#but these all have some history and still generate fondness within me
pronouncingitwang · 3 months
tagged by @npdclaraoswald <3
Rules: make a poll with five of your all-time favorite characters and then tag five people to do the same. See which character is everyone’s favorite.
tagging more than five bc i can @serenfire @homosexualslug @loverboyfae @bladeweave @arabriddler @boxesfullofthoughts @canonicallyanxious
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spiral-man · 6 months
My self indulgent list of Entities and what I think my connection to them would be, let’s go:
The Eye-I believe I could be a good avatar of the Eye because I’m super nosy, and have always been told I ask to many questions and am to curious and also I’m a pretty open book myself.
The Spiral-If I had to Pick an Entity I think I’d be most likely to serve it would be the Spiral. I have a lot of mental health issues and I have a hard time figuring out what’s real and what’s fake within my perception, Also I’m Pansexual and Pangender and I have ADHD so….
The Flesh-Think I could definitely be at least marked by The Flesh due to a history of $elf Harm (getting better!) and my fondness for NBC Hannibal.
The Lonely-Depression and Anxiety make me prime real-estate for the lonely and I have a bad tendency of dwelling in my own misery at times and finding comfort in that which is what this entity feeds on.
The Slaughter-I’ve got some anger issues and have a bit of a violent tendency at times (working on it).
The Hunt-Used to (still do) love games like tag and hide and seek, I really loved the adrenaline rush those games give you, especially in the woods or something.
The Stranger-I have a bit of a hard time feeling human, I feel like I’m doing it wrong most of the time, like I’m just ever so slightly off compared to everyone else, like I’m just pretending.
The Web-Manipulative parents need I say more.
The Dark-Always loved the dark, find it very comforting.
The End-I’ve never been scared of death, I’ve had some past suicidal issues and now I’m currently studying to be a funeral director/embalmer.
The Desolation-My family has a history of Arson in the sense that one of my grandmas siblings almost burnt their house down because they liked to play with matches, my grandmas son did burn a playground down because he liked to play with matches and my grandmas granddaughter (me, hi) also has almost burnt her house down (multiple times) due to enjoying playing with matches.
The Corruption-Probably my worst fear, when I was younger I loved bugs but these day they make me so uncomfortable, thinking about them makes me itch, and similar idea with rot in general I just hate it, this fear would have a easy time feeding on me.
The Buried-Similar to the dark, I actually do not mind super confined spaces and in fact find them sort of comforting at times.
The Vast-I used to really love to climb trees but I could never get to high up because I was scared of how unsteady it felt, in general I like climbing shit to be up high but if it feels unstable I feel like I’m about to pass out.
the Exctinction-Lived through a pandemic and constantly being informed about different new events that could end the world.
If you read all this, hot damn I love you wow thank you so much haha, this was purely self indulgent as ive seen other people do it and I find the fears so interesting.
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liesmyth · 6 months
Okay this is weirdly specific and obvs if the answer requires doxing yourself don't answer but hjdkfg fave places to go running at? I started going on more walks and it's so fun to explore the local space!!
no worries! I'm very alright with telling people I live in Rome, a city of 3 million people. you can all have that for free etc. (actually, I'm very braggy about it. borderline obnoxious, ngl. Think the Italy equivalent of a New Yorker)
Also!!! I LOVE THIS QUESTION SO MUCH. It made me go through Strava history and dig some running pic I took.
the appia antica route!
if you (generic you) are ever in Rome, there's a lovely green area along the old Appia way that's great for running but also for picnics. My favourite local road race (coming up next month!!) is partly along that route and it's SO beautiful. It's one of those places that make you feel you're genuinely grateful you have a body to move around in and experience the wind and the sun and the mosquitoes in your teeth and the achy calves from doing a few km on cobblestones. It's a very large green area (Appia Antica / Parco degli Acquedotti / Parco di Tor Fiscale / Parco della Caffarella) and there are so many fun trails and paths.
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Lungotevere / centro storico swag
Sometimes u (me) gotta flex and be like "oh, look, I live in Rome" and just plot your long run so that you end up by the Vatican or whatever. There's a route along the Tiber river that's technically a bike lane but it's large enough to run safely, and it's really fun for Sunday runs / whenever you have a bit of time to actually get there.
There are other really great running spots in central Rome like any of the parks (Villa Borghese, Villa Ada etc. and EYE don't really do it often but it's very nice)
Here's a pic! Not mine
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Country roads take me home etc — Castelli Romani
Hilly towns just outside the city that have veeery fun trails and countryside views! You have to actually get there so it's a bit involved, and then once you're there you're like "why the fuck did I think running up a hill was a good idea?" but if you DO like running up hills, it's fun. I like going in the summer for longer runs and I don't bring any snacks just absolutely gorge myself on blackberries from the bushes.
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My beloved neighbourhood run.
I love walking out of the door and just going for it! It's very entertaining as far as "neighbourhood routes" go. It's a decently safe area, I can stay well clear of cars, there's a car park I can do sprints in (and, occasionally, will see people fucking in cars, as one does) and some green. I wish it had a bit more elevation, but there's a stretch of road that's decently hilly so I can't complain + there are some VERY interesting characters and sights. Alas, it's within sniffing distance of a bakery AND a steakhouse, so there isn't a time of the day I can run at without getting hungry along the way, but I don't mind — I have been known to plot a route so that I finish right in front of a bakery for breakfast.
no landmark photos for obvious reasons but here are some cute birdies I saw running a few weeks ago
Holiday run!
One thing I really love to do on holiday is go run around a new city / any place I've never been in, and exploring new places while I'm at it. Some of my most beloved holiday memories are of running early in the morning in new places. Sometimes it backfires horribly and you end up on a muddy path at six thirty AM with water in your shoes and frantically trying to match your phone GPS with that of the route you downloaded yesterday, but it's usually worth it. These are a few photos I had on my phone — the beach is somewhere along lake Garda, and it's been years and I still remember that run with a lot of fondness. Also, another time I got lost in the middle of nowhere in Tuscany and ended up chatting with an incredibly MILFy American tourist who was also out running and that too is a fond memory... anyway. Holiday runs my beloved
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I love so many things because they're the first- in general, too, but right now I'm thinking of Doctor Who.
I love Rose Tyler because she was not only the first companion but really the first character I saw in Doctor Who. It all started with her. I didn't even know they changed companions like that- for me it was her and the doctor - it was their show.
And of course I love nine because he was the first. I knew about regeneration but I thought I would never really see anyone else as the doctor. I was wrong of course, and poor nine with only one season was left behind and I don't know who my favourite doctor is but 2016 me would kill me when I say it's not him. But he was the first, and that makes him so special.
But there's so many firsts. I love Dalek because it was the first story that had me really worried, the first story that had me crying. I love Bad Wolf / Parting Of The Ways because it was the first time shit really hit the fan and the world was properly in danger and there were so many daleks and it seemed like there was no way to fix it, no way out.
We had daleks after that of course, but you defeat a dalek army once- the second time it's not gonna be as scary. It's never gonna be as scary as the first time you saw an actual dalek army.
And then you have the first regeneration and the first time I had to get used to a new guy playing the doctor. And I did, and three seasons later I realised it's gonna be even harder to say goodbye to this one because I ended up loving ten more than nine and I felt like a traitor.
They can't all be first but 11 is the first I accepted as the doctor within their first episode. If that counts for something.
I didn't get used to 12 so easily but he was my first "current" doctor. I caught up just before season 10. And now there's all kinds of firsts again because I'm so, so fond of season 10 because it was the first one I had to wait for, the first time I watched episodes weekly, as they dropped. Bill was the first companion I met at the same time as everyone else. And I can't even begin to describe my feelings about World Enough And Time. It was the first time I logged onto tumblr because Something Just Happened and had the collectively losing our minds over the latest episode experience. And 12 was the first doctor I had to say goodbye to in real time. The first time I waited for a regeneration episode both dreading it and barely containing my excitement. It was the first time I saw a regeneration scene that wasn't already part of fandom history. I don't know how to put it. It's not the saddest (for me) but it is the one that feels… the realest. Like it's not only a part of this tv show I love but an actual event, intrinsically connected with a certain time in my life.
And 13 is the first I saw announced, of course. The first doctor who was new for everyone. The first doctor where I had to try to guess what they're gonna be like from trailers and promo pics and stuff. The first doctor whose run I saw, from beginning to end, as it aired. And I don't love her seasons all that much, I don't like a lot of things about them, and I had a hard time accepting her as the doctor but there's still this sense of nostalgia about her because look at her. That's the first doctor I saw announced in real time. After the announcement I sat myself on the floor and drew her in that black hoodie we first saw her in, with the previous (9-12) doctors in some sort of bubbles behind her, and I still have that drawing on my door. And I only have one funko pop of the doctor, and it's her. I kept seeing it in stores and i was mad it was the only one they had- only the current doctor. But then they announced her leaving and I caved. And bought it just before The Power Of The Doctor as a sort of goodbye.
And now we have fifteen, and I'm amazed to say that he's a first too, in a way. Because (and i said this before) I didn't have my "oh yeah this is the doctor" light switch moment with 13, i just kinda got used to her. But I did with 15, in Boom. So now he's the first new-for-everyone doctor that i saw in a specific episode and went "Yeah. There it is. That's the doctor. I see it."
And that's just talking about New Who.
Cause then there's the first classic doctor I saw (In a story? 4. In a full season/ their whole era? 3) and the first companion which must be Sarah Jane because of New Who, and because the first classic story I saw was with her and 4. In a way it's also Liz, cause when I started watching classic who for real, I started with season 7, so Liz and 3. But Sarah... It's the same as with Rose. She was the very first.
Now that i think about it. I saw The Sarah Jane Adventures way before i watched any classic who.
Of course i love her so much.
And speaking of spinoffs and extended universe,
I love The Night Of The Doctor because it's the first time I ever saw 8, and I liked him instantly. Instantly. And then I saw the movie, and listened to his big finish stories (the first time I listened to big finish). I have such a soft spot for 8. I read my first doctor who comic because of him (A Matter Of Life And Death). I read it online, back then. Now I have it in my library, along with 30+ other dw comics. And books too. And don't get me Started on the books. I saw In The Blood in a bookstore in 2017. It was the first time I saw a doctor who book. I looked it over, and I read the first couple pages, and it sounded nice so I decided to buy it, but not then, cause I didn't have the money. And I passed that bookstore many times, and every time I looked longingly at that book, and one day I did have the money and looked for it and it was gone. Years later when I was visiting London for the first time, I found it at the who shop, and I did buy it then. I had read other dw books by then, so while it's not the first one I read (that was The Stone Rose) it is, I think, the one I hold dearest. And when I did finally read it, I really liked it, too. So it was worth the wait.
I dunno. It's taken me an hour and a half to write all this but I was sitting in my bed thinking how much of an impact being the first [something] could have. And how many firsts I can find only in my experience with Doctor Who. I had to write it down. It felt important.
Hopefully I can fall asleep now.
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Ponniyin Selvan (The Book vs. Movie edition)
I've just today finished the five volumes of Kalki Krishnamurthy's epic historical novel Ponniyin Selvan, which was the basis for the two-movie series of the same name which I ADORED after I watched the first movie for the first time a couple of weeks ago. And ... I have some thoughts on the books and on the adaptation of the books. First of all, some general thoughts about the books:
I really wish I could read this in the original Tamil. In my understanding, these books are a beloved modern classic of Tamil literature, and the English translation, though perfectly fine and serviceable in terms of explicating the plot, rarely has memorable language.
Perhaps this is a function of the translation, or a different literary tradition, or the author's style (and I'll never really know which), but there is a lot of stuff that I can best describe as static. Actions and events are often described after they occur so as a reader, I felt distanced from what was going on in several scenes.
There are a LOT of coincidences (the entire Sembian Amuthan plotline is heavily based on coincidences) and repetition.
Even if I didn't know this was serialized, I would have guessed because of the repetition mentioned above, frequent flashbacks, and the padding out of some of the scenes. This isn't necessarily a bad thing (it reminds me of Dickens' novels, which I happen to be quite fond of) but it's definitely a hallmark of the novels.
I felt sometimes that Kalki was having a bit of a struggle with the historical characters having to do what they did in history versus his fictional characters like Nandini being able to do what they wanted. So sometimes I felt the characterizations were a bit lacking (and I definitely skipped some of Sembian Mahadevi's musings, SORRY!)
Now for the differences between the books and film versions (SPOILERS FOR THE BOOKS AND BOTH FILMS BELOW).
In general, with one exception I'll talk about later, I think the scriptwriters did an amazing job of adapting this immense series to film. In fact, for a number of things, I think they improved the pacing of the narrative and cut out extraneous stuff that detracted from the momentum of the main story - these were things that may have worked in a serialized novel but would have drowned even a gigantic six hour film series. All that follows is just my opinion, of course!
First of all, a fair number of characters were just cut out of the story, which I thought tightened up the narrative. (For example, Manimeghalai was completely unnecessary IMO for the story to proceed and she really detracted from the scene between Aditha Karikalan and Nandini when Karikalan dies; the intensity of that scene would have suffered from having anyone else observe it.) Poonghuzhali's brother and father (her sister-in-law Rakkamal is still there but not related) are gone in the film version. And that's all fine, I think it would have made things more confusing and I don't even think a tv series would have been able to use ALL these characters. (Also, I think I like that Poonghzhali seems more stable in the movie.)
I also liked that they cut out the astrologer. I thought the book relied way too heavily on the astrologer's predictions and while that may have been an accurate portrayal of 10th century Chola society, it also removed the jeopardy from the characters. If Arulmozhi Varman's sister would be confident that nothing terrible could happen to him because of the lines on his palm, then it was really hard to generate suspense about him within the story. (I mean obviously as readers/moviegoers we might know that he became Rajaraja Chola and therefore survived the assassination attempts, but his contemporaries and the fictional characters in-universe didn't know that he would end up being a great king.)
For me, it was more powerful to see how much the kingdom mourned him and his family mourned him than to have his sister shrug and be like "oh well, the stars don't say he dies so he's probably alive." And the way that they mourned him also helped develop their characters (To be fair, I also can't figure out what Kalki believed re:astrology either, because occasionally the author's voice is very skeptical about the astrologer as well.)
More controversially, I think they were right to cut out the whole Senthan Amuthan storyline about being the real son of Sembian Mahadevi and the previous king etc. etc. The hidden identity heir business was just way too melodramatic for me even in the book, and I don't think it would have worked at all for me in the movies. I mean, SA doesn't really even have much characterization in the book anyway (he's there a lot and helps out when he can but other than the fact that he loves Poonguzhali and has a nice voice, I couldn't tell you much about him.) Plus that would necessitate that Fake!Madhurantaka be Nandini's twin etc. and that would also have not been believable.
Now ... onto the main characters books vs. movie:
Aditha Karikalan: I honestly liked him much more in the movies than in the books. He was the tragic hero of the movie, with a clear arc, and Vikram brought oodles of charisma to his role. But in the books, he was a lot more opaque to me (his love for Nandini is not his focus - so he maybe falls in love with Manimegalai? - and that moment where he chooses to die isn't as crystal clear.) Also, Book!Aditha is a bit of an asshole towards all of his friends, frankly, which movie Aditha is not.
His chief faults in the movie are that he's ruled by his emotions (which is both why he sins against Nandini by beheading an unarmed man - Veera Pandyan - in a fit of rage that Nandini is pleading for his life AND why he tries to atone for that sin by committing suicide, which of course doesn't actually solve anything and in fact embroils innocent people like Vandiyathevan in a horrible situation).I still think he wouldn't have made a good king, not least because he would not listen to ANYONE'S advice, whether that someone was his grandfather, his friend, or his brother or his sister.
Book!Aditha might have made a better King - he actually goes to Kadambur not just to see Nandini, but partly in order to find out and allay the different Chola clans and possibly cement one of their loyalties by marriage to MM, so I thought that made for an interesting contrast. Even in the books, though, Kalki compares how the people mourned Aditha (as a great warrior whose absence threatened their kingdom's survival) and how they mourned Arulmozhi when he was believed to be dead (as a beloved son/brother even if they didn't know him personally.) The book (and movie though to a lesser degree because it's so preoccupied with Nandini/Aditha) has a lot to say about power and responsibility (so there are constant contrasts between not just Aditha and Arulmozhi but between the Pazhuvettarayar brothers and Arulmozhi - for example, over whether the Chola kingdom should supply the army in Elangai or whether they should live off the land. AMV is much more farsighted and knows how important it is to not make a conquered populace feel subjugated because they will rebel.)
Nandini: I feel like she was a lot more fleshed out in the film than Book!Nandini, and as she and Aditha were the emotional focal point of the movies, it makes more sense. Her motivations seemed clearer to me, and I also appreciated that we actually found out what happened to her, and she didn't just disappear off the page. I also liked, as mentioned above, that they didn't bother with the False!Madhuranthakan who was actually Nandini's twin etc. I liked that they fleshed out the love story between her and Aditha and gave Kundavai a role and also showed how it was Aditha's impulsive declaration that she would be THE Chola Queen that directly led to Nandini - who had done nothing wrong - being unceremoniously bundled off to wherever. (Would I also have liked a little more of how Aditha reacted to his family's banishment of Nandini? I think I would. Like we got a little bit of that in PS1 when he blames Kundavai for being jealous but not much more than that?)
Kundavai was very awesome in both book and film, but she had a lot less to do in the second movie. As I mentioned above, I loved that she actually believed her beloved younger brother to be dead so we got to see her reaction compared to Aditha's. (Aditha basically goes into beast mode and is like “I can fight whoever to avenge my little brother” and Kundavai is, as usual, a lot more rational even in the depths of grief.) I also really liked that brief scene the film gave us with all three siblings together which was a nice addition to the story. I felt there were not very many differences between Book! and Movie!Kundavai - although the book definitely played up her influence over her younger brother a bit more. She is the mirror to Nandini and maybe Nandini would have been like Kundavai if she had not had such struggles in her early life? I do like that in both books and movie, the female characters are so strong (I mean, well-characterized) and different from one another.
Vandiyadevan is just a great character! His resemblance to D'Artagnan was even stronger in the books (he had time for even more adventures) and his verbal sparring with Nambi was great and nicely translated to screen, I thought. I did think his presence in Kadambur and his (partial) witnessing of Aditha's death and aftermath was handled with more pace and worked better for me in the film (again, no Manimegalai was a great decision. And the picnic that Nandini goes on with Aditha and Vandiyadevan and MM and others (I think?) It was late at night when I was reading and I was like WTF so I might be misremembering it) dilutes the Aditha/Nandini meeting a lot. Anyway, back to Vandiyadevan - still sooooo charming. I loved Karthi in this role and am going to watch Kaatru Velliyadai (although I understand he's very different in that one!) sometime this week. But I found Book!Vandiyadevan lovely as well. I think his character translated perfectly from book to screen.
Arulmozhi Varman - I thought the books would focus more on him than they did, given that he's the title character. And I was a little surprised that he still wasn't the main focus of the books (though there's more focus on him in the later volumes), but there were some nice little character moments that I wish could have come into the movie. (Though there were a couple of things in the movie that I also really liked which showed his character beautifully.)
I read Kalki's afterword about how the pivotal scene in all of the books is Arulmozhi Varman's sacrifice of his crown, because that is an amazing thing for any ruler to do, to voluntarily give up his own power and step back. The books talk about the Chola ancestor Sibi, who was willing to give up his own life to protect a pigeon from an eagle because the pigeon was under his protection. I believe we are meant to understand Arulmozhi's sacrifice in a similar light. He is all about protecting the realm, even if it means sacrificing his own ambitions and that makes him Sibi's worthy heir. (In the Mahabharata, Arjuna is the peerless warrior prince, but his brother Yudhishtira is the Dharmaraja - the best of all; and I think we are meant to see echoes of Arjuna (and his son Abhimanyu, alone in the midst of his enemies) in Aditha and echoes of Yudhishtira in Arulmozhi.)
The books and the movie handle this immense sacrifice a little differently; in the book, we get a lot more motivation for that action: AMV is steeped in the history of the Singhalese kingdom and horrified by how bloody their succession battles were (he references fathers killing sons and vice versa more than once) and he is super clear that he doesn't want to bring that mess to the Chola kingdom or cause a civil war or anything like that. But there are two more elements as well, that I mostly got from the book: he truly loves Vanathi and she has sworn an oath that she doesn't want to be empress, so he can't have both Vanathi and the throne (but it's also a political decision, since if he's King, and marries Vanathi, then he'll be seen as privileging her clan above all others unless he marries a bunch of other girls as well). I also genuinely think he also wants to go hang out with Vandiyadevan and have adventures (while also doing the necessary jobs of fighting pirates and expanding trade and all that other stuff.)
The movies don't make that explanation as explicit, but there is this golden thread of self-sacrifice that runs through Arulmozhi's scenes in the movies as well: first of all, he refuses to take the throne of Elangai, though it is offered to him by the monks who crowned all the kings of the island. (This happens in both the books and the movie, but the books make this a more political decision - AMV says Elangai is too small for the scope of his vision, and that he doesn't want it to look like he's setting up a parallel second kingdom to the Cholas in opposition to his brother - whereas in the movies, it is clearly a matter of dharma. And the movie really sells that.)
Then Arulmozhi jumps into a stormy sea to swim to a ship full of people who want to kill him, in order to save Vandiyadevan. (I mean also some breathtaking confidence in himself that he and Vandiyadevan by themselves can defeat the Pandya rebels. He definitely does not lack for confidence :)) I cannot believe I actually forgot about this and had to come back and edit this post.I guess I am too used for Arulmozhi being awesome for this even to register on the scale?
The third self-sacrifice is when Arulmozhi is recovering from his life-threatening fever amidst the Buddhist monks at Nagapattinam. In the movie, somehow the Pandya assassins find out he's there and rile up the crowd which threatens to destroy the monastery which they claim is hiding their beloved prince from them. Although AMV is encouraged to slip away to escape the Pandya assassins, he refuses to repay his hosts by allowing their monastery to be destroyed. So he goes out to face the crowd, despite knowing that he's putting his life in danger by doing this. In the movie, he makes a choice to reveal himself and once again we see that Arulmozhi will always privilege the good of the people under his protection (the people of Elangai, Vandiyadevan, the monks, and ultimately the whole populace of the Chola Kingdom) over his own desires, and even his own life if need be. Over and over again, he shows himself to be the true heir of Sibi. (I also thought the elephant-goad plot was REALLY well done in the movie; even knowing obviously that AMV survived this, I was SO tense during that entire sequence. The book version just wasn’t as tense. Anyway …) So in the movie we keep seeing WHY Arulmozhi will be the great king he becomes but also why he will not take the crown at the end - and by not taking it, he makes himself all the more worthy of it.
In the book, in contrast, he leaves the monastery because there's about to be a devastating cyclone and it's not safe there any more. His disguise is revealed against his will by Rakammal hailing him as the prince; he's not given any choice in the matter. And he has very good and valid reasons for not wanting to reveal who he is which are also an excellent lead-up to his giving up the throne. Book!Arulmozhi wants to avoid a civil war over the succession at all possible costs. And he knows the public is fickle and easily swayed (there’s a whole subplot about there are rumors that HE had Vandiyadevan kill Aditha Karikalan so he - AMV - could be crowned, which only one character says in the film and everyone ELSE is like “Arulmozhi would NEVER!” But in the books more people seem like they are could be swayed by that thought - and giving up the throne to his father’s cousin is one spectacular way to give the lie to those rumors. And here’s also me, getting so angry on behalf of a fictional /historical character ;))
I think the movie version and the book version of this event both work really well for their respective media in terms of establishing who this man is, and what his character is, which lead up to his ultimate sacrifice.
The last sacrifice is, of course, that he give up the kingdom that *everyone* wants him to have. I think in both the books and the films, it's clear that the weird succession situation from his great-uncle Gandaraditha's day (where the throne when to the younger brothers of the king, and then to Sundara Chola - AMV's father - Gandarathia's nephew - rather than to Gandaraditha's own son) was bound to create a locus for discontent and coups egged on by the enemies of the Chola Kingdom. And that internecine strife is, from Kundavai's and AMV's perspective, what killed their brother and even put AMV in line to the throne at all. (They don't know all the backstory about Nandini and Aditha's guilt and his essential suicide. Also, I think it’s an interesting contrast between Aditha Karikalan who offers to give up the throne - once to the council of plotters where he says he’d do it if he had an army to go get himself another kingdom, and once when he proposes to Nandini that they just run off together. Arulmozhi had his chance at a kingdom won by force of arms - Elangai - and said no, and when he gives up the throne at the end of the books/movies it’s for love of the country he was expected to rule, not for love of an individual.)
The one thing I wish the movies had done was flesh out the Kundavai/Vandiyadevan and Vanathi/Arulmozhi connections. The actors did a lovely job with what they were given just from facial expressions and eyes (Vandiyadevan looks hopeless in love in the course of a single conversation when he's dressed as Krishna's uncle) and I bought into Vanathi and Arulmozhi's love for each other with nothing more than him reading her message in PS1 and a couple of times they looked at each other (so much love for Jayam Ravi and Shobita Dhulipala's facial expressions which sold the connection), but IT WOULD HAVE BEEN NICE FOR BOTH THESE COUPLES TO HAVE A CONVERSATION! But I realize I've seen a couple of Mani Ratnam's Hindi films (Dil Se, and Raavan - though I really want to watch the Tamil version of that) and he does doomed romance very adroitly. (Although from reading the plots of his several other films, apparently he also does do happy endings sometimes and I sort of wish we could have shifted the focus from Nandini/Aditha A LITTLE BIT to maybe just get a tiny conversation between these two other couples the I also loved. But at least I got some crumbs in terms of the full videos of the songs of "Veera Raja Veera" (for AMV/Vanathi) and "Aga Naga" (for Kundavai/Vandiyadevan. (FYI, the Veera Raja Veera video song is super hot - Rajaraja Chola is looking at his beloved while she dances as though she is an extremely tasty snack he can't wait to sample :P)
ALSO, if anyone wants to make PS3 with these actors I WOULD LOVE YOU FOREVER. In my head, it would be about Vandiyadevan doing wild stuff and flirting with EVERYBODY while Arunmozhi Varman sort of sighs and goes along with him to try and exercise some control over him* because Kundavai will kill him if anything happens to her boo, and they keep getting embroiled in weirder stuff and getting hit on the head (Vandiyadevan) and chilling out looking at Buddhist cave art and talking to elephants (AMV) and Kundavai just sits back and continues to run the kingdom (because she knows that AMV will not let anything happen to her boo). And of course, Nambi would be keeping an eye on both of them as well. Meanwhile, Vanathi is doing lots of dancing and going on some of the art tours with her husband, and also hanging out with Kundavai and rolling their eyes over their husbands. That would be totally fine!
*one of the things I loved in the books was that Vandiyadevan is influenced by Arulmozhi to be more truthful and upstanding, while Arulmozhi gets more devious after he meets Vandiyadevan. I feel this dynamic (along with the real-life bromance of Karthi and Jayam Ravi - every interview I've seen with them is the two of them having a great time!) would be AWESOME.
OK, this is insanely LONG again but I really enjoyed the novels and the movies - each medium enhanced the other for me, and in my head, the version of Ponniyin Selvan is what takes the parts I liked the best in movies and film. So Movie!Aditha and Movie!Nandini, BOTH the Vandiyadevans, Kundavais, Arulmozhi Varmans and Vanathis live in my heart :D
And I've also acquired Anirudh Kanisetti's Lords of the Deccan (which is more about the Cholas' predecessors and opponents like the Rashtrakutas and the Chalukyas) and Kamini Dandapani's Rajaraja Chola, which is about Ponniyin Selvan (but also about his predecessors and successors.)
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yonemurishiroku · 1 year
If you could make literally any ship canon, which would it be? Go crazy. Have it make as little sense as possible. But only one may become canon.
This is actually quite a fun ask because I have so much to express regarding the matter of canon solely on the 'shipping' category.
I know this is not what you want to hear when you sent this ask, but just let me confess a few things.
I, with all due respect, am not fond of canon couples.
What does it mean? It means that most of the time, the canon couples or ships just don't seem that interesting to me compared to other crackships/ rare pairs/ crackcanon ships - basically those non-canon fanships in general. It's a strange thing, I know, that somehow a ship being official or not can affect the level of enthrallment it possesses to me, but this is quite true in my case (ofc there are some exceptions but let's just pass that).
It's not without reason that I rarely engage in the official BL content (once did, now refrain), and that most of the ships I invest in are non-canon. Because the moment a ship becomes official, it loses attraction to me. I'm still figuring it out, which proves to be quite difficult. Though, we'll not delve into it here.
Anw. With that being said, I'll change your question a little. Let's say the question is "What romantic attraction do you want to be canon?" - then the answer would be Percy to Luke.
Yeah point your pitchfork at me all you want but if you're wondering Why? then well, the reasons are simple:
The hints are THERE, okay!? I refuse to admit I'm delusional
It adds more layers of depth to their relationship (which includes their animosity ofc), which again adds more thrill to the story.
(Canon) Bisexual Percy could have been such a nice representation IMO (*muttering* At least better than whatever Rick's trying to convey through Will...)
Rick did Nico -> Percy pretty epic so I think it's within reason that Percy -> Luke could have been somewhat as thrilling. The parallel would have been absolutely astounding.
Percabeth would be ten times funnier. i stand by what I said.
It pisses off the fandom and I like to see the world burn
In case you're gonna ask, the attraction from Luke's side is not necessary. In fact, I think it'd be better if Luke merely considers Percy his mentee/enemy whereas Percy's sporting a crush and hatred at the other's betrayer.
It's more complicated that way.
I have a general idea of what more the story could bring were Percy's (romantic) attraction real but I don't think I can articulate it well enough just yet. Nonetheless, all I've got to say is that: love and hate are two sides of a coin, and feelings are just as messy as Arachne's spider web. If you can somehow weave both sides into a relationship, you'd have a deliciously paradoxical and beautifully complex connection with layers upon layers of emotions to unpack, which leave a heavy impression on the readers, which in turn makes that relationship the most excellent concept ever.
You have seen a similar one in Nico and Percy's history. I don't think Percy and Luke would be too far-fetched.
Another romantic attraction that I think would bring a nice touch to the story is Jason to Nico. It might or might not shine a new light on Jason's character, developing it further. However, the progress would feel insufficient with how Rick cut off Jason's roles too soon, which might end up making it sound queerbait-y, so we'll just leave it there.
Alas, a dream is a dream. And PJO is not a dark seinen manga in which more often than not all morals go to waste. I'll just content myself with my non-canon ships LMAO.
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tianshiisdead · 7 months
While scrolling through your blog I saw a post that said that you don’t like white/Japan ships. I’m curious what are your favorite Japan ships? Personally I think that Turkey/Japan is very underrated as well as most EA/Japan ships. You’re one of my fave EA centric blogs so I’d love to hear your thoughts!
WAHHH ANON THANK U THAT IS SO SWEET ;;;;;;;;;;; I’m giggling and kicking my legs wawah i’m so glad you enjoy my stuff!!
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As for Japan ships!! I agree hehe I love turkpan :3 I like when turkpan is like… japan -> <- <- <- turkey, but japan is surprisingly more active about it when they get down to it and turkey is surprisingly quite flustered, I think that’s cute. Honestly I have generally positive feelings towards most Japan ships as long as there’s some history/current relations/interesting parallels to go off of (personal preference, I like leaning into the countries aspect of it) barring the white ships for reasons I listed before (for people who haven’t seen that, it’s fine if you like white/japan etc etc I’m not judging I’m just personally not a fan).
My favourite is fairly obviously nichu, which is my favourite ship in general which I could talk about for ages and in fact have a half-finished essay about, and nichukor/korpan is closely behind that. Since the three of them go way way back and still have a sort of closeness that only countries from a single region can have, in terms of trade and pop culture and movement so on and so forth, outside of fascinating history I also can’t help but think it’s endlessly cute. It’s difficult to take one country without traces of the other, not just from ancient history (so Chinese influence on korpan, Korean influence on Japan, etc etc) but also from the early modern era (Chinese modernity takes a significant amount from Japan due to Chinese intellectuals and many political leaders studying in Japan, leading to things such as many modern terms being loanwords from Japan) and the modern era (The influence Japan’s fashion, pop culture and so on and so forth on China and Korea, the movement of popular trends between the 3 countries, the continued development of loanwords, etc). Of course this is quite normal for countries within one region to have this sort of closeness as well as this sort of mutual dislike, but it’s still very cute to me. Self is defined by the other after all, and for much of history that ‘other’ was each nation’s immediate neighbours, but now in our globalized world a single region has also become a sort of in-group… I think the three of them play off each other well. I like korchu a lot as well :3
I like Mongolia/Japan as well, they share a surprising amount of culture? The biggest example I can think of right now is actually wrestling (lol) there’ve been some really prominent/successful Mongolian Sumo wrestlers in the past! They also share a sort of martial culture for much of history that seem to value similar things, if they set aside their differences they’d have a lot in common I think. Falconry, archery, these are all things common in all of East Asia but seem to have a particular prominence in Mongolia and Japan. And then also Manchuria/Japan, which is as expected quite difficult to talk about and I generally stay away from the topic publicly for obvious reasons, but I’m quite fond of it… I think the modern day situation where Japan has basically forgotten about Manchuria completely is painful-cute and also kind of funny in a dark sort of way. But again… hard to talk about LOL
With regards to Manchuria/Japan, since I have a deep knowledge of this region and am personally from this region, it’s quite a bit easier for me to handle shipping it, but as such I don’t feel as comfortable talking about Japan/Taiwan because of a lack of knowledge/experience means it’s more difficult to treat it sensitively I think 🤔 Although I don’t dislike the ship. I should note I see it as somewhat different from nichukor, who all have way longer histories with each other that balance out the power dynamics in history, so it feels more sensitive and difficult to address.
Thailand/Japan has a lot of potential also I feel, there are some really fun and interesting parallels between Thailand and Japan, as well as the most insanely romancecore letter in the world between the Tokugawa Shogun and King Songtham of Ayutthaya, with King Songtham writing: ‘The existence of a sea separating Thailand and Japan has made contact between our two nations difficult. However, merchant ships of both nations now ply regularly between our two countries, causing relations to become even closer. It is now apparent that you (the Shogun) have sincere affection for us, an affection even stronger than that of our immediate kin.’ And the Shogun 's letter in return wrote: ‘The cordial relations between our two countries cannot be destroyed. Since we both have mutual trust, the existence of a sea between us is not of any significance.’ CUTE… (<- hetaliabrained voice) Well, trade relations wouldn’t last forever but still.
Rapidfire other Japan ships I’ve seen and enjoyed, Brazil/Japan, Pakistan/Japan (kind of a crack ship), Egypt/Japan (<- modern history and orientalism parallels!!!!!!!!!!)
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greycappedjester · 11 months
I know it’s a lot of characters to sort but if you don’t mind sharing, where would you say the people in the DA fall in the spectrum of trust and fondness for Headmaster Ukai? On one side we have Oikawa who definitely does not trust or seemingly like him, and then we have Noya (I think?) who suggested the name Ukai’s army so he probably has some degree of trust/fondness for him. Where do most of the characters fall within that scale?
Oooh good question! I'd say it's currently*...
*in the 5th story for people who come across this post later. Since this list will certainly change
Least Trust:
1.) Oikawa-he doesn't trust practically anyone rn outside of his small group of friends and he especially doesn't trust people in authority and 2x especially anyone who was involved in the last war. Oikawa lives in rage and is definitely curently #1 to Stab an Authority Figure in their Sleep
2.) Daishou-this is definitely a lot less than Oikawa but I'd still say he'd be next in list sicne he is 1.) a Slytherin who aren't the most trusting bunch to begin with, 2.) raised around Uncle/Minister who never trusted Ukai and would likely let some of that slip, 3.) Knows how much of a fake his Uncle/Minister is and likely thinks Ukai as the other major war general hero is much the same
3.) Iwaizumi-oddly not because of that thing with the 2nd Task but that didn't help. Nah, Iwa-chan still definitely holds a grudge about that thing with Oikawa and the veritaserum from the begginning of 4th...even tho technically Oikawa took that by semi-choice
4.) Kuroo-similar to Daishou, he's way too familiar with politicians with fake public faces. Nothing really aganist Ukai in particular, just not big on public people who everyone seems to praise (which Ukai definitely was as a war general hero before this year with all the bad press aganist Hogwarts)
Ambivalent Range ie The I'm Just Not That Trustfull Bunch:
5.) Mika-matches up with Daishou in that she's not too trusting of anyone who technically has powr over her (by being her Headmaster)
6.) Yaku- Teenage Curmudgen(TM)
7.) Tsukishima- Teenage Misanthrope (TM)....ranks more trusting than Yaku since Tsuki's experience with Minister last year made his ostensible rival (the Headmaster) look better by comparison
8.) Makki & Matsu- Come On We're Still Slytherins Duo....really it's just that they have a bone deep rebellious streak and a long history of pranking
He's Alright, I Guess? Range:
9.) Kenma- Has genuinely never thought of the Headmaster much
10.) Ennoshita- Headmaster's way better than the Minister...2nd least trusting of the Crows so he sitll holds some resentment because of how the werewolf stuff was handled in 3rd story but likes that the Headmaster was able to keep it a secret from the press and student body
11.) Amani- Is a pretty friendly person in general
12.) Shimizu- Certified Teacher Friend (in a good, non-suck up way). I mean, come on, she's been a library assistant for forever. She was 100% the kid on the playground who would rather sit by the tachers and read quietly (this was me in elementary btw). She desn't really know the Headmaster but has genrally positive feelings towards the Hogwarts faculty
13. ) Yamaguchi- 3rd least trusting of Crows, too much time around Tsuki. Still has complicated feelings about 3rd story stuff. Pretty similar to Ennoshita, but Yamaguchi was raised more in the wizarding world so still has more of the Ukai-Great-War-General vibes
14.) Kageyama-Wait, what does this have to do about Quidditch?
Yes, I like Him Range:
15.) Yachi- "While there are some things I feel complicated about [insets paragraph] I also accept that human beigns are naturally flawed and that becasue he also did many good things like [inserts multiple paragraphs], I generally feel that our Headmaster is a good person though subject to human flaws as we all are" (Questioner has long since tuned out). Basically, Yachi's a good egg who recognizes flaws but aslo that everyone's a bit complicated
16.) Daichi-Genuinely appreciative of everything he's done for Asahi to let him attend and cover up aspects of what happened in 3rd.
The You Could Stab Me And I'd Say "Hey, You Dropped Your Knife" Crew....ie the just really trusting in genral bunch
17.) Bokuto- :)
18.) Hinata- :) (Oikawa voice in the background): He drugged you and left you in a forest! Hinata: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
Headmaster is a Badass! Group/ Most Trusting and Genuinely Admire Him:
19.) Lev-Dude, Headmaster Ukai fought aganist the Giant! He's Awesome (But Scary)
20.) Tanaka- complicated family history which makes him greatly look up to a hero of the war who put a lot of Ghosts behind bars
21.) Asahi- Is very appreciative of Ukai for letting him attend Hogwarts and helping him with all the necessary paperwork
22.) Suga-Is so adamantly aganist his family's legacy that it fuels a bit of a blind side of viewing Headmaster's faults. He really does have some very secific blinders that come on when it comes to his family legacy. Overly trust figure of the oposite side is likely one of them.
23.) Noya- 2x admiration since Ukai also helped his uncle get in when he was a student and then helped Asahi and just in general has been just very cool about helping students of various creature legacies (like veelas, werewolves, dhampir, etc) into Hogwarts. Also Ukai's a war hero
Akaashi-who needs trust when I've got foresight?
In other words, Akaashi's too weird on what "trust" as a concept even is to put him on this list. How do you view trust when you genrally know for a sorta-fact how people will behave?
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ohthehypocrisy · 5 months
Magnezone for Pokemon Unite!
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Season 1
Season 2
Prev: Cradily - Hatterene - Tropius - Cacturne - Ditto - Weavile - Ogerpon - Coalossal - Gogoat - Galarian Slowbro - Luxray - Breloom - Uxie, Mesprit, & Azelf - Wobbuffet - Obstagoon - Lanturn - Castform - Dusknoir - Persian - Tatsugiri & Dondozo
Ah, Magnezone, one of my favorite new evolutions from Gen 4, having evolved from the quirky Magneton which ironically makes it the honorary Steel Type of Gen 1, before the typing existed. What a lovely pokemon with such a convoluted history, despite it's awkward magnet designs, I will always be there for Magnezone, much like how it will always be there for me.
Seriously, this thing is one of my go-to's for teambuilding, especially for Trick Room teams. It's so easy to use, I've grown fond of it. Maybe that's why I'm attracted to the idea of Magnezone for Pokemon Unite, and I'm not just saying that because of the metal implants in my body.
Of which there are none. I'm being facetious.
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Well, onto the stats, and would you look at that. There's a reason I never hesitated to put a Magnezone on my teams. Extremely high Sp. Attack coupled with high Defense makes the magnet monster bulky enough to take hits and dish them back. The rest of its stats are serviceable, particularly the Sp. Defense is decent enough that Magnezone's bulk is only held back by its below average HP.
While it may appear to have the makings of a Defender, Magnezone is often specialized in taking on specific threats that hinder the entire team. Remember how effective it used to be at trapping opposing Steel Types and removing them from the equation? I mean, it still is, you just gotta watch out for Terastilization. Outside of that, it's hyper focused in a sense that it lacks any other optimizations, and as such it doesn't have many options in sustaining itself. Lack of recovery greatly hinders its walling capabilities, but as long as it eliminates the target, it will have done its job. Yes, this is one of those pokemon that desperately needs support from Supporters and Bulky All-Rounders. What does that make Magnezone? A...
Basic Attack - Ranged/Sp. Attack
The user generates a magnetic field around itself, slowly damaging all enemies within range. After dealing a certain amount of damage, affected enemies will be stunned and pulled towards the user.
The basic attack damages all enemies within range of the user. As damage is dealt, a magnet icon graphic appears over affected enemies that slowly fills. The magnet icon fills in when 15% of the opposing pokemon's HP is lost through the basic attack. When this happens, affected pokemon are Pulled a short distance towards the user.
The magnet icon disappears when the affected enemy is Pulled or leaves the range of the basic attack, or if the basic attack ends from releasing the attack button or when the attack is stopped forcefully through a hindrance. If it disappears from activating the Pull effect, the magnet icon will not reappear until the basic attack ends and restarts.
The magnet icon doesn't deplete if the target restores HP. The mark keeps track of how much HP the target has lost.
Now, the thing about magnets is that they're always on. You ever put a magnet in a small cup of honey, sprinkled in some metal fillings, and watched the particles slowly pull towards the nodes? I mean, aside from having made the world's worst snack, it's pretty fascinating to observe.
In Pokemon Unite, this is how Magnezone and its evolutions attack, by constantly filling the space around it with powerful electric currents. It deals weak damage, but the effect is powerful. If an enemy lingers in the area of effect for too long, they'll get magnetized and will be forcefully dragged towards the user. It's not a very strong pull, but if you coordinate with an ally, you can score some easy KO's this way.
Of course, once the magnetization takes effect, you have to wait for it to become active again. You can't magnetize an enemy multiple times, not unless you turn off the basic attack or let them leave the area of effect. Speaking of which, since you are holding the basic attack button to magnetize opposing pokemon, one disruptive hindrance is all it'll take to stop the magnet waves from taking hold. And there are some opposing pokemon you don't want to pull in, like Bulky All-Rounders. Remember what I said about Magnezone's lack of sustainability? Yeah, that'll become apparent much later on.
For now, work with your allies to make the most of your magnetization skills. You can improve your magnetism with your ability, Magnet Pull.
Ability: Magnet Pull
The user's Pull effects are strengthened the more Aeos orbs you have in your Score Pocket. Aeos Orbs on the ground are collected from further away.
Each Aeos Orb in your Score Pocket adds 1% to the power of your Pull effects. This maxes out to 30% from Level 1 to Level 7, 40% from Level 8 through Level 11, and 50% from Level 12 onwards.
This Pull strength multiplier is based on the power of the pull effect, not the distance. Otherwise, it might be possible to Pull an enemy all the way out of their Home Base after they escape into Hoopa's Hyperspace Hole.
Stray Aeos Orbs on the ground are drawn in to you from further away than normal. You will only attract stray Aeos Orbs if you have the space for them in your Score Pocket.
This ability affects only your own Score Pocket, and not the combined Score Pocket of you and an ally Comfey or other future effects.
There are weak magnets, and then there are strong magnets. And then there are really strong magnets, the kinds they use to pick up scrap in a junkyard, like a floating saucer. Hey, that's just like Magnezone!
Magnet Pull powers up your Pull effects by 1% for each Aeos Orb in your Score Pocket. This means that the boost is limited by the size of the Score Pocket, and the only way to increase it is to Level Up during the match. Now, that's easy enough, but when you make a score, you go back down to 0, which can cause moments of bad timing if you score during a hotly contested fight around a Goal Zone. Can't really pull anything without any power, huh?
Thankfully, Magnet Pull has a secondary effect of pulling in Aeos Orbs from further away than other pokemon. You ever find it tedious to manually walk over all the stray Aeos Orbs on the ground to collect them? Well, thanks to Magnezone's magnetic personality, you can just suck them all up like a hungry vacuum just by being nearby. It only works on the points you have space for, so don't forget to make a score with all those points you have.
One other thing to note is that, since it only pulls in Aeos Orbs, dummy Aeos Orbs thrown by Sableye's Feint Attack will be ignored, so that's a handy way of foiling that foolish folly.
Now, you'd think there are no downsides to this ability, and for the most part, there isn't. It's just that, Magnezone has some really strong moves with Pull effects that instantly become weaker if you were to score them all. It might be worth it to hold on to a full Pocket of Aeos Orbs for defending purposes, but don't forget to actually make goals when you need to.
It's a good thing we know how magnets work, in spite of the lack of knowledge in this field of science, nor the insistence of such ignorance.
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At the start of the game, Magnezone will start out as Magnemite. You can choose between Magnet Bomb and Thunder Shock as your first move. By Level 3, you'll have learned both.
Move 1: Magnet Bomb (Ranged/Hindrance)
The user launches metal orbs that fly and stick to any enemy in range. Afterwards, the orbs explode, Pulling affected enemies towards the user. 8s cooldown.
Little metal orb projectiles are shot forward in a conical shape, sticking to enemies within range. This effect is purely visual, as even one hit will cover an enemy with the magnetically charged beads.
After 1.5 seconds, the beads spark and explode, Stunning for 0.25 seconds and Pulling the affected enemies a very short distance towards the user. The distance Pulled is lengthened by Magnet Pull.
I will never not be mad about moves that get cut in between generations, no matter how useless they may have been. I mean, a Steel Type move that never misses? How novel! It's just too bad that the signature user is a Sp. Attacker and that Move was decidedly Physical for whatever reason.
Well, we can remedy this injustice by turning it into an actually useful move in Pokemon Unite. Magnet Bomb is a short ranged move that causes little magnetically charged beads to stick to whatever it hits. The beads explode a short while later, causing Stun and Pulling the affected enemy towards the user. At the beginning of the game, this won't be all that strong of an effect, unless you diligently stockpile Aeos Orbs in order to maximize the Pull power of this move.
The short delay makes the move tricky to use, since opposing pokemon can easily just Dash away from you in order to minimize the impact of the Pull effect. You do threaten big damage, though, when Magnet Bomb is combined with your other move, Thunder shock.
Move 2: Thunder Shock (Area)
The user unleashes a bolt of electricity all around itself. The closer enemies are, the more damage is dealt. 6s cooldown.
Electricity is launched all around the user, damaging all enemies nearby.
The damage is multiplied the closer opposing pokemon are to the user. At the edge of the attack, the multiplier is 0.75x. Halfway it is 2.25x. Right next to the user, it becomes 4.5x increased damage.
With both your basic attack and Magnet Bomb being able to Pull enemies in, Thunder Shock is the coup de grace when the opposing pokemon is close enough. It deals pretty solid damage thanks to a proximity multiplier, which is intended to make up for Magnemite's lack longevity in a fight.
The idea is that you target a troublesome enemy like a frail Attacker, pull them in with your effects, then finish them off with Thunder Shock before they can escape. It's a solid plan, especially since ranged Attackers like to keep their distance in the first place. If an enemy Attacker is coming out of Central Area and into your Lane, you and your allies can amass a lot of EXP by coordinating a KO with your Pull effects.
And you're going to need to work together, since Magnemite is a bit of a late bloomer for a Defender.
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At Level 4, Magnemite evolves into Magneton.
Since they make Magnemite hold a camera for these Unite Battles, do you think they ever get Magneton in on it? I mean, 3D Movies are a thing, and the multiple perspectives would make for a trippy viewing experience.
Yeah, I'm glossing over this section since Magneton evolves early, but you don't reach your full potential until Level 7, when you fully evolve into Magnezone.
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At Level 7, Magneton will evolve into Magnezone. At the same time, Magnet Bomb becomes either Magnet Rise or Magnetic Flux.
Move 1a: Magnet Rise (Buff/Hindrance)
The user begins floating with electromagnetism, making it immune to damage and effects for a short while. At the same time, a blast of magnetically charged electricity is unleashed around the user, charging all enemies nearby. When the user crashes down, all charged enemies will be damaged and pulled towards the user. 9.5s cooldown.
At Level 12, Magnet Rise becomes Magnet Rise+.
Expands the area of effect.
A short ranged wave of electromagnetism is unleashed all around the user, marking affected enemies with a lightning bolt icon. Magnet Rise+ expands the range of this burst by 50%.
When the user floats into the air, it is completely invincible, similar to Talonflame's Fly, though it is clearly visible. It becomes capable of floating over walls and obstacles and ignores all field effects, whether they be friendly or from foes. Tall Grass also doesn't hide you anymore. This effect lasts only for 1.5 seconds.
When Magnet Rise ends, the user crashes down with a heavy thud, damaging enemies nearby. Those marked with the bolt icon will also be damaged, even if they weren't nearby, and will be Pulled towards the user a short distance. An arrow line is drawn on the ground between the marked enemies and the user, showing where the direction of the Pull effect is. Magnet Pull can increase this Pull strength.
Magnet Rise cannot Pull enemies through walls.
Apologies to Orbeetle, but Magnezone was the first flying saucer pokemon, what with its powerful magnetic tractor beam grabbing things from the earth and pulling them towards it. Don't be surprised that it floats just like a flying saucer as well. And yet, for some reason, it can't have the Levitate Ability...
Anyways, Magnezone is heavy, like ridiculously heavy. So much so, that when it turns on its magnetic powers to fly, the magnetic waves are powerful enough to fry you if you're standing too close to it. That's what happens to nearby enemies when Magnet Rise is used, as it marks them with a quaint little lightning bolt icon.
Now, while Magnezone is flying, it is completely immune to all effects, negative and positive. Yeah, it's immune to damage even, but allies can't affect it with buffs or healing moves either, just like Cinderace's Feint. Magnet Rise only makes you invulnerable for a short while just as well, only you come crashing down with a heavy thud.
The charged enemies you hit with the jump get their polarities reversed when this happens. What this means is, that those marked by Magnet Rise will suddenly get pulled towards Magnezone when it comes down, wherever that happens to be. Magnezone is only in the air for a very short amount of time, so it's not likely you'll get a lot of distance between you and the enemy.
However, it is a Pull effect, which gets strengthened by Magnet Pull, and it is a delayed Pull effect at that. If the enemy gets caught, they can expect to be pulled in the direction you're moving towards, which can be coordinated with your allies. There's a whole electric current drawn on the ground to illustrate this effect, so its their own fault if they let themselves get pulled like dumb little fish on a fishing line.
The invincibility effect is very useful too, as Magnezone lacks any way to heal or empower itself. However, this invulnerability means that you can't pull off any silly tricks like diving into Hoopa's Hyperspace Hole when it opens, since you are immune to all effects, harmful or helpful. You can't even hide in Tall Grass while floating. Being able to avoid Unite Moves is pretty nifty though, but the cooldown of the move means it'll be an extensive wait time if you miss the timing.
Plus, you're depending on a full Score Pocket to power up the Pull effects of Magnet Rise. You really need those Aeos Orbs. It's just too bad that you can't really steal them from opposing pokemon by magnetizing the orbs right out of their Score Pocket.
Or can you?
Move 1b: Magnetic Flux (Ranged/Hindrance)
The user fires a beam of magnetically charged electricity forward, damaging all enemies in range. The affected enemies will have their Aeos Orbs taken and added to the user's Score Pocket. When the move ends, the enemies will be pulled towards the user. The user receives reduced damage and the affected opposing pokemon deal less damage to the user while Magnetic Flux is in use. 9.5s cooldown.
At Level 12, Magnetic Flux becomes Magnetic Flux+.
Expands the range of the magnet beam and increases the damage reducing effects.
A magnetic electro beam is launched forward in a conical shape, burning enemies within range with charged radio waves. Magnetic Flux+ expands the range of this beam by 40%. Magnezone can move while using Magnetic Flux, though the direction will maintain constant.
All enemies within range of the beam will have their Aeos Orbs taken from their Score Pocket and added to the users at a rate of 2 Points per second. If the user doesn't have room in their Score Pocket, the excess is left behind on the ground. This doesn't affect Wild Pokemon.
The user receives 15% less damage from opposing attacks and opposing pokemon affected by the magnet beam deal 15% less damage to the user while within the area of effect. Magnetic Flux+ increases both of these effects to 25% each. These effects stack.
Magnetic Flux lasts for 5 seconds or until the attack is cancelled, manually or from a hindrance. When the attack ends, all opposing pokemon within range will be Pulled a short distance towards the user.
Magnezone's third eye, the big red circle in the middle of its face, is fully functional, despite the fact that it doesn't blink. That's because it's specialized to perceive magnetic waves and other strange wavelengths flying about in our world. Oh, and also because it shoots laser beams from it.
While Magnetic Flux is a passive status move, I've turned it into a sneaky little attack. Also, Magnetic Flux can only be learned by Magnezone, not Magneton, which is why Magnezone starts learning its moves at this Level and not at Level 5 as a Magneton.
Anyway, the magnetic waves launched out of Magnezone's eye magnetize the Aeos Orbs in the Score Pockets of opposing pokemon within range. What this does is that the loose change slips out of their pocket and floats into Magnezone's own deep coffers, completely of its own volition. It's not a lot of points passively, but any amount of points getting stolen is sure to illicit a violent response by the opposing team.
Normally Magnet Pull drags in stray points off the ground and towards you, but if there are none nearby, you can 'borrow' some from nearby enemies. It's too bad you get this move at Level 7 and not the early game, where it becomes much more lucrative to score and power up stacking items like Aeos Cookie.
Now, the move only runs for 5 seconds, but during that time, you get a small defense boost, reducing the damage you receive while the move is active. Those in range of Magnetic Flux will also have their damage output reduced, and these two effects can overlap, meaning that Magnezone gets a 30% total damage reduction from those it is directly harming with Magnetic Flux. That's enough to stifle most burst damage attacks coming your way. When upgraded to Magnetic Flux+, it comes out to 50% damage reduction, thwarting nearly all burst damage aimed at the giant magnet.
When the move ends, all opposing pokemon getting zapped by the beam will then get pulled towards the user. Because you are stealing Aeos Orbs, Magnet Pull will slowly increase in power. Magnetic Flux runs for 5 seconds, which totals 10 Aeos Orbs taken from each pokemon within range. More pokemon hit by the beam means more points taken, but that does naturally contribute to the risk of trying to affect the entire enemy team with this move.
While the defense boost is very nice, you can manually end the move early by using the attack a second time. Whether it ends from getting interrupted or the time has run out, Magnetic Flux pulls pokemon in when it goes away. Maybe a particularly twitchy enemy is liable to make a run for it to escape from your tractor beam. In that case, the defense boost of Magnetic Flux won't be all that useful to you since the enemy is choosing to flee instead of fight, so Pulling them in as soon as the beam hits is a great way to finish them off.
Just one thing to note. Magnetic Flux deals damage, but it doesn't hinder the enemy until it ends. You get a defense boost while using the move, but those outside of the beam's range can continue to pelt you with long range attacks like Decidueye or Inteleon, as they won't have to worry about the damage debuff. Speaking of which, hindrance resistance effects like Full Heal or Blissey's Safeguard can snub the damage reduction effects of Magnetic Flux, as well as the Pull effect if they time it right.
There's also the fact that, at this stage, your only other move is Thunder Shock, a pitifully weak move at your power level. Not to worry, as just one level later, you'll replace it with a much more impactful attack like Discharge or Flash Cannon.
At Level 8, Thunder Shock will become either Discharge or Flash Cannon.
Move 2a: Discharge (Area)
The user builds up a massive surge of electricity before unleashing it all around itself, Stunning nearby enemies. The closer they are, the more damage they receive. Affected opposing pokemon are more vulnerable to the Pull effect of your basic attack. 5.5s cooldown.
At Level 13, Discharge becomes Discharge+.
Decreases the charge time for the move.
Opposing pokemon are Stunned for 0.75 seconds when hit by Discharge.
The damage multiplies the closer they are to Magnezone, just like with Thunder Shock. The damage multiplier maxes out to 5.5x.
For 4 seconds afterwards, opposing pokemon receive a 150% stronger Pull effect from your basic attack. This stacks with Magnet Pull.
It takes Discharge 1.5 seconds to come out, causing the user the crackle with electricity right before it is unleashed. Discharge+ reduces this charge time to 0.75 seconds.
As a direct upgrade to Thunder Shock, Discharge has Magnezone let loose a powerful volley of lightning bolts all around itself. Not only does it hit hard, it also Stuns the enemy briefly, since electric attacks have a tendency to paralyze opposing pokemon that get hit.
It's not completely free to use, though, as Discharge has a short windup to it. It takes an entire second and a half for Discharge to come out when you use it, giving the opposing team plenty of time to try and dash away from your violent volt surges. Now, I would argue that limiting the space the enemy can play in is one of the defining traits of a Defender, as a direct hit can deal massive damage to slower enemies.
Just like Thunder Shock, Discharge has a proximity multiplier that increases the damage dealt to enemies too close for comfort. If they get hit at the edge of the attack, Discharge won't deal a whole lot of damage. In fact, it'll hit for a lot less than normal to those it just barely managed to graze. If opposing pokemon are shoulder to shoulder with Magnezone, however, Discharge will deliver a massive 5.5x damage multiplier to those directly nearby, potentially electrocuting frail Attackers and Speedsters.
Now, a powerful move like this would have some drawbacks, such as the charge time before the move comes out. However, Magnezone lacks the ability to empower itself with healing or shields, so it's putting itself at risk trying to maximize the damage of Discharge. As such, Discharge has a shockingly low cooldown of 5.5 seconds, which makes it ridiculously free to use at any point during a fight. Pokemon that lack sustainability need these sort of crazy cooldowns in order to be threatening to the opposing team as a Defender.
One last thing to note. The residual electricity of Discharge makes it so that your basic attack's Pull effect become much stronger, even if the attack just barely clipped them. If the move didn't successfully KO the opposing pokemon, you can have easier time Pulling the affected enemy towards you and your team with your followup attack.
Of course, you do need to coordinate with your allies to get this done.
Move 2b: Flash Cannon (Area)
Let loose a brilliant light all around you, damaging enemies and makes it easier to Pull enemies with your basic attack. The closer they are, the greater the damage increase. 6s cooldown.
At Level 13, Flash Cannon becomes Flash Cannon+.
Movement Speed increases while Flash Cannon+ is active.
Flash Cannon scatters light particles around Magnezone that damage nearby enemies continuously for 5 seconds. The damage dealt increases the closer they are to the user. The damage multiplier maxes out to 4.75x.
The cooldown of Flash Cannon kicks in when the move ends.
While Flash Cannon is active, the basic attack only needs to fill in 10% of the magnet icon in order to Pull opposing pokemon closer.
Flash Cannon+ increases your Movement Speed by 25% while in use.
You ever wonder why Flash Cannon is a Steel type move? Because Steel types manipulate the light refracting off of their polished metal exteriors and focus it into an attack. I mean, that doesn't explain why the non-Steel types are able to use it, but at least it gives pokemon like Magnezone some way to deal Sp. Attack damage with their Same Type Attack Boost.
While Discharge lets loose a big wave of dangerous electricity all around itself, Flash Cannon is a bit weaker in exchange for consistency. It will deal small amounts of damage passively all around itself, which it will continue to do for 5 seconds. It can't even get stifled by hindrances, which is a weakness of Discharge if opposing pokemon are good at timing their attacks.
It also has a proximity multiplier, just like Discharge, though the maximum damage output is a bit weaker. Being able to deal continuous damage is effective, but it can be too weak when engaging opposing pokemon, as it may not deal enough damage to threaten them. It lets Magnezone float up to Wild Pokemon and get the last hit on objectives more often than not, so it's up to opposing Defenders to keep the area safe from this chromatic creature.
Since Flash Cannon is active at all times, it means that you can use other effects while the move is running. If you really want to abuse the proximity multiplier to its full effect, you should use Magnet Rise or Magnetic Flux while Flash Cannon is running to Pull the enemy closer towards you. Flash Cannon also makes the basic attack have an easier time of Pulling enemies inward, requiring only 10% damage to fill in the mark as opposed to 15%.
All these potential effects combined make Flash Cannon a very solid move with no downsides, though the low damage rate may be a deal-breaker for some players. It lacks the immediately threatening power of Discharge in exchange for passive safety, so it's up to you on how you employ Magnezone's defensive capabilities.
Admittedly, it is dangerous to always be pulling enemies towards you in order to Defend the team. Luckily, you have one final gambit to use to fulfill your true potential as a Defender.
Unite Move: Polarity Swing
Launches an oversized magnet at the designated area. The magnet damages and pulls enemies inward, dealing more damaging the closer they are. Any Stun effects applied to enemies in range will strengthen the Pull effect. The magnet’s pull effect out-prioritizes your own.
The giant magnet damages enemies on hit, but it doesn't behave as an obstacle. It starts generating powerful magnet waves that damages enemies over time slowly in a large area around it. The damage dealt multiplies the closer they are to the center, maxing out to 7.5x.
While dealing damage, opposing pokemon are constantly being Pulled towards it. However, the Pull effect is very weak and can easily be moved away from. Magnet Pull strengthens the Pull effect.
If affected opposing pokemon are incapacitated by a Stun Effect, the Pull Effect increases drastically, more than tripling in power. This will only remain in effect while the affected opposing pokemon are Stunned.
Your own Pull effects stop working while within the area of effect.
Wild Pokemon are unaffected by Polarity Swing's Pull effect.
Polarity Swing lasts for 8 seconds.
When Magneton evolves into Magnezone, it goes from 6 horseshoe magnets to 3, so where did the other 3 go? Well, it turns out that these parts got disassembled into magnetic sand and float in the air around Magnezone, so that whenever it needs a big fat magnet to start pulling things into it like a localized black hole, it can just reconstitute it and throw it onto the ground. Please note that I am not a pokemon professor and that this is purely hypothetical, as I really don't know where that magnet came from.
Polarity Swing immediately starts generating a gravitational field all around itself, pulling in enemies on the opposing team towards the giant magnet wherever it was thrown. This pull effect can be increased with a full Score Pocket thanks to Magnet Pull, but it's still pretty easy for opposing pokemon to dash away from the magnetic field with moves. They are also just as easily capable of walking away, as the Pull effect doesn't stop them from moving.
The true power of Polarity Swing comes in its opportunistic behavior. While opposing pokemon are perfectly capable of walking away and out of the pull range, the Pull effect boosts dramatically if they are Stunned from any move, whether it be yours or your allies. This means that any Stunned enemy will be suddenly pulled towards the center of Polarity Swing, which can aid in defense, offense, or positioning for your team. Oh, and did I forget to mention that Polarity Swing is dealing damage continuously in its area of effect?
Just like with Discharge and Flash Cannon, Polarity Swing has a proximity multiplier that deals increasing damage to enemies caught in or near the center of the area of effect. The Pull effect is bad enough, but it is also hurting everything in range. This means that it is in the best interest of you and your team to unload all of your Stun moves at the opposing pokemon, since the longer they stay within the middle of the attack, the more damage they receive overall.
The only downside to this Unite Move is that your own Pull effects stop working, aside from the effects of Polarity Swing. If you try to Pull an enemy towards you while you're both in the area of effect, the Pull attempt will fail, since the giant magnet has a much stronger presence. You can Pull enemies that are outside the range of the Unite Move towards you into the area of effect, though. Although, good luck Pulling an enemy deep enough to be significantly affected by Polarity Swing, because if they want to leave, they'll more than likely escape.
It goes without saying, but try to avoid throwing Polarity Swing into a wall or obstacle. The move deals more damage when opposing pokemon are close to the center of the attack, but that won't happen if the center happens to be out of bounds within an object or big wall. Also, the Pull effect won't affect Wild Pokemon, which is actually a good thing in most situations, except for when you're trying to pull Regieleki away from your Goal Zone.
Biased magnets, how do they work?
Move the opposing team a total of 100 meters through your Pull Effects in a single battle.
Now, most achievements are easy enough to track, what with the formula being based on damage numbers, usually. But for Magnezone, the Achievement is based around the accumulated distance you pull enemies.
Now, everything that I've written down here, everything that I've written in the past, and everything that I will ever write about Pokemon Unite is based purely on conjecture, since I'm supposed to convince you of the idea of any one of these pokemon joining the game. As such, it isn't really possible for me to convey the distance and reach every single move may have, so you'll just have to take my word for it when I say, 'this move reaches far'.
Now, 100 meters is a lot of distance to cover, especially since your Pull effects cover about 2 to 3 meters each. Assuming you Pull each member of the opposing team, you'd have to drag each one for 20 meters to fulfill this achievement. In order to pull 100 meters, you'd need to maximize your Pull effects with Magnet Pull and a full Score Pocket.
The Unite Move, Polarity Swing, is big enough that it can pull the entire enemy team at once and will contribute to the Achievement. But you'd need to guarantee that it affects all opposing pokemon with good placement of the move as well as followup attacks used by you and your allies. Remember, any Stun effect causes Polarity Swing to intensify the Pull effect, so if Magnezone is on your team, give it a helping hand.
Gotta stick together.
Now, Magnezone is far from the typical body standards we adhere to when it comes to clothing, but that doesn't mean it can't be fashionable. Anything can walk the runway, even if they don't walk.
Starting things off, Movie Style Holowear gives Magnezone a big beret with a hole for its antennae to peek through, a director's clapper in one magnet, a megaphone in the other, a big projector light on one 'shoulder' and a big bulky video recorder on the other. Next, Cook Style Holowear gives it a tall chef's hat and apron, as well as spoons, ladles, pots, pans, knives, and a spatula all magnetically stuck to its body, which makes it always ready to cook. In Mechanic Style Holowear, it's wearing a baseball cap and is covered in wrenches, screwdrivers, and nuts and bolts. Similarly, Musical Style Holowear gives it a big hat that marching band leaders wear, along with an assortment of trumpets, big drums, cymbals, and an accordion stuck to its body. Finally, Space Explorer Style Holowear has it covered in star pins, starry veils, model exoplanets, and a pair of wriggly antennae headbands to give Magnezone an out-of-this-world look.
You'll notice that I like to give Magnezone costumes that has it covered in objects like an overpowered magnet. I'm a sucker for good visual jokes.
Remember what I said in the beginning? About how Magnezone is overly specialized in what it can do, it can do it well at the cost of general utility? Well, in Pokemon Unite, Magenzone is good at pulling enemies in, but that's it. It can't heal or sustain itself in battle and has to rely on its allies to follow up its Pull effects with burst damage or the like. It's kind of like Crustle and Mamoswine in this regard, as they're also really solid Defenders, but their potential is based on how well the team can back them up.
In order for Magnezone to be effective, you have to have smart teammates that can capitalize on the openings you provide with your Pull effects. Likewise, not every situation calls for a timely Pull, like say dragging an overleveled enemy towards your underleveled Speedster or Attacker. You gotta read the room and figure out how to best Defend the team in this instance. Usually it means to drag the enemy away from your allies, sacrificing yourself in the process, but if it gives your team some breathing room in order to catch up in EXP, it'll be worth the trade.
Starting a match off as Magnemite, your defensive capabilities are much stronger than normal. You have an automatic Pull attack with your basic attack, a ranged Pull move, and a short ranged area attack that deals increased damage to nearby enemies. This is almost unfair, but Magnemite is a bit of a late bloomer, so it's stuck with this moveset for the first 6 Levels. You evolve two times before you learn the first half of your end game moveset, so you need to focus on EXP while you're playing defense.
Because of the Pull effects you have access to at the beginning of a game, you're better off partnering with a bulky All-Rounder that is capable of dealing heavy damage up close, like Buzzwole or Azumarill. The idea is that you supplement your high EXP need with KO's scored against the opposing team, so you should target frail enemies like opposing Attackers or Speedsters. Do this enough times and you'll reach Level 7 fairly quickly.
If things go awry and you fall behind in EXP, it can be very hard to catch up. Losing the first Goal Zone may be your only recourse, since more Wild Pokemon spawn on your side of the map to compensate for the zone loss. Of course, this is assuming you can get this EXP unobstructed by the opposing team, but greedy pushes like this tend to result in a team wipe sometimes.
If you manage to make it to Level 7, then the fun can truly begin. You'd have to choose between Magnet Rise and Magnetic Flux, but both are very solid moves when playing Tag with the enemy team. Magnet Rise offers a very brief moment of invulnerability while also putting the enemies through magnetic shenanigans. It's also one of the safest ways you can grab multiples enemies at once, since you can move over obstacles while flying, though your Pull victims cannot be dragged through walls with this move.
Magnetic Flux hits a slightly wider area but offers two different boons over invulnerability. Firstly, there's the defense buffs you get from the move while it's running, which is arguably worse than invulnerability. However, the magnetic beam will also start stealing Aeos Orbs passively from those hit by the attack. It's not a lot of points, but any amount will passively boost Magnet Pull, increasing the power of your Pull effects. Speaking of which, when the move ends, whether manually, forcefully, or when the move duration runs out, all enemies hit by the beam will be Pulled towards the user, giving you a lot of dominion over how the attack works. You can either let the move run its course in order to steal the most amount of Aeos Orbs possible, or you end the move prematurely to drag those hit by the beam right away, which you'd prefer to do if you have a full Score Pocket anyway. The defense buff really helps out if you are boldly robbing the entire enemy team.
One Level later and you'll learn the upgrade to Thunder Shock, Discharge or Flash Cannon. Discharge is a little slower with the buildup charge, but it hits really hard, especially if you get an enemy nearby. Even the bulkiest opposing Defender will take a huge chunk of damage from an up close Discharge, so it's a matter of risk versus reward when engaging a Magnezone running this move. Of course, it is vulnerable to hindrances stopping the attack before it comes out, so Flash Cannon is a weaker but safer alternative to proximity damage.
Both of these moves also affect how your basic attack affects enemies. Discharge will make the Pull effect of your basic attack stronger, which stacks with Magnet Pull, so you can keep an enemy really close to you if you managed to land the attack. Flash Cannon speeds up the Pull effect taking hold, which is handy for keeping the enemy in range of the high proximity multiplier of the attack. It's all well and good, but the point of keeping your enemies close is that your friends also need to be close by to take advantage of the vulnerable enemies dragged in by your effects. You can deal high damage, yes, but not burst damage or KO damage. That's the job of your allies.
Speaking of allies, the best time for them to pull their weight would be during your Untie Move, Polarity Swing. As it constantly emits a Pull effect that gets stronger when enemies are Stunned, it's the best time for you and your teammates to unload all of their Stun attacks and burst damage at all enemies caught in the Pull. Of course, you can contribute too, but the giant magnet has a stronger Pull effect than you, so you won't be able to accidentally drag enemies away from the center of the Unite Move. Instead, you should use your moves to drag in enemies outside of the Unite Move's Pull range into it, so that everyone can get in on the magnetic waves.
When two opposing forces meet, the breaking point is at the point of contact. You're going to be pulling the enemy towards you to fight on your turf as Magnezone, so you gotta remember to stay positive.
And that's Magnezone for Pokemon Unite! One of my favorite pokemon introduced in Gen 4, I always loved using this thing in battle, as it never disappointed. Of course, if it were to show up in Pokemon Unite, it'd be the most attractive pokemon for me to play, and not just because of the magnets covering its body. I favor playing Defenders if the team needs it.
That'll be it from me this week. Until next time, see ya!
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dykeishheart · 8 months
I remember expressing this thought to my partner but it does fill me with immense grief that I have no meaningful heritage to connect with. Yeah sure I'm a third generation American with Italian and Irish ancestry but that literally never had any impact on any part of my upbringing. No customs, no food, no heirlooms, no fond memories. It's all just the sanitized and commercialized culture that basically any white person who grew up in America got, devoid of any of the context that put us here. I wish I knew my great grandfather but he was dead more than a decade before I was born, and he was the last person on either side of my family who lived anywhere but white America.
And like, it feels ridiculous because I know that that's nothing compared to the impact white colonialism has had on *other people's* culture. It's not just self-destructive, it's destructive period. The United States is all I've ever known, for worse or for worse. But it's also all a LOT of people have ever known, both within privileged strata and underneath them. The boredom and detachment I feel toward my own culture is built on the cruelty and suppression of other people's culture, and it's important to recognize that imbalance. Nobody is really made better by this system, but people are definitely served by it, and they're served unequally.
The sad thing is that I don't even necessarily want to specifically connect more on a personal level to being Irish or Italian, what I want is for being American to feel like anything other than hollow cruelty. I wish there was some part of my existence on this tract of land that didn't feel motivated by money. I wish the things I ate as a kid were centuries' old family recipes, not boxes packed by underpaid laborers. I wish the clothing I wore every day as a kid was made with love to honor a history, not the cheapest things possible to make and sell in a store. The life I live now can still be plenty meaningful, and I already am quite happy with the connections I've made with the people I'm lucky enough to know and love, but I'll never escape the feeling that anything I do with my life is in spite of who my nation is and not because. I think that's the deepest cutting part of it all, that so many people have to live in a world where their history feels like a wound.
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adureus · 7 months
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❝  will you not come to bed, my love?  ❞    ╱   @nievea
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀It's a change, this life ⸻ a newfound reality awaits and all its adjustments. Simplicity is novel, so foreign to hands and a mind too fond of work and process and the critical edge of whatever he endeavours to pursue. It'd been the norm to acclimate to chaos, to the prating of peers along with their demands, to voices sailing throughout the hideaway well into forenoon. Beyond the Twins, along lands unseen, illimitable, untouched by the burdens of a cataclysm forestalled, a silence carries with it a clarity he cannot quite come to terms with. Above, it's the stars which lack their typical judgement of the lives below in their incalculable number. Refulgence cruising along a sweep of unbroken darkness, they exist unburdened, natural and prismatic in their constellations. Through the window he can only hope to imagine how many stipple those skies, and the histories surrounding them.
Her words do not fall upon deaf ears, and he turns ever slow on a heel, eyes scanning her general direction but not quite locking, as if forlorn. The floorboards protest beneath him, lips press thin, and a twist at the cusp of lips signify his concern. He wonders how brilliant she'd become at reading him, at detecting a disturbance nesting within, subtle upon features who've come to be much less harsh since forgoing their usual dose of stressors. In the warmth of ambience and climate of their home ( still in the course of its development ) his sentimentalism was much more palpable.
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀❛  In a moment. ❜
His mind falls to the lake within walking distance from their home, sprinkled by wildflowers and paths untrodden. A medley of colour ⸻ undisturbed and unflinching ⸻ carries on as though the Blight never existed within these shores. It's truly a detachment from the perdition a world away, a past so remote he feels as though he'd been plucked from purgatory, ordained to make sense of harmony. It rattles him, finding some unhealthy attachment to the chaotic nature that comprised his years afore ⸻ as a Shield, as an assassin, as a leader . . . and as Cid. He has since shed the moniker as their cause is fulfilled, and navigates the challenge of discovering what made his own heart tick.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀❛  Will you walk with me ? ❜ His hand yearns for hers, outstretched. If Jill tired too quickly, he had no qualms carrying her and their precious cargo back. Still budding, still small. ❛  Perhaps a clear head will convince me to rest, and the skies have given way to the moon tonight. ❜
Even so far from the Twins, it was still the same moon above.
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀↪ 𝐜𝐢𝐫𝐜𝐞 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 .
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dulceteris · 1 year
So I had a thought.
Specifically involving Tank and Quinn.
CW/TW: Ab*se of power, human trafficking
Anyway, little PSA before I start (which likely won’t apply to most of you since I’ve seen how you all approach tough topics <3):
please please please please please don’t romanticize ab*se. Do your research if you’re gonna write about subjects you’re unfamiliar with. It’s okay to add some darker elements to stories as long as you do so in a respectful way, and the first way to start is by doing more than a surface level dive into themes you’re unfamiliar with :)
Okay, so while I was drawing Sam singing Claire a lullaby I finally listened to Olivia Rodrigo’s “Vampire” and I noticed that it gives Tank and Quinn vibes, especially seeing the power dynamics between them.
Let me preface this by stating that I’ll be using she/her pronouns for Tank in this, since my version of Tank is biologically female and identifies as such. However, everything said can apply to anyone, and any pronouns used can be swapped to whatever your Tank uses <3
I personally imagine that Quinn is at the very least a couple of years older than my ver. of Tank (and at the very most, 10yrs, but I’m not too fond of the idea of that much of an age gap when Tank’s still in HS) which gives for an interesting dynamic for Tank seeing as I’ve imagined him meeting Tank when she’s in HS (granted, I’ve seen a lot of people say that so it may be canon idk. I’m just following some of the “general lore” I’ve seen). But there’s an imbalance of power there, being age and experience in life, which brings me to a specific line that stood out to me and sent me down this rabbit hole.
> “The way you sold me for parts as you sunk your teeth into me”
What if
And hear me out, what if Quinn trafficked Tank?
I wrote an entire paper on human trafficking a while back, where I spent months researching and conducting interviews, and given their relationship, it… unfortunately fits.
But let’s begin with some common misconceptions about human trafficking:
1) We don’t actually know the sheer number of people being trafficked, be it for labor, s*x, etc., so all statistics have to be taken with a grain of salt.
2) There doesn’t have to be movement. People tend to think of a Point A and Point B, but often times, the perpetrators and “Johns” (a person who pays/trades for s*xual acts) come to the victim. Victims can even be recruited and trafficked in their own towns- or even their own homes.
3) While high schoolers can be considered to be the general demographic, everyone is vulnerable to being trafficked. It’s more about vulnerabilities to victimization as opposed to a set demographic (ex: being a runaway/homeless youth, having an unstable living situation, history of domestic abuse, being impoverished/in economic need, substance use, etc.). Guys and girls can both get trafficked.
4) It’s not always a violent crime that leads to a person getting trafficked. In fact, most of the time traffickers use psychological means (such as manipulating, defrauding, and threatening victims) to get what they want.
5) It doesn’t have to be something physical that’s keeping a victim with their trafficker. Often times it’s far more complicated than that. According to the National Human Trafficking Hotline, “Some (victims) lack the basic necessities to physically get out - such as transportation or a safe place to live. Some are afraid for their safety. Some have been so effectively manipulated that they do not identify at that point as being under the control of another person” (Myths & Facts).
6) Victims are not only targeted by strangers. It’s often a person they know.
Human trafficking can essentially boil down to two things: vulnerability and control. Quinn’s power over Tank as an older, more powerful and experienced vampire who used Tank’s vulnerabilities would be an example of an imbalance of power within their relationship.
Let’s get into some of Tank’s vulnerabilities.
Tank, at this point in time, isn’t tied down to any place. With the Shaw Pack, they were estranged, and their parents eventually move back to Washington, leaving them with relationships and connections that are strained or long-distance as is. That’s red flag number one, since people who are going through a difficult time or who lack strong support systems are often targeted and are more likely to get trafficked. Tank can also be seen as desperate, as seen by her vigor to track down Quinn. People who are more impressionable and desperate are also easier to traffic.
Number two is her age, since teenagers and young adults are at a higher risk- and especially those without a high school education. A lot of trafficking happens to minors who get groomed, which could unfortunately apply to Tank depending on how old Quinn is thought to be.
Also, as I mentioned, Tank likely would have met Quinn in HS at her lowest point. It’s more common for victims to be trafficked by people they know- be it bosses, coworkers, partners, family members, or friends. Quinn could have used this to his advantage, and through coercion (and maybe even force), profited from s*lling Tank out to others. Specifically, I’d imagine people using Tank as a “blood bag.”
One possible scenario would be that Quinn could have utilized all of Tank’s vulnerabilities, her insecurities, and how she was relying on him to manipulate and coerce her to stay with him. Under the guise of financial support (so Tank could “pay back” and support Quinn for everything he’s done for her), he could have sold her “services” (blood) to other vamps who prefer to drink from living beings as opposed to draining actual bags of blood.
To keep her with him, he could have further exploited her weaknesses and manipulated her- using the fact that she’s become a “blood bag” to keep her close to him, using the whole “sloppy seconds” line and asking her what the Shaw Pack and her parents would think of what she’s become, thus having her further depend on him.
And if the one person she didn’t push away got word of this.. well- you know what happens next in Tank’s canonical story.
All in all, it’s not an unfounded thought that Quinn *could* have trafficked Tank. I’m not saying that he canonically did, since I don’t think Erik would have written something that dark into Tank’s story- however, I do think it is within the realms of possibility of something that could happen, perhaps in a fanfic or something.
Everything which I stated above are factors that can unfortunately help lead to a person being trafficked, but it doesn’t necessarily mean someone will be. The #1 way you can prevent you or someone you love from being trafficked is to keep yourself informed and do your research on it!! Everything I stated is roughly on a surface level, and there’s so much more to learn (ex: Truckers Against Trafficking, how interstates, truck-stops, hotels, restaurants, sports games, etc. play into trafficking, the effects on victims following being separated from their ab*ser(s), victims’ legal standings, etc.). I implore you to do research on HT.
Keep your loved ones close, learn the indicators of human trafficking, and learn to recognize the tactics recruiters use.
Stay safe, y’all <3
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todusts · 5 months
general headcanons and canon divergencies for my little guys! this will up updated over time as i solidify my years-old thoughts and headcanons, and will be linked on my muselist page.
starting off with none of my guys are cishet. most of them are nonbinary, some are trans, and their sexuality ranges! eventually i will note this on my muselist page itself. currently, their pronouns are whatever the show has given them, but i will make an announcement when this changes!
i am still unsure as to where exactly i will take ruby— i am fond of flown north, and it is part of my main canon on this blog (hi aesop and cole), but i am not sure if that's where i want to take my ruby at this moment. as a whole, my ruby is still taiyang and summer's daughter, but i can easily adapt this for my writing partner's canon. in short: i'm going with the flow! <- as a whole this note applies to when i eventually add qrow.
zwei (yes, zwei headcanon) is an emotional support animal for the rose-xiao long-branwen household and their guests. i'm still thinking (and frankly researching) on whether to make him a psychiatric service dog or not.
i do have aus planned for roman and pyrrha where they live— roman's is easy, pyrrha's not so much. i will detail a full post for this later, but roman's tldr is that he survived somehow and has been on the run since. whereabouts unknown, but probably slinking off to mistral's underbelly.
as a whole, there are parts about the white fang that i think need to be critically examined and will be rewritten on my blog, especially in regards to the very flat "peaceful protests=good, violent protests=bad" angle that rooster teeth is going with. to be clear: i am a person of color living in the u.s. (i'm south korean) and do face racism from a variety of angles, and i am also very interested in the history of and actively participate in social activism. i am not talking out of my ass, but criticisms are always welcome! all that to say, i think that adam and the system that enables him within the white fang is the problem within the organization, but on the whole, racism directed against the faunus is the true root of "evil." this is something my characters recognize and acknowledge, especially blake, ilia (at least re:adam), weiss, etc.
^ get back to me about the faunus racism part in regards to marrow, i want to see where volume 8 takes his character. i will say for now that despite marrow being treated as a kid and as a soldier blindly following orders, that does not make him naive or ignorant of atlas' issues. he knows and understands them— there's definitely something bigger than that that makes him loyal to ironwood.
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racingliners · 5 months
F1 Tag Game! Tag some people you'd like to get to know better!
Tagged by @schumigrace and @babysdrivers, tysm my loves!!!! 💚
Who is your favourite driver?
Seb, Jenson, Scumi, and Lewis. Please don't make me choose between them 😭
Do you have other favourite drivers?
Other dudes I am very fond of are Charles, Alex, Oscar, Guanyu and Kevin
Who is your least favourite driver?
MV, NH, DR and CSJr
Do you pull for drivers or do you like teams as well?
I definitely lean towards drivers (and follow them from team to team, I have done a lot of team hopping in my time). But as I've gotten older I have developed a proper fondness for certain teams (or more accurately a group of people within a team) and I'll root for them for that.
If you like teams, what teams do you pull for?
right now Merc and Aston (though my Merc fondness is depending on who they sign for the second 2025 seat). I've also had a general fondness for Williams for a while because of the history they have in the sport and how great it would be to see them be properly successful again.
How long have you been into F1?
I grew up watching F1, but in terms of being a "proper" fan, since June 2013
What got you into F1?
My Dad, he was a big Schumi fan when he was at Ferrari (I still have a very old Ferrari cap of his, and my Gran says that when I was very little I used to run around saying 'vroom vroom Schumacher') and I would watch a lot of the European races with him. When he died I stopped watching F1 bc it was all just a bit difficult, but when I was in high school one of my friends mentioned F1 one day and I said that I used to watch it and she dragged me back into it.
Do you enjoy fanfic/RPF?
Yes, but RPF must be enjoyed responsibly.
How do you view new fans?
New fans are super duper important to keep things going, and that applies to sports as well as anything else. So welcome, enjoy the madness, and there is nothing wrong with being new and not knowing everything within five minutes, learning stuff is part of the fun!
Are your friends and family into F1 as well?
It's just me 😅 My parents are very sweet and have a very loose interest only so I can talk about it with them, but they're pretty non-plussed by F1 overall.
If you could take over as team principal for any team, who would it be and why?
If Toto can't fix Mercedes then I'm damn well going to try
Are you open to talking to other fans/making friends?
Of course!!! I adore the community we have here on f1blr and since I came back mid-way through 2022 I've met some incredible people through their blogs and made some genuinely wonderful friends which I'm so incredibly grateful for 💖
One of my favourite things about sport is it's ability to bring people together from across so many different places and cultures to yell about the beloveds.
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megkuna · 1 year
(ask inspired by that post about no one sending asks nowadays) what are some of your favorite nonfiction books? also pls tell your puppy he is adorable for me
thank u for this, west!!! 🥺 i have so many but here's a few:
speak, memory by vladimir nabokov — does this even count as nonfiction? it is autobiography but sometimes it feels so much like fiction. anyway, absolutely one of my favourite books, beautiful prose, made seeing the butterfly collection at the nabokov museum much more meaningful!!
the house of government by yuri slezkine — a history book but like if it was a tolstoy novel. what could possibly go wrong (many things) but it's just an excellent read. the crux of the argument, that the bolsheviks were a millenarian sect, is so compelling and i think about it all the time even after graduating lol. definitely changed a lot re: how i think of religion and secularism
the furies: violence and terror in the french and russian revolution by arno j. mayer — another one of those books that makes u question how analytically sound it is, but provides a thought-provoking framework for thinking about revolution (and the less often addressed force of "counter-revolution") & political violence
ghosts of my life by mark fisher — i don't know what there is to say about this lol. i read it during spring 2021, when the pandemic wasn't quite over and i still wasn't sure what i was going to do w my life after graduation. it put a lot of things that i had been feeling re: art, media, just my general sense of the (im)possible future into words
the last utopia by samuel moyn — similar to the above actually but within the realm of political frameworks/ideologies. i don't think i've used any work more than this one in my own (academic) writing). the general gist of it is re: the way that the desire for political utopias (e.g. communism) turned into a desire for moral utopias (namely, human rights in the western/US-centric sense of them)
the elusive republic: political economy in jeffersonian america by drew mccoy — i have a strange fondness for this one because tbh it was the first book that made me interested in a) US history b) political economy overall. before this i didn't understand what republicanism was at all, tbh
ludwig wittgenstein: the duty of genius by ray monk — intensely well researched biography of an interesting man and the only way i will ever understand anything wittgenstein ever wrote. so. thank u mr monk
financial missionaries to the world: the politics and culture of dollar diplomacy by emily rosenberg — similar to the mccoy book, one of the first books that made me interested in political economy and US history. also actually addresses gender & media, which makes it doubly interesting because hmm. gender has historically not been addressed very often in studies of economic history or political economy lol. not a lot of women writing in this field to begin with unfortunately. anyway, it's about international lending as a form of imperialism, to be very very general
designing dead souls: an anatomy of disorder in gogol by susanne fusso — just such a cool book tbh. i don't know of any other authors writing about 19th c russian literature from this lens (then again i don't read a lot of complit monographs), v much focused on themes of sexuality, death, gender, aesthetics, etc. not just in this book but in her other ones, too
& pls ..... i gave him a tiny little forehead kiss on ur behalf<33
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queenoftheboard · 2 years
♙ 1.e4 . an opening for Dojima Daigo / @dojimakaichou
The hotel building was less than impressive - it was barely worthy of the three stars it advertised underneath the neon lights making up its name, and there were several signs around of a location that had seen its prime a long time ago: wallpaper peeling off, small infiltrations on the ceiling, flickering lights here and there and nothing to show for room service.
As far as vacation retreats went, that was no resort; but for a temporary safehouse and hiding spot, it was remarkably generic. Nothing too over the top and still within city center - no one would think of looking for Dojima Daigo in the most obvious place of them all: Fukuoka. Soon enough, from early next morning onward, mostly everyone would have assumed the worst and declared the Sixth Chairman of the Tojo to be missing after a night stroll following an alliance negotiation.
But Daigo had not gone anywhere and the fact that Eirene was in that suite would have sounded strange to most (if not all) relevant yakuza players of the Tojo - they were not friends, and the history between the biggest clan in all of Kanto and the Quinn group was one of strife. There had been a lot of heated conversations, not so veiled threats and no small number of sabotage attempts before a cold war of sorts was controlled, a truce between them enforced at the request of their leaders.
Still - a meeting between the two of them without any of their personal bodyguards would be strongly opposed or outlawed by their inner circles. And yet, that was precisely what the Quinn CEO and the Tojo chairman were doing, all the time being careful enough to ensure they were not being followed or drawing attention to themselves, and setting the first step of a plan mostly elaborated by Daigo in motion.
Eirene had to appreciate it - the ingenuity of his scheme, the patience for a long game; her rival was a worthy one, and a man she had come to grown fond of. Besides, with Daigo away from the Tojo, things were less than hospitable for Quinn's operations in Kamurocho; but as long as he had the clan under control, her profit margins were likely to be undisturbed by external factors.
To ensure the status quo remained as it was, she had volunteered to be chased and hunted as some sort of betrayer - and frankly, the complicated sets of moves and counters that had been orchestrated excited her. More than the danger involved, there was the possibility of the real enemy seeing through their ideas - and the exhilaration of a high-profile game beginning was hard to masquerade, even more so than the CEO's unusual appearance in the streets of any Japanese city.
And that was why Eirene took some time by the door, carefully removing the most relevant parts of her disguise - a hat, a long wig made of black tresses, a pair of sunglasses to keep her trademark eyes covered. They accompanied a leather jacket over a mini-dress and knee-length boots that she would never ordinarily choose to wear - instead of a businesswoman, Eirene looked like the groupie of an indie band, but it felt good to get at least the fake hair and the flamboyant hat off.
"It would seem your former mentor and predecessor isn't as dedicated as I am in relation to disguises," Eirene mentioned once she looked like herself again, at least from her neck up, "Suzuki Taichi and Kiryu Kazuma could be twins. One look at his driver's picture on the company's directory and I could tell it was the same man... If he's truly as legendary as everyone tells me, I wonder how he made it thus far without anyone putting two and two together."
Eirene's movements were slow then - her undressing meant to be both a source of comfort (for her) and safety (for Daigo), as he was able to examine his partner for any concealed weapons. The woman then picked up a plastic bag from a convenience store, walking over to the yakuza and handing him a can - coffee, still pleasantly warm despite walk from the store to the hotel, keeping another to herself. It was late - and yet there was not going to be a lot of sleep for either of them anytime soon.
"How are you holding up, Dojima-kun?"
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