#but tbh if my time in dragon age fandom has taught me anything
the-cryptographer · 1 year
On the one hand, I do think Isabela is a well adjusted person in many ways, and she has a very healthy attitude about her own self-image and not getting self-flagellating over things she can no longer effect. (As compared to all of the other LIs in the game.) And of course she is undeniably very cool.
But on the other hand, I have no idea where people are getting this primo girlboss(tm) energy for her, lmao. This is a woman living paycheck to paycheck trying to keep debtors off her tail. Why do you think she’s in Kirkwall to begin with? Why do you think she runs off with the Tome of Koslun? She’s not stealing it for herself. She’s stealing it so she can deliver it straight to the slaver crime boss that has her balls in a vice. This woman jumped straight from abusive mom to abusive husband to abusive crime ring. And when she caught cold feet and released her cargo during a trafficking operation, that crime ring decided to light a fire under her and wring her dry. She cannot get out. (Does joining up with Hawke’s crime ring instead of Castillion’s count as getting out?)
idk, just total wet cat of a woman behind the confident outer shell. Don’t know how you’re all missing it.
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what have I created?
idk if yall like this, but they just exist not i guess :/
ok the the first one is Royalty AU
first things first, when I say Royalty AU, I don't mean the classic shit we've all become accustomed to. Im talking about the good old Chinese royalty! And I want to emphasize that these guys will/should be dressed in century appropriate attire. As someone thats read a handful of 'marinette, princess of china' fics from the ML Fandom, I've noticed a common trend. Marinette wouldn't be in the culturally appropriate clothes, always ballgowns. Not that there's something wrong with it, its just most of if not all these fic are set in China, so I'd expect Chinese royalty to dress as THERE dress code calls for. And since this AU takes place far in the past like, it won't make sense for any of the characters to be in royal clothing that wasn't from there region. I'm not trying to white knight/gatekeeping. Im Guyanese not Chinese. But since JTTW and Monkie Kid take place in China, it's only right. In my opinion that it. You don't have to outright agree with me.
With out of the way, it's time for that good old AU crack
- Wukong is the king of the Flower Fruit kingdom(or a different one if you'd like, again I'm only familiar with what western culture has taught me, but I'll try my hardest) 
- he’s single but rumor has it he used to/still is dating the Vigilante/thief The Six Eared Macaque
- *chants ShadowPeach violently* 
- no one know whether it true or not
- On of his wanders around the kingdom he finds an abandoned baby in a basket. 
- and no shit sherlock it's fucking baby Xiaotian 
- I think we all know where this is going because i'm a simp for Monkey Dad & Monkie Son shenanigans
- Xiaotian becomes prince
Shit, ill be referring to Xiaotian as Mk from now on, I mentioned this before in a fic I wrote for lmk that Mk's a nickname for Xiaotian for some reason- wait i don't have to explain my self to you people!
- Sun loves his son
- MK is treated differently by staff and others because he's not blood related to the king
- no one mistreats MK per say, because there King loved his adopted son, but words are said behind his back
- Sometimes MK hears what’s said, and he feels as if he won't live up to his dad’s legacy.
- He meets Mei during a festival
- Mei is from a noble family, that wouldn't mind if they got a connection into the royal family.
- but it becomes hella clear to Mei’s family very fast that the two are just friends, and will always will be. but hey there daughter is bffs with the prince so that's a plus.       
- the Demon Bull Family is rules a kingdom as well, I dont/am not creative enough to think of a name I leave that to you.
- It's a common misconception that DBK is a tyrant, when he’s not. 
- most of the time...
- they have been at war with the Monkey King for some time now and settled for a peace agreement.
- that agreement being there sons to marry
- oooo original i know
- MK and Red Son are roughly the same age, Mk being 20 and RS 22
- RS is revolted/disgusted at the idea of being wed to the Monkey Kings child, even more so when he realizes MK is adopted,
- but, that all changes the second he meets MK while he meets him by accident when he gets kinda lost in the palace when he and his parents go to discuss the arrangements.
- the second he looks at MK, he's instantly in love. MK less so, he's nervous and honestly kinda bummed he's not marrying someone he loves but it's for the good of his ppl, and he'll do anything for them.
- RS isn't even aware that MK is Suns adopted son until MK walks him back to the meeting room.
"Oh There you are MK! I was about to have a servant go fetch you!" Sun Wukong says, gesturing for his boy to come sit with him.
"S-sorry for keeping you waiting I got caught up in my lessons with Mr. Tang" MK responds, sitting next to his father. Red Son looked gobsmacked. The beautiful young man he had bumped into, was the prince of this land? Damn, life truly blessed him. Or cursed him depending on how you looked at it.
- the two are left alone in a separate room for a while.
- And MK straight up tells RS why he's agreeing to this union.
"Look Red Son. I've dreamed about meeting my one true love for a while. And I would give almost anything for that dram to be real. But I wouldn't ever dare give up my people, for as there price they mean more to me. I'm doing this for them, no other reason" MK says, his back straight and hands folded neatly in his lap. The look in his eyes was a mix of sadness, but that was drowned out by loyalty and determination. It just made Red Son fall for him even harder. Clearing his throat Red spoke.
"I understand, for im doing this for the betterment of my people to. But I propose a wager"
"A wager?"
"Yes, if i can make you fall in love with me by years end, before our marriage, we can live together like in the fairy tales from far away. But if I fail, in a years time afterwards you will be permitted to find your own path in life" Red Son stated. MK took a moment to process what was happening.
"So, if you succeed in making me fall in love with you, before our marriage we can live happily ever after?" Red Son nodded in response, letting the younger continue.
"And if I shouldn't fall for you, in a years time after our union, im free to leave?" Red Son nodded once more.
"So, what do you say?"
In the end, your free to choose their fate, should Red Son win the hart of Mk? Will he fail? Or will he let him go, and let him travel the country, after all Mk's a free spirit and keeping him trapped in a big house is like keeping a cannery trapped in a cage only for its song, only for it to dul. Or will the unthinkable happen and will both boys find their freedom? together or appart? I don't know, because that's all up to you 😉
personally, I’m partial to where MK and Red Son both find freedom together. Like they straight up run away together to somewhere far away and just live out there lives together. 
this could also be genderbent thing as well. MK or Red as their respective counterparts. Again it doesn't have to be, but it’s whatever bro. im just spitting out the idea. 
Also, there is a main side plot that they fight the WBS throughout the year as well, along with other shenanigans you wanna throw in.
The second is a My Hero Academia/BNH/MHA AU
truth be told i'm not a big fan of MHA i think it to over hyped(this is also coming from the same person that’s a Fairy Tail fan lol), and the fandom i don't even know how to describe that mess, but I will admit not the whole of its toxic since every fandom has some toxic members, some even more so. 
I just sometimes find myself enjoying MHA AUs like the Fullmetal Alchemist, Danny Phantom, Evil!Deuk AU and several others. 
to make it clear I don't see this AU taking place the same time as the main plot of the actual Anime/Manga. This could be either like 6-10 years before or after the plot idk bro. But i’ll do this after the main story plot of MHA, so keep that in mind ya? another thing, the gang is still in China, the top hero school in the world just so happens to be in Japan, and it’s only ever mentioned by Sun wukong and other pro heros. So MK never attended AU. in short it’s only ever mention/ reference.  
- Mk was considered Quirkless as a kid. 
- he was just a late blumer, i swear  
- Mai’s Quirk is called Dragon. 
- it pretty much works the same way as it does in the show(duh)
- Tang’s got a knowledge Quirk, 
- my man can retain information and he’s basically an archive of information drawback being his personality lol 
- Piggsy is a Animal that gained a Quirk
- in cannon to my current knowledge, there are two other characters that can confirm animals can become sentient. the characters being Fumikage Tokoyami, & Nezu the principal at the school UA.  
- Sandy is just Conner Kent, aka he like superman but can't fly, or shoot lasers from his eyes. And blue.  
I have two scenarios for Macaque and Wukong  
*- The first one is that, Sun Wukong & Macaque are brothers. twins to be exact. 
- they where legit people, but have mutation quirks that made them too like monkeys. 
- the added powers were just a boues. 
- Sun and Mac are close growing up, like there brothers but also best friends.
- the draw back to there quirks could honestly be whatever you want bro idk, same with the others tbh. Personally I like to think Sun just has lack of motivation, and Macaque needs to draw on other people's energy.
- Sun is a hero, Monkey KIng and Mac is a villain Six Eared.
- Sun was always treated has the golden child in the family, Mac always resented that, but there shitty up bring didn’t stop the two from being good brothers to one another.
- soon tho the resentment became hatred when Sun was able to attend UA in Japan, while Mac didn't.
- Mac be angy 
- so he became a villain, and joined the Chinese branch of the LOV(league of villains)
- Sun doesn't know this till he finds out during the all out war during the main story. and by that time he’s a full on hero with is own agency(The Flower Fruit agency)    
- when the hero's ultimately win and Mac is arrested 
- This ultimately hurts Sun a lot, his brother was in jail now, arrested for his involvement and wrong doings, he knew nothing about this! this brother, his blood. A bad guy? why? he hadn't seen his brother since he left for UA, he hadn’t seen him when he came home, and started his agency. 
- this just puts Sun into a funk so he’s not as active as he used to be, and he starts thinking he might need a successor 
*- The second one is that they were two separate people that had similar quirks and both attended UA but Sun ended up in the hero corse. so 1A.
- Both Macaque and Sun have similar quirks, Sun’s is obviously more light based while Macaque’s is more shadow based(this applies to the first one as well)    
- Macaque was placed in class 1B, U.A.’s High's Heroics Department, I believe, you can correct me. 
- In cannon Class 1A and 1B both went to the training camp. I can see the teachers pinning Sun and Macaque against each other to hone their skills. 
- And because of that they become great friends    
- In fact when they graduate they both co-found there hero agency together in China and are a duo.
- But due to Monkey King’s popularity and Six Eared's association with shadows(people sometimes saying he has more of a villains quirk than a heros) the public see’s Macaque as Sun’s sidekick when thats far from the truth. 
- now it’s up to you whether you think that Wukong and Macaque would be in a relationship together, but knowing how cooked we all are, ShadowPeach is a thing here more than likely. 
- If you do or don’t support/ like the ShadowPeach aspect, the two would be living together regardless since its more cost efficient. 
- They my be heroes but living costs are expensive!   
- I would imagine there would have been a huge fight/argument between the two in privet of course, at there home.(or in there shared office if you want the extra angst of the other people they work with hearing them fight)   
- If the two are dating, then this would either lead to an out right breakup, or Macaque just up and leaving with Wukong thinking he’ll come back once he’s cooled off. But after a week, with no sign of his partner, or him answering texts or calls, not even coming into work. Wukong gets worried that something might have happened to him. so there wouldn't be a confirmation if they were still a thing or not. 
- But Wukong remains hopeful, despite the nagging at the back of his head, and gut telling him to go find Macaque, or atleast make a public statement, or even just tell another pro hero about it.   
- on the not so shippy side, Macaque and Wukong still have there argument, and much like the ShadowPeach esc side, Macaque up and leaves, and isn't seen for weeks. the only difference here is that when Wukong comes home one night to there flat, most if not all of Macaques stuff is gone. 
- where as if this was the ShadowPeach side, Macaque leaves all of his possession in the flat he and wukong share. for the simple reason being, he still loves him and wants to go back, but Macaque being Macaque can’t bring himself to do it, especially after seeing just how hurt Wukong looked when he yelled at him just before he left.  
- in other words, ANGST DIALED UP TO A 10 BABY  
- in either case, its a news report that confirms Wukong's suspicions that he desperately didn’t want to believe, and that is Macaque turning into a villain.
- much like if the two were brothers, Wukong just can’t take it and is no longer as active as he once was, and is thinking about, either A) Retirement  B) Saying, “Fuck Society, Be Gay Do Crime” and join Macaque as a villain himself, or C) find a successor, and a way to bring Macaque back to there side, but most importantly, back to him.    
- also extra points if you're after people's hearts and want to make them suffer;  - If there dating, Wukong curle’s up in the bed he and Macaque shared, holding/wearing something of great value to Macaque and just crying himself to sleep, where as Macaque is getting wasted on alcohol, as he stumbles out of the bar he’s in, he either see’s something that reminds him of Wukong or while he’s trying to put his wallet back into his pocket, a photo of them on their first date fall’s out. and Macaque just cries in a nearby alley way. And it’s there where he gets indoctrinated into the League.
       - If there just friends, macaque heads to the nearest forest and just levels it, where as Wukong just gets engrossed into his work, trying not to think about it. you could add you own spin on this, again i'm just spitballing.             
- NOW BACK TO MK! :D     
- Obviously MK is a huge Monkey King fan     
- at Twenty MK has come to terms he's quirkless (HE’S NOT)
-for ANGST reasons MKs fokes kicked him out at this realization at 13.
- he works at Piggsy's Noodle shop, and has been since he was 14.
- don't need a quirk to drive or cook!
- the boy lives a content life with his new family, till DBK happens :D
- DBK runs a Mafia(in conjunction with TLOV) and has been in jail for like 5 years thanks to Monkey King, PIF and RS brake him out one night when MK's out making a late night delivery since Piggsy had the bright idea to go 24/7 service!
- one thing leads to another and Mk somehow manifest what looks like the Monkey King's staff, but its not, it’s MKs powers, it just so happens to be the same power the Monkey King has. And it practically goes down the same way in the pilot. 
- but unlike the pilot Mk and Mei go straight to the FF Agency, after making a panicked call to Pigsy and Tang.
- one way or another Mk are lead into Wukongs office. Mei being forced to stay in the lobby.
- they have there convo, butterfly monkey squishing included.
- "And so, I want you do be my success-" BOOM 💥
- from there they rush downstairs and see that the lobby has been infiltrated by the DB fam, and you know fight.
- once the DB family seems like there down, PIF wisks them away. Much to Monkey King’s displeasure.
From there stuff kind plays out like cannon, the calabash ep is just a conjoint quirk the Demon bros have. As for EP9, ill have to script that one out myself lol. I'll get onto it as soon as my will to commit stabs me in the face. Till then have a dancing Kermit the frog.
Now if you'll excuse me, am about to Kermit a felony :D
(For legal reasons thats a joke)
Psst @writingamongther0ses its done
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howlingwind · 5 years
Tumblr media
01. what’s your name/alias you go by ??
my name is jeff !! lmfao (i don’t let memes die) it’s not my real name but i’ve gone by cody on tumblr for a long time
02. what’s your age ??
twenty. jfc i’m old. but also apparently a fetus??
03. what’s your zodiac sign ??
aries, which couldn’t feel further from correct lmfao
04. what’s your ethnicity ??
uhh mostly italian & sicilian, but you could probably point to any white place in europe and i’ll have a little bit of that in me. i’m also 1/16th native american but it’s such a small amount and sadly i don’t even know which tribe to learn more about them.
05. what’s your nationality ??
06. what’s your favorite band and/or musical artist ??
i’m super indecisive about everything, so it’s difficult for me to pick faves (as you’ll see in a sec) but… mac miller,  post malone, johnny cash, eminem, tenacious d, colter wall, kehlani, bruno mars, snoop dogg, elvis presley, justin timberlake, sublime, the rolling stones, etc etc there’s probably a lot i’m forgetting tho. i like most types of music except country. well, modern country anyway.
07. what’s your dream job ??
uh, i don’t have one? i mean yeah, i’d love to be a writer, or game dev, or a narrative director on a game, or direct, write, or act in movies or television, but like…i could live without any of that stuff. i just want to make a decent living, be able to own a house, not completely hate my job. yknow, not a glamorous life but a good one.
08. what’s one place you would love to visit ??
idk there’s a lot of places i’d like to go, but i’d most like to visit alpha centauri, even tho that’ll never happen lol
09. what’s your favorite tv show ??
i can’t pick that! but i love a lot of shows. general hospital, lucifer, the 100, supernatural, stranger things, izombie, south park, legends of tomorrow, once upon a time, arrow (at times), dragon ball, big brother, riverdale, chilling adventures of sabrina, that 70′s show, the ranch, umm… i could probably keep listing forever.
10. what’s your favorite movie ??
hmmmm, again i’ve got a list but… joe dirt, the new guy, why him, the waterboy, 50 first dates, all the spider-man movies, thor ragnarok, man of steel, 21 jump street, 22 jump street ,and a fuckton more lol 
11. what’s your favorite song ??
constantly in flux, but the current faves are — creep by radiohead, stay by post malone, no below by speedy ortiz, unshaken by d’angelo, cruel cruel world by willie nelson, wanksta by 50 cent, shooter by lil wayne & robin thicke, stressed out by 21 pilots, self care by mac miller (along with practically everything on his final album), and i will always, un-ironically love only in america by riff raff. he’s not the greatest ever but that song is hilarious and always puts me in a good mood.
12. what’s your favorite sport ??
can i say rocket league? lol
13. what’s your favorite food ??
pizza, unquestionably. cereal is a damn close second tho. or pot stickers. damn, i’m hungry… 
14. what’s your favorite face claim to use ??
typically, i’ve always really liked using paul wesley, chris wood, and matt daddario. i’m using lindsey morgan for the first time now though, and i really like her as an fc too.
15. what’s your least favorite face claim ??
to use?? um pretty much any singer or model just bc their resources aren’t too great. i really didn’t enjoy using pete davidson as much as i thought i would, either lol
to see… uh probs emma roberts or andy biersack. emma for obvs reasons but also bc i once had a really bad experience with people using those fcs. idm people using whoever they feel like using tho.
16. what’s your favorite character of yours to play ?? which do you think you’re most like ??
oh man, uhh i really enjoy writing chrissy & theo. they both speak to me. but tbh i’m not much like any of my characters? i’m boring af so i tend not to make any like me lol. i am kinda like theo in the sense that i’m quiet, and really just try to be a good person. other than that i’m most like jason solely based on the fact we’re both human lol
17. what’s your sexuality ??
danversexual. attracted only to fictional danvers women, examples including carol, kara, and alex danvers.
lmfao but nah i’m just a boring straight boy. well, like 99.9% straight. jensen ackles makes me question shit.
18. what’s the last movie you saw in a cinema/theater ??
captain marvel (thanks to dani lol). only two months late but it was worth the experience haha.
19. what’s the worst injury you’ve ever had ??
thankfully i’ve never really hurt myself too terribly except for a broken wrist, but between the ages of 10-17 i’d occasionally hurt my back by sitting weird, usually in an attempt to play video games without the glasses i desperately needed lol. once when i was like 11 i laid belly down on the couch with my elbows up on the arm of it for like three hours, which messed me up for days, then a few other times i hurt myself, but another bad one when i was 17, i had my back curved while sitting and propping my laptop up on my knee, tried to move and literally just cried, crawled on the floor, and laid there all night until i forced myself to move in the morning. lol luckily it hasn’t happened since i lost a little weight.
20. what’s a random or interesting fact about you ??
uhm, nothing? i literally can’t think of one, i’m dull af. i uh.. i replaced my own cpu cooler once? lmfao
21. do you listen to music while you write ??
sometimes. a lot of time i just like the silence or ambient background noise, but if i’ve got a fitting playlist for the vibe of what i’m trying to write, i’ll use it!
22. are you a morning, day, evening, or night writer ??
i’m a never writer, apparently v___v but lol ideally a night writer, my best work is between the hours of 12am & 4am, but my sleeping schedule is so inconsistent, and so is my dad’s who spends literally every waking moment of his telling me different stuff he wants done, so it’s tough to hit that sweet spot. i write whenever i get a chance tho.
23. have you ever roleplayed intoxicated ??
lol nah i’ve never even had a drink. like what teenager doesn’t have a drink at some point?? i told you i’m lame.
24. what language or languages do you speak ??
english, barely. and assassin’s creed 2 taught me some italian swears. and ac: odyssey has had me occasionally dropping “malaka” bombs since the day i first played it haha.
25. how long have you roleplayed ??
officially, about 9 years. i started at 11 on myspace, rping dragon ball z stuff. but basically about 12 years, if you count how from the ages of 8-11 i’d put an anime pic up on my myspace, pretend i was older, and talk to roleplayers i didn’t realize were roleplayers lmfao.
26. favorite roleplay genre ??
i like pretty much anything, tbh. as long as it’s well thought out, has an interesting plot, or whatever. sometimes it doesn’t even need that, it just needs to catch my eye or line up with something i’m looking for. but yeah, supernatural, multi-fandom, sci-fi, romance, town rps, high school/college rps, anime rp (well, pokemon mostly), harry potter… i’ve done it all tbh and don’t particularly have a favorite.
27. one sound you hate & one you love ??
the sound of cotton stretching is the absolute worst thing to me. or scratching cotton. idk, it just sends chills up and down my spine and makes my hands feel weak lmfao. i’m weird. i really love the sound of rain, or fire crackling, or like “ambient” harp or ukulele music.
28. do you believe in ghosts ??
short answer, yes. long answer… i’m pretty sure i was friends with a ghost girl as a kid?? like no joke, even looking back at it through rational “adult” eyes, i’m still convinced. my fam moved into a new apartment, and pretty much right after that i started having dreams about a girl my age at the time (11-12). i’d never seen her before but the dreams would be like just conversations, like i was visiting a friend or something. i don’t remember them much, but i do remember the feeling of someone else in my room all the time, like you know how if someone else is around you just know even if you’re not looking at them? like that. there was even one night i was getting in bed, laid there a minute, and then i could have absolutely sworn somebody came in the room and sat down next to me on the bed because i felt the bed sink a little under their weight, but i looked and no one was there. i had a really vivid conversation/dream/thing that night. then a few nights later, for the first time since moving there i didn’t have one. the next morning my dad was really freaked out and said he fell asleep in the chair, but woke up and couldn’t breathe, and felt cold little hands over his mouth. he rationalized it as just waking up from a nightmare but i didn’t think so, so that night when i went to sleep and saw her i got really upset, yelled at her for it, and woke up right after. then i never saw or heard anything even remotely similar again, like she left or disappeared or something. it’s so weird, and i know how crazy it sounds, but yeah. don’t get me started on the topic of ghosts lmfao. THEN AGAIN, like a year later we had a carbon monoxide scare, but i really doubt the two were related because that would mean there was an entire year that we were breathing it in and the monitor didn’t do anything lol
29. do you believe in aliens ??
no alien story, thankfully, but it just makes no sense not to believe in them to me. like, we probably don’t have them on earth, and we’ve probably never encountered any, but it’s as close as you can get to a mathematical certainty that there’s some other life out there in the universe.
30. do you believe in true love ??
like, people who are just meant for each other, like romantic soulmates? nah not really. but i believe that two people can grow to truly love one another. whether it’s based off an initial attraction/infatuation, or a friendship, or both. i’d actually argue that’s a simple explanation of the biological science behind the feeling of love, but that’s an essay i’m not gonna write lol. but there’s apparently a lot of different types of love, so i guess “true love” is suggestive? 
also slightly unrelated but i don’t-quite-believe-in-but-am-open-to-the-idea-of soulmates, not necessarily as two souls who are just meant for each other romantically and always end up together, but more as two or more souls that gravitate toward each other to make up the important people in each other’s lives, like family members, lovers, or close friends. but that’s more of a theoretical idea/possibility than an actual belief of mine.
31. do you hold grudges ??
um, yes. lol i try not to, and i really do want everyone to be their best/happiest selves, but some people man… some people can take a long walk off a short pier lmao
32. do you have any obsessions right now ??
PO KE MON GOTTA CATCH EM ALLLLL. also… life is strange (thanks dani lol). supernatural. stranger things (thanks dani & steph) the 100 / clexa / becho  (thanks steph). lucifer. captain marvel (thanks dani). the song “creep” by radiohead and all its covers (tom ellis, haley reinhart, etc). cyberpunk 2077 (thanks dani). as you can see, i’m easily influenced lmfao.
33. do you drive & if so, have you ever been in a crash ??
nope i don’t drive, precisely because i’d definitely end up in a crash lol
34. do you like the smell of gasoline ??
uh that’s a big fat no from me, chief
35. do you prefer writing fluff, angst, or smut ??
i like it all equally, i think. i just really like writing & rp in general. i did run a smut rp once in the past tho. it gets old quick tbh and is the one of the three i can live without lol
36. are you in a relationship ??
bahahahahahahaha no.
37. grab the nearest book to you and turn to page 23, what is the 17the line ??
❝  “and why would that be?” kronos’s golden eyes glittered.  ❞
— the last olympian by rick riordan.
38. put your playlist on shuffle and list the first four songs that pop up:
1. season of the witch – donovan 2. riot van – arctic monkeys 3. busta rhymes – qveen herby 4. der kommissar – after the fire
also i gotta cheat because it’s too perfect that the next two are
5. stay – mac miller (one of my favorites ever that i forgot to mention above) 6. only in america – riff raff (i just love this ok. the video is hilarious but tw james franco for those that don’t like him)
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mychakk · 6 years
Hello again my dear friend. Your very own SSS is back with questions regarding your gift(s). I was actually wondering how you feel about au's fics. Do you like them? And if yes, do you have a favorite one? And after that please tell me your favorite hc about all of the ships you love and you have included in your ship list. I would like to know more about them and how you see them all.
Oh, I love AUs! I love the what if stories that explore a canon divergence or a similar but different path due to some one change (although I don’t like swap fic like swap lock with Molly as the consulting detective, just no.). I also love the AR like Potter’verse for Sherlolly, Victorian, Pirate, Medieval, Regency etc. I love AUs they allow to explore the characters in a new way. It’s also tricky to keep them in character but some leeway is always allowed ;) I love arranged marriage and marriage of convenience trope a lot. 
Oh, my, hc for my beloved ships, well I think I listed a lot of them XD ok, here it goes: (I think it’s more view/feelings bout them than hc per se, sorry!)
Pepper/Tony - I think it’s all about her quiet but unmovable support of him and yet the ability to call his bullshit. (sounds familiar, doesn’t it? I have a type I suppose). And once he realises what he has he’ll do everything to protect her. That scene in Iron Man 2, when instead of taking to armour onto himself he puts it on her… Yes, those two are just perfect. As for hc, I like to think that Pepper was already pregnant at the end of Avengers 3, so when Tony returns (and I don’t accept any other option, Marvel, you hear, they deserve a happy ending!), There’s going to be small little being (I’m leaning toward a daughter) around Pepper’s legs to greet him as well. :)
Peter/MJ - Oh, this is my OTP since my childhood as I’ve always loved Spider-Man. I love the new dynamics in MCU, and I cannot wait to see their romance. My fav part is that she’s eventually aware of his true identity and supports him (see, a type, I tell you). In the animated version from the mid 90s their story was quite a tragic one and I think I liked it a lot too. 
Gamora/Peter aka Starlord - Oh my, they are two hurt by harsh life, wary people, especially Gamora, and their romance was such a sublime precious thing. Not overtly done but there. And how he managed to win her over, how reluctant she was but he persisted first with steadfast friendship then something more (once again sounds familiar, doesn’t it?). I cried like a baby while watching Avengers 3, both times. I also cry at the Guardians Movies (yes, the movies, both of them, because they are about friendship and family above all else). Guardians are my top favourite movies of the whole franchise, duh, 
Steve/Natasha - Here it’s a little tricky because I’m a little multishipper for those two. Steve/Peggy was a tragic romance that pulled at my heartstrings, but I really wouldn’t want it to be revisited, tbh, I liked how star-crossed they were. I definitely do NOT ship Steve with Peggy’s niece (was it?), nope, no feelings about them whatsoever. But, Natasha… Now, Winter Soldier, and ever since… There is such a potential for those two. They work so well together. Yes… And once again it’s about her quiet but efficient support of him. Burce/Natasha didn’t do anything for me, sorry. But I was intrigued byt Natasha/Clint and kinda shipped them until we learnt about Clint’s family. I love that he had a family. 
Harry Potter 
Harry/Hermione - God, this ship. This is my OTP. Only Sherlolly rivals it as my OTP. Atm, Sherlolly is top one, but Harmione is close by and I still revisit the fandom just for the two of them. I love that they are such a close friends. The trust between them in unmovable, unshakable; she follows him and supports him, but isn’t afraid to call his bullshit, he encourages her and is there for her, he was the first one to see her as someone with feelings (it for sure wasn’t Ron no matter how much I love the redhead). He taught her to see past books and cleverness, he taught her about friendship and love. And she was onle of the very few and probably the very first one who saw him just as Harry (it took time for Ron and way too long for Ginny, to lose the fangirl/fanboy attitude). I love how complementary they are. For me they are perfect. I like to hc they have always been in love with each other just didn’t realise it at first. I like to imagine that post war, instead of the epilogue, all the characters managed to truly find themselves which led to a more suited pairings (for me the series ends before the epilogue obviously ;)
Ron/Luna - I have a major issue with Ron and Hermione and it’s how he treats her. I’m sorry but he always belittles her and she does the same to him! But for me, Luna has a lot of Hermione’s traits (inteligence for once), but never bellitled Ron, but always supported him. Hermione does it too, of course, and yet Luna’s support seems more like a fuel for Ron to reach his potential. Hermione will always be better than Ron and for Ron who always craved greatness it’s a huge thing to overcome. But Luna seems to follow her dreams yet support Ron in his. That’s how I have always seen them. That’s what is my hc.
Neville/Ginny - I definitely prefer this pairing for Ginny. It’s mostly because once again I felt that Ginny’s support could have helped Neville become the man he could be (thankfully he managed it without her, but before book 7, I always felt she could be the key for Neville and it stayed with me), I always felt that his quiet nature and less flamboyant self would be a lot more calming for her fiery temperament than Harry ever could… 
Draco/Ginny - Here I am for the fiery combination of the two XD I also like a redeemed Draco theme. And sometimes ship him in a onesided Dramone too. I also like their kinda Romeo/Juliet situation. 
Lucius/Narcissa - that ship took me by surprise, tbh! I’ve read a couple of fabulous Harmione fics with them, and two of the greatest broke them apart making them more an arranged polite pairing than anything else and I realised I actually ship them as in love. I don’t know why, I just like the idea of them, even being on the wrong side of the light, to still being able to experience love. In the end it was that love that redeemed them. Sometimes I like to hc they fell in love after they were arranged. 
Remus/Tonks - the way she fought for him, and in the end their true love won. Even if for a short while before being cut of tragically. I like that they are actually quite an unusual pair and because of their age difference too. Sometimes I like to hc that if they survived they’d struggle as a married couple but overcome all the obstacles and learn how to be truly happy together 
Booth/Brennan - this is another major OTP for me. I love their friendship, mutual, trust, support, their ability to compromise and being opened to the other and their life/word view. Their love story was the greatest feature of the whole show. It was so nice to see them reach a happy ever after and live through it. I love how they both grown as characters thanks to this wonderful relationship they shared over the years. And how faithful, how loyal to each other they have always been.
Angela/Hodgins - this is another story of true love can prevail everything. God, she was such a free spirirt, it looked like he didn’t stand a chance, but his persistence, his love for her, his support as she were with someone else after their break-up, and then their happiness. God, I love them so much. And I want a Hodgins of my own ;)
Sweets/Daisy - they were so cute as a silly version of Booth/Brennan. They also learned a lot about themselves and each other during their relationship. They grew both as characters and as a couple. And I really liked it.  
How To Train Your Dragon 
Hiccup/Astrid - first of all they are friends. And based on that, they support each other, trust each other, back up each other, but also talk and point out flaws. I like to hc they’d have always ended up together. 
Ruffnut/Fishlegs - this one is a tricky one as it’s only fanon based. But I like the idea of Ruff, who is a wild spirit, and Fishlegs who is the scholary type, to find some kind of connection and appreciation. It’s a little similar to Neville/Ginny I suppose. I really love them, and how they could truly balance each other. 
Anne with an E 
Gilbert/Anne - oh, I have always shipped them, but in this version it’s all about his devotion. He’s so completely in love with her. They also try to be friends and support each other and be there for each other and I think that’s wonderful. 
BBC Sherlock:
Sherlolly - oh, my. I think the thing about them for me is their mutual trust and a certain tender approach toward each other. I think that Molly is the only one who truly sees Sherlock as a man and not the Sherlock Holmes and it’s something that’s very attractive to Sherlock, very addictive and that’s why he can be himself with her, and show his vulnerability. There is also a lot of respect between them in their quiet companionship. I also like that they are kinda hidden from everyone else. Only the audience truly knows what really goes between them and that’s very precious to them. I like how they support each other. They work together, they trust each other even if they don’t like what they see. But they work together. 
Warstan - Mary is just perfect match for John. They work so well together. I hate that John almost threw it all away. It shows he’s human but it was a very painful plot. I like to hc, that Mary would have eventually forgiven him, but he would have to really work to get her trust back. I will also dare to say, that maybe there were some huge issues on both sides to work through and John’s wayward thoughts toward E were a result of that. Don’t get me wrong, he was the one who did an awful thing. But maybe Mary wasn’t such a saint either, after all she left him and Rosie without a second thought (to protect them sure), but she wasn’t willing to work with John. Maybe she subconsciously pushed him away? Maybe she was afraid of his reaction based on how badly he took the news about her past? It doesn’t change the fact that both were at fault and didn’t have enough time to work through their issues. They were faulty real people and that’s what I love about them. I wish I could see more of them and their fight for their happiness. 
Mythea - Once again an example of a ship with a woman supporting a man. I like to think he is very protective of her but also kinda shy about his feelings. I don’t know, I see him also viewing himself as unworthy of her affections. While she is kinda helplessly in love with him. In the end they take their heads of their arses and have their happily ever after. I like to hc that Anthea’s been moved away from Mycroft to protect her and maybe because they did start a relationship and she was on maternity leave so that’s why we didn’t see her in s4 ;) 
So, I hope you don’t mind me being talkative about my ships XD
Do you share some of mine? Do you have complete deferent views on the characters? Feel free to tell me :)
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beebundt · 6 years
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Okay so I totally wasn’t gonna, because I have like 4000 ocs and there’s no way I could choose just 1, buuuut this was my first real digital art that I did yesterday and I’m happy with it so I’ll Gush ^^
This is my Dragon Age Warden Ciara Rhys. She was born to two Dalish nomads (an elven clan) who had eloped because there were too many mages in the clan and one of them were bound to be casted out. When ger mother gave birth they realised that the two of them couldn’t raise a child, as they were barely surviving themselves. On the night of her birth, a human fisherman from a nearby village found them and instead of fleeing or attacking him, they requested that he take her in and raise her. He accepted, as that was what his dead wife would have done, but he was nervous about treating an elf as his own. He grew fond of her anyway.
Ciara grew up as the babe of the town, despite her race everyone adored her. She was friendly to all, despite what prejudices she faced. Her adopted father, Meurig Rhys, taught her what little he knew of reading and writing, for he knew that there was a strong possibility that she would be a mage as well and that she would be taken to the Circle Tower when she first showed her powers. (The Circle Tower is kinda like a prision for magesn where they can learn but they also are never allowed to leave) Mages were feared, and he taught her that. He taught her to be ready for the templars to take her, and to understand how important it was for her to know her place in the world. She accepted her fate with open arms and only wished to make everyone happy. She felt lucky that her life was so full despite the cards that she had been dealt.
When her powers did come, (and they came late) she told a neighborhood guard and he escorted her home to wait for Meurig to say goodbye. This was quite an oddity. To treat a mage (or an elf for that matter) with so much kindness, but she had won over the hearts of everyone in the town, and so she was given this nicity. Meurig had grown to love her as his own daughter and tried to convince her to flee-to go to the forrest and join with the clan that she had come from, but she only smiled and thanked him for his love and guidance.
In the circle she was treated as anyone else, save for a few who tormented her for her sex, race, or body. But this was to be expected. After a few years there was a templar who fancied her, and she him.(In fact she gets hung up on him for like 15 years until after she saves the world by killing an archdeamon but whatevvs) But she ends up getting recruited to join the Grey Wardens (a group of warriors that battle darkspawn) so she gets to leave the tower and go off on a quest to save the world.
Shes hecka bi, and actually leans towards women moreso than she does men (that has a big deal to do with how they treat her tbh) but she gets hung up on that one Templar guy so she never actually has a real relationship. She tries to persue relationships after she leaves the circle (esp because she hasnt seen him in years but whatevv) but they kinda fall through. She really likes sweet teas and scones, though they are very rare in her occupation. She connects with the fade(spirit world) on a level that she is unaware of but she loves to dance to its rythems. She also loves swimming, though otherwise shes not very active. She sleeps curled up like an infant, but will move in her sleep so that she is half laying on her back while keeping her legs folded.
She has a habbit of linking her hands loosly together in front of her chest in a way that is easily seen. ((Idk how to explain it through text but her fingers are intertwined with her palms facing up))She developed this tendency because she knows that her kind arent truested, and so to set others at ease she keeps her hands in view most of the time. Though she becomes a very powerful mage, she was not to begin with. She was also quite the passifist at first, and only used nature spells when she first started studying magic.
In a battle with posessed trees (Sylvan) she ended up getting a living wood staff that she uses. She’s not sure if there is a spirit tied to it or not.
I know you don’t know anything about this fandom but I really appreciate you letting me ramble on about my babes ♡
submitted by @myagletismissing
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i hope u like it and and and and THANK U FOR SHARING UR OC AND IM SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG AGAIN!!!!! i love em’ :’}
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vaguely-concerned · 7 years
My headcanons are usually global, so to say, so once established they mainly hold true for anything I write in that fandom until canon actively overwrites it (and sometimes even after that if I think the real answer is dumb ha ha). Most of what I’ve already done is the ‘Scoundrels and Thieves’ AU series. 
- Shimadamom died during the omnic crisis, since I feel like she would come up a lot more if she was actually around when her sons literally tried to murder each other. (It would also explain why Hanzo shoots the omnic in ‘Dragons’ even as he goes to some lengths to only incapacitate the other guards and why he thinks Numbani sucks, as well as adding a layer of ouch to Genji’s... robo-dysphoria.) Hanzo remembers her better than Genji does, since Genji would have been pretty young at that point.
- Hanzo is a dog person (oh hello there entire alternate wardrobe made up of wolf imagery) and Jesse is a cat person. (Both because of That Scene in The Good, The Bad and The Ugly with the kitten and the hat (!!!!!) and because really he himself is kind of a very affable yet still half-feral tomcat kind of a man)
- In ‘Scoundrels and Thieves’, at least, Jesse started out smoking cigarettes and graduated to cigars as he got older/had more cash, for that Authentic Man With No Name Look. He still goes for cigarettes sometimes when he’s on edge because he finds the little rituals of rolling them comforting. (Hanzo also has a very private Pavlovian reaction to the smell of a certain brand Jesse smoked around the time they started sleeping together. I’ll let you fill in the embarrassing details in your own time.)
- Hanzo usually cuts his own hair - just chops a bit off with a knife or something when it gets too annoying. The first time it was the dramatic symbolic gesture of dishonor ™, but these days it’s just because he can’t be bothered with anything fancier, in the same vein as ‘why even put my shirt on all the way btw did I mention I KILLED MY BROTHER’. (Yes, I know it’s a real traditional archery technique thing, just… let me have this.) Probably also why he wears it up most of the time so you can’t really tell it’s a bit of a catastrophe.
- Jesse taught himself how to play the guitar as a kid and has a wonderful voice for everyday life - it doesn’t belong on a stage but it is perfect for crooning in the background while making dinner or doing chores, stuff like that.  
- Jesse is quite ticklish, a fact Hanzo ‘Innate Talent for Strategy and Tactics’ Shimada uses without compunctions when it suits his goals. (His goals usually being a Jesse pink-faced and loose-limbed with laughter)
- Hanzo looks A LOT like his dad but takes after his mum personality-wise - more cynical and closed off except for with their loved ones - while Genji looks more like their mum.
- Jesse’s parents died during the war, quite early on. (tbh this is mostly b/c it breaks my heart to imagine his family would be okay with him having become a notorious killer by the age of seventeen. Like. Bro. I’d rather have someone love and protect him unflinchingly and then having no choice in leaving him. Though if the Deadlock gang had some element of a family business that would mean ANOTHER parallel between them, so if that’s how canon eventually lands I can work with that too ha ha)
- Do you ever think about Jesse at fourteen, coming back from a fight victorious but with new constellations of scars and bruises, curling up somewhere no one’ll find him to watch that scene in For A Fistful of Dollars where the man with no name gets beat up to hell and back and still gets out of it through sheer tenacity and being a tricksy fuck
Because I think about that every day and that’s why I’m constantly on the verge of tears
Anyway not so much a headcanon there as a window into the dark aching corners of my soul let’s carry on
- Jesse is demisexual, Hanzo is gay.
- At first I had settled for Hanzo being bi (what better orientation for a ninja than one that makes you invisible, after all? Who’s bitter you’re bitter) but then there were the White Day lines between Hanzo and Genji and now I’m 100% convinced that he’s gay, if only because it’s so much funnier to me. Let me show my work a bit here:
So as far as I understand, on Valentine’s day in Japan it’s women who give the ~*special men*~ in their life chocolates/gifts. (There’s also an uh ‘tier’ of chocolate that’s completely platonic and is given to friends and coworkers, but from the tone of Genji’s voice I doubt that’s what he’s talking about lol) White day is a month later, and it’s when the men reciprocate the gifts they were given. So essentially what Genji is doing with that line is going “SO… any special GIRLS in your life bro?? *I know you can’t see my face through the visor but you can feel the wink wink nudge nudge through the air*” and Hanzo’s answer is a sort of long-suffering reference to young Genji’s playboy lifestyle as well as a callback to a previous voice line between them, not a slight aimed at any cocoa beans.
Now I like to imagine bb!Genji as a bit of a hilarious dick - like basically sweet and well-meaning, but also hugely spoiled, self-absorbed and easily distracted. It would lend Hanzo’s annoyance so many levels of hilarity if his little brother just… hadn’t realized that the reason he wasn’t dating girls wasn’t just a) he’s been riding a wave of shame, guilt, grief, depression & light alcoholism these last ten years and it’s hard to date with a tight schedule like that, b) he is kind of weird and socially awkward at the best of times, c) his eventual anachronistic weirdo soulmate was running around on the other side of the world doing crazy shit for Overwatch
The reason he’s never dated any girls is that he’s FUCKING GAY
Like it was not as though it was secret, Genji, all you’d have to do was fucking pay attention or hey, ask at any point in the last closing-in-on-forty-years and it would have been EASILY AVAILABLE INFORMATION
Anyway I thrive on Hanzo Shimada’s annoyance and consternation because he takes everything so damn seriously and I love him very much
(Obviously in the ‘Scoundrels and Thieves’ ‘verse Genji does know. He’s not THAT massively oblivious.)
- Jesse is mostly ambidextrous but prefers to shoot with his right hand. I think there was some kerfuffle about his holster being put on both sides in official art that prompted this one? I’m not above going ‘*shrug* why have continuity errors when you can have headcanon’
- Shimadadad, intent on his sons not turning into Useless Rich Ninja Kids, made sure they were taught some essential life skills, like cooking and laundry and shit - meaning Hanzo knows how to make a handful of dishes to, like, double Michelin Star levels. He doesn’t actually enjoy it very much, though, so mostly he won’t. Meanwhile Jesse has no outside training whatsoever beyond at one point being shown how to turn on a microwave but figured things out on his own and has pretty good instincts. Hanzo prefers Jesse’s cooking and will happily just do chopping duty (which he’s still proficient at to the point that Jesse’s not sure whether to be unsettled or turned on).
- Jesse learned about horses from an older lady who semi-adopted him after finding him feverish and bleeding in her back garden when he was in his early teens. He stayed on her ranch for a couple of years and then left because he was worried some of the people he’d pissed off would be able to track him down there and burn it all down.
- Hanzo doesn’t like - or really get - giving and receiving gifts as a way to express affection. I’m pretty sure his line of association would go something like gifts ----> money ------> business -----> bribe -----> obligation -------> duty -------> faMILY OH GOD EVERYTHING JUST GOT REAL MESSED UP AND COMPLICATED IN MY HEAD I NEED A DRINK
- Another one where I’ll accept either outcome: I can’t decide from the in-game dialogue if Genji and McCree’s relationship is more bro-like ribbing or if they’re actually a little uh. Adversarial. (“You’re not quicker than a bullet”: a Schröedinger’s playful banter/death threat lol) If they’re mostly friendly that’s great! They can form a harmonious ‘Save Hanzo From Himself’ support group. If they’re more antagonistic? Pure. Fucking. Hilarity. Can you imagine Genji being SO FUCKING MAD because as it turns out the one thing in this world that has ever made his sadsack brother happy is that cocky jingle-jangle bizarro Western cosplay jackass. Like naturally I would prefer it if they were bros but I never turn down comedic potential like that.
- Jesse’s greatest fear has to do with being seen and with leaving. He’s very clearly set up a theatrical, elaborate part of his identity between himself and the world - I don’t think any psychologically unscarred person goes ‘well I’ll just wrap myself in this loner/vigilante archetype until it works for me’ lol. It’s a very smart ‘people are going to look at me so let’s make sure they can’t actually see me’ move. Also it makes me sad that me must have, like, reverse abandonment issues: every time he belongs to something - to the Deadlock gang, to Overwatch, to Hanzo in ‘Scoundrels and Thieves’ - he’s inevitably forced to leave it behind. (I guess this is part of why I love the pairing so much; they’re both wanderers now, they can go together ;____;)
Hanzo’s greatest fear is to really hurt someone he loves again. (Remember that time in Junkenstein’s Revenge where Jack looks at Reaper and goes ‘what could turn a man into this’ and Hanzo immediately answers “To be tested, and to fail”? Because I remember that all the time.)
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earthdeep · 5 years
ok so
having finished silver snow I've now done all the story content easily available to me, even tho the two music tracks in the extras menu that are ???ed out still do worry me
and tbh I don't have much to say abt silver snow itself bc it is almost identical to verdant wind HOWEVER I'm taking this opportunity to ramble my thoughts on the game as a whole, in a format that will likely not make sense to myself let alone anyone else
I guess I'll start on my thoughts on the lords? + rhea bc she's basically a fourth lord. so like, personal fave is still edelgard bc I am gay and angry with the state of the world, followed by claude bc he's fun and also probably the best person out of all the major players in this game, then rhea further back for being fucking terrifying to me and yet also woefully incompetent at the act of doing anything important, and dimitri is waaaaaaaaaaaaay down at the bottom of the barrel bc I am not here for angry white boys. I'm incredibly disappointed in the fandom wrt how much they adore dimitri. not surprised, mind you, since I've seen the cullenites in the dragon age fandom and their years of bullshit. but still, el and claude have so much more going for them (and are hotter to boot lbr) that it makes it suuuuuuper difficult to claim race and gender has nothing to do with it. but I'm totally sharing some of that blame with the game too, bc dimitri did get brought up in a good light more than, say, claude did in the eagles routes. which is super shite since claude's the fucking helpful one. srsly I had to sit through dream!dimitri in silver snow and you couldn't give me another claude scene- oh my god I just realised I didn't here from him again after he went missing. son of a fuck my dude just disappeared. like I assume he ran off to almyra like every other time but I just never saw him again.
actually, since we're on the topic of claude not being widely beloved enough by the fandom for me not to side eye them, leeeeeeet's point out a little smth smth with 3h's darker skinned characters. bc.... eesh. dedue? absolute life debt mode to the whitest of boys, hobbies include household chores, big brawny lad who's only recently literate. if disney wrote this character he would currently be locked in the vault out of shame. but I guess if it's not a pattern- oh hello cyril. at least HIS life debt is to the whitest of ladies instead! literally, her dragon form is the actual colour white. at least catherine used to be a noble, even if it's in danger of being cancelled out by her also being a brigand. and I don't think she's any good at chores either which is good. but like, the devotion...
we have claude and petra too, who thankfully have lives of their own. but it's hard not to wince when claude is called some variant of sneaky for the hundredth time (he's all talk yo...) and petra's post timeskip outfit makes me feel kinda gross if I look at it too long. it's annoying bc her face makes me feel gay things and then the camera pans and I'm back to oh yeah, they really wanted the tropical princess halloween costume huh.
at least judith's cool. and even wears trousers. I've never seen her in action in my game bc I overlevel and get through fights too fast for her but we stan her on this blog anyway. and this is already the third 3h lady I've had this response to but I am super gay.
anyway that elephant has finally been ushered out of the room, time to ramble about narrative things. bc what the fuck was three houses doing? verdant wind and silver snow were the same but for the final boss (and BOY is that final boss an asspull in both routes) while azure moon is similar but with entirely different factions being discussed, then crimson flower is just HALF A ROUTE?? and tbh crimson flower was I think the best, not only bc it was p unique and let me hug edelgard but also bc it was as short as it was. all the other routes dragged to hell and back as a result of being restrained by the calendar. you have so much fucking energy by endgame that it's a fucking chore to use it all, and you can only go two weeks before you've taught everyone on your main team and need to go explore and feed them or give them shit and then you need to use up all your energy and collect some more ingredients for the meals you keep having and then decide what you're going to do with your free day now all your paralogues are done and you don't want for ore or gold or levels so do you- ugh I know I could just skip but it feels wrong to do when not story appropriate. the calendar system works during the academy phase and fits the almost slice of life feeling it has, but once there's a war on it just destroys the narrative tension. war isn't hell in three houses, war is purgatory.
and now for something completely different: the church n stuff. it sure is very based on the real life church! as an agnostic lesbian maybe you can guess how high my hackles raised whenever anything particularly churchy came up. I do wonder whether IS underestimated how heavily that could sway the viewpoint of the player. bc I walked in ready to burn that fucking monastery to the ground if I'm honest. it's rare to be able to do that to christianity allegories in video games (*cough*dragonage*cough*) so crimson flower appealed to me a lot in a way I'd guess wouldn't to certain others (*stares at the white boy stans*) and it's kind of a kick in the teeth to be railroaded into worrying abt rhea in verdant wind. I purposely avoided support with her during that run and yet my dialogue options the moment she vanished were byleth caring abt her well being. game, the most I care at this point is that she is alive enough to give me some fucking answers on the shit she's been doing this past millenium. and that specific factor makes me wonder whether silver snow was done first and basically copy pasted to serve as a different route, forgetting that the player may not have the same objectives since they've been rolling with claude the visionary for the past year.
honestly the golden deer in general get kinda shafted by the game. I've seen others point it out too, but they get like no exposure outside of claude unless you seek them out. of the eagles, edelgard and hubert are always major characters appearing as bosses multiple times, although the others do fall to the background. then dear god the lions. both ashe and sylvain have entire month's missions dedicated to a part of their backstory during the academy phase! and even while dimitri dies after a single battle away from his route, there's a good chance dedue's coming back for more. claude gets a couple letters and a single battle and then he's out. let us ally with claude you bastard of a game.
I got sidetracked there but like the ashe and sylvain getting prominent story beats in all routes I think was a bit of a lost opportunity. and also probably is the reason sylvain is actually as popular as he is. dude's kind of a scumbag and it really does take being contextualised by his obscene amount of trauma to start understanding or liking him. it also helps he's easy as fuck to recruit and a very viable unit so u have a gameplay route to getting attached to him (legit 3/4 of my playthroughs had me fielding him as one of my regulars).
but think of the potential to add that to other characters! imagine seeing the conditions that led leonie to obsess over jeralt! meeting all these (completely alive!) siblings we keep hearing about then not seeing! killing bernadetta's father! the possibilities are endless and could be easily explained by rhea assigning tasks to students who already have relevant context or whatever. just ugh some of the choices made by the writers annoy me.
sfdlkdfkjdj I don't know how to connect this last bit at all, bc it's just observations abt like the models n stuff. I like how they've obviously set materials up for all the models to easily change clothing colours to differentiate factions. that's cool. they did that with skin tones too, so if you zoom in on like the agarthans you can see their weird super pale complexion (tho for some reason their battalions have regular skin?). tho it does make it weird when the 2d portrait is always the same. this duscar soldier sure doesn't look like his profile pic.
anyway that was the last thing on my mind abt this game. kinda anticlimactic to end on, I know, but rather in the spirit of things. only crimson flower knows what a satisfying conclusion is, after all :) long live lady edelgard yo.
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uupiic · 6 years
🖍️ ✏️📏☕🙃📚🐻🎁🌈🎼🙌📐💐🦋✨🌗🍭🍀🌊🙊
🖍️ When did you start drawing? Do you remember?
I remember I was doing it when I was 10. Then I lost interest. Then at 15. Then somebody yelled at me to ‘‘grow the fuck up and stop doing this bullsh*t’‘. Then after I got into my first serious fandom Which Shall Not Be Named Here (no, it wasn’t Harry Potter).
✏️ Do you prefer traditional art or digital to relax?   
Traditional. Sadly, that’s not as popular. Digital art tends to make me more angry than anything lately, must be due to my old tablet.
📏 What’s your go-to canvas size?
*makes an IDK sound* If it fits, it sits. That’s for digital art.Traditional is A4 for sketches (cheap school supplies FTW), A5 for somewhat more coordinated sketches (the shetchbooks are expensive enough for me not to want to waste them on try-and-fail first-time drawings any longer)
☕ Do you do warmup sketches before drawing? (Bonus: do you have any to share?)
It’s interesting you should ask, because…
I should probably never ever…
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… put these warmups…
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… where Bioware might see them.
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Where y’all bitches’ carrots at?
🙃 Which is easier: faces facing left, right, or front view?
TBH, all is good. I do have a problem with faces facing right, but that’s something that can be fixed.
📚 How many layers do you typically use? 
If there are four, I consider it an excess. I’m just… used to traditional art too much, so… if something is wrong then I just sit there and cry without the idea even occurring to me I could make a new layer for something I don’t really… know how to draw yet…
🐻 Your go-to things to draw when you need comfort? 
TBH, my go-to thing when I need that, is DMC and obliterating a couple of rooms full of demons… but sometimes random doodles are nice, too.
🎁 Do you prefer drawing fandom stuff or your own characters?
I love my characters, but 20 bucks is 20 bucks.
Nah, if seriously, Dragon Age is the first fandom where I wouldn’t be afraid of drawing fanart for, due to the fact that the fandom I’ve encountered is open about things, from headcanons to ships.
So, for now, I prefer fandoms stuff, until the inspiration strikes for own characters again. It’s whatever that muse wants me to draw *shrug*
🌈 Do you use more warm or cold colors?
Mechanical pencil all the way, babeh!
🎼 Your favorite music to draw to right now?
Looking at my google playlist, I’d say Sabaton. All the other music is on the laptop *sigh*
🙌 Draw a doodle with your non-dominant hand
And on that day, the Dalish went about in aravels, pulled by horned nugs… or whatever this thing is.
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📐 Whats your favorite kinds of lines to draw?
💐 Do your drawing suit your aesthetics?
Not yet. But that won’t keep me from trying until they do.
🦋 Do your drawings resemble you?
Oh gods, I hope not.
✨ How often do you draw?
Either four hours nightly for 2 weeks, or zero hours for two months. No in-between.
Its hard to put together work and hobbies, particularly if each of them is time-consuming. I’d love to have 4 arms for that very reason, tbh.
🌗 Is night or day better for drawing?
Night is the way to go. Let’s be honest, it’s gonna be 2 am soon, and here I am…
🍭 What’s your main art blog / what do you tag your art with?
🍀 You wish your art was more..(fill in the blank)
consistent in how it looks. A lot of it has to do with the (mandatory) art lessons in school, where we were taught how to emulate styles, but never how to develop our own (as a matter of fact, a step away from whatever style we were doing resulted in dropping the grade). I’m afraid to push for commissions because I’m afraid I can’t manage even an example sheet in consistent style. Which is probably bullocks, but here we are.
🌊 What’s the hardest thing for you to draw?
*points at literally half the community struggling with the same thing* blessed be the people who can draw a character looking the same twice.
🙊 Share your latest silly doodle with no context
*points at the sketches above* I don’t think it’s gonna get any more sillier than that.
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reylo-yeslo · 8 years
10 favorite characters
@rey-is-ace-rey-is-aro​ (<3 og gray geki squad <3) Tagged me and I have to post 10 of my favorite characters from 10 different fandoms and tag 10 people
In no particular order:
1. Rey- Star Wars She is a beacon of hope for girls. She’s strong, smart, and very real with a past that backs up her talents. She’s survived on her own for over a decade and continues to survive. She’s taught herself to fight and stand up for herself. She’s suffered for so long and needs to be hugged some more tbh.
2. Paragon Commander Shepard- Mass Effect Trilogy Again, a great role model for girls. Strong, powerful, smart, got an amazing family made of friends she’s made. Renegade Shepard’s got some good tips too like don’t take shit from no one, but I truly admire Paragon Shepard for teaching us that compassion isn’t weakness.
3. Genji Shimada- Overwatch My cinnamon roll son <3 He was nearly murdered by his brother and forgave him. He went from Playboy to mature adult after a long journey of finding himself. Now he’s a sweetheart that appreciates everything around him. He’s gone through some shit and needs to be protected.
4. Tie between Solas and Alistair Theirin- Dragon Age Series Okay, I know a lot of people hate Solas’ guts for being a liar, but since Trespasser DLC his story became so much deeper and much more interesting- especially if you romance him. I won’t spoil his story too much. (if anyone’s interested in talking about him DM me!) Now Alistair has a special place in my heart. He’s sweet, adorkable and funny. His story changes depending on your choices in Origins. If you romance him and stand by him he’ll be as loyal as a mabari to you. He’s got one hell of a story btw.
5. Peridot- Steven Universe Oh god do I love Peridot. She went from big bad villain to adorkable family member. When she first joined the Crystal Gems she was ignorant and brainwashed but willing to learn through her mistakes. Since she’s joined she’s been a huge asset to the team and a great part of the family. She is proof that when offered a second chance, people could change for the better (coughkylocough). Compassion is a major theme in Steven Universe. 
6. Mary Read- Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag This game is my absolute favorite Assassin’s Creed game and largely because of Mary Read. Mary basically teaches our protagonist, Edward Kenway, to grow the fuck up and see what’s important. She’s also another pretty good role model for girls. She’s taken huge risks in her life and dedicated herself to something she felt was right. She was strong and smart and took no shit. (Starting to see the pattern?) 
7. Ashoka Tano- Star Wars The Clone Wars and Star Wars Rebels My child who’s gone through so much and needs to rest. She lost her master and most her friends after the Clone Wars, made new ones (and met a few surviving old friends). She’s all grown up in Rebels and is a powerful Gray Jedi (YABOI). I won’t spoil her story if you haven’t watched either shows (which I totally recommend you do).
8. Duncan Keith- Call of Duty 3 This one’s a strange one mostly because it’s been years since I played COD3. For some reason when I look back at the characters I really loved years ago I think of Keith from COD3. I loved COD3 when I was 12 and loved many of the characters in the game. COD3 is the only COD game I can name more than 3 characters. Keith was special to me from the start. He’d always insult my driving and talked shit about the French (It was great when we joined up with the French resistance). He was hilarious and really an unforgettable character in such a short game. 
9. Axel (Lea)- Kingdom Hearts Axel was a noticeably unique character from his introduction. Despite not having a heart and belonging to a seemingly evil organization, he cared for his friends Roxas and Xion and would do anything for them. Really his story is tragic and heartbreaking, but I’m glad he’s alive and well. 
10. Garrus Vakarian- Mass Effect trilogy Yes I know I’m cheating here but I don’t care (plus I can’t think of anyone else at the moment). Garrus Vakarian is my favorite squadmate in any game of any kind. Garrus is a turian (alien) that is recruitable in Mass Effect 1 and romanceable in Mass Effect 2. What really makes Garrus stick out from the other squadmates in Mass Effect is his undying loyalty to Commander Shepard. Garrus is- and will forever be your bro. He will be there to back you up in your choices all the time. If you romance him, you learn more about his cute nervous side. He tries so hard to make Shepard happy in their relationship and honestly if their relationship isn’t the most pure and healthy relationship, I have no idea what a relationship is. Also, regardless of romance or no, I bet you don’t have the heart to shoot the bottle. 
sorry this is so long! I wanted to share my reasons with my list. 
I tag: @asprince @reylooo @aranela @reylohasmyheart @a-drop-of-darkness @carriefisshers @onea @reylo101 @reylosanctuary @madiewolf
Have a wonderful day as always <3
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