#but she's Coldbank. she was raised in Coldbank and her family is in Coldbank
i have a quick question - i love how the prides are diverging in appearance, but if the toms join other prides, do the cubs just look like their mothers or do they look more hybridised?
Sorry this question is kinda disjointed
The main traits will come from their dams! So for instance, if you look at Cypress's family, Basil and all of Basil's kids have the scaling you associate with Goldspring. It wouldn't be possible for them to have inherited the tails from Coldbank.
However! Basil and some of her kids do have extra scaling near the rump, and some have smaller ears, larger builds, and thicker fur, a bit like Coldbank. These are secondary traits, which can be inherited from either dam or sire.
Naturally, the prides have changed in appearance throughout time as traits are passed around and outside blood is brought in, and outsiders occasionally show up with pride traits (that the prides would never admit came from them, of course) as well, so I don't really intend for appearances to be a hard and fast rule.
And, for what it's worth, though you might get bullied, the prides also don't look too closely into the appearance of traits associated with other prides because there needs to be a significant amount of "don't ask, don't tell" otherwise inbreeding will crop up. It's sort of one of those things that's politely ignored, and only comes up in court when it cannot be ignored any longer.
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cats-of-eden-valley · 8 months
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name: Cypress
pride: Goldspring
role: Speaker
age: Senior
sex: Molly
traits: Cold, stubborn, protective, unyielding, ambitious
parent(s): Morning Glory, Yarrow
sibling(s): Aster, Hibiscus
1stlitter: Basil (heir)
grandkits: Delphinium (1st), Cinquefoil (2nd), Fennel (2nd)
Perch (coldbank)(ex)(romantic)
Arbutus (platonic)(begrudging confidants)
Honeysuckle (close friend)
Firstborn of Yarrow and Morning Glory's second litter, with her littermate Aster. She never met her older brother, Hibiscus.
Has always been pretty serious and bossy, an opposite to her sister's sunny disposition.
Lost her mother at a young age, throwing her inheritance into question. The pride ultimately decided to let Cypress mature into the role of matron.
Her father, Yarrow, joined the pride after his mate's death, proclaiming he would raise their daughters in her stead. He ended up ignoring them, and his relationship would Cypress and Aster degraded until his relationship with Myrtle comes to light.
Aster and Cypress grow close after Glory's death, and she becomes Cypress's biggest weakness, getting away with what others could not.
Cypress pushed away members of her own pride, not wanting to be hurt again, and started forming friendships outside the pride. She eventually invites Honeysuckle to join.
As an adult, Cypress focused on proving her responsibility, quietly ignoring the looming deadline of a litter on the horizon--the last thing she would need to be accepted as matron.
When the time comes, Cypress chooses Perch of Coldbank as the sire, having built a rapport with him over the course of the season. They grow close, and Perch decides to ask his pride to remain behind for the Sleeping Year, where he begins seeing Cypress in secret.
The rains are late that season, and after Cypress's litter of three are born, she realizes she won't be able to feed all of them. In secret, she sends two kittens away to Coldbank, keeping her final daughter, Basil, as heir.
That same season, Aster dies, leaving behind her two daughters and an angry, vengeful mate. As Basil is weaned, Cypress puts her energy into caring and mentoring her two nieces, and much of Basil's care falls to Honeysuckle and Ursinia.
The previous pride Speaker retires, and after Amaranth spends a couple seasons as temporary Speaker, Cypress is chosen for the role.
As a matron, Cypress prefers to stay away from other prides and stick to Goldspring's own business. She pushes new ways to hunt in the trees instead of conflict with Windswept, and prefers to save the pride's resources for themselves. She's progressive in her approach to old problems, but stubborn even when her way isn't the most right.
Fully endorses Hollyhock's family taking over Locust's matron spot, but sympathizes with Locust, especially as a friend of Honeysuckle.
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