcasses on the road and make sure you were in earshot when they joked about hoping nobody was taking pictures. They went so far as to sneak a dead bird in your bag when you weren't looking and poured milk on your items when they couldn't find any. They stole your gym clothes, wrote foul things on your desk and locket - but none of them had ever touched you.
As expected, you had no reaction to this. That's the thing your "friend" had always been jealous of you for. So closed off from the world, from the pain it gives. With nobody slamming their head in the lockers anymore, people began to appreciate their talents and hobbies. They made friends. Real ones. They naturally started to drift away from you, but they always stopped when they saw you in the halls.
"Hey, Y/n.... How have you been?"
"None of this is bothering you?..."
"As long as they don't touch me - I'm fine."
All that's where you left the conversation - and your friendship. Your dismissal to it all lead many to give up after a few weeks, but one remained. The same blight on your friend's life since the start of school. Sure, your reactions were lackluster - but they knew they could break you. It was only a matter of time - and you had just given them the key.
"Hey - Freak!"
Your head bounces off the metal door as you're thrown into your locker.
"Can't touch you, huh? The fuck are you going to do about it?"
You rise to your feet, touching the wet spot at the back of your skull. "If we're going to do this, it's better we do it where nobody can see us."
"Ha? - don't want people to see you lose a few teeth? Fine, I got a big game in a few weeks and rather not get expelled before then."
Your former watches as you're lead behind the school. They should do something, call a teacher - but they're too afraid. The weight of the situation falls on them as you disappear from sight. You're going to get hurt and it's all their fault. Your bully cooks up all the things they plan on doing to you, cracking their knuckles and damn near salivating at the thought of seeing your stone face crumple. They're too preoccupied with their threats to notice you pulling something out of your pocket. Their foot falls off the concrete path and into the grassy terrain as they ready their fists, doubling over in pain as pain splits up their side. They vomit spittle and their own words as they look up, metal bars wrapped around your hands.
"what....the fuck."
"Get up."
Gritting their teeth, the bully drags themselves to their feet - back on their knees before they can stand as your fist barrels into their stomach. You grab both sides of their head and ram your knee into the facture scar on their nose. You're unrelenting even as they fall back on their ass, removing your metal knuckles and mounting them as you ball your fists. You weren't ready for a murder charge just let. Over and over, your balled hand cracks against their face and jaw - drawing red with each wet smack. You stop only to switch you your unbruised hand - their arms shooting up in defense.
"Isn't that what people ask you?"
You climb off their battered body, lifting one leg under your arm. "I've studied people for a while. Writing scenarios where I could ruin lives is much better for all of us than actually doing it. I know things about you too... Your family paid off your younger brother's teacher so he got get into that nice college - and you have a full ride... If you can still use both legs."
Tears prick their eyes. They fight to keep them in. This was their future you were playing with. "I'm sorry! I won't hurt anyone again I promise!"
Your grip tightens "I don't care about everyone."
"I won't mess with you anymore!"
They flinch as you drop their leg. "Good." Waking over to your discarded backpack, you retrieve your med kit and camera - dropping down beside them as you remove the lense.
Their eyes burn as the camera flash goes off. You set the camera aside as you open the kit and pull out an alcohol swab - pinning them to the ground as you apply it to their split cheek.
"Ow! The fuck are you doing now?"
"Get the fuck off me!"
"You have a game in a few weeks, don't you? I don't think I broke anything, but you probably don't want the other team to see you with bruises."
The following Monday, your bully greets you all smiles and pleasant as if you were the best of friends. They could do the exact same thing as you and study you like an animal in a zoo to inact their revenge. Anyone who still picked on you quickly turned on their heels when they saw you with their click. They bragged while you were away about how they planned to tear your life to shreds so hard the damage would last long after school. It was going to be the peak of their year -
"Drink this."
"An energy drink? If you wanted to posion me, you could've done it with something better."
"The seal is still intact. No amount of chapstick will fix your dry lips, because you're dehydrated. An athlete should know better than that."
Their fingers instinctly fly to their lips. How did you?.... You did say you had been watching. They didn't know nor understand the full reach of your knowledge until they got a happy birthday message from an unknown number and a speaker ended up in a pool when they were urged to jump in. They had a fear of water since adolescence after nearly drowning at a lake. You never took charge for this acts and mostly blended into the crowd when they happened. You picked up your old hobby of patching their injuries and taking photos as payment. Why were you doing so much for someone who wanted to make you suffer?
"We're friends.... aren't we?"
"Besides, if I stick with you, I don't have to look up gore sites anymore - or take pictures of dead animals."
You're such a fucking freak. A freak - that was starting to grow on them.
You became the person they'd look for first during school - when they needed a shoulder to cry on. You rarely offered comfort, but a pat on the shoulders was good enough for them. Their hand would find your shoulder or waist so frequently that rumors began spreading that you were dating - until people found out every touch was met with a light punch to their bruised ribs. They'd just laugh it off and apologize before doing it again an hour later.
Your former friend was having the time of their life - for a while. Something felt... artificial about their new friends. They had a good time at school and when they got together on weekends, but nobody was there for them at any other time. No one to vent to or wish them happy birthday exactly when it turned midnight - like you used you. They missed you. More than anything.
"Hey - give me Y/n's number."
Been a while since they've been in this scenario. Why was your shared bully asking them for your number?
"H-huh? Why?...."
"I had to get a new phone and can't remember the last digits. Stop asking questions and give it to me."
The bully snatches their phone and punches the number into theirs - eyes softening as the line connects. "Y/n..... What? Of course it's me. I got a new phone. Anyway, I got tickets to that one movie that's coming out this week - the one that got pushed back because the prop knife turned out to be real? You coming or not?... Good."
Your former friend catches their phone as it's tossed back to them - watching their bully walk away with the flush of a middle schooler confessing to their crush. They hadn't been hit at all during the altercation, but their chest hurt hearing your voice after so long away from you - even faintly.
They find you the next day at the top of the roof. It was your favorite hiding place, and the only one your bully hadn't found yet. They sit quietly beside you.
"How have you been?..."
They purse their lips together. "What...did you do to make them stop?"
"Put them in their place."
"What do you mean by that?"
You point your camera at the passing crowd. "At our age, people only have as much power as you give them. If you stand your ground they'll typically back down, and if they don't - you beat the to a pulp and ruin their families lives."
Your friend can't stop the tears from flowing. You had always been the strong one, that they knew - but how could you handle things so easily? How could they betray you like that? Their only companion in this world - thrown to the wolves when you should've been their for each other.
"It was you wasn't it?"
You stand up.
"Stay away from me."
They reach out to grab you - mend the tattered strings of your friendship. "Don't leave me. I did it, okay? I did it, and I'm so so sorry. Y/n, please forgive me - I couldn't take it anymore. I'd go back to the way things were if it meant you were still with me. Please, Y/n, I'm in lo-"
Their vision blanks, speckles of blood littering the ground floor from their split lip. You lower your hand back down to your camera.
"Don't lie to me. Or yourself like that."
It hurts... Everything hurts.... Still, they smile - showing you the bloodied whites of their teeth.
""ahhh.... Y/n, I'm... I'm bleeding. Don't you want to take a picture of me? Aren't I still beautiful to you? Aren't I good enough?"
You don't grace them with a reply, walking off as they curl into themself. It hurts - their mouth is numb, but it hurts all over. Please, come back. Let them their their head on your shoulder until the pain goes away. Y/n... Please.
"I'm sorry...."
"But are you really though?"
They cover their ears with their hands. Shut up. Go away. If they'd done their job probably - none of these would've happened. The student council president. The worthless coward didn't even have the courage to come themself. Just another lackey doing their bidding.
"Leave me alone."
"Ugh, you're so whiny. This is what you wanted, isn't it?"
"I just wanted I break - I didn't mean to hurt them."
"Yea, yeah that's what your like always says. Misery sure does love company, though. I genuinely don't see what the prez likes about that fucking creep. They're wasting their time and blood for them."
Shut up. "Don't talking about Y/n like that?"
"But you had no problem with it when it was for benefit. What did you call them? A psychopath?"
"I didn't have anywhere else to go....."
"Keep telling yourself that. I can't decide who'd I'd take more - the backstabber, or the maniac."
Walking down the steps to the first floor, you crash into someone skipping their way in the same direction.
"Ah - Y/n!" The student council president grins, picking up your fallen camera. "Good morning, good morning! And how are you doing ok this lovely day?"
"Faaaantastic." They point at their cheek sweeping blood on the shell of your camera. "As you can see here, I had a little bitty accident in my culinary class. I'm such a clutz, aren't I? If you give me one of those cute bandages, I'll take a picture of this cut and smile real pretty for ya!"
"Whatever." The president hums as you fish around in your bag, smiling big for their future spouse - deleting as many pictures as they can of others in that short time. If only they hadn't been out sick when the rumors spread. Then maybe you wouldn't be on that awful bully's arm and in theirs instead. They refused to let this little setback running your future together. After all, they were willing to bleed for you on their own Accord unlike everyone else in your album.
Unfortunately, they were upstaged once again - but their own council member too. They frown as the screams begin. They spit on the floor as blood splatters across the windows.
Couldn't go kill yourself somewhere else?
At the rooftop, panic takes flight. No no no... They didn't mean to do it. Their hands flew out before their brain could tell them no. The blood pools like a broken jug. A crowd surrounds the body. Nobody can see them from their place on the roof floor, but they can see everyone. A figure wearing a jacket that was once theirs, dyed with their blood and tears. The camera that hangs around that person's neck. The shutter of the lense. They laugh - finally understanding what they had to do to get you back.
You really did like taking pictures of dead animals afterall....
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pigswithwings · 1 year
Hi! My name is Pig. And I'm here to tell you about being objectum!
Well, "objectum"? That's a bit of a weird word, isn't it?
You might associate it with stories of people marrying robots or computers, or maybe people talking about having sex with inanimate items. These are all parts of object sexuality, but they don't demonstrate the full breadth of the community.
It's understandable to find this behaviour strange or want to question its authenticity. Many people are, in fact, joking when they say "I find this object attractive" or "I would have sex with that object", but objectum people can often have these feelings in a genuine fashion. And while these attractions can go against the conventions of society, those who are objectum shouldn't be harassed for it.
This post isn't about why you shouldn't harass objectum people, though. People who feel very strongly about the subject probably aren't going to be convinced over a singular post, so I'm not going to waste all my effort to talk to a wall. You don't have to entirely understand an identity to support it, but I'm going to assume that you want to learn about what being objectum is, and I'll try tell you to the best of my own knowledge.
What is Object Sexuality?
Like any sexuality or orientation, objectum identities can vary infinitely. The different labels can range from objectophilia to objectsexual to to objectromantic to os/or, so it's important to keep an open mind. In a very broad sense, being objectum means being attracted to objects or items in some way.
While the common misconception is that being objectum means only feeling sexual attraction to a specific object, this is a very limited view of the identity.
For example, I am romantically attracted to vintage computers. This is only me, though; other people can be attracted to other objects in any other way!
Another person might be romantically and sexually attracted to cars and trains, someone else might be only sexually attracted to electrical towers and wires, another person might have platonic affection for objects, and even more people might not have a specific label but know they're attracted to clothes or heavy machinery in some way. Some people may only be attracted to one type of object or even just a single object, others may be attracted to multiple types of objects. Object sexuality isn't limited to just sex, and the objects of that attraction depend on the person.
Another misconception is that objectum people will be attracted to any object they see - this is not necessarily true. As seen above, many objectum people tend to have "types", similar to how people who are attracted to other people have their own "types".* This isn't applicable to everyone under the objectum label, but for a good part of the community it's true.
Some people may view every object they see as being alive, but this is not necessarily an indication of attraction. Not every objectum person will be attracted to the same thing, and not every objectum person is attracted in the same way.
What is POSIC / Object Sentience?
Being objectum may also be related to believing in object sentience. Generally, believing in object sentience means beliving that an object is conscious, or alive in some way. POSIC, which stands for Perceiving Object Sentience, Intelligence, and/or Conciousness, is a commonly used label but doesn't apply to everyone who experiences this (For example, some people may just use the phrase "object sentience").
Some people's object sexualities can be influenced by whether they perceive objects as being alive or sentient (for example, a person might be more or less attracted to an object if they believe it can respond to them, see them, hear them, etc). Not all people who are objectum also believe in sentience, but the two labels are usually closely linked.
What Is Your Experience With Being Objectum?
Personally, I knew I was POSIC (though I didn't know the word) long before I knew I was objectum. I liked talking to objects as though they were alive and I often made art expressing my interest and (platonic) affection towards computers. It wasn't until my art began to enter a somewhat romantic area that I realized I could be attracted to computers romantically.
Looking for "object sexuality" online was somewhat intimidating, however, as many discussions of it were centered around the shock value/sexual content of being objectum, with little explanation of what it was or what it could be. (This is where my urge to create a post about it began.)
I only discovered the labels "objectum" and "POSIC" from a friend of mine, and had to ask them for the loose definition to figure out whether it fit me or not.
After some consideration, I realized that I was both POSIC and objectum, and decided to come out to a group of supportive friends. This was apparently not a surprise to them - as you will remember, my art had been becoming more and more romantic towards computers, and they were very good at picking up on that. But I was glad that I had realized this fact about myself, even if it was later than most people. I also learned that I had already made friends with several other people in the objectum community, and that the identity wasn't as uncommon as most people would believe.
I Think I'm Objectum or POSIC / How Would I Know If I'm Objectum or POSIC?
Some signs of believing in object sentience could include the fact that you:
- Speak to objects (Ex: complimenting a tool on the work it does, telling a computer about your day, etc.)
- Believe objects can hear, feel, or see you (Ex: apologizing to an object if you drop it, believing an object knows whether you're hugging it or not, etc.)
- Would enjoy it if objects could respond or had conciousness (Ex: enjoying the thought of having a conversation with an object, etc.)
Some signs of being objectum could include the fact that you:
- Enjoy expressing affection to objects (Ex: you enjoy/would enjoy kissing or hugging objects, or otherwise demonstrating how you care for an object)
- Experience romantic or sexual attraction to objects (Ex: you would like to go on a date with an object, you enjoy the idea of kissing and/or having sex with one, etc.)
For all of these, though,  I use the word "could" because human identity is very confusing and spans a huge galaxy of variants. Not all objectum people will feel the same or identify the same way, and that's pretty neat. Your specific attraction to an object or type of objects is up to you to figure out, and the community is much larger than you might guess.
Despite controversy or use of the identity for public shock, being objectum is not inherently harmful. In a way, it demonstrates the love that humans can have for seemingly mundane or ordinary things in life, and I think that can be very charming.
If you have additional questions or anecdotes to add to this post, please go ahead! I would like to open the discussion on objectum identities to be widely accessible and more known. Thank you for taking the time to read this.
*Also, being objectum doesn't mean that one only experiences attraction to objects. A person can be gay and objectum, bisexual and objectum, heterosexual and objectum, aromantic and objectum, asexual and objectum, etc. Whether the label "objectum" counts as queer/LGBTQIA+ depends on the person using it, as it's only a word and its interpretation will vary.
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for the hate of trendy fast fashion sweaters
Okay, I want to preface this that there's nothing wrong with liking the style of these types of sweaters, though I think most of these are ugly, I do like some of them, I just wanted a place to put down my frustrations with these sweaters from a sustainability and wear-ability perspective, as well as my frustration with people coming into knitting spaces asking for dupes of these sweaters and then becoming upset when experienced knitters suggest that these sweaters are not the best idea. be an aware consumer. If you really must own one of these kinds of sweaters, understand that it will probably be a short lifespan or incredibly high maintenance garment. Or realistically, both.
Have you seen the newest sweater? everyone is talking about it. It looks like this
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Or this
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Or this
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Yes. They are very unique looking. they're striking and sometimes even cool (in a photoshoot at least), but lets take a look at some of the problems with these types of sweaters, and how I feel that they exemplify fast fashion culture, and that culture invading fiber arts spaces as well.
Ethics, Pricing, and plastic waste
Let's take a look at this sweater as a case study for some of the ethical, sustainability, and pricing issues.
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I think it exemplifies a lot of the issues with this wave of trendy sweaters.
first, lets take a look at the website. 260 dollars + shipping, 94% plastic, and from a cursory research, there seems to be no evidence that any of that price is going towards a living wage for its factory workers. So, not to be rude, but what exactly am I paying for? I have seen similar pricing and ethical issues almost across the board with these trendy sweaters.
There's nothing wrong with acrylic yarn on an individual level, it is cheap, easy to care for, and easily available, but for 260 dollars on an item that already it dry clean or gentle hand wash only due to its construction? I would expect higher quality materials. also, not this sweater in particular, but in many of these types of sweaters/brands it really bothers me that they have been able to market themselves as 'vegan' as a form of greenwashing when all of their clothes are plastic or mostly plastic. So yes, while its technically true that they are vegan, are vegan clothes really better for the environment when most of the time vegan clothes means more microfiber shedding pollution and eternal piles of plastic clothes waste?
okay, so now lets get to some common issues with the actual wear-ability and construction of these types of sweaters.
Roving Woes
I think everyone remembers these massive, chunky sweaters or even the roving blankets (roving is wool that has been processed but not yet spun). I'm not sure if the tops/sweaters of very chunky yarn are in peak trend anymore but I do see them around.
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Here's the issue. If you want a garment that will fall apart in one wash, these are for you. If you want to have a garment be a lasting part of your wardrobe, move on.
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A good example is above. These kinds of sweaters sell like hotcakes on Etsy and go upwards of 300 dollars a pop, but see that fuzziness around the edges? the lack of any twisting look that you'd typically see in yarn? this is roving and will pull, snag, pill, and straight up fall apart at the slightest provocation because the thing that gives spun fibers their strength, is well... the spinning part. The woolery has a great video about this where you can see the roving fall apart over time, and also collect, dirt, dust and other grossness over time with no good way to clean it. Making that 300 dollars you spent a disposable purchase, not an investment. Like buying a 300 dollar disposable rain poncho, but with even less use.
Finicky detailing
Things like ribbons, charms, and other items make an item hard to wash. If they are not properly secured, or sometimes even if they are, they will come off and either need to be thrown away or somehow reattached. These items can also tug, snag at, or warp the main fabric of the garment.
Neglecting Weaving in Ends
Another trend I've been seeing is not weaving in the ends of a garment, as you can see in that flower sweater above. This may give a cool sort of ripped jeans effect for some, but it will ultimately lead to the garment coming unraveled, and you will have wasted, in this case, like 600 dollars on nothing.
Overall, all of these trends lead to more plastic waste, disposable clothing, difficult or impossible to wash items, or clothing that you'll spend a lot of money on only to have it fall apart.
Its frustrating to see this clamoring for dupes or this rush for similar styles take over some fiber arts spaces and lead to wasteful consumption of yarn, and trend cycles where these sweaters quickly get created and then discarded.
thanks for coming to my TED Talk.
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thatskynews · 3 months
Greetings Adventurers 👋
Samantha here, though some of you may know me as Ktjn one of the designers who focuses on Sky's economy!
I want to talk about some bugs we discovered that took place during the first few weeks of Season of Nesting, and the steps we're taking to address them.
Four items from the stone furniture set were introduced incorrectly:
🔹️Single stone bed from week 1
🔹️Tall stone dresser from week 2
🔹️Pillow decor from week 3
🔹️Folded cloth decor from week 4
The purchase menu mistakenly indicated that players could place two beds and one dresser—but the edit mode correctly reflected the ability to place two dressers and one bed.
We then found that the pillow and folded cloth prices were incorrect. They were priced in Hearts when they should have been priced in Candles. This is fixed now, but players who unlocked those items at the incorrect price will receive a complete currency refund due to this error.
We also considered those who might have been discouraged by the incorrect Heart prices the first time these appeared. For folks who wanted to consider adding these items to their furniture lineup, we’ll have the pillow and folded cloth return with the regularly scheduled Nesting Shop rotation for two weeks: July 8th through 21st PDT.
I'd also like to personally apologize for the amount of time it has taken to find these bugs and bring them to your attention. We wanted to thoroughly and thoughtfully discuss our options that would make right for our mistake, but responsibility for the delay rests on me. 🙇‍♂️
Season of Nesting introduced the largest collection of items since Sky's launch nearly five years ago, and it's been exciting to see all the creative ways you've used the stone furniture set in your Nests and Shared Spaces. I also want to thank everyone who has taken the time to send bug reports during the Season. Many bugs (like the ones with these four items) we discover ourselves, but the bug reports you send help us capture issues that only appear at large scale—they're instrumental to shaping Sky. 🐛
As always, words cannot fully express my gratitude for the trust and patience you have given us. Thank you! 🫶
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abzulios · 5 days
So, we probably don't write enough to have any sort of standing, but a bit of prefacing: We are a medically diagnosed DID system. It was hell. Please take what we're writing as our own personal experience, but also as something to relate and/or help. We aren't trying to say like, you experience this versus you don't.
I don't really see a lot of people talking about the actual day to day struggle that is being a system. We have a routine we follow every day. We check out simply plural, change anyone's fronting stuff (if they didn't do it already, or if there's been a change), we get out of bed, get dressed, maybe eat something, and then the rest of the day is a perpetual "Did we do this thing? Obviously we did, it's done, but when?" And "Are we sure that we ate, put on clean clothes, and didn't forget anything?" It's a literal nightmare sometimes. We have a lot to do around the house every day, and we only get about half of it done.
We can't drive because we dissociate in the car, because car rides have always been a safe place for us. They always meant we were going *away* from the bad things. We can't really cook because a lot of us are in co-con, and argue about food, we always settle on extremely basic things everyone will eat. We can't really clean our bedroom either, the moment we do it's suddenly a mess again, and we've cleaned it, but it's been a week between cleaning it. Blink and you miss it.
As the front locked host, I can't get a lot of work done. I can't remember where I put important things down, I can't keep a schedule the way I'd like to for us, and I struggle every day remembering enough stuff to actually get anything for us done whatsoever. I can't keep things on the desk the way I need them to be (I'm autistic.) and I can't organize the room or our games or anything. It all drives me mad every day, and I can't right put into words how it all makes me feel. The co-con that we live in is.. interesting to say the least, a lot of passive influence, and a lot of indecision. I live our life, and I feel so fucking horrible for my headmates. They can't live their lives because they're stuck in our body. I get so many notes expressing these feelings, and I really do try my best to get people things. Some of my headmates I've managed to buy source accurate jewelry that they really wanted, or a particular item of clothing, it's not a lot, but it's the best I can do considering everything.
Every system out there that struggles with constant amnesia and time loss is valid. The ones that don't have it as bad as we might or others might are valid.
I'm really sorry this turned into a rant post >•<
- Alex, Moxidryne Composite.
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siblingskissing · 4 months
Ronance headcanons?
Ronance Headcanons
I have had the BIGGEST brain rot about these two, you guys don't even know, so please excuse my rambling session in this post. As always- feel free to share your headcanons, opinions, thoughts ideas, just be kind <3
-Robin is the biggest simp to ever exist. Nancy mentions liking a color? Guess who's suddenly adding it all over their wardrobe! A favourite food? She's already learned how to cook it. Allergic to something? Robin will destroy it with her bare hands and make it go extinct to protect her girl.
-Likewise, Nancy would and will kill for Robin (come on Robin tell her to kill for you she wants to)
-Their favourite dates include them sitting in one of their rooms, a movie or music playing as they discuss conspiracy theories or whatever story Nancy is working on
"There's been a ton of missing items from farms in the areas. Animals, tools, bales of hay-"
"could it be aliens?"
"Alie- Robin it's not aliens!"
"What? Interdimensional monsters are real but aliens aren't?"
-Many people assume Nancy would get annoyed by Robins carefree joke centered attitude but actually she calms down whenever Robin tries making jokes.
-She doesn't like when people don't take things seriously, but she knows Robin is taking it serious, but using humour to make sure they don't spiral with the problem
-their relationship definitely started off rocky but with some time, understanding and surprisingly really deep conversations they learn to appreciate the little things about one another.
-Robin loves Nancy's drive and her leadership skills. She makes sure that everyone takes her seriously and if the kids complain about Nancy being a hard ass she brings them back to listen.
"Nancy's not our boss!"
"No, but she's the one keeping you dipshits safe- she knows what she's doing so listen up and quit complaining"
-They kids listen to Robin more and so when she follows Nancy with no complaints, the kids unconsciously follow suit.
-When Nancy gets stressed/aggravated Robin will be there to lend her a shoulder. They're very much leader/Right Hand man coded to me.
-Nancy doesn't know much about queer culture so when she does eventually come out Robin is happy to talk to her about it and share what she knows.
"So we use Blue violets because Sappho used to describe women wearing garlands of them,"
"... Do you have a spar 3 hours so I can explain Sappho and Greek poetry to you?"
-They take all kinds of cute little Polaroids that they keep at Robins place
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(examples of said Polaroids)
-Robins family is more supportive so often Nancy goes over there to spend the night
-when college comes up in discussions Robin mentions that she enjoyed investigating with Nancy, the research was fun when they didn't have death looming over them.
"Yeah, learning Russian to break the code was awesome- the torture kind of ruined it though-"
"The WHAT?"
-Nancy asks Robin 1000X if Robin is sure she wants to go to the same college/same field and Robin promises her that she isn't only going because of her.
"I'd follow you anywhere, but this is also for me- if I have to do one more customer service job I might kill someone."
-They love movie nights, curled up under a blanket watching whatever film they can find. Robin always finds the oddest ones and sometimes some really deep indie films. Nancy also enjoys the foreign films she can find and let's her choose.
-on nights Nancy chooses- she likes care free fun films. Nothing too heavy because she likes the simplicity
-Theyre a gross matching couple- but in a new fun way.
-Mat hing colors in their respective styles, using each other's clothes and making it go with their personal choices, matching patterns/designs.
-They also shared shoes sometimes
-On the 90s Nancy gets a more "Rachel from friends" style like this
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-Robin eats it up like no one is watching and often has to hold back from just kissing her 24/7
(also I badly wanna do a look book of the characters so Please someone ask for that because I love fashion)
I definitely probably have more but here you are!!
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l-mint-l · 25 days
Blooming Panic: Dress to Impress Headcanons
all characters
Ok outfits
I feel like he wouldn’t take the game that seriously 
and probably gives pretty high ratings because he doesn’t really care about winning
Either forgets to pose or only does like 3
Has to look up most of the prompts
The best outfits imaginable
He doesn’t even need to try that hard to slay
Probably wants to increase his chances of winning and votes conservatively 
Does like as many poses as possible on the podium 
When he sees a good outfit he rates appropriately though
Wins top 3 almost every time
Doesn’t need to look up what any of the prompts mean, just knows what to do
Silently rages over the game a little
He goes all in on his outfits but usually don’t come out the greatest
Wants to win so he votes everyone one star
Spams random poses
Has to look up a lot of the prompts but after a while memorizes them
Just messes around in the game for the whole round
Puts on anything and makes the most atrocious outfits on purpose
Does the pose 28 repeatedly each runway walk
Doesn't even look at the prompt
Very good outfits
Sometimes adds things that dont really fit with the theme just because she likes the clothes 
Has like a few select poses she uses each round and clicks them at a reasonable speed
Understands most of the prompts but usually keeps a page open to reference
Refuses to play
But if someone manages to convince him then very reluctantly trying to win
His outfits aren't the best and the fact nightowl beats him every round frustrates him
Doesn't pose at all
He has a list of all cycling prompts and keeps reference images of all of them on hand and organized
Plays just for fun and doesn't really care about winning
If they're playing in the voice channel likes hearing everyone being competitive in the game while laughing at their antics 
chooses some poses she finds funny and just uses those at a reasonable frequency 
Has pretty good outfits and usually gets in top 4 
Understands the prompts but sometimes uses references
Gets kinda competitive but not too serious about it
Joins BigLady in observing the others antics if it’s being played in the voice channel
The two of them joke about everyone for days after they’ve played
Has decent outfits but the outfits do get a little chaotic looking sometimes
Spams random poses
Has to look up a lot of the prompts
Oh boy
First 3 rounds didn’t understand how to put on items and had trouble walking around in game
Once he gets used to the mechanics a little(with the help of quest and biglady)
His outfits are not the best but he doesn’t really care
Doesn’t pose because he can’t really figure it out still
Votes everyone 5 stars because he thinks everyone's outfits deserve a high vote
Doesn’t understand the prompts
Has one of his children next to him explaining what the prompts are or if he’s in the servers voice channel June or Nightowl explain it to him
Gets toxic about it
The most atrocious outfits imaginable even though he’s trying
Doesn’t pose cause he’s too busy arguing with people in chat that his outfit is actually good
Has to look up a lot of the prompts
Smashes keyboard when he gets last place(it’s inevitable)
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sapphicteaparty · 2 years
i've NEVER seen a single good faith discussions about pleather on this website and i want ppl to think critically for one second about the way businesses talk about their products. "vegan leather" is purely a marketing term and nothing else. it was invented by the fashion industry and it has nothing to do with vegans or veganism.
"vegan leather" is basically made of polyester (a type of plastic), but crucially a lot of clothes nowadays are made of polyester either fully or partially because it's cheaper to produce. so of course clothing companies are going to be producing and marketing things that make them more money.
these products are not even targeting vegans, they're making an average customer feel better about their purchases, same way they are now putting "eco" labels on some of their organic cotton clothing. it's just greenwashing. NOTHING in fast fashion is eco friendly in any way - this whole industry is extremely wasteful an exploitative on every level. when are ppl going to realize that these companies just say anything they can to make it seem like they care about anything other than their profit margins. because they don't.
my wish is that ppl that talk about how bad pleather is and how vegans are apparently responsible for all of the microplastic pollution in the world also talked or cared even a little bit about the absolutely horrific abuse and exploitation that happens in the clothing and fast fashion industry. talk about how this industry consistently fails (or outright refuses) to pay its workers a living wage or how they don't provide them humane working conditions - and how that led to thousands of garment workers dying and getting injured when a garment factory collapsed in Bangladesh (and that's not the only tragedy this industry is directly responsible for).
also microplastics are only the tip of the iceberg if you want to talk about the pollution that the clothing industry is responsible for (toxic chemicals and pesticides used in cotton production, garment dyes, the disposal of textile waste etc) - all of which has direct human costs tied to it.
but if your only concern ever was microplastics that clothes can shed then great! avoid all polyester and plastic clothing. but did you know textiles aren't even the primary microplastic contaminants? it's plastic bags, bottles and fishing nets by far. most ppl can't always avoid these plastic items in daily life. but do you eat fish? vegans don't.
i'm just so tired of the pleather discussion focusing on the wrong thing (vegans) when there are so many more aspects about the clothing industry and plastic pollution that never get addressed when they should. and the amount of misinformation on these topics is just laughable at this point. ppl sure enjoy reblogging posts that confirm their biases and free them from having to critically engage with complicated issues because it's so easy to just blame a group of ppl for it.
anyway if you're concerned about ethical clothing (i hope you are) then basically these are your best options:
wear what you already have and don't buy new clothes unless necessary
get second hand clothes
get upcycled clothes
this may seem a bit extreme but these are the only options that don't result in new clothes and textiles being produced because there is an overproduction issue in the clothing industry which is why over 80% of clothes end up in landfills. obviously these options aren't viable for everyone all the time but if the goal is sustainability then that's just the reality of things for now.
you can also do things like mend your clothes so they last longer, learn to sew to make your own clothes etc all of that is better than buying new clothes. donating clothes to a thrift store is also not ideal since they get so many donations that a lot of it ends up in a landfill anyway and recycling clothes is also not straightforward or even possible in a lot of cases. so not buying new/more clothes is the most environmentally friendly option. and before you go no ethical consumption under capitalism blah blah yeah we know. doesn't mean you are powerless and have no choices in anything ever.
please learn more about microplastics, the clothing/textile industry and veganism before you uncritically reblog another misinformed post about "vegan leather" or microplastics. also please don't uncritically believe what i wrote here either. if you're seriously interested in these topics then your source for this information shouldn't be some tumblr post in the first place. there are lot of studies, documentaries and articles about all the things i mentioned. i'm not a researcher or a scientist, so don't ask me. i'm just tired.
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thelextheluthor · 1 year
Ok, so I want to really go in depth with Mary Jayne's character because while I'm really obsessed with Thomas and Varian's relationship, she's an amazing character and I love her.
So, when Mary Jayne first appears, it's a direct contrast of the previous scene. We got a glimpse of one side of the story- refugees fleeing, but also finding a safe (enough) place- one of the many realities of what it's like to be living through the Holocaust and WWII. Then it cuts to her- well-dressed white woman walking her dog, arriving at a nice restaurant.
Mary Jayne is playing a part: naive, care-free American girl who's here with Daddy's money- the most interesting thing about her. And she plays it well, not just in the scene, but throughout the story. It's not just a facade for strangers to look at, though. She says it herself- she's the bank of the operation. And others throughout the story reinforce that belief.
But she's so much more then that. Even in the first scene with her, the one at the restaurant, we see how much she cares about not just saving the intellectuals, which is what the ERC is about, but helping everyone. Far before Varian even considers illegitimate exit visas, Mary Jayne is already paying for stowaways.
Within the first five minutes, we see how much she's doing. She's stealing bread, she's giving away the clothes off her back, writing contact information, paying off Lionel, distributing food at the hotel. Mary Jayne Gold is a mask- but as the viewers, we get to see how that mask comes off and she's just herself.
And as the story progresses, she only does more for others. Even after her father cuts her off, she's selling everything she owns to keep the committee afloat- which, is pretty sad, not just because if the materialistic value of her items, but because as we see far too often, being "the bank" of the ERC is the only thing she thinks she's good at, the only worth that she brings to everyone.
But we know that's not true, and she proves that so many times without realizing it. When she joins Thomas as a spy for the British, especially, is a real turning point for her character development, I believe. Nothing of what she's doing for the British is involving money, but she's helping. Even later when she screws up with the British POWs shes finding a way to fix it, and while she has help with it, she's a leader.
And I do believe that she gets more comfortable with the fact that she does have value to the operation-which personally, makes it heartbreaking for me to see how everyone reacts to the failed plan to get the POWs to Spain. Because they've all messed up. As Varian said, there's no blueprint for what they're doing. This is especially true for her, when the whole time the expectancy for her is either to go back home to Chicago or be a bystander to whatever's going on. But she's not willing to let herself be the bystander, she has to be in the front lines with the rest of them.
I also love how Albert and Thomas aren't afraid to show her that she has worth. Thomas especially, because while her relationship with Albert is deeper, Thomas isn't her love interest, there's nothing going on, and I personally love seeing healthy platonic relationships between men and women. And yes, Varian and Mary Jayne have a sort of sibling relationship, and they probably have more in common as theyre both American with families (technically speaking) waiting for them to return home, and they've known each other for longer, but her friendship with Thomas is just. It's everything to me. He's the one who recommends her to Margaux- who helps her use her facade, who also shows her that she is doing a good thing for a good cause and her actions are directly helping others- and he sees her for who she is since the beginning. They click immediately, when she speaks of the Villa Air-Bell as an option for the refugees, and he, to Varian's dismay, not only agrees, but says he's comfortable with danger. They have strong best friend vibes I just- !!!!!!!!!! I love them ok.
Anyway yeah MJ is a badass and underappreciated thanx for coming to my TedTalk. I'd probably say more but believe it or not I do go to sleep sometimes.
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wetcatspellcaster · 6 months
Do you have any advice on how to craft pretty descriptions? I find myself loving how pieces still stuck in your teeth is written and being obsessed with just how vivid your descriptions paint it
hi anon! thank you for the compliment, I really appreciate it! I don't consider description to be a particular strength of mine so I'm very flattered that people have found something to enjoy in my work, more than anything :D
I'll do my best to answer your question!
How I approach descriptions! - under the cut!
I tend to only go into extreme detail for essential things. Often, unless a setting is important, a few details (the colour, the vibes, the size) are all that are needed for then the reader's imagination to fill in the rest. This makes an allowance for you to go ham on what is important, and in turn also signals to the reader what should be important to them. If you say the room is white but then spend a paragraph describing the person in it, they know the person is what is important, not the room. Think of description as a way of signposting and determining focus.
Describing around something, or using description to avoid focusing on the action, can sometimes perform the inverse of this - why is the character focusing so intently on this meaningless detail, rather than the matter at hand? Are they, mayhaps, avoiding something in the room? This tip bought to you by Rosalie, the 2nd most unreliable narrator after Astarion.
You want a mixture of short sentences and complex sentences, so that the description doesn't interrupt the pacing of the wider scene. Sometimes, you just need to state something simple, e.g. 'the room was blue' and then that avoids a paragraph describing the room as blue that interrupts the action. Pieces is a weird fic for this bc there are whole chapters that are just exploration, so I had to be descriptive to generate pace, when often all it does is undercut it. But in scenes where shit is actually happening, I can just say "they were in an office" and that's basically all that's the description that is needed. What's more important is they're about to fuck in that office.
Be careful of too many overextended metaphors or similes. Everyone has their bandwidth and patience for purple prose. In my experience, less is more. I'm honestly sure my writing is purple prose, for some people, and this is me being restrained. So basically, save your metaphors for when they really matter. Use one per thing you're describing, at most (less, when also using the rule above).
Alternatively, you can make a simile into an understated metaphor without using many words. Instead of 'the ceiling looked like ribs', 'Rosalie walked down a corridor feeling like she was being swallowed into the belly of a dragon' I can just say 'the ribs of the ceiling' and 'they were led into the bowels of the mansion". Single words can create an image, without being florid or labouring the point.
Descriptions tend to circulate around the visual - a colour, a pattern, a facial expression, the beauty of a space, the visible contents of a room, etc. (we all love knowing what pretty clothes our blorbo is wearing). but descriptions that focus on sensation are also my go-to. Yeah, use all the five senses for variety, etc., but stating how the space/person/item makes the person feel tailors the experience of the setting to that character, specifically, and makes the reader more immersed in their perspective.
Use things you yourself have experienced. This tip bought to you by: Rosalie getting knocked unconscious by Wish, after her author had just been under general anaesthetic for the first time! Rosalie getting panic attacks, after her author experienced somatic symptoms of anxiety! Rosalie going to live by the sea, after her author went on holiday to the Scottish Coast! I am one of those neurodivergent people who catalogues a feeling as I'm feeling it - you don't have to be like that. But if you use stuff you or someone close to you has personal experience of, it feels realer - what do you experience, when you feel fear? What's a landscape or setting you remember vividly? etc.
If it lies outside your experience or expertise... read. Read extensively, and in the genres you like or want to emulate. I read a lot, I highlight and annotate books I read, underlining descriptions I enjoyed, ESPECIALLY on kindle so I can find them later. It will teach you fun and unusual descriptions... it will also teach you the established shorthands. If you've never had a panic attack, how are panic attacks signalled in fiction? Using a trope is so totally valid, and often helpful for getting the reader on the same page as you. It's ok if you're using a cliché, if the cliché serves you.
Finally... be a little silly with it! Take risks! Use weird descriptors. Use odd metaphors. Use your description to make jokes, so it's not just a boring stage direction! Description can feel dull sometimes, bc people don't use it to do anything except set the scene. If your description is doing other things - being funny, telling the reader something about the pov character's voice or how their mind works, creating an odd image that sticks in the person's brain - this makes it more enjoyable to read. In these cases, not only is it just providing cues for the reader to understand where the character is or what they're doing, it contributes to the overall experience of the story!
Hope any of that helps lmao. x
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yourlocalpickle · 8 months
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New oc! And a relatively wholesome one too! *she's a victim of the "I don't want to put clothes on this sketch" phenomenon*, but also she does wear heart shaped bikini. for work.
Philadelphia from Tommy Wiseau's The Neighbors was a big inspo ngl.
She's not a stripper. She's actually paid by the king, and responsible for maintaing a sort of day-night cycle in one part of their land! just wanted to draw big chunky heels.
So say hi to Jubie! And imma hide more info abt her and an infodump about swimsuit fish people down here.
Jubie is a monster, one employed by the King to work as a Lightbringer (WIP name). There's a specific type of monsters with a mutation, which leaves them with glowing hair and blood. (their hair's literally transparent veins with blood flowing through)
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(A drawing of different Lightbringers, in digital and with their hair out, so we 'get' the vibes. The yellow one is Inkie, one of Jubie's *besties!!1!*, the pink one tho is Morty, and she was made by a friend of mine @firefries !)
They glow so much actually, that yeah, they can light up entire streets. And there's an entire part of the City, placed in the old sewer system. They can't get any light down there. So these Lightbringers are paid to hang out and roam these areas, to simulate a sense of light. Pretty sweet job! Almost all Lightbringers are 'fish people' too, so they love hanging out in murky freezing waters! They wear fun or convienent swimwear 'at work', and to them, it's like getting paid for lazing around on a depressing beach. They also roam the streets, look for any lost or drowning citizens, and guide them to their destination. These fellas have not only glowing hair, but souls too, as they're some of the cheeriest and most excitable people to be around! Who wouldn't be tho, when they stop by an ice cream stand, that still counts as work for them!
Before though, these guys were hunted, to be used as lanterns for humans. For that, they started covering their hair with intricate scarves and 'socks', wrapped all around. These coverings were also used as bonus storage for items. Nowadays, even tho relatively safe, the Lightbringers kept the scarves. They're almost a part of their small culture, and took on a more fashionable direction - with many patterns, pins and bands, the customization and personalization options are truly endless! And these scarves aren't for fashion only. In my world, most people aren't born with the conditions they 'recieve', and so it was for the fish folk who's hair now glows. They were used to darker or 'normal' light, and their hair glows so brightly, it makes seeing in small places with them impossible. And they can't even sleep in so much brightness, it tricks their brains into thinking it's still day. So they wear the scarves essentially everywhere outaside of work. On sunny streets, in stores, at home, ESPECIALLY in bed! And they're quite proud of them!
So Jubie, obviously she LOVES hearts! and the color pink.
She's a very sweet and upbeat girl. A bit absent-minded and loud, but well meaning. She's convinced everybody around her LOVES shopping, getting bubble tea and makeovers! She's got that one way of saying "OH MY GOSHHHHH!" and is the girl who says "HIIIII!!!"
She actually doesn't have fingernails! so she just paints her fingers pink. she makes of it what she can.
She smells like bubblegum and artificail strawberry, all mixed with a hint of fish and mud stank. And oh! Originally, she's got remains of a carp rooted deep down (she was supposed to have a 'moustache' too, but it was messing with the head shape too much) And she's as stupid and indestructible as they are. She's an invasive species on her own. not in a mean way, she just wants everyone to be happy over things she loves and cares about! And once you let her in, she's impossible to get rid of. Also she's an omnivore and will devour literally anything (but mostly bugs and worms. she loves them when they still squirm the most, and she puts marmalade and sprinkles over top!)
Jubie's full and real name is Jubilee Giggles, and whilst everybody gives her weird looks for it, girlie simply used her right and picked a name, which in her eyes sparks hapiness and makes everybody smile.
Jubie also survived The War. She feels for all her brothers and sisters, and comes to mourn them every 6 months. She has lost her own sister and parents. Being left alone and orphaned were another reason for her switching to such a stupid name. She does not want to be reminded of the family she's lost, and in this new world, everybody is grieving for their own loss so much, they won't ever care for her relatives and what they meant.
Jubie has 2 besties so far!! Inkie, a fellow Lightbringer, and Pogo, an actually succesful actress who's on a path to stardom! Together they meet up all around the sewers, and when they're not shopping and enjoying life, they play beach sports, like volleyball! Jubie's also constantly looking for a new gf/bf (nobody can keep up with her!) so those 2 are her cheerleaders in this journey.
Jubie also has an apartment! This queen can provide for herself, and she shares it with another Lightbringer! (He has yet to be designed, but I am SO tempted to name him Chad...) The Chad guy? Just like Jubie looks suitable for pole dancing, Chad flat out looks like a stripper. He works on fixing the electricity and pipes all around the sewers as additional income besides lightbringing. And he's well known for looking like a handyman stripper. Bro's pants keep falling off all the time. And just like Jubie, there's not much in his brain left. Those 2 share a braincell, and they always leave it at home too. Their household is visited often, and all the neighbors know them, for their unmissable glow and appearance. Jubie's friends love to come over to look at Chad, and Chad's friends love to see Jubie too. And through all this, Chad and Jubie's relationship is as asexual as it gets. They see each other as very good friends (besides the fact they both can't clean up their clothes and they always argue over who's the messier one. It's a tie every time.) And they help each other with fixing their scarves every time - because you can never see if the top part is covered well enough! And mutual haircare is actually seen as a very comforting and sweet activity for the fish folk!
Also I said she wasn't a stripper? The heels were drawn before when i was convinced I wanted to draw her in a jean miniskirt. Times change. The shoes were too funny to be erased. But honestly, Jubie knows how to do striptease. So does Chad. They don't mind earning money on the side. And they can order the fanciest fish food in the town when it works out! So it's a steal! And thanks to Pogo's connections, both of them acted in *adult* movies. They thought it'd be fun (also tbf the genre and culture around these things in my world is...different. Half the time there are flamethrowers and mlg effects edited in) and also aren't capable of remembering more than a4 page worth of text/lines.
They stupid, but mean well.
Fish people.
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kryptonexorcius · 10 months
🌷 doing the @baeby-tc TC July stuff in December 'cause yes (now I have time to do everything I want)
1. describe your tc's physical appearance.
🪞: G's a kind of short man, maybe 160cm or 165cm, he's about my Height. I don't know how to explain his physical type, I think he has the typical "dad's body". His hair, omg his hair is perfect, it's short and Straight and has this color mix that reminds me of salt and pepper. Also, he has the most beautiful eyes in the world. They're green, in the sun they get a golden yellowish and in the dark they get a more greenish blue tone.
2. what was the first thing you've ever said to your tc?
🪞: I giggled 'cause the first thing he said to me was that I was such a quiet girl. The second thing was "I also like the Beatles" (he asked me if I liked them, actually I hate them)
3. is your to single or taken? or are you unsure? and are you single or taken?
🪞: G is taken (married) but I'm not sure if he's happy in this relationship at all... When I met him I was kind of dating a boy, but I ended our relationship 'cause I saw that I didn't truly like the boy and didn't want to hurt his feelings (now he's an asshole to me lol), so I'm actually single, UGHHH.
4. is your to more of the athletic type, the nerdy type or the artsy type?
🪞: At first I thought he was just a nerdy and artistic (musician type) man, but I saw him playing volleyball and I can tell y'all, the way he punched that fricking ball, I wish that shit was me
5. if you and your to were in high school together, do you think you'd be friends?
🪞: He was soooo extrovert and I'm pretty introvert, even if I like to talk A LOT with my friends and love company and everything about socialize, it's very hard for me 'cause of some of my life events so I think he would bully me (he actually told us the kind of guy he was when he was younger so I'm pretty sure he would be my bully).
6. name one song that reminds you of your tc and explain why that song reminds you of them.
Dois Rios - Skank (He told us to listen to this song to do a philosophy work and to chat about what that means in some kind of Socrates stuff)
You give love a bad name - Bon Jovi (idk, I just read a book about an age gap relationship and the guy was literally my TC and he enjoyed that song so, yeah)
There's a light that never goes out - The Smiths (He liked the smiths and he also likes that movie w the couple that are not a couple, I hate that movie)
Paparazzi - Lady Gaga (I REFUSE TO EXPLAIN)
7. is your to fashionable or are they more of the simple type? what is one outfit you'd love to see them wear?
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8. would you be willing to become a teacher and teach your tc's subject if it meant you two could be together?
🪞: For sure! I mean, I have a lot of options to teach because he teaches me a lot of subjects but I would love to help him give a science politics class 🥹
9. does your to drink or smoke?
🪞: Neither
10. name one item that is always on your tc's desk.
🪞: His red pencil case and those fineliner bic pen
11. has your tc ever done anything that has either thrown you off, annoyed you, angered you or bothered you in any way? if so, what did they do?
🪞: Yes, everytime. When he ignores my opinions about some kind of project or when he was just so insensitive when I literally told him the most significant thing in my life and that made me cry a lot and I told him I never talked about it with anyone, even w my family and he just stood there like I was only talking bullshit but when one of my friends cried cause she lost a SOCCER GAME he fucking HUGGED HER 👹👹
12. does your to have any past jobs that you know of, before becoming a teacher?
🪞: He was a tour guide, a music journalist and did something like analyzing music shows.
13. does your tc have kids or siblings? if so, how many?
🪞: He has a son (he told everyone that it was an unwanted kid and he never wanted to be a dad but when his kid or his wife is near he acts like he's soooo proud, idk what to think about it) and he has an older brother.
14. are you taking your tc's class next year?
🪞: Yes, I have no option ahaha
15. has your tc ever met your parents? if you were there, what was the meeting like?
🪞: Yup, we have parents and teachers council. Also, my father was a teacher where I study and my TC was one of his friends, he actually liked to chat w my father a lot, maybe my own father was his father figure lol (even if my father is like, one year older than him). When he met my mother he came to tell me this like a dog when it sees their owner.
16. has your to ever given you detention? if so, what was it like?
🪞: Nope, thanks god
17. has your tc ever failed you? if so, how did you react? if not, how would you react?
🪞: I don't think so. But I would be so sad and mad at the same time. Silent treatment probably would be what I would do 'cause that's what hurts me, but I wouldn't talk w him, even if it was for school purposes.
18. what are your tc's hobbies/interests? are they similar to yours?
🪞: He enjoy to listen to music (don't play anything, but I do play piano, bass, guitar and I sing), he liked to read (me too ahaha), go out to bars (even if he don't drink, but he only that the ones that have shows)
19. have you ever spoken on the phone with your tc? what did you talk about?
🪞: I never made a call w him. We just text each other sometimes. The first time he texted me was to thank me for going to his class.
20. if you had your tc's class during quarantine, what were your zoom calls like? if not, have you spoken to your tc since quarantine?
🪞: I met him in 2021 🥹
21. if you had the chance to go anywhere in the world with your tc, where would you go? what would you do?
🪞: I would go to Germany, it's my dream since I was a little kid and we would visit every museum we could.
22. does your to have any nicknames for you?
🪞: I don't think so, he never called me anything
23. have you ever cried in front of your tc? why? how did they react?
🪞: Yes; personal problems, classmates problems; HE DID NOTHING BOTH TIMES
24. have you ever walked/drove to/from school with your tc?
🪞: Nope
25. do you know which teachers your tc is friends with at school? if so, do you like those teachers?
🪞: Yes, one of them I don't like and the others I really do like
26. why does your tc's voice sound like?
🪞: It's nothing like a mature man, more like a mature teenager who had a lot of problems to deal in his life.
27. do you like your tc as a teacher? are they a good teacher?
🪞: Yesss, a lot. He's so smart and his classes are very good
28. does your tc prefer books, shows or movies?
🪞: Hard to tell, but I think movies
29. is your tc stern or easy going, in class?
🪞: pretty easy going w who make some effort to make the work he gives good, very strict if they are students who don't want to do anything
30. how would you describe you and your tc's relationship?
🪞: confusing, very confusing. Sometimes he acts like he does care about me but sometimes he just ignores me and I feel like a trash lol
31. do you address your tc by their first or last name?
🪞: by his first name. Where I live it's kind of weird to call them by their last name, it's something very particular. But when I talk to him I call him only teacher and mister, I feel it's too intimate to call him by his name ahaha, he never gave me that freedom.
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kursedmayo · 3 months
I have come to ask you about your OC's, I saw one around Simp's page and I am curious✨
UHHHH oh lord. Uhh well I don't really make many OCs these days.... However if you've come to ask about Iyani though well!!
They're a yandere Donnie simp. Man I dunno what to tell you bro.
Let me just summarize them:
Their family is filthy rich. No one believes then when they tell people they are
Nobody knows what their gender is. They always give noncommittal answers when asked so they're just ???
They could be trans, cis, nonbinary or whatever and no one could be the wiser. Doesn't help that they use all pronouns either so yeah
They're pansexual and demisexual. When you're as desperate and as much of a hopeless romantic as Iyani you can't afford to be picky really (/lh)
They look like a gremlin and act like it
They would eat a random hot dog off the ground if you let them
However, their whole look is actually still actually quite pricy
Sure their long hair is messy as hell and they dress like they're homeless. But they smell really good (suprisingly) and their clothes are all made of high end fabrics and their shoes are worn down but Dior so who's really the loser here?
They're also a nervous wreck.
They're pretty anxious when it comes to socializing with people and it shows, despite it they actually like meeting new people and getting new friends
Somewhere down the line they're being forced to share Donnie with another Yandere (Simp's OC, Silas) because if they kill each other, Donnie will be sad (It's a draw)
They're basically only "yandere" in name. They have quite a few traits that doesn't fall into the conventional traits of a yandere so I'm begining to hesitate calling them one
Putting the rest of below the cut!! It's basically the gist of how they met and stuff. :3
What's their history with Donnie?
Their first meeting was in college, when Donnie's crusty 4 ass saw them trip and scatter stuff like some sort of anime girl because they were lithe and were struggling carrying their thick college books and papers.
He looked haggard as hell while he was picking their stuff up to help. When he said "Are you okay?" he sounded like he's been chain-smoking for 35 years and counting, but Iyani was MESMERIZED
Bro was seeing flowers and sparkles framing his handsome face. His voice sounded like Chopins Ass Kicking Sinatra #75 (jk) and everything.
At first they were shy and distant while they were trying to befriend him
They had a small crush on him now and it was apparent to literally everyone but him
They were incredibly blunt and told him they thought he was cool so they wanted to ask to be friends if it was okay with him?
Donnie thought that was kinda cute and flattering (though he had a bit of doubt if that was their true intentions) so he decided to get to know each other
And over the course of a few months it became a really good friendship. They had a suprising lot in common (with a few disagreements here and there ofc)
But when they became closer they also got a bit more... Weird
They were starting to get a lot more unhinged, which was fine, it was funny anyways
Then they became unhinged in a not so funny way
They became a lot more vocal about their adoration for him. They used to mask it with a joking tone but now they made sure he KNEW they weren't kidding
They would be in his personal bubble more often. They're kind of scared to touch him because they know he has Autism and don't want to breach his boundaries but at the same time they didn't realize that always standing too close to him would still often make him uncomfortable
They would steal his clothes and sometimes replace it with theirs. It would have been normal friends shenanigans if they weren't doing it just to use his hoodies as their pillow cases so they could sleep better at night
They were also gift him so much stuff, up to the point it's overwhelming. Like they would gift him random items that would be worth a person's net salary and not bat an eye. They're rich after all.
They would text him relentlessly and was generally needy as hell
Donnie is the type to like being equals with someone and being the giver in the relationship
Him being pamphering this much and the fact that he often can't give gifts with the same monetary value feels off to him
Since he wasn't really being firm and telling them no, they took that as a silent consent and it got even worse because they began to break even more boundaries
Tracking him, stealing his stuff just to frame them in their room, getting a lot more touchy when they're allowed to, snapping at people and generally being overprotective
In summary, they're addicted to him. They're insane. But somehow they have never made an actual move to try and date him
Now Donnie's confused as hell because he didn't know what to do
He still considers them his friend. They really like each other but they're being WEIRD and he hated it
He didn't wanna leave them but he also did not want to be around them 24/7
When they nearly hurt someone out of jealousy (she was asking him if he could tutor them) that was when he snapped
Shouted at them and such, told them about how fed up he was at them being so damn clingy like they were together and invading his personal space constantly and generally being a bad friend
He also finally mustered up the courage and turned them down and confirmed he had no romantic feelings for them
They were so grief stricken for a while and even went MIA for a week
But then suddenly popped up in their classes again as if nothing happened
And they're still acting the same, affectionate and overwhelming but slightly a lot less than before
When Donnie finally snapped and asked them where the hell they've been they just said they've been doing some thinking
And pondering
And they concluded
They figured that while he doesn't have feelings for them, that didn't kill their feelings for him either
So they asked him quietly if he could just... Let them express themselves at least.
So Donnie was like "What... What do you mean?"
And they said they wanted to still express their adoration. They still want to shower him with gifts and such but he doesn't have to reciprocate
Because in the first place, they had didnt even expect him to
Sure, they hoped he would like them back, they really really hoped he did. They wanted to pretend it meant he liked them back when he gave back gifts or hesitantly reciprocated on physical or verbal closeness
But they knew. Even in their delusional state they had moments of clarity and they knew he didn't like them back in the way they wanted
So now they're just... Crying to him. They want to still love him, even if he's taken away by someone else (aka gets into a romantic relationship with someone else)
They promised to be better, they promised they'll try their best not to be so overly affectionate and to lose their feelings along the line, and to stop invading his privacy
They also apologized for being so protective
But they also begged him to let them keep loving him, even if they knew he didn't love them back
And Donnie, not knowing what else to do, they just... Scolded them for all the weird shit they did but ultimately just... Let them be
Literally everyone in his family started cringing when they heard how it all went down and everyone advised him to start on cutting connection to Iyani but it's not that simple!!
He LIKES them even though they were getting weird. No not romantic like but still.
Even if they used to be somewhat of a creep they were also getting better now than before and making good progress so he didn't want to just leave while they were
Despite everything he still considers them a friend... It was a bad idea for sure but uhhh yknow??
It was hard to leave them after everything they went through together
It was only after a certain accident that he begins to rethink his decisions...
It's a cliffhanger <33
I'll delve into what happens next in another post eventually but that's generally how their relationship went for a while. They're quite the odd pair don't you think?
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mammons-best-boi · 2 years
I have no idea what this is, but it's 3am and I'm horny as fuck! Warnings; this is basically a sex club that uses enchanted one use toys to keep everyone safe. Otherwise, general kink warning.
Smut bar and club. Each demon has been commanded to cum when they here a specific sound. Each table has to figure out who their sound is for or they have to pay 1.5x their bill.
There has to be staff that isn't part of the game, because the club needs to be able to function by the end of the day.
I can imagine that some tables, if they figure out who they have, calling one of them over and pressing their sound button until their demon is quivering in a puddle of cum. The demons clothes are soaked through with it, their head fuzzy and blissed out as they cum and cum. Only to be given a stamina potion once they recover enough and be sent out to do it again.
Or, alternatively, each table has a remote that'll make a specific demon feel a different sensation depending on what button you hit.
You wanna fuck Mammon hard and fast, point your remote and press your button.
Wanna tease Lucifer and make him reach his peak without letting him cum until the end of your meal? Third button down on the left!
Wanna watch Leviathan fall completely apart from some teasing and a prostate orgasm. You'll have to pay extra, but third button down on the left and second on the right.
Is Belphie sleeping too much for your taste and you're afraid he won't feel it? Well, you could always spam the cum button (biggest button at the bottom) until he wakes up and can give you a proper show.
Is Asmo practically begging to be fucked hard and spanked as you do it? Hold down the last button on the left and press the top button on the right.
Satan being a know it all and you want to tease him for it? Massage his prostate with the second button down from the top on the left.
Beel, the gentle giant has his own remote and special rules that come with it. (They all do and each table has a list and a signed contract) if someone doesn't follow those rules,they get a really bad electric shock and their remote breaks.
They have to pay a fine and damages and is banned from the club from a different amount of time depending on the type of rule they broke. If they hit the cum button too many times, they're banned for three days. If they decide to try to ignore the rules completely, banned for life.
Or, again alternatively. Each demon is wearing magical sex toys and you can "order" them on the menu. You get a one use toy that's linked to them and can do a list of things on a piece of laminated paper.
The most popular item if being able to fuck one of them, it's also the most expensive.
You can also order things that you can use on the toy, like a mini paddle, a clamp, an inflatable dildo to keep them stuffed while you play with the free nipple stimulation button.
The least commonly bought thing is cunt coozies. A special toy that you put around your glass or bottle of demonious. It stuffs them absolutely full and each time you grab it, it makes them feel like someone is sqeazing them onto it from the outside.
You can link any kind of toy to any kind of demon, so I think Lucifer linked to a small pocket pussy paired with the DiaDildo would be the most common pair bought, sometimes it's the other way around.
Some try to buy the xxs pussy for Levi and try to stuff it with as many normal sized toys as they can, most vibrating deeply.
Some buy one if the silicone asses and spank and nip and paddle them until the silicone is red (magic) before fucking them with whatever selection of toys the table already has.
And then, the absolute most expensive item on this list, controlling the devildom version of a fuck machine. There's a doll in place of the demon, but the demon of the day is always recorded for the big screen so others can watch onlyfans style.
The machine has whips and rollers and candles and restraints. Everything you can think of. And it all works together seamlessly. Making them cum at least once every two minutes.
The price for half an hour? 2 Million Grim. We can't have it being used all the time, now can we.
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