#but sometimes longer green grapes are better idk man
fishsticksart · 2 years
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Luis Egidio Meléndez, Still Life with Grapes, Figs, and a Copper Kettle, circa 1770, oil on canvas
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jpgluke · 6 years
All planned out // A.I
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Summary: teacher reader meets Ashton’s daughter and falls in love with Ashton (I honestly don’t know how else I could’ve worded this whatever)
Word count: 3.7k
Rating: PG? Idk it’s fluffy
A/n: hi guys this one has been sitting in my notes for like a week and a half without an ending and I was super inspired earlier so here y’all go!!!! Hope you love it as much as I do :^)
Tomorrow’s your first day teaching by yourself. You have everything planned out so you shouldn’t be nervous but somehow you still managed to pick at your fingers thinking about it. You’ve always loved kids so ending up with a 2nd grade class had you through the roof with excitement. Planning things out ahead of time was somewhat relaxing for you.
You weren’t expecting the class you’d start with to be so small. The class was about 13 kids. But you still powered through the first day nerves and you seemed to really enjoy the size as the day went on. The kids seemed to have had a good day granted there wasn’t much actual learning today mostly crafts and talking about their summers. One girl particularly stuck out to you her name was Valerie. She was extremely quiet throughout the summer talk and you noticed she didn’t play with the other kids at recess. But it was only the first day so you couldn’t do much.
After two weeks of Valerie not speaking up in class you had her sit back while you sent the rest of the class to recess along with Mrs. Greene’s class.
“Am- am I in trouble?” Her arms were across her chest as she stood rocking back from her heels to her toes seemingly very nervous. Valerie was not the one to get into trouble usually. “No. No sweetheart. I just wanted to have a chat with you. I know you just moved here this year.” You pointed her to sit on one of the little bean bag chairs you had set up in the little book nook. You sat on the one next to her. “Did you know it’s my first year here too?” You nodded as her little eyes got all big. “Really?” She looked so surprised. “Yeah. I was pretty nervous about starting here. Were you?” You tried to see if she would open up and start talking to you. “I don’t know. I miss my friends back home. No one is nice here” the last few words struck your heart. “Oh no what do you mean by that?” Honestly you could feel the water start to form in your eyes. You could relate to this little girl. You’re family never stayed in a place longer than a year. The frequent moves made it nearly impossible to make friends. No one ever wanted to be friends with the new girl. “The girls dont want to be my friend because I like to read. Isn’t that stupid?” You almost let out a chuckle when she said that because you’re pretty sure those words have come out of your mouth at some point in your life. “We don’t use those words in this classroom girly” you shook your head. She immediately put her hands up to her mouth “I’m so sorry miss. y/n” as soon as she took her hands off her mouth to say something else the rest of the class comes fumbling in. You called a thanks down the short hallway to mrs Greene.
You tried your best to get the short blonde girl to speak up in class. You’d call on her when she didn’t have her hand raised but not too often to make her embarrassed only when you knew she knew the answer. She was a smart kid you just wish she’d make some friends. But since the day you had her sit back during recess she decided she wanted to stay in the classroom with you, sometimes reading a book other times chatting with you about anything and everything. You’ve grown to appreciate this wise 7 year old. Some days she asked if she could sit with you at lunch which you always accepted.
“Do you want my peanut butter and jelly. My dad always uses grape jelly even though I’ve told him I like strawberry.” She held up the sandwich that had the crusts cut off and you looked down at your cheese sandwich. “Hmmm sure. Do you want my cheese sandwich?” You held up the ziplock bag that had your name on it and she grabbed it and tossed her unwanted sandwich on your desk. She sat at a chair she pulled up to sit across from you. “How was your weekend miss y/n?” She muffled through a mouthful of sandwich. “It was alright. Didn’t do much how about yours miss Valerie?” She loved when you called her miss Valerie it made her feel like an equal to you. She was so smart for her age. What she lacked in social skills she made up for in her smarts. “My weekend was awesome! My dad and I went to some weird show that my uncle Luke put on. It sucked but we told him it was great!” She laughed recalling the events. “And after we all went to get ice cream.” Her smile taking over her face. “That sounds like fun!” You nodded as she continued going into detail about everything. “You should meet my dad. He’s so cool he’s like me but BETTER!” Her small voice echoed through the empty classroom and you let out a small shh because other classes were in session next door. “Oops sorry miss y/n but I’m not kidding he’s the funniest person I know” you could tell she loved her dad. “Well I’ll meet him at parent teacher conferences next week. I’ll tell him how great you’re doing!” You started to pack up what you didn’t eat and throw the rest of it in the garbage can. “Now get back to your desk the rest of the class is coming back” you made a shooing motion which caused her to pick up her lunch and put it in the tin box that displayed Spider-Man across it.
You were excited for parent teacher conferences. To meet all the parents of your students. You had everything planned out on what you were going to say to each set of parents or parent. The night was going so well each parent was so kind and friendly they all told you how much their kid loved your class which made your face hurt from smiling so much. The next parent was Valerie’s dad which you were extra excited about.
“Hi. I’m Ashton Valerie’s dad.” You were not expecting this. Ashton was absolutely gorgeous. He was also a lot younger than you expected probably just 30. He had a very strong accent “I’ve heard some great things about you, Valerie won’t shut up about you.” He laughed as he sat in the chair across from your desk. “All good I hope” you returned the laughter. “I wanted to talk to you about her old school life and stuff like that.” You shifted in your seat when you made eye contact with him. “Did she easily make friends? I’m kinda concerned about it because I think at this point I’m her only friend here.” He nodded his head slightly and let out a sigh. “She had a few of them. She’s a pretty shy kid. But the move was really hard for her. I mean living your whole life in one place and then just upping everything and relocating. So I’m not surprised if she hasn’t made very many here.” You nodded. He continued “but lately she seems happy. Whatever you’re doing here she’s excited to come and learn” he smiled which exposed his deep dimples. You could feel some heat rising to your face. Was he really making you blush? How ridiculous he was just complimenting your teaching. “Aw thank you. I enjoy having her in my class.” Your lips formed a soft smile back. As you looked down to your watch the 15 minutes allotted for each parent was almost up so you wrapped up the talk by saying how she was a great student and a pleasure to have in class. “It was really nice to meet you Mr. Irwin.” You stuck your hand out to shake which he grasped with a firm shake. “Please call me Ashton.” He flashed the dimple smile again. He let go of your hand and headed to the door but spun around to the sound of your voice saying “oh also Valerie hates grape jelly.” Which made him let out a hearty laugh “really?” He raised his eyebrows in surprise. “Yeah we always trade when you pack her grape jelly sandwiches.” He shook his head in amusement. And let out a wow and with that he was gone. You had a few more parents to get through but you couldn’t get the sight of Ashton out of your head.
“My dad wouldn’t tell me what happened at conferences but maybe my favorite teacher will?” Valerie was extra chipper today as she munched down very loudly on some chips from her lunch. “We just talked about how much of a menace you are!” You joked with the girl as you played with your food. You have to be honest you couldn’t stop thinking about the short interaction you had with Ashton. He was so kind and spoke so lovingly about Valerie. You knew they had a good relationship by all the stories Valerie would share at your regular lunches but hearing him talk about her made you feel a different way. You kept thinking about those dimples.
It was your turn on pick up duty. Which meant you’d just stand in front of the school and escort kids to their cars or wave off the busses.
“He’s usually here by now.” Valerie was the last one to be picked up and she did not seem happy about it. She was tapping her foot very impatiently. she crossed her arms. It was only 15 minutes after school got released so it really wasn’t that long to wait but Valerie was typically one of the first picked up.
“Darling I’m so sorry.” Ashton came up to the doors but Valerie didn’t budge “I am very annoyed with you” she walked straight passed him and to the car and stood outside the door. Ashton hung back for a few. “I’m sorry I’m not a terrible dad there was a really big accident on the main road and i wasn’t exp-“ you cut him off to assure him you knew he wasn’t a bad dad. “It’s okay really I don’t mind spending a few extra minutes with my favorite.” You made sure to say that extra loud so Valerie could hear you. Which made her laugh and finally uncross her arms. “This might be out of line because you’re her teacher but do you maybe want to join us for dinner sometime? Valerie really likes you and it would probably make her super happy.” Ashton’s words took you by surprise. “Uh yeah sure I- I could do that yeah” you began to feel very flustered. You exchanged phone numbers so you two could figure out a time that would work for all of you. “Dad come onnnnnnnn” Valerie getting noticeably more annoyed with this delay she started tugging on the handle to the locked car. “I’m coming sweetheart.” Before he turned around he winked at you and flashed that unforgiving smile. which instantly made your cheeks turn a bright shade of pink quickly turning before he could see the effect he had on you. You went back to your classroom to bang your head against your desk a few times. But instead you just sat there staring at your phone as if he was going to text you right away. But that was exactly the case he texted you in no time.
“It’s Ashton. But you knew that. Anyways! Does Thursday night work with you?” You could feel a smile creep across your face. You just stared at the message not even thinking of a response just staring at the words on the screen. Thinking what those words would sound like coming from Ashton’s lips. His voice was sweet and smooth. You glanced at the calendar on you desk and saw you had dinner with you mom on Thursday so that wouldn’t work. “I actually am supposed to have dinner with my mom on Thursday is there another day maybe?” You sent the response and almost immediately got the read notification. Which made you super antsy just sitting there waiting for the reply. Watching the three dots go by indicating he was typing. You suddenly felt like you were back in high school waiting for the boy you liked to slide the note back to you while the teacher wasn’t looking. “The only other day we’re available is tonight. But that’s super late notice so it’s okay if you can’t do it haha” you looked at your calendar again at the blank space for today’s date. “No that works great! Do you want me to bring anything?” As you began to pack up your stuff your phone dinged to alert you of a new text from Ashton which you immediately grabbed and read because you have absolutely zero self control. All it said was to not worry about it and sent the address. Another message came in a few seconds later with the time. What were you getting yourself into?
After leaving work you went to get some coffee to give you some energy to get through the night. When you arrived at your house you scoured through your closet trying to find something cute to wow Ashton but still appropriate because it was a students house. You decided on a simple black dress that wasn’t fitted and a denim jacket over it to dress it down a little and headed to the house.
When you knocked on the door you were greeted by the short girl who grabbed your hand and yanked you in. “My dad can’t cook. But I don’t ever tell him. So act like you like it!” Valerie whisper yelled at you. Which you nodded aggressively to show you understood. She then lead you through the beautiful house. You noticed the family pictures placed along the entry way all lacked Valerie’s mother. You tried not to linger because you noticed the blonde girl was no longer in front of you. When you rounded the corner you finally see Ashton and he looked so natural. He was standing in the kitchen over the oven when he turned around to welcome you. “I’m glad you’re here.” Then turned to Valerie. “Set the table will ya kid?” Once the child let the room you wondered over to the kitchen and leaned against the counter where Ashton was cutting some last details for the dinner. “Thanks for inviting me. I honestly haven’t had a home cooked meal since I can’t even remember when.” He let out a soft chuckle which made that ever familiar feeling in your face every time Ashton was around rise to your face. “I wouldn’t get you hopes on it being any good.” He continued chopping what he was working on then looked up at you “I wouldn’t be surprised if Valerie warned you about it” “that was the first thing she said when I got here. Not even a hello first.” He then scraped the vegetables into the salad that was sitting on the counter. He looked like he knew what he was doing and honestly doubted if what he was cooking would be as bad as the child’s making it seem.
When dinner was ready you were ushered to their “proper dining area” as Valerie referred to it as. “It’s so weird sitting here and eating.” The 7 year old joked “we’re usually sitting at the couch watching some dumb reality show” Ashton seemed to shoot daggers at his child “well yeah we do that but we also eat a well balanced diet and at the table too.” He winked at the small mini Ashton who quickly caught on and amplified how healthy they were. “Yeah every morning before school we go running as father daughter and afterwards I hit the gym and lift some weights.” She then shared a glance between you and her father then proceeded to laugh throwing her head back. “What too much?” She held the stare of her father who was turning quite a lovely shade of red. Was his daughter embarrassing him? “Oh you know what I actually do the exact same!” You tried to play along. “Yeah before school I hit the gym and work our hard bro” you made a bench pressing motion over your head. Which sent Valerie absolutely mad she thought that was amazing. You looked over at Ashton while the laughter filled the room. He was laughing too but stopped when he made eye contact and gave you a sweet smile. You extended your leg under the table hoping his would be extended too only to be disappointed to feel nothing but you left it there for a bit just Incase he has the same idea. Valerie continued to joke about something that happened at school today. Something about Billy running into the bleachers in p.e which everyone apparently thought was hilarious. The entire time the small child bantered you and Ashton kept sharing small looks at each other. After the story was over Valerie asked if she could be excused so she could show you something. Ashton agreed and you all gathered your dishes and set them in the kitchen sink. Valerie lead you to the living room which had a big screen tv and a massive sectional she pushed you down in the corner of the couch and she stood in front of the tv. “Betcha didn’t know I’m a ballerina?” She then pressed play on the stereo behind her and a beautiful classical song started and Valerie put on a performance. While Valerie was showing off Ashton came and sat by your side. The distance between you two was a little farther than you had hoped. He sat there watching his daughter dance in the living room with the biggest smile plastered across his face. Even though you don’t know this man very well you could see how amazing he is just by how much he loves his daughter.
When the classical song ended you gave her a standing ovation and applause “that was amazing miss Valerie!” She curtsied and flashed the dimpled smile she shared with her father. “Alright miss ballerina I think it’s time for you to go get ready for bed? How bout it?” Ashton stood up and pushed her in the direction of the staircase. You grabbed the jacket that was lazily slung over the couch to put it on but Ashton put his hand on it “you don’t have to go just yet.” You let go of the jacket. “I guess I could stay a little bit longer.” You teased him and jabbed him with your elbow. He smiled and sat down next to you. A lot less distance this time he had his arm over the back of the sofa turned more towards you. “I don’t wanna like, over step my boundaries but I have a question.” You intertwined your fingers together trying to think of the best possible way to say what is on your mind without coming off to strong. “Shoot” his eye contact was undeniably distracting you and you blurted “what happened to Valerie’s mom.” Which you immediately regretted. You came off so harsh and inconsiderate. “Oh she- she left us when Val was just a baby. Like she popped her out named her and then left.” The eye contact was broken as Ashton stared down at his lap. In that moment you wanted to just hug him and cuddle up next to him. “Oh I’m so sorry.” You shook your head. “But you two seem to be doing great alone.” He let out a pretty loud sigh “Yeah we’ve had a lot of help. My best mates have been great influences in her life. You know the saying it takes a village” nodding in agreement at the very corny saying. “Ahh I’m guessing one of them is her uncle Luke? She told me he’s an actor?” Ashton threw his head back and let out a loud ha. “I guess you could call him that. He owns a small theatre downtown and puts on one man plays that are absolutely terrible. He loves it though so I support him no matter what.” The smile across your face only seemed to get bigger as the conversation went on. He continued to talk about his friends Calum and Michael. You returned the favor and talked his ear off about your best friend Rose. It was truly effortless talking to him. He was such a good listener. You didn’t even notice as you both were chatting you had scooted closer together. His hand grazed your bare shoulder and it sent shivers down your body. His fingers felt like fire for the brief second your skin connected. You could almost still feel the feeling. You definitely wanted to keep feeling that. “It’s getting kind of late I should probably head out.” You looked at the clock on your phone that read it was almost 11:15 “I do have school tomorrow. And I gotta get to the gym beforehand” the dead joke still made him let out a quiet laugh. “Okay I’ll walk you out. This neighborhood is not the best.” He grabbed your hand to help you up off the sunken couch. He didn’t let go of your hand as he led you through the house to the front door. “Here’s my stop.” You joked as you both stopped at your car parked in the driveway. “I guess it is.” His hand still connected with yours. You couldn’t help but break the eye contact to look at his lips. You really tried to restrain from saying something embarrassing. “I’m going to kiss you now. Is that okay?” Ashton’s voice was low and he was inching closer to your face. “I’ve been waiting all night” once your lips connected it felt like you were made for each other. His soft lips against yours was heavenly you wanted to stay here forever but it was mid December and it was very cold outside. But as soon as you pulled away from Ashton’s lips you were pulled back in with his hand on the back of your head fingers tangling with your hair. You let yourself go and cupped his face and deepened the kiss. After a few seconds of the intense kiss he pulled away. “I just might be hot for teacher.” He joked and pulled you in for another kiss.
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rokurookajima · 7 years
chilling at a coffee shop but i don’t have any schoolwork to do so i don’t know what to do with myself, here are some questions and answers
send me a fruit
peach:  do you have any piercings or tattoos?
i do i think at this point i have 13 piercings and 11 tattoos?? which is truly not that many at least for tattoos i guess that’s kind of a lot of piercings raspberry:  favorite flower?
i’m rlly not sure all flowers are pretty but i think i prefer like just plants to flowers, like succulents and herb plans and stuff. i have a tattoo of sage coffee and basil, so i’d say those are some favorite plants lemon:  do you have any pets? what are their names?
none of my pets live with me now bc they’re still at my parents house, but i have two cats named snickers and sunshine, and a bulldog named dallas
mango:  what is your trademark?
wow idk overthinking and always being five minutes away from crying??? funny story tho for literally 13 years i wore this black tattoo choker and never took it off that whole time so that was a trademark for a long ass time. now it’s probably like. purple hair. i guess passion fruit:  how would you describe your style?
so for like 2 years i’ve just been describing my style as “american apparel” bc a good portion of my clothes are all from there, and the ones that aren’t, still had that same sort of aesthetic. but now american apparel is CLOSED idk how much longer i can say that before that won’t conjure a concise visual anymore. but rlly it’s pretty simple. highwaisted pants, crop tops, solid plain colors, no patterns except stripes sometimes, a lot of army green  pineapple:  sexual orientation?
i used to identify as pansexual, but in recent years i’ve been saying bisexual a lot more mostly bc when i talk about it in real life it’s easier to just say bisexual bc everybody knows what that means than to try and explain pansexual, and since then i feel like way more comfortable with that label but im chill with either one. not to say they’re exactly the same but??? y’know. i’ve only had romantic/sexual relationships with men thus far but maybe one day the girl of my dreams will sweep me off my feet strawberry:  favorite desserts?
i’m way more of a salty food person than sweet, but y’know desserts are still always good. i rlly like baked goods a lot, like pastries and shit. plain croissants are one of my favorite things in the world, pumpkin pie bc wow fall i’m basic ok a lot of others i mean there’s really no dessert i don’t like  cherry:  can you play any musical instruments or can you sing?
here’s the thing for most of my life, singing was the one thing i always felt confident in saying i was actually good at. bc i really don’t feel like i’m good at a lot of things, and have always had those kind of feelings. i used to sing wayyyyy better than i do now tho lmao i took singing lessons for years bc i once planned to go into theater as a career path, so my voice used to be way stronger with a way bigger range that has sadly decreased from lack of use. but i mean i guess i can still sing pretty okay. i’ve played the guitar since i was 10, took lessons from 10-17. now i don’t play nearly as often as i used to, but break it out every now and then grape:  if you could take a vacation anywhere in the world, where would you go?
right now i really really want to go to the pacific northwest, like portland and seattle, and also go up to canada and stay in vancouver. vancouver seems like such a cool city i’m very into it. 
banana:  favorite horror movies?
what a QUESTION. ok wow gotta break this down into sub categories i love horror movies and i think about this a lot. for like straight up horror that i love and think are legitimately good movies, american mary, antiviral, it follows, the vvitch, green room, creep (the mark duplass one), daybreakers, ginger snaps, the blair witch project, the silence of the lambs...for like, horror comedies, tusk and murder party & rlly if we wanna count it as horror since it’s about vampires, what we do in the shadows. for like. guilty pleasures/so bad they're good...all the saw movies, devil’s pass, silent hill revelation. and of course, my favorite sub category of all, horror musicals lmao. obviously repo! the genetic opera, both the devil’s carnivals, sweeney todd, i really need there to be more horror musicals tbh  blackberry:  is your life an action film, a comedy, a romantic comedy, or drama?
lmao it’s one of those kind of good kind of shitty coming of age mumble core indie movies. bc i mean rlly. art student, weird druggie friends, everybody is in fucky relationships, we go to waffle house a lot. it’s perfect  pomegranate:  when do you feel the most confident?
lmao also what a question. i guess every now and then i just have random days where i feel rlly good about how i look, usually bc i did something good with my makeup or put together a look i feel good about that’s different from usual, or just like am being blessed by god that day. i feel more confident with my friends typically than when i’m like somewhere alone. also rlly weirdly i probably feel the most confident about myself over all like...during straight up sexual situations. not like in the build up before when it’s like all rlly uncertain and you’re not sure if it’s gonna happen. but like. when you’re for sure certain the person you’re with is already attracted to you and on board with the whole thing and you're just like. ready to GO. i feel pretty confident then. which i always forget til i’m actually in that situation.  cantaloupe:  what are your parents' names?
good ol dave and mariann guava:  dark & dramatic makeup or natural makeup?
all of the above m8. like idk if this is specifically asking what i prefer to wear or what i actually wear more often. bc i mean most of the time, it’s relatively natural or literally just eyebrows and nothing else. most days if i’m actually trying to put on makeup, but don’t have a reason to be dramatic, i just do winged eye liner. but if i have an event or i’m just feeling rlly extra, i love to do more dramatic stuff like red eyeshadow and shit like that  tangelo:  if you could be any mythical creature, which would you be?
idk could i just be a woman with antlers. no other animal parts or anything. i just want antlers  plum:  favorite clothing brands?
rest in peace my sweet sweet american apparel. i rlly don’t know otherwise. i like uniqlo stuff, but haven’t gotten to shop there much ever bc there are no stores around me at all. american apparel was rlly my only brand loyal brand. i don’t know where to go now  coconut:  favorite perfume?
i’ve been using viva la juicy from juicy couture since i was 13 lmao  lychee:  satin or lace?
lace blueberry:  what do you want to dress up as for halloween?
hmmm that’s a good question too. i’m not sure yet. it’s only the end of april so i mean i have a lot of time to think, but i have no clue i should get on that apple:  what do you use more, tumblr or twitter?
probably tumblr, but i’ve used twitter a lot more in the last few months than ever just to tweet dumb things to my friends. i also rlly like seeing content from people i know/vaguely know irl more than anything else at this point, so i like twitter a lot for that. kiwi:  what's something that fascinates you?
uh wow??? a lot of things i guess. i’m pretty fascinated by like...specific niche subcultures?? which is a very vague thing to say but i guess like. there’s this scene in the city i go to school in (guess i live here now too lmao) that i’ve like kind of become a part of, but won’t ever be like as fully a member bc most of them grew up here and went to the same high school, and i find them so interesting. they’re all like kind of ridiculous and a lot of them are kind of pretentious but wow it’s fascinating. guess i’m just really fascinated by people that come from different backgrounds than me?? bc i came from such a like. small, concentrated type of environment from going to the same school for 12 years and being raised in a very religious type of climate, it’s always so interesting to hear about people who were raised completely away from religion and stuff like that. i like hearing about people’s childhoods and high school experiences and what their parents are like  watermelon:  do you have a job? if so, what is your job title?
lmao yes i work at a medical billing company and i think my official title is “medical billing clerk”  papaya:  what song describes your aesthetic?
this is also such a GOOD question wtf. but wow this is really hard?? i’m not sure. one of the first songs that came to mind so i feel like that means it must be somewhat true was off to the races by lana del rey. which rlly is a kind of aesthetic i’m into, like the gross dirty vibes of new york city underground, weird sexual tones, that kinda shit. and i h8 myself but i mean. repo! the genetic opera pretty much shaped a good portion of my aesthetic, so i mean truly the soundtrack describes that aesthetic, specifically zydrate anatomy and night surgeon cranberry:  favorite time of the day; morning, afternoon, dusk, or night?
i rlly like the morning for the vibes and atmosphere most of the time, but i rlly don’t like getting up for it. and it’s also kind of just...contingent on a lot of factors how much i like the morning vibe?? i always like the dusk and nighttime feeling so i guess truly those are my favorite times of day.  nectarine:  would you consider yourself an emotional person?
lmaoooooooooo yes. yes i would. way too much so i wish i wasn’t so emotional bc i’m truly a wreck orange:  do you have long eyelashes?
man i wish i have very average eye lashes  apricot:  what do you do when you're sad?
i mean i’m sad most of the time so what DON’T i do when i’m sad. but for real. depends on what kind of sad i’m feeling. a lot of times i’ll spend a lot of time in the bathtub when i’m sad. i usually try pretty hard to be distracted, so i’ll try to find someone to hang out with, or try to watch something distracting, but pretty much any time i’m alone and really sad, nothing actually distracts me. with people sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. sometimes i just end up telling them how sad i am, which also can sometimes help and i feel better, and sometimes just makes me feel worse for bothering them with it. basically what we can get from this is that i don’t really have any good, helpful coping mechanisms for when i’m sad, and if i did, it would probably improve my life greatly  star fruit:  favorite sea creature?
i honestly don’t know, i’ve never rlly thought about it. sea creatures are all pretty cool but a lot of them are also pretty scary so  dragonfruit:  do you drink alcohol?
yes but not that often. i like enjoy having like just a casual drink with somebody while hanging out watching a movie or something. i like mixed drinks and shit, but i’m not 21 so y’know can never actually order them. i very rarely actually drink like a lot with the intention of getting drunk, but at big parties, i’ll do that. even then i still don’t drink that much bc it doesn’t take that much for me to feel it lmao
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