#but nothing soothes the soul quite like not!fic about Stiles threatening Peter's dick lmaoooo
Can we like make a rule that you're not allowed to tag stuff?? Because I never knew I needed Stiles threatening to rip Peter's dick off until now
Lmao you mean these tags? Let’s fuck with the idea for a minute tho.
Let’s say it starts as a friends with benefits situation. Stiles is feeling out what he’s into, exploring the wide wonderful world of sex, ya know. He’s got his Boning Boy Scout uniform on, and he wants to earn alllll the badges. 
Except he realizes he can’t. Like, he’d love to? But he can’t. It turns out that lingering trauma and his basic personality type don’t lend well to one night stands. He needs to know his partner. He needs a relationship. 
But he doesn’t want one. Relationships are work, and he just isn’t interested in expending the energy necessary for one. He just wants to fuck. Get fucked. Do other weird stuff. 
Of course he’s whining about all of this to Scott, and Peter happens to overhear… because he’s eavesdropping. He’s not about to let an opportunity like this pass him by. 
So he ambushes the conversation, touching him suggestively, saying that relationships don’t have to be romantic. They can be platonic. Less energy needed to maintain the relationship, with all the connection needed for exploration. 
Scott has run away at this point, because it’s clear that Stiles is actually considering it. 
“So like friends with benefits,” Stiles says.
Peter shrugs in a so-so gesture. 
“Acquaintances with benefits.”
Stiles’ eyes narrow. 
“Not-openly-malevolent with benefits.”
“Yes! Exactly!”
So they start banging. 
It’s incredible, scorching, deeply satisfying, and absolutely nothing like what Peter expected it to be. He thought he was getting a bit of a naive partner in Stiles. Easier to mold, perhaps.  Not timid, but certainly less experienced and thus less confident. 
Stiles is anything but unconfident. 
He jumps into every new sexual experience with the enthusiasm of a great dane. He listens closely when Peter tells him what feels good, and very quickly extrapolates other things that Peter might enjoy as well, and holy shit is he right. Stiles fucks with the kind of wild abandon that most people have had shamed out of them. Their time together immediately becomes Peter’s new favorite activity. 
Peter more or less “leads” their fuck dates, because he has a vast and varied sexual history. He has the experience that Stiles wants, and he’s the one teaching Stiles how to tie the rope and use the paddle. But for all that he’s “leading” their dates, he’s slowly beginning to recognize that Stiles is in charge. Peter would do pretty much anything to keep Stiles in his bed now. 
It makes him a little agitated, and a lot uneasy. He feels vulnerable, and it makes him act like an even bigger asshole than usual.
At first Stiles thinks Peter’s just having a bad day and shrugs it off. But then it continues the day after that, and the day after that, and so on until a week has passed. The difference is stark to Stiles, who had been enjoying a slightly softer, more open version of Peter for the last few weeks. Stiles had even considered asking Peter if he wanted to try dating. 
So the appearance of Shitheel McBastardfuck is particularly unpleasant for him. 
He tries to understand; Peter isn’t incomprehensible. In fact, up until now Stiles has found Peter to be almost frighteningly understandable. So the fact that he can’t understand why Peter’s done a 180 in terms of assholes is incredibly frustrating. He tries to get Peter to talk about it, but gets stonewalled at every turn.
It all comes to a head one night when they’re shut in the loft together, waiting to hear news about the others hunting down the monster of the week. 
Peter snipes and snaps and generally makes an ass of himself, until Stiles finally loses his temper. 
His hand shoots out and grabs Peter by the dick. 
It’s not nice. 
It’s a threat. 
“Look, if you want to deal with whateverthefuck is bothering you on your own, without my help, then fine. I thought we had a better relationship than that but whatever.” His grip tightens several steps to the wrong side of good. “But if you don’t stop taking it out on me, then I won’t be coming around for this anymore, and I’m going to make fucking sure that no one else will be either. For at least a month.”
Of all the things Peter has indulged in in his life, it’s somehow taken until this very moment for him to realize that he has a lil bit of a humiliation kink. But more importantly than that, he realizes he’s about to roll into a self-fulfilling prophecy. He doesn’t want to lose Stiles. 
So he tells him what the problem is.
Stiles listens intently, like he always does, and rewards Peter’s honesty with a some nicer touches. When Peter admits that he wants to try a romantic relationship with Stiles, the touches get very nice. 
It’s a flip around of their usual dynamic, but neither of them care to complain. 
It’s another thing to explore. Maybe after a candlelit dinner. 
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