#but theres one place in a town nearby that looks like it might be a really good spot to at least like... walk in and ask some questions
fun fact, theres 2 people who work at my local spencers that both have technoblade memorial tattoos, which is really funny to me, because i. also want a techno memorial tattoos, and they both have similar designs to what i was thinking. same braincell
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I’ve been reading some craft books and online posts about the world building because my story is an urban fantasy set in present day US, in a fictional town, and theres not a secondary world where the fantasy happens, it’s all in the real world, except the magic is a secret that only certain people know about, but all of the resources I find about world building only talk about fantastical worlds that exist by themselves and not the kind of more subtle world building that I’d have to do. Do you have any tips?
Guide: Creating a Fictional Town in the Real World
Step 1 - Choose Your Location - There are two ways to go about choosing a location for your fictional town. One is to go the "Springfield U.S.A." route, ala The Simpsons, and be vague about the specific location (borough, parish, district, county, region, state, or province) and instead give a broader geographic region... "the East Coast," "the Pacific Northwest," "Central Canada," Northern Scotland," etc. The other option is to go ahead and put your fictional town in a specific location. Just figure out where (for example, somewhere outside of Des Moines, Iowa) and go to Google Maps, click on satellite view, then start zooming in on big empty areas. Choose a place big enough to fit a town. Yes, in reality it's probably farm fields, pasture, or someone's property, but that doesn't matter. You don't have to actually show it on a map. It's just a plausible spot to build your town. Now you can measure how far it is to other places, you know what highways to take to get to it. You can even do street view to get the lay of the land, see what the landscape looks like and try to envision the buildings there. You can also use what's there to create parks, popular recreational areas, and anything else your town needs.
Step 2 - Choose Your Inspiration - Even when you're creating a fictional town, it's still a good idea to use a real town (or two, or three) from that general area as inspiration for your town. For a fictional town in Des Moines, I would zoom in on the map to find a nearby town of similar size... like Elkhart, then I can take a look around to see what it's like. Just looking at the map, I can see they have a couple of churches, a couple baseball fields, a very small main street/downtown area with a couple shops and restaurants, a post office, a few different neighborhoods, and a cemetery. This would be a great model for a small fictional town outside of Des Moines. And, as I said, you could look at a couple other sand combine them. Once you have your inspiration town/s, you can walk around on Google Maps street view, go to the town's web site, watch a tour on YouTube (if one exists), or look up pictures in Google Image search.
Step 3 - Start Planning - This is the really fun part! First, you might want to draw a basic map of your fictional town using your inspiration town/s as a guide. This doesn't have to be a pretty map... just a basic line drawing to help you envision where everything is. Think about some of the basic things this town might have, like the ones I listed in step two, and any other things you might want your town to have, like maybe a library, a hospital, a city hall, school, and maybe a movie theater. It might even be helpful and fun to put together a collage of pictures to represent your town so you've got something in mind as you write about it. You can even choose representatives for specific locations in your story, like your MC's house, school, and their favorite hangout.
Step 4 - Naming Your Town - Start by looking at the kinds of town names that surround your town. Look for common naming conventions... suffixes like -ton, -ville, -dale, -burg, -wood, -field, etc. Words in a particular language, like a lot of French-inspired town names, or towns with geographical terms (lake, hill, valley, river, canyon, gap, etc.) My guide to Naming Locations has additional tips.
Step 5 - Populate Your Town and Give it a History - Last but not least, make up a little history for your town, again, using surrounding towns as inspiration. Who founded it? When was it founded? What's the town's main industry? What are the people like in this town? What jobs do they have? What do they do for fun?
Here are some other posts that might help:
Five Things to Help You Describe Fictional Locations Setting Your Story in an Unfamiliar Place WQA’s Guide to Internet Research Happy writing!
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
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anglerflsh · 5 months
for the statecraft/political thing, im trying to figure out the semantics of a government with shapeshifters in it, they naturally have lots of different body types but also odd disabilities that need to be accounted for like inability to shift/fly/magic illnesses etc. As far as i have its just that most of the power is with the citizens but they do have a figurehead ruler that tries to deal with other systemic conflicts imbalances and issues with immigration (as little as there is bc you need magic to get in), asylum, and healthare stuff. Theyre kinda smaller scale than usual after a big war made a lot of lives lost and scattered and theres someone that is supposed to be the rulers right hand specifically so if the ruler is unfair they can be killed and selection begins again. Most of the city is laid out around a round central square and is roundly shaped in general but im thinking that other nearby towns would be shaped differently based on the occupants veiws and magic abilities. This particular city is mainly focused on community, but still has poorer sections where people are less magically inclined and those sections tend to fall into disrepair. If you got snything at all, critique or addittion, city plans or politics, its much appreciated and i hope you have fun!!
Alright!! It seems like you're dealing with an elective monarchy that is coadivated with some sort of public assembly or council. This is a mixed type of Government, and it's a nice one. I'll leave some consideration and some questions that you could consider to further the system under the cut ^^
The ruler has power only over a specific set of issues - all of which from what you've said seem to me to fall into Domestic/Internal Social Politics. And I'm assuming all that the ruler does not decide is then handed to the citizens, again, from what you've said. I'd say to narrow down what exactly is competence of the monarch and what is of the democracy - does the ruler choose on wars, do they rule the army, or are those decisions of politica estera left to the democracy?
The ruler isn't in a hereditary position! Fascinating. This combined with the specificity of their duties would make me think that this role would ideally be taken by someone who's specialised in the field… you could either make this position elective, with candidates coming either from the general public or some sort of nobility group (families with a lot of wealth and power, of that have had a lot of governmental roles in the past, that sort of thing), or you could make it selective and make it be chosen by some sort of group - Depends on how democratic you'd like to make this: before hereditary positions were the norm, kings were chosen by the upper class from the upper class, so you could go with a similar set-up.
Is the right-hand able to take any decisions, or are they only there to act as a check? Are they also elected, and if so, is it in the same way as the king? Does the right-hand change after the king is killed, or does it stay the same person? It reminded me a bit of the consul system in Rome, so maybe looking into that might help.
If every other decision is taking by the citizens, you do have to figure out how exactly that happens, too Is there a popular assembly of every single citizen voting and debating and proposing decisions? That works in small settlements, but you seem to be working with a multi-city state. There are a couple of ways to go about it, I can suggest either to divide the territory in electoral colleges - by geography, by class, by census… anything, really - and have voting happen per-college to reach a final consensus (like the roman republic did with centurie/curie/tribù), or to have each place elect a rappresentative that can then go to some other collegial organ where the decisions happen.
Are there smaller decisional organs, like city councils, to decide on smaller matters that only pertain to a certain place? Can anyone propose something to decide on, or just some group/s? Does your country have a legal system? If so, are there laws that only the ruler can make, or are they within the realms of the democratic system? What's the justice system like? Is the ruler also the highest judge, like in medieval monarchies, or is that system completely different?
Who is in charge of the execution of the decisions? Is there a burocratic system of government workers?
Are there associations of traders in the same field who decide the inner regulations of that type of work (think le Arti in italian medieval times) or is that left to the government? If so, to which half of it?
This system sounds really cool! Hope all my questions can help you figure it out a bit more, remember that if you're writing a story you don't need to have all this figured out! Just the parts that matter for the story to make logical sense. Like, if you never touch on commerce or on the justice system you can leave that out completely. !! thanks for letting me play in this space I'd suggest you to look up the two or so different irl systems I mentioned for inspiration
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samthecookielord · 7 months
layton towns ive seen so far ranked by how much i want to live there
St Mystere: seems cool and robots are awesome but everything kinda looks the same everywhere, might get a little boring after a while. also the tower makes loud noises at night idk if id like that very much. 6/10
Dropstone: i dont remmeber much about that place lol but probably okay. 6/10
Folsense: THEYRE GAS LEAK. 0/10. but maybe before the gas leak? seems like a pretty town. not sure if i personally vibe with it a lot though. 4/10
Fake London: ew its clive. ew. it sucks. 0/10
Misthallery: ILY MISTHALLERYYYY assuming that there is not active spectre and targent attacks, seems cozy. theres even boats thats so cool. BEAUTIFUL ARCHITECTURE <3. but theres police here so i have to take off a point 9/10
Stansbury: I LOVOE YOU STNASBURYYY ILYYYYY ILY STANSBURYYYYYYY ILY STANSBURYYYYYYY and theres even a funny wall nearby. and theres even no cops 10/10
Monte D'or: ive never been to vegas. seems nice but way too touristy and loud even if they have a dedicated residential area. like i feel like id have to wade through crowds just to get to like a grocery store or whatever. but at least theres no shortage of activities they have TINGLY TOWN nearby. oh yeah since i docked off a point from misthallery for having police im docking one off here too sorry 6/10
Froenborg: seems nice but i think i would freeze to death and also we dont really get a chance to see that much of it (i just finished chapter 2)? so i dont really feel much of a homey connection to it. 6/10
Kodh: sorry i just dont vibe with this one? </3 love loses. 3/10. BUT THEN I REMEMBERED THERE ARE KITTIES HERE so 5/10
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simplych4i · 2 years
Spins my wheel of mercs to headcanon
It falls off and theres a secret wheel beneath it, reading only Ms Pauling
Let's get going!
Ms Pauling, as the entire damn fandom has agreed, has extreme Lesbian energy. Yes we see her planning outings in Expiration Date but I honestly think she was thinking it more friend like, while Scout was being a little idiot with a crush. Plus it's probably not nice being alone for all her missions, so having a dork friend to make you laugh on them is great.
Yknow how they'd probably need a cleanup crew for all their damn missions and shit? Yeah, she's the cleanup crew. The one woman cleanup crew. It's why she has one day off a year, there needs to be ample time to tidy up the mess those idiots leave behind.
Will cringe at the Medic's little creations, but actively compliment the skills she notes in them. Whether it crosses a moral boundary or not doesn't matter, it always does down in Teufort. So instead she'll just compliment it, point out things she noticed, and, if the doctor is looking for insight, will point out things that worry her. Yes, this surgery is wonderful, but don't you think you put it too close to these organs? Or smth like that. Obviously doesn't have a medical degree like he does, but hey, he asked for her opinion.
She tends to personally arrive to deliver their supply shipments, aka the stuff they can't get from any nearby towns. She'll make sure everything is there, have very sparse conversation, before being off as soon as the transport is ready to leave.
This woman is. So tired. She likely stays up at night finishing things and ensuring nothing is missed, having to be the perfect employee that picks up all the slack. She needs more than one day off man. She needs a full 24 hours purely to sleep.
Might I point out she's probably fairly skilled, just like the mercs are? Of course, she's not one herself, but I'm saying she could be. She goes to the places the mercs had to tend to, and finishes off anyone missed. Those people likely are dangerous, considering that mercenaries are being sent to deal with them. Then you think they'd send someone with a desk job to clean up the mess? No, lady clearly knows what she's doing. Honorary Merc.
She has assassin skills, I think. Knowledge of lethal areas, does good with most weapons, had the capacity to pick locks, and such. (She never picks locks, she's very fumbly and forgets this skill most of the time.)
Spends her one day off with the other mercs. This tends to result in a day of her falling asleep on the lounge couch and everyone tucking her in and leaving little snacks and drinks and stuff nearby bc they know she needs rest. If she doesn't pass out she's talking with someone.
Feels grateful to be working with an all male team, doesn't wanna be unprofessional. Spy made her panic a little when she first presented fem, but it was communicated well that Spy was Androsexual and in fact not interested in anyone feminine presenting. They're besties who hype each other up and call each other 'girlfriend.' Pauling had to explain this was a friend thing and not, in fact, a relationship.
I feel like if the mercs were going down she'd go with em. Oh you're abandoning them out there in the middle of nowhere? Cool lemme deliver this last shipment and not come back on the transports
This is her found family and she wants to stay.
Just thinking of her <3
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Toki’s Psychological State Through the Seasons
Toki is by far for me personally the most interesting member of Dethklok; I know to some degree he’s deemed as a potentially over hyped character by fans and even the show itself, but there’s countless reasons why people cling onto that character, and they’re good reasons. Even if said reasons just come down to “I think he’s neat.” that’s valid.
For me I am so fascinated with his character development, personality, and the varied chunks of background information we get about him throughout the series. A big part of this character is that when you look at him in season one compared to season four he is very different or at least he appears to be much different. Season one does establish that Toki does have a childish personality, his bedroom looks more like a room for a kid than one for a guy in his 20s. Season one establishes those basic facts about him that do heavily carry out through the show, but also increase as the show goes on.
Toki goes from immature but not overly immature to....a complete fucking wreck by the finale of season four (before Doomstar) and the reason for it is simple; it’s trauma.
Toki starts to act differently in season one after the Dethfamily episode; he spends practically that entire episode in a catatonic state, his parents always looming nearby like figures of danger and doom. After this we do get to him being bitter about being seen as immature and seen as the kid of the band (despite the fact he was barely 16 when he joined Dethklok) and when a charity informs him that a dying girl wants to meet him he turns into a complete prick. He finally comes out of that when he sees a video the kid made of herself singing a song about death and hatred, with that scene we see a small flashback of Toki’s childhood; him about the little girl’s age standing out in the snow staring up at his parents looking confused and a moment later he’s being smacked across the face. 
We could already gather beforehand when we found out he came from a very devout religious sect outside of Lillehammer that his childhood was sketchy, plus how he locked up when around his parents, but seeing the flashback of him being hit as a little boy.....Answers the obvious question of “did they beat him?”
Season one is the least eventful of the seasons. Season two is when shit begins changing drastically.
Season two Toki receives a call to inform him that his father has cancer and is on his death bed, the family and the church wants him to return to Norway to see his father. He acts completely fine about this initially, the phone conversation and the way he announces his father’s terminal illness to the band is as if somebody just asked to borrow his car. When it gets close to time to actually go and when they are in Norway it’s different though; he becomes anxious and clearly uncomfortable, in Norway he stays in town mostly, stalling around places he went to as a kid and a teenager before he ran off to America. 
He does handle his father’s dying well once he finally convinces himself to go inside his house and see him then follow through with his father’s dying request to carry him up to his old childhood home (which goes wrong because his friend’s are dicks.) 
I am not going to go into personal detail at all and my situation was nothing like Toki’s (it’s incredibly rare to hear situations like that anymore), but Toki handling his father’s passing freakishly well kind of was a red flag for me, because I know from my own experiences that when you find out something complicated like a terminal illness or the death of your abusive parent theres’ a chance you may respond way too calmly to it, and then later down the line days or months or years later something will trigger a big reaction to it. Which is what happens.
After handling his dad’s death well we get the most iconic scene involving Toki at that point and honestly still the most iconic; he beats a man to death with his bare hands. The thing that triggers this is a hallucinated image of a rabbit, an animal he associates both with his father and his childhood, the image of it triggers him to fly into an insanely feral blind rage taking it out on a guy who had been annoying him all night. Toki has always throughout the entire series shown signs of being a tad violent, but never THAT bad. Sure he shot down a plane and had accidentally caused a death or twenty (the whole band is, it’s part of the sacrifices to the Gods deal) but we had never seen him before or after that moment beat somebody to death. That is new and it came from a place of pent up....shit. Shit he never worked through and even after that continued to not work through.
Because after this we lead into him worsening further; he begins drinking. A lot. The band consist of dudes with addiction issues, mainly alcohol, but Toki never seemed to drink quite as much as them until after he went feral on that straight edge guy. 
Toki deals with his childhood trauma in several ways:
He drinks. A lot.
He focuses on fantasy and daydreams to keep himself from focusing on his past.
He spends a lot of time with Dr. Rockso who takes advantage of his kindness often, he also spends gross amounts of money bailing his clown buddy out of jail. Constantly.
He occasionally gets violent, but never to the point of manslaughter.
Seasons three and four are when we get fully introduced to Toki acting like a kid more than a guy in his 20s and it makes sense. Toki didn’t have a childhood; we learn that his parents essentially made him into a slave at a young age having him do pointless “chores” like sweeping snow during a storm, carrying stacks of wood much too heavy for a small child, etc. and when he failed to work quickly enough or failed a task they punished him. They punished him by locking him in a shed, they punished him by chaining him up like an animal, they punished him by smacking him, by beating him with a bull whip, and worst of all (who knew it could get worse) they would force him to stay for long periods of times in a deep hole dug into the ground. A hole where he hid a clown doll made of twigs and straw, the only friend he had as a little kid.
From all that we can gather through the show he didn’t exactly have a social life of any kind until his teens, the older he became the braver I think he became, and that was responded to with worse violence from his parents. I think the statement in season one about a vision of father killing son wasn’t totally off, I think if Toki had never run away from Norway that his father would have murdered him. I think his parents knew somehow that he isn’t entirely human, they knew he was something else, and I do think his parents had plans to kill him before he could become “too powerful”. 
That aside though.....Once we the audience as well as his friends find out far more details about his horrifying childhood Toki changes. A lot. He’d already been immature and a tad bit off but he regresses further after that, more prone to depression and outbursts, clinginess, and a need to feel like he’s loved by pretty much anybody.
This is a dude who is about my age that came to the horrid realization that any person or animal he loves will die because that’s his “gift”, the gift of death. He works his ass off to repress and rationalize a brutally nightmarish childhood, and the guys he’s in a band with who he loves and sees as his family....are dicks. We know that when he joined Dethklok before they got famous that they were all close, but when they began becoming popular and became immensely wealthy the others became more focused on self indulgence and power, less focused on this still a child who desperately just wanted a family.
I think a key factor with Toki being the way he is comes down to the band’s “no caring” rule. A rule that only existed because of Magnus. Toki is the baby in a group of people who have known each other for a good while, people who came to an agreement to not give a shit about each other for a reason they never explained to him because it’s too painful for them to think about. I think he always tried to live by that rule of not caring, he tried to bury all the shit wrong with himself the best that he could but he was never good at it. It’s also clear they all care about each other and they definitely care about Toki; Nathan and Skwisgaar often being the most protective of him. 
In season four aka the season where the show becomes less of a comedy and more of a drama with stunning animation. Toki is immensely more immature and awkward, he’s clingy with the band especially where Skwisgaar is regarded. Near the end of season four he’s completely fucked up; he splits his time between Rockso (his comfort object) and Magnus (a father figure to replace Nathan) in the dinner episode which has so much going on in it. So much. Toki is at his lowest point in the series; he shows up late, drunk as fucking hell, shirtless, and covered in bruises and cuts. Rockso is with him and when Charles tries to tell him Rockso shouldn’t be there Toki goes into a full fucking anxiety attack until Charles tells him it’s fine to have the clown there. Toki’s heavily dependent on Rockso by that point; his found family is quickly falling to shit. God knows what kind of shit Magnus might have been feeding him about the band at that point. 
Toki’s entire thing from day one/the pilot of the series is that he just wants a family. When he feels like he doesn’t belong in the one that he found and was taken in by he searches for family in other places, when he can’t handle the memories of his childhood he spirals hard. I understand that the guys didn’t really know how to handle it after they heard about Toki’s childhood so I can’t fault them completely for just.....shoving him off onto Rockso after that, but I still think they should have tried to be there for him more so, more directly. I think an outlet that isn’t a drug addled clown might have helped him in some way, I think if when he’d been a teenager if one of them had found out about his upbringing and just pointed out “that isn’t okay, at all.” then things might have panned out differently. 
Mental regression isn’t uncommon when it comes down to victims of trauma caused by extreme abuse. Especially considering his trauma all occurred basically from the get go; he was a child slave, the closest I would guess he ever got to having a childhood when he was a kid was seeing other kids childhoods. Going into town and seeing kids playing, sneaking into birthday parties just to be around other kids his age, etc. and he definitely was childish as a teenager, but I think he tried to bury that side of himself when his bandmates started teasing him or pointing out how unmetal it all is.....But then a douche bag journalist brought his parents to America, a little girl died, his abusive father died horribly (as he should) in front of him, he beat a man to death (allegedly), etc. 
He spent a lot of years away from all the trauma and the death and the bull shit then suddenly it started piling on top of him again and his escapism was fantasy, clinging onto a junkie clown, partaking in childish hobbies.....because why not? 
Each member of the band suffered some messed up shit when they were kids and it shows in different ways, this is Toki’s way of dealing with it....or not. I’m not entirely sure what his psychological state would be post Doomstar; the way he bounces back from immense trauma makes me think that he would be okay given some time and that’s a safe assumption to make, especially now that his bandmates/family will be there for him the way he needs them to be.
I want to tag @theidiotwiththepaintedface who hopefully will enjoy this painfully long deep dive into a character’s psychology lol.
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liv-laugh-die · 3 years
||Admiring|| 💖Miya Osamu x Gn!reader
trope: strangers meeting in the park (ik its random bear with me😭)
warnings: its not proofread all the way through (im sorry im tired), so theres probably grammatical errors or typos but other than that none
genre: fluff pretty much just sappy stuff
pairing/s: osamu x gn!reader
wc: about 2.5k
a/n: oh my god idk where i came up with this but i think its cute so :p i hope you enjoy!!
You stared at your blank computer screen, hope of finishing your assignment before its due date at midnight slowly vanishing. 
     The clock on your desk read 11:27pm, the green lines wavering in your vision as your eyes slowly drooped, trying to drag you into the depths of slumber. You wanted to sleep, you really did, but you knew there was no way you could give up writing your essay, even now, knowing you weren’t going to submit it on time, because you would stress too much about it if you didn’t at least try to complete it before the due date. 
     Pushing yourself away from your desk, your chair squeaking against the floor ever so slightly in your dead silent dorm room, you tried to think of some excuse that your professor might believe. You doubted there was anything you could think of, but hey, your professor was better than what your roommates’ had mentioned theirs being, and you were grateful for that. Maybe you could tell him that you were exhausted from working extra hours at your job since you had had to cover your coworker’s shift and that’s why you couldn’t complete your essay on time? Or, maybe you could get away with a simple “I was lacking interest in the material, and couldn’t understand anything, and I didn’t ask for help because I knew that you are such a busy man trying to do so many things at once. Another hopeless near college drop-out wasn’t something I thought you needed on your hands.”
     ....Maybe not the latter.
    You sighed, running a hand through your tangled hair, practically feeling it screaming at you to wash it. You barely had time in the mornings to take showers anymore, and when you took them at night, you never had the strength to wash your hair, always knowing that putting a hat on overtop or throwing on your hoodie would make it seem fine on the outside, and that was good enough for you. As long as you looked at least decent and somewhat presentable.
    Your dorm room was fairly small, like every other one, but the lack of furniture made it seem larger than the rest. Nothing more than you and your roommate’s joint desk, the mini fridge in the corner, and the beds filled the space. You almost tripped over your backpack lying next to the bunk bed pushed up against the wall, falling to what would’ve been inches away from your roommate’s sleeping body.
    In an attempt not to disturb them, you tiptoed through the room, stepping over the occasional heap of clothes or homework, until you reached the bathroom. You fumbled over the door knob before almost tumbling into the small space. Glancing in the mirror, you didn’t fail to notice your messy hair, the dark circles tracing beneath your eyes, or the way you looked like you were seconds away from passing out. The sound of running water rang in your ears as you turned on the sink faucet, cupping your hands together and bringing your face down to meet them, rubbing the cold water all over you in an attempt to keep you awake for just a few moments longer.
     Your eyes returned back to the mirror as you sighed at your dripping wet face. There was no way possible you were going to finish your assignment on time. You knew it, your roommate knew it before they passed out, and you had noticed your professor’s wary glance this morning in class as a sign that he knew it too.
     An idea sprang into your head, part of you dreading the optimism that seemed to seep through your brain slowly. You didn’t feel like being energetic right now.
---an hour later---
You weren’t exactly sure how, when, or why you decided it would be a good idea to take a shower (you did end up washing your hair, thank god), get your things together in your bag, and head to the off-campus coffee shop (since the one on-campus had already closed), but you found yourself with a warm cup of coffee in hand as you exited the shop, the cold midnight air enveloping you in an unwelcome embrace.
     You shivered. The only thing your spontaneous brain had forgotten had to have been your jacket, the one thing your normal brain would’ve remembered if it weren’t already past midnight and if you weren’t majorly sleep-deprived.
     You most certainly weren’t done with your essay yet, nor was there any possible way for you to finish it on time since it was now approximately thirteen minutes past the due time, but you let yourself breathe for now.
     There weren’t many people out at this hour, and it made the usual busy city streets seemed like a ghost town. There were a few restaurants still open as you strolled along the sidewalk, their lights responsible for illuminating more than half the area in front of you. You passed by an onigiri shop your friend had recommended to you, but you just weren’t that hungry. Most nights, you’d kill for a midnight snack, but your single shot of espresso coffee was satisfying your needs for now.
     You decided to head to the park after seeing a rabbit hop its way across the vacant street and into the bushes in that direction. The fresh air was nice and cool against your dry and croaky lungs, and your ears needed a different sound than that of you miserably attempting to touch type quickly, your fingers rapping against the keyboard with vigor.
     A stream nearby flowed softly, the dripping of the water against the rocks complimenting the noise of the crickets chirping in sync just downstream. Your footsteps cut through the grass slowly, not bothering to follow the stone path. The park was a nice change of scenery. You couldn’t remember the last time you’d been here by yourself in peace, it was always you and your rambunctious friends who ran through every now and then just to see the dogs running through the sprinklers, or the occasional poor cat whose owner dragged them out into the daylight for exercise. This was peaceful, though, and you appreciated that.
     A few more rabbits crossed your path, giving you that wide-eyed, side glance before darting off into the darkness, outside the reach of the lampposts emitting light. The sound of the stream soon faded out as you continued to walk through the park, sipping your coffee every so often. The warmth from your cup was soon dying out, and you figured you’d have to start walking back to your university sooner or later. Maybe you could crash at your friend’s house who lived just off campus, though you had forgotten your phone back at your dorm and had no alarm, no laptop to complete your work, and no contact with anyone else who might worry where you’d be. You had really no choice but to trek back to your dorm in the darkness, cutting your peaceful visit to the park short.
     You let yourself have a few more minutes of stress free relaxing as you sat down on a bench just before the ground let out into a downhill slope overlooking the rest of the city below. The trees around you swayed in the breeze, and for a moment, you thought it was the wind talking, and not an actual human being who had somehow made his way beside you without gathering your attention.
     “Didn’t think anyone else would be up at this hour,” the stranger mumbled. You glanced up, almost startled that, indeed, someone else was actually awake and strolling through the park.
     The boy couldn’t have been much older than you were, maybe the same age. He had his hands stuffed in his jacket pockets, the wind tousled his dark hair ever so slightly, and the moonlight played along, illuminating his face just so you could actually see how gorgeous he was.
     You cleared your throat, averting your eyes back to the ground as you shifted over, creating more space on the bench in case he wanted to sit down beside you. “I decided to actually take care of myself for once and give myself some time to breathe before facing the wrath of my professor tomorrow when he finds out I didn’t turn in my essay on time.” You let out a low, breathy chuckle, not exactly sure of what would happen next.
     The guy sat down on the bench next to you, though he made sure to give you some personal space, which you were grateful for. He laughed along with you a bit, and you could tell just from his tone just how tired he really was.
     You gave him a side glance, raising an eyebrow. “So, what the stressful thing that brought you here in the middle of the night?”
     He smiled half-heartedly, eyes trained on the moon. “Work stuff. Jus’ been busy, I guess.” He shrugged. 
     You waited for him to continue on, but he stayed silent. You didn’t complain, though. Wasn’t your whole reason for coming out here in the dead of the night for some quiet? Plus, it wasn’t awkward either. You were comfortable sitting next to this stranger.
     “What do you do for work?” You waited a little longer than necessary to ask, but he didn’t seem to mind the long pause.
     “I own a restaurant a few blocks away. I love the job, it’s just tiring havin’ to deal with rude customers like my brother who won’t get the hint and get out sometimes. I got into an argument with him earlier today and he just wouldn’t shut it.” He rolled his eyes and took his hands out of his pockets, making eye contact with you as he went on about his day, and you couldn’t help but smile at his passion. “The guy thinks he can just walk in when I’m working with a new employee and just act like he runs the place! Quite stupid if you ask me. Such a jerk, he is. Thinkin’ about just banning him from the place, really.” 
     You snorted. “He really bugs you that much, huh?”
     The guy smirked at your laugh, admiring it, though you would never had guess that was what flashed across his face in a million years. He nodded. “Yeah, ‘course I love ‘im ‘cause he’s my twin and my best friend, but he really knows how to annoy the hell outta me.” He shrugged. “Maybe I’ll just get a sign in the window that says “no shirt, no shoes, no service” and cross it out and write my brother’s name instead,” he reasoned, and the pondering look in his eyes made you wonder if he was actually considering the idea.
     You smiled. “You’re funny.”
     “You say that like ya weren’t expectin’ it.”
     A laugh made its way out your lips. “Well, when you’re approached by a stranger in the middle of the night you sort of expect the worst.”
     The guy glanced off in the distance, away from you, furrowing his eyebrows. “Sorry, didn’t think of that comin’ off that way.” He shrugged a shoulder. “Guess it’s a good thing I’m funny then, and not some creep, eh?”
     You nodded, the smile on your face not fading as he changed topics.
     “So, what’s your essay on? Any way I can help ya finish it?”
     You shook your head dismissively. “Oh, no. It was due thirty minutes ago.” You quickly explained the topic you were writing about in class before getting side tracked. “My professor had said he would allow it to be turned in the next morning, but I doubt he actually meant it.”
     He smiled a wide grin, making butterflies flutter in your stomach. “You go to the university nearby, right?” 
     You nodded in confirmation, raising an eyebrow. “If I’ve got any luck, there’s a chance you go there too?”
     He laughed a little, shaking his head. “Nah, I don’t, sorry. I’ve visited campus a few times because some of my friends go there, but I just usually focus on work.”
     His gaze was tilted upwards towards the sky, and you couldn’t help but admire how the exhaustion still shone in his eyes, but somehow that same passion gleamed there too just mentioning what he did for a living. You wished you were that passionate about something that would actually support you financially in the future and make you happy.
     When he glanced back at you, you were still taking his essence in, and he made a look of confusion. “What?”
    You shook your head, chuckling. “Nothing. I just admire that you can dedicate yourself to something and make it seem so easy.” He looked at you, interested to hear what you had to say, even though you were sure you couldn’t be the first person to tell him this. “I haven’t even known you for more than ten minutes and I can already tell you’re passionate about what you do and if you’re stressed about it, it must mean you’re dedicated to seeing your work through, and that’s more than enough to admire and appreciate, especially when that can be so difficult sometimes.” You finished your short tangent, looking back up at him to see him staring intently at you, seemingly in awe of what you’d just said. You felt a blush creep onto your face as you quickly blurted out, “Sorry- I didn’t mean to be so straightforward and weird like that- I sound like some crazy secret admirer or something...”
     The crickets chirped in the silence between the two of you, and it felt like it would never end.
     “Y’know, I wouldn’t mind havin’ a secret admirer. I mean, wouldn’t be so secret, but...” You saw the smile creep up onto his face. “It’s nice being appreciated. Nobody really tells me that kind o’ stuff, so... thanks, I guess.” 
     The heat on your cheeks didn’t go away by any means, but you grew more comfortable with it as you mumbled, “Maybe I wouldn’t mind admiring you.”
     Now, it was the boy’s turn to blush, and you smiled at how his cheeks grew redder with every passing second, and how his subtle grin spoke a thousand words he didn’t need to say.
     “Miya Osamu.” The boy’s hand came into your view as he extended it for you to shake. “I own Onigiri Miya across from the grocery outlet.”
     You smirked, grasping his hand in yours as you said, “L/N Y/N. I own an official license for being a horrible driver and an ID that proves I’m a sleep-deprived college student and that’s about it.”
     He laughed, shaking your hand and standing up, letting go too soon for your liking.
     Because for some weird reason, his hand felt right in yours.
     Osamu said a quick goodbye, mentioning something about how he should get going and how you should get some sleep before he disappeared down the stone path back into the darkness.
     You stood up not too long after he’d left, your coffee now entirely cold as you plopped the half full cup into the trash can on your walk back to your dorm, not needing the pathetic warmth anymore. Your heart was beating fast and the feeling of Osamu’s hand resting in yours lingered on your palm, and that kept you warm enough.
     Maybe you’d be visiting that onigiri place your friend recommended to you a little sooner than you’d originally planned, and maybe more often than you would’ve expected.
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Strangers (Pt.1)
"Virgiiiiillll, wake uuuuuupppp,"
"I dont wannaaaaaaaa,"
"I've got foooooooodddd,"
Virgil was out of his bed in minutes, stuffing his face with as much food as it could possibly fit.
"Hungry huh baby?" Roman said as he sat down in the seat next to Virgil.
"No of course not, what gave you that idea?" Virgil said with a delighted grin.
"You send very mixed signals sometimes dear," Roman responded with a laugh as he began eating his own meal.
"Being confusing is the one thing I'm good at," said Virgil.
"Now baby you know that's not true, you're good at a lot of things!" Roman said, throwing a scandalized look in Virgil's direction.
"I didnt mean it like that," Virgil said apologetically.
"Good, I expect you to keep it that way," Roman replied, ruffling Virgil's hair slightly.
"Do you have to go to work today?" Virgil pouted as he looked over at the clock, twenty minutes left.
"I have to go to work four days a week baby, that's how it is," Roman replied, pulling Virgil close and placing a kiss on his forehead.
"Fine. . ." Virgil grumbled.
"Aaawww, are you gonna miss me baby?" Roman said, burying his face in the crook of Virgil's neck, eliciting a laugh from the smaller man.
"Of course I'm gonna miss you you big dork," Virgil said with a grin.
"Poor baby, stuck in this huge house all by yourself with no one to give you all the kisses and cuddles you deserve, whatever are you going to do?" Roman replied.
"Probably cry," Virgil said, adding the slightest hint of a whine at the back of his throat.
"Oh you poor thing," Roman said, laughing slightly. He got up from the table and let Virgil slide back into his chair before walking away.
"Dont you worry, I'll be back soon enough," Roman said, pressing a kiss to Virgil's forehead.
Virgil didnt mind being alone in the house of course,it was quiet and he could spend most of his time knitting on the couch and watching old cartoons, but he did miss Roman, Roman was warm and safe and bubbly and happy, a ray of sun in the sea of shadow that flowed through Virgil's mind.
Of course, Virgil could also be louder than his own head, but singing My Chemical Romance songs at the top of your lungs was typically frowned upon when your neighbors were trying to get chores done.
So Virgil always chose his second favorite hobby, knitting. Whether it was gloves, scarves, hats, sweaters, Virgil could make it, and rarely did it get tiring.
"Virgiiiilll! I'm hoooooommmmmeee!" Virgil rushed to set down what he was working on and rush into Roman's arms.
"I have a surpriiiiiiisssseeeee," Roman said, lifting Virgil up in the air, so he had to hold on to his shoulders to keep from falling. Virgil let out a shriek of laughter and buried his face in Roman's chest when he set him down.
"And what might that be?" Virgil asked. Roman fished around in his pockets for a bit before pulling out two slips of paper.
"Theres a carnival in town, and I want to take you," Roman said, smiling.
"Aaaaawwwww, babe!" Virgil stood on his tiptoes to press a kiss to Roman's cheek.
"You've gotta get dressed first though," Roman said with a laugh, gesturing to Virgil's pajama-clad body.
"Aaaaawwwweee- fiiiiinnnnneee," Virgil muttered before rushing off to change.
Soon enough he was dressed in a nice comfortable sweater, beanie, black winter boots and skinny jeans.
"So what's this carnival about anyways?" Virgil asked as he walked to the car.
"You'll see," Roman said.
"Well that doesnt sound ominous at all," Virgil replied with a laugh.
A few minutes later they pulled up to a grass clearing with multi-colored tents and different rides sprinkled throughout. The colors were dull and muted, and the carnival had more of a haunted feel to it than a whimsical one.
"Roman if you wanted to get a divorce you couldve just switched out my meds," Virgil said, looking around at the outlay of the carnival, though there was an unmistakable grin on his face.
"I thought you might like it," Roman said, ruffling his hair.
"Roman oh my gods they have crystal necklaces!" Virgil said, rushing over to a nearby booth.
The woman behind the booth had long black hair that seemed cut at odd angles, the nametag on her uniform read 'Lyssa'.
"See anything you like?" She said, her voice was raspy and quiet.
"Can I get a closer look at those two?" Virgil said, pointing at a spider and a dragon necklace that were placed rather close together.
"Of course, all wares are available for examination," Lyssa said, smiling brightly.
"Roman c'mere-" Virgil called, Roman walked over from where he'd been watching the fire-eaters.
"Oh? You like these huh?" Roman said, picking the dragon necklace up off the table.
"Mhm," Virgil mumbled quietly.
"How much?" Roman said, looking at the woman behind the counter.
"Twenty each," she replied.
"That's not to expensive is it?" Virgil said with a hurried look at Roman.
"If you like it, it's not to expensive," Roman said, placing yet another kiss on Virgil's forehead. He took out his wallet and placed two twenties on the counter before taking up the spider necklace and clasping it around Virgil's neck, doing the same around his own with the dragon necklace.
They spent the rest of the day on rides or eating more food than wouldve been healthy for most people, but Virgil didnt mind, he was with Roman, and that was the important part.
And they were home soon enough, exhausted and clinging to each other on the couch, cheesy romance comedies playing on the tv in front of them.
"Geez I'm glad you didnt propose to me like that- I'd probably have hit you upside the head for scaring me like that," Virgil said with a laugh.
"Ah but I can scare you without sky diving being involved," Roman said with a grin.
"Oh hush." Virgil responded, pressing a kiss to Roman's forehead.
"You ready for bed baby?" Roman said as Virgil let out a yawn and stretched his arms behind him.
"Maybe a little," Virgil replied, burying his face in Roman's chest as he was lifted bridal style off the couch.
"Goodnight baby, I love you," Roman said after turning out the lights.
"I love you to," Virgil responded, before drifting off to sleep.
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ectonurites · 4 years
hey babes where do you buy comics from because I've literally only bought them at cons and do not know where to source runs
Personally I have gotten most of what I have from like, local comic book stores (the main one there used to be in my town closed a few years ago unfortunately but we have a Newbury Comics still and theres another local one I still need to check out) so I’d recommend looking up what comic book stores might be close to you for physical things! (i know like DC’s website has a thing where you can put in your zip code to find stores near you and I imagine Marvel has something similar too.) idk if you’re US based like I am though, so I’m not sure what your options will be 
admittedly when i’m reading through a full run of something i usually read it in the Less Than Legal Ways first just for convenience, but if I really like whatever it is I’ll usually try to find a physical copy (usually trade paperbacks since having a ton of single issues is... a lot) afterwards just for the sake of having it/actually supporting the things i like
for like, buying digital comics though I think comixology is a good one? I see that name float around a lot. I haven’t really bought many digital comics because if I’m buying something I prefer to have it be a physical copy. i know again on dc’s website like if you look at a comic ( for example on this page for next week’s nightwing ) you can check for availability and it’ll show you some options for places to get it
other people seeing this also please feel free to suggest stuff! i happen to be lucky enough to have had multiple options for irl stores to get them at so im a little spoiled there, i’m not sure what people who don’t have stores relatively nearby usually do!
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thepilotanon · 4 years
I’ve been thinking, imagine ur dating sackler during one of his projects and theres maybe press or the paparazzi and like, how protective he would be if he was with you, if that makes sense. (basically if he was with u and there was press or whatever his reaction)
Oooh, I think it would depend if it’s Sackler who is the famous person, OR YOU?? Either way, I definitely see Sackler being like Keanu Reeves and stealing a paparazzi’s camera and booking for it (if you don’t know what I’m talking about, just look it up).
It would really depend on how you would feel about your own privacy, and having the spotlight on you whenever you’re with Sackler. If you’re not into it, Sackler will be loud and obnoxious at anyone who invades your guys’ space or whatever you’re doing; cussing at them, flipping off their cameras or actually looking like he’s going to tackle them. You might need to hold him back a few times from punching a guy who kept yelling at you to “put a smile for me!” or “pose a little bit - you look like a lump!”
Sackler doesn’t really care about people coming at him? He’ll brush them off or flat out ignore them, whenever he’s alone, but it just changed easily when it comes to you. If it’s the type of where there is people who will jump to you as soon as you leave your place, Sackler is going to (most likely illegal) find a different exit for you two to make to your reservation on time. Out the window, up the fire escape, the back alley and crossing other building roofs and hailing a taxi two streets down, he does his best to make it fun for you. “Climb the ladder first, so your ass can be within reach for me,” or “Kinda wish we had time - I wanna see how long we can make out over here before we’re caught by security” or just slipping his hand up your shirt, skirt, shorts and squeeze with a cheeky grin on his face.
When Sackler gets a role for a big project, he brings you with him wherever he goes (especially if it required traveling). He shows you around set, the nearby city/town and the tourist spots and cafés to spoil you with drinks and treats. It’s endearing when younger kids shyly come up to Sackler and ask for an autograph/picture, and you encourage it; it becomes even more endearing when they see you and ask him “Is that your girlfriend/boyfriend/partner?” and he does a double-take before blurting out a very loud “YEAH!!”
Sackler sometimes tries to make it even more fun by coming up with, honestly, stupid disguises. Wigs, makeup, sunglasses with hats, coats and scarves. Sometimes, he’ll put up a role play by sexily sliding into the bedroom, wearing a bowlcut wig, fedora, huge sunglasses and just fakes a terrible foreign accent for your attention. Once you get a look and laugh at him, he’ll whip off the shades and tackle you onto the bed.
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kirimono · 4 years
bnha secret identity au
a while back (like over a year ago) some friends and i were talking about a bnha au where theyre more classic Teen Superheroes With Secret Identities. that chatlog is under the cut.
lmfao yeah
bakugous identity would only be secret for like 5 minutes
Someone: Idk ingenium is kinda shit
thats. reayyly funny to contemplate actually
exactly like the end of iron man
Bakugo emerging from a nearby dumpster: ye totally but you know whos the fucking coolest LORD EXPLOSION MURDE
In secred id au everyone knows bakugos id
not even bc he bragged about it or anything hes just his own #1 fan
also he cant hide his hair
holy fuck
god hed just be. dead inside
oh god, oh man, okay this might be dilly but
everyone in secret id au knows bakugo is lord explosion murder
)drmatic pause, lifts finger for effect)
except kirishima
who  is so fucking cursed
oh nooooooooo
Kirishima to his jock pal Uravity: I dunno like I like both of them so much like, I can't figure out which one to like, ask to punch me??
god unfortch
ochako is trying very hard to figure out how to tell him
Kirishima: it's impossible to choose between them
man bakugou is like . barely even disguised in his costume
and kirishima still has no clue
yeah thats the best part
Kirishima: I love them both equally but for different reasons
spiff this is the worst
i love it
god. i want to see the HIJINKS
same. god
bonus points if Bakugo honestly believes he has most people fooled
kirishima accidentally schedules a study date with bakugou at the same time red riot has a training session with king of explodokills
i dont know how this happens. i could see kirishima doing it but i feel like bakugou keeps better track of his schedule than that but
i mean bakugou is also under the curse's thrall
wait so does bakugou know kirishima is red riot
did he get........... Flustered
its funnier if no i think
he got flustered
i feel like bakugou knows like no one's secret identities because he just doesnt fucking care
thats good
@ jane
oh no i like that much better
he doesn't even fucking know
kirishima might be the only exception tho just bc of how obnoxious he is in and out of costume
the only one he knows is deku and he hates that he knows it
wow yeah
hes constantly trying to unknow it
wheich is really funny because, again, theres not even a DISGUISE COMPONENT to kirishimas costume
okay i feel like in a real secret id au they would put SOME more efffort,
maybe he has a mask
i Guess so
but thats not as funy
what if bakugo thinks tetsu tetsu is red riot
but the abs are still Exposed
holy fuck
bc he can't be assed to tell the hard boys apart
bakugou finally figures it out when he finally sees kirishima shirtless when theyre at the gym
i think the concept of 'its a secret identity au but that just means they slap a tiny domino mask on but it somehow works' is great. but so is the concept of 'they have their canon costumes with no fuckgin disguise components whatsoever but none of them know ANYWAY'
also concept tho: kirishima's superhero costume is his old emo makeup
he just starts yelling at kirishima immediately and kirishima is just like "keep it DOWN we're in a PUBLIC GYM!!!! its supposed to be a secret!!!!! :("
holy shit vera
i love this
okay but what if bakugo is like "if kirishima is red riot then he obviously figured out my secret identity way before all this"
i love ex-emogoth kirishima
"How did he outsmart me, how did he figure it out"
god what if bakugou assumes like. kirishima was doing study dates & stuff with him BECAUSE of his secret identity
ghhh OD
im dying of thks
this is so ooo oo good
kirishima: fuck now that bakugo knows im red riot what if he sees me flirting with lord explosion murder and gets pissed
he stops flirting with lord explosion murder so much and bakugous like
god. yeah
bakugou: hes playing me like a fool again(edited)
i mean we're assuming bakugou noticed the flirting in the first place
kirishima, meanwhile a 100% genuine no playing about it fool ass fool
fuck, since bakugo thinks all interraction is rivalry
maybe he thinks like, kirishima  no longer considers him an opponent or something??
oh. my god
yah its something like that
"you think youre too good for me now huh"
so his pride is hurt, and also the deep subconscious tender part of him thats gay is hurt too
he cant quite articulate his actual feelings hes just like
Kirishima: (stops flirting)
Bakugo: I don't know what this is but i know how i feel about it: furious beyond articulation
god i just thought about tsuyu for a second and im fdjkfdjfd
shes just a frog
in both civilian and superhero forms. but its liek. no one thinks its weird
yeah sometimes youre just a frog, nbd
doesnt necessarily have anything to do with you being Popular Hero Froppy, nope
sometimes 2 people are just frogs and that doesn't mean anything
maybe people assume tsuyu got into being a frog bc she likes Froppy
just unrelatedly, frogs
yeah! exactly
oh my god spiff
and shes like (internally flustered) KERO
maybe its just like how there are, horse girls and dolphin girls in ever high school
are you implying horse girls and dolphin girls are literally part horse & part dolphin in the bnha universe
Is there are reason for them not to be
like, assuming the teachers/adults are open abt their secret identities at the school
they're like "we've seen everyone out of hero mode except all might.... does he not have a civilian life"
Deku: (sweating)
all might is extra secretive bc he's so like...."Gotta Be The Symbol Of Peace!!! No one can know i am a real human EVER!!!!!!"
Student sees Greeblin Might like: "Oh are u that zombie hero"
yes but also in my head its that, they expect civilian all might to be buff
theres no extremely fucking unbelieably buff guy roaming the halls or in the teachers lounge or in town or anything
yeah but even before his injury maybe he was like,
projected a super-super image like superman, like ~im not a civilian when im not heoring i live in My Special Secret Lair~ or soemthing
god now im thinking about the logistics of this and its SO FUNNY that like every superhero in the entire town is at taht school. either as a teacher or as a student
what if its not even a hero school
its just a regular ass school but everyone just HAPPENS to go there
oh yeah like superman being like 'oh yeah i live in the fortress of solitude at the north pole'
yeah yeha
oh my god
All Might: I live in a fortress of solitude in the alps and no once can see it with eyes
all-might trying to live his civilian life pre-injury when he was always buff is so funny then tho
people keep asking him if he's all might and he's like no! look my hair doesnt stick up!
All Might, ten minutes later: (buying milk at the local grocery  and fucking up the self checkout)
oh my god... secret buff all might is so good
its the superman glasses type effect
'that cant be all might hes not smiling real big'
thats the extent of all mights acting skills
maybe he gets a giant tshirt that says "pessimism" so no one can possibly identify him as a civillian
"bad mood" t shirt
i feel like he does a bunch of comics-type secret identity stuff to cover up his civilian id but its all super flimsy
like, obviously fake glasses, a shirt like that
maybe a fake mustache
and it all works
the glasses dont even have lenses theyre just a frame
he gets a mustache like mics bc he thinks its Cool
its not even a blonde mustache. its like brown and OBVIOUSLY doesnt match his hair
everyone just assumes he dyes it
he bought non-prescription glasses but one of the lenses got knocked out but he keeps wearing them
they have One Lens
i love him
what if the mustache is attached to the glasses like groucho style
(i thought for a second about nighteye being one of the first outside the One For All lineage to know all might's civilian id and . augh)
god i was like 'ok i have to think about todoroki now' but now i have feelings and im lie k. Put It Back :arrow_lower_left: dot jpeg
augh jane
phantom of the opera shit
thats todoroki's hero disguise
there's a fake nose on the glasses too and it barely fits overhis actual nose
actually hes just covered half in ice
oh nevermind i remembered his caonn hero costume is like
so thats fine
a plumber suit
a plumber
post sports arc
what if thats his civilian job
and he just doesnt change clothesx
what civilian job does all might have
maybe he pretends to be gran torino's home health aid
if eel like he Didnt Have One until meeting izuku. true to canon
i was like "office job" but then realized i was literally just thinking of mr incredible at the beginning of the incredibles
at which point he became an absolutely awful teacher
o h noooo
god,,,m wow
what does he ever teach if its not a hero school
he gives GREAT inspirational speeches tho
hujks FUK
what if they don't even have a sports team
so theres no games to give relevant inspirational speeches at
so hes just like, doing them at random
when he sees an in
just at the beginning of each class
or whenever The Mood Strikes
question: is class 1b at the same school or are they Rival Schools
fuck,,, both are so good
imagine Rival School Student Monoma sneaking into their school to ~infiltrate~
i like rival schools
because monoma like, steals their mascot
and kendo brings it back
dragging him over to apologise
but also i love the idea of him trying to infiltrate his own fucking school
the concept of 'rival schools but aslo they dont have sports teams' is SOOO good
mathletes competitions get REAL intense
just because A1 got the better homeroom classroom
and he wants it
oh my god intense matheletes
science olympiad. band and choir competions.
ok whats the funniest sport to have if you can only have One Sport at ur school
fall sport: ultimate frisbee
winter sport: fencing (? probably there is a funnier sport but ive got nostalgia)
spring sport: ultimate frisbee again
winter sport: ultimate frisbee... on ice
fencing is too dignified is my concern
i love this concept
eyah exactly spiff
maybe winter sport was like curling
but no one liked it so they turned it into ice ultimate frisbee
altho like. one time my friend spilled gatorade on the mesh of his mask and had to fence with gatorade on it and couldnt see shit
and won the bout
dignity is relativw
wow, amazing,
ok no
todoroki.... being really disappointed
that curling isnt a thing anymore
his bitterness drives his ice frisbee prowess
yeah not even using powers hes ujust like You Have To Understand The Ice
the best thing about this is bakugo is so competitive that he'd join every sports even if it sucked just to win
I Understand The Ice. and just not understanding why everone doesnt think curling is the best
so bakugo is essentially Forced to play frisbee
yeah. god
im crying.... ice understanding hand crusher
i think hed be legit way into ultimate frisbee but fuckign hate ice frisbee but
play it anyway
he and todoroki were like the only people on the curling team and bakugou was AWFUL at it and HATED todoroki for it
wow thats some real shit there
im crying  this is so good
actually i would add iida to the curling team
he also likes Understanding The Ice
and its a lot of speed and velocity and such considerations
which is actually relevant for his power
mmmm true
hey does iida just wear bigass pants to hide his engine legs
was Iowa's bro also on the curling team....he joins cause he was Inspired and Wants To Live Up To Him
like all the time, in v=civilian form
maybe so.
does he wear leg warmers in the summer
but then the curling team gets cut off before iida can win The Big  Trophy and :(
i feel like long skirt is more practical for this
oh noo
honestly yeah
i love bnha: shittiest sports anime ever au
hey is present mic supposed to be secret identity in this au too
bc i honestly cant see that
definitely not
I feel like he's one of those like, celebrity heroes
besides the overall distinctiveness
he just, could not shut up about it, on his public radio show so,
yeah exactly.
plus like. it only gets the show BETTER ratings so why hide it
what if hes married to  Aizawa but Aizawa made him choose between being maried to civilian guy Aizawa or Eraserhead
what if hes a celebrity hero with a radio show. and then has a civilian identity as an english teacher
bc Aizawa's identity is mega secret
god aizawa would hate all the attention either way
I feel like he doesn't even want eraserhead to be a super well known hero
i mean thats just real in canon
Aizawa, sick of the attention, tells Mic to fake his death at the hands of like a villain
"it will be good for ur show ratings"
he canonically does hate publicity and does not want to be known by anyone
"no one bothers the dead"
or maybe the relationship is still secret but they can't ever go out anywhere bc Mic gets so easilly recognized
Mic has so much fun pretending to be dramatically mourning his dead civilian husband
egjbvjjgb kon k
Re: mic mourning his dead civilian husband
hes like,
Aizawa is just glaring Murder at him
What if present mics so bad at acting that people think he murdered his fake dead husband
holy fuck
now im like. ideeply want to see the many subplots that are jsut 'iida has to deal with the time conflict between mathletics and curling'
what if thru some hilarious misunderstanding all might applied to be the gym teacher but it turned out he was accidentally applying to be the masthletics coach
its shenanigans because he tries to do both of them at the same time because hes like 'i have superspeed itll be fine' its Not Fine
"I thought you meant you needed a Male Athletics Coach??? M Athletics"
he doesnt know shit about math so his only coaching contribution is like Pep Talks
all might giving INSPIRING PEP TALKS
to the mathletes
which end up being coached by. iida
iida ends up stepping up as like, Team Captain Who Actually Can THelp People Train  Math
momo is in charge of the science olympiad
and also the science bowl
theres only 1 sport but there's Many different Nerd-Offs
yea exactly
its really funny bc its the opposite of canon where everyone is jocks even if theyre nerds
everyone is nerds even if theyre joks....
finally balance
kaminari tries to start some kind of Movie Club as an excuse to just slack off and watch movies during club time
but then the nerds invade it and it turns into a big Trivia Game thing and kaminari just puts his head in his hands
He Tried
the one jock-exclusive
and kirishima  i think
yeah,,,, god kirishima
cursed boy
pats him
i love him so much'
i love him also....
remember how bakugou joined all the sports teams just bc he could. kirishima joins all the sports teams independently bc its manly
and then bakugou assumes he's like, trying to compete with him
ooooh my god
kirishima tries to bond w bakugou abt not being good at curling and bakuogu is like hOw Dare You
'man how is todoroki sO good at this i dont get it'
god rip kirishima
Too Cursed To Live
the best thing is that when bakugo is like "ill destroy you, ill punch ur face" kirishima is just like "fyes uck me UP bro"
he 100% knows what hes getting into
i really like the idea of bakugou bein g like ill fuck you AND todoroki up. about curling
when he cant like
skate yet
hes still holding on to the bar at the edge of the rink
ok i just looked it up and curling does not actually use skates
talking about how hes going to be indispuitable number one curler
while lying on his face having fallen down
hey guys. guys. guys does a villain attack the ice rink
and somehow it means they have to cooperate and learn a leson about teamwork
and skating pysics
but it doesnt SUPER work but it works a little bit
god they have to ~work together~ but also not let any of the others see their powers
fcfuki tho they dont know its them so like king explodokill is like 'maybe now i have a mmodicum of respect. for red riot. maybe. a tiny bit' but is still like KIRISHIMA MADE FUN OF ME ABOUT SKATING THO AND I HATE IT
ohhhhh thast good also fdjfdjkdfjk
maybe they have to work together to get to the locker room but wont say why (its bc their costumes r there)
but then the final fight is as hero guys?
oo that makes sense that's good
none of them even like, stops to think about the Coincidence chdmxm
except Maybe todoroki
and even he only does like way after the fact
fuck i just rmembered izukus hero name and am having a fucking freakout
bakugou is fucking. haunted by it
does he know izuku's secret id when he picks it or does he find out later
like . when izuku picks the name "deku" does bakugou know yet or no
i guess this question makes less sense in this au
cause like how could he be a hero if he doesnt have a hero name yet
i think maybe its
izuku introduces himself as the hero deku for the first time and thats when bakugou realizes that that new hero whos been running around........ is . izuku
and obvsly Flips the Fuck Out
i think. u kno the flash onto bakugou and urarakas faces
i think id want to keep that
but with the added 'oh shit thats izuku'
context from the au
for uraraka too?
like is she Also just finding out
maybe not actually
yeah idk depends how deep the hijinx run lol. how long izuku was determined to Not Tell Anyone About Hero Shit
feel like it could be A Long While cause he'd feel like he'd have to be secretive For All Might
yeahhh exactly...
altho if superheroes are a big thing but secret identities are a bigger thing it might be Less secretive
bc like. theres no inherent connection between 'a new superhero appears' and 'all might'
but I feel like izuku would be nervous anyway
yeah for sure
and he's v strategic & thoughtful so I feel like he'd Understand The Importance Of Secret Identity and be like "no one ever!!!!"
yeahh That rings true for me ithink
i was just like 'if 'quirkless izuku' and 'hero deku' arent inherently connected bc Every Civilian Secret Identity Is Quirkless then its not as big a deal
yeah also fair
so are quirks way rarer in this au?
but ur right that all might def has the No One Can Know Im Human thing
and izuku would also probably
i dont know if quirks are Rarer or if theyre just hilariously secret even tho literally most of the population has one
and many of them are very visible
what if like. quirklessness is rare but everyone's civilian id is still quirkless
and everyone just. d oesnt notice
tsuyu: yeah im quirkless. kero.
also like. Basically everyone who's quirkless is actually a hero in disguise
but no one puts the dots together
just had the thought 'i really like bnha superhero au' and fuckgin died
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ectoplasmicbutton · 5 years
Ghostly Mysteries- Chapter 1
The sun shines down upon the forest of a small town, the birds sing happily and peaceful silence ruffles through the air. Soft footsteps of creatures known and unknown press through the grass and undergrowth, happily hidden away from curious eyes.
A loud groan interrupts the peace of the forest, followed by stomping feet as a set of twins push their way through the shrubbery.
“Blenngggghhhh... Dipper! How much longer do we have to stay out here? It’s hot!” The girl, Mable, complained to her brother, her pink dolphin sweater drenched in sweat.
Her brother, known as Dipper, didn’t even look up from the journal he was holding, “Well, maybe if you didn’t wear three-inch thick sweaters everyday in the middle of summer, you wouldn’t be so hot.”
Mable glared at the back of his head, “They’re not three inches! They’re 2.67, thank you very much. Besides, these are my summer edition sweaters! My sumweaters, if you will.”
“Your sumweaters are going to give you heat stroke.”
“Well, if you keep that attitude up it might just happen!”
“It won’t be a karma thing, Mabel,” Dipper retorts, finally looking from the journal to his sister, “Besides, I know theres something out here. I saw it!”
Mabel rolls her eyes, “I’m not sayin’ you didn’t see anything, but we see something everyday! It’s probably just gnomes or somethin’.” Nevertheless, she takes off her sweater and ties it around her waist, knowing they’re not going to be leaving the heat anytime soon.
Dipper turns back to his journal and ducks under a fallen tree, “Yeah but... I know this is different. I can feel it.” He flips slowly through the old pages of the book as Mable opts to go over the log instead of following her brother’s steps of going underneath.
Dipper heads deeper into the forest, pushing away more branches and leaves as he does so. He’s so focused on his journal that he fails to process Mable’s sharp gasp and small tap. It’s only when she starts furiously poking his arm that he looks up and glares.
“Wha-?!” His mouth is covered and he notices the look on his sisters face, expression softening and following the line her finger made towards a lump of... something next to a tree. Mable removes her hand as the twins slowly approach.
The closer they get, the more they can see. A head of black hair, blue jeans, a white t-shirt, pale skin... but something isn’t right. Dipper strains his eyes until the figure shifts, visibly contorting in pain even as it seems asleep. That’s when Dipper and Mable get a proper look at him.
The figure is a human boy, probably a teenager, and he was covered in blood.
Needless to say, Danny Fenton was absolutely not having a good week so far.
Sure, it started fine; school was out and he was spending time with his friends at the mall before, naturally, his ghost sense went off. It turned out to just be the box ghost, so he told his friends to keep going, that he‘s going to be fine, that they should have fun and he’ll join them in a bit.
That was two days ago.
Now, he was helping his giant, on-the-run-from-the-ghost-police dog friend, Wulf, with being on the run from the ghost police. Wulf had met up with him after he had trapped the box ghost in his “cruel cylindrical container”, explaining (rather slowly so Danny could understand) that Walker had found them. Of course, what Wulf had failed to explain was that Walker and his endless army of guards were two minutes behind Wulf, and had appeared through the last portal that he had opened.
Without the time to tell his friends, Danny climbed onto Wulf’s back as he sliced a new portal to the Ghost Zone into existence. They leaped through, followed by the Warden and a handful of the guards. They’d been jumping in and out of portals to get away, but around the seventh one, a guard had gotten lucky and thrown a spear, which had landed its mark.
Into Danny’s side.
White, blinding pain hit Danny as the spear sunk into his skin. Ectoplasm, with a tint of blood, erupted from the wound and soaked through the rubbery material of his hazmat suit. Wulf, who had seen what happened, slashed a portal into existence and quickly dived through. Danny’s vision was gaining spots, but he fought to stay awake. Wulf was landing in a forest, speaking in fast Esperanto with only a few words that Danny had heard and understood. He blinked for what he thought was a moment, but when he opened his eyes again he was on the floor and surrounded by grass. Wulf was leaning over him, ghostly black fur blocking out the blinding sun. He looked concerned, speaking in the few English he knew, “Stay here, be back. Stay quiet.”
It took everything Danny had to not let out a scream when Wulf tried, and failed, to take the spear out carefully. The dog-like ghost had then set Danny against a nearby tree, telling him again to “stay here” before launching off into the sky and opening a portal to lure the guards away from Danny.
The last thing Danny saw was the portal closing.
The last thing Danny felt was dread.
Dipper didn’t know what to make of the bloodied teenager they had decided to drag back to their home. It was questionable, sure, and sketchy, no doubt, but he looked like he needed help! Besides, questioning him when he woke up probably wouldn’t hurt, right?
They had found that the blood came from a wound on his right side, which was deep and, judging from the clean edges, looked like it was cut by some sort of blade (all thanks to the hours Dipper spent reading mystery novels). Mabel didn’t see a problem with using her sweater as something to help stop the bleeding, so thats what they did. Dipper grabbed his left arm, Mabel on his right, and they started their trek back to the Mystery Shack carrying a stabbed stranger they found in the woods with a pink dolphin sweater tied on his waist.
When they finally arrived (Mabel kicking the door open and shouting “medic!”), Soos took one look at them before dropping his broom and making all three of the current tourists leave the building. Wendy, who was definitely NOT napping by the register, leapt into action, “What happened?!” She asked, alarmed by the sight of the body.
“We don’t know!”
“It wasn’t us, I swear!”
Wendy disappeared into the kitchen to get the first aid kit while the twins set the teen on the table Soos had cleared off. The movement must’ve finally jostled the teen into stirring awake, because thats exactly what happened. His eyes fluttered open, slowly and squinting at the light, but they were open nonetheless.
Suddenly, he shot up. No one in the room expected any movement from him in his current state, so they all leaped away. It appeared that he also regretted the movement, seeing as the teens whole body contorted and he let out a silent yell. He fell back to the table, glaring at everyone in the room.
“Where am I?” He questioned, a hand on his wound.
Dipper stepped up, “You’re in the Mystery Shack. We brought you back because you were hurt in the woods! Well, I mean you’re still hurt and not much has changed but you’re awake now so-“
He was interrupted by Wendy entering the room again with a large first aid kit. She saw that the boy was awake, so she tried to appear as calm as possible as to not startle him, “Hey, so like you’re hurt and we can try to answer all your questions while I clean you up. What’s your name?”
The teen glanced at everyone in the room,
“You tell me all of yours first.” His voice was raspy, but light.
The redhead nodded, “Fair enough. I’m Wendy, this is Soos-“ The janitor waved, looking slightly pale from the sight of blood but still trying to appear as friendly as possible. “-Mable-“ “Hi! You’re wearing my sumweater!” “-and Dipper.”
The younger boy tipped his hat with what he hoped was a friendly manner, but one could never be sure.
“If you see an old man around here demanding for money, thats Grunkle Stan,” Wendy explained, gathering things from the first aid kit, “I’m going to lift up your shirt a bit to clean out your wound, if thats alright?”
When the teen gave a small nod, Wendy immediately got to work. He sat calmly, wincing only once or twice even when Wendy put the rubbing alcohol on to clean it.
“Wow Wendy,” Mable exclaimed, “I didn’t know you were a doctor!”
“My mom taught me this kinda stuff when I was little. We were always active little kids, y’know?”
“Hey,” Dipper cut in, “you never gave us your name.”
The teen looked away from the ceiling and to the group he saw around the table, “Uh-Danny. My name is Danny Fenton. Do you mind telling me where I am again?”
“The Mystery Shack,” Dipper responded, “It’s in Gravity Falls, Oregon.
The boy-Danny-bit his lip. He seemed stressed.
“Where are you from, Danny?” Mable asked.
If there was one thing Danny could do, it was string up a lie on the spot, “I’m from Amity Park, Illinois. We decided to take a road trip, we must’ve passed through here.” Technically, it wasn’t ALL a lie. They (being Danny and Wulf) decide to go on a trip through multiple places, it just wasn’t by choice.
“Okay, and how did you get that?” Dipper asked, pointing to the wound that Wendy was now bandaging up.
Danny glanced at him, then to the bandages, “I fell. Hit a sharp rock, then hit my head on something... next thing I know, I’m here.”
Even as Mable, Soos, and Wendy continued making small conversation with the teenager on the table, Dipper could tell something wasn’t right. He was lying. He was hiding something, and Dipper was going to get to the bottom of it.————————
end chapt 1!
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microfeelings · 5 years
Well you know what they say, if you want to get things out there you... have to get things out there
So Fantasy AU with Game Grumps
Tbh i dont know how this started... It might have been something along the lines of Dan would make a great bard, and Suzy is totally a druid... and everything went downhill from there, but also, who knows how my brain works there is like 4 trains of thought at the same time and they're all roughly have the same thoughts if that makes sense? So I'm thinking of something in 4 different ways and its hard to pinpoint from wich train the idea came from... yall still with me? Cause I tend to ramble when I'm panicking (and also dont know what I'm doing)
The idea is basic dnd party doing missions all over the fantasy land and nearly dying/accidentally destroying cults in the process of getting to the big plot (WICH I DONT HAVE LMAO, remember that comic about the "oh man, two cakes" guy? This is me presenting the ingredients of the cake and calling it a day, I am so sorry, my brain is way over the place to get you something better)
So far I have three paragraphs and is like 80% rambling, I feel like a deer in the headlights. Anyways so the characters;
Arin: half orc barbarian, dont know how to describe my decision other than.... big arms. And also, not to be thirsty on main he would look so good with tusks (sidenote: I love half orcs, never played dnd but honestly i would probably only ever play half orcs). Basic adventurer, left the place he grew up with when he was of age to find himself and get stronger, also since he kinda didnt like himself he tried to get rid of his tusks and long hair, but eventually left them to grow. Always travels with a companion and that doesnt always end well. Sweet, kind and funny, he makes friends wherever he goes, but also lots of enemies (like a lot of people want him death, even demons, and Arin still doesnt understand why cause hes not the worst person ever come on) its hinted through foreshadowing (i talk like this is a fucking show) that he is a vessel for an old moon/sun god, or is the moon/sun god reincarnated and he hasnt remembered yet. And by implied I mean, I've been playing with the idea, but I dont know if I'll follow through (at least its a plot)
Dan: elf bard, of roughly 250+ years, hes got the most experience in the bunch as an adventurer but also feels out of time because he slept through 50 years straight cause he was sick, when he woke up he found out lots of people he knew had died and that kinda fucked him up. Diplomatic in a tipical bard fashion (he will fuck his way out of the mess) but an experienced swordman as well (with both a longsword and a rapier). When he first woke up he got the first job that he could manage (mercenary) where he met Brian, he later left the job because it didnt feel right with him, and started travelling on his own, he met Arin and started travelling with him cause friendship and also barbarian here to make sure you dont die in battle you squishy elf
Suzy: elf druid, keeper of a forest near where Arin lived a season, befriended him when he was younger, never left the forest cause it was her duty to protect it, but it got invaded by a group of mercenaries and it got impossible for her to drive them off (like come on, she is strong, but its really hard to drive off like 50+ people) she tried to ask for help in the nearby towns but nobody came to her aid for being the witch of the forest, until eventually Arin and Dan accepted to help her, she later joined them in adventures. Her body is covered in tattoos, and is trying to convince Arin and Dan to get one as well (pls). Her favorite forms to take are bear, snake and spider (to scare Dan)
Ross: tiefling warlock. The first person to travel with Arin when he was younger, they met when Ross initially tried to kill Arin but failed, they became fast friends and also ride or die for each other, and Ross would never tell him that his patron ordered to kill him and his initial intent was to do it, but ended up liking Arin too much to get trough with it. Loves to antagonize Dan for the sake of it and sometimes gets jealous of him (I was his friend first) wraps his tail around Arin when he gets scared/is sleepy and Arin thinks its adorable
Brian: human rogue. Part of a mercenary crew that is absolutely despicable, met Dan when he first woke up and accepted him as the only partner (he killed all the others) since Dan fell asleep below a tree near the town Brian grew up with, and troughout his life he always saw Dan sleeping under a tree and now hes awake asking for a job here? You stick with me, I promise not to stab you (too much). Since he has a wife and daughter he want to leave the life of mercenary, so Arin agrees to help him kill his own boss (A+ on the handling things boys)
And then there is Barry, who I want to be a recurring character but I never really got into GG until he wasnt there so I dont know a lot about him, and theres a bunch of other characters that are definetly a part but also there is only so much I can write here and theyre kinda more like background
I write like those old fanfic writers who are always interrupting their own work but instead of pluging in something like 'lmao im crazy' im having a panic attack
Also I feel like I need to say this, this is technically polygrumps? But like most romance in any tv show, it add nothing to the plot, I just like shipping
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cadday · 4 years
Collateral Damage Chapter 11
‘What’s written on the lost page?’
‘Luxu, have you been behind all this?’
‘...Are you the traitor?’
Corridors of Darkness were never fun as a nobody. Mostly though when you did not have a heart the darkness held little interest in you passing through. Going through with a heart was like trying to walk through waist high snow as a blizzard whipped around you. The darkness and shadows pulled at them as they attempted to pass and he could feel it ever trying to pull them under and deeper into it. Lea’s hand felt like it was going to break the bones in his hand the grip was so tight but Braig didn’t dare let go. He was terrified that he would come out the other end without them, if he came out at all.
‘do not falter.’ The other heart helped push against the darkness and with that he could see a literal light at the end of the tunnel. Making a final push Braig stumbled out of the darkness, Isa and Lea thankfully right on his heels. Quickly he raised a hand to dismiss the corridor and slumped against a nearby wall trying to collect himself. He pointedly did not comment on Lea and Isa huddled together and quietly discussed something. Not his business. What was his business was figuring out where they were. Which judging from the hedges and roses and in the distance the upright walking card…
“Wonderland. Freakin wonderland. Couldn’t be a world that was easy to navigate. Nope we gotta end up in crazy town.” Braig groaned in frustration. Hopefully them ending up here wasn’t coincidence. Truth be told he hadn’t given the Corridor much direction. 
‘heart chose the path’ And yeah, okay, maybe that meant they were on the right track at least.
“So this is another world. Figures it’s just more gardens…” Braig choked back a laugh at Lea’s clear disappointment. 
“We travel through a literal manifestation of darkness to a new world for the first times in our lives and you still find something to complain about.” Braig did audibly laugh then and Lea at least had the decency to look embarrassed.
“Alright, let’s go see if we can find someone willing to tell us if they’ve seen our missing duo. For now we stick together. Can’t risk anyone else getting lost.” He tries not to think of the other apprentices and Ansem the wise discovering they are gone as well. Braig could only hope they don’t assume the absolute worst of them. 
They wander the hedge maze a bit but decide not to talk to the armed giant cards. Something told him they were probably trespassing and you rarely got answers from people who were busy attempting to apprehend you. They eventually emerge from the maze into what looks like another garden, more card guards linger around but this one has a podium and some pissed off lady in a crown screaming about something, charming that. The smaller crowned guy seemed to be trying to calm her down and there was a rabbit, in a waistcoat, running in circles…he distinctly remembers a reason why he never ventured to this world if he, xigbar, Luxu, could help it. Aggravating mess of a place.
Isa seemed to share his perspective on this matter as he looked completely annoyed by just everything, Lea shot his friend a grin though and before Isa or even Braig could stop him was meandering over the chaotic scene before them. 
“Good afternoon. Sorry to interrupt but we were just passing through looking for friends of ours, a boy and girl.” The woman stopped screaming long enough to look at Lea slightly bewildered that he was there and then promptly began screaming at him.
“Thieves! Liars! Cheats! Off with their heads! Find them! Find them now!” The card guards began to scatter around the area then out to who knows where. Lea turned back to them and shrugged.
“What are you three doing? GO find them now!” Braig looked at the screaming lady then looked around to make sure that, yeah, she seemed to be addressing them.
“I’m sorry, who are we finding?”
“Those liars, those cheaters, that guilty girl Alice! Off with her head! Off with it!” Well that was decidedly unhelpful. Isa looked at Lea who was smiling like this was a big hilarious joke. He sighed before turning to the screaming woman.
“We’ll get right on that…” Braig snorted but allowed Isa to drag Lea out and followed them only to stop to give the, was she supposed to be a queen, a mock salute. They continued through the hedge maze, and Lea was cackling with laughter as Isa dragged him through it, and finally made it out into what looked like a forest, made of giant flowers. 
“Gardens, everything is plants. Now giant plants…” Lea kicked at the ground looking around disgruntled.
“We are not on vacation Lea, were only here to find…”
“Finding things is rarely as satisfying as the searching.” They all turned to face the voice in the tree above them. In the branches was a floating smile and two eyes. That was disturbing. Braig looked at his companions to make sure he wasn’t seeing things but judging from the equally uncomfortable expressions, yeah, floaty face was real.
“Erm. Yeah. You wouldn’t have seen a girl and boy not from around here.”
“I rarely see people not from around here, they tend to be not around here.” 
“This is going to be one of these conversations…”
“Although there was the children from away from here.” Stripes began to spiral around the thing before it became clear that they were talking to a cat. It at least made the creature less frightening.
“Isn’t that the same thing..”
“Is it? Whose to say?”
“Nevermind, are they still here?” The cat  looked around before the smile grinned wider.
“I do not see them. But if they were still here you wouldn’t be searching would you?” 
“Not directly here, in this world.” 
“Hmmm. They have gone away.” The cat began to slowly vanish again and out of the corner of his eye Braig could make out the frustrated looks on Isa and Lea’s faces. He wondered if they would attempt to kill the magic cat. Probably shouldn’t let that happen but Braig couldn’t blame them. This world was awful.
“Do you know where they have gone?”
“To away places not here of course,” The cat was completely gone now and the voice was coming from everywhere which was super creepy, “But their hearts will take them to the end, to find the heart connected to one of theres. It’s where the dark things took Alice, poor stupid girl. Hearts are very valuable these days, is that why you have two?” Braig kinda wished the cat would come back so he could shoot it, but nothing spoke again and they were left alone in the weird giant flower forest.
“What the ever loving fu..”
“No! For real Isa! The hell was that? That thing is going to give me nightmares.” Isa didn’t say anything so Braig supposed he agreed with his friend. Braig kinda agreed too. 
“Well anyway it means they aren’t here anymore. So I guess we keep going…”
“Can we actually trust that thing,” Isa guestered vaguely to the tree the cat had been in, “It seemed generally…”
“Bat shit crazy!” Lea waved his hands frantically in the air. Isa looked unimpressed before nodding slowly.
“Yes that.”
Braig shrugged but he guessed they were right to an extent. The cat had been confusing but he didn’t feel like it was lying. Still…
“Let’s look around a bit more, but this world might be a bust regardless.”
The flower forest is mostly empty, though they end up fighting some lower level heartless and eventually end up wandering into what looks like an empty tea party. There’s no one there but there is a weird painting over the table with a man and a rabbit. They decide to not interrupt whatever that was supposed to be and end up eventually finding their way into a house, except they can’t figure out how they made it their. Still no other sign of the kids though.
“This place seriously is the worst.” Isa nods along as Lea dispatches another heartless with his chakrams.
“I think we're done here, doesn’t seem like we can get much more from this place, besides a headache.” Which meant they were going to have to reopen a portal. 
‘careful.’ He nodded to himself before raising a hand and tried to ignore how much easier opening a corridor was in this world was. 
“Second verse same as the first, you ready?” 
They end up stumbling out into a world that is encroaching on evening, Braig wonders if they just hadn’t noticed that it was getting late because Wonderland was so awful. He also feels exhausted and he wonders if he was always that tired and the corridor just amplified the exhaustion. 
“Come on, let’s find somewhere safe-ish and get some rest for the night…” Isa nodded and Lea, who was practically draped over Isa’s shoulder gave a thumbs up which had Braig rolling his eyes. They end up going into the first building that door opens to them, it’s a small room with some large torches but it’s empty and warm at least. They end up crashing in the corner, Lea is practically sprawled across his friend but Braig supposes the other boy was used to the clinging. They fall asleep quickly, and Braig tries to stay up for a while to keep watch but he’s exhausted and follows them into sleep not long after. 
‘This world is full of light. It's a world comprised of many smaller worlds, all connected, stretching as far as the eye can see. One great light protects us all throughout this vast land. All worlds share one light, one fate...’
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gegenji · 5 years
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(Metarutaru Koradrix) Out in Lakeland, it'd be a cloudy, but otherwise fine day... As fine a day in Lakeland can be anyway. Koratt would be smiling as he brought his direwolf, Gidgett, some Zonure meat from the nearby field, smiling brightly. "Here you go girl, bit of a snack after a hard day's work, yeah?"
(Chachanji Gegenji) Koratt would likely hear Chachan before he saw him, much like before - though under different context. The clop of hooves, the irate snorting of a temperamental stallion, and the quiet (hopefully calming) words being repeated by the aforementioned horse's rider - stammered out in a clumsy approximation of the fae tongue. Trying to both soothe the fiery beast and keep an eye out for his Dwarven friend at the same time was quite the task.
(Metarutaru Koradrix) He would hear the hoof and snorts, though not the quiet words as the horse sort of drowned out his words with its snorting. He smiles brightly upon seeing who was on the Horse... and honestly was amazed to even see a horse! They haven't been seen in Norvandt for who knows how long! Wide-eyed for a moment, he shook it off and pat Gidgett once she finished with her food, which she did in short order, before moving over to the Horse. "Chachanji!"
(Chachanji Gegenji) The Lalafell's ears perked at the familiar voice and Chachanji looked up from his near-constant patting of Aen Reion's mane. "Ah, Koratt! There ya are!" he chirped, pulling on the reins with some more urgent quiet reassurances in fae. "Finally got Gria 'n 'em ta let me leave Il Mheg, so I figgered I'd swing by fer tha' get-t'gether we talked 'bout durin' tha' whole... um... sin eater hunt thin'."
(Metarutaru Koradrix) "Hah! That's amazing that you've earned the Fae's favor! I'll be honest I get a fair bit terrified every time I go there! Only reason I haven't been turned into a leafman, or worse, was because the Nu Mou vouch for me when I visit. Scary place to be!"
(Chachanji Gegenji) "A-ah, it ain't all bad. Ya jus' hafta watch out fer th' pranks. 'n th' tricks. 'n th' kinda random whims. Other'n tha', 's fine..." Chachan offered, though the little list of fae problems made it seem not quite as appealing. Which he seemed to notice, give his awkward smile and dismissive wave. "A-a'course, helpin' deal wit their pro'lems tends ta help a lot... w-whether it be a Pixie 'r a Nu Mou."
(Metarutaru Koradrix) "I can imagine." He nods, "You're braver than most not to have run away from the Pixies, and good on you for it too." Gidgett would sort of lift her head and sniff Chachanji curiously. "Gidgett, down girl." This prompts the wolf to relent, sort of lying on the floor. "Don't mind Gidgett, she's a curious sort, really."
(Chachanji Gegenji) Aen Reion gives the direwolf a withering glare as she drew nearer, giving a bit of a warning snort before Chachan hurriedly pulled lightly on the reins and murmured some more quick words to the horse. "W-well, 's more they wouldn't -let- me, ta be fair," he admitted bashfully once Reion was calmed down again. "There was always a bit of'a fog hangin' 'round 'n it always got extra bad at certain spots. Prolly close ta th' ways outta th' place. Goin' in always kinda ended up wit me back where I-- (Chachanji Gegenji) entered, y'know?"
(Metarutaru Koradrix) "Yeah, that's pixie magic for sure." He nods, then looks to the horse, and couldn't help but have a look of amazement at the sight of it. "I gotta ask, what is this fella's name? Amazing little critter you got there." He waves to the horse, but doesn't try to pet it. He's never seen one before after all, and wouldn't know how to not get bit by one!
(Chachanji Gegenji) Using the word 'critter' go Koratt a glare from the horse itself - did it understand what the Dwarf was saying? Whatever the reason for the look, Chachanji gave the stallion another hurried pat before answering. "A-ah, thi' is Aen Reion. 'm still tryin' ta get 'im ta... well... play nice. 'e's a bit of a stubborn butt," he explained, giving the horse a bit of a pouty glare. "'s much better'n when th' Pixies first introduced 'im ta me. Was part'a th' requirements fer lettin' me leave - ta tame (Chachanji Gegenji) Aen Reion. I-I ain't really sure if'n it was jus' fer laughs 'r they act'lly didn't think I'd be able ta do it but... here we is."
(Metarutaru Koradrix) "Aah... Sorry for insulting ya, Aen Reion, yeah?" He'd apologize to the horse with a chuckle, before looking to Chachanji. "I'll be honest, that's incredible. I've only heard of horses in stories, like the one of Lord Tolthewil and the Knights of the old Elf Kingdom. Never thought I'd actually -see- one in person! Blessed or Cursed by those pixies, who knows, but you're definitely something else." He would say to Chachanji, his tone and look is clearly one of awe, and a bit of admiration, even!
(Chachanji Gegenji) Reion snorted again, but it seemed less... irate, if one could discern the differences between such sounds. "W-well, 'pparently Reion 'ere's been runnin' 'round fer a while. Made a bit of'a name fer 'imself." A proud little whinny from the stallion, though his rider had a bit less of a positive reaction to the praise sent his way. A brief fluster and shake of his head before commenting: "'m-m not all tha' great... 'm-m jus' glad I managed ta do it so I could finally get home."
(Metarutaru Koradrix) "Hey, you helped me take down a Sin Eater, so you're A-OK in my book! And I don't blame ya for being happy to be outta there. Hmm, Theres a few spots you could take a break at now that you're outta that ol' mess of a place. You can definitely use it after all that!" He looks around. There's Clearmelt to the north of us, as well as the town of Sullen to the South. Oh! Also the Crystarium itself, though I'm not sure how much you're in a mood to travel after all that."
(Chachanji Gegenji) "Ah, I act'lly stopped at Clearmelt on th' way 'ere!" Chachan stated with a smile that quickly took on an embarrassed look. "I-I thought -it- was Ostell, act'lly, so I was askin' 'round fer ya fer a bit. Did end up stayin' ta wash up fer a bit... 's been a while since 've had a nice hot soak, y'know?" (Chachanji Gegenji) "'n 'm act'lly headin' t'wards th' Crystarium," he added, looking over to the imposing landmark in the distance. "Gria thin's goin' there might help me figger out a way home. Since there's a big ol' crystal tower like tha' one near me home. Well, kinda near. Near 'nuff."
(Metarutaru Koradrix) "Ahh, gonna have a chat with the Exarch, is that right? Well, if anyone can help you get where you need to go, it's definitely him. Fella's done more for the people than we can ever hope to repay. Hope you don't mind if I tag along!"
(Chachanji Gegenji) "I mean, I wouldn't mind th' company. Not f'miliar wit thi' place 'r th' Crystarium. So havin' someone 'long who does would be much 'ppreciated."
(Metarutaru Koradrix) "No problem! Place is pretty big, so I'll help ya around the place!" He pats Gidgett a few times, which prompts her to get up with a light stretch. "Ready then you are, Chachanji!"
(Chachanji Gegenji) "Oh, ya meant right now?" Chachan interjected with a bit of surprise. "I mean, 'm good ta go if'n ya are... jus' thought we were gonna meet up fer somethin' ta eat 'n drink." A thoughtful pause. "Though, I 'spose th' Crystarium'd have places fer tha' too, huh?"
(Metarutaru Koradrix) "Mhm! Clearmelt and Crystarium would be the best spots for that, but you've already been to the first one, hah!" Metarutaru Koradrix laughs.
(Chachanji Gegenji) "Ah, fair 'nuff, then..." he relented. "I guess we're off tha' way, then. I'll... uh... try'n keep Aen Reion 'ere from goin' too fast. 'e... can really get goin' when 'e wants ta."
(Metarutaru Koradrix) "Don't let Aen here show ya up, Gidgett! Show 'em you're not slouch either!" Gidgett lets out a few barks, as she seemed ready to run!
(Chachanji Gegenji) Reion snorted at that, getting an alarmed look from Chachanji. "A-ah... d-dun get 'im riled up...!" was all he managed before the horse was off like a shot. In a matter of seconds, the stallion was already out of the outpost and down the hill. The Lalafell hadn't been kidding that the horse was fast.
(Metarutaru Koradrix) He looked a fair bit surprised at just how fast it is! But it only prompts Gidgett to really give it her all, chasing after the horse with with vigor!
(Chachanji Gegenji) Aen Reion's apparent fame wasn't without merit, it seemed. Even with Gidgett giving it her all, the fae stallion was pulling further and further ahead. At least until the flailing rider finally managed to grab hold of the reins and FORCE the horse to slow down some, which Reion was none too happy about. There was a lot of snorting and flailing of Reion's head as Koratt finally caught up. But they managed to stay apace, at least, for the remainder of the trip to the Crystarium.
(Metarutaru Koradrix) Upon arriving at the gate, Koratt would explain that He is entering the Crystarium with a friend seeking a place to say, making sure to mention Chachanji is from Kholusia. This would set the guard at ease some and would allow them in, provided Gidgett and Aen are stabled as soon as they reach the Crystarium. (Metarutaru Koradrix) "Okay! We're in, a bit more and we'll be in the city."
(Chachanji Gegenji) Chachan was plenty willing to let Koratt do the talking, since he was also busy trying to calm Aen Reion's temper at being denied a full-on race between him and Gidgett. His ears wiggled at the mention of that Kholusia place, but didn't ask questions. What DID look like would be a problem, was the idea of Reion submitting himself to being stabled.
(Metarutaru Koradrix) "You definitely weren't kidding about how fast that thing is! Hopefully I enjoyed the run some! and well, hoping it doesn't get too mad about being in a stable, but Rules are rules you know?"
(Chachanji Gegenji) "I-I tried ta warn ya," Chachan lamented, continuing to try and calm the stallion. "A-and stablin' 'im might be... a pro'lem, yeah. Ev'n at Clearmelt 'e refused ta be tied up. H-had ta let 'im jus' run free on th' promise 'e'd come back when I called fer 'im."
(Metarutaru Koradrix) "Well... I suppose that is an option you can do.... They ain't gonna let 'em roam around the city freely, too risky to the citizens there."
(Chachanji Gegenji) "Well, yeah, tha's fair," Chachan agreed, slowly dismounting off of Aen Reion. He murmured a few words to the horse in fae. There was a snort from the horse, then the Lalafell added a few more curt words before the horse nodded. Chachan nodded in turn, then let go of the reins. And with that, Reion was off like a shot back down the road - apparently to get the run in that he had been so cruelly denied.
(Metarutaru Koradrix) Koratt couldn't help but snicker a bit. "Yep. Definitely something else." He shook his head with a smile. "C'mon Chachanji, let's head in the city. I think you'll like it. Who knows? Might even give a familiar feeling being back in one."
(Chachanji Gegenji) Chachan turned back to the Dwarf and nodded. "It'll be nice, ta be sure. Feels like 's been moons since 've been in a normal town..." That last bit was punctuated with a bit of a sigh.
(Metarutaru Koradrix) He smiles brightly upon arriving. "Chachanji, Welcome, to the Crystarium! Last bastion of Norvandt, Beacon of Hope, Center of Civilization, all that silliness!" He snickers. "But seriously, welcome!"
(Chachanji Gegenji) "I-it def'nitely looks pretty impressive!" Chachan admitted, his eyes glued to the Crystal Tower itself. He'd seen the other one in Mor Dhona, but always from a distance. He had to wonder if that one felt just as... imposing... as this one did up close.
(Metarutaru Koradrix) "Well, first thing's first. let's get ya attuned to this place. If you ever get lost, you can always use this place as a safe haven to return to, yeah?" (Metarutaru Koradrix) "Well, first thing's first. let's get ya attuned to this place. If you ever get lost, you can always use this place as a safe haven to return to, yeah?" (Metarutaru Koradrix) "Once that's outta the way, we'll get something to eat!"
(Chachanji Gegenji) "Oh, ta th' aetheryte? Y-yeah, tha' might be a good idea." He pauses and blinks. "Should I'a done th' same in Ostall?"
(Metarutaru Koradrix) "Well, Ostall's probably not that important... Unless you're one to enjoy hot springs then maybe, hah! But you can always head back to that later. C'mon!" He would beckon Chachanji to follow him, a bit of pep in his step!
(Chachanji Gegenji) "A-ah, comin'!"
(Metarutaru Koradrix) "Can't help but smile every time I come here. No matter how much of a mess it was out there in Norvandt, this place... I dunno, would just always put me at ease. Everyone here's so eager to help one another. It's like a home away from home..." A content sigh escaped him as he spoke, but shook his head, no need for him to be getting all sentimental.
(Chachanji Gegenji) Chachan pattered quickly after the Dwarf, looking at him as he commented on the Crystarium itself. The idea of everyone helping one another brought a smile to the Lalafell's face, which stayed there as he moved over to the aetheryte itself. Reaching out and closing his eyes, he began the attuning process. Once he had, though, his expression changes slightly - as if he had noticed noticing. Eyes still shut, his brows raised before furrowing.
(Metarutaru Koradrix) He looks to Chachanji with a smile... though his expression confused him. "Something the matter? You can attune to the aetheryte yeah? I know there's a few rare cases of folk being unable to, but I'm sure you're not one of them, right?"
(Chachanji Gegenji) "N-no no, I can attune ta it jus' fine," Chachan stated, though he kept his eyes shut. "'s jus'... I thin' I can feel a link ta one'a th' aetherytes near me home... 's faint... -real- faint, but..." He lowered his arm and opened his eyes to look at Koratt. "I... I might be able ta teleport near home from 'ere!" A bright smile. "I couldn't feel anythin' from th' aetheryte from Il Mheg, mebbe thi' one is jus' close 'nuff?" A pause, then a glance at the Tower. "Or mebbe because'a tha'...?"
(Metarutaru Koradrix) "Wouldn't be shocked if it's on account of the Tower. It is very magical like that. This tower kinda came outta nowhere when it did, and it was around for a long time. Before me, My Pa, or even Grandpappy I think. When it did something about it just drew folks together from all over. Humes, Mystel, Drahn, Ronso, Elves, Galdjent... even Vhis and Dwarves, which usually aren't ones for traveling. Something about that tower, and the Crystal Exarch who resides in it, is mysterious... powerful, even."
(Chachanji Gegenji) Chachan followed Koratt towards the Tower as he talked, looking up at it - even more impressive even just a few hundred yalms closer like this. He gave the Dwarf a look of confusion at the strange names for the various races, but quickly assumed it was just the culture for this part of Hydaelyn and didn't interject. "Well, it IS plenty powerful-lookin'," he admitted. "'n kinda pretty. Wonder if'n th' one near me home looks thi' neat up close..."
(Metarutaru Koradrix) "Near your home?... You mean there's more than one of these?" He would look up, wide-eyed. It surely didn't sound like there could be, but the way things have been since the Flood, and the more recent events with Night returning, who knows at this point! "If there's another... Hmm..." He ponders it for a bit, but shakes his head. That probably wouldn't be like he thinks it is. Nonetheless. "Hey, I did promise you food n' drink. So c'mon! My treat."
(Chachanji Gegenji) "Oh! Right! Almost f'rgot wit Reion bein' all grumpy 'n findin' out I might be able ta jus'... -teleport- home from 'ere!" Chachan chirped, looking to Koratt. "I'll... um... hafta warn ya. I... ah... tend ta eat a lot. 'specially if'n thi' teleport is gonna be anythin' like when I came back from Yanxia. Real long teleports like tha' really take it outta ya, y'know?"
(Metarutaru Koradrix) The heck is a Yanxia, he would wonder, but there's questions that can be answered as they eat. He nods and smiles, calling Chachanji over to follow to the Musica Universalis Markets. (Metarutaru Koradrix) "The place is always bustling! Regardless of how many turns of the sun or moon cycle, you'll see people moving about here!"
(Chachanji Gegenji) "Oh, Ul'dah's like tha' all th' time," Chachan offered with a smile. "Ya get used ta it." A pause. "... though, I 'spose I'll hafta get RE-used ta it after all thi'." (Chachanji Gegenji) "Still not quite used ta ev'rythin' not bein' all super colorful like in Il Mheg."
(Metarutaru Koradrix) "I'll need to visit all these places you're talking about. Yanxia, Ul'Dah, never heard of any of those places before! Wonder if you live as far away a land as the Exarch does?" He would wonder a bit. "Sounds like places he would know about. Anyhow! Take a seat and I'll get some orders in."
(Chachanji Gegenji) "Ah, mebbe!" Chachan offered with a cheerful shrug. "They're all neat places 'n worth visitin', I figger." A nod and then he goes hunting for a nice place to sit.
(Metarutaru Koradrix) As Chachanji went to get a seat, he walks over to Glynard. Chachanji may see Koratt smiling brightly, laughing some with the man as he placed his order, nodding to him as they spoke. Once the order is placed, he smiles and walks back over to the table Chachanji chose, and took a seat himself. "Okay! Order's placed. Expect some good eats real soon!"
(Chachanji Gegenji) "Ah, I hope so!" Chachan stated with a nod as Koratt sat down. "Th' fae food is... akay, but it's mostly a lotta fruit 'n mushrooms, y'know? 'n I always felt bad after I... ah... got back ta normal size since 'm always starvin' somethin' fierce after it." A bit of a frown crosses his features as he thinks on it. "Always end up havin' ta help restock th' food stores afterward 'cuz I ate most'a it."
(Metarutaru Koradrix) "Well! I told 'em you're from pretty far away, like Exarch far, So it oughta be some real good stuff. maybe something you're familiar with!"
(Chachanji Gegenji) "We'll see! Honestly, jus' havin' some good meats 'n popotoes 'n stuff'd be best." (Chachanji Gegenji) "Somethin' hearty, y'know?"
(Metarutaru Koradrix) "Then you're in for a treat!" He smiles brightly. There would be quite a few plates on the table! A sweet shellfish stew in tomato broth, along with a blood tomato salad with a dark vinegar topping, a big plate of peppered popotoes to be shared as well. For himself, Koratt got a nice big mug of ale, while for Chachanji, the drink he got was apparently something the Exarch appreciated. (Metarutaru Koradrix) (also, Matcha tea!)
(Chachanji Gegenji) Chachan went wide-eyed at the spread, mostly focusing on the stew and popotoes more than the greens - but that was probably to be expected considering living on a fae diet for a couple moons. He made a bit of a face at the tea - tea was always his brother's favorite, not his - but tried to mask it as best he could. Though, the success of that would be mired a little by his request to the waiter before they returned: "Ah, could I also get a glass'a Cham--" A pause. "Um... some fruit juice 'n-- (Chachanji Gegenji) --sweetwater if'n ya have it?"
(Metarutaru Koradrix) The waiter nods and leaves to get the request. "Aaaah, not a fan of the stuff? My apologies. Probably should've asked you first!"
(Chachanji Gegenji) "A-ah, 's fine, 's fine!" Chachan stated as he started filling a plate with stew and popotoes. "Tea is all well'n good but... 've always been a fan'a juice, ev'n after spendin' all tha' time wit th' fae."
(Metarutaru Koradrix) "Fair enough! Personally a bit of alcohol helps me through the day, always!" He laughs a bit before taking a swig of ale, and snagging himself some popotoes and some of the salad first, wasting no time in digging in. "Dom't be affphraid to chow dhown, yheh?" He would say with his mouth kinda full as he ate happily.
(Chachanji Gegenji) "Ah, I dun really drink alcohol much, meself," he admitted bashfully as he began tucking in as well, the food on his plate disappearing at a frightening rate into the little Lalafell. He honestly seemed to be on pace to down the entire spread himself without too much difficulty, though he did make sure Koratt got all he wanted too. "Only had a drink'r two while at home."
(Metarutaru Koradrix) "Well, I feel a lad or lass would appreciate a fella who ain't a drunk, so good on ya! Also don't be afraid to ask for more! Eat til' you're stuffed!" He laughs heartily before resuming his meal, the waiter bringing the drink Chachanji requested.
(Chachanji Gegenji) Most of the food had already "mysteriously" disappeared by the time the waiter had returned, so Chachan sheepishly asked for a refill on everything else even as he nodded in thanks for his change of drink. Once they were away preparing more, he looked back to Koratt with a timid sip of his beverage. "A-ah, I 'unno if'n it's worth all tha' much praise. I jus' get... um... more talky 'n stuff when drunk." And more huggy, but he wasn't about to openly admit that. "So... i-it jus' seems safer ta do (Chachanji Gegenji) stuff like tha' at home rather'n when 'm out 'n about."
(Metarutaru Koradrix) "Ah, fair 'nough, fair 'nough. So! How're ya enjoying the Crystarium? I know we haven't shown much, but hey!" He laughs a bit, happily eating his fill and relaxing some... but not too much, lest he lean back and fall off the barstool like last time.
(Chachanji Gegenji) "'s nice!" Chachan admitted immediately, looking about. "Nice ta be 'mongst other, non-fae peoples. And in a proper city 'n stuff, one not made outta lil' homes in hillsides or giant mushrooms."
(Metarutaru Koradrix) "Very different from Il Mheg for sure! Glad you're enjoying your time here! Was a bit worried you'd be too overwhelmed, shy sort you seem to be from earlier." He couldn't help but giggle. "But in all seriousness! Glad you're enjoying yourself, Chachanji."
(Chachanji Gegenji) "I-I ain't THA' shy!" he insisted with a pout and a fluster, followed by a slightly sulking sip of his drink. "'n-n 's more like comin' back ta somethin' f'miliar after bein' on a vacation fer a while, y'know? A vacation full'a pranks 'n monster-huntin'."
(Metarutaru Koradrix) "Okay okay! Not thaaat shy, hehe! And monster hunting sounds like a fun vacation to me! Not so much the fairy pranks though. Could do with alot less of those." He shook his head, before finishing his mug, having had a few swigs here and there as they were speaking. "But hey! It's good to hear, and who knows? Maybe the Exarch can help you find a way back? He's a nice guy, always has time to hear what folks have to say. With any luck he can help get you home safe n' sound!"
(Chachanji Gegenji) "I dun really like fightin', though," he admitted with a sigh, rubbing at the back of his neck and looking back down towards the Aetheryte plaza. "'n hopefully I'll be able ta teleport proper-like back home... but I 'spose it can't hurt seein' if'n I can't talk ta this Exarch guy ya keep mentionin'."
(Metarutaru Koradrix) "Ya should, really. but here I am being all pushy!" He shook his head. "I see, then maybe the Crystalline Mean is more your style? It's a center area within the Crystarium. Crafters from all over Norvandt gather there to trade, buy, sell, and learn from one another. From Smiths, to Carpenters, Weavers to Alchemists. Anything you need would probably be there!"
(Chachanji Gegenji) Chachan nods. "Tha' sounds nicer, yeah. 'm a smith by trade, act'lly. Armor mostly, but I also make tools 'n do repairs 'n stuff," he clarifies. "Act'lly managed ta make a lil smithy in a lil cave in Il Mheg. Most'a th' Pixies didn't like it - they dun like smoke 'n metal 'n stuff." (Chachanji Gegenji) "... Though tha' was nice ta get 'way from them fer a bit now 'n then."
(Metarutaru Koradrix) "You're bold or bonkers doing that. More gutsy than me I'll tell you that! Well, I'd enjoy the time here while you can, yeah? Dunno when you'll leave but you claim it's super far away. Who know when you'll be back, yeah?" (Metarutaru Koradrix) He smiles. "Enjoy yourself here while you -are- here, after all!"
(Chachanji Gegenji) "W-well, I needed a place ta do me work... plus th' Nu Mou helped set it up. Lil' mushroom house 'n ev'rythin'," he explained further. "'s-sides, th' Pixies figgered out pretty quick tha' they could keep me outta it by makin' me too big ta fit inta th' cave... or get me out doin' th' same..." A sigh and a scratching at the cheek. "S-so, 's kinda nice ta be away from all tha'. 'course, Gria could be floatin' 'round somewheres nearby wit'out me knowin' so I gotta watch what 'm sayin'..." (Chachanji Gegenji) "Dun want them decidin' ta do tha' while 'm in th' city 'ere..." (Chachanji Gegenji) "While home might be super far 'way, I DO wanna be able ta come back 'ere. 'n ev'n go back ta Il Mheg ta visit now'n then..." One couldn't tell if the latter was because he actually liked being there, or if was part of some promise made as part of being allowed to leave.
(Metarutaru Koradrix) "Mmh, I see I see...." He ponders this and nods, a smile appearing on his face. "Well, if you do come back to this side of the world, do let me know! Always enjoy company of a friend, which frankly one can never have too many, yeah!" Metarutaru Koradrix smiles at you. (Metarutaru Koradrix) He would pay for the food and drink which... admittedly was more than he expected. a good bit more really... but! He said he's paying it and damn it he's keeping his word.
(Chachanji Gegenji) "A'course!" he responded immediately. "'m always up fer meetin' up 'n hangin' out wit friends, so ya know I'll try'n find ya if'n 'm in th' area." A pause. "Um. Is there any good way ta reach ya? Linkpearl'r somethin'? They dun seem ta have range 'nuff ta reach back home, but 'm sure if'n 'm 'round 'ere I should be able ta reach ya by one."
(Metarutaru Koradrix) "Hmmm...." He ponders.... "Best I can think is simply asking! The folks at Clan Nutsy know me well enough, and If you go to them they can give a good idea as to where I'm at. They have a chapter in the city here so it's safe, no running about aimlessly. Heck, they may be able to contact me themselves afterwards so I can come on by!" (Metarutaru Koradrix) He realizes he might not know what the heck Clan Nutsy is. "They're a group of monster hunters, keeping the bad beasties in check for the good of the people. I'm a part of them!"
(Chachanji Gegenji) "Clan Nutsy?" Chachan echoes. "Guess I'll hafta go see them 'long wit thi' Crystal-Mean place 'n tha' Exarch guy a'fore I go, huh?" (Chachanji Gegenji) "... 's turnin' inta quite th' list'a thin's I gotta do a'fore I try teleportin' home, isn't it?" A chuckle.
(Metarutaru Koradrix) "Heh!... Sorry for givin' ya all that... Just there's so much to look at around here in the Crystarium! The great Library at the Cabinet of Curiosity, the Hortorium which has all sorts of plants gathered and saved from all around the world, the Temenos Rookery which houses all the creatures used for travel, and combat as well, it's a grand city!"
(Chachanji Gegenji) "Well, I 'spose 's fair," Chachan admitted. "Comin' ta a new place like thi', it'd be kinduva shame ta jus' jump fer home rather'n look 'round some. I mean... 've been gone fer a bit as is..." He scratches at his floofy mass of hair. "I 'spose takin' a couple bells more ta look 'round 'ere a'fore leavin' can't hurt." (Chachanji Gegenji) "Tha' or jus' thin's ta visit th' next time 'm back 'round. Depends how much teleportin' back wears me out."
(Metarutaru Koradrix) "Enjoy your time here, then head on home with tales of this land, Norvandt! Maybe folks will believe you, maybe they won't! But hey. You've been to the place yourself, you know it exists." He nods lightly." And who knows? Maybe someday the opposite will occur, and I'll be able to see your land. This 'Ool'Dah' and 'Koo-gah-neigh' places you've mentioned. I bet they're like nothing I've ever witnessed before." A bit of wonderment was in his tone, and almost a bit of longing. There's more to the - (Metarutaru Koradrix) world that the Flood of Light hasn't destroyed? Places that may be just as fantastical as he's heard of in stories before the Flood... It gives him an look of hope to him that may no doubt seem odd to Chachanji, considering.
(Chachanji Gegenji) Chachan mostly just misinterpreted it as being curious to see other parts of the world - he got that, having left Doma to see Eorzea. As such, he gives an energetic nod. "A'course! If'n yer in th' area, def'nitely call me up! I can show ya 'round Ul'dah 'n me proper smithy 'n stuff! Kugane 'n Yanxia might be a bit of a trip on top'a all tha' but... 's def'nitely worth seein', I thin'!"
(Metarutaru Koradrix) Koratt smiles brightly at that. "I'm going to hold you to that, Chachanji." He nods lightly. A bit of a sad sigh comes out of him though, as he listened to something from his own linkpearl. "Shame I can't stick around much longer, though. Seems Clan Nutsy needs my help taking down another beastie, over in Amh Araeng." He shook his head. "I'm sorry I gotta leave like this. But as long as you stay in the city, you'll be safe, for sure. Explore the city as you like or head on home and keep it in - (Metarutaru Koradrix) mind on your next trip, yeah? I uh, heh, look forward to seeing ya again when you do, yeah?"
(Chachanji Gegenji) Chachan canted his head. Amh Araeng? A whole other area he hadn't heard of yet, along with that Kholusia place. Definitely was a lot left to see on this side of Hydaelyn, to be sure! Still, at the apology, Chachan shook his head with a smile. "Hey, beatin' up those thin's keeps folks safe, ain't nothin' ta be sorry 'bout," he stated. "'n ya bet I'll try'n reach out ta ya th' next time 'm 'round these parts."
(Metarutaru Koradrix) Koratt nods lightly with a smile, hopping down and... Admittedly not really as good around folks as his demeanor and chatter would imply, just figure to shake Chachanji's hand with a nod. "Don't be a stranger, yeah?"
(Chachanji Gegenji) Chachan hopped off his own stool to return the shake. "A-ah, a'course. Ya too! 'n be careful wit tha' beast in Ahn Mereg or whatev'r tha' place is called."
(Metarutaru Koradrix) He snickers a bit at how Chachan said it, and nods! "You bet! It'll be a cinch! I'll see ya soon, Chachanji!" And with that, he waves to him and starts jogging down towards the entrance to the Crystarium, to pick up Gidgett and begin his trek to his next hunt!
(Chachanji Gegenji) Chachan waved as Koratt darted off, seguing into scratching at his cheek once the Dwarf was gone. Well, what was next then? Visiting Clan Nutsy? The Crystalline Mean? Or perhaps that Exarch fellow? He had quite the surprise itinerary now before he tried teleporting home, and he wasn't sure where to start.
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faunusrights · 5 years
‘what, already?’ cry the people.  ‘yes, already,’ say kc and diesel. ‘but only for like a hot second.’
okay lets just jump right on in HOORAH
It was raining. The sky roiled saltpeter grey overhead. There were Grimm nearby. Glynda touched the cracked lens of her glasses and wiped away the fat drop of rain which had splattered against it. It was cool on her fingers. She stopped walking.
i love the transition from cinder’s POV which is all meaty slimy big wet slippery fancy words to glyndas ‘listen. words are. hard.’ look at this writing. look at it. lick it.
She stood very still, trying to remember where it was.
Her hand rose to her collar. It found waterproof fabric. She was wearing her poncho.
okay but drag me i do this all the time.
It might have bothered her, if she were the kind of Huntress to be bothered by discomfort.
this whole chapter/bit/arc/everything might have bothered her, if she were the kind of huntress, to have a braincell,
also gonna double back for JUST a moment since i’m on full 👈😎👈 neighbourhood watch and i think
The Manticore seared the sky beyond the clouds like a second sun.
its hard to like. rly say how good this narration is in its own little way because its so. like that. you know. but its making such good use of the, like, negative space between sentences that everything feels so good and disjointed and did i mention the writing alone -- like even if we ignore literally Everything Else -- blows offal hunt v1 out of the water??? like who even is that bitch. idk her. but yeah like it feels both real fast and real slow, like yr skipping from one thought to another but yr not actually GETTING anywhere? it’s like that classic case of ‘talking a lot but not saying anything’. anyway i love this fic and u should too, is my point,
Cinder made a sound. It was the kind of sound people made when they weren’t having a good time.
you know what thats a LOADED sentence and also a MOOD. what sound is that? im not sure but i Feel It. In Fact Im Feeling It Right Now.
Cinder always seemed to be having a good time.
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“I need to talk to you,” Glynda said.
Cinder said, “Read the note on your Scroll.”
i dont know WHY written instructions is SO funny to me but it IS and its probably because i. have also done this. look maybe. just maybe. we in the autistic community really DO toss the braincell around like a hot potato maybe we’re onto smthng here,
Your soul is fucking disgusting, so follow me at a distance.
wrow cinder u have SUCH  way w/ words. also have u considered that yr the gross one here,
dont trust ozpin
To be a Huntress just like her mothers.
hell yes
i am still laughing at them being like. separated like this. BECAUSE IN THE FIRST VERSION IT WAS ALL 👈😎👈 AND 👈😍👈 AND 👈😏👈 but now we gotta wait for it we gotta MUSCLE THRU this SHIT. im sorry that was all very vague but trust me i know exactly what this is running up to. the fabled 👈😳👈 bit U KNO THE ONE!!!!!!!!! anyway,
After a moment, she added her to her contacts.
is her contact name 👿😡😒💩cinder “ew” fall🤬😡🤮🙅‍♀️ or
this joke isnt even funny but finding those emojis took like five whole minutes so im sticking to it
The addition said: dont trust winter
do you ever just LAUGH because 👈😔👈 but also because 👈🤣👈 cause I SURE DO
im. I KNOW I SHOULDNT but the fact cinder has to rely on fucking phonecalls because she cant get close is just the funniest fucking thing. this is some peak humour here ngl. can you fucking imagine. ‘you stinky so im just gonna call u’. the audacity.
The Manticore felt close as flame.
god do i have to do this for every reference to fire now. i mean yes. also but. why.
okays theres a bit here. theres a Bit. it ends like this
In every story, the witch and the dragon were enemies.
but this Bit is just fucking loaded to the gills with bloody 👈👈👈👈👈👈😎👈👈👈👈👈 so im just. ACKNOWLEDGING THE BIT AND MOVING ON. OKAY WE’RE MOVING ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Her Scroll made a sound like fractured glass against the wall.
me: stop talking abt how much u like the narration also me: but do the people KNOW
The smooth metal was badly cracked. She tried to remember when that had happened.
did you know the concept of her having a cracked Scroll is giving me more anxiety than anything else in this fic. please can someone replace it cracked screens STRESS ME OUT--
this bit i have to depict as a screenshot but god. GOD. its SO GOOD:
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u ever read a fic and be like ‘i wanna like. do smthng like that’ ME W/ THIS. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. ITS JUST THE LITTLE THINGS!!!!
“You have to stop... You’re going to kill me.”
everyone else reading this part, probably: oof ough me: SHES KILLING ME TOO BABE!!!!!!! WOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE THIS INHUMAN SHIT HELL YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EVERYONE LOOK AT THESE TWO ASSHOLES WHO ARE LIKE THE POLAR OPPOSITE OF NORMAL PEOPLE IM THRILLED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
like srsly idk what it is. but getting into all this fuckin crazy shit has me AMPED AS FUCK... i love this weird shit,,,,,,,,, like when og offal hunt kinda touched it i was like ‘nice’ but this version is just. swan-diving into it butt-first and i’m THRIVING.
“We—We’ll talk. Just stop. Please.” 
see i was thinking this when she was ignoring her msgs like. cinder are you aware you are. how they say. actively making it worse? and now she reaps what shes sown and i dont feel bad for her AT ALL ~~~~~~~~~~~
“You can’t imagine what the last three weeks have been like. I can barely sleep when you’re in the same town, did you know that? It’s like swallowing salt… I feel pickled, and I didn’t even think your soul could affect me—"
theres smthng rly poetic abt their suffering being like. directly interlinked but having the total opposite effect to the other? so glynda suffers and basically caves in and feels nothing and cinder suffers and feels Every Bad Feeling Ever Felt and i just. hm. soulmates. JHGDSFJGHKDF
“Close to her, and now you,” Cinder insisted. “It’s too much of a coincidence. I’m just reading what’s there.”
“remnant is probably flat,” says cinder. “i’m just saying what my eyes see.”
She stowed it away next to Vivienne's, in a place where she would never lose them. In a million years, she would never lose them.
hey when does cinder’s name go there too asking for a friend the friend is me
i feel like bacia’s also been name dropped early!!! which is nice because y’all know im, how the kids say, a Slut for lore. anyway im liking the stronger implications of her ties to 👈😎👈 which im also thrilled abt so theres that too
“Maybe not." It was the tone of someone who didn't care. Who didn't love her.
“Yes,” Glynda said. “Goodnight, Cinder.” Glynda heard Cinder’s hesitance. The line went dead.
AND WE REACH THE END. boy was that a surprisingly action-packed chapter considering they dont. do anything. A HALLMARK OF GOOD WRITING. anyway this is probably? my fav chapter so far (WILD) and i am PUMPED to see how much Weirder this whole things gonna get so with that said, im gonna sit here and WAIT FOR IT.
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