#but thank you nonnie ❤️
smoosey · 11 months
you often rec fics, do you have any codywan fics that you consider hidden gems/underappreciated?
Oh!! Immediately, I think of germinate by @alderaani, and its companion piece mycorrhiza. They're short (less than 2k together), but they explore loss and grief and connection so perfectly, so powerfully, in that short space. They're about love in war, they're about things that endure!! I have so much love for these little fics, and I can't recommend them enough!
I also thought of A Figurative Sense by @elwenyere. Intimacy and eroticism unmatched tbh. I know this author's longfic is extremely popular, but listen to me. Read this one. It's only 1200 words, but 🤌 it's like good chocolate. Let it sit, let it melt on your tongue a little bit. It's absolutely beautiful from start to finish. The last line takes me out every time.
Tbh I really appreciate this ask! I think it's easy for beautiful little oneshots to get buried over time on AO3, and it’s no one’s fault, but I do think it’s a shame sometimes! These fics seem so skillfully and lovingly crafted, and are such a delight to read, and I'm glad you gave me a chance to ramble about them.
Anyone else with recs, please feel free to reblog with additions!! ❤️
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lilbeanz · 11 months
Beanz, I am constantly amazed by how talented you are. It's incredibly impressive that you are so skilled at both drawing and writing. Your art style is unique and charming, while creativity oozes from your writing. Your series is the only fanfiction l'm currently reading because it's just that good. I don't know how you came up with such a special concept for a story and then proceeded to write it so professionally. Please, please, please remember to take long, healthy breaks, and don't overwork yourself. It would be a shame if someone as talented as you got burnt out and couldn't create more. Please take care of yourself
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I really needed this...
Thank you so much ahhh....this was like the warmest virtual hug in the universe 😭❤️
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awesomefringey · 6 months
Oh my god! @twopoppies please tell me you’ve got an aerobic instructor fic somewhere 🤣
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navybrat817 · 10 months
Navy, I have to say that you are severely underestimating just how much/popular your Charlie related stories may be if you ever decide to post them.
You said you felt they may not have that many fans but you’d post them cuz they would make you happy - which is wonderful, girl!!! I just want you to also know that you have other fans here for those future stories AND future converts (like me. Charlie/ray weren’t on my radar until I came across your posts, got curious, and now? 🥵😍🥵😍🥵)
Just an fyi
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I appreciate that, nonnie! I'm truly in awe of and a bit envious of blogs who can juggle between multiple fandoms. I'm excited to dive into Charlie Hunnam characters in 2024. I hope you enjoy what's to come.
Love and thanks. ❤️
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kjack89 · 1 year
Hii I love your writting! do you by any chance take fic prompts? if you don't, please ignore this, but if you do, would you consider exr meet by chance at a coffee shop where E is studying and R is waiting for a date, they meet eyes and flirt a bit but then R's date arrives and it ends up being a friend in common. Cue pining and flirting and pining some more bc R's date didn't go well but E doesn't want to mess with his friend's potential relationships. All good if you're not up for writing it, at least I got to share this cute idea with someone!!
I’m really not taking prompts at the moment because I still have 7 giveaway fics to write, but this ask made me think about which of Enjolras’s friends Grantaire could possibly be on a date with, and, well…
Date is a generous word, for one.
It’s what Grantaire tells Enjolras, of course, because even though he should be lying and saying that he is 100% open and available, he somehow can’t bring himself to fully lie to the beautiful stranger so blurts out a semblance of truth: “Oh, I’m waiting on a date.”
Dinner preceding hookup as facilitated by Grindr is more accurate, if more crass, and honestly Grantaire should’ve just said that because then the hot guy would be thinking about him naked and in Grantaire’s experience, there’s very little downside to that.
But he doesn’t say that, just like he doesn’t see a brief flash of disappoint cross the guy’s face at the news. But as a casual hello to a hot stranger stretches into a full-on conversation, he would have to be blind to miss the look on the blond’s face when Grantaire finally asks him, “What’s your name, by the way?” at the exact moment someone entering the coffee shop shouts, “Enjolras?”
Of course it’s Grantaire’s date, and apparently a friend of Enjolras’s to boot, and all too soon Enjolras is waving them off with a forced, “Enjoy your date!” and Grantaire is wondering how soon into said date would it be rude to ask this guy to ignore the (solicited! And reciprocated!) dick pic so that he can go back to find Enjolras again.
But for maybe the first time in Grantaire’s life, luck is on his side, because this is the Worst period Date period Ever. The guy is rude, and boorish, openly flirts with their waitress, takes a phone call at their table five minutes into the date, and then tells Grantaire, in graphic detail, about his most recent “conquest”.
Grantaire has never chugged a beer so quickly in his entire life, which given, y’know, everything about him, is saying something.
“It’s been, uh, real,” he says, grabbing his jacket. “See you, uh…yeah. See you.”
Not even an hour after he left, he’s back at the café, giving Enjolras a sheepish grin. “Back so soon?” Enjolras asks, surprised.
Grantaire just shrugs. “Didn’t work out,” he says, before throwing caution to the wind and adding, “But I thought this might.”
Outside the café, Courfeyrac leans his head against Combeferre’s shoulder. “Thanks for calling when I texted you saying I needed an interruption,” he says.
“No problem,” Combeferre says, glancing down at him. “Are you going to explain?”
“Dark-haired guy in there with Enjolras was my date tonight,” Courfeyrac tells him.
Courfeyrac nods. “Yeah. Took one look at the way Enjolras was looking at him and, well, knew I needed to get that date over with. And it’s not easy, you know.”
“What’s not easy?” Combeferre asks, amused.
“Making a date with me bad,” Courfeyrac says, like it’s obvious. “I am a goddamned delight and anyone would be lucky to have me, and it takes a lot to overcome that.”
Combeferre rolls his eyes fondly. “I’m sure it does,” he says patiently. “And whatever else you are, you’re a good friend. Now c’mon. Let’s let Enjolras have his date.”
“You mean my date,” Courfeyrac grumbles.
“Sure. Let’s let Enjolras have your date.”
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aheathen-conceivably · 9 months
Hello! Merry Christmas and good luck in the new year! I have a question, I don’t know if it’s been asked already, but I’m interested to know which of your characters is closest to you in spirit? What traits do you have in common with him? And vice versa. Which character is the most difficult for you to write, which you do not always understand: his actions, words and motivation, because you are a real writer and are probably good at the psychology of heroes (I really apologize for the distorted sentences, because I am a foreign subscriber and use a translator)
Absolutely no need to apologize, Nonny! Everything looks great and thank you so much for taking the time to send these thoughtful questions 💕
Y’all already know the rambler in me is getting all excited, so prepare y’all selves! Though I must say, it’s quite hard to pinpoint an answer, mostly because there’s at least a small bit of myself in each of the characters and who’s easiest to write is not always who is the most like me? So naturally, let’s go below the cut, and I’ll split this into sections to make it easier for us to read 😘
1. My spirit characters:
Honesty time. I think that it’s easier for me to put my “negative” qualities into characters and thus also easier to recognize them in hindsight. This is probably because it’s simply often easier to see what needs to be improved in yourself than vice versa, but also probably because I’m a dramatic broad who likes giving her characters flaws.
So although I could probably find a bit of myself in most characters, I would say those who are most like me are Rosella, Zelda, and Violette. Just down to sims traits, Rosella and my simself actually both have the self-absorbed trait (oops). I think this manifests in different ways, but at its core I’m just as likely to follow my wants and cut ties as she is. I also have a ~rather strong~ proclivity for the aesthetic and vain, enjoying beautiful things for their own sake often to the point of distraction. However, I like to think that this is tertiary to me, and my pursuit of them is not as detrimental as it was for her.
Which brings us to, of course, Zelda. Zelda shares this love of the beautiful with her sister, although for her it can extend into the ephemeral and artistic rather than simply the mundane. I would say I share that tendency toward internal existentialism with her, as well as the proclivity to separate from my immediate surroundings rather than live in the present moment. I, like her, can thus often seem “out of it” but in reality we’re just interpreting our surroundings through a distorted, if not tinted lens. However, I’m by no means as artistically talented or reserved as Zelda, which brings us to….
Our little heiress, Violette. Now I’ll try not to get too deep into spoilers here, but Little Lottie and I definitely share some core tendencies. I, like her, despise being told what to do, and will usually become more stubborn or do the opposite simply because of what someone said (whether it’s well intentioned or not). I can also be gregarious, dramatic, and loud when I want to be, and enjoy being the center of attention. However, I think the Zelda in me tempers that so that I need to retreat back into my cave after a while, while Violette thrives on it. I was also raised an only child, so a lot of Lottie’s experience with loneliness and not knowing how to relate to other children is coming from my own childhood.
2. The easiest to write:
So oddly, I don’t think there’s a clear connection between the characters who are most like me and those I find easiest to write. Rather I think that comes from the historical situation that is currently inspiring me, which character fits into that inspiration the best, and how clear of a grasp I have on that character’s personality. This often comes in the form of scenes just appearing in my head, and as I write it’s like the sentences already exist? So there’s this natural understanding between the character and me, where I don’t really have to sort through thought rubble or force their perspective quite as much?
This answer is highly dependent on what part of the story we are currently in. As in, there have been times I have found a character easy to write, and then it will suddenly switch. Zelda is absolutely one of those characters, as her perspective came very naturally to me in parts of the 1910s and then again after motherhood. Now, I find it easier to write the characters surrounding her, and I’m sure it will switch again at some point in the future.
Currently? I find Josephine easiest to write (although she is not very similar to me at all, and her deep fear of commitment is something that I don’t share in the slightest), with Antoine coming in as a close second. Violette’s perspective in the 1940s has also kind of begun presenting itself to me, although at various points I would say that Adelia, Virginia, and Florence have all also been the easiest characters to write for, and those who’s voices have inspired me to come up with new scenes and plotlines.
3. Who even is she?
Now for the characters who are least like me? That one has gotta probably gotta go to Florence, Virginia, and Antoine. As much as I may want to be like Florence, I’m gunna be honest with y’all and say that is not the case. Starting with the fact that I strongly dislike the great outdoors. Farming? Nah. Camping? Absolutely not. Living of the land? What a pleasant dream. What can I say, I am absolutely a Rosella; I enjoy being fancy and comfortable, and Florence in some ways is the antithesis of this. She also embodies selfless generosity and a sort of steady love, which are not things that I would say I really relate to (I once again point you to answer 1 😅).
Now Virginia is a strange one. I was actually very concerned with writing her, because I share none of the righteousness or quickness to action that define her. Likewise, I don’t think that I am able to remain as steady and surefire in tragedy and trauma as she does. So when I first conceived her character I thought I would have great difficulty writing her, but as I mentioned above, despite the fact that she is probably the least similar to me of all the Darlingtons, I found her easy and almost natural to write once we began her storyline.
Which brings us to my baby boy. Sigh. I say this next because Antoine has easily been one of the most natural characters for me to write. I think this is because I had such a clear vision of him from the start that has really been able to grow through the story. So he’s remained who he is through it all, and why I still find him so easy to write.
Despite this, there is very little to none of me in his character, despite the fact that I maybe sorta have a thing for the broken artist stereotype (hello, hubs, I know you’re out there 😙). So there may be some ways in which I wrote my partner into his character’s talent and approach to the world around him, but he is heavily inspired by these ideas of “old fashioned masculinity”, of self-imposed stoicism and protection and fatherhood. These are feelings that I have to imagine rather than pull from experience, but somehow the more I write him the more real they become to me as well.
4. The ~struggle~
Hands down the hardest characters for me to write have been Oliver and Isaiah. I think that Oliver really suffered from the fact that he was my first gen heir, so I was at a place in the story and my writing process where I wasn’t as sure in what I was doing or as good at honing into what I wanted to do. Then by the time this became more clear to me, I had really begun to lean into writing Florence’s character and then his children. So he kind of became less of a focus, and the less I focused on him the harder it was for me to define his voice, which then became a cycle.
I think if I could go back, I would lean more into the connection that I see between him and the romantic poets, really kind of exploring that juxtaposition between idealized nature and reality. I also think his position as a pseudo-wealthy aristocratic and failed businessman had a lot of potential, but alas, you live and you learn.
Now onto the Forgotten Child. Y’all (and I) call him that for a reason, and I think next to his sisters it’s no secret that Isaiah received much less focus (I even have a post about him realizing this 😂). Part of this is just that he’s the youngest, so I really didn’t get much time to explore his adult life or even his teenage years. It’s also because trying to juggle six perspectives all at once means that some are going to suffer more than others.
Now that being said, I am happy with his storylines. However, they often felt more like I was exploring plots I had come up with rather than really viewing things through his perspective. I think this is the biggest challenge to me when having trouble writing a character: it’s that their voice is just for whatever reason not really clear in my mind. Even in the subsequent decades, our English Darlington updates are mostly going to come from Summer, because I still have never really gotten my finger on exactly who Isaiah is. For that reason, my poor forgotten baby boy is probably the most difficult character for me to write.
ALSO if you made it this far please know that turning your delightful questions into a multi-paragraph rant about myself is a very self absorbed and very Rosella/Violette thing to do so in the end…I think you have all the answer you need right there 🤣
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bloodbruise · 5 months
brand new to your blog and I just spent like 15 minutes going through your ask tag reading it like the gospel your hcs are all golden 👌
this got me thinking, had i been alive during the roman era i would’ve been the resident eccentric fringe villager who attempted to proselytize anyone who talked to me into shipping jesus x judas
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tarjapearce · 5 months
Hii you are so wonderfull
Hey nonny 🥹❤️.
Thank you so much dear.
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mylucayathoughts · 3 months
love for myteavsricochet because I think she needs it today and we should spread it more than hate ❤️ let her know she is loved
Love for @myteavsricochet today and everyday! ♥️♥️😘😘
I adore you so much and I want to go on a dessert date with you and talk about TZP for hours, if you are free and say yes 🫣☺️
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cwarscars-a · 2 months
Hi! I'm a rando browsing through various FF7 tags and came across your page and WOW! I never seen a RP blog for Heidegger. Your writing and headcanons are fantastic! Sorry if this is out of the blue, but I just wanted to send a thumbs up your way and say thanks for giving Mr. Gya-ha-ha some love!
(( Aw anon thank you so much for this! I have been fawning over this man since the remake came out and loorrd knows I've probably put more time into writing him than I have more productive things lol
This is absolutely lovely and you should never apologise for doing such a sweet thing! Ive been a bit lost writing heid for a little whiles as I exhausted writing so many different avenues of his personality / headcanons that it's been a bit tough to find inspiration but this sort of ask is exactly the kind of thing that makes me wanna write him again.
This is so sweet of you and I'm very grateful that Mr gyahaha has / is getting more fans! 🥹🥹🥹🥹 ))
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all-or-nothing-baby · 11 months
At first, Billy only feels the itch when he's with Steve. This can't be real. He can't have this. This isn't meant for him. There must be a catch.
As days turn to weeks, Billy feels it all the time.
He preferred it when life made sense. Life was unfair, and people only cared about you for as long as you had something to offer. And Billy knew what to expect from Neil. How much he could push; when. The pain is expected; a comforting reminder. Proof that he hadn't lost; the argument, the fight, himself.
This... this teetering between the ecstasy of happiness and his real life. He doesn't know how to cope with it.
He wants to claw his fucking skin off. A kitchen knife, a switchblade, his own sharpened goddam nails. To get rid of that itch for good and pretend life can always be bliss.
But he can't.
This will end — his happiness always ends — and then he'd be without armor. Defenseless against the feral horrors of the world, against Neil. Flayed, Neil's salt will finally burn him into submission.
Why couldn't Steve have done them both a favor and just left him the fuck alone?
nonny, this is just gorgeous. how have you managed to write billy exactly how i see him? perpetually waiting for the other shoe to drop... convinced he cannot ever actually have something good (nor be allowed to keep it)... preferring when 'life made sense'—even if it was terrible...?!
and this part:
He wants to claw his fucking skin off. A kitchen knife, a switchblade, his own goddamned sharpened nails.
asfgasgjkscjkkkkkk!!!?!?!!!!!! WOW.
i could quote more but it'd just end up being the entire passage lol. The Angst™ (as i'm presuming you know) is my absolute favourite, and this particular example is just delicious. perfection. *chef's kiss*
thank you × infinity for thinking of me on my birthday, and for treating me to such a beautifully written little ficlet! i've had a bit of a break from fandom recently, but i'd love to think that your gift might be what pulls me back in...
ily forever <333
cassidy xp
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smoosey · 1 year
Unseasonable, for your prompts. <3
"It wasn't supposed to rain today," Obi-Wan comments, but in truth it's lovely, lovely, the midsummer rain light and cool and misty where they walk under the wide sweep of the stars, belly full, warm and tipsy and flushed and alive.
"We've had worse surprises," Cody says from beside him, and Obi-Wan laughs, because the Force is singing all around him, and Cody is beautiful in the rain, and there's something buoyant in his chest that makes him feel young again and quite in love with every star and raindrop, the wide galaxy and every soul that shines in the Light of the Force.
Cody's watching him laugh, eyes warm and dark, and then he's taking his hand, leading him into an alcove where Obi-Wan lets himself be sheltered by his heat. Obi-Wan raises his robe over them, and kisses him in a hallowed space, alone with Cody's smiling lips and reverent hands and his good, good heart.
(AKA: I saw this gif and lost by entire mind...)
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earthbovndmisfit · 2 months
Hi !! For the ask-game! 2, 5, 6, 12, 20, 21 and 24 ? sorry if it's a lot!! hope you'll have a good day!!!
Fandom/fanfic asks!
2.- Most recent fandom you joined? Not sure if it counts because I've liked the games for actual years and I've just recently got more into them and became more active in the fandom, but it would probably be the Metal Gear series.
I don't watch or consume new media very often unless it's something that somehow takes my whole attention away from what I already like and I'm deep into, so it takes a while for me to get into a new series and fandom haha
5.- Favorite platonic pairing? In Jojo, that would be Erina and Speedwagon!! I love and cherish their friendship so much despite how little we see of it onscreen. This is also why I dislike it so much whenever the "everyone dates everyone" dynamic gets forced on Jonaeriwagon instead of just letting them be a happy V-polycule (not to mention the erasure of all things homo in Speedwagon by shipping him and Erina romantically and/or sexually when that's not even "necessary" for the polycule to work). Someone once said Erina and Speedwagon invented the "girl and her gay best friend" and they were so correct.
6.- Favorite headcanon? Going with Jojo again since that's like 99% of this blog, one of my fave headcanons ever is that of Speedwagon's body being covered by scars from his many years as a criminal (+ all of the more "honorable" ones he got after he joined Jonathan and helped him fight zombies, the one he got from Jack The Ripper, and whatnot).
Related to that one, I love the headcanon that Jonathan too has scars, most of them from his childhood, from his reckless ways (like that time we see him walking on a tree branch as a kid in the manga) and from playing around with Danny by the river, or from his boxing and rugby training. He also still has the scar from the wound Speedwagon caused him with his buzzsaw hat during their first encounter, since he wasn't a hamon user at the time and was unable to heal himself (the wound was said to be a deep cut, so it definitely must have left a scar). The sight of that one scar always makes Speedwagon apologize profusely bc he still feels bad for permanently marking Jonathan's skin with his own recklessness, however, Jonathan always reassures him that it's okay and that he genuinely likes it because, in Jonathan's words, much like Speedwagon's face scar does to him, it gives him personality too, and also "now we match, too, Robert!"
12.- Craziest thing you've ever done as part of a fandom? Already answered this one. This one is not as "crazy" I think?? But I'm adding it anyway as a bonus: I've always had a "if it doesn't exist, then make it yourself" approach when it comes to fandom stuff and spaces as a result of me always getting into obscure and/or unpopular fandoms/characters/ships, and so I always try to find ways to spread the love for what I like and share it with other fans regardless of how big or small the community is and promote interactions as much as I can and etc. This is also why I've kept this blog as some kind of "central" for all things Speedwagon/Jonathan and Jonawagon, for example. It is also why I try to tag every post I make or reblog, to make navigation easier for any and all fans of them who end up here, as I do still remember just how difficult it was to find anything for them years ago, when all you'd find would be "Speedweeeed best gril! XD! le funny memez" full of out of character bullshit.
20.- All-time favorite fanfic author? Probably HamonHugs when it comes to Jojo. Their portrayal of Jonathan and Speedwagon was always so on point and their stories were always so *chef's kiss* and had a perfect balance between fluff and cute moments and super hot and sexy ones too. There was also a fanfic author in the Yu Yu Hakusho fandom that I liked a lot but I can't remember their alias. They wrote some really good KuronuexKurama stories, though, as far as I can remember, they deleted their stories some years ago.
21.- Favorite fic trope? Already answered this one too!
24.- Funniest fandom-related story? Already answered too! As a small bonus, I wouldn't say it's precisely funny since it's more of a super nice and touching experience I had, but it has happened to me at least once that someone recommended to me one of my own fics, saying it was one of their favorite fics ever and that I should totally read it. This person didn't know I was the author since I rarely ever mention my ao3/wattpad accounts or the fact that I raaaaarely ever write fics, so it was genuine praise. It was kinda odd in the best way possible and it was also super touching in the sense that once more I could see first-hand the positive impact some of my writing has had on someone else, similar to the times people have taken time out of their day to tell me just how much they enjoy my creations, or how happy they make them, whether it's my fics or my art. It's just undescribable but it truly makes my day every single time it happens 🫶
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karebear923 · 3 months
If you receive this, you make somebody happy! Go on anon and send this to 10 of your followers who make you happy or somebody you think needs cheering up. If you get one back, even better
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Eeeee!!! That’s so sweet, thank you nonnie!!! You made me happy with this message!! 🥰 sending you lots of good feelings!!! 😊❤️
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navybrat817 · 11 months
But as a former Navy brat, I wouldn't mind putting Bucky, Steve, or any of our other favorite Seb or Chris characters in a Top Gun setting. 😉
Ummm, no pressure, but just wanted to let you know that if you decided to write something like this, there would definitely be support! 😍😍😍 But everything you write is wonderful, so I'll read whatever you do. 🙂
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You are too kind, nonnie! If I decide to do a Top Gun AU with Bucky, Steve, and/or someone else, it would likely be a 2024 endeavor. I think it would be a lot of fun though and I appreciate your support!
Love and thanks. ❤️
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what-the-stark · 3 months
*gives you award for one of the most accurate portrayals of Tony Stark on tumblr.*
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