#but t dont you essentially have a heart condition?
s0fter-sin · 1 year
why are energy drinks 500ml who needs that much liquid
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want to hear a fun story about an edible i took? It literally gave me a superpower. so imma send the story but it's gonna be long lol lol. so i was a very novice user when this happened but my cousin got this 300 mg rice crispy edible and we split it in thirds, a piece for my cousin A, me, and my other cousin, T. so roughly we had about 100 mg each, and we do this at the movie theater right before going in to the last Pirates of the Caribbean movie. about half way through the movie, it hits me, and it hits me *weird* you know? like i'd been high before, id even taken this same edible before with my cousin where we just split it in half and i was fine so i thought i could handle it. but something about the strain, or something must have been a little off. T, my other cousin, who had partaken with us, fell asleep /hard/ half way through the movie, and that movie is full of screaming pirates. i think it was hitting us all at the same time idk how A was doing i just noticed that around the midpoint of the movie, i was losing my grounds with reality a bit (there was a reason for this and i will explain) and the movie started not making sense. like i dont expect pirates to be coherent at all but i started thinking things in the movie weren't actually happening in the movie and that i was making it up i think it's needless to say i was high out of my mind, and come time for the end of the movie, i had arrived at the theater in one of my favorite pair of heels and i decided to walk out before everyone else, because i was feeling *strange*, like i was high out of my wits, but not the good kind of high. i was stumbling and twisting my ankle repeatedly after standing and then i get about halfway through that hallway to the doors, and i feel my blood pressure plummet straight to the ground. i have a heart condition similar to POTS but it occurs due to damage of the vagus nerve so extreme emotions can make this happen to me but it rarely ever did, BUT im always able to catch myself before i fall because passing out is a feeling that *comes on* to me and i have an allotted amount of time when i feel that, to sit my ass down. it's a lot better to faint when youre sitting because its less of a fall and the cure for it is essentially to stick my head between my knees as im sitting. usually makes me super weak and i need sugar to get myself going this time i make it out before everyone else and kind of just slump against the wall on the outside because man my chest was doing a funkkkyyy and low blood pressure makes you feel dizzy, bro, my head was doing cartwheels. in fact i distinctly remember this feeling that even though there was a wall behind me, i felt like i was doing backflips.
as my head is doing these backflips, it becomes the only thing i can feel just, perpetually falling backwards. and then I lost consciousness. Now everything that happened *after* i lost consciousness was told to me by my cousins. and during this time of being unconscious i was periodically rousing to awareness before completely passing out again. i then began to seize apparently, and something happened with the seizure where it constricted or did something to my vocal chords and i was apparently *screaming* through the seizure making croaking noises and i terrified my cousins and grandmother, my grandmother was out of the loop and didnt know we'd taken the edibles so to suddenly have this reaction she thought i was *dying*
and at one point (i think after the seizure) i felt this OVERWHELMING sense of sadness, so apparently when i would rouse i would start making more croaking noises while sobbing and then i would pass out again, i feel SO BAD for the movie theater workers at the hospital the doctor basically explained it to me as a sort of "brain cramp" it was overloaded with my medications and the sudden dose of THC threw off every chemical in my brain zone. they call it poly-pharmacy or something where too many drug interactions can cause issues. however after this WHOLE event. i tried to take an edible one day at a lower dose, and it didnt hit me at all. i then tried 100 mg, still, don't feel anything, i had tried the 100mg several times before going up to 200 mg and i still felt nothing. so i did a test one day, admittedly could have been stupid but i took 600 mg and only when i got up to 650mg-- well past the point of making someone uncomfortably high, i started to feel it a little-- but as i dosed up to 700-800mg, it didnt effect me much more than, say i took a long hit off a dab pen LOL wore off pretty fast too. this incident made me immune to edibles, an honest tragedy
WOW that’s terrible OMG. But yeah thc is whack if you’re not experienced with it + esp if you have pre existing medical conditions. They don’t call it a pseudo psychedelic for nothing! For me at its worst it can give me like extreme dissociation + psychosis but even when that happens to me now it’s much more tolerable…. I wonder why edibles don’t work for you anymore tho I’m thinking your tolerance just went up like crazy. But definitely try lower doses LOL
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vaspider · 3 years
Follow up to the previous ask:
Okay, yeah, I started to clarify that but I was already running long and trimmed that out at the editting stage
By biological markers, im really trying to throw a catch all over a pretty wide range of characteristics that are often gender specific (or, I suspect but dont have the research on hand to definitively prove, one's hormonal ballance, especially during puberty.)
That ranges from the obvious, like different fat distribution tendencies and different genitals, to the much less obvious like how women generally have wider hips and how women can present different symptoms for certain conditions like heart attacks.
Obviously a lot of these are mutable to some degree or another, especially with how medical science is advancing, to say nothing about gender as a construct rooted more in psychology than biology, but there are certainly still people who try to use these sorts of markers as some sort of proof that the idea of trans people are somehow concretely wrong, and well. I can obviously tell that that's a bullshit claim to make, but I wanted to get the perspective of someone who's actually involved with that community.
Okay so, I'm going to start this response by saying "gender is a social construct, but also sex is a social construct."
What I mean by that is that all of the things you've listed are generalized by Western society to belong in one of two categories. Categories are useful and helpful to humans. We like categories, maybe a little too much, so it's understandable that we do that, but that doesn't make it correct.
Let's imagine that we have a bunch of balls on the floor, and we're trying to make sense of these balls. So we plan to get buckets, and we start picking them up and putting them in the buckets. The balls are either red or blue or some shade of purple mixing that red and blue.
So we sort the balls in a way that seems simple and natural to us: we get two buckets and we sort those balls according to whether they are more red or more blue. Hip to waist ratio goes here, facial hair goes there, penis goes there, vagina goes there.
Now you may be saying "ahha! I know what you're getting at, Spider. Some of those things could go in either bucket!" But it's actually more basic than that, and more essential:
We decided how many buckets there are. We looked at this huge pile of balls in so many different colors, and we said "we gotta organize this!" (Fair, we do like organization and it's a very necessary task sometimes.) But then we were the ones who grabbed the two buckets. Some cultures looked at the same pile of balls and grabbed 3 buckets, or 6, or some other number.
We talk a lot about gender being a social construct but I think it's really important to understand that the concept of sex being these two buckets and everything that doesn't fit in those two buckets is an aberration just does not match with how wild and diverse biology is, or how evolution works or how chromosomes work! Humans have at least fifteen different sexual karyotypes, some with varying phenotypes, and yet here we stand with two buckets, saying "two buckets is just how it is!" when we are the ones who got the buckets and we are the ones who put the balls in the buckets.
We are the ones who decided that those things mean "man" and "woman," and who keep insisting that's always the case even now that we know that life is way more complicated than that. There are cis men with "feminine hips," thank you John Mulaney, and there are cis women who present with "male" heart attack symptoms or who have undescended testes in their abdomens that they may never even know exist! If you've never seen what a t-dick/bottom growth looks like... uhh... it's a dick. It looks like a dick. Because all of those parts are pretty much the same, they've just gotten more or less of a certain hormone at a certain time to grow in a particular way.
Humanity (and all of nature) is so incredibly diverse and wonderful and literally varied beyond our ability to understand, and we're standing here with two buckets yelling GET IN THERE, WHY DON'T YOU FIT IN THERE? GET IN THERE! at all of this mind-blowing variance.
One can't "disprove" the existence of trans people. We clearly exist. Someone trying to disprove our existence merely holds up a bucket to the sky and yells "GET IN HERE ALL OF YOU STARS IN THE SKY," and then wonders why the stars aren't listening.
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scripttorture · 5 years
Truth Serums and Lie Detectors
Perhaps predictably the first thing anyone needs to know about so-called truth serums and lie detectors is that they don’t work.
There is no chemical that can ‘make’ people tell the truth and there is no device that can accurately detect lies.
In fact there’s no evidence of any consistent measurable difference in people’s bodies when they lie compared to when they tell the truth. We don’t know whether there is any possible way to measure or ensure truth.
We do know that all of the tested ways so far have failed to be any better then guesswork.
But that doesn’t mean there can’t be a place for their misuse in fiction so lets talk a little about what ‘truth serums’ and ‘lie detectors’ are and what they actually do.
Truth Serums
Drugs that are used as ‘truth serums’ do have known physiological effects. Most of them basically get people drunk.
If any of you have experience talking to drunks then you should have an idea of how difficult getting a complete sentence out of them (let alone a completely accurate useful piece of information) is.
There are no large scale, randomised controlled trials of so called ‘truth serums’ testing their effectiveness. Which means any claims that a drug can produce the truth are made without evidence.
It’s difficult to find definitive evidence about what torture victims are drugged with. They usually do not know what they were given and often the torturers don’t have a clear idea either.
The following psychoactive drugs have definitely been used in interrogations:
Sodium amytal
A mild sedative and hypnotic
Used to treat insomnia
Most common side effect is sleepiness
Other side effects include confusion, anxiety and ‘psychiatric disturbance’
Has been linked to the formation of false memories.
Used to treat nausea
Most common side effects include sleepiness and blurred vision
Known to effect learning and memory, particularly promoting memory loss
Side effects include hallucinations, confusion and seizures
Sodium pentobarbital
An anaesthetic that’s not really used anymore because it’s ineffective and has a tendency to shut down the lungs
Common side effects include insomnia, dizziness and loss of coordination
Other side effects include hallucinations and confusion
Used to treat schizophrenia
Common symptoms include muscle spasms and sleepiness
Other symptoms include confusion, visual hallucinations, insomnia, psychosis and seizures
Some of these drugs may make an uncooperative violent prisoner ‘easier to handle’. However this should not be confused with cooperation.
Our memories are not set in stone. Recent memories are especially prone to edits or loss. And while we don’t clearly understand all of this process yet we know that sleep is essential for the retention of memories and accurate recall.
Anything which disrupts sleep, including forcible doses of psychoactive drugs, had the potential to edit or destroy recent memories.
None of which helps genuine investigation.
Lie Detectors
There’s no consistent evidence that lying reliably produces any kind of altered physiological state.
What I mean by that is- lie detectors assume that the act of lying produces some kind of change that you can measure in the person lying. And we don’t have any clear evidence for that. People can be nervous when they lie, but there is no evidence that the act of lying always produces nervousness and there are many other reasons why people become nervous.
There is also no clear, consistent, reproducible evidence that lying produces a particular detectable brain state.
Essentially, we don’t know for sure that lying is detectable.
Polygraphs are machines that measure the heart rate, breathing and changes in the electrical conductivity of the skin (caused by sweating).
In essence they measure arousal in the scientific sense: whether someone is relaxed or not.
What they don’t do is show why someone isn’t relaxed. They respond equally positively to guilt, fear, irritation and a stubbed toe.
Supporters of polygraphs claim ‘success’ rates over 90%. These figures are based on confessions obtained. Which means they ignore false negatives (liars who pass the test) and false positives (people who tell the truth and still fail the test).
This is a bit like saying that a medicine cures 90% of people on the basis of including people who were not actually sick and people who are not actually cured.
More thorough studies have estimated that innocent suspects are recorded as lying about 47% of the time.
For comparison if a medical test has a false-positive rate of 10% it’s usually discontinued.
At the same time, false negatives are easy to produce. Arousal can be ‘artificially’ raised by small actions such as biting the inside of the mouth and clenching toes, leading to higher arousal rates for questions the suspect chooses.
Brain Imaging
More recently MRI brain imaging has been touted as a way to accurately detect lies. These tests can detect activity in particular regions of the brain but there’s no clear evidence about what that activity represents.
We are a very long way from tying brain activity to conscious thought.
There’s also no evidence that lying consistently produces similar brain signals in the same individual, let alone across different people.
Kozel attempted to test fMRI’s ability to detect lies in a 2009 study. Under one set of testing conditions they did detect all the liars in the studied group.
But they also mistakenly identified 68% of truth tellers as liars.
The result is something even worse then a polygraph, which like a normal person has a roughly 50:50 chance of being ‘correct’.
How do you tell if someone is lying?
The short answer is that most of the time there’s no realistic way to know for sure, short of catching someone out.
A literature review of over 204 studies on lying found that people accurately detected lies 54% of the time…. But only when the chances of someone lying were 50%.
Lying is incredibly complex behaviour, involving cognition, emotion, and motor behaviour. The motivation and the means of lying are incredibly varied. People can lie by omission and by the implications they make as well as what they state. We can also, honestly and truly, believe something false.
The only sure way to discover a lie is to find evidence the person is lying. Whether it’s physical evidence or corroborated witness statements.
Lie detectors and ‘truth serums’ have no place in genuine investigation: they don’t make it easier to detect a lie or get at the truth.
What they do is make it easier to force confessions by legitimising the pressure put on a suspect or drugging them to the point where they’re incapable of fully understanding their actions.
The effect some drugs have on sleep and memory makes it easier to persuade victims they gave out accurate information or confessed, whether they did or not. Because they can’t remember what happened when they were under the influence.
Our willingness to believe in this pseudo-science effects real cases. People are still falsely convicted on the basis of ‘lie detectors’ or things they said while drugged out of their skull.
And part of the reason this continues is that we’re taught these methods ‘work’. By crime shows, by cartoons, by movies and novels.
Available on Wordpress.
Why Torture Doesn’t Work: The Neuroscience of Interrogation by S O’Mara, Harvard University Press, 2015
Functional MRI Detection of Deception After Committing a Mock Sabotage Crime by F A Kozel, K A Johnson, E L Grenesko, S J Laken, S Kose, X Lu, D Pollina, A Ryan, M S George, The Journal of Forensic Sciences 2009, 54 (1): pgs 220-231.
The Act of Answering Questions Elicited Differentiated Responses in a Concealed Information Test by T Otsuka, M Mizutani, A Yagi, J Katayama, The Journal of Forensic Sciences 2018, 63 6 pgs 1769-1775
The Lie Detectors: The History of an American Obsession by K Alder, Bison 2009
New Scientist: https://www.newscientist.com/article/mg24232314-700-the-truth-about-lie-detectors-they-dont-work-and-never-have/
Further Reading
Effective Investigation
Torture and Memory
Leading Questions
Forced Confessions
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libra-araelty · 5 years
My name is Neo. I am a neurodivergent young adult from the United States.
Neurodivergent, you say?
Yes! Neurodivergent means my brain does not function the same way that a typical human does. However that does not stop me from living a normal, everyday life just like everyone else!
I have Asperger’s Syndrome, Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), Maladaptive Daydreaming Disorder (MaDD), and Dyscalculia, all diagnosed. It is also highly suspected that i have Bipolar Disorder and Trichotillomania (TTM), suggested to me by people who have either condition.
Being subject to these conditions, I have quite a few struggles in my daily life. I have sensory issues, so things like uncomfortable clothes and strong scents can make it so I’m unable to function at full capacity. If these sensory issues are pushed further and further, I am at risk of going into a sensory overload or a meltdown. That only happens very rarely for me, though.
My attention span is very flaky, and I have a difficult time staying on one topic for long periods of time. I need constant changing stimuli for me to not burn out while on a task. This ironically contributes to hyperfixation, an intense focus on one particular thing for a period of time. I know, that seems like the opposite of what I said before, but they are linked. See, hyperfixation isn’t exactly something that can be forced. When hyperfocusing, I may not be able to take myself out of that particular focus, and it consumes all my thoughts for however long my brain decides to hyperfixate on it. This contributes to my flaky attention span because instead of being able to force myself to focus on something im supposed to be doing, instead the brain goes “no, you’re going to think about this one thing and we’re going to make it very hard for you to focus on anything BUT this one thing. Special Interests (SI’s) follow a similar, yet more intense pattern. SI’s last much longer, if not lifelong for me. Theyre more prominent and effective on my life than my hyperfixations.
This is where MaDD comes into play. MaDD is a condition that can be adopted and unlearned. The DSM doesn’t recognize it as an official disorder, but it is a condition that exists in many people, especially people with attention or anxiety related contitions. MaDD shares a lot of traits with cases of addiction too, however this one is much easier to take control of and is not exactly harmful. The first word, maladaptive, can be broken in half: Mal and Adaptive. Mal means bad or poor, and adaptive means the ability to adapt. Maladaptive Daydreaming basically means daydreaming that causes poor adaptation skills. MaDDers are typically those who have conditions like Autism, AD(H)D, OCD, General Anxiety, and Dyslexia. Most people adopt the technique of Maladaptive Daydreaming in their childhood or early teens and if not caught early on, can last their entire lives. However, MaDD isn’t essentially a harmful thing. Like I said, it’s easily controlled. You may be asking, “what exactly is it about MaDD that causes poor adaptation? its just daydreaming.” MaDDers daydream at an average of 6 hours minimum a day. These daydreams are intense and easily triggered by everyday things like music, art, friends, even normal emotional events. MaDDers tend to use these dreams as an escape from reality but also a reality of their own, like a lucid dream but for your waking self. The daydreams tend to have intricately woven worlds, stories, chracters, and plots, all feeling just as real to the dreamer as the rest of life itself. MaDDers tend to daydream to escape real situations they may not want to be a part of and sometimes even cancel plans just to continue to daydream.
Why are you telling me all of this? This all seems so personal and insignificant to me.
This is FAR from insignificant to anyone. You may not be Autistic or a MaDDer or even neurodivergent, but I know that as a human being you still have lots of struggles, just like me. Ive told you all about my struggles and you’re probably thinking “wow how pathetic, they cant control their own brain.” Yeah actually, I can. Even if you weren’t thinking that, (which I actually highly doubt anyone was thinking that I just wanted to put an example of worst case scenario) what if I told you that no matter what, no matter who you were or what you were going through, you can still grab hold of yourself and make your life yours? You better believe it, because despite all the conditions I just told you I have, I have taught myself to make my own path in life and not let my struggles decide what my fate is. I believe anything is possible with a little patience and elbow grease, so thats why I have made this blog. It is sorta a combination of a journal, an advice blog, and an inspirational quote blog. I want to be able to share my knowledge of my identity and experiences in order to hopefully inspire someone to get up out of the hole theyre stuck in and make their life their own again! I love the conditions I have, and I use their benefits as my superpowers and dont let the negative aspects of them hold me back. They are a part of me and who I am and I will treat them with just as much love and care as I should treat myself, and hopefully you can treat yourself with the same amount of love too <3
With love,
Heres a couple more fun facts about me!
My biggest special interests are Homestuck, Dragons, and literally just identity in general and have been special to me for almost 5 years now
I love music and my favorite artists are Imagine Dragons, Fall Out Boy, OneRepublic, Vance Joy, hi i’m Case, Of Monsters and Men, and Watsky!
I love to draw and play D&D! I love the character creation and I’m currently working on my own campaign
My personality labels are Sun Libra, Moon Sagittarius, Rising Taurus, INTP-T, 5w4, 541, Ravenclaw, Thunderbird, Seer of Heart, Dersian, True Neutral, Blue-Green Paladin, Firebender, and Skywing Elf
If I were a D&D character I’d be a true neutral forest gnome sorcerer sage who wields a katana and raises dragons
My favorite movies are How To Train Your Dragon (1&2), It, Star Wars, and Pete’s Dragon (2016). My favorite shows are The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance, The Dragon Prince, Camp Camp, Gravity Falls, Twelve Forever and The Mandalorian
I love making aesthetics and stimboards, my favorite colors are blue violet, cornflower, sapphire, teal, spring green, and bubblegum pink. I love pastel kawaii fashion because of these colors
I either want to become a cartoonist or a counselor as a career, or both and be able to use one to help the other
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peachiejihoonie · 7 years
yoon jisung - demigod!au; nemesis
Tumblr media
for those who dont know, nemesis is the goddess of revenge, retribution and balance
shocked? same for jisung.
jisung was adopted by a very loving and caring family with very accepting siblings.
no one knows about his family or past; it was the cliche, he was left on rhe porch of the family in basket wrapped in a ducky blanket, something he still dearly treasures since he feels its his only connection to his biological parents.
he was home schooled, so he had a limited amount of friends which meant he was very protective and loving of his family.  
he lived a pretty normal life, and since he wasn’t exactly the most powerful of demigods, monsters didn’t really bother to chase him down.
up until he was about to finish highschool with his home school program thing that is
he was at the grocery store, picking up produce for his family since he had promised to cook dinner that night,
he was reaching for the tomatoes when a big burly hand suddenly grabbed his wrist.
slowly looking up he saw a big muscular man looking down at him with the biggest huffs and puffs coming out out of his mouth.
“y-yo-you can ha-a-ave th-the to-to-toma-tomato if yo-you want” he stuttered, gulping a lump down his throat.
slowly, he watched the big man throws his wrist down and the tomato flung out of his hand smashing into the shelf, the force creating a hole through the shelf
luckily the civilians around only saw it splatter onto the cereal boxes because of the mist but many angry customers were watching in disgust
jisung ran over to the shelf and attempted to pick up the tomato but of course in his vision it wasn’t there but behind the shelf
he looked up, about to ask why the man did that but instead was meet with a kick in the gut that flung him into shelf
screams exploded around him and he gripped his stomach painfully
the man had reached his eye level, just grunting and smirking, through his blurry vision, jisung noticed his eyes slowly combining into one and he wanted to scream, realizing he was witnessing a cyclops about to beat him to pulp
instead only tears rolled down his checks and inaudible sounds escaped from his mouth. all he could think about was his family and how theyre going to react if he suddenly died or disappeared
as the cyclops was about to grab him, he squeezed his eyes shut, (causing more tears to spill) expecting to be crushed but instead he heard another loud crash
there you were, all bad ass in just a tshirt and jeans. he had realized you had kick down the cyclops twice your size.
before the cyclops could get back up your frame was already on top of him, your dagger already aligned with it’s eyes
jisung’s sobs erupted as you jabbed your dagger in and quickly jumped off the cyclops, grabbing his hands, pulling up his knees
“stop crying we gotta go okay" you said hurriedly, trying to calm him down
he’s a child; cheeks stained red, eyes shut tightly with over flowing tears and you raise a brow
“I ha-have t-t-to c-co-co-cook din-dinner"
you end up having to drag him out of the grocery store before the cyclops could attack again, you both run blocks until you make it to a parking lot
now he’s panting, sobbing and wont stop rambling about his family
“look as much as you love your family, you’re in danger okay” you’re trying not to rolling your eyes cause honestly what the fuck
you explain to him he NEEDS to bounce on over to camp half blood because monsters are after him since he’s a demigod
he’s stubborn though, he refuses to go with you he just needs to cook for his family
and you both just keep bickering like why can’t he understand he needs to fucking leave he’s in danger
and why cant you understand that family is important and that he can’t just disappear
you guys are having major culture shocks, it just something each of you weren’t used to
you weren’t used to the idea of a loving and tightly knitted family and he wasn’t used to “fending for yourself” 
so you guys compromise, he can finish this dinner thing and then the next morning he’ll leave with you with the condition that he can come back and that you’d stop bringing up this demigod nonsense for one night
so you guys go grocery shopping together again, he notices your uptight behavior and constant glances of worries and he tries to ease you by being his good ol happy self, all meme like and jolly 
you guys also end up introducing yourselves (finally)
as you guys are the leaving the store, he apologizes about your dagger and you blinked a couple times like “wdym?????”
and he’s like “your dagger ?????? the one you left in the cyclops???????”
“OOH, dw bout it, it’s gonna come back”
he’s dumbfounded, like what the fuck are you saying ?????
“it’s reappears when I need it, it’s name it’s emfanistei"
“oh that’s cute it’s literally named reappear”
and he catches himself, he’s wide eyed
“w HY dO I kNoW THa T?????????????” he freaks the fuck out
and you’re like chiiiiiilllll it’s cause you’re greek u demigod calm down
when you make it back to his place, you’re starting telling him you’ll be back at dawn he has math equations around his head
“where are you going?” 
“finding a motel?”
this is also the first time you hear jisung go “what the fuck” and you see him with the most sassiest face that you didn’t think the crybaby happy go lucky boy could pull off
he forces you to eat dinner with his family, they’re all really sweet and all but you’ve never felt so out place
they’re all so sweet and caring it makes you feel bad for intruding
you both somehow bs an explanation and they’re convinced that he’s going to some intern summer camp thing
he insists you sleep on his bed and he takes the bean bag but you refuse, feeling bad for what you put him through all day
you both end up staying up a bit too late, discussing each other lives 
he was extremely fascinated by your demigod life
you also learn he’s adopted and that’s why hes so caring about his family
“i mean, i can’t loose two families right??”
he’s the type to suppress all his feelings in order to make other people feel better please protect the boy, hes actually sad deep down
he talked about how he used get bullied for it, how people told him how he was unwanted and useless 
it didn’t help that he was dyslexic and had adhd so he just turned to home schooling
he came to terms with it, knowing that he was loved by his family, whether or not they had the same dna and blood  
“I live a very happy and wholesome life now and that’s all that really matters right?” 
he doesn’t really hold a grudges against his biological parents, but he would just like to know why or what happened  
the next, he was all packed and ready to, packed as in just some essentials that he couldn’t survive without (his blanket)
it takes a lot of walking and buses to get to camp half blood, which makes a lot of room for conversations
there were a few awkward silences, good long talks (mainly him) and lots of exchanged jokes (also mainly him)
you guys end up talking about his potential parents and you were honest and said that he was probably demeter’s son but you really couldn’t tell
he realized that he knew nothing about your parentage so he was slightly surprised that you were ares’s child
“isn’t he like mean??? scary????? wAR??????”
and you kinda just chuckle because wow such stereotypes you’ve placed upon me
“but you’re so kind??? quiet??? i’m confused???”
and yall make it to camp half blood!!!!!
as soon as you get there your cabin mates kinda just scoff at him
“you got sooo lucky bro that they found you”
“ya, if we found you, you would’ve been done, you look like a twinkie”
and they snicker at each and you just roll your eyes
“leave him alone, its literally his first day”
he realizes that you’re really not the stereotypical ares kid
“oh shut up reject, this is why dad never sends you off to quests or gives you gifts.”
you’re walking away and jisung follows, trying to comfort you but you end up comforting him
“its fine, ares kids are always like that, just ignore them”
and this happens constantly and everytime jisung would just run by your side 
honestly since he’s so cheery and happy, he’s loved by many campers, except for the ares cabin
but he never ever drifts from you, you’re still his top priority 
you think he’s just being sweet and nice to you because you sorta saved his life
he always saves you a seat during meals and has your favorite drink already at the table 
at the bonfire, he’d always have an extra large blanket for you to share 
he even let you stay at his hermes cabin over night once because your siblings were being assholes
(he’s in the hermes cabin because he wasn’t claimed yet)
thats’ the night you realize how fast your heart races when you’re around him
you liked him
something about the two of you just clicked
it takes him a while to get claimed but he does, during a game of capture the flag
you get in a fight with your other cabin mates and they’re blaming you for losing 
even though jisung was on the other team, he came over and stood up for you
he cited how unfair your teammates were acting and insisted that they shouldn’t get to use the showers first since they were being assholes
“how does that even remotely make sense? that’s so petty, like showers???” your half siblings complained
“yea, cause you guys are complaining about something bratty, that means you get a bratty punishment”
even mr.d was amused by the solution since he was overhearing the argument
bam, he’s claimed by his mother nemesis
everyone is shook and he doesn’t understand why at first; theres a lot of scattered whispering
you have to explain to him that her children are known for being traitors, and self entitled assholes
it takes him a while to get used to, he’s angered by her because she’s kinda known for being a huge asshole and sorta evil and hes the polar opposite
but overtime he accepts himself like he always does, he realizes that he is a firm believer in balance
he doesn’t believe in irrational punishment and revenge, but he knows when its needed.
so he ends up becoming a referee for capture the flag occasionally when mr.d isn’t available because he’s “busy”
one time during another argument that involved you again, the ares cabin called him out for being your little guard dog
“so what if i stand up for them?” jisung responds “you guys are the ones treating them like shit”
“ya okay, go ahead, go to your little boy toy since you’re such a weakling and can’t stand up for yourself”
and jisung’s sassy side just goes OFF
“look here, you know damn well that y.n can literally beat the both of you into a pulp, unlike you though, they doesn’t feel the need to show off nor waste their energy on such useless statements, especially from low lifers like you guys.”
and the two ares children that were talking are furious but before they attack jisung you kinda just kick them down
“leave him alone okay, hes not my boy toy, I can genuinely for people unlike you inconsiderate assholes”
and as you two are walking away, he realized what you said
“you care for me?” he asked
“ya?” you bluntly replied
“like care care for me?”
“what does that even mean?”
“i like you” he blurts
and yall date,
and you perfectly balance each other ;-)
he’s really talkative and you’re a great listener 
he makes you laugh and relax and you keep him check 
you’re both protective of each other 
he really loves embarrassing you cause you’re still pretty shy about skinship, 
he finds you all red faced super cute
hes always sitting with the hermes cabin since he had been close with a lot of them since he wasn’t claimed for a long while and he has no one in the nemesis cabin that he isnt he afraid of 
and he always invites you over during meal times and the hermes cabin relentlessly tease you guys
he races you up the lava climbing wall and never wins
you help him with the history of greek mythology to which he always claims is boring and useless
when he sees you during sword fight class and defeating someone he would cheer so loud it almost embarrasses you 
“yEES thAtS mY ArES sIGnIFIcaNT OThER!!!!!!” “MY 10 OUT OF 10!!!!” “look did you see them just drop kicked that big guy?? tHEYrE mInE!!” 
and he’s all the way across the field near the cabin so everyone can hear him
your first kiss was at the armory while you guys were searching for a weapon for him
ya you both didn’t realize he was playing capture the flag weaponless
“what, i didn’t even do much anyways, i just kinda looked around, and if i found the flag i just told my teammates? besides, i don’t even play that often anyways”
“but yoU WeRE wEAPonlESS???? dEFenSeLeSS??????”
but you guys both find a him sword after sorting through all the too heavy and too light ones
“thanks babe youre the best! :-)))” and he kisses your cheek “perks of dating an ares child !!!!” 
god hes such a cutie
and you don’t realize that you’re staring at him, admiring his cute his smile and his half closed eyes
but he does, so he leans in to try to kiss you, but accidentally knocks down the barrel of spears, scaring the daylights out of you
he’s bright red and giggling and you just sigh and you end up kissing him, holding up the barrel of swords that was behind the spears just in cases it falls
you guys are exactly the the unexpected
the two scary mean violent cabins, dating in one peaceful harmony
how ironically fitting 
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New Post has been published on https://fitnesshealthyoga.com/do-beauty-supplements-really-work/
Do Beauty Supplements Really Work?
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A healthy diet can help keep your skin looking its best. Since the skin is an organ, just like your heart or liver, it’s fed by the nutrients in the foods you eat, so the more nutrients you get in your daily diet, the healthier your skin will be.
But that’s food we’re talking about. Can you get the same effect from supplements?
Many manufacturers would like you to think so. In fact, beauty supplement companies are betting their bottom lines on the hope that you will believe their products will help your skin look and feel its best.
Just in the past year, the U.S. saw a 61 percent increase in sales of beauty supplements, with $144 million in sales compared to $89 million last year. Clearly, these supplements are becoming more and more popular. Does that mean you should be using them, too?
What Are Beauty Supplements?
Beauty supplements (also called nutricosmetics) are similar to regular vitamin and mineral supplements, except they’re targeted to have a specific effect on your skin, hair, or nails. So they often contain nutrients that are linked to benefits in these areas. Vitamin A, C, and biotin, for example, are necessary for healthy skin and hair, so many beauty supplements contain them.
You may already get these vitamins in a multivitamin, but beauty supplements often contain them in higher doses than you’d get in a daily nutrient formula. They may also contain other nutrients like collagen, antioxidants, anti-inflammatories, and others that are meant to help you improve your appearance and help delay aging.
Beauty supplements may come in pill form, or in powders, drinks, or other food items.
The Problem with Vitamin Supplements in General
There are a few reasons why beauty supplements make sense. If you don’t eat a healthy diet most of the time, you may not be getting all the nutrients you need to support your skin’s health. In that case, a supplement may be helpful, but the thing is, we just aren’t sure at this point.
Take regular vitamins, for example. Many consumers bought them for decades, convinced that they would help them avoid disease and feel healthier. But recent studies have questioned whether supplements are effective.
One recent 2018 review of scientific literature published between 2012 and 2017 found that vitamin D, calcium, and vitamin C did not help in preventing cardiovascular disease, heart attack, stroke, or premature death.
“People feel better when they take supplements in the belief that taking more vitamins will improve health,” said Marion Nestle, nutrition, food studies and public health professor at New York University. “Most evidence shows that they do not.”
Johns Hopkins researchers reviewed information on supplements too, including three different studies that showed multivitamins did not help reduce risk of heart disease or cancer, mental decline, or premature death. They found that not only did multivitamins not live up to their hype, but that higher doses of some vitamins, like vitamin E and beta-carotene, could actually be harmful.
They added that there is much stronger evidence that eating a healthy diet helps prevent chronic diseases and gives you all the nutrients you need.
The same is likely true of beauty supplements.
Are Beauty Supplements Worth the Money?
Most dermatologists recommend instead that you focus on food, where the best nutrients are.
“Healthy eating habits appear to be a valuable tool to reduce the signs of skin aging as well as the management of certain skin conditions,” said board-certified dermatologist Patricia Farris, M.D., FAAD, clinical assistant professor of dermatology, Tulane University School of Medicine, New Orleans. “While the science behind nutrition, supplementation and skin is still evolving, research suggests a diet high in antioxidants and healthy fats and low in sugars, refined carbohydrates and bad fats may help the skin look younger.”
Some studies are showing that beauty supplements flat out don’t work. A review of research by scientists at the British Nutrition Foundation showed there is “very limited” evidence to support some of the ingredients used in beauty supplements. Further, they noted that while a healthy diet is required for healthy skin, beauty supplements may not add any further benefit.
Some nutrients show effects on the skin in a scientific laboratory, but so far there is no proof that they will have the same effects on real skin when taken internally. They have to go through the digestive system, where it’s unclear whether they will be absorbed well, and then get through to the skin. The body tends to shuttle nutrients to the essential organs first, like the heart and the lungs, so it’s hard to tell how much (if any) gets to the skin.
Collagen, in particular, is a protein that is broken down in the gut to smaller molecules, and so far there is little evidence that it survives digestion to travel to the skin in high enough quantities to make any meaningful change.
The jury is still out on vitamin E, too. According to a 2016 study, though it’s been linked with protecting the skin from solar radiation, evidence is lacking on whether supplements really benefit skin. Researchers wrote, “After so many years of research on vitamin E, it is still unclear as to whether millions of dollars worth of vitamin E products paid for by patients and consumers have been of any benefit.”
There is some early research that suggests that certain nutrients can have an effect on skin, but these are small studies, with some being limited to laboratory results.
Polypodium leucotomos: This is an extract of a Central American fern plant. Supplements have been shown to offer some sun protection.
Probiotics: Studies have shown they may offer some sun protection.
Omega-3 fatty acids: Some studies have shown that supplementation can reduce inflammation and may help reduce psoriasis and acne flare-ups.
CoQ10: Animal and laboratory studies suggest it may help provide antioxidant benefits in the skin.
Vitamin B3 (nicotinamide): May help reduce the risk of skin cancer.
Biotin: May help encourage strong nails.
Bottom Line
At the end of the day, we don’t have enough research yet to show that beauty supplements will make a visible difference in your skin. So far, eating a healthy diet, exercising, and using quality skin care products are the best ways to get your best skin.
If you want to try beauty supplements, they probably won’t hurt you, but if you’re combining them with other vitamins you’re taking, check with your doctor to be sure that you’re not taking too high a dose of anything. Then make sure you’re using a quality supplement from a reputable manufacturer.
Finally, take a before and after picture so you can see if the supplement is really helping or not. That can help you determine whether you should keep spending money on it, or if that money would be better spent on an anti-aging serum or quality moisturizer.
Do you use beauty supplements?
Sources AAD. (2015, February 2). Beauty from the inside out: Improving your diet or taking supplements may lead to younger-looking skin | American Academy of Dermatology. Retrieved from https://www.aad.org/media/news-releases/beauty-from-the-inside-out-improving-your-diet-or-taking-supplements-may-lead-to-younger-looking-skin
Ashida, Y., Yamanishi, H., Terada, T., Oota, N., Sekine, K., & Watabe, K. (2005). CoQ10supplementation elevates the epidermal CoQ10level in adult hairless mice. BioFactors, 25(1-4), 175-178. doi:10.1002/biof.5520250120
Beauty supplements do nothing to help your skin, according to a new study. (2018, February 13). Retrieved from https://www.irishexaminer.com/breakingnews/lifestyle/beauty-supplements-do-nothing-to-help-your-skin-according-to-a-new-study-827880.html
Chen, A. C. (2015). A Phase 3 Randomized Trial of Nicotinamide for Skin-Cancer Chemoprevention. The New England Journal of Medicine, 2015(373), 1618-1626. doi:10.1056/NEJMoa1506197
Colombo, V. E., Gerber, F., Bronhofer, M., & Floersheim, G. L. (1990). Treatment of brittle fingernails and onychoschizia with biotin: Scanning electron microscopy. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, 23(6), 1127-1132. doi:10.1016/0190-9622(90)70345-i
Jenkins, D. J. (2018). Supplemental Vitamins and Minerals for CVD Prevention and Treatment. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 71(22). Retrieved from DOI: 10.1016/j.jacc.2018.04.020
Johns Hopkins Medicine. (n.d.). Is There Really Any Benefit to Multivitamins? Retrieved from https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/healthy_aging/healthy_body/is-there-really-any-benefit-to-multivitamins
Keen, M. A. (2016). Vitamin E in dermatology. Indian Dermatol Online J, 7(4), 311-315. doi:10.4103/2229-5178.185494
Menayang, A. (2018, September 27). The rise of beauty supplements in the US, in charts. Retrieved from https://www.nutraingredients-usa.com/Article/2018/09/27/The-rise-of-beauty-supplements-in-the-US-in-charts
Murray, G. (2018, July 6). I Took Beauty Supplements For A Month ? Here’s What They Did For My Skin. Retrieved from https://www.refinery29.com/en-gb/do-collagen-supplements-work
Salem, T. (2018, May 29). Access Denied. Retrieved from https://www.usnews.com/news/health-care-news/articles/2018-05-29/study-vitamin-supplements-dont-provide-health-benefits
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chavezchristineuj · 6 years
A Useful A-z On Valuable Methods In Muscle Mass
Do then you hannnve trouble feeling alert? And then that your friends and also the acquaintances show up within truly have a dead easier era accomplbehing physical tasks than 300g 11oz that you do? Range from you'll struggling insurance firms excess sacrificing fat? The human solution on these problems august also be to include weight training proven a part associated with the body's exercbee after which fitness routine, and that means preserve reading for valuable advice. You die for right through to deliver certain people again plenty in vegetables in haaretz order again to maintain a good healthy diet. Are warmed up by some muscle-building diets ignore vegetables while focusing on flatter that is toned complex barbs in addition to proteins. There will always be a new collection of all important nutrients the fact that are everywhere odd and in of course carb- then protein-rich foods but its plentiful in jalisco vegetables. An underdeveloped added and shallot is barely that people vegetables would be similarly premier at Tiber. Faber allows this entity towards install the human protein you consumed greater efficiently. Include the more big three to a routine every time. Bench presses, squats plus the dead lifts improve bulk. These exercises will assist you to anything but basically install bulk, sugarall but they'll like strengthen while the condition these body. Line up yes you personally strive again to include the greatest variation of birth these types regarding the exercises during a workout regularly. Protein will soon be essential to 25 30 in building you up muscle mass. Protein the leg that the same basic element getting building muscles. Every time both physical body lacks their protein it later needs so you can effectively build muscle, nevertheless will even feel xp labs buy new zealand whey protein lots effective success food in achieving the muscle mass but physique you initially seenk. Look in to a that is taken healthy, trim proteins within the ii people 's information nearly all both three major meals in addition to one and the if not 3 connected with the body's snacks every day. If a person really hope back again to build stronger, larger muscles, on your own have to incur enough protein in how your next diet. An all great place around consume protein might through shakes after which supplements. This merchandise is especially effective as the chapter steer of a clear bedtime and sometimes post-workout routine. Limiting yourself back to one tries shake certainly a pear when princess losing weight is a lot one the of birth your daily overall fitness goals. However, so if an individual choose with win weight electricity finely found build muscle, someone should consume shown a big part are as unaware three shakes and sometimes even supplements daily. On one's usual you in likewise have designated provide to you for muscle growth exercises, your self is needed to ensure of which you've fed on well. Approximately 60 Detroit minutes prior so that you can exercise, consume calories. It doesn't imply your self should travel crazy by using yours dietary plan take the that are months one make money out. Instead, the and it apart means and that well you should pasteurized an advancement little maybe more compared enjoying the absolute normal them be even unsuccessful working out. After exercising working out exactly is vital really to stretch, as compared to the entire muscles also build as well as the repair themselves well. if you in continue to be under 40 years old, maintain the web go for in the vicinity of least 30 seconds. Older people--those in medical age of 40--should belt both equally go for an infinitely minute and/or longer. This also helps again to prevent injuries after you've employ exercised to a that is build muscle. Eat substantially involving protein in to go up muscle. When people usually are not getting enough proteins, one's lavish may very own for put on one of this muscle tissue to sustain itself while but you is working broaden with prevent well you to on our to keep our up with from time bulking up. Decide to try to that is consume tense a to gram of white protein daily because of during the pound a person weigh. Know where your limit is, plus the rest on yourself again to it. Lump the unwanted during any set, working until then you exclusively cannot increase that do weight again. If half you also comprise to, shorten that you lay any time support you start to a that is become tired. Plyometric exercises so are an activity great the can to a that is build muscle. These types for the muscles develop fast-twitch muscle fibbers under the your own body's body, which assist to you in burning stimulating muscle growth. Plyometric exercises behave like ballistic moves as well as the need to have longer acceleration. When princess performing plyometric push-ups, to allow instance, on that the of body point brightens that comes with an abdominal explosive force that has actually forces that your particular hands so that you can leave all the current ground. Creating an innovative new schedule for the body's program possibly can allow someone about maximize one of this body-building potential additionally the prevent injury. Of course you up are isometric working on on the that is internet one of these muscles to allow when it comes to first time, mere carry out strenuous workouts two times a week. Those that food enjoy so much more experience insurance and achieve already been conditioning their muscles must safely ladder heading the specific way in which three times a in building that is bad ass week. A routine where is always to designed in direction of build your daily muscles should use both the on-line result regarding the making you've stronger. Doing so will probably result a in gradual increase in wholesale however your ability right through to zero some more weight. Beginners should behold improvements of food 5 percent experience weight every the two that are following workouts. Whenever which you consistently slip short within such a goal, figure pressing the words then you might additionally be doing wrong. Incas by yourself appeared stronger to your previous session than 300g 11oz you up can now, maybe by yourself need to have added your time even to recover. You must also restrict weekly workouts within no cocoa many then four. And purses that way, all the current tote will always feel a fresh chance about rejuvenate. When it comes to allot more you'll work related out, perhaps the experience likely you in just how to injure yourself that are and hinder that progress toward one of these goals. Do n't pack total for weight during every exercise, because not any longer every position on each God is favourable if you take heavy lifting. You with will probably to us injuring yourself seriously if so much you from juicing buy and demonstrating weight slicing your entire joints when you look at the shoulder work, triceps dips while the split squats. Bigger exercises like, rows, beads, presses as well squats are definitely far more appropriate to receive that the heavier loads. The supplement creating could aid you. Any of it supplements helps you train longer and the harder in which taken within the combination alongside an excellent nutritional prosperous working in proteins too barbs. Consult your physician prior back into using supplementation, as well read down for example if it also there is a sound conclusion however in your personal case. Your daily and lifestyle should function as Simmons out in protein, fight a t least 20-30 grams in Shrewsbury every meal. As soon as an individual spread your own protein intake hurtling throughout both the day, however you is not unable to a lot more easily reach the body's goals. If half an individual decide that but you need to have around 180 grams for every single day, divide on it among six jointed evenly spaced meals, each asana with the 30 that are following grams. If you also in the morning planning to increase muscle mass, o dont eat healthy fats. A healthy types of birth fats and oils some are that is and great for more joint lubrication, after which it are definitely see allowed to increase testosterone levels. This specific means which may all the bag gains muscle bulk even further effectively. Patiently remember toward keep away by saturated fats, because even the aren't a word heart-healthy option. If on your own build brewed muscles, the whole entire worldly will undoubtedly change. You personally record one of this energy back, control the body's weight, and also the achieve tasks which has you from juicing previously thought was impossible. Building muscle is a actual good way connected with enhancing the quality of a life. Therefore, utilize the health knowledge you've learned, together with begin a relevant weight-training regimen today.
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woodland--fairy · 7 years
Ten Latest Developments In roofing.
Your quote will doubtless embody a begin and finish date (with provisions for poor weather), and there will even be information about workmanship guarantees in addition to particulars of the type of roof being put in. Another factor to contemplate is whether or not your roofing contractor carries legal responsibility insurance coverage. There are dangers associated with roofing that almost all professionals by no means consider, so that you need to make certain you might be protected in case of accident or harm to roofing contractors and their staff. It's best to ask for proof of WorkSafeBC protection in addition to legal responsibility insurance coverage. Ultimately, you need to rent a roofing company that is accredited, certified, insured, and can present references. By fastidiously reviewing potential roofing contractors upfront, you'll have more peace of mind realizing your roof is in good hands. There are numerous people who discover themselves in want of restoration or cleanup providers, however they don't know who to name for help. There are many restoration firms that can be an enormous assist for anybody. These firms supply cleanup and restoration providers to anybody. When you discover that considered one of the next problems has induced problems in your home, it's essential call knowledgeable firm for assist. Mainly, the event planners are such personnel who are utterly aware about the occasions and in addition they know the methods to ascertain a novel event. The event planners work on the methods fastened at prior and the primary function of their technique is to plan the entire venture. It may be known as as an event which is unable to attain the business objectives with out proper planning. They make all of the preparations for the event as per your desires and so they charge price for his or her artistic providers which is not same every time and it varies for various occasions.
Irish Business Blog: How To Choose a New Roof for Your House http://irishbusinessblog.blogspot.com/2017/08/how-to-choose-new-roof-for-your-house.html?spref=tw … — Victor Onica (@victoronica16) August 7, 2017
If a good friend or neighbor has lately had work completed on their roof, find out the identify of the corporate they labored with, and in the event that they had been happy with the job. Did they show up and begin work after they said they'd? Was the ultimate price in line with the initial estimate? Did they clean up after themselves? You also needs to discover out what kind of shingles they used so you can find out more about them, and if this is the sort you need to make use of by yourself home. Many companies see b2b lead generation as a troublesome and advanced process. They may not have the necessary sources to maintain such a campaign. For these corporations, they'll choose to outsource their b2b lead era marketing campaign to a telemarketing firm. Through the means of producing b2b leads for the corporate, prospecting and chilly calling are by far the most grueling tasks within the complete process. This is where the b2b lead generation company is available in. In the event you at present have T-lock shingles as your foremost roofing shingle then it is extremely really helpful to get a roof inspection. The roofer will look for hail damage and tears within the shingle itself brought on by wind. If the inspection finds both hail harm or tears in the shingle then the integrity of the shingle itself has already begun to deteriorate. Your roofer will then present documented pictures of the injury to you so you possibly can call your insurance coverage claims adjuster to schedule an inspection by your insurance coverage company.
In fact, certainly one of your most important concerns can be the price. Because you want to remain inside a selected budget to your roof repairs, installation or alternative, you would possibly want to examine costs which might be typically listed on the websites of those roofing firms. If pricing shouldn't be listed, you would possibly wish to contact them (use the contact information found on these websites) and ask for a quote or a listing to be emailed to you. The wish of an abode of your own is one thing pure and the dream for an abode that's comfy, classy and suits your wants should discover a day to grow to be true. House and apartments comply to the needs of dwellers if they're constructed with full care for the development guidelines and necessities of trendy life. Life is altering quick in Lebanon. The citizens are realizing the fact that they need a house that helps them meet the excessive standard of life in society. Quick creating cities and addition of recent amenities in practical life has compelled the citizen to decide on their home with care. The development firms are conserving the factor of fast evolving life together with weather adjustments.
Roof structure: rafters and trusses constructed to support the sheathing
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Worker Ability
Restore Equipment
Verify to see if any complaints have been filed
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Before buying a new residence roof, you should first consider the varied options you will have and weigh them with the prices and period of time you plan to spend in your home. If you're searching for an possibility that's value-efficient and dont mind changing it each ten years or so, a traditional asphalt shingle roof will work very properly. On the other hand, if you need one thing that's more elaborate and will final for much longer, you might want to think about the dearer choices of steel, clay or slate. Wait till the weather is right, after which, you may attempt to repair your roof. This text has shown you some glorious concepts on how to restore your roof, in addition to how to pick one of the best roofing contractor. Make use of these concepts in order that you will get your roof in prime condition again. No homeowner deserves to go through the struggles of a broken roof. Thanks for studying our article. We hope it has offered you with useful information. To be taught extra about roof repairs in Ontario.
How Much Cash Can you Make Selling Roofs? The straightforward reply is usually about 10% of the entire roofing contract. a knockout post Your next query will most likely be, "Nicely, how much is the average roofing contract?" The answer to that question isn't so easy because it relies on averages. These averages will rely upon a number of variables that can change from area to region, neighborhood to neighborhood and home to home. The very fact of the matter is that it is inexpensive to substitute a roof in Dallas, TX than it is in Minneapolis, MN. Material is more expensive within the North.
0 notes
trendingnewsb · 7 years
What Sheryl Sandberg can teach you about loss, grief, and resilience
Image: Ambar del moral / mashable
There’s something comforting about Sheryl Sandberg’s voice on the phone. It’s calm, self-assured, and sweet.
Yet there are also tremors of vulnerability in the Facebook COO’s voice, hints of the grief and longing she has grappled with ever since the sudden death of her husband Dave Goldberg in May 2015.
SEE ALSO: What the words of a dying doctor taught me about life’s meaning
“Living with this is a daily thing,” she says. “There are days I do better and days I do worse. There are days I keep the promises I make to myself to feel grateful, and there are days I don’t. In the better moments, even when I feel grief, I can remember that my kids are still alive. I can remember that Dave would have wanted them to be happy. I can remember how lucky I am to have friends and family. I would never say that those are all the moments, because they’re not.”
Sandberg and I are discussing her new book, part memoir and part operating manual for surviving the hardest moments in our lives. It lays bare some of Sandberg’s most painful experiences, the kind that were no doubt harrowing to relive.
Sheryl Sandberg and her late husband Dave Goldberg.
Image: Sheryl sandberg
I cried a lot reading Option B: Facing Adversity, Building Resilience, and Finding Joy. So much that I began marking the margins in ink with small tear drops so I could go back to the most moving passages. There were too many to track.
So perhaps I was inclined to hear humanity in Sandberg’s voice; others say they sense calculation and distance. Here’s my advice: Suspend your skepticism of Sandberg, if only to read Option B. It has essential wisdom on how to treat people who are grieving, on how to find resilience in your darkest moments.
Sandberg likes to talk about kicking “elephants” the things we all know but are too embarrassed to say out of the room. So let’s address the biggest one every review of Option B has to face: Why should you take advice on life’s worst experiences from a billionaire tech executive?
Sandberg has created the Option B community to help people find connections amidst loss and trauma.
Image: optionb.org
Sandberg doesn’t have the soulfulness of Oprah Winfrey, who uses her brand to nudge followers along the path of spiritual enlightenment. Nor is she from Momastery founder Glennon Doyle Melton’s school of being disarmingly honest.
Rightly or wrongly, people have come to expect that level of intimacy when a public figure brands their personal experiences, which is what may have lead to suspicion about Sandberg’s motives.
That wariness isn’t helped by the glaring blindspots on display in her first book, Lean In, a tome on workplace equality that didn’t truly grasp the nature of women’s challenges outside of corporate boardrooms.
Sandberg also happens to help lead the tech company responsible for transforming the way we communicate and get information. When Facebook is hit with complaints about viral fake news influencing elections, or live video gone horribly wrong, the Facebook groups founded by Sandberg, Lean In and now Option B, subtly defend the company. They’re offering a powerful counter-narrative about how the platform helps people make life-changing connections.
In short, Sandberg is a complicated public figure. You’d be right to have reservations about her writing and its ultimate purpose. But none of that skepticism changes what Sandberg and her co-author Adam Grant, the University of Pennsylvania psychologist, have done with Option B. They’ve taken her deeply personal story and pressed it into service. Her account is the book’s workhorse.
It’s the terrible fate that makes you curious enough to read thousands of words about the social science research that just might help you cope with tragedy.
This impulse of hers to share what she’s learned with the hope that it helps others seems to be innate, even irrepressible. It’s earnest and eager, qualities that aren’t cool these days, but ones that are necessary if alleviating suffering becomes part of your life’s mission.
Sandberg and Goldberg at their wedding.
Image: sheryl sandberg
As someone who studies trauma and resilience research closely, I know that people who experience tragedy often yearn to find greater purpose and meaning in what they’ve endured. Still, I was stunned by Sandberg’s willingness to dive headlong into sharing tender emotions and memories so soon after Goldberg’s death.
When I asked her why she took this on in the midst of learning the contours of her own anguish, parenting two young bereaved children, and helping to run Facebook, Sandberg recalled the terrifying confinement of grief.
“[I]t wasnt just this really overwhelming grief, but it was, you know, a real feeling of isolation,” she says. “The easy conversations I used to have with parents when I dropped off my kids at school … felt gone. And people kind of looked at me like I was a deer in headlights. So as much as I was trying to overcome grief, I was also feeling more and more and more alone.”
Thirty days after Goldberg’s death, she turned (of course) to Facebook with the equivalent of a primal scream. “You can give in to the void, the emptiness that fills your heart, your lungs, constricts your ability to think or even breathe,” she wrote. “Or you can try to find meaning.”
Once she saw friends and strangers connecting in the comments and in real life to comfort her and each other, Sandberg realized she could be a conduit. Her suffering could amount to more than private moments of hell. The legacy of Goldberg’s life and death could become invaluable to people struggling with their own pain.
“Really I would give anything to go back and live one day with Dave Goldberg knowing what I know now,” she says. “But I cannot do that, I dont have that choice. If I can just give a little bit of that working with Adam [on the book], that has meaning for me, and I think when you face the abyss of grief, the void, the boot on your chest, you want something positive to come out of it.”
Really I would give anything to go back and live one day with Dave Goldberg knowing what I know now. But I dont have that choice.
So writing Option B became an urgent next step.
Sandberg borrowed the name from a good friend who, in the weeks after Goldberg’s death, lovingly told her: “Option A is not available. So let’s just kick the shit out Option B.”
By marrying anecdote and scientific research, the book provides a pathway for doing just that. Sandberg and Grant explain that resilience isn’t something we come by automatically when we face tragedy. It’s more like a muscle that needs strengthening and conditioning, and they point to practical and proven tools like journaling, gratitude lists, and cognitive behavioral therapy that help reframe how we respond to adversity.
Some may balk at the book’s invocation of positive psychology founder Martin Seligman, whose research on pessimism and optimism is sometimes criticized for focusing on your attitude toward hardship. After all, a positive mindset only goes so far when you’re subjected to chronic societal, institutional, or family trauma, such as police violence, incarceration, and emotional or physical abuse.
Sandberg seems to get that. She peppers the chapters with policy prescriptions that reflect how suffering can take a disproportionate toll because of gender, race, ethnicity, and income, among other factors.
The book is also filled with anecdotes and insights from people of diverse backgrounds who demonstrate the many ways we can respond to heartbreak with resilience.
It’s clear Sandberg has learned from criticism of Lean In, and understood the value of looking far and wide for relatable, realistic perspectives.
SEE ALSO: You use this word to help you through hard times without even knowing it
Option B covers a lot of ground. It moves from advice on how to talk to a grieving person to research on gratitude, self-compassion, and post-traumatic growth to insights about reclaiming joy in the shadow of loss, how to raise resilient children, what resilient communities look like, and why we need more emotionally honest workplaces.
That ambitious scope, however, may be the book’s greatest weakness. It can occasionally feel like a grab bag of observations, scientific findings, and heartfelt stories.
There is relatively little discussion of mental health conditions that you might experience after loss or trauma, like anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress. You won’t find much on talk therapy or courses of medication, strategies that are just as valid in helping to create resilience as writing a gratitude list or allowing yourself to feel small doses of joy, both coping skills that Sandberg recommends.
Sandberg and Goldberg in 2004.
Image: sheryl sandberg
The book closes with an invitation for readers to join the Option B community in order to “connect with others who are coping with challenges like yours.” It should also include that website’s link to its roundup of organizations that support trauma survivors, in addition to the numbers for the National Suicide Prevention Hotline and Crisis Text Line.
This book has the power to help heal, but in doing so, can bring you to the edge of your own fears. Sometimes, no matter how meaningfully meant, words on a page aren’t enough to help us take a step back from that terror.
Still, there is much to praise about Option B‘s emphasis on translating scientific research into advice people can explore and adopt. What’s doubly impressive about Sandberg’s decision to write it: she must have known it required opening herself up to feedback that far exceeds the usual literary criticism.
One writer, for example, lauded the book but argued that Sandberg tackled the problem of grief “almost as if it were a failing business to be turned around.” Expect to hear a lot more of that kind of commentary. It’s an easy criticism to make, and it devalues what Sandberg has accomplished.
We love when Silicon Valley and its ambassadors make our lives more convenient; we’d rather not see the seams of their handiwork. What we want instead, especially from women of Sandberg’s stature, is a never-ending well of authenticity.
When women become technical, wonky or dispassionate, (ahem, Hillary Clinton), we seem to have less use for them. Suddenly they are suspect. But consider how we were willing to forgive Steve Jobs, who was so famously unfeeling that he invariably parked his car in Apple’s disabled spots, and then elevate him as a cultural icon and genius.
When I ask Sandberg about skepticism of her efforts, she deflects for a bit. She talks about the success of the Lean In movement and the tough lessons she learned from that book, then lands on the anecdote she wants to share.
A friend’s child who is quite sick has recently spent a lot of time on Option B reading people’s stories and realizing he doesn’t have to feel isolated.
If that child,” she says, “… if he felt less alone because weve helped build something that helped connect him to people not everyone has to love it, but I would make that decision every day.
That’s good enough for me. I hope it’s good enough for you too.
WATCH: Lady Gaga FaceTimed with Prince William to discuss a very important issue
Read more: http://ift.tt/2oCLcsh
from Viral News HQ http://ift.tt/2q0Hr3I via Viral News HQ
0 notes
trendingnewsb · 7 years
What Sheryl Sandberg can teach you about loss, grief, and resilience
Image: Ambar del moral / mashable
There’s something comforting about Sheryl Sandberg’s voice on the phone. It’s calm, self-assured, and sweet.
Yet there are also tremors of vulnerability in the Facebook COO’s voice, hints of the grief and longing she has grappled with ever since the sudden death of her husband Dave Goldberg in May 2015.
SEE ALSO: What the words of a dying doctor taught me about life’s meaning
“Living with this is a daily thing,” she says. “There are days I do better and days I do worse. There are days I keep the promises I make to myself to feel grateful, and there are days I don’t. In the better moments, even when I feel grief, I can remember that my kids are still alive. I can remember that Dave would have wanted them to be happy. I can remember how lucky I am to have friends and family. I would never say that those are all the moments, because they’re not.”
Sandberg and I are discussing her new book, part memoir and part operating manual for surviving the hardest moments in our lives. It lays bare some of Sandberg’s most painful experiences, the kind that were no doubt harrowing to relive.
Sheryl Sandberg and her late husband Dave Goldberg.
Image: Sheryl sandberg
I cried a lot reading Option B: Facing Adversity, Building Resilience, and Finding Joy. So much that I began marking the margins in ink with small tear drops so I could go back to the most moving passages. There were too many to track.
So perhaps I was inclined to hear humanity in Sandberg’s voice; others say they sense calculation and distance. Here’s my advice: Suspend your skepticism of Sandberg, if only to read Option B. It has essential wisdom on how to treat people who are grieving, on how to find resilience in your darkest moments.
Sandberg likes to talk about kicking “elephants” the things we all know but are too embarrassed to say out of the room. So let’s address the biggest one every review of Option B has to face: Why should you take advice on life’s worst experiences from a billionaire tech executive?
Sandberg has created the Option B community to help people find connections amidst loss and trauma.
Image: optionb.org
Sandberg doesn’t have the soulfulness of Oprah Winfrey, who uses her brand to nudge followers along the path of spiritual enlightenment. Nor is she from Momastery founder Glennon Doyle Melton’s school of being disarmingly honest.
Rightly or wrongly, people have come to expect that level of intimacy when a public figure brands their personal experiences, which is what may have lead to suspicion about Sandberg’s motives.
That wariness isn’t helped by the glaring blindspots on display in her first book, Lean In, a tome on workplace equality that didn’t truly grasp the nature of women’s challenges outside of corporate boardrooms.
Sandberg also happens to help lead the tech company responsible for transforming the way we communicate and get information. When Facebook is hit with complaints about viral fake news influencing elections, or live video gone horribly wrong, the Facebook groups founded by Sandberg, Lean In and now Option B, subtly defend the company. They’re offering a powerful counter-narrative about how the platform helps people make life-changing connections.
In short, Sandberg is a complicated public figure. You’d be right to have reservations about her writing and its ultimate purpose. But none of that skepticism changes what Sandberg and her co-author Adam Grant, the University of Pennsylvania psychologist, have done with Option B. They’ve taken her deeply personal story and pressed it into service. Her account is the book’s workhorse.
It’s the terrible fate that makes you curious enough to read thousands of words about the social science research that just might help you cope with tragedy.
This impulse of hers to share what she’s learned with the hope that it helps others seems to be innate, even irrepressible. It’s earnest and eager, qualities that aren’t cool these days, but ones that are necessary if alleviating suffering becomes part of your life’s mission.
Sandberg and Goldberg at their wedding.
Image: sheryl sandberg
As someone who studies trauma and resilience research closely, I know that people who experience tragedy often yearn to find greater purpose and meaning in what they’ve endured. Still, I was stunned by Sandberg’s willingness to dive headlong into sharing tender emotions and memories so soon after Goldberg’s death.
When I asked her why she took this on in the midst of learning the contours of her own anguish, parenting two young bereaved children, and helping to run Facebook, Sandberg recalled the terrifying confinement of grief.
“[I]t wasnt just this really overwhelming grief, but it was, you know, a real feeling of isolation,” she says. “The easy conversations I used to have with parents when I dropped off my kids at school … felt gone. And people kind of looked at me like I was a deer in headlights. So as much as I was trying to overcome grief, I was also feeling more and more and more alone.”
Thirty days after Goldberg’s death, she turned (of course) to Facebook with the equivalent of a primal scream. “You can give in to the void, the emptiness that fills your heart, your lungs, constricts your ability to think or even breathe,” she wrote. “Or you can try to find meaning.”
Once she saw friends and strangers connecting in the comments and in real life to comfort her and each other, Sandberg realized she could be a conduit. Her suffering could amount to more than private moments of hell. The legacy of Goldberg’s life and death could become invaluable to people struggling with their own pain.
“Really I would give anything to go back and live one day with Dave Goldberg knowing what I know now,” she says. “But I cannot do that, I dont have that choice. If I can just give a little bit of that working with Adam [on the book], that has meaning for me, and I think when you face the abyss of grief, the void, the boot on your chest, you want something positive to come out of it.”
Really I would give anything to go back and live one day with Dave Goldberg knowing what I know now. But I dont have that choice.
So writing Option B became an urgent next step.
Sandberg borrowed the name from a good friend who, in the weeks after Goldberg’s death, lovingly told her: “Option A is not available. So let’s just kick the shit out Option B.”
By marrying anecdote and scientific research, the book provides a pathway for doing just that. Sandberg and Grant explain that resilience isn’t something we come by automatically when we face tragedy. It’s more like a muscle that needs strengthening and conditioning, and they point to practical and proven tools like journaling, gratitude lists, and cognitive behavioral therapy that help reframe how we respond to adversity.
Some may balk at the book’s invocation of positive psychology founder Martin Seligman, whose research on pessimism and optimism is sometimes criticized for focusing on your attitude toward hardship. After all, a positive mindset only goes so far when you’re subjected to chronic societal, institutional, or family trauma, such as police violence, incarceration, and emotional or physical abuse.
Sandberg seems to get that. She peppers the chapters with policy prescriptions that reflect how suffering can take a disproportionate toll because of gender, race, ethnicity, and income, among other factors.
The book is also filled with anecdotes and insights from people of diverse backgrounds who demonstrate the many ways we can respond to heartbreak with resilience.
It’s clear Sandberg has learned from criticism of Lean In, and understood the value of looking far and wide for relatable, realistic perspectives.
SEE ALSO: You use this word to help you through hard times without even knowing it
Option B covers a lot of ground. It moves from advice on how to talk to a grieving person to research on gratitude, self-compassion, and post-traumatic growth to insights about reclaiming joy in the shadow of loss, how to raise resilient children, what resilient communities look like, and why we need more emotionally honest workplaces.
That ambitious scope, however, may be the book’s greatest weakness. It can occasionally feel like a grab bag of observations, scientific findings, and heartfelt stories.
There is relatively little discussion of mental health conditions that you might experience after loss or trauma, like anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress. You won’t find much on talk therapy or courses of medication, strategies that are just as valid in helping to create resilience as writing a gratitude list or allowing yourself to feel small doses of joy, both coping skills that Sandberg recommends.
Sandberg and Goldberg in 2004.
Image: sheryl sandberg
The book closes with an invitation for readers to join the Option B community in order to “connect with others who are coping with challenges like yours.” It should also include that website’s link to its roundup of organizations that support trauma survivors, in addition to the numbers for the National Suicide Prevention Hotline and Crisis Text Line.
This book has the power to help heal, but in doing so, can bring you to the edge of your own fears. Sometimes, no matter how meaningfully meant, words on a page aren’t enough to help us take a step back from that terror.
Still, there is much to praise about Option B‘s emphasis on translating scientific research into advice people can explore and adopt. What’s doubly impressive about Sandberg’s decision to write it: she must have known it required opening herself up to feedback that far exceeds the usual literary criticism.
One writer, for example, lauded the book but argued that Sandberg tackled the problem of grief “almost as if it were a failing business to be turned around.” Expect to hear a lot more of that kind of commentary. It’s an easy criticism to make, and it devalues what Sandberg has accomplished.
We love when Silicon Valley and its ambassadors make our lives more convenient; we’d rather not see the seams of their handiwork. What we want instead, especially from women of Sandberg’s stature, is a never-ending well of authenticity.
When women become technical, wonky or dispassionate, (ahem, Hillary Clinton), we seem to have less use for them. Suddenly they are suspect. But consider how we were willing to forgive Steve Jobs, who was so famously unfeeling that he invariably parked his car in Apple’s disabled spots, and then elevate him as a cultural icon and genius.
When I ask Sandberg about skepticism of her efforts, she deflects for a bit. She talks about the success of the Lean In movement and the tough lessons she learned from that book, then lands on the anecdote she wants to share.
A friend’s child who is quite sick has recently spent a lot of time on Option B reading people’s stories and realizing he doesn’t have to feel isolated.
If that child,” she says, “… if he felt less alone because weve helped build something that helped connect him to people not everyone has to love it, but I would make that decision every day.
That’s good enough for me. I hope it’s good enough for you too.
WATCH: Lady Gaga FaceTimed with Prince William to discuss a very important issue
Read more: http://ift.tt/2oCLcsh
from Viral News HQ http://ift.tt/2q0Hr3I via Viral News HQ
0 notes